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FLUFFY FR OSTING cooked for loo long and you will Nave However
.the cake cao be frosled ll7e
7%0 EGG WHITE QUANTITY 10 throw Otlt lrlat batch and slarl day before and a11 tlnat wrllhappen ls
1 cup sugar the process again tha: frostlng wjllbecome sllghlly cnsp
;( cup water Whlle syrup is bolling
beal egg because lt has dned oul a llttle and
2 egg whites whltes In smallbow'lof erectric mlxer willlcse 1ts glossy appearance When
THREE EGG WHITE QUANTI'I'Y untll stjff keep beatlng (or whiles wgll applying frostlng
, make sure i! covers
1 X4 cu ps su g ar deflate) whlle syru p is reachln g the lhe cake arou n d th e base near 1he
5 cu p water c orrect le m perature. i/hen syru p Is b Oard thls wI11form a seal an d h e1p
3 egg whites ready. allow bubbles to subside pour keep the cake fresh
Comblne sugar and water ln small in a ve7 lhin stream on to the egg
saucepan. stir over medium heat untll whdes whlse they are bealing on me-
sugar is dissolved do not bollbrush ditlm speed.Rcture shows the lhpn
any sugar grarns dowrlfrom slde of slream of syrup being added
. If 91 is
saucepan wlth brush dipped in water added too quicsly. frostlog wlllnot
lncrease heat. bollrapidpy.uncovered thicken Conllnue beatlng and addlng
for 3 lo 5 mlnutes do not sllr after Syrup untll aIIsyrup s used Conllriue
syrup bolss lf a sweets tbermomeler Is 10 beal untplfrostlng wlllsand In stlff
avallanle.syrup should reach 1 1 5 de- peaks (frostlng should be only warm
grees C (240 degrees F).otherwlse al thls stage)Tpnl. if deslred by beat-
you can les! by droppiog 1 teaspoon Iog colotlf lhrough pn mlxer or wrth ''''
of syrup lolo cold water'.11 shoul lorrn Veden spoon.sprea over cake as
a ball of soft sllcky toffee when rolred directed In Indlvldual reclpes.Frosting '
belween fzngers lf testlng syrup Irr atso can be flavotlred wpth 1p teaspoon
water remove pan from heat when Of any essence.
syrup falls from spoon pn a heavy drop For best results frosllng should be u-
allow bubbles to subslde. then tesl kn applled 10 a cake 00 tl7e day 11 Is lclbe Pour a l?1/rl s'ream of syfup (7Jl to
cold water The syrup shoupd not served when frostlng Is beaullfully the egg whites whde tleal/r?g o
ctuoge imlour lf 1: cloes 1: has been SY!. wlth 2. marshmzllow Gonslslency
. medium speed (), elecbric mixer
COCONUT Ulkn'? lhe Elilorlca whlch eomes In
phree strarlds genlly seppfale one Place requlred amourll of coconutln a
s t ra nd f ro '7l !h e o! he r T bvc) s!: a n d s bowladd tw() or three drops of focld
U s I rag s % a r p .po! n ! ed s c 'ss o rs nl a k e colourlng wel hands wllh Cold waler
dlagorlalcuts In llcorlce atpou! 3mr31 shake tlff e xce s s wa e rub c o Iourlng
I.tn ) apar! do nq): cu fkgh! lhrotlgh lh rou g h cocon u t Add i'n o re co Iourlng
. Cul to pengltl reaLllred for eyelaslnes - a s re q u 1r ed Bo h s h re d d ed a n d '
. abour! 5cnn '2'rl I..bend Into shape cfeslcca t eU coco n ul c)a n b e c o Io tlre
j Iwhen poslliorllng on cake
in ltlls way
Food ciolou r Iq g wl(1s:a I n ha nds To
preverlt lhls wearClean tkne rubber
g Iove s suc h a s surglca I g loves ( o b .
ta lnabpe f rom che r'n Ist s hcips fo r u nde r
S 1 p %%'e !$ he gloves wl ! iq cohd wa! e r as
rn en ! I c)n eu above S
epara'e black /Jct7? rce p/eces Jse Arlv Ief tover cocoaul can be k
epl In for doo
rs kvlr/c/oyvs and so cl.o a screw-
op Jar In the ref rlgerator untll
It Is requllred
AIId ecoral Ions used on ca ke s I n lh rs
book were bougthl from supermar.
kots chaln stores toy sectlons of de.
