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SCIENCE (1511/1)
1 hour 15 !"u#$% &ORM '
Answer all questions
1. A scientific method of investigation is to
A identify the problem first
B make a conclusion before the hypothesis
C use the minimum amount apparatus
D keep scientific information a science
2. Which of the following is an eample of
!ualitative data"
A Weight of a student
B Age of a student
C #eight of a student
D Blood groups $% A% B and AB
&. Which of the following is NO) a science
process skill.
A Being analytical
B 'aking a hypothesis
C 'aking deductions based on data
D (eproducing work done by fellow
). Which of the following statement is correct"
* #ypothesis is a true statement
** (esponding variable is a dependent variable
*** 'anipulated variable is an independent
A * and ** only
B * and *** only
C ** and *** only
D *% ** and *** only
+. Which of the following is a hypothesis"
A What is released from the plant during
B #ow do pollen grains look like under the
C *s the heat content of ehaled air higher than
in inhaled air"
D ,he larger the base area of an ob-ect% the more
stable the ob-ect.
.. /nce a hypothesis has been accepted in an
investigation% it becomes a
A phenomenon C fact
B theory D statement
What does the above statement represent"
A #ypothesis formed in an eperiment.
B Aim of an eperiment.
C A problem statement
D A procedure of an eperiment
1. Which of the following is NO) done by a
scientist when conducting a scientific
A ,o analy2e data
B ,o make hypothesis
C ,o ascertain and control the variables
D ,o make a conclusive result before
conducting an eperiment
3. Which of the following methods can be used
to present data in a eperimental report"
* ,able
** Drawing
*** Diagram
A * and ** only
B * and *** only
C ** and *** only
D *% ** and ***
1$. Which of the following scientific attitudes
should a scientists NO) have"
A analytical
B accuracy in recording data
C systematic
D daring to alter data
,o study the effect of impurities on the
boiling point of pure water.
11. ,hinking skills consists of
* creative thinking skills
** critical thinking
*** thinking strategy
A * only
B * and ** only
C ** and *** only
D *% ** and ***
12. Which of the following systems control body
A Circulatory system
B 4ervous system
C 'uscular system
D 5keletal system
1&. Diagram 1 shows the components of the
human nervous system.
Diagram 1
What is 6"
A 5pinal cord C 5pinal nerves.
B Cranial nerves. D Backbone.
1). Diagram 2 shows a type of neurone.
Diagram 2
What is the function of this nerve"
A (eceives impulses from receptor.
B (eceives impulses from the central nervous
C ,ransmits impulses from motor neurone to
D ,ransmits impulses from sensory neurone to
motor neurone.
1+. What is the function of the myelin sheath
in a neurone"
A Control the activity of the neurone.
B 5peed up the transmission of impulse.
C ,ransmit impulses to the cell body.
D (eceive nerve impulses from dendrite.
1.. 7roprioceptors can be found in
A muscles. C spinal cord.
B neurons. D brain.
10. 7roprioceptors are 4/, sensitive to
A pressure B stretching
C movement sound
11.Which of following are the importance of
body coordination"
* 7roduce suitable response to a stimulus
** 8nsure smooth running of body activities
*** 8nsure our body systems are able to work
together harmoniously
A * and ** only
B * and *** only
C ** and *** only
D *% ** and ***
13. ,he blinking of the eyes when a pencil is
suddenly moved towards them is an eample
A voluntary action
B involuntary action
C refle action
D fright action
2$.Diagram & shows the structure of the human
Which of the parts labelled A% B% C and D
controls body e!uilibrium"
21. Which of the following activities is
controlled by the medulla oblongata"
A Dilation of the pupils in the eyes.
B Walking.
C #ead movement.
D 5melling a flower.
nervous system
nervous system
22. ,he cerebrum in the human brain has a huge
number of folds to
A. increase the si2e of the brain
B. accommodate more neurones
C. contain more cerebrospinal fluid
D. speed up the sending of impulses
2&. Diagram ) shows the human endocrine

