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Vastu Shastra Related to Agriculture,

, Agriculture is dependent on the five basic elements of nature. The principles of Vastu Shastra can be conveniently put to use for
choosing agricultural land, for building a farm-house or while sowing the seeds. It is believed that it will lead to an impressive
result as far as agricultural production is concerned.
If the advises of the Vastu Shastra are to be followed then the agricultural land with a road on the South should be avoided.
Passages lining two agricultural lands should not be constructed.
Agricultural land should have slope towards the !ast or the "orth directions. #ut it should not be towards the $est or South
The agricultural land should never be multilevel. It is necessary that that the plot is leveled. %owever if it has multileveled
blocs the slope should be slanted towards the !ast or the "orth sides. If the land blocs have a downward slope towards the
South or the $est e&penditure at the residences e&ceeds the income.
The agricultural plot should be s'uare or rectangular in shape. It should not have a cut in the South-!ast or the South-$est
direction. #y building a soil or bric wall that is a raised boundary of at least two to three feet or a compound wall this should be
removed to mae the plot regular in shape.
(n the $est or the South sides of the agricultural land tall trees can be planted as these will prove beneficial.
$hile sowing any crop it should be in the !ast-$est direction. %ere the plants will receive ade'uate sunlight.
)nderground water storage, tans boring and other structures should be located in the "orth-!ast direction of the "orth or the
!ast sides. $ells should not be situated in the "orth-$est, South-!ast or the South-$est directions as it will lead to huge losses.
*rainage for supplying water to the crops should be built from South to "orth.
The farm house or the hut in the field should be in the South-$est side. The farm houses generally belong to the land owners.
The huts or residences for the agricultural laborers should be in the South-!ast or the $est directions.
The cattle pen should be in the $est or the "orth-$est directions. This will give a boost to the income of the family.
$hile tying the pet animals their faces should be in the "orthern direction. If it not possible then they should face the !ast.
Pet animals should never be tied in the South, "orth-!ast, or the South-$est direction.
A high thic compound wall +, to -, feet in length and . feet in height should be in the South and $est sides of the South-
$est direction of the field. A full fledged wall compound or a raised platform in the $est and the South directions will also prove
beneficial. There should never be a compound wall or a raised platform in the !ast or the "orth directions as well. A wire
compound is also permissible.
"ew seeds should be sowed on an auspicious day with the chanting of hymns. Sowing should not be done on Tuesdays or
Saturdays. $hile sowing a new crop the recitation of /ayatri 0antra or Surya 0antra can be very helpful. It is always fruitful to
invoe the blessings of god before setting out for an important tas.
The process of sowing should start from South-!ast direction and then move onto the South, South-$est, $est, "orth-$est,
"orth-!ast and !ast in a clocwise direction. The reaping of the crop should start from "orth-$est, "orth, "orth-!ast, !ast,
South-!ast, South, South-$est and then $est. This, too, should be done clocwise.
A sacred fire pit should be prepared in the South-!ast direction and some grains of the first reaping should be offered to 1ord
Agni. Some of the grain should be given to the pet animals as well. Some ears of the new crop should be ept in the !ast and
worshipped with Tamarind and unu. If a "ew 0oon day occurs during the reaping season then a coconut should be broen in
the field while facing the east. This needs to be done in the evening. The pieces of this coconut should be ept at the centre of the
field and the four ma2or corners of the field. The following day these pieces should be collected and thrown on the dung hill.
If possible on all the "ew 0oon days a maring nut, lemon, seven chillies and a lemon should be tied on the main entrance of
the field and the farm house to ward off evil powers.
The e'uipments that are used in the field should always be ept in the South-$est corner or the Southern direction. "ever
eep them in "orth-!ast, "orth or !ast directions. The ideal place for the thrasher machine, the bulloc cart and other vehicles is
the "orth-$est or the "orth direction. These should not be ept in the "orth-!ast corner.
