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Chakras and Meditations
The word chakra literally translates as wheel or disk. This refers to a spinning sphere of bioenergetics activity emanating
from the major nerve ganglia branching forward from the spinal column. There are 7 major wheels stacked within this system,
a column of energy that spans from the base of the spine to the top of the head.
The caduceus is a winged staff with two snakes wrapped around, within Esoteric Buddhism, the caduceus corresponds to the
axis of the world and the serpents refer to the force called Kundalini, which, in tantrist teaching, sleeps at the base of the
backbone this is a symbol of conscious power of pure energy. The wings symbolize the liberation of the consciousness.
Each intersection between the wraps and weave of the serpents are energy points found within the human body, they
correspond to the location of the 7 major chakras, the left channel / serpent is called Ida and the right channel / serpent is
Pingala. Ida represents the feminine, cold, she represents the moon; Pingala is masculine, hot, he represents the sun.
These seven major chakras relate to the 7 stages of consciousness. The chakras are not tangible or even physical, yet, they
do affect our glandular process, body shape, chronic physical ailments, thoughts and behavior. By using this product and
visualizing the location of the chakras while repeating a custom daily mantra, you will influence the make up of the chakras.
This will improve your health, calm your mind, and provide you a way to merge with the universal consciousness.
Meditation / Mantra
The word Mantra is Sanskrit composed of the root man meaning to think and tra meaning an instrument of thought that can free us from the
constraints of our minds Mantras help focus your mind on a single thought through the repetition of a sound. They eventually replace your conscious
everyday thoughts when chanting. The repetition of the mantra sounds provided below will pull your individual consciousness towards the universal
oneness / consciousness.
I back lit the semi-precious stones to help with the visualization of the specific location and the specific colour of the chakras. Tibetan Mysticism states
that chakras can be represented in the physical form by gem stones. They are described as meeting points between the spiritual and physical energy. I
would also like to think that gem stones are the most ancient way of studying sacred geometry. By meditating on the visual image of each chakra and at
the same time repeating the mantra, you will activate the physical, psychological, and spiritual energies of that chakra.
There are four ways to use the mantra in this meditation:
Repeat the sound out loud. 1.
Whisper the mantra. 2.
Mentally repeat the mantra. 3.
Simply listen to the sound and vibration of the mantra 4.
For the purpose of this necklace I will guide you through repeating the mantra out loud.
To begin the mantra.
Please follow the following steps before you begin the meditation. Mantra.
Sit down in a comfortable chair with proper back support, feet touching the ground and hands on your thighs. Find the mantra you will recite
related to the colour semi-precious stones lit up for the day, have the computer page open so that it will be easy to follow later on, and plug the
necklace into the USB docking station.
Start by concentrating on your breathing, inhale through your nose for a count of four and exhale through your mouth for a count of 4. Once you
have settled in a comfortable pattern and are comfortable and relaxed move onto step 3.
Focus on the necklace, which should be in the USB docking station, and observe which chakras are lit. Try to focus and relate the glowing
stones of light to the location of the chakras within your own body. If you have trouble visualizing the chakras glowing light within your own body
just observe and feel the colours, their warmth, their coolness, their intensity and how that makes you feel. Please make sure while you are
doing this you are still inhaling for a count of four and exhaling for a count of 4. Once you are comfortable and are feeling more relaxed with
visualizing or feeling the colours you can move onto step 4.
At this stage you will be inhaling for a count of four and exhaling for a count of four, while observing the chakras semi-precious stones back lit
while imagining the lights of the chakras glowing from within you, emanating outwards. When reciting the mantra I would like you to inhale for a
count of four and exhale by chanting the mantra provided to you. At this point you can close your eyes, as long as you know the sounds for the
mantra this is okay to do. The time span for chanting minimum 10 -15 minutes to a maximum 15-30 minutes a day.
After this procedure has been followed, slowly get back into your body; start to feel your body. Start to slowly move your toes, your ankles, then
calves, knees, hips, stomach, back spine, hands, elbows, shoulders, neck, and finally your head. Get up and move around to get the blood
moving within your body and enjoy your day. I recommend performing this daily.
Sounds for the mantras / meditation
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7th chakra sound Crown, Sahasrara Chakra Sound : Silence it is called upon you to
listen to silence within you soul, and to feel consciousness, oneness.
Amethyst is associated with the 7th Chakra. When worn, Amethyst is cool and relaxing. this stone
symbolizes healing, purification and spiritual power, and it is also a good aid with helping one focus
ones energies. Amethyst is associated with spiritual awareness, meditation, balance, psychic abilities,
inner peace, healing and positive transformation. It is said to be the stone of sobriety, and can help
with addictive tendencies, along with negative feelings such as depression and stress.
6th chakra sound Third Eye, Brow, Ajna Chakra - Sound : OM
Iolite is associated with the 6th Chakra. When worn, it opens, heightens, and expands psychic
abilities in a gentle way; teaches the parameters of ones psychic abilities. This stone timulates
psychic awareness and promotes accuracy in intuitive pursuits. It enhances leadership ability, power,
inner strength, self-confidence and executive ability. A highly revered stone in the Ayurvedic tradition.
5th chakra sound Throat, Visuddha Chakra - Sound : Ham
Amazonite is associated with the 5th Chakra. When worn, it soothes and balances the throat chakra,
aids with self-understanding, inner truth, and the ability to express it. By bringing clarity to thought, it
helps us deal with chaos and helps us find a place of harmony. This promotes creativities in all forms.
