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Mikes voice is in italics. Mike has been in the strength and conditioning for over a decade splitting
time between coaching on the feld and in the weightroom. Mike feels he was lucky to have an
internship with Dan as he had to pass the rigorous test of actually showing up.
One of the things I like to tell the SFG !"ti#i!nts on D!$ Th"ee is si%l$ this& 'It(s not )he"e $o*
st!"t, it(s )he"e $o* +nish,- The h!". t"!/el to the f!#ilit$, the "o*gh nights in ! st"!nge hotel, 012
ho*" .!$s !n. "*ine. h!n.s !"e 3*st !"t of the !st no), No), it is ti%e to +nish this,
M$ !"o!#h to "eing !"ti#i!nts is st"!ight fo")!". !n. si%le& Follo) the Rite of 4!ss!ge,
B*t, !s )e "e/ie)e. o*" l!st s*##essf*l SFG, %$ g"o* he"e th!t %eets )ith %e * to +/e to se/en
ti%es ! )eek 5eg!n noting the s%!ll, 5*t i%o"t!nt !..itions th!t "e!ll$ *t the% o/e" the to,
Mike B"o)n(s e6tensi/e notes "o/i.e. the '5l!#k !n. )hite- of o*" 3o*"ne$ !n. it )!s %$ 3o5 to
7esh o*t the thinking 5ehin. this !"o!#h, M!n$ "o!.s %ight get $o* the"e, 5*t this is o*" "o!.,
Principles of Training for the SFG Kettlebell Certifcation
0, This is ! e!king "og"!%, The"e is !n e6e#t!tion !t the en. to !ss the SFG,
1, The 5"o!.e" the 5!se, the highe" the e!k, Both in te"%s of ti%e !n. .ensit$ of t"!ining,
! lot of )o"k nee.s to 5e .one,
8, Don(t t"$ to !.. %o"e9 let it 7o) :'St!"t )ith the en. in %in.,- Ste/e ;o/e$< It(s not
)he"e $o* st!"t9 it is )he"e $o* +nish,
=, This "o!. h!s 5een )!lke. 5efo"e>,*se the Rite of 4!ss!ge !s the "i%!"$ tool,
?,The SFG is ! th"ee2.!$ intensi/e, te#hni#!l "!#ti#e, D*"ing the %onths of "e!"!tion
fo#*s on "e!"ing the 5o.$, %in., !n. si"it not 3*st the n*!n#es of e/e"$ te#hni#!l
I arrived at the frst day of the cert with an abundance of energy. I had put in seven weeks of
focused training and knew that I had built up enough physical and emotional momentum to drive
me through the weekend. My mind was at ease because I trusted my training my thoughts were
clear because I had a checklist of what I needed to do to overcome each test. I didnt feel a sense
of nervous apprehension but rather a !oyful urge to strain and learn.
I h!/e h!. the g"e!t hono" fo" the !st fe) $e!"s to )el#o%e ! n*%5e" of Inte"ns into %$ g$%,
t"!ining h!lls !n. ho%e, I .o !sk one thing& I )!nt $o* to 5e#o%e SFG #e"ti+e., As )e .on(t
!l)!$s h!/e ! e"fe#t s#he.*le in te"%s of so"ts s#he.*les !n. #e"ti+#!tion )eeken.s, )e h!/e
h!. to "e!ll$ t"*st the "o#ess of !##*%*l!ting the @*!lities nee.e. to !ss the SFG, the '@*i#k-
"o#ess of intensif$ing the t"!ining fo" the )eeken. !n. the !5ilit$ to t"!nsfo"% th!t 5!se of
t"!ining into ! "e!.$ !thlete !n. st*.ent,
As I "e/ie) the l!n, I !% "e%in.e. of the .oAen o" so t"!inees th!t h!/e %!"#he. th"o*gh this
