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UNIT 6: The News

6.1. Vocabulary:

A. 1- editorial: a special article in a newspaper, written by the editor (a

person in charge of a newspaper) giving his / her opinion on an issue of
current importance.
2- tabloids: small-sized papers in which the news, stories and articles are
short, usu. with a lot of photographs.
3- Communiqueù: an official statement/ announcement to the public or
the journalists.
4- Correspondent: a reporter sent abroad by a newspaper to report
events happening in that country.
5- Spokesman / woman/ person: one who speaks on behalf of an
6- Coverage: the reporting in a newspaper / magazine on TV or radio of a
particular activity or subject.
7- topical: concerning / relating to events happening at the present time.

B- 11- top (v) = exceed

More than 3 million people are now unemployed / out of work.
12- pit: coal mine
There has been angry reaction to the announcement that some pits /
coalmines are to be
13- toll: total number of deaths.
The number of victims of the earthquake has risen.

14- Tory: member of the British conservative party. poll (n) a political
survey in
which people are asked their opinion about sth (a famous person / a
political party)
The conservative party is expected to win the forthcoming election.
15- move (n) : action done to achieve a purpose.
dock: part of the port where ships go to have cargo put on or taken
reconcile: Make 2 parties friendly again.
There has been an attempt to reconcile both sides in the port
workers dispute.
16- blow (n) hard hit / shock that affects sth. or SO badly.
There’s much disappointments about the announcement that …
17- envoy: a diplomat dash: a quick journey
The British ambassador has flown by Concorde to attend a debate at
the UN.
18- axe (v) dismiss from their job. Reduce by a large amount.
Some teachers are going to lose their jobs.
19- dog (v) follow all the time premier: PM
The Prime Minister has been facing further criticism / controversy
over the supply …
20- The police have the revealed the identity of the organizer of the
21- Three people have been charged / arrested in connection with the
22- A bribe is a sum of money or something valuable that one person offers or gives to
another in order to persuade him or her to do something
After the discovery that he had received / taken / accepted bribes,
the mayor has resigned / been fired
23- Up (v) Increase
The Soviet Government have increased their defense budget.
24- haul: quantity of stolen / illegal / smuggled goods
Customs officers … have seized drugs worth £3m
25- Negotiation s between EEC fishery ministers are to be held …

6.2. Three news reports

The 007 sound stage … the largest in the world: C B

400ft long: A
336 ft long B
The fire was fought by
over 100 firemen: A B
about 70 firemen C
Flames… could be seen
5 miles away B
8 miles away. A
The stage was used for the filming of
‘The Spy Who Loved Me” A
“ Thunderball” B
People who received treatment were
a carpenter and a wardrobe worker C
4 firemen and 2 stagehands A
4 firemen, an actress and one other person. B
The next James Bond film…
“A View To A Kill” C
“ A View For A Kill B

The film being shot ….

“ Legend” A C
“ Legends” B

6.4. Past, present and future forms

2- Admission charges will no longer be made in museums
3- A headmaster who caned his pupils has been cleared of criminal
4- A man with a gun has killed 3 people in a bank robbery.
5- The police have solved the mystery of the heiress who disappeared.
6- The police have been attacked in a violent demonstration.
7- A student leader has claimed that the police attacked the
8- Parents and pupils are protesting about a headmaster’ decision to
send home pupils
with long hair
9- The city council is going to control /ban striptease shows.
10-Customs officials have seized £ 1 million’s worth of smuggled goods/
6.5. 2- would be
3- that many … would be
4- that there was no danger
5- that she would be withdrawing
6- that he was disappointed / satisfied / delighted with the team’s
7- that there could / would be ….
8- described how they had been rescued…
9- that £ 20 million will be spent…
10- reveals that the electorate would not vote…

