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by the Society for Huma Se!ua"ity at the Ui#er$ity of %a$hi&to

La$t Mo'ifie'( A)ri" *+ ,**-
Co)yri&ht .c/ ,**- by Society for Huma Se!ua"ity0 A"" Ri&ht$ Re$er#e'0
2ou may 'i$tribute thi$ 'ocumet i ay form you 3i$h )ro#i'e' it i$ ot char&e'
for a' i$ 'i$tribute' umo'ifie' a' i it$ etirety0 If you 3i$h to $omeho3 $e""
thi$ 'ocumet+ you mu$t ha#e the )ermi$$io of the author$0 The "ate$t #er$io
of thi$ 'ocumet may be obtaie' from the Society for Huma Se!ua"ity %%%
)a&e at htt)(443eber0u03a$hi&to0e'u45$f)$e4
A$ i$ the ca$e 3ith a"mo$t a"" $e!+ your )arter 3i"" 7o3 better tha ayoe e"$e
3hat fee"$ &oo'+ $o "i$te to 3hat $he ha$ to $ay+ e$)ecia""y a$ re&ar'$ comfort
a' ite$ity0 I8m ot &oi& to )e))er thi$ 'ocumet 3ith )hra$e$ $uch a$ 93ithi
the comfort "e#e" of your )arter9 becau$e it $hou"' &o 3ithout $ayi&0 6coura&e
her to ta"7 to you+ bac7 off if it8$ too much+ a' cha&e it if it 3ou"' fee" better i
$ome other 3ay0 Let8$ face it: if it 3ere8t for &oo' fee'bac7+ thi$ 'ocumet
3ou"'8t e!i$t0
It $hou"' a"$o &o 3ithout $ayi& that e#ery 3oma i$ 'ifferet+ a' that you
$hou"' )ay attetio to 3hat fee"$ &oo' for each )er$o you are 3ith0 %hat I8m
&oi& to 'e$cribe be"o3 ha$ 3or7e' 3e"" 3ith MAN2 of the )eo)"e I ha#e bee
3ith+ but ot ALL+ a' ot i e!act"y the $ame 3ay 3ith each )er$o0 Oe 7ey
thi& to &et i$ that you ca be commuicati#e a' re$)o$i#e 3hi"e $ti"" bei&
cofi'et0 Practice thi$0
The a'#ice i thi$ 'ocumet a))"ie$ e;ua""y 3hether the i$erti#e )arter i$ ma"e
or fema"e .thou&h if you c"o$e your eye$+ it 'oe$8t rea""y matter+ 'oe$ it000/0 It i$
a$$ume'+ ho3e#er+ .e!ce)t i the 9ON M6N9 $ectio 'i$cu$$i& the )ro$tate
&"a'/ that the rece)ti#e )arter ha$ fema"e &eita"ia0
Oh+ oe other thi&0 Mo$t of the )eo)"e arou' me ha#e rec"aime' the 3or'
9cut9 $o that it o "o&er ha$ 'ero&atory cootatio$0 I8m &oi& to ma7e free
u$e of that term i thi$ 'ocumet0
=ir$t+ c"i) your fi&erai"$0 U"e$$ you a' your )arter are "ate!-moo&amou$+
)ut o "ate! &"o#e$0 If you ab$o"ute"y mu$t ha#e "o& fi&erai"$ for fa$hio
rea$o$+ the )ut cotto ba""$ arou' your fi&erai"$ a' 3ear "ate! &"o#e$ o#er
them0 A))"y 3ater-ba$e' "ube "ibera""y to your i$erti#e ha'+ 3hether your
)arter i$ arou$e' a' 93et9 or ot0
The i'ea i &eera" i$ to u$e the fir$t a' $eco' fi&er$ of oe8$ )referre' ha'
