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Preventive Medicine

Journal of Public Health Policy

Global Public Health
International Journal of Public Health
sample: http://www.springer.com/public+health/journal/38?detailsPage=aboutThis&h
Perspectives in Public Health
Journal of Community Health
Prof Don Enarson,
Editor-in Chief,
Public Health Action
Sub: Fast track writing of a scientific paper with 40 authors how to do it?
Dear Prof Enarson,
As you very well know, it is always challenging and time consuming to write manu
scripts of multi-centric/ multi-site projects which involve numerous authors. He
re in this Notes from the field we describe a process adopted in India whereby we
were able to write a fairly advanced draft of a scientific manuscript involving
nearly 30 authors from 13 sites from varied backgrounds (such has Programme mana
gers of National, state and district levels, Professors of Medical colleges, rep
uted international technical experts from organizations such as WHO, The Union,
World Diabetes Foundation) in a matter of 3 days. All these authors fulfilled th
e authorship criteria as per the International Committee of Medical Journal Edit
This Notes from the field will be helpful for co-ordinators of multi-centric / mul
tisite projects on how to go about drafting a manuscript, obtain concurrence fro
m all co-authors and submit the manuscript to a peer reviewed scientific journal
within a fairly short timeframe.
Since, PHA actively encourages, communicates and reports new knowledge, dialogue
and controversy in public health practice, we believe that it is the most appro
priate journal to disseminate our experience and stimulate thinking/discussions
on this important aspect.
We hope to have your favorable consideration,
Dr Srinath Satyanarayana,
Monitoring and Evaluation Coordinator and Senior Operations Research Fellow,
International Union against Tuberculosis and Lung Diseases (The Union) South Eas
t Asia Regional Office,
C-6, Qutub Institutional Area,
New Delhi-110016,
E-mail: ssrinath@theunion.org; drsrinaths@gmail.com
Drs. Phyllis Freeman & Anthony Robbins
Co-Editors, Journal of Public Health Policy
Sub: Submission of our paper under Call for papers on Endgame of tobacco
Dear Drs. Freeman & Robbins,
I had corresponded with you last month and you had encouraged me to submit a man
uscript on endgame for tobacco control. Please find attached our manuscript. Th
is Commentary has also been submitted through online submission and has the concur
rence from all co-authors.
Since, JPHP actively encourages, communicates and reports new knowledge, dialogu
e and controversy in public health practice, we believe that it is the most appr
opriate journal to disseminate our experience and stimulate thinking/discussions
on this important aspect. We presente a different perspective on endgame and pr
ovide the first steps which governments need to put in place before considering
strategies that are currently being discussed in tobacco's endgame debate. We ho
pe you find our paper of relevance for the journal's readers and will encourage
We hope to have your favorable consideration,
Pranay Lal
International Union against Tuberculosis and Lung Diseases (The Union) South Eas
t Asia Regional Office,
C-6, Qutub Institutional Area,
New Delhi-110016,
E-mail: plal@theunion.org; pranaylal@gmail.com
Title Page
short running title of no more than 40 characters (including spaces).
Also include the authors names, affiliations and contact details (including emai
l address) for the corresponding author.
Word Count for Manuscript (including Text, Abstract, References, Tables etc)
Manuscript files in Word (Please make sure the "Language" is "English (US)" via
Tools->Language->Set Language).
Manuscript files should not contain any author identifiable information as revie
wers are not told authors names. Main manuscript files containing author identifi
able details will be returned for correction.
Full contact details should be included in a separate file as indicated on the s
ubmission page. Full contact details are only required for the corresponding aut
hor and should include a full postal address, telephone and fax numbers and an e
mail address which will be used for sending article PDF proofs for checking once
the manuscript has been processed by our production department. Please supply a
n affiliation for each author as this should appear on the title page of the pub
lished article. In the same file, include About the Author biographies: these are
required for each author of an article and should be fewer than 100 words per au
thor. Edited versions of these will be printed at the end of the published artic
le, before the References.
Figures/Images should be in TIFF, GIF, JPG, PDF, Postscript, or EPS format.
A cover letter to the editors (this provides an opportunity to explain the speci
al contribution your submission can make to the literature).
The text (starting with an abstract of no more than 150 words).
And any charts, tables, graphics, etc.

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