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8everse Pyper` currenL acLlve paLenLs 6491607(b2 - (2002) 7433207-(2007) 7473212-(2009)

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My name ls Loule Slmmons, owner of WesLslde 8arbell and Lhe lnvenLor of Lhe 8everse Pyper`.
l fracLured my 3
lumbar verLebrae ln early 1973 whlle dolng good mornlngs. l had [usL deadllfLed
670lbs aL 180lbs ln lebruary of 1973. l also had sclaLlc nerve damage ln boLh legs LhaL l could noL
sLralghLen Lhem ouL wlLhouL severe paln. AfLer belng on cruLches for mosL of Len monLhs wlLh no help
from a varleLy medlcal experLs. l could no longer do any exerclses. Cne day l Lrled Lo do a back
exLenslon, buL l would experlence exLreme paln ln Lhe lower back as soon as l applled force lnLo Lhe Loe
plaLe. lL was very palnful ln Lhe gluLes and Lhe back of my legs. l was desperaLe, l could noL work, and
cerLalnly noL powerllfL. no one was helplng. Cne day l LhoughL whaL lf l dld a back exLenslon ln reverse? l
bullL a plaLform ln my power rack so my Lorso ls suspended and supporLed whlle my legs were hanglng
downward (face down). As l held onLo Lhe fronL of Lhe rack l ralsed my legs upward wlLh no paln. l was
also able Lo lower my legs pasL 90 agaln wlLh no paln. lor Lhe flrsL Llme ln almosL a year l felL blood
flow or a pump ln my lower back. AL Lhe same Llme, my sclaLlc paln was lessened. l could noL belleve lL,
was lL [usL ln my head?
1he nexL day l repeaLed Lhe exerclse wlLh Lhe same resulLs. l conLlnued Lhe exerclses several Llmes a
week and evenLually Lhe paln was gone. Pow? Much laLer l reallzed l was uslng decompresslon whlle
sLrengLhenlng all Lhe muscles, llgamenLs and Lendons of Lhe lower back. As my abdomen was
suppressed lL lncreased Lhe lA whlch lessened Lhe load on Lhe lnLerverLebral dlscs. l was able Lo resume
llfLlng and ranked 4
ln 1978 and 3
ln 1979 ln Lhe 198 welghL class. ln 1980 l mad Lhe 3
largesL LoLal of
all Llme aL 220lbs.
unforLunaLely, l broke my L3 agaln ln 1982. A surgeon advlsed me Lo remove Lwo dlscs, fuse my back
and remove several bone spurs. l refused. l repalred my back once, why noL agaln? lor sevenLeen weeks
l sLreLched, used acupressure, acupuncLure and llghL reverse hypers for hlgh reps, 20 - 23 per seL, 4 seLs
per day. l once agaln regalned full back sLrengLh and rose back lnLo Lhe Lop flve ranklngs.
AfLer compleLe rupLure of Lhe paLella Lendon l found lL hard Lo do my [ob as an lron worker. 1he reverse
hyper exerclse was a compleLe secreL Lo myself, as l Lralned ln my prlvaLe gym. l hlred a paLenL aLLorney
Lo do a servlce and ln 1994 l was granLed my flrsL paLenL. My moLlve was helplng oLhers wlLh chronlc
back lssues. l laLer made several lmprovemenLs ln 2004-2007-2009 and 2013 and am now worklng on a
much lmproved model for urs., 1heraplsL, and ChlropracLors.
1he reverse hyper wlll work Lhe muscles of Lhe lumbar reglon (speclflcally), Lhe epaxlal muscles such as
Lhe lnner splnals connecLlng ad[acenL spaclous processes or Lhe lnLramuscular salls. ConnecLlng ad[acenL
Lraverse processes of Lhe verLebrae are dlfflculL Lo acLlvaLe ln mosL exerclses. WhaL's Lhe answer?
1he 8everse Pyper` made lL posslble Lo squaL 703, bench 303 and deadllfL 673 aL 63 years old. 1o prove
Lhls l placed Lhe machlne ln Lhe uMx x-ray Lhanks Lo ur. !erome 8erucha and can be seen here.

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8everse Pyper` currenL acLlve paLenLs 6491607(b2 - (2002) 7433207-(2007) 7473212-(2009)

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Cne of Lhe mosL lmporLanL conslderaLlons ln physlcal Lralnlng ls Lo flrsL remaln ln[ury free or ln Lhe evenL
of prlor ln[ury, Lo promoLe recovery so Lhe lndlvldual can malnLaln Lralnlng. 1hls ls Lrue when worklng
wlLh a novlce, a colleglaLe aLhleLe, a professlonal compeLlLlve aLhleLe, a flLness enLhuslasLs or even Lhe
general publlc Lrylng Lo malnLaln an acLlve llfesLyle. WhaLever your role: a personal Lralner, sLrengLh and
condlLlonlng coach or cllnlclan, paln and ln[ury ls a componenL LhaL needs Lo be undersLood.

aln ls caLegorlzed as elLher acuLe (generally from a known cause or lmmedlaLe Lrauma leadlng Lo ln[ury)
or chronlc (long lasLlng). 1here are many subcaLegorles or dlagnoses under each of Lhese maln
caLegorles. We may feel Lhe paln ln our Loes when we sLub Lhem, however Lhe recognlLlon,
lnLerpreLaLlon, and reacLlon Lo Lhe paln occur ln Lhe braln, noL aL Lhe sympLomaLlc area. Awareness of paln
happens when sensory neurons (speclal nerves LhroughouL Lhe body) reacL Lo pressure, vlbraLlon,
Lrauma, heaL, cold, and oLher sLlmull. 1hese neurons also respond Lo prosLaglandlns, hlsLamlne, and
oLher chemlcals released by ln[ured or lnflamed body Llssue. 1he level of Lhe sensaLlon depends upon Lhe
sLrengLh of Lhe sLlmulus and Lhe LoLal healLh (or lack Lhereof) of Lhe body. When sensory neurons are
sLlmulaLed, Lhe nerves flre sendlng off messages LhaL Lravel along Lhe nervous sysLem Lo Lhe braln, Lhen
Lhe paln lnformaLlon ls rapldly evaluaLed, and sensaLlons are lnLerpreLed. 1hls complex reacLlon ln Lhe
communlcaLlon sysLems of Lhe body proLecLs us when Lhere ls a sLressor (danger ls a lll lnLense), when
Lhe proLecLlon due Lo Lhe sLress has passed, Lhe braln ls Lold Lo Lurn off Lhe feellng of paln. lf Lhere ls a
problem ln Lhe communlcaLlon sysLem of Lhe body, all of Lhe neurologlcal, chemlcal and emoLlonal
communlcaLlon sysLems may noL be able Lo Lell Lhe paln Lo sLop.

