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3.1 Existing Market Situation

In the entire province of Cebu there are approximately 150 day care
centers available. Most of them ofer formal classes for children ages 3 to
years old. !his type of program is also available in the " universities and at
around 1000 public and private schools in the local province. #n the other
hand$ developmental centers %hich focus on infants and toddlers are not
commonly &no%n in the city. !he available developmental centers %ithin the
city are rehabilitation centers that cater to all ages$ and there are about 13
'()* schools %hich primarily focus on mentally retarded and physically
impaired children. many children %ho also have physical and mental
disabilities are home+based %herein theraphists personally visit the patient,s
residence or they visit hospitals and get consultations and treatments from
speciali-ed doctors.
!he preceding information gives more details and examples of the
present situation of the competitors %ithin the city. !he present strategies$
activities$ and operations currently performed to serve as stimulation order
to capture the target mar&et.
A. My Playroom
My (layroom is a &ids care centre$ strategically located %ithin t%o big
time malls of Cebu City. #ne is situated at the ground .oor of 'M City Cebu$
and the other branch is at 3
.oor of /yala Centre Cebu. !hese locations
%ere %isely chosen because it is %here their target mar&et is. !heir main
o0ce is located at 1anilad$ Cebu City together %ith the main o0ce of
!hirsty$ a business that primarily sells fruit sha&es.
My (layroom has been in the business industry at approximately 5
years and is continuing to do %ell in its operations. !hey apply strategic
promotional strategies and pricing strategics that %ll captured their target
mar&et. !he follo%ing details are their current pricing strategies2
Day Care Rates
30 min. 1 hr. 1 hrs. !o "imit
3ee&days (50 (45 (130 (1"0
'at5'un or
("0 (75 (185 (170
Rates Tutorial Assignments
10 sessions (1500
15 sessions 1400
90 sessions 9900
(r hr. 300
(r %ee& 1"50
Ratas per subject ofered
Civics and Culture
;anguage /rts
<10 sessions=
*evelopmental 3riting (9900
<10 sessions=
Rates for Pre-school Classes
&!e'ly ()ere*+
1 B to 9 B
years old
10 to 19
<?ood for
C>ou save
<?ood for
C>ou save
DA@')@> 1
9 B to 3 B
years old
1 to 3pm Mon+:ri (3400
<?ood for
C>ou save
<?ood for
C>ou save
DA@')@> 9
3 B to 8 B 3 to 5pm Mon+:ri (3400
<?ood for
<?ood for
>ears old 5months
C>ou save
C>ou save
Currently$ one of the promotional strategies of My (layroom is to give
a%ay free movie tic&ets through raEe dra%. :or every child %ho avails an
unlimited day care$ they are entitled to 1 raEe tic&et. @aEe dra%s are set
on seFuential days. !his strategy %as intended for the month of :ebruary.
!heir catch is that these movie tic&ets serve as a gift from mommy and
daddy to their children as a symbol of their love and care for them.
$. 3 / in / 1 ,ay Care Centre
3+in+1 *ay Care Centre is a one 5+star and t%o 8+star Fuality day
care centre that caters to toddlers aged 3+5 years old. Currently$ it is
the only one in the city. !his home+based day care centre is located at
'ingson village$ 1arangay ?uadalupe in Cebu City. Its competitive
advantages against their prime competitors are their %ell+eFuipped
facilities such as clean restrooms$ and its modestly spacious
playground for the children. also$ they appear very attractive to
children because of their colourful learning tools$ materials and posters
that are encouraging for the children to %ant to go to school.
3.0 ,eman* Analysis
!he *emand /nalysis for a Child *evelopmental and *ay Care Cenre is
derived from the existing *ay Care centres and rehabilitation centres for
infants and toddlers. !hus$ the pattern of consumption to%ards these
existing facilities serves as the basis of the pattern of consumption of our
target mar&et.
Most of the parents and guardians go and visit day care centres
occasionally unless their children are enrolled in a certain program %ithin
the facility. :or example$ %hen a toddler is enrolled into a ten session
tutorials for 'cience$ then parents and guardians accompany their children to
day care centres$ but this situation is not %hat is constantly occurring. 'ince
most of our target mar&et has nannies that can be trusted$ then parents
allo% the nannies to ta&e their place in accompanying their children to day
care centres.
!hese &ind of patterns may vary because of the given situation. !here
are some instances %here parents %ould rather be %ith their children. this
usually happens %hen their children are being rehabilitated or are being
assessed by theraphists in order to improve their body functions and mental
s&ills. (arents or guardians %ould %ant to %itness this because they %ant to
ma&e sure that their children are in good hands.
!his pattern of consumption is established by culture. :ilipinos are
&no%n to people %ho do not &no% ho% to value time$ but as time decades
passed$ :ilipino culture %as greatly in.uenced by foreign culture such as the
/merican,s. :rom then on$ :ilipinos learned ho% to be serious at %or& and
also learned to value %or&. Anderstanding the importance of having a
regular Gob today also brings about the constraints such as time constraints.
!hus$ parents or guardians %ould prefer to have their children in the care of
!here are several factors %hich may afect the pattern of consumption
of our proGected target mar&et in the future. !hese factors include the
coming in of ne% entrants %hich caters similar services to ours. !hey %ould
eventually become our &ey competitors in result causes a decrease in our
mar&et share. !his decline %ould bring about negative efects on the
business proHts. 'econd factor that may afect the pattern of consumption
%ould be the rise and fall of our country,s economy causing an unstable for
the people and to all enterprises.
