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Mrs. Cameron & Mrs. Wilson

Rm. 417

Welcome to Computer Literacy! This is a semester class that is completely hands-on.
In this class, we will study the following topics:

Computer Basics/Keyboarding practice
Ethics & Privacy
Social Media
Microsoft Office including:

The following rules must be followed by all students:

1. Absolutely no food, gum, candy, or drinks allowed.
2. Students will perform assigned class work, participate in appropriate activities, and not
challenge the authority of the teacher. The student will not be on computer games or other
technology during learning time.
3. Hands, feet, and objects will be kept to yourself. Students are not allowed to touch another
persons computer unless instructed by teacher to help that student.
4. Students will not attempt to fix or modify computer files or printers, but will notify the
teacher that help is needed.
5. All materials used during class must be returned to their proper storage location. Workspace
must be left neat and orderly for the next class before being dismissed. Students will remain
seated until the bell rings.

First infraction: Warning
Second infraction: Detention
Third infraction: Referral and parent phone call

**All subsequent infractions will be referred to the grade level principal following parent
notification. In addition, the conduct grade could be reflected on progress and report card of
that grading period.


We do not use a textbook in Comp. Lit. You will be given all necessary paperwork needed to
complete projects. Activities and projects will be aided with reviews and tests.

Grading Policy:

Daily grades (bell work, class work)
Quizzes (daily grade x 2)
Major grades (exams, lengthy projects)
**Final Exam = 10% of final grade

Computer Lab Tutorial Hours

The Computer Lab is usually open before and after school. It will be closed for school duty,
meetings, and when a teacher cannot be present. We are flexible and will let you know when
the lab will be open.

Supplies Needed:

Section in a binder (or notebook)
Pencil or Pen
**USBs and other portable devices are not allowed; all work must be done in class and saved
on their computer hard drive

I have read and understand the rules and information regarding Computer Literacy class.

____________________________________ ________________________
Students Name (printed) Todays Date

____________________________________ _________________________
Parent/Guardian Signature Contact Phone #

Email Address

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