AcuLe paln makes you aware of many problems ln Lhe body from Lorn llgamenLs Lo gallbladder aLLacks. AL
low levels, paln can moLlvaLe you Lo resL Lhe ln[ured area so LhaL Llssues can be repalred and addlLlonal
damage can be prevenLed. AcuLe paln leLs ouL a Lhree-alarm warnlng when you accldenLally puL your
hand on a hoL sLove or when lL forces you Lo resL a spralned ankle. lrequenLly, LraumaLlc paln ls dealL
wlLh properly because Lhe cause of Lrauma can be accuraLely ldenLlfled and ellmlnaLed aL whlch Llme Lhe
naLural heallng of Lhe body can begln. 8esL, lce, Compresslon, and LlevaLlon ls commonly used effecLlvely.
lor fasLer heallng cold laser Lherapy, chlropracLlc care, acupuncLure, 8olflng, sofL Llssue and oLher
modallLles can speed heallng slgnlflcanLly and provlde long Lerm correcLlon from some of Lhe Lrauma LhaL
was encounLered Lo Lhe nervous sysLem, skeleLal sysLem, fascla and muscles. 8ehablllLaLlon ls very beneflclal
once Lhe body can handle Lhe excess physlcal sLress of exerclse.

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8everse Pyper` currenL acLlve paLenLs 6491607(b2 - (2002) 7433207-(2007) 7473212-(2009)

noL all paln serves a useful funcLlon. Whlle acuLe paln can alerL us Lo a problem LhaL needs lmmedlaLe
aLLenLlon, ln some cases paln lasLs long afLer an ln[ured area has healed. ln oLher lnsLances, paln may be
ln Lhe form of a recurrlng backache, mlgralnes (or oLher Lypes of headaches), arLhrlLls, and oLher
dlsorders. 1hls ls referred Lo as chronlc paln. Chronlc paln may be a dull ache, sharp, sLabblng, radlaLlng,
Lhrobblng paln or any comblnaLlon of Lhese LhaL seem Lo never subslde or lL may be experlenced durlng
cerLaln Llmes of Lhe day and ls lasLlng for more Lhan slx monLhs. aln may be locallzed aL Lhe slLe of an
ln[ury, or "referred" Lo anoLher parL of Lhe body. Chronlc paln may occur afLer a physlcal ln[ury or surgery
and conLlnues afLer Lhe normal heallng perlod. Chronlc paln can accompany many dlsease condlLlons such as
flbromyalgla, headaches, neuropaLhy, depresslon, MS, posL-surglcal paln syndrome, Lhe accumulaLlon of
Lralnlng sLresses and many oLhers. Chronlc paln ls a complex condlLlon wlLh a varleLy of causes. 8emember,
paln ls only lnLerpreLed by Lhe nervous sysLem and ldenLlfled by Lhe braln. When paln perslsLs, Lhere ls a loL of
aLLenLlon placed on Lhe area of sympLomaLology, ln a varleLy of ways dependlng on Lhe Lype of speclallsL seen.
LlLLle efforL ls dlrecLed Loward Lhe reLralnlng of lower moLor neurons ln order Lo ulLlmaLely change upper
moLor neuron acLlvlLy ln Lhe braln whlch lnhlblLs Lhe reflex paLhways and 1ype C flbers LhaL have become
lncorrecLly programmed.
neuroplasLlclLy" ls a modern Lerm Lo descrlbe Lhe remodellng of braln paLLernlng, Lhls lncludes paln.
neuroplasLlclLy, also known as braln plasLlclLy, referrlng Lo changes ln Lhe neural paLhways and synapses whlch
affecL changes ln behavlor, envlronmenL and neural processes, as well as Lhe changes resulLlng from bodlly
ln[ury. neuroplasLlclLy has replaced Lhe formerly-held poslLlon LhaL Lhe braln ls a physlologlcally sLaLlc organ,
and explores how and ln whlch ways Lhe braln changes LhroughouL llfe based upon whaL you do, Lhls can be
regeneraLlve or degeneraLlve.
neuroplasLlclLy occurs on a varleLy of levels, ranglng from cellular changes due Lo learnlng, Lo large-scale
changes lnvolved ln corLlcal remapplng ln response Lo ln[ury. 1he role of neuroplasLlclLy ls wldely recognlzed ln
healLhy developmenL, learnlng, memory, and recovery from braln damage, buL l also recognlze Lhe correlaLlon
wlLh ellLe flLness, noL [usL cllnlcal paLhology. uurlng mosL of Lhe 20Lh cenLury, Lhe consensus among
neurosclenLlsLs was LhaL braln sLrucLure ls relaLlvely lmmuLable afLer a crlLlcal perlod durlng early chlldhood.
1hls bellef has been changed by flndlngs reveallng LhaL many aspecLs of Lhe braln remaln plasLlc even lnLo
adulLhood. uecades of research have now shown LhaL subsLanLlal changes occur ln Lhe lowesL neocorLlcal
processlng areas, and LhaL Lhese changes can profoundly alLer Lhe paLLern of neuronal acLlvaLlon ln response
Lo experlence. 1hls why you can Lraln your body Lo be sLrong, whlch can only happen afLer your nervous
sysLem ls Lralned Lo be sLrong, wlLhln Lhose paLhways. 1hls also applles Lo paln and vlsceral paLLerns.
neurosclenLlflc research lndlcaLes LhaL experlence can acLually change boLh Lhe braln's physlcal sLrucLure
(anaLomy) and funcLlonal organlzaLlon (physlology). neurosclenLlsLs are currenLly engaged ln a reconclllaLlon
of crlLlcal perlod sLudles demonsLraLlng Lhe lmmuLablllLy of Lhe braln afLer developmenL wlLh Lhe more recenL
research showlng how Lhe braln can, and does, change LhroughouL llfe. LaLer on ln Lhls paper a brlef
explanaLlon of paLLernlng wlll be descrlbed. Many of you who are sLrong and ln[ury free wlll say l already do
LhaL" and LhaL ls noL a colncldence.

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8everse Pyper` currenL acLlve paLenLs 6491607(b2 - (2002) 7433207-(2007) 7473212-(2009)

Chronlc paln ls one of Lhe mosL cosLly condlLlons ln norLh Amerlca. AlLhough paln ls a ma[or problem ln
Lhls counLry, lL ls noL LreaLed compasslonaLely or efflclenLly, and lL ls noL [usL paln LhaL ls Lhe problem.
1he slde effecLs of chronlc paln lllnesses caused by a sedenLary llfesLyle, secluslon and depresslon and, ln
some cases, addlcLlon Lo paln klllers can be [usL as devasLaLlng as Lhe paln lLself. 1he esLlmaLed cosLs of
dlrecL medlcal expenses, losL lncome, losL producLlvlLy, compensaLlon paymenLs, and legal charges, are
approxlmaLely $90 bllllon a year.
48 mllllon Amerlcans suffer from chronlc paln. Cver 21 mllllon Amerlcans rouLlnely Lake
prescrlpLlon palnklllers and also spend $3 bllllon on over Lhe counLer analgeslcs.
Cver 13 mllllon Amerlcans cannoL perform rouLlne acLlvlLles because of paln.
As many as 43 mllllon Amerlcans have chronlc, severe headaches LhaL can be dlsabllng.
ArLhrlLls paln affecLs more Lhan 40 mllllon Amerlcans each year.
1he ma[orlLy of paLlenLs ln lnLermedlaLe or advanced sLages of cancer suffer moderaLe Lo
severe paln. More Lhan 1.2 mllllon new cases of cancer are dlagnosed each year ln Lhe unlLed
SLaLes, and more Lhan 330,000 people dle from Lhe dlsease.
lourLeen percenL of employees Lake Llme off from work because of paln.
Accordlng Lo Lhe naLlonal lnsLlLuLes of PealLh (Parrls eL al. 1999), lower back paln ls one of Lhe
mosL slgnlflcanL healLh problems ln Lhe unlLed SLaLes, wlLh back paln belng Lhe mosL frequenL
cause of physlcal lmpalrmenL ln people younger Lhan 43 years of age: 63-80 of all people have
back paln aL some Llme ln Lhelr llfe.

