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Training Center
for Communication
Design of Radio Cells
The participant is able to
design radio cells
1 Cell Selection/Reselection
1.1 Cell Selection
1.2 Cell Reselection
2 Handover
2.1 General Notes on Handover
2.2 Measurement Preprocessing
2.3 Handover Criteria
2.4 Handover detection algorithms
2.5 Target Cell List Compilation
2.6 Handover Signaling and Timer
2.7 !tended cell handover
2.8 "irected Retr#
$ !ercises
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Training Center
for Communication
4 - 2 A30181-X1789-X004-01-7635
Training Center
for Communication
Design of Radio Cells
n te!tboo"s on cell#lar $obile co$$#nications radio cells are ideali%ed b& reg#lar
he!agons 'hich has been pro(ed to be a good $odel )or e!plaining principle e*ects.
+o'e(er, in realit& cell borders do not ha(e this si$ple geo$etric str#ct#re. The ph&sical
cell borders are -!ed on the one hand
b& the radio propagation conditions
and on the other hand
b& the algorith$s 'hich decide on changing )ro$ one ser(ing base station to another
one on the basis o) .lin" /#alit&0 $eas#re$ents.
These algorith$s are called1
2ell 3election45eselection 6)or the idle $ode7,
+ando(er 6)or the connected $ode7
and are described in detail in the )ollo'ing sections.
Tho#gh it is controlled b& so$e para$eters broadcasted )ro$ the 83 to the 93, the cell
selection4 reselection algorith$ itsel) is i$ple$ented in the 93. There)ore, it is speci-ed
in details b& the :39 5eco$$endations 6especiall& :39 03.22 and :39 05.087.
n contrast, the hando(er decision algorith$ is i$ple$ented in the 833 6assisted b&
do'nlin" $eas#re$ents reported b& the 937. +ence, so$e degree o) )reedo$ is le)t to
the $an#)act#rer to opti$i%e the algorith$.
;or this reason and beca#se its (er& i$portant to ta"e the correct decision 'hen the 93
is in connected $ode, the )ocal point o) this chapter is the hando(er algorith$.
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for Communication
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for Communication
1 Cell Selection/Reselection
As $entioned abo(e, the cell selection4reselection algorith$ is i$ple$ented in the 93.
8eca#se the algorith$ )or a :39 phase 1 93s di*ers )ro$ that o) a phase 2 93s, both
(ariants are described 6as )ar as there is a di*erence7.
1.1 Cell Selection
Normal Cell Selection:
Measurements for normal cell selection
The 93 ta"es 5 sa$ples o) the recei(ed le(el on each 5; carrier 'hich are a(eraged1
A<=5X>?< @ 145 A 65X>?<1 B 5X>?<2 B ... B 5X>?<57
These sa$ples are spread e(enl& o(er a period o) 3 - 5 s.
Criteria for cell selection
8ased on these $eas#re$ents one can esti$ate 'hether a cell 'ill be an appropriate
ser(ing cell )ro$ the radio propagation point o) (ie', i.e. 'hether there 'ill a s#Ccient
.lin" /#alit&0.
This is done b& chec"ing the criterion 21 D 0.
21 @ A<=5X>?< - 5X>?<=A22?33=9E - 9a!6 0, 93=TXFG5=9AX=22+ - F 7
This $eans that the recei(ed do'nlin" le(el has to be abo(e a threshold
To ens#re a s#Ccient #plin" recei(ed le(el e(en )or 93s o) lo' trans$it po'er le(el F a
)#rther ter$ is incl#ded1
) F H 93=TXFG5=9AX=22+ 6the $a!i$#$ allo'ed 93 trans$it po'er le(el to access
the rando$ access channel7, the 21 criterion is e/#i(alent to
A<=5X>?< D 5X>?<=A22?33=9E B 6 93=TXFG5=9AX=22+ - F 7
i.e. the recei(ed do'nlin" le(el has to e!ceed the 5X>?<=A22?33=9E b& a certain
$argin to ha(e a reser(e )or the #plin" in the case o) a 93 o) a lo' po'er class.
8eside the 21 radio criterion there are so$e other criteria 6ad$inistrati(e and traCc
control7 )or a cell to be s#itable1
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for Communication
Defnition: A .3#itable 2ell0 is de-ned as a cell 'hich
1. is part o) the selected F>9E,
2. is #nbarred 6para$eter 2?>>=8A5=A22?33 @ 07,
3. has a para$eter 21 D 0,
4. is not in a location area )orbidden )or national roa$ing.
To allo' e.g. e$ergenc& calls the conditions )or a ser(ing cell are less restricti(e1
Defnition: An .Acceptable 2ell0 is de-ned as a cell 'hich
1. is #nbarred,
2. has a para$eter 21 D 0.
The general strateg& )or cell selection is to -nd the .s#itable cell0 'ith the highest 21
6best esti$ated lin" /#alit&7. ) no s#itable cell can be )o#nd, an .acceptable cell0 is
;or !ase " mobile stations there is an additional para$eter called
2?>>=8A5=IJA>;K 6(al#es1 0, 17 #sed to assign priorities to cells1
2?>>=8A5=IJA>;K @ 1 H@D lo' priorit& cell
2?>>=8A5=IJA>;K @ 0 H@D nor$al priorit& cell
;irst it is tried to select a s#itable nor$al priorit& cell, i) no s#ch cell can be )o#nd, a
s#itable lo' priorit& cell is selected.
The co$plete cell selection process is ill#strated in the Lo' chart belo'.
Cell Selection #it! Stored $CC% &nformation
Mptionall&, the 93 $a& store in)or$ation on recei(ed le(el on 822+ carriers 'hen
s'itched o*.
Ghen s'itched on, the 93 -rst per)or$s $eas#re$ents on these carriers. ) cell
selection )or the corresponding cells is not s#ccess)#l, nor$al cell selection is carried
4 - 6 A30181-X1789-X004-01-7635
Training Center
for Communication
Cell Selection
&no 'CCH (n)o*
measure all
sort +# received
carriers in list
trial carrier,
+est level in list
decode 'CCH
suita+le cell
normal priorit#
Selection o) an
accepta+le cell
no #es
lo- priorit#
cell )ound
Camp on lo-
priorit# cell
suita+le lo-
priorit# cell )ound
tr# onl# carriers o)
'CCH allocation
tr# onl# normal
priorit# cells
remove trial
carrier )rom list
in selected
Camp on normal
priorit# cell
;ig. 1 2ell selection 6no 822+ in)o stored7
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Training Center
for Communication
1." Cell Reselection
Ghile $o(ing 'ithin the radio net'or" in idle $ode, another cell $a& be $ore
appropriate to ser(e the 93. There)ore, cell reselection $a& be per)or$ed.
Freconditions1 The 93 ca$ps on a cell 'hich is called ser(ing cell in the )ollo'ing.
The )ollo'ing actions are per)or$ed b& the 93 to detect 'hether a cell reselection is
No'n >in" 3ignaling ;ail#re1
- do'nlin" signaling )ail#re co#nter N32 is initiali%ed1 N32
@ ro#nd690 4
- decode $essage on paging s#b-channelO
s#ccess)#l1 i) N32 B 1 D N32
N32 @ N32
else N32 B 1
#ns#ccess)#l1 N32 @ N32 - 4
- N32 H 0 @D do'nlin" signaling )ail#reO
$onitor all 822+ carriers gi(en in the 822+ allocation 6neighbor cells7 o) the ser(ing
ta"e at least 5 sa$ples o) the recei(ed le(el )ro$ the ser(ing cell 6on paging s#b-
channel7 as 'ell as )ro$ the neighbor cellsO
@D A<=5X>?<6ser(ing cell7 and A<=5X>?< 6neighbor cell7
decoding o) )#ll 822+ data o) the ser(ing cell at least e(er& 30 secO
decoding o) 822+ data o) the 6 strongest neighbor cells at least e(er& 5 $in.
;ro$ the radio propagation point o) (ie' it is 'orth to select a ne' 6neighbor7 cell i) the
recei(ed le(el )ro$ that neighbor cell e!ceeds the recei(ed le(el o) the c#rrent ser(ing
cell. ;or !ase 1 MSs this is e!pressed #sing the C1 criterion de-ned in the paragraph
21 6neighbor cell7 D 21 6ser(ing cell7.
;or the reselection process )or phase 1 93s the neighbor cells are ordered according to
their 21-(al#e.
;or !ase " MSs a $odi-ed path loss criterion, the so-called C" criterion, is #sed
'hich is described in the )ollo'ing paragraph.
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for Communication
Cell Reselection Criterion C" for MS of '!ase ":
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The 22 criterion depends #pon the (al#e o) a ti$er T1
A ti$er T is started in the 93 )or each cell in the list o) the 6 strongest neighbor cells as
soon as it is placed on the list. T is reset to 0 i) the cell is re$o(ed )ro$ the list.
22 @ 21 - 2?>>=5?3?>?2T=M;;3?T 6)or F?EA>TK=T9? @ 31 and arbitrar& T7
22 @ 21 B 2?>>=5?3?>?2T=M;;3?T - T?9FM5A5K=M;;3?T
)or T H F?EA>TK=T9? H 31
22 @ 21 B 2?>>=5?3?>?2T=M;;3?T else.
The 22 criterion is ill#strated in the -g#re belo'.
Cell included in the
list o) 2 strongest
;ig. 2 ll#stration o) the 22 criterion
A negati(e T?9FM5A5K=M;;3?T red#ces the priorit& o) a cell in the list o) strongest
neighbor cells.
A positi(e 2?>>=5?3?>?2T=M;;3?T increases the priorit& o) a cell in the list o) strongest
neighbor cells.
This $echanis$ $a& be applied in hierarchical cell str#ct#res to "eep )ast $o(ing
$obiles in the #$brella cells and slo' $o(ing $obiles in the $icro cells1 Ghen a $obile
reaches the co(erage area o) a 6neighbor7 $icro cell gi(en b& the 21 criterion, this cell
beco$es e*ecti(el& e!cl#ded )ro$ reselection d#ring the F?EA>TK=T9?.
A )ast $o(ing $obile is ass#$ed to ha(e le)t the co(erage area o) the $icro cell be)ore
F?EA>TK=T9? is reached and hence the $icro cell is not selected. n contrast, a slo'
$o(ing $obile is ass#$ed to be still 'ithin the co(erage area o) the $icro cell 'hen
F?EA>TK=T9? has e!pired. Appl&ing the positi(e 2?>>=5?3?>?2T=M;;3?T, this cell is
selected 'ith pre)erence.
This $echanis$ 'ill be disc#ssed in $ore detail 'hen e!plaining the $obile speed
sensiti(e hando(er in 2hapt. 5.2 6+ierarchical 2ell 3tr#ct#res7
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for Communication
(riggers for Cell Reselection
2ell reselection is triggered b& the )ollo'ing conditions1
1. 21 H 0 )or the ser(ing cell )or a period o) 5 s
2. 93 detects do'nlin" signaling )ail#re
3. 3er(ing cell beco$es barred
4.1 '!ase 1 MS
C1 6ser(ing cell7 H C1 6s#itable neighbor cell7
i) the s#itable neighbor cell is in the sa$e location area
C1 6ser(ing cell7 B 2?>>=5?3?>?2T=+K3T?5?33 H 21 6s#itable neighbor cell7
i) the s#itable neighbor cell is in another location area
)or a period o) 5 sec.
4.2 '!ase " MS
22 6ser(ing cell7 H 22 6s#itable neighbor cell7
i) the s#itable neighbor cell is in the sa$e location area
22 6ser(ing cell7 B 2?>>=5?3?>?2T=+K3T?5?33 H 22 6s#itable neighbor cell7
i) the s#itable neighbor cell is in another location area
)or a period o) 5 sec.
