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Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development

ISSN 2222-1700 (Paper ISSN 2222-2!"" (#nline

$ol%"& No%1'& 201'

An Investigation of the Relationship between Government
Expenditure and Revenue in a Multicurrency Economy:

1%Department of Economics& (idlands State )niversit*& P%+a, -0""& Sen,a& ./eru& 0imbab/e
2%Department of +an1in, and 2inance& (idlands State )niversit*& P%+a, -0""& Sen,a& ./eru& 0imbab/e
Email of t3e correspondin, aut3or4
The research was financed by the authors

53is stud* investi,ated t3e nature of t3e relations3ip bet/een ,overnment e6penditure and revenue for
0imbab/e for t3e (ulticurrenc* period usin, mont3l* time series data coverin, t3e peri
/as anal*sed usin, .ran,er (1-7- causalit* tests and 8ointer,ration anal*sis%
t3at t3ere is independence bet/een ,overnment e6penditure and ,overnment revenue 3ence providin, evidence
in support of t3e Institutional Seperation 9*pot3esis propounded b* :ildas1* (1-!! and +a,3estani and
(acNo/n (1--'% 9ence policies to curb t3e bud,et deficit in 0imbab/e s3ould be directed to ot3er factors li1e
economic ,ro/t3 /3ic3 affect ,overnment e6penditure and re
Keywords: causalit*& ,overnment e6penditure& ,overnment revenue& .ran,er

! Introduction
;nal*sis of t3e causal relations3ip bet/een ,overnment e6penditure and revenue 3as received considerate
attention in recent *ears% 53is is probabl* due to eve
countries /3ere ,overnment e6penditure is t3e ma<or tool for spear3eadin, economic development% 53e
=e*nesians 3ave al/a*s subscribed to t3e use of ,overnment e6penditures in maintainin, macroecono
stabilit*% 9o/ever e6cessive ,overnment e6penditures in most developin, countries 3ave led to 3i,3&
unsustainable bud,et deficits% +ecause of t3is trend& studies 3ave been conducted to tr* and understand t3e
nature of t3e relations3ip bet/een ,overnmen
policies meant to reduce t3ese bud,et deficits%
2or 0imbab/e& ,overnment deficits ran,ed bet/een '-> and 70> of .DP for t3e period 200" to 2012% 53ese
fi,ures /ent as 3i,3 as !!> and -1> for 200
9o/ever& accordin, to 0I(S5;5S (2010
t3at amounted to appro6imatel* )S?@2-million& )S?2" million and )S?-!2 000 for t3e period
53ese fi,ures indicate a s3arpl* declinin, trend in surpluses for t3e countr* t3ou,3% 53is mi,3t be probabl* due
to t3at t3e ,overnment of 0imbab/e 3as been rel*in, on ta6 revenue to finance its e6penditures in li,3t of t3e
loss of borro/in, ri,3ts from (ultilateral #r,aniAations as /ell as t3e dr*in, up of forei,n aid% Evidence from
0I(S5;5S (200--2012 s3o/ed t3at domestic financin, /as t3e onl* contributor to total financin, /it3
not3in, comin, from forei,n financin,% In 200-& total reven
/3ic3 )S?!!2 million /as ta6 revenue (0I(S5;5S 200-% ; closer loo1 at 2i,ure 1 s3o/s t3at ta6 revenue
contributed -2> of total revenue for t3e period Januar* to June 200-%
"igure: #ercentage Revenue $ontri
Source: ZIMSTATS (2009)
2i,ure 1 s3o/s t3e percent contribution of t3e ma<or revenue 3eads for t3e first 3alf of 200-% $alue added ta6
Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development
2!"" (#nline
An Investigation of the Relationship between Government
Expenditure and Revenue in a Multicurrency Economy:
A $ase of %imbabwe
$ictoria Stella (asere
& Primrose =a<a
ment of Economics& (idlands State )niversit*& P%+a, -0""& Sen,a& ./eru& 0imbab/e
Department of +an1in, and 2inance& (idlands State )niversit*& P%+a, -0""& Sen,a& ./eru& 0imbab/e
Email of t3e correspondin, aut3or4 mo*ovsCmsu%ac%A/