AlLhough Lhere are numerous Lypes of ln[urles caused by counLless clrcumsLances, affecLlng Lhe general
publlc and aLhleLes allke, we wlll concenLraLe on Lhe #1 neuro-musculoskeleLal ln[ury ln Lhe world, back
paln. 1he same prlnclples apply when addresslng any "sysLemlc" weakness, asymmeLry, lnflexlblllLy or
lmproper funcLlonal (neurologlcal) movemenL.

8ack paln ls Lhe number one musculoskeleLal problem ln Lhe world and Lhe second mosL common
reason for all vlslLs Lo Lhe docLors' offlce (#1 reason for Lhe orLhopedlsL). Low back paln prlmarlly effecLs
adulLs, ages 33-33, buL may occur ln chlldren and adolescence. ApproxlmaLely 73 of people ln
developed counLrles wlll experlence low back paln aL some Llme ln Lhelr llves. 1he annual prevalence of
low back paln ln Lhe u.S. ls 13-20 of Lhe populaLlon. 8ack paln ls Lhe second leadlng cause of
absenLeelsm from work, afLer Lhe common cold, and accounLs for 13 of slck leaves. 8ack ln[urles
cause 100 mllllon losL days of work annually, and ls Lhe mosL cosLly for employers. ApproxlmaLely 1 of
Lhe u.S. populaLlon ls chronlcally dlsabled due Lo back problems and anoLher 1 ls Lemporarlly dlsabled.

Slgns and sympLoms are cenLrallzed ln Lhe low back area and vary dependenL upon Lhe severlLy of Lhe
ln[ury. AcuLe or chronlc back paln sympLoms can glve lndlcaLlons as Lo Lhe cause of Lhe paln. Many
common sympLoms are,
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8everse Pyper` currenL acLlve paLenLs 6491607(b2 - (2002) 7433207-(2007) 7473212-(2009)

arasplnal muscle spasms
osslble radlaLlon of paln Lo Lhe buLLocks and lnLo Lhe lower exLremlLles (sclaLlca)
LlmlLed range of moLlon
aln aggravaLed by moLlon and allevlaLed by resL
Severe paln leadlng Lo change ln posLure

8lsk lacLors-
More common ln men Lhan women
Common ln Lhose wlLh hlgh labor lnLenslve [obs wlLh a loL of repeLlLlve bendlng
AnaLomlcal shorL leg (causlng pelvlc unlevellng and splnal Lorquelng)
1rauma such as fracLures, hernlaLed dlscs, llgamenL spraln, muscle sLraln
non-LraumaLlc causes such as degeneraLlve dlsc dlsease, lnflammaLory arLhrlLls
laceL Syndrome
Sacral mlsallgnmenLs
Lumbar subluxaLlons
Splnal SLenosls
Muscle lmbalances
vlsceral condlLlons (female cycle, colon, prosLaLe, kldney, bladder)

1here are many causes of low back paln, from predlsposed rlsk facLors Lo acuLe ln[urles. 1hese
condlLlons can be dlvlded lnLo Lhe broad caLegorles of LraumaLlc and non-LraumaLlc.

Mlcro Lraumas ([ogglng on hard surfaces, eLc.)
Macro Lraumas (car accldenL, lmpacL Lraumas)

SofL Llssue spraln (llgamenLs), sLraln (muscular)
SubluxaLlons and dlslocaLlons
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8everse Pyper` currenL acLlve paLenLs 6491607(b2 - (2002) 7433207-(2007) 7473212-(2009)

PernlaLed dlscs
CverexerLlon, faLlgue (lmproper llfLlng)

uegeneraLlve dlsc dlsease
Slde effecLs from medlcaLlon (cholesLerol lowerlng drugs)
SedenLary llfe sLyle
Splnal sLrucLural lmbalances (poor posLure)

Low back paln can have many varlables. AlLhough, many lndlvlduals complaln of locallzed sympLoms, a
successful program Lakes lnLo accounL Lhe healLh of Lhe enLlre neuro-musculoskeleLal-fasclal sysLem.
ldenLlfylng weaknesses are lmporLanL, however exerclse or sLreLchlng lsolaLed areas has proven Lo be
lneffecLlve, especlally for long Lerm rellef. 1he body works LogeLher as a unlL. 1ralnlng Lhe core sLrengLh
of Lhe body Lo achleve Lhe ldeal neuLral posLure, proper lnLersegmenLal moLlon, acLlvaLlng Lhe nervous
sysLem and muscles synerglsLlcally Lo perform flexlble, symmeLrlcal funcLlonal movemenL creaLes a
sLrong, healLhy and paln free sLrucLure ls Lhe mosL effecLlve meLhod Lo reduce Lhe lncldence of low back
paln (or any oLher ln[ury) and also for Lhose worklng for opLlmum performance.

8esearch has shown LhaL Lhose who suffer from back paln have a common lmbalance LhroughouL Lhe
musculoskeleLal sysLem. A normal splne has an ldeal cenLer of gravlLy from head carrlage Lo Lhe cenLer
of gravlLy over Lhe pelvls. When people have a forward head LllL, for every one lnch forward Lhe head ls
held, Lhere ls a 100 lncrease ln Lhe welghL of Lhe head.
A publlcaLlon ln Splne, Lhe mosL renowned orLhopedlc medlcal [ournal ln Lhe world, SepLember 13,
2003, 30 (18): 2024-9 1he lmpacL of poslLlve saglLLal balance ln adulL splnal deformlLy", explalns Lhls
concepL accuraLely. 1he sLudy used laLeral full splne x-rays and measured overall splnal allgnmenL uslng
reference polnLs from Lhe cenLer of Lhe 7
cervlcal verLebra and Lhe posLerlor-
superlor corner of Lhe 1
sacral segmenL. A plumb llne was Lhen used Lo
deLermlne cenLer of gravlLy and measure overall dlsplacemenL and how Lhls
dlrecLly relaLed Lo paLlenLs severlLy of sympLoms of paln and overall decrease
ln healLh by also uslng (Lhe sLandard form), Lhe Sl 36.
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8everse Pyper` currenL acLlve paLenLs 6491607(b2 - (2002) 7433207-(2007) 7473212-(2009)

All measures of healLh sLaLus showed slgnlflcanLly poorer scores as Lhe C7
plumb llne devlaLlon lncreased (forward head carrlage / body)."
1here was a hlgh degree of correlaLlon beLween poslLlve saglLLal
balance and adverse healLh sLaLus scores, for physlcal healLh
composlLe score and paln domaln."

