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Paid for and authorized by the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, 430 S. Capitol St.

SE, Washington DC 20003, 202-863-1500, www.dccc.org,

and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.
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12:00 pm -
1:30 pm
***Hon. Keith Ellison (MN-05)
Minnesota Business Luncheon: Johnny's Half Shell
400 North Capitol Street NW, Washington, DC 20001
Contact: Rod Kassir or Dave Bloom at 202-488-1445 or Dave@SuttersMill.com
Contribution: $5000 Sponsor, $2500 Host, $1000 PAC, $500 Individual
Committee: Ellison for Congress, 499 South Capitol Street SW, Suite 404, Washington, DC 20003
12:00 pm -
1:30 pm
Hon. Paul Tonko (NY-21)
Lunch: Finemondo
1319 F Street NW, Washington, DC 20004
Contact: Emily Buttrey at 202-488-1445 or Emily@Sutters-mill.com
Contribution: $5000 Host, $2500 Sponsor, $1000 PAC, $500 Individual
Committee: Paul Tonko for Congress, 499 South Capitol Street SW, Suite 404, Washington, DC 20003
12:00 pm -
1:00 pm
Hon. Brian Baird (WA-03)
421 New Jersey Avenue SE, Washington, DC 20003
Contact: Justin Davey at 202-543-5777 or JustinRDavey@Yahoo.com
Contribution: $5000 Chair, $2500 Host, $1000 PAC, $500 Individual
Committee: Brian Baird for Congress, 236 Massachusetts Avenue NE, #603, Washington, DC 20002
1:00 pm -
2:00 pm
***Hon. Danny Davis (IL-07)
Lunch Reception: Bistro Bis
15 E Street, NW, Washington, DC 20001
Contact: mandqevents@yahoo.com
Contribution: $1000 PAC, $500 Individual
Committee: Davis for Congress, PO Box 2824, Washington, DC 20013
5:00 pm -
7:00 pm
Hon. Tim Ryan (OH-17)
Evening Reception: The Offices of LNE Group
216 Second Street SE, Washington, DC 20003
Contact: Taylor Beis at 202-347-3042 or TimRyanforCongress@fraioliassociates.com
Contribution: $5000 PAC Host, $2500 PAC Sponsor, $1000 PAC Friend, $500 Individual Friend
Committee: Tim Ryan for Congress, PO Box 75214, Washington, DC 20013
5:30 pm -
7:00 pm
Hon. Baron Hill (IN-09)
Evening Reception: National Democratic Club Townhouse
40 Ivy Street SE, Washington, DC 20003
Contact: Jennifer Frost at 202-285-0966 or jennifer@frostgroup.net
Contribution: $5000 Host, $2500 Sponsor, $1000 Guest, $500 Individual
Committee: Hoosiers for Hill, PO Box 1071, Seymour, IN 47274
5:30 pm -
7:00 pm
Hon. Dan Boren (OK-02)
Sooner Reception
324 Independence Avenue SE, Washington, DC 20003
Contact: Emily Liner at 202-454-5262 or eliner@mollyallenassociates.com or Molly at molly@mollyallenassociates.com
Contribution: $5000 PAC Host, $2500 PAC Sponsor, $1000 PAC Friend, $500 Individual
Committee: Dan Boren for Congress, 209 Pennsylvania Avenue SE, Washington, DC 20003
6:00 pm -
7:30 pm
Hon. Earl Pomeroy (ND-AL)
Fundraising Reception: The Democratic National Headquarters; Wasserman Conference Room
430 South Capitol Street SE, Washington, DC 20003
Contact: Taylor Beis at 202-347-3042 or EarlPomeroy@fraioliassociates.com
Contribution: $1000 PAC, $500 Individual
Committee: Earl Pomeroy for Congress, PO Box 75214, Washington, DC 20013-5214
6:00 pm -
7:30 pm
Hon. Jose E. Serrano (NY-16)
TBD, Washington, DC 20003
Contact: Hanna Hunt at 202-547-5000
Contribution: $1000
Committee: Serrano for Congress, Audubon Station PO Box 711, New York, NY 10032

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