The research was financed by the authors
53is stud* investi,ated t3e nature of t3e relations3ip bet/een ,overnment e6penditure and revenue for
0imbab/e for t3e (ulticurrenc* period usin, mont3l* time series data coverin, t3e peri
/as anal*sed usin, .ran,er (1-7- causalit* tests and 8ointer,ration anal*sis% 53e results from t3is stud* s3o/
t3at t3ere is independence bet/een ,overnment e6penditure and ,overnment revenue 3ence providin, evidence
e Institutional Seperation 9*pot3esis propounded b* :ildas1* (1-!! and +a,3estani and
(acNo/n (1--'% 9ence policies to curb t3e bud,et deficit in 0imbab/e s3ould be directed to ot3er factors li1e
economic ,ro/t3 /3ic3 affect ,overnment e6penditure and revenues%
causalit*& ,overnment e6penditure& ,overnment revenue& .ran,er
;nal*sis of t3e causal relations3ip bet/een ,overnment e6penditure and revenue 3as received considerate
attention in recent *ears% 53is is probabl* due to ever occurrin, bud,et deficits especiall* for most developin,
countries /3ere ,overnment e6penditure is t3e ma<or tool for spear3eadin, economic development% 53e
=e*nesians 3ave al/a*s subscribed to t3e use of ,overnment e6penditures in maintainin, macroecono
stabilit*% 9o/ever e6cessive ,overnment e6penditures in most developin, countries 3ave led to 3i,3&
unsustainable bud,et deficits% +ecause of t3is trend& studies 3ave been conducted to tr* and understand t3e
nature of t3e relations3ip bet/een ,overnment e6penditures and its revenues so as to develop appropriate
policies meant to reduce t3ese bud,et deficits%
2or 0imbab/e& ,overnment deficits ran,ed bet/een '-> and 70> of .DP for t3e period 200" to 2012% 53ese
fi,ures /ent as 3i,3 as !!> and -1> for 200! and 200- respectivel* (:orld Economic #utloo1 #ctober 2012%
9o/ever& accordin, to 0I(S5;5S (2010-2012& t3e countr* 3as actuall* been e6periencin, bud,et surpluses
t3at amounted to appro6imatel* )S?@2-million& )S?2" million and )S?-!2 000 for t3e period
53ese fi,ures indicate a s3arpl* declinin, trend in surpluses for t3e countr* t3ou,3% 53is mi,3t be probabl* due
to t3at t3e ,overnment of 0imbab/e 3as been rel*in, on ta6 revenue to finance its e6penditures in li,3t of t3e
, ri,3ts from (ultilateral #r,aniAations as /ell as t3e dr*in, up of forei,n aid% Evidence from
2012 s3o/ed t3at domestic financin, /as t3e onl* contributor to total financin, /it3
not3in, comin, from forei,n financin,% In 200-& total revenue amounted to appro6imatel* )S?-@'million of
/3ic3 )S?!!2 million /as ta6 revenue (0I(S5;5S 200-% ; closer loo1 at 2i,ure 1 s3o/s t3at ta6 revenue
contributed -2> of total revenue for t3e period Januar* to June 200-%
"igure: #ercentage Revenue $ontribution for %imbabwe by &ead: 'an('une )**+
1 s3o/s t3e percent contribution of t3e ma<or revenue 3eads for t3e first 3alf of 200-% $alue added ta6
An Investigation of the Relationship between Government
Expenditure and Revenue in a Multicurrency Economy:
ment of Economics& (idlands State )niversit*& P%+a, -0""& Sen,a& ./eru& 0imbab/e
Department of +an1in, and 2inance& (idlands State )niversit*& P%+a, -0""& Sen,a& ./eru& 0imbab/e
53is stud* investi,ated t3e nature of t3e relations3ip bet/een ,overnment e6penditure and revenue for
0imbab/e for t3e (ulticurrenc* period usin, mont3l* time series data coverin, t3e period 2010 to 2012% Data
53e results from t3is stud* s3o/
t3at t3ere is independence bet/een ,overnment e6penditure and ,overnment revenue 3ence providin, evidence
e Institutional Seperation 9*pot3esis propounded b* :ildas1* (1-!! and +a,3estani and
(acNo/n (1--'% 9ence policies to curb t3e bud,et deficit in 0imbab/e s3ould be directed to ot3er factors li1e
;nal*sis of t3e causal relations3ip bet/een ,overnment e6penditure and revenue 3as received considerate
r occurrin, bud,et deficits especiall* for most developin,
countries /3ere ,overnment e6penditure is t3e ma<or tool for spear3eadin, economic development% 53e
=e*nesians 3ave al/a*s subscribed to t3e use of ,overnment e6penditures in maintainin, macroeconomic
stabilit*% 9o/ever e6cessive ,overnment e6penditures in most developin, countries 3ave led to 3i,3&
unsustainable bud,et deficits% +ecause of t3is trend& studies 3ave been conducted to tr* and understand t3e
t e6penditures and its revenues so as to develop appropriate
2or 0imbab/e& ,overnment deficits ran,ed bet/een '-> and 70> of .DP for t3e period 200" to 2012% 53ese
! and 200- respectivel* (:orld Economic #utloo1 #ctober 2012%
2012& t3e countr* 3as actuall* been e6periencin, bud,et surpluses
t3at amounted to appro6imatel* )S?@2-million& )S?2" million and )S?-!2 000 for t3e period 2010 to 2012%
53ese fi,ures indicate a s3arpl* declinin, trend in surpluses for t3e countr* t3ou,3% 53is mi,3t be probabl* due
to t3at t3e ,overnment of 0imbab/e 3as been rel*in, on ta6 revenue to finance its e6penditures in li,3t of t3e
, ri,3ts from (ultilateral #r,aniAations as /ell as t3e dr*in, up of forei,n aid% Evidence from
2012 s3o/ed t3at domestic financin, /as t3e onl* contributor to total financin, /it3
ue amounted to appro6imatel* )S?-@'million of
/3ic3 )S?!!2 million /as ta6 revenue (0I(S5;5S 200-% ; closer loo1 at 2i,ure 1 s3o/s t3at ta6 revenue

1 s3o/s t3e percent contribution of t3e ma<or revenue 3eads for t3e first 3alf of 200-% $alue added ta6
Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development
ISSN 2222-1700 (Paper ISSN 2222-2!"" (#nline
$ol%"& No%1'& 201'

/as t3e lar,est contributor& contributin, '0> to total revenue /3ile e6cise du
revenue& t3at is& @>%
"igure ): Monthly Revenue $ollections for %imbabwe: )*
Source: ZIMSTATS, 2011-12

