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3GPP TS 36.331 V11.7.

0 (2014-03)
Technical Specification
3rd Generation Partnership Project;
Technical Specification Group Radio Access Network;
Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access E!UTRA";
Radio Resource #ontrol RR#";
Protocol specification
Release $$"
The present document has been developed within the 3
Generation Partnership Project (3GPP
) and may be further elaborated for the purposes of 3GPP.
The present document has not been subject to any approval process by the 3GPP

Orani!ational Partners and shall not be implemented.
This "pecification is provided for future development wor# within 3GPP

only. The Orani!ational Partners accept no liability for any use of this
"pecifications and reports for implementation of the 3GPP
system should be obtained via the 3GPP Orani!ational Partners$ Publications Offices.
UMTS, radio
Postal address
3GPP support office address
650 Route des u!io"es - So#$ia %&ti#o"is
Va"'o&&e - (R%)*+
Te"., -33 4 .2 .4 42 00 (a/, -33 4 .3 65 47 16
Copyright Notification
'o part may be reproduced e(cept as authori!ed by written permission.
The copyriht and the foreoin restriction e(tend to reproduction in all media.
) *+,-. 3GPP Orani!ational Partners (/0&1. /T&". 22"/. 3T"&. TT/. TT2).
/ll rihts reserved.
4MT"5 is a Trade Mar# of 3T"& reistered for the benefit of its members
3GPP5 is a Trade Mar# of 3T"& reistered for the benefit of its Members and of the 3GPP Orani!ational Partners
6T35 is a Trade Mar# of 3T"& currently bein reistered for the benefit of its Members and of the 3GPP
Orani!ational Partners
G"M7 and the G"M loo are reistered and owned by the G"M /ssociation
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" * Release $$
, "cope....................................................................................................................................................
* 0eferences............................................................................................................................................
3 9efinitions. symbols and abbreviations................................................................................................
3., 9efinitions.........................................................................................................................................................
3.* /bbreviations.....................................................................................................................................................
- General.................................................................................................................................................
-., &ntroduction.......................................................................................................................................................
-.* /rchitecture.......................................................................................................................................................
-.*., 43 states and state transitions includin inter 0/T.....................................................................................
-.*.* "inallin radio bearers...............................................................................................................................
-.3 "ervices..............................................................................................................................................................
-.3., "ervices provided to upper layers................................................................................................................
-.3.* "ervices e(pected from lower layers...........................................................................................................
-.- 8unctions...........................................................................................................................................................
: Procedures............................................................................................................................................
:., General...............................................................................................................................................................
:.,., &ntroduction..................................................................................................................................................
:.,.* General re;uirements...................................................................................................................................
:.* "ystem information............................................................................................................................................
:.*., &ntroduction..................................................................................................................................................
:.*.,., General...................................................................................................................................................
:.*.,.* "chedulin..............................................................................................................................................
:.*.,.3 "ystem information validity and notification of chanes.......................................................................
:.*.,.- &ndication of 3T<" notification............................................................................................................
:.*.,.: &ndication of 2M/" notification............................................................................................................
:.*.,.= 'otification of 3/1 parameters chane................................................................................................
:.*.* "ystem information ac;uisition...................................................................................................................
:.*.*., General...................................................................................................................................................
:.*.*.* &nitiation.................................................................................................................................................
:.*.*.3 "ystem information re;uired by the 43.................................................................................................
:.*.*.- "ystem information ac;uisition by the 43............................................................................................
:.*.*.: 3ssential system information missin....................................................................................................
:.*.*.= /ctions upon reception of the MasterInformationBlock messae.........................................................
:.*.*.> /ctions upon reception of the SystemInformationBlockType1 messae................................................
:.*.*.? /ctions upon reception of SystemInformation messaes.......................................................................
:.*.*.@ /ctions upon reception of SystemInformationBlockType2....................................................................
:.*.*.,+ /ctions upon reception of SystemInformationBlockType3....................................................................
:.*.*.,, /ctions upon reception of SystemInformationBlockType4....................................................................
:.*.*.,* /ctions upon reception of SystemInformationBlockType5....................................................................
:.*.*.,3 /ctions upon reception of SystemInformationBlockType6....................................................................
:.*.*.,- /ctions upon reception of SystemInformationBlockType7....................................................................
:.*.*.,: /ctions upon reception of SystemInformationBlockType8....................................................................
:.*.*.,= /ctions upon reception of SystemInformationBlockType9....................................................................
:.*.*.,> /ctions upon reception of SystemInformationBlockType10..................................................................
:.*.*.,? /ctions upon reception of SystemInformationBlockType11...................................................................
:.*.*.,@ /ctions upon reception of SystemInformationBlockType12..................................................................
:.*.*.*+ /ctions upon reception of SystemInformationBlockType13..................................................................
:.*.*.*, /ctions upon reception of SystemInformationBlockType14..................................................................
:.*.*.** /ctions upon reception of SystemInformationBlockType15..................................................................
:.*.*.*3 /ctions upon reception of SystemInformationBlockType16..................................................................
:.*.3 /c;uisition of an "& messae.......................................................................................................................
:.3 2onnection control............................................................................................................................................
:.3., &ntroduction..................................................................................................................................................
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" 3 Release $$
:.3.,., 002 connection control.........................................................................................................................
:.3.,.* "ecurity...................................................................................................................................................
:.3.,.*a 0' security.............................................................................................................................................
:.3.,.3 2onnected mode mobility......................................................................................................................
:.3.* Pain..........................................................................................................................................................
:.3.*., General...................................................................................................................................................
:.3.*.* &nitiation.................................................................................................................................................
:.3.*.3 0eception of the Pain messae by the 43.........................................................................................
:.3.3 002 connection establishment....................................................................................................................
:.3.3., General...................................................................................................................................................
:.3.3.* &nitiation.................................................................................................................................................
:.3.3.3 /ctions related to transmission of !!""onnection!e#$est messae....................................................
:.3.3.- 0eception of the !!""onnectionSet$p by the 43................................................................................
:.3.3.: 2ell reAselection while T3++. T3+*. T3+3. T3+: or T3+= is runnin....................................................
:.3.3.= T3++ e(piry............................................................................................................................................
:.3.3.> T3+*. T3+3. T3+: or T3+= e(piry or stop..............................................................................................
:.3.3.? 0eception of the !!""onnection!e%ect by the 43...............................................................................
:.3.3.@ /bortion of 002 connection establishment...........................................................................................
:.3.3.,+ Bandlin of ""/2 related parameters...................................................................................................
:.3.3.,, /ccess barrin chec#..............................................................................................................................
:.3.3.,* 3/1 chec#..............................................................................................................................................
:.3.- &nitial security activation..............................................................................................................................
:.3.-., General...................................................................................................................................................
:.3.-.* &nitiation.................................................................................................................................................
:.3.-.3 0eception of the Sec$rityMo&e"omman& by the 43.............................................................................
:.3.: 002 connection reconfiuration.................................................................................................................
:.3.:., General...................................................................................................................................................
:.3.:.* &nitiation.................................................................................................................................................
:.3.:.3 0eception of an !!""onnection!econfi$ration not includin the mo'ility"ontrolInfo by the
:.3.:.- 0eception of an !!""onnection!econfi$ration includin the mo'ility"ontrolInfo by the 43
:.3.:.: 0econfiuration failure..........................................................................................................................
:.3.:.= T3+- e(piry (handover failure)..............................................................................................................
:.3.:.> Coid........................................................................................................................................................
:.3.:.? 0adio 2onfiuration involvin full confiuration option......................................................................
:.3.= 2ounter chec#..............................................................................................................................................
:.3.=., General...................................................................................................................................................
:.3.=.* &nitiation.................................................................................................................................................
:.3.=.3 0eception of the "o$nter")eck messae by the 43..............................................................................
:.3.> 002 connection reAestablishment................................................................................................................
:.3.>., General...................................................................................................................................................
:.3.>.* &nitiation.................................................................................................................................................
:.3.>.3 /ctions followin cell selection while T3,, is runnin.........................................................................
:.3.>.- /ctions related to transmission of !!""onnection!eesta'lis)ment!e#$est messae.........................
:.3.>.: 0eception of the !!""onnection!eesta'lis)ment by the 43...............................................................
:.3.>.= T3,, e(piry............................................................................................................................................
:.3.>.> T3+, e(piry or selected cell no loner suitable......................................................................................
:.3.>.? 0eception of !!""onnection!eesta'lis)ment!e%ect by the 43...........................................................
:.3.? 002 connection release...............................................................................................................................
:.3.?., General...................................................................................................................................................
:.3.?.* &nitiation.................................................................................................................................................
:.3.?.3 0eception of the !!""onnection!elease by the 43.............................................................................
:.3.?.- T3*+ e(piry............................................................................................................................................
:.3.@ 002 connection release re;uested by upper layers.....................................................................................
:.3.@., General...................................................................................................................................................
:.3.@.* &nitiation.................................................................................................................................................
:.3.,+ 0adio resource confiuration.......................................................................................................................
:.3.,+.+ General...................................................................................................................................................
:.3.,+., "01 additionD modification....................................................................................................................
:.3.,+.* 901 release............................................................................................................................................
:.3.,+.3 901 additionD modification...................................................................................................................
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" + Release $$
:.3.,+.3a "2ell release...........................................................................................................................................
:.3.,+.3b "2ell additionD modification..................................................................................................................
:.3.,+.- M/2 main reconfiuration....................................................................................................................
:.3.,+.: "emiApersistent schedulin reconfiuration...........................................................................................
:.3.,+.= Physical channel reconfiuration...........................................................................................................
:.3.,+.> 0adio 6in# 8ailure Timers and 2onstants reconfiuration....................................................................
:.3.,+.? Time domain measurement resource restriction for servin cell...........................................................
:.3.,+.@ Other confiuration................................................................................................................................
:.3.,, 0adio lin# failure related actions.................................................................................................................
:.3.,,., 9etection of physical layer problems in 002E2O''32T39.............................................................
:.3.,,.* 0ecovery of physical layer problems.....................................................................................................
:.3.,,.3 9etection of radio lin# failure................................................................................................................
:.3.,* 43 actions upon leavin 002E2O''32T39...........................................................................................
:.3.,3 43 actions upon P422BD "0" release re;uest...........................................................................................
:.3.,- Pro(imity indication.....................................................................................................................................
:.3.,-., General...................................................................................................................................................
:.3.,-.* &nitiation.................................................................................................................................................
:.3.,-.3 /ctions related to transmission of Pro*imityIn&ication messae..........................................................
:.3.,: Coid..............................................................................................................................................................
:.- &nterA0/T mobility............................................................................................................................................
:.-., &ntroduction..................................................................................................................................................
:.-.* Bandover to 3A4T0/..................................................................................................................................
:.-.*., General...................................................................................................................................................
:.-.*.* &nitiation.................................................................................................................................................
:.-.*.3 0eception of the !!""onnection!econfi$ration by the 43...............................................................
:.-.*.- 0econfiuration failure..........................................................................................................................
:.-.*.: T3+- e(piry (handover to 3A4T0/ failure)...........................................................................................
:.-.3 Mobility from 3A4T0/...............................................................................................................................
:.-.3., General...................................................................................................................................................
:.-.3.* &nitiation.................................................................................................................................................
:.-.3.3 0eception of the Mo'ility+rom,-T!."omman& by the 43................................................................
:.-.3.- "uccessful completion of the mobility from 3A4T0/...........................................................................
:.-.3.: Mobility from 3A4T0/ failure..............................................................................................................
:.-.- Bandover from 3A4T0/ preparation re;uest (29M/*+++)......................................................................
:.-.-., General...................................................................................................................................................
:.-.-.* &nitiation.................................................................................................................................................
:.-.-.3 0eception of the /an&o0er+rom,-T!.Preparation!e#$est by the 43..............................................
:.-.: 46 handover preparation transfer (29M/*+++)........................................................................................
:.-.:., General...................................................................................................................................................
:.-.:.* &nitiation.................................................................................................................................................
:.-.:.3 /ctions related to transmission of the -1/an&o0erPreparationTransfer messae..............................
:.-.:.- 8ailure to deliver the -1/an&o0erPreparationTransfer messae.........................................................
:.-.= &nterA0/T cell chane order to 3A4T0/'..................................................................................................
:.-.=., General...................................................................................................................................................
:.-.=.* &nitiation.................................................................................................................................................
:.-.=.3 43 fails to complete an interA0/T cell chane order.............................................................................
:.: Measurements....................................................................................................................................................
:.:., &ntroduction..................................................................................................................................................
:.:.* Measurement confiuration.........................................................................................................................
:.:.*., General...................................................................................................................................................
:.:.*.* Measurement identity removal...............................................................................................................
:.:.*.*a Measurement identity autonomous removal..........................................................................................
:.:.*.3 Measurement identity additionD modification........................................................................................
:.:.*.- Measurement object removal.................................................................................................................
:.:.*.: Measurement object additionD modification...........................................................................................
:.:.*.= 0eportin confiuration removal...........................................................................................................
:.:.*.> 0eportin confiuration additionD modification.....................................................................................
:.:.*.? Fuantity confiuration...........................................................................................................................
:.:.*.@ Measurement ap confiuration.............................................................................................................
:.:.3 Performin measurements............................................................................................................................
:.:.3., General...................................................................................................................................................
:.:.3.* 6ayer 3 filterin......................................................................................................................................
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" , Release $$
:.:.- Measurement report trierin.....................................................................................................................
:.:.-., General...................................................................................................................................................
:.:.-.* 3vent /, ("ervin becomes better than threshold)................................................................................
:.:.-.3 3vent /* ("ervin becomes worse than threshold)...............................................................................
:.:.-.- 3vent /3 ('eihbour becomes offset better than P2ell).......................................................................
:.:.-.: 3vent /- ('eihbour becomes better than threshold)...........................................................................
:.:.-.= 3vent /: (P2ell becomes worse than threshold, and neihbour becomes better than threshold*)
:.:.-.=a 3vent /= ('eihbour becomes offset better than "2ell).......................................................................
:.:.-.> 3vent 1, (&nter 0/T neihbour becomes better than threshold)...........................................................
:.:.-.? 3vent 1* (P2ell becomes worse than threshold, and inter 0/T neihbour becomes better than
:.:.: Measurement reportin................................................................................................................................
:.:.= Measurement related actions........................................................................................................................
:.:.=., /ctions upon handover and reAestablishment........................................................................................
:.:.=.* "peed dependant scalin of measurement related parameters...............................................................
:.:.> &nterAfre;uency 0"T9 measurement indication..........................................................................................
:.:.>., General...................................................................................................................................................
:.:.>.* &nitiation...............................................................................................................................................
:.:.>.3 /ctions related to transmission of Inter+re#!ST2Meas$rementIn&ication messae.........................
:.= Other................................................................................................................................................................
:.=., 96 information transfer.............................................................................................................................
:.=.,., General.................................................................................................................................................
:.=.,.* &nitiation...............................................................................................................................................
:.=.,.3 0eception of the 21InformationTransfer by the 43...........................................................................
:.=.* 46 information transfer.............................................................................................................................
:.=.*., General.................................................................................................................................................
:.=.*.* &nitiation...............................................................................................................................................
:.=.*.3 /ctions related to transmission of -1InformationTransfer messae...................................................
:.=.*.- 8ailure to deliver -1InformationTransfer messae.............................................................................
:.=.3 43 capability transfer................................................................................................................................
:.=.3., General.................................................................................................................................................
:.=.3.* &nitiation...............................................................................................................................................
:.=.3.3 0eception of the -,"apa'ility,n#$iry by the 43..............................................................................
:.=.- 2"81 to ,( Parameter transfer..................................................................................................................
:.=.-., General.................................................................................................................................................
:.=.-.* &nitiation...............................................................................................................................................
:.=.-.3 /ctions related to transmission of "S+BParameters!e#$est"2M.2000 messae............................
:.=.-.- 0eception of the "S+BParameters!esponse"2M.2000 messae.....................................................
:.=.: 43 &nformation..........................................................................................................................................
:.=.:., General.................................................................................................................................................
:.=.:.* &nitiation...............................................................................................................................................
:.=.:.3 0eception of the -,Information!e#$est messae...............................................................................
:.=.= 6oed Measurement 2onfiuration........................................................................................................
:.=.=., General.................................................................................................................................................
:.=.=.* &nitiation...............................................................................................................................................
:.=.=.3 0eception of the 1oe&Meas$rement"onfi$ration by the 43.........................................................
:.=.=.- T33+ e(piry..........................................................................................................................................
:.=.> 0elease of 6oed Measurement 2onfiuration......................................................................................
:.=.>., General.................................................................................................................................................
:.=.>.* &nitiation...............................................................................................................................................
:.=.? Measurements loin..............................................................................................................................
:.=.?., General.................................................................................................................................................
:.=.?.* &nitiation...............................................................................................................................................
:.=.@ &nAdevice coe(istence indication................................................................................................................
:.=.@., General.................................................................................................................................................
:.=.@.* &nitiation...............................................................................................................................................
:.=.@.3 /ctions related to transmission of In2e0ice"oe*In&ication messae.................................................
:.=.,+ 43 /ssistance &nformation........................................................................................................................
:.=.,+., General.................................................................................................................................................
:.=.,+.* &nitiation...............................................................................................................................................
:.=.,+.3 /ctions related to transmission of -,.ssistanceInformation messae...............................................
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" % Release $$
:.> Generic error handlin.....................................................................................................................................
:.>., General.......................................................................................................................................................
:.>.* /"'., violation or encodin error.............................................................................................................
:.>.3 8ield set to a not comprehended value.......................................................................................................
:.>.- Mandatory field missin.............................................................................................................................
:.>.: 'ot comprehended field.............................................................................................................................
:.? M1M".............................................................................................................................................................
:.?., &ntroduction................................................................................................................................................
:.?.,., General.................................................................................................................................................
:.?.,.* "chedulin............................................................................................................................................
:.?.,.3 M22B information validity and notification of chanes.....................................................................
:.?.* M22B information ac;uisition..................................................................................................................
:.?.*., General.................................................................................................................................................
:.?.*.* &nitiation...............................................................................................................................................
:.?.*.3 M22B information ac;uisition by the 43...........................................................................................
:.?.*.- /ctions upon reception of the MBS+3.rea"onfi$ration messae....................................................
:.?.*.: /ctions upon reception of the MBMS"o$ntin!e#$est messae........................................................
:.?.3 M1M" PTM radio bearer confiuration....................................................................................................
:.?.3., General.................................................................................................................................................
:.?.3.* &nitiation...............................................................................................................................................
:.?.3.3 M01 establishment..............................................................................................................................
:.?.3.- M01 release.........................................................................................................................................
:.?.- M1M" 2ountin Procedure.......................................................................................................................
:.?.-., General.................................................................................................................................................
:.?.-.* &nitiation...............................................................................................................................................
:.?.-.3 0eception of the MBMS"o$ntin!e#$est messae by the 43............................................................
:.?.: M1M" interest indication..........................................................................................................................
:.?.:., General.................................................................................................................................................
:.?.:.* &nitiation...............................................................................................................................................
:.?.:.3 9etermine M1M" fre;uencies of interest............................................................................................
:.?.:.- /ctions related to transmission of MBMSInterestIn&ication messae.................................................
:.@ 0' procedures.................................................................................................................................................
:.@., 0' reconfiuration.....................................................................................................................................
:.@.,., General.................................................................................................................................................
:.@.,.* &nitiation...............................................................................................................................................
:.@.,.3 0eception of the !3!econfi$ration by the 0'..................................................................................
= Protocol data units. formats and parameters (tabular G /"'.,).........................................................
=., General.............................................................................................................................................................
=.* 002 messaes.................................................................................................................................................
=.*., General messae structure.........................................................................................................................
H ,-T!.4!!"42efinitions.....................................................................................................................
H B""/4B"/4Messae...........................................................................................................................
H B""/4214S"/4Messae.....................................................................................................................
H M""/4Messae...................................................................................................................................
H P""/4Messae....................................................................................................................................
H 214"""/4Messae.............................................................................................................................
H 2142""/4Messae.............................................................................................................................
H -14"""/4Messae.............................................................................................................................
H -142""/4Messae.............................................................................................................................
=.*.* Messae definitions....................................................................................................................................
H "o$nter")eck.......................................................................................................................................
H "o$nter")eck!esponse........................................................................................................................
H "S+BParameters!e#$est"2M.2000..................................................................................................
H "S+BParameters!esponse"2M.2000...............................................................................................
H 21InformationTransfer........................................................................................................................
H /an&o0er+rom,-T!.Preparation!e#$est (29M/*+++).................................................................
H In2e0ice"oe*In&ication.......................................................................................................................
H Inter+re#!ST2Meas$rementIn&ication...............................................................................................
H 1oe&Meas$rement"onfi$ration......................................................................................................
H MasterInformationBlock......................................................................................................................
H MBMS"o$ntin!e#$est.......................................................................................................................
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" ( Release $$
H MBMS"o$ntin!esponse.....................................................................................................................
H MBMSInterestIn&ication......................................................................................................................
H MBS+3.rea"onfi$ration...................................................................................................................
H Meas$rement!eport.............................................................................................................................
H Mo'ility+rom,-T!."omman&...........................................................................................................
H Pain..................................................................................................................................................
H Pro*imityIn&ication..............................................................................................................................
H !3!econfi$ration...............................................................................................................................
H !3!econfi$ration"omplete...............................................................................................................
H !!""onnection!econfi$ration..........................................................................................................
H !!""onnection!econfi$ration"omplete...........................................................................................
H !!""onnection!eesta'lis)ment..........................................................................................................
H !!""onnection!eesta'lis)ment"omplete..........................................................................................
H !!""onnection!eesta'lis)ment!e%ect................................................................................................
H !!""onnection!eesta'lis)ment!e#$est.............................................................................................
H !!""onnection!e%ect..........................................................................................................................
H !!""onnection!elease.......................................................................................................................
H !!""onnection!e#$est.......................................................................................................................
H !!""onnectionSet$p...........................................................................................................................
H !!""onnectionSet$p"omplete............................................................................................................
H Sec$rityMo&e"omman&.......................................................................................................................
H Sec$rityMo&e"omplete........................................................................................................................
H Sec$rityMo&e+ail$re............................................................................................................................
H SystemInformation................................................................................................................................
H SystemInformationBlockType1.............................................................................................................
H -,.ssistanceInformation.....................................................................................................................
H -,"apa'ility,n#$iry...........................................................................................................................
H -,"apa'ilityInformation.....................................................................................................................
H -,Information!e#$est.........................................................................................................................
H -,Information!esponse......................................................................................................................
H -1/an&o0erPreparationTransfer 5"2M.20006.................................................................................
H -1InformationTransfer........................................................................................................................
=.3 002 information elements..............................................................................................................................
=.3., "ystem information bloc#s........................................................................................................................
H SystemInformationBlockType2.............................................................................................................
H SystemInformationBlockType3.............................................................................................................
H SystemInformationBlockType4.............................................................................................................
H SystemInformationBlockType5.............................................................................................................
H SystemInformationBlockType6.............................................................................................................
H SystemInformationBlockType7.............................................................................................................
H SystemInformationBlockType8.............................................................................................................
H SystemInformationBlockType9.............................................................................................................
H SystemInformationBlockType10...........................................................................................................
H SystemInformationBlockType11...........................................................................................................
H SystemInformationBlockType12...........................................................................................................
H SystemInformationBlockType13...........................................................................................................
H SystemInformationBlockType14...........................................................................................................
H SystemInformationBlockType15...........................................................................................................
H SystemInformationBlockType16...........................................................................................................
=.3.* 0adio resource control information elements............................................................................................
H .ntennaInfo..........................................................................................................................................
H .ntennaInfo-1.....................................................................................................................................
H "7I4!eport"onfi................................................................................................................................
H "7I4!eportPerio&icProc,*tI&.............................................................................................................
H "ross"arrierSc)e&$lin"onfi............................................................................................................
H "SI4IM4"onfi......................................................................................................................................
H "SI4IM4"onfiI&..................................................................................................................................
H "SI4Process..........................................................................................................................................
H "SI4ProcessI&.......................................................................................................................................
H "SI4!S4"onfi......................................................................................................................................
H "SI4!S4"onfi38P...............................................................................................................................
H "SI4!S4"onfi38PI&...........................................................................................................................
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" - Release $$
H "SI4!S4"onfi8P.................................................................................................................................
H "SI4!S4"onfi8PI&..............................................................................................................................
H 2M!S4"onfi.......................................................................................................................................
H 2!B4I&entity.........................................................................................................................................
H ,P2""/4"onfi..................................................................................................................................
H 1oical")annel"onfi.........................................................................................................................
H M."4Main"onfi.................................................................................................................................
H P2"P4"onfi.......................................................................................................................................
H P2S"/4"onfi.....................................................................................................................................
H P2S"/4!,4Mappin7"14"onfiI&....................................................................................................
H P/I"/4"onfi.....................................................................................................................................
H P)ysical"onfi2e&icate&.....................................................................................................................
H P4Ma*...................................................................................................................................................
H P!."/4"onfi.....................................................................................................................................
H Presence.ntennaPort1.........................................................................................................................
H P-""/4"onfi....................................................................................................................................
H P-S"/4"onfi.....................................................................................................................................
H !."/4"onfi"ommon.........................................................................................................................
H !."/4"onfi2e&icate&.......................................................................................................................
H !a&io!eso$rce"onfi"ommon............................................................................................................
H !a&io!eso$rce"onfi2e&icate&..........................................................................................................
H !1"4"onfi..........................................................................................................................................
H !1+4Timers.n&"onstants....................................................................................................................
H !34S$'frame"onfi.............................................................................................................................
H Sc)e&$lin!e#$est"onfi.....................................................................................................................
H So$n&in!S4-14"onfi........................................................................................................................
H SPS4"onfi...........................................................................................................................................
H T224"onfi..........................................................................................................................................
H Time.linmentTimer............................................................................................................................
H TP"4P2""/4"onfi...........................................................................................................................
H -plinkPo9er"ontrol............................................................................................................................
=.3.3 "ecurity control information elements.......................................................................................................
H 3e*t/op")ainin"o$nt.......................................................................................................................
H Sec$rity.lorit)m"onfi......................................................................................................................
H S)ortM."4I..........................................................................................................................................
=.3.- Mobility control information elements......................................................................................................
H .&&itionalSpectr$m,mission...............................................................................................................
H .!+"34:al$e"2M.2000....................................................................................................................
H .!+"34:al$e,-T!............................................................................................................................
H .!+"34:al$e;,!.3..........................................................................................................................
H .!+"34:al$e-T!..............................................................................................................................
H Ban&class"2M.2000..........................................................................................................................
H Ban&In&icator;,!.3..........................................................................................................................
H "arrier+re#"2M.2000.......................................................................................................................
H "arrier+re#;,!.3.............................................................................................................................
H "arrier+re#s;,!.3............................................................................................................................
H "arrier+re#1istMBMS.........................................................................................................................
H "2M.20004Type..................................................................................................................................
H "ellI&entity...........................................................................................................................................
H "ellIn&e*1ist........................................................................................................................................
H "ell!eselectionPriority........................................................................................................................
H "S+B4!eistrationParam1<!TT.........................................................................................................
H "ell;lo'alI&,-T!.............................................................................................................................
H "ell;lo'alI&-T!................................................................................................................................
H "ell;lo'alI&;,!.3............................................................................................................................
H "ell;lo'alI&"2M.2000.....................................................................................................................
H "S;4I&entity.........................................................................................................................................
H +re#Ban&In&icator...............................................................................................................................
H Mo'ility"ontrolInfo..............................................................................................................................
H Mo'ilityParameters"2M.2000 51*!TT6............................................................................................
H Mo'ilityStateParameters......................................................................................................................
H M$ltiBan&Info1ist................................................................................................................................
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" . Release $$
H P)ys"ellI&............................................................................................................................................
H P)ys"ellI&!ane..................................................................................................................................
H P)ys"ellI&!ane-T!.4+221ist........................................................................................................
H P)ys"ellI&"2M.2000.........................................................................................................................
H P)ys"ellI&;,!.3...............................................................................................................................
H P)ys"ellI&-T!.4+22.........................................................................................................................
H P)ys"ellI&-T!.4T22.........................................................................................................................
H P1M34I&entity......................................................................................................................................
H P1M34I&entity1ist3..............................................................................................................................
H Pre!eistrationInfo/!P2...................................................................................................................
H 747$alMin...........................................................................................................................................
H 74!*1e0Min.........................................................................................................................................
H 74=ffset!ane......................................................................................................................................
H 74=ffset!aneInter!.T.......................................................................................................................
H !eselectionT)res)ol&...........................................................................................................................
H !eselectionT)res)ol&7.........................................................................................................................
H S"ellIn&e*............................................................................................................................................
H Ser0"ellIn&e*.......................................................................................................................................
H Spee&StateScale+actors.......................................................................................................................
H SystemInfo1ist;,!.3.........................................................................................................................
H SystemTimeInfo"2M.2000.................................................................................................................
H Trackin.rea"o&e................................................................................................................................
H T4!eselection........................................................................................................................................
=.3.: Measurement information elements...........................................................................................................
H .llo9e&MeasBan&9i&t).......................................................................................................................
H /ysteresis.............................................................................................................................................
H 1ocationInfo.........................................................................................................................................
H Meas"onfi..........................................................................................................................................
H Meas;ap"onfi...................................................................................................................................
H MeasI&..................................................................................................................................................
H MeasI&To.&&Mo&1ist..........................................................................................................................
H Meas='%ect"2M.2000.......................................................................................................................
H Meas='%ect,-T!...............................................................................................................................
H Meas='%ect;,!.3..............................................................................................................................
H Meas='%ectI&.......................................................................................................................................
H Meas='%ectTo.&&Mo&1ist...................................................................................................................
H Meas='%ect-T!..................................................................................................................................
H Meas!es$lts..........................................................................................................................................
H 7$antity"onfi.....................................................................................................................................
H !eport"onfi,-T!.............................................................................................................................
H !eport"onfiI&.....................................................................................................................................
H !eport"onfiInter!.T.........................................................................................................................
H !eport"onfiTo.&&Mo&1ist.................................................................................................................
H !eportInter0al......................................................................................................................................
H !S!P4!ane.........................................................................................................................................
H !S!74!ane.........................................................................................................................................
H TimeToTrier......................................................................................................................................
=.3.= Other information elements.......................................................................................................................
H .'sol$teTimeInfo..................................................................................................................................
H .rea"onfi$ration................................................................................................................................
H "4!3TI.................................................................................................................................................
H 2e&icate&Info"2M.2000....................................................................................................................
H 2e&icate&Info3.S................................................................................................................................
H +ilter"oefficient...................................................................................................................................
H 1oin2$ration..................................................................................................................................
H 1oinInter0al....................................................................................................................................
H MeasS$'framePattern..........................................................................................................................
H MM,"..................................................................................................................................................
H 3ei)"ell"onfi...................................................................................................................................
H =t)er"onfi..........................................................................................................................................
H !.324"2M.2000 51*!TT6................................................................................................................
H !.T4Type..............................................................................................................................................
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" $) Release $$
H !!"4TransactionI&entifier...................................................................................................................
H S4TMSI..................................................................................................................................................
H Trace!eference.....................................................................................................................................
H -,4"apa'ility!.T4"ontainer1ist........................................................................................................
H -,4,-T!.4"apa'ility.........................................................................................................................
H -,4Timers.n&"onstants......................................................................................................................
=.3.> M1M" information elements.....................................................................................................................
H MBMS43otification"onfi...................................................................................................................
H MBS+34.reaInfo1ist............................................................................................................................
H MBS+34S$'frame"onfi.....................................................................................................................
H PM"/4Info1ist.....................................................................................................................................
=.- 002 multiplicity and type constraint values...................................................................................................
H Multiplicity and type constraint definitions...............................................................................................
H 3nd of 34T0/A002A9efinitions..............................................................................................................
> Cariables and constants.......................................................................................................................
>., 43 variables....................................................................................................................................................
H ,-T!.4-,4:aria'les..........................................................................................................................
H :ar"onn,st+ail!eport.........................................................................................................................
H :ar1oMeas"onfi...............................................................................................................................
H :ar1oMeas!eport...............................................................................................................................
H :arMeas"onfi.....................................................................................................................................
H :arMeas!eport1ist...............................................................................................................................
H :ar!1+4!eport.....................................................................................................................................
H :arS)ortM."4Inp$t.............................................................................................................................
H Multiplicity and type constraint definitions.........................................................................................
H 3nd of ,-T!.4-,4:aria'les...............................................................................................................
>.* 2ounters...........................................................................................................................................................
>.3 Timers (&nformative)........................................................................................................................................
>.- 2onstants.........................................................................................................................................................
? Protocol data unit abstract synta(.......................................................................................................
?., General...............................................................................................................................................
?.* "tructure of encoded 002 messaes...............................................................................................................
?.3 1asic production..............................................................................................................................................
?.- 3(tension.........................................................................................................................................................
?.: Paddin............................................................................................................................................................
@ "pecified and default radio confiurations.........................................................................................
@., "pecified confiurations..................................................................................................................................
@.,., 6oical channel confiurations..................................................................................................................
@.,.,., 122B confiuration............................................................................................................................
@.,.,.* 222B confiuration............................................................................................................................
@.,.,.3 P22B confiuration.............................................................................................................................
@.,.,.- M22B and MT2B confiuration........................................................................................................
@.,.* "01 confiurations....................................................................................................................................
@.,.*., "01,....................................................................................................................................................
@.,.*.* "01*....................................................................................................................................................
@.* 9efault radio confiurations............................................................................................................................
@.*., "01 confiurations....................................................................................................................................
@.*.,., "01,....................................................................................................................................................
@.*.,.* "01*....................................................................................................................................................
@.*.* 9efault M/2 main confiuration..............................................................................................................
@.*.3 9efault semiApersistent schedulin confiuration......................................................................................
@.*.- 9efault physical channel confiuration.....................................................................................................
@.*.: 9efault values timers and constants...........................................................................................................
,+ 0adio information related interactions between networ# nodes..........................................................
,+., General.............................................................................................................................................................
,+.* &nterAnode 002 messaes................................................................................................................................
,+.*., General.......................................................................................................................................................
H ,-T!.4Inter3o&e2efinitions....................................................................................................................
,+.*.* Messae definitions....................................................................................................................................
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" $$ Release $$
H /an&o0er"omman&.............................................................................................................................
H /an&o0erPreparationInformation.......................................................................................................
H -,!a&io.ccess"apa'ilityInformation................................................................................................
,+.3 &nterAnode 002 information element definitions............................................................................................
H .S4"onfi.............................................................................................................................................
H .S4"onte*t............................................................................................................................................
H !eesta'lis)mentInfo.............................................................................................................................
H !!M4"onfi.........................................................................................................................................
,+.- &nterAnode 002 multiplicity and type constraint values.................................................................................
H Multiplicity and type constraints definitions.............................................................................................
H 3nd of ,-T!.4Inter3o&e2efinitions........................................................................................................
,+.: Mandatory information in .S4"onfi..............................................................................................................
,, 43 capability related constraints and performance re;uirements.......................................................
,,., 43 capability related constraints.....................................................................................................................
,,.* Processin delay re;uirements for 002 procedures.......................................................................................
,,.3 Coid..................................................................................................................................................................
Annex A (informative): Guidelines, mainly on use of ASN.1...........................................................
/., &ntroduction.....................................................................................................................................................
/.* Procedural specification...................................................................................................................................
/.*., General principles......................................................................................................................................
/.*.* More detailed aspects.................................................................................................................................
/.3 P94 specification............................................................................................................................................
/.3., General principles......................................................................................................................................
/.3.,., /"'., sections.....................................................................................................................................
/.3.,.* /"'., identifier namin conventions..................................................................................................
/.3.,.3 Te(t references usin /"'., identifiers...............................................................................................
/.3.* BihAlevel messae structure.....................................................................................................................
/.3.3 Messae definition.....................................................................................................................................
/.3.- &nformation elements.................................................................................................................................
/.3.: 8ields with optional presence.....................................................................................................................
/.3.= 8ields with conditional presence................................................................................................................
/.3.> Guidelines on use of lists with elements of "3F43'23 type..................................................................
/.- 3(tension of the P94 specifications...............................................................................................................
/.-., General principles to ensure compatibility................................................................................................
/.-.* 2ritical e(tension of messaes...................................................................................................................
/.-.3 'onAcritical e(tension of messaes............................................................................................................
/.-.3., General principles................................................................................................................................
/.-.3.* 8urther uidelines.................................................................................................................................
/.-.3.3 Typical e(ample of evolution of &3 with local e(tensions...................................................................
/.-.3.- Typical e(amples of non critical e(tension at the end of a messae....................................................
/.-.3.: 3(amples of nonAcritical e(tensions not placed at the default e(tension location...............................
H ParentI,4>it),M.................................................................................................................................
H ")il&I,14>it)o$t,M............................................................................................................................
H ")il&I,24>it)o$t,M............................................................................................................................
/.: Guidelines reardin inclusion of transaction identifiers in 002 messaes...................................................
/.= Protection of 002 messaes (informative).....................................................................................................
/.> Miscellaneous..................................................................................................................................................
Annex B (normative): Release 8 and 9 AS feature andlin!.........................................................
1., 8eature roup indicators..................................................................................................................................
1.* 2"G support....................................................................................................................................................
Annex " (normative): Release 1# AS feature andlin!..................................................................
2., 8eature roup indicators..................................................................................................................................
Annex $ (informative): "an!e istory............................................................................................
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" $* Release $$
This Technical "pecification has been produced by the 3
Generation Partnership Project (3GPP).
The contents of the present document are subject to continuin wor# within the T"G and may chane followin formal
T"G approval. "hould the T"G modify the contents of the present document. it will be reAreleased by the T"G with an
identifyin chane of release date and an increase in version number as followsI
Cersion (.y.!
( the first diitI
, presented to T"G for informationJ
* presented to T"G for approvalJ
3 or reater indicates T"G approved document under chane control.
y the second diit is incremented for all chanes of substance. i.e. technical enhancements. corrections.
updates. etc.
! the third diit is incremented when editorial only chanes have been incorporated in the document.
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" $3 Release $$
1 S!o#e
The present document specifies the 0adio 0esource 2ontrol protocol for the radio interface between 43 and 3A4T0/'
as well as for the radio interface between 0' and 3A4T0/'.
The scope of the present document also includesI
A the radio related information transported in a transparent container between source e'1 and taret e'1 upon
inter e'1 handoverJ
A the radio related information transported in a transparent container between a source or taret e'1 and another
system upon inter 0/T handover.
2 Re3ere&!es
The followin documents contain provisions which. throuh reference in this te(t. constitute provisions of the present
0eferences are either specific (identified by date of publication. edition number. version number. etc.) or
8or a specific reference. subse;uent revisions do not apply.
8or a nonAspecific reference. the latest version applies. &n the case of a reference to a 3GPP document (includin
a G"M document). a nonAspecific reference implicitly refers to the latest version of that document in t)e same
!elease as t)e present &oc$ment.
K,L 3GPP T0 *,.@+:I MCocabulary for 3GPP "pecificationsM.
K*L Coid.
K3L 3GPP T" 3=.3+*I M3volved 4niversal Terrestrial 0adio /ccess (3A4T0/)J "ervices provided by
the physical layer M.
K-L 3GPP T" 3=.3+-I M3volved 4niversal Terrestrial 0adio /ccess (3A4T0/)J 43 Procedures in &dle
K:L 3GPP T" 3=.3+= M3volved 4niversal Terrestrial 0adio /ccess (3A4T0/)J 43 0adio /ccess
K=L 3GPP T" 3=.3*,I M3volved 4niversal Terrestrial 0adio /ccess (3A4T0/)J Medium /ccess
2ontrol (M/2) protocol specificationM.
K>L 3GPP T" 3=.3**IM3volved 4niversal Terrestrial 0adio /ccess (3A4T0/)J 0adio 6in# 2ontrol
(062) protocol specificationM.
K?L 3GPP T" 3=.3*3I M3volved 4niversal Terrestrial 0adio /ccess (3A4T0/)J Pac#et 9ata
2onverence Protocol (P92P) "pecificationM.
K@L 3GPP T" 3=.3++I M3volved 4niversal Terrestrial 0adio /ccess (3A4T0/) and 3volved 4niversal
Terrestrial 0adio /ccess (3A4T0/')J Overall descriptionJ "tae *M.
K,+L 3GPP T" **.+,,I M"ervice accessibilityM.
K,,L 3GPP T" *3.,**I M'onA/ccessA"tratum ('/") functions related to Mobile "tation (M") in idle
K,*L 3GPP* 2."+++*A8 v,.+I MPhysical 6ayer "tandard for cdma*+++ "pread "pectrum "ystemsM.
K,3L &T4AT 0ecommendation N.=?+ (+>D*++*) M&nformation Technoloy A /bstract "ynta( 'otation
One (/"'.,)I "pecification of basic notationM ("ame as the &"OD&32 &nternational "tandard ??*-A
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" $+ Release $$
K,-L &T4AT 0ecommendation N.=?, (+>D*++*) M&nformation Technoloy A /bstract "ynta( 'otation
One (/"'.,)I &nformation object specificationM ("ame as the &"OD&32 &nternational "tandard
K,:L &T4AT 0ecommendation N.=@, (+>D*++*) M&nformation technoloy A /"'., encodin rulesI
"pecification of Pac#ed 3ncodin 0ules (P30)M ("ame as the &"OD&32 &nternational "tandard
K,=L 3GPP T" 3=.,33I M3volved 4niversal Terrestrial 0adio /ccess (3A4T0/)J 0e;uirements for
support of radio resource manaementM.
K,>L 3GPP T" *:.,+,I M4niversal Terrestrial 0adio /ccess (4T0/)J 4ser 3;uipment (43) radio
transmission and reception (899)M.
K,?L 3GPP T" *:.,+*I M4niversal Terrestrial 0adio /ccess (4T0/)J 4ser 3;uipment (43) radio
transmission and reception (T99)M.
K,@L 3GPP T" *:.33,IM4niversal Terrestrial 0adio /ccess (4T0/)J 0adio 0esource 2ontrol (002)J
Protocol specificationM.
K*+L 3GPP T" -:.++:I M0adio transmission and receptionM.
K*,L 3GPP T" 3=.*,,I M3volved 4niversal Terrestrial 0adio /ccess (3A4T0/)J Physical 2hannels and
K**L 3GPP T" 3=.*,*I M3volved 4niversal Terrestrial 0adio /ccess (3A4T0/)J Multiple(in and
channel codinM.
K*3L 3GPP T" 3=.*,3I M3volved 4niversal Terrestrial 0adio /ccess (3A4T0/)J Physical layer
K*-L 3GPP* 2."++:>A3 v,.+I M1and 2lass "pecification for cdma*+++ "pread "pectrum "ystemsM.
K*:L 3GPP* 2."+++:A8 v,.+I M4pper 6ayer (6ayer 3) "inalin "tandard for cdma*+++ "pread
"pectrum "ystemsM.
K*=L 3GPP* 2."++*-A2 v*.+I Mcdma*+++ Bih 0ate Pac#et 9ata /ir &nterface "pecificationM.
K*>L 3GPP T" *3.++3I M'umberin. addressin and identificationM.
K*?L 3GPP T" -:.++?I M0adio subsystem lin# controlM.
K*@L 3GPP T" *:.,33I M0e;uirements for "upport of 0adio 0esource Manaement (899)M.
K3+L 3GPP T" *:.,*3I M0e;uirements for "upport of 0adio 0esource Manaement (T99)M.
K3,L 3GPP T" 3=.-+,I M3volved 4niversal Terrestrial 0adio /ccess (3A4T0/)J /rchitecture
K3*L 3GPP T" 33.-+,I M3GPP "ystem /rchitecture 3volution ("/3)J "ecurity architectureM.
K33L 3GPP* /."+++?A2 v-.+I M&nteroperability "pecification (&O") for Bih 0ate Pac#et 9ata (B0P9)
0adio /ccess 'etwor# &nterfaces with "ession 2ontrol in the /ccess 'etwor#M
K3-L 3GPP* 2."+++-A8 v,.+I M"inalin 6in# /ccess 2ontrol (6/2) "tandard for cdma*+++ "pread
"pectrum "ystemsM
K3:L 3GPP T" *-.3+,I M'onA/ccessA"tratum ('/") protocol for 3volved Pac#et "ystem (3P")J "tae
K3=L 3GPP T" --.+=+I MGeneral Pac#et 0adio "ervice (GP0")J Mobile "tation (M") A 1ase "tation
"ystem (1"") interfaceJ 0adio 6in# 2ontrolDMedium /ccess 2ontrol (062DM/2) protocolM.
K3>L 3GPP T" *3.+-,I MTechnical reali!ation of 2ell 1roadcast "ervice (21")M.
K3?L 3GPP T" *3.+3?I M/lphabets and 6anuaeM.
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" $, Release $$
K3@L 3GPP T" 3=.-,3I M3volved 4niversal Terrestrial 0adio /ccess (3A4T0/')J ", /pplication
Protocol (", /P)M.
K-+L 3GPP T" *:.3+-I M4niversal Terrestrial 0adio /ccess (4T0/')J 4ser 3;uipment (43)
procedures in idle mode and procedures for cell reselection in connected modeM.
K-,L 3GPP T" *3.-+,I MGeneral Pac#et 0adio "ervice (GP0") enhancements for 3volved 4niversal
Terrestrial 0adio /ccess 'etwor# (3A4T0/') accessM.
K-*L 3GPP T" 3=.,+,I M3volved 4niversal Terrestrial 0adio /ccess (3A4T0/)J 4ser 3;uipment (43)
radio transmission and receptionM.
K-3L 3GPP T" --.++:I M9ata 6in# (96) 6ayer General /spectsM.
K--L 3GPP* 2."++?>A/ v*.+I M3A4T0/' A cdma*+++ B0P9 2onnectivity and &nterwor#in /ir
&nterface "pecificationM
K-:L 3GPP T" --.+,?I MMobile radio interface layer 3 specificationJ 0adio 0esource 2ontrol (002)
K-=L 3GPP T" *:.**3I M"preadin and modulation (T99)M.
K->L 3GPP T" 3=.,+-I M3volved 4niversal Terrestrial 0adio /ccess (3A4T0/)J 1ase "tation (1") radio
transmission and receptionM.
K-?L 3GPP T" 3=.*,-I M3volved 4niversal Terrestrial 0adio /ccess (3A4T0/)J Physical layer A
K-@L 3GPP T" *-.++?I MMobile radio interface layer 3 specificationJ 2ore networ# protocolsJ "tae 3M.
K:+L 3GPP T" -:.+,+I M0adio subsystem synchroni!ationM.
K:,L 3GPP T" *3.*>*I M2ircuit "witched 8allbac# in 3volved Pac#et "ystemJ "tae *M.
K:*L 3GPP T" *@.+=,I M&nterwor#in between the Public 6and Mobile 'etwor# (P6M') supportin
pac#et based services and Pac#et 9ata 'etwor#s (P9')M.
K:3L 3GPP* 2."++@>A+ v3.+I M3A4T0/' A cdma*+++ ,( 2onnectivity and &nterwor#in /ir &nterface
K:-L 3GPP T" 3=.3::I M6T3 Positionin Protocol (6PP)M.
K::L 3GPP T" 3=.*,=I M3volved 4niversal Terrestrial 0adio /ccess (3A4T0/)J Physical layer for
relayin operationM.
K:=L 3GPP T" *3.*-=I MMultimedia 1roadcastDMulticast "ervice (M1M")J /rchitecture and functional
K:>L 3GPP T" *=.3-=I MMultimedia 1roadcastDMulticast "ervice (M1M")J Protocols and codecsM.
K:?L 3GPP T" 3*.-**I MTelecommunication manaementJ "ubsriber and e;uipment traceJ Trace control
and confiuration manaementM.
K:@L 3GPP T" **.3=?I M"ervice 0e;uirements for Machine Type 2ommunicationsJ "tae ,M.
K=+L 3GPP T" 3>.3*+I M4niversal Terrestrial 0adio /ccess (4T0/) and 3volved 4niversal Terrestrial
0adio /ccess (3A4T0/)J 0adio measurement collection for Minimi!ation of 9rive Tests (M9T)J
Overall descriptionJ "tae *M.
K=,L 3GPP T" *3.*,=I M"inle 0adio Coice 2all 2ontinuity ("0C22)J "tae *M.
K=*L 3GPP T" **.,-=I MMultimedia 1roadcastDMulticast "ervice (M1M")J "tae ,M.
K=3L 3GPP T0 3=.?,=I M3volved 4niversal Terrestrial 0adio /ccess (3A4T0/)J "tudy on sinallin
and procedure for interference avoidance for inAdevice coe(istenceM.
K=-L &"AGP"A*++8I M'avstar GP" "pace "ementD'aviation 4ser "ement &nterfacesM.
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" $% Release $$
K=:L 3GPP T" *:.3+>I M0e;uirement on 4ser 3;uipments (43s) supportin a releaseAindependent
fre;uency bandM.
3 4e3i&itio&s, s56'o"s a&d a''re7iatio&s
3.1 4e3i&itio&s
8or the purposes of the present document. the terms and definitions iven in T0 *,.@+: K,L and the followin apply. /
term defined in the present document ta#es precedence over the definition of the same term. if any. in T0 *,.@+: K,L.
"ommer%ial &o'ile Alert System: Public <arnin "ystem that delivers >arnin 3otifications provided by >arnin
3otification Pro0i&ers to 2M/" capable 43s.
"SG mem'er %ell: / cell broadcastin the identity of the selected P6M'. reistered P6M' or e;uivalent P6M' and
for which the 2"G whitelist of the 43 includes an entry comprisin cell$s 2"G &9 and the respective P6M' identity.
()*Alert: Public <arnin "ystem that delivers <arnin 'otifications provided by <arnin 'otification Providers
usin the same /" mechanisms as defined for 2M/".
+ield: The individual contents of an information element are referred as fields.
+loor: Mathematical function used to $round down$ i.e. to the nearest inteer havin a lower or e;ual value.
,nformation element: / structural element containin a sinle or multiple fields is referred as information element.
-orean .u'li% Alert System (-.AS): Public <arnin "ystem that delivers <arnin 'otifications provided by
<arnin 'otification Providers usin the same /" mechanisms as defined for 2M/".
&B&S servi%e: M1M" bearer service as defined in T" *3.*-= K:=L (i.e. provided via an M01).
.rimary "ellI The cell. operatin on the primary fre;uency. in which the 43 either performs the initial connection
establishment procedure or initiates the connection reAestablishment procedure. or the cell indicated as the primary cell
in the handover procedure.
.rimary /imin! Advan%e Grou0I Timin /dvance Group containin the P2ell.
Se%ondary "ellI / cell. operatin on a secondary fre;uency. which may be confiured once an 002 connection is
established and which may be used to provide additional radio resources.
Se%ondary /imin! Advan%e Grou0I Timin /dvance Group not containin the P2ell. / secondary timin advance
roup contains at least one cell with confiured uplin#.
Servin! "ellI 8or a 43 in 002E2O''32T39 not confiured with 2/ there is only one servin cell comprisin of the
primary cell. 8or a 43 in 002E2O''32T39 confiured with 2/ the term $servin cells$ is used to denote the set of
one or more cells comprisin of the primary cell and all secondary cells.
/imin! Advan%e Grou0I / roup of servin cells that is confiured by 002 and that. for the cells with an 46
confiured. use the same timin reference cell and the same Timin /dvance value.
3.2 %''re7iatio&s
8or the purposes of the present document. the abbreviations iven in T0 *,.@+: K,L and the followin apply. /n
abbreviation defined in the present document ta#es precedence over the definition of the same abbreviation. if any. in
T0 *,.@+: K,L.
,(0TT 29M/*+++ ,( 0adio Transmission Technoloy
/2% /c#nowledement
/M /c#nowleded Mode
/0F /utomatic 0epeat 0e;uest
/" /ccess "tratum
/"'., /bstract "ynta( 'otation One
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" $( Release $$
122B 1roadcast 2ontrol 2hannel
129 1inary 2oded 9ecimal
12B 1roadcast 2hannel
2/ 2arrier /reation
222B 2ommon 2ontrol 2hannel
22O 2ell 2hane Order
2M/" 2ommercial Mobile /lert "ervice
2P 2ontrol Plane
2A0'T& 2ell 0'T&
20" 2ellAspecific 0eference "inal
2"81 2" fallbac#
2"G 2losed "ubscriber Group
2"& 2hannel "tate &nformation
922B 9edicated 2ontrol 2hannel
92& 9ownlin# 2ontrol &nformation
96 9ownlin#
96A"2B 9ownlin# "hared 2hannel
901 (user) 9ata 0adio 1earer
90N 9iscontinuous 0eception
9T2B 9edicated Traffic 2hannel
3/1 3(tended /ccess 1arrin
3BP6M' 3;uivalent Bome Public 6and Mobile 'etwor#
3'1 3volved 'ode 1
3P2 3volved Pac#et 2ore
3P922B 3nhanced Physical 9ownlin# 2ontrol 2hannel
3P" 3volved Pac#et "ystem
3T<" 3arth;ua#e and Tsunami <arnin "ystem
3A4T0/ 3volved 4niversal Terrestrial 0adio /ccess
3A4T0/' 3volved 4niversal Terrestrial 0adio /ccess 'etwor#
899 8re;uency 9ivision 9uple(
88" 8or 8urther "tudy
G30/' G"MD39G3 0adio /ccess 'etwor#
G'"" Global 'aviation "atellite "ystem
G"M Global "ystem for Mobile 2ommunications
B/0F Bybrid /utomatic 0epeat 0e;uest
BP6M' Bome Public 6and Mobile 'etwor#
B0P9 29M/*+++ Bih 0ate Pac#et 9ata
&92 &nA9evice 2oe(istence
&3 &nformation element
&M3& &nternational Mobile 3;uipment &dentity
&M"& &nternational Mobile "ubscriber &dentity
&"M &ndustrial. "cientific and Medical
#1 %ilobyte (,+++ bytes)
6, 6ayer ,
6* 6ayer *
63 6ayer 3
M/2 Medium /ccess 2ontrol
M1M" Multimedia 1roadcast Multicast "ervice
M1"8' Multimedia 1roadcast multicast service "inle 8re;uency 'etwor#
M9T Minimi!ation of 9rive Tests
M&1 Master &nformation 1loc#
MO Mobile Oriinatin
M01 M1M" Point to Multipoint 0adio 1earer
M0O Mobility 0obustness Optimisation
M"& M2B "chedulin &nformation
MT Mobile Terminatin
'D/ 'ot /pplicable
'/22 'etwor# /ssisted 2ell 2hane
'/" 'on /ccess "tratum
P22B Pain 2ontrol 2hannel
P2ell Primary 2ell
P922B Physical 9ownlin# 2ontrol 2hannel
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" $- Release $$
P92P Pac#et 9ata 2onverence Protocol
P94 Protocol 9ata 4nit
P6M' Public 6and Mobile 'etwor#
PT/G Primary Timin /dvance Group
P422B Physical 4plin# 2ontrol 2hannel
Fo" Fuality of "ervice
0/2B 0andom /ccess 2Bannel
0/T 0adio /ccess Technoloy
01 0adio 1earer
062 0adio 6in# 2ontrol
0' 0elay 'ode
0'T& 0adio 'etwor# Temporary &dentifier
0OB2 0Obust Beader 2ompression
0P6M' 0eistered Public 6and Mobile 'etwor#
002 0adio 0esource 2ontrol
0"2P 0eceived "inal 2ode Power
0"0P 0eference "inal 0eceived Power
0"0F 0eference "inal 0eceived Fuality
0""& 0eceived "inal "trenth &ndicator
"/3 "ystem /rchitecture 3volution
"/P "ervice /ccess Point
"2ell "econdary 2ell
"8' "ystem 8rame 'umber
"& "ystem &nformation
"&1 "ystem &nformation 1loc#
"&A0'T& "ystem &nformation 0'T&
"P" "emiAPersistent "chedulin
"0 "chedulin 0e;uest
"01 "inallin 0adio 1earer
""/2 "ervice "pecific /ccess 2ontrol
"T/G "econdary Timin /dvance Group
"ATM"& "/3 Temporary Mobile "tation &dentifier
T/ Trac#in /rea
T/G Timin /dvance Group
T99 Time 9ivision 9uple(
T9M Time 9ivision Multiple(in
TM Transparent Mode
TP2A0'T& Transmit Power 2ontrol 0'T&
43 4ser 3;uipment
4&22 4niversal &nterated 2ircuit 2ard
46 4plin#
46A"2B 4plin# "hared 2hannel
4M 4nac#nowleded Mode
4P 4ser Plane
4T2 2oordinated 4niversal Time
4T0/' 4niversal Terrestrial 0adio /ccess 'etwor#
Co6T3 Coice over 6on Term 3volution
&n the /"'.,. lower case may be used for some (parts) of the above abbreviations e.. cA0'T&
4 Ge&era"
4.1 8&trodu!tio&
&n this specification. (parts of) procedures and messaes specified for the 43 e;ually apply to the 0' for functionality
necessary for the 0'. There are also (parts of) procedures and messaes which are only applicable to the 0' in its
communication with the 3A4T0/'. in which case the specification denotes the 0' instead of the 43. "uch
0'Aspecific aspects are not applicable to the 43.
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" $. Release $$
This specification is oranised as followsI
A subAclause -.* describes the 002 protocol modelJ
A subAclause -.3 specifies the services provided to upper layers as well as the services e(pected from lower layersJ
A subAclause -.- lists the 002 functionsJ
A clause : specifies 002 procedures. includin 43 state transitionsJ
A clause = specifies the 002 messae in a mi(ed format (i.e. tabular G /"'., toether)J
A clause > specifies the variables (includin protocol timers and constants) and counters to be used by the 43J
A clause ? specifies the encodin of the 002 messaesJ
A clause @ specifies the specified and default radio confiurationsJ
A clause ,+ specifies the 002 messaes transferred across networ# nodesJ
A clause ,, specifies the 43 capability related constraints and performance re;uirements.
4.2 %r!$ite!ture
4.2.1 U+ states a&d state tra&sitio&s i&!"udi&2 i&ter R%T
/ 43 is in 002E2O''32T39 when an 002 connection has been established. &f this is not the case. i.e. no 002
connection is established. the 43 is in 002E&963 state. The 002 states can further be characterised as followsI
A RR"1,$2(I
A / 43 specific 90N may be confiured by upper layers.
A 43 controlled mobilityJ
A The 43I
A Monitors a Pain channel to detect incomin calls. system information chane. for 3T<" capable 43s.
3T<" notification. and for 2M/" capable 43s. 2M/" notificationJ
A Performs neihbourin cell measurements and cell (reA)selectionJ
A /c;uires system information.
A Performs loin of available measurements toether with location and time for loed measurement
confiured 43s.
A RR"1"3NN("/($I
A Transfer of unicast data toDfrom 43.
A /t lower layers. the 43 may be confiured with a 43 specific 90N.
A 8or 43s supportin 2/. use of one or more "2ells. areated with the P2ell. for increased bandwidthJ
A 'etwor# controlled mobility. i.e. handover and cell chane order with optional networ# assistance ('/22)
to G30/'J
A The 43I
A Monitors a Pain channel andD or "ystem &nformation 1loc# Type , contents to detect system
information chane. for 3T<" capable 43s. 3T<" notification. and for 2M/" capable 43s. 2M/"
A Monitors control channels associated with the shared data channel to determine if data is scheduled for itJ
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" *) Release $$
A Provides channel ;uality and feedbac# informationJ
A Performs neihbourin cell measurements and measurement reportinJ
A /c;uires system information.
The followin fiure not only provides an overview of the 002 states in 3A4T0/. but also illustrates the mobility
support between 3A4T0/'. 4T0/' and G30/'.
/i0ure +&*&$!$1 E!UTRA states and inter RAT 2o3ilit4 procedures5 3GPP
The followin fiure illustrates the mobility support between 3A4T0/'. 29M/*+++ ,(0TT and 29M/*+++ B0P9.
The details of the 29M/*+++ state models are out of the scope of this specification.
/i0ure +&*&$!*1 6o3ilit4 procedures 3etween E!UTRA and #76A*)))
The interA0/T handover procedure(s) supports the case of sinallin. conversational services. nonAconversational
services and combinations of these.
&n addition to the state transitions shown in 8iure -.*.,A, and 8iure -.*.,A*. there is support for connection release
with redirection information from 3A4T0/ 002E2O''32T39 to G30/'. 4T0/' and 29M/*+++ (B0P9 &dleD
,(0TT 9ormant mode).
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" *$ Release $$
4.2.2 Si2&a""i&2 radio 'earers
M"inallin 0adio 1earersM ("01s) are defined as 0adio 1earers (01) that are used only for the transmission of 002
and '/" messaes. More specifically. the followin three "01s are definedI
A "01+ is for 002 messaes usin the 222B loical channelJ
A "01, is for 002 messaes (which may include a piybac#ed '/" messae) as well as for '/" messaes
prior to the establishment of "01*. all usin 922B loical channelJ
A "01* is for 002 messaes which include loed measurement information as well as for '/" messaes. all
usin 922B loical channel. "01* has a lowerApriority than "01, and is always confiured by 3A4T0/' after
security activation.
&n downlin# piybac#in of '/" messaes is used only for one dependant (i.e. with joint successD failure) procedureI
bearer establishmentD modificationD release. &n uplin# '/" messae piybac#in is used only for transferrin the
initial '/" messae durin connection setup.
'OT3I The '/" messaes transferred via "01* are also contained in 002 messaes. which however do not
include any 002 protocol control information.
Once security is activated. all 002 messaes on "01, and "01*. includin those containin '/" or nonA3GPP
messaes. are interity protected and ciphered by P92P. '/" independently applies interity protection and cipherin
to the '/" messaes.
4.3 Ser7i!es
4.3.1 Ser7i!es #ro7ided to u##er "a5ers
The 002 protocol offers the followin services to upper layersI
A 1roadcast of common control informationJ
A 'otification of 43s in 002E&963. e.. about a terminatin call. for 3T<". for 2M/"J
A Transfer of dedicated control information. i.e. information for one specific 43.
4.3.2 Ser7i!es e/#e!ted 3ro6 "o1er "a5ers
&n brief. the followin are the main services that 002 e(pects from lower layersI
A P92PI interity protection and cipherinJ
A 062I reliable and inAse;uence transfer of information. without introducin duplicates and with support for
sementation and concatenation.
8urther details about the services provided by Pac#et 9ata 2onverence Protocol layer (e.. interity and cipherin) are
provided in T" 3=.3*3 K?L. The services provided by 0adio 6in# 2ontrol layer (e.. the 062 modes) are specified in T"
3=.3** K>L. 8urther details about the services provided by Medium /ccess 2ontrol layer (e.. the loical channels) are
provided in T" 3=.3*, K=L. The services provided by physical layer (e.. the transport channels) are specified in T"
3=.3+* K3L.
4.4 (u&!tio&s
The 002 protocol includes the followin main functionsI
A 1roadcast of system informationI
A &ncludin '/" common informationJ
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" ** Release $$
A &nformation applicable for 43s in 002E&963. e.. cell (reA)selection parameters. neihbourin cell
information and information (also) applicable for 43s in 002E2O''32T39. e.. common channel
confiuration information.
A &ncludin 3T<" notification. 2M/" notificationJ
A 002 connection controlI
A PainJ
A 3stablishmentD modificationD release of 002 connection. includin e.. assinmentD modification of 43
identity (2A0'T&). establishmentD modificationD release of "01, and "01*. access class barrinJ
A &nitial security activation. i.e. initial confiuration of /" interity protection ("01s) and /" cipherin ("01s.
A 8or 0's. confiuration of /" interity protection for 901sJ
A 002 connection mobility includin e.. intraAfre;uency and interAfre;uency handover. associated security
handlin. i.e. #eyD alorithm chane. specification of 002 conte(t information transferred between networ#
A 3stablishmentD modificationD release of 01s carryin user data (901s)J
A 0adio confiuration control includin e.. assinmentD modification of /0F confiuration. B/0F
confiuration. 90N confiurationJ
A 8or 0's. 0'Aspecific radio confiuration control for the radio interface between 0' and 3A4T0/'J
A &n case of 2/. cell manaement includin e.. chane of P2ell. additionD modificationD release of "2ell(s)
and additionDmodificationDrelease of "T/G(s)J
A Fo" control includin assinmentD modification of semiApersistent schedulin ("P") confiuration
information for 96 and 46. assinmentD modification of parameters for 46 rate control in the 43. i.e.
allocation of a priority and a prioritised bit rate (P10) for each 01J
A 0ecovery from radio lin# failureJ
A &nterA0/T mobility includin e.. security activation. transfer of 002 conte(t informationJ
A Measurement confiuration and reportinI
A 3stablishmentD modificationD release of measurements (e.. intraAfre;uency. interAfre;uency and interA 0/T
A "etup and release of measurement apsJ
A Measurement reportinJ
A Other functions includin e.. transfer of dedicated '/" information and nonA3GPP dedicated information.
transfer of 43 radio access capability information. support for 3A4T0/' sharin (multiple P6M' identities)J
A Generic protocol error handlinJ
A "upport of selfAconfiuration and selfAoptimisationJ
A "upport of measurement loin and reportin for networ# performance optimisation K=+LJ
'OT3I 0andom access is specified entirely in the M/2 includin initial transmission power estimation.
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" *3 Release $$
5 Pro!edures
5.1 Ge&era"
5.1.1 8&trodu!tio&
The procedural re;uirements are structured accordin to the main functional areasI system information (:.*). connection
control (:.3). interA0/T mobility (:.-) and measurements (:.:). &n addition subAclause :.= covers other aspects e..
'/" dedicated information transfer. 43 capability transfer. subAclause :.> specifies the eneric error handlin. subA
clause :.? covers M1M" and subAclause :.@ covers 0'Aspecific procedures.
5.1.2 Ge&era" re9uire6e&ts
The 43 shallI
,O process the received messaes in order of reception by 002. i.e. the processin of a messae shall be completed
before startin the processin of a subse;uent messaeJ
'OT3 ,I 3A4T0/' may initiate a subse;uent procedure prior to receivin the 43$s response of a previously
initiated procedure.
,O within a subAclause e(ecute the steps accordin to the order specified in the procedural descriptionJ
,O consider the term $radio bearer$ (01) to cover "01s and 901s but not M01s unless e(plicitly stated otherwiseJ
,O set the rrc4TransactionI&entifier in the response messae. if included. to the same value as included in the
messae received from 3A4T0/' that triered the response messaeJ
,O upon receivin a choice value set to set$pI
*O apply the correspondin received confiuration and start usin the associated resources. unless e(plicitly
specified otherwiseJ
,O upon receivin a choice value set to releaseI
*O clear the correspondin confiuration and stop usin the associated resourcesJ
,O upon handover to 3A4T0/J or
,O upon receivin an !!""onnection!econfi$ration messae includin the f$ll"onfiI
*O apply the 2onditions in the /"'., for inclusion of the fields for the 901DP92PD062 setup durin the
reconfiuration of the 901s included in the &r'4To.&&Mo&1istJ
'OT3 *I /t each point in time. the 43 #eeps a sinle value for each field e(cept for durin handover when the 43
temporarily stores the previous confiuration so it can revert bac# upon handover failure. &n other wordsI
when the 43 reconfiures a field. the e(istin value is released e(cept for durin handover.
'OT3 3I /lthouh not e(plicitly stated. the 43 initially considers all functionality to be deactivatedD released until
it is e(plicitly stated that the functionality is setupD activated. 2orrespondinly. the 43 initially considers
lists to be empty e.. the list of radio bearers. the list of measurements.
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" *+ Release $$
5.2 S5ste6 i&3or6atio&
5.2.1 8&trodu!tio& Ge&era"
"ystem information is divided into the MasterInformationBlock (M&1) and a number of SystemInformationBlocks
("&1s). The M&1 includes a limited number of most essential and most fre;uently transmitted parameters that are
needed to ac;uire other information from the cell. and is transmitted on 12B. "&1s other than
SystemInformationBlockType1 are carried in SystemInformation ("&) messaes and mappin of "&1s to "& messaes is
fle(ibly confiurable by sc)e&$linInfo1ist included in SystemInformationBlockType1. with restrictions thatI each "&1
is contained only in a sinle "& messae. and at most once in that messaeJ only "&1s havin the same schedulin
re;uirement (periodicity) can be mapped to the same "& messaeJ SystemInformationBlockType2 is always mapped to
the "& messae that corresponds to the first entry in the list of "& messaes in sc)e&$linInfo1ist. There may be multiple
"& messaes transmitted with the same periodicity. SystemInformationBlockType1 and all "& messaes are transmitted
on 96A"2B.
'OT3 ,I The physical layer imposes a limit to the ma(imum si!e a "&1 can ta#e. <hen 92& format ,2 is used the
ma(imum allowed by the physical layer is ,>3= bits (*,> bytes) while for format ,/ the limit is **,= bits
(*>> bytes). see T" 3=.*,* K**L and T" 3=.*,3 K*3L.
&n addition to broadcastin. 3A4T0/' may provide SystemInformationBlockType1. includin the same parameter
values. via dedicated sinallin i.e.. within an !!""onnection!econfi$ration messae.
The 43 applies the system information ac;uisition and chane monitorin procedures for the P2ell. 8or an "2ell. 3A
4T0/' provides. via dedicated sinallin. all system information relevant for operation in 002E2O''32T39 when
addin the "2ell. 4pon chane of the relevant system information of a confiured "2ell. 3A4T0/' releases and
subse;uently adds the concerned "2ell. which may be done with a sinle !!""onnection!econfi$ration messae. &f
the 43 is receivin or interested to receive an M1M" service in a cell. the 43 shall apply the system information
ac;uisition and chane monitorin procedure relevant for M1M" operation for this cell.
'OT3 *I 3A4T0/' may confiure via dedicated sinallin different parameter values than the ones broadcast in
the concerned "2ell.
/n 0' confiured with an 0' subframe confiuration does not need to apply the system information ac;uisition and
chane monitorin procedures. 4pon chane of any system information relevant to an 0'. 3A4T0/' provides the
system information bloc#s containin the relevant system information to an 0' confiured with an 0' subframe
confiuration via dedicated sinallin usin the !3!econfi$ration messae. 8or 0's confiured with an 0' subframe
confiuration. the system information contained in this dedicated sinallin replaces any correspondin stored system
information and ta#es precedence over any correspondin system information ac;uired throuh the system information
ac;uisition procedure. The dedicated system information remains valid until overridden.
'OT3 3I 3A4T0/' may confiure an 0'. via dedicated sinallin. with different parameter values than the ones
broadcast in the concerned cell. S!$edu"i&2
The M&1 uses a fi(ed schedule with a periodicity of -+ ms and repetitions made within -+ ms. The first transmission of
the M&1 is scheduled in subframe P+ of radio frames for which the "8' mod - Q +. and repetitions are scheduled in
subframe P+ of all other radio frames.
The SystemInformationBlockType1 uses a fi(ed schedule with a periodicity of ?+ ms and repetitions made within ?+ ms.
The first transmission of SystemInformationBlockType1 is scheduled in subframe P: of radio frames for which the "8'
mod ? Q +. and repetitions are scheduled in subframe P: of all other radio frames for which "8' mod * Q +.
The "& messaes are transmitted within periodically occurrin time domain windows (referred to as "&Awindows) usin
dynamic schedulin. 3ach "& messae is associated with a "&Awindow and the "&Awindows of different "& messaes do
not overlap. That is. within one "&Awindow only the correspondin "& is transmitted. The lenth of the "&Awindow is
common for all "& messaes. and is confiurable. <ithin the "&Awindow. the correspondin "& messae can be
transmitted a number of times in any subframe other than M1"8' subframes. uplin# subframes in T99. and subframe
P: of radio frames for which "8' mod * Q +. The 43 ac;uires the detailed timeAdomain schedulin (and other
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" *, Release $$
information. e.. fre;uencyAdomain schedulin. used transport format) from decodin "&A0'T& on P922B (see T"
3=.3*, K=L).
/ sinle "&A0'T& is used to address SystemInformationBlockType1 as well as all "& messaes.
SystemInformationBlockType1 confiures the "&Awindow lenth and the transmission periodicity for the "& messaes. S5ste6 i&3or6atio& 7a"idit5 a&d &oti3i!atio& o3 !$a&2es
2hane of system information (other than for 3T<". 2M/" and 3/1 parameters) only occurs at specific radio frames.
i.e. the concept of a modification period is used. "ystem information may be transmitted a number of times with the
same content within a modification period. as defined by its schedulin. The modification period boundaries are defined
by "8' values for which "8' mod mQ +. where m is the number of radio frames comprisin the modification period.
The modification period is confiured by system information.
<hen the networ# chanes (some of the) system information. it first notifies the 43s about this chane. i.e. this may be
done throuhout a modification period. &n the ne(t modification period. the networ# transmits the updated system
information. These eneral principles are illustrated in fiure :.*.,.3A,. in which different colours indicate different
system information. 4pon receivin a chane notification. the 43 ac;uires the new system information immediately
from the start of the ne(t modification period. The 43 applies the previously ac;uired system information until the 43
ac;uires the new system information.

122B modification period (n)
2hane notification 4pdated information
122B modification period (nR,)
/i0ure ,&*&$&3!$1 #han0e of s4ste2 8nfor2ation
The Pain messae is used to inform 43s in 002E&963 and 43s in 002E2O''32T39 about a system information
chane. &f the 43 receives a Pain messae includin the systemInfoMo&ification. it #nows that the system
information will chane at the ne(t modification period boundary. /lthouh the 43 may be informed about chanes in
system information. no further details are provided e.. reardin which system information will chane.
SystemInformationBlockType1 includes a value ta. systemInfo:al$eTa. that indicates if a chane has occurred in the
"& messaes. 43s may use systemInfo:al$eTa. e.. upon return from out of coverae. to verify if the previously stored
"& messaes are still valid. /dditionally. the 43 considers stored system information to be invalid after 3 hours from the
moment it was successfully confirmed as valid. unless specified otherwise.
3A4T0/' may not update systemInfo:al$eTa upon chane of some system information e.. 3T<" information.
2M/" information. reularly chanin parameters li#e time information (SystemInformationBlockType8.
SystemInformationBlockType16). 3/1 parameters. "imilarly. 3A4T0/' may not include the systemInfoMo&ification
within the Pain messae upon chane of some system information.
The 43 verifies that stored system information remains valid by either chec#in systemInfo:al$eTa in
SystemInformationBlockType1 after the modification period boundary. or attemptin to find the systemInfoMo&ification
indication at least mo&ificationPerio&"oeff times durin the modification period in case no pain is received. in every
modification period? &f no pain messae is received by the 43 durin a modification period. the 43 may assume that
no chane of system information will occur at the ne(t modification period boundary. &f 43 in 002E2O''32T39.
durin a modification period. receives one pain messae. it may deduce from the presenceD absence of
systemInfoMo&ification whether a chane of system information other than 3T<" information. 2M/" information and
3/1 parameters will occur in the ne(t modification period or not.
3T<" andDor 2M/" capable 43s in 002E2O''32T39 shall attempt to read pain at least once every
&efa$ltPain"ycle to chec# whether 3T<" andDor 2M/" notification is present or not. 8&di!atio& o3 +T:S &oti3i!atio&
3T<" primary notification andD or 3T<" secondary notification can occur at any point in time. The Pain messae is
used to inform 3T<" capable 43s in 002E&963 and 43s in 002E2O''32T39 about presence of an 3T<"
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" *% Release $$
primary notification andD or 3T<" secondary notification. &f the 43 receives a Pain messae includin the et9s4
In&ication. it shall start receivin the 3T<" primary notification andD or 3T<" secondary notification accordin to
sc)e&$linInfo1ist contained in SystemInformationBlockType1. &f the 43 receives Pain messae includin the et9s4
In&ication while it is ac;uirin 3T<" notification(s). the 43 shall continue ac;uirin 3T<" notification(s) based on
the previously ac;uired sc)e&$linInfo1ist until it reAac;uires sc)e&$linInfo1ist in SystemInformationBlockType1.
'OT3I The 43 is not re;uired to periodically chec# sc)e&$linInfo1ist contained in
SystemInformationBlockType1. but Pain messae includin the et9s4In&ication triers the 43 to reA
ac;uire sc)e&$linInfo1ist contained in SystemInformationBlockType1 for schedulin chanes for
SystemInformationBlockType10 and SystemInformationBlockType11. The 43 may or may not receive a
Pain messae includin the et9s4In&ication andDor systemInfoMo&ification when 3T<" is no loner
3T<" primary notification is contained in SystemInformationBlockType10 and 3T<" secondary notification is
contained in SystemInformationBlockType11. "ementation can be applied for the delivery of a secondary notification.
The sementation is fi(ed for transmission of a iven secondary notification within a cell (i.e. the same sement si!e for
a iven sement with the same messaeI&entifier. serial3$m'er and 9arninMessaeSement3$m'er). /n 3T<"
secondary notification corresponds to a sinle "B &ata &3 as defined accordin to T" *3.+-, K3>L. 8&di!atio& o3 *M%S &oti3i!atio&
2M/" notification can occur at any point in time. The Pain messae is used to inform 2M/" capable 43s in
002E&963 and 43s in 002E2O''32T39 about presence of one or more 2M/" notifications. &f the 43 receives a
Pain messae includin the cmas4In&ication. it shall start receivin the 2M/" notifications accordin to
sc)e&$linInfo1ist contained in SystemInformationBlockType1. &f the 43 receives Pain messae includin the cmas4
In&ication while it is ac;uirin 2M/" notification(s). the 43 shall continue ac;uirin 2M/" notification(s) based on
the previously ac;uired sc)e&$linInfo1ist until it reAac;uires sc)e&$linInfo1ist in SystemInformationBlockType1.
'OT3I The 43 is not re;uired to periodically chec# sc)e&$linInfo1ist contained in
SystemInformationBlockType1. but Pain messae includin the cmas4In&ication triers the 43 to reA
ac;uire sc)e&$linInfo1ist contained in SystemInformationBlockType1 for schedulin chanes for
SystemInformationBlockType12. The 43 may or may not receive a Pain messae includin the cmas4
In&ication andDor systemInfoMo&ification when SystemInformationBlockType12 is no loner scheduled.
2M/" notification is contained in SystemInformationBlockType12. "ementation can be applied for the delivery of a
2M/" notification. The sementation is fi(ed for transmission of a iven 2M/" notification within a cell (i.e. the
same sement si!e for a iven sement with the same messaeI&entifier. serial3$m'er and
9arninMessaeSement3$m'er). 3A4T0/' does not interleave transmissions of 2M/" notifications. i.e. all
sements of a iven 2M/" notification transmission are transmitted prior to those of another 2M/" notification. /
2M/" notification corresponds to a sinle "B &ata &3 as defined accordin to T" *3.+-, K3>L. )oti3i!atio& o3 +%; #ara6eters !$a&2e
2hane of 3/1 parameters can occur at any point in time. The 3/1 parameters are contained in
SystemInformationBlockType14. The Pain messae is used to inform 3/1 capable 43s in 002E&963 about a
chane of 3/1 parameters or that SystemInformationBlockType14 is no loner scheduled. &f the 43 receives a Pain
messae includin the ea'4ParamMo&ification. it shall ac;uire SystemInformationBlockType14 accordin to
sc)e&$linInfo1ist contained in SystemInformationBlockType1. &f the 43 receives a Pain messae includin the ea'4
ParamMo&ification while it is ac;uirin SystemInformationBlockType14. the 43 shall continue ac;uirin
SystemInformationBlockType14 based on the previously ac;uired sc)e&$linInfo1ist until it reAac;uires
sc)e&$linInfo1ist in SystemInformationBlockType1.
'OT3I The 3/1 capable 43 is not e(pected to periodically chec# sc)e&$linInfo1ist contained in
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" *( Release $$
5.2.2 S5ste6 i&3or6atio& a!9uisitio& Ge&era"

