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Sample Paper

Each of the following questions consists of a
sentence with all or part of the sentence
underlined. Following the requirements of
standard written English, select (A) if the original
is best; otherwise choose the best phrase from
the options.
1. !e teac!ers a"ree# to meet in a mont!$s time an# t!e% &o'l#
#isc'ss a n'm(er o) iss'es a))ectin" t!e sc!ool.
A. to meet in a mont!$s time an# t!e% &o'l# #isc'ss
B. to meet in a mont!$s time to #isc'ss
C. to meetin" in a mont!$s time* t!ere(% #isc'ssin"
D. &it! meetin" in a mont!$s time )or #isc'ssin" o)
E. on t!e meetin" in a mont!$s time to t!e #isc'ssin"
+. !e cit%$s a#ministration constantl% complaine# o) !a,in" too little
mone% to )i- roa#s* ('t act'all% it !a# a "reater amo'nt o) )'n#in"
t!an ot!er cities in t!e state.
A. it !a# a "reater amo'nt o) )'n#in" t!an
B. its )'n#in" &as t!e most amon"
C. it &as !a,in" more )'n#in" t!an
D. t!e amo'nt o) )'n#s t!e% !a# &as t!e most o)
E. it !a# more )'n#in" t!an
Five lettered pairs (A to E) follow a related pair of
words given in capitals. Select the lettered pair
that best expresses a relationship similar to that
expressed in the original pair in capitals.
3. .RO/0 BLAC1S2.300
A. "ol#0 miser
B. cla%0 potter
C. )oo#0 "o'rmet
D. steel0 in#'strialist
E. sil,er0 miner
4. P566L./G0 CLEAR00
A. #'ll0 conspic'o's
B. !i"!-(ro&0 in#i))erent
C. a))a(le0 a"reea(le
D. prominent0 mani)est
E. comple-0 !ar#
hoose the lettered word or phrase that is most
nearl! opposite in meaning to the word in capital
7. ERAD.CA.O/0
A. s'ppression
B. termination
C. control
D. e-tinction
E. esta(lis!
8. 9.R20
A. to'"!
B. '"l%
C. so)t
D. )air
E. #eep
hoose the word most similar in meaning to the
capitali"ed ones.
:. OP.2.S.C0
A. !app%
B. sa#
C. !ope)'l
D. respect)'l
E. a""ressi,e
A. #e<ection
B. con)i#ence
C. enco'ra"ement
D. e-pectation
E. !ope
#ead the passage to answer question $%&'
!ere is no tric= to moti,atin" ot!ers. .t re>'ires a clear* 'n(iase#
'n#erstan#in" o) t!e sit'ation at !an#* #eep insi"!t into t!e ,a"aries
o) !'man nat're at (ot! t!e in#i,i#'al an# t!e "ro'p le,els* t!e
esta(lis!ment o) appropriate an# reasona(le e-pectations an# "oals*
an# t!e constr'ction o) a (alance# set o) tan"i(le an# intan"i(le
incenti,es. .t re>'ires* in ot!er &or#s* !ar# t!in=in" an# !ar# &or=.
An# &!en an or"ani?ation is 'n#er strain or is in crisis* t!e
c!allen"es-an# t!e sta=es-(ecome t!at m'c! !i"!er. !e >'estions
t!at mana"ers !a,e to "rapple &it! as t!e% tr% to inspire t!eir people
are man% an# comple-0 3o& #o %o' #eal &it! in#i,i#'als or "ro'ps at
#i))erent moti,ation le,els t!at ,ar% in #i))erent &a%s@ 3o& can %o'
in)l'ence t!e (e!a,ior o) a sin"le in#i,i#'al* let alone an or"ani?ation
o) !'n#re#s or t!o'san#s@ 3o& can %o' !elp people )eel ent!'siastic
an# committe#* especiall% in #i))ic'lt times@
A. Accor#in" to t!e passa"e
A. moti,atin" ot!ers is not #i))ic'lt
B. moti,atin" ot!ers is impossi(le
C. moti,atin" ot!ers is not impossi(le* ('t #i))ic'lt
D. moti,atin" ot!ers is possi(le an# not #i))ic'lt
1B.C!ic! o) t!e )ollo&in" is not a tr'e statement@
A. .n or#er to moti,ate ot!ers* mana"ers !a,e to #eal &it!
#i))ic'lt >'estions.
