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ulploma (Mechanlcal)

Workshop ractlce lor 1

Lxpt: 1. Practice correctIy safety procedures in the workshop.
1. Always llsten carelully to the teacher and lollow lnstructlons.
2. uo not run ln the workshop, you could 'bump' lnto another pupll and cause
an accldent.
3. know where the emergency stop buttons are posltloned ln the workshop. ll
you see an accldent at the other slde ol the workshop you can use the
emergency stop button to turn oll all electrlcal power to machlnes.
4. Always wear an apron as lt wlll protect your clothes and hold lose clothlng
such as tles ln place.
3. Wear good strong shoes. tralnlng shoes are not sultable.
6. When attemptlng practlcal work all stools should be put away.
7. 8ags should not be brought lnto a workshop as people can trlp over them.
8. When learnlng how to use a machlne, llsten very carelully to all the
lnstructlons glven by the teacher. Ask questlons, especlally ll you do not
lully understand.
9. uo not use a machlne ll you have not been shown how to operate lt salely
by the teacher.
10. Always be patlent, never rush ln the workshop.
11. Always use a guard when worklng on a machlne.
12. keep hands away lrom movlng/rotatlng machlnery.
13. use hand tools carelully, keeplng both hands behlnd the cuttlng edge.
14. 8eport any damage to machlnes/equlpment as thls could cause an
AlM: 1o study the tools used ln llttlng Shop
1oo/s ore moin/y c/ossified os
l) no|d|ng too|s - to hold the work llrmly when several operatlons are belng carrled out. Lx:
8ench vlce, leg vlce, clamp, tongs etc.,
ll) Str|k|ng too|s - to lmpart the requlred energy to the tool to cut the materlal. Lx: Pammer,
lll) Cutt|ng too|s - used to cut the materlal. 1hey have sharp cuttlng edges lor the removal ol
materlal. Lx: Chlsel, hack was [ack plane, drlll, shear, llle taps.
lv) Mark|ng too|s - used to mark the work surlace so that the llnal dlmenslons can be clearly
lald out the work plece. Lx: ulvlder, punch, scrlber.
v) Measur|ng too|s - used to measure dlmenslons/angles on the work plece so that the glven
slze ol the model can be measured and marked. Lx: Scale, callpers, bevel protractor.
ln the next paragraphs the descrlptlon ol each ol the above classllled tools has been glven. Lllort has
been made to cover most ol them.
1. no|d|ng 1oo|
8ench vlce :- ls a work holdlng devlce, llxed to the worklng bench, rldgldly. lt has a llxed end wlth a [aw
bolted on to the table. A moveable end wlth a [aw ls connected through a screw rod. 1he screw rod has
a handle on one end. 8y actuatlng (rotatlng the handle) the moveable [aw can be moved towards the
llxed [aw or away lrom lt. 8etween the gap ol the [aws, the workpelce ls held rlgldly. (llg.13 a shows
Leg v|ce : lt ls a work holdlng devlce llxed to the worklng bench rlgldly. lt contalns llxed and moveable
[aws connected to two long leg llke members. A screw rod connects the two legs. A sprlng holds the
legs ln tenslon. A handle provlded on to the screw rod ls used to actuate the moveable [aw portlon. 1he
gap between the [aws can be lncreased or decreases to lacllltate grlpplng ol the workplece. lt ls used lor
heavy duty work .
Anv||: lt ls used to keep the work plece and apply necessary pressure uslng a hammer. lt conslsts ol a
rlgld base wlth a top llat surlace and a polnted beak on one slde. lt ls also conslsts ol a small square
hole to keep the work plece whlle lmpartlng necessary pressure. uslng the beak portlon ol the anvll the
shee metal can be bent lnto an arc ol a clrcle and necessary bendlng actlon can be lmparted to the
Carpenter's v|ce : conslsts ol llxed and moveable [aws. 1he lace ol the [aws are provlded wlth wooden
surlace backed by metal surlace. 8y uslng handle the moveable [aw can be moved to an lro and
lacllltate clamplng ol wood.
C-c|amp: ls a work holdlng devlce, ln the lorm ol a C. lt ls handy and portable one. 1he gap between the
ends ol the C can be ad[usted uslng a screw rod and handle.