st"!teg$ !n. I h!/e le!"ne. f"o% e!#h one, A #o*le of iss*es st!n. o*t&
The sn!t#h test is the 5*g!5oo, It sits o*t the"e in the %in.s of e/e"$ !li#!nt, Fo" %en
)ho )eigh 5et)een 081 !n. !"o*n. 0BC o" so, the 5ell(s )eight is !n iss*e, Fo" 5igge" %en,
the *ll2* 5e#o%es !n iss*e, The s!%e iss*e !"ises on the )o%en(s si.e, too,
The"e !"e si6 kettle5ell %o/e%ents le!"ne. .*"ing the )eeken., I feel th!t if the #!n.i.!te
!sses the st"ength tests !n. h!s !n$ kin. of goo. !ttit*.e, then it is MY f!*lt if the$ f!il on
the te#hni#!l !se#ts of the si6 %o/es,
The"e is going to 5e ! lot of s)ings, The"e is going to 5e so%e h!". )o"ko*ts, Yo* %*st 5e
in goo. eno*gh sh!e to #o%lete the )o"ko*ts !n. st!$ %ent!ll$ fo#*se. .*"ing the
te!#hing sessions,
The )"itten test #!n(t 5e #"!%%e., Yo* %*st t!ke ! fe) %onths to kno) the 5!si#s of the
si6 %o/es, the st!n.!".s !n. the "e!sons 5ehin. e/e"$thing,
So, let(s st!"t )ith 'the en. in %in.,- Det(s st!"t )ith the '4e!k Week,- I s*ggest th!t fo" !n$ e/ent
$o* h!/e on $o*" ho"iAon, #o*nt 5!#k the )eeks !n. l!n )ell, If $o* !"e getting %!""ie. in J*ne,
*se those o*l!" %onthl$ !n. )eekl$ #he#klists to l!n !ll those .et!ils, T!king #!"e of
so%ething e!"l$ !l%ost !l)!$s t"*%s t!".iness,
Wee !" Pea Wee
All the )o"k h!s 5een .one, the !""o) h!s 5een "ele!se. so let it 7$,
Sat#r$a%&'ight Progra( )ini(#(
O"igin!l St"ength "olling !n. #o""e#ti/es to )!"%*,
0CC s)ings :1 h!n.s< ? 6 1C
0C get*s :0E0F?<
S#n$a%&Progra( )ini(#(
0E0F? Get *s, G!"$ the lo!. * f"o% )!te" gl!ss to sn!t#h 5ell,
0CC S)ings :!n$ set !n. "e s#he%e<
)on$a% an$ T#es$a%& Rest* Reco+er%
Go to the g$%, ;o""e#ti/es !n. fo!% "olling 3*st to kee %ent!ll$ "e!"e.,
We$nes$a%& Progra( )ini(#(
0CC S)ings H 0CF0C )!/e the lo!. 5*t #o%lete ! fe) he!/$ :=Bkg< sets,
0E0F? Get *s2 kee the lo!.s light !n. fo#*s on s%ooth t"!nsitions
Th#rs$a%& Rest
Fri$a%& SFG $a% ,-
A @*i#k oint& If $o* h!/e "e!. %$ )o"k, $o* )ill note th!t I gene"!ll$ .on(t 5elie/e in e!king,
A#t*!ll$, I 5elie/e th!t %ost eole th"o) !)!$ s*##ess in the )eek o" t)o le!.ing * to !n e/ent
5$ NOT t"*sting the "og"!%, We !.. ! little he"e, )e .o so%ething st*i. the"e !n., 5efo"e $o*
kno) it, the"e goes the #h!n#e to e6#el,
4oints of E%h!sis this )eek&
0, H!n. #!"e& this is the )eek )e #!n NOT h!/e te!"s !n. "is, The s)ing lo!. is light, so .o
)h!te/e" things $o* nee. to .o on ! .!il$ 5!sis to !.."ess h!n. iss*es,
1, Begin *sing S*g!" F"ee O"!nge Fl!/o"e. Met!%*#il e/e"$ e/ening, In.e" the st"ess of
the )eeken., .igestion !n. eli%in!tion iss*es 5e#o%e in#"e!singl$ i%o"t!nt, ;h*#kle
!)!$ !t this !./i#e 5*t $o* )on(t 5e if $o* igno"e it,
8, Don(t get #*te on $o*" .iet, Don(t e6e"i%ent )ith ne) foo.s o" e!t !t the /en.o" )ith !