5. A rando$ access atte$pt is #ns#ccess)#l e(en a)ter the $a!i$#$ n#$ber o)
;or phase 2 there is the additional trigger1
6. A location #pdate re/#est has been rePected 'ith ca#se .location area not allo'ed0.
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Training Center
for Communication
&l* &h*
Cell Reselection
&a* no change o) location area
&+* change o) location area
Radius o) Cell 2
)or selection
&l* lo- po-er MS
&h* high po-er MS
&+* &a*
direction o) movement
Phase 1 MS
lo- po-er class MS
high po-er class MS
;ig. 3 ll#stration o) 2ell 3election 4 5eselection
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for Communication
'arameters for Cell Selection/Reselection
822+=A5;2E=E26n7 $) * $CC% )llocation
MbPect Fac"age N8 Ea$e 5ange 3tep 3i%e Jnit
ANQ2 - 822+;5?I 0...1023 1 -
;ig. 4
n each cell the absol#te radio )re/#enc& n#$ber 822+=A5;2E=E26n7 6coding as gi(en in
chapter 27 each o) its neighbor cell n has to be "no'n. This in)or$ation is broadcasted
as the so called 822+ Allocation to all 93s in the respecti(e cell. Mn the corresponding
)re/#encies the 93s ta"e $eas#re$ent sa$ples o) the recei(ed le(el #sed )or cell
selection 4 reselection.
;#rther$ore, the 822+ o) neighbor cells has to be decoded b& the 93 6at least e(er& 5
$in7 to "no' the c#rrent (al#es o) the control para$eters )or the reselection algorith$.
S+S,&D * S-stem &dentifer
MbPect Fac"age N8 Ea$e 5ange 3tep 3i%e Jnit
8T3 8T38 3K3N 88900
- -
;ig. 5
ndicates the )re/#enc& band to be #sed b& the 822+ channel.
3tandard :39 band1 88900
N23 1800 band1 N231800
:39 e!tended band1 ;2ME>K900
:39 $i!ed band ?XT900
:39 rail'a& band :395
F23 1900 band F231900
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for Communication
C.//,$)R,)CC.SS * Cell $arred for )ccess
MbPect Fac"age N8 Ea$e 5ange 3tep 3i%e Jnit
8T3 8T3M 2?>>8A55 ;A>3?4T5J? - -
;ig. 6
A $obile station cannot ca$p on a barred cell, i.e. a barred cell is not selected b& the
cell selection4reselection proced#re. 9obile stations 'hich ca$p on a cell 'hile it
beco$es barred, initiali%e the reselection proced#re to -nd a ne' 6#nbarred7 cell, i.e.
traCc load is distrib#ted to neighbor cells.
This $eans that e.g. neither a call nor a location #pdate can start in a barred cell.
+o'e(er, a cell barred )or access is not barred )or inco$ing hando(ers. To barr a cell
co$pletel&, e.g. )or $aintenance reasons also inco$ing hando(ers ha(e to be a(oided.
To red#ce o(erload in a certain cell $ore $oderatel& 'itho#t distrib#ting the o(erload to
neighbor cells, barring o) access classes has to be #sed. 8arring access )or an access
class does not trigger a cell reselection )or 93s o) that class.
MS,(0'1R,M)0,CC% * Ma2imum allo#ed MS transmit o#er on random
access c!annel
MbPect Fac"age N8 Ea$e 5ange 3tep 3i%e Jnit
8T3 8T32 93TXF9AX2
0...31 1 2 d8
;ig. 7
The 93=TXFG5=9AX=22+ -eld is coded as the binar& representation o) the po'er
control le(el de-ned in :39 rec. 05.05.
93 :39900 Fhase
93 :39900 Fhase
93 N231800
0 @ 43 d8$ 0 @ 39 d8$ 0 @ 30 d8$
1 @ 41 d8$ 1 @ 39 d8$ 1 @ 28 d8$
2 @ 39 d8$ 2 @ 39 d8$ 2 @ 26 d8$
3 @ 37 d8$ 3 @ 37 d8$ 3 @ 24 d8$
1 1 1
15 @ 13 d8$ 19 @ 5 d8$ 15 @ 0 d8$
16 - 31 @ 13 d8$ 20 - 31 @ 5 d8$ 16 - 31 @ 0 d8$
The trans$it po'er le(el the 93 #ses )or the access on the rando$ access channel is
gi(en b& the $ini$#$ o) t'o (al#es1
the o#tp#t trans$it po'er F o) the 93
the $a!i$#$ allo'ed po'er )or access 'ithin the respecti(e cell
6gi(en b& 93=TXF G5=9AX=22+7.
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for Communication
This para$eter a*ects the
the rando$ access proced#re
the cell selection proced#re.
5ando$ access1 ) there is a collision o) channel re/#ests on the rando$ access channel,
the one 'ith the higher recei(ed le(el has a good chance to be decoded and to get a
response b& the 83.
+ence, 93s 'ith higher o#tp#t po'er are pre)erred. This i$balance can be a(oided b&
choosing a lo' $a!i$#$ allo'ed trans$it po'er.
2ell 3election1 To be selected b& the cell selection proced#re, a cell has to )#l-ll the 21
21 D 0 'here
21 @ A<=5X>?< - 5X>?<=A22?33=9E - 9a!6 0, 93=TXFG5=9AX=22+ - F 7
2hoosing )or e!a$ple 93=TXFG5=9AX=22+ @ F$in 'here F$in is the o#tp#t po'er
le(el )or the $ini$#$ po'er class 5 629 d8$7, the 21 criterion red#ces to
A<=5X>?< D 5X>?<=A22?33=9E
)or 93s o) all po'er classes. +ence, the sa$e idle $ode cell border is seen b& each
2hoosing )or e!a$ple 93=TXFG5=9AX=22+ @ F$a! 'here F$a! is the o#tp#t po'er
le(el )or the $a!i$#$ po'er class 1 643 d8$7, the 21 criterion red#ces to
A<=5X>?< D 5X>?<=A22?33=9E B 6 93=TXFG5=9AX=22+ - F 7
)or 93s o) all po'er classes. +ence, a larger cell radi#s is seen b& a $obile o) higher
o#tp#t po'er than b& a $obile o) lo'er o#tp#t po'er. Mn the other hand one can ens#re
b& this $echanis$ that a certain #plin" recei(ed le(el is e!ceeded b& each 93
independent o) its po'er class.
'O1.R,O33S.( * additional o#erclass for class 4 DCS1566 MS
MbPect Fac"age N8 Ea$e 5ange 3tep 3i%e Jnit
8T3 8T32 FG5M;3 0...3 1 2 d8
;ig. 8
The para$eter FMG?5=M;;3?T is onl& #sed b& class 3 N231800 93 to calc#late the 21-
criterion described as )ollo's.
21 @ A<=5X>?< - 5X>?<=A22?33=9E - 9a!60,93=TXFG5=9AX=22+ B FMG?5=M;;3?T-
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for Communication
R0/.7,)CC.SS,M&N * Minimum do#nlin8 received level for cell to be selected
MbPect Fac"age N8 Ea$e 5ange 3tep 3i%e Jnit
8T3 8T38 5X>?<A9 0...63 1 1 d8
;ig. 9
The para$eter 5X>?<=A22?33=9E deter$ines the cell border )or an 93 in idle $ode b&
$eans o) the 21 or 22 criterion, respecti(el&.
2hoosing a high (al#e, red#ces the ris" o) a hando(er i$$ediatel& a)ter call set#p.
Mn the other hand the (al#e has to be lo' eno#gh to achie(e a s#Ccient o(erlap
bet'een adPacent cells 6especiall& i) the& belong to di*erent location areas7. This is
ill#strated in the -g#re 3 )or phase 1 93s #sing the 21 criterion )or cell reselection. t has
to be obser(ed that the o(erlap $a& be di*erent )or $obiles o) di*erent po'er classes
6re)er to 93=TXFG5=9AX=22+7.
n an& case 5X>?<=A22?33=9E has to be abo(e the 93 recei(er sensiti(it& le(el 6-100
d8$ )or N231800, -102 d8$ )or :39 handhelds, -104 d8$ )or other :39 93s7.
;#rther$ore, it has to har$oni%e 'ith the hando(er thresholds 65X>?<=9E,
C.//,R.S./.C(,%+S(.R.S&S * %-steresis for reselection of a cell from anot!er
location area
MbPect Fac"age N8 Ea$e 5ange 3tep 3i%e Jnit
8T3 8T38 2?>>5?3+ 0...7 1 2 d8
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;ig. 10
n idle $ode the 93 selects a ne' 6neighbor7 cell i) the recei(ed le(el o) the neighbor
cell e!ceeds the recei(ed le(el o) the c#rrent cell in order to be ser(ed b& the cell 'ith
the e!pected best lin" /#alit&. +o'e(er, d#e to )ading e*ects, the propagation
conditions $a& change rapidl& and there)ore a reselection $a& occ#r (er& )re/#entl&.
) the cells in(ol(ed in the reselection process belong to the sa$e location area, )re/#ent
cell reselection does not ha(e an e*ect on the net'or" per)or$ance.
8#t i) the the in(ol(ed cells belong to di*erent location area, the reselection o) a ne' cell
triggers a location #pdate proced#re 'hich ca#ses signaling load 6e.g. on the 3N22+7
and in(ol(es all net'or" ele$ents.
To a(oid #nnecessar& signaling load b& )or'ard and bac"'ard reselection d#e to )ading,
a h&steresis gi(en b& the para$eter 2?>>=5?3?>?2T=+K3T?5?33 is introd#ced, i.e. a
cell )ro$ another location area is selected onl& i) the corresponding recei(ed le(el
e!ceeds the le(el o) the c#rrent ser(ing cell b& the (al#e o) this para$eter. This is
e!pressed in ter$s o) the 21 6phase 17 or 22 6phase 27 criterion1
21 6ser(ing cell7 B 2?>>=5?3?>?2T=+K3T?5?3?36ser(ing7 H 21 6s#itable neighbor cell7
22 6ser(ing cell7 B 2?>>=5?3?>?2T=+K3T?5?3?36ser(ing7 H 22 6s#itable neighbor cell7
The adP#st$ent o) 2?>>=5?3?>?2T=+K3T?5?3?3 sho#ld be a co$pro$ise bet'een
- red#ction o) #nnecessar& location #pdates 6high (al#e7 and
- selection o) the cell 'ith best receiption /#alit& 6lo' (al#e7.
)dditional '!ase " 'arameters for Cell Selection/Reselection
MbPect Fac"age N8 Ea$e 5ange 3tep 3i%e Jnit
8T3 8T38 28I 0...1 1 -
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;ig. 11
nor$al priorit&1 0
lo' priorit&1 1
Fara$eter #sed to assign a priorit& to a cell selection process. A s#itable cell o) lo'
priorit& is onl& selected i) no s#itable cell o) nor$al priorit& can be )o#nd. This para$eter
can be #sed e.g. in hierarchical cell str#ct#res that the 93 initiall& selects an #$brella
C.//,R.S./C(,')R)M,&ND, * '!ase " Reselection 'arameter &ndication
MbPect Fac"age N8 Ea$e 5ange 3tep 3i%e Jnit
8T3 8T38 25?3FA5 0...1 - -
;ig. 12
The cell reselection para$eters 2?>>=5?3?>?2T=M;;3?T, T?9FM5A5K=M;;3?T and
F?EA>TK=T9? #sed )or the 22 criterion as 'ell as the para$eter 2?>>=8A5=IJA>;K are
broadcasted on the 822+. These para$eters are ta"en into acco#nt b& phase 2 93s, b#t
are ignored b& phase 1 9ss.
2?>>=5?3?>?2T=FA5A9=EN @ 01
The cell reselection para$eters and 2?>>=8A5=IJA>;K are not broadcasted on the
822+. A phase 2 93 then #ses the (al#e 0 )or all these para$eters, i.e. 21 @ 22.
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for Communication
'.N)/(+,(&M. * (ime to al- a negative o;set to C" of a neig!bor cell
MbPect Fac"age N8 Ea$e 5ange 3tep 3i%e Jnit
8T3 8T38 F?ET9? 0...30 and
311 special
1 20 sec
;ig. 13
F?EA>TK=T9? H 311
A ti$er T is started in the 93 )or each cell in the list o) the 6 strongest neighbor cells as
soon as it is placed on the list. T is reset to 0 i) the cell is re$o(ed )ro$ the list. N#ring
Fenalt& Ti$e
6T H F?EA>TK=T9?7 a negati(e T?9FM5A5K=M;;3?T is applied to the 22 o) the
respecti(e neighbor cell
22 @ 21 B 2?>>=5?3?>?2T=M;;3?T - T?9FM5A5K=M;;3?T
'hich is re$o(ed a)ter Fenalt& Ti$e 6T D F?EA>TK=T9?71
22 @ 21 B 2?>>=5?3?>?2T=M;;3?T.
F?EA>TK=T9? @ 311
22 @ 21 - 2?>>=5?3?>?2T=M;;3?T.
