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Shoulder Partner:______________________

Coming into America Packet
___1. Completed the Vocabulary +/-/0 on the Early Americans and
copied the correct Key (5)
___2. Read the Background Essay on the Migration Theories (25)
-Numbered the Paragraphs /Divided into sections
Labelled Sections with Theory Letter
(A=Atlantic B=Bering Land Bridge C=Coastal P=Polynesian/Sea
-Completed Post It Notes on each Section (8 Post Its)
___3.How do you DBQ? Graphic Organizer filled (Notes and Ideas) (5)
___4. Summarized each of the Documents (A-D) with my partner (20)
___5. Completed the Buckets and Chicken Foot for My Thesis (20)
___6. Completed the Evidence Chart on the 3 theories (20)
___7. Drawn a complete map of the Western Hemisphere showing the
Theories (Document D and p 21) (15)
___Arrows ___Continents ___Bodies of Water ___Archaeology Sites ___Key
___Compass Rose ___Title for Map ___Colored Appropriately _____ Creative Elements

___8. Completed a How to Write an Essay Outline for My Essay (15)
___9. Written an opening and closing scene for my essay describing one
of the theories/ Creative and Descriptive (10)
___10. I have designed and Completed a Front Cover
With a Title Drawing or Clip Art and My Name (5)
_________Grand Total Points (140 points possible))
________Bonus Points (Teacher Only)

Front Inside Back
and Map
Coming Into America:
The 5 Ws of
Early American Migration:
The American J ourney pages 16-22

Online Resources:

Chapter 1 p, 16-33
Early Native American Vocabulary
1. Bering Strait______
2. Land Bridge______
3. Beringia______
4. Migration______
5. Theory______
6. Ice Age______
7. Nomads______
8. Mammoths______
9. Bison______
10. Hunters and Gatherers______
11. Ice Corridor______
12. Glaciers______
13. Inland Route______
14. Coastal Route______
15. Marine Skills______
16. Monte Verde______
17. Carbon Dating_______
18. Sea Route_______
19. Cactus Hill_______
20. Meadowcroft ______

1. Maya______
2. Theocracy______
3. Hieroglyphics______
4. Aztecs______
5. Tenochtitlan______
6. Inca______
7. Cuzco______
8. Machu Picchu______
9. Hohokam______
10. Anasazi______
11. Four Corners_______
12. Pueblos_______
13. Mesa Verde_______
14. Mound builders_______
15. Cahokia______
16. Inuit______
17. Iroquois League______
18. Creek_______
19. Chickasaw_______
20. Cherokee_______
a. Penn Rock Shelter 17,000 Years Old
b. Narrow Water between Siberia and Alaska
c. Melted Pass in Canada
d. Across South Pacific Rim
e. Walked on Edge of Glaciers or Paddled along
f. Once Connected Alaska and Siberia
g. Virginia/Stone Tools 18,000 years old
h. Name for Land Bridge
i. Fished/Hunted Whales/Constructed Boats
j. Educated Guess supported by Evidence
k. Movement of a large Number of People
l. People who move from Place to Place
m. Large Hairy Ancient Elephants
n. Ancient buffalo
o. Cold/Part of Earth covered in Ice Sheets
p. How people lived before farming
q. Large Ice sheet which causes sea levels to drop
r. Ancient Chilean Camp site/ maybe very old/
35, 000 years?
s. Followed Herds to Great Plains
t. Finds out how old an artifact is

aa. Mountaintop Religious Center
bb. Farmed Mountains in Georgia/Carolinas
cc. Picture Writing
dd. Ruled by Religious leaders
ee. Largest Mound Settlement/Illinois
ff. Aztec Island City
gg. Stone houses/villages
hh. Farmers/Georgia/Alabama
ii. Large South American Ancient Civilization
jj. Ancient Central American Rainforest Farmers
kk. Inca Capital City
ll. Ancient Arizona Desert People
mm. Ancient settlers of Mexico City
nn. Four Corners Civilization
oo. Complex political alliance of 5 tribes
pp. Where Utah/Colorado/Arizona/New Mexico Meet
qq. Elaborate Cliff Dwelling in Colorado
rr. Early North American tribes who spread from
Central America/Mexico
ss. Near Arctic/ESKIMOS
tt. Farmed River bottoms in Mississippi