.is#o*nte. "i#e on 'D!$ Ol. S*shi,- Mo"e th!n one #!n.i.!te h!s f!ile. o/e" oo" foo. #hoi#es,
=, If $o* !"e 7$ing in, ."ink ! lot of )!te" !n. sen. so%e ti%e %o/ing !"o*n. )hen $o* l!n., Be
s*"e to h!/e t)o !l!"%s to )!ke * !n. 5"ing e$esh!.es !n. e!" l*gs if $o* get l*#k$ eno*gh to
"oo% on the s!%e 7oo" !s ! high s#hool 5!sket5!ll te!%,
?, It(s ti%e to let the !""o) 7$, Don(t !.. !n$thing, Don(t get ! .ee tiss*e %!ss!ge o" sen.
t)el/e ho*"s in ! s!*n!, if $o* .on(t *s*!ll$ .o it, T"*st the "o#ess, Yo* #!n NOT get 5ette" in =B
J, Sti#k )ith $o*" l!n, If $o* h!/e .e#i.e. to .o the sn!t#h test )ith the 1C21C20?20?20C20C2?2?
!n. he!" th!t $o*" !"tne" is .oing 0C20C, "est, "ee!t>)ell, goo. fo" $o*" !"tne", Sti#k )ith $o*"
l!n, Th!t l!n, the one $o* h!/e 5een .oing fo" ! fe) %onths is "ett$ goo., E/en if it isn(t,
No), let(s t!lk !5o*t little .et!ils th!t )ill %!ke the )eeken. e!sie"&
W!ke * e!"lie" .*"ing this l!st )eek, Mike )o*l. )!ke * !n. .o 3*st one *ll2* *on
"ising to "!#ti#e getting set to go,
B*il. ! #he#klist& #h!lk, t!e, 5!n. !i.s, +"st !i. st*K, #!sh, TOWEL, "otein sh!ke" !n.
"otein, se/e"!l ens, foo., sn!#ks, )!te" 5ottle, e6t"! shi"t :t"*st *s on this one<, #oKee
."inks in ! #!n, An$thing th!t )ill %!ke $o* ! little %o"e #o%fo"t!5le, This list !n. #he#king
it )ill %!ke $o*" %in. ! 5it %o"e !t e!se, Set this * on We.nes.!$ o" Th*"s.!$,
So%e "e#o/e"$ st*K !s $o* !"o!#h the )eeken., Hot t*55ing %ight 5e +ne if $o* *s*!ll$
.o it, 5*t "e%in. $o*"self !s $o* t*5 to 5e looking fo")!". to the t"!ining,
H!/e this oste. on the f"ont of $o*" 5"!in& 'T"*st the "o#ess,- T"*st $o*" t"!ining, t"*st
$o*" !"o!#h, t"*st !ll the )o"k $o* h!/e .one, When so%ething #h!llenges $o*>!n. it
)ill>t"*st the "o#ess,
Yo* h!/e to let go of the 5o)st"ing to let the !""o) 7$,
The le!. * )eek in .et!il&
Sat#r$a%&'ight Progra( )ini(#(
O"igin!l St"ength "olling !n. #o""e#ti/es to )!"%*,
0CC s)ings :1 h!n.s< ? 6 1C
0C get*s :0E0F?<
S#n$a%&Progra( )ini(#(
0E0F? Get *s, G!"$ the lo!. * f"o% )!te" gl!ss to sn!t#h 5ell,
0CC S)ings :!n$ set !n. "e s#he%e<
We !"o!#he. the l!st )eeken. 5efo"e the SFG !s ! ti%e to let !ll the )o"k of the !st si6 )eeks
'settle- fo" o*" g"o*, S!t*".!$ !n. S*n.!$ )e"e oo"t*nities to #o%e into the g$%, .o t)o of
the %ost i%o"t!nt %o/e%ents !n. get ! sense of e!sing oK, It )!s ! ti%e to fo#*s on e!sing *,
Th!t(s !n e!s$ thing to t!lk !5o*t, 5*t %ost eole t"$ to ge!" * %o"e !n. %o"e, Yo* %*st e!se
oK !n. let the e"fo"%!n#e h!en,
)on$a% an$ T#es$a%&Rest* Reco+er%
Go to the g$%, ;o""e#ti/es !n. fo!% "olling 3*st to kee %ent!ll$ "e!"e.,