;or F?EA>TK=T9? @ 31 the priorit& o) a neighbor cell )or reselection is per$anentl&
MbPect Fac"age N8 Ea$e 5ange 3tep 3i%e Jnit
8T3 8T38 T?9FM;; 0...7 1 10 d8
71 in-nit&
;ig. 14
3#btracting T?9FM5A5K=M;;3?T )ro$ 2?>>=5?3?>?2T=M;;3?T red#ces the priorit& o) a
cell in the list o) strongest neighbor cells, i.e. d#ring r#n ti$e o) the ti$er the
corresponding neighbor cell is e*ecti(el& barred )or cell reselection.
A30181-X1789-X004-01-7635 4 - 19
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MbPect Fac"age N8 Ea$e 5ange 3tep 3i%e Jnit
8T3 8T38 25?3M;; 0...63 1 2 d8
;ig. 15
Adding 2?>>=5?3?>?2T=M;;3?T increases the priorit& o) a cell in the list o) strongest
neighbor cells 'hen the ti$er has e!pired.
This $echanis$ $a& be applied in hierarchical cell str#ct#res to "eep )ast $o(ing
$obiles in the #$brella cells and slo' $o(ing $obiles in the $icro cells1 Ghen a $obile
reaches the co(erage area o) a 6neighbor7 $icro cell, gi(en b& the 21 criterion, this cell
beco$es e*ecti(el& e!cl#ded )ro$ reselection d#ring the F?EA>TK=T9?.
A )ast $o(ing $obile is ass#$ed to ha(e le)t the co(erage area o) the $icro cell be)ore
F?EA>TK=T9? is reached and hence the $icro cell is not selected. n contrast, a slo'
$o(ing $obile is ass#$ed to be still 'ithin the co(erage area o) the $icro cell 'hen
F?EA>TK=T9? has e!pired. Appl&ing the positi(e 2?>>=5?3?>?2T=M;;3?T, this cell is
selected 'ith pre)erence.
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" %andover
".1 <eneral Notes on %andover
The hando(er algorith$ is the $ost i$portant algorith$ in cell#lar $obile
ts $ain obPecti(es are1
$aintenance o) connection in case o) cell change 6$o(e$ent7
channel change in case o) se(ere dist#rbance 6inter)erence7
design o) cell borders and radio net'or" str#ct#re
Stes of t!e %andover 'rocess
The hando(er process can be di(ided into se(eral s#b-processes listed in the table belo'
together 'ith the net'or" ele$ents in(ol(ed 'ithin the respecti(e process.
Eo. 3#b-process n(ol(ed Eet'or"
1. 9eas#re$ents
- Rlin" /#alit&. ser(ing cell
- recei(ed le(el neighbor cells
93, 8T3
2. 9eas#re$ent Freprocessing 8T3
3. Eeighbor cell boo"-"eeping 8T3
4. +ando(er Necision 8T3
5. Target 2ell :eneration 8T3
6. Target 2ell ?(al#ation
- intra 833 hando(er
- inter 833 hando(er
7. 3election o) ne' channel 832
8. +ando(er e!ec#tion 93, 8T3, 832, 932
;ig. 16
A30181-X1789-X004-01-7635 4 - 21
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(-es of %andover
Ni*erent t&pes o) hando(er can be disting#ished 'ith respect to the changed region1 a
cell, a 833 area or an 932 area. These are ill#strated in the -g#re belo'. The di*erent
t&pes o) hando(er can enabled or disabled b& se(eral Lags
'SC 1+
'SC 1a
15 (ntracell Handover
25 (ntra6'SS Handover
$5 (ntra6MSC Handover
75 (nter6MSC Handover
'SC 2
;ig. 17 T&pes o) +ando(er
%andover Causes
T'o criteria gro#ps o) di*erent hando(er ca#ses are de-ned1
Radio Criteria - recei(ed =ualit- 6too lo'4bit error rate too high7 inter-4intracell
- recei(ed level 6too lo'7 intercell +M
- 93-83 distance 6too high7 intercell +M
- better cell 6po'er b#dget1 relati(e recei(ed le(el7 intercell +M
Net#or8 Criteria - ser(. cell congestion D directed retr& )or call set#pintercell +M
- 93-83 distance 6too high4lo' in e!tended cells7 intracell +M
- recei(ed level or 93-83 distance
6too lo'4high in concentric cells7 intracell +M
The -rst three ca#ses are "no'n as $andator& or i$perati(e ca#ses, i.e. i) one o) these
ca#ses occ#rs, a hand-o(er is necessar& to $aintain the call. This $a& happen beca#se
the 93 is lea(ing the co(erage area o) the ser(ing cell 6intercell hando(er7 or beca#se
there is a strong inter)erer #sing the sa$e channel in another cell 6intracell hando(er7.
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The )o#rth ca#se is an optional one, i.e. the lin" /#alit& in the ser(ing cell is s#Ccientl&
good, b#t there are neighbor cells 'ith better recei(ed le(el. Tho#gh its not necessar&
)or the lin" /#alit& o) this speci-c call, there is a bene-t )or o(erall net'or" per)or$ance
to hando(er the call to the better cell1 A call in the better cell ca#ses less inter)erence.
?speciall&, i) po'er control is applied. 3ince to achie(e the sa$e recei(ed le(el in the
better cell, a s$aller trans$it po'er can be #sed in this cell.
n a 'ell planned radio net'or" .better cell0 sho#ld be the o(er'hel$ing hando(er
ca#se. +ence, the locations o) a .better cell0 hando(er deter$ine the cell .bo#ndaries0.
The -)th ca#se is na$ed )orced hando(er beca#se it is triggered b& the 832 d#e to a
congestion sit#ation, and not d#e to radio conditions on the lin". This hando(er 6direcred
retr&7 is per)or$ed )ro$ a 3N22+ in the congested cell to a T2+ in a neighbo#r cell
d#ring call set#p.
The last t'o ca#ses are intracell hando(ers in special cell con-g#rations1
- n e!tended cells hando(ers are )easible )ro$ single to do#ble ti$eslots and (ice
- n a concentric cell hando(ers are per)or$ed bet'een the inner and co$plete area.
These hando(er ca#ses can be enabled4disabled separatel& b& corresponding Lags.
3lags to enable/disable !andover t-es and causes due to radio criteria
The Lags to enable4disable the di*erent hando(er t&pes and ca#ses are listed in the
table belo'.
The& are ad$inistered in the obPect +AEN.
A30181-X1789-X004-01-7635 4 - 23
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3peci-cation Ea$e N8 Ea$e 9eaning
?E=ET?5=+M ET?52+ ;lag to enable4disable all hando(er t&pes and
ca#ses e!cept )or intracell hando(er.
?E=ET5A=+M ET5A2+ ;lag to enable4disable intracell hando(er.
?E=833=ET?5=+M >MT?52+ ;lag to enable4disable a 833 internal intercell
hando(er, i.e. i) disabled, the hando(er is
handled as an inter 833 hando(er e(en i) the -rst
cell in the target cell list belongs to the sa$e 833
as the ser(ing cell.
?E=833=ET5A=+M >MT5A2+ ;lag to enable4disable a 833 internal intracell
hando(er, i.e. i) disabled, the hando(er is
handled as an inter 833 hando(er and the 932 is
?E=5XIJA>=+M 5XIJA>+M ;lag to enable4disable intercell hando(er d#e to
?E=5X>?<=+M 5X>?<+M ;lag to enable4disable intercell hando(er d#e to
?E=N3T=+M N3T+M ;lag to enable4disable intercell hando(er d#e to
?E=F8:T=+M F8:T+M ;lag to enable4disable better cell 6po'er b#dget7
;ig. 18
4 - 24 A30181-X1789-X004-01-7635
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?nabling 833 internal hando(er has the )ollo'ing ad(antages1
- red#ction o) signaling load on the A-inter)ace
- red#ction o) processing load in the 932
- )aster hando(er e!ec#tion.
- 833 internal hando(er sho#ld be enabled,
- 833 regions sho#ld be adapted to traCc Lo's to red#ce the inter-833 hando(er rate.
Eor$all&, intracell hando(er sho#ld be enabled to allo' a hando(er )ro$ a channel
'ith high inter)erence to another one 'ith less inter)erence 'ithin the sa$e cell.
+o'e(er, i) rando$ )re/#enc& hopping 6see chapt. 6.27 is applied, it $a& be
reasonable to disable intracell hando(er since inter)erence is appro!i$atel& the sa$e
on all channels and no i$pro(e$ent can be achie(ed b& intracell hando(er.
) distance hando(er is disabled, an 93 co#ld largel& e!ceed the planned cell
bo#ndaries in the case o) )a(orable radio conditions at the ser(ing cell 'itho#t
ca#sing a hando(er. As a conse/#ence, neighboring cells $a& s#*er )ro$ e!cessi(e
inter)erence prod#ced b& this 93. ;#rther$ore, there is a ris" that lin" /#alit&
decreases (er& s#ddenl& 6t#rn aro#nd a corner7, i.e. there is the ris" o) a call drop.
+ence, distance hando(er sho#ld be s'itched on.
) po'er b#dget hando(er is disabled, no hando(ers 'ith ca#se .better cell0 are
generated. Ee(ertheless, po'er b#dget is calc#lated and e(al#ated )or the ran"ing o)
neighbor cells 'ithin the target cell list 'hich also has to be co$piled )or $andator&
hando(ers 62h. 4.2.47.
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"." Measurement 'rerocessing
Measurement 7alues:
The )ollo'ing para$eters are $eas#red and calc#lated each 3A22+ $#lti)ra$e 60.48 s71
t is de-ned according to :39 T3 05.08 as )#nction o) the bit error rate 68?57 be)ore
channel decoding1
5XIJA> @ 0 1 8?5 H0.2S ass#$ed (al#e1 0.14S
5XIJA> @ 1 1 0.2S H 8?5 H0.4S ass#$ed (al#e1 0.28S
5XIJA> @ 2 1 0.4S H 8?5 H0.8S ass#$ed (al#e1 0.57S
5XIJA> @ 3 1 0.8S H 8?5 H1.6S ass#$ed (al#e1 1.13S
5XIJA> @ 4 1 1.6S H 8?5 H3.2S ass#$ed (al#e1 2.26S
5XIJA> @ 5 1 3.2S H 8?5 H6.4S ass#$ed (al#e1 4.53S
5XIJA> @ 6 1 6.4S H 8?5 H12.8S ass#$ed (al#e1 9.05S
5XIJA> @ 7 1 12.8S H 8?5 ass#$ed (al#e1 18.01S
The 5XIJA> (al#es are $eas#red on the dedicated channel )or the #plin" as 'ell as )or
the do'nlin" )or each TN9A )ra$e 6100 )ra$es7 'ithin an 3A22+ $#lti)ra$e. The
$eas#red 5XIJA> (al#es are a(eraged o(er the respecti(e 3A22+ period #sing the
ass#$ed (al#es o) the table abo(e. The res#lting 5XIJA> (al#e is the one #sed 'ithin
the hando(er algorith$ in the 'a& described belo'.
The recei(ed le(el is $eas#red on the dedicated channel )or the #plin" as 'ell as )or the
do'nlin" )or each TN9A )ra$e 6100 )ra$es7 'ithin an 3A22+ $#lti)ra$e. The $eas#red
le(el (al#es in Td8$U are a(eraged o(er the respecti(e 3A22+ period. The a(erage (al#e
is $apped on an 5X>?< (al#e #sing the table belo' 6re)er to :39 T3 05.0871
5X>?< @ 01 R0/.7 -110 d8$
5X>?< @ 11 -110 d8$H R0/.7 -109 d8$
5X>?< @ 21 -109 d8$H R0/.7 -108 d8$
5X>?< @ 621 -49 d8$ H R0/.7 -48 d8$
5X>?< @ 631 R0/.7 D -48 d8$
4 - 26 A30181-X1789-X004-01-7635
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for Communication
The $obile $eas#res the le(el recei(ed on the 822+ )re/#enc& o) each neighbor cell n.
The $apping is as )or 5X>?< abo(e.
