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[ pa
] n the twenty-frst consonant of the Bengali alphabet.

[ pa
] a (used as a sfx.) breeding or keeping (), drinking ()..
[ pich ] n a kind of bangle or bracelet.
[ pih ] n a step or a fight of stairs.
[ pipi ] adv repeatedly, again and again (usu. ).
[ pancttara ] n. ! a seventy-fve.
[ panci ] n. ! a eighty-fve.
[ pancia ] n. ! a twenty-fve. a. (of the days of a "onth) twenty-ffth.
n. the twenty-ffth day of a "onth, the twenty-ffth.
[ pam#atllia ] n. ! a forty-fve.
[ pam#atria ] n !a. thirty-fve.
[ pam#a$ai ] n. ! a si%ty-fve.
[ paka ] n a pocket. , v. to pick so"eone&s pocket.
, v. to put in the pocket, to pocket. - n. a side-pocket.
a hip-pocket. - n. a breast-pocket. an inside
pocket. ' !n. a pocket-watch. ' n. a pocket-book. ' n. a pick pocket( a cut-
purse. ' "# a. put or kept in the pocket. "#v. to put or keep (a thing) in
the pocket.
!, $! [ pak)%&, pakau)%& ] n a chop of onion fried usu. in oil.
' [ pakka ] a for. for" of (a.). ' n. grey hair. a. grey-haired( aged, old.
'n. ripeness( greyness( "aturity( precocity( digestion. ' ()*a. & n. (for.)
one whose or of one whose lips are beautifully red. ', n. the
+ [ pak$a ] n a lunar fortnight (, -+, ./+)( a period of ffteen days, a
fortnight (0+)( (of birds) a wing, a feather( (of fsh) a fn( (of an arrow) a
feather( a tea", a party, a side (+ 1)( a direction or side or hand (+2)(
a fank, a side (+)( *uestion or answer in a debate, support or
opposition, a thesis or an antithesis (34+, 5+)( behalf (
+50!)( state or condition (+)( (of a person "arried, "ore than
once) "arriage (6* +7*)( a husband or wife, spouse (8 , *+). ' n.
(bot.) a. a pinule. ' 9#: sa"e as +( ';0, ' ;0 n. act of cutting o+ or
clipping one&s wings( (fg.) act of "aking powerless( refutation of one&s
argu"ent. +;0, +;0 v. to cut o+ or clip one&s wings( (fg.) to
render powerless. ' a. winged. n. a bird( the "oon. ' , ' , ' < n.
partiality( unreasonable love or fondness (for), favouritis", bias, preference
(= +). ' 0> a. biased, partial( corrupted with partiality or
favouritis". 3? a. i"partial, unbiased. +*a. partial, pre,udicial( biased,
pre,udiced( inclined to favouring, prone or leaning to. fem. ' * ' n. the
inner part or inside of a wing. ' adv. under cover of wings, within the wings(
(fg.) under one&s protection. ' 1a. included in a side or tea". ' 0 n. act of
distinguishing one side fro" another( (chiefy pol.) disintegration of a party(
di+erentiation of the two opposing sides of an argu"ent. ' a. winged( having
a fn or fns( (bot.) pinnate. ' ?@ n. (bot.) pinnate venation. ' a. (bot.)
pinnately veined. ' @A n. act of fapping or "oving one&s wings (as by a
bird). ' @A v. to fap or "ove one&s wings. ' @B4 sa"e as +(* '@B4
sa"e as +( '@B4* sa"e as +(* fem. '@B4*:*
+, +, [ pak$kra, pak$k-ti ] a wing-shaped, feather-shaped( fn-
shaped( pinnate.
+ [ pak$ghta ] n paralysis, palsy. '9"# a. paralysed, palsied.
+2 [ pak$nta ] n the end or ter"ination of a lunar fortnight( the full "oon or
the new "oon( (loos.) ter"ination of a fort night or a period of ffteen days.
+2 [ pak$ntara ] n the other side or condition. +2adv. on the other side,
on the other hand, contrary-wise.
++ [ pak$pak$a ] n the other fortnight( one&s friends and foes or
supporters and antagonists. ' n. discri"ination be tween one&s friends and
ene"ies. ' #* a. i"partial (++#*2?)( indiscri"inate
+( [ pak$balambana ] n act of siding with or following or standing for or
supporting or defending a particular (contending) party or person(
partisanship( act of playing for a particular tea". +( v. to side with(
to follow, to adhere to( to stand for, to support, to defend( to play for.
+(*a. siding with( following, adhering to( standing for, supporting,
defending( playing for a particular tea". n. a party-"an( a partisan( a
follower, an adherent( a supporter, a defender( a player of a particular tea".
fem. +(*
+:* [ pak$i. ] fe" of +*
+ [ pak$iplaka ] a e"ployed in aviculture. n. a bird-fancier, an
+ [ pak$iplana ] n aviculture. + v. to collect, keep and breed
birds, to be engaged in aviculture. ' a. an aviary.
+0? [ pak$ibidy ] n ornithology.
+C [ pak$irja ] n a king of birds( an appellation of /aruda (D!)( ("yth.)
a winged horse.
+ [ pak$ibaka ] n the young ones of a bird( young of a bird
+ [ pak$il ] n an aviary.
+ [ pak$iikra ] n killing or shooting of birds, fowling.
+* [ pak$ ] n the bird.
+* [ pak$mra ] n a fowler.
+* [ pak$#a ] a of or concerning a side or group or party( belonging to a
+E, +F0 [ pak$dgama, pak$dbhda ] n fedging. +E#G,
+F0#Gv. to be fedged.
H [ pak$ma ] n eyelash( a feather.
[ pagra ] n a ditch or drain "arking the boundary of tract or land.
#Gv. (lit.) to leap over or cross a ditch( (fg.) to sca"per o+ or to run
away beyond reach.
I1 [ pa0kti ] n a row, a line. ' C n. dining together sitting in a row, dining
in co"pany, co""unity-dining( co""unity dinner.
J [ pa0ka ] n soft "ud, clay( flth( (geog.) silt( (bio.) protoplas"( a paste
(KJ)( (fg.) vice( (archi.) fnial. ' Ca. born of or grown in soft "ud, clay-born.
n. the lotus, the water-lily. fem. 'C ', ' a. lotus-eyed. fem. ' 'C*n. a
pond in which lotuses grow, a lotus-pool( a clu"p or cluster of lo tuses, a
collection of lotuses. ' , Ja. full of soft "ud, "iry, "uddy( turbid( flthy(
vicious. ' D# n. lotus. Jn. "uddiness, "iriness( turbidity( flthiness(
viciousness. JL n. dredging (as a river) (fg.)( cleansing or purifcation(
correction( act of bringing into order out of an intolerable or intricateness(
(fg.) recla"ation fro" vice. JL v. to dredge( (fg.) to bring into order
out of an intolerable or intricateness( (fg.) to reclai" fro" vice.
M [ pa0kha ] a (dial.1archi.) fnial.
M* [ pa0kh ] n (vul.) a bird( (vul.) a gan,as"oker and teller of cock-and-bull
stories (M*0). a. shaped like a bird (3 M*).
N [ pa0gapla ] n a swar" of locusts( a locust( (fg.) a huge crowd.
N [ pa0gu ] a la"e( crippled( deprived of the power of "ove"ent( rendered
powerless. ' n. la"eness( crippledo", crippled state or condition(
deprivation of the power of "ove"ent( deprivation of power.
[ paca ] n putrefaction, rotting. v. to begin to rot or putrefy or decay.
[ pacana ] n cooking( digesting, digestion( putrefaction, rotting( ("ed.)
sepsis. ' a. counteracting putrefaction2 ("ed.) antiseptic. ' *a. easily
putrefed( putrescent, rotting( ("ed.) getting septic.
[ pac ] v to rot, to putrefy, to deco"pose( ("ed.) to beco"e septic( (fg.)
to beco"e too old or hackneyed. a. rotten, putrefed, deco"posed( ("ed.)
that which has beco"e septic( (fg.) too old or hackneyed ( O). P
(Q) the hu"id and sweltering "onth of Bhadra.
[ paci ] n a spirituous li*uor distilled fro" rice, arrack.
[ pacn ] v to cause to rot, to rot, to putrefy, to deco"pose etc.( to ret
(,ute etc.)( ("ed.) to "ake septic. a. that which has been putrefed or
[ pacla ] n (dial.) useless garrulous or idle talk or scandal. !v. to
indulge in useless garrulous talk or scandal, to be talkative, to have a long
? [ pacya ] a worth cooking( digestible.
K [ pachanda ] n choice( liking( selection( approbation. a. chosen( liked(
selected( approved. K v. to choose( to like( to select( to approve. ' @ a. to
one&s liking( choice, select.
A [ paca ] n. ! a fve. ' n. a set of fve, a *uintette, a *uintet, a pentad
(*A). ' :, ' :*a. pentagular. ' ? n. the fve articles derived fro" the cow,
na"ely, curd, "ilk, clarifed butter, cow&s urine and cowdung. ' R: n. the fve
*ualities or attributes, na"ely, beauty, e%udation or ,uice, s"ell, touch and
sound. a. fve ti"es, fve fold. ' $!n. a collective na"e for the ancient
regions of /aud ($!), 3ithila (B), 4tkal (5S), 5anau, ($C), and the
region situated on the bank of the river 6araswati. ' <T a. forty-fve.
'<TUn. & a. forty-fve. <T a. forty-ffth. fem. ' <T* 'a. one
who practises severe religious austerities with the bla7ing sun overhead and
enkindling four huge fres on four sides. ' T n. thirty-fve. ' TUn. & a. thirty-
fve. T a. thirty-ffth. fem. 'T* A< n. death. A<=Va. dead. A<=V
#Gv. to "eet with death, to give or yield up the ghost, to die. A<=Vn.
death. ' 0a. having fve petals, *uin*uepetalous( penta"erous(
*uin*uepartite. ' 0W a cin*uefoil. ' 0* a. penta"erous( pertaining to or
consisting of fve parties, *uin*uepartite. ' 0 n. & a. ffteen. !s*uare( a.
ffteenth. ' 0*a. fem. ffteenth( ff teen years old. n. the ulti"ate day of a
lunar fortnight( the full "oon or the new "oon( one of the 8edantas (02).
'0n. fve deities or /ods receiving oblation before one&s "eal. ' 0 n. the
9un,ab (it is inundated by fve rivers). ' X n. the fve 9andava( X).
brothers of the 3ahabharata, the 9andava *uintette. ' n. a vessel used in
:indu religious service2 it consists of four s"all "etal cups placed on a "etal
tray. ' n. one&s progenitor, deliverer fro" fear, father-in-law, preceptor and
"aintainer collectively. ' =0* n. a "etal la"p with roo" for fve wicks. ' *n. a
sacred place with the asse"blage of fve banyan trees. ' : n. the fve arrows
of 5a" () the god of love, na"ely, enchant"ent, e%cite"ent, absorption,
heating and stupefaction( 5a"a the god of love. ' n. the fve vital airs (or
breaths) that are drawn into or sent out fro" the body. ' T a. twenty-fve.
'Tn. & a. twenty-fve. T a. twenty-ffth. fem. ' T* '3 Cn.
(geo".) a pentagon. a. pentagonal. ' 3 n. the fve vital ele"ents
collectively, na"ely, earth, water, heat, air and at"osphere or space. A3
v. (lit.) to be dissolved into the fve vital ele"ents( (fg.) to die. A a.
ffth. n. sa"e as AY ' n. wine, "eat, fsh, posture and se%ual
intercourse collectively, fve essential tantric (Z) practices or rites.
A#*n. the ffth colu"n( the group of soldiers supporting and working for
the ene"y within the country. AY n. ("us.) the "a,or ffth of the ;-scale(
the cuckoo&s note. ' #n. the fve "ortal sins according to :indu
scriptures. A*a. fem. ffth. n. fem. the ffth lunar day of either fortnight. ' O
a. having fve faces or "ouths, fve-faced( elo*uent (=T@ A O). n. an
appellation of 6hiva (). ' O*a. fem. fve-faced( pentapetalous( having fve
surfaces (A O**)( having fve bores or holes (A O* DP+)( having fve parts
or sections, penta"erous, fve pronged. ' O* W a cin*uefoil. ' N 'Tn. (in chess)
one of the syste"s of check"ating. ' [ n. the fve ge"s collectively, na"ely,
sapphire, dia"ond, ruby, pearl and coral. ' n. (arith.) the double rule of
three. ' sa"e as ' : '@? n. the fve principal grains collectively, na"ely,
paddy, kidney-bean or oat, barley, sesa"e and pigeon-pea.
AJ [ pac0ka ] a having fve acts, fve-act (AJ).
A [ pacnana ] a having fve faces. n. an appellation of 6hiva ().
AK [ pacnanda ] n a traditional deity of Bengal( (loos.) 6hiva ().
A, [ pacm-ta ] n the fve sweet edible things collectively, na"ely, curd,
"ilk, clarifed butter, sugar and honey( the sacra"ent of feeding a wo"an
with these fve sweet things in the ffth "onth of her pregnancy.
A [ pac#ta ] n a village council (ori. consisting of fve "e"bers), a
panchayet. An. work or arbitration of a panchayet( councilship of a
panchayet. a. relating to a panchayet.
A, A* [ paclik, pacl ] n a doll, a puppet.
A, AU [ paca, pacat ] n. ! a ffty. A a. ff tieth. fem. A*
A adv. ffty ti"es( (fg.) "any ti"es, (cp.) thousand and one ti"es,
ti"es without nu"ber.
A* [ pacti ] n. ! a eighty-fve. ' a. eighty-ffth. fem. '*
A\ [ pacndri#a ] n the fve sense-organs collectively, na"ely, the eye(s),
the nose, the tongue, the skin.
] [ pajara ] n the ribs( the thor( the skeletal fra"e of the chest( a fank( a
cage. ]"#n. a rib-bone, a rib.
] [ pajbi ] a or born in the 9un,ab. n. a native of the 9un,ab( the
language of the 9un,ab( a loose-ftting upper-gar"ent with no collar.
], ]*, ] [ paji, paj, pajik ] n an al"anac, a calen dar, an
ephe"eris( a chronicle, a ,ournal, a diary (]). ], ] n. the
"aker of an al"anac.

[ paa
] n cloth or canvas (X)( a can vas for painting on, a canvas
with a painting on, a painting ()( a painted earthen pot of conve% shape(
a painted slide as displayed on the stage, a scene (0, ?). ' n. a painter( a

, ^ [ paa2, pa ] int e%pressing2 crackling noise( noise of bursting, splitting
or snapping( suddenness( *uickness. adv. with a crackling or snapping
noise( suddenly( *uickly. adv. "aking such a noise in *uick (and often
sudden) succession( suddenly( *uickly.
[ paak ] a e%tre"ely weak or feeble (). n. a cracker( a s*uib(
the bladder of a fsh.
[ paakn ] v (coll.) to fing to the ground, to knock down( to defeat, to
van*uish( to be overpowered.

[ paapai
] n over-fastidiousness about purity( "aking too "uch of
anything, e%aggeration, tall talk, bragging ( O)( a kind of tiny crackling
fre work( a kind of crackling toy( crackling noise( the air-bladder of fsh( a
kind of s"all creeper or its berry.
3 [ paabhmi ] n background.
X [ paaman)apa ] n a canopied pavilion!

[ paala
] n a collection, a "ultitude(& C&)( (of a book) a chapter,
a section, a canto( a roof (=2)( an eye-disease, cataract _;0.
# [ paaha ] n a dru", a war-dru", a kettle dru"( a tabor( the ear-dru", the
ty"panu" (usu. :4#). '0 n. noise of dru"-beat, fanfare.
[ pa ] v to be on ter"s with, to be friendly with ( ` )( to be
fa"iliar with or to be in (usu. illicit) love with ( @N )( to co"e to
ter"s, to agree, to give in.
[ pan ] v to bring to ter"s( to persuade( to cause to agree or give in(
to win over( to lure, to seduce ( ).
@ [ pab"a ] n a tented acco""odation( a tent( a canopied pavilion.
[ paa ] n potash.
@ [ pa"a ] int e%pressing2 a loud ^ sound.

[ pai
] n a s"all strip or band of cloth, a bandage (C)( a pleat of
cloth for tucking with, a tuck( a strip of cloth wound round the leg (as by
soldier), a puttee, a puttie ( ). 0G, v. to place a strip of cloth
on( to bandage( to tuck with a pleat of cloth. v. to put on puttees.
v. to tuck with a pleat of cloth.

[ pai
] n a section of a "arket, a "arket (@ , #)( a locality or
*uarters or township (* < a ;hina-town).
*@* [ pa#a" ] fe" of !*
* [ pa#na ] a very e%pert or adroit( "ore e%pert or adroit.
[ pau ] a e%pert, adroit, skilful, de%trous( e=cient, profcient, adept( able(
clever( e%perienced. ' , '< n. e%pertness, adroitness, skill, de%terity( e=ciency,
profciency( ability( cleverness( e%perience.
[ pala ] n a kind of a kitchen-vegetable shaped like a cylinder tapering
at both ends. a. (of eyes) shaped like a longitudinal half of the
aforesaid kitchen-vegetable, very wide and beautiful. v. (sarcas.) to
die, to kick the bucket. ' n. the bitter tasting edible creeper bearing the
aforesaid kitchen-vegetable.
[ paa ] n a plank, a slab( a plate (a)( a wooden seat for sitting upon
s*uattingly( a seat (C)( a throne (#*)( ,ute( silk, linen (7)( a town, a
city( a village (esp. a large one)( a port( a turban( a scarf. ' 0* sa"e as
#* n. a city, a town( a port. ' 7 n. silk-cloth, linen. ' #*, ' b*n. the
chief *ueen of a king, a *ueen consort.
@ [ pab"a ] n a tent.

[ pai
] n a fb. 0G, v. to fb, to spoof. 'Cn. a fbster.
, @ [ paia, pai"a ] n a kind of ancient sword used in fghting.
[ pau ] n a kind of coarse linen.
Q [ phadda ] n student life, studentship.
[ pahana ] n act of reading, perusal( study( recitation. * a. that which is
to be or can be read or studied or recited( prescribed for reading or study or
recitation( readable( recitable. ' *a. reading, studying( in the process of
[ pahita ] a that which has been read( perused( studied( recited.
? [ pahyamna ] a that which is being read or perused or studied or
! [ pa)%&t ] n a continuous succession of win ning or lucky throws (as of
dice)( luck (!K)( favourable ti"e, fortune( good ter"s, a"iability (@N
`! #)( an appro%i"ate nu"ber or a"ount, appro%i"ation (!!)(
(co"".) cost of production or procure"ent. !!v. (at dice etc.) to be
able to "ake winning or lucky throws in a row( to have a favourable or
fortunate ti"e( (co"n.) to "eet the cost of production or procure"ent.
!v. to "eet or cover the cost of production or procure"ent.
! [ pa)%&ti ] n fall( decline (! O)( (co"".) a fall in prices, business
etc., slu"p (5!-!)( the portion of "aterials oringredient wasted or
scattered in course of production of an article (!-!)( re"ainder,
re"nant. a. falling, on the decline. !C slu"p, "arket with falling
[ pa)%&na
] n falling, fall( decline.
[ pa)%&na
] n (dial.) reading( perusal( study( recitation( recital.
!2 [ pa)%&nta ] a about to fall( declining( about to ter"inate or end, co"ing to
a close (!2,!2 0)( setting (!20). !2 the closing hours of the day.
!!, !! [ pa)%&pa)%&, pa)%&pa)%& ] a about to fall or collapse or cave
in B 5!!!!.
, cd [ pa)%&pa)%&
, pa)%&pa) %& ]int suggesting2 the noise of roughly
tearing cloth etc.
! > pa)%&?i @ n a neighbour.
[ pa)%&
] v to fall, to drop (, > !)( to fall down, to drop down (! eG,
!)( to lean to (!)( (as an aux.) to perfor" an action (!)( to
co"e to, to fall into (0 fO!)( to be uncultivated (C !B)( to be vacant or
unoccupied (! ! B)( to stay or re"ain (!)( to be unpaid or unreal
i7ed, to get into arrears (_ !`)( to be outstanding (C!B)( to
set in, to begin, to ensue (` !)( to attack, to raid (g!)( to infest
( !)( to be attacked ( !)( to be caught (in) (C !, 0 !)( to be
a+ected with, to contact, to incur ( !, !, 0 !)( to arrive or
appear ( !)( to co"e across or fall upon (B!)( to set in for a spell
(X !)( to co"e upon, to strike, to occur ( ! < to call to "ind)( to
re*uire or involve or to involve an e%penditure (_ !)( to e%ude, to
oo7e, to fow out (1 !, @!, !)( to fall o+, to shed or to be shed, to
fall (0 !, !)( to be placed (!)( to be served ( O !)( to be
paraly7ed (_N ! eG)( to co"e to a close, to decline (!)( to ter"inate(
to be applied or set (# !)( to be allayed ( !)( to be abated, to
decrease (C !)( to be directed or cast or set (O !)( to be attracted
(!)( to go into, to take in (!)( to be born (B !)( to be "arried
( ! !). a. fallen, dropped( fallen down, dropped down( leaning
to ( !)( hanging loose ( -! !)( fallen into (0 !)(
uncultivated or fallow( unoccupied, vacant( deserted (!!)( staying,
re"aining, laid down ( ! )( attacked( infested( caught( a+ected
with( lying unclai"ed or "et with by chance (! )( abandoned, derelict
(! ). 'v. to cause to fall or drop or lean to or in fest or be attacked or be
a+ected with or re*uire or involve or involve an e%penditure of or be turned
or be directed or be cast or be set or be attracted or enter. ! !
OG to take constant insult or su+er oppression without retaliation. !-
Gv. toco"e upon so"ething une%pectedly( to get a thing by chance and
une%pectedly. !-Ga. got by chance and une%pectedly( that which has
been obtained une%pectedly. 6ee also G C ! G to have a
ready "arket, to go or sell like hot cakes.
[ pa)%&
] v to read, to go through, to peruse( to study( to recite (Z!,
#h !). n. reading, perusal( study( recital, recitation( an instal"ent of
lesson, lesson, e%ercise. a. that which has been read, perused( studied(
recited. ! v. to learn or prepare one&s lessons. &!, !Gv. to test
whether one can say one&s lessons. !0G, !v. to say one&s lessons.
(G) !v. to read, to take lessons fro". !v. to read to. 0?
!eG to go to school. ' v. to teach( to cause to read or study or recite( to
instruct, prepare by (repeated) instruction, to tutor, to rehearse, to pri"e
(@+ !). ! n. a study( a reading roo". !n. a great liking for or
attach"ent to reading( love of reading. ' n. study( acade"ic education,
schooling. ! v. to study( to have one&s schooling( to learn one&s
lessons. ! B to take care of one&s lessons or studies, to be "indful
of one&s lessons or studies.

[ pa)%&u# ] n a student, a pupil( a scholar. a. given to study, studious(

scholarly (!

)( e"ployed in study, studying (!

