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Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Inovării

Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

Examenul de bacalaureat 2009

Proba E/F
Proba scrisă la Limba Engleză
L1 - Intensiv 3-4 ore

SUBIECTUL I ( 30 de puncte) Varianta 025

Read the text below and complete the following tasks.

In works of art that have been made – independently of the skill that has been put into them
and the ideas they convey to us – (1) … When I was visiting Berlin, I saw a statuary set around the
Kaiser's palace. Everywhere around it was some work of art suggestive of horror, terror or
destruction. As soon as I saw it I thought, “No wonder things happened as they did, for this
statuary was produced beforehand.” A work of art may be beautiful to look at, (2) …, but with it the
mind of the artist is working. The effect that the picture will have is not what it suggests outwardly,
but what it speaks aloud of as the voice of its heart. There is a voice hidden in it, (3) … Sometimes
an artist is unaware of what he is creating; he is following his imagination; (4) … or he may be
bringing about an effect that he had not desired for himself nor for the person to whom the work of
art was to be given.
Once I went to see a temple. I could not call that temple beautiful, but it was wonderful,
unique in its kind. I was surprised, thinking, “How could such a temple have existed for so long!”
Not long afterwards, I heard that the temple had been destroyed. The idea is that the constructor of
the temple was so absorbed in his scheme that he forgot the harmony of the spirit which had to
make its plan, and so it resulted in failure.

1. Four sentences have been removed from the text. Select the appropriate sentence for
each gap in the text. There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use. 4 points

A. continually telling for what purpose the work of art was created.
B. there is a feeling that is in them and behind them.
C. it may have great skill in it
D. he may be working against his own work of art
E. the artist meant freedom

2. Explain the underlined words. 6 points

3. Sum up the text in about 50 words. 10 points

4. For the following questions, choose the answer (A, B, C, D) which fits according to the
text. 6 points

1. What did the author see while visiting Berlin?

A. a palace B. a statue C. a statuary D. a castle

2. The works of art in Berlin suggested … …

A. happiness B. sadness C. harmony D. decay

3. When the temple was built, the constructor forgot … …

A. the scheme B. the harmony C. the details D. the tools

5. Comment on the following statement: Sometimes an artist is unaware of what he is creating;

he is following his imagination. (100 words) 4 points
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Inovării
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

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