6.5. A Correspondent’s Life

Words and expressions
Shuffle: walk without lifting your feet properly from the ground.
landing: area at the top of a staircase.
stutter: heard at intervals
roll: make continuous loud sounds
crisscross travel to and back.
at close quarters: from a place very close or near somebody.
disrupt: cause difficulties that prevent sth from operating easily or peacefully.
Upset/ disturb.
hair-raising: frightening; terrifying.
rebel(n): someone actively involved in fighting against the army of the
government because they want to bring a new political system.
Guerrilla: person (not a member of a regular army) engaged in fighting in small
Ditch: long narrow channel cut into the ground at the side of a road/ field for
trowel: garden tool, used for digging small holes.
gun-caliber: the width of the inside of its barrel, used also to refer to the size
of the
bullets/ shells that it can fire.
overtime: extra time spent working on your job.
insouciance: lack of concern
Sth gets up your nose : sth annoys you.
Choosey: fussy. Difficult to please. will accept only sth that is exactly what
you want
or only if it is of high quality.
Quadrangle: open square area that has buildings around it.
shabby: old, in bad condition
concrete: building material, mixture of cement, sand, small stones , water.
draped in: covered by
scratch: make you itch or want to scratch.
brothel: place where men pay prostitutes for sex.
knocking-shop: a place where men pay to have sex with women
Not to put too fine a point of it: you are about to speak plainly and
directly in a way
that some people might find rude.
Conducive: favourable, making it likely to happen i.e. not make it easy for
me to sleep.
Itching: restless; unpleasant
glow: light produced by a fire when there is no flames; dull, steady light.
Rash: hasty, impulsive, acting without thinking carefully.
chartered: hired for use by a particular person./ group. This is not part of a
regular service.
fleet: a group of sheet.
Invade: enter (a country) by force.
Hilarious: extremely funny.
No man’s land: land that is not owned or controlled by anyone.
pornographic: designed to cause sexual excitement by showing naked
women/ people.
liberally: generously, in large quantities.
squad: A section of the police force that deals with a particular type of crime.
deranged: wild, crazy (as a result of mental illness)
give sb the slip: succeed in escaping them.
tolerant: enduring opinions, beliefs, customs, behaviors… different from
one’s own.
gambles: risks
Christening: A Christian ceremony in which a baby is made a member of the
Christian church
by being given a name (a Christian name) by a clergyman.
jolt: sb: end the relationship with the person you’ve promised to marry in
such a way that
surprises or upsets her / him.
fonting: facing, being a presenter.
on air: being broadcast
ooze: be full of
dovetail: fit or match in a neat way.
veteran (modifier): old hand , one who has involved into a particular job/
activity for a long
understatement: statement expressing an idea too weakly.
shambolic: (joc.style) disorganized, chaotic.
sign off: finish . close
spurious: not genuine
seductive: <seduce: persuade S.O. to do wrong, tempt into sin / crime)
captivating, alluring
paradox: : statement that seems to say sth quite opposite to common sense
or the truth, but
which may contain a truth.
Wreck: ruin and destruction.
infuriate: make sb extremely angry., annoy sb.
stark: bare, unpleasantly clear and simple.
bureaucracy: over-complicated system of administration (red tape in AE)
dictatorship: government by a dictator (person who has complete power
over a country often
gained by force.
dally: be slow or waste time.
at first hand: gained directly rather than from other people or from books.
watershed: turning point. An event /period that is important because it
makes the beginning of
a new way of life, a new stage in a person career.
bum: bottom


shuffling on the landing: noise of moving feet outside the room
insouciance: not caring
itchy feet: wanting to travel
fronting: being the presenter
dovetail: fit neatly.

2- noise of men waiting in queue outside the room near his.

3- because there’s plenty of wine and amusing reading matter to keep the men
4- looking for a scorpion.
5- paid to go all over the world to see interesting and important events.
6- being recognized, treated as important.
7- dramatic pause in speech.


Paragraph 1

Witness box / stand: in a court of law, the place where people stand or sit to give
A neutered cat: One whose organs of reproduction have been removed.
Ginger (cat): bright orange brown colour.
Impeccable: Perfect, excellent. Faultless
Juror: Member of a jury. (a group of persons in a court of law who have been
chosen to listen to the fact about a crime and to decide whether the person
accused is guilty or not.
Summoned: ordered to appear.
Assess: Consider and judge the quality of.
Impassive: Showing no emotion, calm.
Rival: conflicting, that is both claimed / competed for the ownership of the cat.
Duke: a nobleman of the highest rank.
Paragraph 2

Dock: enclosure in a criminal court for a prisoner.

Assault: Attack
PC: Police constable

Paragraph 5

Christen: Receive into the Christian church by baptism. Give a name to at


Paragraph 6

Prosecute: Accuse someone of a crime , bring charges against them.

Paragraph 8

Crouch: sit in such a way that your legs are bent under you.
Spit: Send saliva from the mouth ( as a sign of contempt or hatred).
(Of a cat) make angry or hostile spitting noise(e.g. the cat spat at the dog)
Hunch: (e.g. when you are cold) raise your shoulders and bring your head down.

Paragraph 10

Juvenile: Young person not yet old enough to be considered an adult. (~ crimes.
Delinquents, offenders)

Paragraph 12

Warrant card: Written order giving authority to do something.

Custody: legal right to keep and look after a child given to a parent (The child’s
mother or father) after they become divorce.
Pending the case: while the case going on.


Paragraph 1

Exhibit: a document or object produced as evidence in a law-court.

RSPCA: Royal Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
Jurisdiction: Power that a court of law has to carry out legal judgement.

Paragraph 2

Claimant: person who makes a cliam in law.

Paragraph 3
Order: Legal document stating that something must be done.

Paragraph 5
Cattery: Place where cats are lokked after.
Flare: erupt, blow off
Escalating: increasing
Paragraph 6
Access: right to take.

Paragraph 7

Bruise: injured when a part of the body is hit by something and the skin is
covered by a purple, brown mark.

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