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Oxygen from Hydrogen Peroxide

A Safe Molar Volume-Molar Mass Experiment

John H. Bedenbaugh, Angela 0. Bedenbaugh, and Thomas S. Heard
University of Southern Mississippi, Hattiesburg, MS 39406
The manganese dioxide-catalyzed thermal decomposition
of potassium chlorate to produce oxygen is t he classic molar
volume-molar mass experiment that has been found in
countless general chemistry laboratory textbooks for de-
cades. However, it is a procedure that is falling into disre-
pute. The potential hazards inherent in this preparation of
oxygen have been listed ( I ) and reports of explosions occur-
ring during this experiment continue to mount (2). By direct
suggestion (3) or implication (4) teachers are being advised
not t o incorporate this procedure into their program of ex-
periments. unfortunately, teachers will find only a very lim-
ited number of experiments from which t o choose a suhsti-
tute nrocedure that will accomolish the same instructional
objectives (5).
Convinced of the hazard of usina potassium chlorate, we
- -
wanted t o develop a specific replacement procedure (one in
which a reactant on decomposition would yield oxygen gas
quantitatively) for use by students in determining molar
volume or molar mass. We sought a method t hat would be
simple, rapid, inexpensive, and in which we could use locally
available chemicals.
In 1926 Wikoff and Brown (6) published a procedure for
the qualitative preparation of oxygen that is rarely cited
today. A cake of compressed bakers' yeast was mixed with
water to give a uniform suspension. When a 3% solution of
hvdroeen neroxide was added t o the susoension, a vigorous
- - .
evolution of oxygen occurred. Bakers' yeast is exceptfonally
rich in the enzvme. catalase, which catalyzes the decomposi-
tion of hydrogen to produce oxygen and water.
2H,0, - 2H,O + O2
Wikoff and Brown vrovosed t he reaction as a simple, inex-
. .
pensive way to prepare oxygen, and also suggested an adap-
tation oftheexverimenr toastudy oft he rate of liherationof
oxygen. ~ o we i e r , they pointed out that t he yield of oxygen
from hydrogen peroxide via this route was not quantitative,
hut they did not explain why. Years later Alyea included an
updated version of this reaction among several methods of
preparing oxygen (7). He used active dry yeast powder in-
stead of moist yeast cake. Much more recently George and
Johnson developed a procedure using dry yeast and 3% hy-
drogen peroxide for the safe, simple production of oxygen for
use by elementary school children (8).
Because the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide using
comoressed veast cake had been reported to be nonquantita-
tive;we decided to determine experimentally whither the
reaction involving dry yeast powder is quantitative. In order
to do that, however, i t was necessary t o develop a method for
introducing the yeast into the hydrogen peroxide solution in
. ~
a closed system so that the oxygen evolved could be mea-
sured. We sought a simple method appropriate for use by
Titration of Aqueous Hydrogen Peroxide with Standard
Potassium Permanqanate
We wanted to determine accurately the concentration of the com-
mercially available "3%" hydrogen peroxide to he used. Several
samples (approximately 2.4 g each) were taken from a bottle of
expanded view of
gas generation system
Gas generation system and gas collection apparatus
hydrogen peroxide purchased at a local store, weighed exactly, ti-
trated with standard potassium permanganate, and the results were
averaged to determine the concentration to two decimal places.
The procedure (using the data from one of the determinations)
follows. A 2.3996-g sample of "3%" hydrogen peroxide solution was
weighed into a 250-mL Erlenmeyer flask. Then 100 mL of 1 M
sulfuricacid was added, and the solution was titrated with commer-
cia1 standard potassium permanganate (0.1005-0.0995 N) using
magnetic stirring. The volume of permanganate solution used was
41.30 mL. The actual concentration of that particular sample af
hydrogen peroxide solution was thus determined to he 2.93%.
Catalytic Decomposition of Hydrogen Peroxide
To Produce Oxygen
We used essentially the same type of gas collection apparatus as
that described by Peck, Irgolic, and O'Connor (5) but developed the
gas generationsystem illustrated in the figure. The pencil should be
cylindrical (circular base). It is critical that there be a good match
between the holes in the stopper and the diameter of the pencil.
Holes may have to he drilled in solid stoppers on site to achieve the
fit necessary for easy movement of the pencil through the stopper.
Prior to insertion of the ruhher stopper assembly into the test
tube, the lower 2 cm of the round pencil was coated with petroleum
jelly (Vaseline). Then dry active yeast powder was sprinkled on the
coated end of the pencil, which was tapped several times to dislodge
any yeast particles not adhering well to the hydrocarhon coating.
The stopper assembly was then inserted carefully (so as not to
dislodge the yeast) into the mouth of the test tube into which
approximately 4.00 g of 3% hydrogen peroxide solution had been
Volume 65 Number 5 May 1988 455
The gas collection apparatus, filled with tap water that had been
left overnight in a container to come to room temperature, was
connected with a 60-cm length of flexible tubing to the gas genera-
tion system, and the closed system was checked for air leaks by
raising and lowering the leveling bulb. After it was determined that
the system was gas-tight, the tubing was momentarily disconnected
at the top of the buret, and the level of water in the buret was
adjusted to approximately 1 cm above the zero mark by moving the
leveling bulb. Then the free end of the tubing was reattached,
thereby closing the system again, and the water level in the huret
dropped to slightly below the zero mark. After again adjusting the
leveling bulb until its water level matched that of the buret, the
water level in the buret was read and recorded. Also recorded were