It is also thought to help in healing the throat, thyroid, nerve and brain paths.
4th chakra sound Heart, Anahata Chakra - Sound : Yam
Aventurine is associated with the 4th Chakra. When worn, it helps us speak personal truths, it is a
calming stone and it aids us in releasing worries and fears so that we can communicate from the heart
and to trust life. This stone is a great healing stone, giving you a sense of mental and emotional
balance. It focuses its healing effects on the organs, lifting and strengthening them. It is also a good
luck stone, especially in financial matters.
3rd chakra sound Solar Plexus, Manipura - Sound: Ram
Citrine is associated with the 3rd Chakra. When worn, it helps confidence and optimism in personal
and impersonal relations. This is a stone for success and prosperity. This stones detoxifies the
kundalini channels and the emotional body. It has also been said that citrine balances the movement
through the central nervous system. If you have lost your path in life, Citrine will show you the way,
because it vibrates prosperity in all forms; aligns the aura, heals, fills the aura with light and clarity;
stimulates intellect and mental activity; aids with controlled astral projection, and promotes
understanding of psychic information. It improves poor circulation, tissue regeneration, and fortifies the
immune system. It is also good for those wearing glasses or contacts as Citrine improves visual ability.
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2nd chakra sound Sacral, Sexual, Svahhisthana Chakra Sound : Vam
Carnelian is associated with the 2nd Chakra. When worn, it provides emotional warmth, creativity,
reproduction, rebirth, calms the mind of the fear of death and enforces the belief in the birth-death
cycle. This stone is an excellent motivator in matters related to business and career. It alleviates blood
poisoning, nose bleeds, wounds, sores, spasms and all ailments related to blood besides being a
remedy for fever, neuralgia, allergies and infection.
1st chakra sound Base Muladhara or Root Chakra - Sound : Lam
Garnet is associated with the 1st chakra. When worn, it promotes root chakra opening. It draws earth
energy into the body, encourages vitality, courage, passion, love, sensuality, and self-confidence. It
promotes imagination and alleviates depression. On the mental, emotional, and spiritual planes, garnet
aids us with integration and rejuvenation. It combines stability with vitality, and stimulates creativity,
security, and passion, and has been known to heighten sexual awareness. Physically, it is used to
treat disorders of the blood, heart, lungs, spine and bones.
The Personalized Mantras for Daily Meditations
Number One
Chant LAM, and RAM
Alternatively, if you are feeling energized, chant the sounds for the chakras that are not being lit to
reach a full balance for the day.
Chant VAM, YAM, HAM, and OM.
Number Two
Chant YAM, OM.
Alternatively, if you are feeling energized, chant the sounds for the chakras that are not being lit to
reach a full balance for the day.
Chant LAM, VAM, RAM, and HAM.
LarisaMaira.com / Chakras and Meditation http://www.larisamaira.com/chakras.html
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Number Three
Chant LAM, RAM, HAM, and OM.
Alternatively, if you are feeling energized, chant the sounds for the chakras that are not being lit to
reach a full balance for the day..
Chant VAM and YAM.
Number Four
Chant LAM.
Alternatively, if you are feeling energized, chant the sounds for the chakras that are not being lit to
reach a full balance for the day.
Chant VAM, RAM, YAM, HAM, and OM.
Number Five
Chant VAM, HAM, and OM.
Alternatively, if you are feeling energized, chant the sounds for the chakras that are not being lit to
reach a full balance for the day.
Chant LAM, RAM, and YAM.
Number Six
Chant YAM
Alternatively, if you are feeling energized, chant the sounds for the chakras that are not being lit to
reach a full balance for the day.
Chant LAM, VAM, RAM, HAM and OM.
Number Seven
Chant LAM, and YAM
Alternatively, if you are feeling energized, chant the sounds for the chakras that are not being lit to
reach a full balance for the day.
Chant VAM, RAM, HAM, and OM.
LarisaMaira.com / Chakras and Meditation http://www.larisamaira.com/chakras.html
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Number Eight
Chant RAM and YAM
Alternatively, if you are feeling energized, chant the sounds for the chakras that are not being lit to
reach a full balance for the day.
Chant LAM, VAM, HAM, and OM.
Number Nine
Chant HAM.
Alternatively, if you are feeling energized, chant the sounds for the chakras that are not being lit to
reach a full balance for the day.
Chant LAM, VAM, RAM, YAM, and OM.
Personalized Mantras for Daily Meditations for the more advanced students
For the more advanced students, please CHANT all of the sounds for each Chakra.
Please follow steps 1 to 3, and then follow the instructions below:
First, visualize the back lit chakras emanating light out into the world from the chakras locations found within your own body.
Second, visualize the Chakras that are not back lit emanating light out from the chakra locations found within your own body.
Third, visualize all the chakras within your body emanating light outwards as you CHANT: LAM, VAM, RAM, YAM, HAM, OM, and then Silence for the
7th Chakra.
After this procedure has been followed, slowly get back into your body and start to feel your body. Start to slowly move your toes, your ankles, then
calves, knees, hips, stomach, back spine, hands, elbows, shoulders, neck, and finally your head. Get up and move around to get the blood moving
within your body and enjoy your day.
LarisaMaira.com / Chakras and Meditation http://www.larisamaira.com/chakras.html
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