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ISTQB Question Paper - 2
1. An input field takes the year of birth between 19 and 2!
The boundary "alues for testin# this field are
a. $19$2!$2%
b. 19$ 2!
&. 1'99$19$2!$2%
d. 1'99$ 19$ 191$2($2!$2%
2. )hi&h one of the followin# are non-fun&tional testin# *ethods+
a. Syste* testin#
b. ,sability testin#
&. Perfor*an&e testin#
d. Both b - &
(. )hi&h of the followin# tools would be in"ol"ed in the auto*ation of re#ression
a. .ata tester
b. Boundary tester
&. /apture0Playba&k
d. 1utput &o*parator.
!. In&orre&t for* of 2o#i& &o"era#e is3
a. State*ent /o"era#e
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b. Pole /o"era#e
&. /ondition /o"era#e
d. Path /o"era#e
%. )hi&h of the followin# is not a 4uality &hara&teristi& listed in IS1 9125 Standard+
a. 6un&tionality
b. ,sability
&. Supportability
d. 7aintainability
5. To test a fun&tion$ the pro#ra**er has to write a 888888888$ whi&h &alls the
fun&tion to be tested and passes it test data.
a. Stub
b. .ri"er
&. Pro9y
d. :one of the abo"e
;. Boundary "alue testin#
a. Is the sa*e as e4ui"alen&e partitionin# tests
b. Test boundary &onditions on$ below and abo"e the ed#es of input and output
e4ui"alen&e &lasses
&. Tests &o*binations of input &ir&u*stan&es
d. Is used in white bo9 testin# strate#y
'. Pi&k the best definition of 4uality
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a. Quality is <ob one
b. =ero defe&ts
&. /onfor*an&e to re4uire*ents
d. )ork as desi#ned
9. 6ault 7askin# is
a. >rror &ondition hidin# another error &ondition
b. /reatin# a test &ase whi&h does not re"eal a fault
&. 7askin# a fault by de"eloper
d. 7askin# a fault by a tester
1. 1ne ?ey reason why de"elopers ha"e diffi&ulty testin# their own work is 3
a. 2a&k of te&hni&al do&u*entation
b. 2a&k of test tools on the *arket for de"elopers
&. 2a&k of trainin#
d. 2a&k of 1b<e&ti"ity
11. .urin# the software de"elop*ent pro&ess$ at what point &an the test pro&ess
a. )hen the &ode is &o*plete.
b. )hen the desi#n is &o*plete.
&. )hen the software re4uire*ents ha"e been appro"ed.
d. )hen the first &ode *odule is ready for unit testin#
12. In a re"iew *eetin# a *oderator is a person who
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a. Takes *inutes of the *eetin#
b. 7ediates between people
&. Takes telephone &alls
d. )rites the do&u*ents to be re"iewed
1(. @i"en the 6ollowin# pro#ra*
I6 A BCD =
TE>: State*ent 2F
7&/abeGs /y&lo*ati& /o*ple9ity is 3
a. 2
b. (
&. !
d. %
1!. Eow *any test &ases are ne&essary to &o"er all the possible se4uen&es of
state*ents HpathsI for the followin# pro#ra* fra#*ent+ Assu*e that the two
&onditions are independent of ea&h other 3 -
if H/ondition 1I
then state*ent 1
else state*ent 2
if H/ondition 2I
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then state*ent (
a. 2 Test /ases
b. ( Test /ases
&. ! Test /ases
d. :ot a&hie"able
1%. A&&eptan&e test &ases are based on what+
a. Ke4uire*ents
b. .esi#n
&. /ode
d. .e&ision table
15. LEow *u&h testin# is enou#h+M
a. This 4uestion is i*possible to answer
b. This 4uestion is easy to answer
&. The answer depends on the risk for your industry$ &ontra&t and spe&ial
d. This answer depends on the *aturity of your de"elopers
1;. A &o**on test te&hni4ue durin# &o*ponent test is
a. State*ent and bran&h testin#
b. ,sability testin#
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&. Se&urity testin#
d. Perfor*an&e testin#
1'. State*ent /o"era#e will not &he&k for the followin#.
a. 7issin# State*ents
b. ,nused Bran&hes
&. .ead /ode
d. ,nused State*ent
19. Independent Nerifi&ation - Nalidation is
a. .one by the .e"eloper
b. .one by the Test >n#ineers
&. .one By 7ana#e*ent
d. .one by an >ntity 1utside the Pro<e&tGs sphere of influen&e
2. /ode /o"era#e is used as a *easure of what +
a. .efe&ts
b. Trends analysis
&. Test >ffe&ti"eness
d. Ti*e Spent Testin#
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1 &
2 d
( &
! b
% &
5 b
; b
' &
9 a
1 d
11 &
12 b
1( b
1! a
1% a
15 &
1; a
1' a
19 d
2 &

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