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International Journal of Advance Foundation and Research in Computer (IJAFRC)

Volume 1, Issue 7, July !1"# I$$% &"' ( "')&

&' * + !1", IJAFRC All Ri,hts Reserved ---#i.afrc#or,
Chalen,in, /omain In Reinforcement 0earnin, For 1achine
0earnin, Research
Anil kumar Yadav, A. K sachan
PHD Scholar, Department of CSE, I!" #niversit$

%#P& , India

Director, (I!S, )hopal %".P& India

, sachanak.'*,$ahoo.com

A 2 $ 3 R A C 3
1achine learnin, is not .ust a data4ase pro4lem5 it is also a part of artificial intelli,ence# 3o 4e
intelli,ent, a system that is in a chan,in, environment should have the a4ility to learn#1achine
learnin, has its o-n importance in the area of 2ayesian decision theory, reinforcement learnin,,
supervised learnin,, decision tree, clusterin,, hidden 1ar6ova process, com4inin, multiple
learners# 1achine learnin, is pro,rammin, computers to optimi7e performance usin, e8ample
4ased trained data or past e8perience# 1achine learnin, also helps us find solution to many
pro4lems in vision, speech recondition, and ro4otics# In this paper, -e e8amine challen,in, issue
in the reinforcement learnin,5 -e cannot ma6e a ,enerali7ed environment for self(learnin,
system# And other 6no-n issues -e cannot remove uncertainty permanently in artificial
intelli,ence# 3heir o4.ectives for findin,, possi4le solution -ithin comple8 pro4lem or achievin,
solution near to ,oal# In this study -e are representin, ma.or issues in R0 and other learnin,
domain alon, -ith their comple8ity and their advanta,es and disadvanta,es# 9e are also
descri4in, the future research and application of machine learnin, system#

Inde8 3erms: 1achine learnin,, ;nvironment, reinforcement learnin,, artificial intelli,ence

I# I%3R</=C3I<%

"achine learnin- is defined as machines have the a/ilit$ to store process lar-e amount of data, as 0ell as
to access it from actuall$ separatel$ locations over computer net0ork. "ost data ac1uisition devices are
di-ital no0 and record relia/le data. or e2ample of 0all mart chain that has hundreds of stores all over
the countr$ and sellin- thousands of -oods to millions of customers. "anuall$ it is much difficult to
mana-e, 0hile s$stems maintain records the details of each transaction3 date, customer identification
code, -oods /ou-ht and their amount, total mone$ spent. or this re1uired -i-a/$te of data per da$. !his
stored data /ecomes useful onl$ 0hen it is anal$4ed turned in to information that make use of, for
e2ample, to make prediction. 5e have not an$ idea a/out 0hich person /u$ a particular product. 5e
ma$ not /e a/le to indemnif$ the process completel$, /ut 0e /elieve 0e can construct a -ood and useful
appro2imation. !hat appro2imation ma$ not e2plain ever$thin-, /ut a/le to account for some part of the
data. 5e /elieve that throu-h identif$in- the complete process ma$ not /e possi/le, 0e can still detect
certain pattern or re-ularities. !his is the importance of machine learnin-.6'7 !he main pro/lem here is
to select the most plausi/le s$ntactic anal$sis -iven the often thousands used to order the anal$ses
accordin- to their pro/a/ilit$ or to -enerate the most pro/a/le parse%s& onl$.6+,87 Ho0ever, not all
natural lan-ua-e processin- %9:P& applications re1uire a complete s$ntactic anal$sis. A full parse often
provides more information than needed and sometimes less. E.-., in Information (etrieval, it ma$ /e
enou-h to find simple 9Ps %9oun Phrases& and ;Ps %;er/ Phrases&. In Information E2traction, Summar$
<eneration, and =uestion Ans0erin-, 0e are interested especiall$ in information a/out species s$ntactic>
semantic relations such as a-ent, o/?ect, location, time, etc %/asicall$, 0ho did 0hat to 0hom, 0hen,
0here and 0h$&, rather than ela/orate con?u-ational s$ntacticanal.
International Journal of Advance Foundation and Research in Computer (IJAFRC)
Volume 1, Issue 7, July !1"# I$$% &"' ( "')&

&> * + !1", IJAFRC All Ri,hts Reserved ---#i.afrc#or,
II# R;0A3;/ 9<R?:

Here 0e /riefl$ summaries the papers in this issue.