i the #a&ia+ i oe of t3o ba$ic )atter$0 A"terate bet3ee the$e t3o )atter$
a$ 'e$ire' 'uri& the cour$e of $e!0
,0 S"o3"y i$ert the fi&er$ a$ far ito the #a&ia a$ far a$ i$
)o$$ib"e4comfortab"e+ a' mo#e them i e#e circ"e$0 The tric7 here i$ to 7ee)
co$i$tet+ firm )re$$ure a"o& the etire "e&th of the fi&er$ a&ai$t the #a&ia"
3a""$+ a' to 7ee) the )re$$ure fair"y co$tat at a"" )oit$ i the rotatio .thou&h
you ca &i#e a LITTL6 e!tra )re$$ure at ,> o8c"oc7+ i the 'irectio of the G-$)ot+
a$ "o& a$ you 'o8t brea7 the rotatioa" rhythm0/
>0 P"ace your fi&er$ $o that the fi&erti)$ are ?u$t behi' the )ubic boe+
e!erti& )re$$ure u)3ar'$ .a$$umi& your )arter i$ "yi& o her bac7/0 Thi$ i$
'irect G-$)ot $timu"atio+ a' fee"$ be$t if the fi&er$ are $ubt"e"y mo#i&
$omeho30 2ou ca $"o3"y roc7 i a circu"ar motio+ or if the fi&er$ are )oite'
more $har)"y u)3ar'$ you ca roc7 for3ar'$ a' bac70 Sometime$ firm )re$$ure
i$ )referre' here+ 'e)e'i& o the amout a' $e$iti#ity of the ti$$ue bet3ee
the #a&ia" 3a"" a' the urethra" $)o&e .$ee be"o3/0
1UT %H2@
The rea$o thi$ fee"$ $o &oo' i$ that it a"terate$ fee"i&$ of bei& com)"ete"y
$tuffe' .A,/ 3ith 'irect G-$)ot $timu"atio .A>/0 So it8$ "i7e bei& fuc7e' by a hu&e
coc7 3ith fi&er$ a' a brai0 It a"$o )ro#i'e$ a &reat+ a' a$ far a$ 3e 7o3
o)tima"+ o))ortuity for G-$)ot or&a$m$0
There8$ certai"y other techi;ue$ you ca a'' to your maua" re)ertoire0
2ou ca thru$t your ha' i a' out i a $imu"ate' fuc7i& $ty"e .a' for a e!tra
thri""+ e!ert )re$$ure u)3ar'$ 3he 3ith'ra3i& $o you i#o"#e the G-$)ot o the
3ay out/0
2ou ca u$e your thumb .of the i$erti#e ha'+ or of aother &"o#e' ha'/ to
$timu"ate the c"itori$ 3hi"e 3or7i& o#er her cut0
2ou ca u$e your o-i$erti#e ha' to 'o a 3i'e #ariety of thi&$( B Ho"'i& her
B Rui& your ha'$ o#er her bo'y B Pichi& i))"e$ B Grabbi& hair B Ho"'i&
her ha'$ abo#e her hea' B Ma$$a&i&4)eetrati& the au$ .if $he8$ "yi& o her
$i'e a' your aa" ha' i$ &"o#e' a' "ube'/ B Ha#i& her $uc7 your fi&er$ B
2ou ca "ie 'o3 or crouch $o that your hea' i$ e!t to her$ a' 3hi$)er hot
thi&$ i her ear0
Some )eo)"e )ut $mooth+ rou' bea'$ i the fi&erti)$ of their &"o#e$ to )ro#i'e
more ite$e $e$atio$ 3he they ha#e their ha' i $omeoe0
Other )eo)"e $"it their &"o#e$ u) both $i'e$+ fo"' that u) a$ a f"a)+ a' 'o ora" $e!