/i0ure ,&*&*&$!$1 S4ste2 infor2ation ac9uisition5 nor2al
The 43 applies the system information ac;uisition procedure to ac;uire the /"A and '/"A system information that is
broadcasted by the 3A4T0/'. The procedure applies to 43s in 002E&963 and 43s in 002E2O''32T39. 8&itiatio&
The 43 shall apply the system information ac;uisition procedure upon selectin (e.. upon power on) and upon reA
selectin a cell. after handover completion. after enterin 3A4T0/ from another 0/T. upon return from out of
coverae. upon receivin a notification that the system information has chaned. upon receivin an indication about the
presence of an 3T<" notification. upon receivin an indication about the presence of a 2M/" notification. upon
receivin a notification that the 3/1 parameters have chaned. upon receivin a re;uest from 29M/*+++ upper layers
and upon e(ceedin the ma(imum validity duration. 4nless e(plicitly stated otherwise in the procedural specification.
the system information ac;uisition procedure overwrites any stored system information. i.e. delta confiuration is not
applicable for system information and the 43 discontinues usin a field if it is absent in system information unless
e(plicitly specified otherwise. S5ste6 i&3or6atio& re9uired '5 t$e U+
The 43 shallI
,O ensure havin a valid version. as defined below. of (at least) the followin system information. also referred to as
the $re;uired$ system informationI
*O if in 002E&963I
3O the MasterInformationBlock and SystemInformationBlockType1 as well as SystemInformationBlockType2
throuh SystemInformationBlockType8. dependin on support of the concerned 0/TsJ
*O if in 002E2O''32T39I
3O the MasterInformationBlock. SystemInformationBlockType1 and SystemInformationBlockType2 as well as
SystemInformationBlockType8. dependin on support of 29M/*+++J
,O delete any stored system information after 3 hours from the moment it was confirmed to be valid as defined in
:.*.,.3. unless specified otherwiseJ
,O consider any stored system information e(cept SystemInformationBlockType10@ SystemInformationBlockType11@
systemInformationBlockType12 and systemInformationBlockType14 to be invalid if systemInfo:al$eTa included
in the SystemInformationBlockType1 is different from the one of the stored system informationJ S5ste6 i&3or6atio& a!9uisitio& '5 t$e U+
The 43 shallI
,O apply the specified 122B confiuration defined in @.,.,.,J
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" *- Release $$
,O if the procedure is triered by a system information chane notificationI
*O start ac;uirin the re;uired system information. as defined in :.*.*.3. from the beinnin of the modification
period followin the one in which the chane notification was receivedJ
'OT3 ,I The 43 continues usin the previously received system information until the new system information has
been ac;uired.
,O if the 43 is in 002E&963 and enters a cell for which the 43 does not have stored a valid version of the system
information re;uired in 002E&963. as defined in :.*.*.3I
*O ac;uire. usin the system information ac;uisition procedure as defined in :.*.3. the system information
re;uired in 002E&963. as defined in :.*.*.3J
,O followin successful handover completion to a P2ell for which the 43 does not have stored a valid version of
the system information re;uired in 002E2O''32T39. as defined in :.*.*.3I
*O ac;uire. usin the system information ac;uisition procedure as defined in :.*.3. the system information
re;uired in 002E2O''32T39. as defined in :.*.*.3J
*O upon ac;uirin the concerned system informationI
3O discard the correspondin radio resource confiuration information included in the
ra&io!eso$rce"onfi"ommon previously received in a dedicated messae. if anyJ
,O followin a re;uest from 29M/*+++ upper layersI
*O ac;uire SystemInformationBlockType8. as defined in :.*.3J
,O neither initiate the 002 connection establishment procedure nor initiate transmission of the
!!""onnection!eesta'lis)ment!e#$est messae until the 43 has a valid version of the
MasterInformationBlock and SystemInformationBlockType1 messaes as well as SystemInformationBlockType2 J
,O not initiate the 002 connection establishment subject to 3/1 until the 43 has a valid version of
SystemInformationBlockType14. if broadcastJ
,O if the 43 is 3T<" capableI
*O upon enterin a cell durin 002E&963. followin successful handover or upon connection reAestablishmentI
3O discard any previously buffered 9arninMessaeSementJ
3O clear. if any. the current values of messaeI&entifier and serial3$m'er for
*O when the 43 ac;uires SystemInformationBlockType1 followin 3T<" indication. upon enterin a cell durin
002E&963. followin successful handover or upon connection reAestablishmentI
3O if sc)e&$linInfo1ist indicates that SystemInformationBlockType10 is presentI
-O start ac;uirin SystemInformationBlockType10 immediatelyJ
3O if sc)e&$linInfo1ist indicates that SystemInformationBlockType11 is presentI
-O start ac;uirin SystemInformationBlockType11 immediatelyJ
'OT3 *I 43s shall start ac;uirin SystemInformationBlockType10 and SystemInformationBlockType11 as
described above even when systemInfo:al$eTa in SystemInformationBlockType1 has not chaned.
,O if the 43 is 2M/" capableI
*O upon enterin a cell durin 002E&963. followin successful handover or upon connection reAestablishmentI
3O discard any previously buffered 9arninMessaeSementJ
3O clear. if any. stored values of messaeI&entifier and serial3$m'er for SystemInformationBlockType12
associated with the discarded 9arninMessaeSementJ
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" *. Release $$
*O when the 43 ac;uires SystemInformationBlockType1 followin 2M/" indication. upon enterin a cell
durin 002E&963. followin successful handover and upon connection reAestablishmentI
3O if sc)e&$linInfo1ist indicates that SystemInformationBlockType12 is presentI
-O ac;uire SystemInformationBlockType12J
'OT3 3I 43s shall start ac;uirin SystemInformationBlockType12 as described above even when
systemInfo:al$eTa in SystemInformationBlockType1 has not chaned.
,O if the 43 is interested to receive M1M" servicesI
*O if sc)e&$linInfo1ist indicates that SystemInformationBlockType13 is present and the 43 does not have
stored a valid version of this system information bloc#I
3O ac;uire SystemInformationBlockType13J
*O if the 43 is capable of M1M" "ervice 2ontinuityI
3O if sc)e&$linInfo1ist indicates that SystemInformationBlockType15 is present and the 43 does not have
stored a valid version of this system information bloc#I
-O ac;uire "ystem&nformation1loc#Type,:J
,O if the 43 is 3/1 capableI
*O when the 43 does not have stored a valid version of SystemInformationBlockType14 upon enterin
002E&963. or when the 43 ac;uires SystemInformationBlockType1 followin 3/1 parameters chane
notification or upon enterin a cell durin 002E&963I
3O if sc)e&$linInfo1ist indicates that SystemInformationBlockType14 is presentI
-O start ac;uirin SystemInformationBlockType14 immediatelyJ
3O elseI
-O discard SystemInformationBlockType14. if previously receivedJ
'OT3 -I 3/1 capable 43s start ac;uirin SystemInformationBlockType14 as described above even when
systemInfo:al$eTa in SystemInformationBlockType1 has not chaned.
'OT3 :I 3/1 capable 43s maintain an up to date SystemInformationBlockType14 in 002E&963.
The 43 may apply the received "&1s immediately. i.e. the 43 does not need to delay usin a "&1 until all "& messaes
have been received. The 43 may delay applyin the received "&1s until completin lower layer procedures associated
with a received or a 43 oriinated 002 messae. e.. an onoin random access procedure.
'OT3 =I <hile attemptin to ac;uire a particular "&1. if the 43 detects from sc)e&$linInfo1ist that it is no loner
present. the 43 should stop tryin to ac;uire the particular "&1. +sse&tia" s5ste6 i&3or6atio& 6issi&2
The 43 shallI
,O if in 002E&963 or in 002E2O''32T39 while T3,, is runninI
*O if the 43 is unable to ac;uire the MasterInformationBlock or the SystemInformationBlockType1I
3O consider the cell as barred in accordance with T" 3=.3+- K-LJ and
3O perform barrin as if intra+re#!eselection is set to allo9e&. and as if the cs4In&ication is set to +.1S,J
*O else if the 43 is unable to ac;uire the SystemInformationBlockType2I
3O treat the cell as barred in accordance with T" 3=.3+- K-LJ
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" 3) Release $$ %!tio&s u#o& re!e#tio& o3 t$e MasterInformationBlock 6essa2e
4pon receivin the MasterInformationBlock messae the 43 shallI
,O apply the radio resource confiuration included in the p)ic)4"onfiJ
,O if the 43 is in 002E&963 or if the 43 is in 002E2O''32T39 while T3,, is runninI
*O if the 43 has no valid system information stored accordin to :.*.*.3 for the concerned cellI
3O apply the received value of &l4Ban&9i&t) to the $l4Ban&9i&t) until SystemInformationBlockType2 is
receivedJ %!tio&s u#o& re!e#tio& o3 t$e SystemInformationBlockType1 6essa2e
4pon receivin the SystemInformationBlockType1 either via broadcast or via dedicated sinallin. the 43 shallI
,O if in 002E2O''32T39 while T3,, is not runnin. and the 43 supports multiAband cells as defined by bit 3,
in feat$re;ro$pIn&icatorsI
*O disreard the fre#Ban&In&icator and m$ltiBan&Info1ist. if received. while in 002E2O''32T39J
*O forward the cellI&entity to upper layersJ
*O forward the trackin.rea"o&e to upper layersJ
,O elseI
*O if the fre;uency band indicated in the fre#Ban&In&icator is part of the fre;uency bands supported by the 43J
*O if the 43 supports m$ltiBan&Info1ist@ and if one or more of the fre;uency bands indicated in the
m$ltiBan&Info1ist are part of the fre;uency bands supported by the 43I
3O forward the cellI&entity to upper layersJ
3O forward the trackin.rea"o&e to upper layersJ
*O elseI
3O consider the cell as barred in accordance with T" 3=.3+- K-LJ and
3O perform barrin as if intra+re#!eselection is set to not.llo9e&. and as if the cs4In&ication is set to
5.2.2.< %!tio&s u#o& re!e#tio& o3 SystemInformation 6essa2es
'o 43 re;uirements related to the contents of the SystemInformation messaes apply other than those specified
elsewhere e.. within procedures usin the concerned system information. andD or within the correspondin field
5.2.2.. %!tio&s u#o& re!e#tio& o3 SystemInformationBlockType2
4pon receivin SystemInformationBlockType2. the 43 shallI
,O apply the confiuration included in the ra&io!eso$rce"onfi"ommonJ
,O if upper layers indicate that a (43 specific) pain cycle is confiuredI
*O apply the shortest of the (43 specific) pain cycle and the &efa$ltPain"ycle included in the
,O if the m'sfn4S$'frame"onfi1ist is includedI
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" 3$ Release $$
*O consider that 96 assinments may occur in the M1"8' subframes indicated in the m'sfn4
S$'frame"onfi1ist under the conditions specified in K*3. >.,LJ
,O apply the specified P22B confiuration defined in @.,.,.3J
,O not apply the time.linmentTimer"ommonJ
,O if in 002E2O''32T39 and 43 is confiured with 068 timers and constants values received within rlf4
*O not update its values of the timers and constants in $e4Timers.n&"onstants e(cept for the value of timer
,O if in 002E2O''32T39 while T3,, is not runninJ and the 43 supports multiAband cells as defined by bit 3,
in feat$re;ro$pIn&icatorsI
*O disreard the a&&itionalSpectr$m,mission and $l4"arrier+re#. if received. while in 002E2O''32T39J %!tio&s u#o& re!e#tio& o3 SystemInformationBlockType3
'o 43 re;uirements related to the contents of this SystemInformationBlock apply other than those specified elsewhere
e.. within procedures usin the concerned system information. andD or within the correspondin field descriptions. %!tio&s u#o& re!e#tio& o3 SystemInformationBlockType4
'o 43 re;uirements related to the contents of this SystemInformationBlock apply other than those specified elsewhere
e.. within procedures usin the concerned system information. andD or within the correspondin field descriptions. %!tio&s u#o& re!e#tio& o3 SystemInformationBlockType5
'o 43 re;uirements related to the contents of this SystemInformationBlock apply other than those specified elsewhere
e.. within procedures usin the concerned system information. andD or within the correspondin field descriptions. %!tio&s u#o& re!e#tio& o3 SystemInformationBlockType6
'o 43 re;uirements related to the contents of this SystemInformationBlock apply other than those specified elsewhere
e.. within procedures usin the concerned system information. andD or within the correspondin field descriptions. %!tio&s u#o& re!e#tio& o3 SystemInformationBlockType7
'o 43 re;uirements related to the contents of this SystemInformationBlock apply other than those specified elsewhere
e.. within procedures usin the concerned system information. andD or within the correspondin field descriptions. %!tio&s u#o& re!e#tio& o3 SystemInformationBlockType8
4pon receivin SystemInformationBlockType8. the 43 shallI
,O if si'84PerP1M341ist is included and the 43 is capable of networ# sharin for 29M/*+++I
*O apply the 29M/*+++ parameters below correspondin to the 0P6M'J
,O if the systemTimeInfo is includedI
*O forward the systemTimeInfo to 29M/*+++ upper layersJ
,O if the 43 is in 002E&963 and if searc)>in&o9SiAe is includedI
*O forward the searc)>in&o9SiAe to 29M/*+++ upper layersJ
,O if parameters/!P2 is includedI
*O forward the pre!eistrationInfo/!P2 to 29M/*+++ upper layers only if the 43 has not received the
pre!eistrationInfo/!P2 within an !!""onnection!econfi$ration messae after enterin this cellJ
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" 3* Release $$
*O if the cell!eselectionParameters/!P2 is includedI
3O forward the nei)"ell1ist to the 29M/*+++ upper layersJ
,O if the parameters1<!TT is includedI
*O if the csf'4!eistrationParam1<!TT is includedI
3O forward the csf'4!eistrationParam1<!TT to the 29M/*+++ upper layers which will use this
information to determine if a 2" reistrationDreAreistration towards 29M/*+++ ,(0TT in the 34T0/
cell is re;uiredJ
*O elseI
3O indicate to 29M/*+++ upper layers that 2"81 0eistration to 29M/*+++ ,(0TT is not allowedJ
*O if the lon"o&eState1<!TT is includedI
3O forward the lon"o&eState1<!TT to 29M/*+++ upper layersJ
*O if the cell!eselectionParameters1<!TT is includedI
3O forward the nei)"ell1ist to the 29M/*+++ upper layersJ
*O if the csf'4S$pport+or2$al!*-,s is includedI
3O forward csf'4S$pport+or2$al!*-,s to the 29M/*+++ upper layersJ
*O elseI
3O forward csf'4S$pport+or2$al!*-,s. with its value set to +.1S,. to the 29M/*+++ upper layersJ
*O if ac4Barrin"onfi1<!TT is includedI
3O forward ac4Barrin"onfi1<!TT to the 29M/*+++ upper layersJ
*O if the csf'42$al!*T*S$pport is includedI
3O forward csf'42$al!*T*S$pport to the 29M/*+++ upper layersJ
*O elseI
3O forward csf'42$al!*T*S$pport. with its value set to +.1S,. to the 29M/*+++ upper layersJ %!tio&s u#o& re!e#tio& o3 SystemInformationBlockType9
4pon receivin SystemInformationBlockType9. the 43 shallI
,O if )n'43ame is included. forward the )n'43ame to upper layersJ %!tio&s u#o& re!e#tio& o3 SystemInformationBlockType1
4pon receivin SystemInformationBlockType10. the 43 shallI
,O forward the received 9arninType. messaeI&entifier and serial3$m'er to upper layersJ< %!tio&s u#o& re!e#tio& o3 SystemInformationBlockType11
4pon receivin SystemInformationBlockType11. the 43 shallI
,O if there is no current value for messaeI&entifier and serial3$m'er for SystemInformationBlockType11J or
,O if either the received value of messaeI&entifier or of serial3$m'er or of both are different from the current
values of messaeI&entifier and serial3$m'er for SystemInformationBlockType11I
*O use the received values of messaeI&entifier and serial3$m'er for SystemInformationBlockType11 as the
current values of messaeI&entifier and serial3$m'er for SystemInformationBlockType11J
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" 33 Release $$
*O discard any previously buffered 9arninMessaeSementJ
*O if all sements of a warnin messae have been receivedI
3O assemble the warnin messae from the received 9arninMessaeSementJ
3O forward the received warnin messae. messaeI&entifier. serial3$m'er and &ata"o&inSc)eme to upper
3O stop reception of SystemInformationBlockType11J
3O discard the current values of messaeI&entifier and serial3$m'er for SystemInformationBlockType11J
*O elseI
3O store the received 9arninMessaeSementJ
3O continue reception of SystemInformationBlockType11J
,O else if all sements of a warnin messae have been receivedI
*O assemble the warnin messae from the received 9arninMessaeSementJ
*O forward the received complete warnin messae. messaeI&entifier. serial3$m'er and &ata"o&inSc)eme to
upper layersJ
*O stop reception of SystemInformationBlockType11J
*O discard the current values of messaeI&entifier and serial3$m'er for SystemInformationBlockType11J
,O elseI
*O store the received 9arninMessaeSementJ
*O continue reception of SystemInformationBlockType11J
The 43 should discard any stored 9arninMessaeSement and the current value of messaeI&entifier and
serial3$m'er for SystemInformationBlockType11 if the complete warnin messae has not been assembled within a
period of 3 hours. %!tio&s u#o& re!e#tio& o3 SystemInformationBlockType12
4pon receivin SystemInformationBlockType12. the 43 shallI
,O if the SystemInformationBlockType12 contains a complete warnin messaeI
*O forward the received warnin messae. messaeI&entifier. serial3$m'er and &ata"o&inSc)eme to upper
*O continue reception of SystemInformationBlockType12J
,O elseI
*O if the received values of messaeI&entifier and serial3$m'er are the same (each value is the same) as a pair
for which a warnin messae is currently bein assembledI
3O store the received 9arninMessaeSementJ
3O if all sements of a warnin messae have been receivedI
-O assemble the warnin messae from the received 9arninMessaeSementJ
-O forward the received warnin messae. messaeI&entifier. serial3$m'er and &ata"o&inSc)eme to
upper layersJ
-O stop assemblin a warnin messae for this messaeI&entifier and serial3$m'er and delete all stored
information held for itJ
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" 3+ Release $$
3O continue reception of SystemInformationBlockType12J
*O else if the received values of messaeI&entifier andDor serial3$m'er are not the same as any of the pairs for
which a warnin messae is currently bein assembledI
3O start assemblin a warnin messae for this messaeI&entifier and serial3$m'er pairJ
3O store the received 9arninMessaeSementJ
3O continue reception of SystemInformationBlockType12J
The 43 should discard 9arninMessaeSement and the associated values of messaeI&entifier and serial3$m'er for
SystemInformationBlockType12 if the complete warnin messae has not been assembled within a period of 3 hours.
'OT3I The number of warnin messaes that a 43 can reAassemble simultaneously is a function of 43
implementation. %!tio&s u#o& re!e#tio& o3 SystemInformationBlockType13
'o 43 re;uirements related to the contents of this SystemInformationBlock apply other than those specified elsewhere
e.. within procedures usin the concerned system information. andD or within the correspondin field descriptions. %!tio&s u#o& re!e#tio& o3 SystemInformationBlockType14
'o 43 re;uirements related to the contents of this SystemInformationBlock apply other than those specified elsewhere
e.. within procedures usin the concerned system information. andD or within the correspondin field descriptions. %!tio&s u#o& re!e#tio& o3 SystemInformationBlockType15
'o 43 re;uirements related to the contents of this SystemInformationBlock apply other than those specified elsewhere
e.. within procedures usin the concerned system information. andD or within the correspondin field descriptions. %!tio&s u#o& re!e#tio& o3 SystemInformationBlockType16
'o 43 re;uirements related to the contents of this SystemInformationBlock apply other than those specified elsewhere
e.. within procedures usin the concerned system information. andD or within the correspondin field descriptions.
5.2.3 %!9uisitio& o3 a& S8 6essa2e
<hen ac;uirin an "& messae. the 43 shallI
,O determine the start of the "&Awindow for the concerned "& messae as followsI
*O for the concerned "& messae. determine the number n which corresponds to the order of entry in the list of
"& messaes confiured by sc)e&$linInfo1ist in SystemInformationBlockType1J
*O determine the inteer value * Q (n H ,)S9. where 9 is the si4>in&o91ent)J
*O the "&Awindow starts at the subframe Pa. where a Q * mod ,+. in the radio frame for which "8' mod T Q
86OO0(*D,+). where T is the si4Perio&icity of the concerned "& messaeJ
'OT3I 3A4T0/' should confiure an "&Awindow of , ms only if all "&s are scheduled before subframe P: in
radio frames for which "8' mod * Q +.
,O receive 96A"2B usin the "&A0'T& from the start of the "&Awindow and continue until the end of the "&Awindow
whose absolute lenth in time is iven by si4>in&o91ent). or until the "& messae was received. e(cludin the
followin subframesI
*O subframe P: in radio frames for which "8' mod * Q +J
*O any M1"8' subframesJ
*O any uplin# subframes in T99J
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" 3, Release $$
,O if the "& messae was not received by the end of the "&Awindow. repeat reception at the ne(t "&Awindow occasion
for the concerned "& messaeJ
5.3 *o&&e!tio& !o&tro"
5.3.1 8&trodu!tio& RR* !o&&e!tio& !o&tro"
002 connection establishment involves the establishment of "01,. 3A4T0/' completes 002 connection
establishment prior to completin the establishment of the ", connection. i.e. prior to receivin the 43 conte(t
information from the 3P2. 2onse;uently. /" security is not activated durin the initial phase of the 002 connection.
9urin this initial phase of the 002 connection. the 3A4T0/' may confiure the 43 to perform measurement
reportin. Bowever. the 43 only accepts a handover messae when security has been activated.
'OT3I &n case the servin fre;uency broadcasts multiple overlappin bands. 3A4T0/' can only confiure
measurements after havin obtained the 43 capabilities. as the measurement confiuration needs to be set
accordin to the band selected by the 43.
4pon receivin the 43 conte(t from the 3P2. 3A4T0/' activates security (both cipherin and interity protection)
usin the initial security activation procedure. The 002 messaes to activate security (command and successful
response) are interity protected. while cipherin is started only after completion of the procedure. That is. the response
to the messae used to activate security is not ciphered. while the subse;uent messaes (e.. used to establish "01* and
901s) are both interity protected and ciphered.
/fter havin initiated the initial security activation procedure. 3A4T0/' initiates the establishment of "01* and
901s. i.e. 3A4T0/' may do this prior to receivin the confirmation of the initial security activation from the 43. &n
any case. 3A4T0/' will apply both cipherin and interity protection for the 002 connection reconfiuration
messaes used to establish "01* and 901s. 3A4T0/' should release the 002 connection if the initial security
activation andD or the radio bearer establishment fails (i.e. security activation and 901 establishment are triered by a
joint ",Aprocedure. which does not support partial success).
8or "01* and 901s. security is always activated from the start. i.e. the 3A4T0/' does not establish these bearers
prior to activatin security.
8or some radio confiuration fields. a critical e(tension has been defined. / switch from the oriinal version of the field
to the critically e(tended version is allowed usin any connection reconfiuration. The 43 reverts to the oriinal
version of some critically e(tended fields upon handover and reAestablishment as specified elsewhere in this
specification. Otherwise. switchin a field from the critically e(tended version to the oriinal version is only possible
usin the handover or reAestablishment procedure with the full confiuration option.
/fter havin initiated the initial security activation procedure. 3A4T0/' may confiure a 43 that supports 2/. with
one or more "2ells in addition to the P2ell that was initially confiured durin connection establishment. The P2ell is
used to provide the security inputs and upper layer system information (i.e. the '/" mobility information e.. T/&).
"2ells are used to provide additional downlin# and optionally uplin# radio resources.
The release of the 002 connection normally is initiated by 3A4T0/'. The procedure may be used to reAdirect the 43
to an 3A4T0/ fre;uency or an interA0/T carrier fre;uency. Only in e(ceptional cases. as specified within this
specification. T" 3=.3++ K@L. T" 3=.3+- K-L or T" *-.3+, K3:L. may the 43 abort the 002 connection. i.e. move to
002E&963 without notifyin 3A4T0/'. Se!urit5
/" security comprises of the interity protection of 002 sinallin ("01s) as well as the cipherin of 002 sinallin
("01s) and user data (901s).
002 handles the confiuration of the security parameters which are part of the /" confiurationI the interity
protection alorithm. the cipherin alorithm and two parameters. namely the key")aneIn&icator and the
ne*t/op")ainin"o$nt@ which are used by the 43 to determine the /" security #eys upon handover andD or connection
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" 3% Release $$
The interity protection alorithm is common for sinallin radio bearers "01, and "01*. The cipherin alorithm is
common for all radio bearers (i.e. "01,. "01* and 901s). 'either interity protection nor cipherin applies for "01+.
002 interity and cipherin are always activated toether. i.e. in one messaeD procedure. 002 interity and cipherin
are never deAactivated. Bowever. it is possible to switch to a $'466$ cipherin alorithm (eea+).
The $'466$ interity protection alorithm (eia+) is used only for the 43 in limited service mode K3*. T"33.-+,L. &n
case the $'466$ interity protection alorithm is used. $'466$ cipherin alorithm is also used.
'OT3 ,I 6ower layers discard 002 messaes for which the interity chec# has failed and indicate the interity
verification chec# failure to 002.
The /" applies three different security #eysI one for the interity protection of 002 sinallin (%002int). one for the
cipherin of 002 sinallin (%002enc) and one for the cipherin of user data (%4Penc). /ll three /" #eys are derived from
the %e'1 #ey. The %e'1 is based on the %/"M3 #ey. which is handled by upper layers.
4pon connection establishment new /" #eys are derived. 'o /"Aparameters are e(chaned to serve as inputs for the
derivation of the new /" #eys at connection establishment.
The interity and cipherin of the 002 messae used to perform handover is based on the security confiuration used
prior to the handover and is performed by the source e'1.
The interity and cipherin alorithms can only be chaned upon handover. The four /" #eys (%e'1. %002int. %002enc and
%4Penc) chane upon every handover and connection reAestablishment. The key")aneIn&icator is used upon handover
and indicates whether the 43 should use the #eys associated with the %/"M3 #ey ta#en into use with the latest successful
'/" "M2 procedure. The ne*t/op")ainin"o$nt parameter is used upon handover and connection reAestablishment
by the 43 when derivin the new %e'1 that is used to enerate %002int. %002enc and %4Penc (see T" 33.-+, K3*L). /n intra
cell handover procedure may be used to chane the #eys in 002E2O''32T39.
8or each radio bearer an independent counter (2O4'T. as specified in T" 3=.3*3 K?L) is maintained for each direction.
8or each 901. the 2O4'T is used as input for cipherin. 8or each "01. the 2O4'T is used as input for both
cipherin and interity protection. &t is not allowed to use the same 2O4'T value more than once for a iven security
#ey. &n order to limit the sinallin overhead. individual messaesD pac#ets include a short se;uence number (P92P "'.
as specified in T" 3=.3*3 K?L). &n addition. an overflow counter mechanism is usedI the hyper frame number (TNEB8'
and 0NEB8'. as specified in T" 3=.3*3 K?L). The B8' needs to be synchroni!ed between the 43 and the e'1. The
e'1 is responsible for avoidin reuse of the 2O4'T with the same 01 identity and with the same %e'1. e.. due to the
transfer of lare volumes of data. release and establishment of new 01s. &n order to avoid such reAuse. the e'1 may e..
use different 01 identities for successive 01 establishments. trier an intra cell handover or an 002E2O''32T39
to 002E&963 to 002E2O''32T39 transition.
8or each "01. the value provided by 002 to lower layers to derive the :Abit 13/030 parameter used as input for
cipherin and for interity protection is the value of the correspondin sr'4I&entity with the M"1s padded with !eroes. R) se!urit5
8or 0's. /" security follows the procedures in :.3.,.*. 8urthermore. 3A4T0/' may confiure per 901 whether or
not interity protection is used. The use of interity protection may be confiured only upon 901 establishment and
reconfiured only upon handover or upon the first reconfiuration followin 002 connection reAestablishment.
To provide interity protection on 901s between the 0' and the 3A4T0/'. the %4Pint #ey is derived from the %e'1 #ey
as described in T"33.-+, K3*L. The same interity protection alorithm used for "01s also applies to the 901s. The
%4Pint chanes at every handover and 002 connection reAestablishment and is based on an updated %e'1 which is derived
by ta#in into account the ne*t/op")ainin"o$nt? The 2O4'T value maintained for 901 cipherin is also used for
interity protection. if the interity protection is confiured for the 901. *o&&e!ted 6ode 6o'i"it5
&n 002E2O''32T39. the networ# controls 43 mobility. i.e. the networ# decides when the 43 shall connect to which
3A4T0/ cell(s). or interA0/T cell. 8or networ# controlled mobility in 002E2O''32T39. the P2ell can be chaned
usin an !!""onnection!econfi$ration messae includin the mo'ility"ontrolInfo (handover). whereas the "2ell(s)
can be chaned usin the !!""onnection!econfi$ration messae either with or without the mo'ility"ontrolInfo. The
networ# triers the handover procedure e.. based on radio conditions. load. To facilitate this. the networ# may
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" 3( Release $$
confiure the 43 to perform measurement reportin (possibly includin the confiuration of measurement aps). The
networ# may also initiate handover blindly. i.e. without havin received measurement reports from the 43.
1efore sendin the handover messae to the 43. the source e'1 prepares one or more taret cells. The source e'1
selects the taret P2ell. The source e'1 may also provide the taret e'1 with a list of best cells on each fre;uency for
which measurement information is available. in order of decreasin 0"0P. The source e'1 may also include available
measurement information for the cells provided in the list. The taret e'1 decides which "2ells are confiured for use
after handover. which may include cells other than the ones indicated by the source e'1.
The taret e'1 enerates the messae used to perform the handover. i.e. the messae includin the /"Aconfiuration to
be used in the taret cell(s). The source e'1 transparently (i.e. does not alter valuesD content) forwards the handover
messaeD information received from the taret to the 43. <hen appropriate. the source e'1 may initiate data
forwardin for (a subset of) the 901s.
/fter receivin the handover messae. the 43 attempts to access the taret P2ell at the first available 0/2B occasion
accordin to 0andom /ccess resource selection defined in T" 3=.3*, K=L. i.e. the handover is asynchronous.
2onse;uently. when allocatin a dedicated preamble for the random access in the taret P2ell. 3A4T0/ shall ensure it
is available from the first 0/2B occasion the 43 may use. 4pon successful completion of the handover. the 43 sends
a messae used to confirm the handover.
&f the taret e'1 does not support the release of 002 protocol which the source e'1 used to confiure the 43. the
taret e'1 may be unable to comprehend the 43 confiuration provided by the source e'1. &n this case. the taret e'1
should use the full confiuration option to reconfiure the 43 for Bandover and 0eAestablishment. 8ull confiuration
option includes an initiali!ation of the radio confiuration. which ma#es the procedure independent of the confiuration
used in the source cell(s) with the e(ception that the security alorithms are continued for the 002 reAestablishment.
/fter the successful completion of handover. P92P "94s may be reAtransmitted in the taret cell(s). This only applies
for 901s usin 062A/M mode and for handovers not involvin full confiuration option. The further details are
specified in T" 3=.3*3 K?L. /fter the successful completion of handover not involvin full confiuration option. the "'
and the B8' are reset e(cept for the 901s usin 062A/M mode (for which both "' and B8' continue). 8or
reconfiurations involvin the full confiuration option. the P92P entities are newly established ("' and B8' do not
continue) for all 901s irrespective of the 062 mode. The further details are specified in T" 3=.3*3 K?L.
One 43 behaviour to be performed upon handover is specified. i.e. this is reardless of the handover procedures used
within the networ# (e.. whether the handover includes N* or ", sinallin procedures).
The source e'1 should. for some time. maintain a conte(t to enable the 43 to return in case of handover failure. /fter
havin detected handover failure. the 43 attempts to resume the 002 connection either in the source P2ell or in
another cell usin the 002 reAestablishment procedure. This connection resumption succeeds only if the accessed cell is
prepared. i.e. concerns a cell of the source e'1 or of another e'1 towards which handover preparation has been
performed. The cell in which the reAestablishment procedure succeeds becomes the P2ell while "2ells and "T/Gs. if
confiured. are released.
'ormal measurement and mobility procedures are used to support handover to cells broadcastin a 2"G identity. &n
addition. 3A4T0/' may confiure the 43 to report that it is enterin or leavin the pro(imity of cell(s) included in its
2"G whitelist. 8urthermore. 3A4T0/' may re;uest the 43 to provide additional information broadcast by the
handover candidate cell e.. lobal cell identity. 2"G identity. 2"G membership status.
'OT3I 3A4T0/' may use the Tpro(imity reportU to confiure measurements as well as to decide whether or not
to re;uest additional information broadcast by the handover candidate cell. The additional information is
used to verify whether or not the 43 is authorised to access the taret P2ell and may also be needed to
identify handover candidate cell (P"I conf$sion i.e. when the physical layer identity that is included in
the measurement report does not uni;uely identify the cell).
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" 3- Release $$
5.3.2 Pa2i&2 Ge&era"
/i0ure ,&3&*&$!$1 Pa0in0
The purpose of this procedure isI
A to transmit pain information to a 43 in 002E&963 andD orJ
A to inform 43s in 002E&963 and 43s in 002E2O''32T39 about a system information chane andD orJ
A to inform about an 3T<" primary notification andD or 3T<" secondary notification andD orJ
A to inform about a 2M/" notification.
The pain information is provided to upper layers. which in response may initiate 002 connection establishment. e..
to receive an incomin call. 8&itiatio&
3A4T0/' initiates the pain procedure by transmittin the Pain messae at the 43$s pain occasion as specified
in T" 3=.3+- K-L. 3A4T0/' may address multiple 43s within a Pain messae by includin one Pain!ecor& for
each 43. 3A4T0/' may also indicate a chane of system information. andD or provide an 3T<" notification or a
2M/" notification in the Pain messae. Re!e#tio& o3 t$e !a"in" 6essa2e '5 t$e U+
4pon receivin the Pain messae. the 43 shallI
,O if in 002E&963. for each of the Pain!ecor&. if any. included in the Pain messaeI
*O if the $e4I&entity included in the Pain!ecor& matches one of the 43 identities allocated by upper layersI
3O forward the $e4I&entity and the cn42omain to the upper layersJ
,O if the systemInfoMo&ification is includedI
*O reAac;uire the re;uired system information usin the system information ac;uisition procedure as specified in
,O if the et9s4In&ication is included and the 43 is 3T<" capableI
*O reAac;uire SystemInformationBlockType1 immediately. i.e.. without waitin until the ne(t system information
modification period boundaryJ
*O if the sc)e&$linInfo1ist indicates that SystemInformationBlockType10 is presentI
3O ac;uire SystemInformationBlockType10J
*O if the sc)e&$linInfo1ist indicates that SystemInformationBlockType11 is presentI
3O ac;uire SystemInformationBlockType11J
,O if the cmas4In&ication is included and the 43 is 2M/" capableI
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" 3. Release $$
*O reAac;uire SystemInformationBlockType1 immediately. i.e.. without waitin until the ne(t system information
modification period boundary as specified in :.*.,.:J
*O if the sc)e&$linInfo1ist indicates that SystemInformationBlockType12 is presentI
3O ac;uire SystemInformationBlockType12J
,O if in 002E&963. the ea'4ParamMo&ification is included and the 43 is 3/1 capableI
*O consider previously stored "ystem&nformation1loc#Type,- as invalidJ
*O reAac;uire SystemInformationBlockType1 immediately. i.e.. without waitin until the ne(t system information
modification period boundary as specified in :.*.,.=J
*O reAac;uire SystemInformationBlockType14 usin the system information ac;uisition procedure as specified in
5.3.3 RR* !o&&e!tio& esta'"is$6e&t Ge&era"
/i0ure ,&3&3&$!$1 RR# connection esta3lish2ent5 successful
/i0ure ,&3&3&$!*1 RR# connection esta3lish2ent5 network reject
The purpose of this procedure is to establish an 002 connection. 002 connection establishment involves "01,
establishment. The procedure is also used to transfer the initial '/" dedicated informationD messae from the 43 to 3A
3A4T0/' applies the procedure as followsI
A to establish "01, only.
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" +) Release $$ 8&itiatio&
The 43 initiates the procedure when upper layers re;uest establishment of an 002 connection while the 43 is in
4pon initiation of the procedure. the 43 shallI
,O if upper layers indicate that the 002 connection is subject to 3/1 (see T" *-.3+, K3:L)I
*O if the result of the 3/1 chec#. as specified in :.3.3.,*. is that access to the cell is barredI
3O inform upper layers about the failure to establish the 002 connection and that 3/1 is applicable. upon
which the procedure endsJ
,O if the 43 is establishin the 002 connection for mobile terminatin callsI
*O if timer T3+* is runninI
3O inform upper layers about the failure to establish the 002 connection and that access barrin for mobile
terminatin calls is applicable. upon which the procedure endsJ
,O else if the 43 is establishin the 002 connection for emerency callsI
*O if SystemInformationBlockType2 includes the ac4BarrinInfoI
3O if the ac4Barrin+or,merency is set to T!-,I
-O if the 43 has one or more /ccess 2lasses. as stored on the 4"&M. with a value in the rane ,,..,:.
which is valid for the 43 to use accordin to T" **.+,, K,+L and T" *3.,** K,,LI
'OT3 ,I /2s ,*. ,3. ,- are only valid for use in the home country and /2s ,,. ,: are only valid for use in the
BP6M'D 3BP6M'.
:O if the ac4BarrinInfo includes ac4Barrin+orM=42ata. and for all of these valid /ccess 2lasses
for the 43. the correspondin bit in the ac4Barrin+orSpecial." contained in ac4Barrin+orM=4
2ata is set to oneI
=O consider access to the cell as barredJ
-O elseI
:O consider access to the cell as barredJ
*O if access to the cell is barredI
3O inform upper layers about the failure to establish the 002 connection. upon which the procedure endsJ
,O else if the 43 is establishin the 002 connection for mobile oriinatin callsI
*O perform access barrin chec# as specified in :.3.3.,,. usin T3+3 as MTbarrinM and ac4Barrin+orM=42ata
as M/2 barrin parameterMJ
*O if access to the cell is barredI
3O if SystemInformationBlockType2 includes ac4Barrin+or"S+B or the 43 does not support 2" fallbac#I
-O inform upper layers about the failure to establish the 002 connection and that access barrin for
mobile oriinatin calls is applicable. upon which the procedure endsJ
3O else (SystemInformationBlockType2 does not include ac4Barrin+or"S+B and the 43 supports 2"
-O if timer T3+= is not runnin. start T3+= with the timer value of T3+3J
-O inform upper layers about the failure to establish the 002 connection and that access barrin for
mobile oriinatin calls and mobile oriinatin 2" fallbac# is applicable. upon which the procedure
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" +$ Release $$
,O else if the 43 is establishin the 002 connection for mobile oriinatin sinallinI
*O perform access barrin chec# as specified in :.3.3.,,. usin T3+: as MTbarrinM and ac4Barrin+orM=4
Sinallin as M/2 barrin parameterMJ
*O if access to the cell is barredI
3O inform upper layers about the failure to establish the 002 connection and that access barrin for mobile
oriinatin sinallin is applicable. upon which the procedure endsJ
,O else (the 43 is establishin the 002 connection for mobile oriinatin 2" fallbac#)I
*O if SystemInformationBlockType2 includes ac4Barrin+or"S+BI
3O perform access barrin chec# as specified in :.3.3.,,. usin T3+= as MTbarrinM and ac4Barrin+or"S+B
as M/2 barrin parameterMJ
3O if access to the cell is barredI
-O inform upper layers about the failure to establish the 002 connection and that access barrin for
mobile oriinatin 2" fallbac# is applicable. due to ac4Barrin+or"S+B. upon which the procedure
*O elseI
3O perform access barrin chec# as specified in :.3.3.,,. usin T3+= as MTbarrinM and ac4Barrin+orM=4
2ata as M/2 barrin parameterMJ
3O if access to the cell is barredI
-O if timer T3+3 is not runnin. start T3+3 with the timer value of T3+=J
-O inform upper layers about the failure to establish the 002 connection and that access barrin for
mobile oriinatin 2" fallbac# and mobile oriinatin calls is applicable. due to ac4Barrin+orM=4
2ata. upon which the procedure endsJ
,O apply the default physical channel confiuration as specified in @.*.-J
,O apply the default semiApersistent schedulin confiuration as specified in @.*.3J
,O apply the default M/2 main confiuration as specified in @.*.*J
,O apply the 222B confiuration as specified in @.,.,.*J
,O apply the time.linmentTimer"ommon included in SystemInformationBlockType2J
,O start timer T3++J
,O initiate transmission of the !!""onnection!e#$est messae in accordance with :.3.3.3J
'OT3 *I 4pon initiatin the connection establishment procedure. the 43 is not re;uired to ensure it maintains up
to date system information applicable only for 43s in 002E&963 state. Bowever. the 43 needs to
perform system information ac;uisition upon cell reAselection. %!tio&s re"ated to tra&s6issio& o3 ##$$onnection#e%&est 6essa2e
The 43 shall set the contents of !!""onnection!e#$est messae as followsI
,O set the $e4I&entity as followsI
*O if upper layers provide an "ATM"&I
3O set the $e4I&entity to the value received from upper layersJ
*O elseI
3O draw a random value in the rane + .. *
A, and set the $e4I&entity to this valueJ
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" +* Release $$
'OT3 ,I 4pper layers provide the "ATM"& if the 43 is reistered in the T/ of the current cell.
,O set the esta'lis)ment"a$se in accordance with the information received from upper layersJ
The 43 shall submit the !!""onnection!e#$est messae to lower layers for transmission.
The 43 shall continue cell reAselection related measurements as well as cell reAselection evaluation. &f the conditions for
cell reAselection are fulfilled. the 43 shall perform cell reAselection as specified in :.3.3.:. Re!e#tio& o3 t$e ##$$onnectionSet&p '5 t$e U+
'OT3I Prior to this. lower layer sinallin is used to allocate a 2A0'T&. 8or further details see T" 3=.3*, K=LJ
The 43 shallI
,O perform the radio resource confiuration procedure in accordance with the received
ra&io!eso$rce"onfi2e&icate& and as specified in :.3.,+J
,O if stored. discard the cell reselection priority information provided by the i&leMo&eMo'ility"ontrolInfo or
inherited from another 0/TJ
,O stop timer T3++J
,O stop timer T3+*. if runninJ
,O stop timer T3+3. if runninJ
,O stop timer T3+:. if runninJ
,O stop timer T3+=. if runninJ
,O perform the actions as specified in :.3.3.>J
,O stop timer T3*+. if runninJ
,O enter 002E2O''32T39J
,O stop the cell reAselection procedureJ
,O consider the current cell to be the P2ellJ
,O set the content of !!""onnectionSet$p"omplete messae as followsI
*O set the selecte&P1M34I&entity to the P6M' selected by upper layers (see T" *3.,** K,,L. T" *-.3+, K3:L)
from the P6M'(s) included in the plmn4I&entity1ist in SystemInformationBlockType1J
*O if upper layers provide the $0eistered MM3$. include and set the reistere&MM, as followsI
3O if the P6M' identity of the $0eistered MM3$ is different from the P6M' selected by the upper layersI
-O include the plmnI&entity in the reistere&MM, and set it to the value of the P6M' identity in the
$0eistered MM3$ received from upper layersJ
3O set the mmei and the mmec to the value received from upper layersJ
*O if upper layers provided the $0eistered MM3$I
3O include and set the $mmei4Type to the value provided by the upper layersJ
*O if connectin as an 0'I
3O include the rn4S$'frame"onfi!e#J
*O set the &e&icate&Info3.S to include the information received from upper layersJ
*O if the 43 has radio lin# failure or handover failure information available in :ar!1+4!eport and if the
0P6M' is included in plmn4I&entity1ist stored in :ar!1+4!eportI
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" +3 Release $$
3O include rlf4Info.0aila'leJ
*O if the 43 has loed measurements available for 3A4T0/ and if the 0P6M' is included in plmn4I&entity1ist
stored in :ar1oMeas!eportI
3O include loMeas.0aila'leJ
*O if the 43 has connection establishment failure information available in :ar"onn,st+ail!eport and if the
0P6M' is e;ual to plmn4I&entity stored in :ar"onn,st+ail!eportI
3O include conn,st+ailInfo.0aila'leJ
*O submit the !!""onnectionSet$p"omplete messae to lower layers for transmission. upon which the
procedure endsJ *e"" re-se"e!tio& 1$i"e T300, T302, T303, T305 or T306 is ru&&i&2
The 43 shallI
,O if cell reselection occurs while T3++. T3+*. T3+3. T3+: or T3+= is runninI
*O if timer T3+*. T3+3. T3+: andD or T3+= is runninI
3O stop timer T3+*. T3+3. T3+: and T3+=. whichever ones were runninJ
3O perform the actions as specified in :.3.3.>J
*O if timer T3++ is runninI
3O stop timer T3++J
3O reset M/2. release the M/2 confiuration and reAestablish 062 for all 01s that are establishedJ
3O inform upper layers about the failure to establish the 002 connectionJ T300 e/#ir5
The 43 shallI
,O if timer T3++ e(piresI
*O reset M/2. release the M/2 confiuration and reAestablish 062 for all 01s that are establishedJ
*O store the followin connection establishment failure information in the :ar"onn,st+ail!eport by settin its
fields as followsI
3O clear the information included in :ar"onn,st+ail!eport. if anyJ
3O set the plmn4I&entity to the P6M' selected by upper layers (see T" *3.,** K,,L. T" *-.3+, K3:L) from the
P6M'(s) included in the plmn4I&entity1ist in SystemInformationBlockType1J
3O set the faile&"ellI& to the lobal cell identity of the cell where connection establishment failure is
3O set the meas!es$lt+aile&"ell to include the 0"0P and 0"0F. if available. of the cell where connection
establishment failure is detected and based on measurements collected up to the moment the 43 detected
the failureJ
3O if available. set the meas!es$lt3ei)"ells. in order of decreasin ran#inAcriterion as used for cell reA
selection. to include neihbourin cell measurements for at most the followin number of neihbourin
cellsI = intraAfre;uency and 3 interAfre;uency neihbours per fre;uency as well as 3 interA0/T
neihbours. per fre;uencyD set of fre;uencies (G30/') per 0/T and accordin to the followinI
-O for each neihbour cell included. include the optional fields that are availableJ
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" ++ Release $$
'OT3I The 43 includes the latest results of the available measurements as used for cell reselection evaluation.
which are performed in accordance with the performance re;uirements as specified in T" 3=.,33 K,=L.
3O if detailed location information is available. set the content of the locationInfo as followsI
-O include the location"oor&inatesJ
-O include the )oriAontal:elocity. if availableJ
3O set the n$m'er=fPream'lesSent to indicate the number of preambles sent by M/2 for the failed random
access procedureJ
3O set contention2etecte& to indicate whether contention resolution was not successful as specified in T"
3=.3*, K=L for at least one of the transmitted preambles for the failed random access procedureJ
3O set ma*T*Po9er!eac)e& to indicate whether or not the ma(imum power level was used for the last
transmitted preamble. see T" 3=.3*, K=LJ
*O inform upper layers about the failure to establish the 002 connection. upon which the procedure endsJ
The 43 may discard the connection establishment failure information. i.e. release the 43 variable
:ar"onn,st+ail!eport@ -? hours after the failure is detected. upon power off or upon detach. T302, T303, T305 or T306 e/#ir5 or sto#
The 43 shallI
,O if timer T3+* e(pires or is stoppedI
*O inform upper layers about barrin alleviation for mobile terminatin accessJ
*O if timer T3+3 is not runninI
3O inform upper layers about barrin alleviation for mobile oriinatin callsJ
*O if timer T3+: is not runninI
3O inform upper layers about barrin alleviation for mobile oriinatin sinallinJ
*O if timer T3+= is not runninI
3O inform upper layers about barrin alleviation for mobile oriinatin 2" fallbac#J
,O if timer T3+3 e(pires or is stoppedI
*O if timer T3+* is not runninI
3O inform upper layers about barrin alleviation for mobile oriinatin callsJ
,O if timer T3+: e(pires or is stoppedI
*O if timer T3+* is not runninI
3O inform upper layers about barrin alleviation for mobile oriinatin sinallinJ
,O if timer T3+= e(pires or is stoppedI
*O if timer T3+* is not runninI
3O inform upper layers about barrin alleviation for mobile oriinatin 2" fallbac#J
5.3.3.< Re!e#tio& o3 t$e ##$$onnection#e'ect '5 t$e U+
The 43 shallI
,O stop timer T3++J
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" +, Release $$
,O reset M/2 and release the M/2 confiurationJ
,O start timer T3+*. with the timer value set to the 9aitTimeJ
,O if the e*ten&e&>aitTime is present and the 43 supports delay tolerant accessI
*O forward the e*ten&e&>aitTime to upper layersJ
,O if &eprioritisation!e# is included and the 43 supports 002 2onnection 0eject with deprioritisationI
*O start or restart timer T3*: with the timer value set to the &eprioritisationTimer sinalledJ
*O store the &eprioritisation!e# until T3*: e(piryJ
'OT3I The 43 stores the deprioritisation re;uest irrespective of any cell reselection absolute priority
assinments (by dedicated or common sinallin) and reardless of 002 connections in 3A4T0/' or
other 0/Ts unless specified otherwise.
,O inform upper layers about the failure to establish the 002 connection and that access barrin for mobile
oriinatin calls. mobile oriinatin sinallin. mobile terminatin access and mobile oriinatin 2" fallbac# is
applicable. upon which the procedure endsJ
5.3.3.. %'ortio& o3 RR* !o&&e!tio& esta'"is$6e&t
&f upper layers abort the 002 connection establishment procedure while the 43 has not yet entered
002E2O''32T39. the 43 shallI
,O stop timer T3++. if runninJ
,O reset M/2. release the M/2 confiuration and reAestablish 062 for all 01s that are establishedJ =a&d"i&2 o3 SS%* re"ated #ara6eters
4pon re;uest from the upper layers. the 43 shallI
,O set the local variables Barrin+actor+orMMT,14:oice and BarrinTime+orMMT,14:oice as followsI
*O if the 43 is in 002E&963 and ssac4Barrin+orMMT,14:oice is presentI
3O if the 43 has one or more /ccess 2lasses. as stored on the 4"&M. with a value in the rane ,,..,:. which
is valid for the 43 to use accordin to T" **.+,, K,+L and T" *3.,** K,,L. and
'OT3I /2s ,*. ,3. ,- are only valid for use in the home country and /2s ,,. ,: are only valid for use in the
BP6M'D 3BP6M'.
3O if. for at least one of these /ccess 2lasses. the correspondin bit in the ac4Barrin+orSpecial."
contained in ssac4Barrin+orMMT,14:oice is set to !eroI
-O set Barrin+actor+orMMT,14:oice to one and BarrinTime+orMMT,14:oice to !eroJ
3O elseI
-O set Barrin+actor+orMMT,14:oice and BarrinTime+orMMT,14:oice to the value of ac4
Barrin+actor and ac4BarrinTime included in ssac4Barrin+orMMT,14:oice. respectivelyJ
*O else set Barrin+actor+orMMT,14:oice to one and BarrinTime+orMMT,14:oice to !eroJ
,O set the local variables Barrin+actor+orMMT,14:i&eo and BarrinTime+orMMT,14:i&eo as followsI
*O if the 43 is in 002E&963 and ssac4Barrin+orMMT,14:i&eo is presentI
3O if the 43 has one or more /ccess 2lasses. as stored on the 4"&M. with a value in the rane ,,..,:. which
is valid for the 43 to use accordin to T" **.+,, K,+L and T" *3.,** K,,L. and
3O if. for at least one of these /ccess 2lasses. the correspondin bit in the ac4Barrin+orSpecial."
contained in ssac4Barrin+orMMT,14:i&eo is set to !eroI
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" +% Release $$
-O set Barrin+actor+orMMT,14:i&eo to one and BarrinTime+orMMT,14:i&eo to !eroJ
3O elseI
-O set Barrin+actor+orMMT,14:i&eo and BarrinTime+orMMT,14:i&eo to the value of ac4
Barrin+actor and ac4BarrinTime included in ssac4Barrin+orMMT,14:i&eo. respectivelyJ
*O else set Barrin+actor+orMMT,14:i&eo to one and BarrinTime+orMMT,14:i&eo to !eroJ
,O forward the variables Barrin+actor+orMMT,14:oice. BarrinTime+orMMT,14:oice.
Barrin+actor+orMMT,14:i&eo and BarrinTime+orMMT,14:i&eo to the upper layersJ %!!ess 'arri&2 !$e!>
,O if timer T3+* or MTbarrinM is runninI
*O consider access to the cell as barredJ
,O else if SystemInformationBlockType2 includes M/2 barrin parameterMI
*O if the 43 has one or more /ccess 2lasses. as stored on the 4"&M. with a value in the rane ,,..,:. which is
valid for the 43 to use accordin to T" **.+,, K,+L and T" *3.,** K,,L. and
'OT3I /2s ,*. ,3. ,- are only valid for use in the home country and /2s ,,. ,: are only valid for use in the
BP6M'D 3BP6M'.
*O for at least one of these valid /ccess 2lasses the correspondin bit in the ac4Barrin+orSpecial." contained
in M/2 barrin parameterM is set to AeroI
3O consider access to the cell as not barredJ
*O elseI
3O draw a random number $ran&$ uniformly distributed in the raneI + V ran& W ,J
3O if $ran&$ is lower than the value indicated by ac4Barrin+actor included in M/2 barrin parameterMI
-O consider access to the cell as not barredJ
3O elseI
-O consider access to the cell as barredJ
,O elseI
*O consider access to the cell as not barredJ
,O if access to the cell is barred and both timers T3+* and MTbarrinM are not runninI
*O draw a random number $ran&$ that is uniformly distributed in the rane + V ran& W ,J
*O start timer MTbarrinM with the timer value calculated as follows. usin the ac4BarrinTime included in M/2
barrin parameterMI
MTbarrinM Q (+.>R +.= S ran&) S ac4BarrinTime. +%; !$e!>
The 43 shallI
,O if SystemInformationBlockType14 is present and includes the ea'4ParamI
*O if the ea'4"ommon is included in the ea'4ParamI
3O if the 43 belons to the cateory of 43s as indicated in the ea'4"ateory contained in ea'4"ommonJ and
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" +( Release $$
3O if for the /ccess 2lass of the 43. as stored on the 4"&M and with a value in the rane +..@. the
correspondin bit in the ea'4BarrinBitmap contained in ea'4"ommon is set to oneI
-O consider access to the cell as barredJ
3O elseI
-O consider access to the cell as not barred due to 3/1J
*O else (the ea'4PerP1M341ist is included in the ea'4Param)I
3O select the entry in the ea'4PerP1M341ist correspondin to the P6M' selected by upper layers (see T"
*3.,** K,,L. T" *-.3+, K3:L)J
3O if the ea'4"onfi for that P6M' is includedI
-O if the 43 belons to the cateory of 43s as indicated in the ea'4"ateory contained in ea'4"onfiJ
-O if for the /ccess 2lass of the 43. as stored on the 4"&M and with a value in the rane +..@. the
correspondin bit in the ea'4BarrinBitmap contained in ea'4"onfi is set to oneI
:O consider access to the cell as barredJ
-O elseI
:O consider access to the cell as not barred due to 3/1J
3O elseI
-O consider access to the cell as not barred due to 3/1J
,O elseI
*O consider access to the cell as not barred due to 3/1J
5.3.4 8&itia" se!urit5 a!ti7atio& Ge&era"
/i0ure ,&3&+&$!$1 Securit4 2ode co22and5 successful
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" +- Release $$
/i0ure ,&3&+&$!*1 Securit4 2ode co22and5 failure
The purpose of this procedure is to activate /" security upon 002 connection establishment. 8&itiatio&
3A4T0/' initiates the security mode command procedure to a 43 in 002E2O''32T39. Moreover. 3A4T0/'
applies the procedure as followsI
A when only "01, is established. i.e. prior to establishment of "01* andD or 901s. Re!e#tio& o3 t$e Sec&rityMo(e$omman( '5 t$e U+
The 43 shallI
,O derive the %e'1 #ey. as specified in T" 33.-+, K3*LJ
,O derive the %002int #ey associated with the interityProt.lorit)m indicated in the Sec$rityMo&e"omman&
messae. as specified in T" 33.-+, K3*LJ
,O re;uest lower layers to verify the interity protection of the Sec$rityMo&e"omman& messae. usin the
alorithm indicated by the interityProt.lorit)m as included in the Sec$rityMo&e"omman& messae and the
%002int #eyJ
,O if the Sec$rityMo&e"omman& messae passes the interity protection chec#I
*O derive the %002enc #ey and the %4Penc #ey associated with the cip)erin.lorit)m indicated in the
Sec$rityMo&e"omman& messae. as specified in T" 33.-+, K3*LJ
*O if connected as an 0'I
3O derive the %4Pint #ey associated with the interityProt.lorit)m indicated in the Sec$rityMo&e"omman&
messae. as specified in T" 33.-+, K3*LJ
*O confiure lower layers to apply interity protection usin the indicated alorithm and the %002int #ey
immediately. i.e. interity protection shall be applied to all subse;uent messaes received and sent by the 43.
includin the Sec$rityMo&e"omplete messaeJ
*O confiure lower layers to apply cipherin usin the indicated alorithm. the %002enc #ey and the %4Penc #ey
after completin the procedure. i.e. cipherin shall be applied to all subse;uent messaes received and sent
by the 43. e(cept for the Sec$rityMo&e"omplete messae which is sent uncipheredJ
*O if connected as an 0'I
3O confiure lower layers to apply interity protection usin the indicated alorithm and the %4Pint #ey. for
901s that are subse;uently confiured to apply interity protection. if anyJ
*O consider /" security to be activatedJ
*O submit the Sec$rityMo&e"omplete messae to lower layers for transmission. upon which the procedure endsJ
,O elseI
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" +. Release $$
*O continue usin the confiuration used prior to the reception of the Sec$rityMo&e"omman& messae. i.e.
neither apply interity protection nor cipherin.
*O submit the Sec$rityMo&e+ail$re messae to lower layers for transmission. upon which the procedure endsJ
5.3.5 RR* !o&&e!tio& re!o&3i2uratio& Ge&era"
/i0ure ,&3&,&$!$1 RR# connection reconfi0uration5 successful
/i0ure ,&3&,&$!*1 RR# connection reconfi0uration5 failure
The purpose of this procedure is to modify an 002 connection. e.. to establishD modifyD release 01s. to perform
handover. to setupD modifyD release measurements. to addD modifyD release "2ells. /s part of the procedure. '/"
dedicated information may be transferred from 3A4T0/' to the 43. 8&itiatio&
3A4T0/' may initiate the 002 connection reconfiuration procedure to a 43 in 002E2O''32T39. 3A4T0/'
applies the procedure as followsI
A the mo'ility"ontrolInfo is included only when /"Asecurity has been activated. and "01* with at least one 901
are setup and not suspendedJ
A the establishment of 01s (other than "01,. that is established durin 002 connection establishment) is included
only when /" security has been activatedJ
A the addition of "2ells is performed only when /" security has been activatedJ Re!e#tio& o3 a& ##$$onnection#econfi"&ration &ot i&!"udi&2 t$e
mo)ility$ontrolInfo '5 t$e U+
&f the !!""onnection!econfi$ration messae does not include the mo'ility"ontrolInfo and the 43 is able to comply
with the confiuration included in this messae. the 43 shallI
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" ,) Release $$
,O if this is the first !!""onnection!econfi$ration messae after successful completion of the 002 2onnection
0eAestablishment procedureI
*O reAestablish P92P for "01* and for all 901s that are established. if anyJ
*O reAestablish 062 for "01* and for all 901s that are established. if anyJ
*O if the !!""onnection!econfi$ration messae includes the f$ll"onfiI
3O perform the radio confiuration procedure as specified in section :.3.:.?J
*O if the !!""onnection!econfi$ration messae includes the ra&io!eso$rce"onfi2e&icate&I
3O perform the radio resource confiuration procedure as specified in :.3.,+J
*O resume "01* and all 901s that are suspended. if anyJ
'OT3 ,I The handlin of the radio bearers after the successful completion of the P92P reAestablishment. e.. the
reAtransmission of unac#nowleded P92P "94s (as well as the associated status reportin). the handlin
of the "' and the B8'. is specified in T" 3=.3*3 K?L.
'OT3 *I The 43 may discard "01* messaes and data that it receives prior to completin the reconfiuration
used to resume these bearers.
,O elseI
*O if the !!""onnection!econfi$ration messae includes the ra&io!eso$rce"onfi2e&icate&I
3O perform the radio resource confiuration procedure as specified in :.3.,+J
'OT3 3I &f the !!""onnection!econfi$ration messae includes the establishment of radio bearers other than
"01,. the 43 may start usin these radio bearers immediately. i.e. there is no need to wait for an
outstandin ac#nowledment of the Sec$rityMo&e"omplete messae.
,O if the received !!""onnection!econfi$ration includes the s"ellTo!elease1istI
*O perform "2ell release as specified in :.3.,+.3aJ
,O if the received !!""onnection!econfi$ration includes the s"ellTo.&&Mo&1istI
*O perform "2ell addition or modification as specified in :.3.,+.3bJ
,O if the received !!""onnection!econfi$ration includes the systemInformationBlockType12e&icate&I
*O perfom the actions upon reception of the SystemInformationBlockType1 messae as specified in :.*.*.>B
,O if the !!""onnection!econfi$ration messae includes the &e&icate&Info3.S1istI
*O forward each element of the &e&icate&Info3.S1ist to upper layers in the same order as listedJ
,O if the !!""onnection!econfi$ration messae includes the meas"onfiI
*O perform the measurement confiuration procedure as specified in :.:.*J
,O perform the measurement identity autonomous removal as specified in :.:.*.*aJ
,O if the !!""onnection!econfi$ration messae includes the ot)er"onfiI
*O perform the other confiuration procedure as specified in :.3.,+.@J
,O submit the !!""onnection!econfi$ration"omplete messae to lower layers for transmission usin the new
confiuration. upon which the procedure endsJ
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" ,$ Release $$ Re!e#tio& o3 a& ##$$onnection#econfi"&ration i&!"udi&2 t$e
mo)ility$ontrolInfo '5 t$e U+ ($a&do7er)
&f the !!""onnection!econfi$ration messae includes the mo'ility"ontrolInfo and the 43 is able to comply with the
confiuration included in this messae. the 43 shallI
,O stop timer T3,+. if runninJ
,O start timer T3+- with the timer value set to t304@ as included in the mo'ility"ontrolInfoJ
,O if the carrier+re# is includedI
*O consider the taret P2ell to be one on the fre;uency indicated by the carrier+re# with a physical cell identity
indicated by the taretP)ys"ellI&J
,O elseI
*O consider the taret P2ell to be one on the fre;uency of the source P2ell with a physical cell identity indicated
by the taretP)ys"ellI&J
,O start synchronisin to the 96 of the taret P2ellJ
'OT3 ,I The 43 should perform the handover as soon as possible followin the reception of the 002 messae
trierin the handover. which could be before confirmin successful reception (B/0F and /0F) of this
,O reset M/2J
,O reAestablish P92P for all 01s that are establishedJ
'OT3 *I The handlin of the radio bearers after the successful completion of the P92P reAestablishment. e.. the
reAtransmission of unac#nowleded P92P "94s (as well as the associated status reportin). the handlin
of the "' and the B8'. is specified in T" 3=.3*3 K?L.
,O reAestablish 062 for all 01s that are establishedJ
,O confiure lower layers to consider the "2ell(s). if confiured. to be in deactivated stateJ
,O apply the value of the ne9-,4I&entity as the 2A0'T&J
,O if the !!""onnection!econfi$ration messae includes the f$ll"onfiI
*O perform the radio confiuration procedure as specified in section :.3.:.?J
,O confiure lower layers in accordance with the received ra&io!eso$rce"onfi"ommonJ
,O confiure lower layers in accordance with any additional fields. not covered in the previous. if included in the
received mo'ility"ontrolInfoJ
,O if the !!""onnection!econfi$ration messae includes the ra&io!eso$rce"onfi2e&icate&I
*O perform the radio resource confiuration procedure as specified in :.3.,+J
,O if the key")aneIn&icator received in the sec$rity"onfi/= is set to T!-,I
*O update the %e'1 #ey based on the %/"M3 #ey ta#en into use with the latest successful '/" "M2 procedure. as
specified in T" 33.-+, K3*LJ
,O elseI
*O update the %e'1 #ey based on the current %e'1 or the 'B. usin the ne*t/op")ainin"o$nt value indicated in
the sec$rity"onfi/=. as specified in T" 33.-+, K3*LJ
,O store the ne*t/op")ainin"o$nt valueJ
,O if the sec$rity.lorit)m"onfi is included in the sec$rity"onfi/=I
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" ,* Release $$
*O derive the %002int #ey associated with the interityProt.lorit)m. as specified in T" 33.-+, K3*LJ
*O if connected as an 0'I
3O derive the %4Pint #ey associated with the interityProt.lorit)m. as specified in T" 33.-+, K3*LJ
*O derive the %002enc #ey and the %4Penc #ey associated with the cip)erin.lorit)m. as specified in T" 33.-+,
,O elseI
*O derive the %002int #ey associated with the current interity alorithm. as specified in T" 33.-+, K3*LJ
*O if connected as an 0'I
3O derive the %4Pint #ey associated with the current interity alorithm. as specified in T" 33.-+, K3*LJ
*O derive the %002enc #ey and the %4Penc #ey associated with the current cipherin alorithm. as specified in T"
33.-+, K3*LJ
,O confiure lower layers to apply the interity protection alorithm and the %002int #ey. i.e. the interity protection
confiuration shall be applied to all subse;uent messaes received and sent by the 43. includin the messae
used to indicate the successful completion of the procedureJ
,O confiure lower layers to apply the cipherin alorithm. the %002enc #ey and the %4Penc #ey. i.e. the cipherin
confiuration shall be applied to all subse;uent messaes received and sent by the 43. includin the messae
used to indicate the successful completion of the procedureJ
,O if connected as an 0'I
*O confiure lower layers to apply the interity protection alorithm and the %4Pint #ey. for current or
subse;uently established 901s that are confiured to apply interity protection. if anyJ
,O if the received !!""onnection!econfi$ration includes the s"ellTo!elease1istI
*O perform "2ell release as specified in :.3.,+.3aJ
,O if the received !!""onnection!econfi$ration includes the s"ellTo.&&Mo&1istI
*O perform "2ell addition or modification as specified in :.3.,+.3bJ
,O if the received !!""onnection!econfi$ration includes the systemInformationBlockType12e&icate&I
*O perfom the actions upon reception of the SystemInformationBlockType1 messae as specified in :.*.*.>J
,O perform the measurement related actions as specified in :.:.=.,J
,O if the !!""onnection!econfi$ration messae includes the meas"onfiI
*O perform the measurement confiuration procedure as specified in :.:.*J
,O perform the measurement identity autonomous removal as specified in :.:.*.*aJ
,O release reportPro*imity"onfi and clear any associated pro(imity status reportin timerJ
,O if the !!""onnection!econfi$ration messae includes the ot)er"onfiI
*O perform the other confiuration procedure as specified in :.3.,+.@J
,O set the content of !!""onnection!econfi$ration"omplete messae as followsI
*O if the 43 has radio lin# failure or handover failure information available in :ar!1+4!eport and if the
0P6M' is included in plmn4I&entity1ist stored in :ar!1+4!eportI
3O include rlf4Info.0aila'leJ
*O if the 43 has loed measurements available for 3A4T0/ and if the 0P6M' is included in plmn4I&entity1ist
stored in :ar1oMeas!eportI
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" ,3 Release $$
3O include the loMeas.0aila'leJ
*O if the 43 has connection establishment failure information available in :ar"onn,st+ail!eport and if the
0P6M' is e;ual to plmn4I&entity stored in :ar"onn,st+ail!eportI
3O include conn,st+ailInfo.0aila'leJ
,O submit the !!""onnection!econfi$ration"omplete messae to lower layers for transmissionJ
,O if M/2 successfully completes the random access procedureI
*O stop timer T3+-J
*O apply the parts of the 2F& reportin confiuration. the schedulin re;uest confiuration and the soundin 0"
confiuration that do not re;uire the 43 to #now the "8' of the taret P2ell. if anyJ
*O apply the parts of the measurement and the radio resource confiuration that re;uire the 43 to #now the "8'
of the taret P2ell (e.. measurement aps. periodic 2F& reportin. schedulin re;uest confiuration.
soundin 0" confiuration). if any. upon ac;uirin the "8' of the taret P2ellJ
'OT3 3I <henever the 43 shall setup or reconfiure a confiuration in accordance with a field that is received it
applies the new confiuration. e(cept for the cases addressed by the above statements.
*O if the 43 is confiured to provide &92 indicationsI
3O if the 43 has transmitted an In2e0ice"oe*In&ication messae durin the last , second precedin
reception of the !!""onnection!econfi$ration messae includin mo'ility"ontrolInfoI
-O initiate transmission of the In2e0ice"oe*In&ication messae in accordance with :.=.@.3J
*O if the 43 is confiured to provide power preference indicationsI
3O if the 43 has transmitted a -,.ssistanceInformation messae durin the last , second precedin
reception of the !!""onnection!econfi$ration messae includin mo'ility"ontrolInfoI
-O initiate transmission of the -,.ssistanceInformation messae in accordance with :.=.,+.3J
*O if SystemInformationBlockType15 is broadcast by the P2ellI
3O if the 43 has transmitted a MBMSInterestIn&ication messae durin the last , second precedin reception
of the !!""onnection!econfi$ration messae includin mo'ility"ontrolInfoI
-O ensure havin a valid version of SystemInformationBlockType15 for the P2ellJ
-O determine the set of M1M" fre;uencies of interest in accordance with :.?.:.3J
-O initiate transmission of the MBMSInterestIn&ication messae in accordance with :.?.:.-J
*O the procedure endsJ
'OT3 -I The 43 is not re;uired to determine the "8' of the taret P2ell by ac;uirin system information from
that cell before performin 0/2B access in the taret P2ell. Re!o&3i2uratio& 3ai"ure
The 43 shallI
,O if the 43 is unable to comply with (part of) the confiuration included in the !!""onnection!econfi$ration
*O continue usin the confiuration used prior to the reception of !!""onnection!econfi$ration messaeJ
*O if security has not been activatedI
3O perform the actions upon leavin 002E2O''32T39 as specified in :.3.,*. with release cause otherJ
*O elseI
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" ,+ Release $$
3O initiate the connection reAestablishment procedure as specified in :.3.>. upon which the connection
reconfiuration procedure endsJ
'OT3 ,I The 43 may apply above failure handlin also in case the !!""onnection!econfi$ration messae
causes a protocol error for which the eneric error handlin as defined in :.> specifies that the 43 shall
inore the messae.
'OT3 *I &f the 43 is unable to comply with part of the confiuration. it does not apply any part of the
confiuration. i.e. there is no partial successD failure. T304 e/#ir5 ($a&do7er 3ai"ure)
The 43 shallI
,O if T3+- e(pires (handover failure)I
'OT3 ,I 8ollowin T3+- e(piry any dedicated preamble. if provided within the rac)4"onfi2e&icate&. is not
available for use by the 43 anymore.
*O revert bac# to the confiuration used in the source P2ell. e(cludin the confiuration confiured by the
p)ysical"onfi2e&icate&. the mac4Main"onfi and the sps4"onfiJ
*O store the followin handover failure information in :ar!1+4!eport by settin its fields as followsI
3O clear the information included in :ar!1+4!eport. if anyJ
3O set the plmn4I&entity1ist to include the list of 3P6M's stored by the 43 (i.e. includes the 0P6M')J
3O set the meas!es$lt1astSer0"ell to include the 0"0P and 0"0F. if available. of the source P2ell based on
measurements collected up to the moment the 43 detected handover failureJ
3O set the meas!es$lt3ei)"ells to include the best measured cells. other than the source P2ell. ordered such
that the best cell is listed first. and based on measurements collected up to the moment the 43 detected
handover failure. and set its fields as followsJ
-O if the 43 was confiured to perform measurements for one or more 34T0/ fre;uencies. include the
-O if the 43 was confiured to perform measurement reportin for one or more neihbourin 4T0/
fre;uencies. include the meas!es$lt1ist-T!.J
-O if the 43 was confiured to perform measurement reportin for one or more neihbourin G30/'
fre;uencies. include the meas!es$lt1ist;,!.3J
-O if the 43 was confiured to perform measurement reportin for one or more neihbourin
29M/*+++ fre;uencies. include the meas!es$lts"2M.2000J
-O for each neihbour cell included. include the optional fields that are availableJ
'OT3 *I The measured ;uantities are filtered by the 63 filter as confiured in the mobility measurement
confiuration. The measurements are based on the time domain measurement resource restriction. if
confiured. 1lac#listed cells are not re;uired to be reported.
3O if detailed location information is available. set the content of the locationInfo as followsI
-O include the location"oor&inatesJ
-O include the )oriAontal:elocity. if availableJ
3O set the faile&P"ellI& to the lobal cell identity. if available. and otherwise to the physical cell identity and
carrier fre;uency of the taret P2ell of the failed handoverJ
3O include pre0io$sP"ellI& and set it to the lobal cell identity of the P2ell where the last
!!""onnection!econfi$ration messae includin mo'ility"ontrolInfo was receivedJ
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" ,, Release $$
3O set the time"onn+ail$re to the elapsed time since reception of the last !!""onnection!econfi$ration
messae includin the mo'ility"ontrolInfoJ
3O set the connection+ail$reType to $)of$J
3O set the c4!3TI to the 2A0'T& used in the source P2ellJ
*O initiate the connection reAestablishment procedure as specified in :.3.>. upon which the 002 connection
reconfiuration procedure endsJ
The 43 may discard the handover failure information. i.e. release the 43 variable :ar!1+4!eport@ -? hours after the
failure is detected. upon power off or upon detach.
'OT3 3I 3A4T0/' may retrieve the handover failure information usin the 43 information procedure with rlf4
!eport!e# set to tr$e. as specified in :.=.:.3. Void
5.3.5.< Radio *o&3i2uratio& i&7o"7i&2 3u"" !o&3i2uratio& o#tio&
The 43 shallI
,O releaseD clear all current dedicated radio confiurations e(cept the 2A0'T&. the security confiuration and the
P92P. 062. loical channel confiurations for the 01s and the loed measurement confiurationJ
'OT3 ,I 0adio confiuration is not just the resource confiuration but includes other confiurations li#e
Meas"onfi and =t)er"onfi.
,O if the !!""onnection!econfi$ration messae includes the mo'ility"ontrolInfoI
*O releaseD clear all current common radio confiurationsJ
*O use the default values specified in @.*.: for timer T3,+. T3,, and constant '3,+. '3,,J
,O elseI
*O use values for timers T3+,. T3,+. T3,, and constants '3,+. '3,,. as included in $e4Timers.n&"onstants
received in SystemInformationBlockType2J
,O apply the default physical channel confiuration as specified in @.*.-J
,O apply the default semiApersistent schedulin confiuration as specified in @.*.3J
,O apply the default M/2 main confiuration as specified in @.*.*J
,O for each sr'4I&entity value included in the sr'4To.&&Mo&1ist ("01 reconfiuration)I
*O apply the specified confiuration defined in @.,.* for the correspondin "01J
*O apply the correspondin default 062 confiuration for the "01 specified in @.*.,., for "01, or in @.*.,.*
for "01*J
*O apply the correspondin default loical channel confiuration for the "01 as specified in @.*.,., for "01, or
in @.*.,.* for "01*J
'OT3 *I This is to et the "01s ("01, and "01* for handover and "01* for reconfiuration after
reestablishment) to a #nown state from which the reconfiuration messae can do further confiuration.
,O for each eps4BearerI&entity value included in the &r'4To.&&Mo&1ist that is part of the current 43 confiurationI
*O release the P92P entityJ
*O release the 062 entity or entitiesJ
*O release the 9T2B loical channelJ
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" ,% Release $$
*O release the &r'4i&entityJ
'OT3 3I This will retain the eps4'earerI&entity but remove the 901s includin &r'4i&entity of these bearers from
the current 43 confiuration and trier the setup of the 901s within the /" in "ection :.3.,+.3 usin
the new confiuration. The eps4'earerI&entity acts as the anchor for associatin the released and reAsetup
,O for each eps4BearerI&entity value that is part of the current 43 confiuration but not part of the &r'4
*O perform 901 release as specified in :.3.,+.*J
5.3.6 *ou&ter !$e!> Ge&era"
/i0ure ,&3&%&$!$1 #ounter check procedure
The counter chec# procedure is used by 3A4T0/' to re;uest the 43 to verify the amount of data sentD received on
each 901. More specifically. the 43 is re;uested to chec# if. for each 901. the most sinificant bits of the 2O4'T
match with the values indicated by 3A4T0/'.
'OT3I The procedure enables 3A4T0/' to detect pac#et insertion by an intruder (a $man in the middle$). 8&itiatio&
3A4T0/' initiates the procedure by sendin a "o$nter")eck messae.
'OT3I 3A4T0/' may initiate the procedure when any of the 2O4'T values reaches a specific value. Re!e#tio& o3 t$e $o&nter$heck 6essa2e '5 t$e U+
4pon receivin the "o$nter")eck messae. the 43 shallI
,O for each 901 that is establishedI
*O if no 2O4'T e(ists for a iven direction (uplin# or downlin#) because it is a uniAdirectional bearer
confiured only for the other directionI
3O assume the 2O4'T value to be + for the unused directionJ
*O if the &r'4I&entity is not included in the &r'4"o$ntMSB4Info1istI
3O include the 901 in the &r'4"o$ntInfo1ist in the "o$nter")eck!esponse messae by includin the &r'4
I&entity. the co$nt4-plink and the co$nt42o9nlink set to the value of the correspondin 2O4'TJ
*O else if. for at least one direction. the most sinificant bits of the 2O4'T are different from the value
indicated in the &r'4"o$ntMSB4Info1istI
3O include the 901 in the &r'4"o$ntInfo1ist in the "o$nter")eck!esponse messae by includin the &r'4
I&entity. the co$nt4-plink and the co$nt42o9nlink set to the value of the correspondin 2O4'TJ
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" ,( Release $$
,O for each 901 that is included in the &r'4"o$ntMSB4Info1ist in the "o$nter")eck messae that is not
*O include the 901 in the &r'4"o$ntInfo1ist in the "o$nter")eck!esponse messae by includin the &r'4
I&entity. the co$nt4-plink and the co$nt42o9nlink with the most sinificant bits set identical to the
correspondin values in the &r'4"o$ntMSB4Info1ist and the least sinificant bits set to !eroJ
,O submit the "o$nter")eck!esponse messae to lower layers for transmission upon which the procedure endsJ
5.3.7 RR* !o&&e!tio& re-esta'"is$6e&t Ge&era"
/i0ure ,&3&(&$!$1 RR# connection re!esta3lish2ent5 successful
/i0ure ,&3&(&$!*1 RR# connection re!esta3lish2ent5 failure
The purpose of this procedure is to reAestablish the 002 connection. which involves the resumption of "01, operation.
the reAactivation of security and the confiuration of only the P2ell.
/ 43 in 002E2O''32T39. for which security has been activated. may initiate the procedure in order to continue the
002 connection. The connection reAestablishment succeeds only if the concerned cell is prepared i.e. has a valid 43
conte(t. &n case 3A4T0/' accepts the reAestablishment. "01, operation resumes while the operation of other radio
bearers remains suspended. &f /" security has not been activated. the 43 does not initiate the procedure but instead
moves to 002E&963 directly.
3A4T0/' applies the procedure as followsI
A to reconfiure "01, and to resume data transfer only for this 01J
A to reAactivate /" security without chanin alorithms.
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" ,- Release $$ 8&itiatio&
The 43 shall only initiate the procedure when /" security has been activated. The 43 initiates the procedure when one
of the followin conditions is metI
,O upon detectin radio lin# failure. in accordance with :.3.,,J or
,O upon handover failure. in accordance with :.3.:.=J or
,O upon mobility from 3A4T0/ failure. in accordance with :.-.3.:J or
,O upon interity chec# failure indication from lower layersJ or
,O upon an 002 connection reconfiuration failure. in accordance with :.3.:.:J
4pon initiation of the procedure. the 43 shallI
,O stop timer T3,+. if runninJ
,O start timer T3,,J
,O suspend all 01s e(cept "01+J
,O reset M/2J
,O release the "2ell(s). if confiured. in accordance with :.3.,+.3aJ
,O apply the default physical channel confiuration as specified in @.*.-J
,O apply the default semiApersistent schedulin confiuration as specified in @.*.3J
,O apply the default M/2 main confiuration as specified in @.*.*J
,O release po9erPrefIn&ication"onfi. if confiured and stop timer T3-+. if runninJ
,O release reportPro*imity"onfi and clear any associated pro(imity status reportin timerJ
,O release o'tain1ocation"onfi. if confiuredJ
,O release i&c4"onfi. if confiuredJ
,O release measS$'framePatternP"ell. if confiuredJ
,O if connected as an 0' and confiured with an 0' subframe confiurationI
*O release the 0' subframe confiurationJ
,O perform cell selection in accordance with the cell selection process as specified in T" 3=.3+- K-LJ %!tio&s 3o""o1i&2 !e"" se"e!tio& 1$i"e T311 is ru&&i&2
4pon selectin a suitable 3A4T0/ cell. the 43 shallI
,O stop timer T3,,J
,O start timer T3+,J
,O apply the time.linmentTimer"ommon included in SystemInformationBlockType2J
,O initiate transmission of the !!""onnection!eesta'lis)ment!e#$est messae in accordance with :.3.>.-J
'OT3I This procedure applies also if the 43 returns to the source P2ell.
4pon selectin an interA0/T cell. the 43 shallI
,O if the selected cell is a 4T0/ cell. and if the 43 supports 0adio 6in# 8ailure 0eport for &nterA0/T M0O.
include selecte&-T!.4"ellI& in the :ar!1+4!eport and set it to the physical cell identity and carrier fre;uency
of the selected 4T0/ cellJ
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" ,. Release $$
,O perform the actions upon leavin 002E2O''32T39 as specified in :.3.,*. with release cause $002
connection failure$J %!tio&s re"ated to tra&s6issio& o3 ##$$onnection#eesta)lishment#e%&est
&f the procedure was initiated due to radio lin# failure or handover failure. the 43 shallI
,O set the reesta'lis)ment"ellI& in the :ar!1+4!eport to the lobal cell identity of the selected cellJ
The 43 shall set the contents of !!""onnection!eesta'lis)ment!e#$est messae as followsI
,O set the $e4I&entity as followsI
*O set the c4!3TI to the 2A0'T& used in the source P2ell (handover and mobility from 3A4T0/ failure) or used
in the P2ell in which the trier for the reAestablishment occurred (other cases)J
*O set the p)ys"ellI& to the physical cell identity of the source P2ell (handover and mobility from 3A4T0/
failure) or of the P2ell in which the trier for the reAestablishment occurred (other cases)J
*O set the s)ortM."4I to the ,= least sinificant bits of the M/2A& calculatedI
3O over the /"'., encoded as per section ? (i.e.. a multiple of ? bits) :arS)ortM."4Inp$tJ
3O with the %002int #ey and interity protection alorithm that was used in the source P2ell (handover and
mobility from 3A4T0/ failure) or of the P2ell in which the trier for the reAestablishment occurred
(other cases)J and
3O with all input bits for 2O4'T. 13/030 and 9&032T&O' set to binary onesJ
,O set the reesta'lis)ment"a$se as followsI
*O if the reAestablishment procedure was initiated due to reconfiuration failure as specified in :.3.:.: (the 43 is
unable to comply with the reconfiuration)I
3O set the reesta'lis)ment"a$se to the value reconfi$ration+ail$reJ
*O else if the reAestablishment procedure was initiated due to handover failure as specified in :.3.:.= (intraA6T3
handover failure) or :.-.3.: (interA0/T mobility from 34T0/ failure)I
3O set the reesta'lis)ment"a$se to the value )an&o0er+ail$reJ
*O elseI
3O set the reesta'lis)ment"a$se to the value ot)er+ail$reJ
The 43 shall submit the !!""onnection!eesta'lis)ment!e#$est messae to lower layers for transmission. Re!e#tio& o3 t$e ##$$onnection#eesta)lishment '5 t$e U+
'OT3 ,I Prior to this. lower layer sinallin is used to allocate a 2A0'T&. 8or further details see T" 3=.3*, K=LJ
The 43 shallI
,O stop timer T3+,J
,O consider the current cell to be the P2ellJ
,O reAestablish P92P for "01,J
,O reAestablish 062 for "01,J
,O perform the radio resource confiuration procedure in accordance with the received
ra&io!eso$rce"onfi2e&icate& and as specified in :.3.,+J
,O resume "01,J
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" %) Release $$
'OT3 *I 3A4T0/' should not transmit any messae on "01, prior to receivin the
!!""onnection!eesta'lis)ment"omplete messae.
,O update the %e'1 #ey based on the %/"M3 #ey to which the current %e'1 is associated. usin the
ne*t/op")ainin"o$nt value indicated in the !!""onnection!eesta'lis)ment messae. as specified in T"
33.-+, K3*LJ
,O store the ne*t/op")ainin"o$nt valueJ
,O derive the %002int #ey associated with the previously confiured interity alorithm. as specified in T" 33.-+,
,O derive the %002enc #ey and the %4Penc #ey associated with the previously confiured cipherin alorithm. as
specified in T" 33.-+, K3*LJ
,O if connected as an 0'I
*O derive the %4Pint #ey associated with the previously confiured interity alorithm. as specified in T" 33.-+,
,O confiure lower layers to activate interity protection usin the previously confiured alorithm and the %002int
#ey immediately. i.e.. interity protection shall be applied to all subse;uent messaes received and sent by the
43. includin the messae used to indicate the successful completion of the procedureJ
,O if connected as an 0'I
*O confiure lower layers to apply interity protection usin the previously confiured alorithm and the %4Pint
#ey. for subse;uently resumed or subse;uently established 901s that are confiured to apply interity
protection. if anyJ
,O confiure lower layers to apply cipherin usin the previously confiured alorithm. the %002enc #ey and the
%4Penc #ey immediately. i.e.. cipherin shall be applied to all subse;uent messaes received and sent by the 43.
includin the messae used to indicate the successful completion of the procedureJ
,O set the content of !!""onnection!eesta'lis)ment"omplete messae as followsI
*O if the 43 has radio lin# failure or handover failure information available in :ar!1+4!eport and if the
0P6M' is included in plmn4I&entity1ist stored in :ar!1+4!eportI
3O include the rlf4Info.0aila'leJ
*O if the 43 has loed measurements available for 3A4T0/ and if the 0P6M' is included in plmn4I&entity1ist
stored in :ar1oMeas!eportI
3O include the loMeas.0aila'leJ
*O if the 43 has connection establishment failure information available in :ar"onn,st+ail!eport and if the
0P6M' is e;ual to plmn4I&entity stored in :ar"onn,st+ail!eportI
3O include the conn,st+ailInfo.0aila'leJ
,O perform the measurement related actions as specified in :.:.=.,J
,O perform the measurement identity autonomous removal as specified in :.:.*.*aJ
,O submit the !!""onnection!eesta'lis)ment"omplete messae to lower layers for transmissionJ
,O if SystemInformationBlockType15 is broadcast by the P2ellI
*O if the 43 has transmitted an MBMSInterestIn&ication messae durin the last , second precedin detection of
radio lin# failureI
3O ensure havin a valid version of SystemInformationBlockType15 for the P2ellJ
3O determine the set of M1M" fre;uencies of interest in accordance with :.?.:.3J
3O initiate transmission of the MBMSInterestIn&ication messae in accordance with :.?.:.-J
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" %$ Release $$
,O the procedure endsJ T311 e/#ir5
4pon T3,, e(piry. the 43 shallI
,O perform the actions upon leavin 002E2O''32T39 as specified in :.3.,*. with release cause $002
connection failure$J T301 e/#ir5 or se"e!ted !e"" &o "o&2er suita'"e
The 43 shallI
,O if timer T3+, e(piresJ or
,O if the selected cell becomes no loner suitable accordin to the cell selection criteria as specified in T" 3=.3+-
*O perform the actions upon leavin 002E2O''32T39 as specified in :.3.,*. with release cause $002
connection failure$J
5.3.7.< Re!e#tio& o3 ##$$onnection#eesta)lishment#e'ect '5 t$e U+
4pon receivin the !!""onnection!eesta'lis)ment!e%ect messae. the 43 shallI
,O perform the actions upon leavin 002E2O''32T39 as specified in :.3.,*. with release cause $002
connection failure$J
5.3.< RR* !o&&e!tio& re"ease
5.3.<.1 Ge&era"
/i0ure ,&3&-&$!$1 RR# connection release5 successful
The purpose of this procedure is to release the 002 connection. which includes the release of the established radio
bearers as well as all radio resources.
5.3.<.2 8&itiatio&
3A4T0/' initiates the 002 connection release procedure to a 43 in 002E2O''32T39.
5.3.<.3 Re!e#tio& o3 t$e ##$$onnection#elease '5 t$e U+
The 43 shallI
,O delay the followin actions defined in this subAclause =+ ms from the moment the !!""onnection!elease
messae was received or optionally when lower layers indicate that the receipt of the !!""onnection!elease
messae has been successfully ac#nowleded. whichever is earlierJ
,O if the !!""onnection!elease messae includes the i&leMo&eMo'ility"ontrolInfoI
*O store the cell reselection priority information provided by the i&leMo&eMo'ility"ontrolInfoJ
*O if the t320 is includedI
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" %* Release $$
3O start timer T3*+. with the timer value set accordin to the value of t320J
,O elseI
*O apply the cell reselection priority information broadcast in the system informationJ
,O if the release"a$se received in the !!""onnection!elease messae indicates loa&BalancinT.-!e#$ire&I
*O perform the actions upon leavin 002E2O''32T39 as specified in :.3.,*. with release cause $load
balancin T/4 re;uired$J
,O else if the release"a$se received in the !!""onnection!elease messae indicates cs4+all'ack/i)PriorityI
*O perform the actions upon leavin 002E2O''32T39 as specified in :.3.,*. with release cause $2" 8allbac#
Bih Priority$J
,O elseI
*O if the e*ten&e&>aitTime is present and the 43 supports delay tolerant accessI
3O forward the e*ten&e&>aitTime to upper layersJ
*O perform the actions upon leavin 002E2O''32T39 as specified in :.3.,*. with release cause $other$J
5.3.<.4 T320 e/#ir5
The 43 shallI
,O if T3*+ e(piresI
*O if stored. discard the cell reselection priority information provided by the i&leMo&eMo'ility"ontrolInfo or
inherited from another 0/TJ
*O apply the cell reselection priority information broadcast in the system informationJ
5.3.. RR* !o&&e!tio& re"ease re9uested '5 u##er "a5ers
5.3...1 Ge&era"
The purpose of this procedure is to release the 002 connection. /ccess to the current P2ell may be barred as a result of
this procedure.
'OT3I 4pper layers invo#e the procedure. e.. upon determinin that the networ# has failed an authentication
chec#. see T" *-.3+, K3:L.
5.3...2 8&itiatio&
The 43 initiates the procedure when upper layers re;uest the release of the 002 connection. The 43 shall not initiate
the procedure for power savin purposes.
The 43 shallI
,O if the upper layers indicate barrin of the P2ellI
*O treat the P2ell used prior to enterin 002E&963 as barred accordin to T" 3=.3+- K-LJ
,O perform the actions upon leavin 002E2O''32T39 as specified in :.3.,*. with release cause $other$J
5.3.10 Radio resour!e !o&3i2uratio& Ge&era"
The 43 shallI
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" %3 Release $$
,O if the received ra&io!eso$rce"onfi2e&icate& includes the sr'4To.&&Mo&1istI
*O perform the "01 addition or reconfiuration as specified in :.3.,+.,J
,O if the received ra&io!eso$rce"onfi2e&icate& includes the &r'4To!elease1istI
*O perform 901 release as specified in :.3.,+.*J
,O if the received ra&io!eso$rce"onfi2e&icate& includes the &r'4To.&&Mo&1istI
*O perform 901 addition or reconfiuration as specified in :.3.,+.3J
,O if the received ra&io!eso$rce"onfi2e&icate& includes the mac4Main"onfiI
*O perform M/2 main reconfiuration as specified in :.3.,+.-J
,O if the received ra&io!eso$rce"onfi2e&icate& includes sps4"onfiI
*O perform "P" reconfiuration accordin to :.3.,+.:J
,O if the received ra&io!eso$rce"onfi2e&icate& includes the p)ysical"onfi2e&icate&I
*O reconfiure the physical channel confiuration as specified in :.3.,+. =.
,O if the received ra&io!eso$rce"onfi2e&icate& includes the rlf4Timers.n&"onstantsI
*O reconfiure the values of timers and constants as specified in :.3.,+.>J
,O if the received ra&io!eso$rce"onfi2e&icate& includes the measS$'framePatternP"ellI
*O reconfiure the time domain measurement resource restriction for the servin cell as specified in :.3.,+.?J SR; additio&0 6odi3i!atio&
The 43 shallI
,O for each sr'4I&entity value included in the sr'4To.&&Mo&1ist that is not part of the current 43 confiuration
("01 establishment)I
*O apply the specified confiuration defined in @.,.* for the correspondin "01J
*O establish a P92P entity and confiure it with the current security confiuration. if applicableJ
*O establish an 062 entity in accordance with the received rlc4"onfiJ
*O establish a 922B loical channel in accordance with the received loical")annel"onfi and with the loical
channel identity set in accordance with @.,.*J
,O for each sr'4I&entity value included in the sr'4To.&&Mo&1ist that is part of the current 43 confiuration ("01
*O reconfiure the 062 entity in accordance with the received rlc4"onfiJ
*O reconfiure the 922B loical channel in accordance with the received loical")annel"onfiJ 4R; re"ease
The 43 shallI
,O for each &r'4I&entity value included in the &r'4To!elease1ist that is part of the current 43 confiuration (901
release)J or
,O for each &r'4i&entity value that is to be released as the result of full confiuration option accordin to :.3.:.?I
*O release the P92P entityJ
*O release the 062 entity or entitiesJ
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" %+ Release $$
*O release the 9T2B loical channelJ
,O if the procedure was triered due to handoverI
*O indicate the release of the 901(s) and the eps4BearerI&entity of the released 901(s) to upper layers after
successful handoverJ
,O elseI
*O indicate the release of the 901(s) and the eps4BearerI&entity of the released 901(s) to upper layers
'OT3I The 43 does not consider the messae as erroneous if the &r'4To!elease1ist includes any &r'4I&entity
value that is not part of the current 43 confiuration. 4R; additio&0 6odi3i!atio&
The 43 shallI
,O for each &r'4I&entity value included in the &r'4To.&&Mo&1ist that is not part of the current 43 confiuration
(901 establishment includin the case when full confiuration option is used)I
*O establish a P92P entity and confiure it with the current security confiuration and in accordance with the
received p&cp4"onfiJ
*O establish an 062 entity or entities in accordance with the received rlc4"onfiJ
*O establish a 9T2B loical channel in accordance with the received loical")annelI&entity and the received
,O if the !!""onnection!econfi$ration messae includes the f$ll"onfi &3I
*O associate the established 901 with correspondin included eps4BearerI&entityJ
,O elseI
*O indicate the establishment of the 901(s) and the eps4BearerI&entity of the established 901(s) to upper
,O for each &r'4I&entity value included in the &r'4To.&&Mo&1ist that is part of the current 43 confiuration (901
*O if the p&cp4"onfi is includedI
3O reconfiure the P92P entity in accordance with the received p&cp4"onfiJ
*O if the rlc4"onfi is includedI
3O reconfiure the 062 entity or entities in accordance with the received rlc4"onfiJ
*O if the loical")annel"onfi is includedI
3O reconfiure the 9T2B loical channel in accordance with the received loical")annel"onfiJ
'OT3I 0emoval and addition of the same &r'4I&entity in sinle ra&io!eso$rce"onfi$ration is not supported. S*e"" re"ease
The 43 shallI
,O if the release is triered by reception of the s"ellTo!elease1istI
*O for each s"ellIn&e* value included in the s"ellTo!elease1istI
3O if the current 43 confiuration includes an "2ell with value s"ellIn&e*I
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" %, Release $$
-O release the "2ellJ
,O if the release is triered by 002 connection reAestablishmentI
*O release all "2ells that are part of the current 43 confiurationJ' S*e"" additio&0 6odi3i!atio&
The 43 shallI
,O for each s"ellIn&e* value included in the s"ellTo.&&Mo&1ist that is not part of the current 43 confiuration
("2ell addition)I
*O add the "2ell. correspondin to the cellI&entification. in accordance with the received
ra&io!eso$rce"onfi"ommonS"ell and ra&io!eso$rce"onfi2e&icate&S"ellJ
*O confiure lower layers to consider the "2ell to be in deactivated stateJ
,O for each s"ellIn&e* value included in the s"ellTo.&&Mo&1ist that is part of the current 43 confiuration ("2ell
*O modify the "2ell confiuration in accordance with the received ra&io!eso$rce"onfi2e&icate&S"ellJ M%* 6ai& re!o&3i2uratio&
The 43 shallI
,O reconfiure the M/2 main confiuration in accordance with the received mac4Main"onfi other than sta4
To!elease1ist and sta4To.&&Mo&1istJ
,O if the received mac4Main"onfi includes the sta4To!elease1istI
*O for each ST.;4I& value included in the sta4To!elease1ist that is part of the current 43 confiurationI
3O release the "T/G indicated by ST.;4I&J
,O if the received mac4Main"onfi includes the sta4To.&&Mo&1istI
*O for each sta4I& value included in sta4To.&&Mo&1ist that is not part of the current 43 confiuration ("T/G
3O add the "T/G. correspondin to the sta4I&. in accordance with the received time.linmentTimerST.;J
*O for each sta4I& value included in sta4To.&&Mo&1ist that is part of the current 43 confiuration ("T/G
3O reconfiure the "T/G. correspondin to the sta4I&. in accordance with the received
time.linmentTimerST.;J Se6i-#ersiste&t s!$edu"i&2 re!o&3i2uratio&
The 43 shallI
,O reconfiure the semiApersistent schedulin in accordance with the received sps4"onfiJ P$5si!a" !$a&&e" re!o&3i2uratio&
The 43 shallI
,O if the antennaInfo4r10 is included in the received p)ysical"onfi2e&icate& and the previous version of this field
that was received by the 43 was antennaInfo (without suffi( i.e. the version defined in 036A?)I
*O apply the default antenna confiuration as specified in section @.*.-J
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" %% Release $$
,O if the c#i4!eport"onfi4r10 is included in the received p)ysical"onfi2e&icate& and the previous version of this
field that was received by the 43 was c#i4!eport"onfi (without suffi( i.e. the version defined in 036A?)I
*O apply the default 2F& reportin confiuration as specified in @.*.-J
'OT3I /pplication of the default confiuration involves release of all e(tensions introduced in 036A@ and later.
,O reconfiure the physical channel confiuration in accordance with the received p)ysical"onfi2e&icate&J
,O if the antennaInfo is included and set to e*plicit:al$eI
*O if the confiured transmissionMo&e is tm1. tm2. tm5. tm6 or tm7J or
*O if the confiured transmissionMo&e is tm8 and pmi4!I4!eport is not presentJ or
*O if the confiured transmissionMo&e is tm9 and pmi4!I4!eport is not presentJ or
*O if the confiured transmissionMo&e is tm9 and pmi4!I4!eport is present and antennaPorts"o$nt within csi4
!S is set to an1I
3O release ri4"onfiIn&e* in c#i4!eportPerio&ic. if previously confiuredJ
,O else if the antennaInfo is included and set to &efa$lt:al$eI
*O release ri4"onfiIn&e* in c#i4!eportPerio&ic. if previously confiuredJ Radio i&> (ai"ure Ti6ers a&d *o&sta&ts re!o&3i2uratio&
The 43 shallI
,O if the received rlf4Timers.n&"onstants is set to releaseI
*O use values for timers T3+,. T3,+. T3,, and constants '3,+. '3,,. as included in $e4Timers.n&"onstants
received in SystemInformationBlockType2J
,O elseI
*O reconfiure the value of timers and constants in accordance with received rlf4Timers.n&"onstantsJ
5.3.10.< Ti6e do6ai& 6easure6e&t resour!e restri!tio& 3or ser7i&2 !e""
The 43 shallI
,O if the received measS$'framePatternP"ell is set to releaseI
*O release the time domain measurement resource restriction for the P2ell. if previously confiured
,O elseI
*O apply the time domain measurement resource restriction for the P2ell in accordance with the received
5.3.10.. ?t$er !o&3i2uratio&
The 43 shallI
,O if the received ot)er"onfi includes the reportPro*imity"onfiI
*O if pro*imityIn&ication,-T!. is set to ena'le&I
3O consider itself to be confiured to provide pro(imity indications for 3A4T0/ fre;uencies in accordance
with :.3.,-J
*O elseI
3O consider itself not to be confiured to provide pro(imity indications for 3A4T0/ fre;uenciesJ
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" %( Release $$
*O if pro*imityIn&ication-T!. is set to ena'le&I
3O consider itself to be confiured to provide pro(imity indications for 4T0/ fre;uencies in accordance
with :.3.,-J
*O elseI
3O consider itself not to be confiured to provide pro(imity indications for 4T0/ fre;uenciesJ
,O if the received ot)er"onfi includes the o'tain1ocationI
*O attempt to have detailed location information available for any subse;uent measurement reportJ
'OT3I The 43 is re;uested to attempt to have valid detailed location information available whenever sendin a
measurement report for which it is confiured to include available detailed location information. The 43
may not succeed e.. because the user manually disabled the GP" hardware. due to noDpoor satellite
coverae. 8urther details. e.. reardin when to activate G'"". are up to 43 implementation.
,O if the received ot)er"onfi includes the i&c4"onfiI
*O if i&c4In&ication is included (i.e. set to set$p)I
3O consider itself to be confiured to provide &92 indications in accordance with :.=.@J
*O elseI
3O consider itself not to be confiured to provide &92 indicationsJ
*O if a$tonomo$s2enialParameters is includedI
3O consider itself to be allowed to deny any transmission in a particular 46 subframe if durin the number of
subframes indicated by a$tonomo$s2enial:ali&ity. preceedin and includin this particular subframe. it
autonomously denied fewer 46 subframes than indicated by a$tonomo$s2enialS$'framesJ
*O elseI
3O consider itself not to be allowed to deny any 46 transmissionJ
,O if the received ot)er"onfi includes the po9erPrefIn&ication"onfiI
*O if po9erPrefIn&ication"onfi is set to set$pI
3O consider itself to be confiured to provide power preference indications in accordance with :.=.,+J
*O elseI
3O consider itself not to be confiured to provide power preference indicationsJ
5.3.11 Radio "i&> 3ai"ure re"ated a!tio&s 4ete!tio& o3 #$5si!a" "a5er #ro'"e6s i& RR*@*?))+*T+4
The 43 shallI
,O upon receivin '3,+ consecutive MoutAofAsyncM indications for the P2ell from lower layers while neither T3++.
T3+,. T3+- nor T3,, is runninI
*O start timer T3,+J
'OT3I Physical layer monitorin and related autonomous actions do not apply to "2ells. Re!o7er5 o3 #$5si!a" "a5er #ro'"e6s
4pon receivin '3,, consecutive MinAsyncM indications for the P2ell from lower layers while T3,+ is runnin. the 43
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" %- Release $$
,O stop timer T3,+J
'OT3 ,I &n this case. the 43 maintains the 002 connection without e(plicit sinallin. i.e. the 43 maintains the
entire radio resource confiuration.
'OT3 *I Periods in time where neither MinAsyncM nor MoutAofAsyncM is reported by layer , do not affect the
evaluation of the number of consecutive MinAsyncM or MoutAofAsyncM indications. 4ete!tio& o3 radio "i&> 3ai"ure
The 43 shallI
,O upon T3,+ e(piryJ or
,O upon random access problem indication from M/2 while neither T3++. T3+,. T3+- nor T3,, is runninJ or
,O upon indication from 062 that the ma(imum number of retransmissions has been reachedI
*O consider radio lin# failure to be detectedJ
*O store the followin radio lin# failure information in the :ar!1+4!eport by settin its fields as followsI
3O clear the information included in :ar!1+4!eport. if anyJ
3O set the plmn4I&entity1ist to include the list of 3P6M's stored by the 43 (i.e. includes the 0P6M')J
3O set the meas!es$lt1astSer0"ell to include the 0"0P and 0"0F. if available. of the P2ell based on
measurements collected up to the moment the 43 detected radio lin# failureJ
3O set the meas!es$lt3ei)"ells to include the best measured cells. other than the P2ell. ordered such that
the best cell is listed first. and based on measurements collected up to the moment the 43 detected radio
lin# failure. and set its fields as followsJ
-O if the 43 was confiured to perform measurements for one or more 34T0/ fre;uencies. include the
-O if the 43 was confiured to perform measurement reportin for one or more neihbourin 4T0/
fre;uencies. include the meas!es$lt1ist-T!.J
-O if the 43 was confiured to perform measurement reportin for one or more neihbourin G30/'
fre;uencies. include the meas!es$lt1ist;,!.3J
-O if the 43 was confiured to perform measurement reportin for one or more neihbourin
29M/*+++ fre;uencies. include the meas!es$lts"2M.2000J
-O for each neihbour cell included. include the optional fields that are availableJ
'OT3I The measured ;uantities are filtered by the 63 filter as confiured in the mobility measurement
confiuration. The measurements are based on the time domain measurement resource restriction. if
confiured. 1lac#listed cells are not re;uired to be reported.
3O if detailed location information is available. set the content of the locationInfo as followsI
-O include the location"oor&inatesJ
-O include the )oriAontal:elocity. if availableJ
3O set the faile&P"ellI& to the lobal cell identity. if available. and otherwise to the physical cell identity and
carrier fre;uency of the P2ell where radio lin# failure is detectedJ
3O if an !!""onnection!econfi$ration messae includin the mo'ility"ontrolInfo was received before the
connection failureI
-O if the last !!""onnection!econfi$ration messae includin the mo'ility"ontrolInfo concerned an
intra 3A4T0/ handoverI
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" %. Release $$
:O include the pre0io$sP"ellI& and set it to the lobal cell identity of the P2ell where the last
!!""onnection!econfi$ration messae includin mo'ility"ontrolInfo was receivedJ
:O set the time"onn+ail$re to the elapsed time since reception of the last
!!""onnection!econfi$ration messae includin the mo'ility"ontrolInfoJ
-O if the last !!""onnection!econfi$ration messae includin the mo'ility"ontrolInfo concerned a
handover to 3A4T0/ from 4T0/ and if the 43 supports 0adio 6in# 8ailure 0eport for &nterA0/T
:O include the pre0io$s-T!.4"ellI& and set it to the physical cell identity. the carrier fre;uency and
the lobal cell identity. if available. of the 4T0/ 2ell in which the last
!!""onnection!econfi$ration messae includin mo'ility"ontrolInfo was receivedJ
:O set the time"onn+ail$re to the elapsed time since reception of the last
!!""onnection!econfi$ration messae includin the mo'ility"ontrolInfoJ
3O set the connection+ail$reType to rlfJ
3O set the c4!3TI to the 2A0'T& used in the P2ellJ
3O set the rlf4"a$se to the trier for detectin radio lin# failureJ
*O if /" security has not been activatedI
3O perform the actions upon leavin 002E2O''32T39 as specified in :.3.,*. with release cause $other$J
*O elseI
3O initiate the connection reAestablishment procedure as specified in :.3.>J
The 43 may discard the radio lin# failure information. i.e. release the 43 variable :ar!1+4!eport. -? hours after the
radio lin# failure is detected. upon power off or upon detach.
5.3.12 U+ a!tio&s u#o& "ea7i&2 RR*@*?))+*T+4
4pon leavin 002E2O''32T39. the 43 shallI
,O reset M/2J
,O stop all timers that are runnin e(cept T3*+. T3*: and T33+J
,O release all radio resources. includin release of the 062 entity. the M/2 confiuration and the associated P92P
entity for all established 01sJ
,O indicate the release of the 002 connection to upper layers toether with the release causeJ
,O if leavin 002E2O''32T39 was triered neither by reception of the Mo'ility+rom,-T!."omman&
messae nor by selectin an interA0/T cell while T3,, was runninI
*O enter 002E&963 and perform procedures as specified in T" 3=.3+- K-. :.*.>LJ
5.3.13 U+ a!tio&s u#o& PU**=0 SRS re"ease re9uest
4pon receivin a P422BD "0" release re;uest from lower layers. the 43 shallI
,O apply the default physical channel confiuration for c#i4!eport"onfi as specified in @.*.- and release c#i4
!eport"onfiS"ell. for each "2ell that is confiured. if anyJ
,O apply the default physical channel confiuration for so$n&in!S4-14"onfi2e&icate& as specified in @.*.-. for
all servin cellsJ
,O apply the default physical channel confiuration for sc)e&$lin!e#$est"onfi as specified in @.*.-J
4pon receivin an "0" release re;uest from lower layers. the 43 shallI
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" () Release $$
,O apply the default physical channel confiuration for so$n&in!S4-14"onfi2e&icate&@ as specified in @.*.-. for
the cells of the concerned T/GJ
'OT3I 4pon P422BD "0" release re;uest. the 43 does not modify the so$n&in!S4-14
"onfi2e&icate&.perio&ic i.e. it does not apply the default for this field (release).
5.3.14 Pro/i6it5 i&di!atio& Ge&era"
/i0ure ,&3&$+&$!$1 Pro:i2it4 indication
The purpose of this procedure is to indicate that the 43 is enterin or leavin the pro(imity of one or more 2"G
member cells. The detection of pro(imity is based on an autonomous search function as defined in T" 3=.3+- K-L. 8&itiatio&
/ 43 in 002E2O''32T39 shallI
,O if the 43 enters the pro(imity of one or more 2"G member cell(s) on an 3A4T0/ fre;uency while pro(imity
indication is enabled for such 3A4T0/ cellsJ or
,O if the 43 enters the pro(imity of one or more 2"G member cell(s) on an 4T0/ fre;uency while pro(imity
indication is enabled for such 4T0/ cellsJ or
,O if the 43 leaves the pro(imity of all 2"G member cell(s) on an 3A4T0/ fre;uency while pro(imity indication is
enabled for such 3A4T0/ cellsJ or
,O if the 43 leaves the pro(imity of all 2"G member cell(s) on an 4T0/ fre;uency while pro(imity indication is
enabled for such 4T0/ cellsI
*O if the 43 has previously not transmitted a Pro*imityIn&ication for the 0/T and fre;uency durin the current
002 connection. or if more than : s has elapsed since the 43 has last transmitted a Pro*imityIn&ication
(either enterin or leavin) for the 0/T and fre;uencyI
3O initiate transmission of the Pro*imityIn&ication messae in accordance with :.3.,-.3J
'OT3I &n the conditions above. Mif the 43 enters the pro(imity of one or more 2"G member cell(s)M includes the
case of already bein in the pro(imity of such cell(s) at the time pro(imity indication for the
correspondin 0/T is enabled. %!tio&s re"ated to tra&s6issio& o3 !ro*imityIn(ication 6essa2e
The 43 shall set the contents of Pro*imityIn&ication messae as followsI
,O if the 43 applies the procedure to report enterin the pro(imity of 2"G member cell(s)I
*O set type to enterinJ
,O else if the 43 applies the procedure to report leavin the pro(imity of 2"G member cell(s)I
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" ($ Release $$
*O set type to lea0inJ
,O if the pro(imity indication was triered for one or more 2"G member cell(s) on an 3A4T0/ fre;uencyI
*O set the carrier+re# to e$tra with the value set to the 3A/082' value of the 3A4T0/ cell(s) for which
pro(imity indication was trieredJ
,O else if the pro(imity indication was triered for one or more 2"G member cell(s) on a 4T0/ fre;uencyI
*O set the carrier+re# to $tra with the value set to the /082' value of the 4T0/ cell(s) for which pro(imity
indication was trieredJ
The 43 shall submit the Pro*imityIn&ication messae to lower layers for transmission.
5.3.15 Void
5.4 8&ter-R%T 6o'i"it5
5.4.1 8&trodu!tio&
The eneral principles of connected mode mobility are described in :.3.,.3. The eneral principles of the security
handlin upon connected mode mobility are described in :.3.,.*.
8or the (networ# controlled) inter 0/T mobility from 3A4T0/ for a 43 in 002E2O''32T39. a sinle procedure is
defined that supports both handover. cell chane order with optional networ# assistance ('/22) and enhanced 2"
fallbac# to 29M/*+++ ,(0TT. &n case of mobility to 29M/*+++. the e'1 decides when to move to the other 0/T
while the taret 0/T determines to which cell the 43 shall move.
5.4.2 =a&do7er to +-UTR% Ge&era"
/i0ure ,&+&*&$!$1 ;andover to E!UTRA5 successful
The purpose of this procedure is to. under the control of the networ#. transfer a connection between the 43 and another
0adio /ccess 'etwor# (e.. G30/' or 4T0/') to 3A4T0/'.
The handover to 3A4T0/ procedure applies when "01s. possibly in combination with 901s. are established in
another 0/T. Bandover from 4T0/' to 3A4T0/' applies only after interity has been activated in 4T0/'. 8&itiatio&
The 0/' usin another 0/T initiates the Bandover to 3A4T0/ procedure. in accordance with the specifications
applicable for the other 0/T. by sendin the !!""onnection!econfi$ration messae via the radio access technoloy
from which the interA0/T handover is performed.
3A4T0/' applies the procedure as followsI
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" (* Release $$
A to activate cipherin. possibly usin '466 alorithm. if not yet activated in the other 0/TJ
A to establish "01,. "01* and one or more 901s. i.e. at least the 901 associated with the default 3P" bearer is
establishedJ Re!e#tio& o3 t$e ##$$onnection#econfi"&ration '5 t$e U+
&f the 43 is able to comply with the confiuration included in the !!""onnection!econfi$ration messae. the 43
,O apply the default physical channel confiuration as specified in @.*.-J
,O apply the default semiApersistent schedulin confiuration as specified in @.*.3J
,O apply the default M/2 main confiuration as specified in @.*.*J
,O start timer T3+- with the timer value set to t304@ as included in the mo'ility"ontrolInfoJ
,O consider the taret P2ell to be one on the fre;uency indicated by the carrier+re# with a physical cell identity
indicated by the taretP)ys"ellI&J
,O start synchronisin to the 96 of the taret P2ellJ
,O set the 2A0'T& to the value of the ne9-,4I&entityJ
,O for the taret P2ell. apply the downlin# bandwidth indicated by the &l4Ban&9i&t)B
,O for the taret P2ell. apply the uplin# bandwidth indicated by (the absence or presence of) the $l4Ban&9i&t)B
,O confiure lower layers in accordance with the received ra&io!eso$rce"onfi"ommonJ
,O confiure lower layers in accordance with any additional fields. not covered in the previous. if included in the
received mo'ility"ontrolInfoJ
,O perform the radio resource confiuration procedure as specified in :.3.,+J
,O forward the nas4Sec$rityParamTo,-T!. to the upper layersJ
,O derive the %e'1 #ey. as specified in T" 33.-+, K3*LJ
,O derive the %002int #ey associated with the interityProt.lorit)m. as specified in T" 33.-+, K3*LJ
,O derive the %002enc #ey and the %4Penc #ey associated with the cip)erin.lorit)m. as specified in T" 33.-+, K3*LJ
,O confiure lower layers to apply the indicated interity protection alorithm and the %002int #ey immediately. i.e.
the indicated interity protection confiuration shall be applied to all subse;uent messaes received and sent by
the 43. includin the messae used to indicate the successful completion of the procedureJ
,O confiure lower layers to apply the indicated cipherin alorithm. the %002enc #ey and the %4Penc #ey immediately.
i.e. the indicated cipherin confiuration shall be applied to all subse;uent messaes received and sent by the
43. includin the messae used to indicate the successful completion of the procedureJ
,O if the received !!""onnection!econfi$ration includes the s"ellTo.&&Mo&1istI
*O perform "2ell addition as specified in :.3.,+.3bJ
,O if the !!""onnection!econfi$ration messae includes the meas"onfiI
*O perform the measurement confiuration procedure as specified in :.:.*J
,O perform the measurement identity autonomous removal as specified in :.:.*.*aJ
,O if the !!""onnection!econfi$ration messae includes the ot)er"onfiI
*O perform the other confiuration procedure as specified in :.3.,+.@J
,O set the content of !!""onnection!econfi$ration"omplete messae as followsI
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" (3 Release $$
*O if the 43 has radio lin# failure or handover failure information available in :ar!1+4!eport and if the
0P6M' is included in plmn4I&entity1ist stored in :ar!1+4!eportI
3O include rlf4Info.0aila'leJ
*O if the 43 has loed measurements available for 3A4T0/ and if the 0P6M' is included in plmn4I&entity1ist
stored in :ar1oMeas!eportI
3O include the loMeas.0aila'leJ
*O if the 43 has connection establishment failure information available in :ar"onn,st+ail!eport and if the
0P6M' is e;ual to plmn4I&entity stored in :ar"onn,st+ail!eportI
3O include conn,st+ailInfo.0aila'leJ
,O submit the !!""onnection!econfi$ration"omplete messae to lower layers for transmission usin the new
,O if the !!""onnection!econfi$ration messae does not include rlf4Timers.n&"onstants set to set$pI
*O use the default values specified in @.*.: for timer T3,+. T3,, and constant '3,+. '3,,J
,O if M/2 successfully completes the random access procedureI
*O stop timer T3+-J
*O apply the parts of the 2F& reportin confiuration. the schedulin re;uest confiuration and the soundin 0"
confiuration that do not re;uire the 43 to #now the "8' of the taret P2ell. if anyJ
*O apply the parts of the measurement and the radio resource confiuration that re;uire the 43 to #now the "8'
of the taret P2ell (e.. measurement aps. periodic 2F& reportin. schedulin re;uest confiuration.
soundin 0" confiuration). if any. upon ac;uirin the "8' of the taret P2ellJ
'OT3 ,I <henever the 43 shall setup or reconfiure a confiuration in accordance with a field that is received it
applies the new confiuration. e(cept for the cases addressed by the above statements.
*O enter 3A4T0/ 002E2O''32T39. upon which the procedure endsJ
'OT3 *I The 43 is not re;uired to determine the "8' of the taret P2ell by ac;uirin system information from
that cell before performin 0/2B access in the taret P2ell. Re!o&3i2uratio& 3ai"ure
The 43 shallI
,O if the 43 is unable to comply with (part of) the confiuration included in the !!""onnection!econfi$ration
*O perform the actions defined for this failure case as defined in the specifications applicable for the other 0/TJ
'OT3 ,I The 43 may apply above failure handlin also in case the !!""onnection!econfi$ration messae
causes a protocol error for which the eneric error handlin as defined in :.> specifies that the 43 shall
inore the messae.
'OT3 *I &f the 43 is unable to comply with part of the confiuration. it does not apply any part of the
confiuration. i.e. there is no partial successD failure. T304 e/#ir5 ($a&do7er to +-UTR% 3ai"ure)
The 43 shallI
,O upon T3+- e(piry (handover to 3A4T0/ failure)I
*O reset M/2J
*O perform the actions defined for this failure case as defined in the specifications applicable for the other 0/TJ
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" (+ Release $$
5.4.3 Mo'i"it5 3ro6 +-UTR% Ge&era"
/i0ure ,&+&3&$!$1 6o3ilit4 fro2 E!UTRA5 successful
/i0ure ,&+&3&$!*1 6o3ilit4 fro2 E!UTRA5 failure
The purpose of this procedure is to move a 43 in 002E2O''32T39 to a cell usin another 0adio /ccess
Technoloy (0/T). e.. G30/'. 4T0/ or 29M/*+++ systems. The mobility from 3A4T0/ procedure covers the
followin type of mobilityI
A handover. i.e. the Mo'ility+rom,-T!."omman& messae includes radio resources that have been allocated for
the 43 in the taret cellJ
A cell chane order. i.e. the Mo'ility+rom,-T!."omman& messae may include information facilitatin access of
andD or connection establishment in the taret cell. e.. system information. 2ell chane order is applicable only
to G30/'J and
A enhanced 2" fallbac# to 29M/*+++ ,(0TT. i.e. the Mo'ility+rom,-T!."omman& messae includes radio
resources that have been allocated for the 43 in the taret cell. The enhanced 2" fallbac# to 29M/*+++ ,(0TT
may be combined with concurrent handover or redirection to 29M/*+++ B0P9.
'OT3I 8or the case of dual receiverDtransmitter enhanced 2" fallbac# to 29M/*+++ ,(0TT. the
21InformationTransfer messae is used instead of the Mo'ility+rom,-T!."omman& messae (see T"
3=.3++ K@L). 8&itiatio&
3A4T0/' initiates the mobility from 3A4T0/ procedure to a 43 in 002E2O''32T39. possibly in response to a
Meas$rement!eport messae or in response to reception of 2" fallbac# indication for the 43 from MM3. by sendin a
Mo'ility+rom,-T!."omman& messae. 3A4T0/' applies the procedure as followsI
A the procedure is initiated only when /"Asecurity has been activated. and "01* with at least one 901 are setup
and not suspendedJ Re!e#tio& o3 t$e Mo)ility+rom,-T#.$omman( '5 t$e U+
The 43 shall be able to receive a Mo'ility+rom,-T!."omman& messae and perform a cell chane order to G30/'.
even if no prior 43 measurements have been performed on the taret cell.
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" (, Release $$
The 43 shallI
,O stop timer T3,+. if runninJ
,O if the Mo'ility+rom,-T!."omman& messae includes the p$rpose set to )an&o0erI
*O if the taret!.T4Type is set to $tra or eranI
3O consider interA0/T mobility as initiated towards the 0/T indicated by the taret!.T4Type included in the
Mo'ility+rom,-T!."omman& messaeJ
3O forward the nas4Sec$rityParam+rom,-T!. to the upper layersJ
3O access the taret cell indicated in the interA0/T messae in accordance with the specifications of the
taret 0/TJ
3O if the taret!.T4Type is set to eranI
-O use the contents of systemInformation. if provided for P" Bandover. as the system information to
bein access on the taret G30/' cellJ
'OT3 ,I &f there are 901s for which no radio bearers are established in the taret 0/T as indicated in the
taret!.T4Messae"ontainer in the messae. the 3A4T0/ 002 part of the 43 does not indicate the
release of the concerned 901s to the upper layers. 4pper layers may derive which bearers are not
established from information received from the /" of the taret 0/T.
'OT3 *I &n case of "0AC22. the 901 to be replaced is specified in K=,L.
*O else if the taret!.T4Type is set to c&ma200041<!TT or c&ma20004/!P2I
3O forward the taret!.T4Type and the taret!.T4Messae"ontainer to the 29M/*+++ upper layers for the
43 to access the cell(s) indicated in the interA0/T messae in accordance with the specifications of the
29M/*+++ taretA0/TJ
,O else if the Mo'ility+rom,-T!."omman& messae includes the p$rpose set to cell")ane=r&erI
*O start timer T3+- with the timer value set to t304@ as included in the Mo'ility+rom,-T!."omman& messaeJ
*O if the taret!.T4Type is set to eranI
3O if net9ork"ontrol=r&er is included in the Mo'ility+rom,-T!."omman& messaeI
-O apply the value as specified in T" --.+=+ K3=LJ
3O elseI
-O ac;uire net9ork"ontrol=r&er and apply the value as specified in T" --.+=+ K3=LJ
3O use the contents of systemInformation. if provided. as the system information to bein access on the taret
G30/' cellJ
*O establish the connection to the taret cell indicated in the "ell")ane=r&erJ
'OT3 3I The criteria for success or failure of the cell chane order to G30/' are specified in T" --.+=+K3=L.
,O if the Mo'ility+rom,-T!."omman& messae includes the p$rpose set to e4"S+BI
*O if messae"ont"2M.200041<!TT is presentI
3O forward the messae"ont"2M.200041<!TT to the 29M/*+++ upper layers for the 43 to access the
cell(s) indicated in the interA0/T messae in accordance with the specification of the taret 0/TJ
*O if mo'ility"2M.20004/!P2 is present and is set to )an&o0erI
3O forward the messae"ont"2M.20004/!P2 to the 29M/*+++ upper layers for the 43 to access the
cell(s) indicated in the interA0/T messae in accordance with the specification of the taret 0/TJ
*O if mo'ility"2M.20004/!P2 is present and is set to re&irectionI
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" (% Release $$
3O forward the re&irect"arrier"2M.20004/!P2 to the 29M/*+++ upper layersJ
'OT3 -I <hen the 29M/*+++ upper layers in the 43 receive both the messae"ont"2M.200041<!TT and
messae"ont"2M.20004/!P2 the 43 performs concurrent access to both 29M/*+++ ,(0TT and
29M/*+++ B0P9 0/T.
'OT3 :I The 43 should perform the handover. the cell chane order or enhanced ,(0TT 2" fallbac# as soon as
possible followin the reception of the 002 messae Mo'ility+rom,-T!."omman&. which could be
before confirmin successful reception (B/0F and /0F) of this messae. Su!!ess3u" !o6#"etio& o3 t$e 6o'i"it5 3ro6 +-UTR%
4pon successfully completin the handover. the cell chane order or enhanced ,(0TT 2" fallbac#. the 43 shallI
,O perform the actions upon leavin 002E2O''32T39 as specified in :.3.,*. with release cause $other$J
'OT3I &f the 43 performs enhanced ,(0TT 2" fallbac# alon with concurrent mobility to 29M/*+++ B0P9
and the connection to either 29M/*+++ ,(0TT or 29M/*+++ B0P9 succeeds. then the mobility from
3A4T0/ is considered successful. Mo'i"it5 3ro6 +-UTR% 3ai"ure
The 43 shallI
,O if T3+- e(pires (mobility from 3A4T0/ failure)J or
,O if the 43 does not succeed in establishin the connection to the taret radio access technoloyJ or
,O if the 43 is unable to comply with (part of) the confiuration included in the Mo'ility+rom,-T!."omman&
messaeJ or
,O if there is a protocol error in the inter 0/T information included in the Mo'ility+rom,-T!."omman& messae.
causin the 43 to fail the procedure accordin to the specifications applicable for the taret 0/TI
*O stop T3+-. if runninJ
*O if the cs4+all'ackIn&icator in the Mo'ility+rom,-T!."omman& messae was set to T!-, or e4"S+B was
3D indicate to upper layers that the 2" 8allbac# procedure has failedJ
*O revert bac# to the confiuration used in the source P2ell. e(cludin the confiuration confiured by the
p)ysical"onfi2e&icate&. mac4Main"onfi and sps4"onfiJ
*O initiate the connection reAestablishment procedure as specified in :.3.>J
'OT3I 8or enhanced 2" fallbac# to 29M/*+++ ,(0TT. the above 43 behavior applies only when the 43 is
attemptin the enhanced ,(0TT 2" fallbac# and connection to the taret radio access technoloy fails or
if the 43 is attemptin enhanced ,(0TT 2" fallbac# alon with concurrent mobility to 29M/*+++
B0P9 and connection to both the taret radio access technoloies fails.
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" (( Release $$
5.4.4 =a&do7er 3ro6 +-UTR% #re#aratio& re9uest (*4M%2000) Ge&era"
/i0ure ,&+&+&$!$1 ;andover fro2 E!UTRA preparation re9uest
The purpose of this procedure is to trier the 43 to prepare for handover or enhanced ,(0TT 2" fallbac# to
29M/*+++ by re;uestin a connection with this networ#. The 43 may use this procedure to concurrently prepare for
handover to 29M/*+++ B0P9 alon with preparation for enhanced 2" fallbac# to 29M/*+++ ,(0TT. This
procedure applies to 29M/*+++ capable 43s only.
This procedure is also used to trier the 43 which supports dual 0(DT( enhanced ,(2"81 to redirect its second radio
to 29M/*+++ ,(0TT.
The handover from 3A4T0/ preparation re;uest procedure applies when sinallin radio bearers are established. 8&itiatio&
3A4T0/' initiates the handover from 3A4T0/ preparation re;uest procedure to a 43 in 002E2O''32T39.
possibly in response to a Meas$rement!eport messae or 2" fallbac# indication for the 43. by sendin a
/an&o0er+rom,-T!.Preparation!e#$est messae. 3A4T0/ initiates the procedure only when /" security has been
activated. Re!e#tio& o3 t$e /an(o0er+rom,-T#.!reparation#e%&est '5 t$e U+
4pon reception of the /an&o0er+rom,-T!.Preparation!e#$est messae. the 43 shallI
,O if &$al!*T*!e&irectIn&icator is present in the received messaeI
*O forward &$al!*T*!e&irectIn&icator to the 29M/*+++ upper layersJ
*O forward re&irect"arrier"2M.200041<!TT to the 29M/*+++ upper layers. if includedJ
,O elseI
*O indicate the re;uest to prepare handover or enhanced ,(0TT 2" fallbac# and forward the c&ma20004Type to
the 29M/*+++ upper layersJ
*O if c&ma20004Type is set to type1<!TTI
3O forward the ran& and the mo'ilityParameters to the 29M/*+++ upper layersJ
*O if conc$rrPrep"2M.20004/!P2 is present in the received messaeI
3O forward conc$rrPrep"2M.20004/!P2 to the 29M/*+++ upper layersJ
*O elseI
3O forward conc$rrPrep"2M.20004/!P2. with its value set to +.1S,. to the 29M/*+++ upper layersJ
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" (- Release $$
5.4.5 U $a&do7er #re#aratio& tra&s3er (*4M%2000) Ge&era"
/i0ure ,&+&,&$!$1 U< handover preparation transfer
The purpose of this procedure is to tunnel the handover related 29M/*+++ dedicated information or enhanced ,(0TT
2" fallbac# related 29M/*+++ dedicated information from 43 to 3A4T0/' when re;uested by the hiher layers. The
procedure is triered by the hiher layers on receipt of /an&o0er+rom,-T!.Preparation!e#$est messae. &f
preparin for enhanced 2" fallbac# to 29M/*+++ ,(0TT and handover to 29M/*+++ B0P9. the 43 sends two
consecutive -1/an&o0erPreparationTransfer messaes to 3A4T0/'. one per addressed 29M/*+++ 0/T Type. This
procedure applies to 29M/*+++ capable 43s only. 8&itiatio&
/ 43 in 002E2O''32T39 initiates the 46 Bandover Preparation Transfer procedure whenever there is a need to
transfer handover or enhanced ,(0TT 2" fallbac# related nonA3GPP dedicated information. The 43 initiates the 46
handover preparation transfer procedure by sendin the -1/an&o0erPreparationTransfer messae. %!tio&s re"ated to tra&s6issio& o3 t$e -1/an(o0er!reparationTransfer
The 43 shall set the contents of the -1/an&o0erPreparationTransfer messae as followsI
,O include the c&ma20004Type and the &e&icate&InfoJ
,O if the c&ma20004Type is set to type1<!TTI
*O include the mei& and set it to the value received from the 29M/*+++ upper layersJ
,O submit the -1/an&o0erPreparationTransfer messae to lower layers for transmission. upon which the
procedure endsJ (ai"ure to de"i7er t$e -1/an(o0er!reparationTransfer 6essa2e
The 43 shallI
,O if the 43 is unable to uarantee successful delivery of -1/an&o0erPreparationTransfer messaesI
*O inform upper layers about the possible failure to deliver the information contained in the concerned
-1/an&o0erPreparationTransfer messaeJ
5.4.6 8&ter-R%T !e"" !$a&2e order to +-UTR%) Ge&era"
The purpose of the interA0/T cell chane order to 3A4T0/' procedure is to transfer. under the control of the source
radio access technoloy. a connection between the 43 and another radio access technoloy (e.. G"MD GP0") to 3A
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" (. Release $$ 8&itiatio&
The procedure is initiated when a radio access technoloy other than 3A4T0/'. e.. G"MDGP0". usin procedures
specific for that 0/T. orders the 43 to chane to an 3A4T0/' cell. &n response. upper layers re;uest the establishment
of an 002 connection as specified in subclause :.3.3.
'OT3I <ithin the messae used to order the 43 to chane to an 3A4T0/' cell. the source 0/T should specify
the identity of the taret 3A4T0/' cell as specified in the specifications for that 0/T.
The 43 shallI
,O upon receivin an !!""onnectionSet$p messaeI
*O consider the interA0/T cell chane order procedure to have completed successfullyJ U+ 3ai"s to !o6#"ete a& i&ter-R%T !e"" !$a&2e order
&f the interA0/T cell chane order fails the 43 shall return to the other radio access technoloy and proceed as specified
in the appropriate specifications for that 0/T.
The 43 shallI
,O upon failure to establish the 002 connection as specified in subclause :.3.3I
*O consider the interA0/T cell chane order procedure to have failedJ
'OT3I The cell chane was networ# ordered. Therefore. failure to chane to the taret P2ell should not cause the
43 to move to 43Acontrolled cell selection.
5.5 Measure6e&ts
5.5.1 8&trodu!tio&
The 43 reports measurement information in accordance with the measurement confiuration as provided by 3A
4T0/'. 3A4T0/' provides the measurement confiuration applicable for a 43 in 002E2O''32T39 by means of
dedicated sinallin. i.e. usin the !!""onnection!econfi$ration messae.
The 43 can be re;uested to perform the followin types of measurementsI
A &ntraAfre;uency measurementsI measurements at the downlin# carrier fre;uency(ies) of the servin cell(s).
A &nterAfre;uency measurementsI measurements at fre;uencies that differ from any of the downlin# carrier
fre;uency(ies) of the servin cell(s).
A &nterA0/T measurements of 4T0/ fre;uencies.
A &nterA0/T measurements of G30/' fre;uencies.
A &nterA0/T measurements of 29M/*+++ B0P9 or 29M/*+++ ,(0TT fre;uencies.
The measurement confiuration includes the followin parametersI
,. &easurement o'4e%ts: The objects on which the 43 shall perform the measurements.
A 8or intraAfre;uency and interAfre;uency measurements a measurement object is a sinle 3A4T0/ carrier
fre;uency. /ssociated with this carrier fre;uency. 3A4T0/' can confiure a list of cell specific offsets and a
list of $blac#listed$ cells. 1lac#listed cells are not considered in event evaluation or measurement reportin.
A 8or interA0/T 4T0/ measurements a measurement object is a set of cells on a sinle 4T0/ carrier
A 8or interA0/T G30/' measurements a measurement object is a set of G30/' carrier fre;uencies.
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" -) Release $$
A 8or interA0/T 29M/*+++ measurements a measurement object is a set of cells on a sinle (B0P9 or
,(0TT) carrier fre;uency.
'OT3 ,I "ome measurements usin the above mentioned measurement objects. only concern a sinle cell. e..
measurements used to report neihbourin cell system information. P2ell 43 0(AT( time difference.
*. Re0ortin! %onfi!urationsI / list of reportin confiurations where each reportin confiuration consists of the
A 0eportin criterionI The criterion that triers the 43 to send a measurement report. This can either be
periodical or a sinle event description.
A 0eportin formatI The ;uantities that the 43 includes in the measurement report and associated information
(e.. number of cells to report).
3. &easurement identitiesI / list of measurement identities where each measurement identity lin#s one
measurement object with one reportin confiuration. 1y confiurin multiple measurement identities it is
possible to lin# more than one measurement object to the same reportin confiuration. as well as to lin# more
than one reportin confiuration to the same measurement object. The measurement identity is used as a
reference number in the measurement report.
-. 5uantity %onfi!urations: One ;uantity confiuration is confiured per 0/T type. The ;uantity confiuration
defines the measurement ;uantities and associated filterin used for all event evaluation and related reportin of
that measurement type. One filter can be confiured per measurement ;uantity.
:. &easurement !a0s: Periods that the 43 may use to perform measurements. i.e. no (46. 96) transmissions are
3A4T0/' only confiures a sinle measurement object for a iven fre;uency. i.e. it is not possible to confiure two or
more measurement objects for the same fre;uency with different associated parameters. e.. different offsets andD or
blac#lists. 3A4T0/' may confiure multiple instances of the same event e.. by confiurin two reportin
confiurations with different thresholds.
The 43 maintains a sinle measurement object list. a sinle reportin confiuration list. and a sinle measurement
identities list. The measurement object list includes measurement objects. that are specified per 0/T type. possibly
includin intraAfre;uency object(s) (i.e. the object(s) correspondin to the servin fre;uency(ies)). interAfre;uency
object(s) and interA0/T objects. "imilarly. the reportin confiuration list includes 3A4T0/ and interA0/T reportin
confiurations. /ny measurement object can be lin#ed to any reportin confiuration of the same 0/T type. "ome
reportin confiurations may not be lin#ed to a measurement object. 6i#ewise. some measurement objects may not be
lin#ed to a reportin confiuration.
The measurement procedures distinuish the followin types of cellsI
,. The servin cell(s)H these are the P2ell and one or more "2ells. if confiured for a 43 supportin 2/.
*. 6isted cells A these are cells listed within the measurement object(s).
3. 9etected cells A these are cells that are not listed within the measurement object(s) but are detected by the 43 on
the carrier fre;uency(ies) indicated by the measurement object(s).
8or 3A4T0/. the 43 measures and reports on the servin cell(s). listed cells and detected cells. 8or interA0/T 4T0/.
the 43 measures and reports on listed cells and optionally on cells that are within a rane for which reportin is allowed
by 3A4T0/'. 8or interA0/T G30/'. the 43 measures and reports on detected cells. 8or interA0/T 29M/*+++. the
43 measures and reports on listed cells.
'OT3 *I 8or interA0/T 4T0/ and 29M/*+++. the 43 measures and reports also on detected cells for the
purpose of "O'.
'OT3 3I This specification is based on the assumption that typically 2"G cells of home deployment type are not
indicated within the neihbour list. 8urthermore. the assumption is that for nonAhome deployments. the
physical cell identity is uni;ue within the area of a lare macro cell (i.e. as for 4T0/').
<henever the procedural specification. other than contained in subAclause :.:.*. refers to a field it concerns a field
included in the :arMeas"onfi unless e(plicitly stated otherwise i.e. only the measurement confiuration procedure
covers the direct 43 action related to the received meas"onfi.
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" -$ Release $$
5.5.2 Measure6e&t !o&3i2uratio& Ge&era"
3A4T0/' applies the procedure as followsI
A to ensure that. whenever the 43 has a meas"onfi. it includes a meas='%ect for each servin fre;uencyJ
A to confiure at most one measurement identity usin a reportin confiuration with the p$rpose set to report";IJ
A for servin fre;uencies. set the 3/082' within the correspondin meas='%ect accordin to the band as used for
receptionD transmissionJ
The 43 shallI
,O if the received meas"onfi includes the meas='%ectTo!emo0e1istI
*O perform the measurement object removal procedure as specified in :.:.*.-J
,O if the received meas"onfi includes the meas='%ectTo.&&Mo&1istI
*O perform the measurement object additionD modification procedure as specified in :.:.*.:J
,O if the received meas"onfi includes the report"onfiTo!emo0e1istI
*O perform the reportin confiuration removal procedure as specified in :.:.*.=J
,O if the received meas"onfi includes the report"onfiTo.&&Mo&1istI
*O perform the reportin confiuration additionD modification procedure as specified in :.:.*.>J
,O if the received meas"onfi includes the #$antity"onfiI
*O perform the ;uantity confiuration procedure as specified in :.:.*.?J
,O if the received meas"onfi includes the measI&To!emo0e1istI
*O perform the measurement identity removal procedure as specified in :.:.*.*J
,O if the received meas"onfi includes the measI&To.&&Mo&1istI
*O perform the measurement identity additionD modification procedure as specified in :.:.*.3J
,O if the received meas"onfi includes the meas;ap"onfiI
*O perform the measurement ap confiuration procedure as specified in :.:.*.@J
,O if the received meas"onfi includes the s4Meas$reI
*O set the parameter s4Meas$re within :arMeas"onfi to the lowest value of the 0"0P ranes indicated by the
received value of s4Meas$reJ
,O if the received meas"onfi includes the pre!eistrationInfo/!P2I
*O forward the pre!eistrationInfo/!P2 to 29M/*+++ upper layersJ
,O if the received meas"onfi includes the spee&StateParsI
*O set the parameter spee&StatePars within :arMeas"onfi to the received value of spee&StateParsJ Measure6e&t ide&tit5 re6o7a"
The 43 shallI
,O for each measI& included in the received measI&To!emo0e1ist that is part of the current 43 confiuration in
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" -* Release $$
*O remove the entry with the matchin measI& from the measI&1ist within the :arMeas"onfiJ
*O remove the measurement reportin entry for this measI& from the :arMeas!eport1ist. if includedJ
*O stop the periodical reportin timer or timer T3*,. whichever one is runnin. and reset the associated
information (e.. timeToTrier) for this measI&J
'OT3I The 43 does not consider the messae as erroneous if the measI&To!emo0e1ist includes any measI&
value that is not part of the current 43 confiuration. Measure6e&t ide&tit5 auto&o6ous re6o7a"
The 43 shallI
,O for each measI& included in the measI&1ist within :arMeas"onfiI
*O if the associated report"onfi concerns an event involvin a servin cell while the concerned servin cell is
not confiuredI
3O remove the measI& from the measI&1ist within the :arMeas"onfiJ
3O remove the measurement reportin entry for this measI& from the :arMeas!eport1ist. if includedJ
3O stop the periodical reportin timer if runnin. and reset the associated information (e.. timeToTrier) for
this measI&J
'OT3 ,I The above 43 autonomous removal of measI&$s applies only for measurement events /,. /* and /=.
'OT3 *I <hen performed durin reAestablishment. the 43 is only confiured with a primary fre;uency (i.e. the
"2ell(s) are released. if confiured). Measure6e&t ide&tit5 additio&0 6odi3i!atio&
3A4T0/' applies the procedure as followsI
A confiure a measI& only if the correspondin measurement object. the correspondin reportin confiuration and
the correspondin ;uantity confiuration. are confiuredJ
The 43 shallI
,O for each measI& included in the received measI&To.&&Mo&1istI
*O if an entry with the matchin measI& e(ists in the measI&1ist within the :arMeas"onfiI
3O replace the entry with the value received for this measI&J
*O elseI
3O add a new entry for this measI& within the :arMeas"onfiJ
*O remove the measurement reportin entry for this measI& from the :arMeas!eport1ist. if includedJ
*O stop the periodical reportin timer or timer T3*,. whichever one is runnin. and reset the associated
information (e.. timeToTrier) for this measI&J
*O if the trierType is set to perio&ical and the p$rpose is set to report";I in the report"onfi associated with
this measI&I
3O if the meas='%ect associated with this measI& concerns 3A4T0/I
-O if the si4!e#$est+or/= is included in the report"onfi associated with this measI&I
:O start timer T3*, with the timer value set to ,:+ ms for this measI&J
-O elseI
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" -3 Release $$
:O start timer T3*, with the timer value set to , second for this measI&J
3O else if the meas='%ect associated with this measI& concerns 4T0/I
-O if the si4!e#$est+or/= is included in the report"onfi associated with this measI&I
:O for 4T0/ 899. start timer T3*, with the timer value set to * seconds for this measI&J
:O for 4T0/ T99. start timer T3*, with the timer value set to K, secondL for this measI&J
-O elseI
:O start timer T3*, with the timer value set to ? seconds for this measI&J
3O elseI
-O start timer T3*, with the timer value set to ? seconds for this measI&J Measure6e&t o'Ae!t re6o7a"
The 43 shallI
,O for each meas='%ectI& included in the received meas='%ectTo!emo0e1ist that is part of the current 43
confiuration in :arMeas"onfiI
*O remove the entry with the matchin meas='%ectI& from the meas='%ect1ist within the :arMeas"onfiJ
*O remove all measI& associated with this meas='%ectI& from the measI&1ist within the :arMeas"onfi@ if anyJ
*O if a measI& is removed from the measI&1istC
3O remove the measurement reportin entry for this measI& from the :arMeas!eport1ist. if includedJ
3O stop the periodical reportin timer or timer T3*,. whichever one is runnin. and reset the associated
information (e.. timeToTrier) for this measI&J
'OT3I The 43 does not consider the messae as erroneous if the meas='%ectTo!emo0e1ist includes any
meas='%ectI& value that is not part of the current 43 confiuration. Measure6e&t o'Ae!t additio&0 6odi3i!atio&
The 43 shallI
,O for each meas='%ectI& included in the received meas='%ectTo.&&Mo&1istI
*O if an entry with the matchin meas='%ectI& e(ists in the meas='%ect1ist within the :arMeas"onfi. for this
3O replace the entry with the value received for this meas='%ect. e(cept for the fields cellsTo.&&Mo&1ist.
'lack"ellsTo.&&Mo&1ist. cellsTo!emo0e1ist@ 'lack"ellsTo!emo0e1ist and
3O if the received meas='%ect includes the cellsTo!emo0e1istI
-O for each cellIn&e* included in the cellsTo!emo0e1istI
:O remove the entry with the matchin cellIn&e* from the cellsTo.&&Mo&1istJ
3O if the received meas='%ect includes the cellsTo.&&Mo&1istI
-O for each cellIn&e* value included in the cellsTo.&&Mo&1istI
:O if an entry with the matchin cellIn&e* e(ists in the cellsTo.&&Mo&1istI
=O replace the entry with the value received for this cellIn&e*J
:O elseI
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" -+ Release $$
=O add a new entry for the received cellIn&e* to the cellsTo.&&Mo&1istJ
3O if the received meas='%ect includes the 'lack"ellsTo!emo0e1istI
-O for each cellIn&e* included in the 'lack"ellsTo!emo0e1istI
:O remove the entry with the matchin cellIn&e* from the 'lack"ellsTo.&&Mo&1istJ
'OT3I 8or each cellIn&e* included in the 'lack"ellsTo!emo0e1ist that concerns overlappin ranes of cells. a
cell is removed from the blac# list of cells only if all cell inde(es containin it are removed.
3O if the received meas='%ect includes the 'lack"ellsTo.&&Mo&1istI
-O for each cellIn&e* included in the 'lack"ellsTo.&&Mo&1istI
:O if an entry with the matchin cellIn&e* is included in the 'lack"ellsTo.&&Mo&1istI
=O replace the entry with the value received for this cellIn&e*J
:O elseI
=O add a new entry for the received cellIn&e* to the 'lack"ellsTo.&&Mo&1istJ
3O if the received meas='%ect includes measS$'framePattern"onfi3ei)I
-O set measS$'framePattern"onfi3ei) within the :arMeas"onfi to the value of the received field
3O for each measI& associated with this meas='%ectI& in the measI&1ist within the :arMeas"onfi. if anyI
-O remove the measurement reportin entry for this measI& from the :arMeas!eport1ist. if includedJ
-O stop the periodical reportin timer or timer T3*,. whichever one is runnin. and reset the associated
information (e.. timeToTrier) for this measI&J
*O elseI
3O add a new entry for the received meas='%ect to the meas='%ect1ist within :arMeas"onfiJ Re#orti&2 !o&3i2uratio& re6o7a"
The 43 shallI
,O for each report"onfiI& included in the received report"onfiTo!emo0e1ist that is part of the current 43
confiuration in :arMeas"onfiI
*O remove the entry with the matchin report"onfiI& from the report"onfi1ist within the :arMeas"onfiJ
*O remove all measI& associated with the report"onfiI& from the measI&1ist within the :arMeas"onfi. if anyJ
*O if a measI& is removed from the measI&1istI
3O remove the measurement reportin entry for this measI& from the :arMeas!eport1ist. if includedJ
3O stop the periodical reportin timer or timer T3*,. whichever one is runnin. and reset the associated
information (e.. timeToTrier) for this measI&J
'OT3I The 43 does not consider the messae as erroneous if the report"onfiTo!emo0e1ist includes any
report"onfiI& value that is not part of the current 43 confiuration. Re#orti&2 !o&3i2uratio& additio&0 6odi3i!atio&
The 43 shallI
,O for each report"onfiI& included in the received report"onfiTo.&&Mo&1istI
*O if an entry with the matchin report"onfiI& e(ists in the report"onfi1ist within the :arMeas"onfi. for
this entryI
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" -, Release $$
3O replace the entry with the value received for this report"onfiJ
3O for each measI& associated with this report"onfiI& included in the measI&1ist within the
:arMeas"onfi. if anyI
-O remove the measurement reportin entry for this measI& from in :arMeas!eport1ist. if includedJ
-O stop the periodical reportin timer or timer T3*,. whichever one is runnin. and reset the associated
information (e.. timeToTrier) for this measI&J
*O elseI
3O add a new entry for the received report"onfi to the report"onfi1ist within the :arMeas"onfiJ
5.5.2.< Bua&tit5 !o&3i2uratio&
The 43 shallI
,O for each 0/T for which the received #$antity"onfi includes parameter(s)I
*O set the correspondin parameter(s) in #$antity"onfi within :arMeas"onfi to the value of the received
#$antity"onfi parameter(s)J
,O for each measI& included in the measI&1ist within :arMeas"onfiI
*O remove the measurement reportin entry for this measI& from the :arMeas!eport1ist. if includedJ
*O stop the periodical reportin timer or timer T3*,. whichever one is runnin. and reset the associated
information (e.. timeToTrier) for this measI&J
5.5.2.. Measure6e&t 2a# !o&3i2uratio&
The 43 shallI
,O if meas;ap"onfi is set to set$pI
*O if a measurement ap confiuration is already setup. release the measurement ap confiurationJ
*O setup the measurement ap confiuration indicated by the measGapConfg in accordance with the
received ap=ffset. i.e.. the first subframe of each ap occurs at an "8' and subframe meetin the followin
"8' mod T Q 86OO0(ap=ffsetD,+)J
subframe Q ap=ffset mod ,+J
with T Q MG0PD,+ as defined in T" 3=.,33 K,=LJ
,O elseI
*O release the measurement ap confiurationJ
5.5.3 Per3or6i&2 6easure6e&ts Ge&era"
8or all measurements the 43 applies the layer 3 filterin as specified in :.:.3.*. before usin the measured results for
evaluation of reportin criteria or for measurement reportin.
The 43 shallI
,O whenever the 43 has a meas"onfi. perform 0"0P and 0"0F measurements for each servin cell@ applyin for
the P2ell the time domain measurement resource restriction in accordance with measS$'framePatternP"ell@ if
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" -% Release $$
,O for each measI& included in the measI&1ist within :arMeas"onfiI
*O if the p$rpose for the associated report"onfi is set to report";II
3O if si4!e#$est+or/= is confiured for the associated report"onfiI
-O perform the correspondin measurements on the fre;uency and 0/T indicated in the associated
meas='%ect usin autonomous aps as necessaryJ
3O elseI
-O perform the correspondin measurements on the fre;uency and 0/T indicated in the associated
meas='%ect usin available idle periods or usin autonomous aps as necessaryJ
'OT3 ,I &f autonomous aps are used to perform measurements. the 43 is allowed to temporarily abort
communication with all servin cell(s). i.e. create autonomous aps to perform the correspondin
measurements within the limits specified in T" 3=.,33 K,=L. Otherwise. the 43 only supports the
measurements with the purpose set to report";I only if 3A4T0/' has provided sufficient idle periods.
3O try to ac;uire the lobal cell identity of the cell indicated by the cell+or>)ic)To!eport";I in the
associated meas='%ect by ac;uirin the relevant system information from the concerned cellJ
3O if the cell indicated by the cell+or>)ic)To!eport";I included in the associated meas='%ect is an 3A
4T0/' cellI
-O try to ac;uire the 2"G identity. if the 2"G identity is broadcast in the concerned cellJ
-O try to ac;uire the trackin.rea"o&e in the concerned cellJ
-O try to ac;uire the list of additional P6M' &dentities. as included in the plmn4I&entity1ist. if multiple
P6M' identities are broadcast in the concerned cellJ
'OT3 *I The $primary$ P6M' is part of the lobal cell identity.
3O if the cell indicated by the cell+or>)ic)To!eport";I included in the associated meas='%ect is a 4T0/'
-O try to ac;uire the 6/2. the 0/2 and the list of additional P6M' &dentities. if multiple P6M'
identities are broadcast in the concerned cellJ
-O try to ac;uire the 2"G identity. if the 2"G identity is broadcast in the concerned cellJ
3O if the cell indicated by the cell+or>)ic)To!eport";I included in the associated meas='%ect is a G30/'
-O try to ac;uire the 0/2 in the concerned cellJ
3O if the cell indicated by the cell+or>)ic)To!eport";I included in the associated meas='%ect is a
29M/*+++ cell and the c&ma20004Type included in the meas='%ect is type/!P2I
-O try to ac;uire the "ector &9 in the concerned cellJ
3O if the cell indicated by the cell+or>)ic)To!eport";I included in the associated meas='%ect is a
29M/*+++ cell and the c&ma20004Type included in the meas='%ect is type1<!TTI
-O try to ac;uire the 1/"3 &9. "&9 and '&9 in the concerned cellJ
*O elseI
3O if a measurement ap confiuration is setupJ or
3O if the 43 does not re;uire measurement aps to perform the concerned measurementsI
-O if s4Meas$re is not confiuredJ or
-O if s4Meas$re is confiured and the P2ell 0"0P. after layer 3 filterin. is lower than this valueI
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" -( Release $$
:O perform the correspondin measurements of neihbourin cells on the fre;uencies and 0/Ts
indicated in the concerned meas='%ect@ applyin for neihbourin cells on the primary fre;uency
the time domain measurement resource restriction in accordance with
measS$'framePattern"onfi3ei)@ if confiured in the concerned meas='%ectJ
-O if the $e4!*T*Time2iffPerio&ical is confiured in the associated report"onfiI
:O perform the 43 0(HT( time difference measurements on the P2ellJ
*O perform the evaluation of reportin criteria as specified in :.:.-J
'OT3 3I The s4Meas$re defines when the 43 is re;uired to perform measurements. The 43 is however allowed to
perform measurements also when the P2ell 0"0P e(ceeds s4Meas$re. e... to measure cells broadcastin
a 2"G identity followin use of the autonomous search function as defined in T" 3=.3+- K-L. a5er 3 3i"teri&2
The 43 shallI
,O for each measurement ;uantity that the 43 performs measurements accordin to :.:.3.,I
'OT3 ,I This does not include ;uantities confiured solely for 43 0(AT( time difference measurements i.e. for
those type of measurements the 43 inores the trier7$antity and report7$antity.
*O filter the measured result. before usin for evaluation of reportin criteria or for measurement reportin. by
the followin formulaI
n n n
M a + a + + =
) , (
Mn is the latest received measurement result from the physical layerJ
Fn is the updated filtered measurement result. that is used for evaluation of reportin criteria or for
measurement reportinJ
Fn-1 is the old filtered measurement result. where F0 is set to M1 when the first measurement result from
the physical layer is receivedJ and
a Q ,D*
. where k is the flterCoefcient for the correspondin measurement ;uantity received by the
*O adapt the filter such that the time characteristics of the filter are preserved at different input rates. observin
that the flterCoefcient k assumes a sample rate e;ual to *++ msJ
'OT3 *I &f k is set to +. no layer 3 filterin is applicable.
'OT3 3I The filterin is performed in the same domain as used for evaluation of reportin criteria or for
measurement reportin. i.e.. loarithmic filterin for loarithmic measurements.
'OT3 -I The filter input rate is implementation dependent. to fulfil the performance re;uirements set in K,=L. 8or
further details about the physical layer measurements. see T" 3=.,33 K,=L.
5.5.4 Measure6e&t re#ort tri22eri&2 Ge&era"
The 43 shallI
,O for each measI& included in the measI&1ist within :arMeas"onfiI
*O if the correspondin report"onfi includes a purpose set to reportStronest"ells+orS=3I
3O consider any neihbourin cell detected on the associated fre;uency to be applicableJ
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" -- Release $$
*O else if the correspondin report"onfi includes a purpose set to report";II
3O consider any neihbourin cell detected on the associated fre;uencyD set of fre;uencies (G30/') which
has a physical cell identity matchin the value of the cell+or>)ic)To!eport";I included in the
correspondin meas='%ect within the :arMeas"onfi to be applicableJ
*O elseI
3O if the correspondin meas='%ect concerns 3A4T0/I
-O if the $e4!*T*Time2iffPerio&ical is confiured in the correspondin report"onfiI
:O consider only the P2ell to be applicableJ
-O else if the e0ent.1 or e0ent.2 is confiured in the correspondin report"onfiI
:O consider only the servin cell to be applicableJ
-O elseI
:O consider any neihbourin cell detected on the associated fre;uency to be applicable when the
concerned cell is not included in the 'lack"ellsTo.&&Mo&1ist defined within the :arMeas"onfi
for this measI&J
:O for events involvin a servin cell on one fre;uency and neihbours on another fre;uency.
consider the servin cell on the other fre;uency as a neihbourin cellJ
3O else if the correspondin meas='%ect concerns 4T0/ or 29M/*+++I
-O consider a neihbourin cell on the associated fre;uency to be applicable when the concerned cell is
included in the cellsTo.&&Mo&1ist defined within the :arMeas"onfi for this measI& (i.e. the cell is
included in the whiteAlist)J
'OT3 +I The 43 may also consider a neihbourin cell on the associated 4T0/ fre;uency to be applicable when
the concerned cell is included in the cs4allo9e&!eportin"ells within the :arMeas"onfi for this
measI&. if confiured in the correspondin meas='%ect-T!. (i.e. the cell is included in the rane of
physical cell identities for which reportin is allowed).
3O else if the correspondin meas='%ect concerns G30/'I
-O consider a neihbourin cell on the associated set of fre;uencies to be applicable when the concerned
cell matches the ncc4Permitte& defined within the :arMeas"onfi for this measI&J
*O if the trierType is set to e0ent and if the entry condition applicable for this event. i.e. the event
correspondin with the e0entI& of the correspondin report"onfi within :arMeas"onfi. is fulfilled for one
or more applicable cells for all measurements after layer 3 filterin ta#en durin timeToTrier defined for
this event within the :arMeas"onfi. while the :arMeas!eport1ist does not include an measurement
reportin entry for this measI& (a first cell triers the event)I
3O include a measurement reportin entry within the :arMeas!eport1ist for this measI&J
3O set the n$m'er=f!eportsSent defined within the :arMeas!eport1ist for this measI& to +J
3O include the concerned cell(s) in the cellsTriere&1ist defined within the :arMeas!eport1ist for this
3O initiate the measurement reportin procedure. as specified in :.:.:J
*O if the trierType is set to e0ent and if the entry condition applicable for this event. i.e. the event
correspondin with the e0entI& of the correspondin report"onfi within :arMeas"onfi. is fulfilled for one
or more applicable cells not included in the cellsTriere&1ist for all measurements after layer 3 filterin
ta#en durin timeToTrier defined for this event within the :arMeas"onfi (a subse;uent cell triers the
3O set the n$m'er=f!eportsSent defined within the :arMeas!eport1ist for this measI& to +J
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" -. Release $$
3O include the concerned cell(s) in the cellsTriere&1ist defined within the :arMeas!eport1ist for this
3O initiate the measurement reportin procedure. as specified in :.:.:J
*O if the trierType is set to e0ent and if the leavin condition applicable for this event is fulfilled for one or
more of the cells included in the cellsTriere&1ist defined within the :arMeas!eport1ist for this measI& for
all measurements after layer 3 filterin ta#en durin timeToTrier defined within the :arMeas"onfi for this
3O remove the concerned cell(s) in the cellsTriere&1ist defined within the :arMeas!eport1ist for this
3O if report=n1ea0e is set to T!-, for the correspondin reportin confiuration or if a64!eport=n1ea0e is
set to T!-, for the correspondin reportin confiurationI
-O initiate the measurement reportin procedure. as specified in :.:.:J
3O if the cellsTriere&1ist defined within the :arMeas!eport1ist for this measI& is emptyI
-O remove the measurement reportin entry within the :arMeas!eport1ist for this measI&J
-O stop the periodical reportin timer for this measI&. if runninJ
*O if the p$rpose is included and set to reportStronest"ells or to reportStronest"ells+orS=3 and if a (first)
measurement result is availableI
3O include a measurement reportin entry within the :arMeas!eport1ist for this measI&J
3O set the n$m'er=f!eportsSent defined within the :arMeas!eport1ist for this measI& to +J
3O initiate the measurement reportin procedure. as specified in :.:.:J
'OT3 ,I &f the p$rpose is set to reportStronest"ells and report.mo$nt O ,. the 43 initiates a first measurement
report immediately after the ;uantity to be reported becomes available for the P2ell. &f the p$rpose is set
to reportStronest"ells and report.mo$nt Q ,. the 43 initiates a first measurement report immediately
after the ;uantity to be reported becomes available for the P2ell and for the stronest cell amon the
applicable cells. &f the purpose is set to reportStronest"ells+orS=3. the 43 initiates a first measurement
report when it has determined the stronest cells on the associated fre;uency.
*O upon e(piry of the periodical reportin timer for this measI&I
3O initiate the measurement reportin procedure. as specified in :.:.:J
*O if the p$rpose is included and set to report";I and if the 43 ac;uired the information needed to set all fields
of ci4Info for the re;uested cellI
3O include a measurement reportin entry within the :arMeas!eport1ist for this measI&J
3O set the n$m'er=f!eportsSent defined within the :arMeas!eport1ist for this measI& to +J
3O stop timer T3*,J
3O initiate the measurement reportin procedure. as specified in :.:.:J
*O upon e(piry of the T3*, for this measI&I
3O include a measurement reportin entry within the :arMeas!eport1ist for this measI&J
3O set the n$m'er=f!eportsSent defined within the :arMeas!eport1ist for this measI& to +J
3O initiate the measurement reportin procedure. as specified in :.:.:J
'OT3 *I The 43 does not stop the periodical reportin with trierType set to e0ent or to perio&ical while the
correspondin measurement is not performed due to the P2ell 0"0P bein e;ual to or better than s4
Meas$re or due to the measurement ap not bein setup.
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" .) Release $$
'OT3 3I &f the 43 is confiured with 90N. the 43 may delay the measurement reportin for event triered and
periodical triered measurements until the /ctive Time. which is defined in T" 3=.3*, K=L. +7e&t %1 (Ser7i&2 'e!o6es 'etter t$a& t$res$o"d)
The 43 shallI
,O consider the enterin condition for this event to be satisfied when condition /,A,. as specified below. is fulfilledJ
,O consider the leavin condition for this event to be satisfied when condition /,A*. as specified below. is fulfilledJ
,O for this measurement. consider the primary or secondary cell that is confiured on the fre;uency indicated in the
associated meas='%ect,-T!. to be the servin cellJ
&ne;uality /,A, (3nterin condition)
T)res) /ys Ms >
&ne;uality /,A* (6eavin condition)
T)res) /ys Ms < +
The variables in the formula are defined as followsI
Ms is the measurement result of the servin cell. not ta#in into account any offsets.
Hys is the hysteresis parameter for this event (i.e. )ysteresis as defined within report"onfi,-T!. for this event).
Thresh is the threshold parameter for this event (i.e. a14T)res)ol& as defined within report"onfi,-T!. for this
Ms is e(pressed in d1m in case of 0"0P. or in d1 in case of 0"0F.
Hys is e(pressed in d1.
Thresh is e(pressed in the same unit as Ms. +7e&t %2 (Ser7i&2 'e!o6es 1orse t$a& t$res$o"d)
The 43 shallI
,O consider the enterin condition for this event to be satisfied when condition /*A,. as specified below. is fulfilledJ
,O consider the leavin condition for this event to be satisfied when condition /*A*. as specified below. is fulfilledJ
,O for this measurement. consider the primary or secondary cell that is confiured on the fre;uency indicated in the
associated meas='%ect,-T!. to be the servin cellJ
&ne;uality /*A, (3nterin condition)
T)res) /ys Ms < +
&ne;uality /*A* (6eavin condition)
T)res) /ys Ms >
The variables in the formula are defined as followsI
Ms is the measurement result of the servin cell. not ta#in into account any offsets.
Hys is the hysteresis parameter for this event (i.e. )ysteresis as defined within report"onfi,-T!. for this event).
Thresh is the threshold parameter for this event (i.e. a24T)res)ol& as defined within report"onfi,-T!. for this
Ms is e(pressed in d1m in case of 0"0P. or in d1 in case of 0"0F.
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" .$ Release $$
Hys is e(pressed in d1.
Thresh is e(pressed in the same unit as Ms. +7e&t %3 ()ei2$'our 'e!o6es o33set 'etter t$a& P*e"")
The 43 shallI
,O consider the enterin condition for this event to be satisfied when condition /3A,. as specified below. is fulfilledJ
,O consider the leavin condition for this event to be satisfied when condition /3A*. as specified below. is fulfilledJ
'OT3 The cell(s) that triers the event is on the fre;uency indicated in the associated meas='%ect which may
be different from the (primary) fre;uency used by the P2ell.
&ne;uality /3A, (3nterin condition)
=ff =cp =fp Mp /ys =cn =fn Mn + + + > + +
&ne;uality /3A* (6eavin condition)
=ff =cp =fp Mp /ys =cn =fn Mn + + + < + + +
The variables in the formula are defined as followsI
Mn is the measurement result of the neihbourin cell. not ta#in into account any offsets.
Ofn is the fre;uency specific offset of the fre;uency of the neihbour cell (i.e. offset+re# as defined within
meas='%ect,-T!. correspondin to the fre;uency of the neihbour cell).
Ocn is the cell specific offset of the neihbour cell (i.e. cellIn&i0i&$al=ffset as defined within meas='%ect,-T!.
correspondin to the fre;uency of the neihbour cell). and set to !ero if not confiured for the neihbour cell.
Mp is the measurement result of the P2ell. not ta#in into account any offsets.
Ofp is the fre;uency specific offset of the primary fre;uency (i.e. offset+re# as defined within meas='%ect,-T!.
correspondin to the primary fre;uency).
Ocp is the cell specific offset of the P2ell (i.e. cellIn&i0i&$al=ffset as defined within meas='%ect,-T!.
correspondin to the primary fre;uency). and is set to !ero if not confiured for the P2ell.
Hys is the hysteresis parameter for this event (i.e. )ysteresis as defined within report"onfi,-T!. for this event).
Off is the offset parameter for this event (i.e. a34=ffset as defined within report"onfi,-T!. for this event).
Mn, Mp are e(pressed in d1m in case of 0"0P. or in d1 in case of 0"0F.
Ofn, Ocn, Ofp, Ocp, Hys, Off are e(pressed in d1. +7e&t %4 ()ei2$'our 'e!o6es 'etter t$a& t$res$o"d)
The 43 shallI
,O consider the enterin condition for this event to be satisfied when condition /-A,. as specified below. is fulfilledJ
,O consider the leavin condition for this event to be satisfied when condition /-A*. as specified below. is fulfilledJ
&ne;uality /-A, (3nterin condition)
T)res) /ys =cn =fn Mn > + +
&ne;uality /-A* (6eavin condition)
T)res) /ys =cn =fn Mn < + + +
The variables in the formula are defined as followsI
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" .* Release $$
Mn is the measurement result of the neihbourin cell. not ta#in into account any offsets.
Ofn is the fre;uency specific offset of the fre;uency of the neihbour cell (i.e. offset+re# as defined within
meas='%ect,-T!. correspondin to the fre;uency of the neihbour cell).
Ocn is the cell specific offset of the neihbour cell (i.e. cellIn&i0i&$al=ffset as defined within meas='%ect,-T!.
correspondin to the fre;uency of the neihbour cell). and set to !ero if not confiured for the neihbour cell.
Hys is the hysteresis parameter for this event (i.e. )ysteresis as defined within report"onfi,-T!. for this event).
Thresh is the threshold parameter for this event (i.e. a44T)res)ol& as defined within report"onfi,-T!. for this
Mn is e(pressed in d1m in case of 0"0P. or in d1 in case of 0"0F.
Ofn, Ocn, Hys are e(pressed in d1.
Thresh is e(pressed in the same unit as Mn. +7e&t %5 (P*e"" 'e!o6es 1orse t$a& t$res$o"d1 a&d &ei2$'our 'e!o6es
'etter t$a& t$res$o"d2)
The 43 shallI
,O consider the enterin condition for this event to be satisfied when both condition /:A, and condition /:A*. as
specified below. are fulfilledJ
,O consider the leavin condition for this event to be satisfied when condition /:A3 or condition /:A-. i.e. at least
one of the two. as specified below. is fulfilledJ
'OT3I The cell(s) that triers the event is on the fre;uency indicated in the associated meas='%ect which may
be different from the (primary) fre;uency used by the P2ell.
&ne;uality /:A, (3nterin condition ,)
, T)res) /ys Mp < +
&ne;uality /:A* (3nterin condition *)
* T)res) /ys =cn =fn Mn > + +
&ne;uality /:A3 (6eavin condition ,)
, T)res) /ys Mp >
&ne;uality /:A- (6eavin condition *)
* T)res) /ys =cn =fn Mn < + + +
The variables in the formula are defined as followsI
Mp is the measurement result of the P2ell. not ta#in into account any offsets.
Mn is the measurement result of the neihbourin cell. not ta#in into account any offsets.
Ofn is the fre;uency specific offset of the fre;uency of the neihbour cell (i.e. offset+re# as defined within
meas='%ect,-T!. correspondin to the fre;uency of the neihbour cell).
Ocn is the cell specific offset of the neihbour cell (i.e. cellIn&i0i&$al=ffset as defined within meas='%ect,-T!.
correspondin to the fre;uency of the neihbour cell). and set to !ero if not confiured for the neihbour cell.
Hys is the hysteresis parameter for this event (i.e. )ysteresis as defined within report"onfi,-T!. for this event).
Thresh1 is the threshold parameter for this event (i.e. a54T)res)ol&1 as defined within report"onfi,-T!. for this
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" .3 Release $$
Thresh2 is the threshold parameter for this event (i.e. a54T)res)ol&2 as defined within report"onfi,-T!. for this
Mn, Mp are e(pressed in d1m in case of 0"0P. or in d1 in case of 0"0F.
Ofn, Ocn, Hys are e(pressed in d1.
Thresh1 is e(pressed in the same unit as Mp.
Thresh2 is e(pressed in the same unit as Mn. +7e&t %6 ()ei2$'our 'e!o6es o33set 'etter t$a& S*e"")
The 43 shallI
,O consider the enterin condition for this event to be satisfied when condition /=A,. as specified below. is fulfilledJ
,O consider the leavin condition for this event to be satisfied when condition /=A*. as specified below. is fulfilledJ
,O for this measurement. consider the (secondary) cell that is confiured on the fre;uency indicated in the
associated meas='%ect,-T!. to be the servin cellJ
'OT3I The neihbour(s) is on the same fre;uency as the "2ell i.e. both are on the fre;uency indicated in the
associated meas='%ect.
&ne;uality /=A, (3nterin condition)
=ff =cs Ms /ys =cn Mn + + > +
&ne;uality /=A* (6eavin condition)
=ff =cs Ms /ys =cn Mn + + < + +
The variables in the formula are defined as followsI
Mn is the measurement result of the neihbourin cell. not ta#in into account any offsets.
Ocn is the cell specific offset of the neihbour cell (i.e. cellIn&i0i&$al=ffset as defined within meas='%ect,-T!.
correspondin to the fre;uency of the neihbour cell). and set to !ero if not confiured for the neihbour cell.
Ms is the measurement result of the servin cell. not ta#in into account any offsets.
Ocs is the cell specific offset of the servin cell (i.e. cellIn&i0i&$al=ffset as defined within meas='%ect,-T!.
correspondin to the servin fre;uency). and is set to !ero if not confiured for the servin cell.
Hys is the hysteresis parameter for this event (i.e. )ysteresis as defined within report"onfi,-T!. for this event).
Off is the offset parameter for this event (i.e. a64=ffset as defined within report"onfi,-T!. for this event).
Mn, Ms are e(pressed in d1m in case of 0"0P. or in d1 in case of 0"0F.
Ocn, Ocs, Hys, Off are e(pressed in d1. +7e&t ;1 (8&ter R%T &ei2$'our 'e!o6es 'etter t$a& t$res$o"d)
The 43 shallI
,O for 4T0/ and 29M/*+++. only trier the event for cells included in the correspondin measurement objectJ
,O consider the enterin condition for this event to be satisfied when condition 1,A,. as specified below. is fulfilledJ
,O consider the leavin condition for this event to be satisfied when condition 1,A*. as specified below. is fulfilledJ
&ne;uality 1,A, (3nterin condition)
T)res) /ys =fn Mn > +
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" .+ Release $$
&ne;uality 1,A* (6eavin condition)
T)res) /ys =fn Mn < + +
The variables in the formula are defined as followsI
Mn is the measurement result of the interA0/T neihbour cell. not ta#in into account any offsets. 8or 29M/ *+++
measurement result. pilotStrent) is divided by A*.
Ofn is the fre;uency specific offset of the fre;uency of the interA0/T neihbour cell (i.e. offset+re# as defined
within the meas='%ect correspondin to the fre;uency of the neihbour interA0/T cell).
Hys is the hysteresis parameter for this event (i.e. )ysteresis as defined within report"onfiInter!.T for this event).
Thresh is the threshold parameter for this event (i.e. '14T)res)ol& as defined within report"onfiInter!.T for this
event). 8or 29M/*+++. '14T)res)ol& is divided by A*.
Mn is e(pressed in d1m or in d1. dependin on the measurement ;uantity of the interA0/T neihbour cell.
Ofn, Hys are e(pressed in d1.
Thresh is e(pressed in the same unit as Mn.
5.5.4.< +7e&t ;2 (P*e"" 'e!o6es 1orse t$a& t$res$o"d1 a&d i&ter R%T &ei2$'our
'e!o6es 'etter t$a& t$res$o"d2)
The 43 shallI
,O for 4T0/ and 29M/*+++. only trier the event for cells included in the correspondin measurement objectJ
,O consider the enterin condition for this event to be satisfied when both condition 1*A, and condition 1*A*. as
specified below. are fulfilledJ
,O consider the leavin condition for this event to be satisfied when condition 1*A3 or condition 1*A-. i.e. at least
one of the two. as specified below. is fulfilledJ
&ne;uality 1*A, (3nterin condition ,)
, T)res) /ys Mp < +
&ne;uality 1*A* (3nterin condition *)
* T)res) /ys =fn Mn > +
&ne;uality 1*A3 (6eavin condition ,)
, T)res) /ys Mp >
&ne;uality 1*A- (6eavin condition *)
* T)res) /ys =fn Mn < + +
The variables in the formula are defined as followsI
Mp is the measurement result of the P2ell. not ta#in into account any offsets.
Mn is the measurement result of the interA0/T neihbour cell. not ta#in into account any offsets. 8or 29M/*+++
measurement result. pilotStrent) is divided by A*.
Ofn is the fre;uency specific offset of the fre;uency of the interA0/T neihbour cell (i.e. offset+re# as defined
within the meas='%ect correspondin to the fre;uency of the interA0/T neihbour cell).
Hys is the hysteresis parameter for this event (i.e. )ysteresis as defined within report"onfiInter!.T for this event).
Thresh1 is the threshold parameter for this event (i.e. b*4T)res)ol&1 as defined within report"onfiInter!.T for
this event).
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" ., Release $$
Thresh2 is the threshold parameter for this event (i.e. '24T)res)ol&2 as defined within report"onfiInter!.T for
this event). 8or 29M/*+++. '24T)res)ol&2 is divided by A*.
Mp is e(pressed in d1m in case of 0"0P. or in d1 in case of 0"0F.
Mn is e(pressed in d1m or d1. dependin on the measurement ;uantity of the interA0/T neihbour cell.
Ofn, Hys are e(pressed in d1.
Thresh1 is e(pressed in the same unit as Mp.
Thresh2 is e(pressed in the same unit as Mn.
5.5.5 Measure6e&t re#orti&2
/i0ure ,&,&,!$1 6easure2ent reportin0
The purpose of this procedure is to transfer measurement results from the 43 to 3A4T0/'.
8or the measI& for which the measurement reportin procedure was triered. the 43 shall set the meas!es$lts within
the Meas$rement!eport messae as followsI
,O set the measI& to the measurement identity that triered the measurement reportinJ
,O set the meas!es$ltP"ell to include the ;uantities of the P2ellJ
,O set the meas!es$ltSer0+re#1ist to include for each "2ell that is confiured. if any. within meas!es$ltS"ell the
;uantities of the concerned "2ell. if available accordin to performance re;uirements in K,=LJ
,O if the report"onfi associated with the measI& that triered the measurement reportin includes
*O for each servin fre;uency for which meas='%ectI& is referenced in the measI&1ist. other than the fre;uency
correspondin with the measI& that triered the measurement reportinI
3O set the meas!es$ltSer0+re#1ist to include within meas!es$ltBest3ei)"ell the p)ys"ellI& and the
;uantities of the best nonAservin cell. based on 0"0P. on the concerned servin fre;uencyJ
,O if there is at least one applicable neihbourin cell to reportI
*O set the meas!es$lt3ei)"ells to include the best neihbourin cells up to ma*!eport"ells in accordance with
the followinI
3O if the trierType is set to e0entI
-O include the cells included in the cellsTriere&1ist as defined within the :arMeas!eport1ist for this
3O elseI
-O include the applicable cells for which the new measurement results became available since the last
periodical reportin or since the measurement was initiated or resetJ
'OT3I The reliability of the report (i.e. the certainty it contains the stronest cells on the concerned fre;uency)
depends on the measurement confiuration i.e. the reportInter0al. The related performance re;uirements
are specified in T" 3=.,33 K,=L.
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" .% Release $$
3O for each cell that is included in the meas!es$lt3ei)"ells. include the p)ys"ellI&J
3O if the trierType is set to e0entJ or the p$rpose is set to reportStronest"ells or to
-O for each included cell. include the layer 3 filtered measured results in accordance with the
report"onfi for this measI&. ordered as followsI
:O if the meas='%ect associated with this measI& concerns 3A4T0/I
=O set the meas!es$lt to include the ;uantity(ies) indicated in the report7$antity within the
concerned report"onfi in order of decreasin trier7$antity. i.e. the best cell is included
:O if the meas='%ect associated with this measI& concerns 4T0/ 899 and if !eport"onfiInter!.T
includes the report7$antity-T!.4+22I
=O set the meas!es$lt to include the ;uantities indicated by the report7$antity-T!.4+22 in
order of decreasin meas7$antity-T!.4+22 within the #$antity"onfi. i.e. the best cell is
included firstJ
:O if the meas='%ect associated with this measI& concerns 4T0/ 899 and if !eport"onfiInter!.T
does not include the report7$antity-T!.4+22J or
:O if the meas='%ect associated with this measI& concerns 4T0/ T99. G30/' or 29M/*+++I
=O set the meas!es$lt to the ;uantity as confiured for the concerned 0/T within the
#$antity"onfi in order of either decreasin ;uantity for 4T0/ and G30/' or increasin
;uantity for 29M/*+++ pilotStrent). i.e. the best cell is included firstJ
3O else if the p$rpose is set to report";II
-O if the mandatory present fields of the ci4Info for the cell indicated by the cell+or>)ic)To!eport";I
in the associated meas='%ect have been obtainedI
:O if the cell broadcasts a 2"G identityI
=O include the cs4I&entityJ
=O include the cs4Mem'erStat$s and set it to mem'er if the cell is a 2"G member cellJ
:O if the si4!e#$est+or/= is confiured within the report"onfi associated with this measI&I
=O include the ci4Info containin all the fields that have been successfully ac;uired. e(cept for
the plmn4I&entity1istJ
:O elseI
=O include the ci4Info containin all the fields that have been successfully ac;uiredJ
,O if the $e4!*T*Time2iffPerio&ical is confiured within the correspondin report"onfi for this measI&J
*O set the $e4!*T*Time2iff!es$lt to the measurement result provided by lower layersJ
*O set the c$rrentS+3J
,O if the incl$&e1ocationInfo is confiured in the correspondin report"onfi for this measI& and detailed location
information that has not been reported is available. set the content of the locationInfo as followsI
*O include the location"oor&inatesJ
*O if available. include the nss4T=24msecJ
,O increment the n$m'er=f!eportsSent as defined within the :arMeas!eport1ist for this measI& by ,J
,O stop the periodical reportin timer. if runninJ
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" .( Release $$
,O if the n$m'er=f!eportsSent as defined within the :arMeas!eport1ist for this measI& is less than the
report.mo$nt as defined within the correspondin report"onfi for this measI&I
*O start the periodical reportin timer with the value of reportInter0al as defined within the correspondin
report"onfi for this measI&J
,O elseI
*O if the trierType is set to perio&icalI
3O remove the entry within the :arMeas!eport1ist for this measI&J
3O remove this measI& from the measI&1ist within :arMeas"onfiJ
,O if the measured results are for 29M/*+++ B0P9I
*O set the pre!eistrationStat$s/!P2 to the 43$s 29M/*+++ upper layer$s B0P9 pre!eistrationStat$sJ
,O if the measured results are for 29M/*+++ ,(0TTI
*O set the pre!eistrationStat$s/!P2 to +.1S,J
,O submit the Meas$rement!eport messae to lower layers for transmission. upon which the procedure endsJ
5.5.6 Measure6e&t re"ated a!tio&s %!tio&s u#o& $a&do7er a&d re-esta'"is$6e&t
3A4T0/' applies the handover procedure as followsI
A when performin the handover procedure. as specified in :.3.:.-. ensure that a meas='%ectI& correspondin to
each handover taret servin fre;uency is confiured as a result of the procedures described in this subAclause
and in :.3.:.-J
A when chanin the band while the physical fre;uency remains unchaned. 3A4T0/' releases the meas='%ect
correspondin to the source fre;uency and adds a meas='%ect correspondin to the taret fre;uency (i.e. it does
not reconfiure the meas='%ect)J
3A4T0/' applies the reAestablishment procedure as followsI
A when performin the connection reAestablishment procedure. as specified in :.3.>. ensure that a meas='%ectI&
correspondin each taret servin fre;uency is confiured as a result of the procedure described in this subA
clause and the subse;uent connection reconfiuration procedure immediately followin the reAestablishment
A in the first reconfiuration followin the reAestablishment when chanin the band while the physical fre;uency
remains unchaned. 3A4T0/' releases the meas='%ect correspondin to the source fre;uency and adds a
meas='%ect correspondin to the taret fre;uency (i.e. it does not reconfiure the meas='%ect)J
The 43 shallI
,O for each measI& included in the measI&1ist within :arMeas"onfiI
*O if the trierType is set to perio&icalI
3O remove this measI& from the measI&1ist within :arMeas"onfiI
,O if the procedure was triered due to a handover or successful reAestablishment and the procedure involves a
chane of primary fre;uency. update the measI& values in the measI&1ist within :arMeas"onfi as followsI
*O if a meas='%ectI& value correspondin to the taret primary fre;uency e(ists in the meas='%ect1ist within
3O for each measI& value in the measI&1istI
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" .- Release $$
-O if the measI& value is lin#ed to the meas='%ectI& value correspondin to the source primary
:O lin# this measI& value to the meas='%ectI& value correspondin to the taret primary fre;uencyJ
-O else if the measI& value is lin#ed to the meas='%ectI& value correspondin to the taret primary
:O lin# this measI& value to the meas='%ectI& value correspondin to the source primary fre;uencyJ
*O elseI
3O remove all measI& values that are lin#ed to the meas='%ectI& value correspondin to the source primary
,O remove all measurement reportin entries within :arMeas!eport1istJ
,O stop the periodical reportin timer or timer T3*,. whichever one is runnin. as well as associated information
(e.. timeToTrier) for all measI&J
,O release the measurement aps. if activatedJ
'OT3I &f the 43 re;uires measurement aps to perform interAfre;uency or interA0/T measurements. the 43
resumes the interAfre;uency and interA0/T measurements after the 3A4T0/' has setup the measurement
aps. S#eed de#e&da&t s!a"i&2 o3 6easure6e&t re"ated #ara6eters
The 43 shall adjust the value of the followin parameter confiured by the 3A4T0/' dependin on the 43 speedI
timeToTrier. The 43 shall apply 3 different levels. which are selected as followsI
The 43 shallI
,O perform mobility state detection usin the mobility state detection as specified in T" 3=.3+- K-L with the
followin modificationsI
*O countin handovers instead of cell reselectionsJ
*O applyin the parameter applicable for 002E2O''32T39 as included in spee&StatePars within
,O if hih mobility state is detectedI
*O use the timeToTrier value multiplied by sf4/i) within :arMeas"onfiJ
,O else if medium mobility state is detectedI
*O use the timeToTrier value multiplied by sf4Me&i$m within :arMeas"onfiJ
,O elseI
*O no scalin is appliedJ
5.5.7 8&ter-3re9ue&!5 RST4 6easure6e&t i&di!atio& Ge&era"
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" .. Release $$
/i0ure ,&,&(&$!$1 8nter!fre9uenc4 RST7 2easure2ent indication
The purpose of this procedure is to indicate to the networ# that the 43 is oin to startDstop OT9O/ interAfre;uency
0"T9 measurements which re;uire measurement aps as specified in K,=. ?.,.*.=L.
'OT3I &t is a networ# decision to confiure the measurement ap. 8&itiatio&
The 43 shallI
,O if and only if upper layers indicate to start performin interAfre;uency 0"T9 measurements and the 43 re;uires
measurement aps for these measurements while measurement aps are either not confiured or not sufficientI
*O initiate the procedure to indicate startJ
'OT3 ,I The 43 verifies the measurement ap situation only upon receivin the indication from upper layers. &f at
this point in time sufficient aps are available. the 43 does not initiate the procedure. 4nless it receives a
new indication from upper layers. the 43 is only allowed to further repeat the procedure in the same
P2ell once per fre;uency if the provided measurement aps are insufficient.
,O if and only if upper layers indicate to stop performin interAfre;uency 0"T9 measurementsI
*O initiate the procedure to indicate stopJ
'OT3 *I The 43 may initiate the procedure to indicate stop even if it did not previously initiate the procedure to
indicate start. %!tio&s re"ated to tra&s6issio& o3 Inter+re%#ST2Meas&rementIn(ication
The 43 shall set the contents of Inter+re#!ST2Meas$rementIn&ication messae as followsI
,O set the rst&4Inter+re#In&ication as followsI
*O if the procedure is initiated to indicate start of interAfre;uency 0"T9 measurementsI
3O set the rst&4Inter+re#Info1ist accordin to the information received from upper layersJ
*O else if the procedure is initiated to indicate stop of interAfre;uency 0"T9 measurementsI
3O set the rst&4Inter+re#In&ication to the value stopJ
,O submit the Inter+re#!ST2Meas$rementIn&ication messae to lower layers for transmission. upon which the
procedure endsJ
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" $)) Release $$
5.6 ?t$er
5.6.1 4 i&3or6atio& tra&s3er Ge&era"
/i0ure ,&%&$&$!$1 7< infor2ation transfer
The purpose of this procedure is to transfer '/" or (tunnelled) nonA3GPP dedicated information from 3A4T0/' to a
43 in 002E2O''32T39. 8&itiatio&
3A4T0/' initiates the 96 information transfer procedure whenever there is a need to transfer '/" or nonA3GPP
dedicated information. 3A4T0/' initiates the 96 information transfer procedure by sendin the
21InformationTransfer messae. Re!e#tio& o3 t$e 21InformationTransfer '5 t$e U+
4pon receivin 21InformationTransfer messae. the 43 shallI
,O if the &e&icate&InfoType is set to &e&icate&Info3.SI
*O forward the &e&icate&Info3.S to the '/" upper layers.
,O if the &e&icate&InfoType is set to &e&icate&Info"2M.200041<!TT or to &e&icate&Info"2M.20004/!P2I
*O forward the &e&icate&Info"2M.2000 to the 29M/*+++ upper layersJ
5.6.2 U i&3or6atio& tra&s3er Ge&era"
/i0ure ,&%&*&$!$1 U< infor2ation transfer
The purpose of this procedure is to transfer '/" or (tunnelled) nonA3GPP dedicated information from the 43 to 3A
4T0/'. 8&itiatio&
/ 43 in 002E2O''32T39 initiates the 46 information transfer procedure whenever there is a need to transfer '/"
or nonA3GPP dedicated information. e(cept at 002 connection establishment in which case the '/" information is
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" $)$ Release $$
piybac#ed to the !!""onnectionSet$p"omplete messae. The 43 initiates the 46 information transfer procedure by
sendin the -1InformationTransfer messae. <hen 29M/*+++ information has to be transferred. the 43 shall initiate
the procedure only if "01* is established. %!tio&s re"ated to tra&s6issio& o3 -1InformationTransfer 6essa2e
The 43 shall set the contents of the -1InformationTransfer messae as followsI
,O if there is a need to transfer '/" informationI
*O set the &e&icate&InfoType to include the &e&icate&Info3.SJ
,O if there is a need to transfer 29M/*+++ ,N0TT informationI
*O set the &e&icate&InfoType to include the &e&icate&Info"2M.200041<!TTJ
,O if there is a need to transfer 29M/*+++ B0P9 informationI
*O set the &e&icate&InfoType to include the &e&icate&Info"2M.20004/!P2J
,O submit the -1InformationTransfer messae to lower layers for transmission. upon which the procedure endsJ (ai"ure to de"i7er -1InformationTransfer 6essa2e
The 43 shallI
,O if mobility (i.e. handover. 002 connection reAestablishment) occurs before the successful delivery of
-1InformationTransfer messaes has been confirmed by lower layersI
*O inform upper layers about the possible failure to deliver the information contained in the concerned
-1InformationTransfer messaesJ
5.6.3 U+ !a#a'i"it5 tra&s3er Ge&era"
/i0ure ,&%&3&$!$1 UE capa3ilit4 transfer
The purpose of this procedure is to transfer 43 radio access capability information from the 43 to 3A4T0/'.
&f the 43 has chaned its 3A4T0/' radio access capabilities. the 43 shall re;uest hiher layers to initiate the
necessary '/" procedures (see T" *3.-+, K-,L) that would result in the update of 43 radio access capabilities usin a
new 002 connection.
'OT3I 2hane of the 43$s G30/' 43 radio capabilities in 002E&963 is supported by use of Trac#in /rea
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" $)* Release $$ 8&itiatio&
3A4T0/' initiates the procedure to a 43 in 002E2O''32T39 when it needs (additional) 43 radio access
capability information. Re!e#tio& o3 t$e -,$apa)ility,n%&iry '5 t$e U+
The 43 shallI
,O set the contents of -,"apa'ilityInformation messae as followsI
*O if the $e4"apa'ility!e#$est includes e$traI
3O include the -,4,-T!.4"apa'ility within a $e4"apa'ility!.T4"ontainer and with the rat4Type set to
3O if the 43 supports 899 and T99I
-O set all fields of -,"apa'ilityInformation. e(cept field f&&4.&&4-,4,-T!.4"apa'ilities and t&&4.&&4
-,4,-T!.4"apa'ilities (includin their subAfields). to include the values applicable for both 899
and T99 (i.e. functionality supported by both modes)J
-O if (some of) the 43 capability fields have a different value for 899 and T99I
:O if for 899. the 43 supports additional functionality compared to what is indicated by the previous
fields of -,"apa'ilityInformationI
=O include field f&&4.&&4-,4,-T!.4"apa'ilities and set it to include fields reflectin the
additional functionality applicable for 899J
:O if for T99. the 43 supports additional functionality compared to what is indicated by the previous
fields of -,"apa'ilityInformationI
=O include field t&&4.&&4-,4,-T!.4"apa'ilities and set it to include fields reflectin the
additional functionality applicable for T99J
'OT3I The 43 includes fields of <224.&&4-,4,-T!.4"apa'ilities in accordance with the followinI
A The field is included only if one or more of its subAfields has a value that is different compared to the
value sinalled elsewhere within -,4,-T!.4"apa'ilityJ
(this value sinalled elsewhere is also referred to as the "ommon 0al$e. that is supported for both
N99 modes)
A 8or the fields that are included in <224.&&4-,4,-T!.4"apa'ilities. the 43 setsI
A the subAfields that are not allowed to be different the same as the "ommon 0al$eJ
A the subAfields that are allowed to be different to a value indicatin at least the same functionality as
indicated by the "ommon 0al$eJ
3O else (43 supports sinle (99 mode)I
-O set all fields of -,"apa'ilityInformation. e(cept field f&&4.&&4-,4,-T!.4"apa'ilities and t&&4.&&4
-,4,-T!.4"apa'ilities (includin their subAfields). to include the values applicable for the (99
mode supported by the 43J
*O if the $e4"apa'ility!e#$est includes eran4cs and if the 43 supports G30/' 2" domainI
3O include the 43 radio access capabilities for G30/' 2" within a $e4"apa'ility!.T4"ontainer and with
the rat4Type set to eran4csJ
*O if the $e4"apa'ility!e#$est includes eran4ps and if the 43 supports G30/' P" domainI
3O include the 43 radio access capabilities for G30/' P" within a $e4"apa'ility!.T4"ontainer and with
the rat4Type set to eran4psJ
*O if the $e4"apa'ility!e#$est includes $tra and if the 43 supports 4T0/I
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" $)3 Release $$
3O include the 43 radio access capabilities for 4T0/ within a $e4"apa'ility!.T4"ontainer and with the
rat4Type set to $traJ
*O if the $e4"apa'ility!e#$est includes c&ma200041<!TT and if the 43 supports 29M/*+++ ,(0TTI
3O include the 43 radio access capabilities for 29M/*+++ within a $e4"apa'ility!.T4"ontainer and with
the rat4Type set to c&ma200041<!TTJ
,O submit the -,"apa'ilityInformation messae to lower layers for transmission. upon which the procedure endsJ
5.6.4 *S(; to 1/ Para6eter tra&s3er Ge&era"
/i0ure ,&%&+&$!$1 #S/= to $: Para2eter transfer
The purpose of this procedure is to transfer the 29M/*+++ ,(0TT parameters re;uired to reister the 43 in the
29M/*+++ ,(0TT networ# for 2"81 support. 8&itiatio&
/ 43 in 002E2O''32T39 initiates the 2"81 to ,( Parameter transfer procedure upon re;uest from the 29M/*+++
upper layers. The 43 initiates the 2"81 to ,( Parameter transfer procedure by sendin the
"S+BParameters!e#$est"2M.2000 messae. %!tio&s re"ated to tra&s6issio& o3 $S+B!arameters#e%&est$2M.2 6essa2e
The 43 shallI
,O submit the "S+BParameters!e#$est"2M.2000 messae to lower layers for transmission usin the current
confiurationJ Re!e#tio& o3 t$e $S+B!arameters#esponse$2M.2 6essa2e
4pon reception of the "S+BParameters!esponse"2M.2000 messae. the 43 shallI
,O forward the ran& and the mo'ilityParameters to the 29M/*+++ ,(0TT upper layersJ
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" $)+ Release $$
5.6.5 U+ 8&3or6atio& Ge&era"
/i0ure ,&%&,&$!$1 UE infor2ation procedure
The 43 information procedure is used by 3A4T0/' to re;uest the 43 to report information. 8&itiatio&
3A4T0/' initiates the procedure by sendin the -,Information!e#$est messae. Re!e#tio& o3 t$e -,Information#e%&est 6essa2e
4pon receivin the -,Information!e#$est messae. the 43 shallI
,O if rac)4!eport!e# is set to tr$e. set the contents of the rac)4!eport in the -,Information!esponse messae as
*O set the n$m'er=fPream'lesSent to indicate the number of preambles sent by M/2 for the last successfully
completed random access procedureJ
*O if contention resolution was not successful as specified in T" 3=.3*, K=L for at least one of the transmitted
preambles for the last successfully completed random access procedureI
3O set the contention2etecte& to tr$eJ
*O elseI
3O set the contention2etecte& to falseJ
,O if rlf4!eport!e# is set to tr$e and the 43 has radio lin# failure information or handover failure information
available in :ar!1+4!eport and if the 0P6M' is included in plmn4I&entity1ist stored in :ar!1+4!eportI
*O set timeSince+ail$re in :ar!1+4!eport to the time that elapsed since the last radio lin# or handover failure in
*O set the rlf4!eport in the -,Information!esponse messae to the value of rlf4!eport in :ar!1+4!eportJ
*O discard the rlf4!eport from :ar!1+4!eport upon successful delivery of the -,Information!esponse messae
confirmed by lower layersJ
,O if conn,st+ail!eport!e# is set to tr$e and the 43 has connection establishment failure information in
:ar"onn,st+ail!eport and if the 0P6M' is e;ual to plmn4I&entity stored in :ar"onn,st+ail!eportI
*O set timeSince+ail$re in :ar"onn,st+ail!eport to the time that elapsed since the last connection
establishment failure in 3A4T0/J
*O set the conn,st+ail!eport in the -,Information!esponse messae to the value of conn,st+ail!eport in
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" $), Release $$
*O discard the conn,st+ail!eport from :ar"onn,st+ail!eport upon successful delivery of the
-,Information!esponse messae confirmed by lower layersJ
,O if the loMeas!eport!e# is present and if the 0P6M' is included in plmn4I&entity1ist stored in
*O if :ar1oMeas!eport includes one or more loed measurement entries. set the contents of the
loMeas!eport in the -,Information!esponse messae as followsI
3O include the a'sol$teTimeStamp and set it to the value of a'sol$teTimeInfo in the :ar1oMeas!eportJ
3O include the trace!eference and set it to the value of trace!eference in the :ar1oMeas!eportJ
3O include the trace!ecor&inSession!ef and set it to the value of trace!ecor&inSession!ef in the
3O include the tce4I& and set it to the value of tce4I& in the :ar1oMeas!eportJ
3O include the loMeasInfo1ist and set it to include one or more entries from :ar1oMeas!eport startin
from the entries loed firstJ
3O if the :ar1oMeas!eport includes one or more additional loed measurement entries that are not
included in the loMeasInfo1ist within the -,Information!esponse messaeI
-O include the loMeas.0aila'leJ
,O if the loMeas!eport is included in the -,Information!esponseI
*O submit the -,Information!esponse messae to lower layers for transmission via "01*J
*O discard the loed measurement entries included in the loMeasInfo1ist from :ar1oMeas!eport upon
successful delivery of the -,Information!esponse messae confirmed by lower layersJ
,O elseI
*O submit the -,Information!esponse messae to lower layers for transmission via "01,J
5.6.6 o22ed Measure6e&t *o&3i2uratio& Ge&era"

