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A guy named Philip asked me on this forum to explain why it is that Hindus
worship the Shiv Ling. I am very glad that he did , not only e!ause it gives me an
opportunity to explain, ut to expose the truth of what so !alled "#hristian ethi!s$
are all aout. #hristianity, after all, is hardly a religion % it has always een
exa!tly what it started out as, a politi!al agenda in spiritual guise. Its ends are the
imperialisti! su&ugation of non'#hristians, and to a!hieve them it has relied
!onsistently on the propogation of lies and the falsifi!ation of history' not to
mention the manipulation of our very notions of what is right and wrong.
(nfortunately, #hristianity is so widely followed in the world today that these
manipulations have even permeated the ethi!s of non'#hristians. )rother Hindus,
we had etter eware of this, e!ause in surrendering to it we are undermining the
worldwide spiritual lega!y of an an!ient !ivilised era of whi!h we are the last
surviving inheritors.
*irst, to answer the +uestion. Philip asks, why is it that we worship the Shiv Ling'
isn,t it Shiva,s penis- .y reply to that is yes, and that is exa!tly the reason. /he
Shiv Ling, depi!ted in !onsummate union with the 0oni 1 vulva 2 of Shakti, is
representative of the most wonderful and mira!ulous feature of life itself. 3hat
distinguishes life from non'life, after all- Aove all else, the aility to reprodu!e
its own kind. If we are to revere the !on!ept that life itself is sa!red' whi!h even
the #hristians !laim to elieve' why is the most !hara!teristi! feature of life, the
a!t of progenition, any less sa!red- It is not only sex we are talking aout here. It
is the !onsummation of the vast and different energies of the male and female
universal prerogative, of whi!h the Shiv Ling in union is a symol' !elerating
the fa!t that humankind has two sexes, ea!h with its uni+ue attriutes and
+ualities, and when they !ome together, they produ!e a synergy, they !reate
.456 life, they e!ome more than the sum of their individual parts. .any
an!ient !ivilisations re!ogni7ed the wonder of this !on!ept' in!luding the
#hinese, who represent it somewhat more astra!tly in the symol of 0in and
0ang. It is a triute to these an!ient and wise people that they were ale to
per!eive true mira!les, true wonderment, in the very features of life whi!h
surround us in our everyday existen!e. /hey did not need to have some man walk
upon water to see a mira!le, nor see !rippled people !ured instantaneously' or,
worse yet, read aout it in some ook and !all their lind adheren!e to su!h
eliefs "faith$.
8ow. .y friend Philip was a!tually horrified, appalled, revolted y the very idea
that we heathens !ould worship something su!h as a penis. /he 56ALL0
interesting +uestion is, 3H0-
Have you ever really thought aout the assumptions that !ause us to think of sex
as something "un!lean$- Have you ever wondered why a &oke aout sex, in the
6nglish language, is referred to as a "dirty$ &oke- 3hy is a pi!ture of the human
ody in its natural state thought of as a "dirty$ pi!ture- 3hy do thousands of
teenagers, non #hristian and #hristian alike, go through entirely unne!essary
agonies of guilt , ound y the elief that masturation is a sin- 3hy does su!h
painful ignoran!e manifest itself generation after generation, all over the world-
/he answer is, e!ause we have een !onditioned to think of it that way' and here
is the pervasiveness of manipulative #hristian "ethi!s$ I talked aout earlier.
3hen #hristians start s!hools, it is not e!ause they want to tea!h us, it is e!ause
they want to tea!h us their lies. And the lie that sex is evil, sex is un!lean, sex is
inherently in and of itself immoral % the lie that is rainwashed into us in spite of
our knowing etter sin!e !hildhood' is perhaps #hristianity,s oldest lie of all. And
like all of its lies, it was meant, at the time of its invention, to serve a politi!al
agenda in a spiritual guise.
/he )ile never says, in so many words, that sex is a sin. In 9enesis, though, it
!ontends that Adam and 6ve were !ast out from the 9arden of 6den for
!ommitting etween them the "4riginal Sin$' and then shortly thereafter they had
a son. Later, in the 8ew /estament, it is one of the !ardinal prin!iples of
#hristianity that ":irgin .ary$ was more virtuous than any other human eing,
e!ause she was "without sin$' i.e., she was allegedly still a "virgin$ when she
gave irth to the alleged ";esus$. Add to this the superstition that the entire
#hristian world asso!iates with sex, the way in whi!h Puritanism reviles sex, the
sheer guilt that #hristianity asso!iates with anything vis!erally pleasurale
1 e!ause ";esus died on the !ross for their sins$ 2' and the !on!lusion is ovious.
/he )ile may not ever have spelled out that sex is a sin, ut most of the #hristian
world, in!luding my dear Philip, are hideound to view it that way. So that today,
life is sa!red ut the !reation of life is a sin. A thirteen year old girl who e!omes
pregnant e!ause she is too young to know any etter, is reviled y #hristians as
having !ommitted the 4riginal Sin. 0et, if she has an aortion rather than ring a
!hild she !annot !are for into the world, they will revile her douly as a murderer.
/his is the hypo!risy of whi!h #hristianity !onsists to its very !ore. And it all
exists for a reason, as I shall pro!eed to explain.
.ore than <=== years ago, !ivilised human eings all over the world were
essentially polytheisti!, essentially tolerant people. /he !entre of their godhood,
though, their primary deity, in almost all !ases was not male. She was the .other
9oddess, in one or another of her manifestations. She was the )ounteous 6arth,
the giver of fertility and nurturan!e and sustenan!e to all her !hildren without
asking anything in return, the sour!e of all life when it is !reated and the re!eiver
of all things a!k into her wom when they die. She was an extremely natural
deity to worship' when people had no hangups aout pro!reation eing part of the
wonder of life. She had female attriutes, the wife, the mother, the giver of
un!onditional love, the earer of and !aretaker of !hildren. Her fertility was what
allowed the !ir!le of life to go on, and it was only natural that humans all around
the world worship this. And they did.