B. 2ana"ers can easil% in)l'ence t!e (e!a,ior o) !'n#re#s
an# t!o'san#s o) people.
C. 2ana"ers s!o'l# =no& !o& to #eal &it! people at
#i))erent moti,ational le,els.
D. .t is not eas% to !elp people )eel ent!'siastic in #i))ic'lt
A!ma# !as )o'r #a'"!ters Ro!i* S!a?ia* 5?ma* 6ani( an# a son ari>.
Ro!i is ++ %ears ol#.
ari> is : %ears %o'n"er t!an Ro!i.
6ani( is 1B %ears %o'n"er t!an ari>.
S!a?ia is %o'n"er to Ro!i ('t el#er to 5?ma.
5?ma is el#er t!an 6ani(.
ari> is ol#er to 5?ma ('t %o'n"er to S!a?ia.
11.C!o is t!e %o'n"est o) all@
A. 5?ma
B. ari>
C. Ro!i
D. 6ani(
E. S!a?ia
(uestions &)%&*
An e#itor m'st c!oose )i,e articles to (e p'(lis!e# in t!e 'pcomin"
iss'e o) an arts re,ie&. !e onl% articles a,aila(le )or p'(lication are
t!eater articles 9* G* 3 an# E* an# #ance articles 1* L* 2 an# O.
At least t!ree o) t!e )i,e p'(lis!e# articles m'st (e #ance articles.
.) E is c!osen* t!en 2 cannot (e.
.) 9 is c!osen* t!en E m'st also (e c!osen.
1+..) 2 is not c!osen )or t!e iss'e* &!ic! o) t!e )ollo&in" m'st (e
A. 9
B. G
C. 3
D. E
E. 1
13.3o& man% accepta(le "ro'pin"s o) articles incl'#e E@
A. One
B. &o
C. !ree
D. 9o'r
E. 9i,e
14.!e c!oice o) &!ic! article ma=es onl% one "ro'p o) articles
A. 9
B. G
C. E
D. L
E. 2
17..) G is c!osen )or t!e iss'e* &!ic! o) t!e )ollo&in" m'st (e tr'e@
A. E is not c!osen
B. E-actl% t!ree #ance articles are c!osen
C. 3 is not c!osen
D. All )o'r o) t!e #ance articles are c!osen
E. 9 is not c!osen
ra,elers ma% enter an# remain in t!e Rep'(lic )or 'p to 7A #a%s. .) a
tra,eler is to sta% )or more t!an se,en #a%s* !o&e,er* a special ,isa
is re>'ire#.