parlrrtert stores oc toy shops B'atter. '
96) ace avallable from cake h'Vke d/3VOC1q3/ CU'S fO '/CWJCP 'OOUf In a s (page
f de artment stores and 3fn* r 'tf'l '':WJ/Y t&r 'C'fp; eYelashes sect Io n s o p
f rom cake slnops PIPED DECORATIONS
LICORICE ALLSORTS Some cakeS requlre very slrrnple plped
The black ilcorlce pheces can be used dectlrallons whlch can be clone wlth a
for doors.wlndows slnulters and so Raper bag (see page 4) For lhose
on Cchloured fondaot dn rhe cerdres wtntch use plped ''Mas 'suc
.h as the
can bc sluck on to toolhplcks lo rep. Place Ync/arl? from cenbre ot sw'ee/ Icecream Dorpy Varden a plplng sel Is
resen! flags on roclrhplck !t7 represen? a l/a
.g necessary These are avalhable >
DOLLY VARDEN TINS PREPARING BOARDS 2 5crn (1pnp Iarger lhan !he marked
These are avallable at mos! kitchen. To make lhe bjrthday cake easy to Clrcle Uslng sharp Scpssors make dI.
ware or deparlment stores.However handpe and attracllve place cake on a '99Ona1Cuts abou! 2cm r 3 1n)arlarl
if you have (hfficully ln obtalning one. boad whlch Nas been covered wlltk around 'he border cut lo wlthrn 3mm
wrple to: A. E weslerrmagen.22 Ad. decoralpve paper The paper should (' aIO) Of marked clrcle Place board pn
dison Road uarrtckville NsW 2204 have a greaseproof surface lo prevenl 'ROSItIQO fold over cu!border one
This company manufactures the tns buller from !he Vlenfna Craam belng ;)Ie
Ce 31 a lme Secure paper wEth
and can tellyou the neares! slockisl absorbed alumlnlum fopl Is Ideal and 1! St1Ck8 t3;)e
or lhey wlll send the tins by mail can be beught ln prelly patterns
A flat plece of board Is necessary
(sorne of the smaller cakes can be
placed on a pla! e or t ray of sultable VN
slze and shape ) a covered bread ''''c'''
boa rd o r ch op r3 Ing board also ca n be '
used If a speclalshape or slze of =
board Is requlred Masonlte cu! lo slze ' . r.
can be used Off.culs are avallable In
' mos! Iarge hardware stores
Boards should be about 5cm (21rl)
rarg er alIrou nd than t he cak e Ind IvI (j .
uaIreckpes wrll Incflcale It a boaru of
spec IaIsl ze or s h ape 1s rhe edefj Ca ke 'x
boa rds of wood or he avy c a rdboa rci
ca n be bou g ht f rom som e heal! h f ood '
stores cake shops and shops whlch
speclalhze In cake.decoratlng needs Co (no; pleces r:l avo'd tvlky corne: s
cUp AND spooN Place paper pal:ero sltje down on a
MEASURES bench Posllpon boaru on paper mark '
a II!h e way a ro un d :he b oa ra wrth a s Reclpes In thls book use the follow
lng ' pe n c :I R e rrl ove boa r tj c u !ou t a
standard metrlc equlpmen! whlch has -'
s q u a r e 2 5 c m ( 1 In ) I a r g e r ! h a r7 t h e 2 been approved by the Australlan Stan
ma rk ed sq u are U slng sharp sc Is sors ' dards Assocrallon
Cut outa prece from each corner as .eWk. (a )25O mllllIrtre cu p fo r meas
urln g . . x shown to avold bulky corners onl
v ' > Ilquhds A lltre Jug (capaclty 4 cups) I
#.1 e ''4
cul l':lwllhln 3mm (atfl )c)f polnl o' I ''. also hs a
vallable . ' b
oard Piace bclafd In posltlon tor.a '* '* (b ) a g ra d ual ed se t of f o
ur c u ps . .x
. ' over !he sldes secure paper wlth ' m easu rIn g 1 c up
r a an d a cup for j '
Sllcky lape ZJ
mea su r' ng I tem S;Suctl a 6$ f I our a nd %. COVERING A ROUND BOARD
suga r Whe n measuclng In lh ese Irac .
Place paper pattern slde down on a V t
lonal cups Ievel off at !he brlm ' '
bench Pospllon board on paper mark ' ' .'' (c )a gradualed set of f
our spoons -.....>
aII the way around the board wlth a tablespoon (2Q mlllllllre Ilquld :;a
. pencll Remove board cul outa clrcie Secure r8e border v'a/r's'lck
v tape paclty) teaspoon (5 mllrklltre) ? tea.
s poon an d ' x teaspoon
NotetAIIspoon measurements men- OVEN TEMPERATURES
tioned ln this book are Ievel
Very slow 25O : 20
Slow a()O 1 50
Moderately slow 325.350 1 60.1 80
? Moderate 375-
400 1 90.200
-. -
Moderately ho1 425.450 220-230
Hot 475-500 250-260
Very hot 525-550 270-290
Very slow 250 1 20
Slow 275.300 :40-1 528
Moderately slow 325 1 60
Moderale 35O 180
Moderatesy hot 3T5 190
Hot 400-4* 200-230
Thls melnc equtpment ds approved tly Very bOt 475-500 250-260
Aus3rallan Standarc/s Assoclatlon
2 packets butter cake mlx
1 quantity Vienna Cream
yellow food colouring z
red Iood colouring
: . , e
blue f/od colouring ' . .' .- .
z . '
. 1' 1 Icecream wafer '
.'. ,.