o the c"it throu&h the f"a) 3hi"e ha#i& their fi&er$ i their "o#er8$ cut .thou&h
you mi&ht 3at to &et o-)o3'ere' &"o#e$ if you8re &oi& to 'o that $o they
ta$te better+ or u$i& a 'am) $)o&e 3i)e the )o3'er off 2OUR $i'e of the f"a)/0
Oe thi& I )er$oa""y ca8t 'o 'ue to the $iCe of my ha'$ i$ actua""y #a&ia""y
fi$t $omeoe0 Ho3e#er+ if your ha'$ are $ma"" eou&h to 'o thi$ 3ith oe of
your fema"e "o#er$ a' $he8$ curiou$ about it+ it8$ 'efiite"y 3orth a try0 %ith your
ha' )a"m u) .a' your "o#er o her bac7/+ you bri& the fi&er$ a' thumb
to&ether to form a 'uc7 bi""0 %ith ma$$a&i&+ a' )o$$ib"y t3i$ti& motio$+ thi$
ca be 3or7e' ito the #a&ia0 If aatomy a""o3$ it+ oce you &et i )a$t the thir'
7uc7"e$ the fi&er$ 3i"" $tart to &et"y a' atura""y cur#e bac7 to form a fi$t0
Ay3ay+ the 3ho"e )roce'ure ca ta7e time+ but the 3ome a' me 3ho ca
ta7e a 3ho"e fi$t #a&ia""y or aa""y c"aim that it "ea'$ them to tra$ce'at+
$)iritua" $tate$0 See DTru$t( The Ha'ba""i& 1oo7D by 1ert Herrma for a
'i$cu$$io of aa" fi$ti&+ if that i$ your area of itere$t0
Oh+ a' before I for&et000 2ou a' your )arter mi&ht fi' the techi;ue$
'e$cribe' i thi$ 'ocumet to be more e?oyab"e if $he i$ ma$turbati& you a$
you are ma$turbati& her .a' 3hether you8re ma"e or fema"e+ remember the
1ut after ha#i& )re$ete' a mu"titu'e of $)ecific techi;ue$+ "et me $ay that
e#etua""y you ca &o beyo' thi7i& about maua" techi;ue$ at a"" a' ?u$t &o
3ith the f"o3+ bei& creati#e0
Mo$t 3ome 3ho ha#e e!)eriece' both c"aim that it i$ ea$ier to ha#e mu"ti)"e
G-$)ot or&a$m$ tha it i$ to ha#e mu"ti)"e c"itora" or&a$m$0 So+ 3he you ha#e
your ha' i $ome "o#e"y tart+ 'o8t "et the fact that $he $tart$ comi& affect 3hat
you8re 'oi& too much0 %hi$)er $ome 3or'$ of ecoura&emet to her a'
maybe rachet u) the ite$ity ?u$t a "itt"e bit+ but ba$ica""y 7ee) &oi& throu&h her
or&a$m+ after3ar'$+ a' ito the e!t oe0 Let H6R te"" you 3he $he ca8t ta7e
ay more: o $e$e i $etti& a )riori "imit$ (/ There i$ ofte a )yrami' effect 3ith
mu"ti)"e G-$)ot or&a$m$: each oe ma7e$ the e!t oe fee" better+ a' ma7e$
a"mo$t aythi& e"$e $e!ua" fee" better too0
Ho3e#er+ it $hou"' be $ai' that it i$8t too $e!ua""y or )$ycho"o&ica""y a))ea"i& to
ha#e a hu&e e&o4emotioa" $ta7e i ha#i& or&a$m$ or ha#i& mu"ti)"e or&a$m$+
3hether the )er$o of cocer i$ you or your )arter0 There8$ o )oit i &etti&
9&oa" oriete'9 about $omethi& that8$ $u))o$e' to be fu0
Oe other thi&000 I ha#e8t 'oe thi$ for a "o& time+ but I ha#e fou' that 3he a
fema"e )arter i$ hi&h o )ot it 'ecrea$e$ the amout of time bet3ee oe G-