A# 0ar,e 0oo6(=p(3a4le

In this paper, 6',*7 0e found that, ma?or issues in machine learnin- techni1ue especiall$ in =uer$ /ase
self learnin- the learner %A-ent& re1uired a lot of trainin- input of e2ecution c$cle. It means it re1uired
lar-e look>up>ta/le. 9o0, 0e emphasi4e the another important pro/lem associated 0ith (: is that
a-ent 0ho travel in virtual 0orld %called -rid 0orld&, ho0 to ac1uire kno0led-e efficientl$ /$ learnin-
e2perience throu-h trial>and>error interaction 0ith its environment @ /ehave intelli-entl$ and also aim
is to reach the -oal /$ movin- shortest decision path randoml$. 5hile at each time %step& a-ents select
randoml$ one of four actions3 move #p, move Do0n, move :eft, and move (i-ht to perform, 0ithout
communicatin- 0ith each other.

2# 0earnin, A,ent Frame-or6

In this paper, 6*7 0eakness of learnin- a-ent is that, it cannot /e classif$ data sets /efore learnin-. 5hile
Classification enhanced learnin- rate of a-ent and -ives fast re0ard to the a-ent. So that /efore a-ent
trainin- it re1uired as a 99 classifier to classif$ data to train learnin- a-ent in fi- *.*.

Fi,ure 1# 0earnin, A,ent 1odel

C# @enerali7ation <f ;nvironment

In this paper, 6A, B7 0e e2amine that, challen-in- domain is ho0 to -enerali4ed environment, /ecause
learner is environment dependent. Each learner %a-ent& should learn from environment. !hat
environment takes in the form of -rid 0orld, ma4e pro/lems etc. If a-ent trained on 'C2'C environments,
it cannot -enerali4e for other environment as sho0n in fi-.*.A and fi-. *.A.'. It is facts in human case also
ever$/od$ should learn from environment.

International Journal of Advance Foundation and Research in Computer (IJAFRC)
Volume 1, Issue 7, July !1"# I$$% &"' ( "')&

"! * + !1", IJAFRC All Ri,hts Reserved ---#i.afrc#or,

Fi,ure # 1!A1! @rid 9orld Bro4lem 9ith A,ent 3rainin, 1odel

Fi,ure &# $ho- as 1!81! ma7e pro4lem, ho- a,ent travel shortest route durin, )! trials over )!! episodes#
A,ent startin, moves from (1, 1) and Reached at the ,oal sate at (C, C), -ithout a(priori information#

/# 0earnin, Rules And 3heir ;8pectation

In this paper 6D, E7 presented a top>do0n rule induction s$stem for learnin- lin-uistic structures. !he
initial s$stem is enhanced 0ith additional mechanisms to deal 0ith 9ois$ data. Here -iven t0o t$pes of
difficulties si-nificant noise in the data and the presence of lin-uisticall$ motivated e2ceptions. Since
lin-uisticall$ motivated e2ceptions occur, the$ cannot /e treated as noise. !o address these pro/lems is
introduced to learn e2ceptions for each rule that is learned. !he second improvement introduces
lin-uisticall$ motivated prior kno0led-e to improve the efficienc$ and accurac$ of the s$stem. !he
refinement mechanism is /ased on the assumption that there is some re-ularit$ to the errors in the data
and thus, /$ s$stematicall$ searchin- for e2ceptions, the rule induction s$stem is improved6'C7. 5ith the
use of prior kno0led-e, the conte2t of onl$ one element need /e taken into account and the search space
is reduced resultin- in a si-nificant reduction in learnin- time.