TA$"E 1 / Rate o1 Im2ortan3e 1or a Chil* ,e4elo2ment an* ,ay Care
Center / 5T"C6
ant at
Do. #f
+ + 3 3 11 13 90
0I 0I "I "I 99I 9"I 80I
A. <eighte*=A4erage Mean
L M<0+1=N<0+9=N<3+3=N<3+8=N<11+5=N<13+"=N<90+=OL 978
50 50
$. ProBe3tion o1 .uture ,eman*
Ci4en2 80I + very important "I+ neutral
9"I+ some%hat important "I+ slightly
99I+ slightly important 990parents5guardians P
<0.8=<990= L 4.4 parents5guardians <0."=<990= L 13.9
<.9"=<990= L 5.9 parents5guardians <0."=<990= L 13.9
<.99=<990= L 94.8 parents5guardians
Inter2retaion o1 ,ata
1ased from the results of the survey Fuestionnaires$ the freFuencies
tell us that 80I of the 50 respondents Hnd the Child *evelopmental and *ay
Care Center very important$ 9"I Hnd it some%hat important$ 99I Hnd it
slightly important$ "I Hnd it neutral$ and the last "I Hnds it slightly
important. Do one from the 50 respondents Hnd the centre some%hat
unimportant and not important at all.
/nd based on the given statistical computations$ data sho%s that the
%eighted average mean for the rate of importance of a Child *evelopmental
and *ay Care Centre for the respondents in 5.44.
this rate is located in bet%een of the scale of Q'lightly ImportantR and
Q'ome%hat Important.R
Analysis ,ata
6aving a %eighted average mean of 5.44$ this means that the entire
population Hnds this type of business 'ome%hat+'lightly important. !his
represents the general rate of importance of the facility to%ards the target
?iven that 80I of the total respondents Hnd the facility important$
they are assumed to represent 80I of the entire population giving a result of
44 parents or guardians. !hese 44 parents or guardians are said to be loyal
costumers or the prime costumers %ho are they %illing to avail the services
that the business ofers. !he next 9"I and 99I gives a result of 105 parents
or guardians. !hese 105 parents or guardians may be labelled as the need+
based costumers or the impulse costumers. !hey %eigh beneHts from
constraints and decide from the factors %hich they have considered in mind.
!he last 19I are said to be the %andering customers %ho do not have any
speciHc need from the business.
3.3 Pro2ose* Marketing Strategies
3.3.1 Target Market
(arents most especially mothers and guardians %ho belong to the
upper C and class 1 are the proposed target mar&et of this business. Most of
them are assumed to have regular %or& having monthly income of 4000
pesos and above. It may also be that if they do not have %or& such as
house%ives and yet capable to avail of the services that %e ofer$ they are
still considered to be our target mar&et.
!his mar&et is said to tbe residing %ithin Cebu City$ but because of the
small geographical are of Cebu province$ the business also caters to those
%ho are residing in other maGor cities such as Mandau City$ !alisay City$ and
etc. It is also very li&ely that these parents or guardians are %or&ing %ithin
Cebu City.
3.3.0 Pro2ose* Pro*u3t
Q!;CR a Child *evelopmental Centre is a centre for mental$ physical
and social development of infants and toddlers aging 0 to " years old. /t the
same time$ this centre ofers a child day care centre for children %hose
parents or guardians might %ant to leave them child as they go of to %or&.
;astly$ the centre provides facilities %here parents can spend Fuality time
alone %ith their children. this serves as a second home for parents and their
:or further understanding on the details of the services$ more
information is presented belo%.
A . ,e4elo2mental Centre
!his is a department %hich ofers support to infants and toddlers
having physical and mental disabilities. !he centre %ill provide assistance to
those children through programs developed by professional (hysical
!herapists <(!= and #ccupational !herapists <#(= %or&ing at the centre.
(hysical !herapists /ssistant <(!/s= and other caregivers are also %or&ing
%ithin the facility to assist in the programs %ill be set by the therapist
depending on the case on hand.
C. Chil* ,ay Care Centre
!his is a department for infants and toddlers %hose parents are
%illing to leave their children in our hands. 3ithin a day$ diferent classes
%ill be ofered to the children giving them opportuinity to expand their
&no%ledge and improve their social s&ills as they interact %ith other
children. licensed teachers are hired to hold mini classes such as dancing$
singing$ dra%ing and etc. !his service is set to be in a %al&+in basis$
depending on the mar&ets desired number of hours they %ant to leave their
children. the preceding statistical calculations tells us the price range that
the propose mar&et are %illing to pay in Child *ay Care Centre.
Ta=le 0A / Hourly Rates
RATES !(. (. :(TES &n+ .RD#E!C- &nE80+
(30 per hour 93 8"I
35 18
80 3 "
85 3 "
Do response 18 94
Total 80 100F
Ta=le 0$ / ,aily Rates
RATES !(. (. :(TES &n+ .RD#E!C- &nE80+
(900 per day 95 50I
950 4 1"
300 8 4
800 0 0
Do response 18 9"
Total 80 100F
Ta=le 0C / Monthly Rates
RATES !(. (. :(TES &n+ .RD#E!C- &nE80+
(1000 per month 94 5"I
1500 " 19
9000 1 9
9500 9 8
Do response 13 9"
Total 80 100F
Inter2retation an* Analysis o1 Ta=le 0AGC
:or an hourly basis$ maGority for the 50 respondents$ 8"I are %illing to
pay (30 per hour %hile on a *aily 1asis$ 50I of the 50 respondents are
%illing to pay in an average of (900 per day$ and as for the monthly rates$
5"I of the respondents are %illing to pay for (1000 per month.
/s %hat the researchers have stated in the beginning of his study$ the
problem %hich are similar to !;C is high rates. (arents are loo&ing for places
%here they can minimi-e cost and maximi-e their children ability to learn.

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