The distance 93=83=N3T bet'een the 93 and 83 is calc#lated )ro$ the ti$ing ad(ance
6TA7 (al#e $eas#red b& the 83 and is coded as )ollo's1
93=83=N3T @ 0, 1, ... 35. NistanceTV$U
)sects of of Discontinuous (ransmission
Ghen <oice Acti(it& Netection 6<AN7 and Niscontin#o#s Trans$ission 6NTX7 is applied not
all TN9A )ra$es 'ithin a 3A22+ $#lti)ra$e $a& be trans$itted. +ence, 5XIJA> and
5X>?< $eas#re$ent (al#es 63J8 (al#es7 )or the corresponding 3A22+ )ra$es are less
reliable than those )or that 3A22+ 'ith no silence period 6;J>> (al#es7. There)ore 3J8
and ;J>> (al#es ha(e to be disting#ished 'ithin $eas#re$ent preprocessing 6see
S)CC% Multiframe Occuanc-
"T8 not applied, 144 slots not idle
"T8 applied &silence periode*, 12 slots not idle
Silence description +urst S%CCH +urst speech +urst idle slot
A30181-X1789-X004-01-7635 4 - 27
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Measurement 7alues for %andover >Summar-?
Measurement Range Measurement (-e Descrition
5X>?<=N>=;J>> 0 - 63 5ecei(ed signal le(el on T2+43N22+ 6)#ll set o)
TN9A )ra$es7 do'nlin"
5X>?<=N>=3J8 0 - 63 5ecei(ed signal le(el on T2+ 6s#bset o) TN9A
)ra$es7 do'nlin"
5XIJA>=N>=;J>> 0 - 7 5ecei(ed signal /#alit& on T2+43N22+ 6)#ll set
o) TN9A )ra$es do'nlin"
5XIJA>=N>=3J8 0 - 7 5ecei(ed signal le(el on T2+ 6s#bset o) TN9A
)ra$es7 do'nlin"
5X>?<=E2?>>61..67 0 - 63 5ecei(ed signal le(el on 822+ o) #p to 6
neighbor cells 6do'nlin"7
822+=;5?I=E2?>>=61...67 0 - 31 822+ 5; channel n#$ber o) #p to 6 neighbor
cells 6do'nlin"7
832=E2?>> 61...67 0 - 63 8ase 3tation dentit& 2ode o) #p to 6 neighbor
cells 6do'nlin"7
5X>?<=J>=;J>> 0 - 63 5ecei(ed signal le(el on T2+43N22+ 6)#ll set o)
TN9A )ra$es7 #plin"
5X>?<=J>=3J8 0 - 63 5ecei(ed signal /#alit& on T2+ 6s#bset o) TN9A
)ra$es7 #plin"
5XIJA>=J>=;J>> 0 - 7 5ecei(ed signal /#alit& on T2+43N22+ 6)#ll set
o) TN9A )ra$es7 #plin"
5XIJA>=J>=3J8 0 - 7 5ecei(ed signal /#alit& on T2+ 6s#bset o) TN9A
)ra$es7 #plin"
93=83=N3T 0 - 35 Absol#te 93-83 distance T"$U
NTX=J> 0.-.2 NTX can4shall4shall not #sed on #plin"
NTX=N> T5J?4
NTX #sed4not #sed on do'nlin"
;ig. 19
4 - 28 A30181-X1789-X004-01-7635
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for Communication
&llustration of Measurement 'rerocessing
The $eas#red 6and reported7 data per 3A22+ $#lti)ra$e are preprocessed 'ithin the
8T3 #sing a gliding a(erage 'indo'. The si%e o) the 'indo' can be set separatel& )or
5XIJA>, 5X>?<, N3T and F8:T. The $eas#red 5X>?<=;J>>43J8 or 5XIJA>=;J>>43J8
(al#es are p#t into the gliding 'indo' 'ith a $#ltiplicit& 6'eight7 gi(en b& the
para$eter G=>?<=+M or G=IJA>=+M, respecti(el&. This is ill#strated in the -g#re belo'.
D(0 enabled: )veraging of R0/.7
?!a$ple1 A(erage o) 5X>?< 'ith a gliding 'indo' o) si%e A=>?<=+M @ 4
and a 'eight )actor o) the )#ll (al#es o) G=>?<=+M @ 2.
21 29 29 2$ 2: 2: $2
21 29 2$ 2: $2 $1 2;
Gliding <indo-
average value 3 2:
Measurement =alues each
S%CCH Multi)rame &457; s*
R8L=.S>' &-eight 1*
R8L=.0>LL &-eight 2*
;ig. 20 ll#stration o) 'eighting and a(eraging o) $eas#re$ent (al#es
A30181-X1789-X004-01-7635 4 - 29
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'arameters for Measurement 'rerocessing
The para$eters )or $eas#re$ent preprocessing )or hando(er are ad$inistered in the
obPect +AEN and are listed in the table belo'.
Secifcation Name D$ Name Range Meaning
1-31 A(eraging 'indo' si%e )or 5XIJA>
(al#es, #sed )or hando(er decisions d#e
to 5XIJA>
1-3 Geighting )actor )or 5XIJA>=;J>>
1-31 A(eraging 'indo' si%e )or 5X>?<
(al#es, #sed )or hando(er decisions d#e
to 5X>?<
1-3 Geighting )actor )or 5X>?<=;J>> (al#es
A=N3T=+M +MA<N3T 1-31 A(eraging 'indo' si%e )or Ti$ing
Ad(ance (al#es #sed )or hando(er
decisions d#e to distance.
A=F8:T=+M +MA<FG58 1-31 A(eraging 'indo' si%e #sed )or po'er
b#dget calc#lation.
;ig. 21
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5ange o) G=XX1 1, 2, 3O as de)a#lt (al#e 3 is reco$$ended.
5ange o) A=XX1 1...31, 3tep 3i%e1 1
The adP#st$ent o) the a(eraging si%e $ainl& depends #pon rate o) change o) the
radio propagation conditions.
- path loss 6change o) 3 d8 at a distance o) 2000$71 93 $o(e$ent o) 400 $
- long ter$ )ading change o) 6 d81 93 $o(e$ent o) 5...100 $
- short ter$ )ading1 93 $o(e$ent o) 0.15 $
+ence, at the cell border the $ain (ariation o) recei(ed le(el is d#e to long and short
ter$ )ading. Githin one 3A22+ $#lti)ra$es an 93 $o(es
0.5 $ )or 93 speed @ 1 $4s @ 3.6 "$4h
5.0 $ )or 93 speed @ 10 $4s @ 36 "$4h
Jsing an a(eraging 'indo' si%e o) 10 3A22+ )ra$es, short ter$ )ading is a(eraged
)or pedestrians 6as 'ell as )or .)ast0 $o(ing 93s7.
>ong ter$ )ading is partl& a(eraged )or )ast $o(ing 93s 6the degree o) a(erage
depends on the e!act speed and the correlation length o) long ter$ )ading, 'hereas
there is nearl& no a(eraging o) long ter$ )ading )or pedestrians.
The setting o) the a(eraging 'indo' si%e has to be a co$pro$ise bet'een a )ast
decision and a reliable decision.
There)ore it is reco$$ended to #se a larger 'indo' si%e )or the optional hando(er
6better cell7 to do not ca#se a lot o) #nnecessar& hando(ers and a s$aller 'indo'
si%e )or the $andator& hando(er ca#ses 6/#alit&, le(el, distance7 to be able to react
/#ic"l& on a s#dden decrease o) lin" /#alit&.
A30181-X1789-X004-01-7635 4 - 31
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".4 %andover Criteria
?(al#ation o) hando(er criteria is based on1
Jp- and do'nlin" $eas#re$ents o) le(el and /#alit&
The absol#te 93-83 distance
The po'er b#dget criterion o) #p to 32 neighbo#r cells
832-trigger to ans'er 'ith a hando(er re/#est
T'o t&pes o) hando(er $a& occ#r1
ntercell +M re/#ests the allocation o) a dedicated channel o#tside the ser(ing cell
ntracell +M re/#ests the allocation o) another dedicated channel 'ithin the
ser(ing cell
:39 disting#ishes three classes o) hando(er criteria1
Fo'er b#dget +M as Wnor$al criterionX
All other T2+-ca#ses as Walar$- or i$perati(e criteriaX
;orced +M triggered b& the 832 6see chapter 4.2.87
Mn T2+s it is possible that the condition )or $ore than one hando(er ca#se is )#l-lled.
There)ore it is necessar& to ran" the e(al#ation o) hando(er ca#ses. Mn 3N22+ 'here
onl& one ca#se is e(al#ated, no ran"ing is necessar&.
3tatic ran"ing is per)or$ed according a priorit& list.
Friorit& +ando(er 2a#se +M t&pe +M class e(al#ated
1 ?!tended 2ell +ando(er intracell i$perati(e T2+
2 2oncentric 2ell +ando(er intracell i$perati(e T2+
3 I#alit& ntercell +ando(er intercell i$perati(e T2+
4 >e(el +ando(er intercell i$perati(e T2+
5 Nistance +ando(er intercell i$perati(e T2+
6 Fo'er 8#dget +ando(er intercell nor$al T2+
7 I#alit& ntracell +ando(er intracell i$perati(e T2+
- ;orced +ando(er intercell )orced 3N22+
;ig. 22 +ando(er 2a#ses Friorities
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%andover criteria evaluation * static ran8ing
evaluate H/
priorit# 1
evaluate H/
priorit# 2
evaluate H/
priorit# $
until evaluation
o) H/ criterion :
;ig. 23
A30181-X1789-X004-01-7635 4 - 33
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%andover criteria evaluation * d-namic ran8ing
n so$e cases it is necessar& to ran" priorities d&na$icall&1
n case a ?!tended cell +M 6single4do#ble ti$eslot7 or an 2oncentric 2ell +M
6inner4co$plete area7 'as re/#ested b#t co#ld not be per)or$ed d#e to lac" o)
reso#rces, e(al#ation o) these criteria is s"ipped the ne!t ti$e to $a"e e(al#ation o)
other +M criteria possible 6e.g. I#alit&, >e(el etc.7.
n case the )ollo'ing +M-atte$pt is also #ns#ccess)#l or no other +M can be detected
then the s"ipped priorit& is enabled again )or the ne!t tr&. 8T3 toggles.
The )ollo'ing Lo' chart sho's in principle the d&na$ic ran"ing $echanis$ o) ?!tended
2ell +M 4 2oncentric 2ell +M1
s?ip evaluation
o) H/ criterion
&s?ip.)lag set*
reset s?ip.)lag
set s?ip.)lag
H/ detected
;ig. 24
N&na$ic ran"ing o) +M e(al#ation is also per)or$ed in case o) I#alit& inter-4intracell +M
6see chapter 2.4 +ando(er detection algorith$s7
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for Communication
".@ %andover detection algorit!ms
The standard hando(er algorith$ )or radio criteria #ses the decision criteria listed in the
table belo' 'here the order o) processing 'ithin the o(erall hando(er algorith$ is #sed
6see -g.237.
These criteria 'ill be $odi-ed )or a speed sensiti(e hando(er #sed 'ithin hierarchical
cells 6re)er to 2hapt. 5.27.
%andover Causes Decision Criteria
ntercell +M d#e to
1. 5XIJA>=XX D >=5XIJA>=XX=+
2. 5X>?<=XX H >=5X>?<=XX=+
3. XX=TXFG5 @ 9in 6 XX=TXFG5=9AX, F 7
+M d#e to >e(el 1. 5X>?<=XX H >=5X>?<=XX=+
2. XX=TXFG5 @ 9in 6 XX=TXFG5=9AX, F 7
+M d#e to Nistance 1. 93=83=N3T D 93=5AE:?=9AX
+M d#e to Fo'er 8#dget 1. 5X>?<=E2?>>6n7 D 5X>?<=9E6n7
B 9a! 6 0, 93=TXFG5=9AX6n7 - F 7
2. F8:T6n7 D +M=9A5:E6n7
ntracell +M d#e to
1. 5XIJA>=XX D >=5XIJA>=XX=+
2. 5X>?<=XX D >=5X>?<=XX=+
;ig. 25
XX1 #sed as (ariable )or both J> 6#plin"7 and N> 6do'nlin"7
93=TXFG5=9AX1 $a!i$#$ allo'ed trans$it po'er o) the 93 in the ser(ing cell,
93=TXFG5=9AX6n71 $a!i$#$ allo'ed trans$it po'er o) the 93 in the adPacent cell
F Td8$U1 the $a!i$#$ po'er capabilit& o) the 93 6po'er class7
An intercell hando(er d#e /#alit& or le(el is onl& per)or$ed i) the trans$it po'er o)
the 93 or 83 respecti(el& is on its $a!i$#$.
