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What are the 5 Senses

and their associated body
Sight- eyes,
Touch- skin,
Taste- tongue and mouth
Smell- nose
Hearing- ears.
The sense of touch is a sensation you
can feel all over your body, because of
your skin! The skin is made up of
millions of tiny nerve endings, which
send information to the brain. There are
4 types of "touch" sensations: cold, heat,
contact and pain. Fingertips have the
greatest concentration of nerve endings.
Can you think of any other "touch"
sensations you would like to have?
What if you could feel colors?

Our sense of sight comes from
our eyes. The lens, is located at
the front of the eyeball and
helps to focus and move
images onto the retina, which
is located at the back of the
eye. The retina consists of 2
types of cells, cones and rods.
Cones allow us to see color
while rods allow our eyes to
see peripherally and to adapt to
darkness. This information is
sent to the vision part of the
brain- along the optic nerve.
The images are sent upside to
the brain, which flips it right
side up.

Sense: (noun)
1.Any of the faculties, as sight, hearing, smell, taste,
or touch, by which humans and animals perceive
stimuli originating from outside or inside the body.
2. A feeling or perception produced through the
organs of feeling or perception produced through the
organs of touch, taste, etc, as a result from a
particular condition of some part of the body.
3. Any special capacity for perception, estimation,
appreciation, etc.
Our ears allow us to hear. The ear is
made of two parts; the outer ear, and
the inner ear - the cochlea. The ears
work like two cups, to catch sound that
travels by us. Once sound is captured,
it travels to the tympanic membrane
where it is transferred to the 3 inner ear
bones. Sound takes the form of
vibrations. The inner ear translates
theses vibrations into sound and sends
the message to the brain using the
auditory nerve. The brain uses sounds
from both ears to determine distance
and direction of sounds. What would
happen if you had more than 2 ears?

The nose senses smells. The
inside of the nose is lined with
mucous membranes that have
smell receptors. The receptors
are connected to the olfactory
nerve. Smells are made of
fumes. Smell receptors react
with fumes and send a message
to the brain. Our sense of smell
can send 7 types of sensations
to the brain: camphor, musk,
flower, mint, ether, acrid and
putrid. Can you think of any
other smell sensation you
would like to have? What if
you could smell music?
Having two eyes lets the
brain better perceive
depth. Could you imagine
being able to see in the
3. What happens if you lack a sense?
When doesnt have use of 1 of the 5 senses,
it is not uncommon for one of the other
senses to become stronger, to make up for
the lost sense. Blind people usually have
extremely good hearing and a strong sense
of touch. They also use their fingers to read
2. Who has senses?
All living creatures
have senses. Humans
have 5 senses, while
other creatures have
more or less. For
example some plants
can sense that a river
or body of water is by
them and start growing
their roots towards the
Other "Senses"
Mental "Sense" is the
sensation where
information is gathered
and understood. Hence the
saying "That makes

This sense comes
from taste buds on our
tongue called papillae.
The tongue is only
able to taste 4
different flavors:
salty, sweet, sour and
bitter. Imagine if you
could taste other
Our sense of smell can
send 7 types of sensations
to the brain: camphor,
musk, flower, mint, ether,
acrid and putrid. Can you
think of any other smell
sensation you would like
to have? What if you could
smell music?

Gut Feeling- is an intuitive
feeling that you "just
know" is right.

It is said that if you
meditate you can awaken
different parts of your
brain, which activate new
senses. Like ESP-
extrasensory perception,
perception- colors seem
brighter, smells seem
stronger and health. Some
people accredit meditation
to healing sicknesses and
an increase in well-being.

4. How do your senses compare to
animal senses?
Animals have senses too, some have
more and some less than humans! For
example a cat uses it's whiskers for
balance and to feel its way around.
Dogs can smell 2 teaspoons of sugar in
1 million gallons of water! Bats have
inferior eyesight to humans- they have
little to no eyesight at all!
Vampire bats and some snakes
can see infrared lights. Bees
and dragonflies can see
ultraviolet light. Birds and bees
navigateand migratebased
on their perception of magnetic

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