1ongs : are small work holdlng devlces resembllng and ordlnary household tong. lt has two members
are hlnged at a polnt. lt ls used to hold and lllt the work plece. Sometlmes by holdlng the work ln the
tongs, work plece can be hammered.
Co||ect chuck: conslst ol three [aws actuated by a bevel plnlon. 1he [aws are held wlthln a caslng. 1he
caslng has hold on the outer perlphery. 1he stud end ol the plnlon can be lnserted and by rotatlng the
handle on the plnlon the upper end ol the case can be actuated whlch ln turn moves ln the [aws upward
or downward. 1hls devlce ls used ln a drllllng machlne to hold drlll blts.
V-b|ock: ls a small steel block wlth v-grooves. 1he cyllndrlcal work plece can be held ln the groove and
clamped uslng C-clamp. lt ls rectangular or square block wlth v-groove on one or both sldes (opposlte
sldes). (llg.13c shows thls).
2. Str|k|ng 1oo|s
nammers: are tools used to lmpart lmpact energy to the cuttlng tool whlle cuttlng the work plece.
8aslcally lt conslsts ol heavy mass ol steel at one end ol a wooden handle. 1he steel end has llat lact on
one slde and a peen (cyllndrlcal, spherlcal or wedge etc.) on the other slde. 1he name ol the hammers ls
based on the shape ol the peen.
Lx: 8all peen hammer, wedge peen hammer.
Ma||et : ls a hammer all made out ol wood. lt ls used ln carpentry work. 1he same ls used ln lltters also.
3. Cutt|ng 1oo|
nacksaw: ls used lor cuttlng ol metal. lt conslsts ol thln blade wlth a number ol teeth held on to a metal
lrame. 1he blade ol the hacksaw ls so placed that the teeth polnts away lrom the handle. 1he wldth ol
the cut ls always greater than the blade thlckness. 1hls lacllltate easy cuttlng. 1he operator has to move
the blade lorward agalnst the workplece., wlth pressure and backward wlthout pressure. uurlng lorward
stroke, only the materlal gets removed. Whlle blade makes return stroke no pressure ls applled and
there ls no cuttlng actlon. Pere very small chlps are lormed. Stralght cuttlng ls done here.
Ch|se|s: are used lor removlng bulk ol materlal, by chlpplng actlon. Chlsels are made ol hlgh carbon
steel hardened tempred and annealed. lt conslsts ol a cuttlng edge and a shank. 1he cuttlng edge angle
ls normally 60o. 1hlnner chlsels are used ln carpentry. 1ougher hardened steel are used ln lltters.
I||es: are used lor removlng small amounts ol materlal lrom the workpelce.
lt ls hardened tool havlng lncllned parallel rows ol grooves or teeth on lts surlaces.Cne end ol lt ls lltted
lnto a wooden handle. varletles ol llles are used ln practlce. llat lace, hall round llle, round llle,
trlangular llle etc, .
1aps : are cyllndrlcal rods wlth hellcal threads cut on them. lour axlal grooves are provlded on the
1he length ls sllghtly tapered at the end.
1hey come ln 3 sets
l) Startlng tap has more taper at the end, has coarse threads.
ll) lntermedlate tap has less taper and llner threads.
lll) llnal tap has much less taper at the end wlth llner threads.
1hey are used ln sequence to cut lnternal threads. A tap wrench ls used to hold the taps and by uslng
hand the necessary rotatlon ol the tap can be glven.
Dr||| b|ts: 1hese are cuttlng tools used lor creatlng clrcular holes ln the work plece. A drlll but conslsts ol
a shank. Whlch ls plan cyllndrlcal one and a llute end whlch conslst ol hellcal grooves wlth cuttlng
edges. 1he tlp ol the hellcal portlon ends ln the lorm ol a crone,whlch wlll provlde the necessary cuttlng
actlon to the tool. 1he twlst grlll or drlll blt as lt ls popularly called as has to be used ln a drllllng machlne
to get the necessary rotatlng actlon. 8y applylng pressure on to the work plece through the drlll blt
whlle lt ls belng rotated the hole ol requlred slze can be created.
Iack p|ane: ls used ln carpentry work. Conslsts ol a rectangular box wlth slot at the centre to llx a llat
shaped cuttlng blade wlth ad[ustable screws. 1hln materlals ol wood can be removed by thls. Smooth
even surlace can be created on the work plece by uslng thls.