These )e"e 5!si#!ll$ t)o 'oK- .!$s, These t)o .!$s ins*"e. #o%lete "e#o/e"$ f"o% the t"!ining
of the !st %onths, We !"e looking !he!. to the th"ee2.!$ )eeken., #e"t!inl$, 5*t )e !"e !lso
!tte%ting to 5egin to "!% *, too,
We$nes$a%&Progra( )ini(#(
0CC S)ings H 0CF0C )!/e the lo!. 5*t #o%lete ! fe) he!/$ :=Bkg< sets,
0E0F? Get *s2 kee the lo!.s light !n. fo#*s on s%ooth t"!nsitions
This is the l!st 'he!/$- .!$, The 'h!$ is in the 5!"n- !n. no) )e !"e "!%ing * the st*.ents fo"
the )eeken.,
The SFG is th"ee .!$s, so )e !..e. !n !..ition!l "est .!$, This is f"o% ;o!#h R!lh M!*gh!n(s
'T)o D!$ D!g R*le- !n. )e .e#i.e. to toss in !n !..ition!l 'oK- .!$ to !llo) the lo!. of )o"k f"o%
F"i.!$ !n. S!t*".!$ not to 5e en#*%5e"e. 5$ !n$ e6h!*stion fo" Th*"s.!$, It !lso gi/es the
t"!/eling e"son ! f"ee .!$, so $o* #!n !l$ this i.e! no %!tte" )h!t $o*" sit*!tion is fo" the
Sho) *, Don(t L*it, Ask L*estions,
.ac to the F#t#re
So, this )!s the l!st )eek, I !g"ee )ith the g"e!t To%%$ Kono th!t it is 5est to 5e ! to*#h
*n.e"t"!ine. th!n o/e"t"!ine. !t !ll, If $o* 3*st look !t the l!st )eek, $o* %ight get the i%"ession
th!t )e .on(t t"!in /e"$ h!"., Th!t is not t"*e,
The ke$ to th"i/ing, not 3*st s*"/i/ing, the SFG is to t"!in fo" ! fe) $e!"s !n. h!/e !ll $o*" @*!lities
!t ! high le/el, I st"i/e to te!#h ! lot of things f"o% the O lifts !n. 4o)e"lifts to the KB %o/es !n.
l!nks th"o*gho*t the $e!", O*" gene"!l !"o!#h to t"!ining is 'E!s$ St"ength- )he"e )e i#k
%o/e%ents )e )ish to i%"o/e !n. .o the%,
The si%li#it$ !n. logi# of th!t st!te%ent f"ightens %e !s it is the t"*est thing I #!n )"ite, So, I
e6e#t !ll %$ st*.ents to 5e in soli. gene"!l sh!e th"o*gho*t the $e!", If $o* #!n "e%e%5e" this
little !6io%, it %ight s!/e $o*&
Al)!$s t"$ to 5e th"ee to si6 )eeks f"o% to #on.ition,- Ag!in, this is the To%%$ Kono !"o!#h,
The ke$ is to !l)!$s 5e )ithin st"iking .ist!n#e of e!k #on.ition, No), this is /!g*e !n. o5/io*sl$
st*.ents of M!"t$ G!ll!ghe" *se 01 )eek #$#les !n. so%e so"ts nee. %o"e ti%e to e!k, 5*t the
#on#et is to %!int!in !n. "et!in goo. soli. #on.ition %ost of the ti%e, When it is ti%e to 'go fo"
it,- like "eing fo" the SFG, )e !"e not th!t f!" oK,
So, lift, T"!in, 4"!#ti#e, De!"n ne) things, When $o* get the e%!il th!t the SFG is #o%ing !"o*n.,
"e!liAe th!t no) is the ti%e to "!ise the 5!",
Si/ Wee Training*One Pea Wee Progra( O+er+ie0
? .!$s e" )eek, Mon.!$ th"o*gh F"i.!$, "est !n. "e#o/e" on )eeken.,
J f*ll t"!ining )eeks )ith 0 e!king :t"!nsfo"%!tion )eek<
Wees ,&1
Mon.!$ Ro4 Dight
T*es.!$ G!"iet$ 0
We.nes.!$ Ro4 Me.i*%
Th*"s.!$ G!"iet$ 1
F"i.!$ Ro4 He!/$
Wee !