1here was clear evldence of lncreased paln and decreased funcLlon as Lhe
magnlLude of poslLlve saglLLal balance (forward head carrlage / body)

1hls sLudy shows LhaL alLhough even mlldly poslLlve saglLLal balance ls somewhaL deLrlmenLal,
severlLy of sympLoms lncreases ln a llnear fashlon wlLh progresslve saglLLal lmbalance (forward head
carrlage) per every 1 mm)."

ln addlLlon Lo anLerlor head carrlage Lhe pelvls commonly becomes Llpped" forward (referred Lo as
lower cross syndrome) whlch creaLes furLher abnormal blomechanlcs and pressure and evenLually leads
Lo lncreased sLress Lo Lhe faceLs, ln[urles Lo Lhe dlscs, verLebrae, llgamenLs and muscle lmbalances.
1hese mechanlcal sLresses creaLe paln slgnals LhroughouL Lhe nervous sysLem and lock ln a paLLern of
back paln (or ln[ury Lo any area due Lo lnvolvemenL LhroughouL faclal planes.

oor dally hablLs promoLe an unhealLhy llfesLyle paLLern beglnnlng ln chlldhood and conLlnulng
LhroughouL Lhe adulL years. 1he flexor muscles of Lhe body are overworked and Lhe exLensor muscles
are severely under used. 1hls cycle ls creaLed by young chlldren ln school slLLlng for exLended perlods
durlng Lhe growLh and formaLlve years. Chlldren are noL as acLlve as ln prevlous generaLlons, relylng on
Lelevlslon and vldeo games raLher Lhan proprlocepLlve dynamlc acLlvlLles. ln early adulLhood we are
flexor condlLloned". Many spend long hours slLLlng ln Lhe college classroom or aL Lhe desk [obs of
corporaLe Amerlca. We have a labor force LhaL performs repeLlLlve bendlng (flexlon) acLlvlLles for many
hours every day and who spend exLended perlods of Llme slLLlng ln cars, commuLlng whlle dolng noLhlng
Lo offseL Lhls lmbalanced llfesLyle and promoLe proper healLh or recovery from ln[ury. 1he physlcal
lmbalances are ampllfled by chemlcal lmbalances of lncreased sugar / carbohydraLes, energy drlnks,
supplemenLs loaded wlLh hlgh frucLose corn syrup, lmproper raLlos of essenLlal faLLy aclds (ldeal LA 1.3:
AA 1 raLlo) all ampllfylng sysLemlc lnflammaLlon, furLher load Lhe body up wlLh arLlflclal sweeLeners
(sucralose causes paln and sLlffness and asparLame ls a documenLed neuroLoxln) and you have a physlcal
and chemlcal crysLal ball for paln, sufferlng and reoccurrlng ln[ury.

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8everse Pyper` currenL acLlve paLenLs 6491607(b2 - (2002) 7433207-(2007) 7473212-(2009)

Many paLlenLs/aLhleLes reporL Lhelr acuLe ln[ury was caused by a sneeze, or Lhrowlng Lhelr back ouL
Lylng Lhelr shoe" or plcklng up a pencll off Lhe floor". AlLhough Lhe ln[ury effecLs are real and severe,
Laklng a hlsLory and proper (funcLlonal) examlnaLlon reveals many preclplLaLlng sLresses and physlcal
lmbalances LhaL led Lo Lhe weakened condlLlon LhaL creaLed Lhe buckllng ln[ury. Lven ln Lhe case of Lrue
acuLe ln[urles, such as car accldenLs and lmpacL Lrauma, Lhe focus of resLorlng splne sLablllzlng paLLerns
Lo Lhe whole musculoskeleLal and nervous sysLem ls necessary for full, long Lerm recovery.

oor blomechanlcs and repeLlLlve sLress also place an abnormal load on Lhe muscles and Lhe splne LhaL
leads Lo ln[ury. 8emember lL ls Lhe muscles LhaL sLablllze and proLecL Lhe splne and nervous sysLem (all
synerglsLlcally worklng LogeLher) drlves proper communlcaLlon. 1he splnal sLablllzer muscles requlre,
Lndurance Lo wlLhsLand Lhe Lask of sLandlng for hours and performlng labor lnLenslve, dally and
aLhleLlc duLles.
SLrengLh Lo sLablllze Lhe core of Lhe musculoskeleLal sysLem.
llexlblllLy Lo perform dynamlc moLlon.
8alance Lo properly dlsplace sLress LhroughouL Lhe musculoskeleLal sysLem ln an ldeal welghL
bearlng poslLlon
lncrease ln clrculaLlon acceleraLes Llssue regeneraLlon and recovery by brlnglng ln nuLrlenLs and
Laklng away meLabollc by producLs.

A mulLldlmenslonal evaluaLlon and progresslve program ls opLlmum for any lndlvldual however, for Lhe
purpose of Lhls publlcaLlon, we wlll only lnclude some lmporLanL polnLs.
ldeally each lndlvldual needs Lo be evaluaLed and a speclflc plan deslgned dependlng on asymmeLry,
ln[ury or ln[urles lnvolved.

SoluLlons, lf lL ls good for a sLrong person, lL ls good for a weak person. ?ou [usL have Lo decrease Lhe
lnLenslLy so lL ls approprlaLe for Lhe lndlvldual."

1he body ls deslgned Lo move, Lo perform Lhe normal acLlvlLles of dally llvlng. LllLe aLhleLes requlre more
sLrengLh, endurance, balance, flexlblllLy, mlLochondrlal ouLpuL of A1 Lhan Lhe average person. roper
sLrucLural allgnmenL ls requlred Lo perform a Lask successfully and ln[ury free. 1he average lndlvldual
can perform normal dally acLlvlLles wlLh physlcal funcLlonal measuremenLs far below Lhose of Lhe ellLe
aLhleLe. lf elLher lndlvldual ls physlcally unprepared (over Llme), Lhe weakness wlll creaLe an acuLe and
posslbly a chronlc ln[ury paLLern.

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lnlLlally, ln my professlonal career l was ln Lhe sLrengLh-coachlng fleld where l galned valuable
experlence LhaL gave me lndlspensable lnslghL as l conLlnued my educaLlon as a cllnlclan. l have
exLenslve background Lralnlng boLh novlce and ellLe aLhleLes ln a varleLy of sporLs and l became a
compeLlLlve power llfLer for 14 years. undersLandlng dlfferenL body Lypes, deslgnlng lndlvldual and Leam
programs for speclflc physlologlcal ouLcomes has helped me, as a cllnlclan, Lo provlde any necessary
varlable Lo help compeLlLlve aLhleLes or Lhe general publlc. Lvery day ln pracLlce or as l lecLure Lo oLher
cllnlclans, l use my exLenslve background ln exerclse physlology and Lhe sLrengLh fleld.