2i,ure 2 s3o/s t3e mont3l* revenue contributions for 0imbab/e bet/een t3e *ears 2011 and 2011% Indications
are t3at mont3l* revenue collections /ere si,nificantl* 3i,3er in 2012 t3an in 2011 probabl* due to efficient
revenue measures implemented in t3e *ear 2012% 2i,ure 2 also s3o/s t3at revenue bet/een t3e *ears 2011 and
2012 /as increasin,% 53is /as lar,el*
1"0%-> in 2010 and 20%2> in 2011 (National +ud,et Statements 200-
performed robustl* and 3ence contributed to t3e increase in revenue for t3e t/o *ea
and customs duties% (oreover& for t3e period Januar* to June 2012& revenue from diamonds accounted for
)S?'1%7million of t3e total non-ta6 revenue of )S?--%- billion% 9o/ever& for t3e /3ole period Januar* to
September 2012& diamonds revenue accounted for -0> of total non
Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development
2!"" (#nline
/as t3e lar,est contributor& contributin, '0> to total revenue /3ile e6cise duties contributed t3e least to total
"igure ): Monthly Revenue $ollections for %imbabwe: )*()*)
s3o/s t3e mont3l* revenue contributions for 0imbab/e bet/een t3e *ears 2011 and 2011% Indications
are t3at mont3l* revenue collections /ere si,nificantl* 3i,3er in 2012 t3an in 2011 probabl* due to efficient
revenue measures implemented in t3e *ear 2012% 2i,ure 2 also s3o/s t3at revenue bet/een t3e *ears 2011 and
2012 /as increasin,% 53is /as lar,el* as a result of t3e ,ood performance of ta6 revenue /3ic3 increased b*
1"0%-> in 2010 and 20%2> in 2011 (National +ud,et Statements 200--2012% 53e ma<or revenue 3eads /3ic3
performed robustl* and 3ence contributed to t3e increase in revenue for t3e t/o *ears are $;5& income ta6es
and customs duties% (oreover& for t3e period Januar* to June 2012& revenue from diamonds accounted for
ta6 revenue of )S?--%- billion% 9o/ever& for t3e /3ole period Januar* to
s revenue accounted for -0> of total non-ta6 revenue%
ties contributed t3e least to total

s3o/s t3e mont3l* revenue contributions for 0imbab/e bet/een t3e *ears 2011 and 2011% Indications
are t3at mont3l* revenue collections /ere si,nificantl* 3i,3er in 2012 t3an in 2011 probabl* due to efficient
revenue measures implemented in t3e *ear 2012% 2i,ure 2 also s3o/s t3at revenue bet/een t3e *ears 2011 and
as a result of t3e ,ood performance of ta6 revenue /3ic3 increased b*
2012% 53e ma<or revenue 3eads /3ic3
rs are $;5& income ta6es
and customs duties% (oreover& for t3e period Januar* to June 2012& revenue from diamonds accounted for
ta6 revenue of )S?--%- billion% 9o/ever& for t3e /3ole period Januar* to
Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development ///%iiste%or,
ISSN 2222-1700 (Paper ISSN 2222-2!"" (#nline
$ol%"& No%1'& 201'


"igure ,: Government Expenditure- Revenue and the .udget #osition for %imbabwe for 'anuary )**(
/ecember )*)
Source: ZIMSTATS (2010-2012)

2i,ure @ s3o/s t3e trend in ,overnment revenue& e6penditure and t3e bud,et deficit for 0imbab/e from 2010 to
2012% 53e trend s3o/s t3at ,overnment e6penditure e6ceeded revenue for most of t3e mont3s in t3e *ears under
revie/ impl*in, t3at t3e countr* 3ad a bud,et deficit for most of t3ese mont3s% +ot3 ,overnment revenue and
e6penditure /ere fluctuatin, /it3 3o/ever& ,overnment e6penditure e6ceedin, ,overnment revenue resultin, in
bud,et deficits% 53is /as observed for t3e periods #ctober-December 2010 and Jul* to September of 2012%
Durin, t3e same period& ,overnment e6penditures 3ave been ,enerall* increasin, as s3o/n in 2i,ure 2% 53e
persistent bud,et deficits are evidence t3at ta6 revenue alone is not enou,3 to cover ,overnment e6penditures%
53e deat3 of t3e 0imbab/ean dollar and t3e introduction of t3e (ulticurrenc* S*stem in 200- furt3er /orsened
t3e financin, problems of t3e ,overnment since t3e* could no lon,er rel* on sei,nora,e to finance its
e6penditures% In t3e same *ear& t3e 2inance (inister introduced 8as3 +ud,etin, measures& t3at is& Deat /3at *ou
1illE& to tr* and control t3e deficit (+ud,et Statement 200-% 53e bud,et position ,reatl* improved t3ereafter
t3ereb* ,ivin, t3e indication t3at t3ere is bidirectional causalit* bet/een ,overnment e6penditure and revenue
for 0imbab/e for t3e multicurrenc* era% It is a,ainst t3is bac1,round t3at t3is stud* is conducted so as ,ive
polic* ma1ers t3e basis for formulatin, measures meant to reduce t3e deficit as /ell as to test /3et3er t3ere is
bidirectional causalit* as implied b* t3e policies bein, implemented currentl*%

