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Metazoa -- multicellular mitochondrial eukaryotes (together with plants, fungi and some protists sometimes referred to as Crown

Invertebrates 'animals without backbones'; here taken to include all non-chordate metazoans:- --[links]
Porifera poriferans, sponges, characterized by pores in their outside walls through which water is drawn --[dedicated site ToL ucmp
ummzADW links ]
Calcarea calcareous sponges with spicules of calcium carbonate (Clathrina)
Demospongiae have a skeletal network of spongin fibers and/or siliceous spicules, includes all known freshwater sponges
(Ephydatia, Haliclona, Spongilla)
Hexactinellida glass sponges with siliceous spicules (Hexactinella, Rossella)
Sclerospongiae a polyphyletic grouping
Stromatoporoidea fossil group with massive calcareous skeletons (Stromatoporella)
Coelenterata (=Cnidaria) coelenterates, mainly marine phylum characterized by cnida or nematocysts used in feeding; characteristic
body forms are the polyp (generally sedentary) and the medusa (generally motile) --[ToL ummzADW links]
Anthozoa includes most corals & sea anemones, coelenterates whose living representatives lack a medusoid 'jellyfish' stage in
their life cycle --[ ummzADW links]
Ceriantipatharia black corals, thorny corals (Antipathes, Cerianthus)
Octocorallia (=Alcyonaria) alcyonarians, soft corals, sea pens (Alcyonium, Renilla) --[links]
Zoantharia (=Hexacorallia) corals and sea anemones
Actiniaria sea anemones (Actinia, Metridium) --[links]
Rugosa fossil rugose corals, tetracorals (Acanthophyllum, Stylostrotion)
Scleractinia (=Madreporaria) hard corals, stony corals, true corals (Acropora, Fungia, Montastraea, Porites) --
Tabulata tabulate corals, fossil (Alveolites, Heliolites)
Zoanthiniaria (=Zoanthidea) (Palythoa, Zoanthus)
Cubozoa box jellyfish (Carybdea) --[ummzADW]
Hydrozoa (=Hydromedusae) mostly alternate between polyp and medusa stage, many are colonial --[ucmp ummzADW links]
Hydroida freshwater hydras & colonial hydroids (Hydra, Hydractinia, Obelia, Plumularia, Tubularia)
Milleporina (=Milleporida) hydrocorals, millepores (Millepora)
Siphonophorida (=Siphonophora) colonial jellyfish (Physalia)
Scyphozoa true jellyfish (Aurelia, Chrysaora, Rhopilema) --[ucmp ummzADW links]
Ctenophora comb jellies, ctenophores, jelly like motile marine organisms with rows of beating cilia or comb plates (Beroe,
Mnemiopsis, Pleurobrachia) --[ ToL ucmp links]
Echinodermata echinoderms, marine deuterostome organisms characterized by tube feet which form part of the water vascular
system, thought to possibly have a common ancestry with the chordates --[dedicated site ToL ucmp ummzADW links]
Crinoidea featherstars, sea lilies (Barycrinus, Metacrinus) --[ToL ucmp]
Echinoidea heart urchins, sand dollars, sea urchins (Clypeaster, Echinus, Echinocardium, Hemicentrotus, Lytechinus,
Paracentrotus, ylocentrotus)
Holothuroidea sea cucumbers (Cucumaria, Holothuria, Stichopus)
Asteroidea sea stars, starfish (Acanthaster, Asterias, Pisaster) --[ucmp]
Ophiuroidea brittle stars (Amphiura, Ophiura)
Platyhelminthes flat worms, acoelomate animals of uncertain origin --[ToL ucmp ummzADW links]
Cestoda tapeworms (Diphyllobothrium, Echinococcus, Hymenolepis, Taenia) --[ummzADW]
Trematoda parasitic flukes (Cercaria, Diplostomum, Fasciola, Gyrodactylus, Schistosoma) --[ummzADW]
Turbellaria turbellarians, free living flatworms (Dugesia, Temnocephala) --[ummzADW]
Nematoda nematodes, roundworms, threadworms(some), whipworms, lungworms, hookworms, eelworms; a pseudocoelomate phylum
with both parasitic and free-living representatives, exist in very large numbers (Ascaris, Caenorhabditis C. elegans, Haemonchus,
Heterorhabditis, Meloidogyne, Onchocerca, Toxocara) --[dedicated site ToL ummzADW links]