2 Iarge sweet: .. k x
a. - N Party llat ' ''
blaek Sasheenribbon % x
Make Gakes accordlng to dlreclioqs on % Nh N.'N SN & ! s
packel,pOu r lusl ove r half lnlo grea sed x N X% h 'N '
tVY' Z d ee p 2 31 m ( 9 i n ) r o u n d ca k e 1 In
potl r Y. hj.x x'.
remandflr lnl? (Feasecl Zeep 29/m 'Y''V ' N *x
( 81n ) rou nd cake lIn so lhat bolll mlx. . '.-' i '& '
tures are the same depth bake ln motj- 'h .
erate Qven 45 mlntltes or tlnt4l cooked '
when lesled Turn cakes orl lo wlre
racks 0 cooj
Cut out blll and moulh from Iarge
cake as shown Cut a smallarc from
smaller cake so that top of rnokllh hts try
snugly. as shown In reconstrucled pic-
ltlre. Gul ends off piece from arc place
one on elther slde of moulh lo form !he
billas shown In reconslructed prcture
Assemble as shown op prepared
board Divlde cream ln half tinl one half
orange uslng a comblnatlon of yellow
aod red food colotlrlngs.Ice mouth and
blllwilh 1he orange cream 1ce head
wlth whlte Vsenna Cream leavlng an
area forthe eyes
Tin! re malnln g crea m pale bIu e wlth
fo od c olourin g s prea d over eye area. '
o Oulllne eyes and mouth wpth thin stnps
of Ilcorice Cu1 longue from icecream **
wafer and place tn positlon Place '
sweets in Iower parts of eyes. Select '
hat from packet of chlldren's party ' ',
hats,avallable at deparlment slores
and newsagencles decorate wllh '
black glft-wrapping ribbon
'Copyrlght @ Aal Dlsney Producllons
! .
4.. - '
'vJ >'
G INGER BR EAD MAN buller and sugar untll pigh: and fluffy man Ilghtly and evenly wlth jarrl lo glve
BISCUIT add egg yolk. beat weri slowly add a laze Decorale gingerbread man
1 :4 tablespotms golden syrup Slfled dry Ingredlenls and warmed wllh flal rouod sweets for bu:tons.
69g (2oz) butter Gyrup mix weilKnead mlxture Ilghtly Ilcoace for rnouth. halved marshmal.
4 <up yugar FIciJJ oul on lo 7ery llghfly greasetj lows lopped wllh hahved round sweets
1 egg yolk oven tray to size of glngerbread man for eyes smallsweel for nose
1 1cups plain flour outLlne trace outhpne on lo grease. Reyal Icing:Uspng a wooden spoon.
% teaspoon bicsrbonate of sods proof paper.cut ou1 pallern .place on bea! egg white iightly In smaLl bowl.
1 % teaspoons ground ginger dough cutaroun paper pattern wlth adc slfted Iclng sugar 1 tablespoon at
CAKE a sharp knlfe Bake In mocierale oven a tlme beatlng wellafler each ad.
1 packet chocolate butter cakp mix 20 mlnutes or untllcooked Allow to dltlt)n tlnlil Iclng Mands ln firm rleaks
2 quanlity clwcolate Vienna Cream ctoolon oven tray (Make glngerbread (amount chf iclng sugar requlred de.
chocolate sprlnkles blscults wllh Ieftover mlxture ) pends on slze of egg whde) FII1paper
% cu lprpcot jll'n Cake: Make caue accordlng !u) dlrec. bag tsee page 4) w'ptb Roya)lclng,plpe
round flat sweets tlons on packel. pour inlo greased decorathvely around edge of gifnger.
Iicorice Kcm x 250m ( 1 21n x 10In) swlss roll bread man. plpe a do! on each button
2 marshmallows t1n bake ln moderate oven 20 mpnutes
smallsweet for nose or '
untrlcooked when tested Turn on
: board 40cm x 35cm (16in x 14In) to wkre rack to coolPlace chocolate
ROYAL ICING cake on board place glngerbread man
1 egg whlte brscul! on top of cake WI1t7 a sharp
1 1wto 1 ); eups icinq sugar knlfe ctlt cake to shape of glnger.
Fiscutt: Peur gofden syrup Into small bread'man cover sldes wlth chocofate
heatproof Jug.stan: jug In heatprool Vpenna Cream . coal thlckly wllh
dlsh or saucepan of hot waler unlpl chocolate sprlnkles Heat jam. push
syrup warms and softens Cream the through flne Skeve brush glngerbread
. .