)! Related 0iterature
Several t3eories 3ave been put fort3 to tr* and e6plain t3e nature of t3e relations3ip bet/een ,overnment
e6penditures and its revenues% 53ese are t3e Fevenue-Spend 9*pot3esis& Spend-Fevenue 9*pot3esis& 2iscal
S*nc3roniAation 9*pot3esis and 2iscal Neutralit* 9*pot3esis% 53e Fevenue-spend 3*pot3esis /as proposed b*
2riedman (1-7!& /3o subscribes to a positive relations3ip bet/een t3e t/o variables& and +uc3anan G :a,ner
(1-7! /3o posits t3at t3ere is an inverse relations3ip bet/een t3e same variables% ;ccordin, to t3is 3*pot3esis&
t3ere is a unidirectional causalit* bet/een ,overnment e6penditures and its revenues runnin, from revenues to
e6penditures& t3at is& ,overnment e6penditures are determined b* its revenues% 2riedman (1-7! subscribes to t3e
e6istence of a positive relations3ip bet/een ,overnment e6penditure and its revenue impl*in, t3at raisin,
revenue increases e6penditure% 9ence bud,et deficits can be cured b* a reduction in revenue% #n t3e ot3er 3and&
0 " 10 1" 20 2" @0 @" '0

Government Expenditure1GE2-
Government Revenue and .udget
#osition 1./2 for %imbabwe 1'an )**(
/ec )*)2
Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development ///%iiste%or,
ISSN 2222-1700 (Paper ISSN 2222-2!"" (#nline
$ol%"& No%1'& 201'

+uc3anan G :a,ner (1-7! states t3at t3ere is a ne,ative relations3ip bet/een ,overnment e6penditure and
revenue in t3e sense t3at an* decrease in ,overnment revenue mi,3t be accompanied b* an increase in t3e
demand for public ,oods because it creates t3e perception t3at t3e cost of ,overnment pro,rams 3as ,one do/n
(Dada 201@% 53is 3*pot3esis implies t3at raisin, revenue leads to more e6penditure (;l-Iudair 2007J #bioma
G #Aun,3alu 2010K% 9ence to solve bud,et deficits& t3e ,overnment s3ould increase its revenues%
53e second 3*pot3esis /as advocated b* Peacoc1 G :isemen (1-7- and +arro (1-7- and su,,ests t3at
c3an,es in ,overnment e6penditure causes c3an,es in ,overnment revenue% 53is 3*pot3esis su,,ests t3at
,overnment /ill determine its e6penditure before its revenue% In periods of /ars& natural disasters e.t.c t3e
,overnment increases its e6penditures /3ic3 t3en necessitate an increase in ta6es to finance t3is e6penditure%
9ence& accordin, to t3is 3*pot3esis& t3ere is unidirectional causalit* runnin, from ,overnment e6penditure to
revenue impl*in, t3at to solve bud,et deficits& t3e ,overnment s3ould reduce its spendin,%
2iscal s*nc3roniAation 3*pot3esis states t3at t3ere is bidirectional causalit* bet/een ,overnment revenue and its
e6penditure& t3at is& causalit* runs in bot3 directions% 53is 3*pot3esis /as advocated b* (eltAer G Fic3ard
(1-!1 and (us,rave (1-77% ;ccordin, to t3is 3*pot3esis& ,overnment revenue decisions are not made in
isolation from ,overnment e6penditure decisions but t3e decisions are made concurrentl*% 5o reduce bud,et
deficits& t3e ,overnment s3ould t3erefore reduce bot3 ,overnment e6penditure and revenue at t3e same time%
Lastl*& t3e Institutional Separation 9*pot3esis (2iscal Neutralit* states t3at& decisions on ta6ation are ta1en
independentl* from t3e allocation of ,overnment e6penditures because t3ere is no causal relations3ip bet/een
t3e t/o variables% 53is 3*pot3esis /as propounded b* :ildas1* (1-!! and +a,3estani G (cNo/n (1--' and
implies t3at& bot3 ,overnment e6penditure and revenue are eac3 determined b* t3e lon, run economic ,ro/t3%
Empirical evidence also e6ist /3ic3 support t3ese various 3*pot3eses% #/o*e (1--" found a bi-directional
causalit* in all -7 countries e6cept Japan and Ital* /3ic3 supported causalit* runnin, from ,overnment ta6es to
e6penditures% Studies in support of t3e 2iscal S*nc3ronisation 3*pot3esis include studies b*& ;re,be*en G
Ibra3im (2012 for Ni,eria and El*asi G Famimi (2012 for Iran& 9*e G Jalil (2010 in t3eir stud* of Fomania&
N*amon,o& Sic3ei G Sc3oeman (2007 for Sout3 ;frica and ;l-Iudair (200" for Saudi ;rabia% 2urt3er
evidence in support of t3e fiscal s*nc3ronisation /as provided b* ;lfonso and Fault (200! /3o used +ootstrap
panel .ran,er causalit* tests and ;lade<are and ;ni (2012 /3o used .ran,er causalit* tests t3rou,3 $;F
met3ods for Ni,eria% 53ese all found evidence of bidirectional causalit* bet/een ,overnment e6penditure and
Do,an (201@ in a stud* of 5ur1e*& (e3rara& (usai G =arsalari (2012 in a stud* of oil e6portin, countries&
Petanlar G Sade,3i (2012 also in a stud* of oil e6portin, countries& #bioma G #Au,3alu (2010 in Ni,eria and
:an, et al (200" for (ala*sia provide evidence in support of t3e Fevenue-Spend 3*pot3esis% 9asan& ImtiaA
and #sman (2011 also supported t3e presence of t3e revenue-spend 3*pot3esis for Pa1istan usin, .ran,er
causalit* tests /3ile Par1 (1--! also found a similar result for =orea usin, bot3 Parametric and non-Parametric
tests% Studies in .reece b* 9ondro*iannis G Papapetrou (1--7& .88 countries b* 2asano G :an, (2002 and
Pa1istan b* 9ussain (200' support t3e presence of t3e E6penditure-Fevenue 3*pot3esis% ;fonso and Fault
(200! used +ootstrap Panel .ran,er causalit* tests for E) countries and found evidence in support of t3e
E6penditure-Fevenue 3*pot3esis for Ital*& 2rance & Spain & .reece and Portu,al /3ile t3e Fevenue-E6penditure
3*pot3esis /as present for .erman*& +el,ium& ;ustria& 2inland and t3e )= in t3eir stud* of E) countries%
Dada (201@ in a stud* for Ni,eria and ;li and S3a (2012 for Pa1istan found evidence in support of t3e 2iscal
neutralit*% (ost of t3ese studies utiliAed 8ointer,ration approac3es and .ran,er causalit* tests (9ondro*iamis G
Papapetrou 1--7J ;li G S3a 2012 /it3 a fe/ inter,ratin, Error 8orrection (odellin, (E8( into t3e traditional
.ran,er causalit* tests (;l-Iudair 200"J #bioma G #Aun,alu 2010% 53e fact t3at t3ese empirical studies 3ave
provided different vie/s concernin, t3e nature of t3e relations3ip bet/een ,overnment e6penditure and revenue
3as motivated t3e aut3or to e6amine t3is relations3ip for 0imbab/e for t3e (ulticurrenc* era% (oreover& most
of t3ese studies e6cept t3at of N*amon,o& Sic3ei G Sc3oeman (2007 used annual data but t3is stud* /ill utiliAe
mont3l* data%