PRE- Reading Strategy
+= Know it
-= Seen it
0= No Idea
-= ______
0= _____
Document A 10,000 -Year-Old Skeleton Found in Undersea Caribbean Cave-2006 Anthropological research on
an ancient skeleton may cause scientists to rethink ideas about the peopling of the Americas: who were the first
humans to live in the region, and where they came from. The skeleton, estimated to be more than 10,000 years old,
was discovered in an underwater cave along the Yucatn coast south of Cancn in 2006. It has finally been brought to
the surface to undergo more extensive study. Dubbed the Young Man of Chan Hol the skeleton is thought to be
that of a young maleit is believed to date to the last Ice Age, when the caves were well above sea level. The
discovery in the Mexican state of Quintana Roo supports the idea that multiple groups of prehistoric nomads crossed
the Bering land bridge between Alaska and northeastern Asia at different times. Both this skeleton and another found
nearby possess anatomical markers that link them to South Asian people, rather than the North Asian ancestors of
other early Native Americans. Before being moved from the cave, the skeleton was studied closely by scuba-diving
archaeologists for any and all clues that might be revealed from its surroundings. Evidence of bonfires and the unusual
position in which the bones were found indicate that the corpse may have been placed there during a funeral rite. The
skeleton includes bones of the arms, legs, and torso, as well as the skull and several teeth. The relative lack of wear on
the teeth suggests a young age at time of death. Lab tests should provide a more precise age, verification of its sex,
and possibly even the cause of death.
Document B: Peopling of the Americas Jumps Back in Time- 2011 Scientists used to be confident that the First
Americans arrived from northeast Asia roughly 13,000 years ago, after trudging across the Bering land bridge and
slowly meandering southward careful to dodge the vast ice sheets. Theories change, however, and this one now seems
threatened by the DELETE key. The Beringia theory drew support from the findings named for an archaeological site
near Clovis, New Mexico. Archaeologists have long held that makers of finely crafted stone tools called Clovis points
were the Americas earliest settlers. For years, though, archaeological research has been turning up artifacts that are
much older than the oldest Clovis pointssome by at least 1,000 yearsindicating that people have been in the
Americas for a much longer time. This earlier date also means that the first people probably did not get to the Americas
via a land bridge; it would have been blocked by ice at the time. More likely, some of them arrived from Asia by water,
perhaps hugging the coastline in small boats. Now a site on Buttermilk Creek in Central Texas has produced artifacts
that predate the oldest Clovis points by about two millennia. One of the researchers called it the oldest credible
archaeological site in North America. Archaeologists used a new technique for determining the artifacts ageoptically
stimulated luminescence, which measures light energy trapped in minerals to reveal how long ago they were last
exposed to sunlight. These ancient tools are certainly shining new light on the story of Americas settlement.
Document C: New Findings on the Peopling of the Americas- 2011 If you have ever thought that history is static,
heres proof that it is a living, changing thing. For many years, we have learned that toward the end of the Ice Age,
people trudged over the so-called Bering land bridge that linked northeastern Asia to what is now Alaska. From there
they spread out to become the first inhabitants of North and South America. These hardy folk hunted with well-shaped
stone tools, called Clovis points for the site near Clovis, New Mexico, where they were first found. For years, though,
puzzling evidence has indicated that the Americas were not empty of human life when these skilled, stalwart migrants
arrived. Archaeologists have found site after site that have artifacts thousands of years older than any Clovis points.
Was someone here already when the Clovis people arrived? If so, where did they come from? How did they get here?
Reevaluation of a mammoth bone and the weapon lodged in it has now answered the first of these questions once and
for all. Using the most recent dating methods, archaeologists have determined that the mammoth was killed 13,800
years agogive or take 20 years. Thats at least 800 years older than the very earliest Clovis artifacts. So the so-called
Clovis first theory is defunct. The new finding sheds light on another mystery toowhy the megafauna, such as
mammoths, giant sloths, and saber-toothed cats, disappeared so quickly from the Americas about 12,700 years ago.
The early inhabitants, whoever they were, had been hunting these animals for hundreds, if not thousands, of years
before the Clovis people arrived. The Clovis people just finished them off!

Document D
Bucketing and the Chicken Foot:
_________ _________
#1 #2 #3
Document A

Evidence #1

Evidence #2

Document B


Evidence #1

Evidence #2

Document C

Evidence #1

Evidence #2

Document D


Evidence #1

Evidence #2

Document E


Evidence #1

Evidence #2


EVALUATOR:_______________________ DBQ Writer: ___________________
Task List:
1. Underline the thesis statement on the DBQ. If there is no thesis statement in the
thesis paragraph put an X next to what appears to be the thesis paragraph.

2. List the categories that were used to help organize the essay.

3. List the letters of the documents used in the essay. Determine whether the
documents were used EXPLICITLY (the document was cited) or IMPLICITLY
(the document was obviously used, but not specifically cited or referred to).
Used Implicitly or Explicitly?
Write I or E

4. Write down 5 pieces of outside information (proper nouns or concepts) used in
the essay.

5. Cite one piece of information from a document and explain how it was effectively
used to argue a point. (use of relevant historical evidence)

6. Circle the concluding paragraph if it supports the original thesis without restating
it word for word. Add a star if in the concluding paragraph the writer makes
reference to related information that will occur in the future.

7. Describe two things you learned from evaluating this DBQ.


8. Write one suggestion or comment about this DBQ.

Set the Scene
Opening: Sunrise! Describe the setting of your theory. No first Person. Use
Your Historical Imagination Include Climate/Geography/Time Period

Closing: Sunset! Close your Opening scene and end the tale.
Refer back to climate/Geography/Time Period etc.
Cover Brainstorming:
5- 10 Ideas

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