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Copyright Edwin Jay Sparkes (2014)

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A CIP catalogue record for this title is available from the British

ISBN 978 1 78455 337 1


First Published (2014)
Austin Macauley Publishers Ltd.
25 Canada Square
Canary Wharf
E14 5LB

Printed and bound in Great Britain


Introduction 9
1 Money 11
2 Race 15
3 Religion 19
4 Politics 23
5 Health 25
6 Sexuality 27
7 War 29
8 In Closing 33

For my dad


Words have been used in all ways for all purposes.
Who amongst us can claim that they have not been
influenced (for both good and bad) by a piece of
music, poetry or film? Or felt sickened, or made to feel
fearful by anger-fuelled rhetoric from those who use
the power of words to convince others of its truth?
To communicate can be a gift or a curse
depending on those trying to express it (combined with
the environment that fuels it) and those willing to
receive it (environment is essential in this respect also).
Words can inspire, or crush. How you wish to
interpret the words expressed through the following
chapters is within you and shall be praised and/or
criticised. All this book asks is why do you do either of

When truth is known yet covered in lies, how dark
lies become and how brightly truth shines.



Of all the weapons human beings have devised to kill,
enslave or to exert authority and control over each
other, one beats them all: money. It has been observed
that money (or at least the desire of it) makes people
act on some, if not all of our selfish and negative
impulses. A brief list could include fraud, theft, murder
and corruption.
The influence that finance has and continues to
have on human affairs can and should be measured in
suffering. From the genocide of native tribes
worldwide to the present day practice of smuggling
people for slave labour and sexual exploitation, the
seeking of personal or group profit has been its
primary cause and/or its most common excuse.
How ironic it is that in the so-called civilised
world the wearing of gold or other precious metals
decorated with yet more precious metals and stones is
viewed as a symbol of affluence and success, whereas
if you were to visit many of the regions of the world
where these materials are sourced they are usually
viewed as symbols of oppression, low standards of
living, civil war and inhumane treatment. It is clear
that to many the concept of profit has all but destroyed

the idea that human life itself has value to the extent
that another human beings life and dignity are worth
less than an item of jewellery, clothing, furniture or
Many have heard the phrase a fool and their
money are soon parted. This surely cant be taken to
mean that the selfish and greedy are more intelligent?
Could it also be taken to mean that all the taxes and
other revenues we pay to our bloated, decadent and
corrupt institutions are an act of a supreme collective
Of all the empires that have been and gone, of all
the factors that have resulted in their downfall, money
combined with its value and distribution among the
population, has always been at the forefront of civil
unrest, revolution and eventual collapse. On a more
individual level, money influences personal attitudes
towards other people in various ways; as an example,
how do you view someone who is homeless and living
on the street? Like most people, do you try your best
not to notice them?
It is becoming more apparent that the failures of
our financial system are out in the open for all to see
(closed factories, shops, rising prices, new and rising
taxes, falling living standards etc.), with mistrust
growing of the current system it seems that alternatives
are being viewed with similar and equal suspicion.
Lately it seems that the only groups who want the
current system to continue are those in the position to
benefit the most from it, while everyone else struggles
to maintain what most would concede is a basic,

dignified living standard. If anyone wanted to discuss
change could they go wrong by using basic morality as
a forum for changing our out-of-date, inhumane debt
based money system?



The ways in which people define themselves are
becoming more aggressive, bringing with them
dangerous and self-centred opinions. Everything from
the country we are born into, affiliation with sports
teams and political parties, musical preference,
clothing choice, even down to the employment with
which we seek to support and expand ourselves
financially; all this and more are being made to seem
trivial by those who wish to divide people on the basis
of mere skin colour.
This concept can be seen as quite confusing and
also rather amusing when we consider the idea that in
our world, just about every other species expresses
itself in many shapes, sizes and indeed colours.
To de-humanise others requires that you first de-
humanise yourself. When any group decides to attack
another, misconception and bigotry always follow one
another to an inevitable conclusion of suffering for all.
The idea of taking the easiest and most recognised
difference between people and to make it a moral,
spiritual or political issue is nothing more than an
expression of egotism and/or blind anger. A misguided
claim of superiority over others continues to be an