/i0ure ,&%&%&$!$1 <o00ed 2easure2ent confi0uration
The purpose of this procedure is to confiure the 43 to perform loin of measurement results while in 002E&963.
The procedure applies to loed measurements capable 43s that are in 002E2O''32T39.
'OT3 3A4T0/' may retrieve stored loed measurement information by means of the 43 &nformation
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" $)% Release $$ 8&itiatio&
3A4T0/' initiates the loed measurement confiuration procedure to 43 in 002E2O''32T39 by sendin the
1oe&Meas$rement"onfi$ration messae. Re!e#tio& o3 t$e 1o""e(Meas&rement$onfi"&ration '5 t$e U+
4pon receivin the 1oe&Meas$rement"onfi$ration messae the 43 shallI
,O discard the loed measurement confiuration as well as the loed measurement information as specified in
,O store the received loin2$ration. loinInter0al and area"onfi$ration. if included. in :ar1oMeas"onfiJ
,O if the 1oe&Meas$rement"onfi$ration messae includes plmn4I&entity1istI
*O set plmn4I&entity1ist in :ar1oMeas!eport to include the 0P6M' as well as the P6M's included in plmn4
,O elseI
*O set plmn4I&entity1ist in :ar1oMeas!eport to include the 0P6M'J
,O store the received a'sol$teTimeInfo. trace!eference@ trace!ecor&inSession!ef and tce4I& in
,O start timer T33+ with the timer value set to the loin2$rationJ T330 e/#ir5
4pon e(piry of T33+ the 43 shallI
,O release :ar1oMeas"onfiJ
The 43 is allowed to discard stored loed measurements. i.e. to release :ar1oMeas!eport. -? hours after T33+
5.6.7 Re"ease o3 o22ed Measure6e&t *o&3i2uratio& Ge&era"
The purpose of this procedure is to release the loed measurement confiuration as well as the loed measurement
information. 8&itiatio&
The 43 shall initiate the procedure upon receivin a loed measurement confiuration in another 0/T. The 43 shall
also initiate the procedure upon power off or detach.
The 43 shallI
,O stop timer T33+. if runninJ
,O if stored. discard the loed measurement confiuration as well as the loed measurement information. i.e.
release the 43 variables :ar1oMeas"onfi and :ar1oMeas!eportJ
5.6.< Measure6e&ts "o22i&2
5.6.<.1 Ge&era"
This procedure specifies the loin of available measurements by a 43 in 002E&963 that has a loed measurement
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" $)( Release $$
5.6.<.2 8&itiatio&
<hile T33+ is runnin. the 43 shallI
,O perform the loin in accordance with the followinI
*O if the 43 is campin normally on an 3A4T0/ cell and if the 0P6M' is included in plmn4I&entity1ist stored
in :ar1oMeas!eport and. if the cell is part of the area indicated by area"onfi$ration if confiured in
3O perform the loin at reular time intervals. as defined by the loinInter0al in :ar1oMeas"onfiJ
*O when addin a loed measurement entry in :ar1oMeas!eport. include the fields in accordance with the
3O set the relati0eTimeStamp to indicate the elapsed time since the moment at which the loed measurement
confiuration was receivedJ
3O if detailed location information became available durin the last loin interval. set the content of the
locationInfo as followsI
-O include the location"oor&inatesJ
3O set the ser0"ellI&entity to indicate lobal cell identity of the cell the 43 is campin onJ
3O set the meas!es$ltSer0"ell to include the ;uantities of the cell the 43 is campin onJ
3O if available. set the meas!es$lt3ei)"ells. in order of decreasin ran#inAcriterion as used for cell reA
selection. to include neihbourin cell measurements that became available durin the last loin
interval for at most the followin number of neihbourin cellsI = intraAfre;uency and 3 interAfre;uency
neihbours per fre;uency as well as 3 interA0/T neihbours. per fre;uencyD set of fre;uencies (G30/')
per 0/T and accordin to the followinI
-O for each neihbour cell included. include the optional fields that are availableJ
'OT3I The 43 includes the latest results of the available measurements as used for cell reselection evaluation.
which are performed in accordance with the performance re;uirements as specified in T" 3=.,33 K,=L.
*O when the memory reserved for the loed measurement information becomes full. stop timer T33+ and
perform the same actions as performed upon e(piry of T33+. as specified in :.=.=.-J
5.6.. 8&-de7i!e !oe/iste&!e i&di!atio&
5.6...1 Ge&era"
/i0ure ,&%&.&$!$1 8n!device coe:istence indication
The purpose of this procedure is to inform 3A4T0/' about (a chane of) the &nA9evice 2oe(istence (&92) problems
e(perienced by the 43 in 002E2O''32T39. as described in T" 3=.3++ K@L. and to provide the 3A4T0/' with
information in order to resolve them.
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" $)- Release $$
5.6...2 8&itiatio&
/ 43 capable of providin &92 indications may initiate the procedure when it is confiured to provide &92 indications
and upon chane of &92 problem information.
4pon initiatin the procedure. the 43 shallI
,O if confiured to provide &92 indicationsI
*O if the 43 did not transmit an In2e0ice"oe*In&ication messae since it was confiured to provide &92
3O if on one or more fre;uencies for which a meas='%ect,-T!. is confiured. the 43 is e(periencin &92
problems that it cannot solve by itselfI
-O initiate transmission of the In2e0ice"oe*In&ication messae in accordance with :.=.@.3J
*O elseI
3O if the set of fre;uencies. for which a meas='%ect,-T!. is confiured and on which the 43 is
e(periencin &92 problems that it cannot solve by itself. is different from the set indicated in the last
transmitted In2e0ice"oe*In&ication messaeJ or
3O if for one or more of the fre;uencies in the previously reported set of fre;uencies. the
interference2irection is different from the value indicated in the last transmitted In2e0ice"oe*In&ication
messaeJ or
3O if the T9M assistance information is different from the assistance information included in the last
transmitted In2e0ice"oe*In&ication messaeI
-O initiate transmission of the In2e0ice"oe*In&ication messae in accordance with :.=.@.3J
5.6...3 %!tio&s re"ated to tra&s6issio& o3 In2e0ice$oe*In(ication 6essa2e
The 43 shall set the contents of the In2e0ice"oe*In&ication messae as followsI
,O if there is at least one 3A4T0/ carrier fre;uency. for which a measurement object is confiured. that is affected
by &92 problemsI
*O include the &3 affecte&"arrier+re#1ist with an entry for each affected 3A4T0/ carrier fre;uency for which a
measurement object is confiuredJ
*O for each 3A4T0/ carrier fre;uency included in the the &3 affecte&"arrier+re#1ist. include
interference2irection and set it accordinlyJ
*O include Time 9omain Multiple(in (T9M) based assistance informationI
3O if the 43 has 90N related assistance information that could be used to resolve the &92 problemsI
-O include &r*4"ycle1ent). &r*4=ffset and &r*4.cti0eTimeJ
3O else (the 43 has desired subframe reservation patterns related assistance information that could be used to
resolve the &92 problems)I
-O include i&c4S$'framePattern1istJ
'OT3 ,I <hen sendin an In2e0ice"oe*In&ication messae to inform 3A4T0/' the &92 problems. the 43
includes all assistance information (rather than providin e.. the chaned part(s) of the assistance
The 43 shall submit the In2e0ice"oe*In&ication messae to lower layers for transmission.
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" $). Release $$
5.6.10 U+ %ssista&!e 8&3or6atio& Ge&era"
/i0ure ,&%&$)&$!$1 UE Assistance 8nfor2ation
The purpose of this procedure is to inform 3A4T0/' of the 43Us power savin preference. 4pon confiurin the 43 to
provide power preference indications 3A4T0/' may consider that the 43 does not prefer a confiuration primarily
optimised for power savin until the 43 e(plictly indicates otherwise. 8&itiatio&
/ 43 capable of providin power preference indications in 002E2O''32T39 may initiate the procedure in several
cases includin upon bein confiured to provide power preference indications and upon chane of power preference.
4pon initiatin the procedure. the 43 shallI
,O if confiured to provide power preference indicationsI
*O if the 43 did not transmit a -,.ssistanceInformation messae since it was confiured to provide power
preference indicationsJ or
*O if the current power preference is different from the one indicated in the last transmission of the
-,.ssistanceInformation messae and timer T3-+ is not runninI
3O initiate transmission of the -,.ssistanceInformation messae in accordance with :.=.,+.3J %!tio&s re"ated to tra&s6issio& o3 -,.ssistanceInformation 6essa2e
The 43 shall set the contents of the -,.ssistanceInformation messaeI
,O if the 43 prefers a confiuration primarily optimised for power savinI
*O set po9erPrefIn&ication to lo9Po9er"ons$mptionJ
,O elseI
*O start or restart timer T3-+ with the timer value set to the po9erPrefIn&icationTimerJ
*O set po9erPrefIn&ication to normalJ
The 43 shall submit the -,.ssistanceInformation messae to lower layers for transmission.
5.7 Ge&eri! error $a&d"i&2
5.7.1 Ge&era"
The eneric error handlin defined in the subse;uent subAclauses applies unless e(plicitly specified otherwise e..
within the procedure specific error handlin.
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" $$) Release $$
The 43 shall consider a value as not comprehended when it is setI
A to an e(tended value that is not defined in the version of the transfer synta( supported by the 43.
A to a spare or reserved value unless the specification defines specific behaviour that the 43 shall apply upon
receivin the concerned spareD reserved value.
The 43 shall consider a field as not comprehended when it is definedI
A as spare or reserved unless the specification defines specific behaviour that the 43 shall apply upon receivin the
concerned spareD reserved field.
5.7.2 %S).1 7io"atio& or e&!odi&2 error
The 43 shallI
,O when receivin an 002 messae on the 122B. P22B. 222B. or M22B for which the abstract synta( is
invalid K,3LI
*O inore the messaeJ
'OT3 This section applies in case one or more fields is set to a value. other than a spare. reserved or e(tended
value. not defined in this version of the transfer synta(. 3.. in the case the 43 receives value ,* for a
field defined as &'T3G30 (,..,,). &n cases li#e this. it may not be possible to reliably detect which field
is in the error hence the error handlin is at the messae level.
5.7.3 (ie"d set to a &ot !o6#re$e&ded 7a"ue
The 43 shall. when receivin an 002 messae on any loical channelI
,O if the messae includes a field that has a value that the 43 does not comprehendI
*O if a default value is defined for this fieldI
3O treat the messae while usin the default value defined for this fieldJ
*O else if the concerned field is optionalI
3O treat the messae as if the field were absent and in accordance with the need code for absence of the
concerned fieldJ
*O elseI
3O treat the messae as if the field were absent and in accordance with subAclause :.>.-J
5.7.4 Ma&dator5 3ie"d 6issi&2
The 43 shallI
,O if the messae includes a field that is mandatory to include in the messae (e.. because conditions for
mandatory presence are fulfilled) and that field is absent or treated as absentI
*O if the 002 messae was received on 922B or 222BI
3O inore the messaeJ
*O elseI
3O if the field concerns a (subAfield of) an entry of a list (i.e. a "3F43'23 O8)I
-O treat the list as if the entry includin the missin or not comprehended field was not presentJ
3O else if the field concerns a subAfield of another field. referred to as the $parent$ field i.e. the field that is one
nestin level up compared to the erroneous fieldI
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" $$$ Release $$
-O consider the $parent$ field to be set to a not comprehended valueJ
-O apply the eneric error handlin to the subse;uent $parent$ field(s). until reachin the top nestin level
i.e. the messae levelJ
3O else (field at messae level)I
-O inore the messaeJ
'OT3 ,I The error handlin defined in these subAclauses implies that the 43 inores a messae with the messae
type or version set to a not comprehended value.
'OT3 *I The nested error handlin for messaes received on loical channels other than 922B and 222B applies
for errors in e(tensions also. even for errors that can be rearded as invalid 3A4T0/' operation e.. 3A
4T0/' not observin conditional presence.
The followin /"'., further clarifies the levels applicable in case of nested error handlin for errors in e(tension fields.
-- /example/ ASN1START
-- Example with extension addition group
ItemInfoList :: SE!"EN#E $SI%E $1&&max'' () ItemInfo
ItemInfo :: SE!"EN#E *
itemIdentit+ INTE,ER $1&&max'-
field1 )ield1-
field. )ield. (/TI(NAL- -- Need (N
00 field1-r2 )ield1-r2 (/TI(NAL- -- #ond #ond1
field3-r2 )ield3-r2 (/TI(NAL -- Need (N
-- Example with traditional non-6riti6al extension $empt+ se7uen6e'
8road6astInfo8lo691 :: SE!"EN#E *
itemIdentit+ INTE,ER $1&&max'-
field1 )ield1-
field. )ield. (/TI(NAL- -- Need (N
non#riti6alExtension 8road6astInfo8lo691-:23;-IEs (/TI(NAL
8road6astInfo8lo691-:23;-IEs:: SE!"EN#E *
field1-r2 )ield1-r2 (/TI(NAL- -- #ond #ond1
field3-r2 )ield3-r2 (/TI(NAL- -- Need (N
non#riti6alExtension SE!"EN#E *5 (/TI(NAL -- Need (/
-- ASN1ST(/
The 43 shall. apply the followin principles reardin the levels applicable in case of nested error handlinI
A an e(tension additon roup is not rearded as a level on its own. 3.. in the /"'., e(tract in the previous. a error
reardin the conditionality of fiel&3 would result in the entire item&nfo entry to be inored (rather than just the
e(tension addition roup containin fiel&3 and fiel&4)
A a traditional non"ritical,*tension is not rearded as a level on its own. 3.. in the /"'., e(tract in the
previous. a error reardin the conditionality of fiel&3 would result in the entire Broa&castInfoBlock1 to be
inored (rather than just the non critical e(tension containin fiel&3 and fiel&4).
5.7.5 )ot !o6#re$e&ded 3ie"d
The 43 shall. when receivin an 002 messae on any loical channelI
,O if the messae includes a field that the 43 does not comprehendI
*O treat the rest of the messae as if the field was absentJ
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" $$* Release $$
'OT3I This section does not apply to the case of an e(tension to the value rane of a field. "uch cases are
addressed instead by the re;uirements in section :.>.3.
5.< M;MS
5.<.1 8&trodu!tio&
5.<.1.1 Ge&era"
&n eneral the control information relevant only for 43s supportin M1M" is separated as much as possible from
unicast control information. Most of the M1M" control information is provided on a loical channel specific for
M1M" common control informationI the M22B. 3A4T0/ employs one M22B loical channel per M1"8' area. &n
case the networ# confiures multiple M1"8' areas. the 43 ac;uires the M1M" control information from the M22Bs
that are confiured to identify if services it is interested to receive are onoin. The action applicable when the 43 is
unable to simultaneously receive M1M" and unicast services is up to 43 implementation. &n this release of the
specification. an M1M" capable 43 is only re;uired to support reception of a sinle M1M" service at a time. and
reception of more than one M1M" service (also possibly on more than one M1"8' area) in parallel is left for 43
implementation. The M22B carries the MBS+3.rea"onfi$ration messae. which indicates the M1M" sessions that
are onoin as well as the (correspondin) radio resource confiuration. The M22B may also carry the
MBMS"o$ntin!e#$est messae. when 3A4T0/' wishes to count the number of 43s in 002E2O''32T39 that are
receivin or interested to receive one or more specific M1M" services.
/ limited amount of M1M" control information is provided on the 122B. This primarily concerns the information
needed to ac;uire the M22B(s). This information is carried by means of a sinle M1M" specific
SystemInformationBlockI SystemInformationBlockType13. /n M1"8' area is identified solely by the m'sfn4.reaI& in
SystemInformationBlockType13. /t mobility. the 43 considers that the M1"8' area is continuous when the source cell
and the taret cell broadcast the same value in the m'sfn4.reaI&.
5.<.1.2 S!$edu"i&2
The M22B information is transmitted periodically. usin a confiurable repetition period. "chedulin information is
not provided for M22B i.e. both the time domain schedulin as well as the lower layer confiuration are semiAstatically
confiured. as defined within SystemInformationBlockType13.
8or M1M" user data. which is carried by the MT2B loical channel. 3A4T0/' periodically provides M2B
schedulin information (M"&) at lower layers (M/2). This M2B information only concerns the time domain
schedulin i.e. the fre;uency domain schedulin and the lower layer confiuration are semiAstatically confiured. The
periodicity of the M"& is confiurable and defined by the M2B schedulin period.
5.<.1.3 M**= i&3or6atio& 7a"idit5 a&d &oti3i!atio& o3 !$a&2es
2hane of M22B information only occurs at specific radio frames. i.e. the concept of a modification period is used.
<ithin a modification period. the same M22B information may be transmitted a number of times. as defined by its
schedulin (which is based on a repetition period). The modification period boundaries are defined by "8' values for
which "8' mod mQ +. where m is the number of radio frames comprisin the modification period. The modification
period is confiured by means of SystemInformationBlockType13.
<hen the networ# chanes (some of) the M22B information. it notifies the 43s about the chane durin a first
modification period. &n the ne(t modification period. the networ# transmits the updated M22B information. These
eneral principles are illustrated in fiure :.?.,.3A,. in which different colours indicate different M22B information.
4pon receivin a chane notification. a 43 interested to receive M1M" services ac;uires the new M22B information
immediately from the start of the ne(t modification period. The 43 applies the previously ac;uired M22B information
until the 43 ac;uires the new M22B information.
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" $$3 Release $$

M22B modification period (n)
2hane notification 4pdated information
M22B modification period (nR,)
M22B repetition
/i0ure ,&-&$&3!$1 #han0e of 6##; 8nfor2ation
&ndication of an M1M" specific 0'T&. the MA0'T& (see T" 3=.3*, K=L). on P922B is used to inform 43s in
002E&963 and 43s in 002E2O''32T39 about an M22B information chane. <hen receivin an M22B
information chane notification. the 43 #nows that the M22B information will chane at the ne(t modification period
boundary. The notification on P922B indicates which of the M22Bs will chane. which is done by means of an ?Abit
bitmap. <ithin this bitmap. the bit at the position indicated by the field notificationIn&icator is used to indicate chanes
for that M1"8' areaI if the bit is set to M,M. the correspondin M22B will chane. 'o further details are provided e..
reardin which M22B information will chane. The M22B information chane notification is used to inform the 43
about a chane of M22B information upon session start or about the start of M1M" countin.
The M22B information chane notifications on P922B are transmitted periodically and are carried on M1"8'
subframes only. These M22B information chane notification occasions are common for all M22Bs that are
confiured. and confiurable by parameters included in SystemInformationBlockType13C a repetition coefficient. a radio
frame offset and a subframe inde(. These common notification occasions are based on the M22B with the shortest
modification period.
'OT3 ,I 3A4T0/' may modify the M1M" confiuration information provided on M22B at the same time as
updatin the M1M" confiuration information carried on 122B i.e. at a coincidin 122B and M22B
modification period. 4pon detectin that a new M22B is confiured on 122B. a 43 interested to
receive one or more M1M" services should ac;uire the M22B. unless it #nows that the services it is
interested in are not provided by the correspondin M1"8' area.
/ 43 that is receivin an M1M" service shall ac;uire the M22B information from the start of each modification
period. / 43 that is not receivin an M1M" service. as well as 43s that are receivin an M1M" service but potentially
interested to receive other services not started yet in another M1"8' area. shall verify that the stored M22B
information remains valid by attemptin to find the M22B information chane notification at least
notification!epetition"oeff times durin the modification period of the applicable M22B(s). if no M22B information
chane notification is received.
'OT3 *I &n case the 43 is aware which M22B(s) 3A4T0/' uses for the service(s) it is interested to receive. the
43 may only need to monitor chane notifications for a subset of the M22Bs that are confiured.
referred to as the $applicable M22B(s)$ in the above.
5.<.2 M**= i&3or6atio& a!9uisitio&
5.<.2.1 Ge&era"

/i0ure ,&-&*&$!$1 6##; infor2ation ac9uisition
The 43 applies the M22B information ac;uisition procedure to ac;uire the M1M" control information that is
broadcasted by the 3A4T0/'. The procedure applies to M1M" capable 43s that are in 002E&963 or in
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" $$+ Release $$
5.<.2.2 8&itiatio&
/ 43 interested to receive M1M" services shall apply the M22B information ac;uisition procedure upon enterin the
correspondin M1"8' area (e.. upon power on. followin 43 mobility) and upon receivin a notification that the
M22B information has chaned. / 43 that is receivin an M1M" service shall apply the M22B information
ac;uisition procedure to ac;uire the M22B. that corresponds with the service that is bein received. at the start of each
modification period.
4nless e(plicitly stated otherwise in the procedural specification. the M22B information ac;uisition procedure
overwrites any stored M22B information. i.e. delta confiuration is not applicable for M22B information and the 43
discontinues usin a field if it is absent in M22B information unless e(plicitly specified otherwise.
5.<.2.3 M**= i&3or6atio& a!9uisitio& '5 t$e U+
/n M1M" capable 43 shallI
,O if the procedure is triered by an M22B information chane notificationI
*O start ac;uirin the MBS+3.rea"onfi$ration messae and the MBMS"o$ntin!e#$est messae if present.
from the beinnin of the modification period followin the one in which the chane notification was
'OT3 ,I The 43 continues usin the previously received M22B information until the new M22B information
has been ac;uired.
,O if the 43 enters an M1"8' areaI
*O ac;uire the MBS+3.rea"onfi$ration messae and the MBMS"o$ntin!e#$est messae if present. at the
ne(t repetition periodJ
,O if the 43 is receivin an M1M" serviceI
*O start ac;uirin the MBS+3.rea"onfi$ration messae and the MBMS"o$ntin!e#$est messae if present.
that both concern the M1"8' area of the service that is bein received. from the beinnin of each
modification periodJ
5.<.2.4 %!tio&s u#o& re!e#tio& o3 t$e MBS+3.rea$onfi"&ration 6essa2e
'o 43 re;uirements related to the contents of this MBS+3.rea"onfi$ration apply other than those specified
elsewhere e.. within procedures usin the concerned system information. the correspondin field descriptions.
5.<.2.5 %!tio&s u#o& re!e#tio& o3 t$e MBMS$o&ntin"#e%&est 6essa2e
4pon receivin MBMS"o$ntin!e#$est messae. the 43 shall perform the M1M" 2ountin procedure as specified in
section :.?.-.
5.<.3 M;MS PTM radio 'earer !o&3i2uratio&
5.<.3.1 Ge&era"
The M1M" PTM radio bearer confiuration procedure is used by the 43 to confiure 062. M/2 and the physical
layer upon startin andDor stoppin to receive an M01. The procedure applies to 43s interested to receive one or more
M1M" services.
'OT3I &n case the 43 is unable to receive an M1M" service due to capability limitations. upper layers may ta#e
appropriate action e.. terminate a lower priority unicast service.
5.<.3.2 8&itiatio&
The 43 applies the M01 establishment procedure to start receivin a session of a service it has an interest in. The
procedure may be initiated e.. upon start of the M1M" session. upon (reA)entry of the correspondin M1"8' service
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" $$, Release $$
area. upon becomin interested in the M1M" service. upon removal of 43 capability limitations inhibitin reception of
the concerned service.
The 43 applies the M01 release procedure to stop receivin a session. The procedure may be initiated e.. upon stop of
the M1M" session. upon leavin the correspondin M1"8' service area. upon losin interest in the M1M" service.
when capability limitations start inhibitin reception of the concerned service.
5.<.3.3 MR; esta'"is$6e&t
4pon M01 establishment. the 43 shallI
,O establish an 062 entity in accordance with the confiuration specified in @.,.,.-J
,O confiure an MT2B loical channel in accordance with the received locical")annelI&entity. applicable for the
M01. as included in the MBS+3.rea"onfi$ration messaeJ
,O confiure the physical layer in accordance with the pmc)4"onfi. applicable for the M01. as included in the
MBS+3.rea"onfi$ration messaeJ
,O inform upper layers about the establishment of the M01 by indicatin the correspondin tmi and sessionI&J
5.<.3.4 MR; re"ease
4pon M01 release. the 43 shallI
,O release the 062 entity as well as the related M/2 and physical layer confiurationJ
,O inform upper layers about the release of the M01 by indicatin the correspondin tmi and sessionI&J
5.<.4 M;MS *ou&ti&2 Pro!edure
5.<.4.1 Ge&era"
/i0ure ,&-&+&$!$1 6=6S #ountin0 procedure
The M1M" 2ountin procedure is used by the 3A4T0/' to count the number of 002E2O''32T39 mode 43s
which are receivin via an M01 or interested to receive via an M01 the specified M1M" services.
The 43 determines interest in an M1M" service. that is identified by the TMG&. by interaction with upper layers.
5.<.4.2 8&itiatio&
3A4T0/' initiates the procedure by sendin an MBMS"o$ntin!e#$est messae.
5.<.4.3 Re!e#tio& o3 t$e MBMS$o&ntin"#e%&est 6essa2e '5 t$e U+
4pon receivin the MBMS"o$ntin!e#$est messae. the 43 in 002E2O''32T39 mode shallI
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" $$% Release $$
,O if the SystemInformationBlockType1@ that provided the schedulin information for the
systemInformationBlockType13 that included the confiuration of the M22B via which the
MBMS"o$ntin!e#$est messae was received. contained the identity of the 0eistered P6M'J and
,O if the 43 is receivin via an M01 or interested to receive via an M01 at least one of the services in the received
*O if more than one entry is included in the m'sfn4.reaInfo1ist received in the SystemInformationBlockType13
that included the confiuration of the M22B via which the MBMS"o$ntin!e#$est messae was receivedC
3O include the m'sfn4.reaIn&e* in the MBMS"o$ntin!esponse messae and set it to the inde( of the entry
in the m'sfn4.reaInfo1ist within the received SystemInformationBlockType13 that corresponds with the
M1"8' area used to transfer the received MBMS"o$ntin!e#$est messaeJ
*O for each M1M" service included in the received co$ntin!e#$est1istI
3O if the 43 is receivin via an M01 or interested to receive via an M01 this M1M" serviceI
-O include an entry in the co$ntin!esponse1ist within the MBMS"o$ntin!esponse messae with
co$ntin!esponseSer0ice set it to the inde( of the entry in the co$ntin!e#$est1ist within the received
MBMS"o$ntin!e#$est that corresponds with the M1M" service the 43 is receivin or interested to
*O submit the MBMS"o$ntin!esponse messae to lower layers for transmission upon which the procedure
'OT3 ,I 43s that are receivin an M1M" 4ser "ervice K:=L by means of a 4nicast 1earer "ervice K:>L (i.e. via a
901). but are interested to receive the concerned M1M" 4ser "ervice K:=L via an M1M" 1earer "ervice
(i.e. via an M01). respond to the countin re;uest.
'OT3 *I &f cipherin is used at upper layers. the 43 does not respond to the countin re;uest if it can not decipher
the M1M" service for which countin is performed (see T" **.,-= K=*. :.3L).
'OT3 3I The 43 treats the MBMS"o$ntin!e#$est messaes received in each modification period independently.
&n the unli#ely case 3A4T0/' would repeat an MBMS"o$ntin!e#$est (i.e. includin the same services)
in a subse;uent modification period. the 43 responds aain.
5.<.5 M;MS i&terest i&di!atio&
5.<.5.1 Ge&era"
/i0ure ,&-&,&$!$1 6=6S interest indication
The purpose of this procedure is to inform 3A4T0/' that the 43 is receivin or is interested to receive M1M" via an
M01. and if so. to inform 3A4T0/' about the priority of M1M" versus unicast reception.
5.<.5.2 8&itiatio&
/n M1M" capable 43 in 002E2O''32T39 may initiate the procedure in several cases includin upon successful
connection establishment. upon enterin or leavin the service area. upon session start or stop. upon chane of interest.
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" $$( Release $$
upon chane of priority between M1M" reception and unicast reception or upon chane to a P2ell broadcastin
4pon initiatin the procedure. the 43 shallI
,O if SystemInformationBlockType15 is broadcast by the P2ellI
*O ensure havin a valid version of SystemInformationBlockType15 for the P2ellJ
*O if the 43 did not transmit an MBMSInterestIn&ication messae since last enterin 002E2O''32T39 stateJ
*O if since the last time the 43 transmitted an MBMSInterestIn&ication messae. the 43 connected to a P2ell
not broadcastin SystemInformationBlockType15I
3O if the set of M1M" fre;uencies of interest. determined in accordance with :.?.:.3. is not emptyI
-O initiate transmission of the MBMSInterestIn&ication messae in accordance with :.?.:.-J
*O elseI
3O if the set of M1M" fre;uencies of interest. determined in accordance with :.?.:.3. has chaned since the
last transmission of the MBMSInterestIn&ication messaeJ or
3O if the prioritisation of reception of all indicated M1M" fre;uencies compared to reception of any of the
established unicast bearers has chaned since the last transmission of the MBMSInterestIn&ication
-O initiate transmission of the MBMSInterestIn&ication messae in accordance with :.?.:.-J
'OT3I The 43 may send an MBMSInterestIn&ication even when it is able to receive the M1M" services it is
interested in i.e. to avoid that the networ# allocates a confiuration inhibitin M1M" reception.
5.<.5.3 4eter6i&e M;MS 3re9ue&!ies o3 i&terest
The 43 shallI
,O consider a fre;uency to be part of the M1M" fre;uencies of interest if the followin conditions are metI
*O at least one M1M" session the 43 is receivin or interested to receive via an M01 is onoin or about to
startJ and
'OT3 ,I The 43 may determine whether the session is onoin from the start and stop time indicated in the 4ser
"ervice 9escription (4"9). see 3GPP T" 3=.3++ K@L or 3GPP T" *=.3-= K:>L.
*O for at least one of these M1M" sessions SystemInformationBlockType15 ac;uired from the P2ell includes for
the concerned fre;uency one or more M1M" "/&s as indicated in the 4"9 for this sessionJ and
'OT3 *I The 43 considers a fre;uency to be part of the M1M" fre;uencies of interest even thouh 3A4T0/'
may (temporarily) not employ an M01 for the concerned session. &.e. the 43 does not verify if the
session is indicated on M22B.
*O the 43 is capable of simultaneously receivin the set of M1M" fre;uencies of interest. reardless of whether
a servin cell is confiured on each of these fre;uencies or notJ and
*O the s$pporte&Ban&"om'ination the 43 included in -,4,-T!.4"apa'ility contains at least one band
combination includin the set of M1M" fre;uencies of interestJ
'OT3 3I &ndicatin a fre;uency implies that the 43 supports SystemInformationBlockType13 ac;uisition for the
concerned fre;uency i.e. the indication should be independent of whether a servin cell is confiured on
that fre;uency.
'OT3 -I <hen evaluatin which fre;uencies it can receive simultaneously. the 43 does not ta#e into account the
servin fre;uencies that are currently confiured i.e. it only considers M1M" fre;uencies it is interested
to receive.
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" $$- Release $$
'OT3 :I The set of M1M" fre;uencies of interest includes at most one fre;uency for a iven physical fre;uency.
The 43 only considers a physical fre;uency to be part of the M1M" fre;uencies of interest if it supports
at least one of the bands indicated for this physical fre;uency in SystemInformationBlockType1 (for
servin fre;uency) or SystemInformationBlockType15 (for neihbourin fre;uencies). &n this case. 3A
4T0/' may assume the 43 supports M1M" reception on any of the bands supported by the 43 (i.e.
accordin to s$pporte&Ban&"om'ination).
5.<.5.4 %!tio&s re"ated to tra&s6issio& o3 MBMSInterestIn(ication 6essa2e
The 43 shall set the contents of the MBMSInterestIn&ication messae as followsI
,O if the set of M1M" fre;uencies of interest. determined in accordance with :.?.:.3. is not emptyI
*O include m'ms4+re#1ist and set it to include the M1M" fre;uencies of interest. usin the 3/082'
correspondin with fre#Ban&In&icator included in SystemInformationBlockType1 (for servin fre;uency). if
applicable. and the 3/082'(s) as included in SystemInformationBlockType15 (for neihbourin
'OT3 ,I The 3/082' included in m'ms4+re#1ist is merely used to indicate a physical fre;uency the 43 is
interested to receive i.e. the 43 may not support the band correspondin to the included 3/082' (but it
does support at least one of the bands indicated in system information for the concerned physical
*O include m'ms4Priority if the 43 prioritises reception of all indicated M1M" fre;uencies above reception of
any of the unicast bearersJ
'OT3 *I &f the 43 prioritises M1M" reception and unicast data cannot be supported because of conestion on the
M1M" carrier(s). 3A4T0/' may initiate release of unicast bearers. &t is up to 3A4T0/'
implementation whether all bearers or only G10 bearers are released. 3A4T0/' does not initiate reA
establishment of the released unicast bearers upon alleviation of the conestion.
The 43 shall submit the MBMSInterestIn&ication messae to lower layers for transmission.
5.. R) #ro!edures
5...1 R) re!o&3i2uratio&
5...1.1 Ge&era"
/i0ure ,&.&$&$!$1 RN reconfi0uration
The purpose of this procedure is to confiureDreconfiure the 0' subframe confiuration andDor to update the system
information relevant for the 0' in 002E2O''32T39.
5...1.2 8&itiatio&
3A4T0/' may initiate the 0' reconfiuration procedure to an 0' in 002E2O''32T39 when /" security has been
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" $$. Release $$
5...1.3 Re!e#tio& o3 t$e #3#econfi"&ration '5 t$e R)
The 0' shallI
,O if the rn4SystemInfo is includedI
*O if the systemInformationBlockType1 is includedI
3O act upon the received SystemInformationBlockType1 as specified in :.*.*.>J
*O if the SystemInformationBlockType2 is includedI
3O act upon the received SystemInformationBlockType2 as specified in :.*.*.@J
,O if the rn4S$'frame"onfi is includedI
*O reconfiure lower layers in accordance with the received s$'frame"onfiPattern+22 or
*O if the rp&cc)4"onfi is includedI
3O reconfiure lower layers in accordance with the received rp&cc)4"onfiJ
,O submit the !3!econfi$ration"omplete messae to lower layers for transmission. upon which the procedure
6 Proto!o" data u&its, 3or6ats a&d #ara6eters (ta'u"ar
C %S).1)
6.1 Ge&era"
The contents of each 002 messae is specified in subAclause =.* usin /"'., to specify the messae synta( and usin
tables when needed to provide further detailed information about the information elements specified in the messae
synta(. The synta( of the information elements that are defined as standAalone abstract types is further specified in a
similar manner in subAclause =.3.
The need for information elements to be present in a messae or an abstract type. i.e.. the /"'., fields that are specified
as OPT&O'/6 in the abstract notation (/"'.,). is specified by means of comment te(t tas attached to the OPT&O'/6
statement in the abstract synta(. /ll comment te(t tas are available for use in the downlin# direction only. The
meanin of each ta is specified in table =.,A,.
Ta3le %&$!$1 6eanin0 of a33reviations used to specif4 the need for infor2ation ele2ents to 3e
A33reviation 6eanin0
*o&d con(itionTa"
(Used i& do1&"i&> o&"5)
$on(itionally present
%& i&3or6atio& e"e6e&t 3or 1$i!$ t$e &eed is s#e!i3ied '5 6ea&s o3 !o&ditio&s. (or ea!$
con(itionTa", t$e &eed is s#e!i3ied i& a ta'u"ar 3or6 3o""o1i&2 t$e %S).1 se26e&t. 8& !ase,
a!!ordi&2 to t$e !o&ditio&s, a 3ie"d is &ot #rese&t, t$e U+ ta>es &o a!tio& a&d 1$ere
a##"i!a'"e s$a"" !o&ti&ue to use t$e e/isti&2 7a"ue (a&d0 or t$e asso!iated 3u&!tio&a"it5)
u&"ess e/#"i!it"5 stated ot$er1ise (e.2. i& t$e !o&ditio&a" #rese&!e ta'"e or i& t$e des!ri#tio&
o3 t$e 3ie"d itse"3).
)eed ?P
(Used i& do1&"i&> o&"5)
4ptionally present
%& i&3or6atio& e"e6e&t t$at is o#tio&a" to si2&a". (or do1&"i&> 6essa2es, t$e U+ is &ot
re9uired to ta>e a&5 s#e!ia" a!tio& o& a'se&!e o3 t$e 8+ 'e5o&d 1$at is s#e!i3ied i& t$e
#ro!edura" te/t or t$e 3ie"d des!ri#tio& ta'"e 3o""o1i&2 t$e %S).1 se26e&t. T$e U+ 'e$a7iour
o& a'se&!e s$ou"d 'e !a#tured eit$er i& t$e #ro!edura" te/t or i& t$e 3ie"d des!ri#tio&.
)eed ?)
(Used i& do1&"i&> o&"5)
4ptionally present5 3o action
%& i&3or6atio& e"e6e&t t$at is o#tio&a" to si2&a". 83 t$e 6essa2e is re!ei7ed '5 t$e U+, a&d i&
!ase t$e i&3or6atio& e"e6e&t is a'se&t, t$e U+ ta>es &o a!tio& a&d 1$ere a##"i!a'"e s$a""
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" $*) Release $$
A33reviation 6eanin0
!o&ti&ue to use t$e e/isti&2 7a"ue (a&d0 or t$e asso!iated 3u&!tio&a"it5).
)eed ?R
(Used i& do1&"i&> o&"5)
4ptionally present5 #elease
%& i&3or6atio& e"e6e&t t$at is o#tio&a" to si2&a". 83 t$e 6essa2e is re!ei7ed '5 t$e U+, a&d i&
!ase t$e i&3or6atio& e"e6e&t is a'se&t, t$e U+ s$a"" dis!o&ti&ue0 sto# usi&20 de"ete a&5
e/isti&2 7a"ue (a&d0 or t$e asso!iated 3u&!tio&a"it5).
/ny &3 with 'eed O' in system information shall be interpreted as 'eed O0.
'eed codes may not be specified for a parent e(tension fieldD e(tension roup. used in downlin#. which includes one or
more child e(tension fields. 4pon absence of such a parent e(tension fieldD e(tension roup. the 43 shallI
A 8or each individual child e(tension field. includin e(tensions that are mandatory to include in the optional
roup. act in accordance with the need code that is defined for the e(tensionJ
A /pply this behaviour not only for child e(tension fields included directly within the optional parent e(tension
fieldD e(tension roup. but also for e(tension fields defined at further nestin levels as lon as for none of the
fields inAbetween the concerned e(tension field and the parent e(tension field a need code is specifiedJ
'OT3 ,I The above applies for roups of non critical e(tensions usin double brac#ets (referred to as e(tension
roups). as well as nonAcritical e(tensions at the end of a messae or at the end of a structure contained in
a 1&T "T0&'G or O2T3T "T0&'G (referred to as parent e(tension fields).
'eed codes. conditions and /"'., defaults specified for a particular (child) field only apply in case the (parent) field
includin the particular field is present. This rule does not apply for optional parent e(tension fieldsD e(tension roups
without need codes.
'OT3 *I The previous rule implies that 3A4T0/' has to include such a parent e(tension field to release a child
field that is eitherI
A Optional with need O0. or
A 2onditional while the 43 releases the child field when absent.
The handlin of need codes as specified in the previous is illustrated by means of an e(ample. as shown in the followin
-- /example/ ASN1START
RR#<essage-r=-IEs :: SE!"EN#E *
field1 InformationElement1-
field. InformationElement. (/TI(NAL- -- Need (N
non#riti6alExtension RR#<essage-:=a;-IEs (/TI(NAL
RR#<essage-:=a;-IEs :: SE!"EN#E *
field1 InformationElement1 (/TI(NAL- -- Need (N
non#riti6alExtension RR#<essage-:23;-IEs (/TI(NAL
RR#<essage-:23;-IEs :: SE!"EN#E *
field3 InformationElement3 (/TI(NAL- -- Need (R
non#riti6alExtension SE!"EN#E *5 (/TI(NAL
InformationElement1 :: SE!"EN#E *
field11 InformationElement11 (/TI(NAL- -- Need (N
field1. InformationElement1. (/TI(NAL- -- Need (R
00 field11 InformationElement11 (/TI(NAL- -- Need (R
field13 InformationElement13 (/TI(NAL -- Need (N
InformationElement. :: SE!"EN#E *
field.1 InformationElement11 (/TI(NAL- -- Need (R
-- ASN1ST(/
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" $*$ Release $$
The handlin of need codes as specified in the previous implies thatI
A if fiel&2 in !!"Messae4r84I,s is absent. the 43 does not modify fiel&21J
if fiel&2 in !!"Messae4r84I,s is present but does not include fiel&21. the 43 releases fiel&21J
A if the e(tension roup containin fiel&13 is absent. the 43 releases fiel&13 and does not modify fiel&14J
A if non"ritical,*tension defined by &3 !!"Messae408a04I,s is absent. the 43 does not modify fiel&3 and
releases fiel&4J
6.2 RR* 6essa2es
'OT3I The messaes included in this section reflect the current status of the discussions. /dditional messaes
may be included at a later stae.
6.2.1 Ge&era" 6essa2e stru!ture
D ,-T#.6##$62efinitions
This /"'., sement is the start of the 3A4T0/ 002 P94 definitions.
E"TRA-RR#->efinitions >E)INITI(NS A"T(<ATI# TA,S ::
-- ASN1ST(/
D B$$/6B$/6Messa"e
The B""/4B"/4Messae class is the set of 002 messaes that may be sent from the 3A4T0/' to the 43 via 12B on
the 122B loical channel.
8##?-8#?-<essage :: SE!"EN#E *
message 8##?-8#?-<essageT+pe
8##?-8#?-<essageT+pe :: <asterInformation8lo69
-- ASN1ST(/
D B$$/6216S$/6Messa"e
The B""/4214S"/4Messae class is the set of 002 messaes that may be sent from the 3A4T0/' to the 43 via
96A"2B on the 122B loical channel.
8##?->L-S#?-<essage :: SE!"EN#E *
message 8##?->L-S#?-<essageT+pe
8##?->L-S#?-<essageT+pe :: #?(I#E *
61 #?(I#E *
s+stemInformation S+stemInformation-
s+stemInformation8lo69T+pe1 S+stemInformation8lo69T+pe1
message#lassExtension SE!"EN#E *5
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" $** Release $$
-- ASN1ST(/
D M$$/6Messa"e
The M""/4Messae class is the set of 002 messaes that may be sent from the 3A4T0/' to the 43 on the M22B
loical channel.
<##?-<essage :: SE!"EN#E *
message <##?-<essageT+pe
<##?-<essageT+pe :: #?(I#E *
61 #?(I#E *
m@sfnArea#onfiguration-r2 <8S)NArea#onfiguration-r2
later #?(I#E *
6. #?(I#E*
m@ms#ountingRe7uest-r1; <8<S#ountingRe7uest-r1;
message#lassExtension SE!"EN#E *5
-- ASN1ST(/
D !$$/6Messa"e
The P""/4Messae class is the set of 002 messaes that may be sent from the 3A4T0/' to the 43 on the P22B
loical channel.
/##?-<essage :: SE!"EN#E *
message /##?-<essageT+pe
/##?-<essageT+pe :: #?(I#E *
61 #?(I#E *
paging /aging
message#lassExtension SE!"EN#E *5
-- ASN1ST(/
D 216$$$/6Messa"e
The 214"""/4Messae class is the set of 002 messaes that may be sent from the 3A4T0/' to the 43 on the
downlin# 222B loical channel.
>L-###?-<essage :: SE!"EN#E *
message >L-###?-<essageT+pe
>L-###?-<essageT+pe :: #?(I#E *
61 #?(I#E *
rr6#onne6tionReesta@lishment RR##onne6tionReesta@lishment-
rr6#onne6tionReesta@lishmentReAe6t RR##onne6tionReesta@lishmentReAe6t-
rr6#onne6tionReAe6t RR##onne6tionReAe6t-
rr6#onne6tionSetup RR##onne6tionSetup
message#lassExtension SE!"EN#E *5
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" $*3 Release $$
-- ASN1ST(/
D 2162$$/6Messa"e
The 2142""/4Messae class is the set of 002 messaes that may be sent from the 3A4T0/' to the 43 or from the
3A4T0/' to the 0' on the downlin# 922B loical channel.
>L->##?-<essage :: SE!"EN#E *
message >L->##?-<essageT+pe
>L->##?-<essageT+pe :: #?(I#E *
61 #?(I#E *
6sf@/arametersResponse#><A.;;; #S)8/arametersResponse#><A.;;;-
dlInformationTransfer >LInformationTransfer-
hando:er)romE"TRA/reparationRe7uest ?ando:er)romE"TRA/reparationRe7uest-
mo@ilit+)romE"TRA#ommand <o@ilit+)romE"TRA#ommand-
rr6#onne6tionRe6onfiguration RR##onne6tionRe6onfiguration-
rr6#onne6tionRelease RR##onne6tionRelease-
se6urit+<ode#ommand Se6urit+<ode#ommand-
ue#apa@ilit+En7uir+ "E#apa@ilit+En7uir+-
6ounter#he69 #ounter#he69-
ueInformationRe7uest-r2 "EInformationRe7uest-r2-
logged<easurement#onfiguration-r1; Logged<easurement#onfiguration-r1;-
rnRe6onfiguration-r1; RNRe6onfiguration-r1;-
spare3 N"LL-
spare1 N"LL- spare. N"LL- spare1 N"LL
message#lassExtension SE!"EN#E *5
-- ASN1ST(/
D -16$$$/6Messa"e
The -14"""/4Messae class is the set of 002 messaes that may be sent from the 43 to the 3A4T0/' on the uplin#
222B loical channel.
"L-###?-<essage :: SE!"EN#E *
message "L-###?-<essageT+pe
"L-###?-<essageT+pe :: #?(I#E *
61 #?(I#E *
rr6#onne6tionReesta@lishmentRe7uest RR##onne6tionReesta@lishmentRe7uest-
rr6#onne6tionRe7uest RR##onne6tionRe7uest
message#lassExtension SE!"EN#E *5
-- ASN1ST(/
D -162$$/6Messa"e
The -142""/4Messae class is the set of 002 messaes that may be sent from the 43 to the 3A4T0/' or from the
0' to the 3A4T0/' on the uplin# 922B loical channel.
"L->##?-<essage :: SE!"EN#E *
message "L->##?-<essageT+pe
"L->##?-<essageT+pe :: #?(I#E *
61 #?(I#E *
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" $*+ Release $$
6sf@/arametersRe7uest#><A.;;; #S)8/arametersRe7uest#><A.;;;-
measurementReport <easurementReport-
rr6#onne6tionRe6onfiguration#omplete RR##onne6tionRe6onfiguration#omplete-
rr6#onne6tionReesta@lishment#omplete RR##onne6tionReesta@lishment#omplete-
rr6#onne6tionSetup#omplete RR##onne6tionSetup#omplete-
se6urit+<ode#omplete Se6urit+<ode#omplete-
se6urit+<ode)ailure Se6urit+<ode)ailure-
ue#apa@ilit+Information "E#apa@ilit+Information-
ul?ando:er/reparationTransfer "L?ando:er/reparationTransfer-
ulInformationTransfer "LInformationTransfer-
6ounter#he69Response #ounter#he69Response-
ueInformationResponse-r2 "EInformationResponse-r2-
proximit+Indi6ation-r2 /roximit+Indi6ation-r2-
rnRe6onfiguration#omplete-r1; RNRe6onfiguration#omplete-r1;-
m@ms#ountingResponse-r1; <8<S#ountingResponse-r1;-
inter)re7RST><easurementIndi6ation-r1; Inter)re7RST><easurementIndi6ation-r1;
message#lassExtension #?(I#E *
6. #?(I#E *
ueAssistan6eInformation-r11 "EAssistan6eInformation-r11-
in>e:i6e#oexIndi6ation-r11 In>e:i6e#oexIndi6ation-r11-
m@msInterestIndi6ation-r11 <8<SInterestIndi6ation-r11-
spare11 N"LL-
spare1. N"LL- spare11 N"LL- spare1; N"LL-
spare2 N"LL- spare= N"LL- spareB N"LL-
spareC N"LL- spareD N"LL- spare3 N"LL-
spare1 N"LL- spare. N"LL- spare1 N"LL
message#lassExtension)uture-r11 SE!"EN#E *5
-- ASN1ST(/
6.2.2 Messa2e de3i&itio&s
D $o&nter$heck
The "o$nter")eck messae is used by the 3A4T0/' to indicate the current 2O4'T M"1 values associated to each
901 and to re;uest the 43 to compare these to its 2O4'T M"1 values and to report the comparison results to 3A
"inallin radio bearerI "01,
062A"/PI /M
6oical channelI 922B
9irectionI 3A4T0/' to 43
CounterCheck message
#ounter#he69 :: SE!"EN#E *
rr6-Transa6tionIdentifier RR#-Transa6tionIdentifier-
6riti6alExtensions #?(I#E *
61 #?(I#E *
6ounter#he69-r= #ounter#he69-r=-IEs-
spare1 N"LL- spare. N"LL- spare1 N"LL
6riti6alExtensions)uture SE!"EN#E *5
#ounter#he69-r=-IEs :: SE!"EN#E *
dr@-#ount<S8-InfoList >R8-#ount<S8-InfoList-
non#riti6alExtension #ounter#he69-:=a;-IEs (/TI(NAL
#ounter#he69-:=a;-IEs :: SE!"EN#E *
lateNon#riti6alExtension (#TET STRIN, (/TI(NAL-
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" $*, Release $$
non#riti6alExtension SE!"EN#E *5 (/TI(NAL
>R8-#ount<S8-InfoList :: SE!"EN#E $SI%E $1&&max>R8'' () >R8-#ount<S8-Info
>R8-#ount<S8-Info :: SE!"EN#E *
dr@-Identit+ >R8-Identit+-
6ount<S8-"plin9 INTE,ER$;&&11DD3311'-
6ount<S8->ownlin9 INTE,ER$;&&11DD3311'
-- ASN1ST(/
CounterCheck field descriptions
8&di!ates t$e 7a"ue o3 25 MS;s 3ro6 do1&"i&> *?U)T asso!iated to t$is 4R;.
8&di!ates t$e 7a"ue o3 25 MS;s 3ro6 u#"i&> *?U)T asso!iated to t$is 4R;.
8&di!ates t$e MS;s o3 t$e *?U)T 7a"ues o3 t$e 4R;s.
D $o&nter$heck#esponse
The "o$nter")eck!esponse messae is used by the 43 to respond to a "o$nter")eck messae.
"inallin radio bearerI "01,
062A"/PI /M
6oical channelI 922B
9irectionI 43 to 3A4T0/'
CounterCheck$esponse message
#ounter#he69Response :: SE!"EN#E *
rr6-Transa6tionIdentifier RR#-Transa6tionIdentifier-
6riti6alExtensions #?(I#E *
6ounter#he69Response-r= #ounter#he69Response-r=-IEs-
6riti6alExtensions)uture SE!"EN#E *5
#ounter#he69Response-r=-IEs :: SE!"EN#E *
dr@-#ountInfoList >R8-#ountInfoList-
non#riti6alExtension #ounter#he69Response-:=a;-IEs (/TI(NAL
#ounter#he69Response-:=a;-IEs :: SE!"EN#E *
lateNon#riti6alExtension (#TET STRIN, (/TI(NAL-
non#riti6alExtension SE!"EN#E *5 (/TI(NAL
>R8-#ountInfoList :: SE!"EN#E $SI%E $;&&max>R8'' () >R8-#ountInfo
>R8-#ountInfo :: SE!"EN#E *
dr@-Identit+ >R8-Identit+-
6ount-"plin9 INTE,ER$;&&3.232CB.2D'-
6ount->ownlin9 INTE,ER$;&&3.232CB.2D'
-- ASN1ST(/
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" $*% Release $$
CounterCheck$esponse field descriptions
8&di!ates t$e 7a"ue o3 do1&"i&> *?U)T asso!iated to t$is 4R;.
8&di!ates t$e 7a"ue o3 u#"i&> *?U)T asso!iated to t$is 4R;.
8&di!ates t$e *?U)T 7a"ues o3 t$e 4R;s.
D $S+B!arameters#e%&est$2M.2
The "S+BParameters!e#$est"2M.2000 messae is used by the 43 to obtain the 29M/*+++ ,(0TT Parameters
from the networ#. The 43 needs these parameters to enerate the 29M/*+++ ,(0TT 0eistration messae used to
reister with the 29M/*+++ ,(0TT 'etwor# which is re;uired to support 2"81 to 29M/*+++ ,(0TT.
"inallin radio bearerI "01,
062A"/PI /M
6oical channelI 922B
9irectionI 43 to 3A4T0/'
CS%BParameters$e&uestCDM'())) message
#S)8/arametersRe7uest#><A.;;; :: SE!"EN#E *
6riti6alExtensions #?(I#E *
6sf@/arametersRe7uest#><A.;;;-r= #S)8/arametersRe7uest#><A.;;;-r=-IEs-
6riti6alExtensions)uture SE!"EN#E *5
#S)8/arametersRe7uest#><A.;;;-r=-IEs :: SE!"EN#E *
non#riti6alExtension #S)8/arametersRe7uest#><A.;;;-:=a;-IEs (/TI(NAL
#S)8/arametersRe7uest#><A.;;;-:=a;-IEs :: SE!"EN#E *
lateNon#riti6alExtension (#TET STRIN, (/TI(NAL-
non#riti6alExtension SE!"EN#E *5 (/TI(NAL
-- ASN1ST(/
D $S+B!arameters#esponse$2M.2
The "S+BParameters!esponse"2M.2000 messae is used to provide the 29M/*+++ ,(0TT Parameters to the 43 so
the 43 can reister with the 29M/*+++ ,(0TT 'etwor# to support 2"81 to 29M/*+++ ,(0TT.
"inallin radio bearerI "01,
062A"/PI /M
6oical channelI 922B
9irectionI 3A4T0/' to 43
CS%BParameters$esponseCDM'())) message
#S)8/arametersResponse#><A.;;; :: SE!"EN#E *
rr6-Transa6tionIdentifier RR#-Transa6tionIdentifier-
6riti6alExtensions #?(I#E *
6sf@/arametersResponse#><A.;;;-r= #S)8/arametersResponse#><A.;;;-r=-IEs-
6riti6alExtensions)uture SE!"EN#E *5
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" $*( Release $$
#S)8/arametersResponse#><A.;;;-r=-IEs :: SE!"EN#E *
rand RAN>-#><A.;;;-
mo@ilit+/arameters <o@ilit+/arameters#><A.;;;-
non#riti6alExtension #S)8/arametersResponse#><A.;;;-:=a;-IEs (/TI(NAL
#S)8/arametersResponse#><A.;;;-:=a;-IEs :: SE!"EN#E *
lateNon#riti6alExtension (#TET STRIN, (/TI(NAL-
non#riti6alExtension SE!"EN#E *5 (/TI(NAL
-- ASN1ST(/
D 21InformationTransfer
The 21InformationTransfer messae is used for the downlin# transfer of '/" or nonA3GPP dedicated information.
"inallin radio bearerI "01* or "01, (only if "01* not established yet. &f "01* is suspended. 3A4T0/' does
not send this messae until "01* is resumed.)
062A"/PI /M
6oical channelI 922B
9irectionI 3A4T0/' to 43
D#"nformation*ransfer message
>LInformationTransfer :: SE!"EN#E *
rr6-Transa6tionIdentifier RR#-Transa6tionIdentifier-
6riti6alExtensions #?(I#E *
61 #?(I#E *
dlInformationTransfer-r= >LInformationTransfer-r=-IEs-
spare1 N"LL- spare. N"LL- spare1 N"LL
6riti6alExtensions)uture SE!"EN#E *5
>LInformationTransfer-r=-IEs :: SE!"EN#E *
dedi6atedInfoT+pe #?(I#E *
dedi6atedInfoNAS >edi6atedInfoNAS-
dedi6atedInfo#><A.;;;-1ERTT >edi6atedInfo#><A.;;;-
dedi6atedInfo#><A.;;;-?R/> >edi6atedInfo#><A.;;;
non#riti6alExtension >LInformationTransfer-:=a;-IEs (/TI(NAL
>LInformationTransfer-:=a;-IEs :: SE!"EN#E *
lateNon#riti6alExtension (#TET STRIN, (/TI(NAL-
non#riti6alExtension SE!"EN#E *5 (/TI(NAL
-- ASN1ST(/
D /an(o0er+rom,-T#.!reparation#e%&est (*4M%2000)
The /an&o0er+rom,-T!.Preparation!e#$est messae is used to trier the handover preparation procedure with a
29M/*+++ 0/T. This messae is also used to trier a tunneled preparation procedure with a 29M/*+++ ,(0TT
0/T to obtain traffic channel resources for the enhanced 2" fallbac# to 29M/*+++ ,(0TT. which may also involve a
concurrent preparation for handover to 29M/*+++ B0P9. /lso. this messae is used to trier the dual 0(DT(
redirection procedure with a 29M/*+++ ,(0TT 0/T.
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" $*- Release $$
"inallin radio bearerI "01,
062A"/PI /M
6oical channelI 922B
9irectionI 3A4T0/' to 43
+ano,er%rom-U*$'Preparation$e&uest message
?ando:er)romE"TRA/reparationRe7uest :: SE!"EN#E *
rr6-Transa6tionIdentifier RR#-Transa6tionIdentifier-
6riti6alExtensions #?(I#E *
61 #?(I#E *
spare1 N"LL- spare. N"LL- spare1 N"LL
6riti6alExtensions)uture SE!"EN#E *5
?ando:er)romE"TRA/reparationRe7uest-r=-IEs :: SE!"EN#E *
6dma.;;;-T+pe #><A.;;;-T+pe-
rand RAN>-#><A.;;; (/TI(NAL- -- #ond 6dma.;;;-T+pe
mo@ilit+/arameters <o@ilit+/arameters#><A.;;; (/TI(NAL- -- #ond 6dma.;;;-T+pe
non#riti6alExtension ?ando:er)romE"TRA/reparationRe7uest-:=2;-IEs (/TI(NAL
?ando:er)romE"TRA/reparationRe7uest-:=2;-IEs :: SE!"EN#E *
lateNon#riti6alExtension (#TET STRIN, (/TI(NAL-
non#riti6alExtension ?ando:er)romE"TRA/reparationRe7uest-:2.;-IEs (/TI(NAL
?ando:er)romE"TRA/reparationRe7uest-:2.;-IEs :: SE!"EN#E *
6on6urr/rep#><A.;;;-?R/>-r2 8((LEAN (/TI(NAL- -- #ond 6dma.;;;-T+pe
non#riti6alExtension ?ando:er)romE"TRA/reparationRe7uest-:1;.;-IEs (/TI(NAL
?ando:er)romE"TRA/reparationRe7uest-:1;.;-IEs :: SE!"EN#E *
dualRxTxRedire6tIndi6ator-r1; EN"<ERATE> *true5 (/TI(NAL- -- #ond 6dma.;;;-1ERTT
redire6t#arrier#><A.;;;-1ERTT-r1; #arrier)re7#><A.;;; (/TI(NAL- -- #ond dualRxTxRedire6t
non#riti6alExtension SE!"EN#E *5 (/TI(NAL
-- ASN1ST(/
+ano,er%rom-U*$'Preparation$e&uest field descriptions
Va"ue TRU+ i&di!ates t$at u##er "a5ers s$ou"d i&itiate !o&!urre&t #re#aratio& 3or $a&do7er to *4M%2000 =RP4 i&
additio& to #re#aratio& 3or e&$a&!ed *S 3a""'a!> to *4M%2000 1/RTT.
Va"ue TRU+ i&di!ates t$at t$e se!o&d radio o3 t$e dua" R/0T/ U+ is 'ei&2 redire!ted to *4M%2000 1/RTT E51F.
Used to i&di!ate t$e *4M%2000 1/RTT !arrier 3re9ue&!5 1$ere t$e U+ is 'ei&2 redire!ted to.
#onditional presence E:planation
c(ma2617#TT T$e 3ie"d is o#tio&a""5 #rese&t, &eed ?), i3 t$e c(ma26Type G type17#TTH ot$er1ise it
is &ot #rese&t.
c(ma26Type T$e 3ie"d is 6a&dator5 #rese&t i3 t$e c(ma26Type G type17#TTH ot$er1ise it is &ot
(&al#*T*#e(irect T$e 3ie"d is o#tio&a""5 #rese&t, &eed ?), i3 (&al#*T*#e(irectIn(icator is #rese&tH
ot$er1ise it is &ot #rese&t.
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" $*. Release $$
8 In2e0ice$oe*In(ication
The In2e0ice"oe*In&ication messae is used to inform 3A4T0/' about &92 problems which can not be solved by the
43 itself. as well as to provide information that may assist 3A4T0/' when resolvin these problems.
"inallin radio bearerI "01,
062A"/PI /M
6oical channelI 922B
9irectionI 43 to 3A4T0/'
"nDe,iceCoe."nication message
In>e:i6e#oexIndi6ation-r11 :: SE!"EN#E *
6riti6alExtensions #?(I#E *
61 #?(I#E *
in>e:i6e#oexIndi6ation-r11 In>e:i6e#oexIndi6ation-r11-IEs-
spare1 N"LL- spare. N"LL- spare1 N"LL
6riti6alExtensions)uture SE!"EN#E *5
In>e:i6e#oexIndi6ation-r11-IEs :: SE!"EN#E *
affe6ted#arrier)re7List-r11 Affe6ted#arrier)re7List-r11 (/TI(NAL-
tdm-Assistan6eInfo-r11 T><-Assistan6eInfo-r11 (/TI(NAL-
lateNon#riti6alExtension (#TET STRIN, (/TI(NAL-
non#riti6alExtension SE!"EN#E *5 (/TI(NAL
Affe6ted#arrier)re7List-r11 :: SE!"EN#E $SI%E $1&&max)re7I>#-r11'' () Affe6ted#arrier)re7-r11
Affe6ted#arrier)re7-r11 :: SE!"EN#E *
6arrier)re7-r11 <eas(@Ae6tId-
interferen6e>ire6tion-r11 EN"<ERATE> *eutra- other- @oth- spare5
T><-Assistan6eInfo-r11 :: #?(I#E *
drx-Assistan6eInfo-r11 SE!"EN#E *
drx-#+6leLength-r11 EN"<ERATE> *sf3;- sfC3- sf=;- sf1.=- sf1C;-
sf.DC- spare.- spare15-
drx-(ffset-r11 INTE,ER $;&&.DD' (/TI(NAL-
drx-A6ti:eTime-r11 EN"<ERATE> *sf.;- sf1;- sf3;- sfC;- sf=;-
sf1;;- spare.- spare15
id6-Su@frame/atternList-r11 I>#-Su@frame/atternList-r11-
I>#-Su@frame/atternList-r11 :: SE!"EN#E $SI%E $1&&maxSu@frame/atternI>#-r11'' () I>#-
I>#-Su@frame/attern-r11 :: #?(I#E *
su@frame/attern)>>-r11 8IT STRIN, $SI%E $3''-
su@frame/atternT>>-r11 #?(I#E *
su@frame#onfig;-r11 8IT STRIN, $SI%E $B;''-
su@frame#onfig1-D-r11 8IT STRIN, $SI%E $1;''-
su@frame#onfigC-r11 8IT STRIN, $SI%E $C;''
-- ASN1ST(/
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" $3) Release $$
"nDe,iceCoe."nication field descriptions
ist o3 +-UTR% !arrier 3re9ue&!ies a33e!ted '5 84* #ro'"e6s.
8&di!ates t$e desired a!ti7e ti6e t$at t$e +-UTR%) is re!o66e&ded to !o&3i2ure. Va"ue i& &u6'er o3 su'3ra6es.
Va"ue s320 !orres#o&ds to 20 su'3ra6es, s330 !orres#o&ds to 30 su'3ra6es a&d so o&.
8&di!ates t$e desired 4RI !5!"e "e&2t$ t$at t$e +-UTR%) is re!o66e&ded to !o&3i2ure. Va"ue i& &u6'er o3
su'3ra6es. Va"ue s340 !orres#o&ds to 40 su'3ra6es, s364 !orres#o&ds to 64 su'3ra6es a&d so o&.
8&di!ates t$e desired 4RI starti&2 o33set t$at t$e +-UTR%) is re!o66e&ded to !o&3i2ure. T$e U+ s$a"" set t$e 7a"ue
o3 dr/-?33set s6a""er t$a& t$e 7a"ue o3 (r*6$ycle1en"th. T$e starti&2 3ra6e a&d su'3ra6e satis35 t$e re"atio&, E(S() J
10) - su'3ra6e &u6'erF 6odu"o ((r*6$ycle1en"th) G (r*64ffset.
% "ist o3 o&e or 6ore su'3ra6e #atter&s i&di!ati&2 1$i!$ =%RB #ro!ess +-UTR%) is re9uested to a'stai& 3ro6 usi&2.
Va"ue 0 i&di!ates t$at +-UTR%) is re9uested to a'stai& 3ro6 usi&2 t$e su'3ra6e. (or (44, t$e radio 3ra6e i& 1$i!$
t$e #atter& starts (i.e. t$e radio 3ra6e i& 1$i!$ t$e 3irst0"e3t6ost 'it o3 t$e s&)frame!attern+22 !orres#o&ds to
su'3ra6e K0) o!!urs 1$e& S() 6od 2 G 0. (or T44, t$e 3irst0"e3t6ost 'it !orres#o&ds to t$e su'3ra6e K0 o3 t$e radio
3ra6e satis35i&2 S() 6od / G 0, 1$ere / is t$e siLe o3 t$e 'it stri&2 di7ided '5 10. T$e U+ s$a"" i&di!ate a su'3ra6e
#atter& t$at 3o""o1s =%RB ti6e "i&e, as s#e!i3ied i& TS 36.213 E23F, i.e, i3 a su'3ra6e is set to 1 i& t$e su'3ra6e
#atter&, a"so t$e !orres#o&di&2 su'3ra6es !arr5i&2 t$e #ote&tia" U 2ra&t E23, <.0F, t$e U =%RB retra&s6issio& E23,
<.0F a&d t$e 40U =%RB 3eed'a!> E23, 7.3, <.3 a&d ..1.2F s$a"" 'e set to 1.
8&di!ates t$e dire!tio& o3 84* i&ter3ere&!e. Va"ue e&tra i&di!ates t$at o&"5 +-UTR% is 7i!ti6 o3 84* i&ter3ere&!e, 7a"ue
other i&di!ates t$at o&"5 a&ot$er radio is 7i!ti6 o3 84* i&ter3ere&!e a&d 7a"ue )oth i&di!ates t$at 'ot$ +-UTR% a&d
a&ot$er radio are 7i!ti6s o3 84* i&ter3ere&!e. T$e ot$er radio re3ers to eit$er t$e 8SM radio or G)SS (see 3GPP TR
36.<16 E63F).
D Inter+re%#ST2Meas&rementIn(ication
The Inter+re#!ST2Meas$rementIn&ication messae is used to indicate that the 43 is oin to either start or stop
OT9O/ interAfre;uency 0"T9 measurement which re;uires measurement aps as specified in T" 3=.,33 K,=. ?.,.*.=L.
"inallin radio bearerI "01,
062A"/PI /M
6oical channelI 922B
9irectionI 43 to 3A4T0/'
"nter%re&$S*DMeasurement"nication message
Inter)re7RST><easurementIndi6ation-r1; :: SE!"EN#E *
6riti6alExtensions #?(I#E *
61 #?(I#E *
inter)re7RST><easurementIndi6ation-r1; Inter)re7RST><easurementIndi6ation-r1;-IEs-
spare1 N"LL- spare. N"LL- spare1 N"LL
6riti6alExtensions)uture SE!"EN#E *5
Inter)re7RST><easurementIndi6ation-r1;-IEs :: SE!"EN#E *
rstd-Inter)re7Indi6ation-r1; #?(I#E *
start SE!"EN#E *
rstd-Inter)re7InfoList-r1; RST>-Inter)re7InfoList-r1;
stop N"LL
lateNon#riti6alExtension (#TET STRIN, (/TI(NAL-
non#riti6alExtension SE!"EN#E *5 (/TI(NAL
RST>-Inter)re7InfoList-r1; :: SE!"EN#E $SI%E$1&&maxRST>-)re7-r1;'' () RST>-Inter)re7Info-r1;
RST>-Inter)re7Info-r1; :: SE!"EN#E *
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" $3$ Release $$
6arrier)re7-r1; AR)#N-FalueE"TRA-
meas/RS-(ffset-r1; INTE,ER $;&&12'-
00 6arrier)re7-:1;2; AR)#N-FalueE"TRA-:2e; (/TI(NAL
-- ASN1ST(/
"nter%re&$S*DMeasurement"nication field descriptions
T$e +%R(*) 7a"ue o3 t$e !arrier re!ei7ed 3ro6 u##er "a5ers 3or 1$i!$ t$e U+ &eeds to #er3or6 t$e i&ter-3re9ue&!5
RST4 6easure6e&ts. 83 t$e U+ i&!"udes carrier+re%6019, it s$a"" set carrier+re%6r1 to ma*,.#+$3.
8&di!ates t$e re9uested 2a# o33set 3or #er3or6i&2 i&ter-3re9ue&!5 RST4 6easure6e&ts. 8t is t$e s6a""est su'3ra6e
o33set 3ro6 t$e 'e2i&&i&2 o3 su'3ra6e 0 o3 S()G0 o3 t$e ser7i&2 !e"" o3 t$e re9uested 2a# 3or 6easuri&2 PRS
#ositio&i&2 o!!asio&s i& t$e !arrier 3re9ue&!5 carrier+re% 3or 1$i!$ t$e U+ &eeds to #er3or6 t$e i&ter-3re9ue&!5 RST4
6easure6e&ts. T$e PRS #ositio&i&2 o!!asio& i&3or6atio& is re!ei7ed 3ro6 u##er "a5ers. T$e 7a"ue o3 meas!#S6
4ffset is o'tai&ed '5 6a##i&2 t$e starti&2 su'3ra6e o3 t$e PRS #ositio&i&2 o!!asio& i& t$e 6easured !e"" o&to t$e
!orres#o&di&2 su'3ra6e i& t$e ser7i&2 !e"" a&d is !a"!u"ated as t$e ser7i&2 !e""Ms &u6'er o3 su'3ra6es 3ro6 S()G0
6od 40.
T$e U+ s$a"" ta>e i&to a!!ou&t a&5 additio&a" ti6e re9uired '5 t$e U+ to start PRS 6easure6e&ts o& t$e ot$er !arrier
1$e& it does t$is 6a##i&2 3or deter6i&i&2 t$e meas!#S64ffset.
)?T+, (i2ure 6.2.2-1 i""ustrates t$e meas!#S64ffset 3ie"d.
8&di!ates t$e i&ter-3re9ue&!5 RST4 6easure6e&t a!tio&, i.e. t$e U+ is 2oi&2 to start or sto# i&ter-3re9ue&!5 RST4
/i0ure %&*&*!$ infor2ative"1 E:e2plar4 calculation of measP$S-1ffset field&
D 1o""e(Meas&rement$onfi"&ration
The 1oe&Meas$rement"onfi$ration messae is used by 3A4T0/' to confiure the 43 to perform loin of
measurement results while in 002E&963. &t is used to transfer the loed measurement confiuration for networ#
performance optimisation. see T" 3>.3*+ K=+L.
"inallin radio bearerI "01,
062A"/PI /M
6oical channelI 922B
9irectionI 3A4T0/' to 43
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" $3* Release $$
#oggeMeasurementConfiguration message
Logged<easurement#onfiguration-r1; :: SE!"EN#E *
6riti6alExtensions #?(I#E *
61 #?(I#E *
logged<easurement#onfiguration-r1; Logged<easurement#onfiguration-r1;-IEs-
spare1 N"LL- spare. N"LL- spare1 N"LL
6riti6alExtensions)uture SE!"EN#E *5
Logged<easurement#onfiguration-r1;-IEs :: SE!"EN#E *
tra6eReferen6e-r1; Tra6eReferen6e-r1;-
tra6eRe6ordingSessionRef-r1; (#TET STRIN, $SI%E $.''-
t6e-Id-r1; (#TET STRIN, $SI%E $1''-
a@soluteTimeInfo-r1; A@soluteTimeInfo-r1;-
area#onfiguration-r1; Area#onfiguration-r1; (/TI(NAL- -- Need (R
logging>uration-r1; Logging>uration-r1;-
loggingInter:al-r1; LoggingInter:al-r1;-
non#riti6alExtension Logged<easurement#onfiguration-:1;=;-IEs (/TI(NAL
Logged<easurement#onfiguration-:1;=;-IEs :: SE!"EN#E *
lateNon#riti6alExtension-r1; (#TET STRIN, (/TI(NAL-
non#riti6alExtension Logged<easurement#onfiguration-:111;-IEs (/TI(NAL
Logged<easurement#onfiguration-:111;-IEs :: SE!"EN#E *
plmn-Identit+List-r11 /L<N-Identit+List1-r11 (/TI(NAL- -- Need (R
area#onfiguration-:111; Area#onfiguration-:111; (/TI(NAL- -- Need (R
non#riti6alExtension SE!"EN#E *5 (/TI(NAL
-- ASN1ST(/
#oggeMeasurementConfiguration field descriptions
8&di!ates t$e a'so"ute ti6e i& t$e !urre&t !e"".
Used to restri!t t$e area i& 1$i!$ t$e U+ #er3or6s 6easure6e&t "o22i&2 to !e""s 'road!asti&2 eit$er o&e o3 t$e
i&!"uded !e"" ide&tities or o&e o3 t$e i&!"uded tra!>i&2 area !odes0 ide&tities.
8&di!ates a set o3 PM)s de3i&i&2 1$e& t$e U+ #er3or6s 6easure6e&t "o22i&2 as 1e"" as t$e asso!iated status
i&di!atio& a&d i&3or6atio& retrie7a" i.e. t$e U+ #er3or6s t$ese a!tio&s 1$e& t$e RPM) is #art o3 t$is set o3 PM)s.
Para6eter Tra!e *o""e!tio& +&tit5 8d, See TS 32.422 E5<F.
Para6eter Tra!e Re!ordi&2 Sessio& Re3ere&!e, See TS 32.422 E5<F
D MasterInformationBlock
The MasterInformationBlock includes the system information transmitted on 12B.
"inallin radio bearerI 'D/
062A"/PI TM
6oical channelI 122B
9irectionI 3A4T0/' to 43
<asterInformation8lo69 :: SE!"EN#E *
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" $33 Release $$
dl-8andwidth EN"<ERATE> *
nC- n1D- n.D- nD;- nBD- n1;;5-
phi6h-#onfig /?I#?-#onfig-
s+stem)rameNum@er 8IT STRIN, $SI%E $=''-
spare 8IT STRIN, $SI%E $1;''
-- ASN1ST(/
Master"nformationBlock field descriptions
Para6eter, tra&s6issio& 'a&d1idt$ !o&3i2uratio&, )R; i& do1&"i&>, see TS 36.101 E42, ta'"e 5.6-1F. &6 !orres#o&ds to
6 resour!e '"o!>s, &15 to 15 resour!e '"o!>s a&d so o&.
4e3i&es t$e < 6ost si2&i3i!a&t 'its o3 t$e S(). %s i&di!ated i& TS 36.211 E21, 6.6.1F, t$e 2 "east si2&i3i!a&t 'its o3 t$e
S() are a!9uired i6#"i!it"5 i& t$e P-;*= de!odi&2, i.e. ti6i&2 o3 406s P-;*= TT8 i&di!ates 2 "east si2&i3i!a&t 'its
(1it$i& 406s P-;*= TT8, t$e 3irst radio 3ra6e, 00, t$e se!o&d radio 3ra6e, 01, t$e t$ird radio 3ra6e, 10, t$e "ast radio
3ra6e, 11). ?&e 7a"ue a##"ies 3or a"" ser7i&2 !e""s (t$e asso!iated 3u&!tio&a"it5 is !o66o& i.e. &ot #er3or6ed
i&de#e&de&t"5 3or ea!$ !e"").
8 MBMS$o&ntin"#e%&est
The MBMS"o$ntin!e#$est messae is used by 3A4T0/' to count the 43s that are receivin or interested to receive
specific M1M" services.
"inallin radio bearerI 'D/
062A"/PI 4M
6oical channelI M22B
9irectionI 3A4T0/' to 43
MBMSCounting$e&uest message
<8<S#ountingRe7uest-r1; :: SE!"EN#E *
6ountingRe7uestList-r1; #ountingRe7uestList-r1;-
lateNon#riti6alExtension (#TET STRIN, (/TI(NAL-
non#riti6alExtension SE!"EN#E *5 (/TI(NAL
#ountingRe7uestList-r1; :: SE!"EN#E $SI%E $1&&maxSer:i6e#ount'' () #ountingRe7uestInfo-r1;
#ountingRe7uestInfo-r1; :: SE!"EN#E *
tmgi-r1; T<,I-r2-
-- ASN1ST(/
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" $3+ Release $$
8 MBMS$o&ntin"#esponse
The MBMS"o$ntin!esponse messae is used by the 43 to respond to an MBMS"o$ntin!e#$est messae.
"inallin radio bearerI "01,
062A"/PI /M
6oical channelI 922B
9irectionI 43 to 3A4T0/'
MBMSCounting$esponse message
<8<S#ountingResponse-r1; :: SE!"EN#E *
6riti6alExtensions #?(I#E *
61 #?(I#E *
6ountingResponse-r1; <8<S#ountingResponse-r1;-IEs-
spare1 N"LL- spare. N"LL- spare1 N"LL
6riti6alExtensions)uture SE!"EN#E *5
<8<S#ountingResponse-r1;-IEs :: SE!"EN#E *
m@sfn-AreaIndex-r1; INTE,ER $;&&max<8S)N-Area-1' (/TI(NAL-
6ountingResponseList-r1; #ountingResponseList-r1; (/TI(NAL-
lateNon#riti6alExtension (#TET STRIN, (/TI(NAL-
non#riti6alExtension SE!"EN#E *5 (/TI(NAL
#ountingResponseList-r1; :: SE!"EN#E $SI%E $1&&maxSer:i6e#ount'' () #ountingResponseInfo-r1;
#ountingResponseInfo-r1; :: SE!"EN#E *
6ountingResponseSer:i6e-r1; INTE,ER $;&&maxSer:i6e#ount-1'-
-- ASN1ST(/
MBMSCounting$esponse field descriptions
ist o3 M;MS ser7i!es 1$i!$ t$e U+ is re!ei7i&2 or i&terested to re!ei7e. Va"ue 0 3or 3ie"d co&ntin"#esponseSer0ice
!orres#o&ds to t$e 3irst e&tr5 i& co&ntin"#e%&est1ist 1it$i& MBMS$o&ntin"#e%&est, 7a"ue 1 !orres#o&ds to t$e
se!o&d e&tr5 i& t$is "ist a&d so o&.
8&de/ o3 t$e e&tr5 i& 3ie"d m)sfn6.reaInfo1ist 1it$i& SystemInformationBlockType13. Va"ue 0 !orres#o&ds to t$e 3irst
e&tr5 i& m)sfn6.reaInfo1ist 1it$i& SystemInformationBlockType13, 7a"ue 1 !orres#o&ds to t$e se!o&d e&tr5 i& t$is "ist
a&d so o&.
8 MBMSInterestIn(ication
The MBMSInterestIn&ication messae is used to inform 3A4T0/' that the 43 is receivinD interested to receive or no
loner receivinD interested to receive M1M" via an M01.
"inallin radio bearerI "01,
062A"/PI /M
6oical channelI 922B
9irectionI 43 to 3A4T0/'
MBMS"nterest"nication message
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" $3, Release $$
<8<SInterestIndi6ation-r11 :: SE!"EN#E *
6riti6alExtensions #?(I#E *
61 #?(I#E *
interestIndi6ation-r11 <8<SInterestIndi6ation-r11-IEs-
spare1 N"LL- spare. N"LL- spare1 N"LL
6riti6alExtensions)uture SE!"EN#E *5
<8<SInterestIndi6ation-r11-IEs :: SE!"EN#E *
m@ms-)re7List-r11 #arrier)re7List<8<S-r11 (/TI(NAL-
m@ms-/riorit+-r11 EN"<ERATE> *true5 (/TI(NAL-
lateNon#riti6alExtension (#TET STRIN, (/TI(NAL-
non#riti6alExtension SE!"EN#E *5 (/TI(NAL
-- ASN1ST(/
MBMS"nterest"nication field descriptions
ist o3 M;MS 3re9ue&!ies o& 1$i!$ t$e U+ is re!ei7i&2 or i&terested to re!ei7e M;MS 7ia a& MR;.
8&di!ates 1$et$er t$e U+ #rioritises M;MS re!e#tio& a'o7e u&i!ast re!e#tio&. T$e 3ie"d is #rese&t (i.e. 7a"ue tr&e), i3
t$e U+ #rioritises re!e#tio& o3 a"" "isted M;MS 3re9ue&!ies a'o7e re!e#tio& o3 a&5 o3 t$e u&i!ast 'earers. ?t$er1ise
t$e 3ie"d is a'se&t.
D MBS+3.rea$onfi"&ration
The MBS+3.rea"onfi$ration messae contains the M1M" control information applicable for an M1"8' area. 3A
4T0/' confiures an M22B for each M1"8' area i.e. the M22B identifies the M1"8' area.
"inallin radio bearerI 'D/
062A"/PI 4M
6oical channelI M22B
9irectionI 3A4T0/' to 43
MBS%N'reaConfiguration message
<8S)NArea#onfiguration-r2 :: SE!"EN#E *
6ommonS)-Allo6-r2 #ommonS)-Allo6/atternList-r2-
6ommonS)-Allo6/eriod-r2 EN"<ERATE> *
rf3- rf=- rf1C- rf1.- rfC3- rf1.=- rf.DC5-
pm6h-InfoList-r2 /<#?-InfoList-r2-
non#riti6alExtension <8S)NArea#onfiguration-:21;-IEs (/TI(NAL
<8S)NArea#onfiguration-:21;-IEs :: SE!"EN#E *
lateNon#riti6alExtension (#TET STRIN, (/TI(NAL-
non#riti6alExtension SE!"EN#E *5 (/TI(NAL
#ommonS)-Allo6/atternList-r2 :: SE!"EN#E $SI%E $1&&max<8S)N-Allo6ations'' () <8S)N-
-- ASN1ST(/
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" $3% Release $$
MBS%N'reaConfiguration field descriptions
8&di!ates t$e su'3ra6es a""o!ated to t$e M;S() area
8&di!ates t$e #eriod duri&2 1$i!$ resour!es !orres#o&di&2 1it$ 3ie"d commonS+6.lloc are di7ided 'et1ee& t$e
(P)M*= t$at are !o&3i2ured 3or t$is M;S() area. T$e su'3ra6e a""o!atio& #atter&s, as de3i&ed '5 commonS+6.lloc,
re#eat !o&ti&ous"5 duri&2 t$is #eriod. Va"ue r34 !orres#o&ds to 4 radio 3ra6es, r3< !orres#o&ds to < radio 3ra6es a&d
so o&. T$e commonS+6.lloc!erio( starts i& t$e radio 3ra6es 3or 1$i!$, S() 6od commonS+6.lloc!erio( G 0.
D Meas&rement#eport
The Meas$rement!eport messae is used for the indication of measurement results.
"inallin radio bearerI "01,
062A"/PI /M
6oical channelI 922B
9irectionI 43 to 3A4T0/'
Measurement$eport message
<easurementReport :: SE!"EN#E *
6riti6alExtensions #?(I#E *
61 #?(I#E*
measurementReport-r= <easurementReport-r=-IEs-
spareB N"LL-
spareC N"LL- spareD N"LL- spare3 N"LL-
spare1 N"LL- spare. N"LL- spare1 N"LL
6riti6alExtensions)uture SE!"EN#E *5
<easurementReport-r=-IEs :: SE!"EN#E *
measResults <easResults-
non#riti6alExtension <easurementReport-:=a;-IEs (/TI(NAL
<easurementReport-:=a;-IEs :: SE!"EN#E *
lateNon#riti6alExtension (#TET STRIN, (/TI(NAL-
non#riti6alExtension SE!"EN#E *5 (/TI(NAL
-- ASN1ST(/
D Mo)ility+rom,-T#.$omman(
The Mo'ility+rom,-T!."omman& messae is used to command handover or a cell chane from 3A4T0/ to another
0/T (3GPP or nonA3GPP). or enhanced 2" fallbac# to 29M/*+++ ,(0TT.
"inallin radio bearerI "01,
062A"/PI /M
6oical channelI 922B
9irectionI 3A4T0/' to 43
Mo!ility%rom-U*$'Comman message
<o@ilit+)romE"TRA#ommand :: SE!"EN#E *
rr6-Transa6tionIdentifier RR#-Transa6tionIdentifier-
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" $3( Release $$
6riti6alExtensions #?(I#E *
61 #?(I#E*
mo@ilit+)romE"TRA#ommand-r= <o@ilit+)romE"TRA#ommand-r=-IEs-
mo@ilit+)romE"TRA#ommand-r2 <o@ilit+)romE"TRA#ommand-r2-IEs-
spare. N"LL- spare1 N"LL
6riti6alExtensions)uture SE!"EN#E *5
<o@ilit+)romE"TRA#ommand-r=-IEs :: SE!"EN#E *
6s-)all@a69Indi6ator 8((LEAN-
purpose #?(I#E*
hando:er ?ando:er-
6ell#hange(rder #ell#hange(rder
non#riti6alExtension <o@ilit+)romE"TRA#ommand-:=a;-IEs (/TI(NAL
<o@ilit+)romE"TRA#ommand-:=a;-IEs :: SE!"EN#E *
lateNon#riti6alExtension (#TET STRIN, (/TI(NAL-
non#riti6alExtension <o@ilit+)romE"TRA#ommand-:=d;-IEs (/TI(NAL
<o@ilit+)romE"TRA#ommand-:=d;-IEs :: SE!"EN#E *
@andIndi6ator 8andIndi6ator,ERAN (/TI(NAL- -- #ond ,ERAN
non#riti6alExtension SE!"EN#E *5 (/TI(NAL
<o@ilit+)romE"TRA#ommand-r2-IEs :: SE!"EN#E *
6s-)all@a69Indi6ator 8((LEAN-
purpose #?(I#E*
hando:er ?ando:er-
6ell#hange(rder #ell#hange(rder-
e-#S)8-r2 E-#S)8-r2-
non#riti6alExtension <o@ilit+)romE"TRA#ommand-:21;-IEs (/TI(NAL
<o@ilit+)romE"TRA#ommand-:21;-IEs :: SE!"EN#E *
lateNon#riti6alExtension (#TET STRIN, (/TI(NAL-
non#riti6alExtension <o@ilit+)romE"TRA#ommand-:2C;-IEs (/TI(NAL
<o@ilit+)romE"TRA#ommand-:2C;-IEs :: SE!"EN#E *
@andIndi6ator 8andIndi6ator,ERAN (/TI(NAL- -- #ond ,ERAN
non#riti6alExtension SE!"EN#E *5 (/TI(NAL
?ando:er :: SE!"EN#E *
targetRAT-T+pe EN"<ERATE> *
utra- geran- 6dma.;;;-1ERTT- 6dma.;;;-?R/>-
spare3- spare1- spare.- spare1- &&&5-
targetRAT-<essage#ontainer (#TET STRIN,-
nas-Se6urit+/aram)romE"TRA (#TET STRIN, $SI%E $1'' (/TI(NAL- -- #ond "TRA,ERAN
s+stemInformation SI-(r/SI-,ERAN (/TI(NAL -- #ond /S?(
#ell#hange(rder :: SE!"EN#E *
t1;3 EN"<ERATE> *
ms1;;- ms.;;- msD;;- ms1;;;-
ms.;;;- ms3;;;- ms=;;;- spare15-
targetRAT-T+pe #?(I#E *
geran SE!"EN#E *
ph+s#ellId /h+s#ellId,ERAN-
6arrier)re7 #arrier)re7,ERAN-
networ9#ontrol(rder 8IT STRIN, $SI%E $.'' (/TI(NAL- -- Need (/
s+stemInformation SI-(r/SI-,ERAN (/TI(NAL -- Need (/
SI-(r/SI-,ERAN :: #?(I#E *
si S+stemInfoList,ERAN-
psi S+stemInfoList,ERAN
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" $3- Release $$
E-#S)8-r2 :: SE!"EN#E *
message#ont#><A.;;;-1ERTT-r2 (#TET STRIN, (/TI(NAL- -- Need (N
mo@ilit+#><A.;;;-?R/>-r2 EN"<ERATE> *
hando:er- redire6tion
5 (/TI(NAL- -- Need (/
message#ont#><A.;;;-?R/>-r2 (#TET STRIN, (/TI(NAL- -- #ond 6on6?(
redire6t#arrier#><A.;;;-?R/>-r2 #arrier)re7#><A.;;; (/TI(NAL -- #ond 6on6Redir
-- ASN1ST(/
Mo!ility%rom-U*$'Comman field descriptions
8&di!ates $o1 to i&ter#ret t$e %R(*) o3 t$e ;**= !arrier.
!o&tai&s t$e !arrier 3re9ue&!5 o3 t$e tar2et G+R%) !e"".
Va"ue tr&e i&di!ates t$at t$e *S (a""'a!> #ro!edure to UTR%) or G+R%) is tri22ered.
T$is 3ie"d !o&tai&s a 6essa2e s#e!i3ied i& *4M%2000 1/RTT sta&dard t$at eit$er te""s t$e U+ to 6o7e to s#e!i3i!
1/RTT tar2et !e""(s) or i&di!ates a 3ai"ure to a""o!ate resour!es 3or t$e e&$a&!ed *S 3a""'a!> to *4M%2000 1/RTT.
T$is 3ie"d !o&tai&s a 6essa2e s#e!i3ied i& *4M%2000 =RP4 sta&dard t$at eit$er te""s t$e U+ to 6o7e to s#e!i3i!
=RP4 tar2et !e""(s) or i&di!ates a 3ai"ure to a""o!ate resour!es 3or t$e $a&do7er to *4M%2000 =RP4.
T$is 3ie"d i&di!ates 1$et$er or &ot 6o'i"it5 to *4M%2000 =RP4 is to 'e #er3or6ed '5 t$e U+ a&d it a"so i&di!ates t$e
t5#e o3 6o'i"it5 to *4M%2000 =RP4 t$at is to 'e #er3or6edH 83 t$is 3ie"d is &ot #rese&t t$e U+ s$a"" #er3or6 o&"5 t$e
e&$a&!ed *S 3a""'a!> to *4M%2000 1/RTT.
Used to de"i7er t$e >e5 s5&!$ro&isatio& a&d Ne5 3res$&ess 3or t$e +-UTR%) to UTR%) $a&do7ers as s#e!i3ied i& TS
33.401. T$e !o&te&t o3 t$e #ara6eter is de3i&ed i& TS24.301.
Para6eter )+T:?RN@*?)TR?@?R4+R i& TS 44.060 E36F.
8&di!ates 1$i!$ t5#e o3 6o'i"it5 #ro!edure t$e U+ is re9uested to #er3or6. +UTR%) a"1a5s a##"ies 7a"ue e6$S+B i&
!ase o3 e&$a&!ed *S 3a""'a!> to *4M%2000 (e.2. a"so 1$e& t$at #ro!edure resu"ts i& $a&do7er to *4M%2000 1IRTT
o&"5, i& $a&do7er to *4M%2000 =RP4 o&"5 or i& redire!tio& to *4M%2000 =RP4 o&"5),
T$e re(irect$arrier$2M.26/#!2 i&di!ates a *4M%2000 !arrier 3re9ue&!5 a&d is used to redire!t t$e U+ to a
=RP4 !arrier 3re9ue&!5.
83 p&rpose G $ell$han"e4r(er a&d i3 t$e 3ie"d is &ot #rese&t, t$e U+ $as to a!9uire S80PS8 3ro6 t$e G+R%) !e"".
Ti6er T304 as des!ri'ed i& se!tio& 7.3. Va"ue 6s100 !orres#o&ds 1it$ 100 6s, 6s200 !orres#o&ds 1it$ 200 6s a&d
so o&.
8&di!ates t$e tar2et R%T t5#e.
T$e 3ie"d !o&tai&s a 6essa2e s#e!i3ied i& a&ot$er sta&dard, as i&di!ated '5 t$e tar"et#.T6Type, a&d !arries
i&3or6atio& a'out t$e tar2et !e"" ide&ti3ier(s) a&d radio #ara6eters re"e7a&t 3or t$e tar2et radio a!!ess te!$&o"o25.
)?T+ 1.
% !o6#"ete 6essa2e is i&!"uded, as s#e!i3ied i& t$e ot$er sta&dard.
#onditional presence E:planation
conc/4 T$e 3ie"d is 6a&dator5 #rese&t i3 t$e mo)ility$2M.26/#!2 is set to Ohan(o0erPH
ot$er1ise t$e 3ie"d is o#tio&a" #rese&t, &eed ?).
conc#e(ir T$e 3ie"d is 6a&dator5 #rese&t i3 t$e 6o)ility$2M.26/#!2 is set to Ore(irectionPH
ot$er1ise t$e 3ie"d is &ot #rese&t.
9,#.3 T$e 3ie"d s$ou"d 'e #rese&t i3 t$e p&rpose is set to Ohan(o0erP a&d t$e tar"et#.T6Type is
set to O"eranPH ot$er1ise t$e 3ie"d is &ot #rese&t
!S/4 T$e 3ie"d is 6a&dator5 #rese&t i& !ase o3 PS $a&do7er to1ard G+R%)H ot$er1ise t$e
3ie"d is o#tio&a""5 #rese&t, 'ut &ot used '5 t$e U+
-T#.9,#.3 T$e 3ie"d is 6a&dator5 #rese&t i3 t$e tar"et#.T6Type is set to O&traP or O"eranPH ot$er1ise
t$e 3ie"d is &ot #rese&t
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" $3. Release $$
'OT3 ,I The correspondence between the value of the taret!.T4Type. the standard to apply and the messae
contained within the taret!.T4Messae"ontainer is shown in the table belowI
tar0etRAT!T4pe Standard to appl4 tar0etRAT!6essa0e#ontainer
c(ma2617#TT *.S0001 or "ater, *.S0007 or "ater, *.S000< or "ater
c(ma26/#!2 *.S0024 or "ater
"eran GSM TS 04.1<, 7ersio& <.5.0 or "ater, or 3GPP TS
44.01< (!"ause ..1.15)
3GPP TS 44.060, 7ersio& 6.13.0 or "ater (!"ause
3GPP TS 44.060, 7ersio& 7.6.0 or "ater (!"ause
=%)4?V+R *?MM%)4
PS =%)4?V+R *?MM%)4
4TM =%)4?V+R *?MM%)4
&tra 3GPP TS 25.331 (!"ause 10.2.16a) =%)4?V+R T? UTR%) *?MM%)4
D !a"in"
The Pain messae is used for the notification of one or more 43s.
"inallin radio bearerI 'D/
062A"/PI TM
6oical channelI P22B
9irectionI 3A4T0/' to 43
Paging 2essa0e
/aging :: SE!"EN#E *
pagingRe6ordList /agingRe6ordList (/TI(NAL- -- Need (N
s+stemInfo<odifi6ation EN"<ERATE> *true5 (/TI(NAL- -- Need (N
etws-Indi6ation EN"<ERATE> *true5 (/TI(NAL- -- Need (N
non#riti6alExtension /aging-:=2;-IEs (/TI(NAL
/aging-:=2;-IEs :: SE!"EN#E *
lateNon#riti6alExtension (#TET STRIN, (/TI(NAL-
non#riti6alExtension /aging-:2.;-IEs (/TI(NAL
/aging-:2.;-IEs :: SE!"EN#E *
6mas-Indi6ation-r2 EN"<ERATE> *true5 (/TI(NAL- -- Need (N
non#riti6alExtension /aging-:111;-IEs (/TI(NAL
/aging-:111;-IEs :: SE!"EN#E *
ea@-/aram<odifi6ation-r11 EN"<ERATE> *true5 (/TI(NAL- -- Need (N
non#riti6alExtension SE!"EN#E *5 (/TI(NAL
/agingRe6ordList :: SE!"EN#E $SI%E $1&&max/ageRe6'' () /agingRe6ord
/agingRe6ord :: SE!"EN#E *
ue-Identit+ /aging"E-Identit+-
6n->omain EN"<ERATE> *ps- 6s5-
/aging"E-Identit+ :: #?(I#E *
s-T<SI S-T<SI-
imsi I<SI-
I<SI :: SE!"EN#E $SI%E $C&&.1'' () I<SI->igit
I<SI->igit :: INTE,ER $;&&2'
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" $+) Release $$
-- ASN1ST(/
Paging field descriptions
83 #rese&t, i&di!atio& o3 a *M%S &oti3i!atio&.
8&di!ates t$e ori2i& o3 #a2i&2.
83 #rese&t, i&di!atio& o3 a& +%; #ara6eters (S8;14) 6odi3i!atio&.
83 #rese&t, i&di!atio& o3 a& +T:S #ri6ar5 &oti3i!atio& a&d0 or +T:S se!o&dar5 &oti3i!atio&.
T$e 8&ter&atio&a" Mo'i"e Su's!ri'er 8de&tit5, a 2"o'a""5 u&i9ue #er6a&e&t su's!ri'er ide&tit5, see TS 23.003 E27F. T$e
3irst e"e6e&t !o&tai&s t$e 3irst 8MS8 di2it, t$e se!o&d e"e6e&t !o&tai&s t$e se!o&d 8MS8 di2it a&d so o&.
83 #rese&t, i&di!atio& o3 a ;**= 6odi3i!atio& ot$er t$a& S8;10, S8;11, S8;12 a&d S8;14.
Pro7ides t$e )%S ide&tit5 o3 t$e U+ t$at is 'ei&2 #a2ed.
D !ro*imityIn(ication
The Pro*imityIn&ication messae is used to indicate that the 43 is enterin or leavin the pro(imity of one or more
2"G member cell(s).
"inallin radio bearerI "01,
062A"/PI /M
6oical channelI 922B
9irectionI 43 to 3A4T0/'
Pro.imity"nication 2essa0e
/roximit+Indi6ation-r2 :: SE!"EN#E *
6riti6alExtensions #?(I#E *
61 #?(I#E *
proximit+Indi6ation-r2 /roximit+Indi6ation-r2-IEs-
spare1 N"LL- spare. N"LL- spare1 N"LL
6riti6alExtensions)uture SE!"EN#E *5
/roximit+Indi6ation-r2-IEs :: SE!"EN#E *
t+pe-r2 EN"<ERATE> *entering- lea:ing5-
6arrier)re7-r2 #?(I#E *
eutra-r2 AR)#N-FalueE"TRA-
utra-r2 AR)#N-Falue"TRA-
eutra.-:2e; AR)#N-FalueE"TRA-:2e;
non#riti6alExtension /roximit+Indi6ation-:21;-IEs
/roximit+Indi6ation-:21;-IEs :: SE!"EN#E *
lateNon#riti6alExtension (#TET STRIN, (/TI(NAL-
non#riti6alExtension SE!"EN#E *5 (/TI(NAL
-- ASN1ST(/
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" $+$ Release $$
Pro.imity"nication field descriptions
8&di!ates t$e R%T a&d 3re9ue&!5 o3 t$e *SG 6e6'er !e""(s), 3or 1$i!$ t$e #ro/i6it5 i&di!atio& is se&t. (or +-UTR%
a&d UTR% 3re9ue&!ies, t$e U+ s$a"" set t$e %R(*) a!!ordi&2 to a 'a&d it #re7ious"5 !o&sidered suita'"e 3or
a!!essi&2 (o&e o3) t$e *SG 6e6'er !e""(s), 3or 1$i!$ t$e #ro/i6it5 i&di!atio& is se&t.
Used to i&di!ate 1$et$er t$e U+ is e&teri&2 or "ea7i&2 t$e #ro/i6it5 o3 *SG 6e6'er !e""(s).
8 #3#econfi"&ration
The !3!econfi$ration is a command to modify the 0' subframe confiuration andDor to convey chaned system
"inallin radio bearerI "01,
062A"/PI /M
6oical channelI 922B
9irectionI 3A4T0/' to 0'
$N$econfiguration message
RNRe6onfiguration-r1; :: SE!"EN#E *
rr6-Transa6tionIdentifier RR#-Transa6tionIdentifier-
6riti6alExtensions #?(I#E *
61 #?(I#E *
rnRe6onfiguration-r1; RNRe6onfiguration-r1;-IEs-
spare1 N"LL- spare. N"LL- spare1 N"LL
6riti6alExtensions)uture SE!"EN#E *5
RNRe6onfiguration-r1;-IEs :: SE!"EN#E *
rn-S+stemInfo-r1; RN-S+stemInfo-r1; (/TI(NAL- -- Need (N
rn-Su@frame#onfig-r1; RN-Su@frame#onfig-r1; (/TI(NAL- -- Need (N
lateNon#riti6alExtension (#TET STRIN, (/TI(NAL-
non#riti6alExtension SE!"EN#E *5 (/TI(NAL
RN-S+stemInfo-r1; :: SE!"EN#E *
s+stemInformation8lo69T+pe1-r1; (#TET STRIN, $#(NTAININ, S+stemInformation8lo69T+pe1'
(/TI(NAL- -- Need (N
s+stemInformation8lo69T+pe.-r1; S+stemInformation8lo69T+pe. (/TI(NAL- -- Need (N
-- ASN1ST(/
8 #3#econfi"&ration$omplete
The !3!econfi$ration"omplete messae is used to confirm the successful completion of an 0' reconfiuration.
"inallin radio bearerI "01,
062A"/PI /M
6oical channelI 922B
9irectionI 0' to 3A4T0/'
$N$econfigurationComplete message
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" $+* Release $$
RNRe6onfiguration#omplete-r1; :: SE!"EN#E *
rr6-Transa6tionIdentifier RR#-Transa6tionIdentifier-
6riti6alExtensions #?(I#E *
61 #?(I#E*
rnRe6onfiguration#omplete-r1; RNRe6onfiguration#omplete-r1;-IEs-
spare1 N"LL- spare. N"LL- spare1 N"LL
6riti6alExtensions)uture SE!"EN#E *5
RNRe6onfiguration#omplete-r1;-IEs :: SE!"EN#E *
lateNon#riti6alExtension (#TET STRIN, (/TI(NAL-
non#riti6alExtension SE!"EN#E *5 (/TI(NAL
-- ASN1ST(/
D ##$$onnection#econfi"&ration
The !!""onnection!econfi$ration messae is the command to modify an 002 connection. &t may convey
information for measurement confiuration. mobility control. radio resource confiuration (includin 01s. M/2 main
confiuration and physical channel confiuration) includin any associated dedicated '/" information and security
"inallin radio bearerI "01,
062A"/PI /M
6oical channelI 922B
9irectionI 3A4T0/' to 43
$$CConnection$econfiguration message
RR##onne6tionRe6onfiguration :: SE!"EN#E *
rr6-Transa6tionIdentifier RR#-Transa6tionIdentifier-
6riti6alExtensions #?(I#E *
61 #?(I#E*
rr6#onne6tionRe6onfiguration-r= RR##onne6tionRe6onfiguration-r=-IEs-
spareB N"LL-
spareC N"LL- spareD N"LL- spare3 N"LL-
spare1 N"LL- spare. N"LL- spare1 N"LL
6riti6alExtensions)uture SE!"EN#E *5
RR##onne6tionRe6onfiguration-r=-IEs :: SE!"EN#E *
meas#onfig <eas#onfig (/TI(NAL- -- Need (N
mo@ilit+#ontrolInfo <o@ilit+#ontrolInfo (/TI(NAL- -- #ond ?(
dedi6atedInfoNASList SE!"EN#E $SI%E$1&&max>R8'' ()
>edi6atedInfoNAS (/TI(NAL- -- #ond non?(
radioResour6e#onfig>edi6ated RadioResour6e#onfig>edi6ated (/TI(NAL- -- #ond ?(-toE"TRA
se6urit+#onfig?( Se6urit+#onfig?( (/TI(NAL- -- #ond ?(
non#riti6alExtension RR##onne6tionRe6onfiguration-:=2;-IEs (/TI(NAL
RR##onne6tionRe6onfiguration-:=2;-IEs :: SE!"EN#E *
lateNon#riti6alExtension (#TET STRIN, (/TI(NAL-
non#riti6alExtension RR##onne6tionRe6onfiguration-:2.;-IEs (/TI(NAL
RR##onne6tionRe6onfiguration-:2.;-IEs :: SE!"EN#E *
other#onfig-r2 (ther#onfig-r2 (/TI(NAL- -- Need (N
full#onfig-r2 EN"<ERATE> *true5 (/TI(NAL- -- #ond ?(-
non#riti6alExtension RR##onne6tionRe6onfiguration-:1;.;-IEs (/TI(NAL
RR##onne6tionRe6onfiguration-:1;.;-IEs :: SE!"EN#E *
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" $+3 Release $$
s#ellToReleaseList-r1; S#ellToReleaseList-r1; (/TI(NAL- -- Need (N
s#ellToAdd<odList-r1; S#ellToAdd<odList-r1; (/TI(NAL- -- Need (N
non#riti6alExtension RR##onne6tionRe6onfiguration-:111;-IEs (/TI(NAL
RR##onne6tionRe6onfiguration-:111;-IEs :: SE!"EN#E *
s+stemInfomation8lo69T+pe1>edi6ated-r11 (#TET STRIN, $#(NTAININ, S+stemInformation8lo69T+pe1'
(/TI(NAL- -- Need (N
non#riti6alExtension SE!"EN#E *5 (/TI(NAL
S#ellToAdd<odList-r1; :: SE!"EN#E $SI%E $1&&maxS#ell-r1;'' () S#ellToAdd<od-r1;
S#ellToAdd<od-r1; :: SE!"EN#E *
s#ellIndex-r1; S#ellIndex-r1;-
6ellIdentifi6ation-r1; SE!"EN#E *
ph+s#ellId-r1; /h+s#ellId-
dl-#arrier)re7-r1; AR)#N-FalueE"TRA
5 (/TI(NAL- -- #ond S#ellAdd
radioResour6e#onfig#ommonS#ell-r1; RadioResour6e#onfig#ommonS#ell-r1; (/TI(NAL- -- #ond
radioResour6e#onfig>edi6atedS#ell-r1; RadioResour6e#onfig>edi6atedS#ell-r1; (/TI(NAL- --
#ond S#ellAdd.
00 dl-#arrier)re7-:1;2; AR)#N-FalueE"TRA-:2e; (/TI(NAL -- #ond EAR)#N-max
S#ellToReleaseList-r1; :: SE!"EN#E $SI%E $1&&maxS#ell-r1;'' () S#ellIndex-r1;
Se6urit+#onfig?( :: SE!"EN#E *
hando:erT+pe #?(I#E *
intraLTE SE!"EN#E *
se6urit+Algorithm#onfig Se6urit+Algorithm#onfig (/TI(NAL- -- #ond
9e+#hangeIndi6ator 8((LEAN-
next?op#haining#ount Next?op#haining#ount
interRAT SE!"EN#E *
se6urit+Algorithm#onfig Se6urit+Algorithm#onfig-
nas-Se6urit+/aramToE"TRA (#TET STRIN, $SI%E$C''
-- ASN1ST(/
$$CConnection$econfiguration field descriptions
T$is 3ie"d is used to tra&s3er U+ s#e!i3i! )%S "a5er i&3or6atio& 'et1ee& t$e &et1or> a&d t$e U+. T$e RR* "a5er is
tra&s#are&t 3or ea!$ P4U i& t$e "ist.
8&di!ates t$e 3u"" !o&3i2uratio& o#tio& is a##"i!a'"e 3or t$e RR* *o&&e!tio& Re!o&3i2uratio& 6essa2e.
true is used o&"5 i& a& i&tra-!e"" $a&do7er 1$e& a Ne); >e5 is deri7ed 3ro6 a N%SM+ >e5 ta>e& i&to use t$rou2$ t$e "atest
su!!ess3u" )%S SM* #ro!edure, as des!ri'ed i& TS 33.401 E32F 3or Ne); re->e5i&2. 3a"se is used i& a& i&tra-T+
$a&do7er 1$e& t$e &e1 Ne); >e5 is o'tai&ed 3ro6 t$e !urre&t Ne); >e5 or 3ro6 t$e )= as des!ri'ed i& TS 33.401 E32F.
T$is 3ie"d is used to tra&s3er U+ s#e!i3i! )%S "a5er i&3or6atio& 'et1ee& t$e &et1or> a&d t$e U+. T$e RR* "a5er is
tra&s#are&t 3or t$is 3ie"d, a"t$ou2$ it a33e!ts a!ti7atio& o3 %S- se!urit5 a3ter i&ter-R%T $a&do7er to +-UTR%. T$e !o&te&t
is de3i&ed i& TS 24.301.
Para6eter )**, See TS 33.401 E32F
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" $++ Release $$
#onditional presence E:planation
,.#+$36ma* T$e 3ie"d is 6a&dator5 #rese&t i3 (l6$arrier+re%6r1 is i&!"uded a&d set to ma*,.#+$3.
?t$er1ise t$e 3ie"d is &ot #rese&t.
f&ll$onfi" T$is 3ie"d is 6a&dator5 #rese&t 3or $a&do7er 1it$i& +-UTR% 1$e& t$e f&ll$onfi" is
i&!"udedH ot$er1ise it is o#tio&a""5 #rese&t, )eed ?P.
/4 T$e 3ie"d is 6a&dator5 #rese&t i& !ase o3 $a&do7er 1it$i& +-UTR% or to +-UTR%H
ot$er1ise t$e 3ie"d is &ot #rese&t.
/46#eesta) T$is 3ie"d is o#tio&a""5 #rese&t, &eed ?), i& !ase o3 $a&do7er 1it$i& +-UTR% or u#o& t$e
3irst re!o&3i2uratio& a3ter RR* !o&&e!tio& re-esta'"is$6e&tH ot$er1ise t$e 3ie"d is &ot
/46to,-T#. T$e 3ie"d is 6a&dator5 #rese&t i& !ase o3 $a&do7er to +-UTR% or 3or re!o&3i2uratio&s
1$e& f&ll$onfi" is i&!"udedH ot$er1ise t$e 3ie"d is o#tio&a""5 #rese&t, &eed ?).
non/4 T$e 3ie"d is &ot #rese&t i& !ase o3 $a&do7er 1it$i& +-UTR% or to +-UTR%H ot$er1ise it is
o#tio&a" #rese&t, &eed ?).
S$ell.(( T$e 3ie"d is 6a&dator5 #rese&t u#o& S*e"" additio&H ot$er1ise it is &ot #rese&t.
S$ell.((2 T$e 3ie"d is 6a&dator5 #rese&t u#o& S*e"" additio&H ot$er1ise it is o#tio&a""5 #rese&t,
&eed ?).
D ##$$onnection#econfi"&ration$omplete
The !!""onnection!econfi$ration"omplete messae is used to confirm the successful completion of an 002
connection reconfiuration.
"inallin radio bearerI "01,
062A"/PI /M
6oical channelI 922B
9irectionI 43 to 3A4T0/'
$$CConnection$econfigurationComplete message
RR##onne6tionRe6onfiguration#omplete :: SE!"EN#E *
rr6-Transa6tionIdentifier RR#-Transa6tionIdentifier-
6riti6alExtensions #?(I#E *
6riti6alExtensions)uture SE!"EN#E *5
RR##onne6tionRe6onfiguration#omplete-r=-IEs :: SE!"EN#E *
non#riti6alExtension RR##onne6tionRe6onfiguration#omplete-:=a;-IEs (/TI(NAL
RR##onne6tionRe6onfiguration#omplete-:=a;-IEs :: SE!"EN#E *
lateNon#riti6alExtension (#TET STRIN, (/TI(NAL-
non#riti6alExtension RR##onne6tionRe6onfiguration#omplete-:1;.;-IEs (/TI(NAL
RR##onne6tionRe6onfiguration#omplete-:1;.;-IEs :: SE!"EN#E *
rlf-InfoA:aila@le-r1; EN"<ERATE> *true5 (/TI(NAL-
log<easA:aila@le-r1; EN"<ERATE> *true5 (/TI(NAL-
non#riti6alExtension RR##onne6tionRe6onfiguration#omplete-:111;-IEs (/TI(NAL
RR##onne6tionRe6onfiguration#omplete-:111;-IEs :: SE!"EN#E *
6onnEst)ailInfoA:aila@le-r11 EN"<ERATE> *true5 (/TI(NAL-
non#riti6alExtension SE!"EN#E *5 (/TI(NAL
-- ASN1ST(/
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" $+, Release $$
D ##$$onnection#eesta)lishment
The !!""onnection!eesta'lis)ment messae is used to reAestablish "01,.
"inallin radio bearerI "01+
062A"/PI TM
6oical channelI 222B
9irectionI 3A4T0/' to 43
$$CConnection$eesta!lishment message
RR##onne6tionReesta@lishment :: SE!"EN#E *
rr6-Transa6tionIdentifier RR#-Transa6tionIdentifier-
6riti6alExtensions #?(I#E *
61 #?(I#E*
rr6#onne6tionReesta@lishment-r= RR##onne6tionReesta@lishment-r=-IEs-
spareB N"LL-
spareC N"LL- spareD N"LL- spare3 N"LL-
spare1 N"LL- spare. N"LL- spare1 N"LL
6riti6alExtensions)uture SE!"EN#E *5
RR##onne6tionReesta@lishment-r=-IEs :: SE!"EN#E *
radioResour6e#onfig>edi6ated RadioResour6e#onfig>edi6ated-
next?op#haining#ount Next?op#haining#ount-
non#riti6alExtension RR##onne6tionReesta@lishment-:=a;-IEs (/TI(NAL
RR##onne6tionReesta@lishment-:=a;-IEs :: SE!"EN#E *
lateNon#riti6alExtension (#TET STRIN, (/TI(NAL-
non#riti6alExtension SE!"EN#E *5 (/TI(NAL
-- ASN1ST(/
D ##$$onnection#eesta)lishment$omplete
The !!""onnection!eesta'lis)ment"omplete messae is used to confirm the successful completion of an 002
connection reestablishment.
"inallin radio bearerI "01,
062A"/PI /M
6oical channelI 922B
9irectionI 43 to 3A4T0/'
$$CConnection$eesta!lishmentComplete message
RR##onne6tionReesta@lishment#omplete :: SE!"EN#E *
rr6-Transa6tionIdentifier RR#-Transa6tionIdentifier-
6riti6alExtensions #?(I#E *
6riti6alExtensions)uture SE!"EN#E *5
RR##onne6tionReesta@lishment#omplete-r=-IEs :: SE!"EN#E *
non#riti6alExtension RR##onne6tionReesta@lishment#omplete-:2.;-IEs (/TI(NAL
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" $+% Release $$
RR##onne6tionReesta@lishment#omplete-:2.;-IEs :: SE!"EN#E *
rlf-InfoA:aila@le-r2 EN"<ERATE> *true5 (/TI(NAL-
non#riti6alExtension RR##onne6tionReesta@lishment#omplete-:=a;-IEs (/TI(NAL
RR##onne6tionReesta@lishment#omplete-:=a;-IEs :: SE!"EN#E *
lateNon#riti6alExtension (#TET STRIN, (/TI(NAL-
non#riti6alExtension RR##onne6tionReesta@lishment#omplete-:1;.;-IEs (/TI(NAL
RR##onne6tionReesta@lishment#omplete-:1;.;-IEs :: SE!"EN#E *
log<easA:aila@le-r1; EN"<ERATE> *true5 (/TI(NAL-
non#riti6alExtension RR##onne6tionReesta@lishment#omplete-:111;-IEs (/TI(NAL
RR##onne6tionReesta@lishment#omplete-:111;-IEs :: SE!"EN#E *
6onnEst)ailInfoA:aila@le-r11 EN"<ERATE> *true5 (/TI(NAL-
non#riti6alExtension SE!"EN#E *5 (/TI(NAL
-- ASN1ST(/
$$CConnection$eesta!lishmentComplete field descriptions
T$is 3ie"d is used to i&di!ate t$e a7ai"a'i"it5 o3 radio "i&> 3ai"ure or $a&do7er 3ai"ure re"ated 6easure6e&ts
D ##$$onnection#eesta)lishment#e'ect
The !!""onnection!eesta'lis)ment!e%ect messae is used to indicate the rejection of an 002 connection
reestablishment re;uest.
"inallin radio bearerI "01+
062A"/PI TM
6oical channelI 222B
9irectionI 3A4T0/' to 43
$$CConnection$eesta!lishment$e3ect message
RR##onne6tionReesta@lishmentReAe6t :: SE!"EN#E *
6riti6alExtensions #?(I#E *
6riti6alExtensions)uture SE!"EN#E *5
RR##onne6tionReesta@lishmentReAe6t-r=-IEs :: SE!"EN#E *
non#riti6alExtension RR##onne6tionReesta@lishmentReAe6t-:=a;-IEs (/TI(NAL
RR##onne6tionReesta@lishmentReAe6t-:=a;-IEs :: SE!"EN#E *
lateNon#riti6alExtension (#TET STRIN, (/TI(NAL-
non#riti6alExtension SE!"EN#E *5 (/TI(NAL
-- ASN1ST(/
D ##$$onnection#eesta)lishment#e%&est
The !!""onnection!eesta'lis)ment!e#$est messae is used to re;uest the reestablishment of an 002 connection.
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" $+( Release $$
"inallin radio bearerI "01+
062A"/PI TM
6oical channelI 222B
9irectionI 43 to 3A4T0/'
$$CConnection$eesta!lishment$e&uest message
RR##onne6tionReesta@lishmentRe7uest :: SE!"EN#E *
6riti6alExtensions #?(I#E *
6riti6alExtensions)uture SE!"EN#E *5
RR##onne6tionReesta@lishmentRe7uest-r=-IEs :: SE!"EN#E *
ue-Identit+ Reesta@"E-Identit+-
reesta@lishment#ause Reesta@lishment#ause-
spare 8IT STRIN, $SI%E $.''
Reesta@"E-Identit+ :: SE!"EN#E *
ph+s#ellId /h+s#ellId-
short<A#-I Short<A#-I
Reesta@lishment#ause :: EN"<ERATE> *
re6onfiguration)ailure- hando:er)ailure-
other)ailure- spare15
-- ASN1ST(/
$$CConnection$eesta!lishment$e&uest field descriptions
T$e P$5si!a" *e"" 8de&tit5 o3 t$e P*e"" t$e U+ 1as !o&&e!ted to #rior to t$e 3ai"ure:
8&di!ates t$e 3ai"ure !ause t$at tri22ered t$e re-esta'"is$6e&t #ro!edure.
U+ ide&tit5 i&!"uded to retrie7e U+ !o&te/t a&d to 3a!i"itate !o&te&tio& reso"utio& '5 "o1er "a5ers.
D ##$$onnection#e'ect
The !!""onnection!e%ect messae is used to reject the 002 connection establishment.
"inallin radio bearerI "01+
062A"/PI TM
6oical channelI 222B
9irectionI 3A4T0/' to 43
$$CConnection$e3ect message
RR##onne6tionReAe6t :: SE!"EN#E *
6riti6alExtensions #?(I#E *
61 #?(I#E *
rr6#onne6tionReAe6t-r= RR##onne6tionReAe6t-r=-IEs-
spare1 N"LL- spare. N"LL- spare1 N"LL
6riti6alExtensions)uture SE!"EN#E *5
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" $+- Release $$
RR##onne6tionReAe6t-r=-IEs :: SE!"EN#E *
waitTime INTE,ER $1&&1C'-
non#riti6alExtension RR##onne6tionReAe6t-:=a;-IEs (/TI(NAL
RR##onne6tionReAe6t-:=a;-IEs :: SE!"EN#E *
lateNon#riti6alExtension (#TET STRIN, (/TI(NAL-
non#riti6alExtension RR##onne6tionReAe6t-:1;.;-IEs (/TI(NAL
RR##onne6tionReAe6t-:1;.;-IEs :: SE!"EN#E *
extendedGaitTime-r1; INTE,ER $1&&1=;;' (/TI(NAL- -- Need (N
non#riti6alExtension RR##onne6tionReAe6t-:111;-IEs (/TI(NAL
RR##onne6tionReAe6t-:111;-IEs :: SE!"EN#E *
deprioritisationRe7-r11 SE!"EN#E *
deprioritisationT+pe-r11 EN"<ERATE> *fre7uen6+- e-utra5-
deprioritisationTimer-r11 EN"<ERATE> *minD- min1;- min1D- min1;5
5 (/TI(NAL- -- Need (N
non#riti6alExtension SE!"EN#E *5 (/TI(NAL
-- ASN1ST(/
$$CConnection$e3ect field descriptions
8&di!ates 1$et$er t$e !urre&t 3re9ue&!5 or R%T is to 'e de-#rioritised. T$e U+ s$a"" 'e a'"e to store a de#riotisatio&
re9uest 3or u# to < 3re9ue&!ies (a##"i!a'"e 1$e& re!ei7i&2 a&ot$er 3re9ue&!5 s#e!i3i! de#rioritisatio& re9uest 'e3ore
T325 e/#ir5).
8&di!ates t$e #eriod 3or 1$i!$ eit$er t$e !urre&t !arrier 3re9ue&!5 or +-UTR% is de#rioritised. Va"ue min3 !orres#o&ds
to ) 6i&utes.
Va"ue i& se!o&ds 3or t$e 1ait ti6e 3or 4e"a5 To"era&t a!!ess re9uests.
:ait ti6e 7a"ue i& se!o&ds.
D ##$$onnection#elease
The !!""onnection!elease messae is used to command the release of an 002 connection.
"inallin radio bearerI "01,
062A"/PI /M
6oical channelI 922B
9irectionI 3A4T0/' to 43
$$CConnection$elease message
RR##onne6tionRelease :: SE!"EN#E *
rr6-Transa6tionIdentifier RR#-Transa6tionIdentifier-
6riti6alExtensions #?(I#E *
61 #?(I#E *
rr6#onne6tionRelease-r= RR##onne6tionRelease-r=-IEs-
spare1 N"LL- spare. N"LL- spare1 N"LL
6riti6alExtensions)uture SE!"EN#E *5
RR##onne6tionRelease-r=-IEs :: SE!"EN#E *
release#ause Release#ause-
redire6ted#arrierInfo Redire6ted#arrierInfo (/TI(NAL- -- Need (N
idle<ode<o@ilit+#ontrolInfo Idle<ode<o@ilit+#ontrolInfo (/TI(NAL- -- Need (/
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" $+. Release $$
non#riti6alExtension RR##onne6tionRelease-:=2;-IEs (/TI(NAL
RR##onne6tionRelease-:=2;-IEs :: SE!"EN#E *
lateNon#riti6alExtension (#TET STRIN, $#(NTAININ, RR##onne6tionRelease-:2e;-IEs'
non#riti6alExtension RR##onne6tionRelease-:2.;-IEs (/TI(NAL
-- Late non 6riti6al extensions
RR##onne6tionRelease-:2e;-IEs :: SE!"EN#E *
redire6ted#arrierInfo-:2e; Redire6ted#arrierInfo-:2e; (/TI(NAL- -- #ond
idle<ode<o@ilit+#ontrolInfo-:2e; Idle<ode<o@ilit+#ontrolInfo-:2e; (/TI(NAL- -- #ond
non#riti6alExtension SE!"EN#E *5 (/TI(NAL
-- Regular non 6riti6al extensions
RR##onne6tionRelease-:2.;-IEs :: SE!"EN#E *
6ellInfoList-r2 #?(I#E *
geran-r2 #ellInfoList,ERAN-r2-
utra-)>>-r2 #ellInfoList"TRA-)>>-r2-
utra-T>>-r2 #ellInfoList"TRA-T>>-r2-
utra-T>>-r1; #ellInfoList"TRA-T>>-r1;
5 (/TI(NAL- -- #ond Redire6tion
non#riti6alExtension RR##onne6tionRelease-:1;.;-IEs (/TI(NAL
RR##onne6tionRelease-:1;.;-IEs :: SE!"EN#E *
extendedGaitTime-r1; INTE,ER $1&&1=;;' (/TI(NAL- -- Need (N
non#riti6alExtension SE!"EN#E *5 (/TI(NAL
Release#ause :: EN"<ERATE> *load8alan6ingTA"re7uired-
other- 6s-)all@a69?igh/riorit+-:1;.;- spare15
Redire6ted#arrierInfo :: #?(I#E *
eutra AR)#N-FalueE"TRA-
geran #arrier)re7s,ERAN-
utra-)>> AR)#N-Falue"TRA-
utra-T>> AR)#N-Falue"TRA-
6dma.;;;-?R/> #arrier)re7#><A.;;;-
6dma.;;;-1xRTT #arrier)re7#><A.;;;-
utra-T>>-r1; #arrier)re7List"TRA-T>>-r1;
Redire6ted#arrierInfo-:2e; :: SE!"EN#E *
eutra-:2e; AR)#N-FalueE"TRA-:2e;
#arrier)re7List"TRA-T>>-r1; :: SE!"EN#E $SI%E $1&&max)re7"TRA-T>>-r1;'' () AR)#N-Falue"TRA
Idle<ode<o@ilit+#ontrolInfo :: SE!"EN#E *
fre7/riorit+ListE"TRA )re7/riorit+ListE"TRA (/TI(NAL- -- Need (N
fre7/riorit+List,ERAN )re7s/riorit+List,ERAN (/TI(NAL- -- Need (N
fre7/riorit+List"TRA-)>> )re7/riorit+List"TRA-)>> (/TI(NAL- -- Need (N
fre7/riorit+List"TRA-T>> )re7/riorit+List"TRA-T>> (/TI(NAL- -- Need (N
@and#lass/riorit+List?R/> 8and#lass/riorit+List?R/> (/TI(NAL- -- Need (N
@and#lass/riorit+List1ERTT 8and#lass/riorit+List1ERTT (/TI(NAL- -- Need (N
t1.; EN"<ERATE> *
minD- min1;- min.;- min1;- minC;- min1.;- min1=;-
spare15 (/TI(NAL- -- Need (R
Idle<ode<o@ilit+#ontrolInfo-:2e; :: SE!"EN#E *
fre7/riorit+ListE"TRA-:2e; SE!"EN#E $SI%E $1&&max)re7'' () )re7/riorit+E"TRA-:2e;
)re7/riorit+ListE"TRA :: SE!"EN#E $SI%E $1&&max)re7'' () )re7/riorit+E"TRA
)re7/riorit+E"TRA :: SE!"EN#E *
6arrier)re7 AR)#N-FalueE"TRA-
6ellResele6tion/riorit+ #ellResele6tion/riorit+
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" $,) Release $$
)re7/riorit+E"TRA-:2e; :: SE!"EN#E *
6arrier)re7-:2e; AR)#N-FalueE"TRA-:2e; (/TI(NAL -- #ond EAR)#N-max
)re7s/riorit+List,ERAN :: SE!"EN#E $SI%E $1&&max,N),'' () )re7s/riorit+,ERAN
)re7s/riorit+,ERAN :: SE!"EN#E *
6arrier)re7s #arrier)re7s,ERAN-
6ellResele6tion/riorit+ #ellResele6tion/riorit+
)re7/riorit+List"TRA-)>> :: SE!"EN#E $SI%E $1&&max"TRA-)>>-#arrier'' () )re7/riorit+"TRA-)>>
)re7/riorit+"TRA-)>> :: SE!"EN#E *
6arrier)re7 AR)#N-Falue"TRA-
6ellResele6tion/riorit+ #ellResele6tion/riorit+
)re7/riorit+List"TRA-T>> :: SE!"EN#E $SI%E $1&&max"TRA-T>>-#arrier'' () )re7/riorit+"TRA-T>>
)re7/riorit+"TRA-T>> :: SE!"EN#E *
6arrier)re7 AR)#N-Falue"TRA-
6ellResele6tion/riorit+ #ellResele6tion/riorit+
8and#lass/riorit+List?R/> :: SE!"EN#E $SI%E $1&&max#><A-8and#lass'' () 8and#lass/riorit+?R/>
8and#lass/riorit+?R/> :: SE!"EN#E *
@and#lass 8and6lass#><A.;;;-
6ellResele6tion/riorit+ #ellResele6tion/riorit+
8and#lass/riorit+List1ERTT :: SE!"EN#E $SI%E $1&&max#><A-8and#lass'' () 8and#lass/riorit+1ERTT
8and#lass/riorit+1ERTT :: SE!"EN#E *
@and#lass 8and6lass#><A.;;;-
6ellResele6tion/riorit+ #ellResele6tion/riorit+
#ellInfoList,ERAN-r2 :: SE!"EN#E $SI%E $1&&max#ellInfo,ERAN-r2'' () #ellInfo,ERAN-r2
#ellInfo,ERAN-r2 :: SE!"EN#E *
ph+s#ellId-r2 /h+s#ellId,ERAN-
6arrier)re7-r2 #arrier)re7,ERAN-
s+stemInformation-r2 S+stemInfoList,ERAN
#ellInfoList"TRA-)>>-r2 :: SE!"EN#E $SI%E $1&&max#ellInfo"TRA-r2'' () #ellInfo"TRA-)>>-r2
#ellInfo"TRA-)>>-r2 :: SE!"EN#E *
ph+s#ellId-r2 /h+s#ellId"TRA-)>>-
utra-8##?-#ontainer-r2 (#TET STRIN,
#ellInfoList"TRA-T>>-r2 :: SE!"EN#E $SI%E $1&&max#ellInfo"TRA-r2'' () #ellInfo"TRA-T>>-r2
#ellInfo"TRA-T>>-r2 :: SE!"EN#E *
ph+s#ellId-r2 /h+s#ellId"TRA-T>>-
utra-8##?-#ontainer-r2 (#TET STRIN,
#ellInfoList"TRA-T>>-r1; :: SE!"EN#E $SI%E $1&&max#ellInfo"TRA-r2'' () #ellInfo"TRA-T>>-r1;
#ellInfo"TRA-T>>-r1; :: SE!"EN#E *
ph+s#ellId-r1; /h+s#ellId"TRA-T>>-
6arrier)re7-r1; AR)#N-Falue"TRA-
utra-8##?-#ontainer-r1; (#TET STRIN,
-- ASN1ST(/
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" $,$ Release $$
$$CConnection$elease field descriptions
carrier%re& or !anClass
T$e !arrier 3re9ue&!5 (UTR% a&d +-UTR%) a&d 'a&d !"ass (=RP4 a&d 1/RTT) 3or 1$i!$ t$e asso!iated
!e""Rese"e!tio&Priorit5 is a##"ied.
T$e "ist o3 G+R%) !arrier 3re9ue&!ies or2a&ised i&to o&e 2rou# o3 G+R%) !arrier 3re9ue&!ies.
Used to #ro7ide s5ste6 i&3or6atio& o3 o&e or 6ore !e""s o& t$e redire!ted i&ter-R%T !arrier 3re9ue&!5. T$e s5ste6
i&3or6atio& !a& 'e used i3, u#o& redire!tio&, t$e U+ se"e!ts a& i&ter-R%T !e"" i&di!ated '5 t$e phys$ellI( a&d
carrier+re% (G+R%) a&d UTR% T44) or '5 t$e phys$ellI( (ot$er R%Ts). T$e !$oi!e s$a"" 6at!$ t$e
re(irecte($arrierInfo. 8& #arti!u"ar, +-UTR%) o&"5 a##"ies 7a"ue &tra6T226r1 i& !ase re(irecte($arrierInfo is set to
Va"ue i& se!o&ds 3or t$e 1ait ti6e 3or 4e"a5 To"era&t a!!ess re9uests.
Pro7ides a !e"" rese"e!tio& #riorit5 3or ea!$ 3re9ue&!5, '5 6ea&s o3 se#arate "ists 3or ea!$ R%T (i&!"udi&2 +-UTR%).
T$e U+ s$a"" 'e a'"e to store at "east 3 o!!urre&!es o3 +re%s!riority9,#.3. 83 +-UTR%) i&!"udes
fre%!riority1ist,-T#.609e it i&!"udes t$e sa6e &u6'er o3 e&tries, a&d "isted i& t$e sa6e order, as i&
fre%!riority1ist,-T#. (i.e. 1it$out su33i/).
Pro7ides dedi!ated !e"" rese"e!tio& #riorities. Used 3or !e"" rese"e!tio& as s#e!i3ied i& TS 36.304 E4F. (or +-UTR% a&d
UTR% 3re9ue&!ies, a U+ t$at su##orts 6u"ti-'a&d !e""s 3or t$e !o&!er&ed R%T !o&siders t$e dedi!ated #riorities to 'e
!o66o& 3or a"" o7er"a##i&2 'a&ds (i.e. re2ard"ess o3 t$e %R(*) t$at is used).
T$e re(irecte($arrierInfo i&di!ates a !arrier 3re9ue&!5 (do1&"i&> 3or (44) a&d is used to redire!t t$e U+ to a&
+-UTR% or a& i&ter-R%T !arrier 3re9ue&!5, '5 6ea&s o3 t$e !e"" se"e!tio& u#o& "ea7i&2 RR*@*?))+*T+4 as
s#e!i3ied i& TS 36.304 E4F.
T$e release$a&se is used to i&di!ate t$e reaso& 3or re"easi&2 t$e RR* *o&&e!tio&. T$e !ause 7a"ue cs6
+all)ack/i"h!riority is o&"5 a##"i!a'"e 1$e& re(irecte($arrierInfo is #rese&t 1it$ t$e 7a"ue set to &tra6+225 &tra6T22
or &tra6T226r1.
+-UTR%) s$ou"d &ot set t$e release$a&se to loa(Balancin"T.-#e%&ire( or to cs6+all)ack/i"h!riority i3 t$e
e*ten(e(;aitTime is #rese&t.
*o&tai&er 3or s5ste6 i&3or6atio& o3 t$e G+R%) !e"" i.e. o&e or 6ore S5ste6 8&3or6atio& (S8) 6essa2es as de3i&ed i&
TS 44.01< E45, ta'"e ..1.1F.
Ti6er T320 as des!ri'ed i& se!tio& 7.3. Va"ue 6i&) !orres#o&ds to ) 6i&utes.
*o&tai&s S5ste6 8&3or6atio& *o&tai&er 6essa2e as de3i&ed i& TS 25.331 E1.F.
#onditional presence E:planation
,.#+$36ma* T$e 3ie"d is 6a&dator5 #rese&t i3 t$e !orres#o&di&2 carrier+re% (i.e. 1it$out su33i/) is set to
ma*,.#+$3. ?t$er1ise t$e 3ie"d is &ot #rese&t.
I(leInfo,-T#. T$e 3ie"d is o#tio&a""5 #rese&t, &eed ?P, i3 t$e I(leMo(eMo)ility$ontrolInfo (i.e. 1it$out
su33i/) is i&!"uded a&d i&!"udes fre%!riority1ist,-T#.H ot$er1ise t$e 3ie"d is &ot #rese&t.
3o#e(irect6r8 T$e 3ie"d is o#tio&a""5 #rese&t, &eed ?P, i3 t$e re(irecte($arrierInfo (i.e. 1it$out su33i/) is
&ot i&!"udedH ot$er1ise t$e 3ie"d is &ot #rese&t.
#e(irection T$e 3ie"d is o#tio&a""5 #rese&t, &eed ?), i3 t$e re(irecte($arrierInfo is i&!"uded a&d set to
"eran, &tra6+22, &tra6T22 or &tra6T226r1H ot$er1ise t$e 3ie"d is &ot #rese&t.
D ##$$onnection#e%&est
The !!""onnection!e#$est messae is used to re;uest the establishment of an 002 connection.
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" $,* Release $$
"inallin radio bearerI "01+
062A"/PI TM
6oical channelI 222B
9irectionI 43 to 3A4T0/'
$$CConnection$e&uest message
RR##onne6tionRe7uest :: SE!"EN#E *
6riti6alExtensions #?(I#E *
rr6#onne6tionRe7uest-r= RR##onne6tionRe7uest-r=-IEs-
6riti6alExtensions)uture SE!"EN#E *5
RR##onne6tionRe7uest-r=-IEs :: SE!"EN#E *
ue-Identit+ Initial"E-Identit+-
esta@lishment#ause Esta@lishment#ause-
spare 8IT STRIN, $SI%E $1''
Initial"E-Identit+ :: #?(I#E *
s-T<SI S-T<SI-
randomFalue 8IT STRIN, $SI%E $3;''
Esta@lishment#ause :: EN"<ERATE> *
emergen6+- high/riorit+A66ess- mt-A66ess- mo-Signalling-
mo->ata- dela+TolerantA66ess-:1;.;- spare.- spare15
-- ASN1ST(/
$$CConnection$e&uest field descriptions
Pro7ides t$e esta'"is$6e&t !ause 3or t$e RR* !o&&e!tio& re9uest as #ro7ided '5 t$e u##er "a5ers. :.r.t. t$e !ause
7a"ue &a6es, $i2$Priorit5%!!ess !o&!er&s %*11..%*15, Q6tM sta&ds 3or QMo'i"e Ter6i&ati&2M a&d Q6oM 3or QMo'i"e
8&te2er 7a"ue i& t$e ra&2e 0 to 2
U+ ide&tit5 i&!"uded to 3a!i"itate !o&te&tio& reso"utio& '5 "o1er "a5ers.
D ##$$onnectionSet&p
The !!""onnectionSet$p messae is used to establish "01,.
"inallin radio bearerI "01+
062A"/PI TM
6oical channelI 222B
9irectionI 3A4T0/' to 43
$$CConnectionSetup message
RR##onne6tionSetup :: SE!"EN#E *
rr6-Transa6tionIdentifier RR#-Transa6tionIdentifier-
6riti6alExtensions #?(I#E *
61 #?(I#E *
rr6#onne6tionSetup-r= RR##onne6tionSetup-r=-IEs-
spareB N"LL-
spareC N"LL- spareD N"LL- spare3 N"LL-
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" $,3 Release $$
spare1 N"LL- spare. N"LL- spare1 N"LL
6riti6alExtensions)uture SE!"EN#E *5
RR##onne6tionSetup-r=-IEs :: SE!"EN#E *
radioResour6e#onfig>edi6ated RadioResour6e#onfig>edi6ated-
non#riti6alExtension RR##onne6tionSetup-:=a;-IEs (/TI(NAL
RR##onne6tionSetup-:=a;-IEs :: SE!"EN#E *
lateNon#riti6alExtension (#TET STRIN, (/TI(NAL-
non#riti6alExtension SE!"EN#E *5 (/TI(NAL
-- ASN1ST(/
D ##$$onnectionSet&p$omplete
The !!""onnectionSet$p"omplete messae is used to confirm the successful completion of an 002 connection
"inallin radio bearerI "01,
062A"/PI /M
6oical channelI 922B
9irectionI 43 to 3A4T0/'
$$CConnectionSetupComplete message
RR##onne6tionSetup#omplete :: SE!"EN#E *
rr6-Transa6tionIdentifier RR#-Transa6tionIdentifier-
6riti6alExtensions #?(I#E *
61 #?(I#E*
rr6#onne6tionSetup#omplete-r= RR##onne6tionSetup#omplete-r=-IEs-
spare1 N"LL- spare. N"LL- spare1 N"LL
6riti6alExtensions)uture SE!"EN#E *5
RR##onne6tionSetup#omplete-r=-IEs :: SE!"EN#E *
sele6ted/L<N-Identit+ INTE,ER $1&&max/L<N-r11'-
registered<<E Registered<<E (/TI(NAL-
dedi6atedInfoNAS >edi6atedInfoNAS-
non#riti6alExtension RR##onne6tionSetup#omplete-:=a;-IEs (/TI(NAL
RR##onne6tionSetup#omplete-:=a;-IEs :: SE!"EN#E *
lateNon#riti6alExtension (#TET STRIN, (/TI(NAL-
non#riti6alExtension RR##onne6tionSetup#omplete-:1;.;-IEs (/TI(NAL
RR##onne6tionSetup#omplete-:1;.;-IEs :: SE!"EN#E *
gummei-T+pe-r1; EN"<ERATE> *nati:e- mapped5 (/TI(NAL-
rlf-InfoA:aila@le-r1; EN"<ERATE> *true5 (/TI(NAL-
log<easA:aila@le-r1; EN"<ERATE> *true5 (/TI(NAL-
rn-Su@frame#onfigRe7-r1; EN"<ERATE> *re7uired- notRe7uired5 (/TI(NAL-
non#riti6alExtension RR##onne6tionSetup#omplete-:111;-IEs (/TI(NAL
RR##onne6tionSetup#omplete-:111;-IEs :: SE!"EN#E *
6onnEst)ailInfoA:aila@le-r11 EN"<ERATE> *true5 (/TI(NAL-
non#riti6alExtension SE!"EN#E *5 (/TI(NAL
Registered<<E :: SE!"EN#E *
plmn-Identit+ /L<N-Identit+ (/TI(NAL-
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" $,+ Release $$
mmegi 8IT STRIN, $SI%E $1C''-
mme6 <<E#
-- ASN1ST(/
$$CConnectionSetupComplete field descriptions
T$is 3ie"d is used to i&di!ate 1$et$er t$e GUMM+8 i&!"uded is &ati7e (assi2&ed '5 +P*) or 6a##ed (3ro6 2G03G
Pro7ides t$e Grou# 8de&tit5 o3 t$e re2istered MM+ 1it$i& t$e PM), as #ro7ided '5 u##er "a5ers, see TS 23.003 E27F.
T$is 3ie"d is used to tra&s3er t$e GUMM+8 o3 t$e MM+ 1$ere t$e U+ is re2istered, as #ro7ided '5 u##er "a5ers.
83 #rese&t, t$is 3ie"d i&di!ates t$at t$e !o&&e!tio& esta'"is$6e&t is 3or a& R) a&d 1$et$er a su'3ra6e !o&3i2uratio& is
re9uested or &ot.
8&de/ o3 t$e PM) se"e!ted '5 t$e U+ 3ro6 t$e plmn6I(entity1ist i&!"uded i& S8;1. 1 i3 t$e 1st PM) is se"e!ted 3ro6
t$e plmn6I(entity1ist i&!"uded i& S8;1, 2 i3 t$e 2&d PM) is se"e!ted 3ro6 t$e plmn6I(entity1ist i&!"uded i& S8;1 a&d so
D Sec&rityMo(e$omman(
The Sec$rityMo&e"omman& messae is used to command the activation of /" security.
"inallin radio bearerI "01,
062A"/PI /M
6oical channelI 922B
9irectionI 3A4T0/' to 43
SecurityMoeComman message
Se6urit+<ode#ommand :: SE!"EN#E *
rr6-Transa6tionIdentifier RR#-Transa6tionIdentifier-
6riti6alExtensions #?(I#E *
61 #?(I#E*
se6urit+<ode#ommand-r= Se6urit+<ode#ommand-r=-IEs-
spare1 N"LL- spare. N"LL- spare1 N"LL
6riti6alExtensions)uture SE!"EN#E *5
Se6urit+<ode#ommand-r=-IEs :: SE!"EN#E *
se6urit+#onfigS<# Se6urit+#onfigS<#-
non#riti6alExtension Se6urit+<ode#ommand-:=a;-IEs (/TI(NAL
Se6urit+<ode#ommand-:=a;-IEs :: SE!"EN#E *
lateNon#riti6alExtension (#TET STRIN, (/TI(NAL-
non#riti6alExtension SE!"EN#E *5 (/TI(NAL
Se6urit+#onfigS<# :: SE!"EN#E *
se6urit+Algorithm#onfig Se6urit+Algorithm#onfig-
-- ASN1ST(/
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" $,, Release $$
D Sec&rityMo(e$omplete
The Sec$rityMo&e"omplete messae is used to confirm the successful completion of a security mode command.
"inallin radio bearerI "01,
062A"/PI /M
6oical channelI 922B
9irectionI 43 to 3A4T0/'
SecurityMoeComplete message
Se6urit+<ode#omplete :: SE!"EN#E *
rr6-Transa6tionIdentifier RR#-Transa6tionIdentifier-
6riti6alExtensions #?(I#E *
se6urit+<ode#omplete-r= Se6urit+<ode#omplete-r=-IEs-
6riti6alExtensions)uture SE!"EN#E *5
Se6urit+<ode#omplete-r=-IEs :: SE!"EN#E *
non#riti6alExtension Se6urit+<ode#omplete-:=a;-IEs
Se6urit+<ode#omplete-:=a;-IEs :: SE!"EN#E *
lateNon#riti6alExtension (#TET STRIN, (/TI(NAL-
non#riti6alExtension SE!"EN#E *5 (/TI(NAL
-- ASN1ST(/
D Sec&rityMo(e+ail&re
The Sec$rityMo&e+ail$re messae is used to indicate an unsuccessful completion of a security mode command.
"inallin radio bearerI "01,
062A"/PI /M
6oical channelI 922B
9irectionI 43 to 3A4T0/'
SecurityMoe%ailure message
Se6urit+<ode)ailure :: SE!"EN#E *
rr6-Transa6tionIdentifier RR#-Transa6tionIdentifier-
6riti6alExtensions #?(I#E *
se6urit+<ode)ailure-r= Se6urit+<ode)ailure-r=-IEs-
6riti6alExtensions)uture SE!"EN#E *5
Se6urit+<ode)ailure-r=-IEs :: SE!"EN#E *
non#riti6alExtension Se6urit+<ode)ailure-:=a;-IEs
Se6urit+<ode)ailure-:=a;-IEs :: SE!"EN#E *
lateNon#riti6alExtension (#TET STRIN, (/TI(NAL-
non#riti6alExtension SE!"EN#E *5 (/TI(NAL
-- ASN1ST(/
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" $,% Release $$
D SystemInformation
The SystemInformation messae is used to convey one or more "ystem &nformation 1loc#s. /ll the "&1s included are
transmitted with the same periodicity.
"inallin radio bearerI 'D/
062A"/PI TM
6oical channelI 122B
9irectionI 3A4T0/' to 43
System"nformation message
S+stemInformation :: SE!"EN#E *
6riti6alExtensions #?(I#E *
s+stemInformation-r= S+stemInformation-r=-IEs-
6riti6alExtensions)uture SE!"EN#E *5
S+stemInformation-r=-IEs :: SE!"EN#E *
si@-T+peAndInfo SE!"EN#E $SI%E $1&&maxSI8'' () #?(I#E *
si@. S+stemInformation8lo69T+pe.-
si@1 S+stemInformation8lo69T+pe1-
si@3 S+stemInformation8lo69T+pe3-
si@D S+stemInformation8lo69T+peD-
si@C S+stemInformation8lo69T+peC-
si@B S+stemInformation8lo69T+peB-
si@= S+stemInformation8lo69T+pe=-
si@2 S+stemInformation8lo69T+pe2-
si@1; S+stemInformation8lo69T+pe1;-
si@11 S+stemInformation8lo69T+pe11-
si@1.-:2.; S+stemInformation8lo69T+pe1.-r2-
si@11-:2.; S+stemInformation8lo69T+pe11-r2-
si@13-:111; S+stemInformation8lo69T+pe13-r11-
si@1D-:111; S+stemInformation8lo69T+pe1D-r11-
si@1C-:111; S+stemInformation8lo69T+pe1C-r11
non#riti6alExtension S+stemInformation-:=a;-IEs (/TI(NAL
S+stemInformation-:=a;-IEs :: SE!"EN#E *
lateNon#riti6alExtension (#TET STRIN, (/TI(NAL-
non#riti6alExtension SE!"EN#E *5 (/TI(NAL
-- ASN1ST(/
D SystemInformationBlockType1
SystemInformationBlockType1 contains information relevant when evaluatin if a 43 is allowed to access a cell and
defines the schedulin of other system information.
"inallin radio bearerI 'D/
062A"/PI TM
6oical channelI 122B
9irectionI 3A4T0/' to 43
System"nformationBlock*ype/ message
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" $,( Release $$
S+stemInformation8lo69T+pe1 :: SE!"EN#E *
6ellA66essRelatedInfo SE!"EN#E *
plmn-Identit+List /L<N-Identit+List-
tra69ingArea#ode Tra69ingArea#ode-
6ellIdentit+ #ellIdentit+-
6ell8arred EN"<ERATE> *@arred- not8arred5-
intra)re7Resele6tion EN"<ERATE> *allowed- notAllowed5-
6sg-Indi6ation 8((LEAN-
6sg-Identit+ #S,-Identit+ (/TI(NAL -- Need (R
6ellSele6tionInfo SE!"EN#E *
7-RxLe:<in !-RxLe:<in-
7-RxLe:<in(ffset INTE,ER $1&&=' (/TI(NAL -- Need (/
p-<ax /-<ax (/TI(NAL- -- Need (/
fre78andIndi6ator )re78andIndi6ator-
s6hedulingInfoList S6hedulingInfoList-
tdd-#onfig T>>-#onfig (/TI(NAL- -- #ond T>>
si-GindowLength EN"<ERATE> *
ms1- ms.- msD- ms1;- ms1D- ms.;-
s+stemInfoFalueTag INTE,ER $;&&11'-
non#riti6alExtension S+stemInformation8lo69T+pe1-:=2;-IEs (/TI(NAL
S+stemInformation8lo69T+pe1-:=2;-IEs:: SE!"EN#E *
lateNon#riti6alExtension (#TET STRIN, $#(NTAININ, S+stemInformation8lo69T+pe1-:=h;-
IEs' (/TI(NAL-
non#riti6alExtension S+stemInformation8lo69T+pe1-:2.;-IEs (/TI(NAL
-- Late non 6riti6al extensions
S+stemInformation8lo69T+pe1-:=h;-IEs :: SE!"EN#E *
multi8andInfoList <ulti8andInfoList (/TI(NAL- -- Need (R
non#riti6alExtension S+stemInformation8lo69T+pe1-:2e;-IEs (/TI(NAL
S+stemInformation8lo69T+pe1-:2e;-IEs :: SE!"EN#E *
fre78andIndi6ator-:2e; )re78andIndi6ator-:2e; (/TI(NAL- -- #ond )8I-max
multi8andInfoList-:2e; <ulti8andInfoList-:2e; (/TI(NAL- -- #ond m)8I-max
non#riti6alExtension SE!"EN#E *5 (/TI(NAL
-- Regular non 6riti6al extensions
S+stemInformation8lo69T+pe1-:2.;-IEs :: SE!"EN#E *
ims-Emergen6+Support-r2 EN"<ERATE> *true5 (/TI(NAL- -- Need (R
6ellSele6tionInfo-:2.; #ellSele6tionInfo-:2.; (/TI(NAL- -- #ond RSR!
non#riti6alExtension S+stemInformation8lo69T+pe1-:111;-IEs (/TI(NAL
S+stemInformation8lo69T+pe1-:111;-IEs :: SE!"EN#E *
tdd-#onfig-:111; T>>-#onfig-:111; (/TI(NAL- -- #ond T>>-(R
6ellSele6tionInfo-:111; #ellSele6tionInfo-:111; (/TI(NAL- -- #ond G8-RSR!
non#riti6alExtension SE!"EN#E *5 (/TI(NAL
/L<N-Identit+List :: SE!"EN#E $SI%E $1&&max/L<N-r11'' () /L<N-Identit+Info
/L<N-Identit+Info :: SE!"EN#E *
plmn-Identit+ /L<N-Identit+-
6ellReser:ed)or(perator"se EN"<ERATE> *reser:ed- notReser:ed5
S6hedulingInfoList :: SE!"EN#E $SI%E $1&&maxSI-<essage'' () S6hedulingInfo
S6hedulingInfo :: SE!"EN#E *
si-/eriodi6it+ EN"<ERATE> *
rf=- rf1C- rf1.- rfC3- rf1.=- rf.DC- rfD1.5-
si@-<appingInfo SI8-<appingInfo
SI8-<appingInfo :: SE!"EN#E $SI%E $;&&maxSI8-1'' () SI8-T+pe
SI8-T+pe :: EN"<ERATE> *
si@T+pe1- si@T+pe3- si@T+peD- si@T+peC-
si@T+peB- si@T+pe=- si@T+pe2- si@T+pe1;-
si@T+pe11- si@T+pe1.-:2.;- si@T+pe11-:2.;-
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" $,- Release $$
si@T+pe13-:111;- si@T+pe1D-:111;-
si@T+pe1C-:111;- spare.- spare1- &&&5
#ellSele6tionInfo-:2.; :: SE!"EN#E *
7-!ual<in-r2 !-!ual<in-r2-
7-!ual<in(ffset-r2 INTE,ER $1&&=' (/TI(NAL -- Need (/
#ellSele6tionInfo-:111; :: SE!"EN#E *
7-!ual<inG8-r11 !-!ual<in-r2
-- ASN1ST(/
System"nformationBlock*ype/ field descriptions
'arred 6ea&s t$e !e"" is 'arred, as de3i&ed i& TS 36.304 E4F.
%s de3i&ed i& TS 36.304 E4F.
8de&tit5 o3 t$e *"osed Su's!ri'er Grou# t$e !e"" 'e"o&2s to.
83 set to TRU+ t$e U+ is o&"5 a""o1ed to a!!ess t$e !e"" i3 it is a *SG 6e6'er !e"", i3 se"e!ted duri&2 6a&ua" *SG
se"e!tio& or to o'tai& "i6ited ser7i!e, see TS 36.304 E4F.
8&di!ates 1$et$er t$e !e"" su##orts 8MS e6er2e&!5 'earer ser7i!es 3or U+s i& "i6ited ser7i!e 6ode. 83 a'se&t, 8MS
e6er2e&!5 !a"" is &ot su##orted '5 t$e &et1or> i& t$e !e"" 3or U+s i& "i6ited ser7i!e 6ode.
Used to !o&tro" !e"" rese"e!tio& to i&tra-3re9ue&!5 !e""s 1$e& t$e $i2$est ra&>ed !e"" is 'arred, or treated as 'arred '5
t$e U+, as s#e!i3ied i& TS 36.304 E4F.
% "ist o3 additio&a" 3re9ue&!5 'a&d i&di!ators, as de3i&ed i& TS 36.101 E42, ta'"e 5.5-1F t$at t$e !e"" 'e"o&2s to. 83 t$e
U+ su##orts t$e 3re9ue&!5 'a&d i& t$e fre%Ban(In(icator 8+ it s$a"" a##"5 t$at 3re9ue&!5 'a&d. ?t$er1ise, t$e U+ s$a""
a##"5 t$e 3irst "isted 'a&d 1$i!$ it su##orts i& t$e m&ltiBan(Info1ist 8+. 83 +-UTR%) i&!"udes m&ltiBan(Info1ist609e it
i&!"udes t$e sa6e &u6'er o3 e&tries, a&d "isted i& t$e sa6e order, as i& m&ltiBan(Info1ist (i.e. 1it$out su33i/).
ist o3 PM) ide&tities. T$e 3irst "isted !1M36I(entity is t$e #ri6ar5 PM).
Va"ue a##"i!a'"e 3or t$e !e"". 83 a'se&t t$e U+ a##"ies t$e 6a/i6u6 #o1er a!!ordi&2 to t$e U+ !a#a'i"it5.
Para6eter OB9ua"6i&P i& TS 36.304 E4F. 83 cellSelectionInfo6092 is &ot #rese&t, t$e U+ a##"ies t$e (de3au"t) 7a"ue o3
&e2ati7e i&3i&it5 3or B9ua"6i&.
Para6eter OB9ua"6i&o33setP i& TS 36.304 E4F. %!tua" 7a"ue B9ua"6i&o33set G 8+ 7a"ue Ed;F. 83 cellSelectionInfo6092 is &ot #rese&t
or t$e 3ie"d is &ot #rese&t, t$e U+ a##"ies t$e (de3au"t) 7a"ue o3 0 d; 3or B9ua"6i&o33set. %33e!ts t$e 6i&i6u6 re9uired 9ua"it5
"e7e" i& t$e !e"".
83 t$is 3ie"d is #rese&t, t$e U+ s$a"", 1$e& #er3or6i&2 RSRB 6easure6e&ts, use a 1ider 'a&d1idt$ i& a!!orda&!e 1it$
TS 36.133 E16F a&d a##"5 t$e 7a"ue o3 t$is 3ie"d 3or t$e #ara6eter OB9ua"6i&P i& TS 36.304 E4F. ?t$er1ise, t$e U+ a##"ies
t$e 7a"ue o3 %6<&almin i&stead.
Para6eter Br/"e76i&o33set i& TS 36.304 E4F. %!tua" 7a"ue Br/"e76i&o33set G 8+ 7a"ue J 2 Ed;F. 83 a'se&t, t$e U+ a##"ies t$e
(de3au"t) 7a"ue o3 0 d; 3or Br/"e76i&o33set: %33e!ts t$e 6i&i6u6 re9uired R/ "e7e" i& t$e !e"".
ist o3 t$e S8;s 6a##ed to t$is SystemInformation 6essa2e.T$ere is &o 6a##i&2 i&3or6atio& o3 S8;2H it is a"1a5s
#rese&t i& t$e 3irst SystemInformation 6essa2e "isted i& t$e sche(&lin"Info1ist "ist.
Periodi!it5 o3 t$e S8-6essa2e i& radio 3ra6es, su!$ t$at r3< de&otes < radio 3ra6es, r316 de&otes 16 radio 3ra6es, a&d
so o&.
*o66o& S8 s!$edu"i&2 1i&do1 3or a"" S8s. U&it i& 6i""ise!o&ds, 1$ere 6s1 de&otes 1 6i""ise!o&d, 6s2 de&otes 2
6i""ise!o&ds a&d so o&.
*o66o& 3or a"" S8;s ot$er t$a& M8;, S8;1, S8;10, S8;11, S8;12 a&d S8;14. *$a&2e o3 M8; a&d S8;1 is dete!ted '5
a!9uisitio& o3 t$e !orres#o&di&2 6essa2e.
% trackin".rea$o(e t$at is !o66o& 3or a"" t$e PM)s "isted.
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" $,. Release $$
#onditional presence E:planation
+BI6ma* T$e 3ie"d is 6a&dator5 #rese&t i3 fre%Ban(In(icator (i.e. 1it$out su33i/) is set to ma*+BI.
?t$er1ise t$e 3ie"d is &ot #rese&t.
m+BI6ma* T$e 3ie"d is 6a&dator5 #rese&t i3 o&e or 6ore e&tries i& m&ltiBan(Info1ist (i.e. 1it$out
su33i/, i&trodu!ed i& -7<$0) is set to ma*+BI. ?t$er1ise t$e 3ie"d is &ot #rese&t.
#S#< T$e 3ie"d is 6a&dator5 #rese&t i3 S8;3 is 'ei&2 'road!ast a&d threshSer0in"1o=< is
#rese&t i& S8;3H ot$er1ise o#tio&a""5 #rese&t, )eed ?P.
T22 T$is 3ie"d is 6a&dator5 #rese&t 3or T44H it is &ot #rese&t 3or (44 a&d t$e U+ s$a"" de"ete
a&5 e/isti&2 7a"ue 3or t$is 3ie"d.
T2264# T$e 3ie"d is o#tio&a" #rese&t 3or T44, &eed ?RH it is &ot #rese&t 3or (44.
;B6#S#< T$e 3ie"d is o#tio&a""5 #rese&t, &eed ?P i3 t$e 6easure6e&t 'a&d1idt$ i&di!ated '5
allo=e(MeasBan(=i(th i& systemInformationBlockType3 is 50 resour!e '"o!>s or "ar2erH
ot$er1ise it is &ot #rese&t.
D -,.ssistanceInformation
The -,.ssistanceInformation messae is used for the indication of 43 assistance information to the e'1.
"inallin radio bearerI "01,
062A"/PI /M
6oical channelI 922B
9irectionI 43 to 3A4T0/'
U-'ssistance"nformation message
"EAssistan6eInformation-r11 :: SE!"EN#E *
6riti6alExtensions #?(I#E *
61 #?(I#E *
ueAssistan6eInformation-r11 "EAssistan6eInformation-r11-IEs-
spare1 N"LL- spare. N"LL- spare1 N"LL
6riti6alExtensions)uture SE!"EN#E *5
"EAssistan6eInformation-r11-IEs :: SE!"EN#E *
power/refIndi6ation-r11 EN"<ERATE> *normal- low/ower#onsumption5 (/TI(NAL-
lateNon#riti6alExtension (#TET STRIN, (/TI(NAL-
non#riti6alExtension SE!"EN#E *5 (/TI(NAL
-- ASN1ST(/
U-'ssistance"nformation field descriptions
Va"ue lo=!o=er$ons&mption i&di!ates t$e U+ #re3ers a !o&3i2uratio& t$at is #ri6ari"5 o#ti6ised 3or #o1er sa7i&2.
?t$er1ise t$e 7a"ue is set to normal.
D -,$apa)ility,n%&iry
The -,"apa'ility,n#$iry messae is used to re;uest the transfer of 43 radio access capabilities for 3A4T0/ as well as
for other 0/Ts.
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" $%) Release $$
"inallin radio bearerI "01,
062A"/PI /M
6oical channelI 922B
9irectionI 3A4T0/' to 43
U-Capa!ility-n&uiry message
"E#apa@ilit+En7uir+ :: SE!"EN#E *
rr6-Transa6tionIdentifier RR#-Transa6tionIdentifier-
6riti6alExtensions #?(I#E *
61 #?(I#E *
ue#apa@ilit+En7uir+-r= "E#apa@ilit+En7uir+-r=-IEs-
spare1 N"LL- spare. N"LL- spare1 N"LL
6riti6alExtensions)uture SE!"EN#E *5
"E#apa@ilit+En7uir+-r=-IEs :: SE!"EN#E *
ue-#apa@ilit+Re7uest "E-#apa@ilit+Re7uest-
non#riti6alExtension "E#apa@ilit+En7uir+-:=a;-IEs (/TI(NAL
"E#apa@ilit+En7uir+-:=a;-IEs :: SE!"EN#E *
lateNon#riti6alExtension (#TET STRIN, (/TI(NAL-
non#riti6alExtension SE!"EN#E *5 (/TI(NAL
"E-#apa@ilit+Re7uest :: SE!"EN#E $SI%E $1&&maxRAT-#apa@ilities'' () RAT-T+pe
-- ASN1ST(/
U-Capa!ility-n&uiry field descriptions
ist o3 t$e R%Ts 3or 1$i!$ t$e U+ is re9uested to tra&s3er t$e U+ radio a!!ess !a#a'i"ities i.e. +-UTR%, UTR%,
G+R%)-*S, G+R%)-PS, *4M%2000.
D -,$apa)ilityInformation
The -,"apa'ilityInformation messae is used to transfer of 43 radio access capabilities re;uested by the 3A4T0/'.
"inallin radio bearerI "01,
062A"/PI /M
6oical channelI 922B
9irectionI 43 to 3A4T0/'
U-Capa!ility"nformation message
"E#apa@ilit+Information :: SE!"EN#E *
rr6-Transa6tionIdentifier RR#-Transa6tionIdentifier-
6riti6alExtensions #?(I#E *
61 #?(I#E*
ue#apa@ilit+Information-r= "E#apa@ilit+Information-r=-IEs-
spareB N"LL-
spareC N"LL- spareD N"LL- spare3 N"LL-
spare1 N"LL- spare. N"LL- spare1 N"LL
6riti6alExtensions)uture SE!"EN#E *5
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" $%$ Release $$
"E#apa@ilit+Information-r=-IEs :: SE!"EN#E *
ue-#apa@ilit+RAT-#ontainerList "E-#apa@ilit+RAT-#ontainerList-
non#riti6alExtension "E#apa@ilit+Information-:=a;-IEs (/TI(NAL
"E#apa@ilit+Information-:=a;-IEs :: SE!"EN#E *
lateNon#riti6alExtension (#TET STRIN, (/TI(NAL-
non#riti6alExtension SE!"EN#E *5 (/TI(NAL
-- ASN1ST(/
D -,Information#e%&est
The -,Information!e#$est is the command used by 3A4T0/' to retrieve information from the 43.
"inallin radio bearerI "01,
062A"/PI /M
6oical channelI 922B
9irectionI 3A4T0/' to 43
U-"nformation$e&uest message
"EInformationRe7uest-r2 :: SE!"EN#E *
rr6-Transa6tionIdentifier RR#-Transa6tionIdentifier-
6riti6alExtensions #?(I#E *
61 #?(I#E *
ueInformationRe7uest-r2 "EInformationRe7uest-r2-IEs-
spare1 N"LL- spare. N"LL- spare1 N"LL
6riti6alExtensions)uture SE!"EN#E *5
"EInformationRe7uest-r2-IEs :: SE!"EN#E *
ra6h-ReportRe7-r2 8((LEAN-
rlf-ReportRe7-r2 8((LEAN-
non#riti6alExtension "EInformationRe7uest-:21;-IEs (/TI(NAL
"EInformationRe7uest-:21;-IEs :: SE!"EN#E *
lateNon#riti6alExtension (#TET STRIN, (/TI(NAL-
non#riti6alExtension "EInformationRe7uest-:1;.;-IEs (/TI(NAL
"EInformationRe7uest-:1;.;-IEs :: SE!"EN#E *
log<easReportRe7-r1; EN"<ERATE> *true5 (/TI(NAL- -- Need (N
non#riti6alExtension "EInformationRe7uest-:111;-IEs (/TI(NAL
"EInformationRe7uest-:111;-IEs :: SE!"EN#E *
6onnEst)ailReportRe7-r11 EN"<ERATE> *true5 (/TI(NAL- -- Need (N
non#riti6alExtension SE!"EN#E *5 (/TI(NAL
-- ASN1ST(/
U-"nformation$e&uest field descriptions
T$is 3ie"d is used to i&di!ate 1$et$er t$e U+ s$a"" re#ort i&3or6atio& a'out t$e ra&do6 a!!ess #ro!edure.
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" $%* Release $$
D -,Information#esponse
The -,Information!esponse messae is used by the 43 to transfer the information re;uested by the 3A4T0/'.
"inallin radio bearerI "01, or "01* (when loed measurement information is included)
062A"/PI /M
6oical channelI 922B
9irectionI 43 to 3A4T0/'
U-"nformation$esponse message
"EInformationResponse-r2 :: SE!"EN#E *
rr6-Transa6tionIdentifier RR#-Transa6tionIdentifier-
6riti6alExtensions #?(I#E *
61 #?(I#E *
ueInformationResponse-r2 "EInformationResponse-r2-IEs-
spare1 N"LL- spare. N"LL- spare1 N"LL
6riti6alExtensions)uture SE!"EN#E *5
"EInformationResponse-r2-IEs :: SE!"EN#E *
ra6h-Report-r2 SE!"EN#E *
num@er(f/ream@lesSent-r2 Num@er(f/ream@lesSent-r11-
6ontention>ete6ted-r2 8((LEAN
5 (/TI(NAL-
rlf-Report-r2 RL)-Report-r2 (/TI(NAL-
non#riti6alExtension "EInformationResponse-:21;-IEs (/TI(NAL
-- Late non 6riti6al extensions
"EInformationResponse-:2e;-IEs :: SE!"EN#E *
rlf-Report-:2e; RL)-Report-:2e; (/TI(NAL-
non#riti6alExtension SE!"EN#E *5 (/TI(NAL
-- Regular non 6riti6al extensions
"EInformationResponse-:21;-IEs :: SE!"EN#E *
lateNon#riti6alExtension (#TET STRIN, $#(NTAININ, "EInformationResponse-:2e;-IEs'
non#riti6alExtension "EInformationResponse-:1;.;-IEs (/TI(NAL
"EInformationResponse-:1;.;-IEs :: SE!"EN#E *
log<easReport-r1; Log<easReport-r1; (/TI(NAL-
non#riti6alExtension "EInformationResponse-:111;-IEs (/TI(NAL
"EInformationResponse-:111;-IEs :: SE!"EN#E *
6onnEst)ailReport-r11 #onnEst)ailReport-r11 (/TI(NAL-
non#riti6alExtension SE!"EN#E *5 (/TI(NAL
RL)-Report-r2 :: SE!"EN#E *
measResultLastSer:#ell-r2 SE!"EN#E *
rsrpResult-r2 RSR/-Range-
rsr7Result-r2 RSR!-Range (/TI(NAL
measResultNeigh#ells-r2 SE!"EN#E *
measResultListE"TRA-r2 <easResultList.E"TRA-r2 (/TI(NAL-
measResultList"TRA-r2 <easResultList."TRA-r2 (/TI(NAL-
measResultList,ERAN-r2 <easResultList,ERAN (/TI(NAL-
measResults#><A.;;;-r2 <easResultList.#><A.;;;-r2 (/TI(NAL
5 (/TI(NAL-
00 lo6ationInfo-r1; Lo6ationInfo-r1; (/TI(NAL-
failed/#ellId-r1; #?(I#E *
6ell,lo@alId-r1; #ell,lo@alIdE"TRA-
p6i-arf6n-r1; SE!"EN#E *
ph+s#ellId-r1; /h+s#ellId-
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" $%3 Release $$
6arrier)re7-r1; AR)#N-FalueE"TRA
5 (/TI(NAL-
reesta@lishment#ellId-r1; #ell,lo@alIdE"TRA (/TI(NAL-
time#onn)ailure-r1; INTE,ER $;&&1;.1' (/TI(NAL-
6onne6tion)ailureT+pe-r1; EN"<ERATE> *rlf- hof5 (/TI(NAL-
pre:ious/#ellId-r1; #ell,lo@alIdE"TRA (/TI(NAL
00 failed/#ellId-:1;2; SE!"EN#E *
6arrier)re7-:1;2; AR)#N-FalueE"TRA-:2e;
5 (/TI(NAL
00 @asi6)ields-r11 SE!"EN#E *
6-RNTI-r11 #-RNTI-
rlf-#ause-r11 EN"<ERATE> *
t11;-Expir+- randomA66ess/ro@lem-
rl6-<axNumRetx- spare15-
timeSin6e)ailure-r11 TimeSin6e)ailure-r11
5 (/TI(NAL-
pre:ious"TRA-#ellId-r11 SE!"EN#E *
6arrier)re7-r11 AR)#N-Falue"TRA-
ph+s#ellId-r11 #?(I#E *
fdd-r11 /h+s#ellId"TRA-)>>-
tdd-r11 /h+s#ellId"TRA-T>>
6ell,lo@alId-r11 #ell,lo@alId"TRA (/TI(NAL
5 (/TI(NAL-
sele6ted"TRA-#ellId-r11 SE!"EN#E *
6arrier)re7-r11 AR)#N-Falue"TRA-
ph+s#ellId-r11 #?(I#E *
fdd-r11 /h+s#ellId"TRA-)>>-
tdd-r11 /h+s#ellId"TRA-T>>
5 (/TI(NAL
RL)-Report-:2e; :: SE!"EN#E *
measResultListE"TRA-:2e; <easResultList.E"TRA-:2e;
<easResultList.E"TRA-r2 :: SE!"EN#E $SI%E $1&&max)re7'' () <easResult.E"TRA-r2
<easResultList.E"TRA-:2e; :: SE!"EN#E $SI%E $1&&max)re7'' () <easResult.E"TRA-:2e;
<easResult.E"TRA-r2 :: SE!"EN#E *
6arrier)re7-r2 AR)#N-FalueE"TRA-
measResultList-r2 <easResultListE"TRA
<easResult.E"TRA-:2e; :: SE!"EN#E *
6arrier)re7-:2e; AR)#N-FalueE"TRA-:2e; (/TI(NAL
<easResultList."TRA-r2 :: SE!"EN#E $SI%E $1&&max)re7'' () <easResult."TRA-r2
<easResult."TRA-r2 :: SE!"EN#E *
6arrier)re7-r2 AR)#N-Falue"TRA-
measResultList-r2 <easResultList"TRA
<easResultList.#><A.;;;-r2 :: SE!"EN#E $SI%E $1&&max)re7'' () <easResult.#><A.;;;-r2
<easResult.#><A.;;;-r2 :: SE!"EN#E *
6arrier)re7-r2 #arrier)re7#><A.;;;-
measResultList-r2 <easResults#><A.;;;
Log<easReport-r1; :: SE!"EN#E *
a@soluteTimeStamp-r1; A@soluteTimeInfo-r1;-
tra6eReferen6e-r1; Tra6eReferen6e-r1;-
tra6eRe6ordingSessionRef-r1; (#TET STRIN, $SI%E $.''-
t6e-Id-r1; (#TET STRIN, $SI%E $1''-
log<easInfoList-r1; Log<easInfoList-r1;-
log<easA:aila@le-r1; EN"<ERATE> *true5 (/TI(NAL-
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" $%+ Release $$
Log<easInfoList-r1; :: SE!"EN#E $SI%E $1&&maxLog<easReport-r1;'' () Log<easInfo-r1;
Log<easInfo-r1; :: SE!"EN#E *
lo6ationInfo-r1; Lo6ationInfo-r1; (/TI(NAL-
relati:eTimeStamp-r1; INTE,ER $;&&B.;;'-
ser:#ellIdentit+-r1; #ell,lo@alIdE"TRA-
measResultSer:#ell-r1; SE!"EN#E *
rsrpResult-r1; RSR/-Range-
rsr7Result-r1; RSR!-Range
measResultNeigh#ells-r1; SE!"EN#E *
measResultListE"TRA-r1; <easResultList.E"TRA-r2 (/TI(NAL-
measResultList"TRA-r1; <easResultList."TRA-r2 (/TI(NAL-
measResultList,ERAN-r1; <easResultList.,ERAN-r1; (/TI(NAL-
measResultList#><A.;;;-r1; <easResultList.#><A.;;;-r2 (/TI(NAL
5 (/TI(NAL-
00 measResultListE"TRA-:1;2; <easResultList.E"TRA-:2e; (/TI(NAL
<easResultList.,ERAN-r1; :: SE!"EN#E $SI%E $1&&max#ellList,ERAN'' () <easResultList,ERAN
#onnEst)ailReport-r11 :: SE!"EN#E *
failed#ellId-r11 #ell,lo@alIdE"TRA-
lo6ationInfo-r11 Lo6ationInfo-r1; (/TI(NAL-
measResult)ailed#ell-r11 SE!"EN#E *
rsrpResult-r11 RSR/-Range-
rsr7Result-r11 RSR!-Range (/TI(NAL
measResultNeigh#ells-r11 SE!"EN#E *
measResultListE"TRA-r11 <easResultList.E"TRA-r2 (/TI(NAL-
measResultList"TRA-r11 <easResultList."TRA-r2 (/TI(NAL-
measResultList,ERAN-r11 <easResultList,ERAN (/TI(NAL-
measResults#><A.;;;-r11 <easResultList.#><A.;;;-r2 (/TI(NAL
5 (/TI(NAL-
num@er(f/ream@lesSent-r11 Num@er(f/ream@lesSent-r11-
6ontention>ete6ted-r11 8((LEAN-
maxTx/owerRea6hed-r11 8((LEAN-
timeSin6e)ailure-r11 TimeSin6e)ailure-r11-
measResultListE"TRA-:111; <easResultList.E"TRA-:2e; (/TI(NAL-
Num@er(f/ream@lesSent-r11:: INTE,ER $1&&.;;'
TimeSin6e)ailure-r11 :: INTE,ER $;&&1B.=;;'
-- ASN1ST(/
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" $%, Release $$
U-"nformation$esponse field descriptions
8&di!ates t$e a'so"ute ti6e 1$e& t$e "o22ed 6easure6e&t !o&3i2uratio& "o22i&2 is #ro7ided, as i&di!ated '5 +-
UTR%) 1it$i& a)sol&teTimeInfo.
8& !ase t$e U+ i&!"udes carrier+re%609e a&d0 or carrier+re%6019, t$e U+ s$a"" set t$e !orres#o&di&2 e&tr5 o3
carrier+re%6r9 a&d0 or carrier+re%6r1 res#e!ti7e"5 to ma*,.#+$3. (or +-UTR% a&d UTR% 3re9ue&!ies, t$e U+ sets
t$e %R(*) a!!ordi&2 to t$e 'a&d used 1$e& o'tai&i&2 t$e !o&!er&ed 6easure6e&t resu"ts.
T$is 3ie"d is used to i&di!ate 1$et$er t$e !o&&e!tio& 3ai"ure is due to radio "i&> 3ai"ure or $a&do7er 3ai"ure.
T$is 3ie"d is used to i&di!ate t$at !o&te&tio& 1as dete!ted 3or at "east o&e o3 t$e tra&s6itted #rea6'"es, see TS 36.321
T$is 3ie"d i&di!ates t$e *-R)T8 used i& t$e P*e"" u#o& dete!ti&2 radio "i&> 3ai"ure or t$e *-R)T8 used i& t$e sour!e
P*e"" u#o& $a&do7er 3ai"ure.
T$is 3ie"d is used to i&di!ate t$e !e"" i& 1$i!$ !o&&e!tio& esta'"is$6e&t 3ai"ed.
T$is 3ie"d is used to i&di!ate t$e P*e"" i& 1$i!$ R( is dete!ted or t$e tar2et P*e"" o3 t$e 3ai"ed $a&do7er. T$e U+ sets
t$e +%R(*) a!!ordi&2 to t$e 'a&d used 3or tra&s6issio&0 re!e#tio& 1$e& t$e 3ai"ure o!!urred.
T$is 3ie"d is used to i&di!ate 1$et$er or &ot t$e 6a/i6u6 #o1er "e7e" 1as used 3or t$e "ast tra&s6itted #rea6'"e, see
TS 36.321 E6F.
T$is 3ie"d re3ers to t$e "ast 6easure6e&t resu"ts ta>e& i& t$e !e"", 1$ere !o&&e!tio& esta'"is$6e&t 3ai"ure $a##e&ed.
T$is 3ie"d re3ers to t$e "ast 6easure6e&t resu"ts ta>e& i& t$e P*e"", 1$ere radio "i&> 3ai"ure or $a&do7er 3ai"ure
83 meas#es&lt1ist,-T#.609e, meas#es&lt1ist,-T#.6019 or meas#es&lt1ist,-T#.60113 is i&!"uded, t$e U+
s$a"" i&!"ude t$e sa6e &u6'er o3 e&tries, a&d "isted i& t$e sa6e order, as i& meas#es&lt1ist,-T#.6r9,
meas#es&lt1ist,-T#.6r1 a&d0 or meas#es&lt1ist,-T#.6r11 res#e!ti7e"5.
T$is 3ie"d is used to i&di!ate t$e &u6'er o3 R%*= #rea6'"es t$at 1ere tra&s6itted. *orres#o&ds to #ara6eter
PR+%M;+@TR%)SM8SS8?)@*?U)T+R i& TS 36.321 E6F.
T$is 3ie"d is used to i&di!ate t$e sour!e P*e"" o3 t$e "ast $a&do7er (sour!e P*e"" 1$e& t$e "ast ##$6$onnection6
#econfi"&ration 6essa2e i&!"udi&2 mo)ility$ontrolInfo1as re!ei7ed).
T$is 3ie"d is used to i&di!ate t$e sour!e UTR% !e"" o3 t$e "ast su!!ess3u" $a&do7er to +-UTR%), 1$e& R( o!!urred at
t$e tar2et P*e"". T$e U+ sets t$e %R(*) a!!ordi&2 to t$e 'a&d used 3or tra&s6issio&0 re!e#tio& o& t$e !o&!er&ed
T$is 3ie"d is used to i&di!ate t$e !e"" i& 1$i!$ t$e re-esta'"is$6e&t atte6#t 1as 6ade a3ter !o&&e!tio& 3ai"ure.
8&di!ates t$e ti6e o3 "o22i&2 6easure6e&t resu"ts, 6easured re"ati7e to t$e a)sol&teTimeStamp. Va"ue i& se!o&ds.
T$is 3ie"d is used to i&di!ate t$e !ause o3 t$e "ast radio "i&> 3ai"ure t$at 1as dete!ted. 8& !ase o3 $a&do7er 3ai"ure
i&3or6atio& re#orti&2 (i.e., t$e connection+ail&reType is set to RhofR), t$e U+ is a""o1ed to set t$is 3ie"d to a&5 7a"ue.
T$is 3ie"d is used to i&di!ate t$e UTR% !e"" t$at t$e U+ se"e!ts a3ter R( is dete!ted, 1$i"e T311 is ru&&i&2. T$e U+
sets t$e %R(*) a!!ordi&2 to t$e 'a&d se"e!ted 3or tra&s6issio&0 re!e#tio& o& t$e !o&!er&ed !e"".
Para6eter Tra!e *o""e!tio& +&tit5 8d, See TS 32.422 E5<F.
T$is 3ie"d is used to i&di!ate t$e ti6e e"a#sed si&!e t$e "ast =? i&itia"iLatio& u&ti" !o&&e!tio& 3ai"ure. %!tua" 7a"ue G 8+
7a"ue J 1006s. T$e 6a/i6u6 7a"ue 1023 6ea&s 102.3s or "o&2er.
T$is 3ie"d is used to i&di!ate t$e ti6e t$at e"a#sed si&!e t$e !o&&e!tio& (esta'"is$6e&t) 3ai"ure. Va"ue i& se!o&ds.
Para6eter Tra!e Re!ordi&2 Sessio& Re3ere&!e, See TS 32.422 E5<F.
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" $%% Release $$
D -1/an(o0er!reparationTransfer >$2M.2?
The -1/an&o0erPreparationTransfer messae is used for the uplin# transfer of handover related 29M/*+++
information when re;uested by the hiher layers.
"inallin radio bearerI "01,
062A"/PI /M
6oical channelI 922B
9irectionI 43 to 3A4T0/'
U#+ano,erPreparation*ransfer message
"L?ando:er/reparationTransfer :: SE!"EN#E *
6riti6alExtensions #?(I#E *
61 #?(I#E *
ul?ando:er/reparationTransfer-r= "L?ando:er/reparationTransfer-r=-IEs-
spare1 N"LL- spare. N"LL- spare1 N"LL
6riti6alExtensions)uture SE!"EN#E *5
"L?ando:er/reparationTransfer-r=-IEs :: SE!"EN#E *
6dma.;;;-T+pe #><A.;;;-T+pe-
meid 8IT STRIN, $SI%E $DC'' (/TI(NAL-
dedi6atedInfo >edi6atedInfo#><A.;;;-
non#riti6alExtension "L?ando:er/reparationTransfer-:=a;-IEs (/TI(NAL
"L?ando:er/reparationTransfer-:=a;-IEs :: SE!"EN#E *
lateNon#riti6alExtension (#TET STRIN, (/TI(NAL-
non#riti6alExtension SE!"EN#E *5 (/TI(NAL
-- ASN1ST(/
U#+ano,erPreparation*ransfer field descriptions
T$e 56 'it 6o'i"e ide&ti3i!atio& &u6'er #ro7ided '5 t$e *4M%2000 U##er "a5ers.
D -1InformationTransfer
The -1InformationTransfer messae is used for the uplin# transfer of '/" or nonA3GPP dedicated information.
"inallin radio bearerI "01* or "01,(only if "01* not established yet). &f "01* is suspended. the 43 does not
send this messae until "01* is resumed
062A"/PI /M
6oical channelI 922B
9irectionI 43 to 3A4T0/'
U#"nformation*ransfer message
"LInformationTransfer :: SE!"EN#E *
6riti6alExtensions #?(I#E *
61 #?(I#E *
ulInformationTransfer-r= "LInformationTransfer-r=-IEs-
spare1 N"LL- spare. N"LL- spare1 N"LL
6riti6alExtensions)uture SE!"EN#E *5
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" $%( Release $$
"LInformationTransfer-r=-IEs :: SE!"EN#E *
dedi6atedInfoT+pe #?(I#E *
dedi6atedInfoNAS >edi6atedInfoNAS-
dedi6atedInfo#><A.;;;-1ERTT >edi6atedInfo#><A.;;;-
dedi6atedInfo#><A.;;;-?R/> >edi6atedInfo#><A.;;;
non#riti6alExtension "LInformationTransfer-:=a;-IEs
"LInformationTransfer-:=a;-IEs :: SE!"EN#E *
lateNon#riti6alExtension (#TET STRIN, (/TI(NAL-
non#riti6alExtension SE!"EN#E *5 (/TI(NAL
-- ASN1ST(/
6.3 RR* i&3or6atio& e"e6e&ts
6.3.1 S5ste6 i&3or6atio& '"o!>s
D SystemInformationBlockType2
The &3 SystemInformationBlockType2 contains radio resource confiuration information that is common for all 43s.
'OT3I 43 timers and constants related to functionality for which parameters are provided in another "&1 are
included in the correspondin "&1.
System"nformationBlock*ype( information element
S+stemInformation8lo69T+pe. :: SE!"EN#E *
a6-8arringInfo SE!"EN#E *
a6-8arring)orEmergen6+ 8((LEAN-
a6-8arring)or<(-Signalling A#-8arring#onfig (/TI(NAL- -- Need (/
a6-8arring)or<(->ata A#-8arring#onfig (/TI(NAL -- Need (/
5 (/TI(NAL- -- Need (/
radioResour6e#onfig#ommon RadioResour6e#onfig#ommonSI8-
ue-TimersAnd#onstants "E-TimersAnd#onstants-
fre7Info SE!"EN#E *
ul-#arrier)re7 AR)#N-FalueE"TRA (/TI(NAL- -- Need (/
ul-8andwidth EN"<ERATE> *nC- n1D- n.D- nD;- nBD- n1;;5
(/TI(NAL- -- Need (/
additionalSpe6trumEmission AdditionalSpe6trumEmission
m@sfn-Su@frame#onfigList <8S)N-Su@frame#onfigList (/TI(NAL- -- Need (R
timeAlignmentTimer#ommon TimeAlignmentTimer-
lateNon#riti6alExtension (#TET STRIN, $#(NTAININ, S+stemInformation8lo69T+pe.-:=h;-IEs'
00 ssa6-8arring)or<<TEL-Foi6e-r2 A#-8arring#onfig (/TI(NAL- -- Need (/
ssa6-8arring)or<<TEL-Fideo-r2 A#-8arring#onfig (/TI(NAL -- Need (/
00 a6-8arring)or#S)8-r1; A#-8arring#onfig (/TI(NAL -- Need (/
S+stemInformation8lo69T+pe.-:=h;-IEs :: SE!"EN#E *
multi8andInfoList SE!"EN#E $SI%E $1&&max<ulti8ands'' () AdditionalSpe6trumEmission
(/TI(NAL- -- Need (R
non#riti6alExtension S+stemInformation8lo69T+pe.-:2e;-IEs (/TI(NAL
S+stemInformation8lo69T+pe.-:2e;-IEs :: SE!"EN#E *
ul-#arrier)re7-:2e; AR)#N-FalueE"TRA-:2e; (/TI(NAL- -- #ond ul-)re7<ax
non#riti6alExtension SE!"EN#E *5 (/TI(NAL
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" $%- Release $$
A#-8arring#onfig :: SE!"EN#E *
a6-8arring)a6tor EN"<ERATE> *
p;;- p;D- p1;- p1D- p.;- p.D- p1;- p3;-
pD;- pC;- pB;- pBD- p=;- p=D- p2;- p2D5-
a6-8arringTime EN"<ERATE> *s3- s=- s1C- s1.- sC3- s1.=- s.DC- sD1.5-
a6-8arring)orSpe6ialA# 8IT STRIN, $SI%E$D''
<8S)N-Su@frame#onfigList :: SE!"EN#E $SI%E $1&&max<8S)N-Allo6ations'' () <8S)N-
-- ASN1ST(/
System"nformationBlock*ype( field descriptions
83 t$e ra&do6 &u6'er dra1& '5 t$e U+ is "o1er t$a& t$is 7a"ue, a!!ess is a""o1ed. ?t$er1ise t$e a!!ess is 'arred.
T$e 7a"ues are i&ter#reted i& t$e ra&2e E0,1), #00 G 0, #05 G 0.05, #10 G 0.10,S, #.5 G 0..5. Va"ues ot$er t$a& #00
!a& o&"5 'e set i3 a"" 'its o3 t$e !orres#o&di&2 ac6Barrin"+orSpecial.$ are set to 0.
%!!ess !"ass 'arri&2 3or 6o'i"e ori2i&ati&2 *S 3a""'a!>.
%!!ess !"ass 'arri&2 3or %* 10.
%!!ess !"ass 'arri&2 3or 6o'i"e ori2i&ati&2 !a""s.
%!!ess !"ass 'arri&2 3or 6o'i"e ori2i&ati&2 si2&a""i&2.
%!!ess !"ass 'arri&2 3or %* 11-15. T$e 3irst0 "e3t6ost 'it is 3or %* 11, t$e se!o&d 'it is 3or %* 12, a&d so o&.
Mea& a!!ess 'arri&2 ti6e 7a"ue i& se!o&ds.
T$e U+ re9uire6e&ts re"ated to 8+ .((itionalSpectr&m,mission are de3i&ed i& TS 36.101 E42, ta'"e
4e3i&es t$e su'3ra6es t$at are reser7ed 3or M;S() i& do1&"i&>.
% "ist o3 a((itionalSpectr&m,mission i.e. o&e 3or ea!$ additio&a" 3re9ue&!5 'a&d i&!"uded i& m&ltiBan(Info1ist i&
SystemInformationBlockType15 "isted i& t$e sa6e order:
Ser7i!e s#e!i3i! a!!ess !"ass 'arri&2 3or MMT+ 7ideo ori2i&ati&2 !a""s.
Ser7i!e s#e!i3i! a!!ess !"ass 'arri&2 3or MMT+ 7oi!e ori2i&ati&2 !a""s.
Para6eter, tra&s6issio& 'a&d1idt$ !o&3i2uratio&, )R;, i& u#"i&>, see TS 36.101 E42, ta'"e 5.6-1F. Va"ue &6
!orres#o&ds to 6 resour!e '"o!>s, &15 to 15 resour!e '"o!>s a&d so o&. 83 3or (44 t$is #ara6eter is a'se&t, t$e u#"i&>
'a&d1idt$ is e9ua" to t$e do1&"i&> 'a&d1idt$. (or T44 t$is #ara6eter is a'se&t a&d it is e9ua" to t$e do1&"i&>
(or (44, 83 a'se&t, t$e (de3au"t) 7a"ue deter6i&ed 3ro6 t$e de3au"t TI-RI 3re9ue&!5 se#aratio& de3i&ed i& TS 36.101
E42, ta'"e 5.7.3-1F a##"ies.
(or T44, T$is #ara6eter is a'se&t a&d it is e9ua" to t$e do1&"i&> 3re9ue&!5.
#onditional presence E:planation
&l6+re%Ma* T$e 3ie"d is 6a&dator5 #rese&t i3 &l6$arrier+re% (i.e. 1it$out su33i/) is #rese&t a&d set to
ma*,.#+$3. ?t$er1ise t$e 3ie"d is &ot #rese&t.
D SystemInformationBlockType3
The &3 SystemInformationBlockType3 contains cell reAselection information common for intraAfre;uency. interA
fre;uency andD or interA0/T cell reAselection (i.e. applicable for more than one type of cell reAselection but not
necessarily all) as well as intraAfre;uency cell reAselection information other than neihbourin cell related.
S4ste28nfor2ation=lockT4pe3 infor2ation ele2ent
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" $%. Release $$
S+stemInformation8lo69T+pe1 :: SE!"EN#E *
6ellResele6tionInfo#ommon SE!"EN#E *
7-?+st EN"<ERATE> *
d8;- d81- d8.- d81- d83- d8D- d8C- d8=- d81;-
d81.- d813- d81C- d81=- d8.;- d8..- d8.35-
speedStateResele6tion/ars SE!"EN#E *
mo@ilit+State/arameters <o@ilit+State/arameters-
7-?+stS) SE!"EN#E *
sf-<edium EN"<ERATE> *
d8-C- d8-3- d8-.- d8;5-
sf-?igh EN"<ERATE> *
d8-C- d8-3- d8-.- d8;5
5 (/TI(NAL -- Need (/
6ellResele6tionSer:ing)re7Info SE!"EN#E *
s-NonIntraSear6h Resele6tionThreshold (/TI(NAL- -- Need (/
threshSer:ingLow Resele6tionThreshold-
6ellResele6tion/riorit+ #ellResele6tion/riorit+
intra)re7#ellResele6tionInfo SE!"EN#E *
7-RxLe:<in !-RxLe:<in-
p-<ax /-<ax (/TI(NAL- -- Need (/
s-IntraSear6h Resele6tionThreshold (/TI(NAL- -- Need (/
allowed<eas8andwidth Allowed<eas8andwidth (/TI(NAL- -- Need (/
presen6eAntenna/ort1 /resen6eAntenna/ort1-
neigh#ell#onfig Neigh#ell#onfig-
t-Resele6tionE"TRA T-Resele6tion-
t-Resele6tionE"TRA-S) SpeedStateS6ale)a6tors (/TI(NAL -- Need (/
lateNon#riti6alExtension (#TET STRIN, (/TI(NAL-
00 s-IntraSear6h-:2.; SE!"EN#E *
s-IntraSear6h/-r2 Resele6tionThreshold-
s-IntraSear6h!-r2 Resele6tionThreshold!-r2
5 (/TI(NAL- -- Need (/
s-NonIntraSear6h-:2.; SE!"EN#E *
s-NonIntraSear6h/-r2 Resele6tionThreshold-
s-NonIntraSear6h!-r2 Resele6tionThreshold!-r2
5 (/TI(NAL- -- Need (/
7-!ual<in-r2 !-!ual<in-r2 (/TI(NAL- -- Need (/
threshSer:ingLow!-r2 Resele6tionThreshold!-r2 (/TI(NAL -- Need (/
00 7-!ual<inG8-r11 !-!ual<in-r2 (/TI(NAL -- #ond G8-RSR!
-- ASN1ST(/
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" $() Release $$
System"nformationBlock*ype3 field descriptions
83 a'se&t, t$e 7a"ue !orres#o&di&2 to t$e do1&"i&> 'a&d1idt$ i&di!ated '5 t$e (l6Ban(=i(th i&!"uded i&
MasterInformationBlock a##"ies.
*e"" re-se"e!tio& i&3or6atio& !o66o& 3or !e""s.
8&3or6atio& !o66o& 3or *e"" re-se"e!tio& to i&ter-3re9ue&!5 a&d i&ter-R%T !e""s.
*e"" re-se"e!tio& i&3or6atio& !o66o& 3or i&tra-3re9ue&!5 !e""s.
Va"ue a##"i!a'"e 3or t$e i&tra-3re9ue&!5 &ei2$'ouri&2 +-UTR% !e""s. 83 a'se&t t$e U+ a##"ies t$e 6a/i6u6 #o1er
a!!ordi&2 to t$e U+ !a#a'i"it5.
Para6eter <hyst i& 36.304 E4F, Va"ue i& d;. Va"ue d;1 !orres#o&ds to 1 d;, d;2 !orres#o&ds to 2 d; a&d so o&.
Para6eter OS#eed de#e&de&t S!a"i&2(a!tor 3or <hystP i& TS 36.304 E4F. T$e s3-Mediu6 a&d s3-=i2$ !o&!er& t$e
additio&a" $5steresis to 'e a##"ied, i& Mediu6 a&d =i2$ Mo'i"it5 state res#e!ti7e"5, to <hyst as de3i&ed i& TS 36.304 E4F.
8& d;. Va"ue d;-6 !orres#o&ds to -6d;, d;-4 !orres#o&ds to -4d; a&d so o&.
Para6eter OB9ua"6i&P i& TS 36.304 E4F, a##"i!a'"e 3or i&tra-3re9ue&!5 &ei2$r'our !e""s. 83 t$e 3ie"d is &ot #rese&t, t$e U+
a##"ies t$e (de3au"t) 7a"ue o3 &e2ati7e i&3i&it5 3or B9ua"6i&.
83 t$is 3ie"d is #rese&t, t$e U+ s$a"", 1$e& #er3or6i&2 RSRB 6easure6e&ts, use a 1ider 'a&d1idt$ i& a!!orda&!e 1it$
TS 36.133 E16F a&d a##"5 t$e 7a"ue o3 t$is 3ie"d 3or t$e #ara6eter OB9ua"6i&P i& TS 36.304 E4F. ?t$er1ise, t$e U+ a##"ies
t$e 7a"ue o3 %6<&almin i&stead.
Para6eter OBr/"e76i&P i& TS 36.304 E4F, a##"i!a'"e 3or i&tra-3re9ue&!5 &ei2$'our !e""s.
Para6eter OS8&traSear!$PP i& TS 36.304 E4F. 83 t$e 3ie"d s6IntraSearch! is #rese&t, t$e U+ a##"ies t$e 7a"ue o3 s6
IntraSearch! i&stead. ?t$er1ise i3 &eit$er s6IntraSearch &or s6IntraSearch! is #rese&t, t$e U+ a##"ies t$e (de3au"t)
7a"ue o3 i&3i&it5 3or S8&traSear!$P.
Para6eter OS8&traSear!$PP i& TS 36.304 E4F. See des!ri#tio&s u&der s6IntraSearch.
Para6eter OS8&traSear!$BP i& TS 36.304 E4F. 83 t$e 3ie"d is &ot #rese&t, t$e U+ a##"ies t$e (de3au"t) 7a"ue o3 0 d; 3or
Para6eter OS&o&8&traSear!$PP i& TS 36.304 E4F. 83 t$e 3ie"d s63onIntraSearch! is #rese&t, t$e U+ a##"ies t$e 7a"ue o3 s6
3onIntraSearch! i&stead. ?t$er1ise i3 &eit$er s63onIntraSearch &or s63onIntraSearch! is #rese&t, t$e U+ a##"ies t$e
(de3au"t) 7a"ue o3 i&3i&it5 3or S&o&8&traSear!$P.
Para6eter OS&o&8&traSear!$PP i& TS 36.304 E4F. See des!ri#tio&s u&der s63onIntraSearch.
Para6eter OS&o&8&traSear!$BP i& TS 36.304 E4F. 83 t$e 3ie"d is &ot #rese&t, t$e U+ a##"ies t$e (de3au"t) 7a"ue o3 0 d; 3or
S#eed de#e&de&t rese"e!tio& #ara6eters, see TS 36.304 E4F. 83 t$is 3ie"d is a'se&t, i.e, mo)ilityState!arameters is a"so
&ot #rese&t, U+ 'e$a7iour is s#e!i3ied i& TS 36.304 E4F.
Para6eter OT$res$Ser7i&2, o1PP i& TS 36.304 E4F.
Para6eter OT$res$Ser7i&2, o1BP i& TS 36.304 E4F.
Para6eter OTrese"e!tio&+UTR%P i& TS 36.304 E4F.
Para6eter OS#eed de#e&de&t S!a"i&2(a!tor 3or Trese"e!tio&+UTR%P i& TS 36.304 E4F. 83 t$e 3ie"d is &ot #rese&t, t$e U+
'e$a7iour is s#e!i3ied i& TS 36.304 E4F.
#onditional presence E:planation
;B6#S#< T$e 3ie"d is o#tio&a""5 #rese&t, &eed ?P i3 t$e 6easure6e&t 'a&d1idt$ i&di!ated '5
allo=e(MeasBan(=i(th is 50 resour!e '"o!>s or "ar2erH ot$er1ise it is &ot #rese&t.
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" $($ Release $$
D SystemInformationBlockType4
The &3 SystemInformationBlockType4 contains neihbourin cell related information relevant only for intraAfre;uency
cell reAselection. The &3 includes cells with specific reAselection parameters as well as blac#listed cells.
System"nformationBlock*ype2 information element
S+stemInformation8lo69T+pe3 :: SE!"EN#E *
intra)re7Neigh#ellList Intra)re7Neigh#ellList (/TI(NAL- -- Need (R
intra)re78la69#ellList Intra)re78la69#ellList (/TI(NAL- -- Need (R
6sg-/h+s#ellIdRange /h+s#ellIdRange (/TI(NAL- -- #ond #S,
lateNon#riti6alExtension (#TET STRIN, (/TI(NAL
Intra)re7Neigh#ellList :: SE!"EN#E $SI%E $1&&max#ellIntra'' () Intra)re7Neigh#ellInfo
Intra)re7Neigh#ellInfo :: SE!"EN#E *
ph+s#ellId /h+s#ellId-
7-(ffset#ell !-(ffsetRange-
Intra)re78la69#ellList :: SE!"EN#E $SI%E $1&&max#ell8la69'' () /h+s#ellIdRange
-- ASN1ST(/
System"nformationBlock*ype2 field descriptions
Set o3 #$5si!a" !e"" ide&tities reser7ed 3or *SG !e""s o& t$e 3re9ue&!5 o& 1$i!$ t$is 3ie"d 1as re!ei7ed. T$e re!ei7ed
cs"6!hys$ellI(#an"e a##"ies i3 "ess t$a& 24 $ours $as e"a#sed si&!e it 1as re!ei7ed a&d t$e U+ is !a6#ed o& a !e""
o3 t$e sa6e #ri6ar5 PM) 1$ere t$is 3ie"d 1as re!ei7ed. T$e 3 $our 7a"idit5 restri!tio& (se!tio& does &ot
a##"5 to t$is 3ie"d. T$e U+ s$a"" &ot a##"5 a&5 stored cs"6!hys$ellI(#an"e 1$e& it is i& any cell selection state de3i&ed
i& TS 36.304 E4F.
ist o3 '"a!>"isted i&tra-3re9ue&!5 &ei2$'ouri&2 !e""s.
ist o3 i&tra-3re9ue&!5 &ei2$'ouri&2 !e""s 1it$ s#e!i3i! !e"" re-se"e!tio& #ara6eters.
Para6eter OBo33sets,&P i& TS 36.304 E4F.
#onditional presence E:planation
$S9 T$is 3ie"d is o#tio&a", &eed ?P, 3or &o&-*SG !e""s, a&d 6a&dator5 3or *SG !e""s.
D SystemInformationBlockType5
The &3 SystemInformationBlockType5 contains information relevant only for interAfre;uency cell reAselection i.e.
information about other 3A4T0/ fre;uencies and interAfre;uency neihbourin cells relevant for cell reAselection. The
&3 includes cell reAselection parameters common for a fre;uency as well as cell specific reAselection parameters.
System"nformationBlock*ype7 information element
S+stemInformation8lo69T+peD :: SE!"EN#E *
inter)re7#arrier)re7List Inter)re7#arrier)re7List-
lateNon#riti6alExtension (#TET STRIN, $#(NTAININ, S+stemInformation8lo69T+peD-
:=h;-IEs' (/TI(NAL
S+stemInformation8lo69T+peD-:=h;-IEs :: SE!"EN#E *
inter)re7#arrier)re7List-:=h; SE!"EN#E $SI%E $1&&max)re7'' () Inter)re7#arrier)re7Info-:=h;
(/TI(NAL- -- Need (/
non#riti6alExtension S+stemInformation8lo69T+peD-:2e;-IEs (/TI(NAL
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" $(* Release $$
S+stemInformation8lo69T+peD-:2e;-IEs :: SE!"EN#E *
inter)re7#arrier)re7List-:2e; SE!"EN#E $SI%E $1&&max)re7'' () Inter)re7#arrier)re7Info-:2e;
(/TI(NAL- -- Need (R
non#riti6alExtension SE!"EN#E *5 (/TI(NAL
Inter)re7#arrier)re7List :: SE!"EN#E $SI%E $1&&max)re7'' () Inter)re7#arrier)re7Info
Inter)re7#arrier)re7Info :: SE!"EN#E *
dl-#arrier)re7 AR)#N-FalueE"TRA-
7-RxLe:<in !-RxLe:<in-
p-<ax /-<ax (/TI(NAL- -- Need (/
t-Resele6tionE"TRA T-Resele6tion-
t-Resele6tionE"TRA-S) SpeedStateS6ale)a6tors (/TI(NAL- -- Need (/
threshE-?igh Resele6tionThreshold-
threshE-Low Resele6tionThreshold-
allowed<eas8andwidth Allowed<eas8andwidth-
presen6eAntenna/ort1 /resen6eAntenna/ort1-
6ellResele6tion/riorit+ #ellResele6tion/riorit+ (/TI(NAL- -- Need (/
neigh#ell#onfig Neigh#ell#onfig-
7-(ffset)re7 !-(ffsetRange >E)A"LT d8;-
inter)re7Neigh#ellList Inter)re7Neigh#ellList (/TI(NAL- -- Need (R
inter)re78la69#ellList Inter)re78la69#ellList (/TI(NAL- -- Need (R
00 7-!ual<in-r2 !-!ual<in-r2 (/TI(NAL- -- Need (/
threshE-!-r2 SE!"EN#E *
threshE-?igh!-r2 Resele6tionThreshold!-r2-
threshE-Low!-r2 Resele6tionThreshold!-r2
5 (/TI(NAL -- #ond RSR!
00 7-!ual<inG8-r11 !-!ual<in-r2 (/TI(NAL -- #ond G8-RSR!
Inter)re7#arrier)re7Info-:=h; :: SE!"EN#E *
multi8andInfoList <ulti8andInfoList (/TI(NAL -- Need (R
Inter)re7#arrier)re7Info-:2e; :: SE!"EN#E *
dl-#arrier)re7-:2e; AR)#N-FalueE"TRA-:2e; (/TI(NAL- -- #ond dl-)re7<ax
multi8andInfoList-:2e; <ulti8andInfoList-:2e; (/TI(NAL -- Need (R
Inter)re7Neigh#ellList :: SE!"EN#E $SI%E $1&&max#ellInter'' () Inter)re7Neigh#ellInfo
Inter)re7Neigh#ellInfo :: SE!"EN#E *
ph+s#ellId /h+s#ellId-
7-(ffset#ell !-(ffsetRange
Inter)re78la69#ellList :: SE!"EN#E $SI%E $1&&max#ell8la69'' () /h+s#ellIdRange
-- ASN1ST(/
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" $(3 Release $$
System"nformationBlock*ype7 field descriptions
ist o3 '"a!>"isted i&ter-3re9ue&!5 &ei2$'ouri&2 !e""s.
ist o3 &ei2$'ouri&2 i&ter-3re9ue&!ies. +-UTR%) does &ot !o&3i2ure 6ore t$a& o&e e&tr5 3or t$e sa6e #$5si!a"
3re9ue&!5 re2ard"ess o3 t$e +-%R(*) used to i&di!ate t$is. 83 +-UTR%) i&!"udes inter+re%$arrier+re%1ist608h a&d0
or inter+re%$arrier+re%1ist609e it i&!"udes t$e sa6e &u6'er o3 e&tries, a&d "isted i& t$e sa6e order, as i&
inter+re%$arrier+re%1ist (i.e. 1it$out su33i/).
ist o3 i&ter-3re9ue&!5 &ei2$'ouri&2 !e""s 1it$ s#e!i3i! !e"" re-se"e!tio& #ara6eters.
8&di!ates t$e "ist o3 3re9ue&!5 'a&ds i& additio& to t$e 'a&d re#rese&ted '5 (l6$arrier+re% 3or 1$i!$ !e"" rese"e!tio&
#ara6eters are !o66o&. +-UTR%) i&di!ates at 6ost ma*M&ltiBan(s 3re9ue&!5 'a&ds (i.e. t$e tota" &u6'er o3 e&tries
a!ross 'ot$ m&ltiBan(Info1ist a&d m&ltiBan(Info1ist609e is 'e"o1 t$is "i6it).
Va"ue a##"i!a'"e 3or t$e &ei2$'ouri&2 +-UTR% !e""s o& t$is !arrier 3re9ue&!5. 83 a'se&t t$e U+ a##"ies t$e 6a/i6u6
#o1er a!!ordi&2 to t$e U+ !a#a'i"it5.
Para6eter OBo33sets,&P i& TS 36.304 E4F.
Para6eter OBo33set3re9ue&!5P i& TS 36.304 E4F.
Para6eter OB9ua"6i&P i& TS 36.304 E4F. 83 t$e 3ie"d is &ot #rese&t, t$e U+ a##"ies t$e (de3au"t) 7a"ue o3 &e2ati7e i&3i&it5 3or
83 t$is 3ie"d is #rese&t, t$e U+ s$a"", 1$e& #er3or6i&2 RSRB 6easure6e&ts, use a 1ider 'a&d1idt$ i& a!!orda&!e 1it$
TS 36.133 E16F a&d a##"5 t$e 7a"ue o3 t$is 3ie"d 3or t$e #ara6eter OB9ua"6i&P i& TS 36.304 E4F. ?t$er1ise, t$e U+ a##"ies
t$e 7a"ue o3 %6<&almin i&stead.
Para6eter OT$res$I, =i2$PP i& TS 36.304 E4F.
Para6eter OT$res$I, =i2$BP i& TS 36.304 E4F.
Para6eter OT$res$I, o1PP i& TS 36.304 E4F.
Para6eter OT$res$I, o1BP i& TS 36.304 E4F.
Para6eter OTrese"e!tio&+UTR%P i& TS 36.304 E4F.
Para6eter OS#eed de#e&de&t S!a"i&2(a!tor 3or Trese"e!tio&+UTR%P i& TS 36.304 E4F. 83 t$e 3ie"d is &ot #rese&t, t$e U+
'e$a7iour is s#e!i3ied i& TS 36.304 E4F.
#onditional presence E:planation
(l6+re%Ma* T$e 3ie"d is 6a&dator5 #rese&t i3, 3or t$e !orres#o&di&2 e&tr5 i& Inter+re%$arrier+re%1ist
(i.e. 1it$out su33i/), (l6$arrier+re% (i.e. 1it$out su33i/) is set to ma*,.#+$3. ?t$er1ise
t$e 3ie"d is &ot #rese&t.
#S#< T$e 3ie"d is 6a&dator5 #rese&t i3 threshSer0in"1o=< is #rese&t i&
systemInformationBlockType3H ot$er1ise it is &ot #rese&t.
;B6#S#< T$e 3ie"d is o#tio&a""5 #rese&t, &eed ?P i3 t$e 6easure6e&t 'a&d1idt$ i&di!ated '5
allo=e(MeasBan(=i(th is 50 resour!e '"o!>s or "ar2erH ot$er1ise it is &ot #rese&t.
D SystemInformationBlockType6
The &3 SystemInformationBlockType6 contains information relevant only for interA0/T cell reAselection i.e. information
about 4T0/ fre;uencies and 4T0/ neihbourin cells relevant for cell reAselection. The &3 includes cell reAselection
parameters common for a fre;uency.
System"nformationBlock*ype8 information element
S+stemInformation8lo69T+peC :: SE!"EN#E *
6arrier)re7List"TRA-)>> #arrier)re7List"TRA-)>> (/TI(NAL- -- Need (R
6arrier)re7List"TRA-T>> #arrier)re7List"TRA-T>> (/TI(NAL- -- Need (R
t-Resele6tion"TRA T-Resele6tion-
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" $(+ Release $$
t-Resele6tion"TRA-S) SpeedStateS6ale)a6tors (/TI(NAL- -- Need (/
lateNon#riti6alExtension (#TET STRIN, $#(NTAININ, S+stemInformation8lo69T+peC-
:=h;-IEs' (/TI(NAL
S+stemInformation8lo69T+peC-:=h;-IEs :: SE!"EN#E *
6arrier)re7List"TRA-)>>-:=h; SE!"EN#E $SI%E $1&&max"TRA-)>>-#arrier'' () #arrier)re7Info"TRA-
)>>-:=h; (/TI(NAL- -- #ond "TRA-)>>
non#riti6alExtension SE!"EN#E *5 (/TI(NAL
#arrier)re7List"TRA-)>> :: SE!"EN#E $SI%E $1&&max"TRA-)>>-#arrier'' () #arrier)re7"TRA-)>>
#arrier)re7"TRA-)>> :: SE!"EN#E *
6arrier)re7 AR)#N-Falue"TRA-
6ellResele6tion/riorit+ #ellResele6tion/riorit+ (/TI(NAL- -- Need (/
threshE-?igh Resele6tionThreshold-
threshE-Low Resele6tionThreshold-
7-RxLe:<in INTE,ER $-C;&&-11'-
p-<ax"TRA INTE,ER $-D;&&11'-
7-!ual<in INTE,ER $-.3&&;'-
00 threshE-!-r2 SE!"EN#E *
threshE-?igh!-r2 Resele6tionThreshold!-r2-
threshE-Low!-r2 Resele6tionThreshold!-r2
5 (/TI(NAL -- #ond RSR!
#arrier)re7Info"TRA-)>>-:=h; :: SE!"EN#E *
multi8andInfoList SE!"EN#E $SI%E $1&&max<ulti8ands'' () )re78andIndi6ator-
"TRA-)>> (/TI(NAL -- Need (R
#arrier)re7List"TRA-T>> :: SE!"EN#E $SI%E $1&&max"TRA-T>>-#arrier'' () #arrier)re7"TRA-T>>
#arrier)re7"TRA-T>> :: SE!"EN#E *
6arrier)re7 AR)#N-Falue"TRA-
6ellResele6tion/riorit+ #ellResele6tion/riorit+ (/TI(NAL- -- Need (/
threshE-?igh Resele6tionThreshold-
threshE-Low Resele6tionThreshold-
7-RxLe:<in INTE,ER $-C;&&-11'-
p-<ax"TRA INTE,ER $-D;&&11'-
)re78andIndi6ator-"TRA-)>> :: INTE,ER $1&&=C'
-- ASN1ST(/
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" $(, Release $$
System"nformationBlock*ype8 field descriptions
ist o3 !arrier 3re9ue&!ies o3 UTR% (44. +-UTR%) does &ot !o&3i2ure 6ore t$a& o&e e&tr5 3or t$e sa6e #$5si!a"
3re9ue&!5 re2ard"ess o3 t$e %R(*) used to i&di!ate t$is.
?&e e&tr5 !orres#o&di&2 to ea!$ su##orted UTR% (44 !arrier 3re9ue&!5 "isted i& t$e sa6e order as i&
ist o3 !arrier 3re9ue&!ies o3 UTR% T44. +-UTR%) does &ot !o&3i2ure 6ore t$a& o&e e&tr5 3or t$e sa6e #$5si!a"
3re9ue&!5 re2ard"ess o3 t$e %R(*) used to i&di!ate t$is.
8&di!ates t$e "ist o3 3re9ue&!5 'a&ds i& additio& to t$e 'a&d re#rese&ted '5 carrier+re% i& t$e $arrier+re%-T#.6+22
3or 1$i!$ UTR% !e"" rese"e!tio& #ara6eters are !o66o&.
T$e 6a/i6u6 a""o1ed tra&s6issio& #o1er o& t$e (u#"i&>) !arrier 3re9ue&!5, see TS 25.304 E40F. 8& d;6
Para6eter OB9ua"6i&P i& TS 25.304 E40F. %!tua" 7a"ue G 8+ 7a"ue Ed;F.
Para6eter OBr/"e76i&P i& TS 25.304 E40F. %!tua" 7a"ue G 8+ 7a"ue J 2-1 Ed;6F.
Para6eter OTrese"e!tio&UTR%)P i& TS 36.304 E4F.
Para6eter OS#eed de#e&de&t S!a"i&2(a!tor 3or Trese"e!tio&UTR%P i& TS 36.304 E4F. 83 t$e 3ie"d is &ot #rese&t, t$e U+
'e$a7iour is s#e!i3ied i& TS 36.304 E4F.
Para6eter OT$res$I, =i2$PP i& TS 36.304 E4F.
Para6eter OT$res$I, =i2$BP i& TS 36.304 E4F.
Para6eter OT$res$I, o1PP i& TS 36.304 E4F.
Para6eter OT$res$I, o1BP i& TS 36.304 E4F.
#onditional presence E:planation
#S#< T$e 3ie"d is 6a&dator5 #rese&t i3 t$e threshSer0in"1o=< is #rese&t i&
systemInformationBlockType3H ot$er1ise it is &ot #rese&t.
-T#.6+22 T$e 3ie"d is o#tio&a""5 #rese&t, &eed ?R, i3 t$e carrier+re%1ist-T#.6+22 is #rese&t.
?t$er1ise it is &ot #rese&t.
D SystemInformationBlockType7
The &3 SystemInformationBlockType7 contains information relevant only for interA0/T cell reAselection i.e. information
about G30/' fre;uencies relevant for cell reAselection. The &3 includes cell reAselection parameters for each
System"nformationBlock*ype: information element
S+stemInformation8lo69T+peB :: SE!"EN#E *
t-Resele6tion,ERAN T-Resele6tion-
t-Resele6tion,ERAN-S) SpeedStateS6ale)a6tors (/TI(NAL- -- Need (R
6arrier)re7sInfoList #arrier)re7sInfoList,ERAN (/TI(NAL- -- Need (R
lateNon#riti6alExtension (#TET STRIN, (/TI(NAL
#arrier)re7sInfoList,ERAN :: SE!"EN#E $SI%E $1&&max,N),'' () #arrier)re7sInfo,ERAN
#arrier)re7sInfo,ERAN :: SE!"EN#E *
6arrier)re7s #arrier)re7s,ERAN-
6ommonInfo SE!"EN#E *
6ellResele6tion/riorit+ #ellResele6tion/riorit+ (/TI(NAL- -- Need (/
n66-/ermitted 8IT STRIN, $SI%E $=''-
7-RxLe:<in INTE,ER $;&&3D'-
p-<ax,ERAN INTE,ER $;&&12' (/TI(NAL- -- Need (/
threshE-?igh Resele6tionThreshold-
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" $(% Release $$
threshE-Low Resele6tionThreshold
-- ASN1ST(/
System"nformationBlock*ype: field descriptions
T$e "ist o3 G+R%) !arrier 3re9ue&!ies or2a&ised i&to o&e 2rou# o3 G+R%) !arrier 3re9ue&!ies.
Pro7ides a "ist o3 &ei2$'ouri&2 G+R%) !arrier 3re9ue&!ies, 1$i!$ 6a5 'e 6o&itored 3or &ei2$'ouri&2 G+R%) !e""s.
T$e G+R%) !arrier 3re9ue&!ies are or2a&ised i& 2rou#s a&d t$e !e"" rese"e!tio& #ara6eters are #ro7ided #er 2rou# o3
G+R%) !arrier 3re9ue&!ies.
4e3i&es t$e set o3 !e"" rese"e!tio& #ara6eters 3or t$e 2rou# o3 G+R%) !arrier 3re9ue&!ies.
(ie"d e&!oded as a 'it 6a#, 1$ere 'it ) is set to T0T i3 a ;**= !arrier 1it$ )** G )-1 is &ot #er6itted 3or 6o&itori&2
a&d set to T1T i3 t$e ;**= !arrier 1it$ )** G )-1 is #er6itted 3or 6o&itori&2H ) G 1 to <H 'it 1 o3 t$e 'it6a# is t$e
"eadi&2 'it o3 t$e 'it stri&2.
Ma/i6u6 a""o1ed tra&s6issio& #o1er 3or G+R%) o& a& u#"i&> !arrier 3re9ue&!5, see TS 45.00< E2<F. Va"ue i& d;6.
%##"i!a'"e 3or t$e &ei2$'ouri&2 G+R%) !e""s o& t$is !arrier 3re9ue&!5. 83 pma*9,#.3 is a'se&t, t$e 6a/i6u6 #o1er
a!!ordi&2 to t$e U+ !a#a'i"it5 is used.
Para6eter OBr/"e76i&P i& TS 36.304 E1F, 6i&i6u6 re9uired RI "e7e" i& t$e GSM !e"". T$e a!tua" 7a"ue o3 Br/"e76i& i& d;6 G
(8+ 7a"ue J 2) 115.
Para6eter OT$res$I, =i2$PP i& TS 36.304 E4F.
Para6eter OT$res$I, o1PP i& TS 36.304 E4F.
Para6eter OTrese"e!tio&G+R%)P i& TS 36.304 E4F.
Para6eter OS#eed de#e&de&t S!a"i&2(a!tor 3or Trese"e!tio&G+R%)P i& TS 36.304 E4F. 83 t$e 3ie"d is &ot #rese&t, t$e U+
'e$a7iour is s#e!i3ied i& TS 36.304 E4F.
D SystemInformationBlockType8
The &3 SystemInformationBlockType8 contains information relevant only for interA0/T cell reAselection i.e. information
about 29M/*+++ fre;uencies and 29M/*+++ neihbourin cells relevant for cell reAselection. The &3 includes cell
reAselection parameters common for a fre;uency as well as cell specific reAselection parameters.
System"nformationBlock*ype9 information element
S+stemInformation8lo69T+pe= :: SE!"EN#E *
s+stemTimeInfo S+stemTimeInfo#><A.;;; (/TI(NAL- -- Need (R
sear6hGindowSiHe INTE,ER $;&&1D' (/TI(NAL- -- Need (R
parameters?R/> SE!"EN#E *
preRegistrationInfo?R/> /reRegistrationInfo?R/>-
6ellResele6tion/arameters?R/> #ellResele6tion/arameters#><A.;;; (/TI(NAL -- Need (R
5 (/TI(NAL- -- Need (R
parameters1ERTT SE!"EN#E *
6sf@-Registration/aram1ERTT #S)8-Registration/aram1ERTT (/TI(NAL- -- Need (/
long#odeState1ERTT 8IT STRIN, $SI%E $3.'' (/TI(NAL- -- Need (R
6ellResele6tion/arameters1ERTT #ellResele6tion/arameters#><A.;;; (/TI(NAL -- Need (R
5 (/TI(NAL- -- Need (R
lateNon#riti6alExtension (#TET STRIN, (/TI(NAL-
00 6sf@-Support)or>ualRx"Es-r2 8((LEAN (/TI(NAL- -- Need (R
6ellResele6tion/arameters?R/>-:2.; #ellResele6tion/arameters#><A.;;;-:2.; (/TI(NAL- --
#ond N#L-?R/>
6ellResele6tion/arameters1ERTT-:2.; #ellResele6tion/arameters#><A.;;;-:2.; (/TI(NAL- --
#ond N#L-1ERTT
6sf@-Registration/aram1ERTT-:2.; #S)8-Registration/aram1ERTT-:2.; (/TI(NAL- --
#ond RE,-1ERTT
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" $(( Release $$
a6-8arring#onfig1ERTT-r2 A#-8arring#onfig1ERTT-r2 (/TI(NAL -- #ond RE,-
00 6sf@->ualRxTxSupport-r1; EN"<ERATE> *true5 (/TI(NAL -- #ond RE,-
00 si@=-/er/L<N-List-r11 SI8=-/er/L<N-List-r11 (/TI(NAL -- Need (R
#ellResele6tion/arameters#><A.;;; :: SE!"EN#E *
@and#lassList 8and#lassList#><A.;;;-
neigh#ellList Neigh#ellList#><A.;;;-
t-Resele6tion#><A.;;; T-Resele6tion-
t-Resele6tion#><A.;;;-S) SpeedStateS6ale)a6tors (/TI(NAL -- Need (/
#ellResele6tion/arameters#><A.;;;-r11 :: SE!"EN#E *
@and#lassList 8and#lassList#><A.;;;-
neigh#ellList-r11 SE!"EN#E $SI%E $1&&1C'' () Neigh#ell#><A.;;;-r11-
t-Resele6tion#><A.;;; T-Resele6tion-
t-Resele6tion#><A.;;;-S) SpeedStateS6ale)a6tors (/TI(NAL -- Need (/
#ellResele6tion/arameters#><A.;;;-:2.; :: SE!"EN#E *
neigh#ellList-:2.; Neigh#ellList#><A.;;;-:2.;
Neigh#ellList#><A.;;; :: SE!"EN#E $SI%E $1&&1C'' () Neigh#ell#><A.;;;
Neigh#ell#><A.;;; :: SE!"EN#E *
@and#lass 8and6lass#><A.;;;-
neigh#ells/er)re7List Neigh#ells/er8and6lassList#><A.;;;
Neigh#ell#><A.;;;-r11 :: SE!"EN#E *
@and#lass 8and6lass#><A.;;;-
neigh)re7InfoList-r11 SE!"EN#E $SI%E $1&&1C'' () Neigh#ells/er8and6lass#><A.;;;-
Neigh#ells/er8and6lassList#><A.;;; :: SE!"EN#E $SI%E $1&&1C'' () Neigh#ells/er8and6lass#><A.;;;
Neigh#ells/er8and6lass#><A.;;; :: SE!"EN#E *
arf6n AR)#N-Falue#><A.;;;-
ph+s#ellIdList /h+s#ellIdList#><A.;;;
Neigh#ells/er8and6lass#><A.;;;-r11 :: SE!"EN#E *
arf6n AR)#N-Falue#><A.;;;-
ph+s#ellIdList-r11 SE!"EN#E $SI%E $1&&3;'' () /h+s#ellId#><A.;;;
Neigh#ellList#><A.;;;-:2.; :: SE!"EN#E $SI%E $1&&1C'' () Neigh#ell#><A.;;;-:2.;
Neigh#ell#><A.;;;-:2.; :: SE!"EN#E *
neigh#ells/er)re7List-:2.; Neigh#ells/er8and6lassList#><A.;;;-:2.;
Neigh#ells/er8and6lassList#><A.;;;-:2.; :: SE!"EN#E $SI%E $1&&1C'' ()
Neigh#ells/er8and6lass#><A.;;;-:2.; :: SE!"EN#E *
ph+s#ellIdList-:2.; /h+s#ellIdList#><A.;;;-:2.;
/h+s#ellIdList#><A.;;; :: SE!"EN#E $SI%E $1&&1C'' () /h+s#ellId#><A.;;;
/h+s#ellIdList#><A.;;;-:2.; :: SE!"EN#E $SI%E $;&&.3'' () /h+s#ellId#><A.;;;
8and#lassList#><A.;;; :: SE!"EN#E $SI%E $1&&max#><A-8and#lass'' () 8and#lassInfo#><A.;;;
8and#lassInfo#><A.;;; :: SE!"EN#E *
@and#lass 8and6lass#><A.;;;-
6ellResele6tion/riorit+ #ellResele6tion/riorit+ (/TI(NAL- -- Need (/
threshE-?igh INTE,ER $;&&C1'-
threshE-Low INTE,ER $;&&C1'-
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" $(- Release $$
A#-8arring#onfig1ERTT-r2 :: SE!"EN#E *
a6-8arring;to2-r2 INTE,ER $;&&C1'-
a6-8arring1;-r2 INTE,ER $;&&B'-
a6-8arring11-r2 INTE,ER $;&&B'-
a6-8arring1.-r2 INTE,ER $;&&B'-
a6-8arring11-r2 INTE,ER $;&&B'-
a6-8arring13-r2 INTE,ER $;&&B'-
a6-8arring1D-r2 INTE,ER $;&&B'-
a6-8arring<sg-r2 INTE,ER $;&&B'-
a6-8arringReg-r2 INTE,ER $;&&B'-
a6-8arringEmg-r2 INTE,ER $;&&B'
SI8=-/er/L<N-List-r11 :: SE!"EN#E $SI%E $1&&max/L<N-r11'' () SI8=-/er/L<N-r11
SI8=-/er/L<N-r11 :: SE!"EN#E *
plmn-Identit+-r11 INTE,ER $1&&max/L<N-r11'-
parameters#><A.;;;-r11 #?(I#E *
expli6itFalue /arameters#><A.;;;-r11-
defaultFalue N"LL
/arameters#><A.;;;-r11 :: SE!"EN#E *
s+stemTimeInfo-r11 #?(I#E *
expli6itFalue S+stemTimeInfo#><A.;;;-
defaultFalue N"LL
5 (/TI(NAL- -- Need (R
sear6hGindowSiHe-r11 INTE,ER $;&&1D'-
parameters?R/>-r11 SE!"EN#E *
preRegistrationInfo?R/>-r11 /reRegistrationInfo?R/>-
6ellResele6tion/arameters?R/>-r11 #ellResele6tion/arameters#><A.;;;-r11 (/TI(NAL -- Need
5 (/TI(NAL- -- Need (R
parameters1ERTT-r11 SE!"EN#E *
6sf@-Registration/aram1ERTT-r11 #S)8-Registration/aram1ERTT (/TI(NAL- -- Need (/
6sf@-Registration/aram1ERTT-Ext-r11 #S)8-Registration/aram1ERTT-:2.; (/TI(NAL- -- #ond
long#odeState1ERTT-r11 8IT STRIN, $SI%E $3.'' (/TI(NAL- -- #ond /er/L<N-L#
6ellResele6tion/arameters1ERTT-r11 #ellResele6tion/arameters#><A.;;;-r11 (/TI(NAL- --
Need (R
a6-8arring#onfig1ERTT-r11 A#-8arring#onfig1ERTT-r2 (/TI(NAL- -- #ond
6sf@-Support)or>ualRx"Es-r11 8((LEAN (/TI(NAL- -- Need (R
6sf@->ualRxTxSupport-r11 EN"<ERATE> *true5 (/TI(NAL -- #ond RE,-1ERTT-
5 (/TI(NAL- -- Need (R
-- ASN1ST(/
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" $(. Release $$
System"nformationBlock*ype9 field descriptions
*o&tai&s t$e a!!ess !"ass 'arri&2 #ara6eters t$e U+ uses to !a"!u"ate t$e a!!ess !"ass 'arri&2 3a!tor, see *.S00.7
Para6eter used 3or !a"!u"ati&2 t$e a!!ess !"ass 'arri&2 3a!tor 3or a!!ess o7er"oad !"asses 0 t$rou2$ .. 8t is t$e
#ara6eter OPS8STP i& *.S0004 E34F 3or a!!ess o7er"oad !"asses 0 t$rou2$ ..
Para6eter used 3or !a"!u"ati&2 t$e a!!ess !"ass 'arri&2 3a!tor 3or e6er2e&!5 !a""s a&d e6er2e&!5 6essa2e
tra&s6issio&s 3or a!!ess o7er"oad !"asses 0 t$rou2$ .. 8t is t$e #ara6eter OPS8ST@+MGP i& *.S0004 E34F.
Para6eter used 3or 6odi35i&2 t$e a!!ess !"ass 'arri&2 3a!tor 3or 6essa2e tra&s6issio&s. 8t is t$e #ara6eter
OMSG@PS8STP i& *.S0004 E34F.
Para6eter used 3or !a"!u"ati&2 t$e a!!ess !"ass 'arri&2 3a!tor 3or a!!ess o7er"oad !"ass ) () G 10 to 15). 8t is t$e
#ara6eter OPS8STP i& *.S0004 E34F 3or a!!ess o7er"oad !"ass ).
Para6eter used 3or 6odi35i&2 t$e a!!ess !"ass 'arri&2 3a!tor 3or auto&o6ous re2istratio&s. 8t is t$e #ara6eter
OR+G@PS8STP i& *.S0004 E34F.
8de&ti3ies t$e (re9ue&!5 ;a&d i& 1$i!$ t$e *arrier !a& 'e 3ou&d. 4etai"s !a& 'e 3ou&d i& *.S0057 E24, Ta'"e 1.5F.
ist o3 *4M%2000 3re9ue&!5 'a&ds.
*e"" rese"e!tio& #ara6eters a##"i!a'"e o&"5 to *4M%2000 1/RTT s5ste6.
*e"" rese"e!tio& #ara6eters a##"i!a'"e 3or !e"" rese"e!tio& to *4M%2000 1IRTT s5ste6.
*e"" rese"e!tio& #ara6eters a##"i!a'"e 3or !e"" rese"e!tio& to *4M%2000 1IRTT s5ste6. T$e 3ie"d is &ot #rese&t i3
cell#eselection!arameters17#TT is &ot #rese&tH ot$er1ise it is o#tio&a""5 #rese&t.
*e"" rese"e!tio& #ara6eters a##"i!a'"e 3or !e"" rese"e!tio& to *4M%2000 =RP4 s5ste6
*e"" rese"e!tio& #ara6eters a##"i!a'"e 3or !e"" rese"e!tio& to *4M%2000 =RP4 s5ste6.
*e"" rese"e!tio& #ara6eters a##"i!a'"e 3or !e"" rese"e!tio& to *4M%2000 =RP4 s5ste6. T$e 3ie"d is &ot #rese&t i3
cell#eselection!arameters/#!2 is &ot #rese&tH ot$er1ise it is o#tio&a""5 #rese&t.
Va"ue TRU+ i&di!ates t$at t$e &et1or> su##orts dua" R/0T/ e&$a&!ed 1/*S(;, 1$i!$ e&a'"es U+s !a#a'"e o3 dua"
R/0T/ e&$a&!ed 1/*S(; to s1it!$ o33 t$eir 1/RTT re!ei7er0tra&s6itter 1$i"e !a6#ed i& +-UTR%) E51F.
*o&tai&s t$e #ara6eters t$e U+ 1i"" use to deter6i&e i3 it s$ou"d #er3or6 a *4M%2000 1/RTT Re2istratio&0Re-
Re2istratio&. T$is 3ie"d is i&!"uded i3 eit$er *S(; or e&$a&!ed *S 3a""'a!> to *4M%2000 1/RTT is su##orted.
Va"ue TRU+ i&di!ates t$at t$e &et1or> su##orts dua" R/ *S(; E51F.
T$e state o3 "o&2 !ode 2e&eratio& re2isters i& *4M%2000 1IRTT s5ste6 as de3i&ed i& *.S0002 E12, Se!tio& 1.3F at

