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Edrl 427-Stansbury Mini-Portfolio Part 3 & 4 Deavon Hinebauch

Part 3-Text Selections to Teach Voice

Diary of a Worm by Doreen Cronin-This story helps convey voice from the
perspective of the worm in his day to day life; the diary writing format is personal
and conveys voice very well.
Owl Moon by Jane Yolen-This story is from the perspective of an owl and really
shows imagination and shares fun experiences.
Thank You, Mr. Falker by Patricia Polacco-This is an amazing story explaining a girls
struggle to read-I think many students can identify with the main character and I
like that the story is about the author herself.
My Rotten Red-Headed Older Brother by Patricia Polacco
Poetry for Young People Series, such as Poetry for Young People Carl Sandburg
Edited by Frances Schoonmaker Bolin & Poetry for Young People Rudyard Kipling
Edited by Eileen Billooly-I have read several of these books and really enjoy the real
world scenarios of the poetry as well as the amazing voice that shines in many of the
I also appreciate Langston Hughess Poems Mother to Son and Negro Speaks to
Rivers to teach about voice.
Part 4-Technology in a Given Lesson
Perhaps Mrs. Crabtree can engage the students with a YouTube or TeacherTube
video about American presidents and their roles on the United States. I would open
the lesson with a speech given by a President and ask students to list some of the
things they notice about the environment, the president himself, the speech, etc.
Mrs. Crabtree can create a Blog for the class to explain directions, model
expectations, and allow students to comment and share ideas about viable websites
and other pointers to assist in the process. This allows students to ask questions
and everyone can share and collaborate with the project.
Similarly, Google Docs will allow students to collaborate while working on
documents to share ideas and advice, as well as ask and answer questions
Edrl 427-Stansbury Mini-Portfolio Part 3 & 4 Deavon Hinebauch

Flickr for image research; Mindmeister to assist in mapping and organizing writing;
StormBoard for the brainstorming process or Inspiration to create graphic
organizers, etc.
Students can record a video of their speeches and upload them to a website so
students can gather and watch every students presentation together. Perhaps it
can be a part of a Fun Friday including popcorn and allowing students to only
focus on peer review and suggestions for improvement.

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