Acanthocephala acanthocephalans, spiny headed worms; a parasitic pseudocoelomate phylum with spiny protrusible proboscis
(Acanthocephalus, Corynosoma, Moniliformis) --[ToL links]
Mesozoa mesozoans, small worm like organisms at one time though to be degenerate flatworms (Rhopalura)
Nematomorpha nematomorphans, horsehair worms, threadworms (some), gordian worms; a pseudocoelomate phylum (Gordius) --
[ToL links]
Nemertinea (=Rhynchocoela, Nemertea) nemertines, proboscis worms, rhynchocoels, ribbon worms, acoelomate worms with
extensible proboscis (Cerebratulus, Lineus) --[ToL ucmp links]
Annelida annelids, segmented coelomate worms with chitinous bristles --[dedicated site ucmp ToL ummzADW links]
Hirudinea leeches (Helobdella, Hirudo, Notostomum) --[ToL ummzADW links]
Oligochaeta earthworms, terrestrial bristle worms (Dendrobaena, Eisenia, Lumbricus, Tubifex) --[ummzADW links]
Polychaeta lugworms, paddleworms, polychaetes, ragworms, sandworms, include parasitic Myzostomida but otherwise
mostly marine (Arenicola, Cirratulus, Glycera, Lanice, Nereis, Polydora, Serpula) --[biblio ucmp ummzADW links]
Rotifera (=Rotatoria) rotifers,'wheel animals' named for rotating ring of cilia; a pseudocoelomate phylum (Asplanchna, Brachionus,
Lecane) --[links]
Cephalorhyncha cephalorhynchans
Chaetognatha chaetognaths, arrow worms, small marine arrow shaped organisms with moveable hooks (Sagitta) --[links]
Cycliophora a new phylum only discovered in 1995 with a single species (Symbion pandora) --[links]
Echiura echiurans, spoon worms, marine worms with extensible proboscis which live in u-shaped tubes (Echiurus, Urechis) --[ToL
ucmp links]
Gastrotricha gastrotrichs, free-living wormlike organisms with lobed heads; a pseudocoelomate phylum (Chaetonotus, Macrodasys,
Xenotrichula) --[ToL links]
Gnathostomulida gnathostomulids, jaw worms; a pseudocoelomate phylum (Gnathostomula) --[ToL links]
Kinorhyncha kinorhynchs, free-living marine, with spiny heads used in characteristic locomotion after which they are named; a
pseudocoelomate phylum (Echinoderes) --[ToL links]
Loricifera loricifers; a pseudocoelomate phylum first described in 1983 with spiny heads and abdominal plates called lorica
Placozoa a parazoan group represented by the single species (Trichoplax adhaerens) --[links]
Pogonophora pogonophorans, beard worms, deep-sea sessile worms of uncertain lineage which produce upright tubes to live in
(Siboglinum) --[ToL ucmp links]
Priapulida (=Priapula) priapulids; a pseudocoelomate protostomate phylum, short fat marine worms about which relatively little is
known (Priapulus) --[ToL links]
Sipuncula sipunculids, peanut worms, unsegmented protostomate marine worms characterized by the introvert, a contractile organ used
in locomotion (Golfingia, Phascolion, Sipunculus) --[ToL ucmp links]
Vestimentifera vestimentifers, phylum first described in 1985 for genera formerly considered to be pogonophorans (Escarpia,
Lamellibrachia, Ridgeia) --[ToL links]
Conodonta conodonts, group of conoidal shaped fossils (Polygnathus) --[links]
Brachiopoda brachiopods, lamp shells; a marine lophophorate phylum of shelled animals with an extensive fossil record; Lingula is
possibly the oldest genus with known living representatives --[ToL dedicated site ucmp links]
Bryozoa (=Ectoprocta, Polyzoa) bryozoans, ectoprocts, polyzoans, 'moss' animals; a lophophorate & coelomate phylum of graytic &
mostly colonial animals; (some classifications group Ectoprocta together with Entoprocta as Bryozoa) (Bugula, Membranipora,
Plumatella) --[dedicated site ToL ucmp links]
Entoprocta (=Kamptozoa) entoprocts, kamptozoans; a marine pseudocoelomate phylum, mostly sessile filter feeders (Loxosoma) --
[ToL links

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