A30181-X1789-X004-01-7635 4 - 35
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for Communication
D-namic ran8ing of 9ualit- inter*/ intracell !andover
Ghen criteria )or I#alit& ntercell +M are e(al#ated it is -rst chec"ed i) an& I#alit&
hando(er shall be per)or$ed 6a(eraged J>4N> $eas#re$ents sho' a high signal /#alit&
(al#e7. Then the criterion o) I#alit& ntracell hando(er is e(al#ated. tXs ob(io#s that
I#alit& ntercell +M is detected 'hen the criterion o) I#alit& ntracell +M is not gi(en.
n case a I#alit& ntracell +M 'as re/#ested b#t co#ld not be per)or$ed 6+M=;A>37 than
I#alit& ntercell +M is tried the ne!t ti$e 6i) criterion is still gi(en7. Ghen this ntercell
+M atte$pt also )ails then 8T3 toggles bac" and tries again an ntracell +M.
To initiate a I#alit& ntercell +M a)ter an #ns#ccess)#l I#alit& ntracell +M atte$pt, a
s"ip=Lag is #sed. This s"ip=Lag is set a)ter an ntracell +M atte$pt and is processed in
case o) I#alit& ntercell detection.
Ghen the criterion o) I#alit& +M is gi(en and the s"ip=Lag )or ntracell +M is not set, it is
possible to per)or$ a I#alit& ntracell +M i) the condition is )#l-lled. n this case the
e(al#ation o) hando(er criteria is res#$ed 'ith the ne!t priorit& le(el.
Ghen the criterion o) I#alit& +M is gi(en and the s"ip=Lag )or ntracell +M is set, an
#ns#ccess)#l ntracell +M has been per)or$ed be)ore. The d&na$ic ran"ing $echanis$
)orces an ntercell +M instead o) the pre(io#s ntracell +M b& s"ipping the e(al#ation )or
I#alit& ntracell +M condition. The s"ip=Lag is reset again to $a"e a )#t#re ntracell +M
e(al#ation possible in case this ntercell +M atte$pt also )ails. 8T3 toggles bet'een
intracell and intercell hando(er.
/imitation of &ntracell %O reetition
The 8T3 is in)or$ed b& the 832 that a n#$ber o) consec#ti(e and s#ccess)#l ntra 2ell
+M o(er the sa$e connection ha(e been per)or$ed. An& )#rther s#bse/#ent ntracell +M
has to be disabled )or a de-ned period o) ti$e, b#t i) criteria are gi(en d#ring
penalisation ti$e a ntercell +M $a& be tried instead. The MY9 Lag
W?nable=>i$itation=ntracell=+MX is #sed to enable4disable this )eat#re.
'arameters for &ntracell !andover limitation
Secifcation Name Object D$ Name Range Ste
+AEN ?>9T2+ T5J?4;A>3? - -
9a!=ntracell=+M +AEN 9A5A2+M 1 .. 15 1 -
Ti$er=Eo=ntracell=+M +AEN TEM?52+M 1 .. 254 1 1 sec
4 - 36 A30181-X1789-X004-01-7635
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for Communication
;ig. 26
This attrib#te W9a!=nracell=+MX speci-es the $a!i$#$ n#$ber o) consec#ti(e
s#ccess)#l /#alit& intracell hando(ers 'hich are per$itted in the sa$e 8T3 )or a single
connection. The ne!t intracell +M is s#spended 'hen the threshold 9a!=ntracell=+MB1
is reached, #ntil the WTi$er=Eo=ntracell=+MX e!pires.
The )ollo'ing Lo' charts 6-g. 27-287 sho' in principle the e(al#ation o) I#alit& +M
criterion 6incl d&na$ic ran"ing $echanis$ o) I#alit& inter-4 intracell +M and li$itation o)
intracell +M repetition7.
A30181-X1789-X004-01-7635 4 - 37
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for Communication
D-namic ran8ing of =ualit- inter* / intracell !andover
ma!5 po-er
s?ip (ntracell H/
&s?ip.)lag set*
(ntracell H/
condition )ul)illed
Condition )or
@ualit# H/
reset s?ip.)lag
@ualit# (ntercell
H/ detected
;ig. 27
4 - 38 A30181-X1789-X004-01-7635
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for Communication
D-namic ran8ing of =ualit- inter* / intracell !andover B limitation of intracell
%O reetition
limit5 o)
intracell H/ rep,
penalisation time
s?ip (ntracell H/
&s?ip.)lag set*
(ntracell H/
condition )ul)illed
set s?ip.)lag
@ualit# (ntracell
H/ detected
set s?ip.)lag
;ig. 28
A30181-X1789-X004-01-7635 4 - 39
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for Communication
'o#er $udget:
F8:T6n7 @ 5X>?<=E2?>>6n7 - 6 5X>?<=N> B FG5=2=N 7
B 9in6 93=TXFG5=9AX, F 7 - 9in6 93=TXFG5=9AX6n7, F 7
D +M=9A5:E6n7
5X>?<=N>1 a(eraged (al#e o) the $eas#red do'nlin" le(el in the ser(ing cell,
FG5=2=N1 83=TXFG5=9AX Td8$U - 83=TXFG5 Td8$U
a(eraged di*erence bet'een the $a!i$#$ do'nlin" 5; po'er
83=TXFG5=9AX and the act#al do'nlin" po'er 83=TXFG5 d#e to
po'er control in the ser(ing cell.
5X>?<=E2?>>6n71 a(eraged (al#e o) the $eas#red do'nlin" le(el o) the adPacent cell .n0
+M=9A5:E6n71 hando(er $arginO i) path loss 'ith respect to the ser(ing cell e!ceeds
the path
loss 'ith respect to the adPacent cell .n0 b& this $argin, the adPacent
cell is
considered as the 6$#ch7 better cell.
>oss6ser(ing7 - >oss6adPacent7 @
@ 83=TXFG5 - 5X>?<=N> - 6 83=TXFG5=9AX6n7 - 5X>?<=E2?>>6n7 7
@ 5X>?<=E2?>>6n7 - 6 5X>?<=N> B FG5=2=N 7
B 83=TXFG5=9AX - 83=TXFG5=9AX6n7
83=TXFG5=9AX - 83=TXFG5=9AX6n7 @ 93=TXFG5=9AX - 93=TXFG5=9AX6n7
i) the lin" b#dget o) the ser(ing cell is designed )or 93s o) F @ 93=TXFG5=9AX and
i) the lin" b#dget o) the adPacent cell .n0 is designed )or 93s o) F @
4 - 40 A30181-X1789-X004-01-7635
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for Communication
$ac8 !andover revention
8ac"-hando(er 6d#e to po'er b#dget7 pre(ention is triggered b& 832 b& incl#ding the
old cell and the pre(io#s hando(er ca#se 6:39 08.08 2a#se7 in the 2hannel acti(ation
$essage. A ti$er is started in 8T3 and #ntil the ti$er )or the speci-ed cell e!pires,
no hando(er condition d#e to Fo'er 8#dget 'ill be e(al#ated )or this cell
this cell is e!cl#ded )ro$ the target cell list in case o) an& other hando(er
re/#est d#e to Fo'er 8#dget
The MY9 Lag W?nable=Eo=8ac"=+MX is #sed to enable4disable this )eat#re.
8ac" hando(ers d#e to i$perati(e criteria are not a*ected b& this $echanis$.
'arameters for $ac8 !andover revention
Secifcation Name Object D$ Name Range Ste
?nable=Eo=8ac"=+M +AEN EM8AV+M T5J?4;A>3? - -
Ti$er=nhibit=8ac"=+M ANQ2 TE+8AV+M 1 .. 254 1 1 sec
;ig. 29
<eneral &nformation 3lo#
' T S ' S C
C h a n % c t i v i n ' & C e l l % A H / 6 c a u s e *
( n c a s e o ) P ' G T 6 H / ,
C e l l % i s n o t i n c l u d e d
i n T C L
C e l l %
C e l l '
H / C o n d ( n d & ' A C A " *
;ig. 30
A30181-X1789-X004-01-7635 4 - 41
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for Communication
'arameters of %andover Decision
4 - 42 A30181-X1789-X004-01-7635
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for Communication
D$ Name
/ Object
Range Meaning
4 +AEN
0...7 Thresholds )or do'nlin"4#plin"
/#alit&. ) 5XIJA> is abo(e these
thresholds, the recei(ed le(el is lo'
and the trans$it po'er has reached
its $a!i$#$, a /#alit& intercell
hando(er is initiated.
4 +AEN
0...63 Thresholds )or do'nlin"4#plin" le(el.
) 5X>?< is belo' these thresholds
and the trans$it po'er has reached
its $a!i$#$ a le(el hando(er is
4 +AEN
0...63 ) the /#alit& )alls belo' a threshold,
b#t the recei(ed le(el is high, higher
than >=5X>?<=XX=+, an intracell
hando(er is initiated.
93=5AE:?=9AX +MT9359
4 +AEN
0...35 V$ ) the $eas#red ti$ing ad(ance
(al#e is abo(e this threshold, a
distance hando(er is initiated in a
standard cell.
93=5AE:?=9AX=?XT +MT9359?
4 +AEN
) the $eas#red ti$ing ad(ance
(al#e is abo(e this threshold, a
distance hando(er is initiated in an
e!tended cell.
4 8T38
0...15 N23
A 2 d8
9a!i$#$ TXFG5 an 93 is allo'ed to
#sed in the ser(ing cell
2 @ 39 d8$, 15 @ 13 d8$ 6:397
0 @ 30 d8$, 15 @ 0 d8$ 6N237
93=TXFG5=9AX 6n7 93TXF9AX2>
4 ANQ2
0...15 N23
A 2 d8
9a!i$#$ TXFG5 an 93 is allo'ed to
#se in the neighbor cell n
2 @ 39 d8$, 15 @ 13 d8$ 6:397
0 @ 30 d8$, 15 @ 0 d8$ 6N237
5X>?<=9E6n7 5X>?<9E
4 ANQ2
0...63 The le(el recei(ed )ro$ a neighbor
cell n has to e!ceed this threshold
to initiate a better cell hando(er
to that neighbor cell
to incl#de this cell in the target
cell list )or a $andator& hando(er
+M=9A5:E6n7 +M9
4 ANQ2
- 24...B 24
The path loss di*erence bet'een
ser(ing and adPacent cell has to
e!ceed this $argin )or a better cell
A30181-X1789-X004-01-7635 4 - 43
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for Communication
;ig. 31
4 - 44 A30181-X1789-X004-01-7635
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%andover Regions
(ntercell H/
due to level
(ntercell H/
due to Bualit#
no handover
action due to
Bualit# or level
(ntracell H/
due to Bualit#
;ig. 32 5egions o) hando(er de-ned b& /#alit& and le(el thresholds
A30181-X1789-X004-01-7635 4 - 45
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for Communication
;or adP#sting the hando(er thresholds one has to disting#ish t'o scenarios1
A. Eoise >i$ited 3cenario1
>arge cells 6in r#ral area7 'ith lo' traCc load1 recei(ed le(el at the cell border not
$#ch abo(e the recei(er li$it sensiti(it& le(el.
8. nter)erence >i$ited 3cenario1
.3$all0 cells 6in #rban area7 'ith high traCc load1 recei(ed le(el at cell border
signi-cantl& e!ceeds the recei(er sensiti(it& le(el, b#t 24 not $#ch abo(e the
re)erence inter)erence sensiti(it&.
n an& case intercell hando(er d#e to /#alit& sho#ld be a(oided as )ar as possible, i.e.
set >=5XIJA>=XX=+ to highest (al#e )or acceptable speech /#alit&,
set >=5X>?<=XX=+ to a appropriate (al#e so that in case o) lo' 5XIJA> an intracell
hando(er is initiated )or the locations 'ithin the cell area de-ned b& the other
Scenario ):
9ain hando(er criterion is the le(el criterion and >=5X>?<=XX=+ has to be set to a (al#e
P#st so$e d8s abo(e the recei(er li$it sensiti(it& le(el.
;#rther$ore, there sho#ld be a h&steresis bet'een the threshold 5X>?<=9E )or
inco$ing hando(er and the corresponding one )or o#tgoing hando(er >=5X>?<=XX=+ to
a(oid a lot o) #nnecessar& )or'ard and bac"'ard hando(er1
5X>?<=9E - >=5X>?<=XX=+ @ le(el h&steresis D 0.
