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D1) The XX question
D1) The XX question
D1) The XX question
Saturday, November 2nd, 5:5 !m to ":# !m
%entury &allroom '
%hristie 'sch*anden
Managing editor, The Open Notebook; freelance journalist
+aryn +c,enna
Author; contributing editor, Scientifc American; blogger, wiredcom
,athleen -aven
!reelance journalist, "euters #ealth
.lorence /illiams
freelance writer and author of The New $ork Times Notable %ook,
%"&ASTS' A Natural and (nnatural #istor)
0mily /illin1ham
*riter and scientist
Deborah &lum
Author; professor, (ni+ersit) of *isconsin,Madison
Deborah &lum
Author; professor, (ni+ersit) of *isconsin,Madison
/hen science *ritin1 4rst became an established !ro5ession in the 6nited
States 7 datin1 bac( to the establishment o5 N'S/ in the 18#s 7 it *as
almost entirely a male !ro5ession9 :n the last 5e* decades, o5 course, that
has chan1ed in revolutionary *ays9 /omen are no* a !rominent !art o5
the !ro5ession, both as *riters and editors, in;uencin1 the direction o5
science *ritin1 today9 &ut althou1h there<s no denyin1 that bi1 !icture
chan1e, it seems the ri1ht moment to assess the small !icture details9
Ho* in;uential are *e, actually= Ho* !rominent e>actly= Ho* 5ar has this
?revolution@ ta(en us in terms o5 !osition, !ay, in;uence, and reco1nition9
:n this interactive session, *e<ll oAer both a dataBrich !resentation o5
evidence and a discussionB5ocused !anel to e>!lore this questions, 1ather
5eedbac(, and !erha!s even !ut to1ether a re!ort to be shared *ith
Note: -ecent incidents in the science *ritin1 community have hei1htened
interest in !ro5essional issues that aAect our entire society9 :n order to
accommodate this increased interest, *e have moved CThe XX Duestion,C
Session D1, *hich 5ocuses on *omen in the !ro5ession o5 science *ritin1,
to a ne* time slot and lar1er room9 The session *ill no* be held 5rom
5:B":#!m on Saturday, November 2 in %entury &allroom '9 The '*ards
!resentation has been moved bac( to accommodate the shi5t and *ill
be1in at E:!m in the theatre at the Samuel F9 Harn +useum o5 'rt, a
short *al( 5rom the hotel and con5erence center9
The session may also !resent an o!!ortunity 5or interested attendees to
discuss a *ay 5or*ard 5or the science *ritin1 community9 To 5oster trust
and res!ect at our con5erences, discussion in any session should be
5ramed as a collaborative and re;ective o!!ortunity9 's *ith any session
or con5erence event, !artici!ants should treat each other *ith di1nity and
res!ect and re5rain 5rom oAensive or char1ed comments that create a
hostile environment 5or any attendee9
To assist in creatin1 a res!ect5ul environment in *hich !anelists and
discussants can be truly heard, *e as( that attendees re5rain 5rom usin1
social media durin1 this !articular session9 0ven thou1h *e *ill attem!t to
create a socialBmedia 5ree s!ace in *hich attendees devote attention to
listenin1, as *ith all sessions comments and !resentations are still
considered to be made in !ublic9 The session *ill also be videota!ed 5or
!otential distribution to the lar1er science *ritin1 community unable to
attend the meetin19

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