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Making disciples of all Nations. Staking ourselves, giving meaning to the

orphans, the fatherless, widows and him that is helpless in the society; for
Christ first taught the GOSPEL of LOVE.(Psalm 146:5-9)(James 1:27)
(Matthew 25:31-46)

Communicating the true Gospel to the entire world.


A church of true disciples not part time believers; people that love god as
father, honor Him as King and fellow Him as Lord. We see a church where
everybody is somebody and Jesus Christ is Lord.

We see…

A church of passionate people who stand so amazed at God’s Grace that

they can’t help but live lives of adventure and generosity. We see God
guiding us to spend ourselves giving meaning to the lives of those who
could never repay us, the less privileged, father, orphans, widows and him
that had none to help him in the society. (Job 29: 15-16) says “I was eye to
the blind and feet to the lame, I was a father to the needy; I took up the
case of the stranger”

We see….

A congregation that models the multi ethnicity of God kingdom, w see also
a body with too much Hispanic to be called a black church, too much
brown to e called a white church, with too many wise ones to be called a
young church and too many children to be called an old church. A church
where people feel like they can belong, before they believe and believe
before they behave.

We see…
A church that loves God more than Sundays and cares for people with
more than words. We see where people become whole in spirit, soul, and
body. We see a characteristically spirit-filled church that moves in
undeniable power yet stays non-religious and creative.

Our core values.

True communion, community and commission.

We believe that people who are born again make up the church, not the
buildings, budgets or titles.

When believes come together and demonstrate true communion or

(worship) community and commission, they are the church. We portray
these three essentials with the following core values.


God’s word - hearing God speak.

Despite human weakness, we believe, that God is wise and strong enough
to preserve His word. He has spoken and continues to speak through the
Hebrew and New Testament scriptures. Believers need opportunities to
hear God speak, we preach, teach and base all decisions on God’s word.
We deeply encourage personal searching, discovery and interactions with
God through the scriptures.

Prayer - responding to God.

Prayer is our conversation and response with God. He ‘delights’ in the

prayer of His people. The scriptures are full of promises to those that
connect with prayers. This response to God may be expressed in several
ways like, praise or petitions; corporate or private, spontaneous or
structured. All activities of our church ought to be characterized by our
dependence upon God in both planning and execution.

Holy Spirit experience – connecting with our source.

We are convinced that the presence, power and presence, power and gifts
of the Spirit must be the reality of the church in every way. We are amazed
at how neglected the experience of the Holy Spirit is in our day. Although
we cannot predict or control how the Spirit may move, we pray for and
open ourselves to His promptings. Ultimately we aim to share with the
world our most potent treasure. Jesus is the Christ.

Fellowship – sharing with others.

We believe that the life that Jesus calls us to live cannot be lived alone,
which is the reason true community must saturate every part of our
congregations’ life. Jesus promised that the fervency and depth of His love
between His people would be their distinguishing features. Thereby we
emphasize house churches (upper room) or small groups as the primary
means of pastoral care and discipleship. Here we affirm the need for every
believer to use their talents and gifts; which is always most possible within
the context of community.

Accountability - learning from others.

True Christ followers are our aim and not cheap conversions. The way of
Jesus is one of learning and accountability, not just listening to the lectures
of our teachers. We expect spiritual formation to take place in every
believer’s life and we recognize this takes place primarily in the process of
doing not just hearing. This leads to a life of wholeness and reproduction.
This requires true disciples making; face-to-face and heart to heart contact
with each other. We value small groups and upper-room meetings to
facilitate such a reality.

Diversity – displaying the beauty of God’s mosaic.

The scripture reveals the reality of Heaven, comprises of every tribe and
every tongue. We feel passionately about being a church that reflects the
beauty of God’s mosaic. We are convinced that believers are called to
demonstrate the power of the Gospel through reconciliation and unity in a
world of hatred and division. We value people, language and culture of our
city and world.


Evangelism – loving the lost.

We strive to create an environment that is non-threatening, open to

questions and saturated with love; yet we do not run from the command to
bring the life- changing Jesus message to every person in our lives. We
know that lost souls matter to God. So they need to matter to us too.
Individually, we encourage and expect all members to take part in
relational and prayer evangelism. At a city level, we regularly co-ordinate
and support united efforts to reach our area. Globally we strive to keep
world missions a strong priority, especially making disciples to take the
unchanging word to the changing world.

Justice – loving the least

We have a divine mandate to make a prophetic stand against all forms of
evil in our city and world.

As a congregation, we intend to take action where we have power;

speaking for the voiceless, helping the oppressed and empowering the

Generosity—recognizing our place in history.

Never has there been a culture of such profound affluence and

opportunity; never has there been world in such profound need. We either
connect the dots and use our privilege while we have it, or we will be
judged harshly when history tells the story of the 21st century. In culture
held by greed renounce the idolatry of materialism and embrace the
clarion call to give of ourselves and our possessions as in, Acts 4: 34-35
and not like in Acts 5: 1-5.

Those obeying and serving God in faithfulness, loyalty and love, when Christ returns, they shall
appear with Him in Glory... (Colossians 3:4)

All men shall fear, and shall declare the work of God; for they shall wisely consider His
doing. (Psalm 64:9)

And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not
lose heart. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people…. (Galatians
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Address: ………………………


Organization / church……….











1. Regular Member. (Committed member of Agape World.)

2. Supporting Member. Those who are supporting or which to support Agape World
3. Associate Member. Those wishing to be part of Agape World, through their prayers
and spiritually.


Weekly, W30, 000.
W50, 000.
W100, 000.

Month. W500, 000.

Or Others.
Lifetime. W2, 000,000
(Once giver) and above.

Free Will Any amount.


Bank Account.

HANA BANK. SEOUL. 557-910079-04707.

Thank you, God bless

Oparah Inno Divine.

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