,! Methodology
53is stud* uses mont3l* time series data for 0imbab/e for t3e period 201041 to 2012412 so as to capture t3e
multicurrenc* era% 53e multicurrenc* s*stem /as officiall* adopted in 0imbab/e in 2ebruar* 200- M+ud,et
Statement 200-K and data for t3at same *ear on ,overnment e6penditure /as not readil* available at t3e time t3is
stud* /as conducted 3ence t3e use of 2010 to 2012 period% Data for bot3 ,overnment revenue and ,overnment
e6penditure are in )nited States dollars and /as collected from 0I(S5;5S%
3.1 Mode !eri"ation and S#ecification
:ooldrid,e M200'K points out t3at in evaluatin, public polic*& t3e economistNs ,oal is to infer t3at one variable
3as a causal effect on anot3er variable% Simpl* findin, an association bet/een t/o or more variables mi,3t be
su,,estive& but unless causalit* can be establis3ed& it is rarel* compellin,% Since t3e ob<ective of t3e stud* is to
see t3e nature of t3e relations3ip t3at e6ists bet/een ,overnment e6penditure and revenue and not to build a
Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development ///%iiste%or,
ISSN 2222-1700 (Paper ISSN 2222-2!"" (#nline
$ol%"& No%1'& 201'

model of ,overnment e6penditure or revenue be3aviour& t3e aut3or /ill conduct .ran,er 8ausalit* tests as
developed b* .ran,er (1-7-% ;s postulated b* ;l-Iudair (200"& p%@@& D.ran,er causalit* is concerned /it3 t3e
relevance of past information of a variable in predictin, t3e value of t3e ot3er%E 9ence& t3e stud* /ill use
unrestricted eOuations /3ic3 include la,,ed values of ,overnment e6penditure over and above t3e la,,ed values
of ,overnment revenue%
53e test /ill involve estimatin, t3e follo/in, pair of re,ressions4
1 %%%%%%( %%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%
1 1
$ t $
i t
i t
% & % + + =



2 %%%%%%%( %%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%
1 1
$ t
i t i t
% & & + + =


:3ere it is assumed t3e disturbances
t t 2 1
are uncorrelated& . and F are .overnment E6penditure and F is
t3e .overnment revenue%
EOuation (1 postulates t3at .overnment e6penditure is related to past values of itself as /ell as t3ose of
.overnment revenue (F and (2 postulates a similar be3aviour of ,overnment revenue% ;s su,,ested b*
N*amon,o et al (2007& t3e aut3or /ill test for cointer,ration to determine if t3ere is a cointer,ratin,
relations3ip bet/een t3e variables as it is important for t3e correct specification of a model /3en testin, for
.ran,er causalit*% 8ointer,ration /as tested usin, t3e En,el and .ran,er (1-!7 2 step procedure as also used
b* ;l-Iudair (200"& /3ic3 involves estimatin, t3e follo/in, set of eOuations first b* #LS4
%' %&
%& %'