3*+ ,+ ,+ D + t
6s, 1$ere t e9ua"s to t$e c(ma6SystemTime. T$is 3ie"d is re9uired 3or SRV** $a&do7er a&d
e&$a&!ed *S 3a""'a!> to *4M%2000 1/RTT o#eratio&. ?t$er1ise t$is 8+ is &ot &eeded. T$is 3ie"d is e/!"uded 1$e&
esti6ati&2 !$a&2es i& s5ste6 i&3or6atio&, i.e. !$a&2es o3 lon"$o(eState17#TT s$ou"d &eit$er resu"t i& s5ste6
i&3or6atio& !$a&2e &oti3i!atio&s &or i& a 6odi3i!atio& o3 systemInfo@al&eTa" i& S8;1.
ist o3 *4M%2000 &ei2$'ouri&2 !e""s. T$e tota" &u6'er o3 &ei2$'ouri&2 !e""s i& &ei2$*e""ist 3or ea!$ R%T (1IRTT or
=RP4) is "i6ited to 32.
+/te&ded ist o3 *4M%2000 &ei2$'ouri&2 !e""s. T$e !o6'i&ed tota" &u6'er o3 *4M%2000 &ei2$'ouri&2 !e""s i& 'ot$
nei"h$ell1ist a&d nei"h$ell1ist6092 is "i6ited to 32 3or =RP4 a&d 40 3or 1/RTT.
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" $-) Release $$
System"nformationBlock*ype9 field descriptions
ist o3 !arrier 3re9ue&!ies a&d &ei2$'our !e"" ids i& ea!$ 3re9ue&!5 1it$i& a *4M%2000 ;a&d, see *.S0002 E12F or
*.S0024 E26F.
+/te&ded "ist o3 &ei2$'our !e"" ids, i& t$e sa6e *4M%2000 (re9ue&!5 ;a&d as t$e !orres#o&di&2 i&sta&!e i&
Para6eters a##"i!a'"e 3or i&ter1or>i&2 1it$ *4M%2000 1IRTT s5ste6.
Pro7ides t$e !orres#o&di&2 S8;< #ara6eters 3or t$e *4M%2000 &et1or> asso!iated 1it$ t$e PM) i&di!ated i& plmn6
I(entity. % !$oi!e is used to i&di!ate 1$et$er 3or t$is PM) t$e #ara6eters are si2&a""ed e/#"i!it"5 or set to t$e
(de3au"t) 7a"ues !o66o& 3or a"" PM)s i.e. t$e 7a"ues &ot i&!"uded i& si)86!er!1M361ist.
Para6eters a##"i!a'"e o&"5 3or i&ter1or>i&2 1it$ *4M%2000 =RP4 s5ste6s.
8de&ti3ies t$e "ist o3 *4M%2000 !e"" ids, see *.S0002 E12F or *.S0024 E26F.
+/te&ded "ist o3 *4M%2000 !e"" ids, i& t$e sa6e *4M%2000 %R(*) as t$e !orres#o&di&2 i&sta&!e i&
8&di!ates t$e PM) asso!iated 1it$ t$is *4M%2000 &et1or>. Va"ue 1 i&di!ates t$e PM) "isted 1st i& plmn6
I(entity1ist i&!"uded i& S8;1, 7a"ue 2 i&di!ates t$e PM) "isted 2&d i& plmn6I(entity1ist i&!"uded i& S8;1 a&d so o&. %
PM) 1$i!$ ide&tit5 is &ot i&di!ated i& t$e si)86!er!1M361ist, does &ot su##ort i&ter-1or>i&2 1it$ *4M%2000.
T$e *4M%2000 =RP4 Pre-Re2istratio& 8&3or6atio& te""s t$e U+ i3 it s$ou"d #re-re2ister 1it$ t$e *4M%2000 =RP4
&et1or> a&d ide&ti3ies t$e Pre-re2istratio& Lo&e to t$e U+.
T$e sear!$ 1i&do1 siLe is a *4M%2000 #ara6eter to 'e used to assist i& sear!$i&2 3or t$e &ei2$'ouri&2 #i"ots. (or
7a"ues see *.S0005 E25, Ta'"e a&d *.S0024 E26, Ta'"e <.7.6.2-4F. T$is 3ie"d is re9uired 3or a U+ 1it$ r*6
$onfi"/#!2G sin"le a&d0 or r*6$onfi"17#TTG sin"le to #er3or6 $a&do7er, !e"" re-se"e!tio&, U+ 6easure6e&t 'ased
redire!tio& a&d e&$a&!ed 1/RTT *S 3a""'a!> 3ro6 +-UTR%) to *4M%2000 a!!ordi&2 to t$is s#e!i3i!atio& a&d TS
36.304 E4F.
T$is 3ie"d #ro7ides t$e 7a"ues 3or t$e i&ter1or>i&2 *4M%2000 &et1or>s !orres#o&di&2, i3 a&5, to t$e U+Ms RPM).
8&3or6atio& o& *4M%2000 s5ste6 ti6e. T$is 3ie"d is re9uired 3or a U+ 1it$ r*6$onfi"/#!2G sin"le a&d0 or r*6
$onfi"17#TTG sin"le to #er3or6 $a&do7er, !e"" re-se"e!tio&, U+ 6easure6e&t 'ased redire!tio& a&d e&$a&!ed
1/RTT *S 3a""'a!> 3ro6 +-UTR%) to *4M%2000 a!!ordi&2 to t$is s#e!i3i!atio& a&d TS 36.304 E4F. T$is 3ie"d is
e/!"uded 1$e& esti6ati&2 !$a&2es i& s5ste6 i&3or6atio&, i.e. !$a&2es o3 systemTimeInfo s$ou"d &eit$er resu"t i&
s5ste6 i&3or6atio& !$a&2e &oti3i!atio&s &or i& a 6odi3i!atio& o3 systemInfo@al&eTa" i& S8;1.
(or t$e 3ie"d i&!"uded i& !arameters$2M.2, a !$oi!e is used to i&di!ate 1$et$er 3or t$is PM) t$e #ara6eters
are si2&a""ed e/#"i!it"5 or set to t$e (de3au"t) 7a"ue !o66o& 3or a"" PM)s i.e. t$e 7a"ue &ot i&!"uded i& si)86!er!1M36
Para6eter OT$res$I, =i2$PP i& TS 36.304 E4F. T$is s#e!i3ies t$e $i2$ t$res$o"d used i& rese"e!tio& to1ards t$is
*4M%2000 'a&d !"ass e/#ressed as a& u&si2&ed 'i&ar5 &u6'er e9ua" to (??R (-2 / 10 / "o210 +!08o) i& u&its o3 0.5
d;, as de3i&ed i& *.S0005 E25F.
Para6eter OT$res$I, o1PP i& TS 36.304 E4F. T$is s#e!i3ies t$e "o1 t$res$o"d used i& rese"e!tio& to1ards t$is *4M%2000
'a&d !"ass e/#ressed as a& u&si2&ed 'i&ar5 &u6'er e9ua" to (??R (-2 / 10 / "o210 +!08o) i& u&its o3 0.5 d;, as
de3i&ed i& *.S0005 E25F.
Para6eter OTrese"e!tio&*4M%@=RP4P or OTrese"e!tio&*4M%@1/RTTP i& TS 36.304 E4F.
Para6eter OS#eed de#e&de&t S!a"i&2(a!tor 3or Trese"e!tio&*4M%-=RP4P or Trese"e!tio&*4M%-1/RTTP i& TS 36.304 E4F. 83 t$e
3ie"d is &ot #rese&t, t$e U+ 'e$a7iour is s#e!i3ied i& TS 36.304 E4F.
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" $-$ Release $$
#onditional presence E:planation
3$1617#TT T$e 3ie"d is o#tio&a" #rese&t, &eed ?R, i3 cell#eselection!arameters1*#TT is #rese&tH
ot$er1ise it is &ot #rese&t.
3$16/#!2 T$e 3ie"d is o#tio&a" #rese&t, &eed ?R, i3 cell#eselection!arameters/#!2 is #rese&tH
ot$er1ise it is &ot #rese&t.
!er!1M361$ T$e 3ie"d is o#tio&a" #rese&t, &eed ?R, 1$e& systemTimeInfo is i&!"uded i&
SIB8!er!1M3 3or t$is *4M%2000 &et1or>H ot$er1ise it is &ot #rese&t.
#,9617#TT T$e 3ie"d is o#tio&a" #rese&t, &eed ?R, i3 csf)6#e"istration!aram17#TT is #rese&tH
ot$er1ise it is &ot #rese&t.
#,9617#TT6!er!1M3 T$e 3ie"d is o#tio&a" #rese&t, &eed ?R, i3 csf)6#e"istration!aram17#TT is i&!"uded i&
SIB8!er!1M3 3or t$is *4M%2000 &et1or>H ot$er1ise it is &ot #rese&t.
D SystemInformationBlockType9
The &3 SystemInformationBlockType9 contains a home e'1 name (B'1 'ame).
System"nformationBlock*ype; information element
S+stemInformation8lo69T+pe2 :: SE!"EN#E *
hn@-Name (#TET STRIN, $SI%E$1&&3='' (/TI(NAL- -- Need (R
lateNon#riti6alExtension (#TET STRIN, (/TI(NAL
-- ASN1ST(/
System"nformationBlock*ype; field descriptions
*arries t$e &a6e o3 t$e $o6e e);, !oded i& UT(-< 1it$ 7aria'"e &u6'er o3 '5tes #er !$ara!ter, see TS 22.011 E10F.
D SystemInformationBlockType1
The &3 SystemInformationBlockType10 contains an 3T<" primary notification.
System"nformationBlock*ype/) information element
S+stemInformation8lo69T+pe1; :: SE!"EN#E *
messageIdentifier 8IT STRIN, $SI%E $1C''-
serialNum@er 8IT STRIN, $SI%E $1C''-
warningT+pe (#TET STRIN, $SI%E $.''-
dumm+ (#TET STRIN, $SI%E $D;'' (/TI(NAL- -- Need (/
lateNon#riti6alExtension (#TET STRIN, (/TI(NAL
-- ASN1ST(/
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" $-* Release $$
System"nformationBlock*ype/) field descriptions
8de&ti3ies t$e sour!e a&d t5#e o3 +T:S &oti3i!atio&. T$e "eadi&2 'it (1$i!$ is e9ui7a"e&t to t$e "eadi&2 'it o3 t$e
e9ui7a"e&t 8+ de3i&ed i& TS 36.413 E3., ..2.1.44F) !o&tai&s 'it 7 o3 t$e 3irst o!tet o3 t$e e9ui7a"e&t 8+, de3i&ed i& a&d
e&!oded a!!ordi&2 to TS 23.041 E37, .., 1$i"e t$e trai"i&2 'it !o&tai&s 'it 0 o3 t$e se!o&d o!tet o3 t$e sa6e
e9ui7a"e&t 8+.
8de&ti3ies 7ariatio&s o3 a& +T:S &oti3i!atio&. T$e "eadi&2 'it (1$i!$ is e9ui7a"e&t to t$e "eadi&2 'it o3 t$e e9ui7a"e&t 8+
de3i&ed i& TS 36.413 E3., ..2.1.45F) !o&tai&s 'it 7 o3 t$e 3irst o!tet o3 t$e e9ui7a"e&t 8+, de3i&ed i& a&d e&!oded
a!!ordi&2 to TS 23.041 E37, .., 1$i"e t$e trai"i&2 'it !o&tai&s 'it 0 o3 t$e se!o&d o!tet o3 t$e sa6e e9ui7a"e&t
T$is 3ie"d is &ot used i& t$e s#e!i3i!atio&. 83 re!ei7ed it s$a"" 'e i2&ored '5 t$e U+.
8de&ti3ies t$e 1ar&i&2 t5#e o3 t$e +T:S #ri6ar5 &oti3i!atio& a&d #ro7ides i&3or6atio& o& e6er2e&!5 user a"ert a&d U+
#o#u#. T$e 3irst o!tet (1$i!$ is e9ui7a"e&t to t$e 3irst o!tet o3 t$e e9ui7a"e&t 8+ de3i&ed i& TS 36.413 E3., ..2.1.50F)
!o&tai&s t$e 3irst o!tet o3 t$e e9ui7a"e&t 8+ de3i&ed i& a&d e&!oded a!!ordi&2 to TS 23.041 E37, ..3.24F, a&d so o&.
D SystemInformationBlockType11
The &3 SystemInformationBlockType11 contains an 3T<" secondary notification.
System"nformationBlock*ype// information element
S+stemInformation8lo69T+pe11 :: SE!"EN#E *
messageIdentifier 8IT STRIN, $SI%E $1C''-
serialNum@er 8IT STRIN, $SI%E $1C''-
warning<essageSegmentT+pe EN"<ERATE> *notLastSegment- lastSegment5-
warning<essageSegmentNum@er INTE,ER $;&&C1'-
warning<essageSegment (#TET STRIN,-
data#odingS6heme (#TET STRIN, $SI%E $1'' (/TI(NAL- -- #ond Segment1
lateNon#riti6alExtension (#TET STRIN, (/TI(NAL
-- ASN1ST(/
System"nformationBlock*ype// field descriptions
8de&ti3ies t$e a"#$a'et0!odi&2 a&d t$e "a&2ua2e a##"ied 7ariatio&s o3 a& +T:S &oti3i!atio&. T$e o!tet (1$i!$ is
e9ui7a"e&t to t$e o!tet o3 t$e e9ui7a"e&t 8+ de3i&ed i& TS 36.413 E3., ..2.1.52F) !o&tai&s t$e o!tet o3 t$e e9ui7a"e&t 8+
de3i&ed i& TS 23.041 E37, .. a&d e&!oded a!!ordi&2 to TS 23.03< E3<F.
8de&ti3ies t$e sour!e a&d t5#e o3 +T:S &oti3i!atio&. T$e "eadi&2 'it (1$i!$ is e9ui7a"e&t to t$e "eadi&2 'it o3 t$e
e9ui7a"e&t 8+ de3i&ed i& TS 36.413 E3., ..2.1.44F) !o&tai&s 'it 7 o3 t$e 3irst o!tet o3 t$e e9ui7a"e&t 8+, de3i&ed i& a&d
e&!oded a!!ordi&2 to TS 23.041 E37, .., 1$i"e t$e trai"i&2 'it !o&tai&s 'it 0 o3 se!o&d o!tet o3 t$e sa6e
e9ui7a"e&t 8+.
8de&ti3ies 7ariatio&s o3 a& +T:S &oti3i!atio&. T$e "eadi&2 'it (1$i!$ is e9ui7a"e&t to t$e "eadi&2 'it o3 t$e e9ui7a"e&t 8+
de3i&ed i& TS 36.413 E3., ..2.1.45F) !o&tai&s 'it 7 o3 t$e 3irst o!tet o3 t$e e9ui7a"e&t 8+, de3i&ed i& a&d e&!oded
a!!ordi&2 to TS 23.041 E37, .., 1$i"e t$e trai"i&2 'it !o&tai&s 'it 0 o3 se!o&d o!tet o3 t$e sa6e e9ui7a"e&t 8+.
*arries a se26e&t o3 t$e ;arnin" Messa"e $ontents 8+ de3i&ed i& TS 36.413 E3., ..2.1.53F. T$e 3irst o!tet o3 t$e
;arnin" Messa"e $ontents 8+ is e9ui7a"e&t to t$e 3irst o!tet o3 t$e $B (ata 8+ de3i&ed i& a&d e&!oded a!!ordi&2 to TS
23.041 E37, .. a&d so o&.
Se26e&t &u6'er o3 t$e +T:S 1ar&i&2 6essa2e se26e&t !o&tai&ed i& t$e S8;. % se26e&t &u6'er o3 Lero
!orres#o&ds to t$e 3irst se26e&t, o&e !orres#o&ds to t$e se!o&d se26e&t, a&d so o&.
8&di!ates 1$et$er t$e i&!"uded +T:S 1ar&i&2 6essa2e se26e&t is t$e "ast se26e&t or &ot.
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" $-3 Release $$
#onditional presence E:planation
Se"ment1 T$e 3ie"d is 6a&dator5 #rese&t i& t$e 3irst se26e&t o3 S8;11, ot$er1ise it is &ot #rese&t.
D SystemInformationBlockType12
The &3 SystemInformationBlockType12 contains a 2M/" notification.
System"nformationBlock*ype/( information element
S+stemInformation8lo69T+pe1.-r2 :: SE!"EN#E *
messageIdentifier-r2 8IT STRIN, $SI%E $1C''-
serialNum@er-r2 8IT STRIN, $SI%E $1C''-
warning<essageSegmentT+pe-r2 EN"<ERATE> *notLastSegment- lastSegment5-
warning<essageSegmentNum@er-r2 INTE,ER $;&&C1'-
warning<essageSegment-r2 (#TET STRIN,-
data#odingS6heme-r2 (#TET STRIN, $SI%E $1'' (/TI(NAL- -- #ond Segment1
lateNon#riti6alExtension (#TET STRIN, (/TI(NAL-
-- ASN1ST(/
System"nformationBlock*ype/( field descriptions
8de&ti3ies t$e a"#$a'et0!odi&2 a&d t$e "a&2ua2e a##"ied 7ariatio&s o3 a *M%S &oti3i!atio&. T$e o!tet (1$i!$ is
e9ui7a"e&t to t$e o!tet o3 t$e e9ui7a"e&t 8+ de3i&ed i& TS 36.413 E3., ..2.1.52F) !o&tai&s t$e o!tet o3 t$e e9ui7a"e&t 8+
de3i&ed i& TS 23.041 E37, .. a&d e&!oded a!!ordi&2 to TS 23.03< E3<F.
8de&ti3ies t$e sour!e a&d t5#e o3 *M%S &oti3i!atio&. T$e "eadi&2 'it (1$i!$ is e9ui7a"e&t to t$e "eadi&2 'it o3 t$e
e9ui7a"e&t 8+ de3i&ed i& TS 36.413 E3., ..2.1.44F) !o&tai&s 'it 7 o3 t$e 3irst o!tet o3 t$e e9ui7a"e&t 8+, de3i&ed i& a&d
e&!oded a!!ordi&2 to TS 23.041 E37, .., 1$i"e t$e trai"i&2 'it !o&tai&s 'it 0 o3 se!o&d o!tet o3 t$e sa6e
e9ui7a"e&t 8+.
8de&ti3ies 7ariatio&s o3 a *M%S &oti3i!atio&. T$e "eadi&2 'it (1$i!$ is e9ui7a"e&t to t$e "eadi&2 'it o3 t$e e9ui7a"e&t 8+
de3i&ed i& TS 36.413 E3., ..2.1.45F) !o&tai&s 'it 7 o3 t$e 3irst o!tet o3 t$e e9ui7a"e&t 8+, de3i&ed i& a&d e&!oded
a!!ordi&2 to TS 23.041 E37, .., 1$i"e t$e trai"i&2 'it !o&tai&s 'it 0 o3 se!o&d o!tet o3 t$e sa6e e9ui7a"e&t 8+.
*arries a se26e&t o3 t$e ;arnin" Messa"e $ontents 8+ de3i&ed i& TS 36.413 E3.F. T$e 3irst o!tet o3 t$e ;arnin"
Messa"e $ontents 8+ is e9ui7a"e&t to t$e 3irst o!tet o3 t$e $B (ata 8+ de3i&ed i& a&d e&!oded a!!ordi&2 to TS 23.041
E37, .. a&d so o&.
Se26e&t &u6'er o3 t$e *M%S 1ar&i&2 6essa2e se26e&t !o&tai&ed i& t$e S8;. % se26e&t &u6'er o3 Lero
!orres#o&ds to t$e 3irst se26e&t, o&e !orres#o&ds to t$e se!o&d se26e&t, a&d so o&.
8&di!ates 1$et$er t$e i&!"uded *M%S 1ar&i&2 6essa2e se26e&t is t$e "ast se26e&t or &ot.
#onditional presence E:planation
Se"ment1 T$e 3ie"d is 6a&dator5 #rese&t i& t$e 3irst se26e&t o3 S8;12, ot$er1ise it is &ot #rese&t.
D SystemInformationBlockType13
The &3 SystemInformationBlockType13 contains the information re;uired to ac;uire the M1M" control information
associated with one or more M1"8' areas.
System"nformationBlock*ype/3 information element
S+stemInformation8lo69T+pe11-r2 :: SE!"EN#E *
m@sfn-AreaInfoList-r2 <8S)N-AreaInfoList-r2-
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" $-+ Release $$
notifi6ation#onfig-r2 <8<S-Notifi6ation#onfig-r2-
lateNon#riti6alExtension (#TET STRIN, (/TI(NAL-
-- ASN1ST(/
D SystemInformationBlockType14
The &3 SystemInformationBlockType14 contains the 3/1 parameters.
System"nformationBlock*ype/2 information element
S+stemInformation8lo69T+pe13-r11 :: SE!"EN#E *
ea@-/aram-r11 #?(I#E *
ea@-#ommon-r11 EA8-#onfig-r11-
ea@-/er/L<N-List-r11 SE!"EN#E $SI%E $1&&max/L<N-r11'' () EA8-#onfig/L<N-
5 (/TI(NAL- -- Need (R
lateNon#riti6alExtension (#TET STRIN, (/TI(NAL-
EA8-#onfig/L<N-r11 :: SE!"EN#E *
ea@-#onfig-r11 EA8-#onfig-r11 (/TI(NAL -- Need (R
EA8-#onfig-r11 :: SE!"EN#E *
ea@-#ategor+-r11 EN"<ERATE> *a- @- 65-
ea@-8arring8itmap-r11 8IT STRIN, $SI%E $1;''
-- ASN1ST(/
System"nformationBlock*ype/2 field descriptions
+/te&ded a!!ess !"ass 'arri&2 3or %* 0-.. T$e 3irst0 "e3t6ost 'it is 3or %* 0, t$e se!o&d 'it is 3or %* 1, a&d so o&.
8&di!ates t$e !ate2or5 o3 U+s 3or 1$i!$ +%; a##"ies. Va"ue a !orres#o&ds to a"" U+s, 7a"ue ) !orres#o&ds to t$e U+s
t$at are &eit$er i& t$eir =PM) &or i& a PM) t$at is e9ui7a"e&t to it, a&d 7a"ue c !orres#o&ds to t$e U+s t$at are
&eit$er i& t$e PM) "isted as 6ost #re3erred PM) o3 t$e !ou&tr5 1$ere t$e U+s are roa6i&2 i& t$e o#erator-de3i&ed
PM) se"e!tor "ist o& t$e US8M, &or i& t$eir =PM) &or i& a PM) t$at is e9ui7a"e&t to t$eir =PM), see TS 22.011
T$e +%; #ara6eters a##"i!a'"e 3or a"" PM)(s).
T$e +%; #ara6eters #er PM), "isted i& t$e sa6e order as t$e PM)(s) o!!ur i& plmn6I(entity1ist i&
D SystemInformationBlockType15
The &3 SystemInformationBlockType15 contains the M1M" "ervice /rea &dentities ("/&) of the current andD or
neihbourin carrier fre;uencies.
System"nformationBlock*ype/7 information element
S+stemInformation8lo69T+pe1D-r11 :: SE!"EN#E *
m@ms-SAI-Intra)re7-r11 <8<S-SAI-List-r11 (/TI(NAL- -- Need (R
m@ms-SAI-Inter)re7List-r11 <8<S-SAI-Inter)re7List-r11 (/TI(NAL- -- Need (R
lateNon#riti6alExtension (#TET STRIN, (/TI(NAL-
00 m@ms-SAI-Inter)re7List-:113; <8<S-SAI-Inter)re7List-:113; (/TI(NAL -- #ond
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" $-, Release $$
<8<S-SAI-List-r11 :: SE!"EN#E $SI%E $1&&maxSAI-<8<S-r11'' () <8<S-SAI-r11
<8<S-SAI-r11 :: INTE,ER $;&&CDD1D'
<8<S-SAI-Inter)re7List-r11 :: SE!"EN#E $SI%E $1&&max)re7'' () <8<S-SAI-Inter)re7-r11
<8<S-SAI-Inter)re7List-:113; :: SE!"EN#E $SI%E $1&&max)re7'' () <8<S-SAI-Inter)re7-:113;
<8<S-SAI-Inter)re7-r11 :: SE!"EN#E *
dl-#arrier)re7-r11 AR)#N-FalueE"TRA-r2-
m@ms-SAI-List-r11 <8<S-SAI-List-r11
<8<S-SAI-Inter)re7-:113; :: SE!"EN#E *
multi8andInfoList-r11 <ulti8andInfoList-r11 (/TI(NAL -- Need (R
-- ASN1ST(/
System"nformationBlock*ype/7 field descriptions
*o&tai&s a "ist o3 &ei2$'ori&2 3re9ue&!ies i&!"udi&2 additio&a" 'a&ds, i3 a&5, t$at #ro7ide M;MS ser7i!es a&d t$e
!orres#o&di&2 M;MS S%8s.
*o&tai&s t$e "ist o3 M;MS S%8s 3or t$e !urre&t 3re9ue&!5.
*o&tai&s a "ist o3 M;MS S%8s 3or a s#e!i3i! 3re9ue&!5.
% "ist o3 additio&a" 3re9ue&!5 'a&ds a##"i!a'"e 3or t$e !e""s #arti!i#ati&2 i& t$e M;S() tra&s6issio&.
#onditional presence E:planation
Inter+re% T$e 3ie"d is o#tio&a""5 #rese&t, &eed ?R, i3 t$e m)ms6S.I6Inter+re%1ist6r11 is #rese&t.
?t$er1ise it is &ot #rese&t.
D SystemInformationBlockType16
The &3 SystemInformationBlockType16 contains information related to GP" time and 2oordinated 4niversal Time
(4T2). The 43 may use the parameters provided in this system information bloc# to obtain the 4T2. the GP" and the
local time.
'OT3I The 43 may use the time information for numerous purposes. possibly involvin upper layers e.. to
assist GP" initialisation. to synchronise the 43 cloc# (a.o. to determine M1M" session startD stop).
System"nformationBlock*ype/8 information element
S+stemInformation8lo69T+pe1C-r11 :: SE!"EN#E *
timeInfo-r11 SE!"EN#E *
timeInfo"T#-r11 INTE,ER $;&&D32BDD=11==B'-
da+LightSa:ingTime-r11 8IT STRIN, $SI%E $.'' (/TI(NAL- -- Need (R
leapSe6onds-r11 INTE,ER $-1.B&&1.=' (/TI(NAL- -- Need (R
lo6alTime(ffset-r11 INTE,ER $-C1&&C3' (/TI(NAL -- Need (R
5 (/TI(NAL- -- Need (R
lateNon#riti6alExtension (#TET STRIN, (/TI(NAL-
-- ASN1ST(/
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" $-% Release $$
System"nformationBlock*ype/8 field descriptions
8t i&di!ates i3 a&d $o1 da5"i2$t sa7i&2 ti6e (4ST) is a##"ied to o'tai& t$e "o!a" ti6e. T$e se6a&ti!s is t$e sa6e as t$e
se6a&ti!s o3 t$e 2ayli"ht Sa0in" Time 8+ i& TS 24.301 E35F a&d TS 24.00< E4.F. T$e 3irst0"e3t6ost 'it o3 t$e 'it stri&2
!o&tai&s t$e '2 o3 o!tet 3, i.e. t$e 7a"ue #art o3 t$e 2ayli"ht Sa0in" Time 8+, a&d t$e se!o&d 'it o3 t$e 'it stri&2
!o&tai&s '1 o3 o!tet 3.
)u6'er o3 "ea# se!o&ds o33set 'et1ee& GPS Ti6e a&d UT*. UT* a&d GPS ti6e are re"ated i.e. GPS ti6e
-leapSecon(s G UT* ti6e.
?33set 'et1ee& UT* a&d "o!a" ti6e i& u&its o3 15 6i&utes. %!tua" 7a"ue G 8+ 7a"ue J 15 6i&utes. o!a" ti6e o3 t$e da5
is !a"!u"ated as UT* ti6e - localTime4ffset:
*oordi&ated U&i7ersa" Ti6e !orres#o&di&2 to t$e S() 'ou&dar5 at or i66ediate"5 a3ter t$e e&di&2 'ou&dar5 o3 t$e
S8-1i&do1 i& 1$i!$ S5ste68&3or6atio&;"o!>T5#e16 is tra&s6itted. T$e 3ie"d !ou&ts t$e &u6'er o3 UT* se!o&ds i& 10
6s u&its si&!e 00,00,00 o& Gre2oria& !a"e&dar date 1 Ua&uar5, 1.00 (6id&i2$t 'et1ee& Su&da5, 4e!e6'er 31, 1<..
a&d Mo&da5, Ua&uar5 1, 1.00), i&!"udi&2 "ea# se!o&ds a&d ot$er additio&s #rior to 1.72. )?T+ 1.
T$is 3ie"d is e/!"uded 1$e& esti6ati&2 !$a&2es i& s5ste6 i&3or6atio&, i.e. !$a&2es o3 timeInfo-T$ s$ou"d &eit$er
resu"t i& s5ste6 i&3or6atio& !$a&2e &oti3i!atio&s &or i& a 6odi3i!atio& o3 systemInfo@al&eTa" i& S8;1.
'OT3 ,I 8or the sa#e of the field definition. it is assumed 4T2 e(isted prior to , Xanuary ,@>*. /s this field counts
total elapsed time. conversion to calendar 4T2 time needs to allow for leap second and other calendar
adjustments since , Xanuary ,@++. 8or e(ample. time ++I++ on , Xanuary ,@>* 4T2 corresponds to a
timeInfo-T" of *.*>*.+=+.?++ seconds.
6.3.2 Radio resour!e !o&tro" i&3or6atio& e"e6e&ts
D .ntennaInfo
The &3 .ntennaInfo"ommon and the .ntennaInfo2e&icate& are used to specify the common and the 43 specific
antenna confiuration respectively.
'ntenna"nfo information elements
AntennaInfo#ommon :: SE!"EN#E *
antenna/orts#ount EN"<ERATE> *an1- an.- an3- spare15
AntennaInfo>edi6ated :: SE!"EN#E *
transmission<ode EN"<ERATE> *
tm1- tm.- tm1- tm3- tmD- tmC-
tmB- tm=-:2.;5-
6ode@oo9Su@setRestri6tion #?(I#E *
n.TxAntenna-tm1 8IT STRIN, $SI%E $.''-
n3TxAntenna-tm1 8IT STRIN, $SI%E $3''-
n.TxAntenna-tm3 8IT STRIN, $SI%E $C''-
n3TxAntenna-tm3 8IT STRIN, $SI%E $C3''-
n.TxAntenna-tmD 8IT STRIN, $SI%E $3''-
n3TxAntenna-tmD 8IT STRIN, $SI%E $1C''-
n.TxAntenna-tmC 8IT STRIN, $SI%E $3''-
n3TxAntenna-tmC 8IT STRIN, $SI%E $1C''
5 (/TI(NAL- -- #ond T<
ue-TransmitAntennaSele6tion #?(I#E*
release N"LL-
setup EN"<ERATE> *6losedLoop- openLoop5
AntennaInfo>edi6ated-:2.; :: SE!"EN#E *
6ode@oo9Su@setRestri6tion-:2.; #?(I#E *
n.TxAntenna-tm=-r2 8IT STRIN, $SI%E $C''-
n3TxAntenna-tm=-r2 8IT STRIN, $SI%E $1.''
5 (/TI(NAL -- #ond T<=
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" $-( Release $$
AntennaInfo>edi6ated-r1; :: SE!"EN#E *
transmission<ode-r1; EN"<ERATE> *
tm1- tm.- tm1- tm3- tmD- tmC- tmB- tm=-:2.;-
tm2-:1;.;- tm1;-:111;- spareC- spareD- spare3-
spare1- spare.- spare15-
6ode@oo9Su@setRestri6tion-r1; 8IT STRIN, (/TI(NAL- -- #ond T<E
ue-TransmitAntennaSele6tion #?(I#E*
release N"LL-
setup EN"<ERATE> *6losedLoop- openLoop5
-- ASN1ST(/
'ntenna"nfo field descriptions
Para6eter re#rese&ts t$e &u6'er o3 !e"" s#e!i3i! a&te&&a #orts 1$ere a&1 !orres#o&ds to 1, a&2 to 2 a&te&&a #orts
et!. see TS 36.211 E21, 6.2.1F.
Para6eter, co(e)ookS&)set#estriction5 see TS 36.213 E23, 7.2F a&d TS 36.211 E21, T$e &u6'er o3 'its i&
t$e co(e)ookS&)set#estriction 3or a##"i!a'"e tra&s6issio& 6odes is de3i&ed i& TS 36.213 E23, Ta'"e 7.2-1'F. 83 t$e U+
is !o&3i2ured 1it$ transmissionMo(e t6<, +-UTR%) o&"5 !o&3i2ures t$e 3ie"d co(e)ookS&)set#estriction i3 PM80R8
re#orti&2 is !o&3i2ured. 83 t$e U+ is !o&3i2ured 1it$ transmissionMo(e t6., +-UTR%) o&"5 !o&3i2ures t$e 3ie"d
co(e)ookS&)set#estriction i3 PM80R8 re#orti&2 is !o&3i2ured a&d i3 t$e &u6'er o3 *S8-RS #orts is 2reater t$a& 1.
Poi&ts to o&e o3 Tra&s6issio& 6odes de3i&ed i& TS 36.213 E23, 7.1F 1$ere t61 re3ers to tra&s6issio& 6ode 1, t62 to
tra&s6issio& 6ode 2 et!.
(or 7a"ue set&p t$e 3ie"d i&di!ates 1$et$er U+ tra&s6it a&te&&a se"e!tio& !o&tro" is !"osed-"oo# or o#e&-"oo# as
des!ri'ed i& TS 36.213 E23, <.7F. +UTR%) !o&3i2ures t$e sa6e 7a"ue 3or a"" ser7i&2 !e""s.
#onditional presence E:planation
TM T$e 3ie"d is 6a&dator5 #rese&t i3 t$e transmissionMo(e is set to t63, t64, t65 or t66.
?t$er1ise t$e 3ie"d is &ot #rese&t a&d t$e U+ s$a"" de"ete a&5 e/isti&2 7a"ue 3or t$is 3ie"d.
TM8 T$e 3ie"d is o#tio&a" #rese&t, &eed ?R, i3 .ntennaInfo2e(icate( is i&!"uded a&d
transmissionMo(e is set to tm8. 83 .ntennaInfo2e(icate( is i&!"uded a&d
transmissionMo(e is set to a 7a"ue ot$er t$a& tm8, t$e 3ie"d is &ot #rese&t a&d t$e U+
s$a"" de"ete a&5 e/isti&2 7a"ue 3or t$is 3ie"d. ?t$er1ise t$e 3ie"d is &ot #rese&t.
TM7 T$e 3ie"d is 6a&dator5 #rese&t i3 t$e transmissionMo(e6r1 is set to tm3, tm4, tm5 or tm6.
T$e 3ie"d is o#tio&a""5 #rese&t, &eed ?R, i3 t$e transmissionMo(e6r1 is set to tm8 or tm9.
?t$er1ise t$e 3ie"d is &ot #rese&t a&d t$e U+ s$a"" de"ete a&5 e/isti&2 7a"ue 3or t$is 3ie"d.
8 .ntennaInfo-1
The &3 .ntennaInfo-1 is used to specify the 46 antenna confiuration.
'ntenna"nfoU# infor2ation ele2ents
AntennaInfo"L-r1; :: SE!"EN#E *
transmission<ode"L-r1; EN"<ERATE> *tm1- tm.- spareC- spareD-
spare3- spare1- spare.- spare15 (/TI(NAL- --
Need (R
fourAntenna/ortA6ti:ated-r1; EN"<ERATE> *setup5 (/TI(NAL -- Need (R
-- ASN1ST(/
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" $-- Release $$
'ntenna"nfoU# field descriptions
Para6eter i&di!ates i3 3our a&te&&a #orts are used. See TS 36.213 E23, <.2F. +-UTR%) o#tio&a""5 !o&3i2ures
fo&r.ntenna!ort.cti0ate( o&"5 i3 transmissionMo(e-1 is set to tm2.
Poi&ts to o&e o3 U Tra&s6issio& 6odes de3i&ed i& TS 36.213 E23, <.0F 1$ere t61 re3ers to tra&s6issio& 6ode 1, t62
to tra&s6issio& 6ode 2 et!.
D $<I6#eport$onfi"
The &3 "7I4!eport"onfi is used to specify the 2F& reportin confiuration.
C6"-$eportConfig infor2ation ele2ents
#!I-Report#onfig :: SE!"EN#E *
67i-Report<odeAperiodi6 #!I-Report<odeAperiodi6 (/TI(NAL- -- Need (R
nom/>S#?-RS-E/RE-(ffset INTE,ER $-1&&C'-
67i-Report/eriodi6 #!I-Report/eriodi6 (/TI(NAL -- Need (N
#!I-Report#onfig-:2.; :: SE!"EN#E *
67i-<as9-r2 EN"<ERATE> *setup5 (/TI(NAL- -- #ond 67i-Setup
pmi-RI-Report-r2 EN"<ERATE> *setup5 (/TI(NAL -- #ond /<IRI
#!I-Report#onfig-r1; :: SE!"EN#E *
67i-ReportAperiodi6-r1; #!I-ReportAperiodi6-r1; (/TI(NAL- -- Need (N
nom/>S#?-RS-E/RE-(ffset INTE,ER $-1&&C'-
67i-Report/eriodi6-r1; #!I-Report/eriodi6-r1; (/TI(NAL- -- Need (N
pmi-RI-Report-r2 EN"<ERATE> *setup5 (/TI(NAL- -- #ond
6si-Su@frame/attern#onfig-r1; #?(I#E *
release N"LL-
setup SE!"EN#E *
6si-<easSu@frameSet1-r1; <easSu@frame/attern-r1;-
6si-<easSu@frameSet.-r1; <easSu@frame/attern-r1;
5 (/TI(NAL -- Need (N
#!I-Report#onfig-:111; :: SE!"EN#E *
67i-Report/eriodi6-:111; #!I-Report/eriodi6-:111;-
67i-Report8oth-r11 #!I-Report8oth-r11
#!I-Report#onfigS#ell-r1; :: SE!"EN#E *
67i-Report<odeAperiodi6-r1; #!I-Report<odeAperiodi6 (/TI(NAL- -- Need (R
nom/>S#?-RS-E/RE-(ffset-r1; INTE,ER $-1&&C'-
67i-Report/eriodi6S#ell-r1; #!I-Report/eriodi6-r1; (/TI(NAL- -- Need (N
pmi-RI-Report-r1; EN"<ERATE> *setup5 (/TI(NAL -- #ond
#!I-Report/eriodi6 :: #?(I#E *
release N"LL-
setup SE!"EN#E *
67i-/"##?-Resour6eIndex INTE,ER $;&&11=D'-
67i-pmi-#onfigIndex INTE,ER $;&&1;.1'-
67i-)ormatIndi6ator/eriodi6 #?(I#E *
wide@and#!I N"LL-
su@@and#!I SE!"EN#E *
9 INTE,ER $1&&3'
ri-#onfigIndex INTE,ER $;&&1;.1' (/TI(NAL- -- Need (R
simultaneousA69Na69And#!I 8((LEAN
#!I-Report/eriodi6-r1; :: #?(I#E *
release N"LL-
setup SE!"EN#E *
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" $-. Release $$
67i-/"##?-Resour6eIndex-r1; INTE,ER $;&&11=3'-
67i-/"##?-Resour6eIndex/1-r1; INTE,ER $;&&11=3' (/TI(NAL- -- Need (R
67i-pmi-#onfigIndex INTE,ER $;&&1;.1'-
67i-)ormatIndi6ator/eriodi6-r1; #?(I#E *
wide@and#!I-r1; SE!"EN#E *
6si-Report<ode-r1; EN"<ERATE> *su@mode1- su@mode.5 (/TI(NAL -- Need (R
su@@and#!I-r1; SE!"EN#E *
9 INTE,ER $1&&3'-
periodi6it+)a6tor-r1; EN"<ERATE> *n.- n35
ri-#onfigIndex INTE,ER $;&&1;.1' (/TI(NAL- -- Need (R
simultaneousA69Na69And#!I 8((LEAN-
67i-<as9-r2 EN"<ERATE> *setup5 (/TI(NAL- -- Need (R
6si-#onfigIndex-r1; #?(I#E *
release N"LL-
setup SE!"EN#E *
67i-pmi-#onfigIndex.-r1; INTE,ER $;&&1;.1'-
ri-#onfigIndex.-r1; INTE,ER $;&&1;.1' (/TI(NAL -- Need (R
5 (/TI(NAL -- Need (N
#!I-Report/eriodi6-:111; :: SE!"EN#E *
simultaneousA69Na69And#!I-)ormat1-r11 EN"<ERATE> *setup5 (/TI(NAL- -- Need (R
67i-Report/eriodi6/ro6ExtToReleaseList-r11 #!I-Report/eriodi6/ro6ExtToReleaseList-r11
(/TI(NAL- -- Need (N
67i-Report/eriodi6/ro6ExtToAdd<odList-r11 #!I-Report/eriodi6/ro6ExtToAdd<odList-r11 (/TI(NAL
-- Need (N
#!I-Report/eriodi6/ro6ExtToAdd<odList-r11 :: SE!"EN#E $SI%E $1&&max#!I-/ro6Ext-r11'' () #!I-
#!I-Report/eriodi6/ro6ExtToReleaseList-r11 :: SE!"EN#E $SI%E $1&&max#!I-/ro6Ext-r11'' () #!I-
#!I-Report/eriodi6/ro6Ext-r11 :: SE!"EN#E *
67i-Report/eriodi6/ro6ExtId-r11 #!I-Report/eriodi6/ro6ExtId-r11-
67i-pmi-#onfigIndex-r11 INTE,ER $;&&1;.1'-
67i-)ormatIndi6ator/eriodi6-r11 #?(I#E *
wide@and#!I-r11 SE!"EN#E *
6si-Report<ode-r11 EN"<ERATE> *su@mode1- su@mode.5 (/TI(NAL -- Need (R
su@@and#!I-r11 SE!"EN#E *
9 INTE,ER $1&&3'-
periodi6it+)a6tor-r11 EN"<ERATE> *n.- n35
ri-#onfigIndex-r11 INTE,ER $;&&1;.1' (/TI(NAL- -- Need (R
6si-#onfigIndex-r11 #?(I#E *
release N"LL-
setup SE!"EN#E *
67i-pmi-#onfigIndex.-r11 INTE,ER $;&&1;.1'-
ri-#onfigIndex.-r11 INTE,ER $;&&1;.1' (/TI(NAL -- Need (R
5 (/TI(NAL- -- Need (N
#!I-ReportAperiodi6-r1; :: #?(I#E *
release N"LL-
setup SE!"EN#E *
67i-Report<odeAperiodi6-r1; #!I-Report<odeAperiodi6-
aperiodi6#SI-Trigger-r1; SE!"EN#E *
trigger1-r1; 8IT STRIN, $SI%E $=''-
trigger.-r1; 8IT STRIN, $SI%E $=''
5 (/TI(NAL -- Need (R
#!I-ReportAperiodi6/ro6-r11 :: SE!"EN#E *
67i-Report<odeAperiodi6-r11 #!I-Report<odeAperiodi6-
trigger;1-r11 8((LEAN-
trigger1;-r11 8((LEAN-
trigger11-r11 8((LEAN
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" $.) Release $$
#!I-Report<odeAperiodi6 :: EN"<ERATE> *
rm1.- rm.;- rm..- rm1;- rm11-
spare1- spare.- spare1
#!I-Report8oth-r11 :: SE!"EN#E *
6si-I<-#onfigToReleaseList-r11 #SI-I<-#onfigToReleaseList-r11 (/TI(NAL- -- Need (N
6si-I<-#onfigToAdd<odList-r11 #SI-I<-#onfigToAdd<odList-r11 (/TI(NAL- -- Need (N
6si-/ro6essToReleaseList-r11 #SI-/ro6essToReleaseList-r11 (/TI(NAL- -- Need (N
6si-/ro6essToAdd<odList-r11 #SI-/ro6essToAdd<odList-r11 (/TI(NAL -- Need (N
#SI-I<-#onfigToAdd<odList-r11 :: SE!"EN#E $SI%E $1&&max#SI-I<-r11'' () #SI-I<-#onfig-r11
#SI-I<-#onfigToReleaseList-r11 :: SE!"EN#E $SI%E $1&&max#SI-I<-r11'' () #SI-I<-#onfigId-r11
#SI-/ro6essToAdd<odList-r11 :: SE!"EN#E $SI%E $1&&max#SI-/ro6-r11'' () #SI-/ro6ess-r11
#SI-/ro6essToReleaseList-r11 :: SE!"EN#E $SI%E $1&&max#SI-/ro6-r11'' () #SI-/ro6essId-r11
#!I-Report8oth/ro6-r11 :: SE!"EN#E *
ri-Ref-#SI-/ro6essId-r11 #SI-/ro6essId-r11 (/TI(NAL- -- Need (R
pmi-RI-Report-r11 EN"<ERATE> *setup5 (/TI(NAL -- Need (R
-- ASN1ST(/
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" $.$ Release $$
C6"-$eportConfig field descriptions
8&di!ates 3or 1$i!$ ser7i&2 !e""(s) t$e a#eriodi! *S8 re#ort is tri22ered 1$e& o&e or 6ore S*e""s are !o&3i2ured.
tri""er1 !orres#o&ds to t$e *S8 re9uest 3ie"d 10 a&d tri""er2 !orres#o&ds to t$e *S8 re9uest 3ie"d 11, see TS 36.213
E23, ta'"e 7.2.1-1%F. T$e "e3t6ost 'it, 'it 0 i& t$e 'it stri&2 !orres#o&ds to t$e !e"" 1it$ Ser0$ellIn(e*G0 a&d 'it 1 i& t$e
'it stri&2 !orres#o&ds to t$e !e"" 1it$ Ser0$ellIn(e*G1 et!. +a!$ 'it $as eit$er 7a"ue 0 (6ea&s &o a#eriodi! *S8 re#ort
is tri22ered) or 7a"ue 1 (6ea&s t$e a#eriodi! *S8 re#ort is tri22ered). %t 6ost 5 'its !a& 'e set to 7a"ue 1 i& t$e 'it
stri&2. +-UTR%) !o&3i2ures 7a"ue 1 o&"5 3or !e""s !o&3i2ured 1it$ transmissionMo(e set i& ra&2e tm1 to tm9. ?&e
7a"ue a##"ies 3or a"" ser7i&2 !e""s !o&3i2ured 1it$ transmissionMo(e set i& ra&2e tm1 to tm9 (t$e asso!iated
3u&!tio&a"it5 is !o66o& i.e. &ot #er3or6ed i&de#e&de&t"5 3or ea!$ !e"").
i6its *B80PM80PT80R8 re#orts to t$e o&-duratio& #eriod o3 t$e 4RI !5!"e, see TS 36.321 E6F. ?&e 7a"ue a##"ies 3or a""
*S8 #ro!esses a&d a"" ser7i&2 !e""s (t$e asso!iated 3u&!tio&a"it5 is !o66o& i.e. &ot #er3or6ed i&de#e&de&t"5 3or ea!$
Para6eter, !-$$/ $<I +ee()ack Type5 see TS 36.213 E23, ta'"e 7.2.2-1F. 4e#e&di&2 o& tra&s6issio&Mode,
re#orti&2 6ode is i6#"i!it"5 2i7e& 3ro6 t$e ta'"e.
Para6eter, $<IA!MI !erio(icity an( 4ffset $onfi"&ration In(e* I$<IA!MI5 see TS 36.213 E23, ta'"es 7.2.2-1% a&d 7.2.2-
1*F. 83 su'3ra6e #atter&s 3or *S8 (*B80PM80PT80R8) re#orti&2 are !o&3i2ured (i.e. csi6S&)frame!attern$onfi" is
!o&3i2ured), t$e #ara6eter a##"ies to t$e su'3ra6e #atter& !orres#o&di&2 to csi6MeasS&)frameSet1:
Para6eter, $<IA!MI !erio(icity an( 4ffset $onfi"&ration In(e* I$<IA!MI5 see TS 36.213 E23, ta'"es 7.2.2-1% a&d 7.2.2-
1*F. T$e #ara6eter a##"ies to t$e su'3ra6e #atter& !orres#o&di&2 to csi6MeasS&)frameSet2:
c&i-PUCC+-$esource"ne.= c&i-PUCC+-$esource"ne.P/
) . * (
n 3or a&te&&a #ort P0 a&d 3or a&te&&a #ort P1 res#e!ti7e"5, see TS 36.213 E23, 7.2F. +-UTR%)
does &ot a##"5 7a"ue 11<5. ?&e 7a"ue a##"ies 3or a"" *S8 #ro!esses.
+-UTR%) does &ot !o&3i2ure $<I6#eport.perio(ic 1$e& tra&s6issio& 6ode 10 is !o&3i2ured 3or a"" ser7i&2 !e""s.
Para6eter, reportin" mo(e: Va"ue r612 !orres#o&ds to Mode 1-2, r620 !orres#o&ds to Mode 2-0, r622 !orres#o&ds
to Mode 2-2 et!. PUS*= re#orti&2 6odes are des!ri'ed i& TS 36.213 E23, 7.2.1F. T$e U+ s$a"" i2&ore c%i6
#eportMo(e.perio(ic6r1 1$e& tra&s6issio& 6ode 10 is !o&3i2ured 3or t$e ser7i&2 !e"" o& t$is !arrier 3re9ue&!5.
% set o3 #eriodi! *B8 re"ated #ara6eters 3or 1$i!$ +-UTR%) 6a5 !o&3i2ure di33ere&t 7a"ues 3or ea!$ *S8 #ro!ess. (or
a ser7i&2 3re9ue&!5 +-UTR%) !o&3i2ures o&e or 6ore $<I6#eport!erio(ic!roc,*t o&"5 1$e& tra&s6issio& 6ode 10 is
!o&3i2ured 3or t$e ser7i&2 !e"" o& t$is !arrier 3re9ue&!5.
+-UTR%) !o&3i2ures csi6$onfi"In(e* o&"5 3or P*e"" a&d o&"5 i3 csi6S&)frame!attern$onfi" is !o&3i2ured. T$e U+ s$a""
re"ease csi6$onfi"In(e* i3 csi6S&)frame!attern$onfi" is re"eased.
(or a ser7i&2 3re9ue&!5 +-UTR%) !o&3i2ures o&e or 6ore $SI6IM6$onfi" o&"5 1$e& tra&s6issio& 6ode 10 is
!o&3i2ured 3or t$e ser7i&2 !e"" o& t$is !arrier 3re9ue&!5.
(or a ser7i&2 3re9ue&!5 +-UTR%) !o&3i2ures o&e or 6ore $SI6!rocess o&"5 1$e& tra&s6issio& 6ode 10 is
!o&3i2ured 3or t$e ser7i&2 !e"" o& t$is !arrier 3re9ue&!5.
Para6eter, !-$$/Bformat161B$SIBreportin"Bmo(e5 see TS 36.213 E23, 7.2.2F.
Para6eter, N5 see TS 36.213 E23, 7.2.2F.

see TS 36.213 E23, 7.2.3F. %!tua" 7a"ue G 8+ 7a"ue J 2 Ed;F.