Diagram 4
Which of the glands labelled A% B% C and D
controls the level of glucose in the blood"
2). Which of the following is NO) secreted by
an endocrine gland"
A. *nsulin
B. Adrenaline
C. 7epsin
D. ,hyroine
2+. 9ack of hormones secreted by the pituitary
gland can lead to
A weight loss
B increase in blood glucose
C high metabolic rate
D dwarfism
2.. (aymond kicks the ball into the goal.
What type of action is this"
A involuntary action. .
B voluntary action.
C refle action
D coordinated action.
20. A boy is chased by a fierce dog. Which of
the following changes will take place in his
A 9ess blood is sent to the brain.
B Arteries in the muscles will become smaller. C
#eartbeat decreases.
D :lycogen is converted to glucose.
21. Diagram + shows the effect of hormone
imbalance in the human body.
Diagram +
Which of the following endocrine glands
causes the effect shown"
A ,hyroid. C Adrenal.
B 7ituitary D 7ancreas.
23. An incomplete development of male
secondary seual characteristics can be
caused by lack of hormones secreted by
A testes C pancreas
B ovaries D thyroid gland
&$. Why are drivers not allowed to drive after
drinking alcohol"
A Alcohol causes addiction.
B Alcohol lengthens reaction time.
C Drivers will eperience breathing difficulties.
D #eartbeat is increased
&1. What is the effect of amphetamines on the
nervous system"
A *ncrease heart beat.
B 5low down nerve impulses.
C Cause hallucinations.
D Distort perceptions.
&2. Drinking ecessive alcohol may result in
*. liver cirrhosis
** blood cancer
*** stomach ulcer
*; brain damage
A. * only
B. * and ** only
C. **% *** and *; only
D. *% *** and *; only
&&. Which of the following drugs is NO) under
the group called stimulants"
A 4icotine C Barbiturates
B Amphetamines D Caffeine
&). A person who has a sound and healthy mind
A lacks sense of responsibility
B has a negative attitude
C unable to -udge between right and wrong
D can act wisely
&+. .Which of the following determines the traits
inherited from our parents"
A ovum C sperms
B genes D chromosomes
&.. Differences in form and trait with the human
species is known as
A variation C behaviour
B mutation D coordination
&0. What is the fine thread<like structure found
in the nucleus of a cell called"
A Cytoplasm C Centromere
B Chromosome D :ene
&1. :ametes are produced through the process
A mitosis C fertilisation
B meiosis D variation
&3. What are the similarities between meiosis
and mitosis"
* 7roduces new cells
** *nvolves duplication of chromosomes
*** /ccurs in body cells
A ** only
B *** only
C * and ** only
D ** and *** only
)$. Which are the chromosomes found in a
man=s skin cell"
A 22 > 6
B 22 > ?
C )) > 66
D )) > 6?
)1. Which of the following condition is NO)
A Anoreia
B #aemophilia
C Colour blindness
D Down syndrome
)2. Diagram . shows a type of cell division.
Diagram 6
What is the chromosome content in 7 and in @"
7 @
A 22> 6 22 > 6
B 22 > 6 22 > ?
C )) > 66 )) > 66
D )) > 66 )) > 6?
)&. 5tudy the information given belowA

What is the genotype of a person who has
curly hair"
A Cc C cc
B CC D Cc or CC
)). A man who is right<handed with gene (r
gets married to a woman who is also right
handed with gene (r. ,he probability that
their children is left<handed is
A 1+ B C +$ B
B 2+ B D 0+ B
)+. Why twins have the same se"
* two sperms fertili2e the same ovum
** the twins arise from a single 2ygote
*** two sperms with identical chromosomes
fertili2e two ova separately
A * and ** only
B * and *** only
C ** and *** only
D *% ** and ***
).. Which of the following determines the se
of a baby
A ,he number of chromosomew
B ,he number of autosomes
C 5e chromosome in the ovum
D 5e chromosome in the sperm
7arent cell
C A gene for curly hair CdominantD
c A gene for straight hair CrecessiveD
)0. Diagram 1 below shows the inheritance of
se in human.
Eemale 'ale
7arentsA 66 6?
:ametesA 6 6 6 ?
7 @ ( 5
Diagram 8
Among the children 7%@% (% dan 5% which pair is
A. 7 and (
B. @ and (
C. ( and 5
D. 7 and 5
)1. Which of the following variations is caused
by genetic factors only"
A Body weight
B 5kin colour
C ,ype of thumb print
D #air colour
Body weight I kg
Diagram 9
)). ,he graph in Diagram 3 above is obtained
from a study on students in a class. What is
the type of variation for se and body
Sex Body weight
A Discontinuous Discontinuous
B Continuous Continuous
C Discontinuous Continuous
D Continuous Discontinuous

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