+ + =
+ + =
1 0
1 0

53e residuals from t3e re,ression are t3en tested for stationarit* usin, bot3 t3e ;D2 test and t3e PP unit root test
as su,,ested b* Dada (201@ and 8arneiro et al (200'% If t3e tests indicate t3at t3e residuals are stationar*& t3at
is& I(0& t3en t3ere is cointer,ration% ;ccordin, to PasOuale (2007& testin, for co-inter,ration involves t/o ma<or
steps& first /3ic3 is t3e unit root test and second is t3e cointer,ration test emplo*ed to determine if t3e variables
in t3e s*stem 3ave a lon, run relations3ip% 9ence& unit root tests on .E and .F /ould be carried out first before
conductin, tests for cointer,ration% 53e aut3or /ill onl* test for cointer,ration if t3e variables are not stationar*
at level but 3ave to be differenced of t3e same order to be stationar*% If t3e variables are stationar*& t3ere is no
need for cointer,ration test (.u<arati 200'%

3! Results and /iscussion
(.1 )nit &oot Tests &esuts
4able : 5nit Root 4est Results
*ariabe A!+ Test Statistic ,, Test Statistic 1- .ritica *aue /rder of Inter0ration
%& -1.0(1122 -(.334412 -(.2(12 I506
%' --(.7(2210 -(.421301 -(.2(12 I506
Source: +i0ures ado#ted fro8 A!+ and ,, tests 0enerated fro8 '-*iews (.0

5able 1 presents t3e unit root test results /3ic3 s3o/s evidence t3at ,overnment revenue and e6penditure are
stationar* at level and 3ence are cointer,rated% Fesults from bot3 t3e ;D2 and PP tests (5able 1 s3o/ t3at bot3
.F and .E are stationar* at level& t3at is I(0& impl*in, t3e absence of a unit root% 9ence t3e aut3or did not
re<ect t3e null 3*pot3esis of no unit root and concluded t3at a lon, run relations3ip e6ist bet/een .F and .E%
(.2 %ran0er .ausaity &esuts
Since t3e variables /ere stationar* at level& t3e aut3or proceeded to test for causalit* usin, t3e simplest version
of .ran,er test% 53is /as also used b* ;li G S3a (2012& :and et al (200" and 9ondro*iaamis G Papapetrou
(1--7% 9o/ever& .u<arati (200' advises first identif*in, t3e appropriate la, len,t3 usin, t3e ;l1ai1e
Information 8riteria (;I8 as t3e first step to .ran,er causalit* tests% 53e procedure involves conductin, #LS
re,ressions on t3e variables in t3eir levels and in different la,s% 53e appropriate la, len,t3 is t3e one
correspondin, to t3e lo/est ;I8% ; summar* of t3e la, len,t3s and t3eir ;I8s are ,iven in 5able 2 belo/%
4able ): Alchai6e Information $riterion for /ifferent 0ag 0engths
No% #f La,s 0 1 2 @ ' "
;I8 @!%!1@!2 @-%!@"01 @!%!"7'! @!%!1-'@ @!%"'"7! @!%""077
Source: .o8#utations based on data anay9ed in '-*iews (.0

5able 2 s3o/s t3e alc3ai1e information criterion for different la, len,t3s /3ic3 is used to determine t3e
appropriate la, len,t3 to use for t3e model /3en carr*in, out re,ressions% Fesults from 5able 2 s3o/ t3at t3e
Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development ///%iiste%or,
ISSN 2222-1700 (Paper ISSN 2222-2!"" (#nline
$ol%"& No%1'& 201'

appropriate la, len,t3 for t3e model is ' /3ic3 is t3e one /3ic3 corresponds to t3e lo/est ;I8% .ran,er
causalit* tests are t3erefore based on t3is la, len,t3%
4able ,: Granger $ausality 4est Results
&ypothesis "(prob /ecision
.F does not ,ran,er cause .E 0%7-0!" Do not re<ect
.E does not ,ran,er cause .E 0%71071 Do not re<ect
Source: .o8#utations based on data anay9ed in '-*iews (.0

5able @ presents results from t3e .ran,er 8ausalit* test /3ic3 forms t3e basis for anal*Ain, data for t3is stud*%
Fesults from .ran,er causalit* tests (refer to 5able @ s3o/ t3at ,overnment revenue does not .ran,er cause
,overnment e6penditure evident from an 2-prob of more t3at 0%0"% (oreover& t3ere is also evidence t3at
,overnment e6penditure does not .ran,er cause ,overnment revenue since t3e 2-prob is 3i,3l* insi,nificant%
53is implies t3at t3ere is independence bet/een ,overnment revenue and e6penditure in 0imbab/e for t3e
period 2010 to 2012%
(.3 !iscussion of &esuts
53e results from t3is stud* s3o/ t3at t3ere is independence bet/een ,overnment e6penditure and ,overnment
revenue 3ence providin, evidence in support of t3e Institutional Seperation 9*pot3esis propounded b* :ildas1*
(1-!! and +a,3estani G (acNo/n (1--'% 53is means t3at for t3e period under revie/& t3ere /as
independence bet/een ,overnment e6penditure and revenue for 0imbab/e impl*in, t3at c3an,es in ,overnment
e6penditure did not e6plain c3an,es in ,overnment revenue /3ile t3e opposite is also true% ;li G S3a (2012 and
Dada (201@ also 3ad similar findin,s% 53e implications of t3ese findin,s for 0imbab/e& for t3e period under
stud*& are t3at decisions on ta6ation /ere ta1en independentl* from allocation of ,overnment e6penditure%
9o/ever& indications from t3e /a* t3e bud,et /as conducted implied t3e presence of unidirectional relations3ip
bet/een t3e t/o variables runnin, from revenue to e6penditure% 53is is evident from t3e balanced bud,et
approac3 or DEat /3at *ou 1illE approac3 adopted b* t3e ,overnment for t3e period 200- to 2012% Durin, t3is
period& ,overnment e6penditure /as supposed to matc3 e6pected ,overnment revenue /it3 overspendin, ,reatl*
condoned% (oreover& durin, t3e same period& t3e countr* actuall* e6perienced bud,et surpluses t3ou,3 t3e trend
/as a declinin, one% 9o/ever& t3e findin,s from t3is stud* su,,est t3at t3e bud,et position and 3ence
,overnment revenue and e6penditure are e6plained b* ot3er factors li1e economic ,ro/t3 as propounded b*
:ildavs1* (1-!! and +a,3estani G (cNo/n (1--'% 53e polic* implications of t3ese findin,s are t3at for t3e
countr* to continue e6periencin, a favourable bud,et position& t3e ,overnment s3ould tar,et variables li1e
economic ,ro/t3% ;fter t3e introduction of t3e (ulticurrenc* s*stem& t3e econom* of 0imbab/e e6perienced its
first& in decades& positive economic ,ro/t3 rates /3ic3 mi,3t 3ave lar,el* contributed to positive bud,et
position% 9ence it mi,3t be necessar* for t3e ,overnment to continue enforcin, measures meant to boost t3e
countr*Ns economic ,ro/t3 for as lon, as t3e econom* is usin, t3e multicurrenc* s*stem%

