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Table 1-7. Color Characteristics of Several Inorganic Phosphors

Zinc silicate Manganese 0.5280 Green
Zinc beryllium silicate Manganese .5925 Yellow-white
Cadmium borate Manganese .6150 Pink
Cadmium silicate Manganese .5950 Yellow-Pink
Magnesium tungstate None .4820 Bluish-white
Calcium tungstate None .4130 Blue
Calcium tungstate Lead .4420 Blue
Calcium phosphate Cerium .3600
Calcium phosphate Thallium .3325
Calcium phosphate Cerium and manganese .6500 Red
Ultraviolet radiation.
Miscellaneous Forms of Luminescence
The electron excitation which results in the following luminescent
processes is fundamentally the same as that which takes place in a fluores-
cent lamp.
Cathodoluminescence is the phenomenon observed when the screen of a
cathode-ray tube such as that used in a television or radar receiver is bom-
barded with high-voltage electrons.
Figure 1-16 indicates the variation of light output for various conditions
of voltage and current density.
In an experimental television projection tube operating at 30,000 volts,
a brightness of about 10,000 candles per square centime ter has been pro-
duced with a beam intensity of 20 watts on a spot 0.5 square millimeter in
area. It was accompanied by rapid deterioration of the phosphor.
Certain chemical reactions proceeding at room temperature are accom-
panied by the production of light. This is known as chemiluminescence.
The oxidation of phosphorus in air and of pyrogallol in solution are familiar
A type known as bioluminescence occurs when luciferin, a substance
synthesized by living cells, is oxidized in the presence of molecular oxj^gen
and an enzyme, luciferase.
The phosphorescence of sea water results from the presence of an enor-
mous number of unicellular organisms which secrete luciferin and luciferase
and oxidize when the disturbance of the water excites them.
The firefly exhibits a similar ability.
Triboluminescence is the term applied to light produced by friction or
crushing. The phenomenon may be observed when pressure-adhesive
tapes are unrolled or when lumps of cane sugar are rubbed together in a
dark room.

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