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Les mentions ci-dessous et en annexe remplacent celles dposes le 22.07.2013 au
Registre de Commerce et des Socits sous la rfrence L130124091.


Nom de la socit : E S P I R I T O S ANT O I NT E R NAT I ONAL S . A.

Sige social : 22/24 Boulevard Royal, L- 2449 Luxembourg

N du Registre de Commerce : B 13.091

N CDO : 521

Les comptes annuels au: 31.12.2012

ont t dposs au Registre de Commerce et des Socits.

Pour mention aux fins de publication au Mmorial, Recueil Spcial des Socits et

Luxembourg, le 8 aot 2013.

Registre de Commerce et des Socits
B13091 - L130139895
dpos le 08/08/2013
RCSL Nr. : Matricule : B13091 2003 2218 734
Financial year from to (in ) 01/01
/2012 31/12/2012
21/25, Alle Scheffer
L-2520 Luxembourg
Financial year Previous financial year
A. Subscribed capital unpaid 0,00 101 0,00 102
I. Subscribed capital not called 0,00 103 0,00 104
II. Subscribed capital called but not paid 0,00 105 0,00 106
B. Formation expenses 0,00 107 0,00 108
C. Fixed assets 2.981.718.716,00 109 0,00 110
I. Intangible assets 0,00 111 0,00 112
1. Costs of research and development 0,00 113 0,00 114
2. Concessions, patents, licences, trade marks
and similar rights and assets, if they were 0,00 115 0,00 116
a) acquired for valuable consideration and need not be shown
under C.I.3 0,00 117 0,00 118
b) created by the undertaking itself 0,00 119 0,00 120
3. Goodwill, to the extent that it was acquired for valuable
consideration 0,00 121 0,00 122
4. Payments on account and intangible fixed assets under
development 0,00 123 0,00 124
II. Tangible assets 1.053.905,00 125 0,00 126
1. Land and buildings 0,00 127 0,00 128
2. Plant and machinery 0,00 129 0,00 130
3. Other fixtures and fittings, tools and equipment 1.053.905,00 131 0,00 132
4. Payments on account and tangible assets in course
of construction 0,00 133 0,00 134
III. Financial assets 2.980.664.811,00 135 0,00 136
1. Shares in affiliated undertakings 1.434.337.303,00 137 0,00 138
2. Loans to affiliated undertakings 0,00 139 0,00 140
3. Shares in undertakings with which the company is linked
by virtue of participating interests 1.546.327.508,00 141 0,00 142
4. Loans to undertakings with which the company is linked
by virtue of participating interests 0,00 143 0,00 144
5. Investments held as fixed assets 0,00 145 0,00 146
6. Loans and claims held as fixed assets 0,00 147 0,00 148
7. Own shares or own corporate units 0,00 149 0,00 150
Registre de Commerce et des Socits
B13091 - L130139895
enregistr et dpos le 08/08/2013
RCSL Nr. : Matricule : B13091 2003 2218 734
Financial year Previous financial year
D. Current assets 1.283.733.747,00 151 0,00 152
I. Stocks 0,00 153 0,00 154
1. Raw materials and consumables 0,00 155 0,00 156
2. Work and contracts in progress 0,00 157 0,00 158
3. Finished goods and goods for resale 0,00 159 0,00 160
4. Payments on account 0,00 161 0,00 162
II. Debtors 1.282.315.067,00 163 0,00 164
1. Trade debtors 713.460,00 165 0,00 166
a) becoming due and payable after less than one year 713.460,00 167 0,00 168
b) becoming due and payable after more than one year 0,00 169 0,00 170
2. Amounts owed by affiliated undertakings 0,00 171 0,00 172
a) becoming due and payable after less than one year 0,00 173 0,00 174
b) becoming due and payable after more than one year 0,00 175 0,00 176
3. Amounts owed by undertakings with which the company
is linked by virtue of participating interests 1.281.601.607,00 177 0,00 178
a) becoming due and payable after less than one year 0,00 179 0,00 180
b) becoming due and payable after more than one year 1.281.601.607,00 181 0,00 182
4. Other debtors 0,00 183 0,00 184
a) becoming due and payable after less than one year 0,00 185 0,00 186
b) becoming due and payable after more than one year 0,00 187 0,00 188