inescapable component of history, and of the present
(empires rely heavily on this concept) groups and
entire nations have fallen victim to this idea and
through that have forced compliance and servitude on
so called inferior races. How ironic it is that those who
claim superiority require slaves or servants? Isnt it fair
to ask that, if they are so much better than others, why
would they even need such people?
Division has always caused destruction whereas
unity builds, creates and sustains our world. Right now
it is becoming clearer which one of these concepts is
being utilised more than the other which poses some
very profound and uncomfortable questions such as:
How long can this situation continue?
Who benefits from it?
What kind of person promotes it?
And what kind of environment promotes it?
We as social beings have a deep need to belong
and to feel included, understood or to feel welcome
within any social group. Hate groups feed off this
fear to attract new members and to retain current
members within their sphere of influence (the term
race traitor springs to mind).When all an adult has
known is hatred and fear it is inevitable that this will
be passed on to future generations, therefore
continuing for years to come the same hatred and
prejudice that has destroyed countless lives and
cultures everywhere. We in our present day modern
world have a tendency to look down upon and judge
past generations and civilisations for their misguided
and short-sighted mistakes, while continuing to make

the same mistakes that brought about their demise.
History repeating itself, or is it just us?
If any outlook of arrogance and hatred needs to be
recognized as a social and psychological poison, surely
the idea of racism is one of the most critical to
confront. There is only one race of people on the earth:
we all call ourselves the human race. This poses a
choice to each and every one of us: do you want to be a
part of its growth, or a part of its destruction?
This choice is yours and no one elses.



The individuals right to have faith in any of the many
spiritual and philosophical practices has and continues
to be one of the most fought for expressions of
personal choice and freedom that humanity has
engaged in.
There is of course a very good reason for this as it
plays a major role in personal and cultural identity, and
that it is also one of the many branches of liberty that
we as human beings value. Persecution of one religious
group by another is possibly one of the most
undeniable factors that have shaped cultural attitudes
within society. With migrations of large groups from
one area to another written about in many spiritual
texts and history books, is it not possible that fear and
misunderstanding of unstudied, and therefore
unknown, religious practices be one of the root causes
of past and present turmoil?
The most brutal of conflicts generally have
spiritual beliefs as the most galvanising concepts to
provide common ground to any group seeing itself as
suffering from persecution. Its a terrible irony that
violent and oppressive behaviour performed in the
name of any deity or spiritual teaching instantly

devalues those teachings inviting fear and mistrust.
Any study of the many avenues of spiritual and
religious disciplines makes it very easy to see more
similarities between the many faiths than there are
differences, yet all groups claim in varying degrees to
be the one true path to what is perceived to be divine.
This can of course be a very dangerous, egotistical and
self-defeating process, bringing harm to many.
Many have at some point in their lives pondered
life and its meaning in order to attain a more
personally profound understanding of the world and
life in general, and their place within it. This is one of
the unique traits that we as human beings have, as it
expands our ability to see concepts and ideas from
many sides and perspectives. Many times during any
aggressive uprising it is spiritual leaders and those of
learning that are the most persecuted within any group.
If anything could provide evidence of how influential
spiritual leadership can be, this, and the briefest of
glances at history would surely suffice.
The amazing variety of religious practices lends
itself to another fascinating concept: whichever you
choose to follow (or not to follow) regardless of
culture, location or even social status, according to
many spiritual writings these factors arent seen as
important. That must bring great comfort to anyone
regardless of their own religious or non-religious
beliefs. What could be argued (as it usually is) is that
personal spiritual experiences can provide comfort and
profound insights, god (or at least the concept of god)
is there for all to reflect upon and whether you believe
or not it is always our actions and not mere words on

which moral validity is based and measured.
Philosophers and others have spoken and written about
our higher selves could that also be seen as an
example of our true potential in all things?