S!t*".!$ 4"og"!% Mini%*%
S*n.!$ 4"og"!% Mini%*%
Mon.!$ET*es.!$ Rest o" #o""e#ti/es
We.nes.!$ He!/$ 4"og"!% Mini%*%
Th*"s.!$ oK :#"e!te #he#klist fo" the )eeken.<
F"i.!$ SFG .!$ 0
Wees ,&2
)on$a%&Test 3a% Wee ,-
Eas% press*p#ll&#p an$ snatch other t0o 0ees- ?6 :1 "*ngs lo)e" th!n he!/$ .!$<
:To.!$, 5efo"e .oing the RO4, )e teste. the 4*ll2*, Sn!t#h Test !n. 4"ess Bell SiAe Test<
M!6 St"i#t 4*ll2I
Sn!t#h Test As %!n$ !s ossi5le in ? %in*tes )ith the 1=kg,
D!n "e#o%%en.s 1CDE1CR 0?E0? 0CE0C ?E? t"$ing not to *t the 5ell .o)n,
;le!n !n. 4"ess test, Fin. ! 5ell $o* #!n #le!n !n. "ess :#le!n 5et)een e!#h "ess< fo" !5o*t B,
This )ill 5e $o*" t"!ining )eight fo" "esses,
86 :0,1,8< ;le!n !n. 4"ess M 4*ll2*s
T#es$a%& Gra$ Woro#t 3a%
Do*5le Bells, 1 #le!nE0 4"essE8 F"ont S@*!t, Sh!ke o*t tension "ee!t
Week 021C %in*tes
Week 121?
Week 828C
If $o* h!/e eno*gh e@*i%ent !lte"n!te 5et)een 0Jkgs, 1Ckgs, 1=kgs, !n. 1Bkgs,
A#t*!l g"!. )o"ko*t )ill 5e .o*5le 1=s
We$nes$a%& )e$i#( Press*p#ll#p an$ S0ings
?6 :0 "*ng lo)e" th!n he!/$ .!$<
Week 0& 1 sets of 0CC sn!t#hes *sing !n$ 5ell :"e!ll$ light 01kg, fo" e6!%le<
Week 1& 0 set of 0CC, T"$ to *se ! he!/ie" 5ell :1C o" 1=kg<
Week 8, 8 sets of 0CC
B Do*5le F"ont S@*!ts M F!"%e"s W!lk "ee!te. eight ti%es )itho*t *tting the 5ells .o)n, :He"e
is the go!l& BFB )ith 1=kgs<
Fri$a%& 4ea+% Presses* P#ll#ps an$ S0ings
Go!l is ?6 :02?<
Reassess after frst three&0ee bloc
Wees 5&1
)on$a% 6 Eas% Snatches 7snatch bell8 Eas% presses an$ p#lls
Week =& Roll .i#e fo" sn!t#hes, 4"ess !n. 4*ll :0,1,8< 6?
Week ?&
2? %in*tes sn!t#hes !t ?C2JCN eKo"t, :This is !n !ssess%ent, I h!. the go!l of JC !n. e!sil$ %!.e
BC, I kne) !fte" this th!t I )o*l. !ss the sn!t#h test,<
&Get *s !n. *ll2*s, 0E0F? /!"$ing the lo!. on GI, :0,1,8<6? on *ll*s, :We felt )e nee.e. !
"ef"esh .!$ so get*s )e"e s*55e. fo" "esses,<
Week J& ? %in*te sn!t#h ?C2JCN, 4"esses !n. *ll2*s
Week =& ?CC S)ings !n. 4*ll2*s
0C S)ings 0 4*ll2*
0? S)ings 1 4*ll2*s
1? S)ings 8 4*ll2*s
?C S)ings
Fi/e Ro*n.s
Week ?& S)ings !n. G"!. )o"ko*t,
Th"ee "o*n.s
J Ro*n.s G"!. Wo"ko*t
Week J& ?CC S)ings, Go he!/$ on 0C, 0?, !n. 1?
