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The SWOT ANALYSIS summarizes the internal factor of the firm as list of its strength and
weakness and the opportunity and threats it faces from its eternal en!ironment"
The internal analysis comprehensi!e e!aluation of the internal en!ironment#s potential strength
and weaknesses"
Company image: A closely held company of a $arle product Limited head%uartered at
&'&(AI) *$A+L, $A+I-A+./ a family oriented work culture which pro!ides flei0ility and
discretion in ones key resources area"
Company Image: A 0iscuit and confectioner ma1or in the Indian market2 $arle has a
uni%ue position in the heart of million Indian"
Organizational Structure: A flat organizational with minimum o!erhead2 mainly
dependent on direct communication with colleagues and superiors" No succession policy"

Parle (Rudrapur organizational !tructure

'nit head

3epty &anager


Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer

,ngineering &echanical Accounts $roduction $ersonal

Assistance Assistance Assistance Assistance Assistance
Officers Officers Officers Officers Officer
Operator 6 4itters
Assistance Operator6 4itters
"EY STA##: The general manager"
Acce!! to natural re!ource!: good accessi0ility
Po!ition on t$e e%perience cur&e :more than 89 years of eperience in the 0iscuit
manufacturing industry2 it has not 0othered to raise the price of its flagship 0rand for the past 8
years and has always tried to pro!ide its offerings at nearly :: percent discount to competiti!e
Operational e''iciency: highly efficient production units2 ; factories of its own and <=
contract manufacturing units for 0iscuits 8 under $($L" The (ahadurgarh factory prides itself of
ha!ing the longest o!en in Asia ) automated printing and packing section"
Operational capacity: >99/>?9 tons per day at $($L2 (garh) (ahadurgarh and
Neemrana factories ha!e the largest manufacturing facilities of 0iscuits"
(rand a)arene!!: highly aware product and 0rand profile @esp" $arle/A2 Brack1ack and
&onacoC due to a strong and efficient marketing team" The other 0iscuits in the $arle product#s
0asket include &onaco2 Brack1ack2 and &arie) 7ide n Seek2 5heeslings2 Deffs2 Sier and 4un
5entre" (ut consumers need to 0e aware that are from $arle"
T$e mar*eting !trengt$: $arle has nearly <?99 wholesalers2 catering to ;2 >?2999 retail
outlets directly or indirectly" A >99 strong dedicated field force ser!ices these wholesalers and
retailers" Additionally2 there2 there are :E depots and 5F 4 agents supplying goods to the wide
distri0ution network"
+ar*et S$are: The company commands a ;9G market share in the rs ":? 0illion 0iscuits
market in India" 7as esta0lished a dominant position in the glucose 0iscuit market share @around
8?GCH &arie segment @<>/<:GC ) sweet and salty category at E9G
#inancial re!ource!H A cash rich company ha!ing ma1or in!estments" Needs to
emphasize on 0udgeting and cost minimization"
Patent! and trade !ecret!: the $arle/A formula,--
An opportunity is the chance to introduce a new product or ser!ice that can generate superior
returns" Opportunity can arise when changes occur in eternal en!ironment" &any position of
eisting products and may necessitates a change in product specifications or de!elopments of
new products in order for the firm to remain competiti!e " 5hanges in the en!ironment may 0e
related toH
Cu!tomer!H 5ustomers an epectation has increased o!er the years2 $arle needs to e!ol!e
with the changing en!ironment and focus upon +F3 and ad!ertising"
Competitor!: the competiti!e scenario at the national le!el is more of a disguised
duopoly than a real one" Acloser look at state/le!els markets show the presence of strong
regional players such as (arman#s2 $riyagold2 Shalimar2 Windsor and 5hampion other than the
national players2 $arle and (ritannia" This has held the prices in check for a long time"
+ar*et trend!: Arowth in the o!er ;9 year/old Indian 0iscuit industry has remained
slow" (ack/of /the/en!elope calculations will show that per capital household per month" 7ence
there is immense opportunity for $arle to mo!e up the !alue chain in the Indian an eport
Social c$ange!: more and more marketing 0udgets are 0eing spent on 0elow/the/line
promotions and less on 0rand 0uilding" The free0ie dri!en purchase 0eha!ior may lead to long/
term damage of the 0rand"
Ne) tec$nology: 0oth $arle and (ritannia are now trying to different iate their 0rands to
reflect their superior %uality through superior packaging" (eing a national player2 $arle can
afford to concentrate on continuous technological updation"
Economic en&ironmentH a reduction in the <8G ecise to =G has pro!ed to 0e a 0oon to
the 0iscuit industry"
Parle/. has 0een strong household name across India" The great taste2 high nutrition2 and the
international %uality2 makes Parle/. a winner" No wonder2 it#s the undisputed leader in the