[ pa)%&na
] n woof, weft.
[ pa)%&na
] n a "ass of "etal, ad,usted to a standard and used for
fnding weight, a weight.
[ pa)%&
] a uncultivated, fallow (! C)( unoccupied, vacant, deserted
(! ! )( deprived of the power of "ove"ent, confned to bed (-!,
! ).
: [ pa.a ] n a pro"ise, a resolve (: +)( a wager, a stake, a bet (O
:)( price (=::)( a condition or ter", a stipulation (i:)( co"pulsory
dowry (esp, what is given to a bride groo"), "arriage-"oney( a co""odity(
a "easure of counting (< A X). : v. to resolve. :0Gv. to pay the
dowry, to pay the bridegroo" (or the bride) co"pulsory dowry or "arriage-
"oney. : , : Ov. to lay a wager, to bet, to stake. : Gv. to e%act
co"pulsory dowry or "arriage-"oney. ?: n. co"pulsory dowry or
"arriage-"oney given to the bride. : co"pulsory dowry or "arriage-
"oney given to the bride groo". ' n. betting ta%. ' n. a table of reckoning
by pans (:). ' =Bn. the syste" of e%acting dowry or "arriage-"oney( (coll.)
dowry syste". 'L a. bound by a pro"ise, under pledge of.
: [ pa.aba ] n a kind of ancient to"to".
X [ pan)a ] a abortive, futile, vain, useless, fruitless( spoiled, foiled, "arred.
Xv. to render abortive, to bring to nothing, to baBe( to spoil, to foil, to
"ar, to undo. 'j n. fruitless toil( abortive e+orts.
X [ pan)ita ] a learned, erudite( aufait, versed( wise( e%perienced( e%pert,
skilled. n. a teacher of Bengali and 6anskrit literature and language, a
pundit. ' 3 !:n. (lit. and fg.) the "ost precious ,ewel a"ongst learned "en(
the "ost learned "an. ' =, ' sa"e as Xj) 'X*n. an asse"bly of
learned people( the learned co""unity, the intelligentsia. ' O4 a. versed in
bookish learning but bereft of co""on sense, learned but unpractical( a wise
fool, a wiseacre. n. such a "an, a learned fool, a pedant. ' * sa"e as
Xk? 'j) a. "ost learned. n. the "ost learned "an. Xk?,
X*a. one who unduly as su"es an air of (superior) learning or
wisdo". Xk??1 a wiseacre. Xn. the post or o=ce of a teacher of
6anskrit and Bengali( (sarcas). wisdo" or learning (X h). a. of or like
ancient pundits (X)( abounding in 6anskrit words and strictly
following rules of 6anskrit gra""ar X .
:? [ pa.ya ] a that which is to be or can be sold, "arketable, saleable,
salable. n. a co""odity, an article for tra=c, (pl.) "erchandise( price, cost,
charge, fare. ' C**a. living on or engaged in trade or business. n. a trader, a
trades"an, a "erchant, a business"an( a dealer. ' P? n. a co""odity( (pl.)
"erchandise, wares. ' *B, ' *B*, ' *Bn. a row of shops( a "arket. ' n. a shop(
a depart"ental store( a "arket( a "anufactory. ' 7*n. a wo"an of the street, a
prostitute, a harlot. :? n. a warehouse. :?N sa"e as ' 7* :?C* sa"e as
[ pataga ] n the bird.
N [ pata0ga ] n the grasshopper( an insect( the fy( the "oth( the bird( an
arrow( the sun. a. capable of killing insects, insecticidal. N0B4 in
secticide. ' : n. (bot.) ento"ophily. ' a. (bot.) insect-pollinated. ' *a.
(bot.) ento"ophilous. ' b, ' 0?n. ento"ology. ' b*, ' 0 n. an ento"ologist.
', a. i"pelled by the insectile desire of killing oneself in the fre of one&s
pleasure. ' , n. the insectile i"pulse of killing oneself in the fre of one&s
pleasure. ' a. in sectivorous. N =:* an insectivore. ' a. infested with
[ patatra ] n a wing (of a bird). , *n. the bird. Cn. /aruda the
king of birds (D!).
[ patana ] n act of falling or dropping, a fall( act or state of being shed or
showered( a shower( decline, downfall (@aC?)( overthrow, defeat
(l)( slaughter, death (eL )( destruction (0#)( capture
(04)( depravation, corruption (@)( a defect (K)( failing,
o"ission (&m--l&). v. to have a fall( to fall, to drop( to be shed
or showered( to decline, to have a downfall, to be overthrown or defeated or
killed or destroyed or captured or depraved or corrupted( to be o"itted.
v. to cause a fall( to fell( to drop( to shed or shower( to cause decline or
downfall( to overthrow or defeat( to kill( to destroy( to capture( to deprave or
corrupt( to cause an o"ission. ' *a. falling, dropping( being shed or
showered( declining( on the wane( perishable. n O a. about to fall or drop
or decline( tottering.
, SU[ patapata, patpat ] int suggesting2 a futtering noise as of a fying
fag or a sail "oving in air or a fying kite or of the wings of a fying bird.
[ patara ] n a "etal hoop. `v. to fasten a "etal hoop (to).
[ patk ] n a banner, a standard, a fag, a pennon.
__4 v. to lower or half-"ast a fag. 5v. to hoist of
fag. hv. to strike a fag. ' 0Xn. a fagsta+, a fagpole, a fagstick.
'*, '#*a. carrying or bearing a fag or standard. n. a standard-bearer( a fag-
bearer( an ensign( (fg.) an outstanding leader. *a. sa"e as * n.
(astrol.) a circle drawn for ascertaining the good and evil (usu. *o). fem.
a. *
[ pati ] n a husband( a "aster, an e"ployer, a boss( an owner( an
overlord, a ruler, a king( a chief( a leader. ' , # n. the husband&s house, a
wo"an&s husband&s house. Ta. & n. fem. one who selects or chooses
one&s husband. *a. & n. fem. one who "urders or kills one&s husband(
one who is the cause of one&s husband&s death. ' < n. the state of being a
husband( state of being a "aster or e"ployer or boss( ownership(
overlordship( rulership( kingship( o=ce or post of a chief( leadership. < :
v. to accept or take as one&s husband. ' ? n. act of deserting or divorcing
one&s husband. ' 0n. one&s husband regarded as one&s deity. ' :a. fem.
e%tre"ely devoted (and faithful) to one&s husband. '-[*n. husband and wife. '-
n. a husband and a son or sons. ' #*a. deprived of both husband and
son. ' =:a. fem. one who looks upon one&s husband as one&s life( one who can
hardly live without one&s husband, e%tre"ely devoted to one&s husband. ' [*a.
fem. having one&s husband living. ' n. death of one&s husband. ' # n.
separation (te"porary or per"anent) fro" one&s husband. ' #:*a. fem.
separated (te"porarily or per"anently) fro" one&s husband. ' pa. fem. one
who has taken the vow of serving one&s husband( e%tre"ely devoted to one&s
husband. '*a. fem. having a "aster or ruler. (* , Bq*). '@n. serving one&s
husband. '#*a. widowed. #** a widow.
[ patita ] a fallen, dropped( shed( showered( declined( downfallen( over
thrown, defeated( killed, slain( depraved( degenerated( guilty of a failing or
lapse( depressed C( socially cast out, e%co""unicate (@C)(
outcasted (C )( uncultivated, fallow (C)( deserted or unoccupied
( ). v. to cast out fro" the society, to e%co""unicate( to
outcaste. #Gv. to fall, to drop( to be shed or showered( to be guilty of a
failing or lapse( to be cast out or e%co""unicated( to be outcasted. ' a.
one who delivers sinners fro" da"nation. fem. ' *
[ patit ] a. fe" gone astray fro" the path of righteousness and
chastity( unchaste( taken to harlotry. n. a fallen wo"an( a prostitute, a
harlot. ' 0 n. recla"ation of fallow land or wastes. ' , n. prostitution.
L n. rede"ption or rescue of the sinful.
[ pattana ] n a city, a town, a port( base, groundwork( construction(
foundation, setting up, institution, inauguration( establish"ent(
co""ence"ent, beginning, outset( lease or settle"ent ( G)(
length (). v. to lay the foundation of( to construct( to found, to
institute, to inaugurate( to establish( to co""ence, to begin. 0Gv. to
lease out or settle. Gv. to co"e into possession by dint of a lease or
settle"ent. -`+n. the port-police. ' 0 sa"e as 0 'n. port
co""issioner. n. a piece of land leased out, a leasehold( a settle"ent.
a. leased out, held by dint of a settled tenure. 0 n. a lease-holder, a
lessee, a tenure-holder.
[ patti ] n a foot-soldier, an infantry"an.
[* [ patn ] n a wife. [*?v. to desert or divorce one&s wife. ' n. loss or
death of one&s wife.
[ patra ] n a leaf (as of a book or a tree)( a page (J)( a foil or plate
(a)( a letter, a "issive (=V)( a piece of paper printed or written
(`0)( a docu"ent or deed ()( a written "arriage-contract (usu.
)( (of a bird) a wing( a correlative of C, 0 etc. (, C,
B)( a collection, and si"ilar things, etcetera (, , O).
v. to "ake a "arriage-contract in writing. 0Gv. to send one a letter,
to write a letter to. ' n. a leaf( (bot.) a pinna. ' rn. (bot.) a leaf-spine. ' +n.
(bot.) a leaf-scar. ' 0n. a saw. 'n. pl. ,ournals and news papers. ' n. act
of reading a letter. adv. as soon as a letter is read( forth with, at once,
i""ediately. ' n. a cup "ade of tree-leaves. ' s n. a penfriend. ' #, ' #n. a
carrier or bearer of a letter( a "essenger( a post "an. ' #*a. "ail-carrying,
"ail. ' n. act of writing letters to one another( e%change of letters( corre
spondence. v. to write letters to one another( to correspond (with).
?@ n. (bot.) phyllota%y. ' ]n. (bot.) a leafstalk, a petiole. ' n. (bot.) a
leafbud. '3n. (bot.) a leaf-base. ' n. (bot.) leaf-fall, defoliation. ' eadv. by
letter. ' n. act of writing or co"posing a letter( (bot.) foliation( (bot.)
foliage. ' t n. sto"a. ' On. act of writing a letter( decorative paintings on
one&s person with sandal-paste or si"ilar articles. ' #Un. (bot.) chlorophyl.
J [ patr0ka ] n (of a book) page-nu"ber, page "ark. J n. pagination.
Ja. paginated. J, J 0Gv. to paginate, to page.
, *, , * [ patrbali, patrbal, patrli, patrl ] n. plletters
collectively, correspondence( (of a tree) leaves collectively, foliage( (of a
book) pages collectively( decorative painting on one&s person with sandal
paste or si"ilar articles. n. a tiny or concealed decorative painting on
one&s person with sandal-paste etc.
j* [ patrra# ] a epiphyllous.
[ patrik ] n a letter, a "issive, an epistle( a newspaper( a periodical, a
"aga7ine (u0, @ )( a paper containing a writing, a horoscope
(Cn)( (rare) a deed, a docu"ent( a leaf of young shoot ().
* [ patr ] a leafed( foliaceous( winged. n. a tree( a bird( an arrow( a letter,
a "issive( a newspaper, a periodical.
[ patrttara ] n the reply of a letter. adv. in reply to a letter.
E [ patrdgama ] n (bot.) foliation.
B [ patha ] n a passage, a path, a way, a road, a street, a route( doorway, an
entrance( a "ode or "anner (@U B C*e)( a "eans, an e%pedient
( 1B)( range (0, >B). _4B #G to "eet halfway( to co"pro"ise. B
v. to "ake one&s way( to "ake way. B v. to travel on foot( to walk( to
travel( (arch.) to wayfare. B Gv. to look forward to the co"ing of, to wait
for or e%pect eagerly the co"ing of. B !v. to get out of the way, to let one
pass, to give one way, to "ake way for( to give up a way or practice (esp. a
bad one). B C!v. to block a way( to block one&s way( to obstruct. B 0Gv.
to "ake way for, to let one pass, to give one way. B 0Ov. to devise (ways
and) "eans( to fnd a way out( (sarcas.) to go one&s way, to depart( to fnd
one&s way. B 0Ov. to show one the way( to guide( to lead the way(
(sarcas.) to turn one out, to show one the door. B v. to follow a
(particular) path( to adopt a (particular) "ethod or practice( to set o+, to
depart, to take the road. B !v. to go or co"e by a particular way( (fg.)
to associate with( (fg.) to co"e or go in the neighbourhood of. B `@v. to
yield, to sub"it( to follow the right track (at last). B 0Gv. (fg.) to block
or obstruct a way. B@v. (fg.) to be utterly ruined or to be bank rupt, to
have nothing to fall back on or to have none to turn to for support or help.
B @v. (fg.) to ruin utterly. Bn. a thorn in one&s side( (fg.) an
obstacle, a hindrance. B (fg.) a street beggar, (cp.) a street Crab. B
B a ho"eless person. 8 BB a fellow-traveller( (fg.) one who is in the
sa"e boat. ' n. a road-cess. B @Bn. a co"panion in travel( a co-
passenger. ' O, ' On. travelling e%penses( travelling allowance( (chiefy reli.)
viaticu". ' a. passing by the way, passing (B !)( wayfaring (B
)( happening or e%perienced during wayfaring (B ). B
sa"e as B* '*n. a wayfarer, a pedestrian, a passer-by. fem. B:* ' ?
sa"e as Bv> 'w4 n. wayside, road side. ' w4"# a. wayside, roadside. ' =04a.
showing one the way, leading the way, guiding or leading. n. a guide( a
leader, a pioneer. ' =04 n. act of showing one the way, guidance( act of
leading the way. B=04 sa"e as B 0O '=2 n. wayside, roadside(
the end of a road, (cp.)roadhead. ' , ' v>, ' v2 a. strayed, lost( failing to
ascertain the right path( confused, nonplussed( guilty of "oral or religious
lapse, deviating fro" the path of righteousness. ' n. act of blocking a way,
road block( act of obstructing (that "akes "ove"ent di=cult or i"possible).
'j, B /2n. the e%ertion or e%haustion fro" travel, wayweariness. j2 a.
tired with constant walking, wayworn. ' # sa"e as Bv>
B [ pathika ] n a wayfarer, a pedestrian, a passer-by( a traveller.
B, U [ pathik-t ] a preparing the way. n. a pioneer.
Bw4"# [ pathiprba"ha ] a wayside, roadside.
B? [ pathimadhy ] adv on the way, on the road, enroute.
B [ pathgh ] adv anywhere and everywhere, at all places, in all parts(
everywhere( here and there.
B? [ pathya ] a wholeso"e. n. sick-diet( diet for the convalescent. B? v. to
take for the frst ti"e such diet as is suitable for a convalescent. ' n.
dietetics, dietary. B?B? n. proper and i"proper diet, good and har"ful diet.
0 [ pada ] n a leg, a foot( a pace, a footstep, a step( a footprint, a vestige( a
line of poetry (0*, 04 0*)( a distich (e40)( a song or lyric (u-0)( a
post, an o=ce, an e"ploy"ent (0=B4 *)( a position, a station, a rank (C0)(
favour, grace, shelter, refuge (as "ay be granted by a venerable person)
(0O)( a place or habitation (C0)( (gr.) an infected word, a part of
speech, a word (0)( a fourth part, a *uarter (usu. 0)( an ite" (x 0 y
#)( (arith. alg. ! log.) a ter" (x0 < a polyno"ial). 0 Bv. to continue
so"ehow in a (particular) post or station, (pop.) to be in a tolerable
condition( to be so so. 0 0, = 0 at every step. ' 4 n. a co"poser of a
distich or song or lyric, a poet. fem. ' 4* a poetess. ' + n. stepping or pacing(
a pace, a step, a stride. =0+ at every step. 0+ v. to set foot, to
tread( to co"e. '4, ' $ n. glory or dignity peculiar to an o=ce, post, position,
rank etc., a prerogative, o=cial status. ' : n. pacing( strolling or walking.
0: v. to pace( to stroll, to walk. ' n. pacing( strolling or walking(
kicking( (in football etc.) footwork. 0 v. to pace( to stroll, to walk( to
kick( to foot. ' a. (of a lever or treadle) driven or operated or propelled by
foot. 'zn. a footprint, a foot"ark( a vestige. ' ; (loos.) 'n. shelter at one&s
feet( (fg.) favour, grace, gracious protection. ' ?a. dis"issed fro" o=ce,
dis"issed, (sl.) sacked( cashiered. 0 ?v. to dis"iss, (sl.) to sack( to
cashier. ' ?n. dis"issal( cashier"ent. ' n. the sole (of the foot). 0adv.
under foot (0>)( at one&s feet (0 !). 0 #Gv. to fall at
the feet (in hu"ble sub"ission). ' ? n. resignation, relin*uish"ent of a post
or position or o=ce, abdication. 0?v. to resign, to sub"it resignation,
to relin*uish. ' ? n. letter of resignation. ' 0 n. tra"pling( (fg.) act of
disobeying or discarding slightingly. 00 v. to tra"ple( (fg.) to disobey
or discard slightingly. ' 0a. tra"pled( slightingly disobeyed or discarded(
(fg.) downtrodden. fem. 00 { 00 sa"e as 00 '3n. dust of
one&s feet (placed on head by another in reverence). ' | sa"e as 0}
'?@ n. (gr.) synta%. ' JCn. feet conceived as lotuses, lotus-like beautiful feet.
' n. parsing. ' n. feet conceived as petals, feet as tender as petals.
', ) n. the in step. ' =2 n. the corner of one&s feet. ' =2adv. at one&s feet. ' =B4 *a.
o+ering one&s candidature for a post or e"ploy"ent, applying for a post or
e"ploy"ent. n. an applicant, a candidate. fem. ' =B4* '+ n. act or
"anner of stepping (as in a dance or walking)( pacing or walking. ' ?@ n. act
or "anner of stepping (as in a dance or walking)( (gr.) synta%. ' , Ln. an
advance"ent in o=ce or rank, pro"otion. ' pCn. act of going on foot, act of
walking. ' pCadv. on foot. ' adv. under the weight of one&s feet (esp. when
walking haughtily). ' v> a. re"oved or dis"issed fro" a position or o=ce.
'e40n. the dignity of a post or position. ' en. a pair of feet or legs. ' C, ' :
sa"e as 03 '# n. act of licking one&s feet( (fg.) act of cringing,
footlicking, bootlicking. ' #*a. licking one&s feet( (fg.) cringing, footlicking,
bootlicking. 0#* ?1 a cringeling, a footlicker, a bootlicker, a servile person.
'}n. a footfall. ' @n. "assaging one&s feet and legs( (fg.) worship( (dero.)
act of serving ab,ectly, cringing, footlicking, bootlicking. ' m n. a false step(
stu"bling( (fg.) a "oral lapse or slip or aberration. 0m#G sa"e as
0m #G 'ma. stu"bled( (fg.) lapsed, sinful. fem. 0m {
0m#Gv. to stu"ble( (fg.) to lapse. ' "# a. placed in a post or station(
(pop.) in high o=ce. 0T n. (gr.) a syllable or part of a word. 09 n. the tip of
a foot. 0n. a kick. 0v. to kick, to spurn. 0J n. a footprint, a
foot"ark, a vestige. 0N n. a toe. 0N a. (bot.) pedate. 0a.
prostrate at one&s feet( thoroughly subdued or do"inated( sub"issive or
dependent ( 0 # C*:). fem. 0 0 n. act of following
one&s footprints. 0v. sa"e as 04 * #G { 04 *a. following one&s
footprints( act of following( (fg.) succeeding. fem. 04 * { 04 *#G to
follow one&s footprints( to follow( (fg.) to succeed. 0~ (gr.) synta%( parsing.
0~*a. (gr.) prepositional. 0~* _? (gr.) a preposition. 0a. prostrate at
one&s feet( thoroughly subdued or do"inated( sub"issive or dependent(
de"oted or degraded in rank or o=ce. fem. 0 0n. de"otion or
degradation in rank or o=ce. 0, 0*n. a collection or anthology of
songs or lyrics or distichs (u- 0*). 0*a. desirous of holding a
(particular) post or o=ce. fem. 0:* 0( C, 0K sa"e as 0JC
04: n. (lit.) act of placing one&s feet upon( (rare) stepping or pacing( (pop.)
act of stepping in or co"ing. 04:v. to place or set one&s feet upon( to
step in, to co"e. 0j n. shelter at one&s feet( (fg.) favour, grace, gracious
protection. 0j 0Gv. to give shelter at one&s feet( (fg.) to treat with favour
or grace, to protect graciously. 0j*, 0ja. sheltered at one&s or another&s
feet( (fg.) en,oying favour or grace (of), favoured, graciously protected (by).
fem. 0j 0#a. kicked, spurned( (fg.) grievously insulted.
0 [ padaka ] n a locket( a "edal. ' =Va. one who has won a "edal, "edalled.
0=V ?1 a "edallist.
0 [ padabi ] n a title, an appellation( a nick na"e( a fa"ily na"e, a
0, 0 [ padti, padtika ] n a foot-soldier, an infan try"an( a foot"an.
0, 0 [ paddhikr, paddhikrabal ] adv by virtue of one&s
o=ce or position, e%-o=cio.
0B4 [ padrtha ] n "eaning of a word( connotation of a ter"( a thing, an
article, a "aterial, substance, intrinsic worth (` 0B4 )( (log.)
category( (phil. ! sc.) "atter( (sc.) an ele"ent. 'b, '0?n. physics. 'b*, '0,
a. versed in physics. n. a physicist, a person skilled in physics.
0y [ padnnati ] n advance"ent in rank or o=ce, pro"otion.
L [ paddhati ] n a way, a path, a road( a "ethod, a "ode, a "anner, a
syste", a rule( a custo", a practice( a row, a stretch, a series( a current( a
line. L _@ "ethodically, syste"atically.
[ padma ] n the lotus, the lily. n. & a. one thousand "illion. n. a thorn
on the ste" of a lotus. ' n. the fla"ent of the lotus. ' sa. s"elling like a
lotus. ' 0n. a large pond full of lotuses, a lotus-pond. ' a. having a lotus in
one&s navel. n. 8ishnu (- ). ' n. lotus-stalk. ' a. lotus eyed. ' n. a leaf
of a lotus-plant. ' n. a lotus-petal or a leaf of a lotus-plant. a.
having eyes as large as lotus-petals. n. 8ishnu (- ). ' :. a. having a lotus
in one&s hand. n. Brah"a (p)( the sun or 6un-god( Buddha. ' n. a clu"p
of lotus. ' *Cn. lotus-seed. ' n. essence or honey of the lotus. ' O*a. fem.
having a face as beautiful or sweet as a lotus. ' ea. born out of a lotus. n.
Brah"a (p). ' n. ruby( spinel. ' a. lotus-eyed.
[ padm ] n goddess Daksh"i (H*)( 3anasa (@) the snake-goddess( a
river of Eastern Bengal.
[ padmkara ] n a large pond full of lotuses, a lotus-pond.
+ [ padmk$a ] a lotus-eyed. n. the lotus-seed.
: [ padmpur.a ] n a legend in verse narrating the glory of 9ad"a ()
or 3anasa (@) the snake-goddess.
* [ padmbat ] n 3anasa (@) the snake-goddess.
[ padmla# ] a living in a lotus. n. goddess Daksh"i (H*).
@ [ padm"ana ] n a particular posture of yogic sitting( one seated in this
posture( an appellation of Brah"a (p). @a. seated on a lotus. n.
goddess Daksh"i (H*).
@* [ padm"n ] a. fe" seated on a lotus. masc. @*
* [ padmin ] n a collection of lotuses( a clu"p of lotuses( (inc.) the lotus( a
wo"an belonging to the best of the four physical categories fro" the se%ual
point of view. '2, ' n. the sun.
0? [ padya ] n a verse, a poe"( poetry.
@ [ pana"a ] n the ,ack-fruit( the ,ack-tree.
# [ #pan ] sf% denoting2 showy or feverish practice or i"itation, -ness
(y, R).
[ panira ] n cheese.
[ panr ] n. ! a ffteen. ' a. (of the days of a "onth) ffteenth. n. the
ffteenth day of a "onth, the ffteenth.
# [ panha ] n (poet. ! obs.) a way, a path (&#C _ &).
# [ panh ] n a way, a path( a "eans, an e%pedient (5L #)( a syste" of
religious practice (Z #)( a "anner or "ode or style or school. ' @: n. act
of following a particular path or syste" or "ode.
#@* [ panhnu"r ] a following or obeying a particular path or syste" or
#* [ panh ] a (used as a sfx.) belonging to a particular school or religious
co""unity (#*), following a particular doctrine (=*#*), following a
particular style or "ode (*\#*), -ist.
y [ pannaga ] n the snake, the serpent( the reptile( the li7ard. fem. y*
[ pabana ] n wind, air( the Find-god (cp. Ceolus, Ciolos) (also 0). ',
' n. the speed of the wind, the fast pace of the wind. ' K, Cn. ("yth.)
:anu"an (#) the son of the Find-god. ' adv. with the speed of the
wind, as fast as wind. '#n. a gentle undulating current of air.
[ pabitra ] a sacred, holy( sancti"onious( sanctifed( pure, clean( virtuous.
fem. 'n. sacredness, holiness( sanctity( purity, cleanliness(
virtuousness. , *, a. sanctifed, consecrated, "ade holy or sacred(
purifed, cleaned. *: n. sanctifcation( purifcation, cleansing.
[ pamama ] n po"atu", po"ade.
[ pa#a ] n auspiciousness, luck( good fortune.
f [ pa#G ] n "ilk( water. '=:*n. a drain, gutter( a watercourse.
( [ pa#agambara ] n (3us.) a hu"an being accredited as a "essenger of
/od, a prophet.
C [ pa#ajra ] n a loose shoe f%ed to the foot only by the va"p, a slipper.
0 [ pa#ad ] n birth( origination( act of begetting. 0 v. to beget. 0
#G to be born.
, [ pa#anl, pa#anli ] n a drain, a gutter( a watercourse.
2 [ pa#amanta ] a auspicious, lucky( having an auspicious or lucky aspect
(2#)( bringing in good fortune (2 5).
[ pa#amla ] a spoiled( annihilated, destroyed.
[ pa#ar ] a thin, watery (R! < treacle "ade esp. out of date-pal"
[ pa#al ] n the frst day of a "onth( the frst. a. (of days of a "onth)
frst (`)( frst or best ( (). ( a. the best or the worst (
( ?, (l).
@ [ pa#a" ] n a pice (< HIH rupee( for"erly HIJK rupee)( "oney (
@)( wealth. @v. to ac*uire or earn wealth, to "ake "oney( to a"ass
"oney or heapup riches. ' Ga. "oneyed, wealthy, rich. ' !n. cash "oney(
wealth. `-@n. half-a pice. @ @ a *uarter pice. @C work that
yields "oney, proftable work.
Y* [ pa#a"bin ] a yielding "ilk, "ilch (Y**)( full of water, yielding
water. n. a "ilch-cow( a river.
@? [ pa#a"ya ] a produced of "ilk. @? P? a "ilk-product.
[ pa#ra ] n a "etrical syste" of Bengali poetry in which each line
consists of fourteen letters or syllables( a verse co"posed in this "etre.
0 [ pa#da ] n the cloud.
[ pa#dhara ] n the cloud( the "a""ary gland of wo"en( the coconut.
*, n. a wo"an (esp. one having well-shaped breasts).
[ pa#dhi ] n the ocean, the sea.
[ pa#muka ] n the cloud.
O [ pa#mukha ] a sweet-tongued.
[ #para
] a used as a sfx. denoting2 devoted to, observant of, -ish, -ous,
-ly (YB4, ?).

[ para
] a another, other, di+erent( unrelated, not one&s relation or kindred
(@` )( supre"e, chief, best, absolute (pH). n. an ene"y, a foe
(2)( a person who is not present on the spot, a third person (4 )( one
who is not a kindred, a stranger , U( /od. adv. then, after (_f, 4 *).
Q (fg.) to spend another&s "oney as one&s own( (fg.) a
steward brags of the property he looks after as if it were his own.
G, [ par#n, par#n ] n a warrant, a writ( a su""ons. G
C to serve or issue a process or writ.
[ paraka ] a alien.
[ parakal ] n glass( a lens( a "irror.
[ parakla ] n the world beyond death, the beyond, the hereafter, the
eternal world( the future ( ). OG, ,
>v. to ruin one&s future( to cause to go to the bad, to deprave( to
consign to spiritual da"nation. C an act of piety. 2 spiritual
*: [ parakkara.a ] n alienation.
* [ parak#a ] a relating to or belonging to an other (opp. to own), foreign,
alien. *a. fem. of * n. fem. a lady-love who is either un"arried or
"arried to so"ebody else( aconcubine. *= n. love with a person
"arried to so"ebody else. *0 n. a doctrine of the 8aishnava (u-)
philosophy of love.
+: [ parak$a.a ] n the ne%t "o"ent.
O [ parakha ] n test( trial( e%peri"ent( e%a"ination. O , (poet.) Ov. to
test( to try( to e%peri"ent( to e%a"ine.
[ paragan ] n a for"er ad"inistrative division in Lndia, a pargana.
[ paragch ] n (bot.) a parasitic plant, a parasite( (fg.) a hanger-on, a
sycophant, a parasite.
[ paraglni ] n slandering, backbiting, gossip( scandal.
[ paraghari ] a (lit.) of a person living in the house of so"ebody else(
(fg.) dependent on others, sheltered by others.
4 [ paracarc ] n discussion about others behind their back( slandering,
backbiting, gossip, scandal-"ongering. 4 v. to discuss others( to
slander, to gossip about others.
[ parac ] n a settle"ent record.
;K [ paracchanda ] n another&s will or pleasure. a. guided by or depending
on or do"inated by another&s will or pleasure. ;K4 *a. sa"e as ;K (a.)
fem. K4 *
;P [ paracchidra ] n another&s fault or weak point. ;P~: n. fault-fnding(
captiousness. ;P~: v. to fnd fault with others, to seek a hole in
another&s coat. ;P~*a. fault-fnding( captious. fem. ;P~:*
Cn [ parajanma ] n the ne%t birth( life after the present one.
C** [ parajb ] a parasitic, parasitical. n. a parasitic plant or organis", a
parasite. C*n. parasitis". C** a. parasitic.

[ parata
] n a layer, a fake, a plait, a fold. adv. in every layer.

[ parata
] adv fro" or in or by another.
[ paratra ] adv in the world beyond death, in the life beyond( in future.
0 [ parad ] n a screen, a curtain( a veil, a 7enana, purdah (0=B)( a thin
skin or "e"brane, a fl" (O 0)( a covering( a layer, a strip, a fake
(80 !( (of a "usical instru"ent) a bridge or key( (of voice) a scale
(@ 0). ' a. (fem.) living be hind the purdah, living in a 7enana. ' =Bn.
the purdah-syste". O 0 (fg.) sense of sha"e, sense of delicacy.
0 [ paradra ] n another&s wife. ' n. the o+ence of cohabiting with
another&s wife( adultery. 0 v. to co habit with another&s wife, to
violate another&s "arriage-bed, to co""it adultery. ' *, 0a. cohabiting
with another&s wife( adulterous.
0 [ paradina ] adv. ! n ne%t day, the following day.
0fO [ paraduGkha ] n another&s aBiction or distress. ' a. feeling pain at
another&s aBiction, co"passionate, co""iserated. fem. ' ' n.
co"passion, co""iseration.
0 [ parada ] n a foreign country, a foreign land. 0, (poet.) 0a. in
habiting a foreign land( foreign. n. a foreigner.
6 [ paradb$a ] n "alice, ill-will, spite. 6*, 6>a. "alicious, bearing ill-
will, spiteful. fem. 6:*
P? [ paradrabya ] n another&s goods or property, what belongs to another.
[ paradhana ] n another&s "oney or wealth or property. 9#: v. to
rob another&s "oney or wealth or property( to "isappropriate another&s
"oney or wealth or property, to defalcate, to e"be77le.
4 [ paradharma ] n another&s religion( a religion which is not one&s own( a
calling or profession or ,ob which is not one&s own. ' 9#: n. e"bracing a faith or
religion not one&s own( apostasy.
46* [ paradharmadb$ ] ahostile to other&s religion or creed, intolerant of
others& religion or of religion not one&s own.
[ parana ] n act of putting on or wearing. ! clothing, gar"ents or
clothes for wearing.
* [ paranr ] n so"ebody else&s wife, another&s wife. * #: v. to
abduct another&s wife (esp. for i""oral purpose).
K [ paranind ] n slander, vilifcation, ani"ad version. K v. to
slander, to ani"advert.
4 [ paranirbhara ] a dependent on others, dependent on so"ebody else.
'n. dependence on others.
[ parani$ka ] n cross-fertili7ation( cross-i"pregnation.
2 [ parantapa ] a one who con*uers or van*uishes an ene"y, victorious(
(fg.) self-restrained.
[ parantu ] con,. ! adv "oreover( on the other hand( but, still,
[ parapati ] n another&s husband( the 6upre"e Dord, /od (&
@@0 @ #&).
0 [ parapada ] n (fg.) the high place or e"inent position (usu. of an
ene"y)( (gr.) the following or latter word. 0 #to lick a person&s boots
or shoes, to cringe before a person, to be ab,ect or servile, to fawn on.
[ parapara ] adv one after another( successively( consecutively(
gradually( side by side.
[ parapra ] n the other or opposite bank or shore( the world beyond
death, the ne%t world, the beyond.
[ paraplita ] a brought up or fostered by others, fostered or brought
up, by people other than one&s parents.
*! [ parap)%&ka ] a oppressing others( tyrannous. n. an oppressor, a
tyrant( a bully.
*! [ parap)%&na ] n act of oppressing others, tyranny. *! v. to
oppress others, to tyranni7e( to bully.
D [ parapuru$a ] n a "an other than one&s husband( the 6upre"e Being,
/od( (dial.) the ne%t or future generation. ' *a. fem. co""itting adultery(
> [ parapu$a ] a fostered or brought up or nourished by a stranger. n. the
cuckoo. >a. fem. of > n. a prostitute, a harlot.
34 [ paraprb ] a. fe" one who was "arried or betrothed to (and
subse*uently estranged fro") another.
[ paraba ] n a feast or festival (esp. a holy one)( a festa.
4 * [ parabart ] a subse*uent, ne%t, following, ensuing, succeeding. fem.
4 *
[ parabaa ] a sub,ect to another( sub,ect( subservient, dependent(
a+ected with, overco"e by (o). , < n. sub,ection to another(
sub,ection, subservience, dependence( the state of being enslaved or
overco"e by.
[ parabda
] n ani"adversion, censure( retort( reply, answer.
[ parab"a
] n another&s residence or ho"e or abode or ho"eland.
p [ parabrahma ] n the Cbsolute Being, the 6upre"e Being, /od.
?C** [ parabhgypajb ] a living upon another&s destiny or fortune.
fem. ?C**
, U [ parabh-t ] n one who or that which rears others( the crow.
C* [ parabhj ] a heterotrophic, parasitical.
[ parama ] a frst, pri"ordial, true, real (:)( best, chief, pri"e,
supre"e, principal, highest, greatest, absolute, fnal ( D)( of the highest
degree, greatest or worst ( @ O, 0 fO)( (sc.) absolute. `? "ost
cordially received( highly gratifed or pleased. 8 (phys.) absolute unit.
: n. Minal or 4lti"ate ;ause, /od. D:a. "ost "erciful or kind,
"ost gracious. o (phys.) absolute scale. ' n. the "ost blessed state
after death, beatitude, heavenly bliss( salvation. ' RDn. the supre"e or
greatest preceptor( the "ost venerable preceptor( the absolute lord (
RD). <, J (phys.) absolute density. ' n. fnal knowledge( (phil.)
reality( secrets, "ystery( the Cbsolute Being, /od. ' 0 sa"e as
'0B4 n. intrinsic essence( the Minal ;ause, /od. ' n. the :eavenly Mather,
/od. ' D n. the Cbsolute Being, /od( a divine person, a saint. =@,
=@: (phys.) absolute e%pansion. ' n. a great treasure( an ob,ect of the
highest value( an ob,ect of ,oy and hope. ' pn. the Cbsolute Being, /od.
(phys.) absolute "easure"ent. 3? (phys.) absolute 7ero. ' @ K a.
"ost beautiful. fem. @ K* K@TO? (phys.) absolute fre*uency of
vibration. '#T@ n. a saint who has attained fnal knowledge and sanctity.
[ paramata ] n another&s or others& view or opinion( a view or opinion not
one&s own. ' @#- a. tolerant of others& views or opinions. ' @#- n. tolerance or
toleration of others& views or opinions. (*a. guided by or adopting
another&s view( having no opinion of one&s own. fem. (*
[ param ] fe" of sa"e as { =, sa"e as
`0?1 ' @ K*n. & a. fem. e%tre"ely handso"e, very beautiful.
: [ param.u ] n an ato". :-_J n. (phys.) an ato"ic nu"ber. : ,
'0 n. the ato"ic theory( (phil ! psy.) ato"is". , ' 0*n. an ato"ist. a.
ato"istic. : n. (phys.) ato"ic heat. : n. the ato" bo"b. :
n. (phys.) ato"ic weight.
[ paramtm ] n the 6upre"e Being or 6pirit or 6oul, /od.
* [ paramtm#a ] a closely related( inti"ate. n. a close relative( an
inti"ate friend, a great friend. fem. * *n. close relation(
inti"ate friendship.
0 [ paramdara ] n great love or attach"ent( great care or attention( great
cordiality( very cordial reception.
0, [ paramd-ta ] a greatly loved( highly treasured( punctiliously cared for
or attended to( received with great cordial ity. fem. 0,
K [ paramnanda ] n deepest delight( ecstatic ,oy, ecstasy( heavenly bliss,
beatitude. Ka. e%tre"ely or greatly delighted( ecstatically ,oyful.
y [ paramnna ] n a sweet dish prepared by boiling rice in "ilk with sugar
and other ingredients, sweet rice-porridge.
[ param#u ] n longevity( life. + #Gv. to have one&s life-blood
running out( to have one&s life or longevity (being) cut down( to droop( to
approach one&s death.
? [ paramrdhya ] a warranting greatest worship or devotion( "ost
venerable. fem. ?
B4 [ paramrtha ] n the greatest ob,ect( the greatest truth, reality( /od(
religion or spiritual truth. ' 2n. spiritual "editation( "editation about /od or
reality. ' n. (phil.). truths about reality( theological truths( spiritual truths.
O+, O+ [ paramukhpk$, paramukhpk$it ] n dependence on
another. O+*a. dependent on another. fem. O+:*
, w [ parama, parambara ] n the 6upre"e Dord, /od. w* sa"e
as `0?1
we4 [ paramaibarya ] n great wealth( the "ost valuable treasure or
ac*uisition( a great Nclat.
S4 [ paramtkar$a ] n highest e%cellence.
S, > [ paramtk-$a ] a "ost e%cellent.
y [ paramnnata ] a elevated or developed or uplifted to the highest
degree( advanced to the farthest e%tent. yn. highest altitude, 7enith(
highest elevation( cul"ination( greatest develop"ent or uplift( farthest
[ para"para ] a serial, successive (@3#). n. a serial
succession or se*uence( a series. , oadv. serially( seriati",
one after another( in regular succession. *: a. serial, successive.
[ pararami ] n (phys.) a positive ray.
[ parar$ra ] n a foreign state or country. ' *n. (pol.) foreign policy.
0V n. a foreign o=ce. Zn. the "inistry of e%ternal a+airs. ' Z*n. the
"inister of e%ternal a+airs. '@ n. a for eign secretary.
[ paralka ] n the abode of the dead, the world beyond death, the
beyond( death. ' , ' =Va. gone to heaven, dead, deceased. ' , ' =Vn. death.
v. to die.
B, : [ paraapthara, paraama.i ] n a philosopher&s stone.
[ parau
] n. ! adv day after to"orrow( day before yesterday.
[ parau
] n a battle-a%e( a sci"itar. ' n. the si%th incarnation of 8ishnu
(- ) who carried a battle-a%e with which he e%ter"inated kshatriyas (+)
fro" the face of the earth for twenty-one ti"es.
w [ paraba ] n. ! adv (for.) day after to"orrow( day before yesterday.
jC** [ pararamajb ] a living upon the labour of others( living by
e%ploitation( parasitic.
j* [ pararktara ] a "ortifed at another&s good or prosperity, pained at
another&s good fortune or weal, envious. fem. j* ' n. envy.
[ para"a0ga
] n association with others, fellowship, co"pany.
[ para"para ] a reciprocal, "utual, one another, each other. adv.
reciprocally, "utually, one another, each other. pro. one another( each
other. ' n. "utual opposition( contradiction, antagonis". ' DL, ' *a.
"utually opposed or contradictory, antagonistic. ' n. sa"e as

Y [ para"ba ] n another&s property or wealth or "oney, what belongs to

another. ' #:, Y#: n. act of robbing what belongs to another(
"isappropriation of another&s property or "oney. ' #*, Y#*a. given to or
guilty of robbing what belongs to another( given to or guilty of
"isappropriating another&s property or "oney.
0 [ para"maipada ] n (6ans. gr.) any of the verb-infections used in the
active voice( (hu".) another&s "oney or wealth or property. 0*a. (6ans.
gr.) used in the active voice or having an infection used in the active voice(
(hu".) done for another (0* )( transferring or transferred to
another, entrusted to another belonging to an other (0* ).
# [ paraha"tagata ] a passed into another&s possession( possessed by
#T@ [ parahiO"aka ] a "alicious, spiteful( envious.
#T@ [ parahiO" ] n "alice, spite, envy.
# [ parahita ] n the good of others( (loos. but pop.) public welfare(
philanthropy, benevolence. ' *a. wishing good to others, doing good to
others( philan thropic, benevolent. ' pn. devotion to the welfare of others,
benevolence. ' p*a. devoted to doing good to others( working for public
welfare( altruistic. ' @ n. act of doing good to others( social service(
philanthropy, benevolence.
#: [ parahitai$a. ] n an e+ort to do good to others( an e+ort for public
welfare( altruis".
#* [ parahitai$ ] a willing and endeavouring to do good to others(
endeavouring for public welfare( altruistic.
[ par#
] pf% denoting( e%cessiveness, contrariety, opposition etc. (C).

[ par
] fe" of -

[ par
] a. fe" supre"e, pri"ordial (=, )( highest( fnal (0?)(
(elec.) positive.

