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Bullying is a form of abuse it is when someone pick on you.

It is done intentionally and repeatedly

to torment an individual. The bullies choose their target who have few friends, passive, shy easily
get intimidated or perceived to be less powerful or weaker than them. Bullying consists of basic
types of abuse such as verbal, emotional,psychological and physical.The victim of bullying is
referred to as a target.
Bullying is rampant in our society today. It is no more an isolated phenomenon. It can occur
in school, church, workplace, home and even in the neighborhood. In spite of every person
precaution in interacting with other people, bullying still exist in social groups, social classes and
between countries. Bullying that occurs in school and workplace is called peer abuse.
Well try to unfold Bullies nature. It shows that bullies have an authoritarian behavior and they
want to control or dominate. They see that bullying can make thempopular or tough in a group and
then they can get the attention that they desire. Further studies show thatenvy and resentment may
be the motives for bullying. Some bullies are arrogant and narcissistic, others can use bullying as a
tool to conceal their shame or anxiety or to boost self-esteem by demeaning others, the abuser
him/herself feels empowered.They bully out other people because of jealousy, frustration or they
had previous experience that they are bullied. They may also have undue influence, no role model
at home or conduct disorder which is the precursor to antisocial, psychopathic or other personality
disorder. In addition they may also experience abuse at home and they are expressing their anger
through bullying. Bullying behavior includes name calling, teasing, taunting, spreading
rumors (verbal ) or written abuse, exclusion from activities,nit-picking, exclusion from social
situation, physical abuse.
Bullying involves coercion such as psychological manipulation. There are different types of
bullying i.eschool bullying, workplace bullying, cyberbullying,political bullying, military
bullying. School bullyingtakes place in all areas of the school. In school bullying occurs in all
areas. The bullies wants their target to be out of their league. They try to stick together and outcast
or isolate one person. There are so much work to be done in addressing school bullying because
sometimes it appears that teachers and the school system itself are also involved.
Workplace bullying is known as mobbing or career assassination in political circles. According to
the Workplace Bullying and Trauma Institute workplace bullying is repeated, health-harming
mistreatment,verbal abuse, or conduct which is threatening, humiliating, intimidating,
or sabotage that interferes with work or some combination of the three. Workplace bullying
include tactics such as verbal, nonverbal, psychological,physical abuse and humiliation. This can
damage the morale of the target. Bullying in the workplace show that majority of cases reported
where perpetrated by the management. It takes a variety of forms like unfair treatment, public
humiliation, regular threats of dismissal, any form of undermining behaviour, credit for work
attributed to others, denial of promotion or training opportunities, quick to criticismand
slow praise, character assassination, malicious rumorssmear campaigns, social otracism, physical
Cyberbullying can happen online they used internet or mobile phones like sending mean text, e-
mail messages, posting nasty pictures to defame others with the intention of harming.
Political bullying is Jingoism occurs when one country imposes its will on another. This is
normally done with military force or threats. With threats, it is common to ensure that aid and
grants will not be given to the smaller country or that the smaller country will not be allowed to
join a trading organization. Oftenpolitical corruption, coup detat , and Kleptocracies are the
solution and response to the countries being bullied (Wikipedia)
While Military bullying is a used of physical strength or abuse in their authority to give unlawful
punishment. hazing and raging is a ritualistic way for an individual to be a part of a group. They
conduct initiation with abuse, harassment and humiliation. This rite of passage often occurs in an
academic sororities orfraternities. rescue services such as lifeguards, sports team, arm forces,
police forces, workplaces. etc.
We have a settling question on how to solve bullying. Firstly, we need to accept that there is no
quick fix in this situation. We need the help of the target or we need to further observe the behavior
pattern of the target. If the target manifest reluctance, decline in performance or being isolated then
it means that he/she is experiencing bullying. But, sometimes they can conceal better. So if this is
the case then you need to open up and tell them that bullying is wrong, so if they are in this
situation they will speak up. We need to help them but we cant do it if they wont allow us.