18..) t!e statements a(o,e are tr'e* &!ic! o) t!e )ollo&in" m'st also
(e tr'e@
A. A tra,eler &!o is sta%in" in t!e Rep'(lic )or 14 #a%s
m'st !a,e a special ,isa
B. 2an% tra,elers &!o sta% in t!e Rep'(lic #o not nee#
C. Some tra,elers &!o sta% in t!e Rep'(lic )or more t!an
se,en #a%s #o not !a,e t!e appropriate ,isas
D. ra,elers &!o sta% less t!an se,en #a%s in t!e Rep'(lic
#o not nee# ,isas
E. ra,elers &!o merel% pass t!ro'"! t!e Rep'(lic &!ile
t!is ro'te to ot!er #estinations #o not nee# ,isas
1:.Ali earns Rs.1+ per !o'r at !is #a% <o(* an# Rs.1; per !o'r at !is
ni"!t <o(. Eac! &ee= !e &or=s t!ree times more !o'rs at !is #a%
<o( t!an at !is ni"!t <o(. .) !e earns a total o) Rs.;1B eac! &ee=*
!o& man% !o'rs #oes !e &or= per &ee= at !is #a% <o(@
A. 3B
B. 38
C. 4B
D. 47
E. 8B
1;..n t!e circ'lar re"ion s!o&n a(o,e* sections A an# B represent

* respecti,el%* o) t!e area o) t!e circ'lar re"ion. Section C
represents &!at )ractional part o) t!e area o) t!e circ'lar re"ion@
1A.!e s'm o) t!ree n'm(ers is +B. .) &e m'ltipl% t!e )irst n'm(er (%
+* a## t!e secon# n'm(er to t!e res'lt an# s'(tract t!e t!ir#
n'm(er* &e "et +3. B% a##in" secon# an# t!ir# n'm(ers to 3
times t!e )irst n'm(er &e "et 48. C!at are t!e n'm(ers@
A. 1B* ;* 4
B. 17* 4* :
C. 13* +* 7
D. 13* 8* A
+B.O) 37 (o%s sent to #i" potatoes. Some #i# not. Eac! o) t!e ot!er
#'" t!e same n'm(er* an# (et&een t!em t!e% #'" 3+::. 3o&
man% (o%s #i# not !elp@
A. + (o%s
B. 3 (o%s
C. 4 (o%s
D. 7 (o%s
E. 8 (o%s
+1.EDES are to 3EAD as C./DOCS are to GGGG
A. %ar#
B. loo=
C. "ar#en
D. room
++..) B is e>'al to 2 an# C is e>'al to /. t!en &!at &ill (e e>'al to 2
an# /@
A. C an# H respecti,el%
B. D an# 6 respecti,el%
C. 6 an# A respecti,el%
D. H an# D respecti,el%
E. B an# C respecti,el%
+3.Pri,ate (an=s are prone to ta=in" e-cessi,e ris=s in t!eir len#in"
as t!eir o&n capital is m'c! lo&er in relation to t!e0
A. Pro)it
B. DepositorsJ mone%
C. Cost inc'rre#
D. Len#ersJ interest
E. All o) t!e a(o,e
+4.All o) t!e )ollo&in" are t!e main )'nctions o) a central (an=
A. .ss'ance o) c'rrenc%
B. S'per,ision o) Ban=in" in#'str%
C. 9orm'lation o) )iscal polic%
D. E-c!an"e rate sta(ilit%
+7.2onetar% Polic% o) Pa=istan is )orm'late# an# implemente# (%0
A. 2inistr% o) 9inance
B. State Ban= o) Pa=istan
C. Plannin" Commission
D. /ational Ban= o) Pa=istan
+8..slamic (an=in" is (ase# on0
A. Asset (ac=e# )inancin"
B. .nterest
C. Leasin" onl%
D. Bot! interest an# Asset (ac=e# )inancin"
+:.Alt!o'"! t!e pro,inces &ere allo&e# to collect GS on ser,ices on
t!eir o&n in t!e constit'tion e,en (e)ore t!e GGGGGGGG* t!is ri"!t
&as )'rt!er en#orse# &it! t!is amen#ment. Despite t!is )act*
e-cept GGGGGGGG* t!e ot!er pro,inces !a,e s'rren#ere# t!eir ri"!t
o) collectin" sales ta- on ser,ices.
A. 1At! amen#ment K P'n<a(
B. 1;t! amen#ment K Sin#!
C. +Bt! amen#ment K Baloc!istan
D. /one o) t!e a(o,e
+;.!e slo&#o&n in POL "ro'p import >'ant'm can (e attri('te# to
t!e GGGGGGGG iss'e t!at limite# t!e a(ilit% o) re)ineries to import.
A. #e(t
B. circ'lar #e(t
C. )orei"n #e(t
D. #omestic #e(t
F L. Ri"!t C!oice
1 B
+ E
3 B
4 A
7 E
8 C
: C
; A
1B D
11 D
1+ E
13 C
14 A
17 E
18 A
1: D
1; A
1A C
+B E
+1 D
++ D
+3 B
+4 C
+7 B
+8 A
+: B
+; B

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