The order o) $agnit#de )or the le(el h&steresis is gi(en b& the standard de(iation o) the
long ter$ )ading, i.e. 5X>?<=9E D >=5X>?<=XX=+ B 4 ... 10 d8.
Scenario $:
n this scenario the better cell criterion sho#ld be the $ain hando(er criterion, since
it is the $ost s#itable criterion )or designing 'ell de-ned cell borders,
it g#arantees that the $obile is ser(ed b& the cell 'ith 6nearl&7 the lo'est path loss
and there)ore o*ers the greatest potential )or po'er control to red#ce inter)erence.
To a(oid a lot o) #nnecessar& )or'ard and bac"'ard po'er b#dget hando(er ca#sed b&
long ter$ )ading L#ct#ations o) the recei(ed le(els )ro$ the respecti(e 8T3s, a
h&steresis has to be introd#ced1
+M=9A5:E6cell1 -D cell27 B +M=9A5:E6cell2 -D cell17 @ po'er b#dget h&steresis D 0.
Js#all&, the hando(er $argin is chosen s&$$etricall&O its (al#e sho#ld be a co$pro$ise
bet'een ideal po'er b#dget hando(er 6lo' (al#e7 and a lo' rate o) )or'ard and
bac"'ard hando(ers 6high (al#e7
4 - 46 A30181-X1789-X004-01-7635
Training Center
for Communication
8& choosing #ns&$$etric (al#es )or the hando(er $argin, one can adapt the cell area to
the traCc load, e.g. increasing +M=9A5:E6cell1 -D cell27 'hile "eeping the po'er
b#dget h&steresis constant 6i.e. red#cing +M=9A5:E6cell2 -D cell17 b& the sa$e
a$o#nt7, increases the e*ecti(e area o) cell 1 'hile red#cing that o) cell 27.
5X>?<=9E6n7 sho#ld be set to a (al#e so that 5X>?<=E2?>>6n7 D 5X>?<=9E6n7 )or
al$ost all locations 'here F8:T6n7 D +M=9A5:E6n7, i.e. a better cell hando(er is reall&
initiated i) the po'er b#dget condition is )#l-lled.
This $eans that there sho#ld be an o(erlap o) the o#tgoing po'er b#dget area o) one
cell and the inco$ing 5X>?<=9E area o) the neighbor cell n.
;#rther$ore, as )or scenario A, there sho#ld be a le(el h&steresis bet'een 5X>?<=9E
and >=5X>?<=XX=+.
This is ill#strated )or an ideal sit#ation 'itho#t long ter$ )ading in the -g#re belo'1
ideal po-er
+udget cell
;ig. 33 2ell borders de-ned b& hando(er thresholds.
A30181-X1789-X004-01-7635 4 - 47
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for Communication
L.R8L=.88.(H &inter / intracell Bualit# H/*
receiver limit sensitivit#
R8L=.M(N &incoming H/*
L.R8L=.88.H &outgoing level H/*
;ig. 34 5elation bet'een hando(er le(el thresholds
4 - 48 A30181-X1789-X004-01-7635
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for Communication
".C (arget Cell /ist Comilation
The target cell co$pilation proceeds in se(eral steps1
Ne-nition o) Eeighbor 2ells 69a!i$#$ E#$ber @ 327 b& 2=E2?>>6n71
2=E2?>>6n7 @ >ocation Area 2ode 6>A27 B 2ell denti-er 627 o) Eeighbor 2ell n
The selection o) neighbor cells a*ects hando(er traCc Lo'. The n#$ber o) target
cells sho#ld be "ept to a $ini$#$1
geographical neighbor cells i) there is a traCc Lo' )ro$ the ser(ing cell into these
e(ent#all& so$e alternati(e cells i) there is a congestion in the pre)erred direct
neighbor cell
93 needs the 822+ )re/#enc& )or each neighbor cell n1
Absol#te 5adio ;re/#enc& 2hannel E#$ber o) 822+1 A5;2E=E2?>>6n7
93 reports to 8T3 le(el $eas#red on a certain A5;2E6n7 together 'ith
- 5elati(e 822+ )re/#enc& n#$ber 822+=;5?I=E2?>>6n7 6see -g. 367
- Necoded 8ase 3tation dentit& 2ode 8326n7
Neighbor Cells n1 and n2 using the same BCCH freuen!" A#$CN%n1& ' A#$CN%n2&
need di(erent Base )tation *dentit" Codes +++
832 @ E22 B822
E221 Eational 2olor 2ode 63 bits7
8221 8ase 3tation 2olor 2ode 63 bits7, has to be chosen b& the net'or" operator in
accordance 'ith r#le gi(en abo(e.
Neig!bor Cell )R3CN,NC.// $S&C $CC%,3R.9,NC.//
1 4 01 0
2 4 02 0
3 11 01 1
4 18 01 2
5 25 01 3
6 32 03 4
7 39 02 5
8 39 04 5
$CC%,3R.9,NC.//>n? and $S&C>n? C&,NC.//>n?uni=uel- D
;ig. 35
A30181-X1789-X004-01-7635 4 - 49
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for Communication
&llustration of Measurement Reorting and Neig!bor Cell $oo8*Eeeing 'rocess
'S(C 'CCH.0R@.
41 1 7;
42 4 $:
4$ 7 $2
47 C 29
41 2 2:
0or not reported neigh+or cells
R8L=.NCLL is set to 4
Measurement Report +# MS
reporting o) the strongest cells -ith ?no-n and
allo-ed 'S(CD
ma!imum, 2 cells
each S%CCH6
'oo?6Eeeping at 'S
Neigh+our Cell %R0CN 'S(C 'CCH.0R@.
1 7 41 4 4
2 7 42 4 $:
$ 11 41 1 7;
7 1; 41 2 2:
C 2C 41 $ 4
2 $2 4$ 7 $2
: $9 42 C 4
; $9 47 C 29
;ig. 36
4 - 50 A30181-X1789-X004-01-7635
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for Communication
'arameters for (arget Cell <eneration 'rocess
The para$eters )or $eas#re$ent reporting and target cell generation are s#$$ari%ed
in the table belo'.
Name /
Range Meaning
922 B 9E2 B
>A2 B 2
2?>>:>N 4
4 2+A5
B 4 2+A5
:lobal cell identi-er o) the adPacent cell
consisting o) $obile co#ntr& code, $obile
net'or" code, location area identi-er and
cell identit&
A5;2E=E2?>> 822+;5?I
4 ANQ2
0...1023 Absol#te radio )re/#enc& channel n#$ber
o) the 822+ )re/#enc& o) the neighbor cell.
832 @
E22 B 822
4 ANQ2
0...7 B
8ase station identit& code consisting o)
national color code and base station color
code. Eeighbor cell $eas#re$ent are
identi-ed #sing the 832 and the relati(e
)re/#enc& n#$ber o) the 822+.
4 8T38
8 bits
The 93 incl#des onl& recei(ed le(el (al#es
o) those cells 'ithin the $eas#re$ent
report 'hich are de-ned as cells o) a
per$itted F>9E.
A F>9E 'ith E22 @ n - 1 is per$itted i) bit n
o) F>9EF is set to 1.
;ig. 37
:ni=ueness of neig!bor cell measurements:
832 6n17 832 6n27
)or adPa(ent cells n1 and n2 'ith
A5;2E6E17 @ A5;2E6n27
;ig. 38
A30181-X1789-X004-01-7635 4 - 51
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for Communication
<eneration of t!e (arget Cell /ist
The target cell list is generated 'hen a hando(er ca#se is detected.
The $a!i$#$ n#$ber o) cells to be incl#ded in the target cell list is gi(en b& the
E=2?>> 6Fara$eter E2?>> in obPect +AEN, 5ange1 0 ... 157.
Order criterion for !andover candidate cells #it!in t!e (arget Cell /ist:
F5M=E2?>>6n7 @ F8:T6n7 - +M=9A5:E6n7
F8:T6n71 a(eraged (al#e o) the po'er b#dget 6co$p. 2hapt. 4.2.1, 4.2.27
Conditions for neig!bor cells to be included in t!e target cell list:
)or I#alit&, >e(el and Nistance ntercell +ando(er1
5X>?<=E2?>>6n7 D 5X>?<=9E6n7 B 9AX60, 93=TXFG5=9AX6n7 - F7
)or Fo'er 8#dget +ando(er1
5X>?<=E2?>>6n7 D 5X>?<=9E6n7 B 9AX60, 93=TXFG5=9AX6n7 - F7
Y F8:T6n7 - +M=9A5:E6n7 D 0
.valuation of (arget Cell /ist
ntracell +ando(er1
+M 2ondition ndication $essage 'ith ca#se ntracell +M 'itho#t target cell list is sent
)ro$ the 8T3 to the 832.
832 selects ne' channel )or the call 'ithin the sa$e 8T3.
ntercell +ando(er
+M 2ondition ndication $essage 'ith ca#se and target cell list is sent )ro$ the 8T3 to
the 832. ) the -rst cell 'ithin the target cell list is 'ithin its 833 area, the 832 selects a
channel at the corresponding 8T3. ) no channel is a(ailable at that 8T3, the ne!t cell
'ithin the target cell is tried. ) the -rst target cell 6or the ones tried in )#rther steps7
does not belong to the o'n 833 area, a +ando(er 5e/#ired $essage is sent to the 932.
This $essage contains a red#ced target cell list 6'itho#t the cells tried internall&7. This is
ill#strated in the )ollo'ing -g#re1
4 - 52 A30181-X1789-X004-01-7635
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for Communication
&llustrated of (arget Cell .valuation
H/ ReBuired
6 cause
6 reduced target cell list
ne!t cell
H/ Cond (nd
6 cause
6 target cell
ne!t cell
ne!t cell
;ig. 39
A30181-X1789-X004-01-7635 4 - 53
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for Communication
".F %andover Signaling and (imer
H/ Cond (nd
H/ ReBuired
H/ ReBuest
H/ ReBuest %c?
H/ Command
H/ Command
H/ Command
H/ Cond (nd
H/ ReBuired
H/ %ccess
H/ %ccess
Ph#sical (n)o
H/ "etect
H/ Complete
Ph#sical (n)o
H/ 0ailure
H/ Complete
Clear Command
Channel Release
messages at timer e!pir#A e5g5
messages )or success)ul handoverA e5g5
Channel Release
H/ ReBuired
H/ 0ailure
;ig. 40
4 - 54 A30181-X1789-X004-01-7635
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for Communication
'arameter and (imer for %andover Signaling
MbPect Fac"age N8 Ea$e 5ange 3tep 3i%e Jnit
+AEN - T+M5I3T 0...31 1 2 A 3A22+
;ig. 41
F#rpose1 $ini$#$ ti$e )or +AENM<?5 2MENTME EN2ATME $essages )or the
sa$e connection
3tart1 sending o) +AENM<?5 2MENTME EN2ATME b& 8T3
3top1 +AENM<?5 2M99AEN recei(ed
reason )or hando(er has disappeared
co$$#nication 'ith 93 is lost
transaction has ended, call cleared
repetition o) +AENM<?5 2MENTME EN2ATME
Ne)a#lt1 4
MbPect Fac"age N8 Ea$e 5ange 3tep 3i%e Jnit
832 832T 832T7 #nit A 60...2557 1 +>;3?2 @ 0.5 sec
93100 @ 100 $sec
3?25 @ 5 sec
;ig. 42
F#rpose1 $ini$#$ ti$e )or +AENM<?5 5?IJ5?N $essages )or the sa$e
3tart1 sending o) +AENM<?5 5?IJ5?N b& 832
3top1 +AENM<?5 2M99AEN recei(ed
reason )or hando(er has disappeared
co$$#nication 'ith 93 is lost
transaction has ended, call cleared
repetition o) +AENM<?5 5?IJ5?N
Ne)a#lt1 +>;3?2-4
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4 - 56 A30181-X1789-X004-01-7635
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MbPect Fac"age N8 Ea$e 5ange 3tep 3i%e Jnit
832 832T 832T8 #nit A 60...2557 1 +>;3?2 @ 0.5 sec
93100 @ 100 $sec
3?25 @ 5 sec
;ig. 43
F#rpose1 "eep the old channel s#Ccient long to be able to ret#rn to it, and to
release the channels i) the 93 is lost
3tart1 receiption o) +AENM<?5 2M99AEN at 832
3top1 receiption o) 2>?A5 2M99AEN )ro$ 932 or +AENM<?5 ;A>J5? )ro$ 93
at 8T3
release o) old channels
Ne)a#lt1 +>;3?2-20
(41"@ - 93 Ti$er, not adP#stable b& para$eter,
F#rpose1 detect the lac" o) ans'er )ro$ the net'or" at hando(er access.
