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Main differences between an NSLPM and an NMS

Certified MIB Library.

This is necessary so that the user does not have to compile a MIB given by a vendor.
This should never be done on the field.
Only performance specific MIB OIDs are reqested drin! e"ery poll# rat$er t$an
a fll MIB dmp. This ensures that the traffic during every poll will be kept low (2K to K
per device polled! rather than a MIB dump of to " MB#
Pl! and play for performance monitorin! of a mlti%"endor# mlti%tec$nolo!y
transmission and access networ&. '$is s$old be demonstrated by a proof%of%
concept demonstration on t$e actal ser networ&. This ensures that the software is
ready to monitor and help fine tune the network from day one. If it has to be scripted on
the field! the network may be deployed before the scripting is fine tuned and completed.
This defeats the purpose of performance reporting! as the tool is scripted on the basis of
the network set up! rather than the tool reporting on the network from the moment the
network device is switched on.
NPSLM tool s$old come ready to se wit$ an inte!rated database# pollin! en!ine
and reportin! en!ine. $ ready to use package with integrated polling engine and
database! would mean that the reports are completely genuine! and cannot be
manipulated on site.
(ealt$ reports. %ue to scripting done at the &'%! every protocol for every technology is
worked on and certified. This makes it possible to know when a device is under stress
from faulty hardware or traffic overload.
Ser"er monitorin! s$old be possible wit$ot t$e se of a!ents# for SNMP
reported parameters. (or performance reporting! the parameters reported on by )*M+
should be sufficient. *o agent should be needed within the server for server
performance reporting.
It may be emphasi,ed here that it may be possible to achieve this theoretically in an
*M). To do this in an *M) one would need-
$ networking e.pert who understands each network device like router! switch!
modem etc. and also the technologies/protocols like T0+I+! frame relay! 1%+
etc. This is necessary to determine which specific MIB 2I%s to poll.
$ database management e.pert! who can put the polled 2I%s in the correct table
$n e.pert conversant with a reporting tool such that reports can be drawn out at
will from the data within the database.
(or a large multi vendor! multi technology network this is a continuous e.ercise every
time a new hardware is added! and no proactive management is possible! as the
network is operational long before the *)3+M tool is ready. In most cases it is never
complete! as getting e.perts in three domains working together in tandem is difficult on
the field and can only be achieved in a &'%/lab environment as in the case of a pre4
scripted *)3+M. NSLPM tool s$old be ready and in place before t$e most critical
p$ase of networ& roll%ot.

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