$)ot or&a$m a' the e!t+ cau$i& oe or&a$m to ba$ica""y f"o3 ito the other0
Oe )arter 'e$cribe' it a$ 9for&etti&9 that $he ha' come+ hece comi& a&ai
#ery ;uic7"y a' for a"" )ractica" )ur)o$e$ o-$to)0 Oce 3he 3e 3ere
to&ether a' $he 3a$ $toe'+ 3ith my ha' i her+ $he came cotiuou$"y for
t3o $o"i' hour$ .3e chec7e' the c"oc7/0 Ay3ay+ I 'o8t 7o3 if thi$ i$ a ui#er$a"
)heomeo+ but ?u$t $o you 7o3 it8$ )o$$ib"e000
I8m ot a 'octor+ a' I 'o8t e#e )"ay oe o TV0 1ut000
Accor'i& to DThe Goo' Vibratio$ Gui'e to Se!D by Cathy %i7$ a' Ae
Sema$ .3hich you $hou"' ALL &et/+ the G-$)ot+ aatomica""y+ i$ the area
beeath the urethra" $)o&e0 Thi$ 3ou"' certai"y at "ea$t )artia""y e!)"ai it$ ro"e
i fema"e e?acu"atio0 It a"$o $he'$ "i&ht o 3hy G-$)ot $timu"atio ma7e$ $ome
3ome fee" "i7e they ha#e to )ee 3he they rea""y 'o8t .thou&h it HAS bee
$ho3 that fema"e e?acu"ate i$ NOT urie/0
If you8re itere$te' i "eari& more o thi$ to)ic you mi&ht co$i'er 3atchi& the
fi"m$ DHo3 to =ema"e 6?acu"ateD a' DS"ut$ a' Go''e$$e$D0 Sti""+ it $hou"' be
)oite' out that fema"e e?acu"atio i$ NOT a ui#er$a" re$)o$e to G-$)ot
$timu"atio a' or&a$m: e#e amo& )eo)"e 3ho e?oy G-$)ot or&a$m$+ it8$ $ti""
)retty rare0
So+ $ice e#ery 3oma ha$ a urethra" $)o&e+ e#ery 3oma ha$ a G-$)ot0 The
o"y ;ue$tio i$ 3hether .A,/ $he "i7e$ ha#i& it $timu"ate' a' .A>/ 3hether
$omeoe ha$ u$e' the )ro)er techi;ue a' $ufficiet"y firm )re$$ure o it $o
that it IS bei& $timu"ate'0 %he $ur#ey$ $ho3 that a "ar&e )erceta&e of 3ome
c"aim ot to e?oy4otice G-$)ot $timu"atio+ I )er$oa""y $u$)ect that it i$ ofte
throu&h cocer A> rather tha from cocer A,0 That8$ )ure"y $)ecu"ati#e+ of
cour$e: I ha#e o 'ata to bac7 u) that a$$ertio0 1ut ay3ay+ try 3hat I8m
'e$cribi& 3ith $ome frie'$ of your$ a' $ee 3hat you thi70
It he")$ to ha#e "o& fi&er$+ but it8$ o bi& 'ea"0 A$ "o& a$ your fi&er$ ca
reach the G-$)ot a' a "itt"e 3ay$ beyo'+ you8re fie0
May of the$e &-$)ot techi;ue$ 3i"" 3or7 i a $imi"ar fa$hio o me 3he
)erforme' aa""y0 Me ha#e 3hat i$ ca""e' a 9)ro$tate &"a'+9 the $timu"atio of
3hich ca )ro#o7e a'4or ite$ify or&a$m$0 Oe may $timu"ate the )ro$tate
&"a' 3ith the fi&er$ a fe3 iche$ i$i'e the au$ by )re$$i& to3ar'$ the
)ei$0 The )ro$tate &"a' ca ofte be )a")ate'+ a' ofte fee"$ "i7e a "itt"e
'ome0 P"ea$e $ee Fac7 Mori8$ boo7 DAa" P"ea$ure a' Hea"thD or DThe Goo'
Vibratio$ Gui'e to Se!D by %i7$ a' Sema$ for more iformatio o )ro$tate
To be com)"ete"y $afe 3ith maua" $timu"atio+ you $hou"' 3ear &"o#e$ a' u$e
The be$t &"o#e$ to u$e are "ate!: #iy" fee"$ terrib"e0 It 'oe$8t matter 3hether the