We$nes$a%&)e$i#( Press* P#ll&#p an$ S0ings
? l!..e"s one "*ng lo)e" th!n he!/$ .!$,
Th#rs$a%&Snatch onl%
Week =&
1F0CC :1CE1C 0?E0? 0CE0C ?E? !s f!st !s ossi5le<
DightO 6 0CC
DightO 6 0CC :0C20Jkg, I %ostl$ *se. the 01kg<
Ti%e these t)o sets, Then&
1CE1C 1CE1C 0?E0? 0?E0? 0CE0C 0CE0C ?E? ?E?, Ise 1C Kg th"o*gh the tens, then s)it#h to 1Bkg o"
81kg fo" +/es, This o"tion is not ti%e., T!ke 5"e!ks !n. "!#ti#e f!st !n. loose,
Week ?&
Ree!t )eek =,
Week J&
DightO 6 0CC :0C kg<
Dightish 6 0CC :1C kg<
DightO 6 0CC :01 kg<
Re#o". ti%e on sets then&
1CE1C 1CE1C ?E? ?E?, Ise the 0Jkg on the 1Cs !n. the 1Bkg on the ?s, This %*st 5e #o%lete.
*n.e" +/e %in*tes, :Shoot fo" #lose to fo*" %in*tes<
Fri$a%& 4ea+% Press an$ P#ll#ps* S0ings to li(it
Go!l is Fi/e l!..e"s of Fi/e "*ngs,
Week =&
W!/e the lo!. e!#h l!..e", E6!%le 1Ckg, 1=kg, 1Bkg, 1Ckg, 1Bkg
Dight, %e.i*%, he!/$, %e.i*%, 3*.g%ent #!ll on l!st set,
Week ?&
He!/$ )eight on !ll l!..e"s,
Week J& W!/e the lo!. on e!#h l!..e"
Week P& 4e!k WeekO See !5o/e,
"his is the e#act program we followed. "here is nothing new or revolutionary$ !ust fve days a week
of hard focused training. "he magic is in assessing and course corrections. "reat each training
session as an opportunity to assess.
%ou may ask why we used such light weights on the "hursday snatch day& 'ell the snatch test
re(uires only )** reps. +y practicing those reps with a light bell we are able to come up with the
answer to the (uestion, 'hat is the issue& Is it a techni(ue issue& -ungs& .acing& /or e#ample
during the fnal weeks if you are able to make )** reps with the 0* kg in !ust under 1 minutes you
know that you have a full minute bu2er for that e#tra 1 kilos. "his builds confdence and
momentum without ta#ing the system.
"he 3ite of .assage calls for snatches at 4*5 e2ort on Monday. During the frst week test I
managed 6* hard reps in fve minutes. +y week fve my goal was 7* reps in fve minutes at 4*5
e2ort. "o my surprise I did 6* reps and it was laughably easy. "he assessment we made that day
was that I was more than ready for the snatch test without ever going to the limit in training.
"he key here is to build momentum both physically and mentally. 'e take an easy strength
approach to building up snatch performance. 8 problem I see often is people try to train to their
limit each and every snatch practice. %ou would not do this with your deadlift so dont do it with
your snatches. +uild confdence and smash your rep barrier on test day.
T)o iss*es !"ise )hene/e" I see o" he!" !5o*t "e!"!tion fo" the sn!t#h test, Fi"st, this :the
sn!t#h test< isn(t ! "o5le% fo" ! lot of eole !n. I nee. to %!ke th!t #le!"& fo" the %en !n.