Wood saw: ls used to cut wood. Stralght vertlcal or slant cuts can be made. Cross cut saw ls used lor
laster and larger [obs. 1enon saw ls used lor llght [obs.
Shears: llnd use ln sheet metal work. 8esembles a shear (sclssors). Cuttlng edges. 1hey are also
relerred to as snlps (hand operated).
4. Mark|ng too|s
D|v|der: conslsts ol two polnted legs hlnged at one end. 1he dlvlder ls used to mark or lay oll dlstances
on the plece.
Centre punch & dot punch: are small cyllndrlcal hardened steel pleces wlth a polnt at one end. lt ls used
to punch relerence marks on the work plece. 1hey are used to mark the layout llnes wlth a dot and also
locate the centre ol the hold to be drllled.
1ry Square: ls used lor checklng perpendlcularlty ol ad[acent surlaces. lt ls also used to mark
perpendlcular ad[acent laces wlth workplece. lt ls used ln carpentry and lltters'. lt ls used lor checklng
the squreness ol ad[acent laces ol the work. lt conslsts ol a blade ol hardend steel and a beam ol steel.
lt ls specllled by the length ol the blade.
8eve| square : 1hls tool ls slmllar to the try squre except the angle between the blade and the stock can
be ad[usted lor a glven angle so that the glven angles can be marked easlly.
Surface p|ate: lt ls llat horlzontal hardened steel plate used to hold work plece along wlth an angle
plate. v-block, scrlber etc. to mark the work plece. lt helps to mark the surlace accuretly. lt ls used lor
checklng the llatness ol the work plece. lt ls used to mark the work plece. lt ls made ol cast lron or
hardended steel or granlte stone. lt ls specllled by the length, breadth, helght and grade.
Scr|ber b|ock : lt conslsts ol a square shaped steel base wlth a vertlcal rod attached to lt. A small bush
wlth a pro[ectlon and wlng nut can be slld ln the rod, up or down. 1o the bush a long scrlblng pln ls
attached. lt can be swlveled and held at an angle wlth respect to vertlcal axls. 1hls length and the angle
ol the scrlber can be changed. 1he pln has a polnted end, whlch ls used to mark the work plece.
Mark|ng gauge: lt ls used ln carpentry to lacllltate marklng on the wooden surlace. lt conslsts ol sharp
polnter at one end lor marklng and a square laced ad[ustable thln wooden block that can be slld on a
square wooden bar. lt ls provlded wlth a clamp lor arrestlng the square long laced block.
Ang|e p|ate: lt ls plate made ol cast lron. lt has two ad[acent surlaces machlned at rlght angles to each
other. 1he work plece to be marked ls held agalnst the vertlcal lace ol the angle plate and then uslng a
scrlblng block the surlace ls marked. 1he angle plate ls used along wlth a surlace plate.
Spr|ng ca||pers: 1hey are used to check the lnslde and outslde dlameter ol the work plece, wlth the help
ol a scale. 1hey are relerred to as lnslde and outslde callpers. Sprlng odd leg callpers : lt ls used lor
marklng parallel llnes lrom a llnlshed edge. lt can also be used to locate the centre ol a round bar.
S. Measur|ng 1oo|:
Vern|er ca||per: lt ls a measurlng tool used to measure both outslde and lnslde dlmenslons ol the work
plece. 1he least value measurable by the vernler callper ls specllled by the term Least Count ol the
Least count (L.C) = value ol 1 maln scale dlvlslon - value ol vernler scale dlvlslon.
Cuts|de m|crometer: lt ls used lor measurlng outslde dlmenslons accurately to 2
declmal place.
lt conslsts ol a llner maln scale and a clrcular vernler scale.
W|re guage: lt ls used to check the thlckness ol the sheet metal and lt also act as a measurlng tool. lt
conslsts ol a clrcular dlsc wlth number ol slots along lts clrcumlerence. 1he thlckness ol each ol the slots
ls deslgnated by a lnteger number and lt corresponds to a partlcular thlckness ln mm. 1he sheet metal ls
passed through any ol the slot that exactly matches and the thlckness can be read out ln SWC or mm.
Plgher the number ol the guage thlnner ls the gauge thlckness ol the sheet.
