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1. Who is the real enemy of believers today?

Satan and his evil spirits; especially in the area of
i. Families
ii. Finances
iii. Jobs
iv. Minds
v. Bodies
vi. Homes
vii. Neighbours
viii. Cities
ix. Nations
x. World.

2. Explain why Satan hates you. What have you done to cause that hatred?

Satan hates me because i, Christopher Emmanuel Raj s/o Vellan, have been
created to:
i. Look like God
ii. Talk like God
iii. Walk like God
iv. Rule with God.
Thus, it must have hurt Satan, as i have been given EVERYTHING that Satan had
tried to take in rebellion.

3. What was Gods promise of redemption as revealed in Genesis 3:15?

Gods promise of redemption as mentioned in Genesis 3:15 is the coming Messiah,
Jesus Christ.
The Seed mentioned in Genesis 3:15 was a prophecy of Jesus who was to be
born of a woman.
Satan, then would be under the feet of Jesus. His head would be crushed and

4. Why it is important for you to know that Jesus gave up HIS rights as God
and lived and operated as a man while He was on Earth?

It is important for me to know as Adam, the first man had disobeyed God and
surrendered his authority to Satan. Jesus, as the Last Adam, would do everything on
this earth as man empowered by the Spirit of God. He would be the perfect man
operating on this earth as Adam had been created to do.

5. According to John 5:25 27, did Jesus operate in authority as Son of God,
or as the Son of Man?

Jesus operated in the authority of Son of Man as Man was created to walk with
authority and dominion. It was the human Jesus who had the authority. And also it is
because he was the Son of Man, the Last Adam , not because He was the Son of
Besides that, He had purposefully emptied Himself of His rights as God. He suffered
temptations as man. He overcome Satan as a man, and not Son of God.

6. What does the scripture mean when it says that Jesus spoiled principalities
and powers and put them in an open shame?

As Colossians 2:15 had preached that.... Having disarmed principalities and
powers, He made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them in it.
Power and principalities here, are referred to Satans organization of demons
Satan had thought that he had defeated Jesus when Jesus was hanged on cross,
but Jesus defeated Satan and his demons by paying the penalty of sin by His death
on the cross, delivering our sins to the depths of pit and FINALLY raising from the

7. What changes are necessary in your life if you are to walk in your restored
authority to demonstrate that Satan is a defeated enemy?

Through the authority restored to me, i, have been delivered, translated, redeemed
and am forgiven. Thus, i shall use my authority to trample Satan under my feet by
i. Believed wholeheartedly that my sins are forgiven
ii. Having absolutely nothing to fear of the world
iii. Walking with God in total faithfulness that earn righteousness in me
iv. Sharing my gift of freedom from slavery of the world with others in the world ,
whom had not known Christ yet.

8. Jesus said that we are to bind and we are to loose. Describe how you plan to
carry out these important instructions from Jesus?

"Bind" and "loose" here would reflect that we are blessed and presented with the
authority to bind Satan and his demons and even we have the keys of authority to
loose the captives. Thus, when we win the battle in the realm of the spirit, it will be
manifested in the natural realm.
In practical terms, i must manifest in the faith and authority given by exercising them
to free those who are burdened and suffering in illness and many more. This is very
important as Faith without works is dead faith. These works here to me definitely
points to the power of binding and loosing.

9. Give an example of how speaking the word of God has given you victory in
your own life?

Gods Word is living and active. As i faith of His Word, His Truth, i believe i can turn
any situation around, no matter how difficult it seems to be at a particular moment. In
my life, i can boldly say that Lord Jesus Christ is walking with me at all the paths of
my life through the blessing that He showered upon me when i was offered university
close to my hometown and even a Government posting near my home too.

Scripture: Psalms 23:1
The Lord is my shepherd, i shall not want

10. What is meant when we say the name of Jesus is like having the power of

In our faith, that Jesus is granting us the Power of Attorney to transact his earthly
business. We are to bless, serve, forgive, and tell others about Gods love and his
offer of eternal life beyond the grave. We are to tell others about Jesus, his sacrificial
death on the cross which establishes peace with God by faith.

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