)o%en )ho sho) * )ith ! '5ig engine- !n. $e!"s in the )eight"oo%, the$ ten. to 5lo) the test
!!"t, The$ sh"*g, look o/e" !t %e !n. see% to s!$& 'Wh!t(s the 5ig .e!lQ- Fo" %!n$ of the%, the
*ll2* test %ight 5e the iss*e o" so%ething else, The"e is !l)!$s so%ething else,
The sn!t#h test #!n %!ke ! e"son h!/e ! 'see. 5!""ie",- In th"o)ing, the"e #o%es ! ti%e )he"e
$o* 5elie/e $o* g!/e it $o*" !ll !n. the i%le%ent goes ! #e"t!in .ist!n#e, Ho) .o i%"o/e )hen
$o* !l"e!.$ g!/e it $o*" !llQ
We *se ! ."ill #!lle. the So/iet D"ill to !tt!#k the see. 5!""ie", It is this 5*ilt in "o5le% th!t John
4o)ell s!i. 5est& 'I #!n(t kee *shing %$ 0CCN *, So, I 3*st "o. %$ BCN ! 5it highe",- In
th"o)ing, )e !sk& 'ho) e!s$ #!n $o* th"o) BCN of $o*" 5estQ- I often *t ! g!"5!ge #!n o*t in
the se#to" !n. let the !thlete t"$ to 'sink one- !t BCN of thei" 5est, O..l$, soon the$ !"e tossing
5e$on. thei" 5est, The 'see. 5!""ie"- h!s 5een shot .o)nO
In the sn!t#h test, it 5"e!ks %$ he!"t to he!" eole #o%e * to %e on D!$ One of the #e"t !n.
s!$& 'M$ 5est is B0 "es in +/e %in*tes, I hoe $o*" #o!#hing #!n get %e to 0CC,- Yes, I(% !
%i"!#le )o"ke", 5*t gi/e %e so%ething to )o"k )ith he"eO In o*" %etho., I !% !sking $o* to
.is#o/e" )hethe" o" not $o*" iss*e is l*ngs o" g*ns, Do $o* see the Thin Geil into the Ne6t Dife
.oing 0CC "es )ith ! h!lf2)eight 5ellQ We nee. to )o"k $o*" s$ste%, If the set is e!s$ !s #!n 5e,
)e h!/e ! 'g*ns- iss*e !n. th!t %e!ns %o"e "esses !n. %o"e s)ings, The !ns)e" is !l)!$s
e!s$9 the !li#!tion is not,
8nother e#ample of using assessment and using course corrections came during my press
training. I was building up volume with the 06kg. I did 74 reps the frst hard day and 9* the ne#t
week so naturally I decided to move up to the :0kg for week three. I managed between )* and )4
reps during the ne#t three press days ;light medium and heavy<. I would have been !ust fne with
this If I had been taking a longer term approach to building my press volume. "he problem was
that the =/> weekend demands the ability to handle a ton of volume. 'e decided that it would be
wise to drop back down the lighter and bell and focus on the volume and density. "his course
correction was made with the goal of passing the certifcation in the forefront.
So, the"e is not goo. o" 5!. .e#ision he"e, 5*t Mike )!s fo#*se. on !ssing the SFG, so he
h*%5le. hi%self !n. took #!"e of the go!l, Fo#*s on )h!t $o* )!nt, T"*st %e, I )!nt $o* to !ss
the SFG so #hoose )isel$ th"o*gho*t the )hole "o#ess,
This "e%in.s %e of so%ething Di#k Not%e$e" *se. to tell %e ho) he .e!lt )ith eole )ho )o*l.
go to #!%s o" listen to othe" #o!#hes& 'Th!t is +ne )h!t the$ t!*ght $o*, Th!t is g"e!t, B*t, in %$
g$%, )e .o it this )!$,-
So, this is ho) )e .o things in MY g$%, We #h!nge things )hen o*" !ssess%ent tells *s it is not
)o"king, We oenl$ !.!t !n. !.ot !n$thing th!t #o%es !long, When Mike o" 4!"ke" o" M!"# o"
Ali#e o" GeoK o" A."i!n t"!il !)!$ f"o% the go!l, I #!n ste * !n. "eoint to )he"e I think the go!l
sho*l. 5e he"e, An., in f*ll #!n.o", the$ often oint %e 5!#k in the "ight .i"e#tion,
So, in $o*" g$%, in $o*" sit*!tion, $o* %ight not 5e !5le to follo) this "og"!% !s o*tline., Othe"s
h!/e .one /e"$ )ell !t the SFG .oing !ll kin.s of othe" things, He"e is the ke$& !ssess it, Test it,
Test $o*"self, Then, !t the en., let the !""o) 7$,

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