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Luther on Sanctification

Introduction. The doctrine of sanctification is strongly connected with the

doctrine of justification which was the central doctrine of the church in his view. One
of Martin Luther's main concerns was to counteract the Catholic doctrine of
justification by works. He is well known for reaching justification by faith aart from
works. This doctrine became the main illar for the reformation.
!"uring Luther's day he was accused of antinomianism. #rasmus charged$
%Lutherans seek two things only wealth and wives censum et uxorem ... to them the
gosel meant the right to live as they lease.% &esley accused Luther of distorting
the doctrine of sanctification$ if Luther had any doctrine of sanctification at all.'
This misunderstanding of Luther's concet of sanctification might have arisen
because he uses (aul's first)century message of grace as oosed to works to attack
legalistic salvation found in the si*teenth)century church. +ecause of Luther's
emhasis on grace and liberty$ many might accuse him of a weak concet of
sanctification or an antinomian basis for the Christian Life.
Luther gave the commandments an imortant lace in theology. ,see Luther$
Little Catechism - in .caer$ .anctification in Lutheran Theology/
0ctually$ Luther's concet of sanctification is difficult to understand without
looking at his doctrine of justification. ,#lmer Towns ) Martin Luther on .anctification/
Luthers early view. 1t was similar to via moderna - 2od made a covenant
with humanity by which he has to justify anyone who satisfies a !certain minimum
recondition' - works. ,Lectures on (salms$ 3435)3434/
!The sinner takes the initiative by calling uon 2od. The sinner is able to do
something which ensures that 2od resonds by justifying him.' ,O'6eggio/
7o8s Tiberiu
Later view. Later$ he reali9ed that these are !the fruit of justification is faith' )
active love. .uch love is directed in the first instance not toward 2od in hoe of
attaining some merit toward salvation but toward one's neighbor. .ince we no longer
carry the intolerable burden of self)justification$ we are free %to be Christ's unto one
another$% to e*end ourselves on behalf of one another$ even as Christ also loved us
and gave himself for us. ,2eorge - Theology of the 6eformers/.
Luther tended to treat justification as a matter of being declared as being
righteous$ rather than becoming righteous. Then he came to see justification as an
event comlementary to the rocess of regeneration and interior renewal )throug
Holy .irit. :ustification altered the outer status of the sinner in the sight of 2od
,coram Deo/$ while regeneration altered he sinner's inner nature. ,Mc2rath$
6eformation Thought/.
!There are two kinds of Christian righteousness$ just as man's sin is of two
kinds. The first is alien righteousness$ that is the righteousness of another$ instilled
from without. This is the righteousness of Christ by which He justifies through faith$
as it is written in 3 Cor. 3 ;<5=> ;?> The second kind of righteousness is our roer
righteousness$ not because we alone work 1t$ but because we work with that first and
alien righteousness. This is that manner of life sent rofitably in good works$ in
slaying the flesh and crucifying the desires with resect to the self$ of which we read
in 2al. 4 ;<@A>' ,Luther - Two kinds of righteousness in Lull$ 344/
Luther's concept of sanctification. !.anctification is a continual rocess of
2od$ based on the finality of justification$ where as a result of daily faith the Holy
.irit is oerative in the believer's life$ which urifies and frees the believer for good
7o8s Tiberiu
works$ oerating within the community of believers. the church$ where the &ord and
sacraments are resent.'
3. .anctification involves the indwelling of the Holy .irit in man.
@. .anctification comes by faith.
5. .anctification urifies the believer.
A. .anctification frees the believer to do good works.
4. .anctification is a daily rocess.
B. .anctification is not effective aart from the church. ,Towns/
Practical outworking of sanctification.
3. The flesh cannot be eradicated but should be bridled and subdued.
@. 6esist evil by the .irit.
5. .anctification comes through meditation on the &ord of 2od and invocation
of Christ.
A. The warning of eternal unishment if sanctification is neglected. ,Towns$
Conclusion. %The doctrine of sanctification. Contrary to #rasmus and
&esley's accusation$ Luther has a ositive$ dynamic concet of sanctification. Like
his doctrine of justification$ it is theocentric ) as 2od justifies man$ 2od also sanctifies
man. +y faith$ man aroriates the active rocess of the Holy .irit and the &ord of
2od$ which in turn urifies the man$ frees him to fulfill good works$ bringing glory to
2od. Man's sanctification is never to the glory of a man$ as though man could glory in
any holiness of his own. #ven in sanctification$ Luther's watchword becomes
aramount< soli deo gloria.' ,Towns$ op. cit./
7o8s Tiberiu
Timothy C. Lull$ ed. Martin Luthers Basic Theological Writings.
Timothy 2eorge. Theolog o! the "e!ormers. +roadman$ @==5.
0lister #. Mc2rath. "e!ormation Thought# $n Introduction. 5
Trevor O'6eggio. (ower(oint resentation.
#lmer Towns. Martin Luther on %ancti!ication. Bibliotheca %acra$ 0ril 3DBD$
"avid ( .caer$ .anctification in Lutheran Theology$
7o8s Tiberiu

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