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SmartTOP Convertible Top Controller by Mods4cars Now Available for BMW 4 Series Convertible

Effective immediately, the aftermarket SmartTOP Convertible Top Controller offered by

Mods4cars for the BMW 4 Series is available and in stock !t allo"s one#to$ch top
operation "hile drivin% at slo" speeds as "ell as openin% and closin% of the top from the
ori%inal key fob remote !nstallation is &$ick and easy and re&$ires no tools "hatsoever '
pl$%#and#play "irin% adapter is incl$ded
(as )e%as, *) +,S'-, '$%$st ./, 0.14 ## The SmartTOP Convertible Top AddOn !it offered by
aftermar!et a"tomotive electronics specialist Mods4cars is now available for the #"st recently
introd"ced BMW 4 Series Convertible$ The prod"ct ma!es daily life with the convertible top a
m"ch more en#oyable e%perience$ On one hand the top can be operated while drivin& at slow
speeds and with oneto"ch convenience$ 't is no lon&er necessary to hold down the top switch$
The SmartTOP c"stomer &ets to p"t both hands bac! on the steerin& wheel ("ic!ly$
On the other hand it is possible to control the top from the ori&inal !ey fob remote$ )O"r
c"stomers &et the convenience to be able to operate the top f"lly a"tomatically from a distance
by #"st &ivin& a command on the e%istin& remote* even if they did not order the Comfort Access
feat"re and also in co"ntries where remote operation is not available at all$+ e%plains P,Mana&er
Sven Tornow$ This ma!es it possible to open the top while still approachin& the car in order to air
it o"t on hot days or to start the drive topdown$ The top can also be closed from a distance*
sho"ld dar! clo"ds si&nal an imminent rainfall$ No chan&es need to be made to the !ey fobs or
the receiver system$
)We are deli&hted to be able to brin& the SmartTOP for the new BMW 4 Series to mar!et #"st
wee!s after the car itself became available$ After havin& &otten many re("ests beforehand* we
did everythin& possible so most of o"r c"stomer will be able to en#oy the f"ll SmartTOP
convenience ri&ht after ta!in& delivery of their 4 Series$+ Sven Tornow contin"es$ 'n addition to
the main f"nctions the mod"le also offers a few bon"s feat"res s"ch as separate control over
windows and top from the remote and a settin& to reverse the console top switch direction$ An
e%tended mode can be activated which allows startin& or stoppin& of the en&ine while the top is in
motion$ The entire mod"le can be deactivated temporarily when needed* while all "ser
confi&"rable settin&s are retained for when it is t"rned bac! on later$
'nstallation of the !it co"ld not be easier$ The SmartTOP mod"le itself comes in the new* c"stom
desi&ned and very slim prod"ct enclos"re which ho"ses two -./s for stat"s information$ A
special O.M connector wirin& adapter is also part of the !it$ 't connects the mod"le to the car
electronics by simply pl"&&in& in two connectors$ The SmartTOP mod"le comes with a b"iltin
0SB port for easy confi&"ration via PC or Mac$ S"pport software and also firmware "pdates for
the SmartTOP prod"cts are available free of char&e online$
The addon !it for the new BMW 4 Series Convertible is available for 122 ."ros 3 ta%$ SmartTOP
is available for other BMWs li!e 4 Series* 5 Series* 6 Series* 74 and also Mini$ Many pop"lar
brands are s"pported by SmartTOP8 Alfa* A"di* Bentley* BMW* 9errari* 9ord* 'nfiniti* -ambor&hini*
Ma:da* MercedesBen:* Mini* Nissan* Opel* Pe"&eot* Porsche* ,ena"lt* ;ol!swa&en and ;olvo$
' prod$ct demonstration can be seen here2
3$rther details2
'bo$t Mods4cars2
Mods4cars was fo"nded in 1DD1 with the idea to add a hi&hly demanded feat"re to the otherwise
almost perfect Porsche Bo%ster8 Comfort OneTo"ch roof operation while drivin& at slow speeds$
The res"ltin& prod"ct offered not only that* b"t also allowed ("ic! and easy installation by #"st
swappin& o"t a relay bo%* th"s leavin& no traces and no permanent chan&es on the vehicle$ The
first SmartTOP roof controller was born$
The s"ccess of their first prod"cts in Eermany and ."rope prompted them in late 1DD4 to move
operations to the 0SA* to be able to serve the American mar!et as well as all other .n&lish
spea!in& co"ntries s"ch as A"stralia* 0F and So"th Africa from one central location$ Their
b"siness has &rown to a f"llfled&ed international corporation with an office in -as ;e&as and a
f"ll line of innovative prod"cts as well as distrib"tors and installation partners all over the &lobe$
Bein& hi&hly speciali:ed in the development and distrib"tion of aftermar!et roof and comfort
controllers since 1DD1 allows them to offer an "ns"rpassed level of competence and prod"ct
("ality$ Their main &oal is optimi:ation of each individ"al prod"ct to a ma%im"m in compatibility*
"sability and int"itive operation$ They p"t &reatest effort into development and ("ality chec!s of
all their prod"cts to achieve this &oal and meet all e%pectations of their c"stomers$
The e%traordinary s"ccess of their prod"cts is also based on the &reat comm"nication with their
c"stomers* which "s"ally already starts for each new prod"ct d"rin& the development and
prototypin& phase$
Press 4 Media Contact2
An#a -ehmann
Mods4cars --C
45AD .$ 9lamin&o ,d G54DD
-as ;e&as* N; B2442 0SA

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