5 see TS 36.213 E23, 7.2.2F.
See TS 36.213 E23, 7.2F. T$e #rese&!e o3 t$is 3ie"d 6ea&s PM80R8 re#orti&2 is !o&3i2uredH ot$er1ise t$e PM80R8
re#orti&2 is &ot !o&3i2ured. +UTR%) !o&3i2ures t$is 3ie"d o&"5 1$e& transmissionMo(e is set to tm85 tm9 or tm1. T$e
U+ s$a"" i2&ore pmi6#I6#eport6r90 pmi6#I6#eport6r1 1$e& tra&s6issio& 6ode 10 is !o&3i2ured 3or t$e ser7i&2 !e"" o&
t$is !arrier 3re9ue&!5.
Para6eter, #I $onfi" In(e* I#I5 see TS 36.213 E23, 7.2.2-1;F. 83 su'3ra6e #atter&s 3or *S8 (*B80PM80PT80R8) re#orti&2
are !o&3i2ured (i.e. csi6S&)frame!attern$onfi" is !o&3i2ured), t$e #ara6eter a##"ies to t$e su'3ra6e #atter&
!orres#o&di&2 to csi6MeasS&)frameSet1:
Para6eter, #I $onfi" In(e* I#I5 see TS 36.213 E23, 7.2.2-1;F. T$e #ara6eter a##"ies to t$e su'3ra6e #atter&
!orres#o&di&2 to csi6MeasS&)frameSet2: +-UTR%) !o&3i2ures ri6$onfi"In(e*2 o&"5 i3 ri6$onfi"In(e* is !o&3i2ured.
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" $.* Release $$
C6"-$eportConfig field descriptions
*S8 #ro!ess 1$ose R8 7a"ue t$e U+ i&$erits 1$e& re#orti&2 R8, i& t$e sa6e su'3ra6e, 3or *S8 re#orti&2. +-UTR%)
e&sures t$at t$e *S8 #ro!ess t$at i&$erits t$e R8 7a"ue is !o&3i2ured i& a!!orda&!e 1it$ t$e !o&ditio&s s#e!i3ied i&
36.213 E23, 7.2.1, 7.2.2F.
Para6eter, Sim&ltaneo&s6.36an(6$<I: see TS 36.213 E23, 10.1F TRU+ i&di!ates t$at si6u"ta&eous tra&s6issio& o3
%*N0)%*N a&d *B8 is a""o1ed. ?&e 7a"ue a##"ies 3or a"" *S8 #ro!esses. (or S*e""s t$is 3ie"d is &ot a##"i!a'"e a&d t$e
U+ s$a"" i2&ore t$e 7a"ue.
8&di!ates t$at t$e U+ s$a"" #er3or6 si6u"ta&eous tra&s6issio& o3 =%RB %0) a&d #eriodi! *B8 re#ort 6u"ti#"e/i&2 o&
PU**= 3or6at 3, see TS 36.213 E23, 7.2, 10.1.1F. +-UTR%) !o&3i2ures t$is i&3or6atio& o&"5 1$e& p&cch6+ormat is
set to format3. ?&e 7a"ue a##"ies 3or a"" *S8 #ro!esses. (or S*e""s t$is 3ie"d is &ot a##"i!a'"e a&d t$e U+ s$a"" i2&ore
t$e 7a"ue.
8&di!ates 1$et$er or &ot re#orti&2 3or t$is *S8-#ro!ess is tri22ered '5 *S8 re9uest 3ie"d set to 01, 3or a *S8 re9uest
a##"i!a'"e 3or t$e ser7i&2 !e"" o& t$e sa6e 3re9ue&!5 as t$e *S8 #ro!ess, see TS 36.213 E23, ta'"e 7.2.1-1;F.
trigger/)= trigger//
8&di!ates 1$et$er or &ot re#orti&2 3or t$is *S8-#ro!ess is tri22ered '5 *S8 re9uest 3ie"d set to 10 or 11, see TS 36.213
E23, ta'"e 7.2.1-1;F. +UTR%) !o&3i2ures at 6ost 5 *S8 #ro!esses, a!ross a"" ser7i&2 3re9ue&!ies, to 'e tri22ered '5 a
*S8 re9uest 3ie"d set to 7a"ue 10. T$e sa6e restri!tio& a##"ies 3or 7a"ue 11.
#onditional presence E:planation
c%i6Set&p T$is 3ie"d is &ot #rese&t 3or a& S!e"", 1$i"e it is !o&ditio&a""5 #rese&t 3or t$e P!e"" a!!ordi&2
to t$e 3o""o1i&2. T$e 3ie"d is o#tio&a" #rese&t, &eed ?R, i3 t$e c%i6#eport!erio(ic i& t$e
c%i6#eport$onfi" is set to set&p. 83 t$e 3ie"d c%i6#eport!erio(ic is #rese&t a&d set to
release, t$e 3ie"d is &ot #rese&t a&d t$e U+ s$a"" de"ete a&5 e/isti&2 7a"ue 3or t$is 3ie"d.
?t$er1ise t$e 3ie"d is &ot #rese&t.
!MI#I T$e 3ie"d is o#tio&a" #rese&t, &eed ?R, i3 c%i6#eport!erio(ic is i&!"uded a&d set to set&p,
or c%i6#eportMo(e.perio(ic is i&!"uded. 83 t$e 3ie"d c%i6#eport!erio(ic is #rese&t a&d set
to release a&d c%i6#eportMo(e.perio(ic is a'se&t, t$e 3ie"d is &ot #rese&t a&d t$e U+
s$a"" de"ete a&5 e/isti&2 7a"ue 3or t$is 3ie"d. ?t$er1ise t$e 3ie"d is &ot #rese&t.
!MI#I!$ell T$e 3ie"d is o#tio&a" #rese&t, &eed ?R, i3 c%i6#eport!erio(ic is i&!"uded i& t$e $<I6
#eport$onfi"6r1 a&d set to set&p, or c%i6#eport.perio(ic is i&!"uded i& t$e $<I6
#eport$onfi"6r1 a&d set to set&p. 83 t$e 3ie"d c%i6#eport!erio(ic is #rese&t i& t$e $<I6
#eport$onfi"6r1 a&d set to release a&d c%i6#eport.perio(ic is i&!"uded i& t$e $<I6
#eport$onfi"6r1 a&d set to release, t$e 3ie"d is &ot #rese&t a&d t$e U+ s$a"" de"ete a&5
e/isti&2 7a"ue 3or t$is 3ie"d. ?t$er1ise t$e 3ie"d is &ot #rese&t.
!MI#IS$ell T$e 3ie"d is o#tio&a" #rese&t, &eed ?R, i3 c%i6#eport!erio(icS$ell is i&!"uded a&d set to
set&p, or c%i6#eportMo(e.perio(ic6r1 is i&!"uded i& t$e $<I6#eport$onfi"S$ell. 83 t$e
3ie"d c%i6#eport!erio(icS$ell is #rese&t a&d set to release a&d c%i6#eportMo(e.perio(i!-
r10 is a'se&t i& t$e $<I6#eport$onfi"S$ell, t$e 3ie"d is &ot #rese&t a&d t$e U+ s$a""
de"ete a&5 e/isti&2 7a"ue 3or t$is 3ie"d. ?t$er1ise t$e 3ie"d is &ot #rese&t.
D $<I6#eport!erio(ic!roc,*tI(
The &3 "7I4!eportPerio&icProc,*tI& is used to identify a periodic 2F& reportin confiuration that 3A4T0/' may
confiure in addition to the confiuration specified by the &3 "7I4!eportPerio&ic4r10. These additional confiurations
are specified by the &3 "7I4!eportPerio&icProc,*t4r11. The identity is uni;ue within the scope of a carrier fre;uency.
C6"-$eportPerioicProc-.t" infor2ation ele2ents
#!I-Report/eriodi6/ro6ExtId-r11 :: INTE,ER $1&&max#!I-/ro6Ext-r11'
-- ASN1ST(/
D $ross$arrierSche(&lin"$onfi"
The &3 "ross"arrierSc)e&$lin"onfi is used to specify the confiuration when the cross carrier schedulin is used in a
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" $.3 Release $$
CrossCarrierScheulingConfig infor2ation ele2ents
#ross#arrierS6heduling#onfig-r1; :: SE!"EN#E *
s6heduling#ellInfo-r1; #?(I#E *
own-r1; SE!"EN#E * -- No 6ross 6arrier
6if-/resen6e-r1; 8((LEAN
other-r1; SE!"EN#E * -- #ross 6arrier
s6heduling#ellId-r1; Ser:#ellIndex-r1;-
pds6h-Start-r1; INTE,ER $1&&3'
-- ASN1ST(/
CrossCarrierScheulingConfig field descriptions
T$e 3ie"d is used to i&di!ate 1$et$er !arrier i&di!ator 3ie"d is #rese&t (7a"ue TRU+) or &ot (7a"ue (%S+) i& P4**=0
+P4**= 4*8 3or6ats, see TS 36.212 E22,
T$e starti&2 ?(4M s56'o" o3 P4S*= 3or t$e !o&!er&ed S*e"", see TS 36.213 E23. Va"ues 1, 2, 3 are
a##"i!a'"e 1$e& (l6Ban(=i(th 3or t$e !o&!er&ed S*e"" is 2reater t$a& 10 resour!e '"o!>s, 7a"ues 2, 3, 4 are a##"i!a'"e
1$e& (l6Ban(=i(th 3or t$e !o&!er&ed S*e"" is "ess t$a& or e9ua" to 10 resour!e '"o!>s, see TS 36.211 E21, Ta'"e 6,7-
8&di!ates 1$i!$ !e"" si2&a"s t$e do1&"i&> a""o!atio&s a&d u#"i&> 2ra&ts, i3 a##"i!a'"e, 3or t$e !o&!er&ed S*e"".
D $SI6IM6$onfi"
The &3 "SI4IM4"onfi is the 2"& &nterference Measurement (&M) confiuration that 3A4T0/' may confiure on a
servin fre;uency. see T" 3=.*,3 K*3. >.*.=L.
CS"-"M-Config infor2ation ele2ents
#SI-I<-#onfig-r11 :: SE!"EN#E *
6si-I<-#onfigId-r11 #SI-I<-#onfigId-r11-
resour6e#onfig-r11 INTE,ER $;&&11'-
su@frame#onfig-r11 INTE,ER $;&&1D3'-
-- ASN1ST(/
CS"-"M-Config field descriptions
Para6eter, *S8 re3ere&!e si2&a" !o&3i2uratio&, see TS 36.213 E23, 7.2.6F a&d TS 36.211 E21, ta'"e a&d 3or 4 R+s.
0" 2"&
I , see TS 36.213 E23, 7.2.6F a&d TS 36.211 E21, ta'"e
D $SI6IM6$onfi"I(
The &3 "SI4IM4"onfiI& is used to identify a 2"&A&M confiuration that is confiured by the &3 "SI4IM4"onfi. The
identity is uni;ue within the scope of a carrier fre;uency.
CS"-"M-Config" infor2ation ele2ents
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" $.+ Release $$
#SI-I<-#onfigId-r11 :: INTE,ER $1&&max#SI-I<-r11'
-- ASN1ST(/
D $SI6!rocess
The &3 "SI4Process is the 2"& process confiuration that 3A4T0/' may confiure on a servin fre;uency.
CS"-Process infor2ation ele2ents
#SI-/ro6ess-r11 :: SE!"EN#E *
6si-/ro6essId-r11 #SI-/ro6essId-r11-
6si-RS-#onfigN%/Id-r11 #SI-RS-#onfigN%/Id-r11-
6si-I<-#onfigId-r11 #SI-I<-#onfigId-r11-
p-#-And#8SRList-r11 SE!"EN#E $SI%E $1&&.'' () /-#-And#8SR-r11-
67i-Report8oth/ro6-r11 #!I-Report8oth/ro6-r11 (/TI(NAL- -- Need (R
67i-Report/eriodi6/ro6Id-r11 INTE,ER $;&&max#!I-/ro6Ext-r11' (/TI(NAL- -- Need (R
67i-ReportAperiodi6/ro6-r11 #!I-ReportAperiodi6/ro6-r11 (/TI(NAL- -- Need (R
/-#-And#8SR-r11 :: SE!"EN#E *
p-#-r11 INTE,ER $-=&&1D'-
6ode@oo9Su@setRestri6tion-r11 8IT STRIN,
-- ASN1ST(/
CS"-Process field descriptions
8&!"udes *B8 !o&3i2uratio& #ara6eters a##"i!a'"e 3or 'ot$ a#eriodi! a&d #eriodi! *S8 re#orti&2, 3or 1$i!$ *S8 #ro!ess
s#e!i3i! 7a"ues 6a5 'e !o&3i2ured. +-UTR%) !o&3i2ures t$e 3ie"d i3 a&d o&"5 i3 c%i6#eport!erio(ic!rocI( is i&!"uded
a&d0 or i3 c%i6#eport.perio(ic!roc is i&!"uded:
Re3ers to a #eriodi! *B8 re#orti&2 !o&3i2uratio& t$at is !o&3i2ured 3or t$e sa6e 3re9ue&!5 as t$e *S8 #ro!ess. Va"ue 0
re3ers to t$e set o3 #ara6eters de3i&ed '5 t$e R+-10 *B8 re#orti&2 !o&3i2uratio& 3ie"ds, 1$i"e t$e ot$er 7a"ues re3er to
t$e additio&a" !o&3i2uratio&s +-UTR%) assi2&s '5 $<I6#eport!erio(ic!roc,*t6r11 (a&d as !o7ered '5 $<I6
Re3ers to a *S8-8M !o&3i2uratio& t$at is !o&3i2ured 3or t$e sa6e 3re9ue&!5 as t$e *S8 #ro!ess.
Re3ers to a *S8 RS !o&3i2uratio& usi&2 &o&-Lero #o1er tra&s6issio& t$at is !o&3i2ured 3or t$e sa6e 3re9ue&!5 as t$e
*S8 #ro!ess.
P , see TS 36.213 E23, 7.2.5F.
% p6$6.n($BS#1ist i&!"udi&2 2 e&tries i&di!ates t$at t$e su'3ra6e #atter&s !o&3i2ured 3or *S8 (*B80PM80PT80R8)
re#orti&2 (i.e. as de3i&ed '5 3ie"d csi6MeasS&)frameSet1 a&d csi6MeasS&)frameSet2) are to 'e used 3or t$is *S8
#ro!ess, 1$i"e a si&2"e e&tr5 i&di!ates t$at t$e su'3ra6e #atter&s are &ot to 'e used 3or t$is *S8 #ro!ess. +-UTR%)
does &ot i&!"ude 2 e&tries i& p6$6.n($BS#1ist 3or *S8 #ro!esses !o&!er&i&2 a se!o&dar5 3re9ue&!5. +-UTR%)
i&!"udes 2 e&tries i& p6$6.n($BS#1ist 1$e& !o&3i2uri&2 'ot$ c%i6pmi6$onfi"In(e* a&d c%i6pmi6$onfi"In(e*2.
D $SI6!rocessI(
The &3 "SI4ProcessI& is used to identify a 2"& process that is confiured by the &3 "SI4Process. The identity is uni;ue
within the scope of a carrier fre;uency.
CS"-Process" infor2ation ele2ents
#SI-/ro6essId-r11 :: INTE,ER $1&&max#SI-/ro6-r11'
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" $., Release $$
-- ASN1ST(/
D $SI6#S6$onfi"
The &3 "SI4!S4"onfi is used to specify the 2"& (2hannelA"tate &nformation) reference sinal confiuration.
CS"-$S-Config infor2ation ele2ents
#SI-RS-#onfig-r1; :: SE!"EN#E *
6si-RS-r1; #?(I#E *
release N"LL-
setup SE!"EN#E *
antenna/orts#ount-r1; EN"<ERATE> *an1- an.- an3- an=5-
resour6e#onfig-r1; INTE,ER $;&&11'-
su@frame#onfig-r1; INTE,ER $;&&1D3'-
p-#-r1; INTE,ER $-=&&1D'
5 (/TI(NAL- -- Need (N
HeroTx/ower#SI-RS-r1; #?(I#E *
release N"LL-
setup SE!"EN#E *
HeroTx/owerResour6e#onfigList-r1; 8IT STRIN, $SI%E $1C''-
HeroTx/owerSu@frame#onfig-r1; INTE,ER $;&&1D3'
5 (/TI(NAL -- Need (N
-- ASN1ST(/
CS"-$S-Config field descriptions
Para6eter re#rese&ts t$e &u6'er o3 a&te&&a #orts used 3or tra&s6issio& o3 *S8 re3ere&!e si2&a"s 1$ere 7a"ue a&1
!orres#o&ds to 1 a&te&&a #ort, a&2 to 2 a&te&&a #orts a&d so o&, see TS 36.211 E21, 6.10.5F.
P , see TS 36.213 E23, 7.2.5F.
Para6eter, *S8 re3ere&!e si2&a" !o&3i2uratio&, see TS 36.211 E21, ta'"e a&d
0" 2"&
I , see TS 36.211 E21, ta'"e
Para6eter, Cero!o=er$SI6#S5 see TS 36.213 E23, 7.2.7F.
0" 2"&
I , see TS 36.211 E21, ta'"e
D $SI6#S6$onfi"3C!
The &3 "SI4!S4"onfi38P is the 2"&A0" resource confiuration usin nonA!ero power transmission that 3A4T0/'
may confiure on a servin fre;uency.
CS"-$S-ConfigN?P infor2ation ele2ents
#SI-RS-#onfigN%/-r11 :: SE!"EN#E *
6si-RS-#onfigN%/Id-r11 #SI-RS-#onfigN%/Id-r11-
antenna/orts#ount-r11 EN"<ERATE> *an1- an.- an3- an=5-
resour6e#onfig-r11 INTE,ER $;&&11'-
su@frame#onfig-r11 INTE,ER $;&&1D3'-
s6ram@lingIdentit+-r11 INTE,ER $;&&D;1'-
76l-#RS-Info-r11 SE!"EN#E *
76l-S6ram@lingIdentit+-r11 INTE,ER $;&&D;1'-
6rs-/orts#ount-r11 EN"<ERATE> *n1- n.- n3- spare15-
m@sfn-Su@frame#onfigList-r11 #?(I#E *
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" $.% Release $$
release N"LL-
setup SE!"EN#E *
su@frame#onfigList <8S)N-Su@frame#onfigList
5 (/TI(NAL -- Need (N
5 (/TI(NAL- -- Need (R
-- ASN1ST(/
CS"-$S-ConfigN?P field descriptions
Para6eter re#rese&ts t$e &u6'er o3 a&te&&a #orts used 3or tra&s6issio& o3 *S8 re3ere&!e si2&a"s 1$ere a&1
!orres#o&ds to 1, a&2 to 2 a&te&&a #orts et!. see TS 36.211 E21, 6.10.5F.
8&di!ates *RS a&te&&a #orts t$at is 9uasi !o-"o!ated 1it$ t$e *S8-RS a&te&&a #orts, see TS 36.213 E23, 7.2.5F.
+UTR%) !o&3i2ures t$is 3ie"d i3 a&d o&"5 i3 t$e U+ is !o&3i2ured 1it$ %cl64peration set to typeB:
Para6eter, *S8 re3ere&!e si2&a" !o&3i2uratio&, see TS 36.211 E21, ta'"e a&d
0" 2"&
I , see TS 36.211 E21, ta'"e
Para6eter, Pseudo-ra&do6 se9ue&!e 2e&erator #ara6eter,
n 5 see TS 36.213 E23, 7.2.5F.
D $SI6#S6$onfi"3C!I(
The &3 "SI4!S4"onfi38PI& is used to identify a 2"&A0" resource confiuration usin nonA!ero transmission power. as
confiured by the &3 "SI4!S4"onfi38P. The identity is uni;ue within the scope of a carrier fre;uency.
CS"-$S-ConfigN?P" infor2ation ele2ents
#SI-RS-#onfigN%/Id-r11 :: INTE,ER $1&&max#SI-RS-N%/-r11'
-- ASN1ST(/
D $SI6#S6$onfi"C!
The &3 "SI4!S4"onfi8P is the 2"&A0" resource confiuration. for which 43 assumes !ero transmission power. that 3A
4T0/' may confiure on a servin fre;uency.
CS"-$S-Config?P infor2ation ele2ents
#SI-RS-#onfig%/-r11 :: SE!"EN#E *
6si-RS-#onfig%/Id-r11 #SI-RS-#onfig%/Id-r11-
resour6e#onfigList-r11 8IT STRIN, $SI%E $1C''-
su@frame#onfig-r11 INTE,ER $;&&1D3'-
-- ASN1ST(/
CS"-$S-Config?P field descriptions
Para6eter, Cero!o=er$SI6#S, see TS 36.213 E23, 7.2.7F.
0" 2"&
I , see TS 36.211 E21, ta'"e
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" $.( Release $$
D $SI6#S6$onfi"C!I(
The &3 "SI4!S4"onfi8PI& is used to identify a 2"&A0" resource confiuration for which 43 assumes !ero
transmission power. as confiured by the &3 "SI4!S4"onfi8P. The identity is uni;ue within the scope of a carrier
CS"-$S-Config?P" infor2ation ele2ents
#SI-RS-#onfig%/Id-r11 :: INTE,ER $1&&max#SI-RS-%/-r11'
-- ASN1ST(/
D 2M#S6$onfi"
The &3 2M!S4"onfi is the 9M0" confiuration that 3A4T0/' may confiure on a servin fre;uency.
DM$S-Config infor2ation ele2ents
><RS-#onfig-r11 :: #?(I#E *
release N"LL-
setup SE!"EN#E *
s6ram@lingIdentit+-r11 INTE,ER $;&&D;1'-
s6ram@lingIdentit+.-r11 INTE,ER $;&&D;1'
-- ASN1ST(/
DM$S-Config field descriptions
scram!ling"entity= scram!ling"entity(
5 see TS 36.211 E21,
D 2#B6I(entity
The &3 2!B4I&entity is used to identify a 901 used by a 43.
D$B-"entity infor2ation ele2ents
>R8-Identit+ :: INTE,ER $1&&1.'
-- ASN1ST(/
D ,!2$$/6$onfi"
The &3 3P922BA2onfi specifies the subframes and resource bloc#s for 3P922B monitorin that 3A4T0/' may
confiure for a servin cell.
-PDCC+-Config information element
E/>##?-#onfig-r11 :: SE!"EN#E*
6onfig-r11 #?(I#E *
release N"LL-
setup SE!"EN#E *
su@frame/attern#onfig-r11 #?(I#E *
release N"LL-
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" $.- Release $$
setup SE!"EN#E *
su@frame/attern-r11 <easSu@frame/attern-r1;
5 (/TI(NAL- -- Need (N
startS+m@ol-r11 INTE,ER $1&&3' (/TI(NAL- -- Need (/
set#onfigToReleaseList-r11 E/>##?-Set#onfigToReleaseList-r11 (/TI(NAL- -- Need (N
set#onfigToAdd<odList-r11 E/>##?-Set#onfigToAdd<odList-r11 (/TI(NAL -- Need (N
E/>##?-Set#onfigToAdd<odList-r11 :: SE!"EN#E $SI%E$1&&maxE/>##?-Set-r11'' () E/>##?-Set#onfig-
E/>##?-Set#onfigToReleaseList-r11 :: SE!"EN#E $SI%E$1&&maxE/>##?-Set-r11'' () E/>##?-Set#onfigId-
E/>##?-Set#onfig-r11 :: SE!"EN#E *
set#onfigId-r11 E/>##?-Set#onfigId-r11-
transmissionT+pe-r11 EN"<ERATE> *lo6alised- distri@uted5-
resour6e8lo69Assignment-r11 SE!"EN#E*
num@er/R8-/airs-r11 EN"<ERATE> *n.- n3- n=5-
resour6e8lo69Assignment-r11 8IT STRIN, $SI%E$3&&1=''
dmrs-S6ram@lingSe7uen6eInt-r11 INTE,ER $;&&D;1'-
pu66h-Resour6eStart(ffset-r11 INTE,ER $;&&.;3B'-
re-<apping!#L-#onfigId-r11 />S#?-RE-<apping!#L-#onfigId-r11 (/TI(NAL- -- Need (R
E/>##?-Set#onfigId-r11 :: INTE,ER $;&&1'
-- ASN1ST(/
-PDCC+-Config field descriptions
T$e 4MRS s!ra6'"i&2 se9ue&!e i&itia"iLatio& #ara6eter
n de3i&ed i& TS 36.211E21, 6.10.3%.1F.
Pro7ides +P4**= !o&3i2uratio& set. See TS 36.213 E23, ..1.4F. +-UTR%) !o&3i2ures at "east o&e ,!2$$/6
Set$onfi" =hen ,!2$$/6$onfi" is !o&3i2ured.
8&di!ates t$e &u6'er o3 #$5si!a" resour!e-'"o!> #airs used 3or t$e +P4**= set. Va"ue &2 !orres#o&ds to 2 #$5si!a"
resour!e-'"o!> #airsH &4 !orres#o&ds to 4 #$5si!a" resour!e-'"o!> #airs a&d so o&. Va"ue &< is &ot su##orted i3 (l6
Ban(=i(th is set to 6 resour!e '"o!>s.
PU**= 3or6at 1a a&d 1' resour!e starti&2 o33set 3or t$e +P4**= set. See TS 36.213 E23,
8&di!ates t$e starti&2 ?(4M s56'o", t$e re"ated rate 6at!$i&2 #ara6eters a&d 9uasi !o-"o!atio& assu6#tio& 3or
+P4**= 1$e& t$e U+ is !o&3i2ured 1it$ t610. T$is 3ie"d #ro7ides t$e ide&tit5 o3 a !o&3i2ured !2S$/6#,6
Mappin"<$16$onfi". +-UTR%) !o&3i2ures t$is 3ie"d o&"5 1$e& t610 is !o&3i2ured.
8&di!ates t$e i&de/ to a s#e!i3i! !o6'i&atio& o3 #$5si!a" resour!e-'"o!> #air 3or +P4**= set. See TS 36.213 E23,
..1.4.4F. T$e siLe o3 reso&rceBlock.ssi"nment is s#e!i3ied i& TS 36.213 E23, ..1.4.4F a&d 'ased o& n&m)er!#B6!airs
a&d t$e si2&a""ed 7a"ue o3 (l6Ban(=i(th:
8&di!ates t$e ide&tit5 o3 t$e +P4**= !o&3i2uratio& set.
8&di!ates t$e ?(4M starti&2 s56'o" 3or a&5 +P4**= a&d P4S*= s!$edu"ed '5 +P4**= o& t$e sa6e !e"", see TS
36.213 E23, ..1.4.1F. 83 &ot #rese&t, t$e U+ s$a"" re"ease t$e !o&3i2uratio& a&d s$a"" deri7e t$e starti&2 ?(4M s56'o"
o3 +P4**= a&d P4S*= s!$edu"ed '5 +P4**= 3ro6 P*(8*=. Va"ues 1, 2, a&d 3 are a##"i!a'"e 3or (l6Ban(=i(th
2reater t$a& 10 resour!e '"o!>s. Va"ues 2, 3, a&d 4 are a##"i!a'"e ot$er1ise. +-UTR%) does &ot !o&3i2ure t$e 3ie"d
3or U+s !o&3i2ured 1it$ t610.
*o&3i2ures t$e su'3ra6es 1$i!$ t$e U+ s$a"" 6o&itor t$e U+-s#e!i3i! sear!$ s#a!e o& +P4**=, e/!e#t 3or #re-
de3i&ed ru"es i& TS 36.213 E23, ..1.4F. 83 t$e 3ie"d is &ot !o&3i2ured 1$e& +P4**= is !o&3i2ured, t$e U+ s$a"" 6o&itor
t$e U+-s#e!i3i! sear!$ s#a!e o& +P4**= i& a"" su'3ra6es e/!e#t 3or #re-de3i&ed ru"es i& TS 36.213 E23, ..1.4F.
8&di!ates 1$et$er distri'uted or "o!a"iLed +P4**= tra&s6issio& 6ode is used as de3i&ed i& TS 36.211 E21, 6.<%.1F.
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" $.. Release $$
D 1o"ical$hannel$onfi"
The &3 1oical")annel"onfi is used to confiure the loical channel parameters.
#ogicalChannelConfig infor2ation ele2ent
Logi6al#hannel#onfig :: SE!"EN#E *
ul-Spe6ifi6/arameters SE!"EN#E *
priorit+ INTE,ER $1&&1C'-
prioritised8itRate EN"<ERATE> *
98ps;- 98ps=- 98ps1C- 98ps1.- 98psC3- 98ps1.=-
98ps.DC- infinit+- 98psD1.-:1;.;- 98ps1;.3-:1;.;-
98ps.;3=-:1;.;- spareD- spare3- spare1- spare.-
@u69etSiHe>uration EN"<ERATE> *
msD;- ms1;;- ms1D;- ms1;;- msD;;- ms1;;;- spare.-
logi6al#hannel,roup INTE,ER $;&&1' (/TI(NAL -- Need (R
5 (/TI(NAL- -- #ond "L
00 logi6al#hannelSR-<as9-r2 EN"<ERATE> *setup5 (/TI(NAL -- #ond SRmas9
-- ASN1ST(/
<o0ical#hannel#onfi0 field descriptions
;u!>et SiLe 4uratio& 3or "o2i!a" !$a&&e" #rioritiLatio& i& TS 36.321 E6F. Va"ue i& 6i""ise!o&ds. Va"ue 6s50 !orres#o&ds
to 50 6s, 6s100 !orres#o&ds to 100 6s a&d so o&.
Ma##i&2 o3 "o2i!a" !$a&&e" to "o2i!a" !$a&&e" 2rou# 3or ;SR re#orti&2 i& TS 36.321 E6F.
*o&tro""i&2 SR tri22eri&2 o& a "o2i!a" !$a&&e" 'asis 1$e& a& u#"i&> 2ra&t is !o&3i2ured. See TS 36.321 E6F.
PrioritiLed ;it Rate 3or "o2i!a" !$a&&e" #rioritiLatio& i& TS 36.321 E6F. Va"ue i& >i"o'5tes0se!o&d. Va"ue >;#s0
!orres#o&ds to 0 >;0se!o&d, >;#s< !orres#o&ds to < >;0se!o&d, >;#s16 !orres#o&ds to 16 >;0se!o&d a&d so o&.
8&3i&it5 is t$e o&"5 a##"i!a'"e 7a"ue 3or SR;1 a&d SR;2
o2i!a" !$a&&e" #riorit5 i& TS 36.321 E6F. Va"ue is a& i&te2er.
#onditional presence E:planation
S#mask T$e 3ie"d is o#tio&a""5 #rese&t i3 &l6Specific!arameters is #rese&t, &eed ?RH ot$er1ise it is
&ot #rese&t.
-1 T$e 3ie"d is 6a&dator5 #rese&t 3or U "o2i!a" !$a&&e"sH ot$er1ise it is &ot #rese&t.
D M.$6Main$onfi"
The &3 M."4Main"onfi is used to specify the M/2 main confiuration for sinallin and data radio bearers.
M'C-MainConfig infor2ation ele2ent
<A#-<ain#onfig :: SE!"EN#E *
ul-S#?-#onfig SE!"EN#E *
max?AR!-Tx EN"<ERATE> *
n1- n.- n1- n3- nD- nC- nB- n=-
n1;- n1.- n1C- n.;- n.3- n.=-
spare.- spare15 (/TI(NAL- -- Need (N
periodi68SR-Timer EN"<ERATE> *
sfD- sf1;- sf1C- sf.;- sf1.- sf3;- sfC3- sf=;-
sf1.=- sf1C;- sf1.;- sfC3;- sf1.=;- sf.DC;-
infinit+- spare15 (/TI(NAL- -- Need (N
retx8SR-Timer EN"<ERATE> *
sf1.;- sfC3;- sf1.=;- sf.DC;- sfD1.;-
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" *)) Release $$
sf1;.3;- spare.- spare15-
tti8undling 8((LEAN
5 (/TI(NAL- -- Need (N
drx-#onfig >RE-#onfig (/TI(NAL- -- Need (N
timeAlignmentTimer>edi6ated TimeAlignmentTimer-
phr-#onfig #?(I#E *
release N"LL-
setup SE!"EN#E *
periodi6/?R-Timer EN"<ERATE> *sf1;- sf.;- sfD;- sf1;;- sf.;;-
sfD;;- sf1;;;- infinit+5-
prohi@it/?R-Timer EN"<ERATE> *sf;- sf1;- sf.;- sfD;- sf1;;-
sf.;;- sfD;;- sf1;;;5-
dl-/athloss#hange EN"<ERATE> *d81- d81- d8C- infinit+5
5 (/TI(NAL- -- Need (N
00 sr-/rohi@itTimer-r2 INTE,ER $;&&B' (/TI(NAL -- Need (N
00 ma6-<ain#onfig-:1;.; SE!"EN#E *
s#ell>ea6ti:ationTimer-r1; EN"<ERATE> *
rf.- rf3- rf=- rf1C- rf1.- rfC3- rf1.=-
spare5 (/TI(NAL- -- Need (/
extended8SR-SiHes-r1; EN"<ERATE> *setup5 (/TI(NAL- -- Need (R
extended/?R-r1; EN"<ERATE> *setup5 (/TI(NAL -- Need (R
5 (/TI(NAL -- Need (N
00 stag-ToReleaseList-r11 STA,-ToReleaseList-r11 (/TI(NAL- -- Need (N
stag-ToAdd<odList-r11 STA,-ToAdd<odList-r11 (/TI(NAL- -- Need (N
drx-#onfig-:111; >RE-#onfig-:111; (/TI(NAL -- Need (N
<A#-<ain#onfigS#ell-r11 :: SE!"EN#E *
stag-Id-r11 STA,-Id-r11 (/TI(NAL- -- Need (/
>RE-#onfig :: #?(I#E *
release N"LL-
setup SE!"EN#E *
on>urationTimer EN"<ERATE> *
psf1- psf.- psf1- psf3- psfD- psfC-
psf=- psf1;- psf.;- psf1;- psf3;-
psfD;- psfC;- psf=;- psf1;;-
drx-Ina6ti:it+Timer EN"<ERATE> *
psf1- psf.- psf1- psf3- psfD- psfC-
psf=- psf1;- psf.;- psf1;- psf3;-
psfD;- psfC;- psf=;- psf1;;-
psf.;;- psf1;;- psfD;;- psfBD;-
psf1.=;- psf12.;- psf.DC;- psf;-:1;.;-
spare2- spare=- spareB- spareC-
spareD- spare3- spare1- spare.-
drx-RetransmissionTimer EN"<ERATE> *
psf1- psf.- psf3- psfC- psf=- psf1C-
psf.3- psf115-
long>RE-#+6leStart(ffset #?(I#E *
sf1; INTE,ER$;&&2'-
sf.; INTE,ER$;&&12'-
sf1. INTE,ER$;&&11'-
sf3; INTE,ER$;&&12'-
sfC3 INTE,ER$;&&C1'-
sf=; INTE,ER$;&&B2'-
sf1.= INTE,ER$;&&1.B'-
sf1C; INTE,ER$;&&1D2'-
sf.DC INTE,ER$;&&.DD'-
sf1.; INTE,ER$;&&112'-
sfD1. INTE,ER$;&&D11'-
sfC3; INTE,ER$;&&C12'-
sf1;.3 INTE,ER$;&&1;.1'-
sf1.=; INTE,ER$;&&1.B2'-
sf.;3= INTE,ER$;&&.;3B'-
sf.DC; INTE,ER$;&&.DD2'
short>RE SE!"EN#E *
short>RE-#+6le EN"<ERATE> *
sf.- sfD- sf=- sf1;- sf1C- sf.;-
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" *)$ Release $$
sf1.- sf3;- sfC3- sf=;- sf1.=- sf1C;-
sf.DC- sf1.;- sfD1.- sfC3;5-
drxShort#+6leTimer INTE,ER $1&&1C'
5 (/TI(NAL -- Need (R
>RE-#onfig-:111; :: SE!"EN#E *
drx-RetransmissionTimer-:111; EN"<ERATE> *psf;-:111;5 (/TI(NAL- --Need (R
long>RE-#+6leStart(ffset-:111; #?(I#E *
sfC;-:111; INTE,ER$;&&D2'-
sfB;-:111; INTE,ER$;&&C2'
5 (/TI(NAL- --Need (R
short>RE-#+6le-:111; EN"<ERATE> *sf3-:111;5 (/TI(NAL --Need (R
STA,-ToReleaseList-r11 :: SE!"EN#E $SI%E $1&&maxSTA,-r11'' () STA,-Id-r11
STA,-ToAdd<odList-r11 :: SE!"EN#E $SI%E $1&&maxSTA,-r11'' () STA,-ToAdd<od-r11
STA,-ToAdd<od-r11 :: SE!"EN#E *
stag-Id-r11 STA,-Id-r11-
timeAlignmentTimerSTA,-r11 TimeAlignmentTimer-
STA,-Id-r11:: INTE,ER $1&&maxSTA,-r11'
-- ASN1ST(/
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" *)* Release $$
M'C-MainConfig field descriptions
4 Pat$"oss *$a&2e a&d t$e !$a&2e o3 t$e re9uired #o1er 'a!>o33 due to #o1er 6a&a2e6e&t (as a""o1ed '5 P-MPR!
E42F) 3or P=R re#orti&2 i& TS 36.321 E6F. Va"ue i& d;. Va"ue d;1 !orres#o&ds to 1 d;, d;3 !orres#o&ds to 3 d; a&d so
o&. T$e sa6e 7a"ue a##"ies 3or ea!$ ser7i&2 !e"" (a"t$ou2$ t$e asso!iated 3u&!tio&a"it5 is #er3or6ed i&de#e&de&t"5 3or
ea!$ !e"").
Used to !o&3i2ure 4RI as s#e!i3ied i& TS 36.321 E6F. +-UTR%) !o&3i2ures t$e 7a"ues i& 2#76$onfi"60113 o&"5 i3 t$e
U+ i&di!ates su##ort 3or 84* i&di!atio&. +-UTR%) !o&3i2ures (r*6$onfi"60113 o&"5 i3 (r*6$onfi" (1it$out su33i/) is
Ti6er 3or 4RI i& TS 36.321 E6F. Va"ue i& &u6'er o3 P4**= su'-3ra6es. Va"ue #s31 !orres#o&ds to 1 P4**= su'-
3ra6e, #s32 !orres#o&ds to 2 P4**= su'-3ra6es a&d so o&.
Ti6er 3or 4RI i& TS 36.321 E6F. Va"ue i& &u6'er o3 P4**= su'-3ra6es. Va"ue #s31 !orres#o&ds to 1 P4**= su'-
3ra6e, #s32 !orres#o&ds to 2 P4**= su'-3ra6es a&d so o&. 8& !ase (r*6#etransmissionTimer60113 is si2&a""ed, t$e
U+ s$a"" i2&ore (r*6#etransmissionTimer (i.e. 1it$out su33i/).
Ti6er 3or 4RI i& TS 36.321 E6F. Va"ue i& 6u"ti#"es o3 s$ort4RI-*5!"e. % 7a"ue o3 1 !orres#o&ds to s$ort4RI-*5!"e, a
7a"ue o3 2 !orres#o&ds to 2 J s$ort4RI-*5!"e a&d so o&.
83 7a"ue set&p is !o&3i2ured, t$e ;SR i&de/ i&di!ates e/te&ded ;SR siLe "e7e"s as de3i&ed i& TS 36.321 E6, Ta'"e
8&di!ates i3 #o1er $eadroo6 s$a"" 'e re#orted usi&2 t$e +/te&ded Po1er =eadroo6 Re#ort M%* !o&tro" e"e6e&t
de3i&ed i& TS 36.321 E6F (7a"ue set&p). ?t$er1ise t$e #o1er $eadroo6 s$a"" 'e re#orted usi&2 t$e Po1er =eadroo6
Re#ort M%* !o&tro" e"e6e&t de3i&ed i& TS 36.321 E6F. +-UTR%) a"1a5s !o&3i2ures t$e 7a"ue set&p i3 6ore t$a& o&e
Ser7i&2 *e"" 1it$ u#"i&> is !o&3i2ured. +-UTR%) !o&3i2ures e*ten(e(!/# o&"5 i3 phr6$onfi" is !o&3i2ured. T$e U+
s$a"" re"ease e*ten(e(!/# i3 phr6$onfi" is re"eased.
lon"2#76$ycle a&d (r*Start4ffset i& TS 36.321 E6F. T$e 7a"ue o3 "on"2#76$ycle is i& &u6'er o3 su'-3ra6es. Va"ue
s310 !orres#o&ds to 10 su'-3ra6es, s320 !orres#o&ds to 20 su'-3ra6es a&d so o&. 83 short2#76$ycle is !o&3i2ured,
t$e 7a"ue o3 lon"2#76$ycle s$a"" 'e a 6u"ti#"e o3 t$e short2#76$ycle 7a"ue. T$e 7a"ue o3 (r*Start4ffset 7a"ue is i&
&u6'er o3 su'-3ra6es. 8& !ase lon"2#76$ycleStart4ffset60113 is si2&a""ed, t$e U+ s$a"" i2&ore lon"2#76
$ycleStart4ffset (i.e. 1it$out su33i/).
Ma/i6u6 &u6'er o3 tra&s6issio&s 3or U =%RB i& TS 36.321 E6F.
Ti6er 3or 4RI i& TS 36.321 E6F. Va"ue i& &u6'er o3 P4**= su'-3ra6es. Va"ue #s31 !orres#o&ds to 1 P4**= su'-
3ra6e, #s32 !orres#o&ds to 2 P4**= su'-3ra6es a&d so o&.
Ti6er 3or ;SR re#orti&2 i& TS 36.321 E6F. Va"ue i& &u6'er o3 su'-3ra6es. Va"ue s310 !orres#o&ds to 10 su'-3ra6es,
s320 !orres#o&ds to 20 su'-3ra6es a&d so o&.
Ti6er 3or P=R re#orti&2 i& TS 36.321 E6F. Va"ue i& &u6'er o3 su'-3ra6es. Va"ue s310 !orres#o&ds to 10 su'3ra6es,
s320 !orres#o&ds to 20 su'3ra6es a&d so o&.
Ti6er 3or P=R re#orti&2 i& TS 36.321 E6F. Va"ue i& &u6'er o3 su'-3ra6es. Va"ue s30 !orres#o&ds to 0 su'3ra6es, s3100
!orres#o&ds to 100 su'3ra6es a&d so o&.
Ti6er 3or ;SR re#orti&2 i& TS 36.321 E6F. Va"ue i& &u6'er o3 su'-3ra6es. Va"ue s3640 !orres#o&ds to 640 su'-3ra6es,
s312<0 !orres#o&ds to 12<0 su'-3ra6es a&d so o&.
S*e"" dea!ti7atio& ti6er i& TS 36.321 E6F. Va"ue i& &u6'er o3 radio 3ra6es. Va"ue r34 !orres#o&ds to 4 radio 3ra6es,
7a"ue r3< !orres#o&ds to < radio 3ra6es a&d so o&. +-UTR%) o&"5 !o&3i2ures t$e 3ie"d i3 t$e U+ is !o&3i2ured 1it$ o&e
or 6ore S*e""s. 83 t$e 3ie"d is a'se&t, t$e U+ s$a"" de"ete a&5 e/isti&2 7a"ue 3or t$is 3ie"d a&d assu6e t$e 7a"ue to 'e
set to infinity. T$e sa6e 7a"ue a##"ies 3or ea!$ S*e"" (a"t$ou2$ t$e asso!iated 3u&!tio&a"it5 is #er3or6ed i&de#e&de&t"5
3or ea!$ S*e"").
S$ort 4RI !5!"e i& TS 36.321 E6F. Va"ue i& &u6'er o3 su'-3ra6es. Va"ue s32 !orres#o&ds to 2 su'-3ra6es, s35
!orres#o&ds to 5 su'3ra6es a&d so o&. 8& !ase short2#76$ycle60113 is si2&a""ed, t$e U+ s$a"" i2&ore short2#76
$ycle (i.e. 1it$out su33i/).
Ti6er 3or SR tra&s6issio& o& PU**= i& TS 36.321 E6F. Va"ue i& &u6'er o3 SR #eriod(s). Va"ue 0 6ea&s &o ti6er 3or
SR tra&s6issio& o& PU**= is !o&3i2ured. Va"ue 1 !orres#o&ds to o&e SR #eriod, Va"ue 2 !orres#o&ds to 2JSR
#eriods a&d so o&. SR #eriod is de3i&ed i& TS 36.213 E23, ta'"e 10.1.5-1F.
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" *)3 Release $$
M'C-MainConfig field descriptions
8&di!ates t$e T%G o3 a& S*e"", see TS 36.321 E6F. 83 t$e 3ie"d is &ot !o&3i2ured 3or a& S*e"" (e.2. a'se&t i& M.$6
Main$onfi"S$ell), t$e S*e"" is #art o3 t$e PT%G.
stag-*o'Mo#ist= stag-*o$elease#ist
Used to !o&3i2ure o&e or 6ore ST%Gs. +-UTR%) e&sures t$at a ST%G !o&tai&s at "east o&e S*e"" 1it$ !o&3i2ured
u#"i&>. 83, due to S*e"" re"ease a re!o&3i2uratio& 1ou"d resu"t i& a& Qe6#t5M T%G, +-UTR%) i&!"udes re"ease o3 t$e
!o&!er&ed T%G.
8&di!ates t$e 7a"ue o3 t$e ti6e a"i2&6e&t ti6er 3or a& ST%G, see TS 36.321 E6F.
TRU+ i&di!ates t$at TT8 'u&d"i&2 TS 36.321 E6F is e&a'"ed 1$i"e (%S+ i&di!ates t$at TT8 'u&d"i&2 is disa'"ed. TT8
'u&d"i&2 !a& 'e e&a'"ed 3or (44 a&d 3or T44 o&"5 3or !o&3i2uratio&s 0, 1 a&d 6. (or T44, +-UTR%) does &ot
si6u"ta&eous"5 e&a'"e TT8 'u&d"i&2 a&d se6i-#ersiste&t s!$edu"i&2 i& t$is re"ease o3 s#e!i3i!atio&. (urt$er6ore, +-
UTR%) does &ot si6u"ta&eous"5 !o&3i2ure TT8 'u&d"i&2 a&d S*e""s 1it$ !o&3i2ured u#"i&>.
D !2$!6$onfi"
The &3 P2"P4"onfi is used to set the confiurable P92P parameters for data radio bearers.
PDCP-Config infor2ation ele2ent
/>#/-#onfig :: SE!"EN#E *
dis6ardTimer EN"<ERATE> *
msD;- ms1;;- ms1D;- ms1;;- msD;;-
msBD;- ms1D;;- infinit+
5 (/TI(NAL- -- #ond Setup
rl6-A< SE!"EN#E *
statusReportRe7uired 8((LEAN
5 (/TI(NAL- -- #ond Rl6-A<
rl6-"< SE!"EN#E *
pd6p-SN-SiHe EN"<ERATE> *lenB@its- len1.@its5
5 (/TI(NAL- -- #ond Rl6-"<
header#ompression #?(I#E *
not"sed N"LL-
roh6 SE!"EN#E *
max#I> INTE,ER $1&&1C1=1' >E)A"LT 1D-
profiles SE!"EN#E *
profile;x;;;1 8((LEAN-
profile;x;;;. 8((LEAN-
profile;x;;;1 8((LEAN-
profile;x;;;3 8((LEAN-
profile;x;;;C 8((LEAN-
profile;x;1;1 8((LEAN-
profile;x;1;. 8((LEAN-
profile;x;1;1 8((LEAN-
profile;x;1;3 8((LEAN
00 rn-Integrit+/rote6tion-r1; EN"<ERATE> *ena@led5 (/TI(NAL -- #ond RN
00 pd6p-SN-SiHe-:111; EN"<ERATE> *len1D@its5 (/TI(NAL -- #ond Rl6-A<.
-- ASN1ST(/
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" *)+ Release $$
PDCP-Config field descriptions
8&di!ates t$e dis!ard ti6er 7a"ue s#e!i3ied i& TS 36.323 E<F. Va"ue i& 6i""ise!o&ds. Va"ue 6s50 6ea&s 50 6s, 6s100
6ea&s 100 6s a&d so o&.
8&di!ates t$e 7a"ue o3 t$e M%I@*84 #ara6eter as s#e!i3ied i& TS 36.323 E<F. T$e tota" 7a"ue o3 M%I@*84s a!ross a""
'earers 3or t$e U+ s$ou"d 'e "ess t$a& or e9ua" to t$e 7a"ue o3 ma*3&m)er#4/$6$onte*tSessions #ara6eter as
i&di!ated '5 t$e U+.
8&di!ates t$e P4*P Se9ue&!e )u6'er "e&2t$ i& 'its. (or R* UM, 7a"ue len7)its 6ea&s t$at t$e 7-'it P4*P S)
3or6at is used a&d len12)its 6ea&s t$at t$e 12-'it P4*P S) 3or6at is used. (or R* %M, 7a"ue len15)its 6ea&s t$at
t$e 15-'it P4*P S) 3or6at is used, ot$er1ise i3 t$e 3ie"d is &ot i&!"uded u#o& setu# o3 t$e P*4P e&tit5 12-'it P4*P
S) 3or6at is used, as s#e!i3ied i& TS 36.323 E<F.
T$e #ro3i"es used '5 'ot$ !o6#ressor a&d de!o6#ressor i& 'ot$ U+ a&d +-UTR%). T$e 3ie"d i&di!ates 1$i!$ o3 t$e
R?=* #ro3i"es s#e!i3ied i& TS 36.323 E<F are su##orted, i.e. 7a"ue tr&e i&di!ates t$at t$e #ro3i"e is su##orted. Pro3i"e
0/0000 s$a"" a"1a5s 'e su##orted 1$e& t$e use o3 R?=* is !o&3i2ured. 83 su##ort o3 t1o R?=* #ro3i"e ide&ti3iers 1it$
t$e sa6e < S;Ms is si2&a""ed, o&"5 t$e #ro3i"e !orres#o&di&2 to t$e $i2$est 7a"ue s$a"" 'e a##"ied.
8&di!ates t$at i&te2rit5 #rote!tio& or 7eri3i!atio& s$a"" 'e a##"ied 3or a"" su'se9ue&t #a!>ets re!ei7ed a&d se&t '5 t$e
R) o& t$e 4R;.
8&di!ates 1$et$er or &ot t$e U+ s$a"" se&d a P4*P Status Re#ort u#o& re-esta'"is$6e&t o3 t$e P4*P e&tit5 as
s#e!i3ied i& TS 36.323 E<F.
#onditional presence E:planation
#lc6.M T$e 3ie"d is 6a&dator5 #rese&t u#o& setu# o3 a P4*P e&tit5 3or a radio 'earer !o&3i2ured
1it$ R* %M. T$e 3ie"d is o#tio&a", &eed ?), i& !ase o3 re!o&3i2uratio& o3 a P4*P e&tit5
at $a&do7er 3or a radio 'earer !o&3i2ured 1it$ R* %M. ?t$er1ise t$e 3ie"d is &ot #rese&t.
#lc6.M2 T$e 3ie"d is o#tio&a""5 #rese&t, &eed ?P, u#o& setu# o3 a P4*P e&tit5 3or a radio 'earer
!o&3i2ured 1it$ R* %M. ?t$er1ise t$e 3ie"d is &ot #rese&t.
#lc6-M T$e 3ie"d is 6a&dator5 #rese&t u#o& setu# o3 a P4*P e&tit5 3or a radio 'earer !o&3i2ured
1it$ R* UM. ?t$er1ise t$e 3ie"d is &ot #rese&t.
#3 T$e 3ie"d is o#tio&a""5 #rese&t 1$e& si2&a""ed to t$e R), &eed ?R. ?t$er1ise t$e 3ie"d is
&ot #rese&t.
Set&p T$e 3ie"d is 6a&dator5 #rese&t i& !ase o3 radio 'earer setu#. ?t$er1ise t$e 3ie"d is
o#tio&a""5 #rese&t, &eed ?).
D !2S$/6$onfi"
The &3 P2S"/4"onfi"ommon and the &3 P2S"/4"onfi2e&icate& are used to specify the common and the 43
specific P9"2B confiuration respectively.
PDSC+-Config infor2ation ele2ent
/>S#?-#onfig#ommon :: SE!"EN#E *
referen6eSignal/ower INTE,ER $-C;&&D;'-
p-@ INTE,ER $;&&1'
/>S#?-#onfig>edi6ated:: SE!"EN#E *
p-a EN"<ERATE> *
d8-C- d8-3dotBB- d8-1- d8-1dotBB-
d8;- d81- d8.- d815
/>S#?-#onfig>edi6ated-:111; :: SE!"EN#E *
dmrs-#onfig/>S#?-r11 ><RS-#onfig-r11 (/TI(NAL- -- Need (N
76l-(peration EN"<ERATE> *t+peA- t+pe85 (/TI(NAL- -- Need (R
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" *), Release $$
re-<apping!#L#onfigToReleaseList-r11 RE-<apping!#L#onfigToReleaseList-r11 (/TI(NAL- --
Need (N
re-<apping!#L#onfigToAdd<odList-r11 RE-<apping!#L#onfigToAdd<odList-r11 (/TI(NAL --
Need (N
RE-<apping!#L#onfigToAdd<odList-r11 :: SE!"EN#E $SI%E $1&&maxRE-<ap!#L-r11'' () />S#?-RE-
RE-<apping!#L#onfigToReleaseList-r11 :: SE!"EN#E $SI%E $1&&maxRE-<ap!#L-r11'' () />S#?-RE-
/>S#?-RE-<apping!#L-#onfig-r11 :: SE!"EN#E *
pds6h-RE-<apping!#L-#onfigId-r11 />S#?-RE-<apping!#L-#onfigId-r11-
optionalSet(f)ields-r11 SE!"EN#E *
6rs-/orts#ount-r11 EN"<ERATE> *n1- n.- n3- spare15-
6rs-)re7Shift-r11 INTE,ER $;&&D'-
m@sfn-Su@frame#onfigList-r11 #?(I#E *
release N"LL-
setup SE!"EN#E *
su@frame#onfigList <8S)N-Su@frame#onfigList
5 (/TI(NAL- -- Need (N
pds6h-Start-r11 EN"<ERATE> *reser:ed- n1- n.- n1- n3- assigned5
5 (/TI(NAL- -- Need (/
6si-RS-#onfig%/Id-r11 #SI-RS-#onfig%/Id-r11-
76l-#SI-RS-#onfigN%/Id-r11 #SI-RS-#onfigN%/Id-r11 (/TI(NAL- -- Need (R
-- ASN1ST(/
PDSC+-Config field descriptions
83 a'se&t, t$e U+ re"eases t$e !o&3i2uratio& #ro7ided #re7ious"5, i3 a&5, a&d a##"ies t$e 7a"ues 3ro6 t$e ser7i&2 !e""
!o&3i2ured o& t$e sa6e 3re9ue&!5.
P , see TS 36.213 E23, 5.2F. Va"ue d;-6 !orres#o&ds to -6 d;, d;-4dot77 !orres#o&ds to -4.77 d; et!.
P , see TS 36.213 E23, Ta'"e 5.2-1F.
T$e starti&2 ?(4M s56'o" o3 P4S*= 3or t$e !o&!er&ed ser7i&2 !e"", see TS 36.213 E23. Va"ues 1, 2, 3 are
a##"i!a'"e 1$e& (l6Ban(=i(th 3or t$e !o&!er&ed ser7i&2 !e"" is 2reater t$a& 10 resour!e '"o!>s, 7a"ues 2, 3, 4 are
a##"i!a'"e 1$e& (l6Ban(=i(th 3or t$e !o&!er&ed ser7i&2 !e"" is "ess t$a& or e9ua" to 10 resour!e '"o!>s, see TS
36.211 E21, Ta'"e 6.7-1F. Va"ue n1 !orres#o&ds to 1, 7a"ue n2 !orres#o&ds to 2 a&d so o&.
8&di!ates t$e *S8-RS resour!e t$at is 9uasi !o-"o!ated 1it$ t$e P4S*= a&te&&a #orts, see TS 36.213 E23, 7.1..F. +-
UTR%) !o&3i2ures t$is 3ie"d i3 a&d o&"5 i3 t$e U+ is !o&3i2ured 1it$ %cl64peration set to typeB.
8&di!ates t$e 9uasi !o-"o!atio& 'e$a7iour to 'e used '5 t$e U+, t5#e % a&d t5#e ;, as des!ri'ed i& TS 36.213 E23,
Para6eter, #eference6si"nal po=er, 1$i!$ #ro7ides t$e do1&"i&> re3ere&!e-si2&a" +PR+, see TS 36.213 E23, 5.2F.
T$e a!tua" 7a"ue i& d;6.
re-Mapping6C#Config*o'Mo#ist= re-Mapping6C#Config*o$elease#ist
(or a ser7i&2 3re9ue&!5 +-UTR%) !o&3i2ures at "east o&e !2S$/6#,6Mappin"<$16$onfi" 1$e& tra&s6issio& 6ode
10 is !o&3i2ured 3or t$e ser7i&2 !e"" o& t$is !arrier 3re9ue&!5. ?t$er1ise it does &ot !o&3i2ure t$is 8+.
D !2S$/6#,6Mappin"<$16$onfi"I(
The &3 P2S"/4!,4Mappin7"14"onfiI& is used to identify a set of P9"2B parameters related to resource element
mappin and ;uasi coAlocation. as confiured by the &3 P2S"/4!,4Mappin7"14"onfi. The identity is uni;ue within
the scope of a carrier fre;uency.
PDSC+-$--Mapping6C#-Config" infor2ation ele2ents
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" *)% Release $$
/>S#?-RE-<apping!#L-#onfigId-r11 :: INTE,ER $1&&maxRE-<ap!#L-r11'
-- ASN1ST(/
D !/I$/6$onfi"
The &3 P/I"/4"onfi is used to specify the PB&2B confiuration.
P+"C+-Config infor2ation ele2ent
/?I#?-#onfig :: SE!"EN#E *
phi6h->uration EN"<ERATE> *normal- extended5-
phi6h-Resour6e EN"<ERATE> *oneSixth- half- one- two5
-- ASN1ST(/
P+"C+-Config field descriptions
Para6eter, !/I$/62&ration, see TS 36.211 E21, Ta'"e 6...3-1F.
Para6eter, 3", see TS 36.211 E21, 6..F. Va"ue o&eSi/t$ !orres#o&ds to 106, $a"3 !orres#o&ds to 102 a&d so o&.
D !hysical$onfi"2e(icate(
The &3 P)ysical"onfi2e&icate& is used to specify the 43 specific physical channel confiuration.
PhysicalConfigDeicate information element
/h+si6al#onfig>edi6ated :: SE!"EN#E *
pds6h-#onfig>edi6ated />S#?-#onfig>edi6ated (/TI(NAL- -- Need (N
pu66h-#onfig>edi6ated /"##?-#onfig>edi6ated (/TI(NAL- -- Need (N
pus6h-#onfig>edi6ated /"S#?-#onfig>edi6ated (/TI(NAL- -- Need (N
uplin9/ower#ontrol>edi6ated "plin9/ower#ontrol>edi6ated (/TI(NAL- -- Need (N
tp6-/>##?-#onfig/"##? T/#-/>##?-#onfig (/TI(NAL- -- Need (N
tp6-/>##?-#onfig/"S#? T/#-/>##?-#onfig (/TI(NAL- -- Need (N
67i-Report#onfig #!I-Report#onfig (/TI(NAL- -- #ond #!I-
soundingRS-"L-#onfig>edi6ated SoundingRS-"L-#onfig>edi6ated (/TI(NAL- -- Need (N
antennaInfo #?(I#E *
expli6itFalue AntennaInfo>edi6ated-
defaultFalue N"LL
5 (/TI(NAL- -- #ond AI-r=
s6hedulingRe7uest#onfig S6hedulingRe7uest#onfig (/TI(NAL- -- Need (N
00 67i-Report#onfig-:2.; #!I-Report#onfig-:2.; (/TI(NAL- -- #ond #!I-
antennaInfo-:2.; AntennaInfo>edi6ated-:2.; (/TI(NAL -- #ond AI-
00 antennaInfo-r1; #?(I#E *
expli6itFalue-r1; AntennaInfo>edi6ated-r1;-
defaultFalue N"LL
5 (/TI(NAL- -- #ond AI-r1;
antennaInfo"L-r1; AntennaInfo"L-r1; (/TI(NAL- -- Need (N
6if-/resen6e-r1; 8((LEAN (/TI(NAL- -- Need (N
67i-Report#onfig-r1; #!I-Report#onfig-r1; (/TI(NAL- -- #ond #!I-
6si-RS-#onfig-r1; #SI-RS-#onfig-r1; (/TI(NAL- -- Need (N
pu66h-#onfig>edi6ated-:1;.; /"##?-#onfig>edi6ated-:1;.; (/TI(NAL- -- Need (N
pus6h-#onfig>edi6ated-:1;.; /"S#?-#onfig>edi6ated-:1;.; (/TI(NAL- -- Need (N
s6hedulingRe7uest#onfig-:1;.; S6hedulingRe7uest#onfig-:1;.; (/TI(NAL- -- Need (N
SoundingRS-"L-#onfig>edi6ated-:1;.; (/TI(NAL- -- Need (N
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" *)( Release $$
SoundingRS-"L-#onfig>edi6atedAperiodi6-r1; (/TI(NAL- -- Need (N
uplin9/ower#ontrol>edi6ated-:1;.; "plin9/ower#ontrol>edi6ated-:1;.; (/TI(NAL -- Need
00 additionalSpe6trumEmission#A-r1; #?(I#E *
release N"LL-
setup SE!"EN#E *
additionalSpe6trumEmission/#ell-r1; AdditionalSpe6trumEmission
5 (/TI(NAL -- Need (N
00 -- >L 6onfiguration as well as 6onfiguration appli6a@le for >L and "L
6si-RS-#onfigN%/ToReleaseList-r11 #SI-RS-#onfigN%/ToReleaseList-r11 (/TI(NAL- -- Need
6si-RS-#onfigN%/ToAdd<odList-r11 #SI-RS-#onfigN%/ToAdd<odList-r11 (/TI(NAL- -- Need
6si-RS-#onfig%/ToReleaseList-r11 #SI-RS-#onfig%/ToReleaseList-r11 (/TI(NAL- -- Need
6si-RS-#onfig%/ToAdd<odList-r11 #SI-RS-#onfig%/ToAdd<odList-r11 (/TI(NAL- -- Need (N
epd66h-#onfig-r11 E/>##?-#onfig-r11 (/TI(NAL- -- Need (N
pds6h-#onfig>edi6ated-:111; />S#?-#onfig>edi6ated-:111; (/TI(NAL- -- Need (N
-- "L 6onfiguration
67i-Report#onfig-:111; #!I-Report#onfig-:111; (/TI(NAL- -- Need (N
pu66h-#onfig>edi6ated-:111; /"##?-#onfig>edi6ated-:111; (/TI(NAL- -- Need (N
pus6h-#onfig>edi6ated-:111; /"S#?-#onfig>edi6ated-:111; (/TI(NAL- -- Need (N
uplin9/ower#ontrol>edi6ated-:111; "plin9/ower#ontrol>edi6ated-:111; (/TI(NAL -- Need
/h+si6al#onfig>edi6atedS#ell-r1; :: SE!"EN#E *
-- >L 6onfiguration as well as 6onfiguration appli6a@le for >L and "L
non"L-#onfiguration-r1; SE!"EN#E *
antennaInfo-r1; AntennaInfo>edi6ated-r1; (/TI(NAL- -- Need (N
6ross#arrierS6heduling#onfig-r1; #ross#arrierS6heduling#onfig-r1; (/TI(NAL- --
Need (N
6si-RS-#onfig-r1; #SI-RS-#onfig-r1; (/TI(NAL- -- Need (N
pds6h-#onfig>edi6ated-r1; />S#?-#onfig>edi6ated (/TI(NAL -- Need (N
5 (/TI(NAL- -- #ond S#ellAdd
-- "L 6onfiguration
ul-#onfiguration-r1; SE!"EN#E *
antennaInfo"L-r1; AntennaInfo"L-r1; (/TI(NAL- -- Need (N
pus6h-#onfig>edi6atedS#ell-r1; /"S#?-#onfig>edi6atedS#ell-r1; (/TI(NAL- --
Need (N
uplin9/ower#ontrol>edi6atedS#ell-r1; "plin9/ower#ontrol>edi6atedS#ell-r1; (/TI(NAL- --
Need (N
67i-Report#onfigS#ell-r1; #!I-Report#onfigS#ell-r1; (/TI(NAL- -- Need (N
soundingRS-"L-#onfig>edi6ated-r1; SoundingRS-"L-#onfig>edi6ated (/TI(NAL- -- Need
SoundingRS-"L-#onfig>edi6ated-:1;.; (/TI(NAL- -- Need (N
SoundingRS-"L-#onfig>edi6atedAperiodi6-r1; (/TI(NAL -- Need (N
5 (/TI(NAL- -- #ond #ommon"L
00 -- >L 6onfiguration as well as 6onfiguration appli6a@le for >L and "L
6si-RS-#onfigN%/ToReleaseList-r11 #SI-RS-#onfigN%/ToReleaseList-r11 (/TI(NAL- -- Need
6si-RS-#onfigN%/ToAdd<odList-r11 #SI-RS-#onfigN%/ToAdd<odList-r11 (/TI(NAL- -- Need
6si-RS-#onfig%/ToReleaseList-r11 #SI-RS-#onfig%/ToReleaseList-r11 (/TI(NAL- -- Need
6si-RS-#onfig%/ToAdd<odList-r11 #SI-RS-#onfig%/ToAdd<odList-r11 (/TI(NAL- -- Need (N
epd66h-#onfig-r11 E/>##?-#onfig-r11 (/TI(NAL- -- Need (N
pds6h-#onfig>edi6ated-:111; />S#?-#onfig>edi6ated-:111; (/TI(NAL- -- Need (N
-- "L 6onfiguration
67i-Report#onfig-:111; #!I-Report#onfig-:111; (/TI(NAL- -- Need (N
pus6h-#onfig>edi6ated-:111; /"S#?-#onfig>edi6ated-:111; (/TI(NAL- -- Need (N
uplin9/ower#ontrol>edi6atedS#ell-:111; "plin9/ower#ontrol>edi6ated-:111; (/TI(NAL --
Need (N
#SI-RS-#onfigN%/ToAdd<odList-r11 :: SE!"EN#E $SI%E $1&&max#SI-RS-N%/-r11'' () #SI-RS-#onfigN%/-
#SI-RS-#onfigN%/ToReleaseList-r11 :: SE!"EN#E $SI%E $1&&max#SI-RS-N%/-r11'' () #SI-RS-
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" *)- Release $$
#SI-RS-#onfig%/ToAdd<odList-r11 :: SE!"EN#E $SI%E $1&&max#SI-RS-%/-r11'' () #SI-RS-#onfig%/-r11
#SI-RS-#onfig%/ToReleaseList-r11 :: SE!"EN#E $SI%E $1&&max#SI-RS-%/-r11'' () #SI-RS-#onfig%/Id-
-- ASN1ST(/
PhysicalConfigDeicate field descriptions
T$e U+ re9uire6e&ts re"ated to 8+ .((itionalSpectr&m,mission!$ell are de3i&ed i& TS 36.101 E42F& +UTR%) does
&ot !o&3i2ure .((itionalSpectr&m,mission!$ell i3 t$ere are &o ot$er ser7i&2 !e""s !o&3i2ured. +-UTR%) does &ot
!o&3i2ure t$e 3ie"d i& !ase o3 !o&ti2uous i&tra-'a&d !arrier a22re2atio&.
% !$oi!e is used to i&di!ate 1$et$er t$e antennaInfo is si2&a""ed e/#"i!it"5 or set to t$e de3au"t a&te&&a !o&3i2uratio&
as s#e!i3ied i& se!tio& ..2.4.
(or a ser7i&2 3re9ue&!5 +-UTR%) does &ot !o&3i2ure csi6#S6$onfi" (i&!"udes DeroT*!o=er$SI6#S) 1$e&
tra&s6issio& 6ode 10 is !o&3i2ured 3or t$e ser7i&2 !e"" o& t$is !arrier 3re9ue&!5.
(or a ser7i&2 3re9ue&!5 +-UTR%) !o&3i2ures o&e or 6ore $SI6#S6$onfi"3C! o&"5 1$e& tra&s6issio& 6ode 10 is
!o&3i2ured 3or t$e ser7i&2 !e"" o& t$is !arrier 3re9ue&!5. +UTR%) !o&3i2ures a 6a/i6u6 o3 o&e $SI6#S6$onfi"3C!
3or a ser7i&2 3re9ue&!5 o& 1$i!$ t$e U+ su##orts o&"5 o&e *S8 #ro!ess (i.e. s&pporte($SI6!roc is i&di!ated as n/).
(or a ser7i&2 3re9ue&!5 +-UTR%) !o&3i2ures o&e or 6ore $SI6#S6$onfi"C! o&"5 1$e& tra&s6issio& 6ode 10 is
!o&3i2ured 3or t$e ser7i&2 !e"" o& t$is !arrier 3re9ue&!5.
i&di!ates t$e ,!2$$/6$onfi" 3or t$e !e"". +-UTR%) does &ot !o&3i2ure ,!2$$/6$onfi" 3or a& S*e"" t$at is
!o&3i2ured 1it$ 7a"ue other 3or sche(&lin"$ellInfo i& $ross$arrierSche(&lin"$onfi".
(or a ser7i&2 3re9ue&!5 +-UTR%) !o&3i2ures p(sch6$onfi"2e(icate(60113 o&"5 1$e& tra&s6issio& 6ode 10 is
!o&3i2ured 3or t$e ser7i&2 !e"" o& t$is !arrier 3re9ue&!5.
P4**= !o&3i2uratio& 3or #o1er !o&tro" o3 PU**= usi&2 3or6at 303%, see TS 36.212 E22F.
P4**= !o&3i2uratio& 3or #o1er !o&tro" o3 PUS*= usi&2 3or6at 303%, see TS 36.212 E22F.
+-UTR%) !o&3i2ures &plink!o=er$ontrol2e(icate(60113 o&"5 i3 &plink!o=er$ontrol2e(icate( (1it$out su33i/) is
+-UTR%) !o&3i2ures &plink!o=er$ontrol2e(icate(S$ell60113 o&"5 i3 &plink!o=er$ontrol2e(icate(S$ell6r1 is
!o&3i2ured 3or t$is ser7i&2 !e"".
#onditional presence E:planation
.I6r8 T$e 3ie"d is o#tio&a""5 #rese&t, &eed ?), i3 antennaInfo2e(icate(6r1 is a'se&t. ?t$er1ise
t$e 3ie"d is &ot #rese&t
.I6r1 T$e 3ie"d is o#tio&a""5 #rese&t, &eed ?), i3 antennaInfo2e(icate( is a'se&t. ?t$er1ise t$e
3ie"d is &ot #rese&t
$ommon-1 T$e 3ie"d is 6a&dator5 #rese&t i3 &l6$onfi"&ration o3 #a(io#eso&rce$onfi"$ommonS$ell6
r1 is #rese&tH ot$er1ise it is o#tio&a", &eed ?).
$<I6r8 T$e 3ie"d is o#tio&a""5 #rese&t, &eed ?), i3 c%i6#eport$onfi"6r1 is a'se&t. ?t$er1ise t$e
3ie"d is &ot #rese&t
$<I6r1 T$e 3ie"d is o#tio&a""5 #rese&t, &eed ?), i3 c%i6#eport$onfi" is a'se&t. ?t$er1ise t$e 3ie"d
is &ot #rese&t
S$ell.(( T$e 3ie"d is 6a&dator5 #rese&t i3 cellI(entification is #rese&tH ot$er1ise it is o#tio&a", &eed
'OT3 ,I 9urin handover. the 43 performs a M/2 reset. which involves revertin to the default 2F&D "0"D "0
confiuration in accordance with subclause :.3.,3 and T" 3=.3*, K=. :.@ G :.*L. Bence. for these parts of
the dedicated radio resource confiuration. the default confiuration (rather than the confiuration used in
the source P2ell) is used as the basis for the delta sinallin that is included in the messae used to
perform handover.
'OT3 *I "ince delta sinallin is not supported for the common "2ell confiuration. 3A4T0/' can only add or
release the uplin# of an "2ell by releasin and addin the concerned "2ell.
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" *). Release $$
D !6Ma*
The &3 P4Ma* is used to limit the 43$s uplin# transmission power on a carrier fre;uency and is used to calculate the
parameter Pcompensation defined in T" 3=.3+- K-L. 2orresponds to parameter P3M/N or P3M/N.c in T" 3=.,+, K-*L. The
43 transmit power on one servin cell shall not e(ceed the confiured ma(imum 43 output power of the servin cell
determined by this value as specified in T" 3=.,+, K-*. =.*.: or =.*.:/L.
P-Ma. infor2ation ele2ent
/-<ax :: INTE,ER $-1;&&11'
-- ASN1ST(/
D !#.$/6$onfi"
The &3 P!."/4"onfiSIB and &3 P!."/4"onfi are used to specify the P0/2B confiuration in the system
information and in the mobility control information. respectively.
P$'C+-Config infor2ation ele2ents
/RA#?-#onfigSI8 :: SE!"EN#E *
rootSe7uen6eIndex INTE,ER $;&&=1B'-
pra6h-#onfigInfo /RA#?-#onfigInfo
/RA#?-#onfig :: SE!"EN#E *
rootSe7uen6eIndex INTE,ER $;&&=1B'-
pra6h-#onfigInfo /RA#?-#onfigInfo (/TI(NAL -- Need (N
/RA#?-#onfigS#ell-r1; :: SE!"EN#E *
pra6h-#onfigIndex-r1; INTE,ER $;&&C1'
/RA#?-#onfigInfo :: SE!"EN#E *
pra6h-#onfigIndex INTE,ER $;&&C1'-
highSpeed)lag 8((LEAN-
Hero#orrelation%one#onfig INTE,ER $;&&1D'-
pra6h-)re7(ffset INTE,ER $;&&23'
-- ASN1ST(/
P$'C+-Config field descriptions
Para6eter, =i2$-s#eed-3"a2, see TS 36.211, E21, 5.7.2F.TRU+ !orres#o&ds to Restri!ted set a&d (%S+ to
U&restri!ted set.
Para6eter, prach6$onfi"&rationIn(e*, see TS 36.211 E21, 5.7.1F.
Para6eter, prach6+re%&ency4ffset5 see TS 36.211, E21, 5.7.1F. (or T44 t$e 7a"ue ra&2e is de#e&de&t o& t$e 7a"ue o3
Para6eter, #.$/B#44TBS,<-,3$,, see TS 36.211 E21, 5.7.1F.
Para6eter, )*S !o&3i2uratio&, see TS 36.211, E21, 5.7.2, ta'"e 5.7.2-2F 3or #rea6'"e 3or6at 0..3 a&d TS 36.211, E21,
5.7.2, ta'"e 5.7.2-3F 3or #rea6'"e 3or6at 4.
D !resence.ntenna!ort1
The &3 Presence.ntennaPort1 is used to indicate whether all the neihbourin cells use /ntenna Port ,. <hen set to
T!-,. the 43 may assume that at least two cellAspecific antenna ports are used in all neihbourin cells.
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" *$) Release $$
Presence'ntennaPort/ infor2ation ele2ent
/resen6eAntenna/ort1 :: 8((LEAN
-- ASN1ST(/
D !-$$/6$onfi"
The &3 P-""/4"onfi"ommon and &3 P-""/4"onfi2e&icate& are used to specify the common and the 43 specific
P422B confiuration respectively.
PUCC+-Config infor2ation ele2ents
/"##?-#onfig#ommon :: SE!"EN#E *
delta/"##?-Shift EN"<ERATE> *ds1- ds.- ds15-
nR8-#!I INTE,ER $;&&2='-
n#S-AN INTE,ER $;&&B'-
n1/"##?-AN INTE,ER $;&&.;3B'
/"##?-#onfig>edi6ated :: SE!"EN#E *
a69Na69Repetition #?(I#E*
release N"LL-
setup SE!"EN#E *
repetition)a6tor EN"<ERATE> *n.- n3- nC- spare15-
n1/"##?-AN-Rep INTE,ER $;&&.;3B'
tdd-A69Na69)eed@a69<ode EN"<ERATE> *@undling- multiplexing5 (/TI(NAL -- #ond T>>
/"##?-#onfig>edi6ated-:1;.; :: SE!"EN#E *
pu66h-)ormat-r1; #?(I#E *
format1-r1; SE!"EN#E *
n1/"##?-AN-List-r1; SE!"EN#E $SI%E $1&&3'' () INTE,ER $;&&D32' (/TI(NAL- -- Need (N
twoAntenna/ortA6ti:ated/"##?-)ormat1-r1; #?(I#E *
release N"LL-
setup SE!"EN#E *
n1/"##?-AN-List/1-r1; SE!"EN#E $SI%E $1&&3'' () INTE,ER $;&&D32'
5 (/TI(NAL -- Need (N
6hannelSele6tion-r1; SE!"EN#E *
n1/"##?-AN-#S-r1; #?(I#E *
release N"LL-
setup SE!"EN#E *
n1/"##?-AN-#S-List-r1; SE!"EN#E $SI%E $1&&.'' () N1/"##?-AN-#S-r1;
5 (/TI(NAL -- Need (N
5 (/TI(NAL- -- Need (R
twoAntenna/ortA6ti:ated/"##?-)ormat1a1@-r1; EN"<ERATE> *true5 (/TI(NAL- -- Need (R
simultaneous/"##?-/"S#?-r1; EN"<ERATE> *true5 (/TI(NAL- -- Need (R
n1/"##?-AN-Rep/1-r1; INTE,ER $;&&.;3B' (/TI(NAL -- Need (R
/"##?-#onfig>edi6ated-:111; :: SE!"EN#E *
n1/"##?-AN-#S-:111; #?(I#E *
release N"LL-
setup SE!"EN#E *
n1/"##?-AN-#S-List/1-r11 SE!"EN#E $SI%E $.&&3'' () INTE,ER $;&&.;3B'
5 (/TI(NAL- -- Need (N
n/"##?-/aram-r11 #?(I#E *
release N"LL-
setup SE!"EN#E *
n/"##?-Identit+-r11 INTE,ER $;&&D;1'-
n1/"##?-AN-r11 INTE,ER $;&&.;3B'
5 (/TI(NAL -- Need (N
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" *$$ Release $$
N1/"##?-AN-#S-r1; :: SE!"EN#E $SI%E $1&&3'' () INTE,ER $;&&.;3B'
-- ASN1ST(/
PUCC+-Config field descriptions
Para6eter i&di!ates 1$et$er %*N0)%*N re#etitio& is !o&3i2ured, see TS 36.213 E23, 10.1F.

, see 36.211 E21, 5.4.1F, 1$ere ds1 !orres#o&ds to 7a"ue 1 ds2 to 2 et!.
) , (
3 , see TS 36.213 E23, 10.1F.
n1!-$$/6.36r11 i&di!ates U+-s#e!i3i! PU**= %) resour!e o33set, see TS 36.213 E23, 10.1F.
) , (
P422B. %
n 3or a&te&&a #ort
p 3or PU**= 3or6at 1' 1it$ !$a&&e" se"e!tio&, see TS 36.213 E23,,
. , (
n 3or a&te&&a #ort
p 3or PU**= 3or6at 1' 1it$ !$a&&e" se"e!tio&, see TS 36.213 E23, 10.1F.
+-UTR%) !o&3i2ures t$is 3ie"d o&"5 1$e& p&cch6+ormat is set to channelSelection.
n/PUCC+-'N-$ep= n/PUCC+-'N-$epP/
) . , (
/'0ep P422B.
n 3or a&te&&a #ort P0 a&d 3or a&te&&a #ort P1 res#e!ti7e"5, see TS 36.213 E23, 10.1F.
n3PUCC+-'N-#ist= n3PUCC+-'N-#istP/
) . 3 (
n 3or a&te&&a #ort P0 a&d 3or a&te&&a #ort P1 res#e!ti7e"5, see TS 36.213 E23, 10.1F.
) , (
3 see TS 36.211 E21, 5.4F.
n , see TS 36.211 E21,
3 , see TS 36.211 E21, 5.4F.
Para6eter i&di!ates o&e o3 t$e PU**= 3or6ats 3or tra&s6issio& o3 =%RB-%*N, see TS 36.213 E23, 10.1F. (or T44, i3
t$e U+ is !o&3i2ured 1it$ P*e"" o&"5, t$e channelSelection i&di!ates t$e tra&s6issio& o3 =%RB-%*N 6u"ti#"e/i&2 as
de3i&ed i& Ta'"es 10.1.3-5, 10.1.3-6, a&d 10.1.3-7 i& TS 36.213 E23F.
see TS 36.213 E23, 10.1F 1$ere &2 !orres#o&ds to re#etitio& 3a!tor 2, &4 to 4.
Para6eter i&di!ates 1$et$er si6u"ta&eous PU**= a&d PUS*= tra&s6issio&s is !o&3i2ured, see TS 36.213 E23, 10.1
a&d 5.1.1F. +-UTR%) !o&3i2ures t$is 3ie"d, o&"5 1$e& t$e non$onti"&o&s-16#.6;ithin$$6Info is set to s&pporte( i&
t$e 'a&d o& 1$i!$ P*e"" is !o&3i2ured.
Para6eter i&di!ates o&e o3 t$e T44 %*N0)%*N 3eed'a!> 6odes used, see TS 36.213 E23, 7.3 a&d 10.1.3F. T$e 7a"ue
'u&d"i&2 !orres#o&ds to use o3 %*N0)%*N 'u&d"i&2 1$ereas, t$e 7a"ue 6u"ti#"e/i&2 !orres#o&ds to %*N0)%*N
6u"ti#"e/i&2 as de3i&ed i& Ta'"es 10.1.3-2, 10.1.3-3, a&d 10.1.3-4 i& TS 36.213 E23F. T$e sa6e 7a"ue a##"ies to 'ot$
%*N0)%*N 3eed'a!> 6odes o& PU**= as 1e"" as o& PUS*=.
8&di!ates 1$et$er t1o a&te&&a #orts are !o&3i2ured 3or PU**= 3or6at 1a01' 3or =%RB-%*N, see TS 36.213 E23,
10.1F. T$e 3ie"d a"so a##"ies 3or PU**= 3or6at 1a01' tra&s6issio& 1$e& format3 is !o&3i2ured, see TS 36.213 E23,,
8&di!ates 1$et$er t1o a&te&&a #orts are !o&3i2ured 3or PU**= 3or6at 3 3or =%RB-%*N, see TS 36.213 E23, 10.1F.
#onditional presence E:planation
T22 T$e 3ie"d is 6a&dator5 #rese&t 3or T44 i3 t$e p&cch6+ormat is &ot #rese&t. 83 t$e p&cch6
+ormat is #rese&t, t$e 3ie"d is &ot #rese&t a&d t$e U+ s$a"" de"ete a&5 e/isti&2 7a"ue 3or
t$is 3ie"d. 8t is &ot #rese&t 3or (44 a&d t$e U+ s$a"" de"ete a&5 e/isti&2 7a"ue 3or t$is 3ie"d.
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" *$* Release $$
D !-S$/6$onfi"
The &3 P-S"/4"onfi"ommon is used to specify the common P4"2B confiuration and the reference sinal
confiuration for P4"2B and P422B. The &3 P-S"/4"onfi2e&icate& is used to specify the 43 specific P4"2B
PUSC+-Config infor2ation ele2ent
/"S#?-#onfig#ommon :: SE!"EN#E *
pus6h-#onfig8asi6 SE!"EN#E *
n-S8 INTE,ER $1&&3'-
hopping<ode EN"<ERATE> *interSu@)rame- intraAndInterSu@)rame5-
pus6h-?opping(ffset INTE,ER $;&&2='-
ena@leC3!A< 8((LEAN
ul-Referen6eSignals/"S#? "L-Referen6eSignals/"S#?
/"S#?-#onfig>edi6ated :: SE!"EN#E *
@eta(ffset-A#I-Index INTE,ER $;&&1D'-
@eta(ffset-RI-Index INTE,ER $;&&1D'-
@eta(ffset-#!I-Index INTE,ER $;&&1D'
/"S#?-#onfig>edi6ated-:1;.; :: SE!"EN#E *
@eta(ffset<#-r1; SE!"EN#E *
@eta(ffset-A#I-Index-<#-r1; INTE,ER $;&&1D'-
@eta(ffset-RI-Index-<#-r1; INTE,ER $;&&1D'-
@eta(ffset-#!I-Index-<#-r1; INTE,ER $;&&1D'
5 (/TI(NAL- -- Need (R
group?opping>isa@led-r1; EN"<ERATE> *true5 (/TI(NAL- -- Need (R
dmrs-Gith(##-A6ti:ated-r1; EN"<ERATE> *true5 (/TI(NAL -- Need (R
/"S#?-#onfig>edi6ated-:111; :: SE!"EN#E *
pus6h-><RS-r11 #?(I#E *
release N"LL-
setup SE!"EN#E *
n/"S#?-Identit+-r11 INTE,ER $;&&D;2'-
n><RS-#S?-Identit+-r11 INTE,ER $;&&D;2'
/"S#?-#onfig>edi6atedS#ell-r1; :: SE!"EN#E *
group?opping>isa@led-r1; EN"<ERATE> *true5 (/TI(NAL- -- Need (R
dmrs-Gith(##-A6ti:ated-r1; EN"<ERATE> *true5 (/TI(NAL -- Need (R
"L-Referen6eSignals/"S#? :: SE!"EN#E *
group?oppingEna@led 8((LEAN-
groupAssignment/"S#? INTE,ER $;&&.2'-
se7uen6e?oppingEna@led 8((LEAN-
6+6li6Shift INTE,ER $;&&B'
-- ASN1ST(/
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" *$3 Release $$
PUSC+-Config field descriptions
!eta1ffset-'C>-"ne.= !eta1ffset-'C>-"ne.-MC
."E /.!7

, 3or si&2"e- a&d 6u"ti#"e-!ode1ord res#e!ti7e"5, see TS 36.213 E23, Ta'"e <.6.3-1F. ?&e
7a"ue a##"ies 3or a"" ser7i&2 !e""s 1it$ a& u#"i&> (t$e asso!iated 3u&!tio&a"it5 is !o66o& i.e. &ot #er3or6ed
i&de#e&de&t"5 3or ea!$ !e"").
!eta1ffset-C6"-"ne.= !eta1ffset-C6"-"ne.-MC
I , 3or si&2"e- a&d 6u"ti#"e-!ode1ord res#e!ti7e"5, see TS 36.213 E23, Ta'"e <.6.3-3F. ?&e 7a"ue
a##"ies 3or a"" ser7i&2 !e""s 1it$ a& u#"i&> (t$e asso!iated 3u&!tio&a"it5 is !o66o& i.e. &ot #er3or6ed i&de#e&de&t"5 3or
ea!$ !e"").
!eta1ffset-$"-"ne.= !eta1ffset-$"-"ne.-MC
I , 3or si&2"e- a&d 6u"ti#"e-!ode1ord res#e!ti7e"5, see TS 36.213 E23, Ta'"e <.6.3-2F. ?&e 7a"ue
a##"ies 3or a"" ser7i&2 !e""s 1it$ a& u#"i&> (t$e asso!iated 3u&!tio&a"it5 is !o66o& i.e. &ot #er3or6ed i&de#e&de&t"5 3or
ea!$ !e"").
Para6eters, cyclicShift, see TS 36.211 E21, Ta'"e
Para6eter, .cti0ate62M#S6=ith 4$$, see TS 36.211 E21,
See TS 36.213 E23, <.6.1F. TRU+ i&di!ates t$at 64B%M is a""o1ed 1$i"e (%S+ i&di!ates t$at 64B%M is &ot a""o1ed.
Para6eter, SS See TS 36.211 E21,
Para6eter, 2isa)le6se%&ence6"ro&p6hoppin", see TS 36.211 E21,
Para6eter, 9ro&p6hoppin"6ena)le(, see TS 36.211 E21,
Para6eter, /oppin"6mo(e, see TS 36.211 E21, 5.3.4F.
3 , see TS 36.211 E21,
n , see TS 36.211 E21,
Para6eter, )s' see TS 36.211 E21, 5.3.4F.
3 , see TS 36.211 E21, 5.3.4F.
Para6eter, Se%&ence6hoppin"6ena)le(, see TS 36.211 E21,
ul- $eferenceSignalsPUSC+
Used to s#e!i35 #ara6eters &eeded 3or t$e tra&s6issio& o& PUS*= (or PU**=).
D #.$/6$onfi"$ommon
The &3 !."/4"onfi"ommon is used to specify the eneric random access parameters.
$'C+-ConfigCommon infor2ation ele2ent
RA#?-#onfig#ommon :: SE!"EN#E *
pream@leInfo SE!"EN#E *
num@er(fRA-/ream@les EN"<ERATE> *
n3- n=- n1.- n1C -n.;- n.3- n.=-
n1.- n1C- n3;- n33- n3=- nD.- nDC-
nC;- nC35-
pream@les,roupA#onfig SE!"EN#E *
siHe(fRA-/ream@les,roupA EN"<ERATE> *
n3- n=- n1.- n1C -n.;- n.3- n.=-
n1.- n1C- n3;- n33- n3=- nD.- nDC-
messageSiHe,roupA EN"<ERATE> *@DC- @133- @.;=- @.DC5-
message/ower(ffset,roup8 EN"<ERATE> *
minusinfinit+- d8;- d8D- d8=- d81;- d81.-
d81D- d81=5-
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" *$+ Release $$
5 (/TI(NAL -- Need (/
powerRamping/arameters /owerRamping/arameters-
ra-Super:isionInfo SE!"EN#E *
pream@leTrans<ax /ream@leTrans<ax-
ra-ResponseGindowSiHe EN"<ERATE> *
sf.- sf1- sf3- sfD- sfC- sfB-
sf=- sf1;5-
ma6-#ontentionResolutionTimer EN"<ERATE> *
sf=- sf1C- sf.3- sf1.- sf3;- sf3=-
sfDC- sfC35
max?AR!-<sg1Tx INTE,ER $1&&='-
RA#?-#onfig#ommonS#ell-r11 :: SE!"EN#E *
powerRamping/arameters-r11 /owerRamping/arameters-
ra-Super:isionInfo-r11 SE!"EN#E *
pream@leTrans<ax-r11 /ream@leTrans<ax
/owerRamping/arameters :: SE!"EN#E *
powerRampingStep EN"<ERATE> *d8;- d8.-d83- d8C5-
pream@leInitialRe6ei:edTarget/ower EN"<ERATE> *
d8m-1.;- d8m-11=- d8m-11C- d8m-113- d8m-11.-
d8m-11;- d8m-1;=- d8m-1;C- d8m-1;3- d8m-1;.-
d8m-1;;- d8m-2=- d8m-2C- d8m-23-
d8m-2.- d8m-2;5
/ream@leTrans<ax :: EN"<ERATE> *
n1- n3- nD- nC- nB- n=- n1;- n.;- nD;-
n1;;- n.;;5
-- ASN1ST(/
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" *$, Release $$
RA#;!#onfi0#o22on field descriptions
Ti6er 3or !o&te&tio& reso"utio& i& TS 36.321 E6F. Va"ue i& su'3ra6es. Va"ue s3< !orres#o&ds to < su'3ra6es, s316
!orres#o&ds to 16 su'3ra6es a&d so o&.
Ma/i6u6 &u6'er o3 Ms23 =%RB tra&s6issio&s i& TS 36.321 E6F, used 3or !o&te&tio& 'ased ra&do6 a!!ess. Va"ue is
a& i&te2er.
T$res$o"d 3or #rea6'"e se"e!tio& i& TS 36.321 E6F. Va"ue i& d;. Va"ue 6i&usi&3i&it5 !orres#o&ds to Di&3i&it5. Va"ue d;0
!orres#o&ds to 0 d;, d;5 !orres#o&ds to 5 d; a&d so o&.
T$res$o"d 3or #rea6'"e se"e!tio& i& TS 36.321 E6F. Va"ue i& 'its. Va"ue '56 !orres#o&ds to 56 'its, '144 !orres#o&ds
to 144 'its a&d so o&.
)u6'er o3 &o&-dedi!ated ra&do6 a!!ess #rea6'"es i& TS 36.321 E6F. Va"ue is a& i&te2er. Va"ue &4 !orres#o&ds to 4,
&< !orres#o&ds to < a&d so o&.
Po1er ra6#i&2 3a!tor i& TS 36.321 E6F. Va"ue i& d;. Va"ue d;0 !orres#o&ds to 0 d;, d;2 !orres#o&ds to 2 d; a&d so
8&itia" #rea6'"e #o1er i& TS 36.321 E6F. Va"ue i& d;6. Va"ue d;6-120 !orres#o&ds to -120 d;6, d;6-11<
!orres#o&ds to -11< d;6 a&d so o&.
Pro7ides t$e !o&3i2uratio& 3or #rea6'"e 2rou#i&2 i& TS 36.321 E6F. 83 t$e 3ie"d is &ot si2&a""ed, t$e siLe o3 t$e ra&do6
a!!ess #rea6'"es 2rou# % E6F is e9ua" to n&m)er4f#.6!ream)les.
Ma/i6u6 &u6'er o3 #rea6'"e tra&s6issio& i& TS 36.321 E6F. Va"ue is a& i&te2er. Va"ue &3 !orres#o&ds to 3, &4
!orres#o&ds to 4 a&d so o&.
4uratio& o3 t$e R% res#o&se 1i&do1 i& TS 36.321 E6F. Va"ue i& su'3ra6es. Va"ue s32 !orres#o&ds to 2 su'3ra6es, s33
!orres#o&ds to 3 su'3ra6es a&d so o&. T$e sa6e 7a"ue a##"ies 3or ea!$ ser7i&2 !e"" (a"t$ou2$ t$e asso!iated
3u&!tio&a"it5 is #er3or6ed i&de#e&de&t"5 3or ea!$ !e"").
SiLe o3 t$e ra&do6 a!!ess #rea6'"es 2rou# % i& TS 36.321 E6F. Va"ue is a& i&te2er. Va"ue &4 !orres#o&ds to 4, &<
!orres#o&ds to < a&d so o&.
D #.$/6$onfi"2e(icate(
The &3 !."/4"onfi2e&icate& is used to specify the dedicated random access parameters.
$'C+-ConfigDeicate infor2ation ele2ent
RA#?-#onfig>edi6ated :: SE!"EN#E *
ra-/ream@leIndex INTE,ER $;&&C1'-
ra-/RA#?-<as9Index INTE,ER $;&&1D'
-- ASN1ST(/
RA#;!#onfi07edicated field descriptions
+/#"i!it"5 si2&a""ed PR%*= Mas> 8&de/ 3or R% Resour!e se"e!tio& i& TS 36.321 E6F.
+/#"i!it"5 si2&a""ed Ra&do6 %!!ess Prea6'"e 3or R% Resour!e se"e!tio& i& TS 36.321 E6F.
D #a(io#eso&rce$onfi"$ommon
The &3 !a&io!eso$rce"onfi"ommonSIB and &3 !a&io!eso$rce"onfi"ommon are used to specify common radio
resource confiurations in the system information and in the mobility control information. respectively. e... the random
access parameters and the static physical layer parameters.
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" *$% Release $$
RadioResource#onfi0#o22on infor2ation ele2ent
RadioResour6e#onfig#ommonSI8 :: SE!"EN#E *
ra6h-#onfig#ommon RA#?-#onfig#ommon-
@66h-#onfig 8##?-#onfig-
p66h-#onfig /##?-#onfig-
pra6h-#onfig /RA#?-#onfigSI8-
pds6h-#onfig#ommon />S#?-#onfig#ommon-
pus6h-#onfig#ommon /"S#?-#onfig#ommon-
pu66h-#onfig#ommon /"##?-#onfig#ommon-
soundingRS-"L-#onfig#ommon SoundingRS-"L-#onfig#ommon-
uplin9/ower#ontrol#ommon "plin9/ower#ontrol#ommon-
ul-#+6li6/refixLength "L-#+6li6/refixLength-
00 uplin9/ower#ontrol#ommon-:1;.; "plin9/ower#ontrol#ommon-:1;.; (/TI(NAL -- Need (R
RadioResour6e#onfig#ommon :: SE!"EN#E *
ra6h-#onfig#ommon RA#?-#onfig#ommon (/TI(NAL- -- Need (N
pra6h-#onfig /RA#?-#onfig-
pds6h-#onfig#ommon />S#?-#onfig#ommon (/TI(NAL- -- Need (N
pus6h-#onfig#ommon /"S#?-#onfig#ommon-
phi6h-#onfig /?I#?-#onfig (/TI(NAL- -- Need (N
pu66h-#onfig#ommon /"##?-#onfig#ommon (/TI(NAL- -- Need (N
soundingRS-"L-#onfig#ommon SoundingRS-"L-#onfig#ommon (/TI(NAL- -- Need (N
uplin9/ower#ontrol#ommon "plin9/ower#ontrol#ommon (/TI(NAL- -- Need (N
antennaInfo#ommon AntennaInfo#ommon (/TI(NAL- -- Need (N
p-<ax /-<ax (/TI(NAL- -- Need (/
tdd-#onfig T>>-#onfig (/TI(NAL- -- #ond T>>
ul-#+6li6/refixLength "L-#+6li6/refixLength-
00 uplin9/ower#ontrol#ommon-:1;.; "plin9/ower#ontrol#ommon-:1;.; (/TI(NAL -- Need (N
00 tdd-#onfig-:111; T>>-#onfig-:111; (/TI(NAL -- #ond T>>1
RadioResour6e#onfig#ommonS#ell-r1; :: SE!"EN#E *
-- >L 6onfiguration as well as 6onfiguration appli6a@le for >L and "L
non"L-#onfiguration-r1; SE!"EN#E *
-- 1: #ell 6hara6teristi6s
dl-8andwidth-r1; EN"<ERATE> *nC- n1D- n.D- nD;- nBD- n1;;5-
-- .: /h+si6al 6onfiguration- general
antennaInfo#ommon-r1; AntennaInfo#ommon-
m@sfn-Su@frame#onfigList-r1; <8S)N-Su@frame#onfigList (/TI(NAL- -- Need (R
-- 1: /h+si6al 6onfiguration- 6ontrol
phi6h-#onfig-r1; /?I#?-#onfig-
-- 3: /h+si6al 6onfiguration- ph+si6al 6hannels
pds6h-#onfig#ommon-r1; />S#?-#onfig#ommon-
tdd-#onfig-r1; T>>-#onfig (/TI(NAL -- #ond
-- "L 6onfiguration
ul-#onfiguration-r1; SE!"EN#E *
ul-)re7Info-r1; SE!"EN#E *
ul-#arrier)re7-r1; AR)#N-FalueE"TRA (/TI(NAL- -- Need (/
ul-8andwidth-r1; EN"<ERATE> *nC- n1D-
n.D- nD;- nBD- n1;;5 (/TI(NAL- -- Need (/
additionalSpe6trumEmissionS#ell-r1; AdditionalSpe6trumEmission
p-<ax-r1; /-<ax (/TI(NAL- -- Need (/
uplin9/ower#ontrol#ommonS#ell-r1; "plin9/ower#ontrol#ommonS#ell-r1;-
-- A spe6ial :ersion of IE "plin9/ower#ontrol#ommon ma+ @e introdu6ed
-- 1: /h+si6al 6onfiguration- 6ontrol
soundingRS-"L-#onfig#ommon-r1; SoundingRS-"L-#onfig#ommon-
ul-#+6li6/refixLength-r1; "L-#+6li6/refixLength-
-- 3: /h+si6al 6onfiguration- ph+si6al 6hannels
pra6h-#onfigS#ell-r1; /RA#?-#onfigS#ell-r1; (/TI(NAL- -- #ond T>>-
pus6h-#onfig#ommon-r1; /"S#?-#onfig#ommon
5 (/TI(NAL- -- Need (R
00 ul-#arrier)re7-:1;2; AR)#N-FalueE"TRA-:2e; (/TI(NAL -- Need (/
00 ra6h-#onfig#ommonS#ell-r11 RA#?-#onfig#ommonS#ell-r11 (/TI(NAL- -- #ond "L
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" *$( Release $$
pra6h-#onfigS#ell-r11 /RA#?-#onfig (/TI(NAL- -- #ond "L
tdd-#onfig-:111; T>>-#onfig-:111; (/TI(NAL- -- #ond T>>.
"plin9/ower#ontrol#ommonS#ell-:111; (/TI(NAL -- #ond "L
8##?-#onfig :: SE!"EN#E *
modifi6ation/eriod#oeff EN"<ERATE> *n.- n3- n=- n1C5
/##?-#onfig :: SE!"EN#E *
default/aging#+6le EN"<ERATE> *
rf1.- rfC3- rf1.=- rf.DC5-
n8 EN"<ERATE> *
fourT- twoT- oneT- halfT- 7uarterT- oneEighthT-
oneSixteenthT- oneThirt+Se6ondT5
"L-#+6li6/refixLength :: EN"<ERATE> *len1- len.5
-- ASN1ST(/
$aio$esourceConfigCommon field descriptions
T$e U+ re9uire6e&ts re"ated to 8+ .((itionalSpectr&m,missionS$ell are de3i&ed i& TS 36.101 E42F.
4e3au"t #a2i&2 !5!"e, used to deri7e QTM i& TS 36.304 E4F. Va"ue r332 !orres#o&ds to 32 radio 3ra6es, r364 !orres#o&ds
to 64 radio 3ra6es a&d so o&.
%!tua" 6odi3i!atio& #eriod, e/#ressed i& &u6'er o3 radio 3ra6esG mo(ification!erio($oeff J (efa&lt!a"in"$ycle. &2
!orres#o&ds to 7a"ue 2, &4 !orres#o&ds to 7a"ue 4, &< !orres#o&ds to 7a"ue < a&d &16 !orres#o&ds to 7a"ue 16.
Para6eter, &; is used as o&e o3 #ara6eters to deri7e t$e Pa2i&2 (ra6e a&d Pa2i&2 ?!!asio& a!!ordi&2 to TS 36.304
E4F. Va"ue i& 6u"ti#"es o3 RTR as de3i&ed i& TS 36.304 E4F. % 7a"ue o3 3ourT !orres#o&ds to 4 J T, a 7a"ue o3 t1oT
!orres#o&ds to 2 J T a&d so o&.
P6a/ to 'e used i& t$e tar2et !e"". 83 a'se&t t$e U+ a##"ies t$e 6a/i6u6 #o1er a!!ordi&2 to t$e U+ !a#a'i"it5.
Para6eter, tra&s6issio& 'a&d1idt$ !o&3i2uratio&, )R;, i& u#"i&>, see TS 36.101 E42, ta'"e 5.6-1F. Va"ue &6
!orres#o&ds to 6 resour!e '"o!>s, &15 to 15 resour!e '"o!>s a&d so o&. 83 3or (44 t$is #ara6eter is a'se&t, t$e u#"i&>
'a&d1idt$ is e9ua" to t$e do1&"i&> 'a&d1idt$. (or T44 t$is #ara6eter is a'se&t a&d it is e9ua" to t$e do1&"i&>
(or (44, 83 a'se&t, t$e (de3au"t) 7a"ue deter6i&ed 3ro6 t$e de3au"t TI-RI 3re9ue&!5 se#aratio& de3i&ed i& TS 36.101
E42, ta'"e 5.7.3-1F a##"ies.
(or T44, T$is #ara6eter is a'se&t a&d it is e9ua" to t$e do1&"i&> 3re9ue&!5.
Para6eter, U#"i&> !5!"i! #re3i/ "e&2t$ see 36.211 E21, 5.2.1F 1$ere "e&1 !orres#o&ds to &or6a" !5!"i! #re3i/ a&d "e&2
!orres#o&ds to e/te&ded !5!"i! #re3i/.
#onditional presence E:planation
T22 T$e 3ie"d is o#tio&a" 3or T44, )eed ?)H it is &ot #rese&t 3or (44 a&d t$e U+ s$a"" de"ete
a&5 e/isti&2 7a"ue 3or t$is 3ie"d.
T222 83 t((6$onfi"6r1 is #rese&t, t$e 3ie"d is o#tio&a", )eed ?R. ?t$er1ise t$e 3ie"d is &ot
#rese&t a&d t$e U+ s$a"" de"ete a&5 e/isti&2 7a"ue 3or t$is 3ie"d.
T223 83 t((6$onfi" is #rese&t, t$e 3ie"d is o#tio&a", )eed ?R. ?t$er1ise t$e 3ie"d is &ot #rese&t
a&d t$e U+ s$a"" de"ete a&5 e/isti&2 7a"ue 3or t$is 3ie"d.
T2264#63o#11 83 prach6$onfi"S$ell6r11 is a'se&t, t$e 3ie"d is o#tio&a" 3or T44, )eed ?R. ?t$er1ise t$e
3ie"d is &ot #rese&t a&d t$e U+ s$a"" de"ete a&5 e/isti&2 7a"ue 3or t$is 3ie"d.
T22S$ell T$is 3ie"d is 6a&dator5 #rese&t 3or T44H it is &ot #rese&t 3or (44 a&d t$e U+ s$a"" de"ete
a&5 e/isti&2 7a"ue 3or t$is 3ie"d.
-1 83 t$e S*e"" is #art o3 t$e ST%G a&d i3 &l6$onfi"&ration is i&!"uded, t$e 3ie"d is o#tio&a",
)eed ?R. ?t$er1ise t$e 3ie"d is &ot #rese&t a&d t$e U+ s$a"" de"ete a&5 e/isti&2 7a"ue 3or
t$is 3ie"d.
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" *$- Release $$
D #a(io#eso&rce$onfi"2e(icate(
The &3 !a&io!eso$rce"onfi2e&icate& is used to setupDmodifyDrelease 01s. to modify the M/2 main confiuration. to
modify the "P" confiuration and to modify dedicated physical confiuration.
$aio$esourceConfigDeicate infor2ation ele2ent
RadioResour6e#onfig>edi6ated :: SE!"EN#E *
sr@-ToAdd<odList SR8-ToAdd<odList (/TI(NAL- -- #ond ?(-#onn
dr@-ToAdd<odList >R8-ToAdd<odList (/TI(NAL- -- #ond ?(-
dr@-ToReleaseList >R8-ToReleaseList (/TI(NAL- -- Need (N
ma6-<ain#onfig #?(I#E *
expli6itFalue <A#-<ain#onfig-
defaultFalue N"LL
5 (/TI(NAL- -- #ond ?(-
sps-#onfig S/S-#onfig (/TI(NAL- -- Need (N
ph+si6al#onfig>edi6ated /h+si6al#onfig>edi6ated (/TI(NAL- -- Need (N
00 rlf-TimersAnd#onstants-r2 RL)-TimersAnd#onstants-r2 (/TI(NAL -- Need (N
00 measSu@frame/attern/#ell-r1; <easSu@frame/attern/#ell-r1; (/TI(NAL -- Need (N
00 neigh#ells#RS-Info-r11 Neigh#ells#RS-Info-r11 (/TI(NAL -- Need (N
RadioResour6e#onfig>edi6atedS#ell-r1; :: SE!"EN#E *
-- "E spe6ifi6 6onfiguration extensions appli6a@le for an S#ell
ph+si6al#onfig>edi6atedS#ell-r1; /h+si6al#onfig>edi6atedS#ell-r1; (/TI(NAL- -- Need
00 ma6-<ain#onfigS#ell-r11 <A#-<ain#onfigS#ell-r11 (/TI(NAL -- #ond S#ellAdd
SR8-ToAdd<odList :: SE!"EN#E $SI%E $1&&.'' () SR8-ToAdd<od
SR8-ToAdd<od :: SE!"EN#E *
sr@-Identit+ INTE,ER $1&&.'-
rl6-#onfig #?(I#E *
expli6itFalue RL#-#onfig-
defaultFalue N"LL
5 (/TI(NAL- -- #ond Setup
logi6al#hannel#onfig #?(I#E *
expli6itFalue Logi6al#hannel#onfig-
defaultFalue N"LL
5 (/TI(NAL- -- #ond Setup
>R8-ToAdd<odList :: SE!"EN#E $SI%E $1&&max>R8'' () >R8-ToAdd<od
>R8-ToAdd<od :: SE!"EN#E *
eps-8earerIdentit+ INTE,ER $;&&1D' (/TI(NAL- -- #ond >R8-Setup
dr@-Identit+ >R8-Identit+-
pd6p-#onfig />#/-#onfig (/TI(NAL- -- #ond />#/
rl6-#onfig RL#-#onfig (/TI(NAL- -- #ond Setup
logi6al#hannelIdentit+ INTE,ER $1&&1;' (/TI(NAL- -- #ond >R8-Setup
logi6al#hannel#onfig Logi6al#hannel#onfig (/TI(NAL- -- #ond Setup
>R8-ToReleaseList :: SE!"EN#E $SI%E $1&&max>R8'' () >R8-Identit+
<easSu@frame/attern/#ell-r1; :: #?(I#E *
release N"LL-
setup <easSu@frame/attern-r1;
Neigh#ells#RS-Info-r11 :: #?(I#E *
release N"LL-
setup #RS-Assistan6eInfoList-r11
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" *$. Release $$
#RS-Assistan6eInfoList-r11 :: SE!"EN#E $SI%E $1&&max#ellReport'' () #RS-Assistan6eInfo-r11
#RS-Assistan6eInfo-r11 :: SE!"EN#E *
ph+s#ellId-r11 /h+s#ellId-
antenna/orts#ount-r11 EN"<ERATE> *an1- an.- an3- spare15-
m@sfn-Su@frame#onfigList-r11 <8S)N-Su@frame#onfigList-
-- ASN1ST(/
$aio$esourceConfigDeicate field descriptions
(or SR;s a !$oi!e is used to i&di!ate 1$et$er t$e "o2i!a" !$a&&e" !o&3i2uratio& is si2&a""ed e/#"i!it"5 or set to t$e
de3au"t "o2i!a" !$a&&e" !o&3i2uratio& 3or SR;1 as s#e!i3ied i& ..2.1.1 or 3or SR;2 as s#e!i3ied i& ..2.1.2.
T$e "o2i!a" !$a&&e" ide&tit5 3or 'ot$ U a&d 4.
%"t$ou2$ t$e %S).1 i&!"udes a !$oi!e t$at is used to i&di!ate 1$et$er t$e 6a!-Mai&*o&3i2 is si2&a""ed e/#"i!it"5 or set
to t$e de3au"t M%* 6ai& !o&3i2uratio& as s#e!i3ied i& ..2.2, +UTR%) does &ot a##"5 T(efa&lt@al&eT.
Ti6e do6ai& 6easure6e&t resour!e restri!tio& #atter& 3or t$e P*e"" 6easure6e&ts (RSRP, RSRB a&d t$e radio "i&>
T$is 3ie"d !o&tai&s assista&!e i&3or6atio&, !o&!er&i&2 t$e #ri6ar5 3re9ue&!5, used '5 t$e U+ to 6iti2ate i&ter3ere&!e
3ro6 *RS 1$i"e #er3or6i&2 RRM0RM0*S8 6easure6e&t or data de6odu"atio&. :$e& t$e re!ei7ed *RS assista&!e
i&3or6atio& is 3or a !e"" 1it$ *RS !o""idi&2 1it$ t$at o3 t$e *RS o3 t$e !e"" to 6easure, t$e U+ 6a5 use t$e *RS
assista&!e i&3or6atio& to 6iti2ate *RS i&ter3ere&!e (as s#e!i3ied i& TS 36.101 E42F) o& t$e su'3ra6es i&di!ated '5
measS&)frame!attern!$ell, measS&)frame!attern$onfi"3ei"h a&d csi6MeasS&)frameSet1.(urt$er6ore, t$e U+
6a5 use *RS assista&!e i&3or6atio& to 6iti2ate *RS i&ter3ere&!e 3ro6 t$e !e""s i& t$e 8+ 3or t$e de6odu"atio&
#ur#ose as s#e!i3ied i& TS 36.101 E42F.
T$e de3au"t dedi!ated #$5si!a" !o&3i2uratio& is s#e!i3ied i& ..2.4.
(or SR;s a !$oi!e is used to i&di!ate 1$et$er t$e R* !o&3i2uratio& is si2&a""ed e/#"i!it"5 or set to t$e 7a"ues de3i&ed
i& t$e de3au"t R* !o&3i2uratio& 3or SR;1 i& ..2.1.1 or 3or SR;2 i& ..2.1.2. R* %M is t$e o&"5 a##"i!a'"e R* 6ode
3or SR;1 a&d SR;2. +-UTR%) does &ot re!o&3i2ure t$e R* 6ode o3 4R;s e/!e#t 1$e& a 3u"" !o&3i2uratio& o#tio& is
used, a&d 6a5 re!o&3i2ure t$e UM R* S) 3ie"d siLe o&"5 u#o& $a&do7er 1it$i& +-UTR% or u#o& t$e 3irst
re!o&3i2uratio& a3ter RR* !o&&e!tio& re-esta'"is$6e&t.
T$e de3au"t SPS !o&3i2uratio& is s#e!i3ied i& ..2.3. +/!e#t 3or $a&do7er or re"easi&2 SPS, +-UTR%) does &ot
re!o&3i2ure sps6$onfi" 1$e& t$ere is a !o&3i2ured do1&"i&> assi2&6e&t or a !o&3i2ured u#"i&> 2ra&t (see 36.321 E6F).
Va"ue 1 is a##"i!a'"e 3or SR;1 o&"5.
Va"ue 2 is a##"i!a'"e 3or SR;2 o&"5.
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" **) Release $$
#onditional presence E:planation
2#B6Set&p T$e 3ie"d is 6a&dator5 #rese&t i3 t$e !orres#o&di&2 4R; is 'ei&2 set u#H ot$er1ise it is
&ot #rese&t.
/46$onn T$e 3ie"d is 6a&dator5 #rese&t i& !ase o3 $a&do7er to +-UTR% or 1$e& t$e f&ll$onfi" is
i&!"uded i& t$e !!""onnection!econfi$ration 6essa2e or i& !ase o3 RR* !o&&e!tio&
esta'"is$6e&tH ot$er1ise t$e 3ie"d is o#tio&a""5 #rese&t, &eed ?). U#o& !o&&e!tio&
esta'"is$6e&t0 re-esta'"is$6e&t o&"5 SR;1 is a##"i!a'"e.
/46to,-T#. T$e 3ie"d is 6a&dator5 #rese&t i& !ase o3 $a&do7er to +-UTR% or 1$e& t$e f&ll$onfi" is
i&!"uded i& t$e !!""onnection!econfi$ration 6essa2eH 8& !ase o3 RR* !o&&e!tio&
esta'"is$6e&t a&d RR* !o&&e!tio& re-esta'"is$6e&t t$e 3ie"d is &ot #rese&tH ot$er1ise
t$e 3ie"d is o#tio&a""5 #rese&t, &eed ?).
/46to,-T#.2 T$e 3ie"d is 6a&dator5 #rese&t i& !ase o3 $a&do7er to +-UTR% or 1$e& t$e f&ll$onfi" is
i&!"uded i& t$e !!""onnection!econfi$ration 6essa2eH ot$er1ise t$e 3ie"d is o#tio&a""5
#rese&t, &eed ?).
!2$! T$e 3ie"d is 6a&dator5 #rese&t i3 t$e !orres#o&di&2 4R; is 'ei&2 setu#H t$e 3ie"d is
o#tio&a""5 #rese&t, &eed ?), u#o& $a&do7er 1it$i& +-UTR% a&d u#o& t$e 3irst
re!o&3i2uratio& a3ter re-esta'"is$6e&t 'ut i& 'ot$ t$ese !ases o&"5 1$e& 3u""*o&3i2 is &ot
i&!"uded i& t$e RR**o&&e!tio&Re!o&3i2uratio& 6essa2eH ot$er1ise it is &ot #rese&t.
S$ell.(( T$e 3ie"d is o#tio&a""5 #rese&t, &eed ?), u#o& S*e"" additio&H ot$er1ise it is &ot #rese&t.
Set&p T$e 3ie"d is 6a&dator5 #rese&t i3 t$e !orres#o&di&2 SR;04R; is 'ei&2 setu#H ot$er1ise
t$e 3ie"d is o#tio&a""5 #rese&t, &eed ?).
D #1$6$onfi"
The &3 !1"4"onfi is used to specify the 062 confiuration of "01s and 901s.
$#C-Config infor2ation ele2ent
RL#-#onfig :: #?(I#E *
am SE!"EN#E *
ul-A<-RL# "L-A<-RL#-
dl-A<-RL# >L-A<-RL#
um-8i->ire6tional SE!"EN#E *
ul-"<-RL# "L-"<-RL#-
dl-"<-RL# >L-"<-RL#
um-"ni->ire6tional-"L SE!"EN#E *
ul-"<-RL# "L-"<-RL#
um-"ni->ire6tional->L SE!"EN#E *
dl-"<-RL# >L-"<-RL#
"L-A<-RL# :: SE!"EN#E *
t-/ollRetransmit T-/ollRetransmit-
poll/>" /oll/>"-
poll8+te /oll8+te-
maxRetxThreshold EN"<ERATE> *
t1- t.- t1- t3- tC- t=- t1C- t1.5
>L-A<-RL# :: SE!"EN#E *
t-Reordering T-Reordering-
t-Status/rohi@it T-Status/rohi@it
"L-"<-RL# :: SE!"EN#E *
sn-)ieldLength SN-)ieldLength
>L-"<-RL# :: SE!"EN#E *
sn-)ieldLength SN-)ieldLength-
t-Reordering T-Reordering
SN-)ieldLength :: EN"<ERATE> *siHeD- siHe1;5
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" **$ Release $$
T-/ollRetransmit :: EN"<ERATE> *
msD- ms1;- ms1D- ms.;- ms.D- ms1;- ms1D-
ms3;- ms3D- msD;- msDD- msC;- msCD- msB;-
msBD- ms=;- ms=D- ms2;- ms2D- ms1;;- ms1;D-
ms11;- ms11D- ms1.;- ms1.D- ms11;- ms11D-
ms13;- ms13D- ms1D;- ms1DD- ms1C;- ms1CD-
ms1B;- ms1BD- ms1=;- ms1=D- ms12;- ms12D-
ms.;;- ms.;D- ms.1;- ms.1D- ms..;- ms..D-
ms.1;- ms.1D- ms.3;- ms.3D- ms.D;- ms1;;-
ms1D;- ms3;;- ms3D;- msD;;- spare2- spare=-
spareB- spareC- spareD- spare3- spare1-
spare.- spare15
/oll/>" :: EN"<ERATE> *
p3- p=- p1C- p1.- pC3- p1.=- p.DC- pInfinit+5
/oll8+te :: EN"<ERATE> *
98.D- 98D;- 98BD- 981;;- 981.D- 98.D;- 981BD-
98D;;- 98BD;- 981;;;- 981.D;- 981D;;- 98.;;;-
981;;;- 98infinit+- spare15
T-Reordering :: EN"<ERATE> *
ms;- msD- ms1;- ms1D- ms.;- ms.D- ms1;- ms1D-
ms3;- ms3D- msD;- msDD- msC;- msCD- msB;-
msBD- ms=;- ms=D- ms2;- ms2D- ms1;;- ms11;-
ms1.;- ms11;- ms13;- ms1D;- ms1C;- ms1B;-
ms1=;- ms12;- ms.;;- spare15
T-Status/rohi@it :: EN"<ERATE> *
ms;- msD- ms1;- ms1D- ms.;- ms.D- ms1;- ms1D-
ms3;- ms3D- msD;- msDD- msC;- msCD- msB;-
msBD- ms=;- ms=D- ms2;- ms2D- ms1;;- ms1;D-
ms11;- ms11D- ms1.;- ms1.D- ms11;- ms11D-
ms13;- ms13D- ms1D;- ms1DD- ms1C;- ms1CD-
ms1B;- ms1BD- ms1=;- ms1=D- ms12;- ms12D-
ms.;;- ms.;D- ms.1;- ms.1D- ms..;- ms..D-
ms.1;- ms.1D- ms.3;- ms.3D- ms.D;- ms1;;-
ms1D;- ms3;;- ms3D;- msD;;- spare=- spareB-
spareC- spareD- spare3- spare1- spare.-
-- ASN1ST(/
$#C-Config field descriptions
Para6eter 3or R* %M i& TS 36.322 E7F. Va"ue t1 !orres#o&ds to 1 retra&s6issio&, t2 to 2 retra&s6issio&s a&d so o&.
Para6eter 3or R* %M i& TS 36.322 E7F. Va"ue >;25 !orres#o&ds to 25 >;5tes, >;50 to 50 >;5tes a&d so o&.
>;8&3i&it5 !orres#o&ds to a& i&3i&ite a6ou&t o3 >;5tes.
Para6eter 3or R* %M i& TS 36.322 E7F. Va"ue #4 !orres#o&ds to 4 P4Us, #< to < P4Us a&d so o&. #8&3i&it5
!orres#o&ds to a& i&3i&ite &u6'er o3 P4Us.
8&di!ates t$e UM R* S) 3ie"d siLe, see TS 36.322 E7F, i& 'its. Va"ue siLe5 6ea&s 5 'its, siLe10 6ea&s 10 'its.
Ti6er 3or R* %M i& TS 36.322 E7F, i& 6i""ise!o&ds. Va"ue 6s5 6ea&s 56s, 6s10 6ea&s 106s a&d so o&.
Ti6er 3or reorderi&2 i& TS 36.322 E7F, i& 6i""ise!o&ds. Va"ue 6s0 6ea&s 06s, 6s5 6ea&s 56s a&d so o&.
Ti6er 3or status re#orti&2 i& TS 36.322 E7F, i& 6i""ise!o&ds. Va"ue 6s0 6ea&s 06s, 6s5 6ea&s 56s a&d so o&.
D #1+6Timers.n($onstants
The &3 !1+4Timers.n&"onstants contains 43 specific timers and constants applicable for 43s in
$#%-*imers'nConstants infor2ation ele2ent
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" *** Release $$
RL)-TimersAnd#onstants-r2 :: #?(I#E *
release N"LL-
setup SE!"EN#E *
t1;1-r2 EN"<ERATE> *
ms1;;- ms.;;- ms1;;- ms3;;- msC;;- ms1;;;- ms1D;;-
t11;-r2 EN"<ERATE> *
ms;- msD;- ms1;;- ms.;;- msD;;- ms1;;;- ms.;;;5-
n11;-r2 EN"<ERATE> *
n1- n.- n1- n3- nC- n=- n1;- n.;5-
t111-r2 EN"<ERATE> *
ms1;;;- ms1;;;- msD;;;- ms1;;;;- ms1D;;;-
ms.;;;;- ms1;;;;5-
n111-r2 EN"<ERATE> *
n1- n.- n1- n3- nD- nC- n=- n1;5-
-- ASN1ST(/
$#%-*imers'nConstants field descriptions
*o&sta&ts are des!ri'ed i& se!tio& 7.4. &1 !orres#o&ds 1it$ 1, &2 !orres#o&ds 1it$ 2 a&d so o&.
Ti6ers are des!ri'ed i& se!tio& 7.3. Va"ue 6s0 !orres#o&ds 1it$ 0 6s, 6s50 !orres#o&ds 1it$ 50 6s a&d so o&.
D #36S&)frame$onfi"
The &3 !34S$'frame"onfi is used to specify the subframe confiuration for an 0'.
$N-Su!frameConfig information element
RN-Su@frame#onfig-r1; :: SE!"EN#E *
su@frame#onfig/attern-r1; #?(I#E *
su@frame#onfig/attern)>>-r1; 8IT STRIN, $SI%E$=''-
su@frame#onfig/atternT>>-r1; INTE,ER $;&&11'
5 (/TI(NAL- -- Need (N
rpd66h-#onfig-r1; SE!"EN#E *
resour6eAllo6ationT+pe-r1; EN"<ERATE> *t+pe;- t+pe1- t+pe.Lo6aliHed- t+pe.>istri@uted-
spare3- spare1- spare.- spare15-
resour6e8lo69Assignment-r1; #?(I#E *
t+pe;1-r1; #?(I#E *
nr@C-r1; 8IT STRIN, $SI%E$C''-
nr@1D-r1; 8IT STRIN, $SI%E$=''-
nr@.D-r1; 8IT STRIN, $SI%E$11''-
nr@D;-r1; 8IT STRIN, $SI%E$1B''-
nr@BD-r1; 8IT STRIN, $SI%E$12''-
nr@1;;-r1; 8IT STRIN, $SI%E$.D''
t+pe.-r1; #?(I#E *
nr@C-r1; 8IT STRIN, $SI%E$D''-
nr@1D-r1; 8IT STRIN, $SI%E$B''-
nr@.D-r1; 8IT STRIN, $SI%E$2''-
nr@D;-r1; 8IT STRIN, $SI%E$11''-
nr@BD-r1; 8IT STRIN, $SI%E$1.''-
nr@1;;-r1; 8IT STRIN, $SI%E$11''
demodulationRS-r1; #?(I#E *
interlea:ing-r1; EN"<ERATE> *6rs5-
noInterlea:ing-r1; EN"<ERATE> *6rs- dmrs5
pds6h-Start-r1; INTE,ER $1&&1'-
pu66h-#onfig-r1; #?(I#E *
tdd #?(I#E *
6hannelSele6tion<ultiplexing8undling SE!"EN#E *
n1/"##?-AN-List-r1; SE!"EN#E $SI%E $1&&3'' () INTE,ER $;&&.;3B'
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" **3 Release $$
fall@a69)or)ormat1 SE!"EN#E *
n1/"##?-AN-/;-r1; INTE,ER $;&&.;3B'-
n1/"##?-AN-/1-r1; INTE,ER $;&&.;3B' (/TI(NAL -- Need (R
fdd SE!"EN#E *
n1/"##?-AN-/;-r1; INTE,ER $;&&.;3B'-
n1/"##?-AN-/1-r1; INTE,ER $;&&.;3B' (/TI(NAL -- Need (R
5 (/TI(NAL- -- Need (N
-- ASN1ST(/
$N-Su!frameConfig field descriptions
8&di!ates 1$i!$ re3ere&!e si2&a"s are used 3or R-P4**= de6odu"atio& a!!ordi&2 to TS 36.216 E55, 7.4.1F. Va"ue
i&ter"ea7i&2 !orres#o&ds to !ross-i&ter"ea7i&2 a&d 7a"ue &o8&ter"ea7i&2 !orres#o&ds to &o !ross-i&ter"ea7i&2 a!!ordi&2
to TS 36.216 E55, 7.4.2 a&d 7.4.3F.
, see TS 36.216, E55, 7.5.1F. T$is #ara6eter is o&"5 a##"i!a'"e 3or T44. *o&3i2ures PU**=
=%RB-%*N resour!es i3 t$e R) is !o&3i2ured to use =%RB-%*N !$a&&e" se"e!tio&, =%RB-%*N 6u"ti#"e/i&2 or
=%RB-%*N 'u&d"i&2.
n/PUCC+-'N-P)= n/PUCC+-'N-P/
) . , (
n , 3or a&te&&a #ort P0 a&d 3or a&te&&a #ort P1 res#e!ti7e"5, see TS 36.216, E55, 7.5.1F 3or (44
a&d E55, 7.5.2F 3or T44.
Para6eter, 216StartSym)ol, see TS 36.216 E55, Ta'"e 5.4-1F.
Re#rese&ts t$e resour!e a""o!atio& used, t5#e 0, t5#e 1 or t5#e 2 a!!ordi&2 to TS 36.213 E23, 7.1.6F. Va"ue t5#e0
!orres#o&ds to t5#e 0, 7a"ue t5#e1 !orres#o&ds to t5#e 1, 7a"ue t5#e2o!a"iLed !orres#o&ds to t5#e 2 1it$ "o!a"iLed
7irtua" resour!e '"o!>s a&d t5#e24istri'uted !orres#o&ds to t5#e 2 1it$ distri'uted 7irtua" resour!e '"o!>s.
8&di!ates t$e resour!e '"o!> assi2&6e&t 'its a!!ordi&2 to TS 36.213 E23, 7.1.6F. Va"ue t5#e01 !orres#o&ds to t5#e 0
a&d t5#e 1, a&d t$e 7a"ue t5#e2 !orres#o&ds to t5#e 2. Va"ue &r'6 !orres#o&ds to a do1&"i&> s5ste6 'a&d1idt$
o3 6 resour!e '"o!>s, 7a"ue &r'15 !orres#o&ds to a do1&"i&> s5ste6 'a&d1idt$ o3 15 resour!e '"o!>s, a&d
so o&.
Para6eter, S&)frame$onfi"&ration+22, see TS 36.216 E55, Ta'"e 5.2-1F. 4e3i&es t$e 4 su'3ra6e !o&3i2uratio& 3or
e);-to-R) tra&s6issio&, i.e. t$ose su'3ra6es i& 1$i!$ t$e e); 6a5 i&di!ate do1&"i&> assi2&6e&ts 3or t$e R). T$e
radio 3ra6e i& 1$i!$ t$e #atter& starts (i.e. t$e radio 3ra6e i& 1$i!$ t$e 3irst 'it o3 t$e s&)frame$onfi"!attern+22
!orres#o&ds to su'3ra6e K0) o!!urs 1$e& S() 6od 4 G 0.
Para6eter, S&)frame$onfi"&rationT22, see TS 36.216 E55, Ta'"e 5.2-2F. 4e3i&es t$e 4 a&d U su'3ra6e
!o&3i2uratio& 3or e);-R) tra&s6issio&.
D Sche(&lin"#e%&est$onfi"
The &3 Sc)e&$lin!e#$est"onfi is used to specify the "chedulin 0e;uest related parameters
Schedulin0Re9uest#onfi0 infor2ation ele2ent
S6hedulingRe7uest#onfig :: #?(I#E *
release N"LL-
setup SE!"EN#E *
sr-/"##?-Resour6eIndex INTE,ER $;&&.;3B'-
sr-#onfigIndex INTE,ER $;&&1DB'-
dsr-Trans<ax EN"<ERATE> *
n3- n=- n1C- n1.- nC3- spare1- spare.- spare15
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" **+ Release $$
S6hedulingRe7uest#onfig-:1;.; :: SE!"EN#E *
sr-/"##?-Resour6eIndex/1-r1; INTE,ER $;&&.;3B' (/TI(NAL -- Need (R
-- ASN1ST(/
Scheuling$e&uestConfig field descriptions
Para6eter 3or SR tra&s6issio& i& TS 36.321 E6, 5.4.4F. T$e 7a"ue &4 !orres#o&ds to 4 tra&s6issio&s, &< !orres#o&ds
to < tra&s6issio&s a&d so o&.
I . See TS 36.213 E23,10.1F. T$e 7a"ues 156 a&d 157 are &ot a##"i!a'"e 3or Re"ease <.
sr-PUCC+-$esource"ne.= sr-PUCC+-$esource"ne.P/
) . , (
"0& P422B.
n 3or a&te&&a #ort P0 a&d 3or a&te&&a #ort P1 res#e!ti7e"5, see TS 36.213 E23, 10.1F. +-
UTR%) !o&3i2ures sr6!-$$/6#eso&rceIn(e*!1 o&"5 i3 sr6!-$$/#eso&rceIn(e* is !o&3i2ured.
D So&n(in"#S6-16$onfi"
The &3 So$n&in!S4-14"onfi is used to specify the uplin# "oundin 0" confiuration for periodic and aperiodic
Souning$S-U#-Config infor2ation ele2ent
SoundingRS-"L-#onfig#ommon :: #?(I#E *
release N"LL-
setup SE!"EN#E *
srs-8andwidth#onfig EN"<ERATE> *@w;- @w1- @w.- @w1- @w3- @wD- @wC- @wB5-
srs-Su@frame#onfig EN"<ERATE> *
s6;- s61- s6.- s61- s63- s6D- s6C- s6B-
s6=- s62- s61;- s611- s61.- s611- s613- s61D5-
a69Na69SRS-SimultaneousTransmission 8((LEAN-
srs-<ax"p/ts EN"<ERATE> *true5 (/TI(NAL -- #ond T>>
SoundingRS-"L-#onfig>edi6ated :: #?(I#E*
release N"LL-
setup SE!"EN#E *
srs-8andwidth EN"<ERATE> *@w;- @w1- @w.- @w15-
srs-?opping8andwidth EN"<ERATE> *h@w;- h@w1- h@w.- h@w15-
fre7>omain/osition INTE,ER $;&&.1'-
duration 8((LEAN-
srs-#onfigIndex INTE,ER $;&&1;.1'-
transmission#om@ INTE,ER $;&&1'-
6+6li6Shift EN"<ERATE> *6s;- 6s1- 6s.- 6s1- 6s3- 6sD- 6sC- 6sB5
SoundingRS-"L-#onfig>edi6ated-:1;.; :: SE!"EN#E *
srs-Antenna/ort-r1; SRS-Antenna/ort
SoundingRS-"L-#onfig>edi6atedAperiodi6-r1; :: #?(I#E*
release N"LL-
setup SE!"EN#E *
srs-#onfigIndexAp-r1; INTE,ER $;&&11'-
srs-#onfigAp>#I-)ormat3-r1; SE!"EN#E $SI%E $1&&1'' () SRS-#onfigAp-r1; (/TI(NAL---
Need (N
srs-A6ti:ateAp-r1; #?(I#E *
release N"LL-
setup SE!"EN#E *
srs-#onfigAp>#I-)ormat;-r1; SRS-#onfigAp-r1;-
srs-#onfigAp>#I-)ormat1a.@.6-r1; SRS-#onfigAp-r1;-
5 (/TI(NAL -- Need (N
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" **, Release $$
SRS-#onfigAp-r1; :: SE!"EN#E *
srs-Antenna/ortAp-r1; SRS-Antenna/ort-
srs-8andwidthAp-r1; EN"<ERATE> *@w;- @w1- @w.- @w15-
fre7>omain/ositionAp-r1; INTE,ER $;&&.1'-
transmission#om@Ap-r1; INTE,ER $;&&1'-
6+6li6ShiftAp-r1; EN"<ERATE> *6s;- 6s1- 6s.- 6s1- 6s3- 6sD- 6sC- 6sB5
SRS-Antenna/ort :: EN"<ERATE> *an1- an.- an3- spare15
-- ASN1ST(/
Souning$S-U#-Config field descriptions
Para6eter, Sim&ltaneo&s6.36an(6S#S, see TS 36.213 E23, <.2F. (or S*e""s t$is 3ie"d is &ot a##"i!a'"e a&d t$e U+
s$a"" i2&ore t$e 7a"ue.
cyclicShift= cyclicShift'p
Para6eter, &@SRS 3or #eriodi! a&d a#eriodi! sou&di&2 re3ere&!e si2&a" tra&s6issio& res#e!ti7e"5. See TS 36.211 E21,, 1$ere !s0 !orres#o&ds to 0 et!.
Para6eter, 4uratio& 3or #eriodi! sou&di&2 re3ere&!e si2&a" tra&s6issio&. See TS 36.213 E21, <.2F. (%S+
!orres#o&ds to Osi&2"eP a&d 7a"ue TRU+ to Oi&de3i&iteP.
fre&DomainPosition= fre&DomainPosition'p
n 3or #eriodi! a&d a#eriodi! sou&di&2 re3ere&!e si2&a" tra&s6issio& res#e!ti7e"5, see TS 36.211 E21,
srs-'ntennaPort= srs-'ntennaPort'p
8&di!ates t$e &u6'er o3 a&te&&a #orts used 3or #eriodi! a&d a#eriodi! sou&di&2 re3ere&!e si2&a" tra&s6issio&
res#e!ti7e"5, see TS 36.211 E21, 5.5.3F. U+ s$a"" re"ease srs6.ntenna!ort i3 So&n(in"#S6-16$onfi"2e(icate( is
srs-Banwith= srs-Banwith'p
B 3or #eriodi! a&d a#eriodi! sou&di&2 re3ere&!e si2&a" tra&s6issio& res#e!ti7e"5, see TS 36.211 E21,
ta'"es,, a&d
Para6eter, SRS ;a&d1idt$ *o&3i2uratio&. See TS 36.211, E21, ta'"e,, a&d
%!tua" !o&3i2uratio& de#e&ds o& U 'a&d1idt$. '10 !orres#o&ds to 7a"ue 0, '11 to 7a"ue 1 a&d so o&.
srs-Config'pDC"-%ormat) @ srs-Config'pDC"-%ormat/a(!(c @ srs-Config'pDC"-%ormat2
Para6eters i&di!ate t$e resour!e !o&3i2uratio&s 3or a#eriodi! sou&di&2 re3ere&!e si2&a" tra&s6issio&s tri22ered '5
4*8 3or6ats 0, 1%, 2;, 2*, 4. See TS 36.213 E23, <.2F.
srs-Config"ne.= srs-Config"ne.'p
Para6eter, 8SRS 3or #eriodi! a&d a#eriodi! sou&di&2 re3ere&!e si2&a" tra&s6issio& res#e!ti7e"5. See TS 36.213 E23,
ta'"e <.2-1 a&d ta'"e <.2-2F 3or #eriodi! a&d TS 36.213 E23, ta'"e <.2-4 a&d ta'"e <.2-5F 3or a#eriodi! SRS
Para6eter, SRS $o##i&2 'a&d1idt$
Z 3 . * . , . + [
3or #eriodi! sou&di&2 re3ere&!e si2&a" tra&s6issio&, see TS
36.211 E21, 1$ere $'10 !orres#o&ds to 7a"ue 0, $'11 to 7a"ue 1 a&d so o&.
Para6eter, srsMa/U#Pts, see TS 36.211 E21, 83 t$is 3ie"d is #rese&t, re!o&3i2uratio& o3
+ . "0"
m a##"ies 3or
U#Pts, ot$er1ise re!o&3i2uratio& does &ot a##"5.
Para6eter, SRS Su'3ra6e*o&3i2uratio&. See TS 36.211, E21, ta'"e a##"ies 3or (44 1$ereas TS 36.211,
E21, ta'"e a##"ies 3or T44. s!0 !orres#o&ds to 7a"ue 0, s!1 to 7a"ue 1 a&d so o&.
transmissionCom!= transmissionCom!'p
Para6eter, Z , . + [
k 3or #eriodi! a&d a#eriodi! sou&di&2 re3ere&!e si2&a" tra&s6issio& res#e!ti7e"5, see TS
36.211 E21,
#onditional presence E:planation
T22 T$is 3ie"d is o#tio&a" #rese&t 3or T44, &eed ?RH it is &ot #rese&t 3or (44 a&d t$e U+ s$a""
de"ete a&5 e/isti&2 7a"ue 3or t$is 3ie"d.
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" **% Release $$
D S!S6$onfi"
The &3 SPS4"onfi is used to specify the semiApersistent schedulin confiuration.
SPS-Config infor2ation ele2ent
S/S-#onfig :: SE!"EN#E *
semi/ersistS6hed#-RNTI #-RNTI (/TI(NAL- -- Need (R
sps-#onfig>L S/S-#onfig>L (/TI(NAL- -- Need (N
sps-#onfig"L S/S-#onfig"L (/TI(NAL -- Need (N
S/S-#onfig>L :: #?(I#E*
release N"LL-
setup SE!"EN#E *
semi/ersistS6hedInter:al>L EN"<ERATE> *
sf1;- sf.;- sf1.- sf3;- sfC3- sf=;-
sf1.=- sf1C;- sf1.;- sfC3;- spareC-
spareD- spare3- spare1- spare.-
num@er(f#onfS/S-/ro6esses INTE,ER $1&&='-
n1/"##?-AN-/ersistentList N1/"##?-AN-/ersistentList-
00 twoAntenna/ortA6ti:ated-r1; #?(I#E *
release N"LL-
setup SE!"EN#E *
n1/"##?-AN-/ersistentList/1-r1; N1/"##?-AN-/ersistentList
5 (/TI(NAL -- Need (N
S/S-#onfig"L :: #?(I#E *
release N"LL-
setup SE!"EN#E *
semi/ersistS6hedInter:al"L EN"<ERATE> *
sf1;- sf.;- sf1.- sf3;- sfC3- sf=;-
sf1.=- sf1C;- sf1.;- sfC3;- spareC-
spareD- spare3- spare1- spare.-
impli6itReleaseAfter EN"<ERATE> *e.- e1- e3- e=5-
p;-/ersistent SE!"EN#E *
p;-Nominal/"S#?-/ersistent INTE,ER $-1.C&&.3'-
p;-"E-/"S#?-/ersistent INTE,ER $-=&&B'
5 (/TI(NAL- -- Need (/
twoInter:als#onfig EN"<ERATE> *true5 (/TI(NAL- -- #ond T>>
N1/"##?-AN-/ersistentList :: SE!"EN#E $SI%E $1&&3'' () INTE,ER $;&&.;3B'
-- ASN1ST(/
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" **( Release $$
SPS-Config field descriptions
)u6'er o3 e6#t5 tra&s6issio&s 'e3ore i6#"i!it re"ease, see TS 36.321 E6, 5.10.2F. Va"ue e2 !orres#o&ds to 2
tra&s6issio&s, e3 !orres#o&ds to 3 tra&s6issio&s a&d so o&.
n/PUCC+-'N-Persistent#ist = n/PUCC+-'N-Persistent#istP/
ist o3 #ara6eter,
) . , (
n 3or a&te&&a #ort P0 a&d 3or a&te&&a #ort P1 res#e!ti7e"5, see TS 36.213 E23, 10.1F. (ie"d
n16!-$$/6.36!ersistent1ist!1 is a##"i!a'"e o&"5 i3 t$e t=o.ntenna!ort.cti0ate(!-$$/6+ormat1a1) i& !-$$/6
$onfi"2e(icate(6012 is set to tr&e. ?t$er1ise t$e 3ie"d is &ot !o&3i2ured.
T$e &u6'er o3 !o&3i2ured =%RB #ro!esses 3or Se6i-Persiste&t S!$edu"i&25 see TS 36.321 E6F.
) + (
P4"2B OE'OM&'/6E
. See TS 36.213 E23,, u&it d;6 ste# 1. T$is 3ie"d is a##"i!a'"e 3or
#ersiste&t s!$edu"i&2, o&"5. 83 !$oi!e setu# is used a&d p6!ersistent is a'se&t, a##"5 t$e 7a"ue o3 p63ominal!-S$/
3or p63ominal!-S$/6!ersistent:
) + (
. See TS 36.213 E23,, u&it d;. T$is 3ie"d is a##"i!a'"e 3or #ersiste&t
s!$edu"i&2, o&"5. 83 !$oi!e setu# is used a&d p6!ersistent is a'se&t, a##"5 t$e 7a"ue o3 #0-U+-PUS*= 3or p6-,6
Se6i-#ersiste&t S!$edu"i&2 *-R)T8, see TS 36.321 E6F.
Se6i-#ersiste&t s!$edu"i&2 i&ter7a" i& do1&"i&>, see TS 36.321 E6F. Va"ue i& &u6'er o3 su'-3ra6es. Va"ue s310
!orres#o&ds to 10 su'-3ra6es, s320 !orres#o&ds to 20 su'-3ra6es a&d so o&. (or T44, t$e U+ s$a"" rou&d t$is
#ara6eter do1& to t$e &earest i&te2er (o3 10 su'-3ra6es), e.2. s310 !orres#o&ds to 10 su'-3ra6es, s332 !orres#o&ds
to 30 su'-3ra6es, s312< !orres#o&ds to 120 su'-3ra6es.
Se6i-#ersiste&t s!$edu"i&2 i&ter7a" i& u#"i&>, see TS 36.321 E6F. Va"ue i& &u6'er o3 su'-3ra6es. Va"ue s310
!orres#o&ds to 10 su'-3ra6es, s320 !orres#o&ds to 20 su'-3ra6es a&d so o&. (or T44, t$e U+ s$a"" rou&d t$is
#ara6eter do1& to t$e &earest i&te2er (o3 10 su'-3ra6es), e.2. s310 !orres#o&ds to 10 su'-3ra6es, s332 !orres#o&ds
to 30 su'-3ra6es, s312< !orres#o&ds to 120 su'-3ra6es.
Tri22er o3 t1o-i&ter7a"s-Se6i-Persiste&t S!$edu"i&2 i& u#"i&>. See TS 36.321 E6, 5.10F. 83 t$is 3ie"d is #rese&t, t1o-
i&ter7a"s-SPS is e&a'"ed 3or u#"i&>. ?t$er1ise, t1o-i&ter7a"s-SPS is disa'"ed.
#onditional presence E:planation
T22 T$is 3ie"d is o#tio&a" #rese&t 3or T44, &eed ?RH it is &ot #rese&t 3or (44 a&d t$e U+ s$a""
de"ete a&5 e/isti&2 7a"ue 3or t$is 3ie"d.
D T226$onfi"
The &3 T224"onfi is used to specify the T99 specific physical channel confiuration.
*DD-Config infor2ation ele2ent
T>>-#onfig :: SE!"EN#E *
su@frameAssignment EN"<ERATE> *
sa;- sa1- sa.- sa1- sa3- saD- saC5-
spe6ialSu@frame/atterns EN"<ERATE> *
ssp;- ssp1- ssp.- ssp1- ssp3-sspD- sspC- sspB-
T>>-#onfig-:111; :: SE!"EN#E *
spe6ialSu@frame/atterns-:111; EN"<ERATE> *sspB-ssp25
-- ASN1ST(/
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" **- Release $$
*DD-Config field descriptions
8&di!ates *o&3i2uratio& as i& TS 36.211 E21, ta'"e 4.2-1F 1$ere ssp #oi&ts to *o&3i2uratio& 0, ssp1 to *o&3i2uratio& 1
et!. Va"ue ssp7 #oi&ts to *o&3i2uratio& 7 3or e/te&ded !5!"i! #re3i/ a&d 7a"ue ssp9 #oi&ts to *o&3i2uratio& . 3or &or6a"
!5!"i! #re3i/. +-UTR%) si2&a"s ssp7 o&"5 1$e& setti&2 specialS&)frame!atterns (1it$out su33i/ i.e. t$e 7ersio& de3i&ed
i& R+-<) to ssp4. +-UTR%) si2&a"s 7a"ue ssp9 o&"5 1$e& setti&2 specialS&)frame!atterns (1it$out su33i/) to ssp5. 83
specialS&)frame!atterns60113 is #rese&t, t$e U+ s$a"" i2&ore specialS&)frame!atterns (1it$out su33i/).
8&di!ates 40U su'3ra6e !o&3i2uratio& 1$ere sa0 #oi&t to *o&3i2uratio& 0, sa1 to *o&3i2uratio& 1 et!. as s#e!i3ied i&
TS 36.211 E21, ta'"e 4.2-2F. +-UTR%) !o&3i2ures t$e sa6e 7a"ue 3or ser7i&2 !e""s residi&2 o& sa6e 3re9ue&!5 'a&d.
D Time.li"nmentTimer
The &3 Time.linmentTimer is used to control how lon the 43 considers the servin cells belonin to the associated
T/G to be uplin# time alined. 2orresponds to the Timer for time alinment in T" 3=.3*, K=L. Calue in number of subA
frames. Calue sf:++ corresponds to :++ subAframes. sf>:+ corresponds to >:+ subAframes and so on.
*ime'lignment*imer infor2ation ele2ent
TimeAlignmentTimer :: EN"<ERATE> *
sfD;;- sfBD;- sf1.=;- sf12.;- sf.DC;- sfD1.;-
sf1;.3;- infinit+5
-- ASN1ST(/
D T!$6!2$$/6$onfi"
The &3 TP"4P2""/4"onfi is used to specify the 0'T&s and inde(es for P422B and P4"2B power control
accordin to T" 3=.*,* K**L. The power control function can either be setup or released with the &3.
*PC-PDCC+-Config infor2ation ele2ent
T/#-/>##?-#onfig :: #?(I#E *
release N"LL-
setup SE!"EN#E *
tp6-RNTI 8IT STRIN, $SI%E $1C''-
tp6-Index T/#-Index
T/#-Index :: #?(I#E *
index(f)ormat1 INTE,ER $1&&1D'-
index(f)ormat1A INTE,ER $1&&11'
-- ASN1ST(/
*PC-PDCC+-Config field descriptions
8&de/ o3 ) 1$e& 4*8 3or6at 3 is used. See TS 36.212 E22,
8&de/ o3 M 1$e& 4*8 3or6at 3% is used. See TS 36.212 E22,
8&de/ o3 ) or M, see TS 36.212 E22, a&d, 1$ere ) or M is de#e&de&t o& t$e used 4*8 3or6at (i.e.
3or6at 3 or 3a).
R)T8 3or #o1er !o&tro" usi&2 4*8 3or6at 303%, see TS 36.212 E22F.
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" **. Release $$
D -plink!o=er$ontrol
The &3 -plinkPo9er"ontrol"ommon and &3 -plinkPo9er"ontrol2e&icate& are used to specify parameters for uplin#
power control in the system information and in the dedicated sinallin. respectively.
UplinkPowerControl infor2ation ele2ents
"plin9/ower#ontrol#ommon :: SE!"EN#E *
p;-Nominal/"S#? INTE,ER $-1.C&&.3'-
alpha EN"<ERATE> *al;- al;3- al;D- al;C- al;B- al;=- al;2- al15-
p;-Nominal/"##? INTE,ER $-1.B&&-2C'-
delta)List-/"##? >elta)List-/"##?-
delta/ream@le<sg1 INTE,ER $-1&&C'
"plin9/ower#ontrol#ommon-:1;.; :: SE!"EN#E *
delta)-/"##?-)ormat1-r1; EN"<ERATE> *delta)-1- delta);- delta)1- delta).-
delta)1- delta)3- delta)D- delta)C5-
delta)-/"##?-)ormat1@#S-r1; EN"<ERATE> *delta)1- delta).- spare.- spare15
"plin9/ower#ontrol#ommonS#ell-r1; :: SE!"EN#E *
p;-Nominal/"S#?-r1; INTE,ER $-1.C&&.3'-
alpha-r1; EN"<ERATE> *al;- al;3- al;D- al;C- al;B- al;=- al;2- al15
"plin9/ower#ontrol#ommonS#ell-:111; :: SE!"EN#E *
delta/ream@le<sg1-r11 INTE,ER $-1&&C'
"plin9/ower#ontrol>edi6ated :: SE!"EN#E *
p;-"E-/"S#? INTE,ER $-=&&B'-
delta<#S-Ena@led EN"<ERATE> *en;- en15-
a66umulationEna@led 8((LEAN-
p;-"E-/"##? INTE,ER $-=&&B'-
pSRS-(ffset INTE,ER $;&&1D'-
filter#oeffi6ient )ilter#oeffi6ient >E)A"LT f63
"plin9/ower#ontrol>edi6ated-:1;.; :: SE!"EN#E *
deltaTx>-(ffsetList/"##?-r1; >eltaTx>-(ffsetList/"##?-r1; (/TI(NAL- -- Need (R
pSRS-(ffsetAp-r1; INTE,ER $;&&1D' (/TI(NAL -- Need (R
"plin9/ower#ontrol>edi6ated-:111; :: SE!"EN#E *
pSRS-(ffset-:111; INTE,ER $1C&&11' (/TI(NAL- -- Need (R
pSRS-(ffsetAp-:111; INTE,ER $1C&&11' (/TI(NAL- -- Need (R
deltaTx>-(ffsetList/"##?-:111; >eltaTx>-(ffsetList/"##?-:111; (/TI(NAL -- Need (R
"plin9/ower#ontrol>edi6atedS#ell-r1; :: SE!"EN#E *
p;-"E-/"S#?-r1; INTE,ER $-=&&B'-
delta<#S-Ena@led-r1; EN"<ERATE> *en;- en15-
a66umulationEna@led-r1; 8((LEAN-
pSRS-(ffset-r1; INTE,ER $;&&1D'-
pSRS-(ffsetAp-r1; INTE,ER $;&&1D' (/TI(NAL- -- Need (R
filter#oeffi6ient-r1; )ilter#oeffi6ient >E)A"LT f63-
pathlossReferen6eLin9ing-r1; EN"<ERATE> *p#ell- s#ell5
>elta)List-/"##? :: SE!"EN#E *
delta)-/"##?-)ormat1 EN"<ERATE> *delta)-.- delta);- delta).5-
delta)-/"##?-)ormat1@ EN"<ERATE> *delta)1- delta)1- delta)D5-
delta)-/"##?-)ormat. EN"<ERATE> *delta)-.- delta);- delta)1- delta).5-
delta)-/"##?-)ormat.a EN"<ERATE> *delta)-.- delta);- delta).5-
delta)-/"##?-)ormat.@ EN"<ERATE> *delta)-.- delta);- delta).5
>eltaTx>-(ffsetList/"##?-r1; :: SE!"EN#E *
deltaTx>-(ffset/"##?-)ormat1-r1; EN"<ERATE> *d8;- d8-.5-
deltaTx>-(ffset/"##?-)ormat1a1@-r1; EN"<ERATE> *d8;- d8-.5-
deltaTx>-(ffset/"##?-)ormat..a.@-r1; EN"<ERATE> *d8;- d8-.5-
deltaTx>-(ffset/"##?-)ormat1-r1; EN"<ERATE> *d8;- d8-.5-
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" *3) Release $$
>eltaTx>-(ffsetList/"##?-:111; :: SE!"EN#E *
deltaTx>-(ffset/"##?-)ormat1@#S-r11 EN"<ERATE> *d8;- d8-15
-- ASN1ST(/
UplinkPowerControl field descriptions
Para6eter, %!!u6u"atio&-e&a'"ed, see TS 36.213 E23, TRU+ !orres#o&ds to Oe&a'"edP 1$ereas (%S+
!orres#o&ds to Odisa'"edP.
Para6eter, E See TS 36.213 E23, 1$ere a"0 !orres#o&ds to 0, a"04 !orres#o&ds to 7a"ue 0.4, a"05 to 0.5, a"06
to 0.6, a"07 to 0.7, a"0< to 0.<, a"0. to 0.. a&d a"1 !orres#o&ds to 1.
Para6eter, 8EP422B
( ) +
3or t$e PU**= 3or6ats 1, 1', 2, 2a, 2', 3 a&d 1' 1it$ !$a&&e" se"e!tio&. See TS 36.213
E23, 5.1.2F 1$ere de"ta(-2 !orres#o&ds to -2 d;, de"ta(0 !orres#o&ds to 0 d; a&d so o&.
Para6eter, Fs See TS 36.213 E23, e&0 !orres#o&ds to 7a"ue 0 !orres#o&di&2 to state Odisa'"edP. e&1
!orres#o&ds to 7a"ue 1.25 !orres#o&di&2 to Oe&a'"edP.
3 E Ms P!,.MB1,

see TS 36.213 E23, %!tua" 7a"ue G 8+ 7a"ue J 2 Ed;F.