0iscuit category for decades" $arle/A is consumed 0y people of all ages2 from the rich to the
poor2 li!ing in cities F in !illages" While some ha!e it for 0reakfast2 for others it is a complete
wholesome meal" 4or some it#s a way of getting charged whene!er they are low on energy"
(ecause of this2 Parle/. i! t$e )orld4! large!t !elling 5rand o' 5i!cuit!-
Launched in the year 67879 it was one of the first 0rands of Parle product!" It was called Parle
.luco (i!cuit! mainly to cue that it was a glucose 0iscuit" It was manufactured at the &um0ai
factory2 -ile $arle and sold in units of half and %uarter pound packs"
The incredi0le demand led $arle to introduce the 0rand in !pecial 5randed pac*! and in large
festi!e tin packs" (y the year 67:79 $arle Aluco 0iscuit were a!aila0le not 1ust in &um0ai 0ut
also across the state" It was also sold in parts of North India" (y the early ;<4!9 o!er 6;< tone! of
0iscuits were produced in the +um5ai factory" Looking at the success of Parle/.9 a lot of other
me/too 0rands were introduced in the market" And these 0rands had names that were similar to
$arle Aluco (iscuits so that if not 0y anything else2 the consumer would err in picking the 0rand"
This forced $arle to change the name from $arle Aluco (iscuits to Parle/.-
Originally packed in the wa paper pack2 today it is a!aila0le in a contemporary2 premium
(OPP pac* with attracti!e side fins" The new airtight pack helps to keep the 0iscuits fresh and
tastier for a longer period"
Parle/. was the only 0iscuit 0rand that was always in the short supply" It )a! $eading to)ard!
5ecoming an all/time great 5rand o' 5i!cuit- Parle/. started 0eing ad!ertised in the =<4!- It
was ad!ertised mainly through press ads" The communication spoke a0out the 0asic 0enefits of
energy and nutrition- In 67=79 Parle/. released its >ada?i commercial2 which went on to
0ecome one of the most popular commercials for Parle/.- The commercial was run for a period
of @ years"
Parle/. grew 0igger 0y the minute" (e it the packs sold2 the areas co!ered or the num0er of
consumers" It 0ecame a part of the daily li!es of many Indians" It wasn#t a 0iscuit any more" It
had 0ecome an icon" The net le!el of communication associated the 0rand with the positi!e
!alues of life like honesty2 sharing and caring"
In the year 677A2 Parle/. sponsored the tale/serial of the Indian superhero2 S$a*timaan that
went on to 0ecome a huge success" The personality of the superhero matched the o!erall super0
0enefits of the 0rand" $arle etended the association with S$a*timaan and ga!e away a lot of
merchandise of S$a*timaan which was supported 0y POS and pre!! communication" The
children 1ust could not get enough of Parle/. and S$a*timaan-
In the year B<<B9 it was decided to 0ring the 0rand closer to the child who is a ma1or consumer"
A national le!el promo/ CParle/. +era Sapna Sac$ 0oga4 was run for a period of @ months"
The promo was all a0out fulfilling the dreams of children" There were o!er ; la*$ responses and
of that2 o!er 8<< dreams were fulfilled" 3reams that were fulfilled ranged from trips to
>i!neyland at Pari! D Singapore2 meeting their fa!orite film stat 0rit$i* Ro!$an9 free ride on
a c$artered plane2 >9 scholarships worth R! ;<9<<<2 a special cricket coaching camp with the
Australian cricketer I Ric*y Ponting etc"
The year B<<B will ago down as a special year in Parle/.4! ad!ertising history" A year that saw
the 0irth of ./+an a new am0assador for Parle/A" Not 1ust a hero 0ut also a super/hero that
sa!es the entire world2 especially children from all the e!il forces" A campaign that is not 1ust
new to the eecution that is lo!ed 0y children all o!er the world/Animation" A T- commercial
that showed ./+an sa!ing the children from the e!il force called Terrolene laughed this
campaign" It was also supported 0y print medium through po!ter and streamers put up at the
retail outlets" ./+an2 a new superhero of Parle/. has the potential of making it 0ig" And will 0e
supported 0y a campaign that will see many a new creati!e in the future so as to keep the
children ecited and generate pride in 0eing a consumer of Parle/.-
To make the 0rand much more interesting and eciting with children2 it was decided to launch a
premium !ersion of Parle/. called Parle/. +agi% in the year B<<B" Parle/. +agi% is
a!aila0le in two eciting tastes IJC$oco4 and CCa!$e)4- The year >99> also witnessed the
launch of Parle/. +il* S$a*ti9 which has the nourishing com0ination of milk and honey2
especially launched for the southern market"
Parle/. continues to clim0 the stairs of success" Take a look at the glo0al market were it is 0eing
eported" 4irst came the +iddle Ea!t then 2SA followed 0y A'rica and then Au!tralia- An
Indian 0rand2 that#s eported to almost all parts of world" After all that#s what you would epect
from the Parle/. Eorld4! Large!t Selling (i!cuit"

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