[ par
] v to put on, to wear (C )( to put, to paint (, C )( to
tie ! . a. wearing, dressed in( bearing, painted with( having tied or
fastened (to).
: [ parkara.a ] n act of looking down on, conte"pt, slight, neglect.
) [ park$h ] n highest e%cellence( e%tre"e altitude or li"it( ac"e,
7enith( (often iron.) cul"ination.
, [ park-ta ] a looked down on, despised, slighted, neglected.
o [ parkrama ] n strength, power, "ight( prowess, valour( herois".
o*, o*, o2 [ parkramal, parkram, parkrnta ] a strong,
powerful, "ighty( valorous( heroic. fem. o*, o2
[ parga ] n pollen, farina. ' n. a sta"en. ' n. anther. ' *sa"e as
', ' e n. pollination. e n. cross-pollination. Ye n.
self-pollination. ' "#*n. a pollen-sac. a. pollinated. v. to
O [ par0mukha ] a turning away (fro")( averse (to)( disinclined( shunning,
opposed( unfavourable( desisting fro". O#Gv. to turn away fro"( to be
averse or disinclined to( to shun, to avoid( to oppose( to disfavour( to desist
C [ parja#a ] n defeat. C: v. to court defeat. C Y* v. to
acknowledge or own defeat( to give in, to yield. Cdisgrace or
igno"iny or distress or anguish of defeat.
C [ parjita ] a defeated, van*uished. fem. C { C v. to defeat,
to van*uish, to con*uer.
C [ parj#a ] a (of one) who can be defeated or worsted or van*uished.
:*+: [ par.ubk$a.a ] n (phys.) an ultra "icroscope.
[ parta ] n a large tray or saucer (usu. "ade of "etal).
S [ partpara ] a higher than the highest, greater than the greatest(
supre"e. n. /od.
[ pardhikra ] n another&s right or ,urisdiction or do"ain or holding or
property or control or do"ination. ' 4 n. interference or "eddling with other&s
* [ pardhna ] a sub,ect( dependent( subordinate( sub,ugated(
subservient( do"inated by another. fem. * 'n. sub,ection, bondage(
dependence( subordination( sub,ugation( subservience( do"ination by
[ parn ] v. ! n to cause to wear or put on, to dress( to harness (!
@C!)( to put, to paint ( C).
y [ parnna ] n food given in charity by another, unearned or unpaid-for
food. ' C**a. living on food given by another( eating habitually at another&s
table( parasitic. n. a parasite. ' , ' > a. nourished by food given by
another. 'C*a. habitually eating at another&s table.
4 [ parbarta ] n e%change( interchange( transposition( return, retreat.
4 reverberatory furnace. 4 n. return( refection. 4 a. turned
back( returned( sent back.
0? [ parbidy ] n knowledge about the 6upre"e 6pirit( spiritual
[ parb-tta
] n (geo".) a hyperbola.
[ parb-tta
] a returned, receded, retreated( fed. , n. return,
retreat( fight.
[ parbhaba ] n defeat.
3 [ parbhta ] a defeated, van*uished. fem. 3
4 [ parmara ] n counsel( conference( consultation( advice. 4 v. to
confer( to consult. 4 0Gv. to counsel( to advise. 4 Gv. to consult(
to take advice. ' 0n. a counsellor( (in law) a counsel( a conferee( an adviser.
'@n. a conference( a council.
4 [ parmar$a ] n tolerance, toleration( forbearance, forgiveness.
[ parmnika ] n a barber (by caste or trade).
: [ par#a.a ] a (used as a sfx.) devoted to, attached to, addicted to, -ous
(w:, 50:). fem. :
[ par#atta ] a in possession or under control of another ().
B4 [ parrtha ] n the good or interest or need of others or another. ' , ' : a.
devoted to doing good to others, devoted to serving the interest or need of
others( altruistic. fem. ' : 'n. devotion to do good to others, devotion
to serve the interest or need of others( benevolence( altruis". ' 0, B4n.
altruis". B4 adv. for the sake of others or another.
4 [ parrdha ] n. ! a hundred thousand "illion "illion.
j [ parra#a ] n a house or shelter or refuge other than one&s own. j*a.
resorting to another for shelter or refuge( (esp. bot.) parasitic, epiphytal
(j*). j*5F0 a parasite, an epiphyte. ja. sheltered or protected
by another( "aintained with food, clothing and shelter by another. fem.
[ par"ta ] a defeated, van*uished, overco"e. v. to defeat, to
van*uish, tooverco"e, to con*uer. #G. v. to be defeated or van*uished
or overco"e.
# [ parha ] n the ne%t day.
# [ parhata ] a defeated, van*uished, overco"e( obstructed, resisted,
prevented( frustrated.
z [ parhna ] n afternoon.

[ pari
] pf% denoting2 thoroughness, e%pensiveness, e%cessiveness,
especiality, opposition, decrial etc.
[ parikara ] n a co"panion or assistant( (also used as a sfx.) a girdle, a
girth (L).
4 [ parikarma ] n act of "aking one&s toilet( dressing. 4n. a servant
esp. one attending to toilet and clothes, a valet.
4 [ parikar$a ] n re"arkable i"prove"ent( (inc.) culture.
[ parikalpaka ] n a planner( a deviser( a designer( a planning o=cer.
, [ parikalpan, parikalpana ] n planning, devising, designing a
plan, a design. v. to plan, to devise, to contrive, to design.
n. a planning o=cer.
[ parikalpita ] a planned, devised, contrived, designed( intended.
*:4 [ parikr.a ] a thoroughly or e%tensively scattered or strewn or spread
out or di+used or pervaded.
*4 [ parikrtana ] n act of singing or narrating or praising or glorifying
e"phatically or in a special "anner. *4 a. sung or narrated or praised
or glorifed e"phatically or in a special "anner.
\ [ parikndra ] n circu"centre. \, \*a. circu"centric.
o, o: [ parikrama, parikrama.a ] n walking or pacing or strolling,
a"bulation( travelling or traversing( act of travelling widely or thoroughly,
peregrination( act of going round, circu"a"bulation. o v. to walk, to
pace, to stroll( to a"bulate, to travel, to traverse, to travel widely or
thoroughly, to peregrinate( to go round, to circu"a"bulate. o n.
periodic ti"e. on. act of going round, rotation (@3e4o),
circu"a"bulation( wide travelling, peregrination (*B4o)( (fg.) critical
survey (@#?o).
/> [ parikli$a ] a e%tre"ely distressed or aBicted or wearied.
+V [ parik$ipta ] a scattered( abandoned( surrounded.
+*: [ parik$.a ] a e%tre"ely thin or di" or e"aciated.
+ [ parik$pa ] n scattering( scattered state( abandon"ent( act or state
of being surrounded( that which encloses, such as fencing, railing etc.
O [ parikh ] n a protective ditch around a ra"part( a trench, a "oat.
: [ pariga.aka ] n a reckoner, a co"puter, an enu"erator.
:, : [ pariga.ana, pariga.an ] n thorough reckoning, co"putation,
enu"eration( consideration. : v. to reckon thoroughly, to co"pute,
to enu"erate( to consider or regard (as).
: [ pariga.ita ] a thoroughly reckoned, co"puted, enu"erated(
considered or regarded (as). fem. :
, #* [ parig-hta ] a sole"nly taken, accepted( put on( won( assu"ed.
9# [ parigraha ] n act of taking or accepting sole"nly (09#)( act of
putting on or wearing (9#)( act of assu"ing (9#). 9#v. to take
or accept sole"nly( to put on, to wear( to assu"e.
9# [ parigrhaka ] n one who takes or accepts sole"nly( one who puts on
or wears( one who assu"es. fem. 9#
[ parigha ] n a kind of iron cudgel used in war in ancient ti"es.
[ parica#a ] n ac*uaintance( fa"iliarity( introduction( identity( particulars
about one&s identity such as na"e, address, lineage etc.( e%perience or
practice (8C @N )( a sign, a token (=)( sa"e, reputation
(@#? #@ )( love, a"our (& @&). v. to "ake an
ac*uaintance (with), to ac*uaint oneself (with)( to e%perience. v.
to conceal one&s identity( hide one&s identity. 0Gv. to introduce, to give
one&s in troduction( to reveal one&s identity( to apprise. Gv. to ask for
one&s introduction( to get ac*uainted( to learn particulars or details (of). ' n.
a letter of introduction( credentials.
[ paricara ] n a servant, an attendant( a co"panion( a nurse( a
e4 [ paricary ] n serving, waiting or attending upon( nursing( worship.
e4v. to serve, to wait or attend upon( to nurse( to worship.
[ paricalana ] n (phys.) convection.
[ paric#aka ] a introducing, introductory( prefatory( infor"ing(
indicative (of.) fem.
[ paricraka ] n a servant, a serving-"an, a valet( a varlet. n.
fem. a "aid-servant( a "aid, a fe"ale do"estic servant.
[ pariclaka ] a one who or that which drives or runs a vehicle etc.(
conducting( "anaging, directing( leading or guiding( ad"inistering, ruling.
n. a driver( a conductor( a "anager( a director( a leader( an ad"inistrator(
a ruler( a chief. @n. "anaging co""ittee.
, [ pariclana, pariclan ] n act of driving a vehicle etc.(
conduction( "anage"ent( direction( lead( ad"inistration( rule. v.
to drive or run( to conduct( to "anage( to direct( to lead( to ad"inister( to
[ pariclik ] fe" of
[ pariclita ] a driven, run( conducted( "anaged( directed( led(
ad"inistrated( ruled.
[ paricita ] n ac*uainted( fa"iliar( known( practised ( 4 ).
sa"e as ?1 an ac*uaintance.
2 [ paricintana ] n deep or careful thinking or deliberation( planning.
2 [ paricintita ] a deeply or carefully thought out or deliberated( well-
;0 [ paricchada ] n a covering( a dress( clothing( gar"ent.
;y [ paricchanna ] a clean( tidy( neat, spruce( (of "ind etc.) free fro"
i"purities or an gularity( honest and candid. ' n. cleanliness( tidiness(
neatness( purity. honesty and candour.
;y [ paricchinna ] a divided, parted( separated( severed( detached( li"ited,
bounded( individuali7ed( "oderate.
;0 [ paricchda ] n a part, a division( a section( (of books) a chapter( a li"it
=:2;0( ascertain"ent( f%ation.
C [ parijana ] n a "e"ber of a fa"ily( a dependent( a friend( a kins"an( a
servant, an attendant. '4 n. pl. the fa"ily circle.
b [ parijta ] a well-known, fa"iliar( well ac*uainted, thoroughly
cogni7ant or versed, aufait. b Bv. to know fully, to be fully aware.
b [ parijna ] n thorough knowledge or ac*uaintance( insight.
: [ pari.ata ] a ripe( full-grown( "ature (: L)( resulting in( turned or
rendered into( converted to( advanced (: @)( arrived at the last stage.
: v. to turn or render into. : #Gv. to result in or turn into. :n.
"aturity( ulti"ate stage or state( conclusion, end( conse*uence. : @in
old or advanced age. 'a. advanced in age or years.
:L [ pari.addha ] a tied( bound( attached, connected( encircled, girdled, girt.
: [ pari.a#a ] n "arriage, wedding. (G). : #Gto be "arried or
wedded to 's, ' @3 n. "arriage-tie, wed lock.
: [ pari.ma ] n last stage or state( conclusion( conse*uence( change of
state, transfor "ation( future. ' 04 *a. foreseeing( farsighted. ' 04n. foresight(
farsightedness. ' 0 n. the theory of evolution. :adv. fnally, ulti"ately, in
the end( in the long run( in future.
:# [ pari.ha ] n width( contour.
:* [ pari.ta ] a "arried, wedded. fem. :*
: [ pari.t ] n one who "arries( a husband.
: [ pari.#a ] a "arriageable( ft for "arrying.
V [ paritapta ] a very "uch heated( *uite war"( e%tre"ely aBicted.
[ paritpa ] n la"ent( deep grief or regret( repentance, co"punction(
re"orse. v. to la"ent( to e%press deep grief. a
la"entable a+air( a "atter of deep regret.
> [ paritu$a ] a well satisfed or gratifed( very pleased. fem. > >
v. to satisfy or gratify or please thoroughly. >sa"e as
, V [ parit-pta ] a thoroughly satisfed or gratifed. , V n. to satisfy or
gratify thoroughly. , Vn. thorough satisfaction or gratifcation.
[ parit$a ] n thorough satisfaction or gratifcation( deep pleasure.
'34adv. with a great or thorough satisfaction( to the point of satiety or to
one&s heart&s content (34 C ). ' Ca. thoroughly or highly
satisfactory or gratifying.
?1 [ parityakta ] a given up( left o+( abandoned( deserted( relin*uished(
*uitted( renounced( o"itted. fem. ?1
?, ?C [ parityga, parityajana ] n act of giving up or leaving o+(
abandon"ent( desertion( relin*uish"ent( *uittance( renounce"ent,
renunciation( o"ission. ?v. to give up( to leave o+( to abandon( to
desert( to relin*uish, to *uit( to renounce( to leave out, to o"it.
?C? [ parityjya ] a ft to be given up or left o+ or abandoned or deserted
or relin*uished or *uitted or renounced or o"itted. fem. ?C?
: [ paritr.a ] n rescue, deliverance( (theol.) salvation( liberation( relief(
e%e"ption( riddance. : v. to rescue, to deliver( (esp. in theol.) to save(
to liberate( to relieve. :Gv. to be rescued( (esp. in theol.) to be saved(
to be liberated or relieved or e%e"pted( to get rid of. ' 4 n. a deliverer, a
liberator, a saviour. : B5 path of salvation( way of escape, way
[ paritrt ] n a rescuer, a deliverer( (esp. in theol.) a saviour( a
liberator( a reliever.
# [ paritrhi ] v (imperat.) rescue, deliver, save, relieve. # g ! to
call out or cry for help.
04 [ paridaraka ] n an observer( an inspector( a supervisor( a probation
o=cer (as of ,uvenile o+enders), visitor (of an institution.)
04, 04 [ paridarana, paridara ] n (careful) observation( inspection(
supervision. 04v. to observe (esp. carefully)( to inspect( to supervise.
04 * [ paridar ] a observing (esp. carefully)( inspecting( supervising.
0, ? [ parid-yamna ] a visible all around( thoroughly visible( "anifest.
0, > [ parid-$a ] a observed, noticed( espied( in spected( supervised.
0, 0 [ paridbana, paridban ] n la"entation( wailing( bewailing(
[ paridhna ] n dress, gar"ent, clothes( act of putting on or wearing.
v. to put on, to wear. '7 n. gar"ent, colthes.
[ paridhi ] n circu"ference( periphery( girth. 'n. peri"eter.
[ paridh#a ] a ft to be put on or worn. n. clothes, gar"ent.
4: [ parinirb.a ] n the cessation of individual e%istence, nirvana,
salvation, beatitude.
' [ paripakka ] a thoroughly ripe( (thoroughly) "ature( well-e%perienced(
thoroughly habituated or addicted ( ')( very precocious (').
'n. thorough ripeness( (thorough) "aturity( thorough e%perience( inveterate
habit or addiction( precocity.
[ paripatra ] n a circular.
#* [ paripanh ] a unfavourable, adverse( opposing, obstructing, hindering(
hostile, ini"ical.
[ paripka ] n digestion( assi"ilation. v. to digest( to
assi"ilate. ' 0 n. digestive trouble. ' eZ n. the digestive organ, the sto"ach.
'1n. digestive power( power of assi"ilation.
[ paripi ] n orderly arrange"ent( orderliness( skill. a. arranged in an
orderly "anner( orderly( skilful, adroit.
w4 [ pariprba ] n surroundings, entourage.
[ pariplaka ] n one who brings up, a rearer( an ad"inistrator.
[ pariplana ] n act of bringing up or rearing( ad"inistration.
v. to bring up, to rear, to support( to ad"inistrate.
[ pariplita ] a brought up, reared( ad"inistered.
> [ paripu$a ] a well-developed( plu"p, robust and "uscular( well-
nourished( carefully brought up. fem. > ', >n. good develop"ent(
plu"pness( robustness and "uscularity( sound nourish"ent( careful bringing
3 [ paripraka ] a co"pleting( fulflling( (chiefy in geo".) co"ple"entary
3: [ paripra.a ] n repletion( act of repleting( fulfl"ent( co"pletion( act of
co"ple"enting. 3: v. to replete( to fll up( to fulfl( to co"plete( to
3, 3:4 [ pariprita, paripr.a ] a replete( tee"ing( flled up( fulflled(
co"pleted( co"ple"ented. fem. 3:4 3:4n. repleteness, repletion.
, 1 [ parip-kta ] a saturated. , 1 v. to saturate. , 1n. saturation.
, 1P saturated solution.
[ parip$aka ] a nourishing( cherishing( supporting ( 3?)(
protecting, protective.
: [ parip$a.a ] n nourish"ent( cherishing( support( protection. :
v. to nourish( to cherish( to support( to protect.
=+ [ pariprk$ita ] n perspective.
[ pariplaba ] n fooding( food( sub"ersion( inundation( drenching.
3 [ pariplta ] a fooded( sub"erged( inundated( drenched, soaked,
saturated. fem. 3 3 v. to food( to sub"erge( to inundate( to
drench( to saturate.
C4 [ paribarjana ] n co"plete abandon"ent or avoidance or casting o+ or
giving up or renounce"ent or re,ection. C4 * a. that which can be or
should be abandoned or given up or renounced.
C4 [ paribarjita ] a co"pletely abandoned or avoided or cast o+ or given
up or renounced or re,ected.
4 [ paribarta ] n e%change( barter( a substitute. 4 # "arrying a girl
into a fa"ily and receiving one in "arriage fro" it, inter-"arriage. ' a. & n.
one who or that which e%changes or barters or changes or alters or "odifes
or transfor"s or e+ects a change in circu"stances or "eta"orphoses or
converts or rotates or recedes or returns. Q a. changing.
4 [ paribartana ] n e%change( barter( change( al teration( "odifcation(
transfor"ation( a change in circu"stances( "eta"orphosis( conversion(
rotation( recession( return. 4 v. to e%change( to barter( to change( to
alter( to "odify( to transfor"( to e+ect a change in circu"stances( to
"eta"orphose( to convert( to rotate( to recede( to return. ' O a. not ready or
willing to change( averse to change, conservatis". ' On. unwillingness to
change( conservatis". ' *a. changeful( changing( full of vicissitude or
variety( "eta"orphic. 4 * a. e%changeable( that which can be or is to be
bartered( changeable( alterable( "odifable( transfor"able( capable of
su+ering a change in circu"stances( "eta"orphic( convertible. 4 a.
e%changed( bartered( changed( altered( "odifed( transfor"ed(
"eta"orphosed( converted( rotated( returned. 4 *a. changeful( (sc.)
alternating. 4 * +: oscillatory discharge.
4 [ paribart ] adv in place of, instead of, in lieu of, in e%change for.
4 [ paribardhaka ] a. ! n one who or that which develops or i"proves or
e%tends or "agnifes or enlarges or a"plifes, pro"oting or helping
develop"ent or growth (of). 4 a "agnifying glass.
4 [ paribardhana ] n develop"ent( i"prove"ent( "agnifcation(
enlarge"ent( a"plifcation.
4 [ paribardhita ] a developed, "agnifed( enlarged (4 @T:)(
[ paribalana ] n (bot.) circu"nutation.
#: [ paribaha.a ] n transportation, transport, conveyance( (esp. in elec.)
conduction. #v. to transport, to convey( to conduct. #`
transport o=cer.
0 [ paribda ] n disrepute, reproach, bla"e, slander. 0, 0*a.
reproaching, bla"ing. 0*a. fem. of 0*n. a seven-stringed "usical
instru"ent, a heptachord.
[ paribra ] n a fa"ily( a fa"ily circle( a wife. n. fa"ily
#+ [ paribhak$tra ] n (geog.) a basin, a catch"ent area.
#: [ paribha.a ] n conduction.
# [ paribhita ] a conducted. # , transported soil.
# [ paribhit ] a. fe" of # n. conductivity.
#* [ paribh ] a conducting. n. a conductor.
, [ parib-ta ] a co"pletely surrounded, encircled, beset( co"pletely
covered or overcast. , n. encircle"ent, beset"ent( thorough covering or
over casting.
, [ parib-tta ] n (geo".) a circu"circle.
, [ parib-tti ] n alteration, change( transition( e%change, barter. ' n.
(phys.) transition period.
[ paribtt ] n a younger brother who "arries whilst his elder is still
0 [ paribdana ] n act of getting "arried whilst one&s elder brother is still
0 [ paribdan ] n great pain or pang or aBiction or distress.
, [ paribaka, parib$aka ] n a distributor, a dealer( one who
serves food at table.
, : [ paribana, parib$a.a ] n distribution, act of dealing out( act
of serving food at table. , : v. to distribute, to deal out( to
serve (food attable).
> [ parib$aka ] a one who or that which surrounds or goes round or
encircles or encloses.
> [ parib$ana ] n an enclosure( act of surrounding or going round or
enclosing, encircle"ent, beset"ent. > v. to surround, to go round, to
encircle( to enclose. >*n. entourage, surroundings( fencing, railings,
> [ parib$ita ] a surrounded, encircled, beset, engirt( enclosed. fem.
?V [ paribypta ] a spread, spread out( e%tended, e%panded. ?Vn.
spreading, spreading out( e%pansion( di+usion( e%tension.
pC? [ paribrajy ] n wandering as a "endicant or wandering asceticis"(
pC [ paribrjaka ] n a traveller( a "endicant or wandering ascetic.
pC [ paribrjana ] n travelling( wandering.
pC [ paribrjik ] fe" of pC
[ paribhaba ] n defeat( disco"fture.
[ paribh$ ] n a technical word or ter"( technical ter"inology.
3 [ paribhta ] a defeated, disco"fted.
, [ paribh-ti ] n e"olu"ent( wages( salary, pay.
[ paribhga ] n thorough en,oy"ent( se%ual intercourse.
v: [ paribhrama.a ] n act of going round, rotation( perigrination( travelling(
wandering( roa"ing( strolling, walking. v:v. to go round, to rotate( to
perigrinate( to travel( to wander( to stroll, to walk.
v> [ paribhra$a ] a detached and fallen( shed. v> #Gv. to get detached
and fall down( to be shed.
: [ paribhr.a ] n perisper".
X [ pariman)ala ] n an orbit( a circle( a circu"ference( (fg.) a society or
sphere( environ"ent( surrounding, encircle"ent( a globe( any globular
X [ pariman)ita ] a well-orna"ented, well-decorated, well-adorned(
[ parimala ] n fragrance caused by being anointed (with sandal-paste
etc.)( fragrance, perfu"e, sweet scent( (pop.) nectar of fowers (&
: [ parim.a ] n "easure, weight, a"ount, *uantity, nu"ber, degree(
e%tent. : v. to "easure, to weigh( (rare) to count( to survey (as land)(
to assess (as i"portance). : #Gv. to "easure, to weigh( to be ade*uate
in proportion to. ' hn. result of "easure"ent or counting( (arith.) area
"easure, s*uare "easure.
[ parimtr ] n ("ech.) intensity.
[ parimpa ] n "easure"ent( weighing( counting( (fg.) assess"ent
(b)( "easure, weight, a"ount, *uantity, nu"ber, degree( land-
"easure, survey. sa"e as : (see :). a.
"easuring( weighing( counting( surveying( assessing. n. a "easurer(
weigher( counter( a surveyor (of land)( an assessor( a "easuring or weighing
or counting or surveying "achine. n. "easuring or weighing or
counting or surveying (as land) or (fg.) assessing.
C4 [ parimrjana ] n scouring or cleansing( refning or chastening.
C4 n. scouring or cleansing( refning( (of a book, a dictionary etc)
correction, editing and "aking up-to-date.
C4 [ parimrjita ] a scoured( cleansed( refned( corrected and revised(
chastened. C4 v. to scour( to cleanse( to refne( to correct and revise(
to chasten.
[ parimita ] a "oderate( te"perate, abste"ious( "easuring or
a"ounting (#)( "easured( "ensurated( (rare) su=cient, ade*uate.
'?*a. econo"ic, frugal. n. "oderation, te"perance. *a.
[ parimiti ] n "easure"ent( "easure( ("ath.) "ensuration.
[ parim#a ] a "easurable( fnite.
[ parimla ] n an association. ' n. articles of association. ' s n. a
"e"orandu" of association.
[ parimlna ] a very pale or ,aded or worn out( glu" or so"bre.
e: [ pariy.a ] n tra=c( "igration. e:4#, e:?"# n. a tra=c
"anager. e: `+*n. tra=c police.
e* [ pariy# ] a tra=cking( itinerant( "igratory.
+: [ parirak$a.a ] n preservation( protection( guarding( careful custody or
+ [ parirak$ita ] a preserved( protected( guarded( kept under careful
custody or guardianship.
, : [ parirambha, parirambha.a ] n close e"brace( se%ual intercourse.
+ [ parilak$ita ] a noticed( observed.
O [ parilikhita ] a (geo".) circu"scribed.
O [ parilkha ] n an outline( an outline sketch.
> [ parii$a ] a re"aining. n. an appendi%, a supple"ent (as of a book).
* [ parilana ] n practice, study, cultivation( an e"brace( anoint"ent.
*a. practised, studied, cultivated( refned( sophisticated( e"braced(
.L [ pariuddha ] a "eticulously refned or purifed or sanctifed. .L v.
to re fne or purify or sanctify "eticulously. .Ln. "eticulous refne"ent or
purity or sanctity.
. [ pariu$ka ] a very dry( pale( shrivelled.
[ pari$a ] n re"ainder( end( the last stage( conclusion( the concluding
part. adv. at last, in the end( fnally, ulti"ately( in the long run.
[ paridha ] n repay"ent (as of a debt)( (fg.) revenge or retaliation.
v. to repay, to pay o+, to pay back( (fg.) to avenge or retaliate.
[ paridhana ] n "eticulous refne"ent or purifcation or
? [ paridhya ] a that which is to be or can be repaid, outstanding or
j [ parirama ] n labour, toil( diligence, industry( e+ort, endeavour. j
v. to work hard, to labour, to toil( to work diligently( to endeavour. ' ,
' O a. averse to hard work, la7y. j*a. hardworking, laborious( diligent,
j2 [ parirnta ] a fatigued, e%hausted( tired( wearied. j2n. fatigue,
e%haustion( tiredness, weariness.
0, U [ pari$ada, pari$at ] n an association, an asse"bly, a society( a
council( (pol.) a legislative council. 0* a. pertaining or relating to or
concerning a council or asse"bly( legislative( parlia"entary.
[ pari$baka ] n a sicknurse, a nurse.
[ pari$b ] n care of the sick, nursing.
[ pari$bik ] fe" of
: [ pari$kara.a ] n cleansing or refning.
[ pari$kra ] n cleanliness( tidiness( neatness( clarity (as of water). a.
clean( cleansed( clear( tidy( spruce, neat, or derly ( C)( legible
(O)( clearcut, outspoken, una"bigu ous, une*uivocal ( B)(
beautiful, bright, fair (` `#G)( cloudless (`)( free fro"
angularity, frank, straightfor ward, candid, open-hearted, sincere ()(
intelligent, free fro" confusion ( B)( free fro" "orbidity, healthy
( )( "usical, sweet ()( keen ( 0, >). v. to cleanse(
to clean( to clear( to tidy( to free fro" "orbidity or angularity( to wash
(! ). 'a. cleansing. n. a cleaner( a cleansing agent. ;y a.
neat and clean, clean and tidy, spick and span.
, [ pari$k-ta ] a cleansed( cleaned( cleared( tidied( refned( washed (,
@TO? [ pari"a0khy ] n especially enu"erated or tabulated nu"ber(
statistics. @TO?a. especially enu"erated or tabulated( statistical.
@TO? n. statistics. @TO? n. statistician.
@V [ pari"ampta ] a ended, fnished, concluded, co"pleted. @Vn.
end, ter"ination( conclusion( co"pletion.
@U [ pari"ampat ] n assets.
@ [ pari"ara ] n e%tent( area( li"it, boundary, end( width, breadth.
@* [ pari"m ] n li"it, bounds( peri"eter( end.
"# [ pari"hiti ] n circu"stances, situation.
[ pari"phua ] a clearly revealed or e%pressed( well-developed( "anifest,
obvious( blosso"ed, bloo"ing.
: [ pari"phura.a ] n vibration( e+ervescence( "anifestation.
[ pari"raba ] n (biol.) placenta.
:, :, [ pari"rba.a, pari"raba.a, pari"ruti ] n fltration. a.
fltered ( C).
@#* [ pari"ahan#a ] a laughable, ridiculous( ft to be derided or "ocked.
# [ parihra ] n giving up( abandon"ent( avoidance( act of casting o+(
neglect, disregard( slight. # v. to give up( to abandon( to avoid, to
shun( to cast o+( to neglect, to disregard, to slight.
#e4 [ parihrya ] a avoidable( that which can be given up or renounced or
abandoned, renounceable.
#@ [ parih"a ] n a ,oke, a ,est( ridicule( "ock ery, derision. #@ v. to
poke fun at, to ,oke( to ridicule( to "ock, to deride, to laugh, to scorn. ' ;,
'adv. ,okingly. ' = a. given to ,esting, ,estful( witty( fond of ,oking. ' =n.
,estfulness( ,ocular( ,ocoseness( ,ocosity( playfulness.
# [ parihita ] a clothed, clad, dressed, wearing( that which is put on or
worn (# ). fem. #
*+ [ park$aka ] n a tester( an e%a"iner( a trier( an investigator( an
e%peri"enter( a foreteller, a diviner. ?*+n. a fortune-teller( a soldier of
fortune, an adventurer.
*+: [ park$a.a ] n act of testing or e%a"ining or trying or investigating or
foretelling or divining. *+:* a. that which or one who is to be tested or
e%a"ined or tried or investigated or e%peri"ented upon or divined(
*+ [ park$ ] n a test( an e%a"ination( a trial( an ordeal (_*+)( a cross-
e%a"ination( an investigation( an e%peri"ent( foretelling, divination, reading
(#O *+) ( _0, >*+, ?*+n. fortune-telling( act of seeking fortune.
*+ v. to test( to e%a"ine( to try( to test by an ordeal( to cross e%a"ine(
to investigate( to e%peri"ent( to divine. *+ 0Gv. to appear at an
e%a"ination( to take an e%a"ination( to undergo a trial( to sub"it to an or
deal. *+ Gv. to e%a"ine, to test( to hold an e%a"ination( to test by an
e%a"ination. *+ 5 eGv. to stand a test or scrutiny. ' , ' , #, ' , ' K,
'n. an e%a"ination-hall( a laboratory. ' * a. sub,ect to or under e%a"ination
or trial or test or investigation or e%peri"ent. ' B4 *a. appearing at an
e%a"ination. n. an e%a"inee. fem. *+B4*
*+3 [ park$mlaka ] a e%peri"ental.
*+3 [ park$mlakabhb ] adv by way of e%peri "ent,
*+ [ park$ita ] a tested( e%a"ined( tried( investigated( e%peri"ented.
*+*:4 [ park$ttr.a ] a passed at an e%a"ination( successful in an
e%a"ination( one who has co"e through a test or ordeal successfully( found
suitable or good on trial or test. fem. *+*:4 *+*:4#Gv. to co"e
through or pass an e%a"ination or test or ordeal( to stand a test or ordeal( to
be found suitable or good on test or trial.
D [ paru$a ] a harsh, rough, rude, haughty, arrogant, cruel (D ). ' , ' < n.
harshness, rudeness, haughtiness, arrogance, cruelty.
[ par ] adv. ! prep after, afterwards (@ `@)( thereafter, then
(eO )( in future ( * # e )( after the occurrence of, after that
( )( at the back of ( ? e;)( below (`
)( born later (8 `). 0 n. the day after. adv. on the
following day.
+ [ park$a ] a i"perceptible or unseen but known or true, not known
directly, circu"stantial (+ =:)( indirect (+ 51)( roundabout
(+). + an indirect ta%. +, ' adv. behind one&s back, in
one&s absence. + K to slander so"ebody in his absence, to
[ par ] n a kind of thin bread fried in oil or clarifed butter.
[ parpakra ] n the good of others( philanthropy, benevolence( (loos.
but pop.) public welfare. v. to do good to others, to do a good turn
(to a person). ' , *a. doing good to others( philanthropic, benevolent.
fem. :* n. act of doing good to others( philanthropy,
C**, C*? [ parpajb, parpajbya ] a living on an other( depending or
hanging on an other for subsistence( parasitic.
[ par# ] n heedfulness, care (50)( fear, daunt( concern,
an%iety. v. to pay heed to( (esp. in neg.) to care( to be afraid of, to
fear( to be concerned or an%ious about. no fear( no "atter( never
4 , 4 * [ parkai, parka ] n a kind of fg-tree.
C4 ? [ parjanya ] n thunder-cloud, ni"bus( Lndra (\) the thunder-god.
:4 [ par.a ] n a tree-leaf, a leaf (:4 )( betel leaf (:4*)( a feather, a plu"e
(@ :4 ). ' *n. a grower of betel-leaves (by trade or caste). ' n. a hut
thatched with tree-leaves( (loos.) a hut. ' C*a. feeding on tree-leaves( (loos.)
gra"ini vorous. ' *a. (bot.) deciduous. ' e?n. a bed "ade of tree-leaves(
(loos.) a pallet. ' sa"e as :4 :4 *a. leafed, leaved( leafy. n. a tree.
4 [ parpai ] n an Cyurvedic (` 40*) drug "ade fro" a herbal plant.
4 [ parba ] n a holy day( a festa( a feast, a festival( a knuckle, a ,oint (as of a
fnger)( (bot.) a node( (of books) a canto, a chapter.
4 [ parbata ] n a "ountain( a hill( a rock( a hillock( a "ount. ' K, ' R#n. a
"ountain-cave, a cave, a cavern. ' 3 !n. a peak (of a "ountain)( a hill-top.
'w4 n. "ountain-side, hillside. ' =: a. "ountain-high, high as a "ountain(
"ountainous( huge. ' @*a. living on hills or "ountains( highland. n. a
hill"an( a highlander. fem. ' @* ' O, ' , N sa"e as ' ! ' j:n. a "ountain
range. ' @T a. "ountainous, having "any "ountains( hilly. 4 a. looking
like a "ountain( "ountainous, huge. 4#*n. a "ountaineer. a. cli"bing a
"ountain. 4* a. of or grown in or living on "ountains or hills(
"ountainous, highland.
4? [ parbamadhya ] n (bot.) an internode.
4 [ parb"pha ] n act of snapping a knuckle or knuckles of one&s
4# [ parbha ] n a day of festival( a holy day( a festa( a festival.
e4J [ parya0ka ] n a costly bedstead or cot( a couch, a divan( (geog.) a basin
(of a river).
e4 [ paryaaka ] n a traveller, a perigrinator, a tourist.
e4 [ paryaana ] n (wide) travel, perigrination, tour. e4 v. to travel
(widely), to perigrinate, to tour.
e42 [ paryanta ] n li"it, end, e%tre"ity. prep. to (B B e42)( up to
(8@*e42)( till or until ( `@ e42, , >B e42). adv. too, also, even (
e42_ 1 ).
e4@ [ paryba"na ] n end, close, ter"ination, conclusion( result( reduction.
e4@#Gv. to end, to ter"inate, to conclude( to result in( to be reduced to.
e4@ [ paryaba"ita ] a ended, ter"inated, concluded( resolved (into)( reduced
(to)( resulting in.
e4+ [ paryabk$aka ] a watching( observing. n. a watcher( an observer.
e4+: [ paryabk$a.a ] n watching( observation. e4+: v. to watch( to
observe. e4+:n. an observatory( a watch tower.
e4+ [ paryabk$ita ] a watched( observed.
e4@ [ parya"ana ] n re"oval( act of throwing all round( scattering.
e42 [ paryanta ] a re"oved( thrown all round( scattered( turned upside down,
overturned( reversed.
e4: [ pary.a ] n saddle( a panel( a caparison.
e4V [ parypta ] a a"ple, abundant( su=cient, ade*uate, enough( "oderate,
te"perate( capable, co"petent. e4Vn. a"plitude, abundance, plenty(
su=ciency, ade*uacy, "oderateness, "oderation, te"perance( capability,
co"petence, co"petency.
e4: [ parybara.a ] n environ"ent( surroundings( the environs.
e4, [ paryb-tta ] a p&ri'dic! e4, n! p&ri'dicity!
e4 [ pary#a ] n a turn( serial order( succession( state, condition, shape,
for", series (e4)( a generation (`0D B@ e4)( a synony" (usu.
e4})( (chiefy in sc.) a period (usu. e4). ' oadv. by turns( serially(
successively( alternately. ' ?, ' N n. a break in the series, a break in
periodicity( inversion. ' }n. synony"ous words( related or cognate words.
'@ a. rhy"ing alternately. '@:n. (che".) a periodic table.
e4, e4 [ parylcana, parylcan ] n thorough discussion or study or
review. e4v. to discuss or study or review thoroughly.
e4 [ parylcita ] a thoroughly discussed or studied or reviewed.
e4@ [ pary"a ] n topsyturvy( upset, reverse, a great change( a revolution.
e40 [ paryuda"ta ] a utterly defeated, routed, crushed( co"pletely baBed(
prevented or repulsed( totally forbidden( foiled, "arred. e40 v. to defeat
utterly, to rout, to crush( to baBe co"pletely( to prevent or repulse( to forbid
totally( to foil, to "ar.
e40@ [ paryud"a ] n utter defeat, rout, crush( co"plete frustration( prevention
or repulse.
e4 [ paryu$ita ] a stale (e4_y).
e4:, e4: [ pary$a.a, pary$a. ] n search, investigation( research.
.4 [ paruk ] n a rib, a vertebra.
40, 4U [ par$ada, par$at ] n a council, a board.