3tart1 sending o) -rst +AENM<?5 A22?33 b& 93
3top1 receiption o) F+K32A> E;M59ATME b& 93
deacti(ation o) ne' channel, reacti(ation o) old channel, send +AENM<?5
Ne)a#lt1 675 $sec )or 3N22+ - 320 $sec else
A30181-X1789-X004-01-7635 4 - 57
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MbPect Fac"age N8 Ea$e 5ange 3tep 3i%e Jnit
8T3 8T3T T3105 #nit A 60...2557 1 9310 @ 10 $sec
;ig. 44
F#rpose1 period )or repetition o) F+K32A> E;M59ATME
3tart1 sending o) F+K32A> E;M59ATME b& 8T3
3top1 receiption o) correctl& decoded signaling or T2+ )ra$e on ne' channel
)ro$ 93 at 8T3
repetition o) F+K32A> E;M59ATMEO
i) the $a!i$#$ n#$ber o) repetitions has been reached1 release o) ne'
Ne)a#lt1 9310-10
MbPect Fac"age N8 Ea$e 5ange 3tep 3i%e Jnit
8T3 8T32 EK1 0...254 1 -
;ig. 45
EK1 is the $a!i$#$ n#$ber o) repetitions o) the ph&sical in)or$ation b& the 8T3.
Ne)a#lt1 20
4 - 58 A30181-X1789-X004-01-7635
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'revention of !andover failure reetition
To pre(ent hando(er repetition a)ter consec#ti(e +M )ail#res to the sa$e cell a +ando(er
;ail#re ndication $essage is recei(ed )ro$ the 832. A ti$er is started and #ntil e!pir& o)
the ti$er the de-ned cell is e!cl#ded )ro$ the target cell list )or an& "ind o) hando(er .
The penalisation ti$e is de-ned b& the MY9 para$eter WTi$er=nhibit=;ail#re=+MX, the
n#$ber o) per$itted +M )ail#res is de-ned b& the MY9 para$eter W9a!=;ail#re=+MX. The
MY9 Lag W?nable=Eo=;ail#re=5ep=+MX is #sed to enable4disable this )eat#re.
'arameters for &ntracell !andover limitation
Secifcation Name Object D$ Name Range Ste
?nable=Eo=;ail#re=5ep=+M +AEN EM;5?F+M T5J?4;A>3? - -
9a!=;ail#re=+M +AEN 9AX;A>+M 1 .. 15 1 -
Ti$er=nhibit=;ail#re=+M ANQ2 TE+;A+M 1 .. 254 1 1 sec
;ig. 46
<eneral &nformation 3lo#
H / C o n d ( n d & ' A C A " *
H / C o n d ( n d & C A " *
' T S ' S C
C e l l ' i s n o t
i n c l u d e d i n T C L
) o r a d e ) i n e d
p e r i o d o ) t i m e
H / 0 a i l u r e & c e l l ' *
H / 0 a i l u r e & c e l l ' *
a ) t e r M % 8 0 % ( L H /
c o n s e c u t i v e H /
) a i l u r e s o n t h e
s a m e a d F a c e n t c e l l s
H / 0 a i l u r e ( n d & ' *
C e l l %
H / C o n d ( n d & ' A C A " *
;ig. 47
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".G .2tended cell !andover
9a!i$#$ propagation dela& 'ithin one ti$eslot allo's a $a!i$#$ 83-93 distance o)
35 "$. n .e!tended cells. the operator can con-g#re T2+s optionall& as do#ble ti$eslot
channels 'here t'o s#bse/#ent ti$eslots are #sed )or trans$ission to pro(ide a
co(erage )arther than 35"$ .
?!tended 2ell +ando(er is the intracell hando(er bet'een a single ti$eslot channel and
a do#ble ti$eslot channel and (ice (ersa. +ando(er detection is based on co$parison o)
act#al 83-93 distance 'ith a threshold 6MY9 para$eter7.
?!tended 2ell hando(er can be enabled4disabled (ia MY9 Lag
W?EA8>?=?XT?EN?N=2?>>=+MX onl& i) ther are do#ble and single ti$eslots con-g#red in
the cell.
'arameters for e2tended cell !andover
Secifcation Name Object D$ Name Range Ste
+AEN ?XT2+M T5J?4;A>3? - -
+M=93=TA=9AX +AEN +M93TA9 0 .. 34 1 "$
+M=9A5:E=TA +AEN +M95:TA 0 .. 35 1 "$
;ig. 48
A single-to-do#ble hando(er is detected 'hen the act#al 83-93 distance e!ceeds the
threshold W+M=93=TA=9AXX 6hando(er alar$ distance=near=)ar7O a do#ble-to-single
hando(er is detected 'hen the act#al 83-93 distance )alls belo' the threshold $in#s a
h&steresis )actor W+M=9A5:E=TAX 6hando(er alar$ distance=)ar=near7.
;ollo'ing conditions $#st be )#l-lled )or a e2tended cell hando(er1
?EA8>?=?XT?EN?N=2?>>=+M @ T5J?
s"ip=Lag @ not set 6see d&na$ic ran"ing7
the )ollo'ing additional condition $#st be )#l-lled )or a single to double timeslot
act#al 83-93 distance D +M=93=TA=9AX
or the )ollo'ing additional condition $#st be )#l-lled )or a double to single timeslot
act#al 83-93 distance H +M93TA9 - +M95:TA
6 no do#ble to single +M 'ill be per)or$ed in case o) +M93TA9 - +M95:TA H 0 7
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".5 Directed Retr-
Nirected retr& is the transition 6hando(er7 )ro$ a 3N22+ in one cell to a T2+ in another
cell d#ring call set#p beca#se o) #na(ailabilit& o) an e$pt& T2+ 'ithin the -rst cell.
Nirected retr& is a $eans to control the traCc distrib#tion bet'een cells and to a(oid a
call rePection beca#se o) congestion in one cell. ) I#e#eing o) A33 5?Is is not
s#pported 'ithin a 832 Nirected retr& is $erel& triggered b& the 832 b& sending a
;orced +M 5e/#est $essage to the 8T3 'hich has to respond 'ith a ZinitiatedZ ntercell
+M 2ond. ndic. $essage.
t can happen that the ntercell +M 2ond. ndic. $essage does contain onl& an e$pt&
target cell list 6) triggered b& a ;orced +M 5e/#est $essage the 8T3 has to send a
ntercell +M 2ond. ndic. $essage e(en i) no s#itable neighbo#r cell e!ists - in this case
the target cell list is e$pt&[7. n this case a T2+ can not be assigned and the 832 shall
not send a +M 5IN $essage to the 932 o) co#rse b#t shall send an A33 ;A>J5? 6ca#se
Zno radio reso#rce a(ailableZ7.
) the target cell list contains cells )ro$ inside and o#tside the 832 area and i) e.g. the
-rst and second cell is inside, the third o#tside and the )o#rth inside the 832 area than
the Nirected retr& atte$pts shall be carried o#t as 832 controlled Nirected retries to the
-rst and second one. ) these Nirected retries are not possible )or an& reason 6e.g. no
e$pt& T2+7 than the third atte$pt and all )ollo'ing atte$pts 6independentl& 'hether
the )o#rth and the )ollo'ing cells lie in- or o#tside the 832 area7 shall be e!ec#ted as
932 controlled Nirected retr&.
) in case o) a 932 controlled hando(er the 93 cannot access the ne' cell and the 932
recei(es a +M ;A>J5? 6ca#se Zradio inter)ace )ail#re, re(ersion to old channelZ7 )ro$ the
old 833, it can happen that the 932 generall& releases this 3N22+ connection b&
sending a 2>?A5 29N $essage 6ca#se Zradio inter)ace )ail#re, re(ersion to old channelZ7
to the 832 independantl&.
) the 932 does not s#pport Nirected retr& +M\s the 832 $a& per)or$ 832 controlled
Nirected retries 6appro!i$atel& 75S o) all Nirected retries7 onl&. n this case the
?E=ET?5=3N22+=+M Lag in the 832 shall be set to ZdisabledZ and the 832 has to chec"
the target cell list o) ntercell +M=2ond=nd $essages belonging to a 3N22+ connection.
All cell identi-ers not belonging to the 832 area shall be s"ipped and i) there re$ain cell
identi-ers belonging to the 832 area the corresponding +M shall be per)or$ed to
strongest 6i) i$possible to the second strongest, third strongest etc.7 re$aining cell. )
the target cell list does not contain a re$aining or an& cell identi-er o) the sa$e 832
area, this ntercell +M 2ond. ndic. $essage shall be discarded and the 832 shall release
this 3N22+ connection 63ending o) an A33 ;A>J5? 'ith ca#se Zno radio reso#rce
A30181-X1789-X004-01-7635 4 - 61
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3lo#c!art of directed retr-
'SC assigns a
S"CCH in 'TS
)rom MSC
TCH in 'TS
'SC sends to 'TS
'TS sends to 'SC
-ith target cell list
suita+le cell
in list
cell -ithin
'SC area
#es %ssign
'SC sends to MSC
cause Gdirected retr#H
'SC sends to MSC
MSC sends to
target 'SC
no TCH
suita+le cell
in list
suita+le cell
in list
suita+le cell
in list
'SC assigns TCH
internall# and sends
to MSC
;ig. 49
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for Communication
%O algorit!m/generation of t!e target cell list
The 8T3 has to send the ntercell +M 2ond. ndic. $essages to'ard the 832. Flease note
that )or Nirected retr& the sending o) an ntercell +M 2ond. ndic. $essage )or a 3N22+
$a& onl& be triggered b& a 8T3 e!ternal e(ent1 The 832 sends a ;orced +M 5e/#est
beca#se o) Zno T2+ a(ailableZ.
) an ntercell +M 2ond. ndic. $essage is to be sent, the target cell list shall contain all
neighbo#r cells 'ith1
5X>?< D 5X>?<=9E B 9a!60, 93=TXFG5=9AX-F7 B ;+M=5X>?<=9E=M;;3?T
in the order o) decreasing (al#es o) 6F8:T - +M=9A5:E H@D 07. Additional para$eters
speci-c to speed sensiti(e +M shall be ta"en into acco#nt )or the ran"ing o) the target
cells. ?(en i) no s#itable neighbo#r cell e!ist, the 8T3 shall send an ntercell +M 2ond.
ndic. $essage. n this case the target cell list 6Z2ell denti). >ist Fre). ?Z7 shall be e$pt&[
The ca#se o) the ntercell +M 2ond. ndic. $essage shall be ;M52?N.
;+M=5X>?<=9E=M;;3?T is a cell speci-c MY9-para$eter to select onl& target cells )or
)orced +M 'hich the 93 can access 'itho#t an& proble$s. t is a res#lt o) radio planning
)or each indi(id#al cell. t allo's to inL#ence the a$o#nt o) ;orced +M\s )ailed beca#se
o) e$pt& target cell list, the a$o#nt o) +M atte$pts bac" to the ZoldZ cell and the
s#ccess rate o) +M A22?33es to the target cell
'revention of Hbac8*%OIsH
A $aPor general proble$ o) )orced +M 6Nirected retr& is one sort o) )orced +M[7 is the
probabilit& o) +M d#e to F8:T bac" to the ZoldZ 6congested7 cell. ts dra'bac"s are1
1. increased load at the Abis-inter)ace beca#se o) periodic sending o) ntercell
+M=2ond=nd $essages in inter(alls o) T7
1. increased load at the A-inter)ace in case o) inter-832-+M beca#se o) the sa$e reason
1. additional processor capacit& in 832 6and 9327 is re/#ired )or +M trials )or 'hich it is
"no'n in ad(ance that the& are #seless
1. the load in the congested cell 'ill not be red#ced )or a certain ti$e, b#t it 'ill be "ept
at a per$anent high le(el
;or the 2hannel Acti(ation $essage a ne' optional in)or$ation ele$ent Z2ell denti-er
>ist 6no target7Z is de-ned. This in)or$ation ele$ent contains the cell identi-er 627 o) a
cell )ro$ 'hich a hando(er re/#est 6intra- or inter-8327 beca#se o) )orced +M 'as
recei(ed. ) this in)or$ation ele$ent e!ists in the 2hannel Acti(ation $essage, the 8T3
shall not trigger a 6T2+-7+M d#e to F8:T )or the ti$e Tbho i) the F8:T condition is
)#l-lled )or the indicated cell onl& and
shall not incl#de the indicated 2Xs in the target cell list in this case )or the ti$e Tbho
6i.e. )or the condition +M d#e IJA>4>?<4N3T the indicated cell identi-er $a& be part
o) the target cell list7
Tbho is a ti$er that li$its the $entioned prohibitions. t has to be set b& MY9 co$$and.