Protect Yourself from Cyberbullying
What child doesnt have a mobile device or gadget these days? It is 2014 and a lot of children are
able to stay online for longer periods of time than before. Granted the internet is essential for
children to get educational information and also communicate with other friends and family
members, but we cant overlook the fact that cyber bullying exists.
Cyberbullying, according to the Oxford Dictionary, is the use of electronic communication to
bully a person, typically by sending messages of an intimidating or threatening nature. It can
happen via text messages, social media, emails and even phone calls

The effects of cyberbullying can be very devastating to children if not handled properly. Some
signs that your child is being harassed are:
He/she may look nervous when using their devices online
They may seem withdrawn
They may avoid you seeing whats on their screen when you enter their room
They may be nervous about you handling their gadgets
A drop in academic performances
Looks depressed a lot of the time after using their mobile devices
There may be other reasons for these signs so dont always rush to conclude its from
cyberbullying but these are some of the major signs.
The Zambia Information and Communications Technological, ZICTA has outlined of some ways
to protect yourself from cyberbullying which are:
1. Protect yourself from upsetting or distressing content. Do not knowingly access or share links to
such sites. If you see something that bothers you, talk about this with your parents or someone you
2. Ignore bad behavior and leave unpleasant conversations or sites with inappropriate content. As
in real life there are people who for some reason, may behave aggressively, insultingly or
provocatively towards others, or who want to share harmful content. Usually it is better just to
ignore them and then block them.
3. Block anyone approaching you using rude, intruding or threatening emails or comments. Even if
the message may be upsetting and makes you feel uncomfortable you should save it so you can
show it to an adult for advice if needed. You are not the one to be ashamed of the
content of the messages.
4. Always be alert if someone, especially a stranger, wants to talk to you about sex. Remember that
you can never be sure of the true identity or the intentions of that person. Approaching a child or a
young person in a sexual way is always a serious cause for concern and you should tell a trusted
adult, so you or the trusted adult can report it.
5. If you have been lured or tricked by someone into engaging in sexual activities or transmitting
sexual images of yourself, you should always tell a trusted adult/police in order to receive advice
and help. No adult has a right to request things of that particular nature from a child or a young
person the responsibility always lies with the adult!
Cyberbullying: there is a way out!
Children have the right to be protected from being hurt and mistreated, physically or mentally, they
have a right to privacy; all this is enshrined in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the
Child. We all share a collective responsibility to guarantee that these rights are enforced and enable
children and young people to play, learn, develop, and participate, both offline and online.
In Europe, statistics and figures show, that about one in four children experience cyberbullying at
some point in their lives. The impact of cyberbullying on victims is well known; it affects their
self-esteem, school performance and can even lead to suicidal thoughts and attempts.
Cyberbullying also has an impact on the perpetrators, bystanders, parents and schools. Therefore
this video is intended as a tool for all concerned:
Parents: Teach your kids empathy and talk with them about their online activities.
Teachers: Help kids understand the line between funny and cruel and develop an antibullying
charter in your school.
Kids: If you witness cyberbullying, report it and offer your support.
Funded by the European Union Daphne programme, as part of the #DeleteCyberbullying project,
COFACE and its partners want to raise awareness about the issue of cyberbullying, what can be
done to prevent and tackle it.
Our objective is that this short educational video is seen by as many people as possible, because
only together can we achieve what we set out to do: Delete Cyberbullying.
Join us, take a stand against cyberbullying and speak out for our childrens right to be safe. Images
speak louder than words. Show your commitment to
Dealing with cyber-bullying
Social networks such as Facebook , Twitter and Whatsapp are very popular with teenagers. They
are widely used on a daily basis as a mean of communication and as a source of entertainment.
They may even be used for education.
Although these social networks can be quite useful, some people use them to target other users and
to bully them.
Cyber-bullying is when one uses the internet and social media networks to harass or degrade
The cyber-bullies usually spread sensitive information, rumours and falsehoods via emails, texts,
Facebook and Twitter posts, etc.
They may target vulnerable people by hacking into their personal accounts or by even spreading
vicious rumours via a webpage in order to publicly humiliate them.
Mental effects of cyber-bullying
It can affect mental well-being by causing one to feel sad all the time , and may lead to depression
in the long term.
It can result in stress that may end up affecting ones ability to concentrate on their schoolwork and
other important things in life
It can reduce ones self-confidence and cause one to become more reserved and quiet
It can make one paranoid and unwilling to hang out with friends since they might feel that people
are out to get them
It can ruin ones emotional stability
It can lead to self-doubt and poor self-image
Celebrities who have been Cyber-bullied
Cyber-bullying can affect anyone. Below are quotes from celebrities who have spoken about being
bullied in cyber-space, and how they dealt with it.
Kendall Jenner
If I see something really nasty on Twitter, I will usually delete it or block the person because I
dont want to see that every dayGet to know me and then you can talk about me!

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