Many in this world find it totally unbelievable that
large sections of the human population can be coerced
so easily. How did we as a collective of individuals
allow ourselves to be controlled in this way? The
answer is sadly too easy to see but not easy to
acknowledge as the present human condition is one of
ignorance combined with a lack of self-honesty and
critical thought. The hardest thing for any individual to
do at any time is to disagree with others when so many
have already convinced themselves or have been
convinced by others of a supposed truth. Every tactic is
used from intimidation, imprisonment and even killing
to suppress or deny ideas that challenge the legitimacy
and integrity of leaders and/or their policies.
In the twisted arena of politics the most deviant
and selfish aspects of human behaviour have been
given free rein to mislead humanity down a path of
scarcity, conflict and curtailed potential. The dangers
in this regard cannot be underestimated as the idea that
a few can guide the many to a brighter future is an
illusion created and perpetuated by those who wish to
gain the most from that future, while making the most
from the present for themselves. The fact that many
have allowed this to happen and continue to occur is a

huge concern for an ever-growing percentage of the
population of many nations. And it seems like during
times of upheaval, be it of a social, political, or
financial form, when an overwhelming majority have
grievances with their leaders all that is usually offered
are more lies, deceit or violence to maintain their
illusory authority.
The instability being witnessed around our world
is merely an old system being denounced by those who
have suffered the most as a result of those systems
being implemented. What is now becoming more
undeniable is that an ever-growing cross-section of
people are getting involved with demonstrations or
protests which all too often result in violent and
destructive behaviour which belittles any injustice
being fought against (agent provocateurs have been
blamed at times for this). An honest and open debate is
becoming more critical as the level of frustration and
violence continues to grow.
With the rise of what have been called hate
groups, or extremist religious political groups, the
chances of peace are becoming harder to find with
violence used to justify yet more violence. When any
revolution uses violence, isnt it reasonable to assume
that violent acts will be used to promote it, to also
resist it, and to keep control of those involved within it
regardless of the moral direction of its leadership?
These dangers cannot be ignored as all of us can be
victims, perpetrators or witnesses of this misery. If
politics has taught us anything can it be that a promise
not delivered upon is worth nothing, and could even be
viewed as one of the many definitions of a lie.



The balance and vitality within and between mind and
body is the foundation of all human (and every other
biological entitys) potential. No person, regardless of
their social status, intelligence, race or religion is
immune from the debilitating effects of ill health (both
mental and physical) or injury, one of the most
revealing aspects of human society is that if you are
born into the lower classes of any state, country or
region your overall mental and physical wellbeing is
the most profoundly affected aspect of your existence.
Even in developed nations with universal (or as some
refer to it, socialised) health care the lifespan and
overall quality of life is significantly reduced for a
considerable percentage of the population. This usually
manifests as strained and overcrowded hospitals and
loss of revenue and production through sickness.
When viewed globally, the imbalance of available
nutrition combined with a lack of drinkable water is a
concern for a vast percentage of the worlds people.
With the developed world witnessing ever-increasing
amounts of obesity and eating disorders, leading to
unnecessary and debilitating diseases, while the
developing world suffer from increasing levels of
starvation and malnutrition combined with a lack of

infrastructure to counteract the problems of poverty
and disease, its becoming clear that the social systems
of both sides of the issue need a new solution. The
social and moral implications that this imbalance has
for our species cannot be underestimated. No one
would expect a seed from a plant to reach its full
potential (therefore its chance to live, grow, and
reproduce) without the nutritional input of soil and
water combined with the energy of the sun. From this
example is it reasonable to conclude that only the most
cruel and selfish attitudes of humankind would deny
that potential to any living organism.
This all, of course, can be considered trivial when
we take an honest and open look at the health of our
planet as a whole. With an ever-growing number of
researchers, scientists and others expressing concerns
and giving dire warnings about our actions towards our
world concerning the health and overall sustainability
of our industrialised farming, manufacturing and
housing (to name but a few), it is becoming more
apparent that our actions are increasingly damaging
our health and wellbeing in ways which have the
ability to alarm (and inspire) anyone with the courage
to face them and the willingness to assist in resolving
When any individual feels positive about
themselves they naturally feel the same about others
and their surrounding environment. Someone who
feels negatively will act in the opposite way by hurting
others and their surroundings. This in itself asks the
question: How do you feel?