Cllnlclans recelve an exLenslve educaLlon ln Lhe baslc sclences, whlch enables Lhem Lo dlagnose, wlLhln
Lhe scope of Lhelr llcense, and Lo use Lools, such as x-ray, M8l, Lhe knowledge Lo perform orLho/neuro
exams eLc. and Lo lnLerpreL cllnlcal flndlngs. All cllnlcal exams are neuLral exams, ouL of gravlLy. Some
may wanL Lo clalm LhaL orLho/neuro LesLs are funcLlonal and LhaL Lhey are beneflclal Lo a person wlLh a
physlcal ln[ury. 1hese exams are compleLely worLhless when evaluaLlng an unln[ured lndlvldual and
Lherefore cannoL provlde Lhe beneflL of belng able Lo measure progress or Lo prevenL a problem, ln Lhe
flrsL place, lf you cannoL deLecL predlsposlLlons Lo an ln[ury. Cnce a deLalled analysls has been
compleLed, as a cllnlclan, lL ls your responslblllLy Lo manage" Lhe paLlenL and Lo deslgn a program for
recovery. Some cllnlclans merely concenLraLe on and manage" [usL Lhe dlagnosls, overlooklng many
posslble conLrlbuLlng facLors, or mlnlmally, some cllnlclans [usL manage" Lhe sympLoms, ofLen Llmes
achlevlng only a Lemporary soluLlon Lo Lhe overall condlLlon. 1he ma[orlLy of care relles on passlve
LreaLmenL appllcaLlons, lylng on a Lable Lo geL ad[usLed, 8olfed, massaged, acupuncLure or belng hooked
up Lo a varleLy of elecLrlcal sLlmulaLlon devlces, lce, heaL, Lake Lhls medlcaLlon or a surgery ls performed.
l could wrlLe a book on paLlenL success and Lhe beneflLs and llfe changlng resulLs from many of Lhese
passlve modallLles LhaL are approprlaLe and effecLlve for LreaLmenL. 1here ls no subsLlLuLe for proper
chlropracLlc ad[usLmenLs for ln[ured lndlvlduals or aLhleLes Lralnlng for peak performance wlLh
absoluLely no ln[urles. 1he polnL Lo be made ls, passlve LreaLmenL ls only as good as Lhe sLrengLh of Lhe
organlsm, ln[ured areas have a compromlsed meLabollsm aL Lhe mlLochondrlal level. Many paLlenLs only
wanL passlve care and are unwllllng parLlclpaLe ln progresslve acLlvlLy for full recovery or beLLer yeL be
proacLlve Lo prevenL Lhe predlsposlLlon ln Lhe flrsL place. l have LaughL Lhousands of pracLlLloners, from
a varleLy of healLh speclalLles, over Lhe years and Lhe reallLy ls many cllnlclans have "zero" experlence or
knowledge of movemenL leL alone Lhe knowledge of safe, effecLlve exerclses and sLreLches and oLher
modallLles Lo help correcL Lhe many problems seen by cllnlclans.

l compllmenL pracLlLloners for Lhe greaL work Lhey currenLly perform, however a greaL advancemenL for
Lhe fuLure of any medlcal care ls for cllnlclans Lo be aware of Lhe beneflLs provlded by Lhe sLrengLh and
condlLlonlng lndusLry and Lo lnLegraLe programs lnLo Lhelr currenL servlces. 1here ls a llmlL Lo Lhe
success from passlve care. WlLhouL Lhe knowledge of whaL can be achleved when lnLegraLlng Lhese
varlous modallLles of LreaLmenL, Lhe nexL sLep (acLlvaLlon of proper movemenL) ln Lhe progresslon of
LreaLmenL wlll noL be achleved.
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SLrengLh and condlLlonlng coaches and personal Lralnlng have llLLle Lo no experlence ln managlng cllenLs
wlLh a medlcal dlagnosls, however, many are experLs ln movemenL and acLlvaLlon and Leach proper
exerclse Lechnlque. lor cllnlclans Lo have knowledge of sLrengLh, flexlblllLy Lralnlng, keLLlebells,
bodywelghL exerclses, Clymplc llfLlng eLc. would be lnvaluable ln evaluaLlng Lhe ln[ured paLlenL.

1lme and Llme agaln for every mllllmeLer of flexlblllLy lmprovemenL (Lo promoLe symmeLry) and every
small lncremenL of sLrengLh LhaL ls galned, Lhere ls a llnear progresslon of lmprovemenL even ln Lhe
many lndlvlduals wlLh chronlc condlLlons. 1hese poslLlve resulLs are greaLly ampllfled when comblnlng
speclflc ad[usLmenLs, low level laser Lherapy, sofL Llssue work or a wlde varleLy of LherapeuLlc opLlons.
When you have had Lhe opporLunlLy Lo work exLenslvely on boLh average paLlenLs as well as ellLe
aLhleLes, lL ls amazlng how physlcally lncapable people become, belng unable Lo even walk up sLalrs or
geL up off Lhe floor unasslsLed. When enLlre professlons are lncapable of ldenLlfylng lmproper
funcLlonal movemenL and Lhese lmbalances and asymmeLrles are noL addressed for a long perlod of
Llme, Lhey lnevlLably wlll manlfesL lnLo chronlc degeneraLlve paLhologles, even wlLh common proper
passlve LreaLmenLs belng performed.

1here are many beneflclal sLrengLh exerclses and rehablllLaLlon varlables, leL us focus on Lhe pelvls and
Lhe lmporLance LhaL cenLer mass and how lL applles wheLher you are plcklng up a sack of grocerles or
you are an all pro offenslve llneman, your cenLer sLrengLh and funcLlon maLLers, and lL effecLs Lhe enLlre
organlsm. An example of comblnlng lnformaLlon beLween my personal and professlonal sLrengLh and
condlLlonlng career and cllnlcal career ls Lhe use of Lhe 8everse PyperexLenslon Lo produce slgnlflcanL
physlcal lmprovemenL ln Lhose wlLh deblllLaLlng condlLlons as well as use for ellLe aLhleLlc performance.
l was flrsL made aware of Lhe 8everse PyperexLenslon ln Lhe early 1990's. l was already compeLlng aL
Lhe naLlonal level, saw an arLlcle wrlLLen by Loule Slmmons ln owerllfLlng uSA, Lhe lnformaLlon made
sense, our gym goL one and l have used lL ever slnce. Already belng a naLlonally ranked sLrengLh aLhleLe,
Lhe flrsL workouL wlLh Lhe 8everse PyperexLenslon proved LhaL all Lhe good l was already dolng dld noL
achleve Lhe resulLs Lhe 8everse Pyper dld. Slnce LhaL Llme lL has become a sLandard parL of all my
Lralnlng and LreaLmenL programs. lL ls an lncredlbly safe exerclse ln Lhe hands of a quallfled pracLlLloner
or sLrengLh and condlLlonlng lnsLrucLor. l have had severe paln paLlenLs wlLh lumbar fuslons and
hernlaLlon's perform Lhe exerclse achlevlng long Lerm cllnlcal success. Whlle fllmlng Lhe lumbo -pelvlc
area wlLh ulglLal MoLlon x-8ay uslng Lhe reverse hyperexLenslon, paLlenLs and cllnlclans can see whaL ls
happenlng aL Lhe splnal level, ln real Llme, wlLh Lhese slgnlflcanL ln[urles and chronlc posL-surglcal paln
paLlenLs. 1hese examples can be seen on my ?ou1ube page on my webslLe
www.performancechlrowellness.com. l have used Lhls exerclse wlLh many people wlLh slmllar hlsLorles and
have numerous LesLlmonlals how lL llLerally changed Lhelr llfe. 1he 8everse PyperexLenslon ls
someLhlng lndlvlduals can conLlnue Lo do for Lhemselves, wlLhouL Lhe need Lo rely on anoLher person,
self-empowermenL ls lmporLanL for any long Lerm success. As beneflclal as Lhls has proven Lo be, lL
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amazes me how many personal Lralners, sLrengLh coaches and self-proclalmed serlous llfLers /
bodybullders have never even heard of Lhe 8everse PyperexLenslon and wlll Lry Lo defend whaL Lhey do
as worklng beLLer. 1he explanaLlon and x-ray graphlcs of Lhe exerclse speak for Lhemselves, buL Lhe
unlqueness of Lhe exerclses can only be experlenced by uslng Lhe 8everse PyperexLenslon machlne lLself
(noL re-creaLlng Lhe movemenL on an exerclse ball or counLer-Lop and deflnlLely noL a hyperexLenslon
exerclse). 8y placlng approprlaLe reslsLance for Lhe lndlvldual on Lhe 8everse PyperexLenslon and
performlng Lhe moLlon wlLhln Lhe paLlenLs' lnlLlal capablllLles, Lhe cllnlcal and performance poLenLlal
becomes apparenL.