III# ABB0ICA3I<% <F 1ACDI%; 0;AR%I%@
International Journal of Advance Foundation and Research in Computer (IJAFRC)
Volume 1, Issue 7, July !1"# I$$% &"' ( "')&

"1 * + !1", IJAFRC All Ri,hts Reserved ---#i.afrc#or,

Application of machine learnin- method to lar-e data/ase is called data minin-. In data minin-, lar-e
volume of data is processed to construct a simple model 0ith valua/le use, for e2ample, havin- hi-h
predictive accurac$ 6',F7. In addition to retail, in finance /ank anal$4e their past data to /uilt models to
use in credit applications, fraud detection and stock market.

In manufacturin- learnin- model are used for optimi4ation, control and trou/leshootin-.In medicine,
learnin- pro-rams are anal$4ed for net0ork optimi4ation and ma2imi4in- the 1ualit$ of service. In
science, lar-e amounts of data in ph$sics, astronom$ and /iolo-$ can onl$ anal$4ed fast enou-h /$

IV# C<%C0=$I<%

Gur research paper focuses on, fe0 points as Data memori4ation in machine learnin-, is an important
consideration for a-ent trainin- especiall$ in reinforcement learnin-. In all learnin- approaches a-ent
ac1uired lar-e look ta/le for trainin- phase. Due to this, it contain hu-e amount of data/ase for learnin-
case. 5e studied various reinforcement>learnin- pro/lem /$ different researchers and concluded their
related 0ork summer$ in sec.*.urther research challen-es and constraints of desi-nin- decision
classifier are ela/orated. inall$, in this paper 0e discussed some future research direction 0ith
conclusion of this 0ork to intend that it help to man$ researchers 0ho are 0orkin- for improvement in
look up ta/le, environment -enerali4ation to machine intelli-ent s$stem.

V# R;F;R;%C;

6'7 Ethan Alpa$adin, HIntroduction to machine learnin-I, "I! press Cam/rid-e, *CC+

6*7 Anil kumar $adav and Shailendra kumar shrivastav,I Evaluation of (einforcement :earnin-
!echni1uesI, AC", vol. 'A*, *C'C, pp. EEJB*, %IS)93 BDE>'>F+CA>CFCE>+&.

6A7 Hitoshi Ima and Yaouk Karo, HS0arm (einforcement :earnin- Al-orithms )ased on Sara "ethodI,
IEEE, *CCE, pp.*CF+>*CFB

6F7 (. Caruana and D. reita-. <reed$ attri/ute selection. In Proceeedin-s of the Eleventh
International Conference on "achine :earnin-, pa-es *EKA8, 9e0 )runs0ick, 9L, #SA, 'BBF.
"or-an Kaufman

6+7 H. De?ean. :earnin- rules and their e2ceptions. Lournal of "achine :earnin- (esearch,*CC*.

687 E. )rill. Some advances in rule>/ased part of speech ta--in-. In Proceedin-s of the '*
Conference on Arti.cial Intelli-ence %AAAI>BF&, Seattle, 5ashin-ton, 'BBF.

6D7 H. De?ean. :earnin- rules and their e2ceptions. Lournal of "achine :earnin- (esearch,*CC*.

6E7 E.. !?on- Kim San-. "emor$>/ased shallo0 parsin-. Lournal of "achine :earnin- (esearch,

6B7 !. Mhan-, . Damereau, and D. Lohnson. !e2t chunkin- /ase on a -enerali4ation of 0inno0. Lournal
of "achine :earnin- (esearch, *CC*.
International Journal of Advance Foundation and Research in Computer (IJAFRC)
Volume 1, Issue 7, July !1"# I$$% &"' ( "')&

" * + !1", IJAFRC All Ri,hts Reserved ---#i.afrc#or,

6'C7 Keita Halmahera, !adahiro, HEffective inte-ration of imitation learnin- and reinforcement
learnin- /$ -eneratin- internal re0ardI, Ei-hth International Conference on Intelli-ent S$stems
Desi-n and Applications, IEEE *CCEpp.'*'>'*8.

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