[ pala
] n a "easure of ti"e (< AK seconds)( a "o"ent, a while, a very
short ti"e( a "easure of weight (< R ).

[ pala
] n a bevel (-).
[ palaka ] n wink or blink (of eyes)( a very short ti"e, an instant, a
"o"ent( an eyelid. !v. (of eyes) to close, to wink, to blink. hv. to
wink, to blink. ' n. closing of eyelids. ' 3?, ' #* a. (of eyes) unwinking
unblinking( (of sight or look) steadfast, f%ed, winkless. every
"o"ent( in very *uick succession. = instant disaster (with little or no
warning). ?, adv. in an instant, instantly( in the twinkling of an
[ palak ] a brittle, fragile( frail( delicate( unsubstantial.
[ palaana ] n an ar"ed force( a platoon.
[ palai ] v (imperf.) turning back.
[ palat ] n the creeper bearing (this is used as a bitter pot-herb).
[ palat ] n the wick of a la"p.
- [ pala#tl ] a bevelled.
[ palala ] n "eat( silt, sli"e( alluviu". 3 n. alluvial soil.
[ pala"tr ] n a plaster (esp. one co"posed of slaked li"e, sand and
hair, and used for coating walls etc.). 0G v. to plaster.

[ pal
] n coral.

[ pal
] n a kind of tiny ladle or spoon.
[ palgni ] n bile.
[ pal.)u ] n onion.
[ paltaka ] a fugitive, feeing( absconding. n. a fugitive( an absconder.
fem. #Gv. to abscond.
y [ palnna ] n a highly spiced dish of rice and "eat boiled in clarifed
butter, pilau.
[ pal#ana ] n act of running away or feeing, fight( escape. v.
sa"e as (v.). ' a. feeing, fugitive( absconding( escaping.
@#* the retreating ar"y. 0?a. atte"pting to fee or escape,
about to run away.
[ pal#amna ] a feeing, fugitive( absconding( escaping. fem.
[ pal#ita ] a fed( absconded( escaped, fem.
[ pala ] n a kind of beautiful red fower having no fragrance( its tree,
the dhak, the palas, Butea "onosper"a.
[ pali ] n silt( alluviu". !v. to collect alluvial deposit, to silt. -!a.
silted up. 'n. alluviu", silt( alluvial soil.
C [ palija ] a alluvial.
[ palita ] n grey-hairedness, grey-headedness( greyness( grey. a. grey(
aged, old. ' a. grey-haired( old, aged.
* [ pal#a ] n protein.
[ palu ] n a species of silk-wor" living on the "ulberry tree.
[ pal ] n a pail-shaped wicker-basket for catching fsh.
[ palbala ] n any s"all pool of water (esp. a shallow one).
? [ palya#ana ] n a saddle( a caparison( a panel, a pack-saddle.
[ pallaba ] n a leaf (, +, )( a lid (_+)( a new tree-leaf( the
forepart of a young shoot or sprout bearing new leaves (`a). ' 9#n.
surface-gra7ing( dilettantis"( eclecticis"( s"attering ac*uaintance. ' 9#*a.
dilettantish( s"attering. 9#* a dilettante (pl. dilettanti)( a s"atterer.
a. containing leaves, leafy( full of new leaves( sprouted( detailed,
e%hausted( e%aggerated (:4).
, * [ palli, pall ] n a s"all area of hu"an habitation containing a cluster
of houses, a locality ()( a ha"let( a village( a "unicipal division, a
ward. ' _An. a rural area( countryside. 5y n. village develop"ent, rural
uplift. ' *n. folksong, village song. ' 9 n. a village. ' C* n. rural life,
countrylife. ' , ? n. a country-dance. ' n. a country-wo"an, a country-wife.
', ' n. a country-girl( a country "aid. ' @ n. a village ho"e( a country
residence( act of living in a country. ' @*a. living in a country, rural( (dero.)
rustic. n. a country"an (fem. a country-wo"an), a villager. (dero.) a rustic.
fem. ' @* ' @* P a country gentle"an. ' n. a village ho"e( a country
residence( a country-house, a country seat. ' N@ village welfare society.
'@T n. rural organi7ation, rural develop"ent. ' @T n. rural reconstruction(
village uplift"ent. '@n. a village society.
, [ paatu, paat ] n 9ushtu, 9ushtoo, 9ashto, a language of the
[ paama ] n wool( fur. to card or co"b wool. n. a kind
of very fne woollen cloth. a. woollen( "ade of fur.
[ paal ] n a short spell of fall (as of rain), a shower.
[ pa ] v (poet.) to enter( to penetrate.
. [ pau ] n a *uadruped ani"al, a beast, a brute( a beastly or brutal "an(
an attendant of 6hiva (). 0 . cattle. , #. a do"estic ani"al( (pl.)
livestock. . a sacrifcial beast. #* . a beast of burden, a draught
ani"al, a pack ani"al. . a beast of prey. . a ga"e. ' 4 n.
ani"al skin( hide( pelt. ' : n. act of gra7ing cattle, gra7ing. .: v. to
gra7e or feed cattle. ' : + n. a pasturage, a gra7ing-feld. ' :e? a.
pasturable. ' S@n. a veterinary surgeon. ' < n. ani"ality( beastliness(
brutality. ' 4 n. bestiality( se%ual intercourse or copulation. ' 4a. bestial(
brutal( addicted to e%cessive se%ual intercourse or copulation. ' 6hiva ().
'a. herd or fock of ani"als or livestock. ' , ' n. a herds"an, a
cowherd( a shepherd( a goatherd. ' n. act of rearing and tending and
raising livestock, live stock far"ing. ' 0 n. a live stock e%pert. ' Ua.
beast-like, beastly, bestial, brutal. ' U `: bestiality, brutality. ' Cn. the king
of beasts( the lion. ' n. wool( fur. ' 1n. brute force. ' n. a 7oological
garden, a 7oo( a cattleshed( a stable. ' n. ga"e-hunting, hunting. ' n.
a ga"e-hunter, a hunter (fem. a huntress). '@ sa"e as .U
U [ pact ] adv !prep. after, at or to the back of (U `@). !s*uare(
adv. afterwards, later (U )( in or to the west. a. living at the back(
reverse (U 0). n. the back( the back side, the rear( the future.
adv. behind (, # )( later, afterwards ( ).
S0 [ pactpada ] a retreated( withdrawn( turned back( lagging behind.
S0 #Gv. to retreat( to withdraw( to turn back( to lag behind.
[ pacttpa ] n repentance, re"orse.
E [ pacdgati ] n retrograde "otion, backward "ove"ent. E n.
retrogression, going after, following. E v. to follow, to go after.
E*a. following, going after. E*#Gv. to follow, to go after. 64 *a.
lying behind( lagging behind( following, co"ing after or behind. 64 *#Gv.
to lie behind( to lag behind( to follow. 0@: n. act of following( pursuit.
0@: v. to follow( to pursue. 0@:*a. following( pursuing. n. a
follower( a pursuer. fem. 0@::*
0@: [ pacdapa"ara.a ] n retreat.
F3 [ pacdbhmi ] n the rear( the background( hinterland.
L [ pacddhbana ] n act of running after( act of chasing. L v. to
run after( to chase, to pursue.
L [ pacddhbita ] a running after( chasing, pursuing.
F [ pacdbhga ] n the backside( the rear( the back. Fadv. in the
4 [ pacrdha ] n the lower half of the hu"an body( the lower half( the latter
half( the other half.
[ pacima ] n the west( the Sccident( the western world, the western
he"isphere. a. fnal, last, ulti"ate( subse*uent( western. ' 0* a. of a
western country( up-country. ' N n. Fest Bengal. =# n. westerly winds(
the west wind. *6*] n. the Fest Lndies. a. of the west,
western (@)( up country ( )( n. an up country "an.
A n. the western part or region. @? a. facing west ward. a.
western( Sccidental.
w [ pabcra ] n a for" of asceticis" characteri7ed by self-restraint,
continence and abstinence fro" drinking wine and eating "eat( beastly
conduct, brutality. w*a. practising the aforesaid for" of asceticis"(
bestial, brutal.
w [ pabdhama ] a even worse than a beast or brute (w ?1).
@ [ pa"ar ] n a load or heap of articles of tra=c, wares, "erchandise (@
@C)( a basket containing articles of tra=c (@ B )( a load, a heap, a
basket ( @)( an article of tra=c, a co""odity.
[ pa"ra
] n a "arket-place, a ba7aar( a shop( articles of tra=c, wares
[ pa"ra
] n a professional "an&s business practice( good practice
(85@ `)( good reputation, fa"e (* @ ).
@ [ pa"r ] v (poet.) to stretch out, to e%tend (x @).
@ [ pa"ri ] n a shopkeeper, a seller, a dealer( a pedlar. fem. @
@ [ pa"uri ] n a "easure of weight (about K.T kgs.).
[ pa"tn ] v to repent or rue or regret. n. repentance( regret.
#[ pahila ] a (obs. ! poet.) frst( early( young. ' #adv. at frst.

[ p
] n ("us.) the ffth note of the diatonic scale of ; "a,or, /.

[ p
] n a leg( a foot( a paw( a leg of an article of furniture. v. to today,
to bootlick. v. to *uicken one&s steps( to kick, (hu".) to hoof. ,
adv. on tiptoe( stealthily. 0Gv. to set foot on( to step in( to co"e.
sa"e as G `@v. to avoid visiting or using (a place) out
of sheer disgust or abo"ination. !v. to step out, to go out, to leave (
B!)( to be on the point of going or setting out or departing( to set
out. v. to re,ect or abandon or shun scornfully, to spurn at (#
+*). 0Gv. to fatter in a servile "anner. 0v. to tra"ple
under foot. v. to solicit or i"portune or supplicate hu"bly. !v. to
fall at one&s feet in supplication. 5 0 Bv. (fg.) to lead a carefree
life of ease, co"fort and indolence. n. an instep( a foot. Ov. to
treat or favour or shelter graciously. # 0Gv. to touch so"e one&s feet
in obeisance. -a. footlicking, bootlicking. - a footlicker, a
bootlicker, a today. -adv. step by step. adv. at every step (
)( (of two or "ore persons or creatures) having one another&s legs tied
together( (of a single person or creature) having legs tied to gether (
)( with slow but steady steps ( 8)( on the back of, pursuing (@
` `@).
[ pi ] n an obsolete Lndian coin (<HIHUA( rupee), a pie.
[ pika ] n a foot soldier, an infantry"an, a foot"an( a guard or
"essenger ar"ed with a sta+ and also with other weapons (often a liveried
one). KCn. foot"en and other follow ers.
[ pik ] n (print.) pica.
[ pipa ] n a pipe.
5g[ pu)ra ] n powder (esp. cos"etic pow der). 5g , 5g
Ov. to dust or daub with powder, to powder. 5g $ a powder-case, a
pow der-bo%. 5g a powder-pu+.
5X[ pun)a ] n a unit of weight (< KTK gra""es)( a unit of "oney (< A
5D[ purui ] n bread baked in the European fashion. 8 5D a loaf
of bread. 8 5D a piece or slice of bread.
G[ pn ] a that which ought to be paid or done to one, due. n. due(
"oney due to one( earnings, inco"e (5G)( assets or outstanding bills
(0-G). G `0 v. to reali7e what is due( to reali7e a bill or clai".
G 0G, Gv. to pay what is due( to foot the bill. ' X, ' BGn. due(
earnings, inco"e. '0 n. a creditor.
G[ p# ] v to get( to receive G( to obtain ( 1 G)( to fnd
(G)( to earn or gain ( G)( to attain, to reali7e (@L G)2 to
co"e or happen (0O G)( to have (0OG)( to be able (.G)( to
inherit ( Y G)( to feel or to be stricken with (O0G)( to feel like
(y G)( to en,oy (`G)( to sense, to be aware of ( G)( to be
possessed by (3 G). a. obtained, earned (GC@)( possessed by
(3 G ). ! G to get by chance. C G to get an opportunity (for
gain etc.) Gv. to cause to get or obtain or fnd or earn or gain or attain
or inherit or be stricken with or feel like or feel or be possessed by.
T[ pOana ] a bringing disgrace, tarnishing ( T).
T.[ pOu ] n ashes( dust( stain, stig"a( vice, sin. a. livid, pale (T. O).
':4 a. ash-coloured( livid. n. ash-colour. ' a. dusty, dust-ridden( stained(
vicious, sinful( libidinous. n. 6hiva (). 'a. fem. of T. n. the earth.
[ pmia ] n a "easure of capacity, a pint.
[ pnka ] n sli"e, silt.
[ pnkla ] n a kind of eel. a. "uddy, "iry, clayey.
[ pnkui ] n chilblain( foot-sore caused by "ud.
[ pnca ] n. ! a fve. B a lot of talking( "any and varied topics( harsh
words( a talking-to( reproof.
[ pnci ] n the ffth day of a "onth, the ffth. a. (of the days of a "onth)
C[ pncajana ] n (lit.) fve persons( (fg.) people at large, others, they.
![ pnca)%& ] n scabies, itches.
[ pncana ] n a "edicinal decoction prepared by boiling di+erent herbs.
[ pncanara ] n a fve-tiered or fve-stringed necklace. a. fve-stringed
or fve-tiered #.
h![ pncaph)%&na ] n cu"in-seed, black cu"in seed, fenugreek seed,
aniseed and parsley( these fve kinds of spices collectively.
#[ pncahti ] a fve cubits long (# ).
[ pncila ] n a wall.
C[ pnja ] n a skein or wisp or roll of carded cotton.
C, C[ pnjara, pnjar ] n the ribs( the thora%( a rib bone, a rib.
[ pnj
] n a brick-kiln, kiln.
[ pnj
] n a bundle( a faggot( a pile, a heap. C v. to bundle( to pile,
to heap.
[ pnj
] n outspread hands for"ing a stretcher.
C[ pnjkl ] a lifted upon hands outspread in the shape of a
stretcher. Cv. to lift upon hands outspread in the shape of a
C[ pnji ] n a calendar, an al"anac, an ephe"eris. ' Bn. ephe"erides and
scriptures( books collectively. #C N worrying for ascertaining a date
with the al"anac in hand( unnecessary groping or search (for a solution that
is already there).
[ pnh ] n a he-goat( (dero.) a dunce, a fool. fem. 'n. sacrifce of a
goat by chopping o+ its head. T@ goat&s "eat( (pop.) "utton.
![ pn) %& ]a ripe (!@)( inveterate (!, ! 0). n. an inveterate
![ pn)%& ] n the fa"ily na"e of so"e upcountry Brah"ans.
[ pnti ] n a row, a line (0 )( a line *uoted fro" scriptures as an
authority, a scriptural prescription ( 0G)( style, "anner (&B 0O &)( a
letter, a note (& # 0 &)( infor"ation about identity, descriptive
particulars (C ). ' n. a sole"n "arriage-contract drawn up in black
and white. v. to draw up a sole"n "arriage-contract in black and
0![ pnd) %& ]n a du"p for sweepings, refuse etc. at the back of a house.

[ pmpara
] n a snack "ade of the dough of pigeon-pea rolled into thin
roundish saucer and eaten after frying in oil or singeing.

[ pmpara
] n (law) a pauper.
[ pm#atr ] n act of pacing to fnd an opportunity to attack or grapple
(as in wrestling)( act of bragging before co""encing to do so"ething(
preli"inary preparations. v. to pace up and down to fnd a suitable
"o"ent to attack or grapple( to brag before co""encing to do so"ething(
to "ake preli"inary preparations.
[ pma ] n ashes( a worthless or nonsense thing, talk etc. (). .a.
ash-coloured( livid, pale.
![ pmaku) %& ]n dustbin.

[ pka
] n cooking( act of condensing by heat (@K )( digestion
("#*)( conse*uence ()( greyness ( ). v. to cook.
v. to begin to be condensed by heat( to begin to turn grey. ' on. (function
or act of) digestion. ' n. a "edicinal oil. ' sa"e as "#* 'Xn.
chy"e. ' eZ n. the digestive organ, the sto"ach. eZ-=0# n. infa""ation of
the sto"ach, gastritis. ' a. a kitchen, a cookhouse. ' "#*n. the sto"ach.
'"#*n. a cooking pot or utensil. ' 4 n. the cere"ony of a bride&s serving out
food for the frst ti"e to her husband&s kinsfolk.

[ pka
] n a "ythological de"on. ' @ n. Lndra (\), the slayer of 9aka
() the de"on!

[ pka
] n act of going round or winding, circu"a"bulation, revolution,
convolution,circular "ove"ent, rotation( a coil or ring (C )( a twirl or
spin( a providential or chance occurrence (o)( an intrigue, a conspiracy,
a plot, a tangle. OGv. to go round( to have a walk( to wind( to
circu"a"bulate( to revolve, to convolve, to rotate( to twirl, to spin, to twine(
to ravel. Ov. to untwist( to unravel, to pu77le out. ' 0X*n. a circuitous or
spiral route that leads to the top of a "ountain. 0Gv. to go round( to
have a walk( to twist, to spin, to ravel. !. v. to be co"e twisted(
to beco"e twisted confusedly, to ravel. sa"e as 0G {
!v. to be entagled, to be caught in an intrigue( to get into di=culty or
trouble. hv. to catch in an intrigue( to drive into di=culty.
! [ pka) %& ]n arrest, sei7ure (!). !Ga. sei7ure, arrest( act of
catching with i"portunity ( C? Z*!G). v. imperat. arrest, sei7e(
catch. !v. to catch( to sei7e( to arrest.
[ pkana ] n (obs.) ripening or "aturing( (dero.) act of being seasoned or
e%perienced( (dero.) beco"ing precocious or depraved( (of hair etc.) act of
turning grey.
[ pkaln ] v (poet. ! obs.) to redden (&+ &).
[ pk ] v to ripen (h)( to attain "aturity, to "ature ( L , @)(
to turn grey ( )( to suppurate (h! ( to beco"e seasoned (#! )(
to beco"e e%perienced or skilled (g1@ )( to be hardened (0
)( to be co"e depraved or spoilt or precocious (* ). a. ripe(
"ature( grey( grey-haired ( B)( skilled, e%perienced ( )(
inveterate, hardened ( )( downright, thorough ( 0)( precocious,
spoilt, depraved( skilful ( #)( set (O)( durable, fast ( T)( full,
nett ( )( standard (GC)( hardened in fre ( ) brick-built
(!)( per"anent ()( fnal, settled, f%ed (B, O)( pure,
genuine, unalloyed ( @)( seasoned (#!, )( of a high standard
()( tanned ( !)( legally or for"ally drawn up (0)( pucka,
pukka. ( GC) stan dard weight esp. in which one seer (@) is e*ual to R
tolas (). B fnal word( a pro"ise or word. v. to confr" or
fnali7e. On. fnali7ed book of accounts. 0G (lit.) to harrow
and destory a feld of ripened paddy( (fg.) to undo an acco"plished piece of
work( to do incalculable har" to. eG undoing of what is al"ost
co"plete. ! leather. ' n. grey hair( an aged and e%perienced "an
( 4 G). 0Ov. to visit for"ally a prospective bride&s house in
order to draw up the "arriage-contract in black and white. ' 0On. a for"al
visit to a prospective bride&s house in order to draw up the "arriage-contract
in black and white( the fnal view of a girl by the bridegroo"&s party before
she is accepted in "arriage. ' a. settled, f%ed, fnali7ed( sure. v.
to settle, to f%, to fnali7e( to "ake sure. ' 1a. per"anent( settled, f%ed,
fnali7ed( hardened by long practice (1)( e%perienced and
seasoned( inveterate (1). ! a brick-built house, a building.
B a grey-headed or grey-haired person( an old or aged person( a wise or
e%perienced person. B @K (for a wo"an) to have one&s husband
living even when one beco"es hoary-headed. n. precocity. a
"etalled or cobbled road. #&!0O to show "agical or a"a7ing
power or profciency even in one&s old age. # a set hand( skilled hand(
an old hand, an e%perienced "an( an adept.#@ fnal accounts.
[ pki ] n a stalk of the ,ute-plant used as fuel( (fg.) a lean rickety
[ pk ] a wi7ened.
[ pkn ] v to twist( to twirl( to ravel( to wring, to writhe (* )(
to wi7en( to co"plicate (@ ?)( to organi7e, to for" (0)( to
cook, to ripen( to "ature( to cause to turn grey( to cause to suppurate( to
season( to "ake e%perienced or skilled( to harden( to deprave, to spoil, to
"ake precocious. a. twisted( twirled( ravelled( wi7ened.
[ pka#a ] n the sto"ach. ' =0# n. infa""ation of the sto"ach,
gastritis. a. sto"achal, sto"achic( gastric.
[ pki ] a "easured by the standard weight in which one seer (@) is
e*ual to R tolas (), standard ( GC).
[ pki"tni ] a of 9akistan. n. a citi7en of 9akistan, 9akistani.
! [ pku) %& ]n a species of fg-tree, Ficus infectoria.
o, -= [ pkcakr, pk#prakr ] adv by this trick or that, through
cunning devices( so"ehow( by hook or by crook.
' [ pkk ] a e"phatical var. of (a).
+ [ pk$ika ] a fortnightly. n. a fortnightly ,ournal.
O [ pkhan ] n a wing( a feather( a fn.
O [ pkhal ] n rubbing and washing, scouring or rinsing (-O).
O. v. to rub and wash( to scour( to rinse.
O [ pkhaa ] n a blow or a fap of a bird&s wings. O v. (of a bird)
to strike with wings, to fap one&s wings.
O [ pkh ] n a wing( a feather( (rare) a fn( a fan( a propeller( vane or sail
(as of a wind"ill). On. a large fan suspended fro" a pole and "oved by
pulling, a punkah, a punka. C-On. an electric fan. #-On. a hand fan.
O v. to fan. O v. to set a propeller or vane "oving( to switch on
an electric fan. Ov. (of a bird) to futter or fap wings. Ov. to pull
a punkah.
OG[ pkh#l ] a winged( feathered( (rare) fnned( having a propeller
or vane or sail. n. a punkah-puller( a dealer in or pedlar of hand-fans( a
repairer of electric fans( one who lets out electric fans on hire.
O[ pkhi ] n the bird( a blind (of a window)( a spoke (of a wheel)( a step or
rung of a ladder. O !v. to teach or get up by rote, to cra". O =: very
feeble vitality. O @ a nest( (fg.) a very disorderly place or thing (B
OC[ pkh#ja ] n a "usical instru"ent of percussion shaped al"ost like
a to"-to". OCn. one who can play on this instru"ent.
![ pga)%&i ] n a turban( a head-cloth. '*n. turbaned.
-![ p#g)%&i ] n a bicycle( (hu".) the foot or the leg (@ -!).
i [ p0a ] n a large silvery-white fsh.
I1[ p0kt#a ] a ft to be included in the sa"e line or row or class( ft to be
allowed to sit in a co""unity-dinner (see I1C).
[ p0ga
] a ash-coloured( livid, pale.
[ pcaka ] a digestive( gastric( one who cooks. n. a cook. ' @ n. gastric
,uice, digestive fuid.
[ pcana ] a digestive( gastric. n. a "edicinal decoction.
Z[ pcanatantra ] n digestive syste".
![ pcanab)%&i ] n a truncheon for driving cattle.
eZ[ pcanayantra ] n the digestive or gastric organ.
[ pcra ] n act of fnishing or consu"ing( slaughter, "urder( secret
re"oval (and hiding)( kidnapping( s"uggling( act or re"oving secretly and
doing away. v. to fnish( to consu"e( to slay, to "urder, (coll.) to do
in( to re"ove secretly (and conceal)( to kidnap( to s"uggle( to re"ove
secretly and do away.
[ pcik ] fe" of
?[ pcya ] a that which can be or is to be cooked( digestive, digestible.
[ pcha ] n the back part, the back.
!-![ pcha)%&#pcha)%&i ] n scuBe, "utual grappling.
0[ pchadu#ra ] n a back-door, a postern gate.
[ pchatal ] n the lower half of the body( the back part of a dwelling-
[ pch ] n the hip, the buttocks( the loins( the posteriors, the ru"p.
-![ pch#p)%& ] a (of a wo"an&s cloth) having a broad lengthwise
furbelow in the "iddle.
[ pchu ] n the back ( B). a. finching, retreated. adv. (dial.) towards
one&s back, back ( h)( fro" behind ( g)( afterwards, later on (
.). prep. on the back of (` `@). . (dial.) v. to chase, to
pursue( to tease( to watch one closely with "ischievous intentions. #Gv.
to finch, to shrink back( to retreat. adv. & prep. on the back of, close
[ pch ] prep. ! adv sa"e as con. lest. sa"e as
C[ pji ] a "ean, vile( wicked( knavish( "ischievous( hare-brained. C
! e%tre"ely "ean or vile or wicked or knavish or "ischievous. C a
knave, a villain, a rogue, a scoundrel( a scapegrace( a varlet.
AC?[ pcajanya ] n ("yth.) the conch used to be blown by 5rishna (, -)
esp. in battles.
A4[ pcabr$ika ] a *uin*uennial.
A$[ pcabhautika ] a of or co"posed of the fve ele"ents na"ely the
earth, water, fre, air and at"osphere.
A[ pcli ] n a princess of 9anchal (A)( Vraupadi of the 3ahabharata.
][ pj ] n the fve playing-cards or dice( the pal" of a hand( an
i"pression of the pal"( a letter or per"it "arked with the i"pression of the
pal" of a king or an o=cial authority. ], ] !v. to try the strength of
each other&s wrist by sei7ing it and trying to turn it down.

[ pa
] n a well-curb.

[ pa
] n words and actions of a character in a play, a part. v. to
act one&s part.

[ pa
] n silk, linen( ,ute( a plank, a board ( )( a holy place (j*)(
a seat, an o=cial seat, a throne (@, )( ("yth.) the i"aginary
"ountain behind which the sun goes down whilst setting (@3 e4 )( a fold,
a plait (! , ). a. royal (#). v. to fold, to plait, to
pleat( (fg.) to give a sound drubbing. v. (of the sun) to set. @v. to
sit on a throne( to be seated on the o=cial seat( (of the sun) to set.
adv. in or by folds( in every fold.

[ pa
] n routine duties of a household. , Gv. to co"plete
the routine duties of a household( (fg.) to close down. @v. to co"plete
the routine duties of a household( (fg.) to co"plete a work.
[ pakla ] n a brickbat.
[ pana ] n a city, a habitation, a settle"ent ($! )( trade and
co""erce( sea trade. eGv. to set out on sea trade.
[ pani ] a grown or produced in 9atna( of 9atna.
[ pani ] n a ferry"an( a wharfnger.
[ pala ] a brick-red, pale and pink-coloured.
, [ pal, pali ] n the tru"pet-fower or its plant.
[ paka ] n leaves of the ,ute-plant used as a pot-herb.
[ p ] n (of wood) a plank, a board( (of "etals) a plate( a face or surface
( )( a docu"ent of purchase or leasehold of land. (fg.) courage
or daring.
[ ptana ] n a deck or foor (esp. one "ade of wood).
[ pli ] n a discoid solid tablet of "olasses.

, *
[ pi
, p
] n a fnely woven "at of a kind of a*uatic grass.

