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Definition and Kinds of Capitalism by Sarah

History and Development of Capitalism by Sherly
Principle of Capitalism and Capitalist Country by Zaza
The Negative and Possitive side and The Example of Capitalism by Madinna

1. Definition and Kinds of Capitalism
Based on the dictionary Noun- : Capitalism is an economic system in which investment in and
ownership of the means of production, distribution, and exchange of wealth is made and
maintained chiefly by privat individuals or corporations, especially as contrasted to cooperatively
or state-owned means of wealth.
Capitalism is a social system based on the principle of individual rights. Politically, it is the
system of laissez-faire (freedom). Legally it is a system of objective laws (rule of law as opposed
to rule of man). Economically, when such freedom is applied to the sphere of production its
result is the free-market.
Based on Investopedia: A system of economics based on the private ownership of capital and
production inputs, and on the production of goods and services for profit. The production of
goods and services is based on supply and demand in the general market (market economy),
rather than through central planning (planned economy). Capitalism is generally characterized by
competition between producers. Other facets, such as the participation of government in
production and regulation, vary across models of capitalism.
Kind of Capitalism
Trade Capitalism
Muncul pada abad ke-16 setelah dihapusnya system feodal. Dalam Bentuk-bentuk
system ini seorang pengusaha mengangkat hasil produksinya dari satu tempat ke tempat
lain sesuai dengan kebutuhan pasar. Dengan kemudian ia berfungsi sebagai perantara
antara produsen dan konsumen.
Industrial Capitalism
Lahir karena ditopang oleh kemajuan industry dengan penemuan mesin tenun tahun
1733 dan mesin uap oleh James Watt tahun 1765. Semua itu telah membangkitkan
revolusi industry di Ingris dan Eropa menjelang abad ke-19. Kapitalisme industry ini
tegak di atas dasar pemisahan antara modal dan buruh, yakni antara manusia dan mesin.
Kartel System
kesepakatan perusahaan-perusahaan besar dalam membagi pasaran internasional.
System ini member kesempatan untuk memonopoli pasar dan pemasaran seluas-luasnya.
Aliran ini tersebar di Jerman dan Jepang.
Trust System
sebuah system yang membentuk satu perusahaan dari berbagai perusahaan yang
bersaing agar perusahaan tersebut lebih mampu berproduksi dan lebih kuat untuk
mengontrol dan menguasai pasar.
Educational Capitalism
Kapitalisme kini telah menyentuh wilayah pendidikan nasional. Munculnya dikotomi
Sekolah Berstandar Internasiaonal (SBI) dan sekolah biasa merupakan pengejawantahan
semangat kapitalis dalam dunia pendidikan. Tidak dipungkiri, akan muncul kelas-kelas
sosial sebagai bias penerapan ide kapitalis dalam dunia pendidikan. Kelas sosial karena
system pendidikan yang berbasis modal dan menyampingkan kecerdasan.
Contoh sederhana, jika dikota anda ada sekolah ber-SBI atau minimal masih Rintisan
Standar Internasiona (RSBI) yang bersebelahan dengan sekolah biasa, anda pasti
menyaksikan fenomena memprihatinkan. Betapa kesenjangan sosial kelihatan sangat nyata
dan menjadi pemandangan lumrah. Halaman parkir sekolah ber-SBI dipastikan penuh
dengan mobil dan seluruh siswa masuk sekolah menenteng laptop. Sebaliknya di sekolah
biasa, para siswa diantar dengan sepeda motor, naik angkutan kota, bahkan jalan kaki.
