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The inn-keeper did not like the mockery of its guest, and I determine to give him the black

knighthood(cavalry) order immediately, before another misfortune was happening. he(she) said to him
then that to be armed(assembled) alone gentleman was remaining of doing two things, the pescozada
or the espaldazo. And that could be done in any place. Don Quixote believed everything and said to him
that it was already ready to obey it, and that it should conclude as soon as possible, because if another
assault(attack) happened, already armed gentleman, it would not leave to living person in the castle,
except those that the inn-keeper mandara.el prudent and fearful inn-keeper, brought then a livro where
he(she) was writing the accounts for the straw and the barley that was giving to the muleteers, and with
a sail(candle) that a boy was bringing, and with the already mentioned maidens, approached Don
Quixote and I order it that it will kneel. Of continued(followed), reading in its book (like which he(she)
was saying a devout prayer(clause)), I lift the hand and it gave him on the neck a blow; and then, on the
same sword a gentile met to him espaldazo, always murmuring between teeth, as if it was praying. Done
this, I order to one of the maidens to surround the sword. she(it) did it with many tact, not to burst of
laugh to every point of the ceremony. but the prowesses that they havia I already dress in the new
canallero had the laugh to streak. On having surrounded the sword, the good lady said to him: god does
to your favor very fortunate gentleman, and him(her,you) of luck in fights. Don Quixote asked him as it
was called. she answered that it was called the tolosa, because Don Quixote belonged to toledo. I
him(her,you) answer that from there from now on it should be called a donut tolosa. She(It) promised it
to herself. another maiden wore the spur, and gift quihote asked him about the name. she said that she
was called the miller's wife. gift quihote asked him the name of mill's donut to put itself. once done,
since(so) to gallop prey(detainee) the ceremonies even there never conference, Don Quixote ensillo to
Nag, raised in the hug the inn-keeper saying very strange things to him, and he was grateful to him for
having armed(assembled) it completely

El ventero: para ser armado caballero solo restaba de hacer dos cosas, la pescozada u el espaldazo. Y
eso se podia hacer en cualquier lugar.
Don Quijote: ya estoy listo para obedecer, y que se debe concluir lo ms pronto posible, porque si
ocurre otro asalto, ya armaron caballero, no dejara cualquier persona viva en el castillo, excepto
aquellos que el ventero mandara
(el ventero advertido y medroso, trajo luego un livro donde escribia las cuentas por la paja y la cebada
que daba a los arrieros, y con una vela que traia un muchacho, y con las ya mencionadas doncellas)
Innkeeper: le mando que se hincara!
(De seguido, leyendo en su libro (como que decia una oracion devota), alzo la mano y le dio sobre el
cuello un golpe; y luego, con su misma espada le dio un gentil espaldazo, siempre murmurando entre
dientes, como si rezaba. Hecho esto, mando a una de las doncellas que le cinera la espada. ella lo hizo
con mucha discrecion, para no reventar de risa a cada punto de la ceremonia, pero las proezas que ellas
ya habian visto del novel canallero les tenian la risa a raya.)
(Al ceirle la espada, le dijo la buena seora) Innkeeper: dios haga a vuestra merced muy venturoso
caballero, y le de ventura en lides.
Don quijote: Cmo te llamas?
La chica: se llamaba la tolosa, porque era de Toledo
Don Quijote le replico que: de alli en adelante deberia llamarse dona tolosa
la chica: te prometo
(la otra doncella le calzo la espuela)
Don Quijote pregunta a la otra chica: Cul es tu nombre
ella dijo que: se llamaba la molinera
Don Quijote: Te lo ruego poner el nombre de Doa molinera.
La chica: De acuerdo
(Una vez hechas, pues a presa de galope las ceremonias hasta alli nunca vistas, don quijote ensillo a
Rocinante, subio en el abrazo al ventero diciendole cosas muy extranas)
Don Quijote: Gracias por ayudarme a hacerse armado caballero!
(El ventero, con no menos retoricas, y por verlo ya fuera de la venta, lo dejo ir sin pedirle el pago de la

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