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OLD WOMAN WHO LIVED Stand Itmf Gilkt,s uprlgh behtnd toe, as
shown lf necessary trlm sldes and l N A SH O E ' '
< tops of ioaf cakes to make them even
j a packets butter cake mix Place heel 1 n pos it ;on
stlck a Iong
1 wooden skewer k lhrough heello !oe to w'ooden s ewer
1 ,4 quantitie: chocolate c j a curve in hold pleces pn posdlon u
Vienna Cream cjf cake dlreclly beblnd l(7e
.as toI7 en ()
icecream wafers c t a shown lo form Shoe openlng u
licorloe allsorts ' f tjase of same cake as cur
ve out o .
Iicorlce jaown to form arch of shoe s
assorletl sweets (as shown) j) vlenna Cover Gake completely wIt
chocolate-coated sultanal Cream
. plae Icecream wafers on tOp
Lifesavers f cake to form roof Cu! Ilcorlt;e a11-
toothpicks ts lo half kengthwlse
. place narrow sor
1 board 38cm (15ln) lquare jrice across centres
.press .. strlps ic()
. u
.J' Make cakes accordlng lo dlrectlons chn f indows
. g . allsorts around lake to orm w
%.%) 's.( .. acke! spoon one lhird Inlo greased 2
. k ... .v .' 17 ' Cut sh ulters f rom Icecream wafers .
, NN... ':x iljre (8 cup) pudding basgn. spoc)n re- jace oc elther spde of wdndows Make
malnder of mlxlure evenly Into !wo f 11 sweels path fcom door rom sma
greased 23cm x 12cm (91n x 5,n) loaf f ohocolale.coaled sultanas LIe.
ttns bake In moderate oven 55 to 60 . ' savers reoresent evelets Joln with
mlnutes for puddjng baspn. 50 mlnutes ' ' ' ipcorpce strkps to make Iaces press + f
or Ioaf tins or untll cooked when '
> klcorpce bOw above Iaces For flowers tesled Turc cakes (m to wlre rack '
t 1 press loothplcks Into round Iubes % o (7o0 '
* ' Cul 5mm ( %In)sllce (7: 0ne end then Press Golourecj soft sweets on
of rmdding basln cake (cul-off plece other ends Back window Is made wllh
forms heelof shoe,the rest forms toe). lcecream wafers and small sweels
1 6
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enna C rea m .. - ? ' ' x *'A % $4 $ . ' 125
g (4oz) dark chocolate P''b '* Q ; . 1Z.6'''* xq = .d' kz:' ' . . :#
1 G u p S h r e d d e d c o c o n u t * * < $ ' x T : . * '*' 'X * e % x..
z cup desiccafed coconul '
pink lood colourlng
assoded sweets (as shown)
1 board 50cm x 30cm (20in x 12in)
Make cake according lo dlrections on
packet pour Iusl over half Into .
greased 20cm (8in )sandwich tin pour
resl lnto greased 1 8cm (7In)sandwlch
tln,bake In moderate Oven 30 mlnutes .*
for the Iarger cake 20 mlnutes for the .'
smaller or untllcooked when tested.
CoolIn tlns 3 mrnutes turn on to wlre
rack to cool.
Cut cakes 3
S sthowfl assemDle On
board as shown Wllh spalula or knlfe
spread cakes eveniy w1th ch oc olate
Vlen na Crea m mark out eyes an d
tummy. sprlnkle graled chocolate over .....*-- * '
res! of face and body .mark eyes wlth
deslccated coconutTlrltshredded
coconut wpth a few drops ppnk food .
co lo u rlng .a rra ng e ove r ea rs a rnd ''X 'N
cefntre of lummy Cu: Ilcorlce for whls.
kers and tall.black Ielly beans repre- 1 - S
enl eyes marshmallows rpresenl
n ose.lu bes make necktre as sh own
? p
r .y 1
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C RAWLY CATER PILLAR Make cake accordlng to dlreclkons on to coa!completely ( Aliowlng one
1 packet butter cake mix packel. spoon tablespoonsful Into pally cake per gues! coa! lhe number
1 quantity vienna cream deep greased patty tins (it makes requlred ) Joln cakes logether wlth
e food cofouring abotlt 24 cakes) bake In moerately toothplcks to torm caterplldar Cut gre n
2sQ (8oz) shredded coconu, hO! Oven 12 lo 1 5 mlnules or unlllsmali plece coloured cardboard to fi! 61
! jjlicks golden brown.coolon wlre rack head of caterprllar to represen! 'bon- oo p
small piece coloured cardboard Tlnt Vlefnna Cream wlth green food net press flrmly Into ppace as
1 i pcleaner tlolotirlng.press fork fn sldes of akes shown Plpecleaner represenls P P
ted sweets (as sbown) Cover enllre cakes wlth Vienna Cream feelers assorted sweels as shown assor ' . . .