, *
[ pi
, p
] n orderliness( order, syste", "ethod( a row, a line
(02)( one of a pair (C )( a plait, a pleat (&# &)( household duties
(&@T@&)( reckoning by fgures (*:).
:, *: [ piga.ita, ppga.ita ] n arith"etic.
@ [ pi"pa ] n a kind of sweet patty or pie.
[ p#ra ] n a landowner&s or business "an&s e"ployee who collects
rents and keeps accounts( a "anufacturer of haberdashery esp. girdles and
strings of beads. a. very "uch calculating or cautious about e%penditure.
n. sa"e as (n.) a. relating to the aforesaid landowner&s or
business "an&s e"ployee( relating to haberdashery( very "uch calculating
or cautious about e%penditure. L shrewd or keen practical sense,
keen consciousness of one&s own interest or a+airs( circu"spection.
[ p ] n a docu"ent of purchase or leasehold of land( a fold, a plait, a
pleat (0)( a thick layer( "assive beard (). 0Gv. to sell or to
lease out (land.) Gv. to purchase or to take on lease (as land). ' 0n. a
lessor. '0 n. a leaseholder.
[ pha ] n reading, perusal( study( recitation( lesson( a reading of te%t
( B 3)( a te%t-book. v. to read, to peruse( to study( to reci.e.
uv. to learn or prepare one&s lesson. 0Gv. to give one a lesson.
Gv. to take lessons (fro" a teacher). n. a reader( one who studies(
a student, a pupil( a reciter( one who reads out or recites fro" scriptures( a
professional narrator of "ythological stories( a teacher, a reader. ' , # n. a
reading-roo", a study( a library. n. teaching. ' o n. a syllabus. ' >, ' a.
absorbed in reading or study. ' , 'K n. a reading-roo", a study( a library( a
school. ' 0 sa"e as 2 'a. engaged in reading or studying. ' n. a
pri"ary school. n. fondness for reading( devotion to study. *a.
fond of reading( devoted to study. 2 n. another te%t or a di+erent te%t or
reading or version. ?@v. to learn one&s lessons.
B4 * [ phrth ] a desirous of reading or studying. n. a student, a pupil( a
prospective student. fem. B4 * { L n. deciphering an obscure piece of
writing or passage.
[ phna ] n a 9athan, an Cfghan.
[ phik ] fe" of (see ).
[ phn ] v to send, to despatch( to trans"it. g v. to send for(
to su""on. v. to send infor"ation to so"e one through a
? [ phya ] a to be read( readable( prescribed for reading. ' o n. a syllabus.
'n. a syllabus( a book-list. ?4@the We%t-Book ;o""ittee. ' n.
a te%t-book. '@3n. curriculu". ?"#n. student life.
[ p)%&
] n bank, shore, "argin (of a sea, bay, river, lake, pond etc.)( a
"ound of earth raised round a piece of arable land( a well-curb!
[ p)%&
] n furbelow, founce, coloured or decorated border (as of a
cloth). !v. to furbelow, to founce.
[ p)%&
] n act of pedalling in an up-and-down "anner (as a husking-
pestle). !0Gv. to pedal in an up-and-down "anner.
[ p)%&
] n a cross-bea".
! [ p)%&na ] n bringing down( lowering( causing to co"e down.
[ p)%&
] v to bring down ( &!, B !)( to pluck (h !)( to
knock down (* * !h)( to cause to take to one&s bed, to
prostrate ( ! h)( to lay out ( !< to "ake a bed)( to lay
as eggs (g !< to lay an egg)( to pronounce loudly (!< to shout
abuses at)( to invoke as in sole"n appeal (0#!< to invoke as in sole"n
appeal, to call down or upon)( to re"ove, to clear (8 !< to clear the
[ p)%&
] n a s"all area of hu"an habitation containing a cluster of
houses, a locality (!). ! !. v. to stroll about idly in the
neighbourhood, to go round the locality.
!- 0 [ p)%&#kunduli ] a. fe" given to constant and boisterous brawling
with neighbours, *uarrelso"e, cantankerous, (cp.) ter"agant. n. fem. such
a wo"an, (cp.) a ter"agant or fre-eater.
!- [ p)%&#g ] n a rural area( countryside( a village.
! [ p)%&gm# ] a rural( rustic (lit. ! fg).
! [ p)%&n ] v to cause to bring down (h!) or pluck (h !)( to
induce to (! < to lull to sleep). !, !a. inducing to, inducive to
(! ). n. one who brings down fruit esp. fro" tall trees.
!-! [ p)%&#pa)%&i ] n neighbours( a neighbour. a. dwelling in one&s
neighbourhood (!-!).
: [ p.i ] n the hand. ' 9#, ' 9#:, ' *! n. "arriage, wedding. :9#:, :*!
v. to "arry, to wed. '=B4 *n. !a. one willing to "arry so"e body.
, [ p.)aba, p.)ab#a ] n a son of 5ing 9andu of the 3ahabharata.
A n. the fve sons of 5ing 9andu collectively( (fg.) a set of fve persons,
a *uintette. C4 a. (of lands and countries) not habitable or worth
visiting because avoided even by the 9andavas () during their so,ourn(
(pop.) uninhabited. @On. a friend of the 9andavas( 5rishna (, -).
[ p.) ] n a Brah"an priest acting as a guide to pilgri"s at holy places(
(dero.) a leader, a ring-leader.
? [ p.)itya ] n erudition, learning, scholarship( wisdo"( e%pertness, skill(
(dero.) pedantry. ' = n. ostentatious display of one&s learning by oneself,
parade of one&s learning( (iron.) act of betraying one&s ignorance or folly.
?*a. proud of one&s learning. fem. ?*
, [ p.)u, p.)ura ] n the pale yellow or whitish yellow colour, the
"ud colour( ,aundice( chlorosis, green sickness. a. pale yellow, white
yellow, "ud-coloured( pale( ,aundiced( chlorotic, etiolated. n.
,aundice, chlorosis.
, O, O? [ p.)ulipi, p.)ulkha, p.)ulkhya ] n a hand
written sheet or copy, a "anuscript( a draft not yet fnali7ed( a
(parlia"entary) bill.

[ pta
] n a fall or a shower (, >)( shedding or dropping (1)(
throwing or casting (0, >)( incidence, occurrence ()( ruin, destruction
(0#)( (astr.) a node (5 < the ascending node. k< the descending
node). v. to i"pair, to ruin, to destroy (* ).

[ pta
] n a leaf (as of a tree or book)( a sheet or foil (of "etal)( a leaf of
banana or sal () used as a dinner plate. v. to arrange for dinner by
laying leaves of banana or sal( to lay the table( to fatten into a sheet (#
). ' !n. fem. one who eats others& leavings( one who stills
hunger by eating others& leavings. v. to eat o+ another&s table like a
beggar( (fg.) to i"portune cringingly for another&s favour, to fawn on.
!v. (usu. dero.) to en,oy another&s hospitality. ' a. given to eating o+
another&s table( (fg.) cringingly i"portuning for another&s favour, currying
favour (with).
[ ptaka ] n sin. *a. sinful. n. a sinner. fem. *
O [ ptakhl ] n a piece of inco"pletely burnt potsherd.
[ ptagl ] n sheet-wa%.
] [ ptajala ] a of or co"piled by 9atan,ali, the 9hilosopher of ancient
Lndia. '04 n. the yoga (e) syste" of philosophy.
! [ pta)%& ] n a leaf of banana or sal () on which food has been taken(
a dish of fsh or vegetables fried or singed on a banana-leaf. !-sa"e as
! [ ptat)%&i ] n a bundle of pal"-leaves used (instead of paper) in
writing by a tyro. !v. (lit.) to put away the bundle of pal"-leaves
when the lesson is over( (fg.) to depart or deca"p, to *uit( to depart lock,
stock and barrel( (fg.) to close down or wind up (a business etc.).
[ ptana ] n act of throwing or hurling down( distillation( spreading(
overthrowing( killing( writing (_). 'eZ n. a retort.
[ ptanm ] n beginning, inception( preface.
[ ptal ] a diluted (0)( loose ( 0)( thin ( )( fne
(C !)( slender ()( sparse ( )( light ( )(
delicate ( *).
[ ptaluna ] n pantaloons( trousers( py,a"as.
#, [ ptaha, pta ] n (3us.) a king or an e"peror, a padishah.
#a. royal( i"perial.

[ pt
] a (used as a sfx.) one who pre serves or protects (w).

[ pt
] n a leaf (of a tree or a book)( a page (of a book)( a leaf of banana
or sal () used as a dinner-plate( a tree leaf used in writing as a substitute
for paper( a pleat, a plait, a braid( a lid (O)( the fat surface ().
O the eyelid. the instep( the foot. v. to arrange for
dinner by laying leaves of banana or sal ()( to lay the table. v. to
plait or braid (hair). ' -a. plaited, braided. sa"e as (see
-a. fat-footed( web-footed. v. sa"e as and !(see

). !, (coll.) - !

a. fem. earning one&s livelihood by collecting

dried leaves of trees( e%tre"ely indigent. n. fem. such a wo"an.

[ pt
] v to spread, to lay out ()( to place ready for use
()( to lay (h0 )( to install (3C )( to set up, to establish (@T@
, 0 )( to set, to e"ploy (`! , )( to stretch out to catch
or hold (# )( to bend down sub"issively ( )( to curdle, to congeal,
to free7e (0).
[ ptn ] v to cause to spread or lay out or place ready for use or lay
or install or set up or establish or e"ploy or stretch out for catching or bend
down sub"issively or congeal or free7e( to for" an alliance, relation etc.
where nothing natural e%ists (s < , @(s). a. in all the senses of
the v. and esp. for"ed by "utual consent only ( @).
# [ ptbhra ] n a tropical hedge-plant of the ;roton genus, the
Codiaeum variegatum.
[ ptla ] n the netherworld, the under world( :ades( hell. ' *n. the
capital city of the netherworld, :ades( the netherworld. ' @*a. inhabiting or
dwelling in the netherworld. fem. ' @*
[ ptlika ] a (geog.) sedi"entary, plutonic ( ).

[ pti
] n address, whereabouts.

[ pti
] n a row, a line ( ).

[ pti
] a (used as a pfx.) s"all or inferior. ' n. the co""on house
crow. ' n. a variety of le"on. ' n. the fo%. fem. ' the vi%en. ' #@ n.
(fem.) the duck( (masc.) the drake.
[ ptita ] a felled( fung down( knocked down( brought down, hu"bled(
? [ ptitya ] n the state of being socially cast out( "oral or religious fall,
degeneration, downfall, depravity.
[ ptipti ] adv line by line( "inutely( ransackingly. v. to
search line by line( to search "inutely, to ran sack, to ru""age, to "ake a
thorough search, to rife.
p? [ ptibratya ] n faithful or loyal devotion of a wife to her husband.
[ ptila ] n (dial.) a roundish earthen vessel used chiefy for cooking.
* [ pt ] a (used as a sfx.) falling (@0?f*)( falling away( included (_2f*)(
[ ptt ] n infor"ation, news( trace( address, whereabouts. sa"e
as { Gv. to fnd trace or whereabouts of( (fg.) to be
considered of so"e value or to be of so"e account. Gv. to lose
trace of( (fg.) to be of s"all account. .0Gv. to treat as of little or no
i"portance, to "ake light of, to take a di" view. v. to try to fnd
trace or whereabouts of.
[ ptra ] n a pot, a vessel, a utensil, a container( a "inister, a counsellor( a
deserving "an or an ob,ect (=T@)( a "an, a fellow ( )( a
"ale character in a play( bride groo"( a prospective bridegroo". 0Ov. to
interview a prospective bridegroo" for selection( to choose a bridegroo".
'+n. the bridegroo"&s people or party. ' n. pl. (a "onarch&s) courtiers and
friends. ' "# a. lying on or contained in a pot or vessel( (of a girl) wedded,
"arried. "# v. to give (a girl) in "arriage, to "arry, to wed. n.
deserving and undeserving persons. n. discri"ination between
deserving and undeserving persons. *n. fem. a deserving wo"an or a
fe"ale ob,ect( a fe"ale character in a play( a bride( a prospective bride. *
0Ov. to interview a prospective bride for selection( to choose a bride.
*+n. the bride&s people or party. e? n. a deserving person( a worthy
groo". e?*n. a worthy bride. @S n. sa"e as e?
B [ pthara ] n stone( a stone-"ade dinner plate( a precious stone, a ge"(
(fg.) beco"ing hardened by grief (0 fOB # eG)( a stone-hearted or
unfeeling person. B the "ost for"idable good fortune or good
ti"e. ' n. a stone-chip( rubble( an aro"atic "edicinal herb, stonewort. ' -
a. (fg.) incapable of thriving. ' n. li"e obtained by calcining calciu"
carbonate (as li"estone). 'n. a stone-cup.
B [ pthari ] n ("ed.) a stone-like concretion for"ed within the body,
calculus, concretion. 0B incrustation of saliva, calciu" phosphate etc.
for"ing on the teeth, tartar for"ed on teeth.
B [ pthra ] n the sea, the ocean( a vast e%panse of water.
B [ pthur ] a of stone( "ade of stone (B @)( full of stones (B 0)(
stone hard (B )( (fg.) unfeeling or undaunted or i"pregnable( stony.
B stone coal, anthracite.
B [ pth#a ] n travelling e%penses( allowance( (chiefy rel.) viaticu".
[ pda
] n (vul.) a fart.
[ pda
] n the foot( the leg( a step or pace (@V0 )( botto", foot
(400)( (of a tree) root (0)( (of a verse) a line( a *uarter (8 0 4 )(
(geo".) a *uadrant( a title of honour (= 0). ' + sa"e as 0+ (see 0).
'9#n. the ankle. ' 9#: n. act of touching another&s feet in obesiance. ' :, ' :,
0 sa"e as 0: (see 0). ' *n. a pedestrian. ' z sa"e as 0z (see 0).
'*n. a footnote. ' n. the sole (of the foot). ' : n. boot, shoe. ' Cn.
(geo".) a pedal triangle. ' 0 n. the region at or around the foot or root or
botto". ' n. feet reverentially conceived as a pair of lotuses. ' * n. a foot-
stool. ' 3: n. act of co"posing the "issing line of a verse etc.( an e%pletive(
(,ournalese) a short poe" or *uotation printed to fll up the blank space at
the botto" of a page of a periodical. 03: v. to supply the "issing line of
a verse( to fll up the blank space. ' , > n. the in step. 0=+ v. to rub and
wash one&s feet (and also legs). ' =0* n. a footlight( (fg.) li"elight. ' =# n. a
kick. 0=#v. to kick. ' Kn. respect shown to a revered person by
touching his or her feet. ' a. travelling esp. on foot, pedestrian. ' + sa"e
as 0+ (see 0). ' 3n. the sole (of feet)( the heel( the botto". ' # sa"e
as 0# (see 0). ' un. a s"all hill at the foot of a "ountain. ' n.
chilblain( kibe. '@T"# n. (astr.) *uadrature.
0 [ pdapa ] n a tree, a plant.
0, P [ pdari, pdri ] n a ;hristian clergy"an or ecclesiastical preacher, a
0 [ pd ] v (vul.) to fart.
0N [ pd0guli ] n the toe.
0, 0 [ pdna, pdni ] n a footboard.
0 [ pduk ] n boot, shoe, slipper( footwear. 0-#a. booted, shoed.
00 [ pddaka ] n the water with which the feet of a gracious or reverend
person has been washed (a few drops of this water is taken by a devotee).
0? [ pdya ] n water for washing the feet (and also legs.)

[ pna
] n betel-leaf. , T , di+erent kinds of betel-
leaves. OGv. to chew betel leaf together with betel-nut, catechu, li"e
etc. B O@v. (fg.) to co""it a very negligible o+ence or lapse.
@Cv. to for" a s"all conical cup of betel leaf after putting betel-nut,
catechu, li"e etc. within this cup. n. a betel-bo%.

[ pna
] n (of iron and baser "etals) te"per, annealing( (of gold and
noble "etals) alloy. 0Gv. to te"per, to anneal( to alloy.

[ pna
] n drinking( act of drinking wine (0)( (fg.) thorough
en,oy"ent (@$Ke4). v. to drink( to drink wine( (fg.) to en,oy
[ pni ] n (obs.) slipper, (esp.) wooden slipper (& # G&).
[ pnaka ] n a drink of sweetened diluted fruit ,uices, sharbat( water
$! [ pnakau)%&i ] n a species of a diver( the cor"orant.
)* [ pnag$h ] n a den of drunkards( a drinking party.
[ pnati ] n a high-ri""ed "etal dish (used at dinner, in cooking etc.)
[ pnatu# ] n a kind of ball-shaped sweet "eat "ade of posset and
soaked in a solution of sugar.
0 [ pnad$a ] n (unwholeso"e) drinking habit, addiction to drinking.
[ pnaptra ] n a drinking-cup( a goblet.
C [ pnabhjana ] n drinking and eating.
[ pnamar ] n (of gold and noble "etals) loss in weight owing to
$ [ pnaau.)a ] a given to drinking wine( boo7y. $ ?1 a drunkard(
a boo7er.
@ [ pna"i ] n a pinnace.
@ [ pna" ] a tasting like water for not being properly cooked ( @)(
watery in taste( insipid, dull, "ilk-and-water (@ B4 O)( lachry "ose
(@ ).

[ pn
] sf% like, rese"bling, see"ing to be (0 O).

[ pn
] n a sweet cold drink, sharbat ( ).

[ pn
] n width, breadth.

[ pn
] n a kind of a*uatic algae, water wort.
[ pnn ] v to "ake a calf such the udders of a cow repeatedly before
"ilking( (of baser "etals) to te"per, to anneal( (of noble "etals) to alloy.
[ pnpukura ] n a pond covered with or full of algae or waterwort( a
pond covered all over with water-hyacinth( a puddle.
@1 [ pn"akta ] a addicted to drinking wine, boo7y. fem. @1 {@1
?1 a drunkard. @1n. addiction to drinking.
[ pni ] n (usu. a"ong 3us. of Bengal) water. ' !n. an up-country
Brah"an selling or supplying drinking water (esp. to railway passengers.) ' h,
(dial.) hn. an a*uatic fruit, cress(es), (cp.) water-chestnut. ' @2, (pop.)
@2 n. chickenpo%.
* [ pn#a ] a that which is drunk( drinkable. n. a drink( a sweet drink,
sharbat( a cordial( an alcoholic or strong drink( a beverage( a potion. *C
drinking water.
[ pn ] prep in the direction of, towards, to (O).
2 [ pnt ] a old by "ore than one night( overnight( cooked overnight and
kept steeped in water (2)( stale (2 O). n. rice cooked overnight and
kept steeped in water. (2 (fg.) unnecessary or ludicrous spending of
a good or costly thing.
# [ pnha ] n a traveller, a wayfarer. ' D, ' 0 n. traveller&s tree or pal", the
Xavenala. ' @, ' n. a caravansarai( an inn( a wayside boarding-house( a
hotel( (loos.) a boarding-house.
y [ pnn ] n e"erald.
[ ppa ] n sin, vice( a religious or "oral lapse( wickedness( a cri"e( a
troubleso"e person or thing, a pest ( ). v. to co""it a sin,
to sin. * what a plague or pestY ' 4 n. a sinful or wicked act, a cri"e. ' 4,
', Ua. co""itting sins( given to vice or wickedness( sinful, sinning. ' + n.
rescue fro" sins or vice( re"ission of sins, absolution. +v. to rescue
fro" sins or vice( to absolve. ' 9# n. (astrol.) an inauspicious star or planet(
(fg.) an unavoidable evil person. ' a. destroying sins( rescuing fro" sins. ' C
a. sinful. ' sa"e as ' J n. the "ire of sin or vice. ' :? n. virtue and
vice, piety and sin. ' La. evil "inded, of sinful or wicked turn of "ind or
disposition. ' *a. sinful( sharing another&s sin(s). ' sa"e as L ' 1a.
freed or absolved fro" sins or vice. ' 1n. absolution fro" sins or vice.
' sa"e as + ' e n. (astrol.) an inauspicious or unholy planetary
con,unction. ' # sa"e as a. sa"e as 4 n. a sinful or
wicked act. *a. sa"e as 4 fem. :* sa"e as )
) n. co""ission of sins, practice of vice. sa"e as )@1a.
addicted to sin or vice, sinful( habitually co""itting sin( wicked. @1n.
addiction to sin or vice.
! [ ppa)%&i ] n a petal (of a fower).
* [ ppin ] fe" of *
[ ppi# ] n the Lndian nightingale, the hawk-cuckoo.
) [ ppi$ha ] a e%tre"ely sinful or wicked. fem. )
* [ pp ] a sinful( wicked( cri"inal( depraved. n. a sinner( a wicked
person( a cri"inal( a depraved person. *an old or hardened or
inveterate o+ender or sinner or cri"inal.
*@* [ pp#a" ] a. fe" sinful( wicked( cri"inal( adulterous. n. a sinful or
wicked wo"an( a fe"ale cri"inal( an adulteress.
[ ppa ] n a door"at.
[ pba ] n a ,oint( a knuckle (as of a fnger)( (bot.) a node( the space
between two nodes (as of the ba"boo).
[ pbaka ] n fre. a. purifying( sanctifying.
0 [ pbad ] n a species of fsh without scales.
[ pbana ] a (used chiefy as a sfx.) purifying or sanctifying ( )(
rescuing or saving (). n. purifcation or sanctifcation( fre. *a.
fem. of
[ pmara ] a "ost sinful or wicked( vilest( basest( ignorant or low (`).
fem. *
[ pmpa ] n a pu"p. v. to pu"p.
O [ p#akhn ] n a latrine, a lavatory, a privy, a toilet, a water-closet.
Ov. to ease oneself (of), to defecate, to evacuate.
[ p#acri ] n act of walking about (esp. at ease), pera"bulation( a
stroll. v. to walk about (at ease), to pera"bulate, to stroll, to pace up
and down, to a"ble.
C [ p#ajm ] n slacks, py,a"as.
0 [ p#adala ] adv walking, on foot.
[ p#ar ] a the pigeon( the dove. O, @ a pigeon-house, a
dovecot. O a pigeon-hole.
@, @y [ p#a"a, p#a"nna ] n a sweet dish prepared by boiling rice in
"ilk with sugar and other ingredients, sweet rice-porridge, (cp. fru"enty).
[ p# ] n a leg or foot of an article of furniture( a castor, a trundle( (dero.
or hu".) position or post or vanity. ' *n. vanity for holding a high post(
vanity. a. vainglorious of one&s high position( vain.
* [ p# ] a (used as a sfx.) drinking (?*), taking (3*).
[ p#u ] n the anus.
[ pra ] n the opposite or the other bank or shore( a bank, a shore, a coast,
a "argin( a border, an end, bounds( act of crossing or crossing over or
passing beyond( rescue, deliverance. v. to take or ferry (one) across (a
river, a sea etc.)( to take (one) to the opposite or the other bank( to conduct
one through (a way), to let pass( to deliver, to rescue. #Gv. to cross( to
cross over to the opposite or the other bank( to pass through( to get through
or get over (a di=culty). ! sa"e as
T [ pra0gama ] a co"petent, e=cient, capable( profcient (@47T)(
(rare) crossed over to the other bank or shore or end (of a river etc.).
[ praka ] a capable, co"petent( de%terous, skilful. ' n. capability,
co"petency( de%terity.
? [ prakya ] n alienage. 'e? a. alienable.
:, : [ pra.a, pra. ] n (act of taking) the frst "eal after the
co"pletion of a fast, breakfast (in the original sense). :, : v. to
break a fast by taking one&s "eal.
Z?[ pratantrya ] n dependence on another( subservience.
+ [ pratapak$ ] adv if it is possible or if it can be avoided.
[ pratrika ] a relating to the other world, e%tra-"undane( spiritual.
0 [ prada ] n *uicksilver, "ercury. ' j n. an a"alga". ' @ n. (che".) a
colu"n of "ercury.
04 * [ pradar ] a foresighted( e%perienced, ,udicious( e%pert, adept(
co"petent. fem. 04* 04n. foresight( e%perience( ,udiciousness,
e%pertness, adeptness( co"petency.
0 [ pradrika ] a guilty of violating another&s "arriage-bed, adulterous.
'n. adultery.
0e4 [ pradrya ] n violation of another&s "arriage bed, adultery.
? [ prabaya ] n dependence on another( subservience.
:, : [ pram.aba, pram.abika ] a ato"ic.
B4 [ pramrthika ] a concerning the ulti"ate Xeality or /od( theological(
[ pramia ] n a per"it.
e4 [ pramprya ] n serial succession or se*uence or regular continuity,
se*uence. ' #* a. without continuity or regularity( without seriality. ' #*n.
absence of continuity or seriality( absence of a regular order.
$ [ pralaukika ] a concerning the ne%t world, e%tra-"undane(
spiritual( conducive to the life in the ne%t world( obse*uial. $ o
[ pra ] n a species of s"all scaled fsh.
@ [ pra"i ] n the language of 9ersia, 9ersian( a 9arsee, a 9arasi( a 9ersian.
a. 9ersian( of the 9arsees (@ !). @a. 9ersian, Lranian. n. a
9ersian, an Lranian.
[ pra"parika ] a reciprocal( "utual (@4 ).
@? [ pra"ya ] n 9ersia, Lran.

[ pr
] n "ercury, *uicksilver. ' a. containing "ercury, "ercurial
( < "ercurial oint"ent).

[ pr
] prep. ! a (usu. poet.) like, as, rese"bling ().

[ pr
] v (aux.) to be able, can, "ay ( ). v. to do, to perfor", to
e%ecute, to "anage (@ 8 C )( to vie with, to co"pete with (@ @N
[ prni ] n the fare for ferrying, ferriage.
[ prpra ] n both banks or shores of a river, sea etc.( crossing or
ferrying a sea or a river. v. to ferry, to go across, to cross.
#Gv. to be ferried( to cross.
[ prbata ] n the pigeon( the dove. 4 #* a carrier-pigeon.
[ prbra ] n an ocean, a sea( both shores or banks of a sea, river etc.
: [ pr#a.a ] n co"pleteness, thoroughness( co"pletion( co"pletion of
reading a book within the f%ed ti"e.
C [ prijta ] n ("yth.) a never-fading heavenly fower or its plant, (cp.)
the a"arant(h).
[ prit$ika ] n a reward( a pri7e.
? [ pripya ] n orderliness( neatness( tidiness, spruceness.
w4 [ priprbika ] a surrounding( neighbouring. n. a courtier( a side-
actor assisting the principal one whilst the latter recites the prologue.
w4_"# environ"ent, surroundings.
[ pribrika ] a pertaining to or restricted to a fa"ily( characteristic of
a fa"ily, fa"ilial. ? a fa"ily a+air or "atter.
[ pribh$ika ] a concerning technical ter"inology( ter"inological,
technical (} < technical ter").
j [ priramika ] n re"uneration, fee.
0 [ pri$ada ] n a courtier( a councillor( a co"panion (esp. a cringing one)(
a toady( a fatterer.
@TO? [ pri"0khyika ] a statistical.
D [ prula ] n a species of tru"pet-fower or its plant.
D? [ pru$ya ] n haughtiness, arrogance( harshness, rudeness( strong
4 [ pri ] n a party.
B4? [ prthakya ] n di+erence( dissi"ilarity( distinction( (log.) di+erentia.
B4 [ prthiba ] a earthly, worldly, "undane( "aterial. n. a king.
4: [ prba.a ] n obse*uies to be perfor"ed on certain lunar days( (usu.
4:jL)( a fast, a festival, a festive day ($4:). 4:*n. a present or tip
given on feast days (esp. to servants and e"ployees).
4, 4? [ prbata, prbatya ] a of a "ountain or hill( "ountainous, hilly( born
or living on a "ountain or hill or in a hill-district( highland. 4*n. /oddess
Vurga (04 )( the daughter of the :i"alayas. 4? _A, 4? =0 a hill-
district, a hilly region or country. 4? 5F0 "ountain vegetation. 4? C a
hilltribe. 4?C a hill-"an, a highlander (pl. hill-folk).
4 r [ prlmna ] n a parlia"ent.
w4 [ prba ] n a side, a fank (0+:w4 )( end, border (w4 )( "argin, brink,
bri", edge (Bw4 )( bank or shore (of a river, sea etc.)( ad,acent space,
vicinity (, #w4 )( co"pany, presence (7*w4B)( co"parison (@3 e4w4 \ ).
'a. close to, very near, ad,acent. ' 9On. (geog.) a lateral "oraine. ' n. a
co"panion( an attendant( a follower, a servant( a toady, a sycophant. fem.
w4* ' n. a profle. ' adv. by or fro" or on or to a side or fank, sidewise,
sidewards, edgeways, sideling, fanking. ' 0 n. a fank, a side. w4 -4 v.
to turn upon one side. ' 4 *, ' "# a. staying or situated alongside( neighbouring
(w44 *). fem. ' 4 *, ' "# ' n. sa"e as w40 w4 n. (in fl" or the
atre) an actor of a "inor or supporting role. w4 "#n. ribs( skeleton. w4, w4 *
a. lateral. w4 5So (phys.) lateral inversion. w4 adv. & prep. on or to the
side of( sidewise( alongside( by the side of, beside( in co"pany or presence
of( in co"parison to.
40 [ pr$ada ] n a courtier( a councillor( a co"panion( a today( a fatterer.
-4 [ pr$.i ] n the heel( the back( the rear (esp. of an ar"y). ' 9# n. an attack
fro" the rear.
@4 [ pr"la ] n a postal parcel. @4 v. to send by parcel post.
[ #pla
] a (used as a sfx.) preserving, protecting, defending, keeping
(#*, C?, 4, ).

[ pla
] n a sail (as of a boat). O, v. to set sail. v.
to strike sail. -a. under sail. @ - full sail.

[ pla
] n "ating or coupling (of beasts or birds.) 0Gv. to "ate or
couple (beasts or birds)( (esp. of horses) to sire.

[ pla
] n (of ani"als) a fock, a herd, a drove. 8 a litter of
puppies. 8 5 a drove of ca"els. 8D- a herd of cattle. 8
! a pack of wolves. 8! a fock of sheep. 8 a brood of
chickens. 8 #: a herd of deer. 0 the leader of a herd( (dero.) a
T [ pla ] n a species of spinach used as a pot-herb.

[ plaka
] n (of birds) a wing( a feather.

[ plaka
] a one who brings up or rears or nurses or fosters or protects
or preserves or defends or breeds or keeps or observes or "aintains. n. an
upbringer, a rearer( a fosterer or nurse( a protector, a preserver, a guardian,
a defender( a breeder( a fancier, a keeper( an observer, a co"plier, a fulfller(
a "aintainer. 'n. a foster father (fem2 a foster-"other).
[ plaki ] n a palan*uin, a palki, palkee. -#n. a palan*uin-bearer.
J, i
[ pla0ka, pla0a
] n a costly bedstead or cot( a divan, a sofa.
' n. a bed-cover( a cover for a divan( a divan and a bed( a divan.
[ pla ] a contrary, counteracting, revoking, opposing, counter( return(
e%changing. _e sa"e as { `o: a counter attack.
`Z: a return invitation. C a retort. a counter charge,
a counter co"plaint. a counter case. x a counter"and.
v. to revoke( to change, to alter. ' n. e%change( act of changing for
or with another. v. to e%change, to change for or with another( to

[ plai
] a (of a fa"ily) being on e*ual social footing with another
"aking thereby "atri"onial alliance per"issible and possible. ' n. a fa"ily
of e*ual social status or footing.

, [ plai
, plai# ] v. i"perf (poet.) returning or turning back.
[ plana ] n upbringing, rearing (@2)( nursing or fostering ( @2
)( "aintenance (?)( keeping, breeding, tending (.)( nourish
"ent (*)( protection, preservation, defence (C?, 4)(
observance, co"pliance (, `0)( fulfl"ent (=).
v. to bring up, to rear( to foster or nurse( to "aintain( to keep, to breed, to
tend, to fancy( to nourish( to protect, to preserve, to guard, to defend( to ob
serve, to co"ply (with)( to fulfl. ' 4 n. sa"e as
(n.). fem. ' 4* * a.
to be brought up or reared or nursed or fostered or "aintained or kept or
bred or nourished or protected or preserved or defended or observed or
co"plied (with) or fulflled or carried out.
4:[ plaprba.a ] n di+erent festivals religious and secular collectively.
[ plalika ] a alluvial. alluvial rock.

[ pl
] n a turn (8 O )( a period or spell( the story or plot
of a dra"a or a poe" (@y?@ ). 'oadv. by turns. ' n. a narrative song
or "usical play. ' n. re"ittent or periodic fever.
[ plna ] n a panel (of a beast of burden)( a packsaddle( a cow&s udder
or teat.
[ pln ] v to fee, to run away, to show a clean pair of heels( to play
truant, to "ooch, to "ouch. a. runaway( fugitive( truant. 6ee also the for.

[ pli
] n the 9ali language, 9ali.

[ pli
] n a line( a row( a "ultitude( an end, a "argin( a dry "easure of
grains (over A kilogra"s).
[ plik ] fe" of

[ plita ] a ta"ed or pet ( .+*)( brought up, reared( nursed or

fostered( "aintained, kept, bred( nourished( protected, preserved, defended(
observed, co"plied (with)( fulflled. fem. ' ?n. fem. a foster-
daughter. ' n. a foster-son. '@2 n. a foster-child.
*[ plin ] a. fe" (used as a sfx.) sa"e as (CS*).
[ plia ] n polish. 5 apparent polish or refne"ent. v. to
polish. '-a. polished.
[ plui ] n a stack (of paddy or hay).
[ pl ] n starch obtained fro" 7edoary etc.( gruel of this starch.
[ pl#na ] n a wrestler( a gy"nast( a burly "an. a. burly( adept in
gy"nastics( heroic. n. burliness( herois"( gy"nastics. a. of a
wrestler or wrestling( of a gy"nast( gy"nastic.
[ pll ] n a thin layer, a strip (8 !)( either of a pair as a leaf of a
door (0C )( a lid or shutter "oving on a hinge( a scale-pan (0!)( a
bea" of balance, a scale( a "ass of "etal used for fnding weight, a weight(
co"petition, distance (03)( speed ( )( range, reach (K )( hold,
grasp, clutches, snares, toils ( !)( co"pany, association (_@U @N*).
v. to put a weight (on a scale-pan). 0Gv. to co"pete (with), to
vie (with). !v. to run under the infuence of( to get into the clutches of,
to be caught in the toils of( to turn into the co"pany of.

