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13/4/2013 Perth

1) Patient sent to Gp to hospital after the doppler showed DVT in the limb.
2)Child discharged from the hospital after attack of asthma few days back, now mum in GP
Task- Talk to her , technique, management
3) Blood tests showed Anemia in Pregnancy
4) Pain in the left hip of 55 years old male, TASK, examine, diagnosis, Management. I did it
and gave the diagnosis of Osteoarthiritis and D/D tronchanteric bursitis.
5) Unconscious patient brought by friend, she is stable with mild fever, DO GCS, and
manage the case, I found out neck stiffness and gave diagnosis of Meningitis.
6) Stroke counselling to husband who brought the wife to hospital with weakness of the one
side and speech.
7) Encoparesis
8)Patient had loin pain radiating to groin and was given pethidine and now fine, There was
CT scan. I think there was stone in the bladder ,was about .5 cm what i calculated, Needed to
talk to patient.
9) Patient to Gp, having cough all results fine, started after her husband left, Also seeing her
father when going to sleep and here him coughing as he died from lung cancer sometimes
Asked bout her mood, says she is mostly wound up. Not sure what was diagnosis, But I
refered her to hospital thinking of hallucination, Not sure, Any ideas, Stomatisation,
Physcosis as she has hallucination or else.
10) TIA. examine and talk to patient
11) 3 years old Child had convulsion about hr back for 1 min. He had 3rd convulsion, last
being 9 months back. Temp 38 c with red throat. Talk to mum.
12) Epistaxis, nurse has packed the nose and not bleeding now. Task, don't remember.
13)Something coming out of vagina, asked she had hysterectomy few years back.
14) CT pain, patient collapses after H/o ECG, AF/Pulseless VT , defib and patient revived,
Another ECG, Anterolateral MI, MAnage
15) BMI 14.8 , Blood tests all normal even electrolytes, trying to conceive for last 2 years.
Anorexia Nervosa, She has been exercising 2 hrs daily and less of diets and no snacks,
thinks that she will get fat.No period for 6 years.
16) patient with PV bleed after sex, 30 weeks pregnant. 20 weeks u/s showed low lying
? Placenta previa
Guys I Tried to remember and do my best to write the cases. If any clarifications needed, free
to call or email, maybe able to calrify bit more.
Thanks every one

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