ropl tn green.tlnled shredded coconut represent eyes mouth and Iegs
1 packet butter cake rnix
1 quantity Vienna Crearn
pink Inarshmallows
while pipecleaners
Make cake accordlng to dlrectrons on
packe! pour Inlo well-greased 1 IElre
( 4 c u p )puddt ng sl ea mer ba ke In
moderale oven 60 msnutes or unlil
. cooked when tested Tutn on lo wlre
rack to cool
Trlm !op of cake so mouse's body
wlllsit flat lnvert cake on prepared
b oa r d c u!Irtlo m ou se s hape by
sloplng slde s trIm to a sllgh t polrrt as
4 one end lo deflne nose cut away aI1
brownpng 'so finlshed mouse ls as
whlle as posslble.Spread evenly w1th
*''' Vsenna Cream
. sprlnkle thlckly wpth
cocontlt press cocon ut on flrmly
Twls: llconce plece lo represent tall
= .
positron at broad end Of mouse .
$ ' halved marshmallows repfesent ears
...k >
. and nos
e smallrounds of llcorlce
= l v e fepresen! eyes
. wlnlle plpecleaners
1 '1' k . e-- ! whlskers x represen
s . . x. .a
1 packel buttef cake mix #
1 quantity Vienna Cream
yellow Iood colouring j '
4 x 1()0g packets Smartips or other $
smallround coloured sweets '
Make cake accorddng lo dlrecllons
on packet.pour lnto lwo greased
25cm x 8cm ( 1 0In x 31n) bar tins
bake In moderale oven 30 lo 35
mln utes r)r u ntllCocike d whe n tested ' '
Turn on to wlre racks :clcool.
Leave one bar cake whole ctlt the
other Inlo lhre e pleces as sh own '
Assembre cake as shown on
prepared board lo form a ftgure 1
Tln! Vlenna Cream wllln a few drops .
yellow food colourlng uslng a small
spalula cover entlre cake wtth
Vrenna Cream lhen cover !op and
s i d e s w I! h S m a r ! ie s or o t h e r
coloured sweets as shown
Note: One.year.olds may be 1oo
smail lo eat lhe coloured sweels bu!
lhey wlll cerlapnly Iove 1he cake
k% '
4.$ .''-
v ,t,,. ,
h y
, .y
# * '
- .
-) ' j 'j
' < ' k
z: '
HAPPY CLOWN 2 small flat lollipops (81n)round cake tln, bake ln moderate
1 packet butter cake mix Iicorice oven 50 minules or tlntl: cooked when
1 quantity Vienna Cream 1 paper streamer tested Turn cake on lo wire rack
2 teaspoons cocoa 1 pady hat to cool
2 icecream wafers hundreds and llwusands Cut out shape of cheeks on eitlner
Ilcorice allsorts Make cake accordpng to dlrecllons orl slcse.as shown. Tint 2 tablespoons
1 Icecream cone packet pour lnto greased deep 2Ocm Vlenna Cream wlth slfled cocoa
s pread over !op of cake as sh owc !0
make halrlhne spread piain Viemna
Cream over res! of l()p and sldes Of
cake Wafers cul tcl shape as shown
1 lopped wlth Ilconce alisorts represer!t
k': eyes cut polnt oflicecream cooe / '
. '
. p't;r- ' press polnt lnto cake to represenl
' 'K ' cuwe lolllpop stlcks into moulh
. nose
% j' '' shape press on to cake.Licorice
'N ' '. , ''
r s
trlps rerlf'ese
n! eyebfrWs Parler
. .
streamer represents hair' !op with
v .. '
l E':i. partk hal.cover lops and sldes of
kN. trlmmings wdh rest of plain Vpenria
cream. coat wltln hundreds and lhou-
sands,press against base of cake to
make bow tie .
' 8 .
j '>J
..V . '
. ! .
. -
j .
of loaf cake.place sllce bottom side
. '1 '
I'' u p,on 0 ne e n d of ioaf cake lo form i
l $
. shoulders cut 1 ocm (4In1 slrce off one
.. end of bar cake T:ls forms lhe head
$ t cut two 1 cm ( '.vin) slices oflthe olher
1-! . - ' p ie c e o f b a r c a k e - ! h e s e f o r m t h e
!;: . arms cut remalnlng piece of bar cake f
.- .a
# ln half vertlcally.to form lhe feet As-
' ' bIe cake as shown Colour Vlenna l z sem
..' C r e a rn w It h a f e w d r o p s o f f o o d I
colouring Joln head and shoulders to
body wilh Vienna Cream.coat arms $ '. and feet wlth Vienna Cream.then roll
' u. . In hundreds and thousands Cover
V' #' (?'vy' cake wlth Vien na Crea m .place arm s .