the room temperature and barometric pressure.
Reaction was initiated by pushing the pencil into the solution
until the top mark on the pencil coincided with the top of the
stopper. (Lubrication of this upper area of the pencil facilitated its
movement through the stopper.) The yeast adhering to the petro-
leum jelly was thus brought into contact with hydrogen peroxide,
which decomposed to give a smooth, steady evolution of oxygen. To
insure good mixing the test tube was shaken gently several times.
When the water level became stationary, the reaction was complete.
The test tube was then shaken a final time, the water levels in the
buret and bulb matchedaeain. and thevolumeofwater remainine in
" .
the buret read and recorded. Reaction was complete in less than
three minutes. Only about 15 minutes was required for all opera-
tions involved in each determination.
A volume correction (to he subtracted from the volume of oxygen
measured) is required to compensate for the increase in gas volume
produced by the insertion of the pencil into the liquid. This correc-
tion can be determined experimentally by simply measuring the
amount of water displaced in the buret when the pencil is pushed
the measured distance into the empty test tube with the entire
system closed. Alternatively, knowing the diameter of the pencil and
the additional length (in centimeters) of the pencil to be inserted,
the volume correction can be calculated from the formula: u = rrzh,
where h is the distance from mark to mark and, therefore, the
distance of the increased intrusion of the pencil into the closed
We assumed no loss of oxygen generated due to solubility in
water. This appears reasonable since the tap water used in the
measuring apparatus had not been degassed.
Data Obtained
Following the standardization of the hydrogen peroxide
solution with Dermanganate, the procedure described was
carried out se\:en tnn& to get the data we report. A sample
ma s of approximately 4 g was used to produce a volmne of
oxwen 110-45 ml.1 that would utilipe most ofthecaoacitvof
d n ~ ~, ~ ~
the buret. ~ n o wi ' n ~ the volume of oxygen collected over
water a t room temnerature and nressure from a aiven mass
of hydrogen peroxide solutinn, the \,olume of oxvgen at 5'1'1'
w3s calr~datrd. This value was romr~ared with the throrrri-
cal yield of oxygen a t STP from the.given mass of hydrogen
peroxide solution, and the error was calculated.
Errors ranged from 0.18-3.13%) the average error was
1.80%. We concluded that, within experimental error, the
reaction is quantitative.
Three Experiments Possible
The ~rocedure described is the basis of three experiments
that may be done by students t o determine: (1) molar vol-
ume of oxygen, (2) molar mass of hydrogen peroxide, (3)
concentration of hydrogen peroxide in aqueous solutions.
A student can make any of these three determinations
after measurine the volume of oxvaen obtained from the
experimental procedure and notingthat two moles of hydro-
een oeroxide vield one mole of oxygen (from the equation for
. -
ihe ieaction):
The data obtained in the laboratory are: mass of the hy-
drogen peroxide solution; room temperature and pressure;
and initial and final huret readings. From these readings,
after application of the correction factor for pencil insertion,
one can determine the volume of oxygen collected over water
at room temperature and pressure. After calculating the
partial pressure of the oxygen produced in the system, the
volume of oxygen at STP is determined via the usual gas-law
To determine either the molar volume of oxygen or the
molar mass of hydrogen peroxide, obviously the student
must be given (or must first determine) the concentration of
the aqueous hydrogen peroxide solution used in order to
calculate themass of hydrogen peroxide from the mass of the
hydrogen peroxide solution.
The basic equations needed for these experiments are
(1) Molar Volume of Oxygen
g H,O,
- 68.02 g H,O,
mL 0, (STP) x
[molar mass of Hz02 = 34.01 glmol]
(2) Md a r Mass of Hydrogen Peroxide
g H A -
mL 0, (STP) 11,200 mL 0%
(3) Concentration of Hydrogen Peroxide in an Aqueous
34.01 g H,O, (x)(g H,O, soln.)
11,200 mL 0, mL 0, (STP)
This experiment is inherently safe because no heat is in-
volved and no hazardous chemicals are used. Moreover, an
effort has been made t o make every aspect of the entire
procedure safe. Thus a pencil is used t o introduce the yeast
to avoid cuts arising from pushing a glass rod through the
hole in the rubber stopper. Also medicine dropper pipets are
used rather than glass tubing because glass cutting is avoid-
ed and insertion into the holes of the rubber stoppers is
made easier because of the tapered ends of the pipets. I n
preparing "unknowns" for students t o use in determining
concentration of solutions, i t is suggested that various dilu-
tions of 3% hydrogen peroxide he prepared rather than pur-
chasing more concentrated solutions that are not readily
available and that may be hazardous when used in this
The short reaction time makes it quite feasible for the
student t o conduct the experimental procedure three times
during a one-hour laboratory period t o get an average value
and a standard deviation.
This is an exceptionally economical experiment. The cost
of consumable supplies is only $0.015 per reaction. Thus 20
students could each perform the experiment three times for
a total cost of $0.90 for consumables.
Dry yeast-induced decomposition of dilute aqueous hy-
drogen peroxide to produce oxygen is a safe, simple, econom-
ical replacement for thermal decomposition of potassium
chlorate in molar volume and molar mass experiments.
Moreover, the hydrogen peroxide decomposition~procedure
can he the basis of an experiment in which the concentration
of hydrogen peroxide solutions is determined.
Literature Cited
oiPublic Inatructian: Raleigh, NC.
4. Flinn 1985 Cololog/Re/ermc~ Monuai: Flinn Scientific Batavia. IL; p 103
6. Peck. L.: Irdic. K.:O'Connor.R. J. Chem. Educ 1980.57.517.
456 Journal of Chemical Education

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