Jarang sekali yang menenteng laptop atau membawa ponsel pun seharga ratusan ribu.
Kesenjangan kenyataan ini merupakan pengejawantahan gagasan kapitalisme dalam dunia
Perbedaan menyolok performance siswa dan pengajar antara sekolah berstandar
internasional dan sekolah biasa mengindikasikan munculnya kelas sosial dalam masyarakat
pendidikan. Sebuah kelas sosial sebagai akibat system pendidikan yang berbasis modal dan
meletakkan kemampuan atau kecerdasan adalah efek dari kekuatan modal.
Dalam system pendidikan nasional, kecerdasan bisa dicapai apabila ditunjang oleh
fasilitas lengkap (berteknologi tinggi). Dengan teknologi yang memadai, maka proses
belajar akan berlangsung dengan baik. Logika seperti inilah yang menjadi landasan
kegiatan belajat mengajar dalam system pendidikan kita. Lantas bagaimana dengan siswa
yang tidak mamapu membeli segala fasilitas mahal tersebut.
Semestinya konsep SBI dan Non SBI ditinjau ulang. Sesuai amanat UUD 1945
bahwa setiap warga Negara berhak mendapat pengajaran. Pemerataan pendidikan harus
dirasakan oleh seluru masyarakat Indonesia. Kenyataanya dalam sisitem pendidikan kita
mereka yang memiliki modal akan menikmati fasilitas pendidikan yang mewah.
Sedangkan yang kurang beruntung hanya bisa menikmati sekolah biasa dengan fasilitas
seperti seadanya.
Banking Capitalism
System kapitalis memposisikan uang sebagai sesuatu yang mempunyai nilai
berdasarkan waktu. Keadaan ini akan memaksan lembaga keuangan khususnya perbankan
memberikan pertolongan financial dengan mengharapkan imbalan bunga,sehingga bunga
dapat didefinisikan sebagai tiada pertolongan tanpa imbalan. Hal ini bertolak belakang
sekali dengan prinsip seseorang muslim, karena islam merupakan agama terbesar di
Indonesia, dimana pertolongan diberikan dengan ikhlas dan biarlah Allah SWT yang
membalas dengan cara-Nya. Disadari atau tidak, bunga merupakan salah satu factor utama
penyebab krisis moneter tahun 1997 dan krisis keuangan global saat ini. Semua instansi
keuangan baik bank maupun non bank menarik dana dari masyarakat dengan iming-iming
bunga dan menyalurkannya kembali kepada masyarakat dengan memperoleh imbalan
berupa bunga. Keserakahan akan mendorong lembaga keuangan untuk menyalurkan dana
kepada pihak manapun secara besar-besaran, akibatnya terjadi kredit macet yang
berdampak besar terhadap lembaga itu sendiri.
Di Indonesia ini terjadi sebelum krisis dan memacu terjadinya krisis moneter,
sedangkan di Amerika Serikat ini memacu terjadinya krisis kredit perumahan yang
menyebabkan terjadinya krisis keuangan global. Disatu sisi jika pemerintah atau bank
sentral melakukan regulasi ketat akan berdampak buruk juga bagi perekonomian karena
akan terjadi fenomena yang disebut credit crunch. Dimana lembaga keuangan tidak
menyalurkan kredit karena regulasi ketat sehingga roda perekonomian tidak berjalan,
khususnya sector riil yang menyerap tenega kerja.
IMF melalui rezim investai terbuka untuk mendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi global.
Namun pada kenyataannya pertumbuhan ekonomi yang didorong liberalisasi perdagangan,
privatisasi, dan rezim investasi bebas hanya menguntungkan negara-negara maju.
Liberalisasi perdagangan tidak hanya transfer hasil produksi, tetapi juga mempermudah
negara maju untuk mengeksploitasi sumber daya alam yang dimiliki oleh negara dunia
ketiga. Rezim investasi bebas merupakan pintu untuk mempermudah arus investasi yang
menjadi fakor penting bagi perkembangan perusahaan multinasional dan transnasional agar
mampu bergerak melintasi batas negara.