< ! > . sys, . #' f
C< e 3nd feet fnto IRQSIIION. Oecofate *1th
assorled sweets curl2 plne cEeaners
ROBERT ROBOT around pencll, remove pencil. Insert
1 ket butter c ake mIx 9IRe cleaners ln head to re prese nt pac
1 qu antlty vlen na crea m ante nnae
bIu e Io o d colo urio g N Qte:lf n e ce ssary, ln serl a 1on a
ded s we ets (as s : o wn) wo od en ske werthrou g : h ea d sh ouh- d.
r asso .
Nu n dreds an d th ous sn ds ers an d b ody to make cake sta nd
2 I e clean ers m 0re se curely P P
Make cake accordlng to dlrectlons on
packel dlvide mlxture evenly Inlo
greasal 25cm x Rm t 10ln x 3ln) bar
In and 20cm x locm (8in x 4in) Ioaf lln.
Bake pn moderate oven 30 mlnutes for
?' bar t;n and 35 to 40 mlnutes for Ioaf tln
1 T'trrn cakes on to wlre rack lo cool
Slice lo p o' loaf cake lo make d
Ievel Cut $cm (21n) sllce off one end
JOLLY JELLY CAKE water for each Pour red jelpy In:o deep posltlon. as shown.
lo represent eyes
2 x 1:0g packetl Iime green 20(;m (8;n) round cake tln. refngerate Uslng plplng bag and smailplaln plpe.
jeliy cryltals untll set , pour coolyellow lelly over pkpe around edges of wafers and In
2 x 1 (htlg packetl yellow red Jelly refrigerate unlllse! pour corners wdh plnk Vlenna Cream as
jelly oryltal: cool green Jelly over yellow Jelly. re- shown .posltlon sweets.as Shown.to
2 x lKg packet; red jelly ryltall frlgerae untpl set.To turn out cake represent eyeballs Uslng plplng bag
1 Xl Iltrel (6 cupl) hot wpter wlpe underslde of !In wpth very hot and shell lube
plpe yellow Vlenna
KQml clrton thlckened cream c10th Inverf on to serving dish Cream over top and sldes of cake. as
yellow food colourlng Tlnt half the cream wlth yellow food shown. to represenl halr Using plplng
red food olourlng coloursng .divlde other halfInto lhree bag and smallslar rspe
,plpe a nose
green lo/d colouring equalporlions tlnt one portpon plnk wlth green Vpenna Cream wlth lhe
orenge fooel colourlng with red food colourlng, one wph same pipe plpe a mouth wdh orange
2 plnk Icecream waferl green food colouring ancl one wlth or. Vlenna Cream Uslng a small plaln
2 purple lweel: ange food Gorourpng Beal aI1portlons plpe
.pkpe dots of yellow Vlenna Cream
Make up green
yerlow gnd red jellpes of cream tlntslsof! peaks form
. Cut Note:For lnforrnallon on smallplplng
In separate bowls uspng 2 cups hot Scecream wafers Into pear shapes sels see page 4
?'y .... ---
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body of plane The lwo rectangular
pleces from second sllce are englne
. cowllngs use one lriangular plece for
top Genlre ()f plane Shape main plece
lo form body of plane as shown Cut
wafers. as shown lo make 1wo wing
p Iece s.one cen tre .talEplece twQ
slde.lalrpleces plus 1wo more pleces
sa me s 1ze a nd sha pe as s rde-tal I
t leces for en lne mount Assembke .
,, . , . 't, p g
'.' k
, ':# cake on prepared board
Tln! Vlenna Cream wllh a few drops
aprlco: food colotlnng cover top and
sldes of body wdh Vienna Cream . pos.
ltlon on base over top and sldes of
lrjangular piece wlth Vienna Cream
coat w1th hundreds and thousands
place on 1op of body prece lowards
JET PLAN E rear as shown cover lop and skdes of
<'' ' <
' : ackel butter eak e mix e ngine c owlin gs wdh vlenna cream f
k :' P '
'' ? 1 s icecream wafers posltron as showo press ln wafers I
1 quantity Vlenna cream Press wlngs. side and cenlre lalls zn
v aprleot food eolouring pOSIt,0n. decorale cake wlth assorled
.. ...
An /:' 1 'w ' ! .
. , .d ls as slnown
si Nundreds and tNousands swee ,
( I .'. .' '1 rted sweets (as shown)
.%.- 1 I asso
Vake cake accordlng l:l dlretlons on
packet pour lnto greased 23cm x
12cm (9,n x 51n) loaf l1n bake ln mod-
erate oven 50 minutes or untllc o oked
1 . when tesle d Turn cake on to wlre
rack to cool. $
1 Irce from elther end : cut 1 cm (gn) s
of cake cut each slice Into four as
shown , make a ''T''wlth ll7e two Iarger
pleces from first slice to form base for
- ; : -eN
SEWING MACHINE Assemble machlne body on base.
1 acket butter cake mix posltpon wheelas shown Collonreel # '
1 quantity Vienna cream 15 made by presslng 4cm ( 1 ' rlnl plece
2 tablespoons cocoa of thick Ilcorice pnlo !wo Ilcorlce all.