$hen the ready crop is taen out to the maret for sale it should be taen out from either the "orth, !ast or the "orth-$est
directions. This will result in 'uic sale and good income. If the crop is taen out from the "orth - !ast gate both the sale and the
payment will be delayed. If the crop is taen out of the South-$est gate it will not get a good price. If the crop is taen out of the
South-!ast gate it leads to loss and troubles.
The fodder is to be ept in the South or South-$est direction of the field. *ung caes or the ash should be ept in the South-
!ast direction while the fertili3ers and chemicals, important for the crops, should be ept in the $estern corner.
If subsidiary crop is to be taen along with the main crop the subsidiary crop should be grown in the $est or the South
$hile ploughing the field for a new crop it will be beneficial if it begins from the South-!ast and then clocwise move onto
the "orth-!ast direction.
If the agricultural business is done on a large scale the heaps of grain are to be raised in the $est direction. The pacing and
dispatching office can be located in the "orth-$est part of the $est side. Tractors, trucs etc. which carry the grain should be
pared with their faces towards the "orth or the !ast.
Proper worship should tae place before the first sac of a crop is ept.
As far as floriculture is concerned 4ed and Pin flowers should be planted in the !ast5 $hite and 6ellow flowers in the "orth,
the *ar #lue and #lue-#lac flowers in the South while the #lue and Violet flowers should be planted in the $est.
There should never be a mound at the centre of the field. Tall trees, flowers or crops should not be planted here.
As for as possible there should not be any pits in the field. In case they are, they should be located in the !ast or the "orth
0ounds on the South or the $est direction are permissible.
To the !ast of the field a row of blac basil plants should be planted. These are good for the crops.
7or horticulture the short trees should be planted in the !ast or the "orthern blocs and tall trees in the South or the $est
bloc. Amla, tamarind, lemon or thorny trees should be planted in South bloc5 guava in the east5 custard apple in the "orth5
Pomegranate in the $est and mango, coconut, 2amblum 8Indian berry9, :auth and others in the South.
$hile taing a banana crop in the field on the eastern side or the "orthern Side of the "orth-!ast direction at least ten feet
should be ept vacant. It should also be remembered that in a s'uare field of ;&; feet bananas should not be planted at the center.
If grapes seeds are planted then they should be from South to "orth directions. $hile sprinling water the same direction
needs to be followed.
7ire for warming should never be set up at the centre, the "orth-!ast and the "orth directions.
$hile woring in the field, reaping or giving manures to the field one must face towards the !ast or the "orth. "ever face
Scare crows should be placed in the South and the $est directions.
Temples should not be constructed in the field. In case it is there it should be in the $est. The idol should face the !ast. Idols
of 0aruti, Shani, 0hasoba, 0un2ya, Pirbaba and Asra should not be installed in the field. According to Vastu Shastra the idols of
/anesh, Shivpind, /urudatt, Shri 4am, Shri :rishna, Vishnu and 1a&mi can be consecrated here. %owever, all the rituals should
be followed properly and regularly.
(nly the fields on the "orth or the !ast side should only be purchased for agricultural purposes. Ad2acent fields on the South
or the $est of an e&isting agricultural land should not be purchased under any circumstances. %owever if it is necessary it should
be purchased or taen in somebody else<s name. The field owner should not purchase it in his own name. If some part of the field
is to be sold, the part lying on the $est or the South should be sold.
The plot with river or canal on the "orth or !ast sides should be purchased. If the river or the canal is on the South side
economic loss is imminent. If the well is in the South-$est corner of the field there are chances of the field owner<s accident,
illness or suicide. A well in the South-!ast bloc can mae the field owner go banrupt. If the well is in the "orth-$est bloc
grain can be stolen or it may also lead to enmity.
A well in the $est is acceptable. #ut here a wall should be built in the !ast of this well. The height of the wall should be
slightly more than the height of the well. If a motor or pump is installed on the well it should be installed in the South-!ast
direction. Instead of covering it completely some space for the passage of air and light should be ept. The drains or the tans
built near the well has to be in the "orthern section. Tans built for drining water for animals should be in the $estern bloc.
