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101 Conversations https://hypersmith.wordpress.

}ohn Fostei, 2u14 veision u.9
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Bow the news is iepoiteu on television anu in piint has changeu ovei the past 2u
yeais. In the 0S theie has been a maikeu shift fiom the uays of haiu-biting anu
confiontational jouinalism on 6u minutes in the 197u's 8u's anu the investigative
jouinalism by two Washington Post iepoiteis (Beinstein anu Woouwaiu) who
uncoveieu the Wateigate Scanual in the 197u's leauing to the iesignation of
Piesiuent Nixon. Investigative iepoiteis woulu uig to uncovei stoiies. They'u
ieseaich anu ask questions ielentlessly. We uon't see this in jouinalism any longei.
News iepoiting anu jouinalism have changeu.
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The news meuia is now owneu by majoi coipoiations anu that owneiship is
consoliuateu. Theie aie moie anu moie meuia outlets owneu by fewei anu fewei
coipoiations contiolling them.
In the Bush White Bouse, aftei 911, iepoiteis weie limiteu in the questions they
coulu ask lest they lose access to the White Bouse piessioom. This uoes not say
much foi an open anu tianspaient goveinment, oi piess.
Ceitainly the Inteinet has hau a consiueiable impact on iepoiting of the news. With
the peivasiveness of the Inteinet, mobile phone anu cameias we can access news
any time anu can iecoiu anu iepoit events as well. "If it bleeus, it leaus" is still the
appioach taken by meuia outlets.
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The Inteinet has maue us all iepoiteis. This has shifteu powei - away fiom the mass
meuia anu onto the inuiviuual. The upstait Inteinet blog site "The Biuuge Repoit"
bioke the Nonica Lewinsky scanual in 1998. The site went on to bieak othei
political scanuals. uoveinments anu the poweis-that-be have changeu theii
appioach. Now those who expose infoimation anu wionguoing aie sought out as
public enemies as in the cases of }ulian Assange, Biauley Nanning anu Euwaiu
101 Conversations https://hypersmith.wordpress.com
}ohn Fostei, 2u14 veision u.9
!"#$ &'() *#( +(,) )*-.* ,/*# 0''& 12(+/+3 -+& *#(+ *#($ *(44 $'5 (2(.$*#/+3 *#-*6)
,.'+3 /+ *#( ,'.4&78
-- 0nknown

!9: $'5 &'+6* .(-& *#( +(,);-;(.< $'56.( 5+/+:'.=(&> 9: $'5 .(-& *#( +(,);-;(.< $'56.(
Naik Twain

!@.$/+3 *' &(*(.=/+( ,#-* /) 3'/+3 '+ /+ *#( ,'.4& A$ .(-&/+3 +(,);-;(.) /) 4/B(
*.$/+3 *' *(44 *#( */=( A$ ,-*C#/+3 *#( )(C'+& #-+& ': - C4'CB>8
-Ben Becht

!"(D44 *(44 $'5 ,#-* *#( +(,) /)> @#( +(,) /) ,#-* ,( )-$ /* /)>8
-- F0X News Executive

E@#( F(+*.-4 9+*(44/3(+C( G3(+C$ ',+) (2(.$'+( ': -+$ )/3+/:/C-+C( /+ *#( =-H'.
- William Colby, foimei CIA Biiectoi
Investigative jouinalism manipulate
Consoliuate consoliuation peivasive peivasiveness
In 198S, Su companies owneu 9u% of the meuia in the 0SA.
Touay 6 companies own 9u% of the meuia in the 0SA
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1. Bow uo you keep up to uate on local anu woilu news anu events.
2. Bow impoitant is the uaily news to you.
S. Theie aie many souices now: iauio, newspapei, television, anu Inteinet. 0ui
exposuie to the news has changeu - now that infoimation technology is much
101 Conversations https://hypersmith.wordpress.com
}ohn Fostei, 2u14 veision u.9
moie peivasive; as well theie aie moie news iepoits on television anu news
4. Bow has news iepoiting changeu compaieu to the past.
S. What uoes the Naik Twain quote mean to you.
6. Bow aie we as a society affecteu by consoliuating owneiship of the meuia - iefei
the tiivia section.
7. Bow ought we watch the news.
|Bowj uiu youi peispective on the news change fiom this conveisation.
What can you uo to inciease youi awaieness of how the news is piesenteu.
Wheie uiu you stait anu wheie uiu you enu up in youi conveisation.
@4!437 5$37%!$",
visit the viueos, sites anu ieau meuia-expeit Neil Postman's well-ievieweu book to
gain a cleaiei unueistanuing of how the news is wiitten, cieateu anu piesenteu anu
how this has an impact on oui society, politics anu oui lives.
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