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Q1. Define Industrial Relatins!
Ans. The term industrial relations commonly denotes employee-employer relations in both
organized and unorganized sectors of economy.
Q2. "entin t#e features $ertainin% t Industrial relatin!
Ans. A few features pertaining to industrial relations are as under-
1! "ndustrial relation do not emerge in #acuum they are born out of employment relationship
in an industrial setting .$ithout the e%istence of two parties& i.e.& labour and management
this relationship cannot e%ist.
2! "ndustrial relations are characterized by both conflict and co-operation. The focus of
industrial relations is on the study of the attitudes relationships practices and procedures
de#eloped by contending parties to resol#e conflicts.
'! The study of industrial relations includes #ital en#ironmental issues li(e technology of
the wor(place& country)s socio-economic and political en#ironment& nation)s labour
policy attitude of trade union.
*! "ndustrial relation also study the laws& rules& regulations& agreements& awards of courts& as
well as policy framewor( laid down by the go#ernment for eliciting
co-operation between labor and management.
Q&! W#at are t#e as$e'ts f industrial relatin(
Ans. +ain aspects of industrial relations are-
1! ,romotion and de#elopment of healthy labour management relations-
2! +aintenance of industrial peace and a#oidance of industrial strife and
'! .e#elopment of industrial democracy.
Q)! S$e'if* s+e f t#e fa'trs t#at affe't industrial relatin(
Ans. /actors affecting "ndustrial relations
The industrial relations systems of an organization influenced by a #ariety of factors. A
few important are-
1! "nstitutional factor 2! 0conomic factor '! 1ocial factor
*! Technological factor 2! ,sychological factor 3! ,olitical factor
4! 0nterprise related factor 5! 6lobal factors
Q,! "entin t#e Ps*'#l%i'al a$$ra'#es t industrial relatins
Ans. ,sychological approaches to industrial relations- The psychologists are of #iew that the
problem of industrial relations are deeply rooted in the perception and the attitude of
focal participants. This was studied nicely by +anson 7arie. The conflict between labour
8 management occurs 8 e#ery group negati#ely #iews the beha#ior of each other.
1trained inter personal and inter-group relations breeds disharmony in the system.
Q-! "entin t#e S'il%i'al a$$ra'# t industrial relatins!
Ans. 1ociological approach to industrial relations- 1ociological aspect of the problem are
more important than other one. This includes #arious 1ociological factors li(e #alue
system& customs norms& attitude and perception of both labour 8 management that affect
the industrial relations in #aried ways. 1o the analyzing of social change cannot be
Q.! "entin t#e /u+an relatins a$$ra'# t industrial relatins!
Ans. 7uman relations approach to industrial relations- Among all the areas of management
perhaps one of the most delicate and tric(y ones is concerned with human resource
management. ,ulsating human being ha#ing their own emotions perception attitude etc is
radically different from that of physical material. 1o when resources are not properly
managed the problem of industrial surfaces. This can be only managed by deciphering
and managing of human beha#ior at both indi#idual and group le#el.
Q0! "entin t#e S*ste+ A$$ra'# t industrial relatins!
Ans. 1ystem Approach to industrial relations- 9ohn .unlop has de#eloped a system approach.
This approach is :uite helpful in studying the industrial relations in the sense that it
focuses on participants in the process& en#ironmental forces and the output . the basic
elements of system are- 1! participants in the system. 2!An ideological thin(ing '! the
conte%t or en#ironment.
Q1! Na+e t#e 2+$nents f Industrial relatins s*ste+!
Ans. "ndustrial relation system is made of certain institutions& which are popularly (nown as
three actors of the system. "n all de#eloped and de#eloping countries these actors are;
wor(ers <employees! and their organizations <trade unions!& management<employers! and
their organization <employer)s association= federation!& the go#ernment. These actors
>ointly determine the output of the system & which largely consists of rules=regulations
relating to terms and conditions of employment.
Q34! "entin t#e i+$rtan'e f Industrial relatin!
Ans. $ith the increased sophistication of wor( methods and techno based 7?+ policies a new
dimension has emerged in industrial relation. The pattern of industrial relation in the
organize sector of economy has a definite impact on labour management relations in the
un-organized sector. The industrial relation has ma>or impact on the "ndian political
system in way of trade union formation and its acti#ities.
Q33! Define ILO!
Ans. "nternational labour @rganization. "t was established in the year 1A1A. The ob>ecti#e
this forum was that trade unions of different countries can combine together for fighting
for their fundamental rights.
Q35! Define Trade Unin!
Ans. A few commonly citied definitions are-