[ pa
] n act of passing an e%a"ination( a written per"ission, a pass
() a free or co"pli"entary ticket ( B ). a. got through
an e%a"ination, passed. v. to pass (an e%a"ination)( to sanction or
pass. v. to help or "ake one pass an e%a"ination( to let (one) pass
through (as a gate). #Gv. to pass an e%a"ination( to be passed or
sanctioned( to be allowed to pass through. ( n. (in e%a"ination or test)
pass "arks.

[ pa
] n an apparatus for spraying, a spray ().

[ pa
] n an ancient Lndian "issile by throwing which an adversary
could be fastened (cp. lasso)( a tie, a noose, a bond, bondage ( C, #)(
a trap, a snare ()( a string, a rope( a bunch or tuft of longish things

, [ pa
, paka ] n (playing) dice.
o*![ pakr)%& ] n dice-play.
[ paba ] a relating to a beast( beastly, bestial, brutal( inhu"an. ' n.
beastliness, bestiality, brutality( inhu"anity. brute force. ' =, beastly
propensity or inclination.
L[ pabaddha ] a entrapped, ensnared.
[ pablia ] n a bolster.

[ p
] n a Wurkish title given to gover nors, o=cials, and "en of
i"portance( 9asha.

[ p
] n (playing) dice. 'On. dice-play. Ov. to play at dice, to cast
or throw dice.
[ ppi ] a lying or situated side by side( contiguous( ad,acent(
ad,oining (!)( neighbouring (8). adv. side by side(
abreast, cheeck by ,owl, alongside.
* [ p ] a ar"ed with the ancient "issile for binding an adversary (see

). n. 8aruna (D:) the river-god or Za"a (e) the god of death( a hunter,
a fowler.
. [ pupata ] a of 6hiva (). n. the na"e of 6hiva&s weapon.
[ p ] adv. ! prep on or to the side of( alongside( beside( by the side of(
side wise( in presence or co"pany of.
?, ? [ pctya, pcttya ] a of the west or the western world,
western, occidental( hinder( following. n. the western world (that is Europe,
C"erica and Custralia)( the Fest, the Sccident.
[ p$a.)a ] a atheistic, godless( heretical( in veterately sinful( e%tre"ely
wicked and hard-hearted. n. an atheist, a godless person( a heretic( an
inveterate sinner( an e%tre"ely wicked and hard hearted person.
: [ p$.a ] n stone( a weight put on a scale pan to ad,ust or e*uipoise a
bea" of balance( (fg.) a stone-hearted "an ( :). a. (chiefy used as a
sfx.) "ade of stone( of stone( stonelike( unfeeling, pitiless( stone-hearted
(:)( callous ( :). ' ? a. stone-like, stony( (fg.) unfeeling,
insensate( i""obile, un"oved, still. ' =* n. a stone-wall. ' -0a. sa"e as
:0* ' n. a weight as heavy as stone. ' 0*a. able to pierce even stone(
heart-rending. ' 34 n. a stone i"age, a statue of stone. ' 0 a. stone-hearted(
pitiless. :*n. fem. a stone-hearted wo"an.
@, @: [ p"arana, p"ara.a ] n (poet.) act of forgetting, oblivion.
@ [ p"ar ] v (poet.) to forget.
#! [ ph)%& ]n a hill, a rock( a "ountain( a dune( a "ound ( #!)( bank
or coast (esp. a steep and high one), upland( (fg.) a heap ( >#!).
'n. a valley, a dale( a level tract of land at the foot of a hill. #!
, #!a.
of hills and "ountains( hilly( "ountainous( lying or growing or dwelling on
hills or "ountains( hill-born( highland( (fg.) huge (#! 5), terrible
(#!< a terrible wo"an( a virago), inveterate (#!0). #!
n. a
hill"an, a highlander( a hill-tribe. #!sa"e as #!
and #!

# [ phr ] n watching or guarding( a watch, a watch"an, a watcher, a

sentinel, a sentry, a guard, a guards"an. #0Gv. to watch, to guard, to
sentinel, to patrol. 'G, 'Gn. a watch "an( a constable( a police"an.
[ phuna
] a (poet. ! obs.) stone-hearted. cruel (&D x&).
[ phuna
] a (poet ! obs.) a visitor, one away fro" ho"e (&2 x&).
5 [ piuri ] n a yellow pig"ent "ade fro" the cow&s urine.
55 [ piupiu ] int. ! n the note or cooing of the hawk-cuckoo.
[ pincui ] n "ucus or catarrh e%uding fro" eyes. O 0 ! eyes
are running.
C [ pinj ] v to open out the fbres of (cotton, wool etc.), to co"b or card
(wool, cotton, he"p etc.), to tease( (of cloth) to open out into fbres
(0OC ).
! [ pimpa)%& ] n the ant.

[ pika
] n the cuckoo.

[ pika
] n spittle( spittle thrown out after chewing betel-leaves. hv.
to spit( to spit after chewing betel-leaves.
[ pikatna ] n a cuckoo&s call or note.
0, 0 [ pikadna, pikadni ] n a spittoon.
[ pikanika ] n picnic.
T [ piki ] n picketing (as by trade-unionists). T v. to picket.
N [ pi0gala ] n the yellowish brown colour, "ud-colour. a. yellowish
brown, "ud-coloured. fem. a. N

[ pica
] n a ,uicy stone-fruit, peach.

[ pica
] n (in cricket) pitch.

[ pica
] n a black residue of distillation of tar, pitch. '-a. pitched, tarred
( ). 0G, v. to pitch, to tar.
[ picakri ] n a syringe( a s*uirt( a spray.
g4 [ picabr)a ] n pasteboard( cardboard.
;, ; [ picchila, picchala ] a slippery( slabbery.
, [ picha, pichana ] n the back( the backside, the rear( (fg.) the
past. v. to go or "ove backwards( to retrograde( to return or recede.
G, 0Ov. to look to one&s own back( to look back( (fg.) to look to
or consider the past. , on the back of, at the heels of.
hv. to turn back( to look back( (fg.) to look to or consider the past.
, n. (lit.) a pull fro" the back( (fg.) attach"ent to one&s fa"ily
circle which retards or i"pedes one&s progress. a. taken aback, recoiled(
reluctant. #Gv. to be taken aback, to recoil, to finch (in fear, pain etc.)(
to be reluctant. !a. pinioned at the back. ! to pinion one at
one&s back. v. to tease or ve% (so"ebody)( to "ake fun play fully or
[ pichaln ] v to slip, to slide, to glide.
[ pichn ] v to fall back( to recoil, to finch( to back out( to retreat, to
beat a retreat( to "ove (towards one&s) back( to put o+ or be put o+, to
postpone or be postponed, to defer or be deferred.
[ pichil ] a (poet. ! obs.) postern (& @ &).
[ pich ] prep at the back of( on the back of( towards the back of. adv.
backwards( towards or in the past. on the back of, at one&s heels,
following, pursuing.
Cg4 [ pijabr)a ] n pasteboard.
] [ pijana ] n act of opening out the fbres of cotton, wool, etc.( teasing( an
apparatus for teasing.
] [ pijara ] n a cage( the ribs( the thora%. ]L a. incaged. encaged.
]Lv. to incage, to encage.
] [ pijik ] n a skein or roll or wisp of carded cotton.
[ pian ] n a s"all cudgel for ra""ing the roof or the foor of a building,
a ra""er.
[ piapia ] int e%pressing2 twitching as of the eye, fickering as of a
la"p, peevishness, fastidiousness or "ania for cleanliness. ,
v. (of the eye etc.) to twitch, to bat (an eyelid)( (of a la"p etc.) to
ficker( to behave peevishly or fastidiously( to show a "ania for cleanliness.
twitching as of the eye( fickering as of a la"p( peevishness(
fastidiousness( a "ania for cleanliness. a. peevish( fastidious( over-
scrupulous( stickler( stricken with a "ania for cleanliness.
, [ pi, pin ] v to strike, to beat (#)( to pound, to batter,
to ra" (0)( to whip up or switch, to thrash ( ). a. beaten(
ra""ed( thrashed( shaped by beating, wrought ( #). , , (pop.)
n. act of beating or ra""ing or thrashing( a drubbing ( OG).
punitive police. C punitive ta%, punitive fne.
[ pili ] n a paste "ade of pounded rice, used as a cooking ingredient.
[ piiana ] n a petition. v. to petition. '*n. a petitioner.
[ piha ] n the back( the rear( i""ediate succession ( )( a surface or
face (8G)( (in a ga"e of cards) a trick. !v. to pat on the back(
to dru" one&s back lightly, (idio.) to encourage patroni7ingly or with an air of
superiority. ! v. to fog severely. back to back( on the
back of( i""ediately succeeding in birth, born ne%t.
[ pih ] n a sweet pie, a kind of cake.
[ pihpihi ] adv. ! a sa"e as (see ).
[ pi.)a ] n a lu"p( a conglo"erated "ass( (loos.) anything ball-shaped, a
ball( food o+ering to the "anes of forefathers( a lu"p of food( the body (as a
conglo"erated "ass of A3 or the fve ele"ents). ' OC 4 , (coll.) OC n.
dates preserved in lu"ps, lu"p-dates. ' 0, ' 0a. scripturally authori7ed to give
food-o+ering to the "anes( giving food-o+ering to the "anes( providing with
food. n. such a "an. fem. 0, 0* '0 n. the sacra"ent of food-o+ering
to the "anes. 0 v. to o+er food to the "anes. ' n. e%tinction or
absence of persons or descendants autho ri7ed to o+er food to one&s "anes(
e%tinction of one&s line of descent. ' * n. the body (as a conglo"erated "ass
of A3 or fve ele"ents).
, , [ pi.)kra, pi.)k-ti ] a shaped like a lu"p( round and
[ pi.)ita ] a shaped into a lu"p, conglo"erated( conglo"erate.
*3 [ pi.)bhta ] a conglo"erate.
OC [ pi.) khjura ] n dates preserved in lu"ps, lu"p-dates.
f [ pitG ] int S father (cp. abba).
[ pitala ] n brass. n. a bra7ier.
[ pit ] n father. ' # n. one&s father&s father or uncle, a grandfather or a
grand uncle( an appellation of Brah"a (p). ' #*n. fem. one&s father&s "other
or aunt, a grand"other or a grand-aunt.
, [ pit- ] n (chiefy used as a pfx.) father. ' `bn. father&s co""and. ' : n.
one&s obligation to one&s father, flial obligation( debt incurred by one&s father
(esp. that which should be paid o+ by children). ' 4 sa"e as , , ? ' a.
father-like, fatherly. n. sa"e as ' , ? ' e4 sa"e as ' , ? ' n. one&s father&s
line, spearside. ' , ?, ' on. obse*uial rites perfor"ed in honour of the "anes
of one&s father and forefathers. ' : n. ("yth.) heavenly sages (collectively)
fro" who" the hu"an race has evolved( "anes of the forefathers of
"ankind or of an individual( dead ancestors or forbears or forefathers. ' , # n.
father&s house or fa"ily. ' , ' *, ' sa"e as , #2 ' 4: n. water-o+ering to
the "anes of one&s forefather, (cp.) libation. ' ? a. father-like, fatherly. ' < n.
paternity, fatherhood. ' 0a. given or trans"itted by one&s father( (rare) given
to one&s father. ' 0 n. the sole"n obligation of perfor"ing the obse*uial rites
of one&s deceased father. , 09 #Gv. to be under the sole"n obligation of
perfor"ing the obse*uial rites of one&s deceased father. ' 0 n. father looked
upon as a deity (used as a ter" of respect). ' n. patri"ony. , @To2 a.
patri"onial. ' +n. the dark fortnight i""ediately preceding the bright
fortnight of the "onth of Cswin (`w)( one&s father&s side, spearside. ' D n.
an an cestor, a forefather. ' n. death or bereave"ent of one&s father. ' ? n.
a brother of one&s father, an uncle. , ? n. son of a paternal uncle, a
cousin. ' 1a. devoted or loyal to or fond of one&s father. ' 1n. devotion to or
fondness for one&s father, flial piety. ' , 0 n. the sole"n obligation of
perfor"ing the obse*uial rites of one&s deceased parents. ' , #* a. be reft of
parents, orphan. , , , eb sa"e as , , ? or , 4: ' e n. the route for
the ,ourney of the "anes to the lunar heaven or the region of the "oon for
settling there. ' >n. (astrol.) the location of the 7odiacal signs in one&s
horoscope indicating loss of one&s father. ' n. the region of the "oon
where the "anes dwell, the lunar heaven. ' n. grief or "ourning for one&s
deceased father. ' jL n. obse*uies of one&s deceased father. ' q@n. a father&s
sister, an aunt. ' @ sa"e as , ? ' @n. act of attending upon or serving
one&s father devotedly. ' "#* a. deserving to be respected as one&s father.
'#?n. parricide, patricide. ' #?3a. patricidal. ' #2a. guilty of parricide or
patricide. n. a parricide or patricide. fem. '#Z* ' #* a. fatherless. fem. , #*
[ pitta ] n bile, gall. !v. to lose appetite because of abstinence fro"
food when hungry. v. to have one&s ill-hu"our roused, to burn or boil
with indignation, to get cross or peered. ' n. the gall-bladder. ' a.
antibilious. ' n. bilious fever. ' n. abo"inable perversion or corruption
(fro" the fact that a fsh tastes bitter if its gallbladder is burst open and its
body s"eared with bile). ' n. bil iary ducts. ' a. antibilious. ' B, ' B n.
gall stone, biliary stone. ' n. ("ed.) biliary or bilious trouble or disorder.
'1n. plethora. ' +n. appease"ent of hunger by taking a s"all *uantity of
food( (sarcas.) a "ere show of gratifcation. +v. to appease one&s
hunger by taking a s"all *uantity of food( (sarcas.) to "ake one content or
be content with a "ere show of fulfl"ent of one&s desire. ' 3n. biliary colic.
[ pittala ] n brass. '4a. "ade of brass, bra7en. 'hn. a brass-plate.
@ [ pittti"ra ] n ("ed.) bilious or biliary diarrhoea.
[ pitta#a ] n the gall-bladder,
[ pitrla#a ] n father&s house (esp. of a "arried wo"an).
[ pidhna ] n a case, a sheath (as of a sword)( a lid( a covering.
[ pina ] n a pin. `, `v. to pin.
L [ pinaddha ] a tied, fastened (esp. to one&s body)( put on, worn.
[ pinka ] n the bow of 6hiva ()( a bow shaped "usical instru"ent of
6hiva( a trident (esp. that of 6hiva). ' *. n. 6hiva (), who carries a
in his hand.
g [ pinla k)a ] n the penal code.
[ pi.)ri ] n a band of "ercenary freebooters who operated in Lndia till
HRH[, the 9indaris.
s [ pindhana ] n (poet. ! obs.) act of putting on or wearing.
s [ pindh ] v (obs.) to put on, to wear. sGv. to dress (one) in.
@ [ pip" ] n thirst( (fg.) eager desire. @Gv. to feel thirsty.
@, @ 03 v. to *uench or slake one&s thirst( (fg.) to satisfy one&s
desire. @4 , @, @*, @ a. thirsty( (fg.) eagerly desirous (of.) fem.
@4 , @,, @*
* [ piplik ] n the ant.
[ pip ] n a cask, a barrel, a coop.
, * [ pippali, pippal ] n a s"all pungent seed of the pepper genus
used in "edicine( long pepper( its plant.
[ pi#ana ] n a post"an, a liveried "essenger, a foot"an, a peon.
C [ pi#ja ] n onion. Cn. a kind of chop "ade of "inced onion( light
purple colour( e+rontery, sauciness( i"pudent waggery. a. of light purple
0 [ pi#d ] n an ar"ed foot"an( a liveried "essenger( a process-server( a
baili+( (in chess) a pawn.

[ pi#n
] v (poet.) to "ake one drink, to cause to drink( to suckle.

[ pi#n
] n a piano.
[ pi#la ] n a kind of nut-tree( its nut or seed.
[ pira ] n a "usli" saint.
[ pirna ] n a loose outer gar"ent usu. worn by "en.
g [ pirmi)a ] n a pyra"id.
[ pirica ] n a saucer.
, , *, * [ pirita, piriti, pirta, pirti ] n love, a"our( a+ection(
attach"ent( secret or illicit love.

[ pila
] n a pill (of "edicine).

[ pila
] n the elephant( (in chess) the bishop.
[ pila kar ] v (in certain ga"es) to send (a ball or "arble) into the
pocket( to pocket ( ).
O [ pilakhn ] n a stable for housing elephants.
[ pilap ] n a thick pillar. '!n. act of building or f%ing or planting a pillar
to "ark out the boundaries.
[ pilapila ] int e%pressing2 a swar"ing crowd. v. to swar".
to co"e out swar"ingly.
@ C [ pila"uja ] n a la"p-stand.
[ pilu ] n an Lndian "usical "ode.
[ pica ] n a necrophagous evil spirit, a ghoul( (fg.) a "an of vile or
cruel or nauseating or abo"inable nature. fem. *, (inc.) * ' n.
de"onology. ' @L a. one who has "ade a ghoul one&s slave by "eans of
rigorous ascetic practices. fem. ' @L
[ piita ] n fesh( raw "eat.
. [ piuna ] a scandal-"ongering, talebearing( "alicious( cruel.
: [ pi$a.a ] n pulping( pressing( s*uee7ing( kneading( crushing( grinding,
pulveri7ation( pressure( oppression.
, [ pi$, p$ ] v to render into a paste by crushing, to crush to
powder, to pound, to pulp( to press( to s*uee7e( to knead( to crush( to grind,
to pulveri7e( to op press. , n. cost or charge of grinding( pulping(
pressing( s*uee7ing( kneading( crushing (to powder)( pounding, grinding,
pulveri7ation. , v. sa"e as , v. to cause to pulp
or press or s*uee7e or knead or crush or grind or pulveri7e.
> [ pi$a ] a pulped( pressed, s*uee7ed( crushed( ground, pulveri7ed(
> [ pi$aka ] n a kind of cake or sweet pie.
@ [ pi"atut ] a born of a sister of one&s father or father-in-law.
@g4 [ pi"abr)a ] n pasteboard.
@.! [ pi"au)%&i ] n. fe" a sister of one&s father-in-law.
@w. [ pi"abaura ] n the husband of a sister of one&s father-in-law.
@ [ pi"i ] n a father&s sister.
@ [ pi" ] n the husband of a sister of one&s father.
[ pi"tala ] n a pistol.
# [ pihita ] a sheathed, encased.
* [ pha ] n a low wooden seat on which one "ay sit in a s*uatting position(
an altar( a seat or a resort (esp. of a deity)( a holy place( ("yth.) any of the
ffty-one holy places where fell the pieces cut o+ fro" the body of 6ati (@*),
the wife of 6hiva ()( an institution or a place regarded with so"e sanctity
*! [ p)%&ka ] a oppressing, persecuting, tor"enting( forcing( insisting,
pressing, chastising( accepting esp. in "arriage (:*!). n. an oppressor(
a persecutor, a tor"entor( one who forces or insists (on) or presses( a
chastiser( one who accepts esp. in "arriage.
*! [ p)%&na ] n oppression, persecution, tor"ent( forcing( insistence,
pressure( chastise"ent( acceptance esp. in "arriage (:*!). *! v. to
press, to persecute, to tor"ent( to force( to insist, to chastise( to accept esp.
in "arriage.
*! [ p)%& ] n trouble, pain, su+ering, distress, aBiction (f*!)( a disease,
an ail"ent, a disorder ( *!) *!0Gv. to aBict, to distress.
*!9 [ p)%&gra"ta ] a ailing, sick, diseased.
*!C, *!0 [ p)%&janaka, p)%&d#aka ] a distressing, causing illness.
*!*! [ p)%&p)%&i ] n repeated insistence or i"portunities or forcing.
*!*! v. to insist (on) or i"portune or force repeatedly, to pester, to
press for.
*! [ p)%&ita ] a sick, ill, ailing( diseased( aBicted( distressed, oppressed.
fem. *!
*g? [ p)yamna ] a in the state of being oppressed or persecuted.
[ pta
] a (of a drink) drunk, swallowed.
[ pta
] n the yellow colour. a. yellow. ' K n. yellow sandalwood or a
paste "ade of it. ' n. yellow fever. ' !n. a piece of loin-cloth dyed in yellow
esp. one such as worn by 5rishna (, -). ' @, *( n. a yellow loin cloth(
5rishna (, -). a. wearing a yellow loin-cloth.
* [ ptbha ] a yellowish.
* [ pna ] a plu"p, pleasantly fat and rounded, ' n. a wo"an&s plu"p
*@ [ pna"a ] n o7aena.
*y [ pnnnata ] a plu"p and ,utting out. ' a wo"an&s plu"p and
pro"inent breasts.
* [ pbara ] a plu"p( corpulent, burly( well developed( sturdy. fem. *,
*e3 [ py$a ] n nectar, a"brosia.
[ pumi ] n bassella, the Lndian spinach, a creeper used as a pot-herb. ,
a. creeping( very slender ( @). G, Gv. to be attacked
with rickets. -G, -Ga. a+ected with rickets, rickety.
[ puncak ] a tiny.
C [ punja ] n purulent "atter for"ed in boils, ulcer, wound etc. C #G, C
Cv. to suppurate. C #Gv. to discharge pus, to secrete pus.
C [ punji ] n "oney saved up( cash in hand( capital "oney, capital( savings(
resources( possessions, belongings( an accu"ulated heap, an accu"ulation.
'n. one&s "ovable and i""ovable possessions or assets or property(
savings. '0 n. capitalis". '0*a. capitalist, capitalistic. n. a capitalist.
[ punali ] n a s"all bundle or baggage.
[ puni ] n a tiny fresh-water fsh. =: (fg.) a short-lived or frail
person( a weakling( a very narrow-"inded person. hh bragging of
a "an of little or no i"portance.
[ pun ] n the ends of a kind of bangle( a kind of button.
[ punti ] n a kind of s"all pearl-shaped ball of glass with a s"all hole
through it, bead. a string of these balls, a string or necklace of
B [ punthi ] n a book( an ancient "anuscript. B !v. to lengthen out
unnecessarily. ' a. contained in or available in books only( bookish. B
0? book-learning. ' n. books and papers. ' n. a library( a "useu" or a
repository of ancient "anuscript.
[ pukura ] n a pond, a tank, a pool. v. to e%cavate a pond.
v. to dredge a tank. =) v. to perfor" sole"n rites before
putting a newly e%cavated pond to use. ' n. an unbelievably tre"endous
M [ pu0kha ] n the botto" part of an arrow. MMa. thorough( thorough-
going( "inute( detailed( "inutely searching or scrutini7ing. MMadv.
"inutely, thoroughly, in every detail.
N [ pu0gaba ] n the o%( the bull( (as a sfx.) the best or greatest speci"en
(N, , N).
; [ puccha ] n the tail( the posteriors( the back part( the rear. ' #* a. tailless.
[ pucha ] n interrogation, *uestioning( in*uiry.
, [ puch, pch ] v to ask, to in*uire, to *uestion, to interrogate( to
pay heed to, to attach i"portance to ( 5 ).
] [ puja ] n an accu"ulation, a collection, a heap, a pile, a "ass, a
"ultitude( a crowd. ' n. see under ], ]*3 a. accu"ulated,
collected, piled up( a"assed( crowded, thronged. ]*, a. that which has
been accu"ulated or collected or piled up or a"assed.
]*: [ pujga.itaka ] n capital accounts.

[ pua
] n the part of the body lying between the top e%tre"ity of the
spine and the ar"pit( the length of this part. ' #n. the "easure"ent of
length fro" the top e%tre"ity of the spine to the wrist.

[ pua
] n a container, a vessel, a cup (:4)( anything with which so"e
thing is held or caught or sei7ed or covered (+)( a crucible for boiling
"edicinal herbs etc. ().
T [ pui ] n putty. T, T 0Gv. to putty.
[ puita ] a boiled in a crucible( covered( strung (as a garland)( kneaded.
gT [ pu)i ] n pudding.
! [ pu)%&na ] n burning( scalding, scorching( calcination( incineration(
infa""ation( state of beco"ing very hot, aBiction.
* [ pu.)arka ] n the white lotus. *+n. one with eyes as white as a
pair of white lotuses( 8ishnu (- ) or 5rishna (, -).
-, - [ pu.)ra, pu.)raka ] n sugarcane( a sectarian "ark on the forehead(
an ancient race of Bengal.
:? [ pu.ya ] n virtue, piety. a. (used as a pfx.) holy, sacred( virtuous, pious.
'4 n. an act of piety or virtue. '4a. one who does or has done acts of piety or
virtue. ' n. a holy tide. ' *4 a. celebrated for piety or virtuousness. ' + n.
decay or waning of the strength of one&s piety or virtue. ' + ' *B4 n. a holy
place( a place of pilgri"age. ' Bn. an auspicious lunar day for rituals( an
auspicious day or ti"e. ' a. fem. (of rivers) containing holy water. ' 0 a.
adding to one&s piety or virtue( holy. fem. :?0 '04 a. one whose sight adds
to another&s piety or virtue. ' n. a sacred or holy abode( heaven. ' hn. the
reward of or return for one&s piety or virtue. ' hadv. in return for ac*uired or
accu"ulated virtue or "erit. ' *fem. of :? 'n. the strength or force of
one&s piety or virtue. ' adv. by dint of the force of ac*uired "erit or virtue.
' a. pious, virtuous( holy. ' 3 n. a holy land. ' e n. (astrol.) an auspicious
con,unction of stars or an auspicious ti"e for perfor"ing sole"n rites. ' a.
obtained or earned by dint of one&s piety or virtuousness. ' n. attain"ent
or earning of piety or virtue. ' n. a holy sphere or region( heaven( a pious
or holy"an. ' n. earnest desire for attaining or earning piety or virtue.
'*a. earnestly desirous of earning piety or virtue. ' *a. given to
perfor"ing acts of piety or virtue. fem. ' * 'a. celebrated for piety or
virtuousness( virtuous( holy. ' @A n. accu"ulation of piety or virtue. ' n. holy
bath( taking bath on a holy day or in a sacred river.
:? [ pu.ytm ] a pious, virtuous( holy.
:?# [ pu.yha ] n an auspicious day for perfor"ing sole"n rites.
[ putali ] n a puppet, a doll, a "arionette( a favourite or pet (# )(
the pupil of the eye, the apple of the eye ().
[ putuputu ] int e%pressing( e%cessive carefulness or attention or
fondling. v. to take care of or attend on over "uch, to fondle
[ putula ] n a doll, a puppet, a "arionette( an instru"ent in another&s
hand( one who acts ,ust as another tells hi", a cat&s paw, an idol. ' On. a
children&s (esp. girls&) play in which an i"aginary house-hold is built up with
puppets as its "e"bers( (fg.) a "eaningless action, a children&s play( a
triviality. ' n. a puppet-show, a puppet-play. n. a puppet-player.
'Cn. (sarcas.) idolatry. () # a puppet in another&s hand, a cat&s-
[ puttala ] n a ,ack-straw, an e=gy( a puppet, a doll, a "arionette.

[ puttali
] n a pupa.
[ puttik ] n the white ant( the bee.
[ putra ] n a son( (in a+ectionate address) one who "ay be regarded as a
son. ' n. son and wife. ' a. desirous of having a son. fem. ' '$ n.
son and grandson. ' $0n. future generations, posterity. ' $0oadv. fro"
one generation to another, in successive generations. ' *fem. of 'Ua.
& adv. like a son. S@a. fond of or a+ectionate to wards sons. ' 3 n. son&s
wife, daughter-in-law. ' a. having a son or sons. ' S@? n. love or a+ection for
sons. ' [ n. ,ewel of a son, a worthy or re"arkable son. ' n. grief caused by
the death of a son( the feeling of bereave"ent at the loss of a son. ' @2 n.
"ale child. ' #* a. sonless. ' B4 *a. desirous of having or wishing to have a son.
'B4 adv. with a view to getting a son. ' B4 oe4 "arriage only with a
view to getting a son. n. a daughter( a foster-daughter( a doll, a puppet.
*n. a daughter( (in a+ectionate address) one who "ay be regarded as a
daughter. * a. of or for a son. >, >n. an oblation perfor"ed for the
purpose of getting a son.
0 [ pudin ] n spear"int, "int.
[ punak ] a very s"all, tiny, wee.
y [ punnga ] n the white lotus, the white lily( a kind of fower-plant, the
nagakeshara ().
y [ punnmanaraka ] n a region of hell called 9ut (U) to which a sonless
person is conde"ned.
, , [ publa, publi, pub ] a co"ing or blowing fro" the east,

[ pura
] n relishing ingredients put into an article of food, stu=ng.

[ pura
] n a house, a dwelling-house, an abode (K)( a city, a town, a
village (#). ' 6 n. the gate of a city or a house. ' *n. fem. a wo"an
usually keeping to the 7enana( a housewife( a fe"ale "e"ber (esp. a
"arried one) of a fa"ily. ' K n. a na"e of Lndra (\), the king of gods. ' t*, 'tn. a
house wife( a "arried wo"an having her husband and children living. ' @*a.
in habiting a town or a village( living in a fa"ily. n. a citi7en, towns"an, a
villager( a "e"ber orin"ate of a fa"ily. fem. ' @* '+n. a warder or
warden of a house( a city guard. ' n. sa"e as * '@n. a presidency
"agistrate. '7* sa"e as *
f@ [ purG"ara ] a advanced. in comp. (used as a sfx.) having in front of,
having frst "ade or done (=:f@ < having "ade obeisance).
] [ purajana ] n the soul, life.
f [ puratG ] adv in front, before( for"erly.
2 [ puranta ] a plu"p( well-developed( co"plete( full-grown.
: [ puracara.a ] n worship of a deity with a view to attaining so"e end.
[ pura"kra ] n a reward( a pri7e( re"uneration( "eed( cordial reception,
welco"e (&@`@ &)( honour, felicitation. 0Gv. to
[ pura"kri# ] n rewarding( act of awarding a pri7e( act of re"unerating(
cordial reception( honouring, felicitation.
, [ pura"k-ta ] a rewarded( re"unerated( cordially received( honoured,
felicitated. , v. to reward.

[ pur
] adv before, for"erly, in the past, in ancient ti"es.

[ pur
] a (for.) entire, whole, co"plete, full( replete ( @). adv. full,
fully ( #)( co"pletely, thoroughly ( C).

, [ pur
, pr ] v to fll (@ C )( to stu+ (? !)( to
thrust in, to enter (O )( to put into, to confne (C ), to conceal
inside( to be flled (with) ()( to blow or sound as a wind-
instru"ent (&@ @N &)( to be satisfed or reali7ed or attained (`)(
to be co"pleted or acco"plished (C ).
[ purkla ] n ancient ti"es.
: [ pur.a ] n a "yth or "ythology (esp. of :indus). a. ancient( pri"ordial
(:D). ' 4 , ' n. an author of a "ythology. ' D n. /od. ' =@Ln. "ention in
the 9uranas or "ythology( long-standing fa"e.
[ purtattba ] n archaeology( anti*uities( ancient history. ' b, ' 0 a. versed
in archaeology or anti*uities or ancient history. n. an archaeologist( an
anti*uary, an anti*uarian( one versed in ancient history.
[ purtana ] a ancient( old( aged( backdated, out-of-date ( h?)(
long-standing ( =B)( e%perienced ( 4*)( inveterate (*)(
chronic ( ). fem. * 4*an old hand.
0 [ purda"tura ] adv to the fullest e%tent( co"pletely( thoroughly, in a
downright "anner. a. co"plete( downright( thorough, out-and-out,
?+ [ purdhyak$a ] n a governor of a city( a warden of a house.

[ purn
] a old( ancient( aged( backdated ( *).