1he lnformaLlon below may beneflL you ln furLher undersLandlng Lhe ln[ury process and some addlLlonal
modes of LreaLmenL.

SLaLlc uecompresslon machlnes have been used for decades and have shown beneflLs Lo Lhose sufferlng
for back paln and who already have splnal degeneraLlon.

AcLlve uecompresslon 1he reverse hyperexLenslon exerclse Lakes Lhe beneflLs of sLaLlc decompresslon
and lncludes Lhe beneflLs of acLlvaLlng Lhe nervous sysLem, lmprove clrculaLlon and many Llssue
regeneraLlon facLors.

Many people have been Lhrough compleLe rehab sesslons and even have had surgery and conLlnue Lo
have back paln. CLhers have Lhelr quallLy of llfe llmlLed because Lhey know Lhelr llmlLs" or were Lold
lLs old age and you wlll have Lo learn Lo llve wlLh lL" and are desLlned for conslsLenL degeneraLlon and
welghL galn because Lhey are unable Lo be acLlve for fear of hurLlng Lhemselves. ln Lhe ma[orlLy of Lhese
paln paLlenLs, a proper undersLandlng of Lhe LoLal problem was noL ldenLlfled, leL alone explalned, and
no soluLlon ls provlded.

Lveryone has Lhelr weakened areas due Lo accumulaLed Lrauma from falls, car accldenLs, repeLlLlve
sLress, sporLs ln[urles, muscle asymmeLry, lnflexlblllLy, and dysfuncLlonal movemenL paLLerns. A cllnlclan
can conslder furLher meLabollc facLors such as lmproper LlA raLlos, mlLochondrlal damage, chemlcal
LoxlclLles LhaL Lear down Lhe physlcal sLrucLure and more. ln every ln[ury, every Llme, lL ls lmporLanL Lo
remember LhaL lL ls Lhe muscles sLablllze [olnLs and are lnvolved locally and globally by a neuro-musculo-
skeleLal-fasclal sysLem. lf Lhe muscles are noL worklng properly, Lhe [olnL ls predlsposed Lo an ln[ury. lf
Lhere ls an exlsLlng ln[ury, lL promoLes an lnflammaLory paln response LhroughouL Lhe nervous sysLem
(due Lo down regulaLlon of muscle splndle flbers and lack of lnhlblLlon of 1ype C paln flbers). Muscles
affecL sLrucLure and sLrucLure affecLs muscles, prolonged sLress on elLher of Lhese sysLems faLlgues
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(ln[ures) Lhe nervous sysLem: speclflcally aL Lhe mlLochondrlal unA level (MlLochondrlal unA ln Aglng
and ulsease SclenLlflc Amerlcan, Aug 1997 page 40). When Lhe nervous sysLem can no longer
compensaLe, physlcal breakdown of Lhe body occurs. 1hls breakdown ls revealed by acuLe and chronlc
paln wlLh degeneraLlon Lo llgamenLs, carLllage, [olnLs, Lrlggers polnLs and pulled muscles. All of Lhese
conLrlbuLlng facLors apply Lo sclence of Mechanoblology".

Mechanoblology and ulseases of MechanoLransducLlon
Annals of Medlclne 2CC3,33(8),pp.364-77
uonald L lngber, Mu, hu from Lhe vascular 8lology rogram, ueparLmenLs of Surgery and aLhology,
Chlldren's PosplLal and Parvard Medlcal School

1he maln goal of Lhe arLlcle ls Lo help lnLegraLe mechanlcs lnLo our undersLandlng of Lhe molecular basls
of physlcal and vlsceral dlsease. 1hls arLlcle flrsL revlews Lhe key roles LhaL physlcal forces, exLracellular
maLrlx and cell sLrucLure play ln Lhe conLrol of normal developmenL as well as ln Lhe malnLenance of
Llssue form and funcLlon. 1he arLlcle explalns lnslghLs lnLo cellular mechanoLransducLlon, Lhe molecular
mechanlsm by whlch cells sense and respond Lo mechanlcal sLress [for many of us ls Lhe appllcaLlon of
proper exerclse]. 8e-evaluaLlon of human paLhophyslology ln Lhls conLexL reveals LhaL a wlde range of
dlseases lncluded wlLhln vlrLually all flelds of medlclne and surgery share a common feaLure: Lhelr
eLlology or cllnlcal presenLaLlon resulLs from abnormal mechanoLransducLlon. "1hese new lnslghLs lnLo
mechanoblology suggesL LhaL many osLenslbly unrelaLed dlsease share a common dependence of
abnormal mechanoLransducLlon.

1here are many more lmporLanL concepLs LhaL are descrlbed LhroughouL Lhe enLlre arLlcle whlch apply,
noL only Lo physlcal and vlsceral paLhology, buL descrlbe Laklng a proacLlve approach ln developlng
healLhy aLhleLes.

We can begln Lo safely and effecLlvely correcL Lhe muscular lmbalances, whlch wlll correcL Lhe global
sLrucLural problems and Lherefore allow Lhe nervous sysLem Lo heal Lhe paln response vla reLralnlng
lower and upper moLor neurons (neuroplasLlc changes). 1he 8everse PyperLxLenslon ls an lnvaluable
asseL Loward bulldlng sLrengLh ln Lhe posLerlor klnemaLlc chaln, correcLlng muscular lmbalances,
remodellng fascla, lncreaslng clrculaLlon and lncreaslng lnLersegmenLal moLlon.

1he muscular paLLern LhaL commonly needs Lo be correcLed, sLarLlng from Lhe pelvls:

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ShorL Muscles (need Lo sLreLch) LengLhened Muscles (need Lo conLracL)

lllopsoas CluLeus Maxlmus
Cuadrlceps PamsLrlngs/CluLeus Maxlmus
1ensor lascla LaLae CluLeus Medlus
AdducLor group CluLeus Medlus
LrecLor Splnae 1ransverse abdomlnalls, lnLernal obllque
CasLrocnemlus, soleus AnLerlor 1lblalls

1he muscle lmbalances and posLural dlsLorLlon exLends Lo Lhe upper body,

ShorL Muscles (sLreLch) LengLhened Muscles (conLracL)
ecLoralls Ma[or 8hombold Croup

ecLoralls Mlnor, LevaLor Scapulae Lower 1rapezlus
1eres Ma[or, upper 1rapezlus SerraLus AnLerlor

AnLerlor uelLold osLerlor uelLold

Subscapularls, 1eres Ma[or 1eres Mlnor, osLerlor uelLold
LaLlsslmus uorsl lnfrasplnaLus