7! $onclusion
53e purpose of t3is stud* /as to investi,ate t3e nature of t3e relations3ip bet/een ,overnment revenue and
e6penditure for 0imbab/e for t3e (ulticurrenc* era% Pat3olo,ical tests s3o/ed t3at bot3 ,overnment
e6penditure and ,overnment revenue /ere stationer* at level impl*in, t3at a lon, run relations3ip e6ists
bet/een t3e t/o variables% as a result& t3e relations3ip bet/een t3e t/o variables /as tested usin, t3e simple
.ran,er causalit* tests developed b* .ran,er (1-7-% 5ests /ere done on unrestricted eOuations as used in ;l-
Iudair (200"% Fesults from t3e test provided evidence in support of 2iscal Separation (Neutralit* 9*pot3esis
impl*in, independence bet/een ,overnment revenue and e6penditure for 0imbab/e bet/een t3e *ears 2010 and
2012% 53is means t3at for t3e multicurrenc* s*stem period& ,overnment e6penditure does not e6plain
,overnment revenue in 0imbab/e and vice versa% 53e implication is t3at t3e bud,et deficit for 0imbab/e can be
cured b* independentl* addressin, ,overnment e6penditure and ,overnment revenue% 9ence& t3e ,overnment
s3ould ma1e e6penditure and revenue decisions separatel* and policies meant to improve t3e ,overnment bud,et
position s3ould 3ence tar,et ot3er factors li1e economic ,ro/t3%

;fonso& ;% G Fault& 8% (200!% +ootstrap Panel .ran,er-8ausalit* bet/een .overnment Spendin, and Fevenue%
Technica )ni"ersity of :isbon Schoo of 'cono8ics and Mana0e8ent% :P@-P200!PDEP)E8E
;lade<are& S% ;% G ;ni& E% (2012% Fevisitin, t3e .overnment Fevenue- E6penditure Ne6us4 Evidence from
Ni,eria +ased on t3e $;F .ran,er 8ausalit* ;pproac3% SSFN& 3ttp4PPd6%doi%or,P10%21@-Pssrn%21!7-'7
;li& F& G S3a3& (% (2012% 53e 8ausal Felations3ip bet/een .overnment E6penditure and Fevenue in Pa1istan%
Interdisci#inary ;ourna of .onte8#orary &esearch in <usiness& @(12& @2@-@2-
;l-Iudair& =% ;% (200"% 53e Felations3ip bet/een .overnment E6penditure and Fevenues in t3e =in,dom of
Saudi ;rabia4 5estin, for 8ointer,ration and 8ausalit*% 'cono8ic and Ad8inistration& 1-(1& @1-'@
Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development ///%iiste%or,
ISSN 2222-1700 (Paper ISSN 2222-2!"" (#nline
$ol%"& No%1'& 201'