[ purn
] v to fulfl, to satisfy( to fll.
[ purpuri ] a co"plete( thorough( full, entire( downright. adv.
co"pletely( thoroughly( fully, entirely( in a down right "anner( in e%tenso.
[ puri ] n a kind of s"all and thin saucer shaped brown bread fried in
clarifed butter.
[ puri# ] n a tiny packet( a dose of "edicine or other articles in a tiny
packet( an Lndian "usical "ode.
[ pur
] n a house, a palace, a residence (C*, \*)( a city( a title of
certain ascetics (w*).
* [ pur$a ] n faeces, e%cre"ent, stool( ordure, dung, droppings. *S@4 n.
evacuation of ordure on so"ething or so"ebody.
D [ puru ] a thick( fat( having a specifc nu"ber of folds (@D !).
D [ puru$a ] n "an( a "an( a "ale creature( a "anly "an, a he-"an (@ O
D)( (phil. ! theol.) the soul (D G=, )( /od( a generation (_D)(
(gr.) person (5 D< the frst person( ? D< the second person( =B
D< the third person). in comp. "ale, he (D C). D n. a super"an(
/od, the Cbsolute. D n. "anliness, prowess( intelligence( "anly e+ort.
DC* a. "ale( "asculine. ' < n. "asculinity( "anhood( "anliness, virility(
vigour( "asculine se%ual power. D<C4 .D<#*, D<#, D<3?,
D<#* a. lacking in "asculine se%ual power, i"potent( un"anly( e+e"inate(
lacking in vigour( faint-hearted. D<#n. loss of "asculine se%ual power,
i"potency. ' -n. succession of generations, lineal succession, heredity.
'oadv. fro" generation to generation, hereditarily. '-a. co"ing
down fro" generation to generation( inherited( hereditary( traditional. ' N n.
a high speci"en of hu"anity( a great "an( a big "an. ' = n. chief a"ongst
"en( (when attributed to /od) 6upre"e. ' ? n. a tiger of a "an. ' n. a
"an( a "ale( a "anly "an. ' 0 4 sa"e as D? 'j) sa"e as '= '@T# n. a
lion a"ongst "en. ' @ a. co""on to or beftting a "an( "asculine. DN n.
the "ale se%-organ, the penis. D n. the basest or vilest of "en( a dirty
fellow( a rascal( an e%tre"ely cowardly "an. Do sa"e as D-
Do sa"e as D- DB4 n. religious or spiritual attain"ent,
earning of wealth, reali7ation of desires and attain"ent of salvation( these
four "anly pursuits of life( happiness, bliss, salvation, beatitude. Dn.
"asculinity( "anliness, virility( (of a wo"an or a girl) to"boyishness. a.
"asculine( "anly, virile( (of a wo"an or girl) to"boyish. Da. proper for
a "an( beco"ing or beftting a "an( "anly. D n. an e%cellent "an( a
super"an( the 6upre"e Being, /od, 8ishnu (- ).
D> [ puru$u ] a (coll.) well-developed, plu".
, * [ purga, purgm ] a going before in point of ti"e or place,
preceding, leading( pioneering. a. gone before in point of ti"e or
g [ pur)a ] n thick saucer-shaped bread.
[ purdh ] n a priest( a pioneer, avant garde.
[ purn ] a old( ancient( backdated.
4 * [ purbart ] a lying in front( preceding( advanced( apical.
[ purbhga ] n the frst part or share( the front. u@?#* the
3 [ purbhmi ] n the foreground.
e* [ pury# ] a preceding( leading( inaugurating or founding.
# [ purhita ] n a priest.
[ pula ] n a bridge (as on a river).
[ pulaka ] n horripilation or goosefesh (usu. caused by a delightful feeling
or sensation)( a thrill (of ,oy or delight)( delight or ,oy. ' r, a.
horripilated in delight( (greatly) delighted. @ n. an outburst of delight.
@ [ pulai"a ] n a poultice.

[ puli
] n 9ort Blair in the Cnda"ans.

[ puli
] n a kind of sweet roll.
[ pulina ] n the part of a sandy beach or bank up to which the high-water
"ark reaches( (loos.) a sand-bank, a beach, shoal.
K [ pulind ] n a packet or bundle or parcel (esp. a s"all one).
G [ pulipl ] n deportation to 9ort Blair( (loos.) deportation,
, @ [ pulia, puli"a ] n the police( a police"an( a police constable.
, [ pu$, p$ ] v to bring up( to cherish (` )( to nourish( to
feed( to "aintain, to support (C0 )( to rear( to keep, to breed, to
fancy (0 , O ).
[ pu$kara ] n the lotus( water( cloud( the tip of an elephant&s trunk( a holy
lake near C,"ir.
:* [ pu$kari. ] n a pond, a tank, a pool.
> [ pu$a ] a nourished( brought up( bred( developed( grown up( plu"p( fat(
adiposed( fattened( "ature( ripe( cherished. >-!n. (phys.) positive
electricity. >N a. well-developed( fat( fattened. >n. nourish"ent( up
bringing( breeding( develop"ent( growth( plu"pness( fatness( adiposity(
fattening( "aturity( thorough ripeness( nutrition( cherish"ent. >, >C,
>@ a. nutritious( nourishing. >@ n. nutrition( nourish"ent. >@ v.
to nourish.
W [ pu$pa ] n fower( blosso"( "enstrual fu%( an eye-disease. ' , ' B n. the
na"e of 5uvera&s ( ) chariot capable of fying through the air at a great
speed. ' n. a fower-basket. ' * a. a fower-wor". ' , ' n. one whose
banner is "ade of fowers( 3adan (0) the god of love. ' R;n. a bunch of
fowers. W v. to pluck or cull fowers. ' 0n. (bot.) a peduncle. ' n. a
bow "ade of fowers( one holding such a bow( 3adan (0) the god of love.
'0n. a petal. ' ~n. one holding a bow of fowers( 3adan (0) the god of love.
'e4@ n. essence of fower. ' n. a petal( fowers and leaves( (bot.) foral
leaves. ' ?@ n. (bot.) preforation. ' n. a twig with fowers( fowers and
leaves. ' n. a saucer for holding fowers (esp. one used in a religious
service). ' n. (bot.) a caly%. ' =*n. a foral diagra". ' *a. in "enstruation,
"enstruating, "enstruous. ' , ' *n. a fower garden (esp. one with a
su""er-house)( a garden-house. ' : n. an arrow "ade of fowers( one using
such arrows( 3adan (0) the god of love. ' ?@ n. (bot.) inforescence. ' , 2 n. a
fower-stalk. ' , 2n. (bot.) a pedicel. ' , >n. a shower of fowers. ' 3 : n. an
orna"ent "ade of fowers, a foralorna"ent. ' ]*n. a fower-bud( a fower
stalk. ' , ' ? n. a garland of fowers, a fower-wreath. ' n. a chaplet of
fowers. ' n. a fower-bud. ' Cfn. pollen. ' @ n. fower-,uice, honey. ' n.
topa7. ' :n. pollen. ' sa"e as W: 'e?n. a bed of fowers. ' @Tn. (bot.)
a foral for"ula. ' @ n. essence of fower. ' @$n. aro"a or fragrance of a
fower. ' n. a cluster or bunch of fowers, a bou*uet( a wreath. ' #*, ' 3? a.
divested of fowers( fowerless. W n. forescence or its season. W-
n. the ti"e of forescence( the season of fowers, the spring. WC* a.
dealing in fowers and fower-wreaths( "aking fower-wreaths professionally.
n. a forist( a professional "aker of fower wreaths. W]n. an o+ering of a
handful of fowers to a deity. W]0Gv. to o+er a handful of fowers in
devotion or worship. W n. a fower-vase( a fower-pot. W:, WT
sa"e as W3 : W@ sa"e as W Wn. (bot.) a foret( the tartar of
teeth( the concluding couplet or stan7a of poe" containing the author&s
na"e. Wa. in fower, blosso"ed. Wa. fem. in fower, blosso"ed( in
"enstruation. W n. (the :indu) god of love, (cp.) ;upid (0) WE sa"e
as W W0? n. a fower-garden.
? [ pu$y ] n (astr.) the eighth of the twenty-seven stars according to :indu
[ pu"taka ] n a book. ' on. a book-seller. ' :n. a book-shop. ' ?@ n.
book trade. '?@*n. a book-seller. ' "# a. contained or written in a book.
n. a library. @: a public library. n. a book-shop( a (rare)
library. 0 a book-shop.
, [ pu"tani, pu"tni ] n (in book-binding) a fy leaf.
[ pu"tabikalana ] n book-debit.
, * [ pu"tik, pu"t ] n a booklet( a pa"phlet.
3C [ pjaka ] a e"ployed in worshipping. n. a worshipper, a devotee( a
priest( a votary.
3C [ pjana ] n worship. 3C* sa"e as 3C? fem. 3C*
3C [ pj ] n worship( adoration( devotion( reverence( cordial reception(
glorifcation. v. poet. for" of 3C { 3Cv. to worship( to adore( to
revere( to accord cordial reception to, to welco"e( to glorify. 3C 0Gv. to
o+er worship (to a deity)( to o+er presents in ho"age. 3CGv. to be
worshipped or adored or revered or received cordially or welco"ed. ' 4: n.
religious and social festivals( festive occasions. 3C n. vacation during a
holy season, the pu,a (3C) holidays or vacation. 3Ca. e"ployed in
worshipping( acting as a professional priest. n. a worshipper( a devotee( a
votary( a priest. fem. 3C (re,.) 3C:* 3C#4 sa"e as 3C? Cz n. the
daily religious service.
3C [ pjita ] a worshipped( adored( revered( cordially received, welco"ed(
glorifed, fem. 3C
3C# [ pjpahra ] n a gift or present o+ered during a holy festival, a pu,a
(3C) gift or present.
3C? [ pjya ] a worthy of worship or reverence or honour( worshipful(
reverend( honourable( venerable. fem. 3C? '0 n. one whose feet are worthy
of worship or adoration, having worshipful feet( "ost reverend or adorable or
3 [ pta ] a holy, sacred, sanctifed, pure. '"# n. a sacred or holy place.
3 [ pttm ] a pure-souled( pure-hearted( holy( pious, virtuous.
3 [ pti ] n stench, fetid s"ell. a. fetid (3s)( rotten, putrid (3T@).
30 [ ptdaka ] n holy water.
3 [ ppa ] n a sweet pie or cake. ' n. a baker. 'n. a bakery.
3e [ pya ] n purulent "atter for"ed in an ulcer, wound, boil etc.( pus. 3e C,
e#Gv. to suppurate. 3e v. to discharge or secretepus.
[ pra
] n fulfl"ent( flling( co"pletion( a "ass of water( a strea".
3 [ praka ] a fulflling( flling( co"pleting( (geo".) co"ple"entary( (arith. !
alg.) "ultiplying. !s*uare( n. (arith.) a "ultiplier( (geo".) a co"ple"entary
angle, a co"ple"ent (also 3 :)( act of breathing in yoga (e).
3: [ pra.a ] n fulfl"ent (@3:)( flling (503:)( repletion( co"pletion
(3:)( solution (@@?3:)( co"pensation (+3:)( increase( (arith. ! alg.)
"ultiplication. 3: v. to fulfl( to fll, to co"plete( to solve( to co"pensate(
to increase( (arith. ! alg.) to "ultiply. a. (arith.) ordinal. 3:* a. to be
fulflled or flled or co"pleted or solved.
3* [ prab ] n an Lndian 3usical "ode.
3 [ pra#it ] a. ! n one who fulfls or flls. fem. 3*
3 [ prita ] a thoroughly flled, replete, flled( fulflled( co"pleted( solved(
co"pensated( "ultiplied.
3:4 [ pr.a ] a thoroughly flled, replete( full, whole( total( co"plete, perfect
(3:4@ O)( fulflled, gratifed, reali7ed( co"pleted, co"pletely passed
(3:4#G)( acco"plished (@ 3:4 #G)( nature( fully grown. 3:4 v. to fll, to
"ake full to the bri"( to replete( to co"plete( to fulfl( to pass co"pletely( to
acco"plish. ' a. one whose desire has been fulflled. ' a. full ti"e. ' n. a
pitcher co"pletely flled (esp. with water). ' 4 a. fem. in the advanced or last
stage of pregnancy, nearing travail. ' 9@ n. (astr.) total eclipse. ' \ n. the full-
"oon, the hunter&s "oon. ' ;0 n. (gr.) a full stop. 3:4;0!v. (fg.) to ter"inate
or be closed for good. ' , ' < n. repleteness, fulness( co"pleteness( fulfl"ent(
co"pletion( acco"plish"ent( "aturity( full growth. ' n. a full cup, a full
dish, a full plate, a full vessel. ' @ n. full age, "aturity. ' a. full-aged, grown
up, "a,or, adult. fem. ' 3:4 #Gv. to co"e of age, to attain "a,ority.
'a. full-blown( fully "anifested. ' n. full blowing( full "anifestation.
' n. full speed, full tilt. ' adv. at full speed, in full career, at full tilt. ' pn.
the Cbsolute Being, /od. ' Z*n. a cabinet "inister (in charge of a full
portfolio). ' n. the fullest "easure or e%tent( (of "edicines) a full dose.
' adv. to the fullest "easure or e%tent( entirely( wholly( thoroughly( in a
downright "anner. ' @* sa"e as $:4@* 'e n. a full-grown young "an. fem.
'e* '@TO?a. (arith.) an integer, a whole nu"ber. 3:4 fem. of 3:4 3:4 N a.
having all the li"bs( co"plete in all parts( thorough( fully grown or
developed. 3:4 Nn. co"pleteness in all parts( thoroughness( full growth or
develop"ent. 3:4 K n. full delight or ,oy( an appellation of /od. 3:4 n. a
perfect incarnation( an appellation of \rishingha (, @T#), Xa"a () and
5rishna (, -). 3:4 sa"e as 3:4 N3:4 sa"e as 3:4 3:4 a. fully wide
or widened or e%panded. 3:4 a. en,oying full longevity or long lease of life,
long-lived. 3:4 xn. the fnal o+ering( the burnt o+ering with which a sacrifce
is concluded, the concluding (burnt) o+ering( (fg.) co"pletion of self-
sacrifce. 3:4 x0Gv. to o+er the concluding (burnt) o+ering( (fg.) to
co"plete, to sacrifce oneself.
3:4 [ pr.aka ] n characteristic of a logarith".
3:4 [ pr.im ] n the full-"oon. ' n. a full "oon night. 3:40 the hunter&s
"oon, the full-"oon.
3:4K [ pr.ndu ] n the hunter&s "oon, the full "oon.
3:4 [ pr.pam ] n (rhet.) a sustained si"ile.
34 [ prta ] n public works. ' n. the 9ublic Forks Vepart"ent.
34 [ prti ] n act of flling, repletion( co"pletion( co"pensation. 34 -_0,
34 n. a co"pensatory allowance.
34 [ prba ] n the east( precedence in ti"e or place (34B)( front( the past
(34P! 8 0 @). a. frst( senior in age( past, for"er, preceding(
eastern. -34in comp. having in advance( having frst "ade or done
(=:34)( with (=*34). ' Ba. aforesaid. ' n. the upper part of the body.
'n. the past( ancient ti"es( for"er ti"es. ' , ' * a. of the past, past(
of ancient ti"es, ancient( for"er ti"es, for"er. ' , a. previously or for"erly
done( done before hand( done in anticipation. ' *a. going east or eastwards(
going before, preceding( previous( antecedent. fem. ' * 'Ca. born before,
elder. n. an elder brother. ' Ca. fem. of 34C n. fem. an elder sister. ' Cnn. a
previous or for"er birth. 'CnC4 a. ac*uired during a for"er or previous birth.
'C* n. a previous or for"er birth( the past life( early life (cp. 5C*). ' b n.
past e%periences( knowledge ac*uired during a for"er birth( anticipation.
' a. for"er( previous( past. ' 0+: n. south-east. a. south-eastern. ' 0n. the
east. ' 0, > a. previously seen( anticipated( foreseen. ' 0, >n. foresight. ' 0 n. an
eastern country or region, the east, the orient. ' 0* a. of an eastern country
or region( (rare) oriental. ' :n. preconception, preconceived notion. ' *+a.
preaudited. ' a. predestined( foreordained. ' +n. a co"plaint( a plaint(
(log.) a *uestion, a proble" for debate or discussion, the frst part of an
argu"ent, a proposition. ' n. preplanning. ' a. preplanned. ' n.
previous ac*uaintance. ' a. ac*uainted fro" before, for "erly or already
known. fem. ' 'n. previous ac*uaintance. ' D n. an ancestor, a
forefather( a for"er generation. ' =a. for"erly current or prevalent,
current or prevalent in the past, previously in vogue. ' h*n. (astrol.) the
eleventh of the twenty-seven stars according to :indu astrono"y. ' N Eastern
Bengal, East Bengal. ' Uadv. as before. a. (log.) a priori. ' :4a. described or
narrated before, afore"entioned, aforesaid. ' 4 n. precedence(
antecedence( priority( seniority( fore-e%istence. ' 4 *a. preceding( antecedent(
prior( senior( fore-e%istent( previous( for"er. fem. ' 4 * '0 n. a co"plaint.
'0*n. a co"plainant. ' n. the forepart( the front( the eastern part. ' P0,
'P0n. (astrol.) the twenty-ffth of the twenty-seven 7odiacal stars according
to :indu astrono"y. ' n. the for"er or original state or condition. ' n.
preface, a foreword. ' n. the for"er opinion. ' *T@n. a philosophical treatise
by ]ai"ini the ancient sage( philosophical doctrine of ]ai"ini and his
followers. 'N n. the prologue (of a dra"a)( a prelude. ' n. a"orous attraction
felt even before ac*uaintance with the lover( (inc.) courtship. ' n. the frst
part or *uarter of a night( early night( (loos.) the previous or last night. ' n.
last night( the previous night. ' n. ("ath.) antecedent. ' +: n. a presage( a
foreboding. 34+:= v. to presage( to forebode. ' @T n. a notion or idea
or i"pression or habit for"ed during a for"er birth or in the past. 34,
34Pn. an i"aginary eastern "ountain fro" behind which the sun is believed
to rise daily. 340 n. a previous order. 340 =?# to rescind a previous
order. 34 n. possession or right obtained earlier( priority( the right or
clai" of the frst-born, pri"o geniture( for"er right or clai". 34, n.
continuation (of so"e account already begun). 34 a. (also. adv.) fro"
beginning to end, alpha and o"ega, thorough. 34 to consider the
connected line of events, to consider the pros and cons of a proposal, to look
before and after. 34 n. inconsistency of acts or conte%ts of di+erent
ti"es. 34-, n. (astr.) a pri"e vertical. 34+adv. than before. 34adv.
fro" before( since the beginning. 34"#n. the for"er or previous or past
state or condition. 34 n. a presage( (dero.) a foreboding( a preface, a
foreword( forecast (`#G34). 340Gv. to presage( (dero.) to
forebode. 34?@ n. a previous or for"er habit or practice. 344 n. the frst
half( the eastern half( (geog.) the eastern he"isphere. 34n. the east.
34n. (astrol.) the twentieth of the twenty-seven stars according to :indu
astrono"y. 34zn. the frst part or *uarter of the day-ti"e( (loos.) the
forenoon. 34za. of the frst part or *uarter of the dayti"e( to be done
during the frst part or *uarter of the day ti"e. 34n. priority, precedence.
34adv. for"erly, previously, before( in the past( in the front( in the east.
341a. aforesaid( "entioned before or above. 341n. a previous state"ent(
a prefatory re"ark or utterance. 34 n. the north-east. 34L, a. *uoted
before or above.
3[ p$ ] n the sun.
31[ pkta ] a ad,oining, contiguous, attached( associated( incorporated(
united( ad"i%ed( saturated( related( connected, concerned.
, B[ p-thaka ] a separate( di+erent( separated( segregated( "oved or lying
aside( di+erentiated( alienated, estranged. adv. separately( severally,
di+erently( apart. , B v. to separate( to di+erentiate( to dissociate( to
segregate( to alienate, to estrange( to re"ove apart. ' < n. separateness(
distinction( di+erence( individuality. , B , B, ' adv. separately(
individually. ' :, , B*: n. separation( di+erentiation( dissociation(
segregation( alienation, estrange"ent( act of re"oving apart. ' , , , B*, a.
separated( di+erentiated( dissociated( segregated( alienated, estranged,
re"oved apart.
, By[ p-thaganna ] a (of a fa"ily) split up or divided into two or "ore units all
having separate "essing arrange"ents, separated.
, B[ p-thagtm ] a individual( self-conscious.
, B[ p-thagbidha ] a of a di+erent kind( di+erent( diverse, various, "anifold.
, B3 [ p-thagbhta ] a separated( di+erentiated( dissociated( segregated(
alienated, estranged, re"oved apart.
, B*[ p-thib ] n the earth, the world. ' n. the surface of the earth, the
earth&s crust or its outer part. ' , ' n. a king( an e"peror. ' ?*, ' a.
e%tending all over the world( world-wide. ' n. the orb of the earth( the
whole world.
, B , , B [ p-thu, p-thula ] a e%tensive( wide( great( "ag nani"ous( bulky, fat,
heavy( "uscular, robust. , B s a. with "uscular and ro bust shoulders.
, Bq*[ p-thb ] n the earth, the world.
, )[ p-$ha ] n the back (of a hu"an being or any other creature)( the rear( the
region of the back( the back part, the rear part( the hind part( surface, a face(
(bot.) the dorsal surface. 3:4, )n. the surface of revolution. ' n. (phys.)
surface tension. ' n. surface. ' 0 sa"e as , ) 'n. one who stands at
the back to give support( a supporter( an upholder( a patron( a custo"er( a
client. ' n. support( patroni7ation. , ) v. to support( to uphold(
to patroni7e. ' : n. act of standing at the back to give support( act of sup
porting or upholding( patroni7ation. ' =04 n. feeing, fight. , )=04v. to fee,
to take to one&s heels, to run away. ' =# n. (geog.) a surface drift. ' T n. the
backbone, the spinal or vertebral colu"n, the spine. ' p: n. a dorsal carbuncle.
'N n. act of feeing (esp. after a defeat). ' +n. a bodyguard. , )+ v. to
protect or guard the rear( to act as a bodyguard to. ' O n. an endorse"ent.
, )[ p-$h ] n a page (of a book). , )J n. page nu"ber.
, )[ p-$hpari ] adv on the back (of).
[ pnk ] a full of sli"e or silt, like sli"e or silt, sli"y, silty, "iry.
[ pnci ] fe" of ?
[ pmp ] n the papaw, the pawpaw, the papaya.
O[ pkhana ] n (obs. ! poet.) seeing.
O[ pkhama ] n a peacock&s plu"age or tail esp. when e%panded or spread
out like a fan at the ti"e of dancing. O , Ohv. (of a peacock) to
e%pand or distend one&s plu"age or tail (when dancing)( (fg.) to be beside
oneself with ,oy, to be foolishly ostentatious in dress, to be vainglorious, to
O[ pkh ] v (poet. ! obs.) to see.
[ pcaka ] n (for.) the owl. fem. * 'n. an owlet.
#C[ #pji ] a. sf% having a specifc nu"ber of pages (`C h4).
C[ pjmi ] n baseness( roguishness, roguery, knavishness, knavery(
"ischief"ongering. Cv. to co""it an act of roguery or knavery( to
"ake a "ischief.
[ pa ] n the belly( the abdo"en( the sto"ach( the wo"b ( )( the
inside, the hold (C#C )( the loins ( ! B )( (vul.) pregnancy (
#G)( the in"ost part of one&s heart (B)( subsistence, livelihood (
). O e"pty sto"ach. full sto"ach. `v. to get
constipated, to have costiveness. Gv. to have one&s belly distended after
a hearty "eal. !v. to have a gnawing pain in the sto"ach( to have
sto"ach-pain. !n. a gnawing pain in the sto"ach( sto"ach pain,
gripes. O@v. to have an abortion, to "iscarry. O@v. to cause an
abortion (esp. unlawfully). ' O n. a disorder of the sto"ach. O #Gv.
to have or to su+er fro" a sto"ach upset or disorder. ' n. dyspepsia,
indigestion. v. to procure one&s "ini"u" or nor"al food or appease
one&s hunger (esp. daily)( to "ake both ends "eet. v. to earn ,ust
enough to provide the bare necessities of life, to earn a living or subsistence
wage. v. to feel a pinching sensation in the sto"ach esp. caused
by e%tre"e hunger. v. to have a suppressed groaning noise in the
sto"ach caused by hunger. v. to have a burning sensation in the
sto"ach. gv. to have a ru"bling noise in the belly as caused by
diarrhoea or indigestion, to have collywobbles. v. to be cured of
diarrhoea or loose "otions. #Gv. to have so"ewhat loose "otions.
v. to have loose "otions, to have diarrhoea( to purge (one&s bowels).
h, hv. to have one&s belly distended owing to the accu"ulation of
gas, to be a+ected with fatulence or ty"panites. !#Gv. to have the
belly distended esp. on account of pregnancy. ?Bn. sto"ach-pain, belly-
ache. v. to have one&s hunger fully satisfed. OGv. to eat one&s
fll. OGv. to give one a full "eal or full feed. ' n. food given in
lieu of wages, adv. for food in lieu of wages. v. to lose appetite esp.
owing to want of su=cient food. ' a. pot-bellied. ' a. weak in digestive
power( dyspeptic. ' @4Y a. one who loves nothing but a good fare( given to
gour"andising( gluttonous, voracious. ' @4Y ?1 a. belly-god. #Gv. (vul.) to
beco"e pregnant, to be big with child, to conceive, to be in the fa"ily way.
`@v. to be for"ed in the wo"b, to be conceived. 8 O `
insincere or hypocritical talk( double-facedness. O0 O C conceal"ent
of one&s eager desire on account of bashfulness. O @ (fg.) troubles
are su+erable when they bring in profts, trouble is patiently borne if it is
paying( the "ule will not grudge its load if there is the prospect of a good
feed. v. to be accepted in one&s sto"ach. Bv. to be accepted
in one&s sto"ach( (of a person) to be able to keep counsel or keep a secret
( B B ). v. to carry in one&s wo"b, to conceive or bear.
kept to oneself, kept concealed ( B, ).
G #G(fg.) to be utterly lacking in education( co"pletely
illiterate. v. to kill or weaken or subdue one by starving( to deprive
one of one&s "eans of livelihood or subsistence. _@ O sa"e as
O and { Bthe secret of one&s heart( a secret intention.
bowels co"plaint, sto"ach trouble. 2bread proble",
worries about a living. , 0 s"arts of hunger. 0i"pelled or
urged by the sting of hunger or poverty. #G(fg.) to be
bewildered with fear or worry. #-@(fg.) to beco"e
nonplussed with fear, to feel a cold wave running down one&s spine. la
child who causes grief to its "other. @Gv. to be accepted in one&s
[ paka ] n a wicker-basket( a port"anteau, a trunk, a suit-case( a chest.

[ pi
] n a waist-band, a belt, a girdle( the breast or "iddle part of a fsh

[ pi
] n a basket( a chest.
[ puka ] a gluttonous, voracious, fond of eating. n. a glutton, a
gour"and, a belly-god.
r[ pna ] n a patent. a. protected by a patent, patent( (fg.)
"onotonous, trite (r#@).
[ pla ] n the head"an of a village( a leader( a faithful supporter or

[ p
] a "ade of ,ute( related to ,ute( trading ,ute ( @#).

[ p
] n the rind of a banana tree( a style of braiding hair over one&s

[ p
] n (coll.) a hand-bo"b( a hand-grenade.
[ p# ] a obedient, faithfully following( cringing( patroni7ed(
favourite( dependent.
[ prala ] n petrol.
[ p)%&
] n a kind of sweet"eat "ade by solidifying cow-"ilk.
[ ptani ] n a fe"ale spirit( (sarcas.) an e%tre"ely ugly or dirty wo"an, a
hag or a slut. ` will-o&-the-wisp.
[ ptala ] n (dial.) brass.

[ pna
] n a fountain-pen.

[ pna
] n pain, infa""ation ( )( labour-pain, travail (
[ pnaana ] n a pension. '*n. a pensioner.
@[ pna"ila ] n a pencil.
[ pna ] n the circular pedestal of the sacred phallic sign.
[ p.)ulma ] n a pendulu".
[ p#a ] a drinkable. n. anything drinkable( a drink.
C[ p#ja ] n onion.

[ p#ra
] n (in card-playing) a "arriage or a pair, one of a "arriage or

[ p#ra
] n caress, fondling( a+ection( love. v. to caress, to
fondle( to treat with a+ection( to love. 0s a close or boso" friend,
a chu".
[ p#r ] n the guava.
[ p#ri ] n. fe" a favourite( a lover, a sweetheart( Xadha () the sweet
heart of 5rishna (, -).
[ p#l ] n a drinking cup, a goblet.
#[ #p# ] sf% footed, legged, -ped ( < four-footed, four-legged,
@[ p# ba" ] v to get advantage( to catch one on the hip.
D[ pru ] n the turkey.
D*[ prubh#a ] a 9eruvian.
[ prka ] n a nail, a wire-nail, a spike.
[ plaba ] a very soft or delicate( gentle( graceful( sli", slender( frail(
light( lightso"e. ' n. pleasant softness or delicateness( gentleness( grace(
sli"ness, slenderness( frailty( lightness, lightso"eness.
[ pl ] n a gift or reward given to an artiste at a function( a prop.
[ pll#a ] a huge, enor"ous( "onstrous, gigantic( tre"endous.
[ pa ] n act of presenting or placing before. v. to present or place
be fore( to sub"it( to put up( to table.
[ pakra ] n a bench-clerk. n. bench-clerkship.
[ pala ] a beautiful, char"ing( (inc. but pop.) "uscular, thewy, robust(
[ p ] n a profession, a trade, a calling( (fg.) a practice, a habit. ' 0 a.
professional. '0n. professionalis". a. professional.
, *[ pi, p ] n a "uscle, a tendon( a sheath of a sword, a scabbard.
* a. relating to "uscles, "uscular. ' xa. "uscular, brawny, thewy,
robust, lusty. ' 1n. power of the "uscles( physical strength. ' @A n. fe%ing
or "ove"ent of "uscles.
[ p# ] n a 3aratha peshwa.
C[ p#ja ] n a kind of baggy breeches worn by 3usli" wo"en or
dancing girls.
[ p$aka ] a. ! n one who or that which pulps or grinds or presses.
:[ p$a.a ] n pressing( grinding( crushing( kneading, s*uee7ing(
pulveri7ation( oppression.
:02[ p$a.adanta ] n a grinder, a "olar tooth.
:eZ[ p$a.ayantra ] n a grinding stone.
:, :*[ p$a.i, p$a. ] n a "ortar and a pestle( a grindstone, a "ill-
[ p"t ] n pistachio.
u#[ paitmaha ] a relating to a paternal grandfather.
u, [ pait-ka ] a paternal, ancestral (u, , u, @)( hereditary
(u, ).
u, u[ paittika, paitta ] a bilious, biliary.
u[ paica ] a ghoulish. n. a for" of "arriage by force or artfulness.
ua. ghoulish( (fg.) nefarious, e%tre"ely obno%ious. fem. u*
un. ghoulishness( (fg.) nefariousness, e%tre"e obno%iousness,
fendlike conduct. u*a. fem. of u
u., u.?[ paiuna, paiunya ] n scandal-"ongering, tale bearing( "alice,
cruelty( villainy.

[ p
] n (vul.) a son or a "ale descendant ( ).
[ p ] int denoting2 a long and unchanging noise or note as of fute (
) . in a trice, in a ,i+y, instantly, very *uickly. v. to give out a
long and unchanging note or sound (as by a fute)( (sarcas.) to cringe or fawn
(upon), to support blindly and insistently. -a. cringing, fawning.
[ pnca ] n a coating. 0Gv. to apply a coating (to), to coat. !,
n. a coating( a brush for whitewashing "ade of ,ute fbres.
[ pncha ] n an instance or act of "opping or swabbing (!).

[ pnch
] n the tail of a fsh and the region near about it( the part of the
hand fro" the wrist to fngertips.

[ pnch
] v to "op, to swab, to wipe( to rub out, to erase. ' v. to cause
to "op or swab or wipe or rub or erase.
[ pnal ] n a bundle or baggage.
[ pn ] n entrails, intestines, the gut ()( (a drop of) nasal catarrh
or "ucus, (vul.) snot ( )( (dero.) a little boy, a kiddy.
[ pnta ] n the length of the part of anything buried or i"planted

[ pnt
] v to plant ( )( to drive into ( )( to bury, to inter.
'v. to cause to plant or drive into or sow or bury.
0[ pnda ] n (vul.) the anus( (vul.) the posteriors, the buttocks, the hips.
1[ pkta ] a strong, fr"( durable( lasting( e%perienced, accusto"ed(
OC[ pkharja ] n topa7.
[ pga.)a ] n a child between the age of fve and ffteen( a cripple!
[ pa ] n friendly ter"s( agree"ent( love. OGv. to be on friendly
ter"s (with)( to agree (with)( to be in love (with).
![ p)%& ]n a spell of burning or scalding or singeing( aBiction, distress( a
severe ordeal. ! OGv. to get burnt or scalded or singed. !-OGa.
burnt, scalded, singed( passed through an aBiction or distress or a severe
![ p)%& ] v to burn( to be scalded or singed or calcined( scorched or
incinerated( to infa"e( to beco"e very hot ( !)( a. burnt( scalded(
scorched( infa"ed( incinerated( calcined( greatly heated. ' n. aBiction(
distress. ' v. to burn or scald or scorch or calcine or infa"e. ! hard
luck, bad luck( (int.) ah "eY !fem. unlucky, unfortunate. mas.
! {! Oa. & n. accursed (one), unfortunate( hateful (one)( wicked.
![ p)%&mi ] n burnt or scorched earth. ! C terracotta(
brownish-red earthenware or art ob,ects of this "aterial.
![ p)%&na ] n woof.
[ pta ] n a boat, a ship, a vessel (_:4, O). v. to captain
(a ship)( to pilot (an air-ship or ship). ' n. (of a ship) a captain( (of an
airship) a pilot. '-e1n. shipping agent.

[ pt
] n plinth (of a house).