3e in India knew the .other 9oddess % there are representations of her dating
a!k to the Indus :alley #ivilisation. Hindus know her as Shakti, and in her
manifestations as >urga ? @ali ? Parvati. In the !ivilisation of Persia, they knew
her as Ishtar. In )aylonia and 6gypt, as Astarte. In an!ient 9ree!e, as He!ate or
>emeter. In 5ome, as :esta. 6ven in the 8ew 3orld, despite no eviden!e of any
!onta!t etween 6urasian and Ameri!an !ivilisations of that era' there are temples
and representations of a .other 9oddess' it is ovious there would e, e!ause
she is the natural o&e!t for humanity to worship.
8ot, however, for a trie of desert ararians <=== years ago !alled the Israelites.
/hey had a different kind of god altogether. A .ale 9od, with a #apital 9. /hey
!alled him 0ahweh, and he is the dire!t ante!edent of the $ Lord 4ur 9od $ of the
#hristians, and of Allah of the .uslims. He was not aout fertility and !aring at
all. He was a wrathful, vengeful, &ealous , angry god, full of violent hatred and
intoleran!e. He spoke out of a "urning ush$ and instru!ted .oses , saying $ I
Am /hat I Am "' if this is unelievale to you, don,t read the )ile, wat!h /he
/en #ommandments y #e!il ) >e.ille, it really is more entertaining. He told
.oses, among other things, that his followers must not worship *alse 9ods, that
H6 was the 4ne /rue 9od, and then asked .oses to go with his staff and smite
another people who elieved in false gods, the 6gyptians, with the full for!e of
His power. And there egan the first of the imperialism that #hristianity emodies
today. A elief, stronger than any other, that the noneliever is a lesser human
eing than a #hristian, e!ause he is going to hell, and if he !annot e "saved$ y
eing !onverted to #hristianity, he should e killed efore he spreads his views
any further. A politi!al agenda truly unpre!edented. 9o forth and multiply, and
kill whatever stands in your way, e!ause I Am /hat I Am and I am on 0our Side.
/he ;ews never went aout !onverting people with the raid fervour of #hristians,
ut they had a politi!al agenda, !ertainly. /o that end, it was ne!essary to revile
and dis!redit other peoples, the neighouring !ivilisations of 6gypt and )aylon ,
and part of this was a!hieved y dis!rediting their prin!ipal deity' who was, of
!ourse, the .other 9oddess. How was this a!hieved- /hrough effe!ting a
remarkale paradigm shift. If men, physi!ally stronger, !ould e made to despise
and su&ugate women rather than treat them as e+uals' that would put an end to
the worship of any 9oddess . If fertility, and pro!reation itself, !ould e defamed
as not mira!ulous ut sinful things' though this went against all the natural
instin!ts human eings had followed so far' if people !ould e made to feel
un!lean for worshipping these things, they would re&e!t the .other 9oddess,
e!ause she stood for fertility and the mira!le of life. Hen!e, sex is the 4riginal
Sin. Hen!e, the human ody in its natural state is dirty. Hen!e, Philip is horrified
when we worship the a!t of pro!reation.
How was this paradigm shift effe!ted- :ery slowly, ut with the itter doggedness
of true fanati!s. It egan with the murder of Aueen ;e7eel as des!ried in the 4ld
/estament. It egan with the ra7ing of the /emple to Astarte in ;erusalem , and the
uilding of a /emple to 0ahweh y @ing >avid in its pla!e. It !arried on for
thousands of years, hand in glove with more overt politi!al a!tions, su!h as the
!onversion of 5oman 6mperor #onstantine I to #hristianity in A> !a. B==. It was
at this time that what we know as the )ile today, was !ompiled and written' with
a very hard!ore politi!al agenda already in pla!e laying its foundations. /he fall
of 5ome followed, and was followed y the >ark Ages, whi!h were followed y
the #rusades, whi!h were followed y #olonialism and the In+uisition. /he faith
that had sprung from the Israelites spread like a metasti7ing !an!er over the fa!e
of the earth. And it holds most of the earth in its poisonous grasp today. And still,
the denigration of women in so!iety that took hold as a result of this agenda
!ontinues. /ill early this !entury, #hristian !ountries did not give women the right
to vote. 6ven now, in Islami! !ountries' where a monotheisti! , intolerant 9od
des!ended from 0ahweh holds sway in his most perverse !ari!ature' well, we
know how they treat their women.
)rothers, we all knew the .other 9oddess on!e. 3e Hindus still know her as
Shakti today. 3e are the only ones who are so lu!ky as to have survived. Persia,
)aylon, 6gypt, 9ree!e, 5ome, the Ameri!as' all fell to the rutal vi!iousness of
the #hristian onslaughtCand later, parts of Asia to the Islami! onslaught. /hey
were tolerant, !ivilised people, &ust as we are today. /hat was why they !ould e
wiped out and repla!ed y #hristians. )ut we have survived. 3e are heirs to the
true lega!y of humanism, and we must never forget this. 3e must re!ogni7e the
lies of the #hristians for what they are, we must re!ogni7e their a!tivities of
!onversion for the imperialist evil they represent, and we must fight these things
with all our efforts to the itter end. 4ne day, #hristianity,s mighty edifi!e will
fall under the weight of its own !ontradi!tions . /ill then, we must ear the tor!h
of the lega!y of pagan humanism that will ultimately prevail.

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