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Simples ejercicios de yoga para fortalecer el abdomen

Todos sabemos que tener unos abdominales fuertes no slo representa un gran atractivo esttico, sino
que se traduce en un smbolo de buena salud. Por eso, es fundamental su ejercitacin as como la
reduccin de la grasa corporal mediante actividades aerbicas.
De la mano del yoga, te mostramos 3 posturas muy sencillas y fciles de realizar que fortalecen el
abdomen, al mismo tiempo que te aportan todos los beneficios del yoga, incluidos la reduccin de la
ansiedad, la relajacin y el desarrollo de la concentracin y el equilibrio.
Para la filosofa del yoga, el vientre es el eje de la fuerza y el equilibrio del cuerpo, por lo que un gran
nmero de posturas se aplican para cuidarlo y tienen como objetivo su desarrollo. Pero aqu te mostramos
3 simples ejercicios que fortalecern tu zona abdominal.
La plancha! esta postura se realiza manteniendo la espalda
recta, con las palmas de las manos apoyadas en la superficie y los abdominales firmes. "l cuerpo debe
#acer una lnea recta desde los pies a la cabeza! $a posicin se debe mantener por % & a ' minutos
respirando profundamente. Puedes repetir la postura entre ( y &) veces.
La plancha con codos! la postura se realiza de igual
manera que la anterior pero en este caso se apoya desde los codos #asta las manos en la superficie, se
mantienen contrados los abdominales para formar una lnea recta desde los pies a la cabeza y se prolonga
la posicin por % & a ' minutos.
El barco! para realizar esta postura debes sentarte en una
superficie plana y elevar las piernas de manera tal que la espalda est recta, los abdominales contrados y
la parte superior del cuerpo forme un *ngulo casi recto con las piernas. $a posicin se puede mantener
entre & y % ( minutos dependiendo de la fuerza de tu abdomen.
"stos sencillos ejercicios que puedes realizar en el living de tu casa te ayudar*n a desarrollar la fuerza
abdominal y lucir un vientre firme, pero no olvides que estas posturas tonifican el abdomen y no reducen
la grasa del cuerpo. "ntonces, no pueden faltar en tu entrenamiento actividades aerbicas que contribuyan
a quemar grasa, mientras tu reafirmas e incrementas masa muscular.
Supine Abdominal Twist
The Supine Abdominal Twist works the middle and deep layers of your
abdominal sphere. These muscles (internal and external obliques and transverus
abdominus) are critical to supporting your torso. They perform this function
practically all day, while you're sitting or standing. They also provide strength any
time there is torque on your torso (as in a twist or a side stretch), reaching,
throwing, climbing, even golfing.
Step-by-Step Instructions:
. !ie on your back and extend your spine along the ground. !ift your legs off
the ground, and flex your knees at a right angle. "eep your knees and
ankles pressed together. #our knees will be right above your hips and your
calves will be parallel with the floor. This is your starting position, and it is
also where you should wind up at the end of each inhale (see $odification %)
(&ops. 'ands should be palms
up as in photos below.)
(. )e'll break the next step into two simultaneous parts. *oth take place on as
you exhale+
a. ,lowly drop your legs and hips to one side (start with the right). This
should be a controlled, slow movement. #our legs may not go all the way to
the ground. The idea is to use your abdominal muscles to get back to the
starting position, and not your arms. -f your abdominals cannot lift you back
up, then you went too far. (,ee $odification *). )hen you are almost at the
bottom of your descent, pull your knees a few inches upward towards your
b. Simultaneously, your abdomen and upper torso resist the pull of your legs
and hips. %ctively pull your abdominal muscles away from your knees. .se
the muscles all around your torso to assist your abdomen in this effort, as
well as to ground and stabili/e the shoulders
0. This is a spinal twist, and as in any spinal twist, two rules apply. 1irst, the
belly is the primary force in the exercise. ,econd, you go into the twist from
the bottom of your torso to the top. 2radually you turn your belly, then
lower ribcage, middle ribcage, and upper ribcage. !ast, turn the neck and
head. The shoulders should remain relaxed, and the neck and head should
turn freely with no strain whatsoever
3. ,teps 4 0 take place during one exhale. %s you complete that exhale, you
smoothly transition into a long, slow inhale. #ou also begin to reverse all the
movement from steps 4 0
5. *ring your legs back up by first moving them a few inches away from your
armpit, then slowly swinging them up to the starting position. .se the strong
muscles of the abdominal sheath
6. Pause momentarily at the end of inhale in the starting position. This is an
important feature of the exercise. -t helps you build strength and develop
awareness and control of the muscles 7oining your legs and torso
8. Then, begin to descend to the other side in the same manner described in
steps 4 0
9. :epeat for at least ( minutes, and gradually challenge yourself to increase
your time to 5 minutes
Modification A:
This modification is meant for students who are very confident in their abdominal
strength. .ntil you can do the basic exercise for 0 mintues, please do not try this
-f you are well acquainted with this exercise and have already developed excellent
abdominal strength, you can try this exercise with your legs straight. .se the
same slightly curved path. )hen you're almost at the bottom of your arc, pull your
feet a few inches towards your hand. :everse on the way up.
Modification B:
%s you gain strength in your abdomen and around your torso, you will gradually be
able to bring your legs all the way to the ground. ,till, try to keep them 7ust barely
off the ground. %s in leg lifts, this will increase the gains from the exercise and
smooth out the movement. Two certain indications that you are going further than
your should with this exercise+ ) you need to use your shoulders and arms to start
your movement back upwards, and (() you cannot keep your knees and ankles
together. -n either case, back off some.
Time: 1/2 minutes each leg.
Method: Lie down on your back. Breath in. Then fold the left leg from the knees.
Hold the fingers together and bring the folded leg to touch the stomach. Lift the
head and touch the nose to the knee. The other leg remains straight. Hold the
breath. Come to original position and leae the breath. !ollow the same for the
other leg.
NOTE: This asana can also be done with both the
knees folded.
Benefits: "emoes gas from the abdomen and
reduces abdominal fat. #ncreases the fle$ibility of
the knees and hips.
Time: 1/2 minutes.
Method: Lie on your stomach% forehead on the ground% hands under shoulders.
"aise your upper body by the strength of the back muscles% head up. &on't take
help of the hands% they may remain on the ground or held on the back oer the
Benefits: Helps in keeping the dorsal spine elastic and strong. Backache due to
oerstrain can be thus relieed. Helps considerably in reducing abdominal fat.
Dhanurasan- the bow
Time: 1/2 minute
Method: Lie on your stomach. Bend knees% hold the ankles. (ull your hands and
push with your legs% knees together% till the trunk forms an arch with only the
stomach on the ground. Look up. )fter releasing the posture lie for a while in
Benefits: "educes abdominal fat. The compressing of the spinal column% pressing
the neres with the scapulae minimi+es blood circulation while in the asana. But
when the pose is released a greater supply of blood is endured to those ery
regions increasing spinal fle$ibility and definitely raising the itality.