III. Investments 0,00 189 0,00 190
1. Shares in affiliated undertakings and in undertakings with
which the company is linked by virtue of participating
interests 0,00 191 0,00 192
2. Own shares or own corporate units 0,00 193 0,00 194
3. Other investments 0,00 195 0,00 196
IV. Cash at bank and in hand 1.418.680,00 197 0,00 198
E. Prepayments 0,00 199 0,00 200
TOTAL (ASSETS) 4.265.452.463,00 201 0,00 202
RCSL Nr. : Matricule : B13091 2003 2218 734
Financial year Previous financial year
A. Capital and reserves 777.311.626,00 301 0,00 302
I. Subscribed capital 460.400.000,00 303 0,00 304
II. Share premium and similar premiums 40.000.000,00 305 0,00 306
III. Revaluation reserves 289.419.774,00 307 0,00 308
IV. Reserves 23.186.000,00 309 0,00 310
1. Legal reserve 23.186.000,00 311 0,00 312
2. Reserve for own shares 0,00 313 0,00 314
3. Reserves provided for by the articles of association 0,00 315 0,00 316
4. Other reserves 0,00 317 0,00 318
V. Profit or loss brought forward -30.833.361,00 319 0,00 320
VI. Result for the financial year -4.860.787,00 321 0,00 322
VII. Interim dividends 0,00 323 0,00 324
VIII. Investment subsidies 0,00 325 0,00 326
IX. Immunised appreciation 0,00 327 0,00 328
B. Subordinated creditors 0,00 329 0,00 330
C. Provisions 0,00 331 0,00 332
1. Provisions for pensions and similar obligations 0,00 333 0,00 334
2. Provisions for taxation 0,00 335 0,00 336
3. Other provisions 0,00 337 0,00 338
D. Non subordinated debts 3.430.856.183,00 339 0,00 340
1. Debenture loans 1.569.062.741,00 341 0,00 342
a) Convertible loans 0,00 343 0,00 344
i) becoming due and payable after less than one year 0,00 345 0,00 346
ii) becoming due and payable after more than one year 0,00 347 0,00 348
b) Non convertible loans 1.569.062.741,00 349 0,00 350
i) becoming due and payable after less than one year 1.569.062.741,00 351 0,00 352
ii) becoming due and payable after more than one year 0,00 353 0,00 354
2. Amounts owed to credit institutions 796.682.143,00 355 0,00 356
a) becoming due and payable after less than one year 653.825.000,00 357 0,00 358
b) becoming due and payable after more than one year 142.857.143,00 359 0,00 360
3. Payments received on account of orders in so far as they
are not shown separately as deductions from stocks 0,00 361 0,00 362
a) becoming due and payable after less than one year 0,00 363 0,00 364
b) becoming due and payable after more than one year 0,00 365 0,00 366
4. Trade creditors 0,00 367 0,00 368
a) becoming due and payable after less than one year 0,00 369 0,00 370
b) becoming due and payable after more than one year 0,00 371 0,00 372
RCSL Nr. : Matricule : B13091 2003 2218 734
Financial year Previous financial year
5. Bills of exchange payable 0,00 373 0,00 374
a) becoming due and payable after less than one year 0,00 375 0,00 376
b) becoming due and payable after more than one year 0,00 377 0,00 378
6. Amounts owed to affiliated undertakings 0,00 379 0,00 380
a) becoming due and payable after less than one year 0,00 381 0,00 382
b) becoming due and payable after more than one year 0,00 383 0,00 384
7. Amounts owed to undertakings with which the company
is linked by virtue of participating interests 0,00 385 0,00 386
a) becoming due and payable after less than one year 0,00 387 0,00 388
b) becoming due and payable after more than one year 0,00 389 0,00 390
8. Tax and social security 0,00 391 0,00 392
a) Tax 0,00 393 0,00 394
b) Social security 0,00 395 0,00 396
9. Other creditors,00 397 0,00 398
a) becoming due and payable after less than one year 0,00 399 0,00 400
b) becoming due and payable after more than one year,00 401 0,00 402
E. Deferred income 57.284.654,00 403 0,00 404
TOTAL (LIABILITIES) 4.265.452.463,00 405 0,00 406

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