Para6eter, ) $ (+
3or t$e PU**= 3or6ats 1, 1a01', 1' 1it$ !$a&&e" se"e!tio&, 202a02' a&d 3 1$e& t1o a&te&&a
#orts are !o&3i2ured 3or PU**= tra&s6issio&. See TS 36.213 E23, 1$ere d;0 !orres#o&ds to 0 d;, d;-1
!orres#o&ds to -1 d;, d;-2 !orres#o&ds to -2 d;.
S#e!i3ies t$e 3i"teri&2 !oe33i!ie&t 3or RSRP 6easure6e&ts used to !a"!u"ate #at$ "oss, as s#e!i3ied i& TS 36.213 E23, T$e sa6e 3i"teri&2 6e!$a&is6 a##"ies as 3or %&antity$onfi" des!ri'ed i&
P422B OE'OM&'/6E
See TS 36.213,, u&it d;6.
) , (
P4"2B OE'OM&'/6E
See TS 36.213,, u&it d;6. T$is 3ie"d is a##"i!a'"e 3or &o&-#ersiste&t
s!$edu"i&2, o&"5.
See TS 36.213 E23, U&it d;
) , (
See TS 36.213 E23,, u&it d;. T$is 3ie"d is a##"i!a'"e 3or &o&-#ersiste&t
s!$edu"i&2, o&"5.
8&di!ates 1$et$er t$e U+ s$a"" a##"5 as #at$"oss re3ere&!e eit$er t$e do1&"i&> o3 t$e P*e"" or o3 t$e S*e"" t$at
!orres#o&ds 1it$ t$is u#"i&> (i.e. a!!ordi&2 to t$e cellI(entification 1it$i& t$e 3ie"d s$ellTo.((Mo(). (or S*e""s #art o3
a& ST%G +-UTR%) sets t$e 7a"ue to s*e"".
pS$S-1ffset= pS$S-1ffset'p
Para6eter, !S#SB4++S,T 3or #eriodi! a&d a#eriodi! sou&di&2 re3ere&!e si2&a" tra&s6issio& re#e!ti7e"5. See TS 36.213
E23, (or NsG1.25, t$e a!tua" #ara6eter 7a"ue is #SRS-?33set 7a"ue D 3. (or NsG0, t$e a!tua" #ara6eter 7a"ue
is -10.5 - 1.5J#SRS-?33set 7a"ue.
83 pS#S64ffset60113 is i&!"uded, t$e U+ i2&ores pS#S64ffset (i.e., 1it$out su33i/). i>e1ise, i3 pS#S64ffset.p60113
is i&!"uded, t$e U+ i2&ores pS#S64ffset.p6r1. (or NsG0, +-UTR%) does &ot set 7a"ues "ar2er t$a& 26.
6.3.3 Se!urit5 !o&tro" i&3or6atio& e"e6e&ts
D 3e*t/op$hainin"$o&nt
The &3 3e*t/op")ainin"o$nt is used to update the %e'1 #ey and corresponds to parameter '22I "ee T" 33.-+, K3*.
Ne.t+opChainingCount infor2ation ele2ent
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" *3$ Release $$
Next?op#haining#ount :: INTE,ER $;&&B'
-- ASN1ST(/
D Sec&rity.l"orithm$onfi"
The &3 Sec$rity.lorit)m"onfi is used to confiure /" interity protection alorithm ("01s) and /" cipherin
alorithm ("01s and 901s). 8or 0's. the &3 Sec$rity.lorit)m"onfi is also used to confiure /" interity protection
alorithm for 901s between the 0' and the 3A4T0/'.
Security'lgorithmConfig infor2ation ele2ent
Se6urit+Algorithm#onfig :: SE!"EN#E *
6ipheringAlgorithm EN"<ERATE> *
eea;- eea1- eea.- eea1-:111;- spare3- spare1-
spare.- spare1- &&&5-
integrit+/rotAlgorithm EN"<ERATE> *
eia;-:2.;- eia1- eia.- eia1-:111;- spare3- spare1-
spare.- spare1- &&&5
-- ASN1ST(/
Security'lgorithmConfig field descriptions
8&di!ates t$e !i#$eri&2 a"2orit$6 to 'e used 3or SR;s a&d 4R;s, as s#e!i3ied i& TS 33.401 E32,
8&di!ates t$e i&te2rit5 #rote!tio& a"2orit$6 to 'e used 3or SR;s, as s#e!i3ied i& TS 33.401 E32, (or R)s, a"so
i&di!ates t$e i&te2rit5 #rote!tio& a"2orit$6 to 'e used 3or i&te2rit5 #rote!tio&-e&a'"ed 4R;(s).
D ShortM.$6I
The &3 S)ortM."4I is used to identify and verify the 43 at 002 connection reAestablishment. The ,= least sinificant
bits of the M/2A& calculated usin the security confiuration of the source P2ell. as specified in :.3.>.-.
ShortM'C-" infor2ation ele2ent
Short<A#-I :: 8IT STRIN, $SI%E $1C''
-- ASN1ST(/
6.3.4 Mo'i"it5 !o&tro" i&3or6atio& e"e6e&ts
D .((itionalSpectr&m,mission
'itionalSpectrum-mission infor2ation ele2ent
AdditionalSpe6trumEmission :: INTE,ER $1&&1.'
-- ASN1ST(/
D .#+$36@al&e$2M.2
The &3 .!+"34:al$e"2M.2000 used to indicate the 29M/*+++ carrier fre;uency within a 29M/*+++ band. see
2."+++* K,*L.
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" *3* Release $$
'$%CN-5alueCDM'())) infor2ation ele2ent
AR)#N-Falue#><A.;;; :: INTE,ER $;&&.;3B'
-- ASN1ST(/
D .#+$36@al&e,-T#.
The &3 .!+"34:al$e,-T!. is used to indicate the /082' applicable for a downlin#. uplin# or biAdirectional (T99)
3A4T0/ carrier fre;uency. as defined in T" 3=.,+, K-*L. &f an e(tension is sinalled usin the e(tended value rane (as
defined by &3 .!+"34:al$e,-T!.409e0). the 43 shall only consider this e(tension (and hence inore the
correspondin oriinal field. usin the value rane as defined by &3 .!+"34:al$e,-T!. i.e. without suffi(. if
sinalled). &n dedicated sinallin. 3A4T0/' only provides an 3/082' correspondin to an 3A4T0/ band supported
by the 43.
'$%CN-5alue-U*$' infor2ation ele2ent
AR)#N-FalueE"TRA :: INTE,ER $;&&maxEAR)#N'
AR)#N-FalueE"TRA-:2e; :: INTE,ER $maxEAR)#N-/lus1&&maxEAR)#N.'
AR)#N-FalueE"TRA-r2 :: INTE,ER $;&&maxEAR)#N.'
-- ASN1ST(/
'OT3I 8or fields usin the oriinal value rane. as defined by &3 .!+"34:al$e,-T!. i.e. without suffi(. value
ma*,.!+"3 indicates that the 3A4T0/ carrier fre;uency is indicated by means of an e(tension. &n such
a case. 43s not supportin the e(tension consider the field to be set to a not supported value.
D .#+$36@al&e9,#.3
The &3 .!+"34:al$e;,!.3 is used to specify the /082' value applicable for a G30/' 122B carrier fre;uency.
see T" -:.++: K*+L.
'$%CN-5alueG-$'N infor2ation ele2ent
AR)#N-Falue,ERAN :: INTE,ER $;&&1;.1'
-- ASN1ST(/
D .#+$36@al&e-T#.
The &3 .!+"34:al$e-T!. is used to indicate the /082' applicable for a downlin# ('d. 899) or biAdirectional ('t.
T99) 4T0/ carrier fre;uency. as defined in T" *:.33, K,@L.
'$%CN-5alueU*$' infor2ation ele2ent
AR)#N-Falue"TRA :: INTE,ER $;&&1C1=1'
-- ASN1ST(/
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" *33 Release $$
D Ban(class$2M.2
The &3 Ban&class"2M.2000 is used to define the 29M/*+++ band in which the 29M/*+++ carrier fre;uency can be
found. as defined in 2."++:> K*-. table ,.:A,L.
BanclassCDM'())) infor2ation ele2ent
8and6lass#><A.;;; :: EN"<ERATE> *
@6;- @61- @6.- @61- @63- @6D- @6C- @6B- @6=-
@62- @61;- @611- @61.- @611- @613- @61D- @61C-
@61B- @61=-:2a;- @612-:2a;- @6.;-:2a;- @6.1-:2a;-
spare1;- spare2- spare=- spareB- spareC- spareD- spare3-
spare1- spare.- spare1- &&&5
-- ASN1ST(/
D Ban(In(icator9,#.3
The &3 Ban&In&icator;,!.3 indicates how to interpret an associated G30/' carrier /082'. see T" -:.++: K*+L.
More specifically. the &3 indicates the G30/' fre;uency band in case the /082' value can concern either a
92" ,?++ or a P2" ,@++ carrier fre;uency. 8or /082' values not associated with one of these bands. the indicator
has no meanin.
Ban"nicatorG-$'N infor2ation ele2ent
8andIndi6ator,ERAN :: EN"<ERATE> *d6s1=;;- p6s12;;5
-- ASN1ST(/
D $arrier+re%$2M.2
The &3 "arrier+re#"2M.2000 used to provide the 29M/*+++ carrier information.
Carrier%re&CDM'())) infor2ation ele2ent
#arrier)re7#><A.;;; :: SE!"EN#E *
@and#lass 8and6lass#><A.;;;-
arf6n AR)#N-Falue#><A.;;;
-- ASN1ST(/
D $arrier+re%9,#.3
The &3 "arrier+re#;,!.3 is used to provide an unambiuous carrier fre;uency description of a G30/' cell.
Carrier%re&G-$'N infor2ation ele2ent
#arrier)re7,ERAN :: SE!"EN#E *
arf6n AR)#N-Falue,ERAN-
@andIndi6ator 8andIndi6ator,ERAN
-- ASN1ST(/
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" *3+ Release $$
Carrier%re&G-$'N field descriptions
G+R%) %R(*) o3 ;**= !arrier.
8&di!ates $o1 to i&ter#ret t$e %R(*) o3 t$e ;**= !arrier.
D $arrier+re%s9,#.3
The &3 "arrier+re#1ist;,!.3 is used to provide one or more G30/' /082' values. as defined in T" --.++: K-3L.
which represents a list of G30/' 122B carrier fre;uencies.
Carrier%re&sG-$'N infor2ation ele2ent
#arrier)re7s,ERAN :: SE!"EN#E *
startingAR)#N AR)#N-Falue,ERAN-
@andIndi6ator 8andIndi6ator,ERAN-
followingAR)#Ns #?(I#E *
expli6itList(fAR)#Ns Expli6itList(fAR)#Ns-
e7uall+Spa6edAR)#Ns SE!"EN#E *
arf6n-Spa6ing INTE,ER $1&&='-
num@er(f)ollowingAR)#Ns INTE,ER $;&&11'
:aria@le8it<ap(fAR)#Ns (#TET STRIN, $SI%E $1&&1C''
Expli6itList(fAR)#Ns :: SE!"EN#E $SI%E $;&&11'' () AR)#N-Falue,ERAN
-- ASN1ST(/
Carrier%re&sG-$'N field descriptions
S#a!e, d, 'et1ee& a set o3 e9ua""5 s#a!ed %R(*) 7a"ues.
8&di!ates $o1 to i&ter#ret t$e %R(*) o3 t$e ;**= !arrier.
T$e re6ai&i&2 %R(*) 7a"ues i& t$e set are e/#"i!it"5 "isted o&e '5 o&e.
(ie"d !o&tai&i&2 a re#rese&tatio& o3 t$e re6ai&i&2 %R(*) 7a"ues i& t$e set.
T$e &u6'er, &, o3 t$e re6ai&i&2 e9ua""5 s#a!ed %R(*) 7a"ues i& t$e set. T$e !o6#"ete set o3 (&-1) %R(*) 7a"ues is
de3i&ed as, Vs, ((s - d) 6od 1024), ((s - 2Jd) 6od 1024) ... ((s - &Jd) 6od 1024)W.
T$e 3irst %R(*) 7a"ue, s, i& t$e set.
;it6a# 3ie"d re#rese&ti&2 t$e re6ai&i&2 %R(*) 7a"ues i& t$e set. T$e "eadi&2 'it o3 t$e 3irst o!tet i& t$e 'it6a#
!orres#o&ds to t$e %R(*) G ((s - 1) 6od 1024), t$e &e/t 'it to t$e %R(*) G ((s - 2) 6od 1024), a&d so o&. 83 t$e
'it6a# !o&sist o3 ) o!tets, t$e trai"i&2 'it o3 o!tet ) !orres#o&ds to %R(*) G ((s - <J)) 6od 1024). T$e !o6#"ete set
o3 %R(*) 7a"ues !o&sists o3 %R(*) G s a&d t$e %R(*) 7a"ues, 1$ere t$e !orres#o&di&2 'it i& t$e 'it6a# is set to
D $arrier+re%1istMBMS
The &3 "arrier+re#1istMBMS is used to indicate the 3A4T0/ /082' values of the one or more M1M" fre;uencies
the 43 is interested to receive.
Carrier%re&#istMBMS infor2ation ele2ent
#arrier)re7List<8<S-r11 :: SE!"EN#E $SI%E $1&&max)re7<8<S-r11'' () AR)#N-FalueE"TRA-r2
-- ASN1ST(/
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" *3, Release $$
D $2M.26Type
The &3 "2M.20004Type is used to describe the type of 29M/*+++ networ#.
CDM'()))-*ype infor2ation ele2ent
#><A.;;;-T+pe :: EN"<ERATE> *t+pe1ERTT- t+pe?R/>5
-- ASN1ST(/
D $ellI(entity
The &3 "ellI&entity is used to unambiuously identify a cell within a P6M'.
Cell"entity infor2ation ele2ent
#ellIdentit+ :: 8IT STRIN, $SI%E $.=''
-- ASN1ST(/
D $ellIn(e*1ist
The &3 "ellIn&e*1ist concerns a list of cell indices. which may be used for different purposes.
Cell"ne.#ist infor2ation ele2ent
#ellIndexList :: SE!"EN#E $SI%E $1&&max#ell<eas'' () #ellIndex
#ellIndex :: INTE,ER $1&&max#ell<eas'
-- ASN1ST(/
D $ell#eselection!riority
The &3 "ell!eselectionPriority concerns the absolute priority of the concerned carrier fre;uencyD set of fre;uencies
(G30/')D bandclass (29M/*+++). as used by the cell reselection procedure. 2orresponds with parameter MpriorityM in
T" 3=.3+- K-L. Calue + meansI lowest priority. The 43 behaviour for the case the field is absent. if applicable. is
specified in T" 3=.3+- K-L.
Cell$eselectionPriority infor2ation ele2ent
#ellResele6tion/riorit+ :: INTE,ER $;&&B'
-- ASN1ST(/
D $S+B6#e"istration!aram17#TT
The &3 "S+B4!eistrationParam1<!TT is used to indicate whether or not the 43 shall perform a 29M/*+++ ,(0TT
preAreistration if the 43 does not have a valid D current preAreistration.
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" *3% Release $$
#S)8-Registration/aram1ERTT :: SE!"EN#E *
sid 8IT STRIN, $SI%E $1D''-
nid 8IT STRIN, $SI%E $1C''-
multipleSI> 8((LEAN-
multipleNI> 8((LEAN-
homeReg 8((LEAN-
foreignSI>Reg 8((LEAN-
foreignNI>Reg 8((LEAN-
parameterReg 8((LEAN-
power"pReg 8((LEAN-
registration/eriod 8IT STRIN, $SI%E $B''-
registration%one 8IT STRIN, $SI%E $1.''-
total%one 8IT STRIN, $SI%E $1''-
HoneTimer 8IT STRIN, $SI%E $1''
#S)8-Registration/aram1ERTT-:2.; :: SE!"EN#E *
power>ownReg-r2 EN"<ERATE> *true5
-- ASN1ST(/
CS%B-$egistrationParam/0$** field descriptions
T$e *4M%2000 1/RTT )84 roa6er re2istratio& i&di!ator.
T$e *4M%2000 1/RTT S84 roa6er re2istratio& i&di!ator.
T$e *4M%2000 1/RTT =o6e re2istratio& i&di!ator.
T$e *4M%2000 1/RTT Mu"ti#"e )84 stora2e i&di!ator.
T$e *4M%2000 1/RTT Mu"ti#"e S84 stora2e i&di!ator.
Used a"o&2 1it$ t$e si( as a #air to !o&tro" 1$e& t$e U+ s$ou"d Re2ister or Re-Re2ister 1it$ t$e *4M%2000 1/RTT
T$e *4M%2000 1/RTT Para6eter-!$a&2e re2istratio& i&di!ator.
T$e *4M%2000 1/RTT Po1er-do1& re2istratio& i&di!ator. 83 set to TRU+, t$e U+ t$at $as a 7a"id 0 !urre&t *4M%2000
1/RTT #re-re2istratio& 1i"" #er3or6 a *4M%2000 1/RTT #o1er do1& re2istratio& 1$e& it is s1it!$ed o33.
T$e *4M%2000 1/RTT Po1er-u# re2istratio& i&di!ator.
T$e *4M%2000 1/RTT Re2istratio& #eriod.
T$e *4M%2000 1/RTT Re2istratio& Lo&e.
Used a"o&2 1it$ t$e ni( as a #air to !o&tro" 1$e& t$e U+ s$ou"d Re2ister or Re-Re2ister 1it$ t$e *4M%2000 1/RTT
T$e *4M%2000 1/RTT )u6'er o3 re2istratio& Lo&es to 'e retai&ed.
T$e *4M%2000 1/RTT Xo&e ti6er "e&2t$.
D $ell9lo)alI(,-T#.
The &3 "ell;lo'alI&,-T!. specifies the 3volved 2ell Global &dentifier (32G&). the lobally uni;ue identity of a cell
in 3A4T0/.
CellGlo!al"-U*$' infor2ation ele2ent
#ell,lo@alIdE"TRA :: SE!"EN#E *
plmn-Identit+ /L<N-Identit+-
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" *3( Release $$
6ellIdentit+ #ellIdentit+
-- ASN1ST(/
#ellGlo3al8dEUTRA field descriptions
8de&tit5 o3 t$e !e"" 1it$i& t$e !o&te/t o3 t$e PM).
8de&ti3ies t$e PM) o3 t$e !e"" as 2i7e& '5 t$e 3irst PM) e&tr5 i& t$e plmn6I(entity1ist i&
D $ell9lo)alI(-T#.
The &3 "ell;lo'alI&-T!. specifies the lobal 4T0/' 2ell &dentifier. the lobally uni;ue identity of a cell in 4T0/.
CellGlo!al"U*$' infor2ation ele2ent
#ell,lo@alId"TRA :: SE!"EN#E *
plmn-Identit+ /L<N-Identit+-
6ellIdentit+ 8IT STRIN, $SI%E $.=''
-- ASN1ST(/
#ellGlo3al8dUTRA field descriptions
UTR% *e"" 8de&ti3ier 1$i!$ is u&i9ue 1it$i& t$e !o&te/t o3 t$e ide&ti3ied PM) as de3i&ed i& TS 25.331 E1.F.
8de&ti3ies t$e PM) o3 t$e !e"" as 2i7e& '5 t$e !o66o& PM) 'road!ast i& t$e M8;, as de3i&ed i& TS 25.331 E1.F.
D $ell9lo)alI(9,#.3
The &3 "ell;lo'alI&;,!.3 specifies the 2ell Global &dentification (2G&). the lobally uni;ue identity of a cell in
CellGlo!al"G-$'N infor2ation ele2ent
#ell,lo@alId,ERAN :: SE!"EN#E *
plmn-Identit+ /L<N-Identit+-
lo6ationArea#ode 8IT STRIN, $SI%E $1C''-
6ellIdentit+ 8IT STRIN, $SI%E $1C''
-- ASN1ST(/
#ellGlo3al8dGERAN field descriptions
*e"" 8de&ti3ier 1$i!$ is u&i9ue 1it$i& t$e !o&te/t o3 t$e G+R%) "o!atio& area as de3i&ed i& TS 23.003 E27F.
% 3i/ed "e&2t$ !ode ide&ti35i&2 t$e "o!atio& area 1it$i& a PM) as de3i&ed i& TS 23.003 E27F.
8de&ti3ies t$e PM) o3 t$e !e"", as de3i&ed i& TS 23.003 E27F..
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" *3- Release $$
D $ell9lo)alI($2M.2
The &3 "ell;lo'alI&"2M.2000 specifies the 2ell Global &dentification (2G&). the lobally uni;ue identity of a cell in
CellGlo!al"CDM'())) infor2ation ele2ent
#ell,lo@alId#><A.;;; :: #?(I#E *
6ell,lo@alId1ERTT 8IT STRIN, $SI%E $3B''-
6ell,lo@alId?R/> 8IT STRIN, $SI%E $1.=''
-- ASN1ST(/
#ellGlo3al8d#76A*))) field descriptions
U&i9ue ide&ti3ier 3or a *4M%2000 1/RTT !e"", !orres#o&ds to ;%S+84, S84 a&d )84 #ara6eters (i& t$at order)
de3i&ed i& *.S0005 E25F.
U&i9ue ide&ti3ier 3or a *4M%2000 =RP4 !e"", !orres#o&ds to S+*T?R 84 #ara6eter de3i&ed i& *.S0024 E26, 14..F.
D $S96I(entity
The &3 "S;4I&entity is used to identify a 2losed "ubscriber Group.
CSG-"entity infor2ation ele2ent
#S,-Identit+ :: 8IT STRIN, $SI%E $.B''
-- ASN1ST(/
D +re%Ban(In(icator
The &3 +re#Ban&In&icator indicates the 3A4T0/ operatin band as defined in T" 3=.,+, K-*. table :.:A,L. &f an
e(tension is sinalled usin the e(tended value rane (as defined by &3 +re#Ban&In&icator409e0). the 43 shall only
consider this e(tension (and hence inore the correspondin oriinal field. usin the value rane as defined by &3
+re#Ban&In&icator i.e. without suffi(. if sinalled).
%re&Ban"nicator infor2ation ele2ent
)re78andIndi6ator :: INTE,ER $1&&max)8I'
)re78andIndi6ator-:2e; :: INTE,ER $max)8I-/lus1&&max)8I.'
)re78andIndi6ator-r11 :: INTE,ER $1&&max)8I.'
-- ASN1ST(/
'OT3I 8or fields usin the oriinal value rane. as defined by &3 +re#Ban&In&icator i.e. without suffi(. value
ma*+BI indicates that the fre;uency band is indicated by means of an e(tension. &n such a case. 43s not
supportin the e(tension consider the field to be set to a not supported value.
D Mo)ility$ontrolInfo
The &3 Mo'ility"ontrolInfo includes parameters relevant for networ# controlled mobility toDwithin 3A4T0/.
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" *3. Release $$
Mo!ilityControl"nfo infor2ation ele2ent
<o@ilit+#ontrolInfo :: SE!"EN#E *
target/h+s#ellId /h+s#ellId-
6arrier)re7 #arrier)re7E"TRA (/TI(NAL- -- #ond ?(-
6arrier8andwidth #arrier8andwidthE"TRA (/TI(NAL- -- #ond ?(-
additionalSpe6trumEmission AdditionalSpe6trumEmission (/TI(NAL- -- #ond ?(-
t1;3 EN"<ERATE> *
msD;- ms1;;- ms1D;- ms.;;- msD;;- ms1;;;-
ms.;;;- spare15-
new"E-Identit+ #-RNTI-
radioResour6e#onfig#ommon RadioResour6e#onfig#ommon-
ra6h-#onfig>edi6ated RA#?-#onfig>edi6ated (/TI(NAL- -- Need (/
00 6arrier)re7-:2e; #arrier)re7E"TRA-:2e; (/TI(NAL -- Need (N
00 dr@-#ontinueR(?#-r11 EN"<ERATE> *true5 (/TI(NAL -- #ond ?(
#arrier8andwidthE"TRA :: SE!"EN#E *
dl-8andwidth EN"<ERATE> *
nC- n1D- n.D- nD;- nBD- n1;;- spare1;-
spare2- spare=- spareB- spareC- spareD-
spare3- spare1- spare.- spare15-
ul-8andwidth EN"<ERATE> *
nC- n1D- n.D- nD;- nBD- n1;;- spare1;-
spare2- spare=- spareB- spareC- spareD-
spare3- spare1- spare.- spare15 (/TI(NAL -- Need (/
#arrier)re7E"TRA :: SE!"EN#E *
dl-#arrier)re7 AR)#N-FalueE"TRA-
ul-#arrier)re7 AR)#N-FalueE"TRA (/TI(NAL -- #ond )>>
#arrier)re7E"TRA-:2e; :: SE!"EN#E *
dl-#arrier)re7-:2e; AR)#N-FalueE"TRA-r2-
ul-#arrier)re7-:2e; AR)#N-FalueE"TRA-r2 (/TI(NAL -- #ond )>>
-- ASN1ST(/
Mo!ilityControl"nfo field descriptions
T$e U+ re9uire6e&ts re"ated to 8+ .((itionalSpectr&m,mission are de3i&ed i& TS 36.101 E42, ta'"e
Pro7ides t$e #ara6eters 2o=nlink )an(=i(th, a&d -plink )an(=i(th, see TS 36.101 E42F.
Pro7ides t$e +%R(*) to 'e used '5 t$e U+ i& t$e tar2et !e"".
Para6eter, 2o=nlink )an(=i(th, see TS 36.101 E42F.
T$is 3ie"d i&di!ates 1$et$er to !o&ti&ue or reset, 3or t$is $a&do7er, t$e $eader !o6#ressio& #roto!o" !o&te/t 3or t$e
R* UM 'earers !o&3i2ured 1it$ t$e $eader !o6#ressio& #roto!o". Prese&!e o3 t$e 3ie"d i&di!ates t$at t$e $eader
!o6#ressio& #roto!o" !o&te/t !o&ti&ues 1$i"e a'se&!e i&di!ates t$at t$e $eader !o6#ressio& #roto!o" !o&te/t is
reset. +-UTR%) i&!"udes t$e 3ie"d o&"5 i& !ase o3 a $a&do7er 1it$i& t$e sa6e e);.
T$e dedi!ated ra&do6 a!!ess #ara6eters. 83 a'se&t t$e U+ a##"ies !o&te&tio& 'ased ra&do6 a!!ess as s#e!i3ied i&
TS 36.321 E6F.
Ti6er T304 as des!ri'ed i& se!tio& 7.3. 6s50 !orres#o&ds 1it$ 50 6s, 6s100 !orres#o&ds 1it$ 100 6s a&d so o&.
Para6eter, -plink )an(=i(th, see TS 36.101 E42, ta'"e 5.6-1F. (or T44, t$e #ara6eter is a'se&t a&d it is e9ua" to
do1&"i&> 'a&d1idt$. 83 a'se&t 3or (44, a##"5 t$e sa6e 7a"ue as a##"ies 3or t$e do1&"i&> 'a&d1idt$.
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" *+) Release $$
#onditional presence E:planation
+22 T$e 3ie"d is 6a&dator5 1it$ de3au"t 7a"ue (t$e de3au"t du#"e/ dista&!e de3i&ed 3or t$e
!o&!er&ed 'a&d, as s#e!i3ied i& TS 36.101 E42F) i& !ase o3 O(44PH ot$er1ise t$e 3ie"d is
&ot #rese&t.
/4 T$is 3ie"d is o#tio&a""5 #rese&t, &eed ?P, i& !ase o3 $a&do7er 1it$i& +-UTR% 1$e& t$e
f&ll$onfi" is &ot i&!"udedH ot$er1ise t$e 3ie"d is &ot #rese&t.
/46to,-T#. T$e 3ie"d is 6a&dator5 #rese&t i& !ase o3 i&ter-R%T $a&do7er to +-UTR%H ot$er1ise t$e
3ie"d is o#tio&a""5 #rese&t, &eed ?).
/46to,-T#.2 T$e 3ie"d is a'se&t i3 carrier+re%609e is #rese&t. ?t$er1ise it is 6a&dator5 #rese&t i&
!ase o3 i&ter-R%T $a&do7er to +-UTR% a&d o#tio&a""5 #rese&t, &eed ?), i& a"" ot$er
D Mo)ility!arameters$2M.2 >1*#TT?
The Mo'ilityParameters"2M.2000 contains the parameters provided to the 43 for handover and (enhanced) 2"81 to
,(0TT support. as defined in 2."++@> K:3L.
Mo!ilityParametersCDM'())) infor2ation ele2ent
<o@ilit+/arameters#><A.;;; :: (#TET STRIN,
-- ASN1ST(/
D Mo)ilityState!arameters
The &3 Mo'ilityStateParameters contains parameters to determine 43 mobility state.
Mo!ilityStateParameters infor2ation ele2ent
<o@ilit+State/arameters :: SE!"EN#E *
t-E:aluation EN"<ERATE> *
s1;- sC;- s1.;- s1=;- s.3;- spare1- spare.- spare15-
t-?+stNormal EN"<ERATE> *
s1;- sC;- s1.;- s1=;- s.3;- spare1- spare.- spare15-
n-#ell#hange<edium INTE,ER $1&&1C'-
n-#ell#hange?igh INTE,ER $1&&1C'
-- ASN1ST(/
Mo!ilityStateParameters field descriptions
T$e &u6'er o3 !e"" !$a&2es to e&ter $i2$ 6o'i"it5 state. *orres#o&ds to )*R@= i& TS 36.304 E4F.
T$e &u6'er o3 !e"" !$a&2es to e&ter 6ediu6 6o'i"it5 state. *orres#o&ds to )*R@M i& TS 36.304 E4F.
T$e duratio& 3or e7a"uati&2 !riteria to e&ter 6o'i"it5 states. *orres#o&ds to T*R6a/ i& TS 36.304 E4F. Va"ue i& se!o&ds,
s30 !orres#o&ds to 30 s a&d so o&.
T$e additio&a" duratio& 3or e7a"uati&2 !riteria to e&ter &or6a" 6o'i"it5 state. *orres#o&ds to T*R6a/=5st i& TS 36.304 E4F.
Va"ue i& se!o&ds, s30 !orres#o&ds to 30 s a&d so o&.
D M&ltiBan(Info1ist
MultiBan"nfo#ist infor2ation ele2ent
<ulti8andInfoList :: SE!"EN#E $SI%E $1&&max<ulti8ands'' () )re78andIndi6ator
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" *+$ Release $$
<ulti8andInfoList-:2e; :: SE!"EN#E $SI%E $1&&max<ulti8ands'' () <ulti8andInfo-:2e;
<ulti8andInfoList-r11 :: SE!"EN#E $SI%E $1&&max<ulti8ands'' () )re78andIndi6ator-r11
<ulti8andInfo-:2e; :: SE!"EN#E *
fre78andIndi6ator-:2e; )re78andIndi6ator-:2e; (/TI(NAL -- Need (/
-- ASN1ST(/
D !hys$ellI(
The &3 P)ys"ellI& is used to indicate the physical layer identity of the cell. as defined in T" 3=.*,, K*,L.
PhysCell" infor2ation ele2ent
/h+s#ellId :: INTE,ER $;&&D;1'
-- ASN1ST(/
D !hys$ellI(#an"e
The &3 P)ys"ellI&!ane is used to encode either a sinle or a rane of physical cell identities. The rane is encoded by
usin a start value and by indicatin the number of consecutive physical cell identities (includin start) in the rane.
8or fields comprisin multiple occurrences of P)ys"ellI&!ane. 3A4T0/' may confiure overlappin ranes of
physical cell identities.
PhysCell"$ange infor2ation ele2ent
/h+s#ellIdRange :: SE!"EN#E *
start /h+s#ellId-
range EN"<ERATE> *
n3- n=- n1.- n1C- n.3- n1.- n3=- nC3- n=3-
n2C- n1.=- n1C=- n.D.- nD;3- spare.-
spare15 (/TI(NAL -- Need (/
-- ASN1ST(/
PhysCell"$ange field descriptions
8&di!ates t$e &u6'er o3 #$5si!a" !e"" ide&tities i& t$e ra&2e (i&!"udi&2 start). Va"ue &4 !orres#o&ds 1it$ 4, &<
!orres#o&ds 1it$ < a&d so o&. T$e U+ s$a"" a##"5 7a"ue 1 i& !ase t$e 3ie"d is a'se&t, i& 1$i!$ !ase o&"5 t$e #$5si!a"
!e"" ide&tit5 7a"ue i&di!ated '5 start a##"ies.
8&di!ates t$e "o1est #$5si!a" !e"" ide&tit5 i& t$e ra&2e.
D !hys$ellI(#an"e-T#.6+221ist
The &3 P)ys"ellI&!ane-T!.4+221ist is used to encode one or more of P)ys"ellI&!ane-T!.4+22. <hile the &3
P)ys"ellI&!ane-T!.4+22 is used to encode either a sinle physical layer identity or a rane of physical layer
identities. i.e. primary scramblin codes. 3ach rane is encoded by usin a start value and by indicatin the number of
consecutive physical cell identities (includin start) in the rane.
PhysCell"$angeU*$'-%DD#ist infor2ation ele2ent
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" *+* Release $$
/h+s#ellIdRange"TRA-)>>List-r2:: SE!"EN#E $SI%E $1&&max/h+s#ellIdRange-r2'' ()
/h+s#ellIdRange"TRA-)>>-r2 :: SE!"EN#E *
start-r2 /h+s#ellId"TRA-)>>-
range-r2 INTE,ER $.&&D1.' (/TI(NAL -- Need (/
-- ASN1ST(/
PhysCell"$angeU*$'-%DD#ist field descriptions
8&di!ates t$e &u6'er o3 #ri6ar5 s!ra6'"i&2 !odes i& t$e ra&2e (i&!"udi&2 start). T$e U+ s$a"" a##"5 7a"ue 1 i& !ase t$e
3ie"d is a'se&t, i& 1$i!$ !ase o&"5 t$e #ri6ar5 s!ra6'"i&2 !ode 7a"ue i&di!ated '5 start a##"ies.
8&di!ates t$e "o1est #ri6ar5 s!ra6'"i&2 !ode i& t$e ra&2e.
D !hys$ellI($2M.2
The &3 P)ys"ellI&"2M.2000 identifies the P'Offset that represents the MPhysical cell identityM in 29M/*+++.
PhysCell"CDM'())) infor2ation ele2ent
/h+s#ellId#><A.;;; :: INTE,ER $;&&max/N(ffset'
-- ASN1ST(/
D !hys$ellI(9,#.3
The &3 P)ys"ellI&;,!.3 contains the 1ase "tation &dentity 2ode (1"&2).
PhysCell"G-$'N infor2ation ele2ent
/h+s#ellId,ERAN :: SE!"EN#E *
networ9#olour#ode 8IT STRIN, $SI%E $1''-
@aseStation#olour#ode 8IT STRIN, $SI%E $1''
-- ASN1ST(/
PhysCell"G-$'N field descriptions
;ase statio& *o"our *ode as de3i&ed i& TS 23.003 E27F.
)et1or> *o"our *ode as de3i&ed i& TS 23.003 E27F.
D !hys$ellI(-T#.6+22
The &3 P)ys"ellI&-T!.4+22 is used to indicate the physical layer identity of the cell. i.e. the primary scramblin
code. as defined in T" *:.33, K,@L.
PhysCell"U*$'-%DD infor2ation ele2ent
/h+s#ellId"TRA-)>> :: INTE,ER $;&&D11'
-- ASN1ST(/
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" *+3 Release $$
D !hys$ellI(-T#.6T22
The &3 P)ys"ellI&-T!.4T22 is used to indicate the physical layer identity of the cell. i.e. the cell parameters &9
(T99). as specified in T" *:.33, K,@L. /lso corresponds to the &nitial 2ell Parameter /ssinment in T" *:.**3 K-=L.
PhysCell"U*$'-*DD infor2ation ele2ent
/h+s#ellId"TRA-T>> :: INTE,ER $;&&1.B'
-- ASN1ST(/
D !1M36I(entity
The &3 P1M34I&entity identifies a Public 6and Mobile 'etwor#. 8urther information reardin how to set the &3 are
specified in T" *3.++3 K*>L.
P#MN-"entity infor2ation ele2ent
/L<N-Identit+ :: SE!"EN#E *
m66 <## (/TI(NAL- -- #ond <##
mn6 <N#
<## :: SE!"EN#E $SI%E $1'' ()
<N# :: SE!"EN#E $SI%E $.&&1'' ()
<##-<N#->igit :: INTE,ER $;&&2'
-- ASN1ST(/
P#MN-"entity field descriptions
T$e 3irst e"e6e&t !o&tai&s t$e 3irst M** di2it, t$e se!o&d e"e6e&t t$e se!o&d M** di2it a&d so o&. 83 t$e 3ie"d is
a'se&t, it ta>es t$e sa6e 7a"ue as t$e 6!! o3 t$e i66ediate"5 #re!edi&2 8+ PM)-8de&tit5. See TS 23.003 E27F.
T$e 3irst e"e6e&t !o&tai&s t$e 3irst M)* di2it, t$e se!o&d e"e6e&t t$e se!o&d M)* di2it a&d so o&. See TS 23.003
#onditional presence E:planation
M$$ T$is 8+ is 6a&dator5 1$e& !1M36I(entity is i&!"uded i& $ell9lo)alI(,-T#., i&
$ell9lo)alI(-T#.5 i& $ell9lo)alI(9,#.3 or i& #e"istere(MM,. T$is 8+ is a"so
6a&dator5 i& t$e 3irst o!!urre&!e o3 t$e 8+ !1M36I(entity 1it$i& t$e 8+ !1M36I(entity1ist.
?t$er1ise it is o#tio&a", &eed ?P.
D !1M36I(entity1ist3
&ncludes a list of P6M' identities.
P#MN-"entity#ist3 infor2ation ele2ent
/L<N-Identit+List1-r11 :: SE!"EN#E $SI%E $1&&1C'' () /L<N-Identit+
-- ASN1ST(/
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" *++ Release $$
D !re#e"istrationInfo/#!2
/reRegistrationInfo?R/> :: SE!"EN#E *
preRegistrationAllowed 8((LEAN-
preRegistration%oneId /reRegistration%oneId?R/> (/TI(NAL- -- 6ond /reRegAllowed
se6ondar+/reRegistration%oneIdList Se6ondar+/reRegistration%oneIdList?R/> (/TI(NAL -- Need (R
Se6ondar+/reRegistration%oneIdList?R/> :: SE!"EN#E $SI%E $1&&.'' () /reRegistration%oneId?R/>
/reRegistration%oneId?R/> :: INTE,ER $;&&.DD'
-- ASN1ST(/
Pre$egistration"nfo+$PD field descriptions
TRU+ i&di!ates t$at a U+ s$a"" #er3or6 a *4M%2000 =RP4 #re-re2istratio& i3 t$e U+ does &ot $a7e a 7a"id 0 !urre&t
#re-re2istratio&. (%S+ i&di!ates t$at t$e U+ is &ot a""o1ed to #er3or6 *4M%2000 =RP4 #re-re2istratio& i& t$e
!urre&t !e"".
*o"or*ode (see *.S0024 E26F, *.S00<7 E44F) o3 t$e *4M%2000 Re3ere&!e *e"" !orres#o&di&2 to t$e =RP4 se!tor
u&der t$e =RP4 %) t$at is !o&3i2ured 3or t$is T+ !e"". 8t is used to !o&tro" 1$e& t$e U+ s$ou"d re2ister or re-re2ister.
ist o3 Se!o&dar5*o"or*odes (see *.S0024 E26F, *.S00<7 E44F) o3 t$e *4M%2000 Re3ere&!e *e"" !orres#o&di&2 to
t$e =RP4 se!tor u&der t$e =RP4 %) t$at is !o&3i2ured 3or t$is T+ !e"". T$e5 are used to !o&tro" 1$e& t$e U+ s$ou"d
#onditional presence E:planation
!re#e".llo=e( The fiel( is man(atory in case the pre#e"istration.llo=e( is set to tr&e: 4ther=ise the
fiel( is not present an( the -, shall (elete any e*istin" 0al&e for this fiel(:
D <6<&alMin
The &3 747$alMin is used to indicate for cell selectionD reAselection the re;uired minimum received 0"0F level in the
(3A4T0/) cell. 2orresponds to parameter F;ualmin in 3=.3+- K-L. /ctual value F;ualmin Q &3 value Kd1L.
6-6ualMin infor2ation ele2ent
!-!ual<in-r2 :: INTE,ER $-13&&-1'
-- ASN1ST(/
D <6#*1e0Min
The &3 74!*1e0Min is used to indicate for cell selectionD reAselection the re;uired minimum received 0"0P level in the
(3A4T0/) cell. 2orresponds to parameter Fr(levmin in 3=.3+- K-L. /ctual value Fr(levmin Q &3 value S * Kd1mL.
6-$.#e,Min infor2ation ele2ent
!-RxLe:<in :: INTE,ER $-B;&&-..'
-- ASN1ST(/
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" *+, Release $$
D <64ffset#an"e
The &3 74=ffset!ane is used to indicate a cell or fre;uency specific offset to be applied when evaluatin candidates for
cell reAselection or when evaluatin trierin conditions for measurement reportin. The value in d1. Calue d1A*-
corresponds to A*- d1. d1A** corresponds to A** d1 and so on.
6- 1ffset$ange infor2ation ele2ent
!-(ffsetRange :: EN"<ERATE> *
d8-.3- d8-..- d8-.;- d8-1=- d8-1C- d8-13-
d8-1.- d8-1;- d8-=- d8-C- d8-D- d8-3- d8-1-
d8-.- d8-1- d8;- d81- d8.- d81- d83- d8D-
d8C- d8=- d81;- d81.- d813- d81C- d81=-
d8.;- d8..- d8.35
-- ASN1ST(/
D <64ffset#an"eInter#.T
The &3 74=ffset!aneInter!.T is used to indicate a fre;uency specific offset to be applied when evaluatin trierin
conditions for measurement reportin. The value in d1.
6-1ffset$ange"nter$'* infor2ation ele2ent
!-(ffsetRangeInterRAT :: INTE,ER $-1D&&1D'
-- ASN1ST(/
D #eselectionThreshol(
The &3 !eselectionT)res)ol& is used to indicate an 0( level threshold for cell reselection. /ctual value of threshold Q &3
value S * Kd1L.
$eselection*hreshol infor2ation ele2ent
Resele6tionThreshold :: INTE,ER $;&&11'
-- ASN1ST(/
D #eselectionThreshol(<
The &3 !eselectionT)res)ol&7 is used to indicate a ;uality level threshold for cell reselection. /ctual value of threshold
Q &3 value Kd1L.
$eselection*hreshol6 infor2ation ele2ent
Resele6tionThreshold!-r2 :: INTE,ER $;&&11'
-- ASN1ST(/
D S$ellIn(e*
The &3 S"ellIn&e* concerns a short identity. used to identify an "2ell.
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" *+% Release $$
SCell"ne. infor2ation ele2ent
S#ellIndex-r1; :: INTE,ER $1&&B'
-- ASN1ST(/
D Ser0$ellIn(e*
The &3 Ser0"ellIn&e* concerns a short identity. used to identify a servin cell (i.e. the P2ell or an "2ell). Calue +
applies for the P2ell. while the S"ellIn&e* that has previously been assined applies for "2ells.
Ser,Cell"ne. infor2ation ele2ent
Ser:#ellIndex-r1; :: INTE,ER $;&&B'
-- ASN1ST(/
D Spee(StateScale+actors
The &3 Spee&StateScale+actors concerns factors. to be applied when the 43 is in medium or hih speed state. used for
scalin a mobility control related parameter.
SpeeStateScale%actors infor2ation ele2ent
SpeedStateS6ale)a6tors :: SE!"EN#E *
sf-<edium EN"<ERATE> *o>ot.D- o>otD- o>otBD- l>ot;5-
sf-?igh EN"<ERATE> *o>ot.D- o>otD- o>otBD- l>ot;5
-- ASN1ST(/
SpeeStateScale%actors field descriptions
T$e !o&!er&ed 6o'i"it5 !o&tro" re"ated #ara6eter is 6u"ti#"ied 1it$ t$is 3a!tor i3 t$e U+ is i& =i2$ Mo'i"it5 state as
de3i&ed i& TS 36.304 E4F. Va"ue o4ot25 !orres#o&ds to 0.25, o4ot5 !orres#o&ds to 0.5 , o4ot75 !orres#o&ds to 0.75
a&d so o&.
T$e !o&!er&ed 6o'i"it5 !o&tro" re"ated #ara6eter is 6u"ti#"ied 1it$ t$is 3a!tor i3 t$e U+ is i& Mediu6 Mo'i"it5 state as
de3i&ed i& TS 36.304 E4F. Va"ue o4ot25 !orres#o&ds to 0.25, o4ot5 !orres#o&ds to 0.5 , o4ot75 !orres#o&ds to 0.75
a&d so o&.
D SystemInfo1ist9,#.3
The &3 SystemInfo1ist;,!.3 contains system information of a G30/' cell.
System"nfo#istG-$'N infor2ation ele2ent
S+stemInfoList,ERAN :: SE!"EN#E $SI%E $1&&max,ERAN-SI'' ()
(#TET STRIN, $SI%E $1&&.1''
-- ASN1ST(/
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" *+( Release $$
System"nfo#istG-$'N field descriptions
+a!$ ?*T+T STR8)G !o&tai&s o&e S5ste6 8&3or6atio& (S8) 6essa2e as de3i&ed i& TS 44.01< E45, ta'"e ..1.1F
e/!"udi&2 t$e 2 Pseudo e&2t$, t$e RR 6a&a2e6e&t Proto!o" 4is!ri6i&ator a&d t$e S>i# 8&di!ator or a !o6#"ete
Pa!>et S5ste6 8&3or6atio& (PS8) 6essa2e as de3i&ed i& TS 44.060 E36, ta'"e 11.2.1F.
D SystemTimeInfo$2M.2
The &3 SystemTimeInfo"2M.2000 informs the 43 about the absolute time in the current cell. The 43 uses this
absolute time #nowlede to derive the 29M/*+++ Physical cell identity. e(pressed as P'Offset. of neihbour
29M/*+++ cells.
'OT3I The 43 needs the 29M/*+++ system time with a certain level of accuracy for performin measurements
as well as for communicatin with the 29M/*+++ networ# (B0P9 or ,(0TT).
System*ime"nfoCDM'())) infor2ation ele2ent
S+stemTimeInfo#><A.;;; :: SE!"EN#E *
6dma-E"TRA-S+n6hronisation 8((LEAN-
6dma-S+stemTime #?(I#E *
s+n6hronousS+stemTime 8IT STRIN, $SI%E $12''-
as+n6hronousS+stemTime 8IT STRIN, $SI%E $32''
-- ASN1ST(/
System*ime"nfoCDM'())) field descriptions
T$e *4M%2000 s5ste6 ti6e !orres#o&di&2 to t$e S() 'ou&dar5 at or a3ter t$e e&di&2 'ou&dar5 o3 t$e S8-:i&do1 i&
1$i!$ SystemInformationBlockType8 is tra&s6itted. +-UTR%) i&!"udes t$is 3ie"d i3 t$e +-UTR% 3ra6e 'ou&dar5 is &ot
a"i2&ed to t$e start o3 *4M%2000 s5ste6 ti6e. T$is 3ie"d siLe is 4. 'its a&d t$e u&it is < *4M% !$i#s 'ased o& 1.22<<
TRU+ i&di!ates t$at t$ere is &o dri3t i& t$e ti6i&2 'et1ee& +-UTR% a&d *4M%2000. (%S+ i&di!ates t$at t$e ti6i&2
'et1ee& +-UTR% a&d *4M%2000 !a& dri3t. )?T+ 1
*4M%2000 s5ste6 ti6e !orres#o&di&2 to t$e S() 'ou&dar5 at or a3ter t$e e&di&2 'ou&dar5 o3 t$e S8-1i&do1 i&
1$i!$ SystemInformationBlockType8 is tra&s6itted. +-UTR%) i&!"udes t$is 3ie"d i3 t$e +-UTR% 3ra6e 'ou&dar5 is
a"i2&ed to t$e start o3 *4M%2000 s5ste6 ti6e. T$is 3ie"d siLe is 3. 'its a&d t$e u&it is 10 6s 'ased o& a 1.22<< M!#s
!$i# rate.
'OT3 ,I The followin table shows the recommended combinations of the c&ma4,-T!.4Sync)ronisation field
and the choice of cdmaA"ystemTime included by 3A4T0/' for 899 and T99I
/77>T77 cma--U*$'-Synchronisation synchronousSystem*ime asynchronousSystem*ime
(44 (%S+ )ot Re!o66e&ded Re!o66e&ded
(44 TRU+ Re!o66e&ded )ot Re!o66e&ded
T44 (%S+ )ot Re!o66e&ded Re!o66e&ded
T44 TRU+ Re!o66e&ded Re!o66e&ded
D Trackin".rea$o(e
The &3 Trackin.rea"o&e is used to identify a trac#in area within the scope of a P6M'. see T" *-.3+, K3:L.
*racking'reaCoe infor2ation ele2ent
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" *+- Release $$
Tra69ingArea#ode :: 8IT STRIN, $SI%E $1C''
-- ASN1ST(/
D T6#eselection
The &3 T4!eselection concerns the cell reselection timer Treselection0/T for 3A4T0/. 4T0/. G30/' or 29M/*+++.
Calue in seconds.
*-$eselection infor2ation ele2ent
T-Resele6tion :: INTE,ER $;&&B'
-- ASN1ST(/
6.3.5 Measure6e&t i&3or6atio& e"e6e&ts
D .llo=e(MeasBan(=i(th
The &3 .llo9e&MeasBan&9i&t) is used to indicate the ma(imum allowed measurement bandwidth on a carrier
fre;uency as defined by the parameter Transmission 1andwidth 2onfiuration M'01M T" 3=.,+- K->L. The values mbw=.
mbw,:. mbw*:. mbw:+. mbw>:. mbw,++ indicate =. ,:. *:. :+. >: and ,++ resource bloc#s respectively.
'lloweMeasBanwith infor2ation ele2ent
Allowed<eas8andwidth :: EN"<ERATE> *m@wC- m@w1D- m@w.D- m@wD;- m@wBD- m@w1;;5
-- ASN1ST(/
D /ysteresis
The &3 /ysteresis is a parameter used within the entry and leave condition of an event triered reportin condition.
The actual value is &3 value S +.: d1.
+ysteresis infor2ation ele2ent
?+steresis :: INTE,ER $;&&1;'
-- ASN1ST(/
D 1ocationInfo
The &3 1ocationInfo is used to transfer detailed location information available at the 43 to correlate measurements and
43 position information.
#ocation"nfo infor2ation ele2ent
Lo6ationInfo-r1; :: SE!"EN#E *
lo6ation#oordinates-r1; #?(I#E *
ellipsoid-/oint-r1; (#TET STRIN,-
ellipsoid/ointGithAltitude-r1; (#TET STRIN,-
ellipsoid/ointGith"n6ertaint+#ir6le-r11 (#TET STRIN,-
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" *+. Release $$
ellipsoid/ointGith"n6ertaint+Ellipse-r11 (#TET STRIN,-
ellipsoid/ointGithAltitudeAnd"n6ertaint+Ellipsoid-r11 (#TET STRIN,-
ellipsoidAr6-r11 (#TET STRIN,-
pol+gon-r11 (#TET STRIN,
horiHontalFelo6it+-r1; (#TET STRIN, (/TI(NAL-
gnss-T(>-mse6-r1; (#TET STRIN, (/TI(NAL-
-- ASN1ST(/
#ocation"nfo fiel escriptions
Para6eter ,llipsoi(.rc de3i&ed i& TS36.355 E54F. T$e 3irst0"e3t6ost 'it o3 t$e 3irst o!tet !o&tai&s t$e 6ost si2&i3i!a&t 'it.
Para6eter ,llipsoi(6!oint de3i&ed i& TS36.355 E54F. T$e 3irst0"e3t6ost 'it o3 t$e 3irst o!tet !o&tai&s t$e 6ost si2&i3i!a&t
Para6eter ,llipsoi(!oint;ith.ltit&(e de3i&ed i& TS36.355 E54F. T$e 3irst0"e3t6ost 'it o3 t$e 3irst o!tet !o&tai&s t$e 6ost
si2&i3i!a&t 'it.
Para6eter ,llipsoi(!oint;ith.ltit&(e.n(-ncertainty,llipsoi( de3i&ed i& TS36.355 E54F. T$e 3irst0"e3t6ost 'it o3 t$e 3irst
o!tet !o&tai&s t$e 6ost si2&i3i!a&t 'it.
Para6eter ,llipsoi(6!oint;ith-ncertainty$ircle de3i&ed i& TS36.355 E54F. T$e 3irst0"e3t6ost 'it o3 t$e 3irst o!tet
!o&tai&s t$e 6ost si2&i3i!a&t 'it.
Para6eter ,llipsoi(!oint;ith-ncertainty,llipse de3i&ed i& TS36.355 E54F. T$e 3irst0"e3t6ost 'it o3 t$e 3irst o!tet
!o&tai&s t$e 6ost si2&i3i!a&t 'it.
Para6eter 9nss6T426msec de3i&ed i& TS36.355 E54F. T$e 3irst0"e3t6ost 'it o3 t$e 3irst o!tet !o&tai&s t$e 6ost
si2&i3i!a&t 'it.
Para6eter /oriDontal@elocity de3i&ed i& TS36.355 E54F. T$e 3irst0"e3t6ost 'it o3 t$e 3irst o!tet !o&tai&s t$e 6ost
si2&i3i!a&t 'it.
Para6eter !oly"on de3i&ed i& TS36.355 E54F. T$e 3irst0"e3t6ost 'it o3 t$e 3irst o!tet !o&tai&s t$e 6ost si2&i3i!a&t 'it.
D Meas$onfi"
The &3 Meas"onfi specifies measurements to be performed by the 43. and covers intraAfre;uency. interAfre;uency and
interA0/T mobility as well as confiuration of measurement aps.
MeasConfig infor2ation ele2ent
<eas#onfig :: SE!"EN#E *
-- <easurement o@Ae6ts
meas(@Ae6tToRemo:eList <eas(@Ae6tToRemo:eList (/TI(NAL- -- Need (N
meas(@Ae6tToAdd<odList <eas(@Ae6tToAdd<odList (/TI(NAL- -- Need (N
-- Reporting 6onfigurations
report#onfigToRemo:eList Report#onfigToRemo:eList (/TI(NAL- -- Need (N
report#onfigToAdd<odList Report#onfigToAdd<odList (/TI(NAL- -- Need (N
-- <easurement identities
measIdToRemo:eList <easIdToRemo:eList (/TI(NAL- -- Need (N
measIdToAdd<odList <easIdToAdd<odList (/TI(NAL- -- Need (N
-- (ther parameters
7uantit+#onfig !uantit+#onfig (/TI(NAL- -- Need (N
meas,ap#onfig <eas,ap#onfig (/TI(NAL- -- Need (N
s-<easure RSR/-Range (/TI(NAL- -- Need (N
preRegistrationInfo?R/> /reRegistrationInfo?R/> (/TI(NAL- -- Need (/
speedState/ars #?(I#E *
release N"LL-
setup SE!"EN#E *
mo@ilit+State/arameters <o@ilit+State/arameters-
timeToTrigger-S) SpeedStateS6ale)a6tors
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" *,) Release $$
5 (/TI(NAL- -- Need (N
00 meas(@Ae6tToAdd<odList-:2e; <eas(@Ae6tToAdd<odList-:2e; (/TI(NAL -- Need (N
<easIdToRemo:eList :: SE!"EN#E $SI%E $1&&max<easId'' () <easId
<eas(@Ae6tToRemo:eList :: SE!"EN#E $SI%E $1&&max(@Ae6tId'' () <eas(@Ae6tId
Report#onfigToRemo:eList :: SE!"EN#E $SI%E $1&&maxReport#onfigId'' () Report#onfigId
-- ASN1ST(/
MeasConfig field descriptions
Used to setu# a&d re"ease 6easure6e&t 2a#s.
83 +-UTR%) i&!"udes meas4)'ectTo.((Mo(1ist609e it i&!"udes t$e sa6e &u6'er o3 e&tries, a&d "isted i& t$e sa6e
order, as i& meas4)'ectTo.((Mo(1ist (i.e. 1it$out su33i/).
ist o3 6easure6e&t ide&tities to re6o7e.
ist o3 6easure6e&t o'Ae!ts to re6o7e.
T$e *4M%2000 =RP4 Pre-Re2istratio& 8&3or6atio& te""s t$e U+ i3 it s$ou"d #re-re2ister 1it$ t$e *4M%2000 =RP4
&et1or> a&d ide&ti3ies t$e Pre-re2istratio& Lo&e to t$e U+.
ist o3 6easure6e&t re#orti&2 !o&3i2uratio&s to re6o7e.
P*e"" 9ua"it5 t$res$o"d !o&tro""i&2 1$et$er or &ot t$e U+ is re9uired to #er3or6 6easure6e&ts o3 i&tra-3re9ue&!5, i&ter-
3re9ue&!5 a&d i&ter-R%T &ei2$'ouri&2 !e""s. Va"ue O0P i&di!ates to disa'"e s6Meas&re.
T$e timeToTri""er i& #eport$onfi",-T#. a&d i& #eport$onfi"Inter#.T are 6u"ti#"ied 1it$ t$e s!a"i&2 3a!tor
a##"i!a'"e 3or t$e U+Ms s#eed state.
D Meas9ap$onfi"
The &3 Meas;ap"onfi specifies the measurement ap confiuration and controls setupD release of measurement aps.
MeasGapConfig infor2ation ele2ent
<eas,ap#onfig :: #?(I#E *
release N"LL-
setup SE!"EN#E *
gap(ffset #?(I#E *
gp; INTE,ER $;&&12'-
gp1 INTE,ER $;&&B2'-
-- ASN1ST(/
MeasGapConfig field descriptions
Va"ue "ap4ffset o3 "p !orres#o&ds to 2a# o33set o3 Ga# Patter& 8d O0P 1it$ MGRP G 406s, "ap4ffset o3 "p1
!orres#o&ds to 2a# o33set o3 Ga# Patter& 8d O1P 1it$ MGRP G <06s. %"so used to s#e!i35 t$e 6easure6e&t 2a# #atter&
to 'e a##"ied, as de3i&ed i& TS 36.133 E16F.
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" *,$ Release $$
D MeasI(
The &3 MeasI& is used to identify a measurement confiuration. i.e.. lin#in of a measurement object and a reportin
Meas" infor2ation ele2ent
<easId :: INTE,ER $1&&max<easId'
-- ASN1ST(/
D MeasI(To.((Mo(1ist
The &3 MeasI&To.&&Mo&1ist concerns a list of measurement identities to add or modify. with for each entry the
measI&. the associated meas='%ectI& and the associated report"onfiI&.
Meas"*o'Mo#ist infor2ation ele2ent
<easIdToAdd<odList :: SE!"EN#E $SI%E $1&&max<easId'' () <easIdToAdd<od
<easIdToAdd<od :: SE!"EN#E *
measId <easId-
meas(@Ae6tId <eas(@Ae6tId-
report#onfigId Report#onfigId
-- ASN1ST(/
D Meas4)'ect$2M.2
The &3 Meas='%ect"2M.2000 specifies information applicable for interA0/T 29M/*+++ neihbourin cells.
Meas1!3ectCDM'())) infor2ation ele2ent
<eas(@Ae6t#><A.;;; :: SE!"EN#E *
6dma.;;;-T+pe #><A.;;;-T+pe-
6arrier)re7 #arrier)re7#><A.;;;-
sear6hGindowSiHe INTE,ER $;&&1D' (/TI(NAL- -- Need (N
offset)re7 !-(ffsetRangeInterRAT >E)A"LT ;-
6ellsToRemo:eList #ellIndexList (/TI(NAL- -- Need (N
6ellsToAdd<odList #ellsToAdd<odList#><A.;;; (/TI(NAL- -- Need (N
6ell)orGhi6hToReport#,I /h+s#ellId#><A.;;; (/TI(NAL- -- Need (N
#ellsToAdd<odList#><A.;;; :: SE!"EN#E $SI%E $1&&max#ell<eas'' () #ellsToAdd<od#><A.;;;
#ellsToAdd<od#><A.;;; :: SE!"EN#E *
6ellIndex INTE,ER $1&&max#ell<eas'-
ph+s#ellId /h+s#ellId#><A.;;;
-- ASN1ST(/
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" *,* Release $$
Meas1!3ectCDM'())) field descriptions
8de&ti3ies *4M%2000 !arrier 3re9ue&!5 3or 1$i!$ t$is !o&3i2uratio& is 7a"id.
T$e t5#e o3 *4M%2000 &et1or>, *4M%2000 1/RTT or *4M%2000 =RP4.
+&tr5 i&de/ i& t$e &ei2$'ouri&2 !e"" "ist.
ist o3 !e""s to add0 6odi35 i& t$e &ei2$'ouri&2 !e"" "ist.
ist o3 !e""s to re6o7e 3ro6 t$e &ei2$'ouri&2 !e"" "ist.
*4M%2000 P$5si!a" !e"" ide&tit5 o3 a !e"" i& &ei2$'ouri&2 !e"" "ist e/#ressed as P)?33set.
Pro7ides t$e sear!$ 1i&do1 siLe to 'e used '5 t$e U+ 3or t$e &ei2$'ouri&2 #i"ot, see *.S0005 E25F.
D Meas4)'ect,-T#.
The &3 Meas='%ect,-T!. specifies information applicable for intraAfre;uency or interAfre;uency 3A4T0/ cells.
Meas1!3ect-U*$' infor2ation ele2ent
<eas(@Ae6tE"TRA :: SE!"EN#E *
6arrier)re7 AR)#N-FalueE"TRA-
allowed<eas8andwidth Allowed<eas8andwidth-
presen6eAntenna/ort1 /resen6eAntenna/ort1-
neigh#ell#onfig Neigh#ell#onfig-
offset)re7 !-(ffsetRange >E)A"LT d8;-
-- #ell list
6ellsToRemo:eList #ellIndexList (/TI(NAL- -- Need (N
6ellsToAdd<odList #ellsToAdd<odList (/TI(NAL- -- Need (N
-- 8la69 list
@la69#ellsToRemo:eList #ellIndexList (/TI(NAL- -- Need (N
@la69#ellsToAdd<odList 8la69#ellsToAdd<odList (/TI(NAL- -- Need (N
6ell)orGhi6hToReport#,I /h+s#ellId (/TI(NAL- -- Need (N
00meas#+6leS#ell-r1; <eas#+6leS#ell-r1; (/TI(NAL- -- Need (N
measSu@frame/attern#onfigNeigh-r1; <easSu@frame/attern#onfigNeigh-r1; (/TI(NAL
-- Need (N
00wide@andRSR!-<eas-r11 8((LEAN (/TI(NAL -- #ond G8-RSR!
<eas(@Ae6tE"TRA-:2e; :: SE!"EN#E *
6arrier)re7-:2e; AR)#N-FalueE"TRA-:2e;
#ellsToAdd<odList :: SE!"EN#E $SI%E $1&&max#ell<eas'' () #ellsToAdd<od
#ellsToAdd<od :: SE!"EN#E *
6ellIndex INTE,ER $1&&max#ell<eas'-
ph+s#ellId /h+s#ellId-
6ellIndi:idual(ffset !-(ffsetRange
8la69#ellsToAdd<odList :: SE!"EN#E $SI%E $1&&max#ell<eas'' () 8la69#ellsToAdd<od
8la69#ellsToAdd<od :: SE!"EN#E *
6ellIndex INTE,ER $1&&max#ell<eas'-
ph+s#ellIdRange /h+s#ellIdRange
<eas#+6leS#ell-r1; :: EN"<ERATE> *sf1C;- sf.DC- sf1.;- sfD1.-
sfC3;- sf1;.3- sf1.=;- spare15
<easSu@frame/attern#onfigNeigh-r1; :: #?(I#E *
release N"LL-
setup SE!"EN#E *
measSu@frame/atternNeigh-r1; <easSu@frame/attern-r1;-
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" *,3 Release $$
measSu@frame#ellList-r1; <easSu@frame#ellList-r1; (/TI(NAL -- #ond
<easSu@frame#ellList-r1; :: SE!"EN#E $SI%E $1&&max#ell<eas'' () /h+s#ellIdRange
-- ASN1ST(/
Meas1!3ect-U*$' field descriptions
ist o3 !e""s to add0 6odi35 i& t$e '"a!> "ist o3 !e""s.
ist o3 !e""s to re6o7e 3ro6 t$e '"a!> "ist o3 !e""s.
8de&ti3ies +-UTR% !arrier 3re9ue&!5 3or 1$i!$ t$is !o&3i2uratio& is 7a"id. +-UTR%) does &ot !o&3i2ure 6ore t$a& o&e
6easure6e&t o'Ae!t 3or t$e sa6e #$5si!a" 3re9ue&!5 re2ard"ess o3 t$e +-%R(*) used to i&di!ate t$is.
+&tr5 i&de/ i& t$e !e"" "ist. %& e&tr5 6a5 !o&!er& a ra&2e o3 !e""s, i& 1$i!$ !ase t$is 7a"ue a##"ies to t$e e&tire ra&2e.
*e"" i&di7idua" o33set a##"i!a'"e to a s#e!i3i! !e"". Va"ue d;-24 !orres#o&ds to -24 d;, d;-22 !orres#o&ds to -22 d; a&d
so o&.
ist o3 !e""s to add0 6odi35 i& t$e !e"" "ist.
ist o3 !e""s to re6o7e 3ro6 t$e !e"" "ist.
T$e #ara6eter is used o&"5 1$e& a& S*e"" is !o&3i2ured o& t$e 3re9ue&!5 i&di!ated '5 t$e meas4)'ect a&d is i&
dea!ti7ated state, see TS 36.133 E16, <.3.3F. +-UTR%) !o&3i2ures t$e #ara6eter 1$e&e7er a& S*e"" is !o&3i2ured o&
t$e 3re9ue&!5 i&di!ated '5 t$e meas4)'ect, 'ut t$e 3ie"d 6a5 a"so 'e si2&a""ed 1$e& a& S*e"" is &ot !o&3i2ured. Va"ue
sf16 !orres#o&ds to 160 su'-3ra6es, sf256 !orres#o&ds to 256 su'-3ra6es a&d so o&.
ist o3 !e""s 3or 1$i!$ measS&)frame!attern3ei"h is a##"ied.
Ti6e do6ai& 6easure6e&t resour!e restri!tio& #atter& a##"i!a'"e to &ei2$'our !e"" RSRP a&d RSRB 6easure6e&ts
o& t$e !arrier 3re9ue&!5 i&di!ated '5 carrier+re%. (or !e""s i& measS&)frame$ell1ist t$e U+ s$a"" assu6e t$at t$e
su'3ra6es i&di!ated '5 measS&)frame!attern3ei"h are &o&-M;S() su'3ra6es.
?33set 7a"ue a##"i!a'"e to t$e !arrier 3re9ue&!5. Va"ue d;-24 !orres#o&ds to -24 d;, d;-22 !orres#o&ds to -22 d; a&d
so o&.
P$5si!a" !e"" ide&tit5 o3 a !e"" i& t$e !e"" "ist.
P$5si!a" !e"" ide&tit5 or a ra&2e o3 #$5si!a" !e"" ide&tities o3 !e""s i& t$e '"a!> "ist.
83 t$is 3ie"d is set to T#-,, t$e U+ s$a"", 1$e& #er3or6i&2 RSRB 6easure6e&ts, use a 1ider 'a&d1idt$ i& a!!orda&!e
1it$ TS 36.133 E16F.
#onditional presence E:planation
al=ays T$e 3ie"d is 6a&dator5 #rese&t.
;B6#S#< T$e 3ie"d is o#tio&a""5 #rese&t, &eed ?), i3 t$e 6easure6e&t 'a&d1idt$ i&di!ated '5
allo=e(MeasBan(=i(th is 50 resour!e '"o!>s or "ar2erH ot$er1ise it is &ot #rese&t a&d t$e
U+ s$a"" de"ete a&5 e/isti&2 7a"ue 3or t$is 3ie"d, i3 !o&3i2ured.
D Meas4)'ect9,#.3
The &3 Meas='%ect;,!.3 specifies information applicable for interA0/T G30/' neihbourin fre;uencies.
Meas1!3ectG-$'N infor2ation ele2ent
<eas(@Ae6t,ERAN :: SE!"EN#E *
6arrier)re7s #arrier)re7s,ERAN-
offset)re7 !-(ffsetRangeInterRAT >E)A"LT ;-
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" *,+ Release $$
n66-/ermitted 8IT STRIN,$SI%E $='' >E)A"LT J11111111J8-
6ell)orGhi6hToReport#,I /h+s#ellId,ERAN (/TI(NAL- -- Need (N
-- ASN1ST(/
Meas1!3ectG-$'N field descriptions
(ie"d e&!oded as a 'it 6a#, 1$ere 'it ) is set to T0T i3 a ;**= !arrier 1it$ )** G )-1 is &ot #er6itted 3or 6o&itori&2
a&d set to T1T i3 a ;**= !arrier 1it$ )** G )-1 is #er6itted 3or 6o&itori&2H ) G 1 to <H 'it 1 o3 t$e 'it6a# is t$e
"eadi&2 'it o3 t$e 'it stri&2.
83 +-UTR%) i&!"udes cell+or;hichTo#eport$9I, it i&!"udes o&"5 o&e G+R%) %R(*) 7a"ue i& carrier+re%s.
D Meas4)'ectI(
The &3 Meas='%ectI& used to identify a measurement object confiuration.
Meas1!3ect" infor2ation ele2ent
<eas(@Ae6tId :: INTE,ER $1&&max(@Ae6tId'
-- ASN1ST(/
D Meas4)'ectTo.((Mo(1ist
The &3 Meas='%ectTo.&&Mo&1ist concerns a list of measurement objects to add or modify
Meas1!3ect*o'Mo#ist infor2ation ele2ent
<eas(@Ae6tToAdd<odList :: SE!"EN#E $SI%E $1&&max(@Ae6tId'' () <eas(@Ae6tToAdd<od
<eas(@Ae6tToAdd<odList-:2e; :: SE!"EN#E $SI%E $1&&max(@Ae6tId'' () <eas(@Ae6tToAdd<od-:2e;
<eas(@Ae6tToAdd<od :: SE!"EN#E *
meas(@Ae6tId <eas(@Ae6tId-
meas(@Ae6t #?(I#E *
meas(@Ae6tE"TRA <eas(@Ae6tE"TRA-
meas(@Ae6t"TRA <eas(@Ae6t"TRA-
meas(@Ae6t,ERAN <eas(@Ae6t,ERAN-
meas(@Ae6t#><A.;;; <eas(@Ae6t#><A.;;;-
<eas(@Ae6tToAdd<od-:2e; :: SE!"EN#E *
meas(@Ae6tE"TRA-:2e; <eas(@Ae6tE"TRA-:2e; (/TI(NAL -- #ond eutra
-- ASN1ST(/
#onditional presence E:planation
e&tra T$e 3ie"d is o#tio&a" #rese&t, &eed ?R, i3 3or t$e !orres#o&di&2 e&tr5 i&
Meas4)'ectTo.((Mo(1ist 3ie"d meas4)'ect is set to meas4)'ect,-T#. a&d its su'-3ie"d
carrier+re% is set to ma*,.#+$3. ?t$er1ise t$e 3ie"d is &ot #rese&t a&d t$e U+ s$a""
de"ete a&5 e/isti&2 7a"ue 3or t$is 3ie"d.
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" *,, Release $$
D Meas4)'ect-T#.
The &3 Meas='%ect-T!. specifies information applicable for interA0/T 4T0/ neihbourin cells.
Meas1!3ectU*$' infor2ation ele2ent
<eas(@Ae6t"TRA :: SE!"EN#E *
6arrier)re7 AR)#N-Falue"TRA-
offset)re7 !-(ffsetRangeInterRAT >E)A"LT ;-
6ellsToRemo:eList #ellIndexList (/TI(NAL- -- Need (N
6ellsToAdd<odList #?(I#E *
6ellsToAdd<odList"TRA-)>> #ellsToAdd<odList"TRA-)>>-
6ellsToAdd<odList"TRA-T>> #ellsToAdd<odList"TRA-T>>
5 (/TI(NAL- -- Need (N
6ell)orGhi6hToReport#,I #?(I#E *
utra-)>> /h+s#ellId"TRA-)>>-
utra-T>> /h+s#ellId"TRA-T>>
5 (/TI(NAL- -- Need (N
00 6sg-allowedReporting#ells-:21; #S,-AllowedReporting#ells-r2 (/TI(NAL --
Need (N
#ellsToAdd<odList"TRA-)>> :: SE!"EN#E $SI%E $1&&max#ell<eas'' () #ellsToAdd<od"TRA-)>>
#ellsToAdd<od"TRA-)>> :: SE!"EN#E *
6ellIndex INTE,ER $1&&max#ell<eas'-
ph+s#ellId /h+s#ellId"TRA-)>>
#ellsToAdd<odList"TRA-T>> :: SE!"EN#E $SI%E $1&&max#ell<eas'' () #ellsToAdd<od"TRA-T>>
#ellsToAdd<od"TRA-T>> :: SE!"EN#E *
6ellIndex INTE,ER $1&&max#ell<eas'-
ph+s#ellId /h+s#ellId"TRA-T>>
#S,-AllowedReporting#ells-r2 :: SE!"EN#E *
ph+s#ellIdRange"TRA-)>>List-r2 /h+s#ellIdRange"TRA-)>>List-r2 (/TI(NAL -- Need (R
-- ASN1ST(/
Meas1!3ectU*$' field descriptions
8de&ti3ies UTR% !arrier 3re9ue&!5 3or 1$i!$ t$is !o&3i2uratio& is 7a"id. +-UTR%) does &ot !o&3i2ure 6ore t$a& o&e
6easure6e&t o'Ae!t 3or t$e sa6e #$5si!a" 3re9ue&!5 re2ard"ess o3 t$e %R(*) used to i&di!ate t$is.
+&tr5 i&de/ i& t$e &ei2$'ouri&2 !e"" "ist.
ist o3 UTR% (44 !e""s to add0 6odi35 i& t$e &ei2$'ouri&2 !e"" "ist.
ist o3 UTR% T44 !e""s to add06odi35 i& t$e &ei2$'ouri&2 !e"" "ist.
ist o3 !e""s to re6o7e 3ro6 t$e &ei2$'ouri&2 !e"" "ist.
?&e or 6ore ra&2es o3 #$5si!a" !e"" ide&tities 3or 1$i!$ UTR%-(44 re#orti&2 is a""o1ed.
D Meas#es&lts
The &3 Meas!es$lts covers measured results for intraAfre;uency. interAfre;uency and interA 0/T mobility.
Meas$esults infor2ation ele2ent
<easResults :: SE!"EN#E *
measId <easId-
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" *,% Release $$
measResult/#ell SE!"EN#E *
rsrpResult RSR/-Range-
rsr7Result RSR!-Range
measResultNeigh#ells #?(I#E *
measResultListE"TRA <easResultListE"TRA-
measResultList"TRA <easResultList"TRA-
measResultList,ERAN <easResultList,ERAN-
measResults#><A.;;; <easResults#><A.;;;-
5 (/TI(NAL-
00 measResult)orE#I>-r2 <easResult)orE#I>-r2 (/TI(NAL
00 lo6ationInfo-r1; Lo6ationInfo-r1; (/TI(NAL-
measResultSer:)re7List-r1; <easResultSer:)re7List-r1; (/TI(NAL
<easResultListE"TRA :: SE!"EN#E $SI%E $1&&max#ellReport'' () <easResultE"TRA
<easResultE"TRA :: SE!"EN#E *
ph+s#ellId /h+s#ellId-
6gi-Info SE!"EN#E *
6ell,lo@alId #ell,lo@alIdE"TRA-
tra69ingArea#ode Tra69ingArea#ode-
plmn-Identit+List /L<N-Identit+List. (/TI(NAL
5 (/TI(NAL-
measResult SE!"EN#E *
rsrpResult RSR/-Range (/TI(NAL-
rsr7Result RSR!-Range (/TI(NAL-
00 additionalSI-Info-r2 AdditionalSI-Info-r2 (/TI(NAL
<easResultSer:)re7List-r1; :: SE!"EN#E $SI%E $1&&maxSer:#ell-r1;'' () <easResultSer:)re7-r1;
<easResultSer:)re7-r1; :: SE!"EN#E *
ser:)re7Id-r1; Ser:#ellIndex-r1;-
measResultS#ell-r1; SE!"EN#E *
rsrpResultS#ell-r1; RSR/-Range-
rsr7ResultS#ell-r1; RSR!-Range
5 (/TI(NAL-
measResult8estNeigh#ell-r1; SE!"EN#E *
ph+s#ellId-r1; /h+s#ellId-
rsrpResultN#ell-r1; RSR/-Range-
rsr7ResultN#ell-r1; RSR!-Range
5 (/TI(NAL-
<easResultList"TRA :: SE!"EN#E $SI%E $1&&max#ellReport'' () <easResult"TRA
<easResult"TRA :: SE!"EN#E *
ph+s#ellId #?(I#E *
fdd /h+s#ellId"TRA-)>>-
tdd /h+s#ellId"TRA-T>>
6gi-Info SE!"EN#E *
6ell,lo@alId #ell,lo@alId"TRA-
lo6ationArea#ode 8IT STRIN, $SI%E $1C'' (/TI(NAL-
routingArea#ode 8IT STRIN, $SI%E $='' (/TI(NAL-
plmn-Identit+List /L<N-Identit+List. (/TI(NAL
5 (/TI(NAL-
measResult SE!"EN#E *
utra-RS#/ INTE,ER $-D&&21' (/TI(NAL-
utra-E6N; INTE,ER $;&&32' (/TI(NAL-
00 additionalSI-Info-r2 AdditionalSI-Info-r2 (/TI(NAL
<easResultList,ERAN :: SE!"EN#E $SI%E $1&&max#ellReport'' () <easResult,ERAN
<easResult,ERAN :: SE!"EN#E *
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" *,( Release $$
6arrier)re7 #arrier)re7,ERAN-
ph+s#ellId /h+s#ellId,ERAN-
6gi-Info SE!"EN#E *
6ell,lo@alId #ell,lo@alId,ERAN-
routingArea#ode 8IT STRIN, $SI%E $='' (/TI(NAL
5 (/TI(NAL-
measResult SE!"EN#E *
rssi INTE,ER $;&&C1'-
<easResults#><A.;;; :: SE!"EN#E *
preRegistrationStatus?R/> 8((LEAN-
measResultList#><A.;;; <easResultList#><A.;;;
<easResultList#><A.;;; :: SE!"EN#E $SI%E $1&&max#ellReport'' () <easResult#><A.;;;
<easResult#><A.;;; :: SE!"EN#E *
ph+s#ellId /h+s#ellId#><A.;;;-
6gi-Info #ell,lo@alId#><A.;;; (/TI(NAL-
measResult SE!"EN#E *
pilot/n/hase INTE,ER $;&&1.BCB' (/TI(NAL-
pilotStrength INTE,ER $;&&C1'-
<easResult)orE#I>-r2 :: SE!"EN#E *
ue-RxTxTime>iffResult-r2 INTE,ER $;&&3;2D'-
6urrentS)N-r2 8IT STRIN, $SI%E $1;''
/L<N-Identit+List. :: SE!"EN#E $SI%E $1&&D'' () /L<N-Identit+
AdditionalSI-Info-r2 :: SE!"EN#E *
6sg-<em@erStatus-r2 EN"<ERATE> *mem@er5 (/TI(NAL-
6sg-Identit+-r2 #S,-Identit+ (/TI(NAL
-- ASN1ST(/
Meas$esults field descriptions
8&di!ates 1$et$er or &ot t$e U+ is a 6e6'er o3 t$e *SG o3 t$e &ei2$'our !e"".
8&di!ates t$e !urre&t s5ste6 3ra6e &u6'er 1$e& re!ei7i&2 t$e U+ R/-T/ ti6e di33ere&!e 6easure6e&t resu"ts 3ro6
"o1er "a5er.
% 3i/ed "e&2t$ !ode ide&ti35i&2 t$e "o!atio& area 1it$i& a PM), as de3i&ed i& TS 23.003 E27F.
8de&ti3ies t$e 6easure6e&t ide&tit5 3or 1$i!$ t$e re#orti&2 is 'ei&2 #er3or6ed.
Measured resu"t o3 a& +-UTR% !e""H
Measured resu"t o3 a UTR% !e""H
Measured resu"t o3 a G+R%) !e"" or 3re9ue&!5H or
Measured resu"t o3 a *4M%2000 !e"".
Measured resu"t o3 U+ R/DT/ ti6e di33ere&!e.
ist o3 6easured resu"ts 3or t$e 6a/i6u6 &u6'er o3 re#orted 'est !e""s 3or a *4M%2000 6easure6e&t ide&tit5.
ist o3 6easured resu"ts 3or t$e 6a/i6u6 &u6'er o3 re#orted 'est !e""s 3or a& +-UTR% 6easure6e&t ide&tit5.
ist o3 6easured resu"ts 3or t$e 6a/i6u6 &u6'er o3 re#orted 'est !e""s or 3re9ue&!ies 3or a G+R%) 6easure6e&t
ist o3 6easured resu"ts 3or t$e 6a/i6u6 &u6'er o3 re#orted 'est !e""s 3or a UTR% 6easure6e&t ide&tit5.
Measured resu"t o3 t$e P*e"".
*o&tai&s t$e *4M%2000 =RP4 #re-re2istratio& status a&d t$e "ist o3 *4M%2000 6easure6e&ts.
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" *,- Release $$
Meas$esults field descriptions
Measured resu"ts o3 t$e ser7i&2 3re9ue&!ies, t$e 6easure6e&t resu"t o3 ea!$ S*e"", i3 a&5, a&d o3 t$e 'est
&ei2$'ouri&2 !e"" o& ea!$ ser7i&2 3re9ue&!5.
8&di!ates t$e arri7a" ti6e o3 a *4M%2000 #i"ot, 6easured re"ati7e to t$e U+Ms ti6e re3ere&!e i& u&its o3 P) !$i#s, see
*.S0005 E25F. T$is i&3or6atio& is used i& eit$er SRV** $a&do7er or e&$a&!ed 1/RTT *S 3a""'a!> #ro!edure to
*4M%2000 1/RTT.
*4M%2000 Pi"ot Stre&2t$, t$e ratio o3 #i"ot #o1er to tota" #o1er i& t$e si2&a" 'a&d1idt$ o3 a *4M%2000 (or1ard
*$a&&e". See *.S0005 E25F 3or *4M%2000 1/RTT a&d *.S0024 E26F 3or *4M%2000 =RP4.
T$e "ist o3 PM) 8de&tit5 read 3ro6 'road!ast i&3or6atio& 1$e& t$e 6u"ti#"e PM) 8de&tities are 'road!ast. T$is 3ie"d
!o&tai&s t$e "ist o3 ide&tities starti&2 3ro6 t$e se!o&d e&tr5 o3 PM) 8de&tities i& t$e 'road!ast i&3or6atio&.
Set to TRU+ i3 t$e U+ is !urre&t"5 #re-re2istered 1it$ *4M%2000 =RP4. ?t$er1ise set to (%S+. T$is !a& 'e
i2&ored '5 t$e e); 3or *4M%2000 1/RTT.
T$e R%* ide&tit5 read 3ro6 'road!ast i&3or6atio&, as de3i&ed i& TS 23.003 E27F.
Measured RSRP resu"t o3 a& +-UTR% !e"".
T$e rsr#Resu"t is o&"5 re#orted i3 !o&3i2ured '5 t$e e);.
Measured RSRB resu"t o3 a& +-UTR% !e"".
T$e rsr9Resu"t is o&"5 re#orted i3 !o&3i2ured '5 t$e e);.
G+R%) *arrier RSS8. RI+V is 6a##ed to a 7a"ue 'et1ee& 0 a&d 63, TS 45.00< E2<F. :$e& 6a##i&2 t$e RI+V
7a"ue to t$e RSS8 'it stri&2, t$e 3irst0"e3t6ost 'it o3 t$e 'it stri&2 !o&tai&s t$e 6ost si2&i3i!a&t 'it.
U+ R/-T/ ti6e di33ere&!e 6easure6e&t resu"t o3 t$e P*e"", #ro7ided '5 "o1er "a5ers. %!!ordi&2 to U+ R/-T/ ti6e
di33ere&!e re#ort 6a##i&2 i& TS 36.133 E16F.
%!!ordi&2 to *P8*=@+!0)o i& TS 25.133 E2.F 3or (44. (ourtee& s#are 7a"ues. T$e 3ie"d is &ot #rese&t 3or T44.
%!!ordi&2 to *P8*=@RS*P i& TS 25.133 E2.F 3or (44 a&d P-**P*=@RS*P i& TS 25.123 E30F 3or T44. T$irt5-o&e
s#are 7a"ues.
D <&antity$onfi"
The &3 7$antity"onfi specifies the measurement ;uantities and layer 3 filterin coefficients for 3A4T0/ and interA
0/T measurements.
6uantityConfig infor2ation ele2ent
!uantit+#onfig :: SE!"EN#E *
7uantit+#onfigE"TRA !uantit+#onfigE"TRA (/TI(NAL- -- Need (N
7uantit+#onfig"TRA !uantit+#onfig"TRA (/TI(NAL- -- Need (N
7uantit+#onfig,ERAN !uantit+#onfig,ERAN (/TI(NAL- -- Need (N
7uantit+#onfig#><A.;;; !uantit+#onfig#><A.;;; (/TI(NAL- -- Need (N
00 7uantit+#onfig"TRA-:1;.; !uantit+#onfig"TRA-:1;.; (/TI(NAL -- Need (N
!uantit+#onfigE"TRA :: SE!"EN#E *
filter#oeffi6ientRSR/ )ilter#oeffi6ient >E)A"LT f63-
filter#oeffi6ientRSR! )ilter#oeffi6ient >E)A"LT f63
!uantit+#onfig"TRA :: SE!"EN#E *
meas!uantit+"TRA-)>> EN"<ERATE> *6pi6h-RS#/- 6pi6h-E6N;5-
meas!uantit+"TRA-T>> EN"<ERATE> *p66p6h-RS#/5-
filter#oeffi6ient )ilter#oeffi6ient >E)A"LT f63
!uantit+#onfig"TRA-:1;.; :: SE!"EN#E *
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" *,. Release $$
filter#oeffi6ient.-)>>-r1; )ilter#oeffi6ient >E)A"LT f63
!uantit+#onfig,ERAN :: SE!"EN#E *
meas!uantit+,ERAN EN"<ERATE> *rssi5-
filter#oeffi6ient )ilter#oeffi6ient >E)A"LT f6.
!uantit+#onfig#><A.;;; :: SE!"EN#E *
meas!uantit+#><A.;;; EN"<ERATE> *pilotStrength- pilot/n/haseAnd/ilotStrength5
-- ASN1ST(/
6uantityConfig field descriptions
S#e!i3ies t$e 3i"teri&2 !oe33i!ie&t used 3or t$e UTR%) (44 6easure6e&t 9ua&tit5, 1$i!$ is &ot i&!"uded i&
meas<&antity-T#.6+22, 1$e& report<&antity-T#.6+22 is #rese&t i& #eport$onfi"Inter#.T.
S#e!i3ies t$e 3i"teri&2 !oe33i!ie&t used 3or RSRP.
S#e!i3ies t$e 3i"teri&2 !oe33i!ie&t used 3or RSRB.
Measure6e&t 9ua&tit5 used 3or *4M%2000 6easure6e&ts. pilot!n!hase.n(!ilotStren"th is o&"5 a##"i!a'"e 3or
Meas4)'ect$2M.2 o3 c(ma26Type G type17#TT.
Measure6e&t 9ua&tit5 used 3or G+R%) 6easure6e&ts.
Measure6e&t 9ua&tit5 used 3or UTR% 6easure6e&ts.
S#e!i3ies 9ua&tit5 !o&3i2uratio&s 3or *4M%2000 6easure6e&ts.
S#e!i3ies 3i"ter !o&3i2uratio&s 3or +-UTR% 6easure6e&ts.
S#e!i3ies 9ua&tit5 a&d 3i"ter !o&3i2uratio&s 3or G+R%) 6easure6e&ts.
S#e!i3ies 9ua&tit5 a&d 3i"ter !o&3i2uratio&s 3or UTR% 6easure6e&ts. (ie"d %&antity$onfi"-T#.6012 is a##"i!a'"e
o&"5 1$e& re#ortBua&tit5UTR%-(44 is !o&3i2ured.
D #eport$onfi",-T#.
The &3 !eport"onfi,-T!. specifies criteria for trierin of an 3A4T0/ measurement reportin event. The 3A4T0/
measurement reportin events are labelled /3 with 3 e;ual to ,. * and so on.
3vent /,I "ervin becomes better than absolute thresholdJ
3vent /*I "ervin becomes worse than absolute thresholdJ
3vent /3I 'eihbour becomes amount of offset better than P2ellJ
3vent /-I 'eihbour becomes better than absolute thresholdJ
3vent /:I P2ell becomes worse than absolute threshold, /'9 'eihbour becomes better than another absolute
3vent /=I 'eihbour becomes amount of offset better than "2ell.
$eportConfig-U*$' infor2ation ele2ent
Report#onfigE"TRA :: SE!"EN#E *
triggerT+pe #?(I#E *
e:ent SE!"EN#E *
e:entId #?(I#E *
e:entA1 SE!"EN#E *
a1-Threshold ThresholdE"TRA
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" *%) Release $$
e:entA. SE!"EN#E *
a.-Threshold ThresholdE"TRA
e:entA1 SE!"EN#E *
a1-(ffset INTE,ER $-1;&&1;'-
report(nLea:e 8((LEAN
e:entA3 SE!"EN#E *
a3-Threshold ThresholdE"TRA
e:entAD SE!"EN#E *
aD-Threshold1 ThresholdE"TRA-
aD-Threshold. ThresholdE"TRA
e:entAC-r1; SE!"EN#E *
aC-(ffset-r1; INTE,ER $-1;&&1;'-
aC-Report(nLea:e-r1; 8((LEAN
h+steresis ?+steresis-
timeToTrigger TimeToTrigger
periodi6al SE!"EN#E *
purpose EN"<ERATE> *
reportStrongest#ells- report#,I5
trigger!uantit+ EN"<ERATE> *rsrp- rsr75-
report!uantit+ EN"<ERATE> *sameAsTrigger!uantit+- @oth5-
maxReport#ells INTE,ER $1&&max#ellReport'-
reportInter:al ReportInter:al-
reportAmount EN"<ERATE> *r1- r.- r3- r=- r1C- r1.- rC3- infinit+5-
00 si-Re7uest)or?(-r2 EN"<ERATE> *setup5 (/TI(NAL- -- #ond report#,I
ue-RxTxTime>iff/eriodi6al-r2 EN"<ERATE> *setup5 (/TI(NAL -- Need (R
00 in6ludeLo6ationInfo-r1; EN"<ERATE> *true5 (/TI(NAL- -- Need (R
reportAddNeigh<eas-r1; EN"<ERATE> *setup5 (/TI(NAL -- Need (R
ThresholdE"TRA :: #?(I#E*
threshold-RSR/ RSR/-Range-
threshold-RSR! RSR!-Range
-- ASN1ST(/
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" *%$ Release $$
$eportConfig-U*$' field descriptions
a3-1ffset@ a8-1ffset
?33set 7a"ue to 'e used i& +UTR% 6easure6e&t re#ort tri22eri&2 !o&ditio& 3or e7e&t a30 a6. T$e a!tua" 7a"ue is 8+
7a"ue J 0.5 d;.
T$res$o"d to 'e used i& +UTR% 6easure6e&t re#ort tri22eri&2 !o&ditio& 3or e7e&t &u6'er a). 83 6u"ti#"e t$res$o"ds
are de3i&ed 3or e7e&t &u6'er a), t$e t$res$o"ds are di33ere&tiated '5 M.
*$oi!e o3 +-UTR% e7e&t tri22ered re#orti&2 !riteria.
Ma/ &u6'er o3 !e""s, e/!"udi&2 t$e ser7i&2 !e"", to i&!"ude i& t$e 6easure6e&t re#ort.
)u6'er o3 6easure6e&t re#orts a##"i!a'"e 3or tri""erType e0ent as 1e"" as 3or tri""erType perio(ical. 8& !ase p&rpose
is set to report$9I o&"5 7a"ue 1 a##"ies.
report1n#ea,e@ a8-$eport1n#ea,e
8&di!ates 1$et$er or &ot t$e U+ s$a"" i&itiate t$e 6easure6e&t re#orti&2 #ro!edure 1$e& t$e "ea7i&2 !o&ditio& is 6et
3or a !e"" i& cellsTri""ere(1ist, as s#e!i3ied i&
T$e 9ua&tities to 'e i&!"uded i& t$e 6easure6e&t re#ortA T$e 7a"ue 'ot$ 6ea&s t$at 'ot$ t$e rsr# a&d rsr9 9ua&tities
are to 'e i&!"uded i& t$e 6easure6e&t re#ort.
T$e 3ie"d a##"ies to t$e report$9I 3u&!tio&a"it5, a&d 1$e& t$e 3ie"d is i&!"uded, t$e U+ is a""o1ed to use auto&o6ous
2a#s i& a!9uiri&2 s5ste6 i&3or6atio& 3ro6 t$e &ei2$'our !e"", a##"ies a di33ere&t 7a"ue 3or T321, a&d i&!"udes di33ere&t
3ie"ds i& t$e 6easure6e&t re#ort.
(or RSRP, RSRP 'ased t$res$o"d 3or e7e&t e7a"uatio&. T$e a!tua" 7a"ue is 8+ 7a"ue D 140 d;6.
(or RSRB, RSRB 'ased t$res$o"d 3or e7e&t e7a"uatio&. T$e a!tua" 7a"ue is (8+ 7a"ue D 40)02 d;.
+UTR%) !o&3i2ures t$e sa6e t$res$o"d 9ua&tit5 3or a"" t$e t$res$o"ds o3 a& e7e&t.
Ti6e duri&2 1$i!$ s#e!i3i! !riteria 3or t$e e7e&t &eeds to 'e 6et i& order to tri22er a 6easure6e&t re#ort.
T$e 9ua&tit5 used to e7a"uate t$e tri22eri&2 !o&ditio& 3or t$e e7e&tA +UTR%) sets t$e 7a"ue a!!ordi&2 to t$e 9ua&tit5
o3 t$e Threshol(,-T#. 3or t$is e7e&t. T$e 7a"ues rsr# a&d rsr9 !orres#o&d to Re3ere&!e Si2&a" Re!ei7ed Po1er
(RSRP) a&d Re3ere&!e Si2&a" Re!ei7ed Bua"it5 (RSRB), see TS 36.214 E4<F.
83 t$is 3ie"d is #rese&t, t$e U+ s$a"" #er3or6 U+ R/-T/ ti6e di33ere&!e 6easure6e&t re#orti&2 a&d i2&ore t$e 3ie"ds
tri""er<&antity, report<&antity a&d ma*#eport$ells. 83 t$e 3ie"d is #rese&t, t$e o&"5 a##"i!a'"e 7a"ues 3or t$e
!orres#o&di&2 tri""erType a&d p&rpose are #eriodi!a" a&d re#ortStro&2est*e""s res#e!ti7e"5.
#onditional presence E:planation
report$9I T$e 3ie"d is o#tio&a", &eed ?R, i& !ase p&rpose is i&!"uded a&d set to report$9IH
ot$er1ise t$e 3ie"d is &ot #rese&t a&d t$e U+ s$a"" de"ete a&5 e/isti&2 7a"ue 3or t$is 3ie"d.
D #eport$onfi"I(
The &3 !eport"onfiI& is used to identify a measurement reportin confiuration.
$eportConfig" infor2ation ele2ent
Report#onfigId :: INTE,ER $1&&maxReport#onfigId'
-- ASN1ST(/
D #eport$onfi"Inter#.T
The &3 !eport"onfiInter!.T specifies criteria for trierin of an interA0/T measurement reportin event. The interA
0/T measurement reportin events are labelled 13 with 3 e;ual to ,. * and so on.
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" *%* Release $$
3vent 1,I 'eihbour becomes better than absolute thresholdJ
3vent 1*I P2ell becomes worse than absolute threshold, /'9 'eihbour becomes better than another absolute
The b, and b* event thresholds for 29M/*+++ are the 29M/*+++ pilot detection thresholds are e(pressed as an
unsined binary number e;ual to KA* ( ,+ lo ,+ 3cD&oL in units of +.:d1. see 2."+++: K*:L for details.
$eportConfig"nter$'* infor2ation ele2ent
Report#onfigInterRAT :: SE!"EN#E *
triggerT+pe #?(I#E *
e:ent SE!"EN#E *
e:entId #?(I#E *
e:ent81 SE!"EN#E *
@1-Threshold #?(I#E *
@1-Threshold"TRA Threshold"TRA-
@1-Threshold,ERAN Threshold,ERAN-
@1-Threshold#><A.;;; Threshold#><A.;;;
e:ent8. SE!"EN#E *
@.-Threshold1 ThresholdE"TRA-
@.-Threshold. #?(I#E *
@.-Threshold."TRA Threshold"TRA-
@.-Threshold.,ERAN Threshold,ERAN-
@.-Threshold.#><A.;;; Threshold#><A.;;;
h+steresis ?+steresis-
timeToTrigger TimeToTrigger
periodi6al SE!"EN#E *
purpose EN"<ERATE> *
maxReport#ells INTE,ER $1&&max#ellReport'-
reportInter:al ReportInter:al-
reportAmount EN"<ERATE> *r1- r.- r3- r=- r1C- r1.- rC3- infinit+5-
00 si-Re7uest)or?(-r2 EN"<ERATE> *setup5 (/TI(NAL -- #ond report#,I
00 report!uantit+"TRA-)>>-r1; EN"<ERATE> *@oth5 (/TI(NAL -- Need (R
00 in6ludeLo6ationInfo-r11 8((LEAN (/TI(NAL -- Need (N
Threshold"TRA :: #?(I#E*
utra-RS#/ INTE,ER $-D&&21'-
utra-E6N; INTE,ER $;&&32'
Threshold,ERAN :: INTE,ER $;&&C1'
Threshold#><A.;;; :: INTE,ER $;&&C1'
-- ASN1ST(/
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" *%3 Release $$
$eportConfig"nter$'* field descriptions
T$res$o"d to 'e used i& i&ter R%T 6easure6e&t re#ort tri22eri&2 !o&ditio& 3or e7e&t &u6'er '). 83 6u"ti#"e t$res$o"ds
are de3i&ed 3or e7e&t &u6'er '), t$e t$res$o"ds are di33ere&tiated '5 M.
*$oi!e o3 i&ter-R%T e7e&t tri22ered re#orti&2 !riteria.
Ma/ &u6'er o3 !e""s, e/!"udi&2 t$e ser7i&2 !e"", to i&!"ude i& t$e 6easure6e&t re#ort. 8& !ase p&rpose is set to
reportStron"est$ells+orS43 o&"5 7a"ue 1 a##"ies.
re#ortStro&2est*e""s(orS?) a##"ies o&"5 i& !ase report$onfi" is "i&>ed to a meas4)'ect set to meas4)'ect-T#. or
)u6'er o3 6easure6e&t re#orts a##"i!a'"e 3or tri""erType e0ent as 1e"" as 3or tri""erType perio(ical. 8& !ase p&rpose
is set to report$9I or re#ortStro&2est*e""s(orS?) o&"5 7a"ue 1 a##"ies.
T$e 9ua&tities to 'e i&!"uded i& t$e UTR% 6easure6e&t re#ortA T$e 7a"ue )oth 6ea&s t$at 'ot$ t$e !#i!$ RS*P a&d
!#i!$ +!)0 9ua&tities are to 'e i&!"uded i& t$e 6easure6e&t re#ort.
T$e 3ie"d a##"ies to t$e report$9I 3u&!tio&a"it5, a&d 1$e& t$e 3ie"d is i&!"uded, t$e U+ is a""o1ed to use auto&o6ous
2a#s i& a!9uiri&2 s5ste6 i&3or6atio& 3ro6 t$e &ei2$'our !e"", a##"ies a di33ere&t 7a"ue 3or T321, a&d i&!"udes di33ere&t
3ie"ds i& t$e 6easure6e&t re#ort.
T$e a!tua" 7a"ue is 8+ 7a"ue D 110 d;6.
&tra6#S$! !orres#o&ds to *P8*=@RS*P i& TS 25.133 E2.F 3or (44 a&d P-**P*=@RS*P i& TS 25.123 E30F 3or T44.
&tra6,c3 !orres#o&ds to *P8*=@+!0)o i& TS 25.133 E2.F 3or (44, a&d is &ot a##"i!a'"e 3or T44.
(or &tra6#S$!, T$e a!tua" 7a"ue is 8+ 7a"ue D 115 d;6.
(or &tra6,c3, T$e a!tua" 7a"ue is (8+ 7a"ue D 4.)02 d;.
Ti6e duri&2 1$i!$ s#e!i3i! !riteria 3or t$e e7e&t &eeds to 'e 6et i& order to tri22er a 6easure6e&t re#ort.
#onditional presence E:planation
report$9I T$e 3ie"d is o#tio&a", &eed ?R, i& !ase p&rpose is i&!"uded a&d set to report$9IH
ot$er1ise t$e 3ie"d is &ot #rese&t a&d t$e U+ s$a"" de"ete a&5 e/isti&2 7a"ue 3or t$is 3ie"d.
D #eport$onfi"To.((Mo(1ist
The &3 !eport"onfiTo.&&Mo&1ist concerns a list of reportin confiurations to add or modify
$eportConfig*o'Mo#ist infor2ation ele2ent
Report#onfigToAdd<odList :: SE!"EN#E $SI%E $1&&maxReport#onfigId'' () Report#onfigToAdd<od
Report#onfigToAdd<od :: SE!"EN#E *
report#onfigId Report#onfigId-
report#onfig #?(I#E *
report#onfigE"TRA Report#onfigE"TRA-
report#onfigInterRAT Report#onfigInterRAT
-- ASN1ST(/
D #eportInter0al
The !eportInter0al indicates the interval between periodical reports. The !eportInter0al is applicable if the 43
performs periodical reportin (i.e. when report.mo$nt e(ceeds ,). for trierType e0ent as well as for trierType
perio&ical. Calue ms,*+ corresponds with ,*+ ms. ms*-+ corresponds with *-+ ms and so on. while value min,
corresponds with , min. min= corresponds with = min and so on.
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" *%+ Release $$
$eport"nter,al infor2ation ele2ent
ReportInter:al :: EN"<ERATE> *
ms1.;- ms.3;- ms3=;- msC3;- ms1;.3- ms.;3=- msD1.;- ms1;.3;-
min1- minC- min1.- min1;- minC;- spare1- spare.- spare15
-- ASN1ST(/
D #S#!6#an"e
The &3 !S!P4!ane specifies the value rane used in 0"0P measurements and thresholds. &nteer value for 0"0P
measurements accordin to mappin table in T" 3=.,33 K,=L.
$S$P-$ange infor2ation ele2ent
RSR/-Range :: INTE,ER$;&&2B'
-- ASN1ST(/
D #S#<6#an"e
The &3 !S!74!ane specifies the value rane used in 0"0F measurements and thresholds. &nteer value for 0"0F
measurements accordin to mappin table in T" 3=.,33 K,=L.
$S$6-$ange infor2ation ele2ent
RSR!-Range :: INTE,ER$;&&13'
-- ASN1ST(/
D TimeToTri""er
The &3 TimeToTrier specifies the value rane used for time to trier parameter. which concerns the time durin
which specific criteria for the event needs to be met in order to trier a measurement report. Calue ms+ corresponds to
+ ms. ms-+ corresponds to -+ ms. and so on.
*ime*o*rigger infor2ation ele2ent
TimeToTrigger :: EN"<ERATE> *
ms;- ms3;- msC3- ms=;- ms1;;- ms1.=- ms1C;- ms.DC-
ms1.;- ms3=;- msD1.- msC3;- ms1;.3- ms1.=;- ms.DC;-
-- ASN1ST(/
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" *%, Release $$
6.3.6 ?t$er i&3or6atio& e"e6e&ts
D .)sol&teTimeInfo
The &3 .'sol$teTimeInfo indicates an absolute time in a format \\AMMA99 BBIMMI"" and usin 129 encodin.
The firstD leftmost bit of the bit strin contains the most sinificant bit of the most sinificant diit of the year and so on.
'!solute*ime"nfo infor2ation ele2ent
A@soluteTimeInfo-r1; :: 8IT STRIN, $SI%E $3=''
-- ASN1ST(/
D .rea$onfi"&ration
The .rea"onfi$ration indicates area for which 43 is re;uested to perform measurement loin. &f not confiured.
measurement loin is not restricted to specific cells or trac#in areas but applies as lon as the 0P6M' is contained
in plmn4I&entity1ist stored in :ar1oMeas!eport.
'reaConfiguration infor2ation ele2ent
Area#onfiguration-r1; :: #?(I#E *
6ell,lo@alIdList-r1; #ell,lo@alIdList-r1;-
tra69ingArea#odeList-r1; Tra69ingArea#odeList-r1;
Area#onfiguration-:111; :: SE!"EN#E *
tra69ingArea#odeList-:111; Tra69ingArea#odeList-:111;
#ell,lo@alIdList-r1; :: SE!"EN#E $SI%E $1&&1.'' () #ell,lo@alIdE"TRA
Tra69ingArea#odeList-r1; :: SE!"EN#E $SI%E $1&&='' () Tra69ingArea#ode
Tra69ingArea#odeList-:111; :: SE!"EN#E *
plmn-Identit+-perTA#-List-r11 SE!"EN#E $SI%E $1&&='' () /L<N-Identit+
-- ASN1ST(/
'reaConfiguration field descriptions
8&!"udes t$e PM) ide&tit5 3or ea!$ o3 t$e T% !odes i&!"uded i& trackin".rea$o(e1ist. T$e PM) ide&tit5 "isted 3irst i&
plmn6I(entity6perT.$61ist !orres#o&ds 1it$ t$e T% !ode "isted 3irst i& trackin".rea$o(e1ist a&d so o&.
D $6#3TI
The &3 "4!3TI identifies a 43 havin a 002 connection within a cell.
C-$N*" infor2ation ele2ent
#-RNTI :: 8IT STRIN, $SI%E $1C''
-- ASN1ST(/
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" *%% Release $$
D 2e(icate(Info$2M.2
The 2e&icate&Info"2M.200+ is used to transfer 43 specific 29M/*+++ information between the networ# and the
43. The 002 layer is transparent for this information.
7edicated8nfo#76A*))) infor2ation ele2ent
>edi6atedInfo#><A.;;; :: (#TET STRIN,
-- ASN1ST(/
D 2e(icate(Info3.S
The &3 2e&icate&Info3.S is used to transfer 43 specific '/" layer information between the networ# and the 43. The
002 layer is transparent for this information.
Deicate"nfoN'S infor2ation ele2ent
>edi6atedInfoNAS :: (#TET STRIN,
-- ASN1ST(/
D +ilter$oefficient
The &3 +ilter"oefficient specifies the measurement filterin coefficient. Calue fc0 corresponds to # Q +. fc1 corresponds
to # Q ,. and so on.
%ilterCoefficient infor2ation ele2ent
)ilter#oeffi6ient :: EN"<ERATE> *
f6;- f61- f6.- f61- f63- f6D-
f6C- f6B- f6=- f62- f611- f611-
f61D- f61B- f612- spare1- &&&5
-- ASN1ST(/
D 1o""in"2&ration
The 1oin2$ration indicates the duration for which 43 is re;uested to perform measurement loin. Calue min,+
corresponds to ,+ minutes. value min*+ corresponds to *+ minutes and so on.
#oggingDuration infor2ation ele2ent
Logging>uration-r1; :: EN"<ERATE> *
min1;- min.;- min3;- minC;- min2;- min1.;- spare.- spare15
-- ASN1ST(/
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" *%( Release $$
D 1o""in"Inter0al
The 1oinInter0al indicates the periodicity for loin measurement results. Calue ms,*?+ corresponds to ,.*?s.
value ms*:=+ corresponds to *.:=s and so on.
#ogging"nter,al infor2ation ele2ent
LoggingInter:al-r1; :: EN"<ERATE> *
ms1.=;- ms.DC;- msD1.;- ms1;.3;- ms.;3=;-
ms1;B.;- ms3;2C;- msC133;5
-- ASN1ST(/
D MeasS&)frame!attern
The &3 MeasS$'framePattern is used to specify a subframe pattern. The firstDleftmost bit corresponds to the subframe
P+ of the radio frame satisfyin "8' mod ( Q +. where "8' is that of P2ell and ( is the si!e of the bit strin divided by
,+. M,M denotes that the correspondin subframe is used.
MeasSu!framePattern infor2ation ele2ent
<easSu@frame/attern-r1; :: #?(I#E *
su@frame/attern)>>-r1; 8IT STRIN, $SI%E $3;''-
su@frame/atternT>>-r1; #?(I#E *
su@frame#onfig1-D-r1; 8IT STRIN, $SI%E $.;''-
su@frame#onfig;-r1; 8IT STRIN, $SI%E $B;''-
su@frame#onfigC-r1; 8IT STRIN, $SI%E $C;''-
-- ASN1ST(/
D MM,$
The &3 MM," identifies an MM3 within the scope of an MM3 Group within a P6M'. see T" *3.++3 K*>L.
MM-C infor2ation ele2ent
<<E# :: 8IT STRIN, $SI%E $=''
-- ASN1ST(/
D 3ei"h$ell$onfi"
The &3 3ei)"ell"onfi is used to provide the information related to M1"8' and T99 46D96 confiuration of
neihbour cells.
NeighCellConfig infor2ation ele2ent
Neigh#ell#onfig :: 8IT STRIN, $SI%E $.''
-- ASN1ST(/
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" *%- Release $$
NeighCellConfig field descriptions
Pro7ides i&3or6atio& re"ated to M;S() a&d T44 U04 !o&3i2uratio& o3 &ei2$'our !e""s o3 t$is 3re9ue&!5
00, )ot a"" &ei2$'our !e""s $a7e t$e sa6e M;S() su'3ra6e a""o!atio& as t$e ser7i&2 !e"" o& t$is 3re9ue&!5, i3
!o&3i2ured, a&d as t$e P*e"" ot$er1ise
10, T$e M;S() su'3ra6e a""o!atio&s o3 a"" &ei2$'our !e""s are ide&ti!a" to or su'sets o3 t$at i& t$e ser7i&2 !e"" o& t$is
3re9ue&!5, i3 !o&3i2ured, a&d o3 t$at i& t$e P*e"" ot$er1ise
01, )o M;S() su'3ra6es are #rese&t i& a"" &ei2$'our !e""s
11, 4i33ere&t U04 a""o!atio& i& &ei2$'ouri&2 !e""s 3or T44 !o6#ared to t$e ser7i&2 !e"" o& t$is 3re9ue&!5, i3
!o&3i2ured, a&d !o6#ared to t$e P*e"" ot$er1ise
(or T44, 00, 10 a&d 01 are o&"5 used 3or sa6e U04 a""o!atio& i& &ei2$'ouri&2 !e""s !o6#ared to t$e ser7i&2 !e"" o&
t$is 3re9ue&!5, i3 !o&3i2ured, a&d !o6#ared to t$e P*e"" ot$er1ise.
D 4ther$onfi"
The &3 =t)er"onfi contains confiuration related to other confiuration
1therConfig infor2ation ele2ent
(ther#onfig-r2 :: SE!"EN#E *
report/roximit+#onfig-r2 Report/roximit+#onfig-r2 (/TI(NAL- -- Need (N
00 id6-#onfig-r11 I>#-#onfig-r11 (/TI(NAL- -- Need (N
power/refIndi6ation#onfig-r11 /ower/refIndi6ation#onfig-r11 (/TI(NAL- -- Need (N
o@tainLo6ation#onfig-r11 (@tainLo6ation#onfig-r11 (/TI(NAL -- Need (N
I>#-#onfig-r11 :: SE!"EN#E *
id6-Indi6ation-r11 EN"<ERATE> *setup5 (/TI(NAL- -- Need (R
autonomous>enial/arameters-r11 SE!"EN#E *
autonomous>enialSu@frames-r11 EN"<ERATE> *n.- nD- n1;- n1D-
n.;- n1;- spare.- spare15-
autonomous>enialFalidit+-r11 EN"<ERATE> *
sf.;;- sfD;;- sf1;;;- sf.;;;-
spare3- spare1- spare.- spare15
5 (/TI(NAL- -- Need (R
(@tainLo6ation#onfig-r11 :: SE!"EN#E *
o@tainLo6ation-r11 EN"<ERATE> *setup5 (/TI(NAL -- Need (R
/ower/refIndi6ation#onfig-r11 :: #?(I#E*
release N"LL-
setup SE!"EN#E*
power/refIndi6ationTimer-r11 EN"<ERATE> *s;- s;dotD- s1- s.- sD- s1;- s.;-
s1;- sC;- s2;- s1.;- s1;;- sC;;- spare1-
spare.- spare15
Report/roximit+#onfig-r2 :: SE!"EN#E *
proximit+Indi6ationE"TRA-r2 EN"<ERATE> *ena@led5 (/TI(NAL- -- Need (R
proximit+Indi6ation"TRA-r2 EN"<ERATE> *ena@led5 (/TI(NAL -- Need (R
-- ASN1ST(/
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" *%. Release $$
1therConfig field descriptions
8&di!ates t$e 6a/i6u6 &u6'er o3 t$e U su'3ra6es 3or 1$i!$ t$e U+ is a""o1ed to de&5 a&5 U tra&s6issio&. Va"ue
&2 !orres#o&ds to 2 su'3ra6es, &5 to 5 su'3ra6es a&d so o&.
8&di!ates t$e 7a"idit5 #eriod o7er 1$i!$ t$e U auto&o6ous de&ia" su'3ra6es s$a"" 'e !ou&ted. Va"ue s3200
!orres#o&ds to 200 su'3ra6es, s3500 !orres#o&ds to 500 su'3ra6es a&d so o&.
T$e 3ie"d is used to i&di!ate 1$et$er t$e U+ is !o&3i2ured to i&itiate tra&s6issio& o3 t$e In2e0ice$oe*In(ication
6essa2e to t$e &et1or>.
Re9uests t$e U+ to atte6#t to $a7e detai"ed "o!atio& i&3or6atio& a7ai"a'"e usi&2 G)SS. +-UTR%) !o&3i2ures t$e 3ie"d
o&"5 i3 incl&(e1ocationInfo is !o&3i2ured 3or o&e or 6ore 6easure6e&ts.
Pro$i'it ti6er 3or Po1er Pre3ere&!e 8&di!atio& re#orti&2. Va"ue i& se!o&ds. Va"ue s0 6ea&s #ro$i'it ti6er is set to 0
se!o&d or &ot set, 7a"ue s0dot5 6ea&s #ro$i'it ti6er is set to 0.5 se!o&d, 7a"ue s1 6ea&s #ro$i'it ti6er is set to 1
se!o&d a&d so o&.
8&di!ates, 3or ea!$ o3 t$e a##"i!a'"e R%Ts (+UTR%, UTR%), 1$et$er or &ot #ro/i6it5 i&di!atio& is e&a'"ed 3or *SG
6e6'er !e""(s) o3 t$e !o&!er&ed R%T. )ote.
'OT3I 3nablinD disablin of pro(imity indication includes enablinD disablin of the related functionality e..
autonomous search in connected mode.
D #.326$2M.2 >1*#TT?
The !.324"2M.200+ concerns a random value. enerated by the e'1. to be passed to the 29M/*+++ upper layers.
$'ND-CDM'())) infor2ation ele2ent
RAN>-#><A.;;; :: 8IT STRIN, $SI%E $1.''
-- ASN1ST(/
D #.T6Type
The &3 !.T4Type is used to indicate the radio access technoloy (0/T). includin 3A4T0/. of the re;uestedD
transferred 43 capabilities.
$'*-*ype infor2ation ele2ent
RAT-T+pe :: EN"<ERATE> *
eutra- utra- geran-6s- geran-ps- 6dma.;;;-1ERTT-
spare1- spare.- spare1- &&&5
-- ASN1ST(/
D ##$6TransactionI(entifier
The &3 !!"4TransactionI&entifier is used. toether with the messae type. for the identification of an 002 procedure
$$C-*ransaction"entifier infor2ation ele2ent
RR#-Transa6tionIdentifier :: INTE,ER $;&&1'
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" *() Release $$
-- ASN1ST(/
The &3 S4TMSI contains an "ATemporary Mobile "ubscriber &dentity. a temporary 43 identity provided by the 3P2
which uni;uely identifies the 43 within the trac#in area. see T" *3.++3 K*>L.
S-*MS" infor2ation ele2ent
S-T<SI :: SE!"EN#E *
mme6 <<E#-
m-T<SI 8IT STRIN, $SI%E $1.''
-- ASN1ST(/
S-*MS" field descriptions
T$e 3irst0"e3t6ost 'it o3 t$e 'it stri&2 !o&tai&s t$e 6ost si2&i3i!a&t 'it o3 t$e M-TMS8.
D Trace#eference
The Trace!eference contains parameter Trace 0eference as defined in T" 3*.-** K:?L.
*race$eference infor2ation ele2ent
Tra6eReferen6e-r1; :: SE!"EN#E *
plmn-Identit+-r1; /L<N-Identit+-
tra6eId-r1; (#TET STRIN, $SI%E $1''
-- ASN1ST(/
D -,6$apa)ility#.T6$ontainer1ist
The &3 -,4"apa'ility!.T4"ontainer1ist contains list of containers. one for each 0/T for which 43 capabilities are
transferred. if any.
U--Capa!ility$'*-Container#ist infor2ation ele2ent
"E-#apa@ilit+RAT-#ontainerList ::SE!"EN#E $SI%E $;&&maxRAT-#apa@ilities'' () "E-#apa@ilit+RAT-
"E-#apa@ilit+RAT-#ontainer :: SE!"EN#E *
rat-T+pe RAT-T+pe-
ue#apa@ilit+RAT-#ontainer (#TET STRIN,
-- ASN1ST(/
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" *($ Release $$
U-Capa!ility$'*-Container#ist field descriptions
*o&tai&er 3or t$e U+ !a#a'i"ities o3 t$e i&di!ated R%T. T$e e&!odi&2 is de3i&ed i& t$e s#e!i3i!atio& o3 ea!$ R%T,
(or +-UTR%, t$e e&!odi&2 o3 U+ !a#a'i"ities is de3i&ed i& 8+ -,6,-T#.6$apa)ility.
(or UTR%, t$e o!tet stri&2 !o&tai&s t$e 8)T+R R%T =%)4?V+R 8)(? 6essa2e de3i&ed i& TS 25.331 E1.F.
(or G+R%) *S, t$e o!tet stri&2 !o&tai&s t$e !o&!ate&ated stri&2 o3 t$e Mo'i"e Statio& *"ass6ar> 2 a&d Mo'i"e
Statio& *"ass6ar> 3. T$e 3irst 5 o!tets !orres#o&d to Mo'i"e Statio& *"ass6ar> 2 a&d t$e 3o""o1i&2 o!tets !orres#o&d
to Mo'i"e Statio& *"ass6ar> 3. T$e Mo'i"e Statio& *"ass6ar> 2 is 3or6atted as RTVR a&d is !oded i& t$e sa6e 1a5 as
t$e Mo)ile Station $lassmark 2 i&3or6atio& e"e6e&t i& TS 24.00< E4.F. T$e 3irst o!tet is t$e Mo)ile station classmark 2
I,I a&d its 7a"ue s$a"" 'e set to 33=. T$e se!o&d o!tet is t$e 1en"th of mo)ile station classmark 2 a&d its 7a"ue s$a""
'e set to 3. T$e o!tet 3 !o&tai&s t$e 3irst o!tet o3 t$e 7a"ue #art o3 t$e Mo)ile Station $lassmark 2 i&3or6atio& e"e6e&t,
t$e o!tet 4 !o&tai&s t$e se!o&d o!tet o3 t$e 7a"ue #art o3 t$e Mo)ile Station $lassmark 2 i&3or6atio& e"e6e&t a&d so
o&. (or ea!$ o3 t$ese o!tets, t$e 3irst0 "e3t6ost0 6ost si2&i3i!a&t 'it o3 t$e o!tet !o&tai&s '< o3 t$e !orres#o&di&2 o!tet
o3 t$e Mo'i"e Statio& *"ass6ar> 2. T$e Mo'i"e Statio& *"ass6ar> 3 is 3or6atted as RVR a&d is !oded i& t$e sa6e 1a5
as t$e 7a"ue #art i& t$e Mo)ile station classmark 3 i&3or6atio& e"e6e&t i& TS 24.00< E4.F. T$e si/t$ o!tet o3 t$is o!tet
stri&2 !o&tai&s o!tet 1 o3 t$e 7a"ue #art o3 Mo)ile station classmark 3, t$e se7e&t$ o3 o!tet o3 t$is o!tet stri&2 !o&tai&s
o!tet 2 o3 t$e 7a"ue #art o3 Mo)ile station classmark 3 a&d so o&. )ote.
(or G+R%) PS, t$e e&!odi&2 o3 U+ !a#a'i"ities is 3or6atted as RVR a&d is !oded i& t$e sa6e 1a5 as t$e 7a"ue #art i&
t$e MS #a(io .ccess $apa)ility i&3or6atio& e"e6e&t i& TS 24.00< E4.F.
(or *4M%2000-1IRTT, t$e o!tet stri&2 !o&tai&s t$e %21 Mo'i"e Su's!ri#tio& 8&3or6atio& a&d t$e e&!odi&2 o3 t$is is
de3i&ed i& %.S000< E33F. T$e %21 Mo'i"e Su's!ri#tio& 8&3or6atio& !o&tai&s t$e su##orted *4M%2000 1/RTT 'a&d
!"ass a&d 'a&d su'-!"ass i&3or6atio&.
'OT3I The value part is specified by means of 2"'.,. which encodin results in a bit strin. to which final
paddin may be appended up to the ne(t octet boundary T" *-.++? K-@L. The firstD leftmost bit of the
2"'., bit strin is placed in the firstD leftmostD most sinificant bit of the first octet. This continues until
the last bit of the 2"'., bit strin. which is placed in the lastD rihtmostD least sinificant bit of the last
D -,6,-T#.6$apa)ility
The &3 -,4,-T!.4"apa'ility is used to convey the 3A4T0/ 43 0adio /ccess 2apability Parameters. see T" 3=.3+=
K:L. and the 8eature Group &ndicators for mandatory features (defined in /nne(es 1., and 2.,) to the networ#. The &3
-,4,-T!.4"apa'ility is transferred in 3A4T0/ or in another 0/T.
U---U*$'-Capa!ility infor2ation ele2ent
"E-E"TRA-#apa@ilit+ :: SE!"EN#E *
a66essStratumRelease A66essStratumRelease-
ue-#ategor+ INTE,ER $1&&D'-
pd6p-/arameters />#/-/arameters-
ph+La+er/arameters /h+La+er/arameters-
rf-/arameters R)-/arameters-
meas/arameters <eas/arameters-
feature,roupIndi6ators 8IT STRIN, $SI%E $1.'' (/TI(NAL-
interRAT-/arameters SE!"EN#E *
utra)>> IRAT-/arameters"TRA-)>> (/TI(NAL-
utraT>>1.= IRAT-/arameters"TRA-T>>1.= (/TI(NAL-
utraT>>1=3 IRAT-/arameters"TRA-T>>1=3 (/TI(NAL-
utraT>>BC= IRAT-/arameters"TRA-T>>BC= (/TI(NAL-
geran IRAT-/arameters,ERAN (/TI(NAL-
6dma.;;;-?R/> IRAT-/arameters#><A.;;;-?R/> (/TI(NAL-
6dma.;;;-1xRTT IRAT-/arameters#><A.;;;-1ERTT (/TI(NAL
non#riti6alExtension "E-E"TRA-#apa@ilit+-:2.;-IEs (/TI(NAL
-- Late non 6riti6al extensions
"E-E"TRA-#apa@ilit+-:2a;-IEs :: SE!"EN#E *
feature,roupIndRel2Add-r2 8IT STRIN, $SI%E $1.'' (/TI(NAL-
fdd-Add-"E-E"TRA-#apa@ilities-r2 "E-E"TRA-#apa@ilit+AddE>>-<ode-r2 (/TI(NAL-
tdd-Add-"E-E"TRA-#apa@ilities-r2 "E-E"TRA-#apa@ilit+AddE>>-<ode-r2 (/TI(NAL-
non#riti6alExtension "E-E"TRA-#apa@ilit+-:26;-IEs (/TI(NAL
"E-E"TRA-#apa@ilit+-:26;-IEs :: SE!"EN#E *
interRAT-/arameters"TRA-:26; IRAT-/arameters"TRA-:26; (/TI(NAL-
non#riti6alExtension "E-E"TRA-#apa@ilit+-:2d;-IEs (/TI(NAL
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" *(* Release $$
"E-E"TRA-#apa@ilit+-:2d;-IEs :: SE!"EN#E *
ph+La+er/arameters-:2d; /h+La+er/arameters-:2d; (/TI(NAL-
non#riti6alExtension "E-E"TRA-#apa@ilit+-:2e;-IEs (/TI(NAL
"E-E"TRA-#apa@ilit+-:2e;-IEs :: SE!"EN#E *
rf-/arameters-:2e; R)-/arameters-:2e; (/TI(NAL-
non#riti6alExtension "E-E"TRA-#apa@ilit+-:2h;-IEs (/TI(NAL
"E-E"TRA-#apa@ilit+-:2h;-IEs :: SE!"EN#E *
interRAT-/arameters"TRA-:2h; IRAT-/arameters"TRA-:2h; (/TI(NAL-
-- )ollowing field is onl+ to @e used for late REL-2 extensions
lateNon#riti6alExtension (#TET STRIN, (/TI(NAL-
non#riti6alExtension "E-E"TRA-#apa@ilit+-:1;6;-IEs (/TI(NAL
"E-E"TRA-#apa@ilit+-:1;6;-IEs :: SE!"EN#E *
otdoa-/ositioning#apa@ilities-r1; (T>(A-/ositioning#apa@ilities-r1; (/TI(NAL-
--)ollowing field is onl+ to @e used for late extensions from REL-1;
non#riti6alExtension SE!"EN#E *5 (/TI(NAL
-- Regular non 6riti6al extensions
"E-E"TRA-#apa@ilit+-:2.;-IEs :: SE!"EN#E *
ph+La+er/arameters-:2.; /h+La+er/arameters-:2.;-
interRAT-/arameters,ERAN-:2.; IRAT-/arameters,ERAN-:2.;-
interRAT-/arameters"TRA-:2.; IRAT-/arameters"TRA-:2.; (/TI(NAL-
interRAT-/arameters#><A.;;;-:2.; IRAT-/arameters#><A.;;;-1ERTT-:2.; (/TI(NAL-
de:i6eT+pe-r2 EN"<ERATE> *no8en)rom8at#onsump(pt5 (/TI(NAL-
6sg-/roximit+Indi6ation/arameters-r2 #S,-/roximit+Indi6ation/arameters-r2-
neigh#ellSI-A67uisition/arameters-r2 Neigh#ellSI-A67uisition/arameters-r2-
son-/arameters-r2 S(N-/arameters-r2-
non#riti6alExtension "E-E"TRA-#apa@ilit+-:23;-IEs (/TI(NAL
"E-E"TRA-#apa@ilit+-:23;-IEs :: SE!"EN#E *
lateNon#riti6alExtension (#TET STRIN, $#(NTAININ, "E-E"TRA-#apa@ilit+-:2a;-IEs'
non#riti6alExtension "E-E"TRA-#apa@ilit+-:1;.;-IEs (/TI(NAL
"E-E"TRA-#apa@ilit+-:1;.;-IEs :: SE!"EN#E *
ue-#ategor+-:1;.; INTE,ER $C&&=' (/TI(NAL-
ph+La+er/arameters-:1;.; /h+La+er/arameters-:1;.; (/TI(NAL-
rf-/arameters-:1;.; R)-/arameters-:1;.; (/TI(NAL-
meas/arameters-:1;.; <eas/arameters-:1;.; (/TI(NAL-
feature,roupIndRel1;-r1; 8IT STRIN, $SI%E $1.'' (/TI(NAL-
interRAT-/arameters#><A.;;;-:1;.; IRAT-/arameters#><A.;;;-1ERTT-:1;.; (/TI(NAL-
ue-8asedNetw/erf<eas/arameters-r1; "E-8asedNetw/erf<eas/arameters-r1; (/TI(NAL-
interRAT-/arameters"TRA-T>>-:1;.; IRAT-/arameters"TRA-T>>-:1;.; (/TI(NAL-
non#riti6alExtension "E-E"TRA-#apa@ilit+-:1;C;-IEs (/TI(NAL
"E-E"TRA-#apa@ilit+-:1;C;-IEs :: SE!"EN#E *
fdd-Add-"E-E"TRA-#apa@ilities-:1;C; "E-E"TRA-#apa@ilit+AddE>>-<ode-:1;C; (/TI(NAL-
tdd-Add-"E-E"TRA-#apa@ilities-:1;C; "E-E"TRA-#apa@ilit+AddE>>-<ode-:1;C; (/TI(NAL-
rf-/arameters-:1;C; R)-/arameters-:1;C; (/TI(NAL-
non#riti6alExtension "E-E"TRA-#apa@ilit+-:1;2;-IEs (/TI(NAL
"E-E"TRA-#apa@ilit+-:1;2;-IEs :: SE!"EN#E *
rf-/arameters-:1;2; R)-/arameters-:1;2; (/TI(NAL-
non#riti6alExtension "E-E"TRA-#apa@ilit+-:111;-IEs (/TI(NAL
"E-E"TRA-#apa@ilit+-:111;-IEs :: SE!"EN#E *
pd6p-/arameters-:111; />#/-/arameters-:111;-
ph+La+er/arameters-:111; /h+La+er/arameters-:111; (/TI(NAL-
rf-/arameters-:111; R)-/arameters-:111;-
meas/arameters-:111; <eas/arameters-:111;-
interRAT-/arameters#><A.;;;-:111; IRAT-/arameters#><A.;;;-:111;-
other/arameters-r11 (ther-/arameters-r11-
fdd-Add-"E-E"TRA-#apa@ilities-:111; "E-E"TRA-#apa@ilit+AddE>>-<ode-:111; (/TI(NAL-
tdd-Add-"E-E"TRA-#apa@ilities-:111; "E-E"TRA-#apa@ilit+AddE>>-<ode-:111; (/TI(NAL-
non#riti6alExtension "E-E"TRA-#apa@ilit+-:11B;-IEs (/TI(NAL
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" *(3 Release $$
"E-E"TRA-#apa@ilit+-:11B;-IEs :: SE!"EN#E *
ph+La+er/arameters-:11B; /h+La+er/arameters-:11B; (/TI(NAL-
ue-#ategor+-:11B; INTE,ER $2&&1;' (/TI(NAL-
non#riti6alExtension SE!"EN#E *5 (/TI(NAL
"E-E"TRA-#apa@ilit+AddE>>-<ode-r2 :: SE!"EN#E *
ph+La+er/arameters-r2 /h+La+er/arameters (/TI(NAL-
feature,roupIndi6ators-r2 8IT STRIN, $SI%E $1.'' (/TI(NAL-
feature,roupIndRel2Add-r2 8IT STRIN, $SI%E $1.'' (/TI(NAL-
interRAT-/arameters,ERAN-r2 IRAT-/arameters,ERAN (/TI(NAL-
interRAT-/arameters"TRA-r2 IRAT-/arameters"TRA-:2.; (/TI(NAL-
interRAT-/arameters#><A.;;;-r2 IRAT-/arameters#><A.;;;-1ERTT-:2.; (/TI(NAL-
neigh#ellSI-A67uisition/arameters-r2 Neigh#ellSI-A67uisition/arameters-r2 (/TI(NAL-
"E-E"TRA-#apa@ilit+AddE>>-<ode-:1;C; :: SE!"EN#E *
ph+La+er/arameters-:1;C; /h+La+er/arameters-:1;.; (/TI(NAL-
feature,roupIndRel1;-:1;C; 8IT STRIN, $SI%E $1.'' (/TI(NAL-
interRAT-/arameters#><A.;;;-:1;C; IRAT-/arameters#><A.;;;-1ERTT-:1;.; (/TI(NAL-
interRAT-/arameters"TRA-T>>-:1;C; IRAT-/arameters"TRA-T>>-:1;.; (/TI(NAL-
00 otdoa-/ositioning#apa@ilities-r1; (T>(A-/ositioning#apa@ilities-r1; (/TI(NAL
"E-E"TRA-#apa@ilit+AddE>>-<ode-:111; :: SE!"EN#E *
ph+La+er/arameters-:111; /h+La+er/arameters-:111; (/TI(NAL-
meas/arameters-:111; <eas/arameters-:111; (/TI(NAL-
other/arameters-r11 (ther-/arameters-r11 (/TI(NAL-
A66essStratumRelease :: EN"<ERATE> *
rel=- rel2- rel1;- rel11- spare3- spare1-
spare.- spare1- &&&5
/>#/-/arameters :: SE!"EN#E *
supportedR(?#-/rofiles SE!"EN#E *
profile;x;;;1 8((LEAN-
profile;x;;;. 8((LEAN-
profile;x;;;1 8((LEAN-
profile;x;;;3 8((LEAN-
profile;x;;;C 8((LEAN-
profile;x;1;1 8((LEAN-
profile;x;1;. 8((LEAN-
profile;x;1;1 8((LEAN-
profile;x;1;3 8((LEAN
maxNum@erR(?#-#ontextSessions EN"<ERATE> *
6s.- 6s3- 6s=- 6s1.- 6s1C- 6s.3- 6s1.-
6s3=- 6sC3- 6s1.=- 6s.DC- 6sD1.- 6s1;.3-
6s1C1=3- spare.- spare15 >E)A"LT 6s1C-
/>#/-/arameters-:111; :: SE!"EN#E *
pd6p-SN-Extension-r11 EN"<ERATE> *supported5 (/TI(NAL-
supportRoh6#ontext#ontinue-r11 EN"<ERATE> *supported5 (/TI(NAL
/h+La+er/arameters :: SE!"EN#E *
ue-TxAntennaSele6tionSupported 8((LEAN-
ue-Spe6ifi6RefSigsSupported 8((LEAN
/h+La+er/arameters-:2.; :: SE!"EN#E *
enhan6ed>ualLa+er)>>-r2 EN"<ERATE> *supported5 (/TI(NAL-
enhan6ed>ualLa+erT>>-r2 EN"<ERATE> *supported5 (/TI(NAL
/h+La+er/arameters-:2d; :: SE!"EN#E *
tmD-)>>-r2 EN"<ERATE> *supported5 (/TI(NAL-
tmD-T>>-r2 EN"<ERATE> *supported5 (/TI(NAL
/h+La+er/arameters-:1;.; :: SE!"EN#E *
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" *(+ Release $$
twoAntenna/orts)or/"##?-r1; EN"<ERATE> *supported5 (/TI(NAL-
tm2-Gith-=Tx-)>>-r1; EN"<ERATE> *supported5 (/TI(NAL-
pmi->isa@ling-r1; EN"<ERATE> *supported5 (/TI(NAL-
6ross#arrierS6heduling-r1; EN"<ERATE> *supported5 (/TI(NAL-
simultaneous/"##?-/"S#?-r1; EN"<ERATE> *supported5 (/TI(NAL-
multi#luster/"S#?-Githin##-r1; EN"<ERATE> *supported5 (/TI(NAL-
non#ontiguous"L-RA-Githin##-List-r1; Non#ontiguous"L-RA-Githin##-List-r1; (/TI(NAL
/h+La+er/arameters-:111; :: SE!"EN#E *
6rs-Interf?andl-r11 EN"<ERATE> *supported5 (/TI(NAL-
e/>##?-r11 EN"<ERATE> *supported5 (/TI(NAL-
multiA#I-#SI-Reporting-r11 EN"<ERATE> *supported5 (/TI(NAL-
ss-##?-Interf?andl-r11 EN"<ERATE> *supported5 (/TI(NAL-
tdd-Spe6ialSu@frame-r11 EN"<ERATE> *supported5 (/TI(NAL-
tx>i:-/"##?1@-#hSele6t-r11 EN"<ERATE> *supported5 (/TI(NAL-
ul-#o</-r11 EN"<ERATE> *supported5 (/TI(NAL
/h+La+er/arameters-:11B; :: SE!"EN#E *
inter8andT>>-#A-Gith>ifferent#onfig-r11 8IT STRIN, $SI%E $.'' (/TI(NAL
Non#ontiguous"L-RA-Githin##-List-r1; :: SE!"EN#E $SI%E $1&&max8ands'' () Non#ontiguous"L-RA-
Non#ontiguous"L-RA-Githin##-r1; :: SE!"EN#E *
non#ontiguous"L-RA-Githin##-Info-r1; EN"<ERATE> *supported5 (/TI(NAL
R)-/arameters :: SE!"EN#E *
supported8andListE"TRA Supported8andListE"TRA
R)-/arameters-:2e; :: SE!"EN#E *
supported8andListE"TRA-:2e; Supported8andListE"TRA-:2e; (/TI(NAL
R)-/arameters-:1;.; :: SE!"EN#E *
supported8and#om@ination-r1; Supported8and#om@ination-r1;
R)-/arameters-:1;C; :: SE!"EN#E *
supported8and#om@inationExt-r1; Supported8and#om@inationExt-r1;
R)-/arameters-:1;2; :: SE!"EN#E *
supported8and#om@ination-:1;2; Supported8and#om@ination-:1;2; (/TI(NAL
R)-/arameters-:111; :: SE!"EN#E *
supported8and#om@ination-:111; Supported8and#om@ination-:111; (/TI(NAL
Supported8and#om@ination-r1; :: SE!"EN#E $SI%E $1&&max8and#om@-r1;'' () 8and#om@ination/arameters-
Supported8and#om@inationExt-r1; :: SE!"EN#E $SI%E $1&&max8and#om@-r1;'' ()
Supported8and#om@ination-:1;2; :: SE!"EN#E $SI%E $1&&max8and#om@-r1;'' ()
Supported8and#om@ination-:111; :: SE!"EN#E $SI%E $1&&max8and#om@-r1;'' ()
8and#om@ination/arameters-r1; :: SE!"EN#E $SI%E $1&&maxSimultaneous8ands-r1;'' () 8and/arameters-
8and#om@ination/arametersExt-r1; :: SE!"EN#E *
supported8andwidth#om@inationSet-r1; Supported8andwidth#om@inationSet-r1; (/TI(NAL
8and#om@ination/arameters-:1;2; :: SE!"EN#E $SI%E $1&&maxSimultaneous8ands-r1;'' () 8and/arameters-
8and#om@ination/arameters-:111; :: SE!"EN#E *
multipleTimingAd:an6e-r11 EN"<ERATE> *supported5 (/TI(NAL-
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" *(, Release $$
simultaneousRx-Tx-r11 EN"<ERATE> *supported5 (/TI(NAL-
@and/arameterList-r11 SE!"EN#E $SI%E $1&&maxSimultaneous8ands-r1;'' () 8and/arameters-
:111; (/TI(NAL-
Supported8andwidth#om@inationSet-r1; :: 8IT STRIN, $SI%E $1&&max8andwidth#om@Set-r1;''
8and/arameters-r1; :: SE!"EN#E *
@andE"TRA-r1; )re78andIndi6ator-
@and/arameters"L-r1; 8and/arameters"L-r1; (/TI(NAL-
@and/arameters>L-r1; 8and/arameters>L-r1; (/TI(NAL
8and/arameters-:1;2; :: SE!"EN#E *
@andE"TRA-:1;2; )re78andIndi6ator-:2e; (/TI(NAL-
8and/arameters-:111; :: SE!"EN#E *
supported#SI-/ro6-r11 EN"<ERATE> *n1- n1- n35
8and/arameters"L-r1; :: SE!"EN#E $SI%E $1&&max8andwidth#lass-r1;'' () #A-<I<(-/arameters"L-r1;
#A-<I<(-/arameters"L-r1; :: SE!"EN#E *
6a-8andwidth#lass"L-r1; #A-8andwidth#lass-r1;-
supported<I<(-#apa@ilit+"L-r1; <I<(-#apa@ilit+"L-r1; (/TI(NAL
8and/arameters>L-r1; :: SE!"EN#E $SI%E $1&&max8andwidth#lass-r1;'' () #A-<I<(-/arameters>L-r1;
#A-<I<(-/arameters>L-r1; :: SE!"EN#E *
6a-8andwidth#lass>L-r1; #A-8andwidth#lass-r1;-
supported<I<(-#apa@ilit+>L-r1; <I<(-#apa@ilit+>L-r1; (/TI(NAL
#A-8andwidth#lass-r1; :: EN"<ERATE> *a- @- 6- d- e- f- &&&5
<I<(-#apa@ilit+"L-r1; :: EN"<ERATE> *twoLa+ers- fourLa+ers5
<I<(-#apa@ilit+>L-r1; :: EN"<ERATE> *twoLa+ers- fourLa+ers- eightLa+ers5
Supported8andListE"TRA :: SE!"EN#E $SI%E $1&&max8ands'' () Supported8andE"TRA
Supported8andListE"TRA-:2e;:: SE!"EN#E $SI%E $1&&max8ands'' () Supported8andE"TRA-:2e;
Supported8andE"TRA :: SE!"EN#E *
@andE"TRA )re78andIndi6ator-
half>uplex 8((LEAN
Supported8andE"TRA-:2e; :: SE!"EN#E *
@andE"TRA-:2e; )re78andIndi6ator-:2e; (/TI(NAL
<eas/arameters :: SE!"EN#E *
@andListE"TRA 8andListE"TRA
<eas/arameters-:1;.; :: SE!"EN#E *
@and#om@inationListE"TRA-r1; 8and#om@inationListE"TRA-r1;
<eas/arameters-:111; :: SE!"EN#E *
rsr7<easGide@and-r11 EN"<ERATE> *supported5 (/TI(NAL
8andListE"TRA :: SE!"EN#E $SI%E $1&&max8ands'' () 8andInfoE"TRA
8and#om@inationListE"TRA-r1; :: SE!"EN#E $SI%E $1&&max8and#om@-r1;'' () 8andInfoE"TRA
8andInfoE"TRA :: SE!"EN#E *
inter)re78andList Inter)re78andList-
interRAT-8andList InterRAT-8andList (/TI(NAL
Inter)re78andList :: SE!"EN#E $SI%E $1&&max8ands'' () Inter)re78andInfo
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" *(% Release $$
Inter)re78andInfo :: SE!"EN#E *
inter)re7Need)or,aps 8((LEAN
InterRAT-8andList :: SE!"EN#E $SI%E $1&&max8ands'' () InterRAT-8andInfo
InterRAT-8andInfo :: SE!"EN#E *
interRAT-Need)or,aps 8((LEAN
IRAT-/arameters"TRA-)>> :: SE!"EN#E *
supported8andList"TRA-)>> Supported8andList"TRA-)>>
IRAT-/arameters"TRA-:2.; :: SE!"EN#E *
e-Redire6tion"TRA-r2 EN"<ERATE> *supported5
IRAT-/arameters"TRA-:26; :: SE!"EN#E *
:oi6e(:er/S-?S-"TRA-)>>-r2 EN"<ERATE> *supported5 (/TI(NAL-
:oi6e(:er/S-?S-"TRA-T>>1.=-r2 EN"<ERATE> *supported5 (/TI(NAL-
sr:66-)rom"TRA-)>>-To"TRA-)>>-r2 EN"<ERATE> *supported5 (/TI(NAL-
sr:66-)rom"TRA-)>>-To,ERAN-r2 EN"<ERATE> *supported5 (/TI(NAL-
sr:66-)rom"TRA-T>>1.=-To"TRA-T>>1.=-r2 EN"<ERATE> *supported5 (/TI(NAL-
sr:66-)rom"TRA-T>>1.=-To,ERAN-r2 EN"<ERATE> *supported5 (/TI(NAL
IRAT-/arameters"TRA-:2h; :: SE!"EN#E *
mf@i-"TRA-r2 EN"<ERATE> *supported5
Supported8andList"TRA-)>> :: SE!"EN#E $SI%E $1&&max8ands'' () Supported8and"TRA-)>>
Supported8and"TRA-)>> :: EN"<ERATE> *
@andI- @andII- @andIII- @andIF- @andF- @andFI-
@andFII- @andFIII- @andIE- @andE- @andEI-
@andEII- @andEIII- @andEIF- @andEF- @andEFI- &&&-
@andEFII-=a;- @andEFIII-=a;- @andEIE-=a;- @andEE-=a;-
@andEEI-=a;- @andEEII-=a;- @andEEIII-=a;- @andEEIF-=a;-
@andEEF-=a;- @andEEFI-=a;- @andEEFII-=a;- @andEEFIII-=a;-
@andEEIE-=a;- @andEEE-=a;- @andEEEI-=a;- @andEEEII-=a;5
IRAT-/arameters"TRA-T>>1.= :: SE!"EN#E *
supported8andList"TRA-T>>1.= Supported8andList"TRA-T>>1.=
Supported8andList"TRA-T>>1.= :: SE!"EN#E $SI%E $1&&max8ands'' () Supported8and"TRA-T>>1.=
Supported8and"TRA-T>>1.= :: EN"<ERATE> *
a- @- 6- d- e- f- g- h- i- A- 9- l- m- n-
o- p- &&&5
IRAT-/arameters"TRA-T>>1=3 :: SE!"EN#E *
supported8andList"TRA-T>>1=3 Supported8andList"TRA-T>>1=3
Supported8andList"TRA-T>>1=3 :: SE!"EN#E $SI%E $1&&max8ands'' () Supported8and"TRA-T>>1=3
Supported8and"TRA-T>>1=3 :: EN"<ERATE> *
a- @- 6- d- e- f- g- h- i- A- 9- l- m- n-
o- p- &&&5
IRAT-/arameters"TRA-T>>BC= :: SE!"EN#E *
supported8andList"TRA-T>>BC= Supported8andList"TRA-T>>BC=
Supported8andList"TRA-T>>BC= :: SE!"EN#E $SI%E $1&&max8ands'' () Supported8and"TRA-T>>BC=
Supported8and"TRA-T>>BC= :: EN"<ERATE> *
a- @- 6- d- e- f- g- h- i- A- 9- l- m- n-
o- p- &&&5
IRAT-/arameters"TRA-T>>-:1;.; :: SE!"EN#E *
e-Redire6tion"TRA-T>>-r1; EN"<ERATE> *supported5
IRAT-/arameters,ERAN :: SE!"EN#E *
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" *(( Release $$
supported8andList,ERAN Supported8andList,ERAN-
interRAT-/S-?(-To,ERAN 8((LEAN
IRAT-/arameters,ERAN-:2.; :: SE!"EN#E *
dtm-r2 EN"<ERATE> *supported5 (/TI(NAL-
e-Redire6tion,ERAN-r2 EN"<ERATE> *supported5 (/TI(NAL
Supported8andList,ERAN :: SE!"EN#E $SI%E $1&&max8ands'' () Supported8and,ERAN
Supported8and,ERAN :: EN"<ERATE> *
gsm3D;- gsm3=;- gsmB1;- gsmBD;- gsm=1;- gsm=D;-
gsm2;;/- gsm2;;E- gsm2;;R- gsm1=;;- gsm12;;-
spareD- spare3- spare1- spare.- spare1- &&&5
IRAT-/arameters#><A.;;;-?R/> :: SE!"EN#E *
supported8andList?R/> Supported8andList?R/>-
tx-#onfig?R/> EN"<ERATE> *single- dual5-
rx-#onfig?R/> EN"<ERATE> *single- dual5
Supported8andList?R/> :: SE!"EN#E $SI%E $1&&max#><A-8and#lass'' () 8and6lass#><A.;;;
IRAT-/arameters#><A.;;;-1ERTT :: SE!"EN#E *
supported8andList1ERTT Supported8andList1ERTT-
tx-#onfig1ERTT EN"<ERATE> *single- dual5-
rx-#onfig1ERTT EN"<ERATE> *single- dual5
IRAT-/arameters#><A.;;;-1ERTT-:2.; :: SE!"EN#E *
e-#S)8-1ERTT-r2 EN"<ERATE> *supported5-
e-#S)8-#on6/S-<o@1ERTT-r2 EN"<ERATE> *supported5 (/TI(NAL
IRAT-/arameters#><A.;;;-1ERTT-:1;.; :: SE!"EN#E *
e-#S)8-dual-1ERTT-r1; EN"<ERATE> *supported5
IRAT-/arameters#><A.;;;-:111; :: SE!"EN#E *
6dma.;;;-NG-Sharing-r11 EN"<ERATE> *supported5 (/TI(NAL
Supported8andList1ERTT :: SE!"EN#E $SI%E $1&&max#><A-8and#lass'' () 8and6lass#><A.;;;
#S,-/roximit+Indi6ation/arameters-r2 :: SE!"EN#E *
intra)re7/roximit+Indi6ation-r2 EN"<ERATE> *supported5 (/TI(NAL-
inter)re7/roximit+Indi6ation-r2 EN"<ERATE> *supported5 (/TI(NAL-
utran-/roximit+Indi6ation-r2 EN"<ERATE> *supported5 (/TI(NAL
Neigh#ellSI-A67uisition/arameters-r2 :: SE!"EN#E *
intra)re7SI-A67uisition)or?(-r2 EN"<ERATE> *supported5 (/TI(NAL-
inter)re7SI-A67uisition)or?(-r2 EN"<ERATE> *supported5 (/TI(NAL-
utran-SI-A67uisition)or?(-r2 EN"<ERATE> *supported5 (/TI(NAL
S(N-/arameters-r2 :: SE!"EN#E *
ra6h-Report-r2 EN"<ERATE> *supported5 (/TI(NAL
"E-8asedNetw/erf<eas/arameters-r1; :: SE!"EN#E *
logged<easurementsIdle-r1; EN"<ERATE> *supported5 (/TI(NAL-
standalone,NSS-Lo6ation-r1; EN"<ERATE> *supported5 (/TI(NAL
(T>(A-/ositioning#apa@ilities-r1; :: SE!"EN#E *
otdoa-"E-Assisted-r1; EN"<ERATE> *supported5-
inter)re7RST>-<easurement-r1; EN"<ERATE> *supported5 (/TI(NAL
(ther-/arameters-r11 :: SE!"EN#E *
in>e:i6e#oexInd-r11 EN"<ERATE> *supported5 (/TI(NAL-
power/refInd-r11 EN"<ERATE> *supported5 (/TI(NAL-
ue-Rx-TxTime>iff<easurements-r11 EN"<ERATE> *supported5 (/TI(NAL
-- ASN1ST(/
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" *(- Release $$
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" *(. Release $$
U---U*$'-Capa!ility field descriptions %DD@
*DD iff
Set to re"11 i& t$is 7ersio& o3 t$e s#e!i3i!atio&.
?&e e&tr5 !orres#o&di&2 to ea!$ su##orted 'a&d !o6'i&atio& "isted i& t$e sa6e order as i&
83 i&!"uded, t$e U+ s$a"" i&!"ude t$e sa6e &u6'er o3 e&tries, a&d "isted i& t$e sa6e order, as i&
T$e 3ie"d is a##"i!a'"e to ea!$ su##orted *% 'a&d1idt$ !"ass !o6'i&atio& (i.e. *% !o&3i2uratio&
i& TS 36.101 E42, Se!tio& 5.6%.1F) i&di!ated i& t$e !orres#o&di&2 'a&d !o6'i&atio&.
+-UTR% 'a&d as de3i&ed i& TS 36.101 E42F. 8& !ase t$e U+ i&!"udes )an(,-T#.609e or
)an(,-T#.6019, t$e U+ s$a"" set t$e !orres#o&di&2 e&tr5 o3 )an(,-T#. (i.e. 1it$out
su33i/) or )an(,-T#.6r1 res#e!ti7e"5 to ma*+BI.
?&e e&tr5 !orres#o&di&2 to ea!$ su##orted +-UTR% 'a&d "isted i& t$e sa6e order as i&
T$e *% 'a&d1idt$ !"ass su##orted '5 t$e U+ as de3i&ed i& TS 36.101 E42, Ta'"e 5.6%-1F.
T$e U+ e/#"i!it"5 i&!"udes a"" t$e su##orted *% 'a&d1idt$ !"ass !o6'i&atio&s i& t$e 'a&d
!o6'i&atio& si2&a""i&2. Su##ort 3or o&e *% 'a&d1idt$ !"ass does &ot i6#"i!it"5 i&di!ate su##ort
3or a&ot$er *% 'a&d1idt$ !"ass.
8&di!ates 1$et$er t$e U+ su##orts &et1or> s$ari&2 3or *4M%2000.
crossCarrierScheuling )o
8&di!ates 1$et$er t$e U+ su##orts *RS i&ter3ere&!e $a&d"i&2.
U+ 6a5 set t$e 7a"ue to OnoBen+romBat$ons&mp4ptP 1$e& it does &ot 3oresee to #arti!u"ar"5
'e&e3it 3ro6 ):-'ased 'atter5 !o&su6#tio& o#ti6isatio&. %'se&!e o3 t$is 7a"ue 6ea&s t$at t$e
de7i!e does 'e&e3it 3ro6 ):-'ased 'atter5 !o&su6#tio& o#ti6isatio&.
8&di!ates 1$et$er t$e U+ su##orts 4TM i& G+R%).
8&di!ates 1$et$er t$e U+ su##orts e&$a&!ed *S 3a""'a!> to *4M%2000 1/RTT or &ot.
8&di!ates 1$et$er t$e U+ su##orts !o&!urre&t e&$a&!ed *S 3a""'a!> to *4M%2000 1/RTT a&d
PS $a&do7er0 redire!tio& to *4M%2000 =RP4.
8&di!ates 1$et$er t$e U+ su##orts e&$a&!ed *S 3a""'a!> to *4M%2000 1/RTT 3or dua" R/0T/
!o&3i2uratio&. T$is 'it !a& o&"5 'e set to su##orted i3 t*6$onfi"17#TT a&d r*6$onfi"17#TT are
'ot$ set to dua".
8&di!ates 1$et$er t$e U+ su##orts e&$a&!ed dua" "a5er (P4S*= tra&s6issio& 6ode <) 3or
T44 or &ot.
8&di!ates 1$et$er t$e U+ !a& re!ei7e 4*8 o& U+ s#e!i3i! sear!$ s#a!e o& +&$a&!ed P4**=.
e-$eirectionU*$' Yes
8&di!ates 1$et$er t$e U+ su##orts e&$a&!ed redire!tio& to UTR% T44 to 6u"ti#"e !arrier
3re9ue&!ies 'ot$ 1it$ a&d 1it$out usi&2 re"ated S8; #ro7ided '5 ##$$onnection#elease or
featureGroup"nicators= featureGroup"n$el;'= featureGroup"n$el/)
T$e de3i&itio&s o3 t$e 'its i& t$e 'it stri&2 are des!ri'ed i& %&&e/ ;.1 (3or
feat&re9ro&pIn(icators a&d feat&re9ro&pIn(#el9.(() a&d i& %&&e/ *.1.(3or
83 half2&ple* is set to true, o&"5 $a"3 du#"e/ o#eratio& is su##orted 3or t$e 'a&d, ot$er1ise 3u""
du#"e/ o#eratio& is su##orted.
8&di!ates 1$et$er t$e U+ su##orts i&-de7i!e !oe/iste&!e i&di!atio& as 1e"" as auto&o6ous
de&ia" 3u&!tio&a"it5.
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" *-) Release $$
U---U*$'-Capa!ility field descriptions %DD@
*DD iff
8&di!ates 1$et$er t$e U+ su##orts i&ter-'a&d T44 !arrier a22re2atio& 1it$ di33ere&t U04
!o&3i2uratio& !o6'i&atio&s. T$e 3irst 'it i&di!ates U+ su##orts t$e !o&3i2uratio& !o6'i&atio& o3
S*e"" 4 su'3ra6es are a su'set o3 P*e"" '5 S8;1 !o&3i2uratio& a&d t$e !o&3i2uratio&
!o6'i&atio& o3 S*e"" 4 su'3ra6es are a su#erset o3 P*e"" '5 S8;1 !o&3i2uratio&H t$e se!o&d
'it i&di!ates U+ su##orts t$e !o&3i2uratio& !o6'i&atio& o3 S*e"" 4 su'3ra6es are &eit$er
su#erset &or su'set o3 P*e"" '5 S8;1 !o&3i2uratio&. T$is 3ie"d is i&!"uded o&"5 i3 U+ su##orts
i&ter-'a&d T44 !arrier a22re2atio&.
?&e e&tr5 !orres#o&di&2 to ea!$ su##orted +-UTR% 'a&d "isted i& t$e sa6e order as i&
8&di!ates &eed 3or 6easure6e&t 2a#s 1$e& o#erati&2 o& t$e +-UTR% 'a&d 2i7e& '5 t$e e&tr5
i& )an(1ist,-T#. or on the ,6-T#. )an( com)ination "i0en )y the entry in
)an($om)ination1ist,-T#. a&d 6easuri&2 o& t$e +-UTR% 'a&d 2i7e& '5 t$e e&tr5 i&
8&di!ates 1$et$er t$e U+ su##orts #ro/i6it5 i&di!atio& 3or i&ter-3re9ue&!5 +-UTR%) *SG
6e6'er !e""s:
8&di!ates 1$et$er t$e U+ su##orts i&ter-3re9ue&!5 RST4 6easure6e&ts 3or ?T4?%
#ositio&i&2 E54F.
8&di!ates 1$et$er t$e U+ su##orts, u#o& !o&3i2uratio& o3 si-Re9uest(or=? '5 t$e &et1or>,
a!9uisitio& a&d re#orti&2 o3 re"e7a&t i&3or6atio& usi&2 auto&o6ous 2a#s '5 readi&2 t$e S8 3ro6
a &ei2$'ouri&2 i&ter-3re9ue&!5 !e"".
?&e e&tr5 !orres#o&di&2 to ea!$ su##orted 'a&d o3 a&ot$er R%T "isted i& t$e sa6e order as i&
t$e inter#.T6!arameters.
8&di!ates &eed 3or 4 6easure6e&t 2a#s 1$e& o#erati&2 o& t$e +-UTR% 'a&d 2i7e& '5 t$e
e&tr5 i& )an(1ist,-T#. or on the ,6-T#. )an( com)ination "i0en )y the entry in
)an($om)ination1ist,-T#. a&d 6easuri&2 o& t$e i&ter-R%T 'a&d 2i7e& '5 t$e e&tr5 i& t$e
8&di!ates 1$et$er t$e U+ su##orts i&ter-R%T PS $a&do7er to G+R%) or &ot.
8&di!ates 1$et$er t$e U+ su##orts #ro/i6it5 i&di!atio& 3or i&tra-3re9ue&!5 +-UTR%) *SG
6e6'er !e""s.
8&di!ates 1$et$er t$e U+ su##orts, u#o& !o&3i2uratio& o3 si-Re9uest(or=? '5 t$e &et1or>,
a!9uisitio& a&d re#orti&2 o3 re"e7a&t i&3or6atio& usi&2 auto&o6ous 2a#s '5 readi&2 t$e S8 3ro6
a &ei2$'ouri&2 i&tra-3re9ue&!5 !e"".
8&di!ates 1$et$er t$e U+ su##orts "o22ed 6easure6e&ts i& 8d"e 6ode.
Set to t$e 6a/i6u6 &u6'er o3 !o&!urre&t"5 a!ti7e R?=* !o&te/ts su##orted '5 t$e U+,
e/!"udi&2 !o&te/t sessio&s t$at "ea7e a"" $eaders u&!o6#ressed. !s2 !orres#o&ds 1it$ 2
(!o&te/t sessio&s), !s4 !orres#o&ds 1it$ 4 a&d so o&. T$e &et1or> i2&ores t$is 3ie"d i3 t$e U+
su##orts &o&e o3 t$e R?=* #ro3i"es i& s&pporte(#4/$6!rofiles.
8t i&di!ates i3 t$e U+ su##orts t$e si2&a""i&2 re9uire6e&ts o3 6u"ti#"e radio 3re9ue&!5 'a&ds i& a
UTR% (44 !e"", as de3i&ed i& TS 25.307 E65F.
T$e &u6'er o3 su##orted "a5ers 3or s#atia" 6u"ti#"e/i&2 i& 4.
T$e &u6'er o3 su##orted "a5ers 3or s#atia" 6u"ti#"e/i&2 i& U.
8&di!ates 1$et$er t$e U+ su##orts 6u"ti-!e"" =%RB %*N a&d #eriodi! *S8 re#orti&2 a&d SR o&
PU**= 3or6at 3.
multiClusterPUSC+-4ithinCC )o
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" *-$ Release $$
U---U*$'-Capa!ility field descriptions %DD@
*DD iff
8&di!ates 1$et$er t$e U+ su##orts 6u"ti#"e ti6i&2 ad7a&!es 3or ea!$ 'a&d !o6'i&atio& "isted
i& s&pporte(Ban($om)ination. 83 t$e 'a&d !o6'i&atio& !o6#rised o3 6ore t$a& o&e 'a&d e&tr5
(i.e., i&ter-'a&d or i&tra-'a&d &o&-!o&ti2uous 'a&d !o6'i&atio&), t$e 3ie"d i&di!ates t$at t$e
sa6e or di33ere&t ti6i&2 ad7a&!es o& di33ere&t 'a&d e&tries are su##orted. 83 t$e 'a&d
!o6'i&atio& !o6#rised o3 o&e 'a&d e&tr5 (i.e., i&tra-'a&d !o&ti2uous 'a&d !o6'i&atio&), t$e
3ie"d i&di!ates t$at t$e sa6e or di33ere&t ti6i&2 ad7a&!es a!ross !o6#o&e&t !arriers o3 t$e
'a&d e&tr5 are su##orted. 83 t$is 3ie"d is i&!"uded, t$e U+ s$a"" i&!"ude t$e sa6e &u6'er o3
e&tries "isted i& t$e sa6e order as i& Ban($om)ination!arameters.
?&e e&tr5 !orres#o&di&2 to ea!$ su##orted +-UTR% 'a&d "isted i& t$e sa6e order as i&
8&di!ates 1$et$er t$e U+ su##orts U+-assisted ?T4?% #ositio&i&2 E54F.
8&di!ates 1$et$er t$e U+ su##orts 15 'it "e&2t$ o3 P4*P se9ue&!e &u6'er.
pmi-Disa!ling Yes
8&di!ates 1$et$er t$e U+ su##orts #o1er #re3ere&!e i&di!atio&.
8&di!ates 1$et$er t$e U+ su##orts de"i7er5 o3 ra!$Re#ort:
8&di!ates 1$et$er t$e U+ !a& #er3or6 RSRB 6easure6e&ts 1it$ 1ider 'a&d1idt$.
simultaneousPUCC+-PUSC+ )o
8&di!ates 1$et$er t$e U+ su##orts si6u"ta&eous re!e#tio& a&d tra&s6issio& o& di33ere&t 'a&ds
3or ea!$ 'a&d !o6'i&atio& "isted i& s&pporte(Ban($om)ination. T$is 3ie"d is o&"5 a##"i!a'"e 3or
i&ter-'a&d T44 !arrier a22re2atio&.
8&di!ates 1$et$er U+ su##orts SRV** $a&do7er 3ro6 UTR% (44 PS =S to G+R%) *S.
8&di!ates 1$et$er U+ su##orts SRV** $a&do7er 3ro6 UTR% (44 PS =S to UTR% (44 *S.
8&di!ates 1$et$er U+ su##orts SRV** $a&do7er 3ro6 UTR% T44 1.2<M!#s PS =S to
G+R%) *S.
8&di!ates 1$et$er U+ su##orts SRV** $a&do7er 3ro6 UTR% T44 1.2<M!#s PS =S to UTR%
T44 1.2<M!#s *S.
8&di!ates 1$et$er t$e U+ su##orts s5&!$ro&isatio& si2&a" a&d !o66o& !$a&&e" i&ter3ere&!e
8&di!ates 1$et$er t$e U+ is e9ui##ed 1it$ a sta&da"o&e G)SS re!ei7er t$at 6a5 'e used to
#ro7ide detai"ed "o!atio& i&3or6atio& i& RR* 6easure6e&t re#ort a&d "o22ed 6easure6e&ts.
8&!"udes t$e su##orted *% 'a&d !o6'i&atio&s, i3 a&5, a&d 6a5 i&!"ude a"" t$e su##orted &o&-
*% 'a&ds. T$e U+ s$a"" i&!"ude a"" t$e su##orted &o&-*% 'a&ds, re2ard"ess o3 1$et$er it
su##orts !arrier a22re2atio&, i3,
a) it i&!"udes &e6$ate"ory6012 (i.e. !ate2or5 6 to <)H or
') 3or at "east o&e o3 t$e &o&-*% 'a&ds, it su##orts 6ore M8M? "a5ers 1it$ TM. a&d TM10 t$a&
i6#"ied '5 t$e U+ !ate2or5H or
!) it su##orts TM10 1it$ o&e or 6ore *S8 #ro!esses
SupporteBanCom!ination-.t= SupporteBanCom!ination-,/);)
83 i&!"uded, t$e U+ s$a"" i&!"ude t$e sa6e &u6'er o3 e&tries, a&d "isted i& t$e sa6e order, as i&
G+R%) 'a&d as de3i&ed i& TS 45.005 E20F.
?&e e&tr5 !orres#o&di&2 to ea!$ su##orted *4M%2000 1/RTT 'a&d !"ass.
8&!"udes t$e su##orted +-UTR% 'a&ds. T$is 3ie"d s$a"" i&!"ude a"" 'a&ds 1$i!$ are i&di!ated i&
83 i&!"uded, t$e U+ s$a"" i&!"ude t$e sa6e &u6'er o3 e&tries, a&d "isted i& t$e sa6e order, as i&
s&pporte(1ist,-T#. (i.e. 1it$out su33i/).
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" *-* Release $$
U---U*$'-Capa!ility field descriptions %DD@
*DD iff
SupporteBan#istG-$'N )o
?&e e&tr5 !orres#o&di&2 to ea!$ su##orted *4M%2000 =RP4 'a&d !"ass.
UTR% 'a&d as de3i&ed i& TS 25.101 E17F.
UTR% 'a&d as de3i&ed i& TS 25.102 E1<F.
UTR% 'a&d as de3i&ed i& TS 25.102 E1<F.
UTR% 'a&d as de3i&ed i& TS 25.102 E1<F.
T$e s&pporte(Ban(=i(th$om)inationSet i&di!ated 3or a 'a&d !o6'i&atio& is a##"i!a'"e to a""
'a&d1idt$ !"asses i&di!ated '5 t$e U+ i& t$is 'a&d !o6'i&atio&.
(ie"d e&!oded as a 'it 6a#, 1$ere 'it ) is set to T1T i3 U+ su##ort ;a&d1idt$ *o6'i&atio& Set
) 3or t$is 'a&d !o6'i&atio&, see 36.101 E42F. T$e "eadi&2 0 "e3t6ost 'it ('it 0) !orres#o&ds to
t$e ;a&d1idt$ *o6'i&atio& Set 0, t$e &e/t 'it !orres#o&ds to t$e ;a&d1idt$ *o6'i&atio& Set
1 a&d so o&. T$e U+ s$a"" &eit$er i&!"ude t$e 3ie"d 3or a &o&-*% 'a&d !o6'i&atio&, &or 3or a *%
'a&d !o6'i&atio& 3or 1$i!$ t$e U+ o&"5 su##orts ;a&d1idt$ *o6'i&atio& Set 0.
8&di!ates t$e 6a/i6u6 &u6'er o3 *S8 #ro!esses su##orted o& a !o6#o&e&t !arrier 1it$i& a
'a&d. Va"ue &1 !orres#o&ds to 1 *S8 #ro!ess, 7a"ue &3 !orres#o&ds to 3 *S8 #ro!esses, a&d
7a"ue &4 !orres#o&ds to 4 *S8 #ro!esses. 83 t$is 3ie"d is i&!"uded, t$e U+ s$a"" i&!"ude t$e sa6e
&u6'er o3 e&tries "isted i& t$e sa6e order as i& Ban(!arameters. 83 t$e U+ su##orts at "east 1
*S8 #ro!ess o& a&5 !o6#o&e&t !arrier, t$e& t$e U+ s$a"" i&!"ude t$is 3ie"d i& a"" 'a&ds i& a""
'a&d !o6'i&atio&s.
8&di!ates 1$et$er t$e U+ su##orts R?=* !o&te/t !o&ti&uatio& o#eratio& 1$ere t$e U+ does
&ot reset t$e !urre&t R?=* !o&te/t u#o& $a&do7er.
8&di!ates 1$et$er t$e U+ su##orts T44 s#e!ia" su'3ra6e de3i&ed i& TS 36.211 E21F.
8&di!ates 1$et$er t$e U+ su##orts t$e P4S*= tra&s6issio& 6ode 5 i& (44.
8&di!ates 1$et$er t$e U+ su##orts t$e P4S*= tra&s6issio& 6ode 5 i& T44.
tm;-4ith-9*.-%DD )o
two'ntennaPorts%orPUCC+ )o
8&di!ates 1$et$er t$e U+ su##orts tra&s6it di7ersit5 3or PU**= 3or6at 1' 1it$ !$a&&e"
U+ !ate2or5 as de3i&ed i& TS 36.306 E5F. Set to 7a"ues 1 to 10 i& t$is 7ersio& o3 t$e
8&di!ates 1$et$er t$e U+ su##orts R/ - T/ ti6e di33ere&!e 6easure6e&ts.
ue-Specific$efSigsSupporte )o
TRU+ i&di!ates t$at t$e U+ is !a#a'"e o3 su##orti&2 U+ tra&s6it a&te&&a se"e!tio& as
des!ri'ed i& TS 36.213 E23, <.7F.
8&di!ates 1$et$er t$e U+ su##orts U *oordi&ated Mu"ti-Poi&t o#eratio&.
8&di!ates 1$et$er t$e U+ su##orts #ro/i6it5 i&di!atio& 3or UTR%) *SG 6e6'er !e""s.
8&di!ates 1$et$er t$e U+ su##orts, u#o& !o&3i2uratio& o3 si-Re9uest(or=? '5 t$e &et1or>,
a!9uisitio& a&d re#orti&2 o3 re"e7a&t i&3or6atio& usi&2 auto&o6ous 2a#s '5 readi&2 t$e S8 3ro6
a &ei2$'ouri&2 UMTS !e"".
8&di!ates 1$et$er U+ su##orts 8MS 7oi!e a!!ordi&2 to GSM% 8R.5< #ro3i"e i& UTR% (44.
8&di!ates 1$et$er U+ su##orts 8MS 7oi!e i& UTR% T44 1.2<M!#s.
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" *-3 Release $$
'OT3 ,I The &3 -,4,-T!.4"apa'ility does not include /" security capability information. since these are the
same as the security capabilities that are sinalled by '/". 2onse;uently /" need not provide MmanAinA
theAmiddleM protection for the security capabilities.
'OT3 *I The column 899D T99 diff indicates if the 43 is allowed to sinal. as part of the additional capabilities
for an N99 mode i.e. within -,4,-T!.4"apa'ility.&&<224Mo&e4*3M. a different value compared to
the value sinalled elsewhere within -,4,-T!.4"apa'ility (i.e. the common value. supported for both
N99 modes). / $A$ is used to indicate that it is not possible to sinal different values (used for fields for
which the field description is provided for other reasons).
'OT3 3I /ll the combinations of ".4MIM=4Parameters-1 and ".4MIM=4Parameters21 for one band and
across all the bands in each Ban&"om'inationParameters are supported by the 43 and have the same
measurement ap re;uirement (i.e. the same Ban&Info,-T!. applies). The
Ban&"om'inationParameters for the same band combination can be included more than once.
'OT3 -I 43 2/ and measurement capabilities indicate the combinations of fre;uencies that can be confiured as
servin fre;uencies.
D -,6Timers.n($onstants
The &3 -,4Timers.n&"onstants contains timers and constants used by the 43 in either 002E2O''32T39 or
U--*imers'nConstants infor2ation ele2ent
"E-TimersAnd#onstants :: SE!"EN#E *
t1;; EN"<ERATE> *
ms1;;- ms.;;- ms1;;- ms3;;- msC;;- ms1;;;- ms1D;;-
t1;1 EN"<ERATE> *
ms1;;- ms.;;- ms1;;- ms3;;- msC;;- ms1;;;- ms1D;;-
t11; EN"<ERATE> *
ms;- msD;- ms1;;- ms.;;- msD;;- ms1;;;- ms.;;;5-
n11; EN"<ERATE> *
n1- n.- n1- n3- nC- n=- n1;- n.;5-
t111 EN"<ERATE> *
ms1;;;- ms1;;;- msD;;;- ms1;;;;- ms1D;;;-
ms.;;;;- ms1;;;;5-
n111 EN"<ERATE> *
n1- n.- n1- n3- nD- nC- n=- n1;5-
-- ASN1ST(/
U--*imers'nConstants field descriptions
*o&sta&ts are des!ri'ed i& se!tio& 7.4. &1 !orres#o&ds 1it$ 1, &2 !orres#o&ds 1it$ 2 a&d so o&.
Ti6ers are des!ri'ed i& se!tio& 7.3. Va"ue 6s0 !orres#o&ds 1it$ 0 6s, 6s50 !orres#o&ds 1it$ 50 6s a&d so o&.
6.3.7 M;MS i&3or6atio& e"e6e&ts
D MBMS63otification$onfi"
The &3 MBMS43otification"onfi specifies the M1M" notification related confiuration parameters. that are applicable
for all M1"8' areas.
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" *-+ Release $$
MBMS-NotificationConfig information element
<8<S-Notifi6ation#onfig-r2 :: SE!"EN#E *
notifi6ationRepetition#oeff-r2 EN"<ERATE> *n.- n35-
notifi6ation(ffset-r2 INTE,ER $;&&1;'-
notifi6ationS)-Index-r2 INTE,ER $1&&C'
-- ASN1ST(/
MBMS-NotificationConfig field descriptions
8&di!ates, to2et$er 1it$ t$e notification#epetition$oeff, t$e radio 3ra6es i& 1$i!$ t$e M**= i&3or6atio& !$a&2e
&oti3i!atio& is s!$edu"ed i.e. t$e M**= i&3or6atio& !$a&2e &oti3i!atio& is s!$edu"ed i& radio 3ra6es 3or 1$i!$, S()
6od &oti3i!atio& re#etitio& #eriod G notification4ffset.
%!tua" !$a&2e &oti3i!atio& re#etitio& #eriod !o66o& 3or a"" M**=s t$at are !o&3i2uredG s$ortest 6odi3i!atio& #eriod0
notification#epetition$oeff. T$e Qs$ortest 6odi3i!ato& #eriodM !orres#o&ds 1it$ t$e "o1est 7a"ue o3 mcch6
Mo(ification!erio( o3 a"" M**=s t$at are !o&3i2ured. Va"ue &2 !orres#o&ds to !oe33i!ie&t 2, a&d so o&.
8&di!ates t$e su'3ra6e used to tra&s6it M**= !$a&2e &oti3i!atio&s o& P4**=.
(44, Va"ue 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 a&d 6 !orres#o&d 1it$ su'3ra6e K1, K2, K3 K6, K7, a&d K< res#e!ti7e"5.
T44, Va"ue 1, 2, 3, 4, a&d 5 !orres#o&d 1it$ su'3ra6e K3, K4, K7, K<, a&d K. res#e!ti7e"5.
D MBS+36.reaInfo1ist
The &3 MBS+34.reaInfo1ist contains the information re;uired to ac;uire the M1M" control information associated
with one or more M1"8' areas.
MBS%N-'rea"nfo#ist information element
<8S)N-AreaInfoList-r2 :: SE!"EN#E $SI%E$1&&max<8S)N-Area'' () <8S)N-AreaInfo-r2
<8S)N-AreaInfo-r2 :: SE!"EN#E *
m@sfn-AreaId-r2 INTE,ER $;&&.DD'-
non-<8S)NregionLength EN"<ERATE> *s1- s.5-
notifi6ationIndi6ator-r2 INTE,ER $;&&B'-
m66h-#onfig-r2 SE!"EN#E *
m66h-Repetition/eriod-r2 EN"<ERATE> *rf1.- rfC3- rf1.=- rf.DC5-
m66h-(ffset-r2 INTE,ER $;&&1;'-
m66h-<odifi6ation/eriod-r2 EN"<ERATE> *rfD1.- rf1;.35-
sf-Allo6Info-r2 8IT STRIN, $SI%E$C''-
signalling<#S-r2 EN"<ERATE> *n.- nB- n11- n125
-- ASN1ST(/
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" *-, Release $$
MBS%N-'rea"nfo#ist field descriptions
8&di!ates t$e M;S() area 84, #ara6eter 384
i& TS 36.211 E21,
4e3i&es #eriodi!a""5 a##eari&2 'ou&daries, i.e. radio 3ra6es 3or 1$i!$ S() 6od mcch6Mo(ification!erio( G 0. T$e
!o&te&ts o3 di33ere&t tra&s6issio&s o3 M**= i&3or6atio& !a& o&"5 'e di33ere&t i3 t$ere is at "east o&e su!$ 'ou&dar5 i&-
'et1ee& t$e6.
8&di!ates, to2et$er 1it$ t$e mcch6#epetition!erio(, t$e radio 3ra6es i& 1$i!$ M**= is s!$edu"ed i.e. M**= is
s!$edu"ed i& radio 3ra6es 3or 1$i!$, S() 6od mcch6#epetition!erio( G mcch64ffset.
4e3i&es t$e i&ter7a" 'et1ee& tra&s6issio&s o3 M**= i&3or6atio&, i& radio 3ra6es, Va"ue r332 !orres#o&ds to 32 radio
3ra6es, r364 !orres#o&ds to 64 radio 3ra6es a&d so o&.
8&di!ates $o1 6a&5 s56'o"s 3ro6 t$e 'e2i&&i&2 o3 t$e su'3ra6e !o&stitute t$e &o&-M;S() re2io&. T$is 7a"ue a##"ies
i& a"" su'3ra6es o3 t$e M;S() area used 3or PM*= tra&s6issio&s as i&di!ated i& t$e MS8. T$e 7a"ues s1 a&d s2
!orres#o&d 1it$ 1 a&d 2 s56'o"s, res#e!ti7e"5, see TS 36.211 E21, Ta'"e 6.7-1F.
8&di!ates 1$i!$ P4**= 'it is used to &oti35 t$e U+ a'out !$a&2e o3 t$e M**= a##"i!a'"e 3or t$is M;S() area. Va"ue
0 !orres#o&ds 1it$ t$e "east si2&i3i!a&t 'it as de3i&ed i& TS 36.212 E22, Se!tio& a&d so o&.
8&di!ates t$e su'3ra6es o3 t$e radio 3ra6es i&di!ated '5 t$e mcch6#epetition!erio( a&d t$e mcch64ffset, t$at 6a5
!arr5 M**=. Va"ue O1P i&di!ates t$at t$e !orres#o&di&2 su'3ra6e is a""o!ated. T$e 3o""o1i&2 6a##i&2 a##"ies,
(44, T$e 3irst0 "e3t6ost 'it de3i&es t$e a""o!atio& 3or su'3ra6e K1 o3 t$e radio 3ra6e i&di!ated '5 mcch6
#epetition!erio( a&d mcch64ffset, t$e se!o&d 'it 3or K2, t$e t$ird 'it 3or K3 , t$e 3ourt$ 'it 3or K6, t$e 3i3t$ 'it 3or K7 a&d
t$e si/t$ 'it 3or K<.
T44, T$e 3irst0"e3t6ost 'it de3i&es t$e a""o!atio& 3or su'3ra6e K3 o3 t$e radio 3ra6e i&di!ated '5 mcch6
#epetition!erio( a&d mcch64ffset, t$e se!o&d 'it 3or K4, t$ird 'it 3or K7, 3ourt$ 'it 3or K<, 3i3t$ 'it 3or K.. U#"i&>
su'3ra6es are &ot a""o!ated. T$e "ast 'it is &ot used.
8&di!ates t$e Modu"atio& a&d *odi&2 S!$e6e (M*S) a##"i!a'"e 3or t$e su'3ra6es i&di!ated '5 t$e 3ie"d sf6.llocInfo
a&d 3or ea!$ (P)M*= t$at is !o&3i2ured 3or t$is M;S() area, 3or t$e 3irst su'3ra6e a""o!ated to t$e (P)M*= 1it$i&
ea!$ M*= s!$edu"i&2 #eriod (1$i!$ 6a5 !o&tai& t$e M*= s!$edu"i&2 i&3or6atio& #ro7ided '5 M%*). Va"ue &2
!orres#o&ds 1it$ t$e 7a"ue 2 3or #ara6eter
i& TS 36.213 E23, Ta'"e, a&d so o&.
D MBS+36S&)frame$onfi"
The &3 MBS+34S$'frame"onfi defines subframes that are reserved for M1"8' in downlin#.
MBS%N-Su!frameConfig information element
<8S)N-Su@frame#onfig :: SE!"EN#E *
radioframeAllo6ation/eriod EN"<ERATE> *n1- n.- n3- n=- n1C- n1.5-
radioframeAllo6ation(ffset INTE,ER $;&&B'-
su@frameAllo6ation #?(I#E *
one)rame 8IT STRIN, $SI%E$C''-
four)rames 8IT STRIN, $SI%E$.3''
-- ASN1ST(/
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" *-% Release $$
MBS%N-Su!frameConfig field descriptions
% 'it-6a# i&di!ati&2 M;S() su'3ra6e a""o!atio& i& 3our !o&se!uti7e radio 3ra6es, O1P de&otes t$at t$e !orres#o&di&2
su'3ra6e is a""o!ated 3or M;S(). T$e 'it6a# is i&ter#reted as 3o""o1s,
(44, Starti&2 3ro6 t$e 3irst radio3ra6e a&d 3ro6 t$e 3irst0"e3t6ost 'it i& t$e 'it6a#, t$e a""o!atio& a##"ies to su'3ra6es
K1, K2, K3 , K6, K7, a&d K< i& t$e se9ue&!e o3 t$e 3our radio-3ra6es.
T44, Starti&2 3ro6 t$e 3irst radio3ra6e a&d 3ro6 t$e 3irst0"e3t6ost 'it i& t$e 'it6a#, t$e a""o!atio& a##"ies to su'3ra6es
K3, K4, K7, K<, a&d K. i& t$e se9ue&!e o3 t$e 3our radio-3ra6es. T$e "ast 3our 'its are &ot used. U#"i&> su'3ra6es are
&ot a""o!ated.
O1P de&otes t$at t$e !orres#o&di&2 su'3ra6e is a""o!ated 3or M;S(). T$e 3o""o1i&2 6a##i&2 a##"ies,
(44, T$e 3irst0"e3t6ost 'it de3i&es t$e M;S() a""o!atio& 3or su'3ra6e K1, t$e se!o&d 'it 3or K2, t$ird 'it 3or K3 , 3ourt$
'it 3or K6, 3i3t$ 'it 3or K7, si/t$ 'it 3or K<.
T44, T$e 3irst0"e3t6ost 'it de3i&es t$e a""o!atio& 3or su'3ra6e K3, t$e se!o&d 'it 3or K4, t$ird 'it 3or K7, 3ourt$ 'it 3or K<,
3i3t$ 'it 3or K.. U#"i&> su'3ra6es are &ot a""o!ated. T$e "ast 'it is &ot used.
raio%rame'llocationPerio= raio%rame'llocation1ffset
Radio-3ra6es t$at !o&tai& M;S() su'3ra6es o!!ur 1$e& e9uatio& S+3 6od ra(io+rame.llocation!erio( G
ra(io+rame.llocation4ffset is satis3ied. Va"ue &1 3or ra(ioframe.llocation!erio( de&otes 7a"ue 1, &2 de&otes 7a"ue 2,
a&d so o&. :$e& fo&r+rames is used 3or s&)frame.llocation, t$e e9uatio& de3i&es t$e 3irst radio 3ra6e re3erred to i&
t$e des!ri#tio& 'e"o1. Va"ues n1 a&d n2 are &ot a##"i!a'"e 1$e& fo&r+rames is used.
4e3i&es t$e su'3ra6es t$at are a""o!ated 3or M;S() 1it$i& t$e radio 3ra6e a""o!atio& #eriod de3i&ed '5 t$e
ra(io+rame.llocation!erio( a&d t$e ra(io+rame.llocation4ffset:
D !M$/6Info1ist
The &3 PM"/4Info1ist specifies confiuration of all PM2Bs of an M1"8' area. The information provided for an
individual PM2B includes the confiuration parameters of the sessions that are carried by the concerned PM2B.
PMC+-"nfo#ist information element
/<#?-InfoList-r2 :: SE!"EN#E $SI%E $;&&max/<#?-/er<8S)N'' () /<#?-Info-r2
/<#?-Info-r2 :: SE!"EN#E *
pm6h-#onfig-r2 /<#?-#onfig-r2-
m@ms-SessionInfoList-r2 <8<S-SessionInfoList-r2-
<8<S-SessionInfoList-r2 :: SE!"EN#E $SI%E $;&&maxSession/er/<#?'' () <8<S-SessionInfo-r2
<8<S-SessionInfo-r2 :: SE!"EN#E *
tmgi-r2 T<,I-r2-
sessionId-r2 (#TET STRIN, $SI%E $1'' (/TI(NAL- -- Need (R
logi6al#hannelIdentit+-r2 INTE,ER $;&&maxSession/er/<#?-1'-
/<#?-#onfig-r2 :: SE!"EN#E *
sf-Allo6End-r2 INTE,ER $;&&1D1D'-
data<#S-r2 INTE,ER $;&&.='-
m6h-S6heduling/eriod-r2 EN"<ERATE> *
rf=- rf1C- rf1.- rfC3- rf1.=- rf.DC- rfD1.- rf1;.35-
T<,I-r2 :: SE!"EN#E *
plmn-Id-r2 #?(I#E *
plmn-Index-r2 INTE,ER $1&&max/L<N-r11'-
expli6itFalue-r2 /L<N-Identit+
ser:i6eId-r2 (#TET STRIN, $SI%E $1''
-- ASN1ST(/
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" *-( Release $$
PMC+-"nfo#ist field descriptions
8&di!ates t$e 7a"ue 3or #ara6eter
i& TS 36.213 E23, Ta'"e, 1$i!$ de3i&es t$e Modu"atio& a&d *odi&2
S!$e6e (M*S) a##"i!a'"e 3or t$e su'3ra6es o3 t$is (P)M*= as i&di!ated '5 t$e 3ie"d commonS+6.lloc. T$e M*S does
$o1e7er &eit$er a##"5 to t$e su'3ra6es t$at 6a5 !arr5 M**= i.e. t$e su'3ra6es i&di!ated '5 t$e 3ie"d sf6.llocInfo
1it$i& SystemInformationBlockType13 &or 3or t$e 3irst su'3ra6e a""o!ated to t$is (P)M*= 1it$i& ea!$ M*= s!$edu"i&2
#eriod (1$i!$ 6a5 !o&tai& t$e M*= s!$edu"i&2 i&3or6atio& #ro7ided '5 M%*).
8&di!ates t$e M*= s!$edu"i&2 #eriod i.e. t$e #eriodi!it5 used 3or #ro7idi&2 M*= s!$edu"i&2 i&3or6atio& at "o1er "a5ers
(M%*) a##"i!a'"e 3or a& M*=. Va"ue r3< !orres#o&ds to < radio 3ra6es, r316 !orres#o&ds to 16 radio 3ra6es a&d so
o&. T$e mch6Sche(&lin"!erio( starts i& t$e radio 3ra6es 3or 1$i!$, S() 6od mch6Sche(&lin"!erio( G 0. +-UTR%)
!o&3i2ures mch6Sche(&lin"!erio( o3 t$e (P)M*= "isted 3irst i& !M$/6Info1ist to 'e s6a""er t$a& or e9ua" to mcch6
8&de/ o3 t$e e&tr5 i& 3ie"d plmn6I(entity1ist 1it$i& SystemInformationBlockType1.
8&di!ates t$e o#tio&a" M;MS Sessio& 8de&tit5, 1$i!$ to2et$er 1it$ TMG8 ide&ti3ies a tra&s6issio& or a #ossi'"e
retra&s6issio& o3 a s#e!i3i! M;MS sessio&, see TS 2..061 E51, Se!tio&s 20.5, 17.7.11, 17.7.15F. T$e 3ie"d is i&!"uded
1$e&e7er u##er "a5ers $a7e assi2&ed a sessio& ide&tit5 i.e. o&e is a7ai"a'"e 3or t$e M;MS sessio& i& +-UTR%).
U&i9ue"5 ide&ti3ies t$e ide&tit5 o3 a& M;MS ser7i!e 1it$i& a PM). T$e 3ie"d !o&tai&s o!tet 3- 5 o3 t$e 8+ Te6#orar5
Mo'i"e Grou# 8de&tit5 (TMG8) as de3i&ed i& TS 24.00< E4.F. T$e 3irst o!tet !o&tai&s t$e t$ird o!tet o3 t$e TMG8, t$e
se!o&d o!tet !o&tai&s t$e 3ourt$ o!tet o3 t$e TMG8 a&d so o&.
8&di!ates t$e "ast su'3ra6e a""o!ated to t$is (P)M*= 1it$i& a #eriod ide&ti3ied '5 3ie"d commonS+6.lloc!erio(. T$e
su'3ra6es a""o!ated to (P)M*= !orres#o&di&2 1it$ t$e &
e&tr5 i& pmch6Info1ist are t$e su'se9ue&t su'3ra6es
starti&2 3ro6 eit$er t$e &e/t su'3ra6e a3ter t$e su'3ra6e ide&ti3ied '5 sf6.lloc,n( o3 t$e (&-1)
"isted (P)M*= or, 3or
&G1, t$e 3irst su'3ra6e de3i&ed '5 3ie"d commonS+6.lloc, t$rou2$ t$e su'3ra6e ide&ti3ied '5 sf6.lloc,n( o3 t$e &