Time: 2 minutes
Method: Lie on your back% legs straight% arms oerhead% hands together% palms
facing up. *it up% take hands oerhead% back straight% then bend forward to hold
the big toes% head between arms and touching the knees.
Benefits: "educes abdominal fat. "emoes wind from the intestines and increases
The !tomah "ift# $bdomina% "ift &'dd(iana Bandha)
Method: The stomach lift really consists of two separate e$ercises.
!irst e$ercise. ,hile standing with your feet about a foot apart and your knees
slightly bent% lean forwards a little from the waist and place your hands -ust
aboe your knees. #nhale deeply by pushing your abdomen forwards% and then
e$hale by pushing your stomach in. &on't take another breath. instead% push in
your stomach een more% so that it becomes hollow% and hold your breath for
about ten seconds.
!eond e*erise: &o the same as aboe but% instead of holding your *tomach in
after e$haling% rapidly push your stomach in and out ten times without taking
another breath. *tand up straight and resume normal breathing.
1. This asana massages and tones up the internal organs in the abdominal area.
2. #t also massages the heart% making it a stronger% more effectie
pump. /our circulation will improe and you will hae less
chance of haing a heart attack.
0. #t reliees constipation% gas% indigestion and lier trouble.
1. #t tones up the neres in the solar ple$us region.
2. #t reduces abdominal fat and strengthens the abdominal
3. #t helps the correct functioning of the adrenal glands and se$
4. #t deelops spiritual force.
Danda(amana-Dhanurasana- !tanding Bow Pu%%ing Pose
1. Begin in Tadasana% 5ountain (ose
2. #nhale the right arm up keeping it rooted in the shoulder socket but e$tending
through the finger tips.
0. Bend the left arm so the elbow is close in to the body and the finger tips are away
from the body% palm faces the sky.
1. 6ngage the muscles of your right leg as you bend the left leg behind you and
catch the inside of your foot with your left hand.
2. &raw both knees together while keeping the tailbone tucked.
3. 6$hale% press your left foot into your hand e$tending from the left top thigh. )s
the leg raises begin to hinge at your hips bringing your upper body parallel to the
4. )llow the heart to melt as the left hip bone and shoulder softens and surrenders.
7. "each through the ball mounds of your left foot as your upper body reaches
8. !ind the arch in the spine to be e9ual through out by e$tending though the heart
and rooting the tailbone down% away from the body.
1:. To release; 6$hale% come back through standing and repeat on the other side.
Benefits: *trengthens thighs% buttocks% hips% abdomen% and arms% reduces abdominal fat%
Helps manage anore$ia. <ood for posture and natal care. Helps in healing tennis
elbow and fro+en shoulder.
Try (racticing suryanamaskar% in the early
morning% as the morning and eening sun
radiate more ultraiolet rays. 6en in the
west% doctors are using the rays of the sun
as a powerful therapeutic agent in the
treatment of diseases. They call it he%io-
thera+(. *uryanamaskar is combined process
of yoga asana and breathing. #t reduces
abdominal fat% gies fle$ibility to the spine
and limbs and increases the breathing
capacity. There are twele spinal positions%
each stretching arious ligaments and giing
different moements to the erbal column%
which is bent forward and backward
alternatiely with deep breathing.
The tradition of yoga associates the belly with the
first three of seen chakras arising along the
body's core. These chakras are muladhara at
the base of the spine% linked with the sacral
nere ple$us. swadhisthana% associated with
the reproductie organs and linked with the
parastatic nere ple$us. and manipura at the
nael% linked with the solar ple$us.
The most important thing you need to do is to program yourself mentally. &on't
use a scale to measure your progress. !ollow a healthy low fat diet.

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