) a +M is necessar& the target 832 has to generate the 2hannel Acti(ation $essage. The
target 832 shall insert the 2ell denti-er >ist 6no target7 ? into this $essage
A30181-X1789-X004-01-7635 4 - 63
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The 832 shall deri(e the 2 )or the 2ell denti-er >ist 6no target7 ? )ro$ the stored
conte!t in case o) intra 832 +M or )ro$ the $andator& 2ell denti-er 6ser(ing7 ? o) the
+M 5?I $essage in case o) inter 832 +M 'ith ca#se ZNirected retr&Z.
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MbPect Fac"age N8 Ea$e 5ange 3tep 3i%e Jnit
832 8328 ?E;M52+M ?EA8>?
- -
;ig. 50
This 832 speci-c MY9 Lag allo's to enable4disable the sending o) ;orced +M 5e/#est
$essages )or r#nning 3N22+ connections 6e.g. /#e#ed or not /#e#ed A33 5?I\s 'hich
do not -nd an e$pt& T2+7. t is #sed to enable4disable Nirected retr&. This Lag sho#ld be
set to ZdisableZ b& an operator i) in a net'or" the 932 'hich the 833 is connected to or
other adPacent 833s do not s#pport the pre(ention o) Zbac"-+MZ.
MbPect Fac"age N8 Ea$e 5ange 3tep 3i%e Jnit
832 8328 ?3N22++
- -
;ig. 51
This 832 speci-c MY9 Lag allo's to enable4disable inter 832 3N22+-+Ms 6i.e. 3N22+-
3N22+-+M and Nirected retr&7. t si$pl& pre(ents the sending o) +M 5IN $essages )or
3N22+ connections to the 932. ) it is set to ZdisableZ the 832 shall s"ip all cell
identi-ers o) the target cell list o) the ntercell +M 2ond. nd. $essage 'hich belong to
another 832 area.
The Lag sho#ld be set to ZdisableZ i) the 932 does not s#pport Nirected retr&.
A30181-X1789-X004-01-7635 4 - 65
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MbPect Fac"age N8 Ea$e 5ange 3tep 3i%e Jnit
ANQ2 - ;+M5>9M 0...24 1 1 d8
;ig. 52
;+M=5X>?<=9E=M;;3?T 6Z5X>?<=9E o*set )or )orced-hando(erZ7 is a cell speci-c MY9-
para$eter #sed 'ithin the 8T3 to select onl& target cells )or )orced +M 'hich the 93 can
access 'itho#t an& proble$s. t is a res#lt o) radio planning )or each indi(id#al cell. t
allo's to inL#ence the a$o#nt o) ;orced +M\s )ailed beca#se o) e$pt& target cell list,
the a$o#nt o) +M atte$pts bac" to the ZoldZ cell and the s#ccess rate o) +M A22?33es
to the target cell.
Ne)a#lt1 6
MbPect Fac"age N8 Ea$e 5ange 3tep 3i%e Jnit
ANQ2 - T9?5;+M 1...320 1 10 sec
;ig. 53
Tbho 6bho@bac" hando(er7 is a neighbo#r cell speci-c MY9 para$eter. t is the (al#e o)
a ti$er r#nning in the 8T3 that controls the d#ration ho' long a )or$er ser(ing cell )ro$
'hich )orced +M 'as per)or$ed to the ne' ser(ing cell $a& not be considered in the +M
decision algorith$ o) the ne' se(ing cell and $a& not be contained in the target cell list.
t is started at the reception o) a 2hannel Acti(ation $essage containing a 2ell denti-er
6no target7 ?.
Ne)a#lt1 12
4 - 66 A30181-X1789-X004-01-7635
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4 .2ercises
.2ercise 1: Cell reselection
2onsider a static 6not $o(ing7 93 o) po'er class 3 ca$ping on cell 1 in idle $ode.
The 93 $onitors the 822+ o) cell 1 and cell 2 and $eas#res the )ollo'ing le(els1
A<=5X>?< @ 26 in cell 1
A<=5X>?< @ 20 in cell 2
The )ollo'ing para$eters are set1
2ell 11 93=TXFG5=9AX=22+ @ 39 d8$
5X>?<=A22?33=9E @ 20
2?>>=5?3?>?2T=+K3T?5?33 @ 4d8
2ell 21 93=TXFG5=9AX=22+ @ 33 d8$
5X>?<=A22?33=9E @ 14
Noes the 93 per)or$ a cell reselection
a7 i) it is a phase 1 93 and cell 1 and cell 2 belong to one location areas
a7 i) it is a phase 1 93 and cell 1 and cell 2 belong to di*erent location areas
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.2ercise ": %andover Decision
2onsider o) o#tp#t po'er F @ 39 d8$ in connected $ode ser(ed b& cell 1. n cell 1 the
)ollo'ing hando(er para$eter are (alid 6consider onl& the do'nlin" in the )ollo'ing71
A=IJA>=+M @ 7
A=>?<=+M @ 7
A=F8:T=+M @ 8
G=IJA>=+M @ 3
G=>?<=+M @ 3
>=5XIJA>=N>=+ @ 5
>=5X>?<=N>=+ @ 10
>=5X>?<=N>=+ @ 13
93=TXFG5=9AX@ 39
;#rther$ore, cell 1 has the )ollo'ing adPacent cells1
'arameters for adjacent cells.
adPacent cell para$eter cell 2 cell 3
A5;2E=E2?>> 35 13
832 00 00
93=TXFG5=9AX 37 39
5X>?<=9E 16 16
+M=9A5:E 6 d8 ]
The $eas#re$ent reports )or the last 8 3A22+ )ra$es ha(e contained the )ollo'ing
Measurement values: 3: 3://J S: S:$
S)CC% frame 1 " 4 @ C F G 5
5XIJA>=3?5< 3 3 4 3 4 ; 4 ; 6 ; 4 3 5 3 7 ;
5X>?<=3?5< 21 3 16 3 15 ; 16 ; 12 ; 16 3 14 3 10 ;
0 4
0 4
0 4
0 4
0 4
0 4
0 4
0 4
5X>?<=E2?>> 14 15 16 17 17 18 19 20
5X>?<=E2?>> 15 16 17 18 18 19 20 21
N#e to N> po'er control the 8T3 trans$it po'er le(el is red#ced b& the )ollo'ing (al#es1
FG5=2=N 8 8 8 6 6 6 4 2
A30181-X1789-X004-01-7635 4 - 69
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a7 Ghich cell corresponds to 822+=;5?I=E2?>> @ 0 ]
a7 Ghat are a(erage (al#es )or
- 5X>?<=N>
- 5XIJA>=N>
- F8:T 6 cell 27, F8:T 6 cell 37]
a7 s cell 2 incl#ded 'ithin the target cell list )or a hando(er]
a7 Ghich (al#e )or +M=9A5:E 6cell 1 cell 37 is re/#ired to allo' a better cell
hando(er to cell 3]
a7 Ass#$e that a better cell hando(er to cell 3 occ#rs. 3o$e seconds a)ter the hando(er
the recei(ed le(el )or$ cell1 has increased b& 6 d8, 'hile the recei(ed le(el )ro$ the
ne' ser(ing cell 3 re$ains constant. To 'hich +M=9A5:E 6cell 3 cell 17 has to be
set to pre(ent a Rbac"-hando(er. to cell]
4 - 70 A30181-X1789-X004-01-7635
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for Communication
.2ercise 1: Cell reselection
;or a phase 1 93 the )ollo'ing conditions )or cell reselection ha(e to be )#l-lled1
)or 6a7 o'n location area
21 6cell 27 D 21 6cell 17
21 6cell 27 D 21 6cell 17 B 2?>>=5?3?>?2T=+K3T?5?33
)or 6b7 di*erent location areas
The 21 (al#e is gi(en b&
21 @ A<=5X>?< - A22?33=9E - 9a! 60, 93=TXFG5=9AX=22+ - F7
i.e. )or this scenario one has 6po'er class 3 @ 37 d8$71
21 6cell 17 @ 26 - 20 - 9a! 60, 39-377 @ 4

21 6cell 27 @ 20 - 14 - 9a! 60, 33-377 @ 6
) cell 1 and cell 2 belong to the sa$e location area, cell reselection ta"es place. )
the& belong to di*erent location areas and i) 2?>>=5?3?>?2T=+K3T?5?33 D 2 d8,
no cell reselection ta"es place.
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.2ercise ": %andover Decision
a7 The cell 'ith 822+=;5?I=E2?>> @ 0 is the lo'est A5;2E o) the bcch )re/#encies
6a$ong the neighbor cells o) cell 17, i.e. cell 3.
a7 The a(eraging 'indo's )or 5X>?< and 5XIJA> o) the ser(ing cell contain 7 (al#es.
3ince the 'eight )or )#ll (al#es is three, the (al#e o) )ra$e 8 is ta"en 'ith $#ltiplicit&
3O )ra$e 7 and 6 is ta"en 'ith $#ltiplicit& 1. The re$aining 2 (al#es )or the a(erging
'indo' are ta"e )ro$ the )#ll (al#e o) )ra$e 5. There)ore one has1
- A<=5XIJA> @ 147 A 63 A 7 B 5 B 4 B 2 A 67 @ 6
- A<=5X>?< @ 147 A 63 A 10 B 14 B 16 B 2 A 127 @ 12
;or calc#lation o) the po'er b#dget the (al#es o) 3A22+ )ra$e 1...8 are a(eraged
'itho#t ta"ing into acco#nt $#ltiplicities. The po'er b#dget is gi(en b& the )ollo'ing
F8:T6n7 @ 5X>?<=E2?>>6n7 - 65X>?<=N> B FG5=2=N7
B 9in693=TXFG5=9AX, F7 - 9in693=TXFG5=9AX6n7, F7
;or the a(erage (al#es one has1
9in 693=TXFG5=9AX, F7 - 9in 693=TXFG5=9AX 6cell 27, F7 @ 2
9in 693=TXFG5=9AX, F7 - 9in 693=TXFG5=9AX 6cell 37, F7 @ 0
5X>?<=N> B FG5=2=N @ 15 B 6 @ 21
5X>?<=E2?>> 6cell 27 @ 18
5X>?<=E2?>> 6cell 37 @ 17
F8:T 6cell 27 @ 18 - 21 B 2 @ - 1
F8:T 6cell 37 @ 17 - 21 B 0 @ - 4
a7 Altho#gh one has A<=5XIJA> D >=5XIJA>=N>=+ no /#alit& hando(er is initiated1
- no intracell hando(er since A<=5X>?< H >=5X>?<=N>=+
- no intercell hando(er since the 8T3 trans$it po'er is not at its $a!i$#$.
;#rther$ore, no le(el hando(er is initiated.
3ince )or a po'er b#dget hando(er the target cell list onl& contains cells 'ith F8:T 6n7
D +M=9A5:E6n7 - 'hich is not )#l-lled b& cell 2 - cell 2 is not incl#ded in the target
cell list.
a7 To allo' a better cell hando(er to cell 3, the +M=9A5:E 6cell1 cell 37 has to be set
to - 5 or a lo'er (al#e.
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Training Center
for Communication
a7 F8:T 6cell 3 cell 17 @ - F8:T 6cell 1 cell 37 B 6 d8 i$pro(e$ent o) cell1 @ 10 d8
hence to pre(ent a po'er b#dget hando(er )ro$ cell 3 to cell1, +M=9A5:E 6cell 1
cell 37 has to be set to 10 d8 or higher
4 - 74 A30181-X1789-X004-01-7635
Training Center
for Communication
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