"isted (P)M*=. Va"ue 0 !orres#o&ds 1it$ t$e 3irst su'3ra6e de3i&ed '5 3ie"d commonS+6.lloc.
6.4 RR* 6u"ti#"i!it5 a&d t5#e !o&strai&t 7a"ues
D Mu"ti#"i!it5 a&d t5#e !o&strai&t de3i&itio&s
max8and#om@-r1; INTE,ER :: 1.= -- <aximum num@er of @and 6om@inations&
max8ands INTE,ER :: C3 -- <aximum num@er of @ands listed in E"TRA "E 6aps
max8andwidth#lass-r1; INTE,ER :: 1C -- <aximum num@er of supported #A 8G 6lasses per @and
max8andwidth#om@Set-r1; INTE,ER :: 1. -- <aximum num@er of @andwidth 6om@ination sets per
-- supported @and 6om@ination
max#><A-8and#lass INTE,ER :: 1. -- <aximum :alue of the #><A @and 6lasses
max#ell8la69 INTE,ER :: 1C -- <aximum num@er of @la69listed ph+si6al 6ell identit+
-- ranges listed in SI8 t+pe 3 and D
max#ellInfo,ERAN-r2 INTE,ER :: 1. -- <aximum num@er of ,ERAN 6ells for whi6h s+stem in-
-- formation 6an @e pro:ided as redire6tion assistan6e
max#ellInfo"TRA-r2 INTE,ER :: 1C -- <aximum num@er of "TRA 6ells for whi6h s+stem
-- information 6an @e pro:ided as redire6tion
-- assistan6e
max#SI-I<-r11 INTE,ER :: 1 -- <aximum num@er of #SI-I< 6onfigurations
-- $per 6arrier fre7uen6+'
max#SI-/ro6-r11 INTE,ER :: 3 -- <aximum num@er of #SI RS pro6esses $per 6arrier
-- fre7uen6+'
max#SI-RS-N%/-r11 INTE,ER :: 1 -- <aximum num@er of #SI RS resour6e
-- 6onfigurations using non-Hero Tx power
-- $per 6arrier fre7uen6+'
max#SI-RS-%/-r11 INTE,ER :: 3 -- <aximum num@er of #SI RS resour6e
-- 6onfigurations using Hero Tx power$per 6arrier
-- fre7uen6+'
max#!I-/ro6Ext-r11 INTE,ER :: 1 -- <aximum num@er of additional periodi6 #!I
-- 6onfigurations $per 6arrier fre7uen6+'
max)re7"TRA-T>>-r1; INTE,ER :: C -- <aximum num@er of "TRA T>> 6arrier fre7uen6ies for
-- whi6h s+stem information 6an @e pro:ided as
-- redire6tion assistan6e
max#ellInter INTE,ER :: 1C -- <aximum num@er of neigh@ouring inter-fre7uen6+
-- 6ells listed in SI8 t+pe D
max#ellIntra INTE,ER :: 1C -- <aximum num@er of neigh@ouring intra-fre7uen6+
-- 6ells listed in SI8 t+pe 3
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" *-- Release $$
max#ellList,ERAN INTE,ER :: 1 -- <aximum num@er of lists of ,ERAN 6ells
max#ell<eas INTE,ER :: 1. -- <aximum num@er of entries in ea6h of the
-- 6ell lists in a measurement o@Ae6t
max#ellReport INTE,ER :: = -- <aximum num@er of reported 6ells
max>R8 INTE,ER :: 11 -- <aximum num@er of >ata Radio 8earers
maxEAR)#N INTE,ER :: CDD1D -- <aximum :alue of E"TRA 6arrier fre7uen6+
maxEAR)#N-/lus1 INTE,ER :: CDD1C -- Lowest :alue extended EAR)#N range
maxEAR)#N. INTE,ER :: .C.131 -- ?ighest :alue extended EAR)#N range
maxE/>##?-Set-r11 INTE,ER :: . -- <aximum num@er of E/>##? sets
max)8I INTE,ER :: C3 -- <aximum :alue of fe7uen6+ @and indi6ator
max)8I-/lus1 INTE,ER :: CD -- Lowest :alue extended )8I range
max)8I. INTE,ER :: .DC -- ?ighest :alue extended )8I range
max)re7 INTE,ER :: = -- <aximum num@er of 6arrier fre7uen6ies
max)re7I>#-r11 INTE,ER :: 1. -- <aximum num@er of 6arrier fre7uen6ies that are
-- affe6ted @+ the I># pro@lems
max)re7<8<S-r11 INTE,ER :: D -- <aximum num@er of 6arrier fre7uen6ies for whi6h an
-- <8<S 6apa@le "E ma+ indi6ate an interest
max,ERAN-SI INTE,ER :: 1; -- <aximum num@er of ,ERAN SI @lo69s that 6an @e
-- pro:ided as part of NA## information
max,N), INTE,ER :: 1C -- <aximum num@er of ,ERAN neigh@our fre7 groups
maxLog<easReport-r1; INTE,ER :: D.; -- <aximum num@er of logged measurement entries
-- that 6an @e reported @+ the "E in one message
max<8S)N-Allo6ations INTE,ER :: = -- <aximum num@er of <8S)N frame allo6ations with
-- different offset
max<8S)N-Area INTE,ER :: =
max<8S)N-Area-1 INTE,ER :: B
max<easId INTE,ER :: 1.
max<ulti8ands INTE,ER :: = -- <aximum num@er of additional fre7uen6+ @ands
-- that a 6ell @elongs to
max(@Ae6tId INTE,ER :: 1.
max/ageRe6 INTE,ER :: 1C --
max/h+s#ellIdRange-r2 INTE,ER :: 3 -- <aximum num@er of ph+si6al 6ell identit+ ranges
max/L<N-r11 INTE,ER :: C -- <aximum num@er of /L<Ns
max/N(ffset INTE,ER :: D11 -- <aximum num@er of #><A.;;; /N(ffsets
max/<#?-/er<8S)N INTE,ER :: 1D
maxRAT-#apa@ilities INTE,ER :: = -- <aximum num@er of interwor9ing RATs $in6l E"TRA'
maxRE-<ap!#L-r11 INTE,ER :: 3 -- <aximum num@er of />S#? RE <apping 6onfigurations
-- $per 6arrier fre7uen6+'
maxReport#onfigId INTE,ER :: 1.
maxRST>-)re7-r1; INTE,ER :: 1 -- <aximum num@er of fre7uen6+ la+ers for RST>
-- measurement
maxSAI-<8<S-r11 INTE,ER :: C3 -- <aximum num@er of <8<S ser:i6e area identities
-- @road6ast per 6arrier fre7uen6+
maxS#ell-r1; INTE,ER :: 3 -- <aximum num@er of S#ells
maxSTA,-r11 INTE,ER :: 1 -- <aximum num@er of STA,s
maxSer:#ell-r1; INTE,ER :: D -- <aximum num@er of Ser:ing 6ells
maxSer:i6e#ount INTE,ER :: 1C -- <aximum num@er of <8<S ser:i6es that 6an @e in6luded
-- in an <8<S 6ounting re7uest and response
maxSer:i6e#ount-1 INTE,ER :: 1D
maxSession/er/<#? INTE,ER :: .2
maxSession/er/<#?-1 INTE,ER :: .=
maxSI8 INTE,ER :: 1. -- <aximum num@er of SI8s
maxSI8-1 INTE,ER :: 11
maxSI-<essage INTE,ER :: 1. -- <aximum num@er of SI messages
maxSimultaneous8ands-r1; INTE,ER :: C3 -- <aximum num@er of simultaneousl+ aggregated @ands
maxSu@frame/atternI>#-r11 INTE,ER :: = -- <aximum num@er of su@frame reser:ation patterns
-- that the "E 6an simultaneousl+ re6ommend to the
-- E-"TRAN for use&
max"TRA-)>>-#arrier INTE,ER :: 1C -- <aximum num@er of "TRA )>> 6arrier fre7uen6ies
max"TRA-T>>-#arrier INTE,ER :: 1C -- <aximum num@er of "TRA T>> 6arrier fre7uen6ies
-- ASN1ST(/
'OT3I The value of ma(901 alins with "/*.
D +&d o3 +UTR%-RR*-4e3i&itio&s
-- ASN1ST(/
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" *-. Release $$
7 Varia'"es a&d !o&sta&ts
7.1 U+ 7aria'"es
'OT3I To facilitate the specification of the 43 behavioural re;uirements. 43 variables are represented usin
/"'.,. 4nless e(plicitly specified otherwise. it is however up to 43 implementation how to store the
variables. The optionality of the &3s in /"'., is used only to indicate that the values may not always be
D ,-T#.6-,6@aria)les
This /"'., sement is the start of the 3A4T0/ 43 variable definitions.
E"TRA-"E-Faria@les >E)INITI(NS A"T(<ATI# TA,S ::
-- Tra6eRe6ordingSessionRef-r1;-
)R(< E"TRA-RR#->efinitionsK
-- ASN1ST(/
D @ar$onn,st+ail#eport
The 43 variable :ar"onn,st+ail!eport includes the connection establishment failure information.
5arConn-st%ail$eport UE varia3le
Far#onnEst)ailReport-r11 :: SE!"EN#E *
6onnEst)ailReport-r11 #onnEst)ailReport-r11-
plmn-Identit+-r11 /L<N-Identit+
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" *.) Release $$
-- ASN1ST(/
D @ar1o"Meas$onfi"
The 43 variable :ar1oMeas"onfi includes the confiuration of the loin of measurements to be performed by the
43 while in 002E&963. coverin intraAfre;uency. interAfre;uency and interA0/T mobility related measurements.
5ar#ogMeasConfig UE varia3le
FarLog<eas#onfig-r1; :: SE!"EN#E *
area#onfiguration-r1; Area#onfiguration-r1; (/TI(NAL-
logging>uration-r1; Logging>uration-r1;-
loggingInter:al-r1; LoggingInter:al-r1;
FarLog<eas#onfig-r11 :: SE!"EN#E *
area#onfiguration-r1; Area#onfiguration-r1; (/TI(NAL-
area#onfiguration-:111; Area#onfiguration-:111; (/TI(NAL-
logging>uration-r1; Logging>uration-r1;-
loggingInter:al-r1; LoggingInter:al-r1;
-- ASN1ST(/
D @ar1o"Meas#eport
The 43 variable :ar1oMeas!eport includes the loed measurements information.
5ar#ogMeas$eport UE varia3le
FarLog<easReport-r1; :: SE!"EN#E *
tra6eReferen6e-r1; Tra6eReferen6e-r1;-
tra6eRe6ordingSessionRef-r1; (#TET STRIN, $SI%E $.''-
t6e-Id-r1; (#TET STRIN, $SI%E $1''-
plmn-Identit+-r1; /L<N-Identit+-
a@soluteTimeInfo-r1; A@soluteTimeInfo-r1;-
log<easInfoList-r1; Log<easInfoList.-r1;
FarLog<easReport-r11 :: SE!"EN#E *
tra6eReferen6e-r1; Tra6eReferen6e-r1;-
tra6eRe6ordingSessionRef-r1; (#TET STRIN, $SI%E $.''-
t6e-Id-r1; (#TET STRIN, $SI%E $1''-
plmn-Identit+List-r11 /L<N-Identit+List1-r11-
a@soluteTimeInfo-r1; A@soluteTimeInfo-r1;-
log<easInfoList-r1; Log<easInfoList.-r1;
Log<easInfoList.-r1; :: SE!"EN#E $SI%E $1&&maxLog<eas-r1;'' () Log<easInfo-r1;
-- ASN1ST(/
D @arMeas$onfi"
The 43 variable :arMeas"onfi includes the accumulated confiuration of the measurements to be performed by the
43. coverin intraAfre;uency. interAfre;uency and interA0/T mobility related measurements.
'OT3I The amount of measurement confiuration information. which a 43 is re;uired to store. is specified in
subclause ,,.,. &f the number of fre;uencies confiured for a particular 0/T e(ceeds the minimum
performance re;uirements specified in K,=L. it is up to 43 implementation which fre;uencies of that 0/T
are measured. &f the total number of fre;uencies for all 0/Ts provided to the 43 in the measurement
confiuration e(ceeds the minimum performance re;uirements specified in K,=L. it is up to 43
implementation which fre;uenciesD0/Ts are measured.
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" *.$ Release $$
'ar6eas#onfi0 UE varia3le
Far<eas#onfig :: SE!"EN#E *
-- <easurement identities
measIdList <easIdToAdd<odList (/TI(NAL-
-- <easurement o@Ae6ts
meas(@Ae6tList <eas(@Ae6tToAdd<odList (/TI(NAL-
-- Reporting 6onfigurations
report#onfigList Report#onfigToAdd<odList (/TI(NAL-
-- (ther parameters
7uantit+#onfig !uantit+#onfig (/TI(NAL-
s-<easure INTE,ER $-13;&&-33' (/TI(NAL-
speedState/ars #?(I#E *
release N"LL-
setup SE!"EN#E *
mo@ilit+State/arameters <o@ilit+State/arameters-
timeToTrigger-S) SpeedStateS6ale)a6tors
5 (/TI(NAL
-- ASN1ST(/
D @arMeas#eport1ist
The 43 variable :arMeas!eport1ist includes information about the measurements for which the trierin conditions
have been met.
5arMeas$eport#ist UE varia3le
Far<easReportList :: SE!"EN#E $SI%E $1&&max<easId'' () Far<easReport
Far<easReport :: SE!"EN#E *
-- List of measurement that ha:e @een triggered
measId <easId-
6ellsTriggeredList #ellsTriggeredList (/TI(NAL-
num@er(fReportsSent INTE,ER
#ellsTriggeredList :: SE!"EN#E $SI%E $1&&max#ell<eas'' () #?(I#E *
ph+s#ellIdE"TRA /h+s#ellId-
ph+s#ellId"TRA #?(I#E *
fdd /h+s#ellId"TRA-)>>-
tdd /h+s#ellId"TRA-T>>
ph+s#ellId,ERAN SE!"EN#E *
6arrier)re7 #arrier)re7,ERAN-
ph+s#ellId /h+s#ellId,ERAN
ph+s#ellId#><A.;;; /h+s#ellId#><A.;;;
-- ASN1ST(/
D @ar#1+6#eport
The 43 variable :ar!1+4!eport includes the radio lin# failure information or handover failure information.
5ar$#%-$eport UE varia3le
FarRL)-Report-r1; :: SE!"EN#E *
rlf-Report-r1; RL)-Report-r2-
plmn-Identit+-r1; /L<N-Identit+
FarRL)-Report-r11 :: SE!"EN#E *
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" *.* Release $$
rlf-Report-r1; RL)-Report-r2-
plmn-Identit+List-r11 /L<N-Identit+List1-r11
-- ASN1ST(/
D @arShortM.$6Inp&t
The 43 variable :arS)ortM."4Inp$t specifies the input used to enerate the shortM/2A&.
5arShortM'C-"nput UE varia3le
FarShort<A#-Input :: SE!"EN#E *
6ellIdentit+ #ellIdentit+-
ph+s#ellId /h+s#ellId-
-- ASN1ST(/
5arShortM'C-"nput field descriptions
Set to *e""8de&tit5 o3 t$e !urre&t !e"".
Set to *-R)T8 t$at t$e U+ $ad i& t$e P*e"" it 1as !o&&e!ted to #rior to t$e 3ai"ure.
Set to t$e #$5si!a" !e"" ide&tit5 o3 t$e P*e"" t$e U+ 1as !o&&e!ted to #rior to t$e 3ai"ure.
D Mu"ti#"i!it5 a&d t5#e !o&strai&t de3i&itio&s
This section includes multiplicity and type constraints applicable (only) for 43 variables.
maxLog<eas-r1; INTE,ER :: 3;C;-- <aximum num@er of logged measurement entries
-- that 6an @e stored @+ the "E
-- ASN1ST(/
D +&d o3 ,-T#.6-,6@aria)les
-- ASN1ST(/
7.2 *ou&ters
#ounter Reset 8ncre2ented ?hen reachin0 2a: value
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" *.3 Release $$
7.3 Ti6ers (8&3or6ati7e)
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" *.+ Release $$
Ti2er Start Stop At e:pir4
T300 Tra&s6issio& o3
Re!e#tio& o3
##$$onnectionSet&p or
6essa2e, !e"" re-se"e!tio& a&d
u#o& a'ortio& o3 !o&&e!tio&
esta'"is$6e&t '5 u##er "a5ers
Per3or6 t$e a!tio&s as s#e!i3ied
T301 Tra&s6issio& o3
Re!e#tio& o3
t or
t#e'ect 6essa2e as 1e"" as
1$e& t$e se"e!ted !e"" 'e!o6es
Go to RR*@84+
T302 Re!e#tio& o3
1$i"e #er3or6i&2 RR*
!o&&e!tio& esta'"is$6e&t
U#o& e&teri&2
RR*@*?))+*T+4 a&d u#o&
!e"" re-se"e!tio&
8&3or6 u##er "a5ers a'out
'arri&2 a""e7iatio& as s#e!i3ied i&
T303 %!!ess 'arred 1$i"e
#er3or6i&2 RR*
!o&&e!tio& esta'"is$6e&t
3or 6o'i"e ori2i&ati&2
U#o& e&teri&2
RR*@*?))+*T+4 a&d u#o&
!e"" re-se"e!tio&
8&3or6 u##er "a5ers a'out
'arri&2 a""e7iatio& as s#e!i3ied i&
T304 Re!e#tio& o3
&ration 6essa2e
i&!"udi&2 t$e
Mo)ility$ontrol Info or
re!e#tio& o3
man( 6essa2e i&!"udi&2
*riterio& 3or su!!ess3u"
!o6#"etio& o3 $a&do7er 1it$i& +-
UTR%, $a&do7er to +-UTR% or
!e"" !$a&2e order is 6et (t$e
!riterio& is s#e!i3ied i& t$e tar2et
R%T i& !ase o3 i&ter-R%T)
8& !ase o3 !e"" !$a&2e order 3ro6
+-UTR% or i&tra +-UTR%
$a&do7er, i&itiate t$e RR*
!o&&e!tio& re-esta'"is$6e&t
#ro!edureH 8& !ase o3 $a&do7er
to +-UTR%, #er3or6 t$e a!tio&s
de3i&ed i& t$e s#e!i3i!atio&s
a##"i!a'"e 3or t$e sour!e R%T.
T305 %!!ess 'arred 1$i"e
#er3or6i&2 RR*
!o&&e!tio& esta'"is$6e&t
3or 6o'i"e ori2i&ati&2
U#o& e&teri&2
RR*@*?))+*T+4 a&d u#o&
!e"" re-se"e!tio&
8&3or6 u##er "a5ers a'out
'arri&2 a""e7iatio& as s#e!i3ied i&
T306 %!!ess 'arred 1$i"e
#er3or6i&2 RR*
!o&&e!tio& esta'"is$6e&t
3or 6o'i"e ori2i&ati&2 *S
U#o& e&teri&2
RR*@*?))+*T+4 a&d u#o&
!e"" re-se"e!tio&
8&3or6 u##er "a5ers a'out
'arri&2 a""e7iatio& as s#e!i3ied i&
T310 U#o& dete!ti&2 #$5si!a"
"a5er #ro'"e6s i.e. u#o&
re!ei7i&2 )310
!o&se!uti7e out-o3-s5&!
i&di!atio&s 3ro6 "o1er
U#o& re!ei7i&2 )311
!o&se!uti7e i&-s5&! i&di!atio&s
3ro6 "o1er "a5ers, u#o&
tri22eri&2 t$e $a&do7er
#ro!edure a&d u#o& i&itiati&2
t$e !o&&e!tio& re-esta'"is$6e&t
83 se!urit5 is &ot a!ti7ated, 2o to
RR*@84+ e"se, i&itiate t$e
!o&&e!tio& re-esta'"is$6e&t
T311 U#o& i&itiati&2 t$e RR*
!o&&e!tio& re-
esta'"is$6e&t #ro!edure
Se"e!tio& o3 a suita'"e +-UTR%
!e"" or a !e"" usi&2 a&ot$er R%T.
+&ter RR*@84+
T320 U#o& re!ei7i&2 t32 or
u#o& !e"" (re)se"e!tio& to
+-UTR% 3ro6 a&ot$er
R%T 1it$ 7a"idit5 ti6e
!o&3i2ured 3or dedi!ated
#riorities (i& 1$i!$ !ase
t$e re6ai&i&2 7a"idit5
ti6e is a##"ied).
U#o& e&teri&2
RR*@*?))+*T+4, 1$e&
PM) se"e!tio& is #er3or6ed o&
re9uest '5 )%S, or u#o& !e""
(re)se"e!tio& to a&ot$er R%T (i&
1$i!$ !ase t$e ti6er is !arried
o& to t$e ot$er R%T).
4is!ard t$e !e"" rese"e!tio&
#riorit5 i&3or6atio& #ro7ided '5
dedi!ated si2&a""i&2.
T321 U#o& re!ei7i&2
meas$onfi" i&!"udi&2 a
report$onfi" 1it$ t$e
p&rpose set to report$9I
U#o& a!9uiri&2 t$e i&3or6atio&
&eeded to set a"" 3ie"ds o3
cell9lo)alI( 3or t$e re9uested
!e"", u#o& re!ei7i&2 meas$onfi"
t$at i&!"udes re6o7a" o3 t$e
report$onfi" 1it$ t$e p&rpose
set to report$9I
8&itiate t$e 6easure6e&t
re#orti&2 #ro!edure, sto#
#er3or6i&2 t$e re"ated
6easure6e&ts a&d re6o7e t$e
!orres#o&di&2 measI(
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" *., Release $$
Ti2er Start Stop At e:pir4
T325 Ti6er (re)started u#o&
6essa2e 1it$
Sto# de#rioritisatio& o3 a""
3re9ue&!ies or +-UTR% si2&a""ed
'5 ##$$onnection#e'ect:
T330 U#o& re!ei7i&2
fi"&ration 6essa2e
U#o& "o2 7o"u6e e/!eedi&2 t$e
suita'"e U+ 6e6or5, u#o&
i&itiati&2 t$e re"ease o3
on #ro!edure
Per3or6 t$e a!tio&s s#e!i3ied i&
T340 U#o& tra&s6itti&2
6essa2e 1it$
po=er!refIn(ication set
to normal
U#o& i&itiati&2 t$e !o&&e!tio&
re-esta'"is$6e&t #ro!edure
)o a!tio&.
7.4 *o&sta&ts
#onstant Usa0e
)310 Ma/i6u6 &u6'er o3 !o&se!uti7e Tout-o3-s5&!T i&di!atio&s re!ei7ed 3ro6 "o1er "a5ers
)311 Ma/i6u6 &u6'er o3 !o&se!uti7e Ti&-s5&!T i&di!atio&s re!ei7ed 3ro6 "o1er "a5ers
< Proto!o" data u&it a'stra!t s5&ta/
<.1 Ge&era"
The 002 P94 contents in clause = and clause ,+ are described usin abstract synta( notation one (/"'.,) as specified
in &T4AT 0ec. N.=?+ K,3L and N.=?, K,-L. Transfer synta( for 002 P94s is derived from their /"'., definitions by
use of Pac#ed 3ncodin 0ules. unalined as specified in &T4AT 0ec. N.=@, K,:L.
The followin encodin rules apply in addition to what has been specified in N.=@,I
A <hen a bit strin value is placed in a bitAfield as specified in ,:.= to ,:.,, in N.=@,. the leadin bit of the bit
strin value shall be placed in the leadin bit of the bitAfield. and the trailin bit of the bit strin value shall be
placed in the trailin bit of the bitAfield.
'OT3I The terms $leadin bit$ and $trailin bit$ are defined in &T4AT 0ec. N.=?+. <hen usin the $bstrin$
notation. the leadin bit of the bit strin value is on the left. and the trailin bit of the bit strin value is on
the riht.
A <hen decodin types constrained with the /"'., 2ontents 2onstraint (M2O'T/&'&'GM). automatic decodin
of the contained type should not be performed because errors in the decodin of the contained type should not
cause the decodin of the entire 002 messae P94 to fail. &t is recommended that the decoder first decodes the
outer P94 type that contains the O2T3T "T0&'G or 1&T "T0&'G with the 2ontents 2onstraint. and then
decodes the contained type that is nested within the O2T3T "T0&'G or 1&T "T0&'G as a separate step.
A <hen decodin a) 002 messae P94s. b) 1&T "T0&'G constrained with a 2ontents 2onstraint. or c) O2T3T
"T0&'G constrained with a 2ontents 2onstraint. P30 decoders are re;uired to never report an error if there are
e(traneous !ero or nonA!ero bits at the end of the encoded 002 messae P94. 1&T "T0&'G or O2T3T
<.2 Stru!ture o3 e&!oded RR* 6essa2es
/n 002 P94. which is the bit strin that is e(chaned between peer entitiesD across the radio interface contains the
basic production as defined in N.=@,.
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" *.% Release $$
002 P94s shall be mapped to and from P92P "94s (in case of 922B) or 062 "94s (in case of P22B. 122B.
222B or M22B) upon transmission and reception as followsI
A when deliverin an 002 P94 as an P92P "94 to the P92P layer for transmission. the first bit of the 002
P94 shall be represented as the first bit in the P92P "94 and onwardsJ and
A when deliverin an 002 P94 as an 062 "94 to the 062 layer for transmission. the first bit of the 002 P94
shall be represented as the first bit in the 062 "94 and onwardsJ and
A upon reception of an P92P "94 from the P92P layer. the first bit of the P92P "94 shall represent the first bit
of the 002 P94 and onwardsJ and
A upon reception of an 062 "94 from the 062 layer. the first bit of the 062 "94 shall represent the first bit of
the 002 P94 and onwards.
<.3 ;asi! #rodu!tio&
The $basic production$ is obtained by applyin 4'/6&G'39 P30 to the abstract synta( value (the /"'., description)
as specified in N.=@,. &t always contains a multiple of ? bits.
<.4 +/te&sio&
The followin rules apply with respect to the use of protocol e(tensionsI
A / transmitter compliant with this version of the specification shall. unless e(plicitly indicated otherwise on a
P94 type basis. set the e(tension part empty. Transmitters compliant with a later version may send nonAempty
A / transmitter compliant with this version of the specification shall set spare bits to !eroJ
<.5 Paddi&2
&f the encoded 002 messae does not fill a transport bloc#. the 002 layer shall add paddin bits. This applies to P22B
and 122B.
Paddin bits shall be set to + and the number of paddin bits is a multiple of ?.