1. What |s f|tters ?
lltters ls s metal worklng operatlon whlch lnvolve cuttlng, llnlshlng and assembllng ol metal
2. What work mater|a| |s norma||y used for the mode| ?
Mlld steel M.S - a low carbon steel wlth less than 0.23 C. lt ls also contaln other elements -
03-0.8Sl, 0.7=0.9 Mn, 0.03 Mas S & balance le.
3. What |s "|ayout: |n f|tters ?
1he process ol laylng out or translerrlng ol the dlmenslons on the work plece ls relerred to as
4. What |s 1ry square ? Why |s |t so ca||ed ?
1ry square ls a tool used lor checklng the rlght angles ol the ad[acent edges ol the work plece.
lt gets lts name slnce the edges are to be trled agaln and agaln lor each llllng operatlon to verlly
lts true perpendlcularlty.
S. What steps are norma||y used |n prepar|ng a f|tter mode| ?
varlous steps lnvolved are :
llrst the work plece ls made square uslng lllllng ol edges and checklng wlth 1ry square.
Wet chalk paste ls smeared on the surlace.
Marklng ls made uslng centre ol the plece, or the llnlshed edges ol the work plece as
1he glven detalls ol dlmenslons are marked uslng a scrlber and stralght edge.
llrst all stralght llnes then ln the curves clrcles, arcs etc. are marked.
1he marklngs are made uslng a centre punch and hammer so that permanent relerence
mark ls present.
1he metal ls cut lrom the mark so that 0.3 - 1mm extra metal ls lelt lor llnal llnlshlng.
Lxcess metal ls removed lrom the surlace by sawlng or chlpplng.
uslng llles, the dlmenslons are brought to the llnal specllled value.
ll there ls drllllng and tapplng, drllllng machlne and taps are used to get the lnternal
6. What |s V-b|ock ?
v-block ls a tool to hold clrcular work plece preventlng lt lrom rolllng/sllpplng whlle marklng and
other operatlons are ln progress.
7. What |s ch|pp|ng ?
1he process ol removlng large amount ol metal lrom the work plece surlace by uslng chlsel and
hammer ls relerred to as chlpplng.
8. What |s saw|ng ?
1he process ol cuttlng the work plece lnto two by metal removal uslng a saw ls relerred to as
9. What |s f||||ng ?
lllllng ls a cuttlng operatlon on metals whlch lnvolve the removal ol metal ln small quantltles by
hand or by machlne uslng a llle.
10. L|st d|fferent types of f||es
1hey are classllled as:
1. Ceneral purpose llles - rough, coarse & bastard or
2. as slngle cut & double cut llles or
3. based on shaop
llat llle
Square llle
8ound llle
11. (a) What |s the ang|e of cut |n a f||e ? What |s the purpose of grooves]cuts on the f||e ?
1he llle surlace conslsts ol grooves cut at the angle. 1he dlrectlons ol the grooves lrom the
handle ls lrom rlght to lelt down wards called as overcut and lrom lelt to rlght down wards
called upcut when the llle ls held vertlcal wlth the handle upwards. ll the llle contalns both
upcut and overcut grooves then lt ls relerred to as double cut llles. 1he angle ol these grooves
depend on the type ol metals lllled.
11. (b) What ang|e |s used for f||||ng the fo||ow|ng mater|a|s ?
1he normal angle ol cut used are:
43 - 60
30 - 83
30 - 60
Al, Steel
1hese grooves are sharper and provlde greater chlp clearances lor easy lllllng.
12. What are the spec|f|cat|ons of a f||e ?
llles are specllled by thelr lengths (100-230mm) or (100-313mm).
Shapes - round, llat
Cuts - double cut or slngle cut.
13. When do you prefer s|ng|e cut and doub|t cut f||es ?
Slngle cut llles are prelerred lor solter metals.
uouble cut llles are prelerred lor harder metals.
14. L|st the d|fferent types of hammers.
Pammers are classllled as
8all pen hammer, square lace-round lace
Pammer wlth rubber caps on the lace.
1S. What |s p|ate? What |s sheet ?
When the thlckness ol the metal ls greater than 3mm then lt ls relerred to as place but when
the thlckness ls less than 3mm then lt ls relereed to as sheet.
16. now |s the s|ze of a try square spec|f|ed ?
1he slze ol the try square ls specllled by the length ol the blade.
17. Why |s the hacksaw b|ade teeth are staggered ?
1eeth ol hacksaw blade ls staggered to ensure that the metal powder removed lrom the cuttlng
process does not clog and prevent lurther cuttlng ol the metal. 1hls also ensures that the wldth
ol cut greater than the thlckness ol the blade.