Iicorlce sorts DecoraTe rest of machlne wlh
Iicorice allsorts assorled sweets as sho-n If neces-
assorted sweets (as shown) Sary. secure wlth wooden cocktalp
den cocktailsticks SIICkS Wlnd Coloblred cord around
.. woo
tj cottonreel at top of machine thread cor .
1 icecream wafer lhrot'l;ln and around sweets.as
Make cake accordlng to drrectlons on SbOWO.thread lhrough Ipcorlce needle
packet pour Into greased 23cm (91n) Plale tlnder the needle Is made from
1ab !In bake ln moderale oven ar'l Icecream wafer lrlmmed to slze. square s
30 m I nutes or unt II c ooked when
esed Turn on to wlre rack to cool
cu! 5cm (21n) off bollom of cake to
form base of machlne.'fklm remilpning
cake Into llne shape of the body of ma.
. chlne as shown From Ieflover plece
cut a cprcle aboul 8cm (3in)in dkarneler.
as shown lo make wheel Place cake
on prepared board Tpnt 1, cup Vrenna
Cream wlth slfled cocoa spread
crea m over lo p an d slde s of base
cover top and sldes ofbody ancl wheek
th the remalnlng Vlenna Cream. WI
r k
A .
J #
s' .
a P'
BASKET OF FLOWERS on to wtre Cack to cootTtnt vtenna
1 packet butter cake mlx Cream wlth a few drops green food
1 quantlly Vienna Cream colourlng spread evenpy over top and
green Iood colourlng slde of cake sprlnkle wlth green
2 cups green-tlnted coconut tlnted cocontlt lo oover cream
marsbmallow flowers (see page 4) Decorate edge of the cake w1th
round qat aweets rnarshmallow flowers as shown
jube rlngs press halved lubes Into cake to form
aluminium foll a rrng jusl pnslde rnarshmallow
ribbon flowers
. To make a handle rolla
Make cake accordlng to dlrectlons on 40crn ( 16,n) square of alumlnlum foll
Racke! spoon mlgltlre evenly Into knltl a slrlp 1w1st for a firm finlsh a!.
greased d ee p 23c m (9hn) rou od cake tpch nb b on b o w in sert han dIe In
tln.bake In moderale oven 45 mlnutes cake as shown
o? untl C ooke e en lesle. Turn
/' . . . . e ? >
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CAKE OF HEARTS tray.lrace smallheart shapes Ilghtly mlnutes or umllcake stlrlnks slightly
MERINGUE HEARTS On t() paper wllh a peocli.Put 1 tea. from sldes of !;n lf preferred cake can
a egq whites spoon menngue mlxture on lo each be baked tn 20cm (8In) round cake tkn
!4 cup castor suqar hearl.spread lnlo hearl shape. as for 20 to 25 mlnutes then cu! lrtto
greasepeoof paper s Own Sprlnkfe wlth hundreds and hearl shape when cold Turn on lo
hundreds an4 thousands ThouBands.press these on llghtly wllh wlre rack lo cool
CAKE smallspatula bake In slow oven 20 Cu! cake In half horlzontally lhen
k t s onge cake mix mlnules or unlll flrm lo louch There ls reloln wlth thln Iayers of Jam'and
1 pac e p
strawberry or other jam Sufficlent merlngue mrxture for aboul whpped cream. cover top and sides
2 x 300m1cattons cream 1 2 heacs (you could have one for with whlpped cream press meringue
Meringue Hearts : Beat egg whiles un- eacb year of lhe chpld's age) hearts knto posdion around qake as
ti1sofl peaks form gra dually beat ln Ca ke: Make cake acc ordrn g to dlrec- Sh OWn.RlRe a d ecorative b ord er of
n d top e d ge of cake castor sugar bea!u ntil hrm peaks tlons on packet s prea d evenly hnto Crea m arou .
form.Grease an d flour a shee! of greaae d 2 5c m (1 Ognj heart-sh a pe d
grease prO Of pa per place on bakjn g cake tIn bake hn m Gderate oven 30
$ .

r# 4.
1 1 l
, . ' .
.: .
t . .
:k . , .' &
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4 '
t ; t
. TEA PARTY 5cm (21n) pialn oulter.cut four stools
' '
1 packet butter cake rnlx from remalntng cake Tlnt 2 table.
1 quantity Vienna cream spoons Vienna Cream dark mauve
purple food colouring whlh purple food colounng tlnt re-
12 chocolate Freckles mainder plghl mauve.cover lops and
5 icecream wafers sides of table and stools wfth llgbt '
d I1s' teaset mauve Vlenna Cream Decorale top o .