002 paddin
002 level
/"'., encoder
1asic production
1asic production (always a multiple of ? bits)
002 messae
002A P94
002A /"'.,
/i0ure -&,!$1 RR# level paddin0
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" *.( Release $$
. S#e!i3ied a&d de3au"t radio !o&3i2uratio&s
"pecified and default confiurations are confiurations of which the details are specified in the standard. "pecified
confiurations are fi(ed while default confiurations can be modified usin dedicated sinallin.
..1 S#e!i3ied !o&3i2uratio&s
..1.1 o2i!a" !$a&&e" !o&3i2uratio&s
..1.1.1 ;**= !o&3i2uratio&
Na2e 'alue Se2antics description 'er
P4*P !o&3i2uratio& )0%
R* !o&3i2uratio& TM
M%* !o&3i2uratio& TM
'OT3I 002 will perform paddin. if re;uired due to the ranularity of the T8 sinallin. as defined in ?.:.
..1.1.2 ***= !o&3i2uratio&
Na2e 'alue Se2antics description 'er
P4*P !o&3i2uratio& )0%
R* !o&3i2uratio& TM
M%* !o&3i2uratio& )or6a" M%* $eaders are used
o2i!a" !$a&&e" !o&3i2uratio&
priority 1 =i2$est #riorit5
prioritise(Bit#ate i&3i&it5
)&cketSiDe2&ration )0%
lo"ical$hannel9ro&p 0
lo"ical$hannelS#6Mask6r9 re"ease 7.20
..1.1.3 P**= !o&3i2uratio&
Na2e 'alue Se2antics description 'er
P4*P !o&3i2uratio& )0%
R* !o&3i2uratio& TM
M%* !o&3i2uratio& TM
'OT3I 002 will perform paddin. if re;uired due to the ranularity of the T8 sinallin. as defined in ?.:.
..1.1.4 M**= a&d MT*= !o&3i2uratio&
Na2e 'alue Se2antics description 'er
P4*P !o&3i2uratio& )0%
R* !o&3i2uratio& UM
Sn6+iel(1en"th siLe5
t6#eor(erin" 0
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" *.- Release $$
..1.2 SR; !o&3i2uratio&s
..1.2.1 SR;1
Na2e 'alue Se2antics description 'er
R* !o&3i2uratio&
lo"ical$hannelI(entity 1
..1.2.2 SR;2
Na2e 'alue Se2antics description 'er
R* !o&3i2uratio&
lo"ical$hannelI(entity 2
..2 4e3au"t radio !o&3i2uratio&s
The followin sections only list default values for 036A? parameters included in protocol version v?.:.+. 8or all fields
introduced in a later protocol version. the default value is MreleasedM unless e(plicitly specified otherwise. &f 43 is to
apply default confiuration while it is confiured with some critically e(tended fields. the 43 shall apply the oriinal
version with only default values. 8or the followin fields. introduced in a protocol version later than v?.:.+. the default
corresponds with Mvalue not applicableMI
A co&eBookS$'set!estriction40920J
A pmi4!I4!eportJ
'OT3 ,I Calue M'D/M indicates that the 43 does not apply a specific value (i.e. upon switchin to a default
confiuration. 3A4T0/' can not assume the 43 #eeps the previously confiured value). This implies
that 3A4T0/' needs to confiure a value before invo#in the related functionality.
'OT3 *I &n eneral. the sinallin should preferably support a MreleaseM option for fields introduced after v?.:.+.
The Mvalue not applicableM should be used restrictively. mainly limited to for fields which value is
relevant only if another field is set to a value other than its default.
..2.1 SR; !o&3i2uratio&s
..2.1.1 SR;1
Na2e 'alue Se2antics description 'er
R* !o&3i2uratio& *=?8*+ a6
o2i!a" !$a&&e" !o&3i2uratio&
priority 1 =i2$est #riorit5
prioritise(Bit#ate i&3i&it5
)&cketSiDe2&ration )0%
lo"ical$hannel9ro&p 0
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" *.. Release $$
..2.1.2 SR;2
Na2e 'alue Se2antics description 'er
R* !o&3i2uratio& *=?8*+ a6
o2i!a" !$a&&e" !o&3i2uratio&
priority 3
prioritise(Bit#ate i&3i&it5
)&cketSiDe2&ration )0%
lo"ical$hannel9ro&p 0
..2.2 4e3au"t M%* 6ai& !o&3i2uratio&
Na2e 'alue Se2antics description 'er
M%* 6ai& !o&3i2uratio&
ma*/.#<6t* &5
perio(icBS#6Timer i&3i&it5
ret*BS#6Timer s32560
ttiB&n(lin" (%S+
(r*6$onfi" re"ease
phr6$onfi" re"ease
..2.3 4e3au"t se6i-#ersiste&t s!$edu"i&2 !o&3i2uratio&
..2.4 4e3au"t #$5si!a" !$a&&e" !o&3i2uratio&
Na2e 'alue Se2antics description 'er
Gp6a d;0
G t((6.ck3ack+ee()ackMo(e
?&"5 7a"id 3or T44 6ode
G filter$oefficient
e&0 (disa'"ed)
tpc6p(cch6$onfi"!-$$/ re"ease
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" 3)) Release $$
Na2e 'alue Se2antics description 'er
tpc6p(cch6$onfi"!-S$/ re"ease
G $<I6#eport!erio(ic
G c%i6#eportMo(e.perio(ic
G nom!2S$/6#S6,!#,64ffset
So&n(in"#S6-16$onfi"2e(icate( re"ease
t61, t62
83 t$e &u6'er o3 P;*= a&te&&a #orts is
o&e, t61 is used as de3au"tH ot$er1ise
t62 is used as de3au"t
Sche(&lin"#e%&est$onfi" re"ease
..2.5 4e3au"t 7a"ues ti6ers a&d !o&sta&ts
Na2e 'alue Se2antics description 'er
t310 6s1000
&310 &1
t311 6s1000
&311 &1
10 Radio i&3or6atio& re"ated i&tera!tio&s 'et1ee&
&et1or> &odes
10.1 Ge&era"
This section specifies 002 messaes that are transferred between networ# nodes. These 002 messaes may be
transferred to or from the 43 via another 0adio /ccess Technoloy. 2onse;uently. these messaes have similar
characteristics as the 002 messaes that are transferred across the 3A4T0/ radio interface. i.e. the same transfer synta(
and protocol e(tension mechanisms apply.
10.2 8&ter-&ode RR* 6essa2es
10.2.1 Ge&era"
This section specifies 002 messaes that are sent either across the N*A or the ",Ainterface. either to or from the e'1.
i.e. a sinle $loical channel$ is used for all 002 messaes transferred across networ# nodes. The information could
oriinate from or be destined for another 0/T.
D ,-T#.6Inter3o(e2efinitions
This /"'., sement is the start of the 3A4T0/ interAnode P94 definitions.
E"TRA-InterNode>efinitions >E)INITI(NS A"T(<ATI# TA,S ::
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" 3)$ Release $$
)R(< E"TRA-RR#->efinitionsK
-- ASN1ST(/
10.2.2 Messa2e de3i&itio&s
D /an(o0er$omman(
This messae is used to transfer the handover command enerated by the taret e'1.
9irectionI taret e'1 to source e'1D source 0/'
+ano,erComman 2essa0e
?ando:er#ommand :: SE!"EN#E *
6riti6alExtensions #?(I#E *
61 #?(I#E*
hando:er#ommand-r= ?ando:er#ommand-r=-IEs-
spareB N"LL-
spareC N"LL- spareD N"LL- spare3 N"LL-
spare1 N"LL- spare. N"LL- spare1 N"LL
6riti6alExtensions)uture SE!"EN#E *5
?ando:er#ommand-r=-IEs :: SE!"EN#E *
hando:er#ommand<essage (#TET STRIN, $#(NTAININ, >L->##?-<essage'-
non#riti6alExtension SE!"EN#E *5 (/TI(NAL
-- ASN1ST(/
+ano,erComman field descriptions
*o&tai&s t$e e&tire 4-4**=-Messa2e i&!"udi&2 t$e ##$$onnection#econfi"&ration 6essa2e used to #er3or6
$a&do7er 1it$i& +-UTR%) or $a&do7er to +-UTR%), 2e&erated (e&tire"5) '5 t$e tar2et e);.
'OT3I The source 1"2. in case of interA0/T handover from G30/' to 3A4T0/'. e(pects that the
Bandover2ommand messae includes 96A922BAMessae only. Thus. critical3(tensions8uture. spare,A
spare> and non2ritical3(tension should not be used reardless whether the source 0/T is 3A4T0/'.
4T0/' or G30/'.
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" 3)* Release $$
D /an(o0er!reparationInformation
This messae is used to transfer the 3A4T0/ 002 information used by the taret e'1 durin handover preparation.
includin 43 capability information.
9irectionI source e'1D source 0/' to taret e'1
+ano,erPreparation"nformation 2essa0e
?ando:er/reparationInformation :: SE!"EN#E *
6riti6alExtensions #?(I#E *
61 #?(I#E*
hando:er/reparationInformation-r= ?ando:er/reparationInformation-r=-IEs-
spareB N"LL-
spareC N"LL- spareD N"LL- spare3 N"LL-
spare1 N"LL- spare. N"LL- spare1 N"LL
6riti6alExtensions)uture SE!"EN#E *5
?ando:er/reparationInformation-r=-IEs :: SE!"EN#E *
ue-RadioA66ess#apa@ilit+Info "E-#apa@ilit+RAT-#ontainerList-
as-#onfig AS-#onfig (/TI(NAL- -- #ond ?(
rrm-#onfig RR<-#onfig (/TI(NAL-
as-#ontext AS-#ontext (/TI(NAL- -- #ond ?(
non#riti6alExtension ?ando:er/reparationInformation-:2.;-IEs (/TI(NAL
?ando:er/reparationInformation-:2.;-IEs :: SE!"EN#E *
ue-#onfigRelease-r2 EN"<ERATE> *
rel2- rel1;- rel11- spareD- spare3- spare1-
spare.- spare1- &&&5 (/TI(NAL- -- #ond ?(.
non#riti6alExtension ?ando:er/reparationInformation-:2d;-IEs (/TI(NAL
?ando:er/reparationInformation-:2d;-IEs :: SE!"EN#E *
lateNon#riti6alExtension (#TET STRIN, (/TI(NAL-
non#riti6alExtension ?ando:er/reparationInformation-:2e;-IEs (/TI(NAL
?ando:er/reparationInformation-:2e;-IEs :: SE!"EN#E *
as-#onfig-:2e; AS-#onfig-:2e; (/TI(NAL- -- #ond ?(.
non#riti6alExtension ?ando:er/reparationInformation-:111;-IEs (/TI(NAL
?ando:er/reparationInformation-:111;-IEs :: SE!"EN#E *
as-#ontext-:111; AS-#ontext-:111; (/TI(NAL- -- #ond ?(.
non#riti6alExtension SE!"EN#E *5 (/TI(NAL
-- ASN1ST(/
+ano,erPreparation"nformation field descriptions
T$e radio resour!e !o&3i2uratio&. %##"i!a'"e i& !ase o3 i&tra-+-UTR% $a&do7er. 83 t$e tar2et re!ei7es a& i&!o6#"ete
Meas$onfi" a&d #a(io#eso&rce$onfi"2e(icate( i& t$e as6$onfi", t$e tar2et e); 6a5 de!ide to a##"5 t$e 3u""
!o&3i2uratio& o#tio& 'ased o& t$e &e6$onfi"#elease.
o!a" +-UTR%) !o&te/t re9uired '5 t$e tar2et e);.
o!a" +-UTR%) !o&te/t used de#e&di&2 o& t$e tar2et &odeMs i6#"e6e&tatio&, 1$i!$ is 6ai&"5 used 3or t$e RRM
8&di!ates t$e RR* #roto!o" re"ease a##"i!a'"e 3or t$e !urre&t U+ !o&3i2uratio&. T$is !ou"d 'e used '5 tar2et e); to
de!ide i3 t$e 3u"" !o&3i2uratio& a##roa!$ s$ou"d 'e used. 83 t$is 3ie"d is &ot #rese&t, t$e tar2et assu6es t$at t$e !urre&t
U+ !o&3i2uratio& is 'ased o& t$e re"ease < 7ersio& o3 RR* #roto!o". )?T+ 1.
)?T+ 2
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" 3)3 Release $$
'OT3 ,I The source typically sets the $e4"onfi!elease to the release correspondin with the current dedicated
radio confiuration. The source may however also consider the common radio resource confiuration e..
in case interoperability problems would appear if the 43 temporary continues e(tensions of this part of
the confiuration in a taret P2ell not supportin them.
'OT3 *I The followin table indicates per source 0/T whether 0/T capabilities are included or not.
Source RAT E!UTRA capa3ilites UTRA capa3ilities GERAN capa3ilities
UTR%) 8&!"uded Ma5 'e i&!"uded, i2&ored '5
e); i3 re!ei7ed
Ma5 'e i&!"uded
G+R%) *S +/!"uded Ma5 'e i&!"uded, i2&ored '5
e); i3 re!ei7ed
G+R%) PS +/!"uded Ma5 'e i&!"uded, i2&ored '5
e); i3 re!ei7ed
#onditional presence E:planation
/4 T$e 3ie"d is 6a&dator5 #rese&t i& !ase o3 $a&do7er 1it$i& +-UTR%H ot$er1ise t$e 3ie"d is
&ot #rese&t.
/42 T$e 3ie"d is o#tio&a" #rese&t i& !ase o3 $a&do7er 1it$i& +-UTR%H ot$er1ise t$e 3ie"d is &ot
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" 3)+ Release $$
D -,#a(io.ccess$apa)ilityInformation
This messae is used to transfer 43 radio access capability information. coverin both upload to and download from the
9irectionI e'1 toD from 3P2
U-$aio'ccessCapa!ility"nformation 2essa0e
"ERadioA66ess#apa@ilit+Information :: SE!"EN#E *
6riti6alExtensions #?(I#E *
61 #?(I#E*
spareB N"LL-
spareC N"LL- spareD N"LL- spare3 N"LL-
spare1 N"LL- spare. N"LL- spare1 N"LL
6riti6alExtensions)uture SE!"EN#E *5
"ERadioA66ess#apa@ilit+Information-r=-IEs :: SE!"EN#E *
ue-RadioA66ess#apa@ilit+Info (#TET STRIN, $#(NTAININ, "E#apa@ilit+Information'-
non#riti6alExtension SE!"EN#E *5 (/TI(NAL
-- ASN1ST(/
U-$aio'ccessCapa!ility"nformation field descriptions
8&!"udi&2 +-UTR%, G+R%), a&d *4M%2000-1/RTT ;a&d!"ass radio a!!ess !a#a'i"ities (se#arated). UTR% radio
a!!ess !a#a'i"ities are &ot i&!"uded.
10.3 8&ter-&ode RR* i&3or6atio& e"e6e&t de3i&itio&s
D .S6$onfi"
The .S4"onfi &3 contains information about 002 confiuration information in the source e'1 which can be utili!ed
by taret e'1 to determine the need to chane the 002 confiuration durin the handover preparation phase. The
information can also be used after the handover is successfully performed or durin the 002 connection reA
'S-Config infor2ation ele2ent
AS-#onfig :: SE!"EN#E *
sour6e<eas#onfig <eas#onfig-
sour6eRadioResour6e#onfig RadioResour6e#onfig>edi6ated-
sour6eSe6urit+Algorithm#onfig Se6urit+Algorithm#onfig-
sour6e"E-Identit+ #-RNTI-
sour6e<asterInformation8lo69 <asterInformation8lo69-
sour6eS+stemInformation8lo69T+pe1 S+stemInformation8lo69T+pe1$GIT? #(</(NENTS
*&&&- non#riti6alExtension A8SENT5'-
sour6eS+stemInformation8lo69T+pe. S+stemInformation8lo69T+pe.-
antennaInfo#ommon AntennaInfo#ommon-
sour6e>l-#arrier)re7 AR)#N-FalueE"TRA-
00 sour6eS+stemInformation8lo69T+pe1Ext (#TET STRIN, $#(NTAININ,
S+stemInformation8lo69T+pe1-:=2;-IEs' (/TI(NAL-
sour6e(ther#onfig-r2 (ther#onfig-r2
-- sour6e(ther#onfig-r2 should ha:e @een optional& A target eN8 6ompliant with this transfer
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" 3), Release $$
-- s+ntax should support re6ei:ing an AS-#onfig not in6luding this extension addition group
-- e&g& from a lega6+ sour6e eN8
00 sour6eS#ell#onfigList-r1; S#ellToAdd<odList-r1; (/TI(NAL
AS-#onfig-:2e; :: SE!"EN#E *
sour6e>l-#arrier)re7-:2e; AR)#N-FalueE"TRA-:2e;
-- ASN1ST(/
'OT3I The .S4"onfi reAuses information elements primarily created to cover the radio interface sinallin
re;uirements. 2onse;uently. the information elements may include some parameters that are not relevant
for the taret e'1 e.. the "8' as included in the MasterInformationBlock.
'S-Config field descriptions
T$is 3ie"d #ro7ides i&3or6atio& a'out t$e &u6'er o3 a&te&&a #orts i& t$e sour!e P*e"".
Pro7ides t$e #ara6eter 4o1&"i&> +%R(*) i& t$e sour!e P*e"", see TS 36.101 E42F. 83 t$e sour!e e); #ro7ides .S6
$onfi"609e, it sets so&rce2l6$arrier+re% (i.e. 1it$out su33i/) to ma*,.#+$3.
Pro7ides ot$er !o&3i2uratio& i& t$e sour!e P*e"".
MasterInformationBlock tra&s6itted i& t$e sour!e P*e"".
Measure6e&t !o&3i2uratio& i& t$e sour!e !e"". T$e 6easure6e&t !o&3i2uratio& 3or a"" 6easure6e&ts e/isti&2 i& t$e
sour!e e); 1$e& $a&do7er is tri22ered s$a"" 'e i&!"uded. See 10.5.
Radio !o&3i2uratio& i& t$e sour!e P*e"". T$e radio resour!e !o&3i2uratio& 3or a"" radio 'earers e/isti&2 i& t$e sour!e
P*e"" 1$e& $a&do7er is tri22ered s$a"" 'e i&!"uded. See 10.5.
Radio resour!e !o&3i2uratio& (!o66o& a&d dedi!ated) o3 t$e S*e""s !o&3i2ured i& t$e sour!e e);.
T$is 3ie"d #ro7ides t$e %S i&te2rit5 #rote!tio& (SR;s) a&d %S !i#$eri&2 (SR;s a&d 4R;s) a"2orit$6 !o&3i2uratio& used
i& t$e sour!e P*e"".
SystemInformationBlockType1 tra&s6itted i& t$e sour!e P*e"".
SystemInformationBlockType2 tra&s6itted i& t$e sour!e P*e"".
D .S6$onte*t
The &3 .S4"onte*t is used to transfer local 3A4T0/' conte(t re;uired by the taret e'1.
'S-Conte.t infor2ation ele2ent
AS-#ontext :: SE!"EN#E *
reesta@lishmentInfo Reesta@lishmentInfo (/TI(NAL -- #ond ?(
AS-#ontext-:111; :: SE!"EN#E *
id6-Indi6ation-r11 (#TET STRIN, $#(NTAININ,
In>e:i6e#oexIndi6ation-r11' (/TI(NAL- -- #ond ?(.
m@msInterestIndi6ation-r11 (#TET STRIN, $#(NTAININ,
<8<SInterestIndi6ation-r11' (/TI(NAL- -- #ond ?(.
power/refIndi6ation-r11 (#TET STRIN, $#(NTAININ,
"EAssistan6eInformation-r11' (/TI(NAL- -- #ond ?(.
-- ASN1ST(/
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" 3)% Release $$
'S-Conte.t field descriptions
8&!"udi&2 i&3or6atio& used 3or $a&d"i&2 t$e 84* #ro'"e6s.
8&!"udi&2 i&3or6atio& &eeded 3or t$e RR* !o&&e!tio& re-esta'"is$6e&t.
#onditional presence E:planation
/4 T$e 3ie"d is 6a&dator5 #rese&t i& !ase o3 $a&do7er 1it$i& +-UTR%H ot$er1ise t$e 3ie"d is
&ot #rese&t.
/42 T$e 3ie"d is o#tio&a" #rese&t i& !ase o3 $a&do7er 1it$i& +-UTR%H ot$er1ise t$e 3ie"d is &ot
D #eesta)lishmentInfo
The !eesta'lis)mentInfo &3 contains information needed for the 002 connection reAestablishment.
$eesta!lishment"nfo infor2ation ele2ent
Reesta@lishmentInfo :: SE!"EN#E *
sour6e/h+s#ellId /h+s#ellId-
target#ellShort<A#-I Short<A#-I-
additionalReesta@InfoList AdditionalReesta@InfoList (/TI(NAL-
AdditionalReesta@InfoList :: SE!"EN#E $ SI%E $1&&maxReesta@Info' ' () AdditionalReesta@Info
AdditionalReesta@Info :: SE!"EN#E*
6ellIdentit+ #ellIdentit+-
9e+-eNode8-Star Ie+-eNode8-Star-
short<A#-I Short<A#-I
Ie+-eNode8-Star :: 8IT STRIN, $SI%E $.DC''
-- ASN1ST(/
$eesta!lishment"nfo fiel escriptions
*o&tai&s a "ist o3 s$ortM%*-8 a&d Ne);J 3or !e""s u&der !o&tro" o3 t$e tar2et e);, re9uired 3or #ote&tia" re-
esta'"is$6e&t '5 t$e U+ i& t$ese !e""s to su!!eed.
Para6eter Ne);J, See TS 33.401 E32, 7.2.<.4F. 83 t$e !e"" ide&ti3ied '5 cellI(entity 'e"o&2s to 6u"ti#"e 3re9ue&!5
'a&ds, t$e sour!e e); se"e!ts t$e 4-+%R(*) 3or t$e Ne);J !a"!u"atio& usi&2 t$e sa6e "o2i! as U+ uses 1$e&
se"e!ti&2 t$e 4-+%R(*) i& 84+ as de3i&ed i& se!tio& 6.2.2. T$is #ara6eter is o&"5 used 3or I2 $a&do7er, a&d 3or
S1 $a&do7er, it s$a"" 'e i2&ored '5 tar2et e);.
T$e #$5si!a" !e"" ide&tit5 o3 t$e sour!e P*e"", used to deter6i&e t$e U+ !o&te/t i& t$e tar2et e); at re-esta'"is$6e&t.
T$e S$ortM%*-8 3or t$e $a&do7er tar2et P*e"", i& order 3or #ote&tia" re-esta'"is$6e&t to su!!eed.
D ##M6$onfi"
The !!M4"onfi &3 contains information about 43 specific 00M information before the handover which can be
utili!ed by taret e'1.
$$M-Config infor2ation ele2ent
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" 3)( Release $$
RR<-#onfig :: SE!"EN#E *
ue-Ina6ti:eTime EN"<ERATE> *
s1- s.- s1- sD- sB- s1;- s1D- s.;-
s.D- s1;- s3;- sD;- min1- min1s.;6- min1s3;-
min.- min.s1;- min1- min1s1;- min3- minD- minC-
minB- min=- min2- min1;- min1.- min13- min1B- min.;-
min.3- min.=- min11- min1=- min33- minD;- hr1-
hr1min1;- hr.- hr.min1;- hr1- hr1min1;- hr3- hrD- hrC-
hr=- hr1;- hr11- hr1C- hr.;- da+1- da+1hr1.- da+.-
da+.hr1.- da+1- da+3- da+D- da+B- da+1;- da+13- da+12-
da+.3- da+1;- da+<oreThan1;5 (/TI(NAL-
00 6andidate#ellInfoList-r1; #andidate#ellInfoList-r1; (/TI(NAL
#andidate#ellInfoList-r1; :: SE!"EN#E $SI%E $1&&max)re7'' () #andidate#ellInfo-r1;
#andidate#ellInfo-r1; :: SE!"EN#E *
-- 6ellIdentifi6ation
ph+s#ellId-r1; /h+s#ellId-
dl-#arrier)re7-r1; AR)#N-FalueE"TRA-
-- a:aila@le measurement results
rsrpResult-r1; RSR/-Range (/TI(NAL-
rsr7Result-r1; RSR!-Range (/TI(NAL-
00 dl-#arrier)re7-:1;2; AR)#N-FalueE"TRA-:2e; (/TI(NAL
-- ASN1ST(/
$$M-Config field descriptions
% "ist o3 t$e 'est !e""s o& ea!$ 3re9ue&!5 3or 1$i!$ 6easure6e&t i&3or6atio& 1as a7ai"a'"e, i& order o3 de!reasi&2
T$e sour!e i&!"udes (l6$arrier+re%6019 i3 a&d o&"5 i3 (l6$arrier+re%6r1 is set to ma*,.#+$3.
4uratio& 1$i"e U+ $as &ot re!ei7ed or tra&s6itted a&5 user data. T$us t$e ti6er is sti"" ru&&i&2 i& !ase e.2., U+
6easures t$e &ei2$'our !e""s 3or t$e =? #ur#ose. Va"ue s1 !orres#o&ds to 1 se!o&d, s2 !orres#o&ds to 2 se!o&ds
a&d so o&. Va"ue 6i&1 !orres#o&ds to 1 6i&ute, 7a"ue 6i&1s20 !orres#o&ds to 1 6i&ute a&d 20 se!o&ds, 7a"ue
6i&1s40 !orres#o&ds to 1 6i&ute a&d 40 se!o&ds a&d so o&. Va"ue $r1 !orres#o&ds to 1 $our, $r16i&30 !orres#o&ds
to 1 $our a&d 30 6i&utes a&d so o&.
10.4 8&ter-&ode RR* 6u"ti#"i!it5 a&d t5#e !o&strai&t 7a"ues
D Mu"ti#"i!it5 a&d t5#e !o&strai&ts de3i&itio&s
maxReesta@Info INTE,ER :: 1. -- <aximum num@er of IeN8L and short<A#-I forwarded
-- at hando:er for re-esta@lishment preparation
-- ASN1ST(/
D +&d o3 ,-T#.6Inter3o(e2efinitions
-- ASN1ST(/
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" 3)- Release $$
10.5 Ma&dator5 i&3or6atio& i& .S6$onfi"
The .S4"onfi transferred between source e'1 and taretAe'1 shall include all &3s necessary to describe the /"
conte(t. The conditional presence in section = is only applicable for e'1 to 43 communication.
The MneedM or McondM statements are not applied in case of sendin the &3s from source e'1 to taret e'1. "ome
information elements shall be included reardless of the MneedM or McondM e.. &iscar&Timer. The .S4"onfi reAuses
information elements primarily created to cover the radio interface sinallin re;uirements. The information elements
may include some parameters that are not relevant for the taret e'1 e.. the "8' as included in the
/ll the fields in the .S4"onfi as defined in ,+.3 that are introduced after v@.*.+ and that are optional for e'1 to 43
communication shall be included. if the functionality is confiured. The fields in the .S4"onfi that are defined before
and includin v@.*.+ shall be included as specified in the followin.
<ithin the so$rce!a&io!eso$rce"onfi@ so$rceMeas"onfi and so$rce=t)er"onfi. the source e'1 shall include fields
that are optional for e'1 to 43 communication. if the functionality is confiured unless e(plicitly specified otherwise
in the followinI
A in accordance with a condition that is e(plicitly stated to be applicableJ or
A a default value is defined for the concerned fieldJ and the confiured value is the same as the default value that is
definedJ or
A the need of the field is OP and the current 43 confiuration corresponds with the behaviour defined for absence
of the fieldJ
The followin fields. if the functionality is confiured. are not mandatory for the source e'1 to include in the .S4
"onfi since delta sinallin by the taret e'1 for these fields is not supportedI
8or the measurement confiuration. a correspondin operation as :.:.=., and :.:.*.*a is e(ecuted by taret e'1.
11 U+ !a#a'i"it5 re"ated !o&strai&ts a&d #er3or6a&!e
11.1 U+ !a#a'i"it5 re"ated !o&strai&ts
The followin table lists constraints reardin the 43 capabilities that 3A4T0/' is assumed to ta#e into account.
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" 3). Release $$
Para2eter 7escription 'alue
K4R;s T$e &u6'er o3 4R;s t$at a U+ s$a"" su##ort <
KR*-%M T$e &u6'er o3 R* %M e&tities t$at a U+ s$a"" su##ort 10
T$e 6i&i6u6 &u6'er o3 &ei2$'our !e""s (e/!"udi&2 '"a!> "ist
!e""s) t$at a U+ s$a"" 'e a'"e to store 1it$i& a
Meas?'Ae!t+UTR%. )?T+.
T$e 6i&i6u6 &u6'er o3 '"a!>"ist !e"" P*8 ra&2es t$at a U+
s$a"" 'e a'"e to store 1it$i& a Meas?'Ae!t+UTR%
T$e 6i&i6u6 &u6'er o3 &ei2$'our !e""s t$at a U+ s$a"" 'e a'"e
to store 1it$i& a Meas?'Ae!tUTR%. )?T+.
T$e 6i&i6u6 &u6'er o3 &ei2$'our !e""s t$at a U+ s$a"" 'e a'"e
to store 1it$i& a 6eas?'Ae!tG+R%). )?T+.
T$e 6i&i6u6 &u6'er o3 &ei2$'our !e""s t$at a U+ s$a"" 'e a'"e
to store 1it$i& a 6eas?'Ae!t*4M%2000. )?T+.
K6i&*e""Tota" T$e 6i&i6u6 &u6'er o3 &ei2$'our !e""s (e/!"udi&2 '"a!> "ist
!e""s) t$at U+ s$a"" 'e a'"e to store i& tota" i& a"" 6easure6e&t
o'Ae!ts !o&3i2ured
)?T+, 8& !ase o3 *G8 re#orti&2, t$e "i6it re2ardi&2 t$e !e""s +-UTR%) !a& !o&3i2ure i&!"udes t$e !e"" 3or
1$i!$ t$e U+ is re9uested to re#ort *G8 i.e. t$e a6ou&t o3 &ei2$'our !e""s t$at !a& 'e i&!"uded is at
6ost (K 6i&*e""#erMeas?'Ae!tR%T - 1), 1$ere R%T re#rese&ts +UTR%0UTR%0G+R%)0*4M%2000
11.2 Pro!essi&2 de"a5 re9uire6e&ts 3or RR* #ro!edures
The 43 performance re;uirements for 002 procedures are specified in the followin table. by means of a value 'I
' Q the number of ,ms subframes from the end of reception of the 3A4T0/' AO 43 messae on the 43 physical layer
up to when the 43 shall be ready for the reception of uplin# rant for the 43 AO 3A4T0/' response messae with no
access delay other than the TT&Aalinment (e.. e(cludin delays caused by schedulin. the random access procedure or
physical layer synchronisation).
'OT3I 'o processin delay re;uirements are specified for 0'Aspecific procedures.
/i0ure $$&*!$1 8llustration of RR# procedure dela4
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" 3$) Release $$
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" 3$$ Release $$
Procedure title1 E!UTRAN !@ UE UE !@ E!UTRAN N Notes
RR# #onnection #ontrol Procedures
RR* !o&&e!tio&
RR* !o&&e!tio&
RR* !o&&e!tio& re-
!o&3i2uratio& (radio
resour!e !o&3i2uratio&)
RR* !o&&e!tio& re-
RR* !o&&e!tio& re-
!o&3i2uratio& (i&tra-
T+ 6o'i"it5)
RR* !o&&e!tio&
re!o&3i2uratio& (S*e""
RR* !o&&e!tio& re-
8&itia" se!urit5
8&itia" se!urit5
a!ti7atio& - RR*
!o&&e!tio& re-
!o&3i2uratio& (R;
20 T$e t1o 4 6essa2es are
tra&s6itted i& t$e sa6e TT8
Pa2i&2 !a"in" )%
8nter RAT 2o3ilit4
=a&do7er to +-UTR% ##$$onnection#eco
nfi"&ration >sent )y
other #.T?
)% T$e #er3or6a&!e o3 t$is
#ro!edure is s#e!i3ied i&
E50F i& !ase o3 $a&do7er
3ro6 GSM a&d E2.F, E30F i&
!ase o3 $a&do7er 3ro6
=a&do7er 3ro6 +-
)% T$e #er3or6a&!e o3 t$is
#ro!edure is s#e!i3ied i&
=a&do7er 3ro6 +-
UTR% to *4M%2000
)% Used to tri22er t$e
$a&do7er #re#aratio&
#ro!edure 1it$ a
*4M%2000 R%T.
T$e #er3or6a&!e o3 t$is
#ro!edure is s#e!i3ied i&
6easure2ent procedures
Meas&rement#eport )%
Ather procedures
U+ !a#a'i"it5 tra&s3er -,$apa)ility,n%&iry -,$apa)ilityInformation 10
*ou&ter !$e!> $o&nter$heck $o&nter$heck#esponse 10
Pro/i6it5 i&di!atio& !ro*imityIn(ication )%
U+ i&3or6atio& -,Information#e%&e
-,Information#esponse 15
M;MS !ou&ti&2 MBMS$o&ntin"#e%&
MBMS$o&ntin"#esponse )%
M;MS i&terest
MBMSInterestIn(ication )%
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" 3$* Release $$
Procedure title1 E!UTRAN !@ UE UE !@ E!UTRAN N Notes
8&-de7i!e !oe/iste&!e
In2e0ice$oe*In(ication )%
U+ assista&!e
-,.ssistanceInformation )%
11.3 Void
%&&e/ % (i&3or6ati7e),
Guide"i&es, 6ai&"5 o& use o3 %S).1
3ditor$s note 'o areements have been reached concernin the e(tension of 002 P94s so far. /ny statements in
this section about the protocol e(tension mechanism should be considered as 88".
%.1 8&trodu!tio&
The followin clauses contain uidelines for the specification of 002 protocol data units (P94s) with /"'.,.
%.2 Pro!edura" s#e!i3i!atio&
%.2.1 Ge&era" #ri&!i#"es
The procedural specification provides an overall hih level description reardin the 43 behaviour in a particular
&t should be noted that most of the 43 behaviour associated with the reception of a particular field is covered by the
applicable parts of the P94 specification. The procedural specification may also include specific details of the 43
behaviour upon reception of a field. but typically this should be done only for cases that are not easy to capture in the
P94 section e.. eneral actions. more complicated actions dependin on the value of multiple fields.
6i#ewise. the procedural specification need not specify the 43 re;uirements reardin the settin of fields within the
messaes that are send to 3A4T0/' i.e. this may also be covered by the P94 specification.
%.2.2 More detai"ed as#e!ts
The followin more detailed conventions should be usedI
A 1ulletsI
A 2apitals should be used in the same manner as in other parts of the procedural te(t i.e. in most cases no
capital applies since the bullets are part of the sentence startin with $The 43 shallI$
A /ll bullets. includin the last one in a subAclause. should end with a semiAcolon i.e. an $J$
A 2onditions
A <henever multiple conditions apply. a semiAcolon should be used at the end of each conditions with the
e(ception of the last one. i.e. as in $if cond,J or cond*I
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" 3$3 Release $$
%.3 P4U s#e!i3i!atio&
%.3.1 Ge&era" #ri&!i#"es
%.3.1.1 %S).1 se!tio&s
The 002 P94 contents are formally and completely described usin abstract synta( notation (/"'.,). see N.=?+ K,3L.
N.=?, (+*D*++*) K,-L.
The complete /"'., code is divided into a number of /"'., sections in the specifications. &n order to facilitate the
e(traction of the complete /"'., code from the specification. each /"'., section beins with a te(t pararaph
consistin entirely of an .S3?1 start ta. which consists of a double hyphen followed by a sinle space and the te(t
strin M/"',"T/0TM (in all upper case letters). 3ach /"'., section ends with a te(t pararaph consistin entirely of
an .S3?1 stop ta. which consists of a double hyphen followed by a sinle space and the te(t M/"',"TOPM (in all
upper case letters)I
-- ASN1ST(/
The te(t pararaphs containin the /"'., start and stop tas should not contain any /"'., code sinificant for the
complete description of the 002 P94 contents. The complete /"'., code may be e(tracted by copyin all the te(t
pararaphs between an /"'., start ta and the followin /"'., stop ta in the order they appear. throuhout the
'OT3I / typical procedure for e(traction of the complete /"'., code consists of a first step where the entire
002 P94 contents description (ultimately the entire specification) is saved into a plain te(t (/"2&&) file
format. followed by a second step where the actual e(traction ta#es place. based on the occurrence of the
/"'., start and stop tas.
%.3.1.2 %S).1 ide&ti3ier &a6i&2 !o&7e&tio&s
The namin of identifiers (i.e.. the /"'., field and type identifiers) should be based on the followin uidelinesI
A Messae (P94) identifiers should be ordinary mi(ed case without hyphenation. These identifiers. e??. the
!!""onnectionMo&ification"omman&. should be used for reference in the procedure te(t. /bbreviated forms of
these identifiers should not be used.
A Type identifiers other than P94 identifiers should be ordinary mi(ed case. with hyphenation used to set off
acronyms only where an adjacent letter is a capital. e??. ,sta'lis)ment"a$se@ Selecte&P1M3 (not Selecte&4
P1M3. since the MdM in M"electedM is lowercase)@ Initial-,4I&entity and MeasS+34S+34Time2ifference.
A 8ield identifiers shall start with a lowercase letter and use mi(ed case thereafter. e??. esta'lis)ment"a$se. &f a
field identifier beins with an acronym (which would normally be in upper case). the entire acronym is
lowercase (plmn4I&entity. not p1M34I&entity). The acronym is set off with a hyphen ($e4I&entity. not $eI&entity).
in order to facilitate a consistent search pattern with correspondin type identifiers.
A &dentifiers that are li#ely to be #eywords of some lanuae. especially widely used lanuaes. such as 2RR or
Xava. should be avoided to the e(tent possible.
A &dentifiers. other than P94 identifiers. loner than *: characters should be avoided where possible. &t is
recommended to use abbreviations. which should be done in a consistent manner i.e. use $Meas$ instead of
$Measurement$ for all occurrences. 3(amples of typical abbreviations are iven in table /.3.,.*.,A, below.
A +or f$t$re e*tensionC <hen an e(tension is introduced a suffi( is added to the identifier of the concerned /"'.,
field andD or type. / suffi( of the form MArNM is used. with N indicatin the release. for /"'., fields or types
introduced in a later release (i.e. a release later than the oriinalD first release of the protocol) as well as for
/"'., fields or types for which a revision is introduced in a later release replacin a previous version. e??. +oo4
r9 for the 0elA@ version of the /"'., type +oo. / suffi( of the form MAvN\]M is used for /"'., fields or types
that only are an e(tension of a correspondin earlier field or type (see subAclause /.-). e... .n,lement4010'0 for
the e(tension of the /"'., type .n,lement introduced in version ,+.,,.+ of the specification. / number 0???9@
10@ 11@ etc? is used to represent the first part of the version number. indicatin the release of the protocol. 6ower
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" 3$+ Release $$
case letters a@ '@ c@ etc? are used to represent the second (and third) part of the version number if they are reater
than @. &n the procedural specification. in field descriptions as well as in headins suffices are not used. unless
there is a clear need to distinuish the e(tension from the oriinal field.
A More enerally. in case there is a need to distinuish different variants of an /"'., field or &3. a suffi( should be
added at the end of the identifiers e.. Meas='%ect-T!.. "onfi"ommon. <hen there is no particular need to
distinuish the fields (e.. because the field is included in different &3s). a common field identifier name may be
used. This may be attractive e.. in case the procedural specification is the same for the different variants.
Ta3le A&3&$&*!$1 E:a2ples of t4pical a33reviations used in ASN&$ identifiers
A33reviation A33reviated word
*o&3 *o&3ir6atio&
*o&3i2 *o&3i2uratio&
4 4o1&"i&>
+/t +/te&sio&
(re9 (re9ue&!5
8d 8de&tit5
8&d 8&di!atio&
8&3o 8&3or6atio&
Meas Measure6e&t
)ei2$ )ei2$'our(i&2)
Para6(s) Para6eter(s)
Persist Persiste&t
P$5s P$5si!a"
Pro! Pro!ess
Reesta' Reesta'"is$6e&t
Re9 Re9uest
S!$ed S!$edu"i&2
T$res$ T$res$o"d
Tra&s6 Tra&s6issio&
U U#"i&>
'OT3I The table /.3.,.*.,A, is not e(haustive. /dditional abbreviations may be used in /"'., identifiers when
%.3.1.3 Te/t re3ere&!es usi&2 %S).1 ide&ti3iers
/ te(t reference into the 002 P94 contents description from other parts of the specification is made usin the /"'.,
field or type identifier of the referenced element. The /"'., field and type identifiers used in te(t references should be
in the italic font style. The Mdo not chec# spellin and rammarM attribute in <ord should be set. Fuotation mar#s (i.e..
M M) should not be used around the /"'., field or type identifier.
/ reference to an 002 P94 type should be made usin the correspondin /"'., type identifier followed by the word
MmessaeM. e... a reference to the !!""onnection!elease messae.
/ reference to a specific part of an 002 P94. or to a specific part of any other /"'., type. should be made usin the
correspondin /"'., field identifier followed by the word MfieldM. e... a reference to the prioritise&Bit!ate field in the
e(ample below.
-- /example/ ASN1START
Logi6al#hannel#onfig :: SE!"EN#E *
ul-Spe6ifi6/arameters SE!"EN#E *
priorit+ /riorit+-
prioritised8itRate /rioritised8itRate-
@u69etSiHe>uration 8u69etSiHe>uration-
logi6al#hannel,roup INTE,ER $;&&1'
5 (/TI(NAL
-- ASN1ST(/
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" 3$, Release $$
'OT3I /ll the /"'., start tas in the /"'., sections. used as e(amples in this anne( to the specification. are
deliberately distorted. in order not to include them when the /"'., description of the 002 P94 contents
is e(tracted from the specification.
/ reference to a specific type of information element should be made usin the correspondin /"'., type identifier
preceded by the acronym M&3M. e... a reference to the &3 1oical")annel"onfi in the e(ample above.
0eferences to a specific type of information element should only be used when those are eneric. i.e.. without reard to
the particular conte(t wherein the specific type of information element is used. &f the reference is related to a particular
conte(t. e... an 002 P94 type (messae) wherein the information element is used. the correspondin field identifier in
that conte(t should be used in the te(t reference.
/ reference to a specific value of an /"'., field should be made usin the correspondin /"'., value without usin
;uotation mar#s around the /"'., value. e... $if the stat$s field is set to value tr$e$.
%.3.2 =i2$-"e7e" 6essa2e stru!ture
<ithin each loical channel type. the associated 002 P94 (messae) types are alternatives within a 2BO&23. as
shown in the e(ample below.
-- /example/ ASN1START
>L->##?-<essage :: SE!"EN#E *
message >L->##?-<essageT+pe
>L->##?-<essageT+pe :: #?(I#E *
61 #?(I#E *
dlInformationTransfer >LInformationTransfer-
hando:er)romE"TRA/reparationRe7uest ?ando:er)romE"TRA/reparationRe7uest-
mo@ilit+)romE"TRA#ommand <o@ilit+)romE"TRA#ommand-
rr6#onne6tionRe6onfiguration RR##onne6tionRe6onfiguration-
rr6#onne6tionRelease RR##onne6tionRelease-
se6urit+<ode#ommand Se6urit+<ode#ommand-
ue#apa@ilit+En7uir+ "E#apa@ilit+En7uir+-
spare1 N"LL
message#lassExtension SE!"EN#E *5
-- ASN1ST(/
/ nested twoAlevel 2BO&23 structure is used. where the alternative P94 types are alternatives within the inner level c1
"pare alternatives (i.e.. spare1 in this case) may be included within the c1 2BO&23 to facilitate future e(tension. The
number of such spare alternatives should not e(tend the total number of alternatives beyond an inteerApowerAofAtwo
number of alternatives (i.e.. eiht in this case).
8urther e(tension of the number of alternative P94 types is facilitated usin the messae"lass,*tension alternative in
the outer level 2BO&23.
%.3.3 Messa2e de3i&itio&
3ach P94 (messae) type is specified in an /"'., section similar to the one shown in the e(ample below.
-- /example/ ASN1START
RR##onne6tionRe6onfiguration :: SE!"EN#E *
rr6-Transa6tionIdentifier RR#-Transa6tionIdentifier-
6riti6alExtensions #?(I#E *
61 #?(I#E*
rr6#onne6tionRe6onfiguration-r= RR##onne6tionRe6onfiguration-r=-IEs-
spare1 N"LL- spare. N"LL- spare1 N"LL
6riti6alExtensions)uture SE!"EN#E *5
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" 3$% Release $$
RR##onne6tionRe6onfiguration-r=-IEs :: SE!"EN#E *
-- Enter the IEs here&
-- ASN1ST(/
Boo#s for critical and non4critical e(tension should normally be included in the P94 type specification. Bow these
hoo#s are used is further described in subAclause /.-.
2ritical e(tensions are characterised by a redefinition of the P94 contents and need to be overned by a mechanism for
protocol version areement between the encoder and the decoder of the P94. such that the encoder is prevented from
sendin a critically e(tended version of the P94 type. which is not comprehended by the decoder.
2ritical e(tension of a P94 type is facilitated by a twoAlevel 2BO&23 structure. where the alternative P94 contents are
alternatives within the inner level c1 2BO&23. "pare alternatives (i.e.. spare3 down to spare1 in this case) may be
included within the c1 2BO&23. The number of spare alternatives to be included in the oriinal P94 specification
should be decided case by case. based on the e(pected rate of critical e(tension in the future releases of the protocol.
8urther critical e(tension. when the spare alternatives from the oriinal specifications are used up. is facilitated usin
the critical,*tensions+$t$re in the outer level 2BO&23.
&n P94 types where critical e(tension is not e(pected in the future releases of the protocol. the inner level c1 2BO&23
and the spare alternatives may be e(cluded. as shown in the e(ample below.
-- /example/ ASN1START
RR##onne6tionRe6onfiguration#omplete :: SE!"EN#E *
rr6-Transa6tionIdentifier RR#-Transa6tionIdentifier-
6riti6alExtensions #?(I#E *
6riti6alExtensions)uture SE!"EN#E *5
RR##onne6tionRe6onfiguration#omplete-r=-IEs :: SE!"EN#E *
-- Enter the IEs here& -- -- #ond 6ondTag
-- ASN1ST(/
'onAcritical e(tensions are characterised by the addition of new information to the oriinal specification of the P94
type. &f not comprehended. a nonAcritical e(tension may be s#ipped by the decoder. whilst the decoder is still able to
complete the decodin of the comprehended parts of the P94 contents.
'onAcritical e(tensions at locations other than the end of the messae or other than at the end of a field contained in a
1&T or O2T3T "T0&'G are facilitated by use of the /"'., e(tension mar#er M...M. The oriinal specification of a P94
type should normally include the e(tension mar#er at the end of the se;uence of information elements contained.
'onAcritical e(tensions at the end of the messae or at the end of a field that is contained in a 1&T or O2T3T "T0&'G
are facilitated by use of an empty se;uence that is mar#ed OPT&O'/6 e.. as shown in the followin e(ampleI
-- /example/ ASN1START
RR#<essage-r=-IEs :: SE!"EN#E *
field1 InformationElement1-
field. InformationElement.-
non#riti6alExtension SE!"EN#E *5 (/TI(NAL
-- ASN1ST(/
The /"'., section specifyin the contents of a P94 type may be followed by a fiel& &escription table where a further
description of. e... the semantic properties of the fields may be included. The eneral format of this table is shown in
the e(ample below. The field description table is absent in case there are no fields for which further description needs to
be provided e.. because the P94 does not include any fields. or because an &3 is defined for each field while there is
nothin specific reardin the use of this &3 that needs to be specified.
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" 3$( Release $$
BPDU-*ype"entifierB field descriptions
Bfiel ientifierB
(ie"d des!ri#tio&.
Bfiel ientifierB
(ie"d des!ri#tio&.
The field description table has one column. The header row shall contain the /"'., type identifier of the P94 type.
The followin rows are used to provide field descriptions. 3ach row shall include a first pararaph with a fiel& i&entifier
(in bold and italic font style) referrin to the part of the P94 to which it applies. The followin pararaphs at the same
row may include (in reular font style). e... semantic description. references to other specifications andD or
specification of value units. which are relevant for the particular part of the P94.
The parts of the P94 contents that do not re;uire a field description shall be omitted from the field description table.
%.3.4 8&3or6atio& e"e6e&ts
3ach &3 (information element) type is specified in an /"'., section similar to the one shown in the e(ample below.
-- /example/ ASN1START
/RA#?-#onfigSI8 :: SE!"EN#E *
rootSe7uen6eIndex INTE,ER $;&&1;.1'-
pra6h-#onfigInfo /RA#?-#onfigInfo
/RA#?-#onfig :: SE!"EN#E *
rootSe7uen6eIndex INTE,ER $;&&1;.1'-
pra6h-#onfigInfo /RA#?-#onfigInfo (/TI(NAL -- Need (N
/RA#?-#onfigInfo :: SE!"EN#E *
pra6h-#onfigIndex EN"<ERATE> *ffs5-
highSpeed)lag EN"<ERATE> *ffs5-
Hero#orrelation%one#onfig EN"<ERATE> *ffs5
-- ASN1ST(/
&3s should be introduced whenever there are multiple fields for which the same set of values apply. &3s may also be
defined for other reasons e.. to brea# down a /"'., definition in to smaller pieces.
/ roup of closely related &3 type definitions. li#e the &3s P!."/4"onfiSIB and P!."/4"onfi in this e(ample. are
preferably placed toether in a common /"'., section. The &3 type identifiers should in this case have a common base.
defined as the eneric type i&entifier. &t may be complemented by a suffi( to distinuish the different variants. The
MP!."/4"onfiM is the eneric type identifier in this e(ample. and the MSIBM suffi( is added to distinuish the variant.
The subAclause headin and eneric references to a roup of closely related &3s defined in this way should use the
eneric type identifier.
The same principle should apply if a new version. or an e(tension version. of an e(istin &3 is created for critical or
non4critical e(tension of the protocol (see subAclause /.-). The new version. or the e(tension version. of the &3 is
included in the same /"'., section definin the oriinal. / suffi( is added to the type identifier. usin the namin
conventions defined in subAclause /.3.,.*. indicatin the release or version of the where the new version. or e(tension
version. was introduced.
6ocal &3 type definitions. li#e the &3 P!."/4"onfiInfo in the e(ample above. may be included in the /"'., section
and be referenced in the other &3 types defined in the same /"'., section. The use of locally defined &3 types should be
encouraed. as a tool to brea# up lare and comple( &3 type definitions. &t can improve the readability of the code.
There may also be a benefit for the software implementation of the protocol endApoints. as these &3 types are typically
provided by the /"'., compiler as independent data elements. to be used in the software implementation.
/n &3 type defined in a local conte(t. li#e the &3 P!."/4"onfiInfo. should not be referenced directly from other
/"'., sections in the 002 specification. /n &3 type which is referenced in more than one /"'., section should be
defined in a separate subAclause. with a separate headin and a separate /"'., section (possibly as one in a set of
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" 3$- Release $$
closely related &3 types. li#e the &3s P!."/4"onfiSIB and P!."/4"onfi in the e(ample above). "uch &3 types are
also referred to as $lobal &3s$.
'OT3I 0eferrin to an &3 type. that is defined as a local &3 type in the conte(t of another /"'., section. does not
enerate an /"'., compilation error. 'evertheless. usin a locally defined &3 type in that way ma#es the
&3 type definition difficult to find. as it would not be visible at an outline level of the specification. &t
should be avoided.
The /"'., section specifyin the contents of one or more &3 types. li#e in the e(ample above. may be followed by a
fiel& &escription table. where a further description of. e... the semantic properties of the fields of the information
elements may be included. This table may be absent. similar as indicated in subAclause /.3.3 for the specification of the
P94 type. The eneral format of the fiel& &escription table is the same as shown in subAclause /.3.3 for the
specification of the P94 type.
%.3.5 (ie"ds 1it$ o#tio&a" #rese&!e
/ field with optional presence may be declared with the #eyword 938/46T. &t identifies a default value to be assumed.
if the sender does not include a value for that field in the encodinI
-- /example/ ASN1START
/ream@leInfo :: SE!"EN#E *
num@er(fRA-/ream@les INTE,ER $1&&C3' >E)A"LT 1-
-- ASN1ST(/
/lternatively. a field with optional presence may be declared with the #eyword OPT&O'/6. &t identifies a field for
which a value can be omitted. The omission carries semantics. which is different from any normal value of the fieldI
-- /example/ ASN1START
/RA#?-#onfig :: SE!"EN#E *
rootSe7uen6eIndex INTE,ER $;&&1;.1'-
pra6h-#onfigInfo /RA#?-#onfigInfo (/TI(NAL -- Need (N
-- ASN1ST(/
The semantics of an optionally present field. in the case it is omitted. should be indicated at the end of the pararaph
includin the #eyword OPT&O'/6. usin a short comment te(t with a need statement. The need statement includes the
#eyword M'eedM. followed by one of the predefined semantics tas (OP. O' or O0) defined in subAclause =.,. &f the
semantics ta OP is used. the semantics of the absent field are further specified either in the field description table
followin the /"'., section. or in procedure te(t.
%.3.6 (ie"ds 1it$ !o&ditio&a" #rese&!e
/ field with conditional presence is declared with the #eyword OPT&O'/6. &n addition. a short comment te(t shall be
included at the end of the pararaph includin the #eyword OPT&O'/6. The comment te(t includes the #eyword
M2ondM. followed by a condition ta associated with the field (M46M in this e(ample)I
-- /example/ ASN1START
Logi6al#hannel#onfig :: SE!"EN#E *
ul-Spe6ifi6/arameters SE!"EN#E *
priorit+ INTE,ER $;'-
5 (/TI(NAL -- #ond "L
-- ASN1ST(/
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" 3$. Release $$
<hen conditionally present fields are included in an /"'., section. the field description table after the /"'., section
shall be followed by a con&itional presence table. The conditional presence table specifies the conditions for includin
the fields with conditional presence in the particular /"'., section.
#onditional presence E:planation
U Specification of the conditions for includin0 the field associated with the condition
ta0 B CU<C& Se2antics in case of optional presence under certain conditions 2a4
also 3e specified&
The conditional presence table has two columns. The first column (headinI M2onditional presenceM) contains the
condition ta (in italic font style). which lin#s the fields with a condition ta in the /"'., section to an entry in the
table. The second column (headinI M3(planationM) contains a te(t specification of the conditions and re;uirements for
the presence of the field. The second column may also include semantics. in case of an optional presence of the field.
under certain conditions i.e. usin the same predefined tas as defined for optional fields in /.3.:.
2onditional presence should primarily be used when presence of a field despends on the presence andD or value of other
fields within the same messae. &f the presence of a field depends on whether another featureD function has been
confiured. while this function can be confiured indepedently e.. by another messae andD or at another point in time.
the relation is best reflected by means of a statement in the field description table.
&f the /"'., section does not include any fields with conditional presence. the conditional presence table shall not be
<henever a field is only applicable in specific cases e.. T99. use of conditional presence should be considered.
%.3.7 Guide"i&es o& use o3 "ists 1it$ e"e6e&ts o3 S+BU+)*+ t5#e
<here an information element has the form of a list (the "3F43'23 O8 construct in /"'.,) with the type of the list
elements bein a "3F43'23 data type. an information element shall be defined for the list elements even if it would
not otherwise be needed.
8or e(ample. a list of P6M' identities with reservation flas is defined as in the followin e(ampleI
-- /example/ ASN1START
/L<N-Identit+InfoList :: SE!"EN#E $SI%E $1&&C'' () /L<N-Identit+Info
/L<N-Identit+Info :: SE!"EN#E *
plmn-Identit+ /L<N-Identit+-
6ellReser:ed)or(perator"se EN"<ERATE> *reser:ed- notReser:ed5
-- ASN1ST(/
rather than as in the followin (bad) e(ample. which may cause enerated code to contain types with unpredictable
-- /@ad example/ ASN1START
/L<N-Identit+List :: SE!"EN#E $SI%E $1&&C'' () SE!"EN#E *
plmn-Identit+ /L<N-Identit+-
6ellReser:ed)or(perator"se EN"<ERATE> *reser:ed- notReser:ed5
-- ASN1ST(/
%.4 +/te&sio& o3 t$e P4U s#e!i3i!atio&s
%.4.1 Ge&era" #ri&!i#"es to e&sure !o6#ati'i"it5
&t is essential that e(tension of the protocol does not affect interoperability i.e. it is essential that implementations based
on different versions of the 002 protocol are able to interoperate. &n particular. this re;uirement applies for the
followin #ind of protocol e(tensionsI
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" 3*) Release $$
A &ntroduction of new P94 types (i.e. these should not cause une(pected behaviour or damae).
A &ntroduction of additional fields in an e(tensible P94s (i.e. it should be possible to inore uncomprehended
e(tensions without affectin the handlin of the other parts of the messae).
A &ntroduction of additional values of an e(tensible field of P94s. &f used. the behaviour upon reception of an
uncomprehended value should be defined.
&t should be noted that the P94 e(tension mechanism may depend on the loical channel used to transfer the messae
e.. for some P94s an implementation may be aware of the protocol version of the peer in which case selective
inorin of e(tensions may not be re;uired.
The nonAcritical e(tension mechanism is the primary mechanism for introducin protocol e(tensions i.e. the critical
e(tension mechanism is used merely when there is a need to introduce a $clean$ messae version. "uch a need appears
when the last messae version includes a lare number of nonAcritical e(tensions. which results in issues li#e
readability. overhead associated with the e(tension mar#ers. The critical e(tension mechanism may also be considered
when it is complicated to accommodate the e(tensions by means of nonAcritical e(tension mechanisms.
%.4.2 *riti!a" e/te&sio& o3 6essa2es
The mechanisms to critically e(tend a messae are defined in /.3.3. There are both Mouter branchM and Minner branchM
mechanisms available. The Mouter branchM consists of a 2BO&23 havin the name critical,*tensions. with two values.
c1 and critical,*tensions+$t$re. The critical,*tensions+$t$re branch consists of an empty "3F43'23. while the c,
branch contains the Minner branchM mechanism.
The Minner branchM structure is a 2BO&23 with values of the form MMessae3ame4r<4I,sM (e...
M!!""onnection!econfi$ration4r84I,sM) or Mspare<M. with the spare values havin type '466. The MArNA&3sM
structures contain the complete structure of the messae &3s for the appropriate releaseJ i.e.. the critical e(tension
branch for the 0elA,+ version of a messae includes all 0elA? and 0elA@ fields (that are not obviated in the later
version). rather than containin only the additional 0elA,+ fields.
The followin uidelines may be used when decidin which mechanism to introduce for a particular messae. i.e. only
an $outer branch$. or an $outer branch$ in combination with an $inner branch$ includin a certain number of sparesI
A 8or certain messaes. e.. initial uplin# messaes. messaes transmitted on a broadcast channel. critical
e(tension may not be applicable.
A /n outer branch may be sufficient for messaes not includin any fields.
A The number of spares within inner branch should reflect the li#elihood that the messae will be critically
e(tended in future releases (since each release with a critical e(tension for the messae consumes one of the
spare values). The estimation of the critical e(tension li#elyhood may be based on the number. si!e and
chaneability of the fields included in the messae.
A &n messaes where an inner branch e(tension mechanism is available. all spare values of the inner branch should
be used before any critical e(tensions are added usin the outer branch.
The followin e(ample illustrates the use of the critical e(tension mechanism by showin the /"'., of the oriinal and
of a later release
-- /example/ ASN1START -- (riginal release
RR#<essage :: SE!"EN#E *
rr6-Transa6tionIdentifier RR#-Transa6tionIdentifier-
6riti6alExtensions #?(I#E *
61 #?(I#E*
rr6<essage-r= RR#<essage-r=-IEs-
spare1 N"LL- spare. N"LL- spare1 N"LL
6riti6alExtensions)uture SE!"EN#E *5
-- ASN1ST(/
-- /example/ ASN1START -- Later release
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" 3*$ Release $$
RR#<essage :: SE!"EN#E *
rr6-Transa6tionIdentifier RR#-Transa6tionIdentifier-
6riti6alExtensions #?(I#E *
61 #?(I#E*
rr6<essage-r= RR#<essage-r=-IEs-
rr6<essage-r1; RR#<essage-r1;-IEs-
rr6<essage-r11 RR#<essage-r11-IEs-
rr6<essage-r13 RR#<essage-r13-IEs
later #?(I#E *
6. #?(I#E*
rr6<essage-r1C RR#<essage-r1C-IEs-
spareB N"LL- spareC N"LL- spareD N"LL- spare3 N"LL-
spare1 N"LL- spare. N"LL- spare1 N"LL
6riti6alExtensions)uture SE!"EN#E *5
-- ASN1ST(/
%.4.3 )o&-!riti!a" e/te&sio& o3 6essa2es
%.4.3.1 Ge&era" #ri&!i#"es
The mechanisms to e(tend a messae in a nonAcritical manner are defined in /.3.3. <.r.t. the use of e(tension mar#ers.
the followin additional uidelines applyI
A <hen further nonAcritical e(tensions are added to a messae that has been critically e(tended. the inclusion of
these nonAcritical e(tensions in earlier critical branches of the messae should be avoided when possible.
A The e(tension mar#er (M^M) is the primary nonAcritical e(tension mechanism that is used unless a lenth
determinant is not re;uired. 3(amples of cases where a lenth determinant is not re;uiredI
A at the end of a messae.
A at the end of a structure contained in a 1&T "T0&'G or O2T3T "T0&'G
A <hen an e(tension mar#er is available. nonAcritical e(tensions are preferably placed at the location (e.. the &3)
where the concerned parameter belons from a loicalD functional perspective (referred to as the $&efa$lt
e*tension location$)
A &t is desirable to areate e(tensions of the same release or version of the specification into a roup. which
should be placed at the lowest possible level.
A &n specific cases it may be preferrable to place e(tensions elsewhere (referred to as the $act$al e*tension
location$) e.. when it is possible to areate several e(tensions in a roup. &n such a case. the roup should be
placed at the lowest suitable level in the messae. WT19I ref to seperate e(ampleO
A &n case placement at the default e(tension location affects earlier critical branches of the messae. locatin the
e(tension at a followin hiher level in the messae should be considered.
A &n case an e(tension is not placed at the default e(tension location. an &3 should be defined. The &3$s /"'.,
definition should be placed in the same /"'., section as the default e(tension location. &n case there are
intermediate levels inAbetween the actual and the default e(tension location. an &3 may be defined for each level.
&ntermediate levels are primarily introduced for readability and overview. Bence intermediate levels need not
allways be introduced e.. they may not be needed when the default and the actual e(tension location are within
the same /"'., section. WT19I ref to seperate e(ampleO
%.4.3.2 (urt$er 2uide"i&es
8urther to the eneral principles defined in the previous section. the followin additional uidelines apply reardin the
use of e(tension mar#ersI
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" 3** Release $$
A 3(tension mar#ers within "3F43'23
A 3(tension mar#ers are primarily. but not e(clusively. introduced at the hiher nestin levels
A 3(tension mar#ers are introduced for a "3F43'23 comprisin several fields as well as for information
elements whose e(tension would result in comple( structures without it (e.. reAintroducin another list)
A 3(tension mar#ers are introduced to ma#e it possible to maintain important information structures e..
parameters relevant for one particular 0/T
A 3(tension mar#ers are also used for si!e critical messaes (i.e. messaes on 122B. P22B and 222B).
althouh introduced somewhat more carefully
A The e(tension fields introduced (or fro!en) in a specific version of the specification are rouped toether
usin double brac#ets.
A 3(tension mar#ers within 3'4M30/T39
A "pare values are used until the number of values reaches the ne(t power of *. while the e(tension mar#er
caters for e(tension beyond that limit
A / suffi( of the form MvN\]M is used for the identifier of each new value. e.. MvalueAvN\]M.
A 3(tension mar#ers within 2BO&23I
A 3(tension mar#ers are introduced when e(tension is foreseen and when comprehension is not re;uired by the
receiver i.e. behaviour is defined for the case where the receiver cannot comprehend the e(tended value (e..
inorin an optional 2BO&23 field). &t should be noted that definin the behaviour of a receiver upon
receivin a not comprehended choice value is not re;uired if the sender is aware whether or not the receiver
supports the e(tended value.
A / suffi( of the form MvN\]M is used for the identifier of each new choice value. e.. MchoiceAvN\]M.
'onAcritical e(tensions at the end of a messaeD of a field contained in an O2T3T or 1&T "T0&'GI
A <hen a non2ritical3(tension is actually used. a M'eedM statement should not be provided for the field. which
always is a roup includin at least one e(tension and a field facilitatin further possible e(tensions. 8or
simplicity. it is recommended not to provide a M'eedM statement when the field is not actually used either.
8urther. more eneral. uidelinesI
A &n case a need statement is not provided for a roup. a M'eedM statement is provided for all individual e(tension
fields within the roup i.e. includin for fields that are not mar#ed as OPT&O'/6. The latter is to clarify the
action upon absence of the whole roup.
%.4.3.3 T5#i!a" e/a6#"e o3 e7o"utio& o3 8+ 1it$ "o!a" e/te&sio&s
The followin e(ample illustrates the use of the e(tension mar#er for a number of elementary cases (se;uence.
enumerated. choice). The e(ample also illustrates how the &3 may be revised in case the critical e(tension mechanism is
'OT3 &n case there is a need to support further e(tensions of release n while the /"'., of release (nR,) has
been fro!en. without re;uirin the release n receiver to support decodin of release (nR,) e(tensions.
more advanced mechanisms are needed e.. includin multiple e(tension mar#ers.
-- /example/ ASN1START
InformationElement1 :: SE!"EN#E *
field1 EN"<ERATE> *
:alue1- :alue.- :alue1- :alue3-:==;-
&&&- :alueD-:2C; 5-
field. #?(I#E *
field.a 8((LEAN-
field.@ InformationElement.@-
field.6-:2C; InformationElement.6-r2
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" 3*3 Release $$
00 field1-r2 InformationElement1-r2 (/TI(NAL -- Need (R
00 field1-:2a; InformationElement1-:2a; (/TI(NAL- -- Need (R
field3-r2 InformationElement3 (/TI(NAL -- Need (R
InformationElement1-r1; :: SE!"EN#E *
field1 EN"<ERATE> *
:alue1- :alue.- :alue1- :alue3-:==;-
:alueD-:2C;- :alueC-:11B;- spare.- spare1- &&& 5-
field. #?(I#E *
field.a 8((LEAN-
field.@ InformationElement.@-
field.6-:2C; InformationElement.6-r2-
field.d-:1.@; INTE,ER $;&&C1'
field1-r2 InformationElement1-r1; (/TI(NAL- -- Need (R
field3-r2 InformationElement3 (/TI(NAL- -- Need (R
fieldD-r1; 8((LEAN-
fieldC-r1; InformationElementC-r1; (/TI(NAL- -- Need (R
00 field1-:11B; InformationElement1-:11B; (/TI(NAL -- Need (R
-- ASN1ST(/
"ome remar#s reardin the e(tensions of Information,lement1 as shown in the above e(ampleI
H The Information,lement1 is initially e(tended with a number of nonAcritical e(tensions. &n release ,+ however. a
critical e(tension is introduced for the messae usin this &3. 2onse;uently. a new version of the &3
Information,lement1 (i.e. Information,lement14r10) is defined in which the earlier nonAcritical e(tensions are
incorporated by means of a revision of the oriinal field.
H The 0al$e440880 is replacin a spare value defined in the oriinal protocol version for fiel&1. 6i#ewise 0al$e64
01170 replaces spare3 that was oriinally defined in the r,+ version of fiel&1
H <ithin the critically e(tended release ,+ version of Information,lement1. the names of the oriinal fieldsD &3s
are not chaned. unless there is a real need to distinuish them from other fieldsD &3s. 3.. the fiel&1 and
Information,lement4 were defined in the oriinal protocol version (release ?) and hence not taed. Moreover.
the fiel&34r9 is introduced in release @ and not reAtaedJ althouh. the Information,lement3 is also critically
e(tended and therefore taed Information,lement34r10 in the release ,+ version of &nformation3lement,.
%.4.3.4 T5#i!a" e/a6#"es o3 &o& !riti!a" e/te&sio& at t$e e&d o3 a 6essa2e
The followin e(ample illustrates the use of nonAcritical e(tensions at the end of the messae or at the end of a field that
is contained in a 1&T or O2T3T "T0&'G i.e. when an empty se;uence is used.
-- /example/ ASN1START
RR#<essage-r=-IEs :: SE!"EN#E *
field1 InformationElement1-
field. InformationElement.-
field1 InformationElement1 (/TI(NAL- -- Need (N
non#riti6alExtension RR#<essage-:=C;-IEs (/TI(NAL
RR#<essage-:=C;-IEs :: SE!"EN#E *
field3-:=C; InformationElement3 (/TI(NAL- -- Need (/
fieldD-:=C; 8((LEAN (/TI(NAL- -- #ond #D3
non#riti6alExtension RR#<essage-:23;-IEs (/TI(NAL
RR#<essage-:23;-IEs :: SE!"EN#E *
fieldC-:23; InformationElementC-r2 (/TI(NAL- -- Need (R
non#riti6alExtensions SE!"EN#E *5 (/TI(NAL
-- ASN1ST(/
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" 3*+ Release $$
"ome remar#s reardin the e(tensions shown in the above e(ampleI
H The Information,lement4 is introduced in the oriinal version of the protocol (release ?) and hence no suffi( is
%.4.3.5 +/a6#"es o3 &o&-!riti!a" e/te&sio&s &ot #"a!ed at t$e de3au"t e/te&sio&
The followin e(ample illustrates the use of nonAcritical e(tensions in case an e(tension is not placed at the default
e(tension location.
D !arentI,6;ith,M
The &3 ParentI,4>it),M is an e(ample of a hih level &3 includin the e(tension mar#er (3M). The root encodin of
this &3 includes two lower level &3s ")il&I,14>it)o$t,M and ")il&I,24>it)o$t,M which not include the e(tension
mar#er. 2onse;uently. nonAcritical e(tensions of the 2hildA&3s have to be included at the level of the ParentA&3.
The e(ample illustrates how the two e(tension &3s ")il&I,14>it)o$t,M403*0 and ")il&I,24>it)o$t,M403*0 (both in
release ') are used to connect nonAcritical e(tensions with a default e(tension location in the lower level &3s to the
actual e(tension location in this &3.
Parent"--4ith-M infor2ation ele2ent
-- /example/ ASN1START
/arentIE-GithE< :: SE!"EN#E *
-- Root en6oding- in6luding:
6hildIE1-GithoutE< #hildIE1-GithoutE< (/TI(NAL- -- Need (N
6hildIE.-GithoutE< #hildIE.-GithoutE< (/TI(NAL- -- Need (N
00 6hildIE1-GithoutE<-:Nx; #hildIE1-GithoutE<-:Nx; (/TI(NAL- -- Need (N
6hildIE.-GithoutE<-:Nx; #hildIE.-GithoutE<-:Nx; (/TI(NAL -- Need (N
-- ASN1ST(/
"ome remar#s reardin the e(tensions shown in the above e(ampleI
H The fields c)il&I,*4>it)o$t,M403*0 may not really need to be optional (depends on what is defined at the ne(t
lower level).
H &n eneral. especially when there are several nestin levels. fields should be mar#ed as optional only when there
is a clear reason.
D $hil(I,16;itho&t,M
The &3 ")il&I,14>it)o$t,M is an e(ample of a lower level &3. used to control certain radio confiurations includin a
confiurable feature which can be setup or released usin the local &3 ")I,14"onfi$ra'le+eat$re. The e(ample
illustrates how the new field c)I,143e9+iel& is added in release ' to the confiuration of the confiurable feature. The
e(ample is based on the followin assumptionsI
H when initially confiurin as well as when modifyin the new field. the oriinal fields of the confiurable feature
have to be provided also i.e. as if the e(tended ones were present within the setup branch of this feature.
H when the confiurable feature is released. the new field should be released also.
H when omittin the oriinal fields of the confiurable feature the 43 continues usin the e(istin values (which is
used to optimise the sinallin for features that typically continue unchaned upon handover).
H when omittin the new field of the confiurable feature the 43 releases the e(istin values and discontinues the
associated functionality (which may be used to support release of unsupported functionality upon handover to an
e'1 supportin an earlier protocol version).
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" 3*, Release $$
The above assumptions. which affect the use of conditions and need codes. may not always apply. Bence. the e(ample
should not be reAused blindly.
Chil"-/-4ithout-M infor2ation ele2ents
-- /example/ ASN1START
#hildIE1-GithoutE< :: SE!"EN#E *
-- Root en6oding- in6luding:
6hIE1-#onfigura@le)eature #hIE1-#onfigura@le)eature (/TI(NAL -- Need (N
#hildIE1-GithoutE<-:Nx; :: SE!"EN#E *
6hIE1-#onfigura@le)eature-:Nx; #hIE1-#onfigura@le)eature-:Nx; (/TI(NAL -- #ond #onfig)
#hIE1-#onfigura@le)eature :: #?(I#E *
release N"LL-
setup SE!"EN#E *
-- Root en6oding
#hIE1-#onfigura@le)eature-:Nx; :: SE!"EN#E *
6hIE1-New)ield-rN INTE,ER $;&&11'
-- ASN1ST(/
#onditional presence E:planation
$onfi"+ T$e 3ie"d is o#tio&a" #rese&t, &eed ?R, i& !ase o3 chI,16$onfi"&ra)le+eat&re is i&!"uded
a&d set to Tsetu#TH ot$er1ise t$e 3ie"d is &ot #rese&t a&d t$e U+ s$a"" de"ete a&5 e/isti&2
7a"ue 3or t$is 3ie"d.
D $hil(I,26;itho&t,M
The &3 ")il&I,24>it)o$t,M is an e(ample of a lower level &3. typically used to control certain radio confiurations.
The e(ample illustrates how the new field c)I,143e9+iel& is added in release ' to the confiuration of the
confiurable feature.
Chil"-(-4ithout-M infor2ation ele2ent
-- /example/ ASN1START
#hildIE.-GithoutE< :: #?(I#E *
release N"LL-
setup SE!"EN#E *
-- Root en6oding
#hildIE.-GithoutE<-:Nx; :: SE!"EN#E *
6hIE.-New)ield-rN INTE,ER $;&&11' (/TI(NAL -- #ond #onfig)
-- ASN1ST(/
#onditional presence E:planation
$onfi"+ T$e 3ie"d is o#tio&a" #rese&t, &eed ?R, i& !ase o3 chI,26$onfi"&ra)le+eat&re is i&!"uded
a&d set to Tsetu#TH ot$er1ise t$e 3ie"d is &ot #rese&t a&d t$e U+ s$a"" de"ete a&5 e/isti&2
7a"ue 3or t$is 3ie"d.
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" 3*% Release $$
%.5 Guide"i&es re2ardi&2 i&!"usio& o3 tra&sa!tio& ide&ti3iers i& RR*
The followin rules provide uidance on which messaes should include a Transaction identifier
,I 96 messaes on 222B that move 43 to 002A&dle should not include the 002 transaction identifier.
*I /ll networ# initiated 96 messaes by default should include the 002 transaction identifier.
3I /ll 46 messaes that are direct response to a 96 messae with an 002 Transaction identifier should include the
002 Transaction identifier.
-I /ll 46 messaes that re;uire a direct 96 response messae should include an 002 transaction identifier.
:I /ll 46 messaes that are not in response to a 96 messae nor re;uire a correspondin response from the
networ# should not include the 002 Transaction identifier.
%.6 Prote!tio& o3 RR* 6essa2es (i&3or6ati7e)
The followin list provides information which messaes can be sent (unprotected) prior to security activation and which
messaes can be sent unprotected after security activation.
P^Messaes that can be sent (unprotected) prior to security activation
/ A &^Messaes that can be sent without interity protection after security activation
/ A 2^Messaes that can be sent unciphered after security activation
'/^ Messae can never be sent after security activation
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" 3*( Release $$
6essa0e P A!8 A!# #o22ent
D ! !
- - -
*ou&ter*$e!> - - -
*ou&ter*$e!>Res#o&se - - -
48&3or6atio&Tra&s3er - - -
Re9uest (*4M%2000)
- - -
8&4e7i!e*oe/8&di!atio& - - -
- - -
- - -
Master8&3or6atio&;"o!> - - -
M;MS*ou&ti&2Re9uest - - -
M;MS*ou&ti&2Res#o&se - - -
M;MS8&terest8&di!atio& - - -
M;S()%rea*o&3i2uratio& - - -
Measure6e&tRe#ort - - - Uusti3i!atio& 3or !ase OPP, R%)2 a2reed t$at
6easure6e&t !o&3i2uratio& 6a5 'e se&t
#rior to se!urit5 a!ti7atio&
Mo'i"it5(ro6+UTR%*o66a&d - - -
Pa2i&2 - - -
Pro/i6it58&di!atio& - - -
R)Re!o&3i2uratio& - - -
R)Re!o&3i2uratio&*o6#"ete - - -
RR**o&&e!tio&Re!o&3i2uratio& - - - T$e 6essa2e s$a"" &ot 'e se&t u&#rote!ted
'e3ore se!urit5 a!ti7atio& i3 it is used to
#er3or6 $a&do7er or to esta'"is$ SR;2 a&d
- - - U&#rote!ted, i3 se&t as res#o&se to
RR**o&&e!tio&Re!o&3i2uratio& 1$i!$ 1as
se&t 'e3ore se!urit5 a!ti7atio&
RR**o&&e!tio&Reesta'"is$6e&t - - - T$is 6essa2e is &ot #rote!ted '5 P4*P
- - -
- - - ?&e reaso& to se&d t$is 6a5 'e t$at t$e
se!urit5 !o&te/t $as 'ee& "ost, t$ere3ore
se&t as u&#rote!ted.
- - - T$is 6essa2e is &ot #rote!ted '5 P4*P
o#eratio&. =o1e7er a s$ort M%*-8 is
RR**o&&e!tio&ReAe!t - )% )%
RR**o&&e!tio&Re"ease - - - Uusti3i!atio& 3or P, 83 t$e RR* !o&&e!tio&
o&"5 3or si2&a""i&2 &ot re9uiri&2 4R;s or
!i#$ered 6essa2es, or t$e si2&a""i&2
!o&&e!tio& $as to 'e re"eased #re6ature"5,
t$is 6essa2e is se&t as u&#rote!ted.
RR**o&&e!tio&Re9uest - )% )%
RR**o&&e!tio&Setu# - )% )%
RR**o&&e!tio&Setu#*o6#"ete - )% )%
Se!urit5Mode*o66a&d - )% )% 8&te2rit5 #rote!tio& a##"ied, 'ut &o
!i#$eri&2 (i&te2rit5 7eri3i!atio& do&e a3ter
t$e 6essa2e re!ei7ed '5 RR*)
Se!urit5Mode*o6#"ete - )% )% 8&te2rit5 #rote!tio& a##"ied, 'ut &o
!i#$eri&2. *i#$eri&2 is a##"ied a3ter
!o6#"eti&2 t$e #ro!edure.
Se!urit5Mode(ai"ure - )% )% )eit$er i&te2rit5 #rote!tio& &or !i#$eri&2
S5ste68&3or6atio& - - -
S5ste68&3or6atio&;"o!>T5#e1 - - -
U+%ssista&!e8&3or6atio& - - -
U+*a#a'i"it5+&9uir5 - - -
U+*a#a'i"it58&3or6atio& - - -
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" 3*- Release $$
6essa0e P A!8 A!# #o22ent
U+8&3or6atio&Re9uest - - -
U+8&3or6atio&Res#o&se - - -
- - - T$is 6essa2e s$ou"d 3o""o1
U8&3or6atio&Tra&s3er - - -
%.7 Mis!e""a&eous
The followin miscellaneous conventions should be usedI
A 0eferencesI <henever another specification is referenced. the specification number and optionally the relevant
subclause. table or fiure. should be indicated in addition to the pointer to the 0eferences section e.. as followsI
$see T" 3=.*,* K**. :.3.3.,.=L$.
%&&e/ ; (&or6ati7e), Re"ease < a&d . %S 3eature $a&d"i&2
;.1 (eature 2rou# i&di!ators
This anne( contains the definitions of the bits in fields feat$re;ro$pIn&icators (in Table 1.,A,) and
feat$re;ro$pIn&!el9.&& (in Table 1.,A,a).
&n this release of the protocol. the 43 shall include the fields feat$re;ro$pIn&icators in the &3 -,4,-T!.4"apa'ility
and feat$re;ro$pIn&!el9.&& in the &3 -,4,-T!.4"apa'ility409a0. /ll the functionalities defined within the field
feat$re;ro$pIn&icators defined in Table 1.,A, or Table 1.,A,a are mandatory for the 43. if the related capability
(fre;uency band. 0/T. "0AC22 or &nterA0/T /'0) is also supported. 8or a specific indicator. if all functionalities for a
feature roup listed in Table 1.,A, have been implemented and tested. the 43 shall set the indicator as one (,). else (i.e.
if any one of the functionalities in a feature roup listed in Table 1.,A, or Table 1.,A,a. which have not been
implemented or tested). the 43 shall set the indicator as !ero (+).
The 43 shall set all indicators that correspond to 0/Ts not supported by the 43 as !ero (+).
The 43 shall set all indicators. which do not have a definition in Table 1.,A, or Table 1.,A,a. as !ero (+).
&f the optional fields feat$re;ro$pIn&icators or feat$re;ro$pIn&!el9.&& are not included by a 43 of a future release.
the networ# may assume that all features pertainin to the 0/Ts supported by the 43. respectively listed in Table 1.,A,
or Table 1.,A,a and deployed in the networ#. have been implemented and tested by the 43.
&n Table 1.,A,. a $Co6T3 capable 43$ corresponds to a 43 which is &M" voice capable.
The inde(in in Table 1.,A,a starts from inde( 33. which is the leftmost bit in the field feat$re;ro$pIn&!el9.&&.
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" 3*. Release $$
Ta3le =&$!$1 7efinitions of feature 0roup indicators
8nde: of
(des!ri#tio& o3 t$e su##orted
3u&!tio&a"it5, i3 i&di!ator set to o&e)
Notes 8f indicated CEesC the
feature shall 3e
i2ple2ented and
successfull4 tested for
this version of the
*DD iff
- 8&tra-su'3ra6e 3re9ue&!5 $o##i&2 3or
PUS*= s!$edu"ed '5 U 2ra&t
- 4*8 3or6at 3a (TP* !o66a&ds 3or
PU**= a&d PUS*= 1it$ si&2"e 'it
#o1er adAust6e&ts)
- %#eriodi! *B80PM80R8 re#orti&2 o&
PUS*=, Mode 2-0 D U+ se"e!ted
su''a&d *B8 1it$out PM8
- %#eriodi! *B80PM80R8 re#orti&2 o&
PUS*=, Mode 2-2 D U+ se"e!ted
su''a&d *B8 1it$ 6u"ti#"e PM8
2 - Si6u"ta&eous *B8 a&d %*N0)%*N o&
PU**=, i.e. PU**= 3or6at 2a a&d 2'
- %'so"ute TP* !o66a&d 3or PUS*=
- Resour!e a""o!atio& t5#e 1 3or P4S*=
- Periodi! *B80PM80R8 re#orti&2 o&
PU**=, Mode 2-0 D U+ se"e!ted
su''a&d *B8 1it$out PM8
- Periodi! *B80PM80R8 re#orti&2 o&
PU**=, Mode 2-1 D U+ se"e!ted
su''a&d *B8 1it$ si&2"e PM8
- 5'it R* UM S)
- 7'it P4*P S)
- !a& o&"5 'e set to 1 i3
t$e U+ $as set 'it
&u6'er 7 to 1.
Yes, i3 U+ su##orts
Yes, i3 U+ su##orts
SRV** to +UTR%) 3ro6
- S$ort 4RI !5!"e - !a& o&"5 'e set to 1 i3
t$e U+ $as set 'it
&u6'er 5 to 1.
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" 33) Release $$
5 - o&2 4RI !5!"e
- 4RI !o66a&d M%* !o&tro" e"e6e&t
Yes )o
6 - Prioritised 'it rate Yes )o
7 - R* UM - !a& o&"5 'e set to 0 i3
t$e U+ does &ot
su##ort VoT+
Yes, i3 U+ su##orts
Yes, i3 U+ su##orts
SRV** to +UTR%) 3ro6
< - +UTR% RR*@*?))+*T+4 to UTR%
(44 or UTR% T44 *+@4*= PS
$a&do7er, i3 t$e U+ su##orts eit$er o&"5
UTR%) (44 or o&"5 UTR%) T44
- +UTR% RR*@*?))+*T+4 to UTR%
(44 *+@4*= PS $a&do7er, i3 t$e U+
su##orts 'ot$ UTR%) (44 a&d UTR%)
- !a& o&"5 'e set to 1 i3
t$e U+ $as set 'it
&u6'er 22 to 1
Yes 3or (44, i3 U+
su##orts UTR% (44
. - +UTR% RR*@*?))+*T+4 to G+R%)
GSM@4edi!ated $a&do7er
- re"ated to SR-V**
- !a& o&"5 'e set to 1 i3
t$e U+ $as set 'it
&u6'er 23 to 1
Yes, i3 U+ su##orts
SRV** to +UTR%) 3ro6
10 - +UTR% RR*@*?))+*T+4 to G+R%)
(Pa!>et@) 8d"e '5 *e"" *$a&2e ?rder
- +UTR% RR*@*?))+*T+4 to G+R%)
(Pa!>et@) 8d"e '5 *e"" *$a&2e ?rder 1it$
)%** ()et1or> %ssisted *e"" *$a&2e)
11 - +UTR% RR*@*?))+*T+4 to
*4M%2000 1/RTT *S %!ti7e $a&do7er
- re"ated to SR-V**
- !a& o&"5 'e set to 1 i3
t$e U+ $as sets 'it
&u6'er 24 to 1
12 - +UTR% RR*@*?))+*T+4 to
*4M%2000 =RP4 %!ti7e $a&do7er
- !a& o&"5 'e set to 1 i3
t$e U+ $as set 'it
&u6'er 26 to 1
13 - 8&ter-3re9ue&!5 $a&do7er (1it$i& (44
or T44)
- !a& o&"5 'e set to 1 i3
t$e U+ $as set 'it
&u6'er 25 to 1
Yes, u&"ess U+ o&"5
su##orts 'a&d 13
14 - Measure6e&t re#orti&2 e7e&t, +7e&t %4
D )ei2$'our Z t$res$o"d
- Measure6e&t re#orti&2 e7e&t, +7e&t %5
D Ser7i&2 [ t$res$o"d1 C )ei2$'our Z
Yes )o
15 - Measure6e&t re#orti&2 e7e&t, +7e&t ;1
D )ei2$'our Z t$res$o"d 3or UTR%) (44
or UTR%) T44, i3 t$e U+ su##orts eit$er
o&"5 UTR%) (44 or o&"5 UTR%) T44
a&d $as set 'it &u6'er 22 to 1
- Measure6e&t re#orti&2 e7e&t, +7e&t ;1
D )ei2$'our Z t$res$o"d 3or UTR%) (44
or UTR%) T44, i3 t$e U+ su##orts 'ot$
UTR%) (44 a&d UTR%) T44 a&d $as
set 'it &u6'er 22 or 3. to 1, res#e!ti7e"5
- Measure6e&t re#orti&2 e7e&t, +7e&t ;1
D )ei2$'our Z t$res$o"d 3or G+R%),
1/RTT or =RP4, i3 t$e U+ $as set 'it
&u6'er 23, 24 or 26 to 1, res#e!ti7e"5
- !a& o&"5 'e set to 1 i3
t$e U+ $as set at "east
o&e o3 t$e 'it &u6'er
22, 23, 24, 26 or 3. to
- e7e& i3 t$e U+ sets
'its 41, it s$a"" sti"" set
'it 15 to 1 i3
re#orti&2 e7e&t ;1 is
tested 3or a"" R%Ts
su##orted '5 U+
Yes 3or (44, i3 U+
su##orts o&"5 UTR%)
(44 a&d does &ot
su##ort UTR%) T44 or
G+R%) or 1/RTT or
16 - 8&tra-3re9ue&!5 #eriodi!a" 6easure6e&t
re#orti&2 1$ere tri""erType is set to
perio(ical a&d p&rpose is set to
- 8&ter-3re9ue&!5 #eriodi!a" 6easure6e&t
re#orti&2 1$ere tri""erType is set to
perio(ical a&d p&rpose is set to
reportStron"est$ells, i3 t$e U+ $as set 'it
&u6'er 25 to 1
Yes )o
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" 33$ Release $$
- 8&ter-R%T #eriodi!a" 6easure6e&t
re#orti&2 1$ere tri""erType is set to
perio(ical a&d p&rpose is set to
reportStron"est$ells 3or UTR%) (44 or
UTR%) T44, i3 t$e U+ su##orts eit$er
o&"5 UTR%) (44 or o&"5 UTR%) T44
a&d $as set 'it &u6'er 22 to 1
- 8&ter-R%T #eriodi!a" 6easure6e&t
re#orti&2 1$ere tri""erType is set to
perio(ical a&d p&rpose is set to
reportStron"est$ells 3or UTR%) (44 or
UTR%) T44, i3 t$e U+ su##orts 'ot$
UTR%) (44 a&d UTR%) T44 a&d $as
set 'it &u6'er 22 or 3. to 1, res#e!ti7e"5
- 8&ter-R%T #eriodi!a" 6easure6e&t
re#orti&2 1$ere tri""erType is set to
perio(ical a&d p&rpose is set to
reportStron"est$ells 3or G+R%), 1/RTT
or =RP4, i3 t$e U+ $as set 'it &u6'er
23, 24 or 26 to 1, res#e!ti7e"5.
)?T+, +7e&t tri22ered #eriodi!a"
re#orti&2 (i.e., 1it$ tri""erType set to
e0ent a&d 1it$ report.mo&nt Z 1) is a
6a&dator5 3u&!tio&a"it5 o3 e7e&t
tri22ered re#orti&2 a&d t$ere3ore &ot t$e
su'Ae!t o3 t$is 'it.
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" 33* Release $$
17 8&tra-3re9ue&!5 %)R 3eatures i&!"udi&2,
- 8&tra-3re9ue&!5 #eriodi!a" 6easure6e&t
re#orti&2 1$ere tri""erType is set to
perio(ical a&d p&rpose is set to
- 8&tra-3re9ue&!5 #eriodi!a" 6easure6e&t
re#orti&2 1$ere tri""erType is set to
perio(ical a&d p&rpose is set to
- !a& o&"5 'e set to 1 i3
t$e U+ $as set 'it
&u6'er 5 to 1.
Yes )o
1< 8&ter-3re9ue&!5 %)R 3eatures i&!"udi&2,
- 8&ter-3re9ue&!5 #eriodi!a" 6easure6e&t
re#orti&2 1$ere tri""erType is set to
perio(ical a&d p&rpose is set to
- 8&ter-3re9ue&!5 #eriodi!a" 6easure6e&t
re#orti&2 1$ere tri""erType is set to
perio(ical a&d p&rpose is set to
- !a& o&"5 'e set to 1 i3
t$e U+ $as set 'it
&u6'er 5 a&d 'it
&u6'er 25 to 1.
Yes, u&"ess U+ o&"5
su##orts 'a&d 13
1. 8&ter-R%T %)R 3eatures i&!"udi&2,
- 8&ter-R%T #eriodi!a" 6easure6e&t
re#orti&2 1$ere tri""erType is set to
perio(ical a&d p&rpose is set to
reportStron"est$ells 3or G+R%), i3 t$e
U+ $as set 'it &u6'er 23 to 1
- 8&ter-R%T #eriodi!a" 6easure6e&t
re#orti&2 1$ere tri""erType is set to
perio(ical a&d p&rpose is set to
reportStron"est$ells+orS43 3or UTR%)
(44 or UTR%) T44, i3 t$e U+ su##orts
eit$er o&"5 UTR%) (44 or o&"5 UTR%)
T44 a&d $as set 'it &u6'er 22 to 1
- 8&ter-R%T #eriodi!a" 6easure6e&t
re#orti&2 1$ere tri""erType is set to
perio(ical a&d p&rpose is set to
reportStron"est$ells+orS43 3or UTR%)
(44 or UTR%) T44, i3 t$e U+ su##orts
'ot$ UTR%) (44 a&d UTR%) T44 a&d
$as set 'it &u6'er 22 or 3. to 1,
- 8&ter-R%T #eriodi!a" 6easure6e&t
re#orti&2 1$ere tri""erType is set to
perio(ical a&d p&rpose is set to
reportStron"est$ells+orS43 3or 1/RTT
or =RP4, i3 t$e U+ $as set 'it &u6'er 24
or 26 to 1, res#e!ti7e"5
- 8&ter-R%T #eriodi!a" 6easure6e&t
re#orti&2 1$ere tri""erType is set to
perio(ical a&d p&rpose is set to
report$9I 3or UTR%) (44 or UTR%)
T44, i3 t$e U+ su##orts eit$er o&"5
UTR%) (44 or o&"5 UTR%)T44 a&d
$as set 'it &u6'er 22 to 1
- 8&ter-R%T #eriodi!a" 6easure6e&t
re#orti&2 1$ere tri""erType is set to
perio(ical a&d p&rpose is set to
report$9I 3or UTR%) (44 or UTR%)
T44, i3 t$e U+ su##orts 'ot$ UTR%)
(44 a&d UTR%) T44 a&d $as set 'it
&u6'er 22 or 3. to 1, res#e!ti7e"5
- 8&ter-R%T #eriodi!a" 6easure6e&t
re#orti&2 1$ere tri""erType is set to
perio(ical a&d p&rpose is set to
report$9I 3or G+R%), 1/RTT or =RP4,
i3 t$e U+ $as set 'it &u6'er 23, 24 or 26
to 1, res#e!ti7e"5
- !a& o&"5 'e set to 1 i3
t$e U+ $as set 'it
&u6'er 5 to 1 a&d t$e
U+ $as set at "east
o&e o3 t$e 'it &u6'er
22, 23, 24 or 26 to 1.
- e7e& i3 t$e U+ sets
'its 33 to 37, it s$a""
sti"" set 'it 1. to 1 i3
i&ter-R%T %)R
3eatures are tested 3or
a"" R%Ts 3or 1$i!$
re#orti&2 is i&di!ated
as tested
20 83 'it &u6'er 7 is set to 0,
- SR;1 a&d SR;2 3or 4**= - </ %M
- Re2ard"ess o3 1$at
'it &u6'er 7 a&d 'it
&u6'er 20 is set to,
Yes )o
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" 333 Release $$
83 'it &u6'er 7 is set to 1,
- SR;1 a&d SR;2 3or 4**= - </ %M
- SR;1 a&d SR;2 3or 4**= - 5/ %M
4R; - 3/ UM 4R;
)?T+, U+ 1$i!$ i&di!ate su##ort 3or a
4R; !o6'i&atio& a"so su##ort a""
su'sets o3 t$e 4R; !o6'i&atio&.
T$ere3ore, re"ease o3 4R;(s) &e7er
resu"ts i& a& u&su##orted 4R;
U+ s$a"" su##ort at
"east SR;1 a&d SR;2
3or 4**= - 4/ %M
- Re2ard"ess o3 1$at
'it &u6'er 20 is set to,
i3 'it &u6'er 7 is set to
1, U+ s$a"" su##ort at
"east SR;1 a&d SR;2
3or 4**= - 4/ %M
4R; - 1/ UM 4R;
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" 33+ Release $$
21 - Prede3i&ed i&tra- a&d i&ter-su'3ra6e
3re9ue&!5 $o##i&2 3or PUS*= 1it$ )@s'
Z 1
- Prede3i&ed i&ter-su'3ra6e 3re9ue&!5
$o##i&2 3or PUS*= 1it$ )@s' Z 1
22 - UTR%) (44 or UTR%) T44
6easure6e&ts, re#orti&2 a&d
6easure6e&t re#orti&2 e7e&t ;2 i& +-
UTR% !o&&e!ted 6ode, i3 t$e U+
su##orts eit$er o&"5 UTR%) (44 or o&"5
UTR%) T44
- UTR%) (44 6easure6e&ts, re#orti&2
a&d 6easure6e&t re#orti&2 e7e&t ;2 i&
+-UTR% !o&&e!ted 6ode, i3 t$e U+
su##orts 'ot$ UTR%) (44 a&d UTR%)
Yes 3or (44, i3 U+
su##orts UTR% (44
23 - G+R%) 6easure6e&ts, re#orti&2 a&d
6easure6e&t re#orti&2 e7e&t ;2 i& +-
UTR% !o&&e!ted 6ode
24 - 1/RTT 6easure6e&ts, re#orti&2 a&d
6easure6e&t re#orti&2 e7e&t ;2 i& +-
UTR% !o&&e!ted 6ode
Yes 3or (44, i3 U+
su##orts e&$a&!ed
1/RTT *S(; 3or (44
Yes 3or T44, i3 U+
su##orts e&$a&!ed
1/RTT *S(; 3or T44
25 - 8&ter-3re9ue&!5 6easure6e&ts a&d
re#orti&2 i& +-UTR% !o&&e!ted 6ode
)?T+, T$e U+ setti&2 t$is 'it to 1 a&d
i&di!ati&2 su##ort 3or (44 a&d T44
3re9ue&!5 'a&ds i& t$e U+ !a#a'i"it5
si2&a""i&2 i6#"e6e&ts a&d is tested 3or
(44 6easure6e&ts 1$i"e t$e U+ is i&
T44, a&d 3or T44 6easure6e&ts 1$i"e
t$e U+ is i& (44.
Yes, u&"ess U+ o&"5
su##orts 'a&d 13
26 - =RP4 6easure6e&ts, re#orti&2 a&d
6easure6e&t re#orti&2 e7e&t ;2 i& +-
UTR% !o&&e!ted 6ode
Yes 3or (44, i3 U+
su##orts =RP4
27 - +UTR% RR*@*?))+*T+4 to UTR%
(44 or UTR% T44 *+@4*= *S
$a&do7er, i3 t$e U+ su##orts eit$er o&"5
UTR%) (44 or o&"5 UTR%) T44
- +UTR% RR*@*?))+*T+4 to UTR%
(44 *+@4*= *S $a&do7er, i3 t$e U+
su##orts 'ot$ UTR%) (44 a&d UTR%)
- re"ated to SR-V**
- !a& o&"5 'e set to 1 i3
t$e U+ $as set 'it
&u6'er < to 1 a&d
su##orts SR-V**
3ro6 +UTR% de3i&ed
i& TS 24.00< E4.F
Yes 3or (44, i3 U+
su##orts VoT+ a&d
UTR% (44
2< - TT8 'u&d"i&2 Yes 3or (44 Yes
2. - Se6i-Persiste&t S!$edu"i&2 Yes
30 - =a&do7er 'et1ee& (44 a&d T44 - !a& o&"5 'e set to 1 i3
t$e U+ $as set 'it
&u6'er 13 to 1
31 - 8&di!ates 1$et$er t$e U+ su##orts t$e
6e!$a&is6s de3i&ed 3or !e""s
'road!asti&2 6u"ti 'a&d i&3or6atio& i.e.
!o6#re$e&di&2 m&ltiBan(Info1ist,
disre2ardi&2 i& RR*@*?))+*T+4 t$e
re"ated s5ste6 i&3or6atio& 3ie"ds a&d
u&dersta&di&2 t$e +%R(*) si2&a""i&2 3or
a"" 'a&ds, t$at o7er"a# 1it$ t$e 'a&ds
su##orted '5 t$e U+, a&d t$at are
de3i&ed i& t$e ear"iest 7ersio& o3 TS
36.101 E42F t$at i&!"udes a"" U+
su##orted 'a&ds.
32 U&de3i&ed
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" 33, Release $$
'OT3I The column 899D T99 diff indicates if the 43 is allowed to sinal different values for 899 and T99.
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" 33% Release $$
Ta3le =&$!$a1 7efinitions of feature 0roup indicators
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" 33( Release $$
8nde: of
(des!ri#tio& o3 t$e su##orted
3u&!tio&a"it5, i3 i&di!ator set to o&e)
Notes 8f indicated CEesC the
feature shall 3e
i2ple2ented and
successfull4 tested for
this version of the
*DD iff
8&ter-R%T %)R 3eatures 3or UTR%) (44
- 8&ter-R%T #eriodi!a" 6easure6e&t
re#orti&2 1$ere tri""erType is set to
perio(ical a&d p&rpose is set to
- 8&ter-R%T #eriodi!a" 6easure6e&t
re#orti&2 1$ere tri""erType is set to
perio(ical a&d p&rpose is set to
- !a& o&"5 'e set to 1 i3
t$e U+ $as set 'it
&u6'er 5 a&d 'it
&u6'er 22 to 1.
34 8&ter-R%T %)R 3eatures 3or G+R%)
- 8&ter-R%T #eriodi!a" 6easure6e&t
re#orti&2 1$ere tri""erType is set to
perio(ical a&d p&rpose is set to
- 8&ter-R%T #eriodi!a" 6easure6e&t
re#orti&2 1$ere tri""erType is set to
perio(ical a&d p&rpose is set to
- !a& o&"5 'e set to 1 i3
t$e U+ $as set 'it
&u6'er 5 a&d 'it
&u6'er 23 to 1.
35 8&ter-R%T %)R 3eatures 3or 1/RTT
- 8&ter-R%T #eriodi!a" 6easure6e&t
re#orti&2 1$ere tri""erType is set to
perio(ical a&d p&rpose is set to
- 8&ter-R%T #eriodi!a" 6easure6e&t
re#orti&2 1$ere tri""erType is set to
perio(ical a&d p&rpose is set to
- !a& o&"5 'e set to 1 i3
t$e U+ $as set 'it
&u6'er 5 a&d 'it
&u6'er 24 to 1.
36 8&ter-R%T %)R 3eatures 3or =RP4
- 8&ter-R%T #eriodi!a" 6easure6e&t
re#orti&2 1$ere tri""erType is set to
perio(ical a&d p&rpose is set to
- 8&ter-R%T #eriodi!a" 6easure6e&t
re#orti&2 1$ere tri""erType is set to
perio(ical a&d p&rpose is set to
- !a& o&"5 'e set to 1 i3
t$e U+ $as set 'it
&u6'er 5 a&d 'it
&u6'er 26 to 1.
37 8&ter-R%T %)R 3eatures 3or UTR%) T44
- 8&ter-R%T #eriodi!a" 6easure6e&t
re#orti&2 1$ere tri""erType is set to
perio(ical a&d p&rpose is set to
- 8&ter-R%T #eriodi!a" 6easure6e&t
re#orti&2 1$ere tri""erType is set to
perio(ical a&d p&rpose is set to
- !a& o&"5 'e set to 1 i3
t$e U+ $as set 'it
&u6'er 5 a&d 'it
&u6'er 3. to 1.
3< - +UTR% RR*@*?))+*T+4 to UTR%
T44 *+@4*= PS $a&do7er, i3 t$e U+
su##orts 'ot$ UTR%) (44 a&d UTR%)
- !a& o&"5 'e set to 1 i3
t$e U+ $as set 'it
&u6'er 3. to 1
3. - UTR%) T44 6easure6e&ts, re#orti&2
a&d 6easure6e&t re#orti&2 e7e&t ;2 i&
+-UTR% !o&&e!ted 6ode, i3 t$e U+
su##orts 'ot$ UTR%) (44 a&d UTR%)
40 - +UTR% RR*@*?))+*T+4 to UTR%
T44 *+@4*= *S $a&do7er, i3 t$e
U+ su##orts 'ot$ UTR%) (44 a&d
- re"ated to SR-V**
- !a& o&"5 'e set to 1 i3
t$e U+ $as set 'it
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" 33- Release $$
UTR%) T44 &u6'er 3< to 1
41 Measure6e&t re#orti&2 e7e&t, +7e&t ;1
D )ei2$'our Z t$res$o"d 3or UTR%)
(44, i3 t$e U+ su##orts UTR%) (44
a&d $as set 'it &u6'er 22 to 1
Yes 3or (44, u&"ess U+
$as set 'it &u6'er 15 to 1
42 U&de3i&ed
43 U&de3i&ed
44 U&de3i&ed
45 U&de3i&ed
46 U&de3i&ed
47 U&de3i&ed
4< U&de3i&ed
4. U&de3i&ed
50 U&de3i&ed
51 U&de3i&ed
52 U&de3i&ed
53 U&de3i&ed
54 U&de3i&ed
55 U&de3i&ed
56 U&de3i&ed
57 U&de3i&ed
5< U&de3i&ed
5. U&de3i&ed
60 U&de3i&ed
61 U&de3i&ed
62 U&de3i&ed
63 U&de3i&ed
64 U&de3i&ed
'OT3I The column 899D T99 diff indicates if the 43 is allowed to sinal different values for 899 and T99.
"larifi%ation for mo'ility from ()/RAN and inter*fre6uen%y andover 7itin ()/RAN
There are several feature roups related to mobility from 3A4T0/' and interAfre;uency handover within 34T0/'.
The description of these features is based on the assumption that we have : main MfunctionsM related to mobility from 3A
/. "upport of measurements and cell reselection procedure in idle mode
1. "upport of 002 release with redirection procedure in connected mode
2. "upport of 'etwor# /ssisted 2ell 2hane in connected mode
9. "upport of measurements and reportin in connected mode
3. "upport of handover procedure in connected mode
/ll functions can be applied for mobility to &nterAfre;uency to 34T0/'. G30/'. 4T0/'. 29M/*+++ B0P9 and
29M/*+++ ,(0TT e(cept for function 2) which is only applicable for mobility to G30/'. Table 1.,A* below
summarises the mobility functions that are supported based on the 43 capability sinalin (band support) and the
settin of the feature roup support indicators.
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" 33. Release $$
Ta3le =&$!*1 6o3ilit4 fro2 E!UTRAN
%. Measure6e&ts a&d !e"" rese"e!tio&
#ro!edure i& +-UTR% id"e 6ode
Su##orted i3
G+R%) 'a&d
su##ort is
Su##orted i3
UTR%) 'a&d
su##ort is
Su##orted i3
=RP4 'a&d
su##ort is
Su##orted i3
1/RTT 'a&d
su##ort is
Su##orted 3or
;. RR* re"ease 1it$ '"i&d redire!tio&
#ro!edure i& +-UTR% !o&&e!ted 6ode
Su##orted i3
G+R%) 'a&d
su##ort is
Su##orted i3
UTR%) 'a&d
su##ort is
Su##orted i3
=RP4 'a&d
su##ort is
Su##orted i3
1/RTT 'a&d
su##ort is
Su##orted 3or
*. *e"" *$a&2e ?rder (1it$ or 1it$out)
)et1or> %ssisted *e"" *$a&2e) i& +-
UTR% !o&&e!ted 6ode
Grou# 10 ).%. ).% ).% ).%.
4. 8&ter-3re9ue&!50R%T 6easure6e&ts,
re#orti&2 a&d 6easure6e&t re#orti&2
e7e&t ;2 (3or i&ter-R%T) i& +-UTR%
!o&&e!ted 6ode
Grou# 23 Grou# 2203. Grou# 26 Grou# 24 Grou# 25
+. 8&ter-3re9ue&!50R%T $a&do7er
#ro!edure i& +-UTR% !o&&e!ted 6ode
Grou# .
Se#arate U+
!a#a'i"it5 'it
de3i&ed i& TS
36.306 3or PS
Grou# <03<
(PS $a&do7er)
or Grou# 27040
Grou# 12 Grou# 11
Grou# 13
(1it$i& (44 or
Grou# 30
('et1ee& (44
a&d T44)
&n case measurements and reportin function is not supported by 43. the networ# may still issue the mobility
procedures redirection (1) and 22O (2) in a blind fashion.
;.2 *SG su##ort
&n this release of the protocol. it is mandatory for the 43 to support a minimum set of 2"G functionality consistin ofI
A &dentifyin whether a cell is 2"G or notJ
A &norin 2"G cells in cell selectionDreselection.
/dditional 2"G functionality in /". i.e. the re;uirement to detect and camp on 2"G cells when the M2"G whitelistM is
available or when manual 2"G selection is triered by the user. are related to the correspondin '/" features. This
additional /" functionality consists ofI
A Manual 2"G selectionJ
A /utonomous 2"G searchJ
A &mplicit priority handlin for cell reselection with 2"G cells.
&t is possible that this additional 2"G functionality in /" is not supported or tested in early 43 implementations.
'ote that since the above /" features relate to idle mode operations. the capability support is not sinalled to the
networ#. 8or these reasons. no Mfeature roup indicatorM is assined to this feature to indicate early support in 0elA?.
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" 3+) Release $$
%&&e/ * (&or6ati7e), Re"ease 10 %S 3eature $a&d"i&2
*.1 (eature 2rou# i&di!ators
This anne( contains the definitions of the bits in field feat$re;ro$pIn&!el10.
&n this release of the protocol. the 43 shall include the field feat$re;ro$pIn&!el10 in the &3 -,4,-T!.4"apa'ility4
010204I,s. /ll the functionalities defined within the field feat$re;ro$pIn&!el10 defined in Table 2.,A, are mandatory
for the 43. if the related capability (spatial multiple(in in 46. P9"2B transmission mode @. carrier areation.
handover to 34T0/. or 0/T) is also supported. 8or a specific indicator. if all functionalities for a feature roup listed
in Table 2.,A, have been implemented and tested. the 43 shall set the indicator as one (,). else (i.e. if any one of the
functionalities in a feature roup listed in Table 2.,A, have not been implemented or tested). the 43 shall set the
indicator as !ero (+).
The 43 shall set all indicators that correspond to 0/Ts not supported by the 43 as !ero (+).
The 43 shall set all indicators. which do not have a definition in Table 2.,A,. as !ero (+).
&f the optional field feat$re;ro$pIn&!el10 is not included by a 43 of a future release. the networ# may assume that all
features. listed in Table 2.,A, and deployed in the networ#. have been implemented and tested by the 43.
The inde(in in Table 2.,A, starts from inde( ,+,. which is the leftmost bit in the field feat$re;ro$pIn&!el10.
Ta3le #&$!$1 7efinitions of feature 0roup indicators
8nde: of
(des!ri#tio& o3 t$e su##orted
3u&!tio&a"it5, i3 i&di!ator set to o&e)
Notes 8f indicated CEesC the
feature shall 3e
i2ple2ented and
successfull4 tested
for this version of the
- 4MRS 1it$ ?** (ort$o2o&a" !o7er
!ode) a&d SG= (se9ue&!e 2rou#
$o##i&2) disa'"i&2
- i3 t$e U+ su##orts t1o or
6ore "a5ers 3or s#atia"
6u"ti#"e/i&2 i& U, t$is 'it
s$a"" 'e set to 1.
102 - Tri22er t5#e 1 SRS (a#eriodi! SRS)
tra&s6issio& (U# to I #orts)
)?T+, I G &u6'er o3 su##orted "a5ers
o& 2i7e& 'a&d
- P4S*= tra&s6issio& 6ode . 1$e&
u# to 4 *S8 re3ere&!e si2&a" #orts are
- 3or *ate2or5 < U+s, t$is 'it
s$a"" 'e set to 1.
- P4S*= tra&s6issio& 6ode . 3or
T44 1$e& < *S8 re3ere&!e si2&a"
#orts are !o&3i2ured
- i3 t$e U+ does &ot su##ort
T44, t$is 'it is irre"e7a&t
(!a#a'i"it5 si2&a""i&2 e/ists
3or (44 3or t$is 3eature), a&d
t$is 'it s$a"" 'e set to 0.
- 3or *ate2or5 < U+s, t$is 'it
s$a"" 'e set to 1.
- Periodi! *B80PM80R8 re#orti&2 o&
PU**=, Mode 2-0 D U+ se"e!ted
su''a&d *B8 1it$out PM8, 1$e&
P4S*= tra&s6issio& 6ode . is
- Periodi! *B80PM80R8 re#orti&2 o&
PU**=, Mode 2-1 D U+ se"e!ted
su''a&d *B8 1it$ si&2"e PM8, 1$e&
P4S*= tra&s6issio& 6ode . a&d u#
to 4 *S8 re3ere&!e si2&a" #orts are
- t$is 'it !a& 'e set to 1 o&"5
i3 i&di!es 2 (Ta'"e ;.1-1) a&d
103 are set to 1.
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" 3+$ Release $$
106 - Periodi! *B80PM80R80PT8 re#orti&2 o&
PU**=, Mode 2-1 D U+ se"e!ted
su''a&d *B8 1it$ si&2"e PM8, 1$e&
P4S*= tra&s6issio& 6ode . a&d <
*S8 re3ere&!e si2&a" #orts are
- t$is 'it !a& 'e set to 1 o&"5
i3 t$e U+ su##orts P4S*=
tra&s6issio& 6ode . 1it$ <
*S8 re3ere&!e si2&a" #orts
(i.e., 3or T44, i3 i&de/ 104 is
set to 1, a&d 3or (44, i3 tm96
;ith68T*6+226r1 is set to
Qsu##ortedM) a&d i3 i&de/ 2
(Ta'"e ;.1-1) is set to 1.
107 - %#eriodi! *B80PM80R8 re#orti&2 o&
PUS*=, Mode 2-0 D U+ se"e!ted
su''a&d *B8 1it$out PM8, 1$e&
P4S*= tra&s6issio& 6ode . is
- %#eriodi! *B80PM80R8 re#orti&2 o&
PUS*=, Mode 2-2 D U+ se"e!ted
su''a&d *B8 1it$ 6u"ti#"e PM8, 1$e&
P4S*= tra&s6issio& 6ode . a&d u#
to 4 *S8 re3ere&!e si2&a" #orts are
- t$is 'it !a& 'e set to 1 o&"5
i3 i&di!es 1 (Ta'"e ;.1-1) a&d
103 are set to 1.
10< - %#eriodi! *B80PM80R8 re#orti&2 o&
PUS*=, Mode 2-2 D U+ se"e!ted
su''a&d *B8 1it$ 6u"ti#"e PM8, 1$e&
P4S*= tra&s6issio& 6ode . a&d <
*S8 re3ere&!e si2&a" #orts are
- t$is 'it !a& 'e set to 1 o&"5
i3 t$e U+ su##orts P4S*=
tra&s6issio& 6ode . 1it$ <
*S8 re3ere&!e si2&a" #orts
(i.e., 3or T44, i3 i&de/ 104 is
set to 1, a&d 3or (44, i3 tm96
;ith68T*6+226r1 is set to
Qsu##ortedM) a&d i3 i&de/ 1
(Ta'"e ;.1-1) is set to 1.
10. - Periodi! *B80PM80R8 re#orti&2 o&
PU**= Mode 1-1, su'6ode 1
- t$is 'it !a& 'e set to 1 o&"5
i3 t$e U+ su##orts P4S*=
tra&s6issio& 6ode . 1it$ <
*S8 re3ere&!e si2&a" #orts
(i.e., 3or T44, i3 i&de/ 104 is
set to 1, a&d 3or (44, i3 tm96
;ith68T*6+226r1 is set to
110 - Periodi! *B80PM80R8 re#orti&2 o&
PU**= Mode 1-1, su'6ode 2
- t$is 'it !a& 'e set to 1 o&"5
i3 t$e U+ su##orts P4S*=
tra&s6issio& 6ode . 1it$ <
*S8 re3ere&!e si2&a" #orts
(i.e., 3or T44, i3 i&de/ 104 is
set to 1, a&d 3or (44, i3 tm96
;ith68T*6+226r1 is set to
111 - Measure6e&t re#orti&2 tri22er +7e&t
- t$is 'it !a& 'e set to 1 o&"5
i3 t$e U+ su##orts !arrier
112 - S*e"" additio& 1it$i& t$e =a&do7er to
+UTR% #ro!edure
- t$is 'it !a& 'e set to 1 o&"5
i3 t$e U+ su##orts !arrier
a22re2atio& a&d t$e
=a&do7er to +UTR%
113 - Tri22er t5#e 0 SRS (#eriodi! SRS)
tra&s6issio& o& I Ser7i&2 *e""s
)?T+, I G &u6'er o3 su##orted
!o6#o&e&t !arriers i& a 2i7e& 'a&d
- t$is 'it !a& 'e set to 1 o&"5
i3 t$e U+ su##orts !arrier
a22re2atio& i& U.
114 - Re#orti&2 o3 'ot$ UTR% *P8*=
RS*P a&d +!0)0 i& a Measure6e&t
- t$is 'it !a& 'e set to 1 o&"5
i3 i&de/ 22 (Ta'"e ;.1-1) is
set to 1.
115 - ti6e do6ai& 8*8* RM0RRM
6easure6e&t su'3ra6e restri!tio& 3or
t$e ser7i&2 !e""
- ti6e do6ai& 8*8* RRM 6easure6e&t
su'3ra6e restri!tio& 3or &ei2$'our !e""s
- ti6e do6ai& 8*8* *S8 6easure6e&t
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" 3+* Release $$
su'3ra6e restri!tio&
116 - Re"ati7e tra&s6it #$ase !o&ti&uit5 3or
s#atia" 6u"ti#"e/i&2 i& U
- t$is 'it !a& 'e set to 1 o&"5
i3 t$e U+ su##orts t1o or
6ore "a5ers 3or s#atia"
6u"ti#"e/i&2 i& U.
117 U&de3i&ed
11< U&de3i&ed
11. U&de3i&ed
120 U&de3i&ed
121 U&de3i&ed
122 U&de3i&ed
123 U&de3i&ed
124 U&de3i&ed
125 U&de3i&ed
126 U&de3i&ed
127 U&de3i&ed
12< U&de3i&ed
12. U&de3i&ed
130 U&de3i&ed
131 U&de3i&ed
132 U&de3i&ed
'OT3I The column 899D T99 diff indicates if the 43 is allowed to sinal different values for 899 and T99.
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" 3+3 Release $$
%&&e/ 4 (i&3or6ati7e),
*$a&2e $istor5
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" 3++ Release $$
#han0e histor4
7ate TSG F TSG 7oc& #R Rev Su3ject>#o22ent Ald New
1202007 RP-3< RP-070.20 - %##ro7ed at TSG-R%) K3< a&d #"a!ed u&der *$a&2e *o&tro" 1.0.0 <.0.0
030200< RP-3. RP-0<0163 0001 4 *R to 36.331 1it$ Mis!e""a&eous !orre!tio&s <.0.0 <.1.0
030200< RP-3. RP-0<0164 0002 2 *R to 36.331 to !o&7ert RR* to a2reed %S).1 3or6at <.0.0 <.1.0
050200< RP-40 RP-0<0361 0003 1 *R to 36.331 o& Mis!e""a&eous !"ari3i!atio&s0 !orre!tio&s <.1.0 <.2.0
0.0200< RP-41 RP-0<06.3 0005 - *R o& Mis!e""a&eous !orre!tio&s a&d !"ari3i!atio&s <.2.0 <.3.0
120200< RP-42 RP-0<1021 0006 - Mis!e""a&eous !orre!tio&s a&d !"ari3i!atio&s <.3.0 <.4.0
030200. RP-43 RP-0.0131 0007 - *orre!tio& to t$e *ou&ter *$e!> #ro!edure <.4.0 <.5.0
RP-43 RP-0.0131 000< - *R to 36.331-U+ %!tio&s o& Re!ei7i&2 S8;11 <.4.0 <.5.0
RP-43 RP-0.0131 000. 1 S#are usa2e o& ;**= <.4.0 <.5.0
RP-43 RP-0.0131 0010 - 8ssues i& $a&d"i&2 o#tio&a" 8+ u#o& a'se&!e i& G+R%) )* <.4.0 <.5.0
RP-43 RP-0.0131 0011 - *R to 36.331 o& Re6o7a" o3 use"ess R* re-esta'"is$6e&t at R;
<.4.0 <.5.0
RP-43 RP-0.0131 0012 1 *"ari3i!atio& to RR* "e7e" #addi&2 at P**= a&d ;**= <.4.0 <.5.0
RP-43 RP-0.0131 0013 - Re6o7a" o3 8&ter-R%T 6essa2e <.4.0 <.5.0
RP-43 RP-0.0131 0014 - Paddi&2 o3 t$e SR;-84 3or se!urit5 i&#ut <.4.0 <.5.0
RP-43 RP-0.0131 0015 - Va"idit5 o3 +T:S S8; <.4.0 <.5.0
RP-43 RP-0.0131 0016 1 *o&3i2uratio& o3 t$e T1o-8&ter7a"s-SPS <.4.0 <.5.0
RP-43 RP-0.0131 0017 - *orre!tio&s o& S!a"i&2 (a!tor Va"ues o3 B$5st <.4.0 <.5.0
RP-43 RP-0.0131 001< 1 ?#tio&a"it5 o3 srsMa/U##ts <.4.0 <.5.0
RP-43 RP-0.0131 001. - *R 3or dis!ussio& o& 3ie"d &a6e 3or !o66o& a&d dedi!ated 8+ <.4.0 <.5.0
RP-43 RP-0.0131 0020 - *orre!tio&s to *o&&e!ted 6ode 6o'i"it5 <.4.0 <.5.0
RP-43 RP-0.0131 0021 - *"ari3i!atio& re2ardi&2 t$e 6easure6e&t re#orti&2 #ro!edure <.4.0 <.5.0
RP-43 RP-0.0131 0022 1 *orre!tio&s o& s-Measure <.4.0 <.5.0
RP-43 RP-0.0131 0023 1 R1 o3 *R0023 (R2-0.102.) o& !o6'i&atio& o3 SPS a&d TT8
'u&d"i&2 3or T44
<.4.0 <.5.0
RP-43 RP-0.0131 0024 - 3 3i"teri&2 3or #at$ "oss 6easure6e&ts <.4.0 <.5.0
RP-43 RP-0.0131 0025 1 S-6easure $a&d"i&2 3or re#ort*G8 <.4.0 <.5.0
RP-43 RP-0.0131 0026 1 Measure6e&t !o&3i2uratio& !"ea& u# <.4.0 <.5.0
RP-43 RP-0.0131 0027 - %"i2&6e&t o3 6easure6e&t 9ua&tities 3or UTR% <.4.0 <.5.0
RP-43 RP-0.0131 002< - *R to 36.331 o& 1 #ara6eters ra&2es a"i2&6e&t <.4.0 <.5.0
RP-43 RP-0.0131 002. - 4e3au"t !o&3i2uratio& 3or tra&s6issio&Mode <.4.0 <.5.0
RP-43 RP-0.0131 0030 - *R to 36.331 o& RR* Para6eters 3or M%*, R* a&d P4*P <.4.0 <.5.0
RP-43 RP-0.0131 0031 1 *R to 36.331 - *"ari3i!atio& o& *o&3i2ured PR%*= (re9 ?33set <.4.0 <.5.0
RP-43 RP-0.0131 0032 - *"ari3i!atio& o& TT8 'u&d"i&2 !o&3i2uratio& <.4.0 <.5.0
RP-43 RP-0.0131 0033 1 U#date o3 R2-0.103. o& 8&ter-R%T U+ *a#a'i"it5 <.4.0 <.5.0
RP-43 RP-0.0133 0034 - (eature Grou# Su##ort 8&di!ators <.4.0 <.5.0
RP-43 RP-0.0131 0036 - *orre!tio&s to R( dete!tio& <.4.0 <.5.0
RP-43 RP-0.0131 0037 - 8&di!atio& o3 4edi!ated Priorit5 <.4.0 <.5.0
RP-43 RP-0.0131 003< 2 Se!urit5 *"ea& u# <.4.0 <.5.0
RP-43 RP-0.0131 003. - *orre!tio& o3 TTT 7a"ue ra&2e <.4.0 <.5.0
RP-43 RP-0.0131 0040 - *orre!tio& o& *4M% 6easure6e&t resu"t 8+ <.4.0 <.5.0
RP-43 RP-0.0131 0041 1 *"ari3i!atio& o3 Measure6e&t Re#orti&2 <.4.0 <.5.0
RP-43 RP-0.0131 0042 - S#are 7a"ues i& 4 a&d U ;a&d1idt$ i& M8; a&d S8;2 <.4.0 <.5.0
RP-43 RP-0.0131 0044 1 *"ari3i!atio&s to S5ste6 8&3or6atio& ;"o!> T5#e < <.4.0 <.5.0
RP-43 RP-0.0131 0045 - Re!e#tio& o3 +T:S se!o&dar5 &oti3i!atio& <.4.0 <.5.0
RP-43 RP-0.0131 0046 1 Va"idit5 ti6e 3or +T:S 6essa2e 8d a&d Se9ue&!e )o <.4.0 <.5.0
RP-43 RP-0.0131 0047 - *R 3or Ti6ers a&d !o&sta&ts 7a"ues used duri&2 $a&do7er to +-
<.4.0 <.5.0
RP-43 RP-0.0131 004< - 8&ter-R%T Se!urit5 *"ari3i!atio& <.4.0 <.5.0
RP-43 RP-0.0131 004. - *R to 36.331 o& !o&siste&t &a6i&2 o3 1/RTT ide&ti3iers <.4.0 <.5.0
RP-43 RP-0.0131 0050 - *a#turi&2 RR* 'e$a7ior re2ardi&2 )%S "o!a" re"ease <.4.0 <.5.0
RP-43 RP-0.0131 0051 - Re#ort *G8 'e3ore T321 e/#ir5 a&d U+ &u"" re#orti&2 <.4.0 <.5.0
RP-43 RP-0.0131 0052 - S5ste6 8&3or6atio& a&d 3 $our 7a"idit5 <.4.0 <.5.0
RP-43 RP-0.0131 0053 1 8&ter-)ode %S Si2&a""i&2 <.4.0 <.5.0
RP-43 RP-0.0131 0054 - Set o3 7a"ues 3or t$e #ara6eter T6essa2ePo1er?33setGrou#;T <.4.0 <.5.0
RP-43 RP-0.0131 0055 - *R to #a2i&2 re!e#tio& 3or +T:S !a#a'"e U+s i&
<.4.0 <.5.0
RP-43 RP-0.0131 0056 1 *R 3or *SG re"ated ite6s i& 36.331 <.4.0 <.5.0
RP-43 RP-0.0131 0057 1 SRS !o66o& !o&3i2uratio& <.4.0 <.5.0
RP-43 RP-0.0131 005< - RR* #ro!essi&2 de"a5 <.4.0 <.5.0
RP-43 RP-0.0131 005. - *R 3or =); )a6e <.4.0 <.5.0
RP-43 RP-0.0131 0060 3 =a&do7er to +UTR% de"ta !o&3i2uratio& <.4.0 <.5.0
RP-43 RP-0.0131 0063 - 4e"i7er5 o3 Messa2e 8de&ti3ier a&d Seria" )u6'er to u##er "a5ers
3or +T:S
<.4.0 <.5.0
RP-43 RP-0.0131 0066 - *"ari3i!atio& o& t$e 6a/i6u6 siLe o3 !e"" "ists <.4.0 <.5.0
RP-43 RP-0.0131 0067 - Missi&2 RR* 6essa2es i& RProte!tio& o3 RR* 6essa2esR <.4.0 <.5.0
RP-43 RP-0.0131 006. 1 *"ari3i!atio& o& )%S Se!urit5 *o&tai&er <.4.0 <.5.0
RP-43 RP-0.0131 0071 - +/te&sio& o3 ra&2e o3 *B80PM8 !o&3i2uratio& i&de/ <.4.0 <.5.0
RP-43 RP-0.0131 0072 1 %!!ess 'arri&2 a""e7iatio& i& RR* !o&&e!tio& esta'"is$6e&t <.4.0 <.5.0
RP-43 RP-0.0367 0077 6 *orre!tio&s to 3eature 2rou# su##ort i&di!ators <.4.0 <.5.0
RP-43 RP-0.0131 007< - *R 3ro6 e6ai" dis!ussio& to !a#ture 4RI a&d TTT $a&d"i&2 <.4.0 <.5.0
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" 3+, Release $$
RP-43 RP-0.0131 007. 1 )eed *ode $a&d"i&2 o& ;**= 6essa2es <.4.0 <.5.0
RP-43 RP-0.0131 00<0 - U&i3i!atio& o3 T300 a&d T301 a&d re6o7a" o3 6is!a""a&eous ((Ss <.4.0 <.5.0
RP-43 RP-0.0131 00<4 1 Pro#osed *R 6odi35i&2 t$e !ode-#oi&t de3i&itio&s o3
<.4.0 <.5.0
RP-43 RP-0.0131 00<7 2 Re6o7e Redu&da&t ?#tio&a"it5 i& S8;< <.4.0 <.5.0
RP-43 RP-0.0131 00<. - *orre!tio&s to t$e 2e&eri! error $a&d"i&2 <.4.0 <.5.0
RP-43 RP-0.0131 00.0 - *o&3i2ura'i"it5 o3 T301 <.4.0 <.5.0
RP-43 RP-0.0131 00.1 1 *orre!tio& re"ated to TTT <.4.0 <.5.0
RP-43 RP-0.0131 00.5 - *R 3or 36.331 o& SPS-!o&3i2 <.4.0 <.5.0
RP-43 RP-0.0131 00.6 2 *R 3or 4ea!ti7atio& o3 #eriodi!a" 6easure6e&t <.4.0 <.5.0
RP-43 RP-0.0131 00.. 2 SM* a&d re!o&3i2uratio& <.4.0 <.5.0
RP-43 RP-0.0131 0101 - T44 $a&do7er <.4.0 <.5.0
RP-43 RP-0.0131 0102 - *orre!tio&s to s5ste6 i&3or6atio& a!9uisitio& <.4.0 <.5.0
RP-43 RP-0.0131 0106 - So6e *orre!tio&s a&d *"ari3i!atio&s to 36.331 <.4.0 <.5.0
RP-43 RP-0.0131 010. - *"ari3i!atio& o& t$e Ma/i6u6 &u6'er o3 R?=* !o&te/t sessio&s
<.4.0 <.5.0
RP-43 RP-0.0131 0110 - Tra&s6issio& o3 rr6-*o&3i2 at 8&ter-R%T =a&do7er <.4.0 <.5.0
RP-43 RP-0.0131 0111 1 Use o3 Sa6eRe3Si2&a"s8&)ei2$'or #ara6eter <.4.0 <.5.0
RP-43 RP-0.0131 0112 - 4e3au"t ser7i&2 !e"" o33set 3or 6easure6e&t e7e&t %3 <.4.0 <.5.0
RP-43 RP-0.0131 0114 - d"-+%R(*) 6issi&2 i& =a&do7erPre#aratio&8&3or6atio& <.4.0 <.5.0
RP-43 RP-0.0131 0115 - *"ea&u# o3 re3ere&!es to 36.101 <.4.0 <.5.0
RP-43 RP-0.0131 0117 - *orre!tio& to t$e 7a"ue ra&2e o3 U+-*ate2ories <.4.0 <.5.0
RP-43 RP-0.0131 0122 1 *orre!tio& o& RR* !o&&e!tio& re-esta'"is$6e&t <.4.0 <.5.0
RP-43 RP-0.0131 0124 - Per3or6i&2 Measure6e&ts to re#ort *G8 3or *4M%2000 <.4.0 <.5.0
RP-43 RP-0.0131 0125 - *4M%2000-S5ste6Ti6e8&3o i& VarMeasure6e&t*o&3i2uratio& <.4.0 <.5.0
RP-43 RP-0.0131 0126 - U+ *a#a'i"it5 8&3or6atio& 3or *4M%2000 1/RTT <.4.0 <.5.0
RP-43 RP-0.0131 0127 - *4M%2000 re"ated editoria" !$a&2es <.4.0 <.5.0
RP-43 RP-0.0131 012< - 4ra3t *R to 36.331 o& State 6is6at!$ re!o7er5 at re-esta'"is$6e&t <.4.0 <.5.0
RP-43 RP-0.0131 012. 1 4ra3t *R to 36.331 o& Re&a6i&2 o3 %* 'arri&2 re"ated 8+s <.4.0 <.5.0
RP-43 RP-0.0131 0130 2 4ra3t *R to 36.331 o& 8&$eriti&2 o3 dedi!ated #riorities at i&ter-R%T
<.4.0 <.5.0
RP-43 RP-0.0131 0135 - Pro#osed *R to 36.331 4es!ri#tio& a"i2&6e&t 3or #a2i&2
#ara6eter, &;
<.4.0 <.5.0
RP-43 RP-0.0131 013. 2 Mis!e""a&eous !orre!tio&s a&d !"ari3i!atio&s resu"ti&2 3ro6 %S).1
<.4.0 <.5.0
RP-43 RP-0.0131 0141 1 *orre!tio& re2ardi&2 Redire!tio& 8&3or6atio& 3o G+R%) <.4.0 <.5.0
RP-43 RP-0.0131 0142 - (urt$er %S).1 re7ie1 re"ated issues <.4.0 <.5.0
RP-43 RP-0.0131 0143 - Periodi! 6easure6e&ts <.4.0 <.5.0
RP-43 RP-0.0131 0144 1 (urt$er a&a"5sis o& !ode #oi&t T?((T 3or ri-*o&3i28&de/ <.4.0 <.5.0
RP-43 RP-0.0131 0145 1 %ddi&2 a&d de"eti&2 sa6e 6easure6e&t or !o&3i2uratio& i& o&e
<.4.0 <.5.0
RP-43 RP-0.0131 0147 - *orre!tio&s to 8+ data*odi&2S!$e6e i& S8;11 <.4.0 <.5.0
RP-43 RP-0.0131 014< - *"ari3i!atio& o& Mo'i"it5 3ro6 +-UTR% <.4.0 <.5.0
RP-43 RP-0.0131 014. - 36.331 *R re"ated to O&ot a##"i!a'"eP <.4.0 <.5.0
RP-43 RP-0.0131 0150 1 U+ radio !a#a'i"it5 tra&s3er <.4.0 <.5.0
RP-43 RP-0.0131 0151 - *R to 36.331 o& 7a"ue o3 *4M% 'a&d !"asses <.4.0 <.5.0
RP-43 RP-0.0131 0152 - *orre!tio&s to 4R; 6odi3i!atio& <.4.0 <.5.0
RP-43 RP-0.0131 0153 - *orre!tio& to #rese&!e !o&ditio& 3or #d!#-!o&3i2 <.4.0 <.5.0
RP-43 RP-0.0131 0155 - T44 =%RB-%*N 3eed'a!> 6ode <.4.0 <.5.0
RP-43 RP-0.0275 0157 - *orre!tio&s re2ardi&2 use o3 !arrier(re9 3or *4M% (S8;<) a&d
G+R%) (6eas?'Ae!t)
<.4.0 <.5.0
RP-43 RP-0.0321 0156 1 Se&di&2 o3 G+R%) S80PS8 i&3or6atio& at 8&ter-R%T =a&do7er <.4.0 <.5.0
RP-43 RP-0.033. 015< - *"ari3i!atio& o3 *SG su##ort <.4.0 <.5.0
060200. RP-44 RP-0.0516 015. - ?!tet a"i2&6e&t o3 VarS$ortM%*-8&#ut <.5.0 <.6.0
RP-44 RP-0.0516 0160 3 Mi&or !orre!tio&s to t$e 3eature 2rou#i&2 <.5.0 <.6.0
RP-44 RP-0.0516 0161 - Se!urit5 !"ari3i!atio& <.5.0 <.6.0
RP-44 RP-0.0516 0162 1 Se&di&2 o3 G+R%) S80PS8 i&3or6atio& at 8&ter-R%T =a&do7er <.5.0 <.6.0
RP-44 RP-0.0516 0163 1 *orre!tio& o3 U+ 6easure6e&t 6ode" <.5.0 <.6.0
RP-44 RP-0.0516 0164 - Restri!ti&2 t$e re!o&3i2uratio& o3 UM R* S) 3ie"d siLe <.5.0 <.6.0
RP-44 RP-0.0516 0165 1 36.331 *R o& *"ari3i!atio& o& !e"" !$a&2e order 3ro6 G+R%) to +-
<.5.0 <.6.0
RP-44 RP-0.0516 0166 - 36.331 *R - =a&d"i&2 o3 e/#ired T%T a&d 3ai"ed 4-SR <.5.0 <.6.0
RP-44 RP-0.0516 0167 1 Pro#osed *R to 36.331 *"ari3i!atio& o& 6a&dator5 i&3or6atio& i&
<.5.0 <.6.0
RP-44 RP-0.0516 016< 2 Mis!e""a&eous s6a"" !orre!tio&s <.5.0 <.6.0
RP-44 RP-0.0516 0173 - *"ari3i!atio& o& t$e 'asis o3 de"ta si2&a""i&2 <.5.0 <.6.0
RP-44 RP-0.0516 0177 - *R o& %"i2&6e&t o3 ***= a&d 4**= $a&d"i&2 o3 6issi&2
6a&dator5 3ie"d
<.5.0 <.6.0
RP-44 RP-0.0516 01<0 2 =a&d"i&2 o3 Measure6e&t *o&te/t 4uri&2 =? Pre#aratio& <.5.0 <.6.0
RP-44 RP-0.0516 01<1 - *"ari3i!atio& o3 >e5-e)ode;-Star i& %dditio&a"Reesta'8&3o <.5.0 <.6.0
RP-44 RP-0.0516 01<2 1 U+ *a#a'i"it5 Tra&s3er <.5.0 <.6.0
RP-44 RP-0.0516 01<6 1 *"ari3i!atio& re2ardi&2 6o'i"it5 3ro6 +-UTR% i&-'et1ee& SM* a&d
SR;204R; setu#
<.5.0 <.6.0
RP-44 RP-0.0516 01<< 1 *orre!tio& a&d !o6#"etio& o3 s#e!i3i!atio& !o&7e&tio&s <.5.0 <.6.0
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" 3+% Release $$
RP-44 RP-0.0516 01.5 2 R; !o6'i&atio& i& 3eature 2rou# i&di!ator <.5.0 <.6.0
RP-44 RP-0.0516 01.6 1 *R 3or &eed !ode 3or 3ie"ds i& 6o'i"it5*o&tro"8&3o <.5.0 <.6.0
RP-44 RP-0.04.7 01.7 - %"i2&6e&t o3 #us!$-=o##i&2?33set 1it$ 36.211 <.5.0 <.6.0
RP-44 RP-0.0570 01.< - +/#"i!it sr'-8de&tit5 7a"ues 3or SR;1 a&d SR;2 <.5.0 <.6.0
RP-44 RP-0.0516 01.. - Re6o7i&2 use o3 (efa&lt@al&e 3or mac6Main$onfi" <.5.0 <.6.0
0.0200. RP-45 RP-0.0.06 0200 - Pro#osed u#date o3 t$e 3eature 2rou#i&2 <.6.0 <.7.0
RP-45 RP-0.0.06 0201 - *"ari3i!atio& o& 6easure6e&t o'Ae!t !o&3i2uratio& 3or ser7i&2
<.6.0 <.7.0
RP-45 RP-0.0.06 0202 - *orre!tio& re2ardi&2 SRV** <.6.0 <.7.0
RP-45 RP-0.0.06 0203 - 8&di!atio& o3 4R; Re"ease duri&2 =? <.6.0 <.7.0
RP-45 RP-0.0.06 0204 1 *orre!tio& re2ardi&2 a##"i!atio& o3 dedi!ated resour!e
!o&3i2uratio& u#o& $a&do7er
<.6.0 <.7.0
RP-45 RP-0.0.06 0205 - R+-. #roto!o" e/te&sio&s i& RR* <.6.0 <.7.0
RP-45 RP-0.0.06 0206 - 8&-order de"i7er5 o3 )%S P4Us at RR* !o&&e!tio& re!o&3i2uratio& <.6.0 <.7.0
RP-45 RP-0.0.06 0207 - *orre!tio& o& T$res$o"d o3 Measure6e&t +7e&t <.6.0 <.7.0
RP-45 RP-0.0.06 0210 - *"ari3i!atio& o& dedi!ated resour!e o3 R% #ro!edure <.6.0 <.7.0
RP-45 RP-0.0.06 0213 1 *e"" 'arri&2 1$e& Master8&3or6atio&;"o!> or
S5ste68&3or6atio&;"o!>1 is 6issi&2
<.6.0 <.7.0
RP-45 RP-0.0.15 021< - Se!urit5 t$reat 1it$ du#"i!ate dete!tio& 3or +T:S <.6.0 <.7.0
RP-45 RP-0.0.06 0224 - *"ari3i!atio& o& su##orted $a&do7er t5#es i& 3eature 2rou#i&2 <.6.0 <.7.0
RP-45 RP-0.0.06 0250 1 =a&d"i&2 o3 u&su##orted 0 &o&-!o6#re$e&ded 3re9ue&!5 'a&d a&d
e6issio& re9uire6e&t
<.6.0 <.7.0
RP-45 RP-0.0.06 0251 - R; !o6'i&atio&s i& 3eature 2rou# i&di!ator 20 <.6.0 <.7.0
0.0200. RP-45 RP-0.0.34 0220 1 8&trodu!tio& o3 Per-B*8 radio "i&> 3ai"ure ti6ers (o#tio& 1) <.7.0 ..0.0
RP-45 RP-0.0.26 0222 - )u"" i&te2rit5 #rote!tio& a"2orit$6 <.7.0 ..0.0
RP-45 RP-0.0.26 0223 - +6er2e&!5 Su##ort 8&di!ator i& ;**= <.70 ..0.0
RP-45 RP-0.0.34 0230 2 *R to 36.331 3or +&$a&!ed *S(; to 1/RTT 1it$ !o&!urre&t PS
<.7.0 ..0.0
RP-45 RP-0.0.34 0243 - R+-. o& Mis!e""a&eous editoria" !orre!tio&s <.7.0 ..0.0
RP-45 RP-0.0.34 0247 - Periodi! *B80PM80R8 6as>i&2 <.7.0 ..0.0
RP-45 RP-0.0.33 0252 - 8&trodu!tio& o3 *M%S <.7.0 ..0.0
120200. RP-46 RP-0.1346 0253 1 (Re"-.)-!"ari3i!atio& o& t$e des!ri#tio& o3 redire!ted*arrier8&3o ..0.0 ..1.0
RP-46 RP-0.1346 0254 1 %ddi&2 re3ere&!es to RR* #ro!essi&2 de"a5 3or i&ter-R%T 6o'i"ti5
..0.0 ..1.0
RP-46 RP-0.1314 0256 - %"i2&6e&t o3 srs-;a&d1idt$ 1it$ 36.211 ..0.0 ..1.0
RP-46 RP-0.1341 0257 5 ;ase"i&e *R !a#turi&2 eM;MS a2ree6e&ts ..0.0 ..1.0
RP-46 RP-0.1343 025< 3 *a#turi&2 a2ree6e&ts o& i&'ou&d 6o'i"it5 ..0.0 ..1.0
RP-46 RP-0.1314 0260 - *"ari3i!atio& o3
..0.0 ..1.0
RP-46 RP-0.1346 0261 - *"ari3i!atio& o& )** 3or 8R%T =? ..0.0 ..1.0
RP-46 RP-0.1314 0263 - *"ari3i!atio& o& P-6a/ ..0.0 ..1.0
RP-46 RP-0.1314 0265 1 *"ari3i!atio& o& t$e de3i&itio& o3 6a/*e""Meas ..0.0 ..1.0
RP-46 RP-0.1346 0266 - *orre!tio& o3 9-R/e7Mi& re3ere&!e i& S8;7 ..0.0 ..1.0
RP-46 RP-0.1346 0267 - *orre!tio& o& SPS-*o&3i2 3ie"d des!ri#tio&s ..0.0 ..1.0
RP-46 RP-0.1346 026< 1 !orre!tio& o& t$e de3i&itio& o3 *e""sTri22eredist ..0.0 ..1.0
RP-46 RP-0.1345 026. - *orre!tio& re"ati&2 to *M%S U+ !a#a'i"it5 ..0.0 ..1.0
RP-46 RP-0.1314 0271 1 (eature 2rou#i&2 'it 3or SRV** $a&do7er ..0.0 ..1.0
RP-46 RP-0.1314 0272 1 *orre!tio& a&d !o6#"etio& o3 e/te&sio& 2uide"i&es ..0.0 ..1.0
RP-46 RP-0.1344 0273 - R%*= o#ti6iLatio& Sta2e-3 ..0.0 ..1.0
RP-46 RP-0.1345 0274 - Sta2e 3 !orre!tio& 3or *M%S ..0.0 ..1.0
RP-46 RP-0.1346 0276 1 SR #ro$i'it 6e!$a&is6 3or U SPS ..0.0 ..1.0
RP-46 RP-0.1346 0277 - Para6eters used 3or e&$a&!ed 1/RTT *S 3a""'a!> ..0.0 ..1.0
RP-46 RP-0.1346 02<1 - *orre!tio& o& UTR%) U+ *a#a'i"it5 tra&s3er ..0.0 ..1.0
RP-46 RP-0.1346 02<5 - Ma/i6u6 &u6'er o3 *4M%2000 &ei2$'ors i& S8;< ..0.0 ..1.0
RP-46 RP-0.1340 02<< 1 8&trodu!tio& o3 U+ R/-T/ Ti6e 4i33ere&!e 6easure6e&t ..0.0 ..1.0
RP-46 RP-0.1346 02.7 - 8&trodu!tio& o3 SR #ro$i'it ti6er ..0.0 ..1.0
RP-46 RP-0.1346 02.< - Re6o7e ((Ss 3ro6 R%)2 s#e!i3i!atio&s ..0.0 ..1.0
RP-46 RP-0.1343 0301 1 Re&a6i&2 %""o1ed *SG ist (36.331 Re"-.) ..0.0 ..1.0
RP-46 RP-0.1346 0305 - Re-i&trodu!tio& o3 6essa2e se26e&t dis!ard ti6e ..0.0 ..1.0
RP-46 RP-0.1346 0306 1 %##"i!atio& o3 %S).1 e/te&sio& 2uide"i&es ..0.0 ..1.0
RP-46 RP-0.1346 030. 1 Su##ort 3or 4ua" Radio 1/*S(; ..0.0 ..1.0
RP-46 RP-0.1346 0311 - S$orter SR #eriodi!it5 ..0.0 ..1.0
RP-46 RP-0.1342 0316 - *R to 36.331 3or 8&trodu!tio& o3 4ua" a5er Tra&s6issio& ..0.0 ..1.0
RP-46 RP-0.1343 031< 1 4ra3t *R to 36.331 o& )et1or> ordered S8 re#orti&2 ..0.0 ..1.0
RP-46 RP-0.1346 0322 - U+ e1/!s3' !a#a'i"ities !orre!tio& ..0.0 ..1.0
RP-46 RP-0.1331 0327 1 *"ari3i!atio& o& !odi&2 o3 +T:S re"ated 8+s ..0.0 ..1.0
0302010 RP-47 RP-1002<5 0331 - *"ari3i!atio& o3 *G8 re#orti&2 ..1.0 ..2.0
RP-47 RP-100305 0332 - *"ari3i!atio& o& M**= !$a&2e &oti3i!atio& ..1.0 ..2.0
RP-47 RP-10030< 0333 - *"ari3i!atio& o& 6easure6e&t 3or ser7i&2 !e"" o&"5 ..1.0 ..2.0
RP-47 RP-100306 0334 - *"ari3i!atio& o& #ro/i6it5 i&di!atio& !o&3i2uraito& i& $a&do7er to +-
..1.0 ..2.0
RP-47 RP-10030< 0335 - *"ari3i!atio& o& radio resour!e !o&3i2uratio& i& $a&do7er to +-UTR%
..1.0 ..2.0
RP-47 RP-10030< 0336 - *"ari3i!atio& o& U+ 6a/i6u6 tra&s6issio& #o1er ..1.0 ..2.0
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" 3+( Release $$
RP-47 RP-10030< 0337 - *orre!tio& to 3ie"d des!ri#tio&s o3 U+-+UTR%-*a#a'i"it5 ..1.0 ..2.0
RP-47 RP-100305 033< - *orre!tio& to M;MS s!$edu"i&2 ter6i&o"o25 ..1.0 ..2.0
RP-47 RP-10030< 033. - *orre!tio&s to S8;< ..1.0 ..2.0
RP-47 RP-100306 0340 - *R 36.331 R. 3or U&i35i&2 S8 readi&2 3or %)R a&d i&'ou&d 6o'i"it5 ..1.0 ..2.0
RP-47 RP-10030< 0341 1 *R to 36.331 3or 1/RTT #re-re2istratio& i&3or6atio& i& S8;< ..1.0 ..2.0
RP-47 RP-100305 0342 - *R to 36.331 o& !orre!tio&s 3or M;MS ..1.0 ..2.0
RP-47 RP-100306 0343 1 *R to 36.331 o& *SG ide&tit5 re#orti&2 ..1.0 ..2.0
RP-47 RP-10030< 0344 2 *R to 36.331 o& ?#tio&a"it5 o3 Re"-. U+ 3eatures ..1.0 ..2.0
RP-47 RP-10030< 0345 1 *R to 36.331 o& Ser7i!e S#e!i3i! %!!es *o&tro" (SS%*) ..1.0 ..2.0
RP-47 RP-10030< 0346 - 8&trodu!tio& o3 #o1er-"i6ited de7i!e i&di!atio& i& U+ !a#a'i"it5. ..1.0 ..2.0
RP-47 RP-100305 0347 - Missi&2 a2ree6e&t i& M**= !$a&2e &oti3i!atio&. ..1.0 ..2.0
RP-47 RP-100305 034< 1 *orre!tio&s re"ated to M**= !$a&2e &oti3i!atio& a&d 7a"ue ra&2es ..1.0 ..2.0
RP-47 RP-100306 034. 2 Pro$i'it ti6er 3or #ro/i6it5 i&di!atio& ..1.0 ..2.0
RP-47 RP-100306 0350 1 Pro/i6it5 8&di!atio& a3ter $a&do7er a&d re-esta'"is$6e&t ..1.0 ..2.0
RP-47 RP-100305 0351 - S#e!i35i&2 t$e e/a!t 6a##i&2 o3 &oti3i!atio&8&di!ator i& S8;13 to
P4**= 'its
..1.0 ..2.0
RP-47 RP-10030< 0352 - *orre!tio&s out o3 %S).1 re7ie1 s!o#e ..1.0 ..2.0
RP-47 RP-10030< 0353 - *R o& !"ari3i!atio& o3 s5ste6 i&3or6atio& !$a&2e ..1.0 ..2.0
RP-47 RP-1002<5 035< - Measure6e&t Resu"t *4M%2000 *e"" ..1.0 ..2.0
RP-47 RP-100304 0361 - *orre!tio& o& t$e ra&2e o3 U+ R/-T/ ti6e di33ere&!e 6easure6e&t
..1.0 ..2.0
RP-47 RP-100305 0362 - S6a"" !"ari3i!atio&s re2ardi&2 M;MS ..1.0 ..2.0
RP-47 RP-10030< 0363 - 8&trodu!tio& o3 R+-. i&di!atio& 1it$i& 3ie"d a!!essStratu6Re"ease ..1.0 ..2.0
RP-47 RP-100306 0364 - +/te&di&2 6o'i"it5 des!ri#tio& to !o7er i&'ou&d 6o'i"it5 ..1.0 ..2.0
RP-47 RP-10030< 0365 1 *"ari3i!atio& re2ardi&2 e&$a&!ed *S(; to 1IRTT ..1.0 ..2.0
RP-47 RP-10030< 036< - =a&d"i&2 o3 dedi!ated R( ti6ers ..1.0 ..2.0
RP-47 RP-100305 0370 1 *"ari3i!atio& o& U+Rs 'e$a7ior o3 re!ei7i&2 M;MS ser7i!e ..1.0 ..2.0
RP-47 RP-100305 0371 - M;MS Ser7i!e 84 a&d Sessio& 84 ..1.0 ..2.0
RP-47 RP-100305 0372 1 8&!"usio& o3 &o&-M;S() re2io& "e&2t$ i& S8;13 ..1.0 ..2.0
RP-47 RP-10030. 0374 1 *R to 36.331 3or e1/*S(; a!!ess !"ass 'arri&2 #ara6eters i&
..1.0 ..2.0
RP-47 RP-10030< 0375 - Mu"ti#"e 1/RTT0=RP4 tar2et !e""s i&
..1.0 ..2.0
RP-47 RP-10030< 0376 - 8&de#e&de&t su##ort i&di!ators 3or 4ua"-R/ *S(; a&d S102 i&
..1.0 ..2.0
RP-47 RP-1002<5 037< - *"ari3i!atio& o& 4RI Start?33set 3or T44 ..1.0 ..2.0
RP-47 RP-10030< 037. 1 Mis!e""a&eous !orre!tio&s 3ro6 R+-. %S).1 re7ie1 ..1.0 ..2.0
RP-47 RP-10030< 03<1 - )eed !odes a&d 6issi&2 !o&7e&tio&s ..1.0 ..2.0
RP-47 RP-10030< 03<3 1 8&trodu!tio& o3 (u"" *o&3i2uratio& =a&do7er 3or $a&d"i&2 ear"ier e);
..1.0 ..2.0
RP-47 RP-10030< 03<5 - *"ari3i!atio& to S() re3ere&!e i& RR* ..1.0 ..2.0
RP-47 RP-10030< 03.0 - RSRP a&d RSRB 'ased T$res$o"ds ..1.0 ..2.0
RP-47 RP-1001<. 03.2 3 Redire!tio& e&$a&!e6e&ts to G+R%) ..1.0 ..2.0
RP-47 RP-10030< 03.< - *e"" rese"e!tio& e&$a&!e6e&ts *R 3or 36.331 ..1.0 ..2.0
RP-47 RP-100307 0401 3 *R o& U+-ori2i&ated R(re#orti&2 3or MR? S?) use !ase ..1.0 ..2.0
RP-47 RP-10030. 0402 3 *R to 36.331 o& Redire!tio& e&$a&!e6e&ts to UTR%) ..1.0 ..2.0
RP-47 RP-100306 0403 2 Pro/i6it5 status i&di!atio& $a&d"i&2 at 6o'i"it5 ..1.0 ..2.0
RP-47 RP-100305 0404 - U##er "a5er as#e!t o3 M;S() area id ..1.0 ..2.0
RP-47 RP-10030< 0405 - Redire!tio& 3or e&$a&!ed 1/RTT *S 3a""'a!> 1it$ !o&!urre&t
..1.0 ..2.0
RP-47 RP-100301 0406 - %7oidi&2 i&ter"ea7i&2 tra&s6issio& o3 *M%S &oti3i!atio&s ..1.0 ..2.0
RP-47 RP-10030< 0407 1 8&trodu!tio& o3 U+ G+R%) 4TM !a#a'i"it5 i&di!ator ..1.0 ..2.0
RP-47 RP-1003<1 040< 2 8&trodu!i&2 #ro7isio&s 3or "ate %S).1 !orre!tio&s ..1.0 ..2.0
RP-47 RP-100245 0411 - *orre!tio&0 a"i2&6e&t o3 R+-. U+ !a#a'i"it5 si2&a""i&2 ..1.0 ..2.0
0602010 RP-4< RP-100553 0412 - *"ari3i!atio& 3or 6a##i&2 'et1ee& 1ar&i&2 6essa2e a&d *;-data ..2.0 ..3.0
RP-4< RP-100556 0413 - *"ari3i!atio& o3 radio "i&> 3ai"ure re"ated a!tio&s ..2.0 ..3.0
RP-4< RP-100554 0414 - *"ari3i!atio& o& U+ a!tio&s u#o& "ea7i&2 RR*@*?))+*T+4 ..2.0 ..3.0
RP-4< RP-100553 0415 - *orre!tio& o& *M%S s5ste6 i&3or6atio& ..2.0 ..3.0
RP-4< RP-100554 0416 1 *orre!tio&s to M;MS ..2.0 ..3.0
RP-4< RP-100536 041< - 4e!odi&2 o3 u&>&o1& 3uture e/te&sio&s ..2.0 ..3.0
RP-4< RP-100556 041. 1 Mis!e""a&eous s6a"" !orre!tio&s a&d !"ari3i!atio&s ..2.0 ..3.0
RP-4< RP-100551 0420 - Pro$i'it ti6er 3or #ro/i6it5 i&di!atio& ..2.0 ..3.0
RP-4< RP-100556 0421 - R( re#ort 3or MR? !orre!tio& ..2.0 ..3.0
RP-4< RP-100546 0423 1 Missi&2 UTR% 'a&ds i& 8R%T-Para6etersUTR%-(44 ..2.0 ..3.0
RP-4< RP-100556 0424 - *orre!tio& o& $a&d"i&2 o3 dedi!ated R( ti6ers ..2.0 ..3.0
RP-4< RP-100556 0431 1 Prote!tio& o3 RR* 6essa2es ..2.0 ..3.0
RP-4< RP-100556 0433 - =a&d"i&2 6issi&2 +sse&tia" s5ste6 i&3or6atio& ..2.0 ..3.0
RP-4< RP-100551 0434 1 *"ari3i!atio& o& UMTS *SG dete!ted !e"" re#orti&2 i& T+ ..2.0 ..3.0
RP-4< RP-100556 0436 - 8&trodu!i&2 #ro7isio&s 3or "ate !orre!tio&s ..2.0 ..3.0
RP-4< RP-100556 0437 - *"ari3i!atio& re2ardi&2 0 a"i2&6e&t o3 R+-. U+ !a#a'i"ities ..2.0 ..3.0
0.02010 RP-4. RP-100<45 0440 - *orre!tio& to 3GPP2 re3ere&!e 3or i&ter1or>i&2 1it$ !d6a2000 1/ ..3.0 ..4.0
RP-4. RP-100<51 0441 - *"ari3i!atio& o& U $a&do7er #re#aratio& tra&s3er ..3.0 ..4.0
RP-4. RP-100<51 0442 1 *"ari3i!atio&s re2ardi&2 3u""*o&3i2uratio& ..3.0 ..4.0
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" 3+- Release $$
RP-4. RP-100<51 0443 - *"ari3i!atio&s re2ardi&2 $a&do7er to +-UTR%) ..3.0 ..4.0
RP-4. RP-100<54 0444 - *orre!tio& o& t$e ta'"e o3 !o&ditio&a""5 6a&dator5 Re"ease .
..3.0 ..4.0
RP-4. RP-100<51 0445 - *orre!tio&s to TS36.331 o& Meas*o&3i2 8+ ..3.0 ..4.0
RP-4. RP-100<53 0446 2 *R to 36.331 o& !"ari3i!atio& 3or M;MS PTM R;s ..3.0 ..4.0
RP-4. RP-100<51 0447 - 8&trodu!tio& o3 "ate !orre!tio&s !o&tai&er 3or +-UTR% U+
..3.0 ..4.0
RP-4. RP-100<51 044< - Re&a6i&2 o3 !o&tai&ers 3or "ate &o&-!riti!a" e/te&sio&s ..3.0 ..4.0
RP-4. RP-100<51 0452 - *"ari3i!atio&s Re2ardi&2 Redire!tio& 3ro6 T+ ..3.0 ..4.0
RP-4. RP-100<45 0456 - 4es!ri#tio& o3 6u"ti-user M8M? 3u&!tio&a"it5 i& 3eature 2rou#
i&di!ator ta'"e
..3.0 ..4.0
RP-4. RP-100<45 045< - *orre!t t$e P+M%I@= to P+M%I ..3.0 ..4.0
RP-4. RP-100<51 0460 - *"ari3i!atio& 3or 3eature 2rou# i&di!ator 'it 11 ..3.0 ..4.0
RP-4. RP-100<51 0465 1 *"ari3i!atio& o3 (G8 setti&2 3or i&ter-R%T 3eatures &ot su##orted '5
t$e U+
..3.0 ..4.0
RP-4. RP-10100< 0475 1 (G8 setti&2s i& Re"-. ..3.0 ..4.0
1202010 RP-50 RP-1011.7 04<3 - *"ari3i!atio& o& Mea&i&2 o3 (G8 ;its ..4.0 ..5.0
RP-50 RP-1011.7 04<5 - *"ari3i!atio& re2ardi&2 re!o&3i2uratio& o3 t$e 9ua&tit5*o&3i2 ..4.0 ..5.0
RP-50 RP-101210 04<6 1 *orre!tio&s to t$e #rese&!e o3 8+ re2ardi&2 4RI a&d *B8 ..4.0 ..5.0
RP-50 RP-101210 04.3 - T$e 3ie"d des!ri#tio&s o3 Meas?'Ae!t+UTR% ..4.0 ..5.0
RP-50 RP-1011.7 04.< 1 *"ari3i!atio& o3 (G8 setti&2s &o& %)R #eriodi!a" 6easure6e&t
..4.0 ..5.0
RP-50 RP-10120. 0500 - *orre!tio&s to R( Re#ort ..4.0 ..5.0
RP-50 RP-101206 051. 1 T321 ti6er 3i/ ..4.0 ..5.0
RP-50 RP-1011.7 0524 - Restri!tio& o3 %* 'arri&2 #ara6eter setti&2 ..4.0 ..5.0
RP-50 RP-101210 0525 - Re6o7a" o3 S+BU+)*+ ?( S+BU+)*+ i&
..4.0 ..5.0
RP-50 RP-1011.7 0526 1 *"ari3i!atio& re2ardi&2 de3au"t !o&3i2uratio& 7a"ue )0% ..4.0 ..5.0
RP-50 RP-101431 0532 - S#"itti&2 (G8 'it 3 ..4.0 ..5.0
RP-50 RP-1011<3 0476 4 36.331 *R o& 8&trodu!tio& o3 Mi&i6iLatio& o3 4ri7e Tests ..4.0 10.0.0
RP-50 RP-1012.3 0477 4 %*-;arri&2 3or Mo'i"e ?ri2i&ati&2 *S(; !a"" ..4.0 10.0.0
RP-50 RP-101214 047< - %dditio& o3 U+-+UTR%-*a#a'i"it5 des!ri#tio&s ..4.0 10.0.0
RP-50 RP-101214 04<1 - *"ari3i!atio& o& 4e3au"t *o&3i2uratio& 3or *B8-Re#ort*o&3i2 ..4.0 10.0.0
RP-50 RP-101215 04<7 - *R to 36.331 addi&2 e1/*S(; su##ort 3or dua" R/0T/ U+ ..4.0 10.0.0
RP-50 RP-101227 04<< 1 8&trodu!tio& o3 *arrier %22re2atio& a&d U0 4 M8M? ..4.0 10.0.0
RP-50 RP-10122< 04<. 1 8&trodu!tio& o3 re"a5s i& RR* ..4.0 10.0.0
RP-50 RP-101214 04.0 1 Priorit5 i&di!atio& 3or *S(; 1it$ re-dire!tio& ..4.0 10.0.0
RP-50 RP-101214 04.1 - S8; SiLe i6itatio&s ..4.0 10.0.0
RP-50 RP-101214 0513 - *o6'i&ed Bua&tit5 Re#ort 3or 8R%T 6easure6e&t o3 UTR%) ..4.0 10.0.0
RP-50 RP-101214 0527 1 U+ #o1er sa7i&2 a&d o!a" re"ease ..4.0 10.0.0
RP-50 RP-10142. 0530 1 8&!"usio& o3 &e1 U+ !ate2ories i& Re"-10 ..4.0 10.0.0
0302011 RP-51 RP-1102<2 0533 - 36331@*R///@Prote!tio& o3 o22ed Measure6e&ts *o&3i2uratio& 10.0.0 10.1.0
RP-51 RP-1102.4 0534 1 Sta2e-3 *R 3or M;MS e&$a&!e6e&t 10.0.0 10.1.0
RP-51 RP-1102<2 0535 - *"ea& u# M4T-re"ated te/t 10.0.0 10.1.0
RP-51 RP-1102<2 0536 - *"ear M4T !o&3i2uratio& a&d "o2s 1$e& t$e U+ is &ot re2istered 10.0.0 10.1.0
RP-51 RP-1102<0 0537 - *orre!tio& to t$e 3ie"d des!ri#tio& o3 &; 10.0.0 10.1.0
RP-51 RP-1102<. 053< - *R o& i6#a!t o& UP 1it$ re6o7eCadd a##roa!$@2 10.0.0 10.1.0
RP-51 RP-1102<2 053. - *R to 36.331 o& !orre!tio&s 3or M4T 10.0.0 10.1.0
RP-51 RP-1102.0 0543 - 8&trodu!tio& o3 *%0M8M? !a#a'i"it5 si2&a""i&2 a&d 6easure6e&t
!a#a'i"it5 si2&a""i&2 i& *%
10.0.0 10.1.0
RP-51 RP-1102<2 0544 - M4T P4U re"ated !"ari3i!atio&s 10.0.0 10.1.0
RP-51 RP-1102<2 0545 - *orre!tio& o& re"ease o3 "o22ed 6easure6e&t !o&3i2uratio& 1$i"e
i& a&ot$er R%T
10.0.0 10.1.0
RP-51 RP-1102<. 0546 - Mis!e""a&eous *orre!tio&s 3or *% Ru&&i&2 RR* *R 10.0.0 10.1.0
RP-51 RP-1102<0 0547 1 Mis!e""a&eous s6a"" !"ari3i!atio&s a&d !orre!tio&s 10.0.0 10.1.0
RP-51 RP-1102.3 054< 4 )e!essar5 !$a&2es 3or R( re#orti&2 e&$a&!e6e&ts 10.0.0 10.1.0
RP-51 RP-1102<2 054. 1 Me6or5 siLe 3or "o22ed 6easure6e&ts !a#a'"e U+ 10.0.0 10.1.0
RP-51 RP-1102<. 0550 - Para6eters !o&3usio& o3 &o&-*% a&d *% !o&3i2uratio&s 10.0.0 10.1.0
RP-51 RP-110272 0553 - Prese&!e !o&ditio& 3or !e""Se"e!tio&8&3o-7.20 i& S8;1 10.0.0 10.1.0
RP-51 RP-1102<2 0554 1 Re6o7a" o3 M4T !o&3i2uratio& at T330 e/#ir5 10.0.0 10.1.0
RP-51 RP-1102<. 0556 1 Si2&a""i&2 as#e!ts o3 e/isti&2 T+-% #ara6eters 10.0.0 10.1.0
RP-51 RP-1102<0 0557 1 So6e *orre!tio&s o& 6easure6e&t 10.0.0 10.1.0
RP-51 RP-1102.1 055< - Stored s5ste6 i&3or6atio& 3or R)s 10.0.0 10.1.0
RP-51 RP-1102.1 055. - Su##ort o3 8&te2rit5 Prote!tio& 3or Re"a5 10.0.0 10.1.0
RP-51 RP-1102.0 0561 2 U#dates o3 1 #ara6eters 3or *% a&d U04 M8M? 10.0.0 10.1.0
RP-51 RP-1102.1 0571 1 )ote 3or 4edi!ated S8; 3or R)s 10.0.0 10.1.0
RP-51 RP-110272 057. - *orre!tio& to !s-3a""'a!>8&di!ator 3ie"d des!ri#tio& 10.0.0 10.1.0
RP-51 RP-1102<. 05<0 - *"ari3i!atio& to t$e de3au"t !o&3i2uratio& o3 s*e""4ea!ti7atio&Ti6er 10.0.0 10.1.0
RP-51 RP-1102<. 05<1 - Mis!e""a&eous !orre!tio&s to TS 36.331 o& *arrier %22re2atio& 10.0.0 10.1.0
RP-51 RP-1102<0 05<4 - *orre!tio& o3 !o&3i2uratio& des!ri#tio& i& S8;2 10.0.0 10.1.0
RP-51 RP-110265 05<7 - *"ari3i!atio& o3 'a&d i&di!ator i& $a&do7er 3ro6 +-UTR%) to
10.0.0 10.1.0
RP-51 RP-1102<5 05<< 1 36331@*R//// Su##ort o3 4e"a5 To"era&t a!!ess re9uests 10.0.0 10.1.0
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" 3+. Release $$
RP-51 RP-1102.2 05.0 - U#date o3 R2-110<07 o& *S8 6easure6e&t resour!e restri!tio& 3or
ti6e do6ai& 8*8*
10.0.0 10.1.0
RP-51 RP-1102.2 05.1 - U#date o3 R2-110<21 o& RRM0RM resour!e restri!tio& 3or ti6e
do6ai& 8*8*
10.0.0 10.1.0
RP-51 RP-1102.0 05.2 - *orre!tio&s o& U+ !a#a'i"it5 re"ated #ara6eters 10.0.0 10.1.0
RP-51 RP-1102<2 05.6 - Va"idit5 ti6e 3or "o!atio& i&3or6atio& i& 866ediate M4T 10.0.0 10.1.0
RP-51 RP-1102<0 05.7 - *R to 36.331 addi&2 U+ !a#a'i"it5 i&di!ator 3or dua" R/0T/
10.0.0 10.1.0
RP-51 RP-1102<. 05.< - Mis!e""a&eous !orre!tio&s to *% 10.0.0 10.1.0
RP-51 RP-1102<0 05.. - (urt$er !orre!tio& to !o6'i&ed 6easure6e&t re#ort o3 UTR%) 10.0.0 10.1.0
RP-51 RP-1102<0 0600 - *orre!tio& to t$e re3ere&!e o3 +T:S 10.0.0 10.1.0
RP-51 RP-11026. 0602 1 8&trodu!tio& o3 ?T4?% i&ter-3re9 RST4 6easure6e&t i&di!atio&
10.0.0 10.1.0
RP-51 RP-1102<0 0603 - *orre!tio& o3 use o3 RR**o&&e!tio&Reesta'"is$6e&t 6essa2e 3or
!o&te&tio& reso"utio&
10.0.0 10.1.0
RP-51 RP-1102<2 0604 - *R to 36.331 o& M4T &ei2$'our !e"" 6easure6e&ts "o22i&2 10.0.0 10.1.0
RP-51 RP-110272 060. - Mi&or %S).1 !orre!tio&s 3or t$e U+8&3or6atio&Res#o&se 6essa2e 10.0.0 10.1.0
RP-51 RP-1102<0 0613 - *"ari3i!atio& re2ardi&2 dedi!ated R( ti6ers a&d !o&sta&ts 10.0.0 10.1.0
RP-51 RP-1102<2 0615 - Re"ease o3 o22ed Measure6e&t *o&3i2uratio& 10.0.0 10.1.0
RP-51 RP-1102<0 0616 - So6e !orre!tio&s o& TS 36.331 10.0.0 10.1.0
RP-51 RP-1102<0 0623 - %* 'arri&2 #ro!edure !"ea& u# 10.0.0 10.1.0
RP-51 RP-1102<2 0624 - *ou&ter #ro#osa" to R2-110<26 o& U+ !a#a'i"ities 3or M4T 10.0.0 10.1.0
RP-51 RP-1102<0 062< 1 U+ i&3or6atio& re#ort 3or R%*= 10.0.0 10.1.0
RP-51 RP-1102<. 062. 2 Measure6e&t o& t$e dea!ti7ated S*e""s 10.0.0 10.1.0
RP-51 RP-1102<2 0632 1 Tra!e !o&3i2uratio& #are6eters 3or o22ed M4T 10.0.0 10.1.0
RP-51 RP-1102<2 0635 - *"ari3i!atio& o& sto# !o&ditio& 3or ti6er T3330 10.0.0 10.1.0
RP-51 RP-1102<2 0637 - User !o&se&t 3or M4T 10.0.0 10.1.0
RP-51 RP-1102<0 063< - *orre!tio& o& t$e ra&2e o3 *B8 resour!e i&de/ 10.0.0 10.1.0
RP-51 RP-110272 0640 1 S6a"" !orre!tio&s to +T:S C *M%S s5ste6 i&3or6atio& 10.0.0 10.1.0
RP-51 RP-1102.0 0641 1 U+ !a#a'i"it5 si2&a"i&2 stru!ture 1.r.t !arrier a22re2atio&, M8M?
a&d 6easure6e&t 2a#
10.0.0 10.1.0
RP-51 RP-1102<. 0642 1 )or6a" P=R a&d t$e 6u"ti#"e u#"i&> !arriers 10.0.0 10.1.0
RP-51 RP-1102<0 0643 1 *orre!tio&s to TS36.331 o& S8;2 $a&d"i&2 10.0.0 10.1.0
RP-51 RP-1102<0 0644 1 %ddi&2 a Po1er Ma&a2e6e&t i&di!atio& i& P=R 10.0.0 10.1.0
RP-51 RP-1102<. 0646 1 *"ari3i!atio& 3or *% a&d TT8 'u&d"i&2 i& RR* 10.0.0 10.1.0
RP-51 RP-110443 064< 1 U#dates to (G8 setti&2s 10.0.0 10.1.0
0602011 RP-52 RP-110<36 0651 - %dd M;MS !ou&ti&2 #ro!edure to #ro!essi&2 de"a5 re9uire6e&t 3or
RR* #ro!edure Se!tio& 11.2
10.1.0 10.2.0
RP-52 RP-110<30 0653 - %dd #re Re"-10 #ro!edures to #ro!essi&2 de"a5 re9uire6e&t 3or
RR* #ro!edure Se!tio& 11.2
10.1.0 10.2.0
RP-52 RP-110<47 0654 1 %dditio& o3 a s#e!i3i! re3ere&!e 3or #$5si!a" !o&3i2uratio& 3ie"ds 10.1.0 10.2.0
RP-52 RP-110<3. 0656 - *"ari3i!atio& o3 i&ter-3re9ue&!5 RST4 6easure6e&t i&di!atio&
10.1.0 10.2.0
RP-52 RP-110<30 065< - *"ari3i!atio& o3 o#tio&a"it5 o3 U+ 3eatures 1it$out !a#a'i"it5 10.1.0 10.2.0
RP-52 RP-110<3. 0660 - *"ari3i!atio& o& t$e de3i&itio& o3 6a/*e"";"a!> 10.1.0 10.2.0
RP-52 RP-110<3. 0661 - *"ari3i!atio& o& u##er "a5er re9uested !o&&e!tio& re"ease 10.1.0 10.2.0
RP-52 RP-110<50 0662 3 *"ari3i!atio& re2ardi&2 e8*8* 6easure6e&ts 10.1.0 10.2.0
RP-52 RP-110<3. 0663 - *R 3or s-6easure $a&d"i&2 10.1.0 10.2.0
RP-52 RP-110<51 0664 1 *R o& !"ari3i!atio& o3 R( Re#ort i& *arrier %22re2atio& 10.1.0 10.2.0
RP-52 RP-110<30 066. - (G8 'it 3or $a&do7er 'et1ee& T+ (440T44 10.1.0 10.2.0
RP-52 RP-110<47 0670 2 (urt$er u#dates o& 1 #ara6eters 10.1.0 10.2.0
RP-52 RP-110<3. 0671 2 Ge&era" error $a&d"i&2 3or e/te&sio& 3ie"ds 10.1.0 10.2.0
RP-52 RP-110<51 0672 2 %dditio&a" i&3or6atio& 3or R( re#ort 10.1.0 10.2.0
RP-52 RP-110<43 0673 - 8&trodu!tio& o3 T*+ 84 3or "o22ed M4T 10.1.0 10.2.0
RP-52 RP-110670 0674 4 Mis!e""a&eous !orre!tio&s (re"ated to re7ie1 i& #re#aratio& 3or
%S).1 3reeLe)
10.1.0 10.2.0
RP-52 RP-110<43 0675 - PM) !$e!> 3or M4T "o22i&2 10.1.0 10.2.0
RP-52 RP-110<3. 0677 - U+ a!tio&s u#o& "ea7i&2 RR*@*?))+*T+4 10.1.0 10.2.0
RP-52 RP-110<47 067< - *"ari3i!atio& o& 'a&d+UTR%-r10 a&d su##orted;a&dist+UTR% 10.1.0 10.2.0
RP-52 RP-110<37 067. - U#dated 7a"ue ra&2e 3or t$e +/te&ded :ait Ti6er 10.1.0 10.2.0
RP-52 RP-110<3. 06<0 1 Va"ue ra&2e o3 4RI-8&a!ti7it5Ti6er 10.1.0 10.2.0
RP-52 RP-110<2< 06.3 1 *orre!tio& 3or SR-V** a&d B*8 usa2e 10.1.0 10.2.0
RP-52 RP-110<47 06.4 - Restru!turi&2 o3 *B8-Re#ort*o&3i2-r10 10.1.0 10.2.0
RP-52 RP-110<3. 06.5 2 *orre!tio& o& 4 a""o!atio&s i& M;S() su'3ra6es 10.1.0 10.2.0
RP-52 RP-110<50 0700 - Re3ere&!e S() 3or MeasSu'3ra6ePatter& 10.1.0 10.2.0
RP-52 RP-110<46 0701 - *"ari3i!atio&s to *% re"ated 3ie"d des!ri#tio&s 10.1.0 10.2.0
RP-52 RP-110<47 0702 - *orre!tio&s to !ode'oo>Su'setRestri!tio& a&d SRS #ara6eters 10.1.0 10.2.0
RP-52 RP-110<34 0704 - *orre!tio&s to t$e $a&d"i&2 o3 ri-*o&3i28&de/ 3or TM. 10.1.0 10.2.0
RP-52 RP-110715 0710 2 U+ !a#a'i"ities 3or Re"-10 T+ 3eatures 1it$ e8*8* 6easure6e&t
restri!tio&s as (G8 (%"t.1)
10.1.0 10.2.0
RP-52 RP-110<3. 0713 - *R to 36.331 o& redire!ted utra-T44 !arrier 3re9ue&!5 10.1.0 10.2.0
RP-52 RP-110<3. 0714 - +/#"i!it %S si2&a""i&2 3or 6a##ed PTMS80GUT8 10.1.0 10.2.0
RP-52 RP-110<47 071< - *ou&ter #ro#osa" 3or U#dates o3 6a&dator5 i&3or6atio& i& %S-
10.1.0 10.2.0
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" 3,) Release $$
RP-52 RP-110<3. 071. - *R 3or Re!o&3i2uratio& o3 dis!ardTi6er i& P4*P-*o&3i2 10.1.0 10.2.0
RP-52 RP-110<47 0723 - ?& t$e 6issi&2 6u"ti#"i!it5 o3 U+ !a#a'i"it5 #ara6eters 10.1.0 10.2.0
RP-52 RP-110<30 0735 - Radio 3ra6e a"i2&6e&t o3 *S% a&d MSP 10.1.0 10.2.0
RP-52 RP-110<47 0740 - Re!o&3i2uratio& i&7o"7i&2 !riti!a""5 e/te&ded 8+s (usi&2
3u""(ie"d*o&3i2 i.e. o#tio& 2)
10.1.0 10.2.0
RP-52 RP-110<3. 0744 - *ou&ter #ro#osa" to R2-112753 o& *R to re6o7e *SG 8de&tit5
7a"idit5 "i6ited to *SG !e""
10.1.0 10.2.0
RP-52 RP-110<3. 0746 1 8&!rease o3 #rioritised;itRate 10.1.0 10.2.0
RP-52 RP-110<47 0747 - *% a&d M8M? *a#a'i"ities i& T+ Re"-10 10.1.0 10.2.0
0.02011 RP-53 RP-1112.7 0752 - TS36.331 *orre!tio& 10.2.0 10.3.0
RP-53 RP-1112.7 0754 - 6a/)u6'erR?=*-*o&te/tSessio&s 1$e& &o R?=* #ro3i"e is
10.2.0 10.3.0
RP-53 RP-1112<0 0757 - *orre!tio& to Su'3ra6e %""o!atio& +&d i& PM*=-8&3o 10.2.0 10.3.0
RP-53 RP-1112<< 0761 - *orre!tio& o& PU**= !o&3i2uratio& 3or U& i&ter3a!e 10.2.0 10.3.0
RP-53 RP-1112.7 0762 - Mis!e""a&eous !orre!tio&s to 36.331 10.2.0 10.3.0
RP-53 RP-11127< 0764 2 36.331 !orre!tio& o& *SG ide&tit5 7a"idit5 to a""o1 i&trodu!tio& o3
*SG R%) s$ari&2
10.2.0 10.3.0
RP-53 RP-1112<3 0770 2 %dditio&a"S#e!tru6+6issio&s i& *% 10.2.0 10.3.0
RP-53 RP-1112.7 0773 - *R to 36.331 o& S6a"" !orre!tio& o3 P=R #ara6eter 10.2.0 10.3.0
RP-53 RP-1112<3 0775 2 *"ari3i!atio&s to P-6a/ o& *% 10.2.0 10.3.0
RP-53 RP-1112<0 07<4 - *"ari3i!atio& o& 3or 1$i!$ su'3ra6es si2&a""i&2 M*S a##"ies 10.2.0 10.3.0
RP-53 RP-1112<3 07.2 - *orre!tio&s i& RR* 10.2.0 10.3.0
RP-53 RP-1112.7 07.3 - Re#"a!e t$e ta'"es 1it$ e/!e#tio& "ist i& 10.5 %S-*o&3i2 10.2.0 10.3.0
RP-53 RP-1112.7 07.6 - *orre!tio&s to t$e 3ie"d des!ri#tio&s 10.2.0 10.3.0
RP-53 RP-1112<3 07.< - *o&3i2uratio& o3 si6u"ta&eous PU**=CPUS*= 10.2.0 10.3.0
RP-53 RP-1112.7 0<06 - *orre!tio&s to re"ease o3 !si-Su'3ra6ePatter&*o&3i2 a&d !9i-Mas> 10.2.0 10.3.0
RP-53 RP-111272 0<10 - G+R%) S8 3or6at 3or !e"" !$a&2e orderCPS $a&do7erC e&$a&!ed
redire!tio& to G+R%)
10.2.0 10.3.0
RP-53 RP-1112<3 0<11 - *orre!tio&s to PU**=-*o&3i2 3ie"d des!ri#tio&s 10.2.0 10.3.0
1202011 RP-54 RP-111711 0<12 1 *"ari3i!atio& o3 P*8 ra&2e 3or *SG !e""s 10.3.0 10.4.0
RP-54 RP-111716 0<13 - *"ari3i!atio&s to 4e3au"t Radio *o&3i2uratio&s 10.3.0 10.4.0
RP-54 RP-111716 0<14 1 *orre!tio&s to e&$a&!ed4ua"a5erT44 10.3.0 10.4.0
RP-54 RP-111716 0<15 - Mis!e""a&eous s6a"" !orre!tio&s 10.3.0 10.4.0
RP-54 RP-111716 0<16 1 *orre!tio& o& &otatio& o3 SRS tra&s6issio& !o6' 10.3.0 10.4.0
RP-54 RP-111706 0<23 1 36.331 *R SPS re!o&3i2uratio& 10.3.0 10.4.0
RP-54 RP-111716 0<27 2 *"ari3i!atio& o3 "ist siLes i& 6easure6e&t !o&3i2uratio& stored '5 U+ 10.3.0 10.4.0
RP-54 RP-111706 0<35 - *"ari3i!atio& o3 t$e e7e&t ;1 a&d %)R re"ated (G8 'its 10.3.0 10.4.0
RP-54 RP-111714 0<40 1 *"ari3i!atio& o& M;S() a&d 6easure6e&t resour!e restri!tio&s 10.3.0 10.4.0
RP-54 RP-111706 0<45 - *"ari3i!atio& o& #ara""e" 6essa2e tra&s6issio& u#o& !o&&e!tio& re-
10.3.0 10.4.0
0302012 RP-55 RP-120326 0<55 1 i6iti&2 M;MS !ou&ti&2 res#o&ses to 1it$i& t$e PM) 10.4.0 10.5.0
RP-55 RP-120321 0<57 - *R to 36.331 o& !d6a2000 'a&d !"asses a&d re3ere&!es 10.4.0 10.5.0
RP-55 RP-120326 0<62 1 *"ari3i!atio& o& M;S() a&d 6easure6e&t resour!e restri!tio&s 10.4.0 10.5.0
RP-55 RP-120325 0<71 - ?& S8;10011 Re!e#tio& Ti6i&2 10.4.0 10.5.0
RP-55 RP-120326 0<75 1 *"ari3i!atio& o& M;MS !ou&ti&2 3or u&!i#$era'"e ser7i!es 10.4.0 10.5.0
RP-55 RP-120325 0<76 - Mi&or !orre!tio& re2ardi&2 "i6ited ser7i!e a!!ess o& &o&-*SG-
6e6'er !e""
10.4.0 10.5.0
RP-55 RP-120326 0<.4 - Ti6e to >ee# R( Re#orti&2 "o2s 10.4.0 10.5.0
RP-55 RP-120356 0<.5 1 8&trodu!i&2 6ea&s to si2&a" di33ere&t (440T44 *a#a'i"ities0(G8s
3or 4ua"-/44 U+
10.4.0 10.5.0
RP-55 RP-120321 0<.. - *"ari3i!atio& o& SR;2 resu6#tio& u#o& !o&&e!tio& re-
esta'"is$6e&t (#ara""e" 6essa2e tra&s6issio&)
10.4.0 10.5.0
RP-55 RP-120321 0.00 1 4u#"i!ated %S).1 &a6i&2 !orre!tio& 10.4.0 10.5.0
0602012 RP-56 RP-120<05 0.0. - SPS Re!o&3i2uratio& 10.5.0 10.6.0
RP-56 RP-120<05 0.12 1 *$a&2e i& S!$edu"i&2 8&3or6atio& 3or +T:S 10.5.0 10.6.0
RP-56 RP-120<07 0.14 - *"ari3i!atio& o3 6!$-S!$edu"i&2Period !o&3i2uratio& 10.5.0 10.6.0
RP-56 RP-120<0< 0.16 1 *$a&2e i& S!$edu"i&2 8&3or6atio& 3or *M%S 10.5.0 10.6.0
RP-56 RP-120<14 0.1. 1 8&trodu!i&2 6ea&s to si2&a" di33ere&t R+-10 (440T44
*a#a'i"ities0(G8s 3or 4ua"-/44 U+
10.5.0 10.6.0
RP-56 RP-120<12 0.20 1 *"ari3i!atio& o& setti&2 o3 dedi!ated )S 7a"ue 3or *% '5 +-UTR%) 10.5.0 10.6.0
RP-56 RP-120<0< 0.31 - T321 7a"ue 3or UTR% S8 a!9uisitio& 10.5.0 10.6.0
RP-56 RP-120<13 0.57 1 Norea& Pu'"i! %"ert S5ste6 (NP%S) i& re"atio& to *M%S 10.5.0 10.6.0
RP-56 RP-120<12 0.6. 1 8&trodu!tio& o3 su##orted 'a&d1idt$ !o6'i&atio&s 3or *% 10.5.0 10.6.0
RP-56 RP-120734 0.70 1 8&trodu!tio& o3 6u"ti#"e 3re9ue&!5 'a&d i&di!ator 10.5.0 10.6.0
RP-56 RP-120<25 0.34 - 8&trodu!tio& o3 a &e1 se!urit5 a"2orit$6 XU* 10.5.0 11.0.0
RP-56 RP-120<13 0.73 1 +U-%"ert i& re"atio& to *M%S 10.5.0 11.0.0
0.02012 RP-57 RP-121371 0.<2 1 8&trodu!tio& o3 +%; 11.0.0 11.1.0
RP-57 RP-1213<1 0..0 - %dditio&a" s#e!ia" su'3ra6e !o&3i2uratio& re"ated !orre!tio& 11.0.0 11.1.0
RP-57 RP-121423 1000 4 36.331 *R i&trodu!i&2 8&-4e7i!e *oe/iste&!e (84*) 11.0.0 11.1.0
RP-57 RP-12135. 100< - Voi!e su##ort *a#a'i"ities 11.0.0 11.1.0
RP-57 RP-121361 1013 - 4i33ere&tiati&2 UTR%) 6odes i& (G8s 11.0.0 11.1.0
RP-57 RP-12136< 1022 1 8&trodu!tio& o3 a'so"ute #riorit5 'ased 6easure6e&ts a&d
rese"e!tio& i& *+@(%*= State i& 36.331
11.0.0 11.1.0
RP-57 RP-121370 1024 - 8&trodu!i&2 M4T e&$a&!e6e&ts 3or R+-11 11.0.0 11.1.0
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" 3,$ Release $$
RP-57 RP-12134. 1025 2 8&trodu!i&2 *arrier a22re2atio& e&$a&!e6e&ts 3or R+-11 11.0.0 11.1.0
RP-57 RP-121375 1026 - 8&trodu!i&2 M;MS e&$a&!e6e&ts 3or R+-11 11.0.0 11.1.0
RP-57 RP-121376 1052 2 Si2&a"i&2 su##ort 3or *RS i&ter3ere&!e 6a&a2e6e&t i& e8*8* 11.0.0 11.1.0
RP-57 RP-1213.5 1055 - *R o& s!e"" 6easure6e&t !5!"e 11.0.0 11.1.0
RP-57 RP-1213.5 1056 - *R o& 6easure6e&t re#ort 11.0.0 11.1.0
RP-57 RP-12137< 1057 3 8&trodu!tio& o3 RPo1er #re3ere&!e i&di!atio&R 11.0.0 11.1.0
RP-57 RP-1212<0 1060 - *orre!tio& 3or PU**=0SRS Re"ease 11.0.0 11.1.0
1202012 RP-5< RP-121.33 1063 - *orre!tio& re"ated to di33ere&tiati&2 UTR%) 6odes i& (G8s 11.1.0 11.2.0
RP-5< RP-121.36 1065 - Pro!essi&2 de"a5 3or RR**o&&e!tio&Re!o&3i2uratio& 11.1.0 11.2.0
RP-5< RP-121.53 1066 2 %dditio& o3 t$e sta2e-3 a2ree6e&ts o& 84* 11.1.0 11.2.0
RP-5< RP-121.51 1067 3 *arrier %22re2atio& +&$a&!e6e&t R%)1 #ara6eters 11.1.0 11.2.0
RP-5< RP-121.57 106< 1 *"ari3i!atio& o3 SR #eriod 11.1.0 11.2.0
RP-5< RP-121.57 106. 1 *"ari3i!atio& o& =a&do7er*o66a&d 6essa2e 11.1.0 11.2.0
RP-5< RP-121.57 1070 - *"ari3i!atio& o& 6o'i"it5 re"ated issues 11.1.0 11.2.0
RP-5< RP-121.46 1071 1 *orre!tio& o3 t$e si2&a"i&2 3or U&!ertai&t5 a&d *o&3ide&!e 11.1.0 11.2.0
RP-5< RP-121.40 1072 2 *orre!tio&s to M;MS Ser7i!e *o&ti&uit5 11.1.0 11.2.0
RP-5< RP-121.40 1073 - *R to 36.331 o& S8;15 a!9uisitio& 11.1.0 11.2.0
RP-5< RP-121.57 1074 1 =a&d"i&2 o3 1/*S(; 3ai"ure 11.1.0 11.2.0
RP-5< RP-121.57 1075 - Mis!e""a&eous !orre!tio&s 11.1.0 11.2.0
RP-5< RP-121.5< 1076 1 R%) o7er"oad !o&tro" usi&2 RR* !o&&e!tio& ReAe!tio& 11.1.0 11.2.0
RP-5< RP-121.54 1077 - RR* su##ort 3or *oMP i& U 11.1.0 11.2.0
RP-5< RP-121.51 107< - So6e !"ari3i!atio& to *arrier a22re2atio& e&$a&!e6e&ts 11.1.0 11.2.0
RP-5< RP-121.3. 107. 1 Va"idit5 o3 +%; S8; a&d a!9uisitio& o3 S8;1 11.1.0 11.2.0
RP-5< RP-121.22 10<5 - *"ari3i!atio& 3or Mu"ti#"e (re9ue&!5 ;a&d 8&di!ators 3eature 11.1.0 11.2.0
RP-5< RP-121.24 10<. 1 Mo7i&2 t$e TM5 !a#a'i"it5 11.1.0 11.2.0
RP-5< RP-121.5. 10.3 1 *R to 36.331 o& i&trodu!i&2 R?=* !o&te/t !o&ti&ue 3or i&tra-+);
11.1.0 11.2.0
RP-5< RP-121.46 1100 - *orre!tio& o& M4T 6u"ti-PM) su##ort 11.1.0 11.2.0
RP-5< RP-121.53 1102 - *"ari3i!atio& a&d a"i2&6e&t o3 $a&d"i&2 o3 ot$er !o&3i2uratio& 11.1.0 11.2.0
RP-5< RP-121.70 1103 6 8&trodu!i&2 su##ort 3or *oordi&ated Mu"ti-Poi&t (*oMP) o#eratio& 11.1.0 11.2.0
RP-5< RP-121.22 1105 2 8&trodu!i&2 3urt$er U+ as#e!ts re2ardi&2 6u"ti 'a&d !e""s 11.1.0 11.2.0
RP-5< RP-121.47 1120 - *R to 36.331 o& additio&a" i&3or6atio& i& R( re#ort 3or i&ter-R%T
11.1.0 11.2.0
RP-5< RP-121.52 1125 1 *orre!tio& o& Po1er #re3ere&!e i&di!atio& 11.1.0 11.2.0
RP-5< RP-121.50 1127 1 S8;1 #ro7isio&i&2 7ia dedi!ated si2&a""i&2 11.1.0 11.2.0
RP-5< RP-121.36 112< 2 Measure6e&t re#orti&2 o3 S!e""s 11.1.0 11.2.0
RP-5< RP-121.56 112. 1 8&trodu!tio& o3 +P4**= #ara6eters i& TS 36.331 11.1.0 11.2.0
RP-5< RP-121.61 1130 2 8&trodu!tio& o3 Re"-11 U+ !a#a'i"ities 11.1.0 11.2.0
RP-5< RP-121.5< 1131 - 8&trodu!io& o3 1ide'a&d RSRB 6easure6e&ts 11.1.0 11.2.0
RP-5< RP-121.5< 1146 - 8&trodu!tio& o3 &et1or> s$ari&2 3or *4M%2000 i&ter-1or>i&2 11.1.0 11.2.0
RP-5< RP-121.60 1157 - ;road!ast o3 Ti6e 8&3o '5 Usi&2 a )e1 S8; 11.1.0 11.2.0
RP-5< RP-121.57 1175 - G+R%) 6easure6e&t o'Ae!t at %)R 11.1.0 11.2.0
0302013 RP-5. RP-130246 11<2 2 Mis!e""a&eous !orre!tio&s 3ro6 re7ie1 #re!eedi&2 %S).1 3reeLe 11.2.0 11.3.0
RP-5. RP-130243 11<6 2 4 *?MP !a#a'i"it5 re"ated !orre!tio& 11.2.0 11.3.0
RP-5. RP-130231 11.3 1 Ma&dator5 su##orti&2 o3 ;1 6easure6e&t to UMTS (44 ((G8 'it
11.2.0 11.3.0
RP-5. RP-130241 11.7 - *"ari3i!atio& o& M;MS Ser7i!e *o&ti&uit5 11.2.0 11.3.0
RP-5. RP-130241 11.< - 84* Pro'"e6 Re#orti&2 11.2.0 11.3.0
RP-5. RP-130247 1210 - *orre!tio&s o& de3i&itio& o3 *SG 6e6'er !e"" 11.2.0 11.3.0
RP-5. RP-130237 1211 - +/te&sio& o3 (;8 a&d +%R(*) 11.2.0 11.3.0
RP-5. RP-13022< 1220 - 8&7a"idatio& o3 +T:S 1it$ se!urit5 3eature 11.2.0 11.3.0
RP-5. RP-130225 1224 - 8&7a"id 6easure6e&t !o&3i2uratio& 1it$ di33ere&t (+)%R(*) 11.2.0 11.3.0
RP-5. RP-130241 1231 2 PP8 a&d 84* i&di!atio& u#o& $a&do7er 11.2.0 11.3.0
RP-5. RP-130227 1235 1 *orre!ti&2 3urt$er U+ as#e!ts re2ardi&2 6u"ti 'a&d !e""s 11.2.0 11.3.0
RP-5. RP-13024< 1236 1 ;e$a7iour i& !ase o3 e/!essi7e dedi!ated #riorit5 i&3or6atio& 11.2.0 11.3.0
RP-5. RP-130225 1241 - *"ari3i!atio& o& +%R(*) si2&a""i&2 i& Mo'i"it5 !o&tro" i&3o 11.2.0 11.3.0
RP-5. RP-130241 1244 - 84*-Su'3ra6ePatter& "e&2t$ 3or (44 11.2.0 11.3.0
RP-5. RP-13024. 1252 - 8&trodu!tio& o3 1ide'a&d RSRB 6easure6e&ts i& RR*@84+ 11.2.0 11.3.0
RP-5. RP-130240 1255 - ?#tio&a" su##ort o3 R( re#ort 3or i&ter-R%T MR? 11.2.0 11.3.0
RP-5. RP-130233 125< 2 T$e #rese&!e o3 'a&d!o6'i&atio& 3or &o&-*% !a#a'"e U+s 11.2.0 11.3.0
RP-5. RP-13024< 125. - *orre!tio& 3or e7e&t %5 11.2.0 11.3.0
RP-5. RP-130332 1265 - Ma&dati&2 t$e setti&2s o3 (G8 'it 14, 27 a&d 2< to true 11.2.0 11.3.0
0602013 RP-60 RP-130<05 1267 - *"ari3i!atio& o& t$e redire!tio& to UTR%-T44 3re9ue&!5 i& !ase o3
*S(; =i2$ Priorit5
11.3.0 11.4.0
RP-60 RP-130<04 126. 1 *orre!tio& o3 1ro&2 re3ere&!e 11.3.0 11.4.0
RP-60 RP-130<0. 1270 - *"ari3i!atio& to su##ort o3 de#rioritisatio& 3eature 11.3.0 11.4.0
RP-60 RP-130<0. 1271 - *"ari3i!atio& o& N%SM+ >e5 usa2e 11.3.0 11.4.0
RP-60 RP-130<0< 1272 - *orre!tio& o& 6u"ti-T% !a#a'i"it5 11.3.0 11.4.0
RP-60 RP-130<0< 1273 - M;MS i&terest i&di!atio& u#o& $a&do7er0 re-esta'"is$6e&t 11.3.0 11.4.0
RP-60 RP-130<0< 1274 - *o&ditio&s R8 re3ere&!e i&$eriti&2 *S8 #ro!ess (4 *oMP) 11.3.0 11.4.0
RP-60 RP-130<0< 1275 - *"ari3i!atio& o& )XP *S8-RS resour!e !o&3i2uratio& 3or U+
su##orti&2 1 *S8 #ro!ess
11.3.0 11.4.0
RP-60 RP-130<0< 1276 - *orre!tio&s to 3ie"d des!ri#tio& o3 #ds!$-Start-r11 11.3.0 11.4.0
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" 3,* Release $$
RP-60 RP-130<0. 1277 - )eed !ode !orre!tio&s i& Re"-11 RR* 11.3.0 11.4.0
RP-60 RP-130<0< 127< - Mis!e""a&ous s6a"" !orre!tio&s 11.3.0 11.4.0
RP-60 RP-130<0. 127. 1 (440T44 di33 !o"u6& !orre!tio& 3or (G831 11.3.0 11.4.0
RP-60 RP-130<04 12<2 - 6eas*5!"eS*e"" u#o& S*e"" !o&3i2uratio& 11.3.0 11.4.0
RP-60 RP-130<0. 12.4 - *"ari3i!atio& o& RR* *o&&e!tio& Re!o&3i2uratio& 1it$ *riti!a"
11.3.0 11.4.0
RP-60 RP-130<02 12.< - Se!urit5 >e5 2e&eratio& i& !ase o3 M(;8 11.3.0 11.4.0
RP-60 RP-130<04 1303 1 *"ari3i!atio& o& i&!"usio& o3 &o&-*% 'a&d !o6'i&atio&s 11.3.0 11.4.0
RP-60 RP-130<0. 130< - *R o& R?=* #ara6eter !o&3i2uratio& i& Re"-11 RR* 11.3.0 11.4.0
RP-60 RP-130<04 1315 2 *"ari3i!atio& o& U+ *% !a#a'i"it5 11.3.0 11.4.0
RP-60 RP-130<0. 1321 - U#dati&2 3GPP2 s#e!i3i!atio& re3ere&!es 11.3.0 11.4.0
RP-60 RP-130<05 1323 - *"ari3i!atio& o& t$e !o&3i2uratio& o3 t$e e/te&ded P=R 11.3.0 11.4.0
RP-60 RP-130<05 1324 - *"ari3i!atio&s o& S5ste6Ti6e8&3o*4M%2000 8+ 11.3.0 11.4.0
RP-60 RP-130<0< 1325 - M(;8 i6#a!t o& M;MS ser7i!e !o&ti&uit5 11.3.0 11.4.0
RP-60 RP-130<1. 132. 1 M(;8 as#e!ts 3or dedi!ated si2&a""i&2 11.3.0 11.4.0
0.02013 RP-61 RP-131311 1335 - *"ari3i!atio& o& P$5s*e""8dRa&2e 11.4.0 11.5.0
RP-61 RP-131311 133. 1 *orre!tio& o& t$e 3irst su'3ra6e o3 t$e 6easure6e&t 2a# 11.4.0 11.5.0
RP-61 RP-13131. 1340 1 *orre!tio& 3or M(;8 i& S8;15 a&d S8;6 11.4.0 11.5.0
RP-61 RP-13131. 1343 - *"ari3i!atio& o3 M(;8 i6#a!t o& M;MS ser7i!e !o&ti&uit5 11.4.0 11.5.0
RP-61 RP-13123< 1344 2 *"ari3i!atio& o3 U+ a!tio& 3or ot$er1ise i& !o&ditio&s 11.4.0 11.5.0
RP-61 RP-131311 134< - *orre!tio&s to t$e 3GPP2 s#e!i3i!atio& re3ere&!es i& 36.331 11.4.0 11.5.0
RP-61 RP-13131< 1353 - *"ari3i!atio&s re2ardi&2 t$e usa2e o3 Tr"3-*auseT i& !ase o3
$a&do7er 3ai"ure
11.4.0 11.5.0
1202013 RP-62 RP-131.<6 1366 - 8&trodu!tio& o3 !a#a'i"it5 'it 3or UTR% M(;8 11.5.0 11.6.0
RP-62 RP-131.<4 136< 1 %dditio& o3 i&ter-3re9ue&!5 RST4 6easure6e&t !a#a'i"it5 i&di!ator
3or ?T4?%
11.5.0 11.6.0
RP-62 RP-131.<. 1370 - *"ari3i!atio& o& su##orted;a&d 11.5.0 11.6.0
RP-62 RP-132003 1371 - *a#turi&2 6a&dator50o#tio&a" a2ree6e&ts o& Re"-11 U+ 3eatures 11.5.0 11.6.0
RP-62 RP-131..5 1372 - *"ari3i!atio& o& ot$er1ise 'e$a7iour 11.5.0 11.6.0
RP-62 RP-131..5 1373 - *orre!tio&s o3 t$e 3GPP2 re3ere&!es i& TS 36.331 11.5.0 11.6.0
RP-62 RP-131..1 1374 - 6easResu"tastSer7*e"" 3or S?)-=?( re#ort 11.5.0 11.6.0
RP-62 RP-13172. 1375 1 *"ari3i!atio& to ti6e8&3oUT* 3ie"d i& S8;16 11.5.0 11.6.0
RP-62 RP-131..1 13<. - *"ari3i!atio& o& eRedire!tio& to UMTS T44 1it$ 6u"ti#"e UMTS
T44 3re9ue&!ies
11.5.0 11.6.0
RP-62 RP-131..5 13.0 - 4e"ta si2&a""i&2 3or !riti!a" e/te&sio& 11.5.0 11.6.0
RP-62 RP-132005 13.1 - *a#a'i"it5 si2&a""i&2 3or *S8 #ro!esses 11.5.0 11.6.0
RP-62 RP-131..1 13.5 1 *"ari3i!atio&s o& Measure6e&t 11.5.0 11.6.0
RP-62 RP-131.<4 13.7 - *orre!tio& to 8&ter(re9RST4Measure6e&t8&di!atio& 3ie"d
11.5.0 11.6.0
RP-62 RP-131.<4 1404 - *orre!tio& o3 8&ter-3re9ue&!5 RST4 i&di!atio& 3or 6u"ti#"e
11.5.0 11.6.0
RP-62 RP-131..3 1405 1 +&a'"i&2 SRV** 3ro6 G+R%) 1it$out 3or1ardi&2 U+-+UTR%-
11.5.0 11.6.0
RP-62 RP-131..5 140. 1 S5ste6 i&3or6atio& a&d !$a&2e 6o&itori&2 #ro!edure 11.5.0 11.6.0
RP-62 RP-131..1 1410 1 *orre!tio& o& #rese&!e o3 !ode'oo>Su'setRestri!tio&-r10 11.5.0 11.6.0
0302014 RP-63 RP-140364 1411 1 )e1 U+ !ate2ories 3or 4 450M'#s !"ass 11.6.0 11.7.0
RP-63 RP-140340 1437 2 *"ari3i!atio& re2ardi&2 &eed !odes, !o&ditio&s a&d %S).1 de3au"ts
3or e/te&sio& 3ie"ds
11.6.0 11.7.0
RP-63 RP-140340 1440 - %S).1 issue 1it$ i&ter-&ode si2&a""i&2 (%S-*o&3i2) 11.6.0 11.7.0
RP-63 RP-140354 144< 1 8oT i&di!atio& 3or i&ter-'a&d T44 *% 1it$ di33ere&t U04
11.6.0 11.7.0
RP-63 RP-140356 144. 1 *"ari3i!atio& o& t$e #rese&!e o3 T44 s#e!ia" su'3ra6e 11.6.0 11.7.0
RP-63 RP-140357 1454 1 *"ari3i!atio& 3or t$e S8; o!!urre&!e i& a si&2"e S8 6essa2e 11.6.0 11.7.0
3GPP TS 3%&33$ '$$&(&) *)$+!)3" 3,3 Release $$

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