18. now hacksaw b|ade |s spec|f|ed ?
1he blade ls specllled by lts length 230 or 300mm.
Wldth 12 or 16mm
1hlckness 0.63 or 0.8mm and
number ol teeth per lnch (20 per lnch etc).
19. What |s surface p|ate?
lt ls a heavy metal plate wlth very smooth surlace used to hold the work surlace. lt ls used to
mark dlmenslons uslng varlous tools and check the llatness ol the work plece.
20. What |s tw|st dr|||?
A twlst drlll ls a cuttlng tool used to cut holes ln the work plece. 1he drlll ls lltted to a drllllng
machlne. 1he rotary motlon ol the drlll ls used to create a hole.
21. What |s the funct|on of a f|ute |n a dr||| b|t ?
lt ls meant to push the cut metal (chlps) to the top durlng drllllng operatlon.
22. What mach|ne too| |s used to create a ho|e |n the p|ate ?
A drllllng machlne ls used lor the purpose.
23. What too| |s used for cutt|ng externa| threads ?
ules are used lor cuttlng external threads.
24. What too|s are used for cutt|ng |nterna| threads ?
1aps are used lor cuttlng lnternal threads.
2S. What are mater|a|s used for too|s ?
1he lollowlng materlals used lor tools:
vlce - cast lron, carbon steel
Packsaw blade - tool steel
Chlsel - medlum carbon steel
Pammer - medlum carbon steel
1wlst drlll - carbon tool steel, chromlum tool steel
Pand shears - tool steel
llles - tool steels, chromlum steels
26. Name d|fferent types of v|ce.
8ench vlce, Machlne vlce, lpe vlce, Leg vlce are the dlllerent types.
27. Name the d|fferent types of nammers.
Stralght peen hammer, cross peen hammer.
28. L|st the d|fferent types of ch|se|s
llat chlsel, cross cut chlsel, dlamond polnt chlsel.
29. now are hacksaw b|ades spec|f|ed ?
1hey are specllled based on the
l) ltch ol the teeth as
llne blade - 1mm
Medlum blade - 1.4mm
Coarse blade - 1.8mm
ll) Length ol the blade
lll) 1hlckness ol the blade
lv) Wldth ol the blade
v) Materlal ol the blade
30. now are f||es c|ass|f|ed ?
llles may be classllled based on the coarseness as
8ough, 8ustard, Smooth, uead & smooth and Super smooth ln the decreaslng order ol
I|tt|ng Mode|
A|m : 1o prepare a model as per the glven sketch.
Mater|a| g|ven : Mlld steel plate ol L = 32mm, 8=30mm, 1=3mm 2 nos.
1oo|s used : Steel scale, try square, 8all peen hammer, Centre punch, ulvlder, hacksaw wlth lrame, llat
Chlsel, llat llle rough and smooth, Leg vlce.
1. llx the llrst M.S.plece to the leg vlce and llle the ad[acent edges uslng rough llle.
2. Make the edges perpendlcular to each other by lllllng. Check the same uslng a 1ry square.
3. 8epeat the same lor the other plece and make the ad[acent edges perpendlcular each other.
4. now apply a thln layer ol wet chalk on the surlace ol the two pleces and allow lt to dry.
3. Mark the layout ol the glven shape on the two pleces (one lorms the male part and the other
lemale part) -uslng scale, scrlber pln etc., wlth the help ol a surlace plate.
6. uslng centre punch, mark punch marks to get permanent marks on the pleces.
7. Shaded portlon ls to be removed.
8. uslng hacksaw or chlsel, remove AA portlon and 88 portlon.
9. now uslng hacksaw cut oll portlon correspondlng to v-shape.
10. uslng small clrcular llle remove the excess materlal and slowly llnlsh lt. Malntaln the
dlmenslons by checklng the same at regular lntervals (by matchlng both the pleces).
11. Match the two surlaces.
12. Measure the crltlcal dlmenslons.
13. Compare lt wlth the glven dlmenslons and prepare a devlatlon table.
* Comment on the devlatlon ln the dlmenslons and the matchlng ol the two portlons ol the
Dimensions in mm
Deviation Male portion Female portion
Drawing Model Drawing Model
Radius E
Radius M
Edges E

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