&"o#e$ are )o3'ere' or ot+ but be $ure they fit you )ro)er"y0 A"$o+ a"3ay$ u$e
3ater-ba$e' "ube o the out$i'e of your &"o#e$+ )referab"y $omethi& ice a'
thic7 .3ithout Noo!yo"-*/ "i7e =orP"ay0 It 'oe$8t matter if the rece)ti#e )arter
i$ hi&h"y arou$e' a' 93et9 or ot: u$e "ube ay3ay0 Oi"-ba$e' "ube$ "i7e re&u"ar
Cri$co ha#e their )"ace i aa" fi$ti&+ but oi"$ ca brea7 'o3 "ate! a' ca
)ro#o7e #a&iiti$ 3he u$e' i the #a&ia0
Ay3ay+ turi& to $afe $e! i &eera" for a momet+ I8#e trie' a "ot of the
)ro'uct$ out there a' ha#e $ett"e' o the fo""o3i&(
%ater-ba$e' Lube( =orP"ay+ 3ithout N-* Late! Co'om$( Himoo MicroThi$+
3ithout N-* Ora" 1arrier$( G"y'e 9Lo""y"e$9 G"o#e$( Sta'ar' Late! 6!amiatio
G"o#e$+ )o3'ere' To3e"ette$( 1eCa"7oium Ch"ori'e ati$e)tic to3e"ette$
The Himoo MicroThi co'om$ ta$te fie for ora" $e!: certai"y+ they ta$te better
tha )o3'ere'+ u"ube' co'om$ a' tho$e mit co'om$0 The G"y'e barrier$+
"i7e a"" ora" barrier$+ fee" e#e better if you )ut a 'ro) of 3ater-ba$e' "ube o your
)arter8$ $i'e before a))"yi& them0 Some )eo)"e "i7e to )ut a 'ro) of 3ater-
ba$e' "ube i the ti) of a co'om before )utti& it o to icrea$e $e$atio0
If you8re i Seatt"e or are 3i""i& to 'o mai" or'er+ the be$t )"ace to &et "ube i$
Toy$ i 1abe"a' .GGG-GGG-GGGG/ a' the be$t )"ace to &et co'om$ a'
G"y'e ora" barrier$ i$ The Rubber Tree .GGG-GGG-GGGG/0 The be$t )"ace to &et
Ati$e)tic To3"ette$ i Seatt"e i$ Choice Me'ica" .GGG-GGG-GGGG/+ but throu&h
mai" or'er you mi&ht try Coey .GGG-GGG-GGGG/0 The be$t )"ace to &et "ate!
e!amiatio &"o#e$ i Seatt"e i$ 1arte" 'ru&$+ but throu&h mai" or'er you mi&ht
try Coey a&ai .GGG-GGG-GGGG/0 If you 3at more iformatio o $afer $e!
a' for a "i$ti& of $e!ua"ity re$ource$+ )"ea$e refer to the Society for Huma
Se!ua"ity %%% )a&e at htt)(443eber0u03a$hi&to0e'u45$f)$e4
2ou ca ma7e a toy ba& 3ith your $afe $e! $u))"ie$ i them 3hich you ca ?u$t
&rab 3he &oi& out to )"ay0 %ith the "ube+ you ca &et a "itt"e bott"e for it that
you ca refi"" from your ecoomy bott"e0 Co'om$ a' to3e"ette$ come attache'
to each other i &rou)$+ $o they $tay eat0 2ou ca )ut a"" the G"y'e 'am$ i oe
$ma"" Ci)-"oc7 ba&+ a' )ut a $u))"y of &"o#e$ INSID6 oe &"o#e for $tora&e0 Thi$
3ho"e 7it $hou"' the fit i a hi) )ac7 or a )oc7et of a boo7ba& for a miimum of
fumb"i& arou' i the heat of )a$$io0
ON =ILM000
If you 3at to &et ay of the fi"m$ metioe' i thi$ 'ocumet .oh+ a' oe other
3e recomme'( DSafe i$ De$ireD/+ you ca buy them from Goo' Vibratio$
.GGG-GGG-GGGG/ or if you8re i Seatt"e ret them from Scarecro3 Vi'eo .GGG-
Ha))y Lo#i&

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