2. History
The history of capitalism first appeared as a framework for teaching. Much of the fields strength
and vitality thus far has been drawn from the enthusiastic reception it received from
undergraduate and graduate students. The demand for courses that use historical methods to
engage issues of political economy in innovative ways has often been overwhelming. Lectures,
seminars, and tutorials on the topic are currently offered at a wide range of schools, including
Harvard, Columbia, Princeton, Brown, the University of Chicago, the New School for Social
Research, the University of Georgia, the University of Florida, and Vanderbilt. Indeed, the
success of the history of capitalism as a field will be determined in classrooms and lecture halls,
not merely in the archives and on the pages of scholarly journals. As students on campuses
around the world increasingly interrogate the foundations of the current economic system, our
success will depend on what we can offer to complement, enhance, and challenge the ways
students think about the world around them.
In November 2011, the conference on Teaching the History of Capitalism gathered a small group
of scholars in the field at Harvard University to reflect on their own teaching, learn from the
wisdom and experience of our colleagues, and develop a clearer sense of the fields pedagogical
aims. The conversation focused on how the history of capitalism might enhance college
curriculums. Several scholars who could not attend in person also sent their syllabi and

3. Development of Capitalism and Capitalist Country
Development of Capitalism
First Capitalism (1500-1750)
Classic Capitalism
Next Capitalism

Capitalist Country
Although about 80% of the countries in the world are capitalist, only a select number of these
capitalist countries are considered First World countries. First World countries are those
capitalist countries that are also industrialized and within Western Europe and the United States'
sphere of influence.Each of the following is a capitalist country in 2011: United States, Canada,
United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, Austria, Ireland, Sweden, Switzerland, Israel, Japan,
South Korea, Luxembourg, Norway, Bermuda, Iceland, Denmark, San Marino, Belgium,
Netherlands, Finland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia, Hong Kong, Singapore, Bahrain,
Chile, Estonia, Mauritius, Cyprus, Macau, Germany, Lithuania, Taiwan, St. Lucia, Qatar,
Georgia, Spain, Uruguay, Oman, Armenia, Jordan, El Salvador, Botswana, Peru, Barbados,
Columbia, United Arab Emirates, Mexico, Costa Rica, Hungary, Trinidad and Tobago, Saint
Vincent and the Grenadines, Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, Macedonia, Latvia, Malta, Jamaica,
Panama, Bulgaria, Kuwait, Thailand, Romania, France, Cape Verde, Turkey, Poland, Portugal,
Albania, Belize, Croatia, Uganda, South Africa, Guatemala, Samoa, Italy, Greece,
Lebanon.There are several ways that capitalism is defined, but for this purpose all countries that
embrace economic freedom are included. Many of these countries have governments that are
often not considered capitalist governments- some are socialist governments. Despite socialist
governmental policies, each of these countries permits and encourages economic freedom which
is the most basic tenet of capitalism.When listing countries based on economic freedom or lack
thereof it is important to consider many factors and not just the politics. Do consider the
country's politics, but also consider whether the country is a First World, Second World or Third
World country and compare the country's economic policies regarding personal economic
freedom and state economic policies. Note that a country need not be considered a First World
country to be included as a capitalist country. Each country is considered on its own merits and
no country is excluded as a result of poor relations with Western Europe and the United States.
The 5 Most Capitalis Country in the world is Germany, USA, China, India, and Japan
4. The Example of Capitalism
Under capitalism, prices and wages are determined by the forces of supply and demand.
Members of a capitalist economy are driven to obtain the maximum amount of utility ("benefit"
or "profit") at the least cost. Privately owned industry caters to a consumer sector that wants
goods and services of the highest value for the lowest price. Competition forces companies to
keep prices low to attract consumers. The role of government in a capitalist society is to protect
the legal rights of actors in the economy, not to regulate the free market system.
In capitalism, the most effective companies are those that create the greatest amount of utility.
The most inefficient companies will be forced out of the market when the consumer discovers he
can obtain the same goods for a lower cost elsewhere.
Why it Matters:
Capitalism characterizes the behavior of the global economy. Since the disintegration of the
Soviet Union, capitalism has become the dominant economic system worldwide.
Capitalism is often considered the antithesis of Socialism -- an economic and political system
where the ownership of capital (the means of production) is commonly owned. Socialist industry
and production is regulated by the central government.
The Efficient Market hypothesis, an ideal of capitalism, states that finance market prices are
always at the correct level at any given time considering all public information and expectations.
Supporters of this theory believe that prices are necessarily always fair and correct. Dissidents
believe that prices are often the result of random mistakes and misunderstandings and do not
always represent the true value of a stock.
Through the ongoing balancing act of supply and demand, a capitalist economy is constantly
striving to reach a level of long-term equilibrium where supply matches demand causing prices
to stabilize. In the real world, political policy, natural weather events, consumer confidence and a
whole host of other outside effects constantly affect the market, making the long-term
equilibrium goal nearly impossible to achieve.

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