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OPS435C Assignment 2

2014 Summer
When sending information across the Internet, blocks of data are 'framed' by
the transmitter, so that they can be recognized by the receiver. Each 'frame' must
begin and end with a special pattern. The problem is that any pattern that is used
to mark the start and end of a frame might appear as legitimate data within the
block, thus confusing the receiver. One way to overcome this problem is to use a
technique known as 'bit stuffing'. Using this method, each data block is 'framed' at
each end with the 8 bit (1 byte) pattern, 01111110, and the data is modified to
ensure that 6 one bits never appear in sequence. This is accomplished by
inserting a zero bit after any sequence of 5 ones. The receiver will then remove
the extra zero bits after it receives the frame.
Bit stuffing works on bits within a stream of bytes. Here are several
examples of frames:
Example 1: Empty Frame (only 2 framing bytes, no data) - in ASCII this is
the string "~~".
Example 2: Four byte frame (2 framing bytes plus 2 data bytes) NOTE:
This frame is unstuffed. In ASCII this is the string "~AB~"
Example 3: Five byte frame (2 framing bytes plus 3 data bytes) NOTE:
This frame is unstuffed. In ASCII this is the string "~AB?~"
Example 4: Five byte frame (2 framing bytes plus 4 data bytes) NOTE:
This frame is stuffed with one zero bit (yellow). In ASCII this is the string
"~AB>~". Also NOTE the Euro currency symbol which is part of the
extended ASCII table, 128 in decimal or 80 in hex.
For this assignment you are to code a BASH script named "frame".
Your frame script should accept one required parameter, -s for stuff or -u for
unstuff and two required parameters which are the names of the input and output
For example, suppose you had a file containing an unstuffed frame. Suppose
its name was unstuffed.txt. You could then run this command to bit stuff the frame:
frame -s unstuffed.txt stuffed.txt
In which case the script would read unstuffed.txt and write to stuffed.txt
Here is an example for unstuffing a frame:
frame -u stuffed.txt unstuffed.txt
In which case the script would read stuffed.txt and write to unstuffed.txt
Of course, if incorrect parameters are given you might get something like this:
frame -p stuffed.txt
Usage: frame -s|-u infile outfile
NOTE 0: You should ignore the framing bytes (01111110 or '~') for this
assignment. In other words do not add them onto your stuffed file.
Similarly you should not need to remove them when un-stuffing a file
since they would not be there in the first place.
NOTE 1: Your script should output a usage statement or error message if
any invalid parameters are used on the command line.
NOTE 2: This assignment works on bits so it's important to be
comfortable with BASH bitwise operators before beginning this
NOTE 3: Be sure you follow your teacher's published assignment
expectations when preparing and submitting your work.

# !/bin/bash

# Check number of parameter, and output prompt
if [ $# -ne 3 ]; then
echo -e "Usage: frame -s|-u infile outfile" >&2
exit 1
# Check the status of source file
if [ ! -f $2 ];then
echo -e "File does not exist or is not readable: $2" >&2
exit 2
# Execute stuffing feature
if [ $1 = "-s" ]; then
xxd -b -g0 $2 | cut -c10-57 | tr -d '\n'| tr -d ' '| sed 's/11111/111110/g'> $3
exit 0
# Execute stuffing feature
elif [ $1 = "-u" ]; then
# Check the content of source file, it should have only 0 and 1
if [[ ! $(cat $2) =~ ^[01]+$ ]]; then
echo -e "$2: Content is wrong. Exit" >&2
exit 3
String=$(cat $2 | sed 's/111110/11111/g' | tr -d '\n')
# Check the length of string, it should be a multiple of 8
if [ $[$(($(echo $String | wc -c) -1)) % 8] -ne 0 ]; then
echo -e "$2: Size is wrong. Exit" >&2
exit 4
# Execute unstuffing feature
echo $String | tr -d '\n' | perl -e 'print pack "B*", <>' > $3
exit 0
# Output prompt for wrong parameter
echo -e "Usage: frame -s|-u infile outfile" >&2
exit 1

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