.ale yoder A trade union is a continuous association of wage-earners for the purpose of
maintaining or impro#ing the conditions of their wor(ing li#es
"ndian Trade Bnion Act 1A23 A trade union is any combination whether temporary or
permanent &formed primarily for the purpose of regulating the relations between
wor(men and employers & or between wor(men and wor(men& between employers and
employers& or for imposing restricti#e conditions on the conduct of any trade or business&
and includes any federation of two or more trade unions.
Q3&! State t#e features f Trade Unins!
Ans. 6eneral /eatures of trade Bnion
1. The Trade union is an association either of employers or employees or of independent
2. Cabour unions are relati#ely permanent association of wor(ers and are not temporary or
'. A trade union is an association of wor(ers who are engaged in securing economic
benefits for its members.
*. The character of trade union has been constantly changing with the present scenario.
Q3)! State t#e fun'tins f Trade Unins!
Ans. /unctions of Trade Bnion in "ndia
1. To achie#e higher wages and better wor(ing and li#ing conditions for the members.
2. To ac:uire control o#er industry by wor(ers.
'. To minimize the helplessness of indi#idual wor(ers by ma(ing them stand up Bnitedly
and increasing their resistance power through collecti#e bargaining.
*. To raise the status of the wor(ers .
2. To generate self confidence among the wor(ers.
3. To encourage sincerity and discipline among wor(ers.
4. To ta(e welfare measures for impro#ing the morale of the wor(ers.
Q3,! W#at are t#e %als f Trade Unin(
Ans. The basic goal on which trade union is formed is to protect the interest of its member and
obtain their fundamental rights.
Q3-! W#at are t#e 67e'ti8es f Trade Unin(
Ans. 1! To protect and ad#ance the interest of the wor(ers who are its members.
2!To plead for and secure progressi#e industrial democracy.
'!To educate the wor(ers about their rights and responsibility.
Q3.! Na+e t#e - $erids in 9#i'# t#e %r9t# and de8el$+ent f trade unin ''urred!
Ans. The growth and de#elopment of the labour mo#ement and trade unions in "ndia can be
di#ided into following periods-
1. 1ocial welfare period from 1542 to 1A15.
2. 0arly Trade Bnion period from 1A15 to 1A2*.
'. Ceft wing Trade Bnionism period from 1A2* to 1A'*.
*. Trade Bnion Bnity period from 1A'2 to 1A'5.
2. 1econd $orld $ar period from 1A'A to 1A*2.
3. ,ost "ndependence period from 1A*4 to date.
Q30! S$e'if* t#e ri%#ts f re%istered Trade Unin!
Ans. 1! the trade Bnion can spend general funds on the salaries of the staff and office bearers&
prosecution and defence for protecting trade rights & conduct of trade disputes on behalf
of the trade unions.
2! The Bnion Dan Dhange the name of the union& amalgamate it with other trade union.
'! The union can appeal against the order of the registrar in a ci#il court.
Q31! /9 +an* +e+6ers t%et#er 'an a$$l* fr re%istratin f Trade Unin(
Ans. Any se#en or more members of a trade union can apply for registration by subscribing
their names to the rules of the trade union and by complying with the pro#isions of the
Q54! S$e'if* t#e eli%i6ilit* 'riteria fr 6e'+in% a +e+6er f Trade Unin!
Ans. According to section 21 of Trade union act & any person who is abo#e the age of 12 years
may become a member of the registered trade union. 7owe#er it is sub>ect to any rules of
the trade union to the contrary.
Q53! S$e'if* t#e $r6le+s in a Trade Unin!
Ans. The following are the most important and pressing problems -
1! Bne#en growth <"ndustry wise and Area wise!.
2! 1mall 1ize of Bnions.
'! /inancial $ea(ness.
*! +ultiplicity of unions and inter-union ri#alry.
2! Ceadership issue.
3! ,oliticalisation of unions.
4! ,roblems of recognition of trade union.
Q55! W#at is 2de f 2ndu't(
Ans. The four central labour organizations <"ETBD&A"TBD&7+1& BTBD! #oluntarily
adopted an inter-union code of conduct on may 21&1A25 for the maintenance of
harmonious inter union relations-
1! 0#ery employee in industry shall ha#e freedom and right to >oin a union of his choice.
2! There shall be no dual membership of unions.
'! There shall be unreser#ed acceptance of and respect for the democratic functioning of
trade unions.
*! Dasteism& communalism and pro#incialism shall be eschewed.
2! There shall be regular and democratic elections of e%ecuti#e bodies.
3! There shall be no #iolence& coercion& intimidation in inter union dealing.
Q5&! W#at is 9r:er;s $arti'i$atin in +ana%e+ent(
Ans. +anagement point of #iew- it is >oint consultation prior to decision ma(ing.
$or(ers point of #iew- as a system of communication and consultation.
Q5)! State fe9 +ain '#ara'teristi's f 9r:er;s $arti'i$atin in +ana%e+ent!
Ans. 1! ,articipation refers to the practices which increases the scope for employees share of
influence in decision ma(ing at different le#els of the organization.
1! ,articipation ta(es place through the mechanism of the forum and practices which
pro#ides for association of wor(ers representati#es.

