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Our mission is to provide unique

learning opportunities to the

students at Iowa State, foster
technology and support
economic development for ISUs
stakeholders, and to research
interface of emerging technology
while enhancing peoples
knowledge ad use of technology.

The VRAC is a facility where
undergrad and graduate
students can work together to
inspire more technological
creations that will continue to
lead the nation in a field that
thrives on enhancing the Virtual
Reality field.

Phone: (515)294-3092
Web: www.vrac.iastate.edu

Iowa State University
Virtual Reality
Applications Center
1620 Howe Hall
Ames, Iowa 50011

Expanding interface
between humans and

Being one of the only Virtual
Reality Applications centers in
the nation, the VRAC thrives on
educating people on how to fully
use technology to its potential.
Consistently creating life-like
scenarios in the C6 room (such as
war zones) to creating
mesmerizing sculptures in the
METal Lab, this facility offers
much more than mere images, it
offers a unique experience for
everyone who enters it by
combining technology with

Established in 1990
First Virtual Reality grant
awarded in 1992
More than $20,000,000
spent on upgrading facility
Partnered with numerous
companies in the past years
[The] VRAC is an
interdisciplinary research
center focusing on the rapidly
expanding interface between
humans and computers.
Stephen Gilbert (Associate

The goals of the VRAC at
Iowa State is to further
educate students and staff
about technology and Virtual
Reality advances in the
industry. The facility will
continue to offer Phd ad MS
degrees to encourage young
minds to continue with
Works Cited

"Virtual Reality Applications Center." . N.p., 1 Jan. 1998. Web. 24 June 2014. <http://www.vrac.iastate.edu/research/past.php>.

Gardyasz, Joe. "ISU's virtual reality center finds futuristic applications." Business Record [Des Moines] 26 July 2004: 1+. Business Insights: Essentials. Web. 23 July 2014.

"Fakespace" Internet Wire 18 May 2006. Business Insights: Essentials. Web. 24 July 2014.

"ICIDO and Virtual Reality Applications Center at the Iowa State University cooperate on Virtual Reality applications." PRWeb 17 June 2009. Business Insights: Essentials.
Web. 24 July 2014.

Faas, Daniella. "." . N.p., 22 Sept. 2011. Web. 24 July 2014. <http://news.engineering.iastate.edu/2011/09/22/faas-find-her-fit-at-mit/>.

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