SLernocleldomasLold, Scalenes Longus Coll, Longus CaplLus
8ecLus CaplLus

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lL ls Lhe LoLal paLLern of all muscles worklng synerglsLlcally LhaL deLermlne splne sLablllLy, poslLlon,
neurologlcal paLLernlng and ulLlmaLely funcLlonal movemenL and performance capablllLles. AnoLher
polnL LhaL needs Lo be made ls LhaL lnLermuscular coordlnaLlon beLween muscles groups ls a musL. 1he
column on Lhe lefL dlrecLly affecLs Lhe column on Lhe rlghL and vlce versa (agonlsL / anLagonlsL
relaLlonshlp). When Lhe rlghL lllopsoas (hlp flexor) ls conLracLlng, llfLlng Lhe rlghL leg up, Lhe rlghL gluLeus
maxlmus (buLLock) ls supposed Lo be relaxed or lnhlblLed. When Lhe rlghL gluLeus maxlmus ls
conLracLlng, exLendlng Lhe rlghL leg backward, Lhe rlghL lllopsoas ls supposed Lo be relaxed or lnhlblLed.
1hls paLLernlng ls necessary LhroughouL all Lhe above muscle relaLlonshlps. 1hose who have chronlc
and/or recurrlng paln commonly have anaLomlcal lmbalances as well as Lhe muscle fasclllLory and
reflexlve paLhways flrlng lmproperly whlch leads Lo muscles consLanLly Lurned off, oLhers consLanLly
spasm and Lhen malnLaln lnsLablllLy and ln[ury. 1he agonlsL / anLagonlsL paLLern above ls furLher
exLended Lo Lhe rlghL upper quadranL and Lhe lefL lower quadranL, neurologlcal lnhlblLlon. 1he body's
moLor learnlng paLLern musL be Lralned and sLrengLhened! A chlropracLor LhaL ls Lralned ln reseLLlng
neurologlcal paLLernlng can provlde an accuraLe evaluaLlon and correcLlon wlLh proper ad[usLmenLs, sofL
Llssue work, low level laser Lherapy and ulLlmaLely a sLrengLh and condlLlonlng program reLralnlng and
sLrengLhenlng Lhe opLlmum paLLern.

roper moLlon ls necessary Lo recover from chronlc ln[urles. Many prescrlbed exerclses place Loo much
compresslon on Lhe ln[ured area or Lry Lo lsolaLe an area of lnvolvemenL lnsLead of sLrengLhenlng an
enLlre area LhaL works LogeLher naLurally.

1he 8everse PyperexLenslon has numerous advanLages for Lhose sufferlng from back paln.

1. 1here ls no compresslon Lo Lhe ln[ured splne and dlscs. 1he moLlon of Lhe reverse
hyperexLenslon acLually de-compresses" Lhe splne and opens up Lhe [olnL space on Lhe
forward swlng phase.
2. 1he exerclse ls performed as an acLlve") Lherapy so Lhere ls an acLlon poLenLlal LhroughouL
Lhe nervous sysLem and acLlvaLlon of muscle splndle flbers on Lhe swlng phase and Lhe
conLracLlon phase. 1hls acLlon ls reLralnlng Lhe nervous sysLem Lo close" Lhe paln gaLe.
3. 1he reverse hyperexLenslon lncreases clrculaLlon Lo Lhe ln[ured area by pumplng cerebral
splnal fluld, lymphaLlc fluld and blood Lo Lhe area. ClrculaLlon ls necessary Lo brlng ln
repalrlng nuLrlenLs and ellmlnaLe wasLe producLs. 1hls process ls necessary for Lhe muscles,
Lendons, llgamenLs, carLllage and Lhe nervous sysLem Lo heal.
4. lmblblLlon - 1he lnLer-verLebral ulsc ls an lmporLanL componenL of Lhe splnal column.
1ogeLher Lhe dlscs compose one Lhlrd of Lhe helghL of Lhe column. 1he dlsc lLself ls made of
collagen, and carLllage. An lmporLanL aspecL of Lhe dlsc ls LhaL lL has a very poor blood
supply. 1he only process by whlch lL can recelve nuLrlenLs ls vla lmblblLlon. lmblblLlon refers
Lo Lhe exchange of fluld vla movemenL. 1he reverse hyperexLenslon acLlve decompresslon"
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exerclse provldes lmblblLlon more Lhan anyLhlng else l can provlde my paLlenLs and cllenLs

lf you are sufferlng from back paln, your body has been ln a degeneraLlve and ln[ured sLaLe for some
Llme. 1he reverse hyperexLenslon wlll help reLraln and regeneraLe your body, no maLLer whaL your
condlLlon level ls when you begln. ConslsLenL use of Lhe reverse hyperexLenslon wlll allow progress Lo be
made and wlll resulL ln a decrease ln sympLoms lf you follow Lhese helpful guldellnes.

1. SLarL ouL cauLlously! 1he reverse hyperexLenslon ls a very safe and effecLlve exerclse,
however, your weak and ln[ured low back ls noL used Lo havlng Lhe [olnLs, muscles,
llgamenLs and bones move Lhrough normal range of moLlon or work LogeLher properly.
lnlLlally you are reLralnlng Lhe body and helplng lL relearn Lhls process. 1hls Lakes repeLlLlon,
conslsLency and conservaLlve progress. 8eglnnlng aL a conservaLlve level ensures long-Lerm
success and recovery.
2. lnlLlally, Lhe full range of moLlon may noL be posslble wlLh Lhe reverse hyperexLenslon ln Lhe
forward swlng phase. ln addlLlon, you may noL be able Lo exLend your legs up Lo Lhe full
exLenslon (muscle conLracLlon) phase. lL ls recommended Lo sLarL wlLh a shorL range of
moLlon and genLly lncrease as you warm up.
3. ln Lhe beglnnlng, paLlenLs and cllenLs may feel muscle faLlgue and some mlld dlscomforL.
1hls ls normal and should noL be mlsLaken for ln[ury Lo Lhe weakened area. As people age or
for Lhose wlLh chronlc back condlLlons, bone sLrengLh and muscle elasLlclLy and Lone Lend Lo
decrease. 1he dlscs begln Lo lose fluld and flexlblllLy, whlch decreases Lhelr ablllLy Lo
properly dlsLrlbuLe welghL-bearlng forces. AddlLlonally, scar Llssue does noL have Lhe
sLrengLh or flexlblllLy of normal Llssue. A small efforL performed more ofLen ls safer and
more effecLlve Lhan Loo much efforL ln Lhe beglnnlng!
4. 8evaluaLe yourself aL Lhe end of every week, for Lhe flrsL four weeks. ?ou may be surprlsed
aL your progress and Lhe general lmprovemenL ln your sympLoms, seelng lncreases ln your
range of moLlon, Lhe number of repeLlLlons and seLs performed, Lhe amounL of welghL
reslsLance belng used durlng Lhe exerclse.
A rehablllLaLlon program uslng Lhe reverse hyperexLenslon ls based on your currenL condlLlon,
conslsLency of use and conLlnued lncreases ln repeLlLlons, seLs of performlng Lhe exerclse, and by addlng
lncreased reslsLance Lo conLlnually bulld your core sLrengLh and achleve a more healLhy, paln free llfe.
lor Lhose who are dolng a compleLe sLrengLh and condlLlonlng program you don'L flx Lhe roof when lL ls
ralnlng. lmplemenLlng Lhe reverse hyperexLenslon lnLo your program ls one of Lhe mosL beneflclal,
unlque exerclses you can ever do.

