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Please join

Representative Thelma Drake

at a reception and luncheon with special guest
Friday, October 10, 2008
Sheraton Norfolk Waterside
777 Waterside Drive, Norfolk, Virginia 23510
11: 15 a.m. - Private Reception and Photo Op
12:00 Noon - 1:00 p.m. - Luncheon
To make your reservation please fax thls form to 757491-7143 or call 757-491-7141 or mall this
form with yoW' personal or PAC check made payable to "Thelma Drake for Congress." Please send
your check to: Thelma Drake for Congress, P.O, Box 61480, Virginia Beach, VA 23466.
Yes, I will assist your campaign for re-election in 2006 by participating on the following level:
_ HOST: $2300 Includes 4 reservations Private Reception and Luncheon
and with special recognition at the event
_ TABLESPONSOR: $1500 Includes Reserved table of 10 for luncheon and 2
Reservations for Private Reception and photo op
_ SPONSOR: $1000 Includes Revered table of 8 for luncheon and 1
Reservation for Private Reception and photo op
_ PATRON; $500 Includes reservation for one at Private Reception &
Photo-Op with preferred seating at Luncheon
FRIENDS TABLE: $800 Reserved Table of 6 at Luncheon (Buy or sell seats)
_ PRIEND: $100 Per person. Lunch Only _ Reservations
_I/we cannot attend, but enclosed is my contribution to assist your campaign.
Name/s _ _
Address__ _ _
Occupation: _ Employer: __, _
Email__ _ Daytime Phone: _, _
Co:atr1but.lous to Thelma Drake for Congress are not deductible as charitable contributions for Federal Income tax putpOl$es.
Federal law prohibits corporate contributions Or contrtbutlons from tare1gJ:l na.tlonals. Federalla.w requires us to uSe our best
effort to collect and report the name, maUingaddress, occupation and name ofemployer fol" each hldiwdllal whose
contributions exceed $200 IJ1 aD election cycle. An IndIvJdual ma.y contribute a maXimum of54,600 per electloncycle (5'2.300
fortbe pnmary election and $2,300 for the general election).
Paid for by Thelma Drake for Congress.
Dear Friend,
I want to invite you to an event I am hosting on Friday, October 1a
Our guest will be Senator John Warner who is retiring from the United States Senate,
Before he retires, he wants to do everything he can to help me raise the funds necessary for
me to win on November 4
I always find it interesting to listen to Senator Warner's point of view about his tenure in
the Senate, the many friends he has made around the world, his views on national and
world events and about his warm, personal relationship with Senator John McCain,
This event will be held on Friday, October 10
from 11:15 to 1:00 p,m, at the Sheraton in
downtown Norfolk
Please help me make this event a great success by returning your reservation today, This
event is critical to our efforts to raise the funds necessary for this winning campaign,
I hope to see you on the 10th!
Please contact my Finance Director, Sandy Canada, at 491,7141 if you have any questions,
Thelma Drake
Member of Congress

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