The stairs or ladder for entering the well should be in the $est or the South directions.
If an overhead tans is built for water to drip or sprinling of water in the field, it should be built in the $est direction.
(verhead tans, well and electric pole should not obstruct the main entrance of the farm house.
!lectrical appliances lie generator, transformers or electric poles in the field should be in the South-!ast corner or in the
$est direction. The electric poles of the government should not pass through the centre of the field.
The modem laboratory of the big farm houses should be situated in the $est side.
If fisheries are to be set up in the field, it should be in only half the field and in the !ast or the "orth direction. #ut do not
build it in the Southern bloc.
If /oat farm is to be set up it should be in the $est or the South bloc.
Poultry farms should be set up in the $estern bloc of the field.
If nursery is to be set up in the field it should be in the !ast or the $est directions.
As far as the watchman of the field is concerned he should live in the "orth-$est of the $est or South-!ast of the !ast or
South directions. 4esidence for the watchman should not be given a room in the South-$est direction. It can incur huge losses
for the owner of the farm.
$hen a new farm is purchased proper #hoomi Pu2a should be done. "avgraha Poo2a is advisable too.
"o wor should be done after sunset in the field. !ven the animals should not be put to any wor.
=actus or other plants giving out white li'uid should not be planted in the !ast or the "orth directions .
Vastu for Plot
Vastu for Plot
Vastu is basically a science of structures and completely deals with the directions. Vastu Shastra is a big field and
one can find many remedies for the well-being. There are many things to be taken in to consideration while deciding to
construct a building. Of the most important things, plot selection, plot size, and plot shape are etremely crucial. !ence, it
is always ad"isable to take consultation from "astu shastra epert before purchasing a plot, site, flat, house, or any other
building rather than taking his ad"ice in the later part of construction.
#rom whom should a plot not be bought$ The answer to this %uestion is pro"ided by "astu shastra and as per it, a plot,
land, or site should ne"er be purchased from people who became insol"ent, troubled from leprosy, lunatics, or who are not
in country, etc. &ikewise, sites that are gi"en in donation to temples, assigned to watchman of colony or "illage, lands
possessed by charitable trusts, and sites with no title deed should not be bought. 'lso, lands holding boulders, worm hills,
ant hills, skeleton, and bones should not be ac%uired.
(n which direction should a plot or site face$ The direction of the plots plays a "ery important role in its construction.
)ifferent directions are beneficial for "arious types of persons and organizations. &et*s take a look on them. Plots which
face the east direction are considered good for philosophers, professors, scholars, teachers, and priests whereas plots that
face the west direction helps the people who truly support the society. 'lso, plots facing the north are good for people in
administration, power, go"ernment +obs. The plots facing south are considered best for the business class and people who
work in business concerns.
'n etremely important factor where light is to be thrown is at the surroundings or en"ironment of the plots. (f the
en"ironment is not good, the resulting problems come in many ways. !ence, it is crucial to look at the following aspects,
(t is best to construct plots where lands are fertile with plants and greeneries.
' big canal or the ri"er located on the north side and its water flowing from west to east is a good sign. The same
way if the ri"er is on the east side with water flowing from south to north, is also considered good.
(f there are mounds of -arth, big boulders, and hills towards the south west, southern, and western sides of the
site or plot, it is good. Otherwise, it would affect the progress.
(t should be ensured that no cemetery, tomb, or gra"eyard lie close to the plot either front or back.
'lso, plots near to temples ha"e a chance to affect the inmates. Plots ha"ing temple towards its right causes
material loss, on the left causes sorrow and grief, and in the front it causes obstruction to de"elop.
Thus, keeping these things in mind, it is "ery important to consult an epert in "astu shastra before constructing the
building as it renders happiness and prosperity e"er through the life relie"ed from problems.

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