Q5,! W#at are t#e 67e'ti8es f 9r:er;s $arti'i$atin in +ana%e+ent(
Ans. 1! To install good communication system.
2! To de#elop mutual understanding.
'! To pro#ide sense of belongingness.
Q5-! Na+e fe9 fr+s f 9r:er;s $arti'i$atin in +ana%e+ent!
Ans. Dollecti#e Fargaining& $or( Douncil& 9oint +anagement Douncils and committee.
Q5.! W#at is 2lle'ti8e 6ar%ainin%(
Ans. Dollecti#e bargaining is the techni:ue that has been adopted by unions and management
to reconcile their conflicting interest.
Q50! State t#e essential features f 2lle'ti8e 6ar%ainin%!
Ans. 1! "t is fle%ible and mobile.
2! "t is group action not indi#idual action and is initiated through the representati#e of
'! "t is continuous process and dynamic in nature.

Q51! State t#e i+$rtan'e f 2lle'ti8e 6ar%ainin%!
Ans. 1! "t gi#es order and stability to industrial relation.
2! Achie#e an efficient operation of the plant.
'! "ncrease the economic strength.
Q&4! W#at are t#e 2#ara'teristi' needs f Trade unin(
Ans. 1! "t must be internally strong.
2! "t must be responsible so that it can use the power in economic way.
'! "t must be internally democratic.
3! E<$lain t#e 'n'e$t and i+$rtan'e f Industrial Relatins(
"ntroduction .efinition = +eaning of "ndustrial ?elations
"ndustrial ?elations Doncept The term industrial relations commonly to be di#ided into
#arious segments.
The le#els co#ered by factors are detailed below-
I+$rtan'e f Industrial Relatins:

"ndustrial ?elations ,atterns&
G@rganized 1ector and their "mpact on Bnorganized.
Bnions are "mportant /orce in the "ndian ,olitical 1ystem.
Harying ,atterns of "ndustrial ?elations.
1tatus .ifference in the $or(ers of ,ublic and ,ri#ate 1ector.

5! Write a detail nte n t#e fll9in%!
a! Fa'trs affe'tin% Industrial Relatins(
6! Pers$e'ti8es=A$$ra'#es in Industrial Relatins(
a! Fa'trs affe'tin% Industrial Relatins
Institutional factors
Economic factors
Social factors
Technological factors
Psychological factors
Political factors
Enterprise related factors
Global factors
6! Pers$e'ti8es=A$$ra'#es in Industrial Relatins
,erspecti#es=Approaches in "ndustrial ?elations
,sychological approach
1ociological approach
7uman ?elations approach
1ocio I 0thical approach
6andhian approach
1ystem approach
&! Dis'uss t#e Industrial Relatins Pr6le+ in t#e Pu6li' Se'tr(
"ntroduction +eaning of "ndustrial ?elations.
"ndustrial ?elations ,roblem in the ,ublic 1ector.
$age .ifferentials
"ndustrial ?elations
1urplus Cabour
@#er Dentralization
+ultipricing of Bnions
,olitical and Fureaucratic "nfluence

)! Tra'e t#e ri%in and %r9t# f trade uninis+ in India(
"ntroduction +eaning of Trade Bnion
6rowth of Trade Bnion ,re "ndependence
1ocial $elfare ,eriod& from 1542 to 1A15
0arly Trade Bnion ,eriod& from 1A15 to 1A2*
Ceft I wing Trade Bnionism ,eriod& from 1A2* to 1A'*
Trade Bnions Bnity ,eriod& from 1A'2 to 1A'5
1econd $orld $ar ,eriod& from 1A'A to 1A*2
6rowth of Trade Bnion ,ost "ndependence
The ,ost I $ar <or! ,ost I "ndependence ,eriod& from 1A*4 to 2JJJ
,resent 1cenario of the Trade Bnion +o#ement
,! Des'ri6e t#e E8lutin f Trade Unins(
"ntroduction Doncept of 0#olution of Trade Bnion
0#olution of Trade Bnion
1ocial I ,sychological Approach of ?obert /. 7o%ie
1ociological Approach of /ran( Tannenbaum
1carcity Donsciousness Approach of 1elig ,erlman
Kerr and Associates) 6eneral Approach to Trade Bnionism
$ebs Eon I ?e#olutionary or "ndustrial .emocracy Approach
Dlassless 1ociety Approach of Karl +ar%
6andhi>i)s Approach
-! Write a detail nte n >2de f Dis'i$line=2ndu't?(
"ntroduction +eaning of .iscipline
,rinciples of the Dode
.uties and ?esponsibilities of 0mployers& $or(ers and 6o#ernment
To maintain .iscipline in "ndustry <both in ,ublic and ,ri#ate 1ectors!
0nlists the Dommon @bligations of +anagement and Bnions
To 0nsure Fetter .iscipline in "ndustry& +anagement and Bnion<s! Agree
@bligations of +anagement
+anagement Agrees
@bligations of Bnions
Bnion<s! Agree
Anne%ure I A Dode embodies the national le#el agreement on the criteria for the
recognition of unions.

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