Love, and its closely related emotional states such as
lust, jealousy, etc. are expressed in all ways by human
beings (and by many other species). Nowadays,
sexuality (alongside race and religion) is used as a
rather weak excuse to pass judgement on individuals.
Sexuality and its sins or virtues is a common topic
of discussion amongst many political, spiritual and
social groups. Bigotry is being allowed to influence
debates which usually degrade into mindless name
calling and judging.
No one could argue that laws passed to protect
anyone, be they man, woman or child, from the
degrading act of sexual abuse are essential in any
society, but it seems a curious double standard that
consenting adults of the same gender (who are not
predatory to anyone) but are attracted to each other
have laws passed against them and their personal and
mutual feelings. With sexual preference being used as
an exclusory excuse towards certain professions the
most obvious of these of late being the military and
priesthood the need for rational debate is required but
stalled by narrow minded views of those who, for
whatever reason, feel the need to make any discussion
seem irrelevant.

As gay rights have been fought for as much as any
other human freedom, is it possible that all human
freedoms can be fought for at the same time rather than
separating them for personal (or group) gain or
advantage? With the institution of marriage coming
more into the spotlight with regards to same sex
couples (shouldnt love itself be the institution?) can
any society truly call itself free and open? With more
ever-present problems facing all of humanity
(pollution, poverty, war, famine, etc), can it be
reasoned that if any society, culture or country would
deny basic dignity and rights to one section of the
community, are they likely to deny or endeavour to
take away other rights from everyone else?



Out of all of human behaviour, nothing at any time or
anywhere has caused more depletion of natural
resources and division of generations and cultures than
the act of war. It has been said many times that war is
a hungry beast that devours everything in its path: no
statement has ever described this insanity in such a
profound way, and yet for so many problems in our
world it is put forward by so many and so often as the
only solution. If war is hell, it is a hell of our own
No nation at any time that has increased its
military capability has ever kept this additional
capability within its own borders. The only time when
this capacity has remained within a nation is when it
has been used to oppress that nations own population
usually manifesting as civil war and genocide. As any
empire grows, its armies have always grown with
them, and when no more arms, troops and other
resources can be sought in the empires home state,
additional material, troops etc. have been brought in on
a mercenary basis to further the selfish desires of the
empires builders. What is most revealing is that the
vast percentage of the empires home states citizens
are kept passive and in line by being told (through

propaganda) that all the sacrifices both in civil liberties
and property, combined with the destruction being
performed in their name, is being done to benefit them.
The real truth is that they benefit the least when
compared to their leadership.
How soul destroying and alarming it is to see that
for centuries the same social structures that have built
(and eventually destroyed) countries and empires are
still with us in todays world. Is this a risk that we, as
human beings, are willing to take?
Groups and individuals that have been (and sadly
continue to be) ruthlessly labelled as unpatriotic,
pacifistic or defeatist when raising the questions of the
validity of violent actions, are always treated with
suspicion and derision and yet hardly ever debated
fairly, but are usually silenced (or ignored) by any
means necessary. How can this be when as children we
are generally taught not to hurt others and to always
tell the truth?
Do we forget these teachings so easily or are we
just denying ourselves their moral validity?
If war can be defined as the absence of peace,
then surely peace can be defined as the absence of
war. Through all the destruction and misery that our
past and present continues to show us, it must also
contain the capacity to express our most serious of
choices whether or not to continue on this path to
choose a new one. This choice is not the sole domain
of leaders; it is a moral choice for everyone to make.
Many people are hoping for a positive choice and new
direction for the future, for if the future is a product of

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