;re,be*en& #% #%& G Ibra3im 5% (% (2012% 53e 8ausal Felations3ip bet/een .overnment Spendin, and
Fevenue in an #il-dependent Econom*4 53e case of Ni,eria% The I), ;ourna of ,ubic +inance& Q(1& 7-21
+a,3estani& 9%& G (cNo/n F% (1--'% Do revenues or E6penditures Fespond to +ud,etar* DiseOuilibriaR
Southern 'cono8ic ;ourna, 70& @11-@20
+aro& F% J% (1-7-% #n t3e Determination of Public Debt% ;ourna of ,oitica 'cono8y, !1& -'0--71
+uc3anan& J% (%& G :a,ner F% :% (1-7!% Dialo,ues 8oncernin, 2iscal Feli,ion% ;ourna of Monetary
'cono8ics& '& 727-7@7
8arneiro& 2%& 2ana J% F%& G +arr* +% S% (200'% .overnment Fevenue and E6penditure in .uinea- +issau4
8ausalit* and 8ointer,ration% African &e0ion =, Series& 7"& 1---
Dada& (% ;% (201@% Empirical Investi,ation of .overnment E6penditure and Fevenue Ne6us4 Implications for
2iscal Sustainabilit* in Ni,eria% ;ourna of 'cono8ics and Sustainabe !e"eo#8ent& '(-& 1@"-1''
Do,an& E% (201@% Does Fevenue-led-Spendin, or Spendin,-led-Fevenue 9*pot3esis e6ist in 5ur1e*R <ritish
;ourna of 'cono8ics, +inance and Mana0e8ent Sciences& !(2% 72-7"
El*asi& S%& and Famini (% (2012% 8ausalit* bet/een .overnment E6penditure and .overnment Fevenue in
bot3 t3e Lon, Fun and S3ort Fun% Internationa ;ourna of 'cono8ic Sciences and A##ied &esearch& "(1& 12--
En,le& F% 2%& G .ran,er 8% :% (1-!7% 8ointe,ration and Error 8orrection Fepresentation4 Estimation and
5estin,% 'cono8etrica& ""(2& 2"1T277
2asano& )%& and :an, I% (2002% 5estin, t3e Felations3ip bet/een .overnment Spendin, and Fevenue4
Evidence from .88 8ountries% =ashin0ton: ,oicy and !e"eo#8ent &e"iew !e#art8ent& I(2 :or1in, Paper
2riedman& (% (1-7!% 53e Limitations of 5a6 Limitation% ,oicy &e"iew& 7-1'%
.ran,er& 8live :% J% 1-7-% DInvesti,atin, 8ausal Felations b* Econometric (odels and 8ross Spectral
(et3ods%E 'cono8etrica& Jul*4 '2'T@!%
.u<arati& D% N% (200'% <asic 'cono8etrics& 't3 Edition& 53e (c.ra/-9ill 8ompanies
9asan& S% ;%& ImtiaA& S% (% G #sman& (% ;% (2011% ;n Investi,ation of .ran,er 8ausalit* +et/een 5a6
Fevenues and .overnment E6penditures% 'uro#ean ;ourna of Scientific &esearch& (PF; paper @"7!7
9ondro*iannis& .%& G Papapetrou E% (1--7% ;n E6amination of t3e 8ausal Felations3ip bet/een .overnment
Spendin, and Fevenue4 ; 8ointe,ratration ;nal*sis% ,ubic .hoice, !-(@P'& @7@-@7'
9ussain& 9% (% (200'% #n t3e 8ausal Felations3ip bet/een .overnment E6penditure and 5a6 Fevenue in
Pa1istan% The :ahore ;ourna of 'cono8ics, -(2& 10"-11!
9*e& I% (%& G Jalil ;% (% (2010% Fevenue and E6penditure Ne6us4 ; 8ase Stud* of Fomania% &o8anian
;ourna of +isca ,oicy, 1(1& 22-2!
(eltAer& ;% 9%& G Fic3ard S% 2% (1-!1% ; Fational 53eor* of t3e SiAe of t3e .overnment% The ;ourna of
,oitica 'cono8y& !-("& -1'--27
(us,rave& F% ;% (1-77% Principles of +ud,et Determination% In ;% 9% 8ameron and :% 9enderson (Eds%&
,ubic +inance: Seected &eadin0s4 1"-27% Ne/ Sor14 Fandom 9ouse
N*amon,o& (% E%& Sic3ei (% (%& G Sc3oeman N% J% (2007% .overnment Fevenue and E6penditure Ne6us in
Sout3 ;frica% SA;'MS >S, 10(2007& 2"7-27!
#bioma E% 8%& G #Au,3alu )% (% (2010% ;n E6amination of t3e Felations3ip bet/een .overnment Fevenue
and .overnment E6penditure in Ni,eria4 8ointer,ration and 8ausalit* ;proac3% 'cono8ic and +inancia
&e"iew& '!(2& @"-'7
#/o*e& #% (1--"% 53e 8ausal Felations3ip bet/een 5a6es and E6penditure in -7 8ountries4 8ointer,ration and
Error 8orrection (odels% A##ied 'cono8ic :etters& 2& 1--22
Par1& :% =% (1--!% .ran,er 8ausalit* bet/een .overnment Fevenue and E6penditure in =orea% ;ourna of
'cono8ic !e"eo#8ent, 2@(141'"-1""
Peacoc1& ;% 5%& G :iseman J% (1-7-% ;pproac3es to t3e ;nal*sis of .overnment E6penditures .ro/t3% ,ubic
+inance ?uartery, 7(@& @-2@
Petanlar& S% =%& G Sade,3i S% (2012% Felations3ip bet/een .overnment Spendin, and Fevenue4 Evidence from
#il E6portin, 8ountries% Internationa ;ourna of 'cono8ic and Mana0e8ent 'n0ineerin0 5I;'M'6& 2(2& @@-@"
:an,& 9% 5%& G Pin, =% (200"% 53e Felations3ip bet/een .overnment Fevenue and E6penditure in (ala*sia%
Internationa ;ourna of Mana0e8ent Studies% 12(2& "@-72
:ildas1*& ;%& G 8aiden N% (1-!!% The >ew ,oitics of the <ud0etary ,rocess. 't3 Ed& ;ddison $estle* Sc3ool%
:ooldrid,e& J% (% (200'% Introductory 'cono8ics: ; (odern ;pproac3& @rd Edition%
:orld Economic #utloo1& #ctober 2012
0imbab/e National +ud,et Statements% 200--201@
0I(S5;5S% 200--2012
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