4 round sweets edge (X table wltb halved Freckles.
hundreds and thousand: Cut four wafers with 5cm (2n) plaln
four small do11s culler to make place mats cu1 remain-
Make cake accordlng to dprecdions on 1ng wafer wlth 4cm ( 1 3In)plaln cutter
packet, pour Into greased 28cm x to make mat for centre of lable Pipe
18cm (1 1 pn x Tin) Iamlngton tln.bake dark matlve Vienna Cream along cut
In moderate oven 30 mlnutes ()r untll edges of mats lsee page 4) place In
cooked when tested Turn on to wlre positlon as shown arrange teasel ofn
rack to coop mats.add rchund sweets Coal stools
Using saucer as gulde, (;u! 15cm wlth hundreds and thousands press
(61n) round from cake for lable '.wllh dolls'fee! into stools.
. C
. .
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DANCING GIRL PLace dolltn centre of cake. if ciolpIs too
1 butler cake mlx talt trlm legs Place prnk cream 'n
. .
2 quantlties Vierlna Cream prppng bag fitted wllh slar.shaped tube.
'' pink food colourlng ptpe decorallvely over chest to form
- - '
raspberryjam bodlce of dress pipe cream In a scallop
v 1 doll formatlon over lop of sklrl W1th whlte
.$ smallsweets (a, shown) Vienna Cream.plpe around bollom of ' F
1.. silver cachous cake and tlp sldes of scaklops to form '
h: 4 . . smallpiece pink ribbon the undersklr! *
j : . . Make ug mlxlure pour evenly lnto two Decorate lop wlth a few rosetles ol
f' ' '
greased 2Ocm i8In)sandwlch tpns.whrte cream .decorate skprt wlth smail
.' bake in m o erate oven 25 lo 30 mI- sweets. U s1n g lwe ezers d1p sllver
nuTes or until cooked when tested. cachotls Into a Ilttle Iclng
then plac;e '
Turn on lo wlre racks to cool arouod doll's wrlst to form slpver
TInl 1 lz: gua nyltles of VIen na Cream bangle .Flepeat process w1th Shou Ide r
wlth plnk food colourlng. Joln cakes slraps Race a (lttle lclng on the backs
together wdh a Iittle raspberry lam.lrlm of two Smallsweets place on rlbbon
lop lo glve shape lo dress as shown headband to form flowers
4 * ' #' >
, s
' J v'
p .....
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Mj ' ''i .
Here Is agenlle dragcln - made of Qake cake accordlng !:1 dlreGtlons Qn shown (You wlll need five pairs on
cake and sweets - that ls a fun packe! pour half mlxlure into greased each stde graduallng In size
centreppece for the party labpe lf you 25cm x 8c)m (1 (hn x 31n bar !In pour Cut two pleces of cardboard lus!
allow one packel of sweets per guest remalnlng half Into Well-greased nu1 Iarge enough lo fkt under head an lall
each chtld can take one home. roli tIn bake pn modecate oven 30 mI. of ragon cover wlth atumlnlum foll
f 35 m! nu tes f or nut ( Card board'shlmld not be visible '11 Is' THE DRAGON nutes or bar cake
1 packet buttpr cake mix rOIIcake or untll cooked when tesled lhere spmply lo make dragon easler lo
licorie allsorts Turn on lo wlre rack to cool handle )Tint Vlenna Cream with a few
tootlpicks Trlm top of bar cake So It Is flal cut drops aprlGot food (mlouring
cardboard away sldes.as shown.to make lhe tall base plece Of nut rollcake with aprlcot
aluminlum foil Cut nu! rolp cake Iengthwlse at a slkghl Vienna Cream
.place cake on card.
1 quantily Vienna Cream angle as shown gkvpng a Iarger phece board Icsert teeth into cake on both
aprlcot food colourlng fOr the top and smaller plece for !he sides as shown 'posltlon rlbbon down
23cm (9in) rlbbon for tongue base.Cut Ilcorpce aplsorts Into trl. cenlre for tongue Cover top piece of
assorted sweets (as slvown) angles of graduatpng si2e lo repre- nu! roll cake wdth Vlenna Cream place
rellopbane psper sent leeth 'Icsert a toothpick lhroklgh carefully In posdlon so that !he toolh-
dlfferent-coloured rlbbons two trranghes of !he same slze as plcks go through the cake to hold top
ofhead frrmly In place Decorale head
. wllh assorted sweets as shown
. o'oo '
I . Cover laipwltb Vienna Cream. place on
. .
G.'J plece of covered cardboard decorale
, ....'' wlth llconce allsorts trlangses.
.2 </ 'et . . ; ' . Make packets of assorled sweels S
.' .v' i . '' ?' ... . '''-
wdh cellophane paper tled +1t17 rib. '
bon asrowing one packe! per guest
arrange packels to form body ot drag.
on Small jars filled wlth assorted
sweets aod decorxed wlll3 rlbbon
could be used instead of the cello-
- hane packets of sweets p .
: 27
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