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Investigacin sobre iProcurement

Este es un mecanismo por el cual los compradores pueden

navegar a Proveedores sitio web directamente desde
Una vez que la compra est terminada, se haga la compra de
la canasta a los proveedores propia pgina web tras la cual
la cesta de la compra se trae de nuevo a iProcurement.
Cesta de productos no es ms que un e archivo !"# que
contiene la lista $ cantidad de precios de art%culos
sacados de los proveedores de web.
Crea requisiciones &requerimientos' solicitudes de
abastecimiento en iProcurement
Questions : What are the key advantages of punchout over local catalog management?
Answer :
A. You do not need to maintain the pricing information of items. Supplier will publish thir latest pricing
details in their iStore.
B. You do not need to upload the items of your supplier into your system.
. !he up"to"date stock level information is made available on Suppliers Website.
Oracle Purchasing
Procurement Workflow - The Procurement Workflow is a lights-out, hands-off
transaction processing system that is truly flexible and extensible to all members of your
supply chain. It is one of the key enablers in the shift towards more strategic sourcing
and procurement activities. It consists of the ocument !pproval, !utomatic ocument
"reation, "hange #rders, !ccount $eneration, %end &otifications, Price'%ales "atalog
&otification, and (eceipt "onfirmation )used only by %elf-%ervice Purchasing*
workflow processes.
Document Approval Process - Performs all approval related activities in #racle
Purchasing. These include, but are not limited to, document submission, approval,
forwarding, approval notifications, and re+ection. This includes the P# !pproval
workflow process for approving purchase orders and the P# (e,uisition !pproval
workflow process for approving re,uisitions.
Automatic Document Creation Process - !utomatically creates standard purchase orders
or releases against blanket agreements using approved purchase re,uisition lines, if the
re,uisition lines have the re,uired sourcing information. This process is also known as
the P# "reate ocuments workflow.
Change Orders Process - !llows you to control which changes re,uire a manual
reapproval and which will be automatically reapproved. !ll reapproved documents,
either manual or automatic, will result in the document revision being incremented. This
process is part of the P# !pproval workflow.
Send Notifications Process - -ooks for documents that are incomplete, re+ected, or in
need of reapproval, and sends notifications regarding the document.s status to the
appropriate people. This is also known as the P# %end &otifications for Purchasing
ocuments workflow.
Price/Sales Catalog Notification Process - %ends a notification to the buyer when the
price'sales catalog information sent through the Purchasing ocuments #pen Interface
includes price increases that exceed a price tolerance that you set. This process is also
known as the P# "atalog Price Tolerance /xceeded &otifications workflow.

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