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8everse Pyper` currenL acLlve paLenLs 6491607(b2 - (2002) 7433207-(2007) 7473212-(2009)

lf you do have a dlagnosed condlLlon lL ls always beneflclal Lo have a pracLlLloner Lhan can coordlnaLe a
compleLe program and provlde servlces LhaL you cannoL do for yourself. ChlropracLlc ad[usLmenLs are
proven Lo be one of Lhe mosL beneflclal LreaLmenLs even when used only by Lhemselves for people wlLh
chronlc paln. ChlropracLlc ls a form of LreaLmenL LhaL seeks Lo reLurn proper funcLlon Lo Lhe nervous
sysLem: noL [usL for puLLlng bones back lnLo place. 1here are numerous sLudles LhaL prove chlropracLlc ls
one of Lhe mosL effecLlve and Lhe safesL LreaLmenL for Lhe ellmlnaLlon of paln. 1hls ls due Lo Lhe facL LhaL
Lhe splnal column has sensory recepLors aL Lhe [olnLs of Lhe verLebrae (splnal bones) LhaL LransmlL paln
slgnals Lo Lhe braln. lf Lhe bones are mlsallgned or noL movlng properly Lhls creaLes lmproper
neurologlcal communlcaLlon (subluxaLlons) locally and globally LhroughouL Lhe body. aln ls a normal
response Lo ln[ury and lnsLablllLy of [olnLs. 1he below research paper valldaLes Lhe effecLlveness of Lhe
chlropracLlc ad[usLmenL, acupuncLure compared Lo commonly prescrlbed drugs lndlvldually. nC1L:
Splne ls Lhe #1 orLhopedlc [ournal ln Lhe world.

Chronlc Splnal aln: A 8andomlzed Cllnlcal 1rlal Comparlng MedlcaLlon, AcupuncLure, and Splnal
Splne, !uly 13, 20C3,28( L4): 149C-130

/%*%:"%; #" <'#;;
?ears Cf Chronlc Splnal
4.3 or 6.4 4.3 or 6.4 8.3
AsympLomaLlc WlLhln
9 Weeks
3 9.4 27.3
1haL Suffered An
Adverse Slde LffecL
6.1 0 0
lmprovemenL ln
Ceneral PealLh SLaLus
18 13 47

kL? Cln1S Cl S1uu?

ln Lhls sLudy, Lhe medlcaLlon group had more paLlenLs' experlenced adverse slde effecL (6.1) Lhan
recovered from Lhelr splnal complalnLs (3).
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8everse Pyper` currenL acLlve paLenLs 6491607(b2 - (2002) 7433207-(2007) 7473212-(2009)

Lven Lhough Lhe chlropracLlc LreaLmenL group was Lhe mosL chronlc (8.3 years), 27.3 recovered wlLh
18 splnal ad[usLmenLs over a perlod of 9 weeks, or less. 1hls means LhaL beLLer Lhan every fourLh paLlenL
became asympLomaLlc wlLh 9 weeks or less wlLh chlropracLlc ad[usLmenLs, even Lhough Lhey had been
chronlc for more Lhan 8 years.

ChlropracLlc ad[usLmenLs noL only had Lhe largesL lmprovemenL ln paln buL also had Lhe largesL
lmprovemenL ln removlng any sympLomaLology (lndlgesLlon, headaches eLc) of all sLandardlzed
measuremenLs of healLh sLaLus.

8ecause Lhe paLlenLs had chronlc splnal paln syndromes, lL ls unllkely LhaL lmprovemenL resulLed from
"self-llmlLlng" splnal paln, as could be Lhe case wlLh acuLe splnal paln.

ChlropracLors are Lhe only healLh care speclallsLs LhaL are Lralned ln admlnlsLerlng speclflc ad[usLmenLs
(noL gross manlpulaLlons) Lo resLore proper blomechanlcs and communlcaLlon Lo help reduce and
ellmlnaLe paln relaLed Lo mechanoblology sLresses.

AnoLher unlque modallLy worLh menLlonlng ls Low Level Laser 1herapy (3L1), commonly known as LLL1.
MosL people are famlllar wlLh hoL lasers LhaL used for surglcal preclslon, low level lasers (cold lasers) are
used for heallng preclslon. Low Level Laser 1herapy (3L1) ls a form of phoLoLherapy whlch lnvolves Lhe
appllcaLlon of low power coherenL llghL (below 23 mw quallfles as Lrue LLL1) Lo ln[urles and leslons Lo
sLlmulaLe heallng. Low Level Laser 1herapy (3L1) ls noL Lo be confused wlLh Led LmlLLlng ulodes (LLu's)
or lnfra-8ed LlghL 1herapy uevlces. Lrchonla Laser ls Lhe mosL researched and valldaLed Low Level
Laser ln Lhe world, havlng numerous luA clearances and ls publlshed ln many peer revlewed medlcal

1he effecLs of Low Level Laser 1herapy (3L1) are phoLochemlcal / phoLoblologlcal (cold), noL Lhermal.
uurlng LreaLmenL of Lhe Llssue wlLh Lhe laser beam, an lnLeracLlon beLween cells and phoLons Lakes
place---a phoLochemlcal reacLlon. A very shorL explanaLlon as Lo how Lhls beneflLs aLhleLes and paLlenLs
ls a phoLon provldes an elecLron LhaL passes Lhrough Lhe elecLron LransporL chaln of Lhe mlLochondrla
and lncreases Lhe producLlon of A1 (adenoslne Lrl-phosphaLe). A furLher explanaLlon lnvolves how Lhe
process effecLs Lhe valence elecLron and uLlllzes lnLegrlns LhaL ulLlmaLely can have numerous
physlologlcal beneflLs LhroughouL Lhe body for recovery of aLhleLes as well as a varleLy of needs of
paLlenL care. Slnce every cell ln Lhe body has mlLochondrla and Lhe blologlcal effecLs are well
documenLed for a varleLy of uses ([usL Lype ln low level leaser Lherapy lnLo www.pubmed.gov). Low
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8everse Pyper` currenL acLlve paLenLs 6491607(b2 - (2002) 7433207-(2007) 7473212-(2009)

Level Laser 1herapy (3L1) works when used alone buL lf comblned wlLh exerclse such as Lhe 8everse
PyperexLenslon, chlropracLlc and more Lhe resulLs are even more apparenL.

ur. !erome 8erucha ls an experL ln Lhe fleld of Cold
Laser 1herapy. Pe lecLures LhroughouL Lhe uS and
lnLernaLlonally on Lhe use of Lrchonla Lasers,
Ad[usLors and ercussors. Pls laser and lnLegraLlve
proLocols have helped docLors enhance Lhelr
LreaLmenL skllls, whlle lmprovlng Lhe healLh and
recovery of paLlenLs and ellLe aLhleLes. ln hls role
as Lrchonla MulLldlsclpllne Cllnlcal SupporL, ur.
!erome has provlded proLocols and Lralnlng for
1000's of Lrchonla CllenL PealLhcare racLlLloners
LhaL lnclude: ChlropracLors, 8olfers,
AcupuncLurlsLs, hyslcal 1heraplsLs, CccupaLlonal
1heraplsLs, veLerlnarlans, naLuropaLhs and
Medlcal provlders.

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