[ pt
] n (dial.) a son&s son, a grandson.
[ ptdhipla ] n shipping "aster.
?+[ ptdhyak$a ] n a captain or "aster of a ship( (rare) a pilot of an
#*[ ptrh ] a sailing in a ship. n. a pas senger of a ship.
j[ ptra#a ] n a harbour, a haven.
0[ pda ] n a socially depressed caste a"ongst :indus.
Q[ pddra ] n a professional e%a"iner of the genuineness of coins( a
"oney changer( a pawn-broker( a banker, a "oney-lender. Qn. the
profession of a coin-e%a"iner or "oney-changer or pawn-broker or banker or
"oney lender( (sarcas.) display of false authority or power.

[ pn ] n young of fsh (esp. of a larger one like trout etc.). ' n. a fsh of
the species of rui (D), katla (), "rigel (, ) etc.
[ pni ] n a pony, a tattoo.
[ p# ] n a fourth part, a *uarter( one fourth of a seer (@)( half-a-"ile.
a. one-fourth, *uarter. a. co"plete, full. ' n. a particular throw at
dice( (sarcas.) an e%traordinary piece of luck, success in everything, a run of
luck, a lucky hit.
[ p#ti ] a pregnant (5)( recently delivered of a child (=@
@ "#`). n. a pregnant wo"an( a wo"an recently delivered of a
child. #G to conceive, to be in the fa"ily way.
[ p#la ] n straw.
4 ?[ pramyna ] n a port"anteau.
[ pl ] n (vul. ! dial.) a son.
G[ pl ] n a highly spiced dish of rice and "eat boiled in clarifed
butter, pilau.

[ pl
] n polo.
[ pka ] n dress, gar"ent, clothes( apparel( outft. !,
Ov. to undress oneself. !, Ov. to cause to undress.
v. to dress oneself, to put on one&s dress. -a. dressed (in.)
v. to dress. a. beftting fashionable society, fashionable
( B4 )( o=cial ()( elegant, refned ( )( worn on
for"al or festive occasions ( C!)( "erely for"al, insincere,
hypocritical ( P).

[ p$a
] n ta"ing, do"estication( act of bringing under one&s control,
subdual. -a. ta"e, do"esticated( brought under control, subdued(
habituated to obedience. v. to beco"e ta"e or do"esticated( to
co"e under control, to be subdued( to be habituated to obedience( (of a
horse) to be broken. v. to ta"e, to do"esticate( to bring under
one&s control, to subdue( to habituate to obedience( to break (as a horse).
[ p$aka ] a cherishing( nourishing( aiding( upholding( supporting(
countenancing or abetting. n. one who or that which cherishes or
nourishes( an aider( an up holder( a supporter( a countenancer or abettor.
'n. aiding( upholding, support, countenancing, abet"ent. v. to aid(
to uphold, to support( to countenance, to abet. (bot. ! 7oo.) tapetu".
: [ p$a.a ] n upbringing( feeding( "aintenance (-:)( cherish"ent(
nourish"ent( act of supporting. :v. to bring up( to "aintain( to cherish(
to nourish( to support. :* var. of ?
[ p$ ] v pop. var. of a. ta"e, do"esticated( pet( obediently
following. an obedient dog( a servilely obedient follower.
[ p$n ] v to be su=cient for, to serve one&s purpose, to su=ce (8
)( to agree with, to pull on well with (@N ` )( to cause
to bring up or rear( to pay for or co"pensate (@ )( to be able to
bear or tolerate (8* 8O ). n. act of "aking another rear
one&s do"estic ani"als.
> [ p$ ] a one who or that which brings up or rears or nourishes.
> [ p$i ] a nutritious, nourishing. n. nu trition, nourish"ent.
? [ p$ya ] a worthy of being brought up or fed or "aintained or cherished
or nourished or supported( dependent for "aintenance. n. ' n. an adopted
son. '4 n. pl. one&s dependants (esp. those who live in the sa"e fa"ily).

[ p"a
] n the postal syste", post( "ail (`C )( an o=ce or
appoint"ent, a post (/4 ).

[ p"a
] n a pillar, a post (?-).
-_h@ [ p"a#aphi"a ] n a post-o=ce.
g4 [ p"akr)a ] n a post-card.
-9?C [ p"a#gryju#a ] a post-graduate.
[ p"am"ra ] n a post"aster.
@ [ p"pi"a ] n a post-o=ce.

, 0 [ p"ta
, p"tadn ] n "awseed, poppyseed.
# [ phn ] v to dawn, to end ( #), to bask (0 #)( to war"
up oneself (`R#)( to su+er or undergo ( #).
[ pauncha ] n reach ( )( arrival ( O < news of arrival.)
[ paunch ] v to arrive at, to reach (! , # )( to co"e within
reach( to co"e to hand ( ). ' v. to arrive at, to reach( to co"e within
reach( to co"e to hand( to escort( to convey or carry (to)( to bring to hand.
$ [ pauttalika ] a idolatrous. n. an idolater. $n. idolatry.
$ [ pautra ] n a son&s or nephew&s son, a grand son. fem. $* a son&s or
nephew&s daughter, a grand-daughter.
$f [ paunGpunika ] a recurring. $f 0 recurring deci"al.
$f, $f? n. recurrence( recurrency.
$ [ paun ] a three *uarters of, three-fourths ($ 8 0)( a *uarter to
$ [ paura ] a living in a particular city or house( relating to a city, urban,
"unicipal( relating to house, indoor( civic. $-_ n. civic rights. ' n.
"unicipal ta%. $ S@ civil surgeon. ' C n. citi7ens( in"ates (of a house).
' n. "unicipal corporation. ' 0 n. citi7enship. ' n. a chair"an or a "ayor
(fem. a "ayoress). ' =) n. sa"e as $@T ' 4 sa"e as $C ' b n.
civics. ' O? n. an alder"an (of a "unicipal corporation). ' @T n. a "unicipality.
'@T-:n. a "unicipal clerk. ' @T-n. a "unicipal "agistrate. ' @n. a
"unicipal corporation. ' 7* sa"e as * (see
$ [ pauraba ] a descending fro" 5ing 9uru (D).
$: [ paur.ika ] a pertaining to or versed in :indu puranas (:) or
"ythology, "ythical( "ythological( ancient. $: # a "ythological or
9uranic tale or episode( a legend. $: a "ythological character( a
9uranic character. $: a "ythological dra"a.
$D [ pauru$#a ] a (rare) pertaining to a "an, "asculine( "an-"ade.
$#? [ paurhitya ] n the o=ce or profession of a priest, priesthood(
presidentship, presidency (@ $#?). $#? v. to act as a priest( to
preside over (a "eeting)( to lead (as a "ove"ent).
$:4@* [ paur.am" ] n the full-"oon.
$4 [ paurba ] a past( of the east, eastern. ' 0#, ' u0#a. relating to the body of
a previous( of a previous birth.
$4e4 [ paurbparya ] n due order or succession( se*uence.
$4# [ paurbhika ] a relating to the previous day.
$4z [ paurbhnika ] a relating to or due to be done in the frst part or
*uarter of the day or in the forenoon.
$4* [ paurb ] fe" of $4
$? [ paula"tya ] n of the sons of 9ulastya (?) the sage( 5uvera, Xavana,
5u"bha karna, Bibhisana.
$* [ paulm ] n a daughter of 9ulo"a () 6achi, Lndra&s *ueen.
$ [ pau$a ] n 9aus, the ninth "onth of the Bengali calendar fro" "id
Vece"ber to "id ]anuary. ' 4: n. the festival of preparing and o+ering sweet
pies "ade of new rice on the last day of the "onth of 9aus. ' @To2n. the last
day of the "onth of 9aus. $a. relating to or grown in or perfor"ed in the
"onth of 9aus.
$> [ pau$ika ] a nutritious, nutritive( ali"entary. ' Z n. ali"entary syste".
$> the ali"entary canal.
? [ pynka ] int denoting the cry of the duck, *uack. ??int. *uackY
? [ pynca ] n a spiral bend or coil or twist (


? 0G)( a screw
(?`)( a tricky or shrewd turn (B?)( an intrigue or "achination,
entangle"ent, predica"ent (? h)( a di=cult proble", an intricate or
perple%ing situation, false position, *uandary, cleft stick (?!)(
co"plication, intricacy (? ! ?)( "utual entwining (!?)( a tangle
(@ ? )( (in wrestling etc.) a style of holding( a tricky "ove
( ?).
? [ pync ] n the owl( (sarcas.) an e%tre"ely ugly-looking "an or boy. ?
g howling, hooting, screeching. ?g an owl( howls or hoots or
screeches. ? an owlet( (sarcas. -both masc. & fem.) an e%tre"ely
ugly-looking person. ? @ an owlery. fem.
? [ pyncn ] v to twist or wring spirally, to screw( to writhe( to "ake
intricate deliberately( to co"plicate( to entangle( to involve ( 8
??; )( to e"ploy a shrewd or tricky turn in one&s speech. a.
twisted or wrung spirally( spiral( intricate, co"plicated( entangled( tortuous,
full of angularity (? )( having shrewd or tricky turns (? B4 ).
?0 [ pyndni ] n (infor.) belabouring or slogging, drubbing. ?0v. to
belabour or slog, or drub( to beat up.
?K [ pykabandi ] a packed in a bo%, container etc.
?T [ pyki ] n packing( a package, a packet.
? ? [ pyca pyca ] int denoting the noise caused by going along or wading
through a sli"y or "iry place (? ? ). ?a. giving out or
rese"bling the aforesaid noise( sli"y or "iry.
?g [ py)la ] n a paddle( paddling. ?g v. to paddle.
?? [ pynapyna ] int denoting the noise of co"plaining or i"ploring
whi"peringly or whiningly. ?? , ??v. to co"plain or i"plore
whi"peringly or whiningly. ?a. given to co"plaining or i"ploring
whi"peringly or whiningly( whi"pering or whining.
?r, ? [ pyna, pynaa ] n pantaloons( shorts. (h ) ?rn. trousers.
#h?rn. shorts.
?r [ pynluna ] n pantaloons, trousers( shorts.
?X, ?X [ pyn)la, pyn)la ] n a canopy, a te"porary shed erected for
social or religious festivals.
?. [ pyrua ] n parachute.
? [ pyl ] n a prop( reward or help given to an artiste or so"ebody.
?@] [ py"jra ] n a passenger. a. "eant for carrying passengers.
=# [ pra# ] pf% denoting e%cellence, celebrity, abundance, e%cess, intensity,
e%tensiveness, inception etc.
= [ prakaa ] a clearly revealed or e%posed( "anifest, obvious, evident,
clear. ' n. clear revelation or e%position, "anifestation. =a. clearly
revealed or e%posed.
= [ prakampa ] n a severe tre"or or *uake. ' n. severe tre"bling, shaking
or *uaking. =a. severely shaken or tre"bling or *uaking. = v.
to cause to tre"ble or *uake severely. = #Gv. to tre"ble or *uake
=: [ prakara.a ] n a chapter or a part of a book( a process, a procedure(
(self-su=cient) part of a process or procedure( techni*ue( a conte%t( a
discourse. a. technical( procedural( conte%tual.
=4 [ prakar$a ] n e%cellence( superiority( a"elioration, develop"ent.
= [ prakanpa ] n hypothesis. =a. hypothetical( i"agined.
= [ prak.)a ] a huge, colossal, enor"ous, "onstrous, gigantic,
stupendous. n. a trunk of a tree. ' a. enor"ous in si7e, of great bulk,
gigantic, "onstrous, huge.
= [ prakma ] a enough, su=cient.
= [ prakra ] n class, kind, sort, type, species, genus, variety (x= O0?)(
"ode, "ethod, way, "anner, procedure, process, "eans (* =). * *
=, = by what "eans, in which way, how. = by so"e
"eans or other, so"ehow( by hook or by crook.
=: [ prakra.a ] n variation. 2 =: (bot.) continuous variation. @2=:
(bot.) discontinuous variation.
=2 [ prakrntara ] n another or a di+erent sort or "ode or way or "ethod
or "eans. =2adv. in or by another or a di+erent "ethod or way( in other
words( indirectly( (dero) insinuatingly.
= [ praka ] n revelation, e%position (#@?=, _B4=)( de"onstration,
display, e%pression (0 fO =)( suggestion, prognostication( appearance
(`=)( rise (@3e4=)( eBorescence, bloo"ing (h =)( publication
(9#=)( disclosure, divulgation, divulging (RVB=)( a. revealed,
transpired( (,ourn.) stated (=e < it is stated that). = v. to reveal, to
e%pose( to de"onstrate, to display, to e%press( to suggest, to prognosticate(
to cause to appear or rise or bloo"( to declare, to announce( to publish( to
disclose, to divulge. = G, =#Gv. to be revealed or e%posed( to
transpire( to co"e to light( to appear( to rise( to bloo"( to be published.
=a. revealing, e%posing( de"onstrating, displaying, e%pressing(
suggesting( prognosticating( causing to appear or rise or bloo"( declaring,
announcing( publishing( disclosing, divulging. n. a revealer, an e%poser( a
de"onstrator, a displayer, one who or that which e%presses or suggests( a
prognosticator( one who or that which causes to appear or rise or bloo"( a
declarer, an announcer( one who discloses and divulges( a publisher (esp. of
books). fem. = = @T n. publishers& association or guild. =,
=n. publication (of books). ' n. a publishing house. ' * a. that which
can be or is to be revealed or de"onstrated or published or disclosed( worth
publishing. ' a. appearing, rising, bloo"ing( in the state of being revealed
or published. ' e? a. ft to be published( ft to be "ade public or open.
=a. revealed, e%posed( transpired( de"onstrated, displayed, e%pressed(
suggested, prognosticated( risen, bloo"ed( declared, announced( published(
disclosed, divulged( (,ourn.) stated. =? a. that which is to be revealed or
published( ft for or worthy of publication. =? n. that which can be or is to
be or will be revealed or de"onstrated or suggested or announced or
published( under publication( soon to be "ade known (o=?)( open to
the public (=?_)( public (=?"#)( open (=? `). =? 0
in broad daylight. =?, =?adv. publicly, into the open.
=*:4 [ prakr.a ] a scattered or strewn or spread about( scattered or strewn or
spread far and wide( various.
=*4 [ prakrtana ] n wide celebrity( publicity (e =*4 ).
=*4 [ prakrti ] n great fa"e, wide celebrity.
=*4 [ prakrtita ] a greatly fa"ed or fa"ous or renowned, widely
= [ prakupita ] a deeply enraged or angered, incensed, infuriated( e%cited.
fem. =
=, [ prak-ta ] a true, real( genuine, pure( actual( right, correct( veritable
(=, 0). '+, ' =adv. in fact( actually( really, truly. 'adv. really( rightly.
=, B4 [ prak-trtha ] n true signifcance, real "eaning( inner signifcance.
=, [ prak-ti ] n nature (2=, )( behaviour, habit, instinct (_@S=, )(
natural *ualities, nature (=, )( the e%ternal world, nature( the power that
creates and regulates the world, \ature( the pri"ordial fe"ale energy( (phil.)
illusion, "aya( people or sub,ects( (gr.) a root word. ' a. pertaining to one&s
nature( instinctive, habitual( pertaining to physical nature, natural. ' C, ' Ca.
natural( inborn, innate, inherent, native( instinctive. ' 0a. given by nature,
natural( innate. ' ] n. pl. people or sub,ects. ' 3Cn. nature-worship, ani"is".
'0 n. naturalis", "aterialis"( (gr.) consideration of the root "eaning of
words, use of words in the root-"eaning only, puris". ' 0*a. naturalistic,
"aterialistic( (gr.) puristic. n. a naturalist, a "aterialist( (gr.) a purist.
'b n. physics( natural science( natural philosophy. ' b*n. a naturalist( a
physicist. ' DL a. contrary to nature. ' "# a. in one&s natural or nor"al state(
co"e to one&s senses( recovered. =, "# #Gv. to co"e to one&s senses( to
regain one&s "ental balance( to recover.
=, > [ prak-$a ] a best, e%cellent (=, > 5)( "ost auspicious or favourable or
suitable (=, >@). fem. =, > ' n. the state of being the best, e%cellence(
auspiciousness, suitability.
= [ prakpa ] n virulence, severity (=)( e%cess ( =)( violent
outbreak (=)( great anger, rage( great e%cite"ent. ' n. e%citation,
e%cite"ent( provocation( enrage"ent. =a. e%cited( provoked( enraged(
(of a disease etc.) grown virulent, aggravated( (of an epide"ic etc.) violently
broken out. = #Gv. to be e%cited or provoked or enraged( to grow
virulent, to aggravate( to break out violently.
=) [ prak$ha ] n the part of the hand fro" the elbow to the wrist, the fore-
ar"( a roo", a cabin, a co"part"ent( a roo" near the gate.
=$ [ prakauala ] n techni*ue( procedure.
=o [ prakrama ] n beginning, co""ence"ent.
=o [ prakra#a ] n chartering.
=o2 [ prakrnta ] a begun, co""enced( surpassed.
=': [ prakka.a ] n sound of a lute or a vina (*:).
=o [ prakri# ] n a process, a procedure, a "ode, a "ethod.
=o* [ prakrta ] a chartered.
=+ [ prak$lana ] n washing. =+ v. to wash.
=+ [ prak$lita ] a washed.
=+V [ prak$ipta ] a fung, thrown, cast( placed within or inside( interpolated.
=+VT n. an interpolated part, an interpolation.
=+ L [ prak$uddha ] a i"passioned( agitated( e%cited.
=+, =+: [ prak$pa, prak$pa.a ] n finging or casting, a throw( act or an
instance of placing in side or within( an interpolation. =+a. finging,
casting, throwing, placing inside or within( interpolating. n. a thrower( one
who places inside or within( an interpolator. =+ v. to hurl, to throw( to
=+ [ prak$bha ] n e"otion( i"pulse( an outburst of passion.
=O [ prakhara ] a very sharp or cutting( very acute or keen (=O L)( severe
(=O)( harsh (=O ?)( very strict (=O@). fem. =O ' n. great
sharpness or keenness( severity( harshness( e%cessive strictness.
=O? [ prakhyta ] a fa"ous, renowned, celebrated. ' a. one whose na"e is
= [ praga.)a ] n the upper ar".
= [ pragata ] a departed( past( gone, gone o+( uplifted.
= [ pragati ] n progress, advance"ent( (arith.) a progression.
=0* [ pragatibd ] n theory of progress. =0*a. progressive. n.
advocate or cha"pion or supporter or votary of progress. =* a.
progressive( "odern. =*n. progressive outlook, progressiveness(
= [ pragalbha ] a boastful, bragging( voluble( i"pertinent, saucy,
i"pudent( unhesitating( s"art( intrepid, bold( speaking unhesitatingly or
s"artly. =a. fem. of = n. a very sportive and wanton young
wo"an. ' n. boasting( bragging( volubility( i"pertinence, sauciness,
i"pudence( absence of hesitation( s"artness( intrepidity( unhesitating or
s"art talk.
= [ pragt ] n a singer of 8edic hy"ns( a reciter of 8edic prayers( a singer
or an nouncer.
= [ prag)h%& ]a very thick or deep or dense( very severe( profound. ' n.
great thickness or depth or density( great severity( profundity.
=#? [ praghya ] a (law) cogni7able.
= [ praca.)a ] a furious, ferce, terrible( for"idable( violent, severe. ' n.
furiousness, ferceness( terribleness( for"idability( severity.
= [ praca#a ] n culling( collection( accu"ulation( a "ultitude( increase(
= [ pracala ] a current. n. a convention. ' n. act of bringing into practice,
introduction usage, practice( currency. =v. to bring into practice or
currency( to introduce. = #Gv. to be introduced or practised( to gain
currency. =a. introduced( current, in vogue or prevailing taste(
=[ pracra ] n introduction( currency( an nounce"ent, procla"ation(
circulation( propaganda, publicity( preaching( disclosure( publication.
=v. to in troduce( to give currency (to)( to announce, to proclai"( to
circulate( to propagate( to give publicity to, to publici7e( to preach( to
disclose( to publish( to "ake public. =#Gv. to be introduced( to gain
currency( to be announced or proclai"ed or circulated or propagated( to get
publicity( to be preached or disclosed or published( to beco"e public. =a.
introducing( giving currency (to)( announcing( circulating( giving publicity to(
preaching( disclosing( publishing. n. an in troducer( one who gives currency
(to)( an announcer, a proclai"er( a circulator( a "issionary( a propagandist, a
publicist( a preacher( a discloser( a publisher. =: n. sa"e as = and1 a
co""uni*ue. =:sa"e as = =-_4 n. director of publicity. ' n. a
pa"phlet( a propaganda "aga7ine. ' ? n. "ediu" for publicity( "ass-
"edia. ' eZ n. sa"e as =? =a. introduced( that which has gained
currency, current( announced, proclai"ed( circulated( propagated(
publici7ed( preached( disclosed( published.
= [ pracura ] a great in a"ount or degree or nu"ber( plentiful, abundant(
profuse( a"ple( nu"erous( enough( su=cient. = :adv. in abundance
or in abundant *uantity.
=[ pract ] a having a "ind never to be perturbed( wise. n. 8aruna (D:)
the Fater-god.
=>[ prac$ ] n (repeated or unfagging) e+ort, endeavour, application,
persistent atte"pt.
=;0, =;0[ pracchada, pracchadapaa ] n a cover or a ,acket (esp. of a book).
=;y[ pracchanna ] a covered( hidden, concealed( secret( invisible( (esp. in bot.)
latent. ' n. covertness( conceal"ent( secrecy( invisibility( latency( coverture,
disguise. ' adv. in disguise, incognito. ' adv. covertly( secretly( invisibly(
stealthily( latently.
=;0[ pracchdana ] n a cover( a thin wrapper for the upper body. =;0a.
covered, wrapped.
=;[ pracch#a ] n deep shade( a deeply shady place. =;n. (phys.) u"bra.
=C[ prajana ] n breeding (of cattle).
=C[ prajanana ] n begetting, progeniture, generation( procreation( child-
bearing( (of ani"als) breeding. =Cn. fem. be getter( "other.
=Cn[ prajanma ] n a (certain) generation. =Cn the new generation.
4 *=Cn the ne%t generation.
=C[ praj ] n created beings, creatures( o+ spring, progeny, a descendant(
citi7ens collectively, the people( a citi7en( a tenant, a ryot( a sub,ect( the
public. ' Z n. a republic. ' Z*a. republican. ' n. ("yth.) the creator or protec
tor of all living creatures( Brah"a (p)( any one of the ten sons of Brah"a
(p)( the butterfy. =C4s an ordinance or regulation of the creator or
protector of living creatures( (loos.) predestination in "arriage. ' n. a
ruler, a king. ' n. act of protecting or ruling the people. =C v. to
rule over and look after the people. ' *!a. oppressive, tyrannical. n. an
oppressor( a tyrant. ' *! n. oppression of sub,ects, tyranny. ' *a. fem. having
children or o+spring. ' 4 n. the whole body of sub,ects or citi7ens, the people(
the tenantry. ' n. act or syste" of leasing out land and houses on f%ed
rents and ter"s. ' , Ln. "ultiplication of a race( increase or growth of
population. '] n. endeavour to please the people or sub,ects. a. devoted to
please the people or sub,ects. ' 1n. (pol.) the power of the people of a state,
the popular power. ' Y< n. the right of a sub,ect (to land)( the right of the
people (to land). '#n. the wellbeing or good of the sub,ects.
=C[ prajta ] a produced, grown. fem. =C
=C[ prajti ] n species.
=b[ praja ] a wise, sagacious( knowing.
=bV[ prajapti ] n a co""unication( a notice.
=b[ praj ] n superior understanding or intelligence, profound wisdo"(
knowledge about philosophical reality. ' + n. eyes having superhu"an or rare
power of attaining knowledge( power to attain knowledge about
philosophical reality. a. having superhu"anly or unco""only knowing
eyes( endowed with philosophical insight into the ulti"ate reality. ' a. well-
known or widely known( fa"ous. ' n. especial or superior knowledge(
knowledge about philosophical reality( a sign, a token( a hint. ' n. a
propagandist( a publicity "an, a publicity o=cer. ' n. propaganda( publicity(
notifcation( a co""uni*ue. ' n. cul"ination of knowledge( highest
knowledge( (in Buddhis") the goddess of knowledge. ' a. endowed with the
knowledge about philosophical reality( profoundly wise.
=[ prajbalana ] n act of burning strongly( fa"ing( enkindling, lighting( (fg.)
e%citation or rousing.
=[ prajbalit ] a strongly burning, fa"ing( enkindled, lighted( (fg.)
e%cited or roused. = #Gv. to burn strongly( to be afa"e or abla7e( to
be enkindled or lighted( (fg.) to be e%cited or roused.
=[ prajblana ] n act of causing to burn strongly( infa"ing( enkindling,
ignition, lighting( (fg.) act of e%citing or rousing.
=[ prajblita ] a caused to burn strongly( in fa"ed( enkindled, ignited,
lighted( (fg.) e%cited or roused. = v. to cause to burn strongly( to
infa"e( to enkindle, to ignite, to light( (fg.) to e%cite or rouse.
=:[ pra.ata ] a bowed or bent or lying prostrate in obeisance( stooping, bent,
inclined. fem. =: { =: #Gv. to bow or bend or lie prostrate in obeisance(
to stoop, to bend, to incline. =:n. bowing or bending or lying prostrate in
obeisance( stooping or bending, inclination.
=:?[ pra.amya ] a one who is to be or ft to be saluted by bowing or bending
to touch the feet.
=:[ pra.a#a ] n love( a"our( a+ection( attach "ent( friendship( a"icable
relation, good ter"s. 'Bn. a love-lyric, a ro"antic ballad. ' *n. a lovesong, a
love-lyric, an a"orous ditty. ' a. a"atory, a"orous. ' n. a loveletter, a
billet-dou%. ' n. an ob,ect of love( a lover. ' *!a. love-sick( lovelorn. ' s n.
the ties of love( a love-knot, a lover&s knot. ' C n. sa"e as =: a.
worthy of being loved( beloved. ' sa"e as =: ' *n. a lover&s sport,
an a"orous sport( (pop.) a love-a+air (esp. a secret one), an a+aire decoeur.
'@: n. a"orous talk. =:I+n. a longing for love, desire for love.
=:I+*a. longing for or desirous of love. =: n. love or passion (for).
=:*a. ena"oured of. fem. =:* =:@1a. in love with( s"itten with
love (for). =:0 sa"e as =:C
=:[ pra.a#ana ] n act of "aking( co"position (9#=:), co"pilation(
creation (@, >=:)( act of drawing up (`=:). =: v. to "ake( to
co"pose, to co"pile( to create( to draw up.
=:*[ pra.a# ] n a lover( a gallant. a. given to loving( a"orous. =:*n. fem.
a sweetheart, a lady-love( a "istress. a. fem. of =:*
=:[ pra.ma ] n act of "aking obeisance by lying prostrate or bending and
touching one&s feet (cp. kowtow). =: v. to lie prostrate or bend and touch
one&s feet in obeisance. =:*n. a present or "oney given at the ti"e of
"aking obeisance (RD=:*).
=:*[ pra.l ] n a drain( an a*ueduct( (geog.) a strait, a channel( a
procedure, a "ode, a "ethod, a syste". ' L a. "ethodical, syste"atic. =:*L
v. to syste"ati7e.
=:[ pra.a ] n annihilation, destruction, e%tinction( death. => a.
annihilated, destroyed.
=:[ pra.idhna ] n close attention( profound "editation( deep
consideration( earnest application or e"ploy"ent. =: v. to pay close
attention to( to "editate deeply( to consider deeply( to apply or e"ploy
earnestly (to). 'e? a. deserving close attention or deep consideration.
=:[ pra.idhi ] n a spy( an e"issary( a guide (?=:)( close attention(
"editation( deep consideration( earnest application( solicitation.
=:[ pra.i#ama ] n regulation.
=:*[ pra.ta ] a "ade( co"posed( co"piled( created( drawn up( (of books
etc) written.
=:[ pra.t ] n a "aker( a co"poser( a co"piler( a creator( one who draws
up. fem. =:*
=:0[ pra.dana ] n incite"ent, instigation( induce"ent, encourage"ent.
=:0[ pra.dita ] a incited, induced( encouraged. =:0 v. to incite, to
instigate( to induce, to encourage.
=[ pratata ] a wide( widespread( e%tended( e%panded.
=V[ pratapta ] a very "uch heated or hot or angered or e%cited.
=4 [ pratarka ] n doubt( hesitation( assu"ption( supposition( consideration.
=[ pratna ] n (of creepers etc.) tension( a tendril.
=[ pratpa ] n "ight, power( prowess( do"ineering infuence( heat.
'*=~, =*a. "ighty, powerful( do"ineeringly infuential( (of the sun
etc.) strongly burning or shining.
=[ pratraka @ n a cheat( a swindler, a sharper( an i"poster, a deceiver( a
beguiler( a chicaner.
=:, =:[ pratra., pratra.a ] n cheating( deception, chicanery( a deceit(
a swindle, a fraud( hoodwinking( beguile"ent. =: v. to cheat( to
deceive( to swindle( to i"pose upon( to hoodwink( to beguile. =:3a.
fraudulent( deceitful.
=[ pratrita ] a cheated( deceived( swindled( beguiled. fem. =
[ prati
] prep towards (, # =)( to ( =)( regarding, concerning (h
= `4:).
[ prati
] pf% denoting every, each( substi tuting, deputi7ing, vice-(
counter-, re-, pro%i"ity, neighbourhood (=@*)( contrary, anti-( si"ilar,
e%act (=34 )( e*ual (=e).
=-`o:[ prati#krama.a ] n a counter-attack.
=4 [ pratikart ] a redressing( re"edying, avenging( preventing(
counteracting. n. a redresser( an avenger( a preventer( a counteractor.
=4[ pratikarma ] n redress( re"edying( avenging( prevention(
counteraction( dressing, toilet.
=[ pratikalpa ] n a substitute. = n. substi tution.
=[ pratikra ] n redress( re"edy( revenge( prevention( counteraction.
= v. to redress( to re"edy( to avenge( to prevent( to counteract.
=e4 [ pratikrya ] a redressible( re"ediable( that which can be or is to be
avenged or counteracted( preventible.
=3 [ pratikla ] a opposed( contrary( hostile, "alignant( adverse(
unfavourable. ' n. opposition( contrariety( antagonis", hostility, "alignancy(
adverseness, disfavour. =3 v. to oppose( to be hostile to( to
antagoni7e. =3 : n. opposition( antagonis", hostility. =3 prep.
=, [ pratik-ta ] a redressed( re"edied( avenged( prevented( counteracted.
=, [ pratik-ti ] n a portrait( an i"age.
=o[ pratikrama ] n inverse or reverse order.
=o[ pratikri# ] n a reaction( a response( an anti-progressive act or
conduct( a swingback( counteraction. ' *a. (pol.) anti-progressive,
reactionary( (rare) responsive, reactive. ' *n. the *uality or state of being
reactionary( obscurantis"( opposition to progressiveness. =o* #Gv. to
react( to be reactionary. =o* ?1a reactionary.
=+:[ pratik$a.a ] adv every "o"ent( always.
=+V[ pratik$ipta ] a rebounded. =+V #Gv. to rebound.
=+:[ pratik$pa.a ] n act of throwing back or rebounding. =+: v. to
throw back, to rebound.
=[ pratigamana ] n return. = v. to go back, to return, to recede.
=*[ pratigm ] a returning( receding.
=, #*[ pratig-hta ] a accepted.
=9#[ pratigraha ] n acceptance of a gift( acceptance( a gift, a present( a
pro"ise, a pledge( (astrol.) a "alignant planet or star. =9#: n. acceptance
of a gift( acceptance. =9#:* a. acceptable.
=9#[ pratigrha ] n acceptance, acceptance of a gift. =9#a. caused to
accept a gift. =9#*a. accepting a gift.
=9#?[ pratigrhya ] a acceptable.
=[ pratighta ] n a counter-stroke, a counter blow. = #v. to deal
(one) a counter-blow. = n. act of killing. =*a. killing. fem. =*
=[ praticitra ] a a blue print. ' P n. a blue printer.
=;[ praticch# ] n a refection( a shadow( an i"age, a likeness(
rese"blance, likeness.
=C[ pratijihb ] n uvula.
=b[ pratij ] n a sole"n resolve or declaration( a vow( a pro"ise, a
pledge( (geo".) a theore" or a proble" or a proposition. =b v. to
resolve or declare sole"nly( to pro"ise. =ba. resolved( pro"ised(
accepted( proposed. ' n. a written pro"ise or agree"ent, a bond( a written
confession. ' n. act of keeping a pro" ise. =b v. to keep a
pro"ise. ' L a. bound by a pro"ise, under a pledge. ' N n. a breach of
pro"ise. =bNv. to break a pro"ise. ' N*a. pro"ise-breaking. n. a
=0[ pratidatta ] a given in return or e%change( re*uired( returned.
=0[ pratidna ] n a gift or pay"ent in return of another( e%change( re*uital,
re*uite( retribution( repay"ent( revenge. =0 0Gv. to give in return or
e%change( to re*uite, to retribute( to repay( to take revenge upon. ' #* a.
=0[ pratidina ] adv everyday, daily( perdie", each day (=0 C)( day
by day.
=0>[ pratidi$a ] a overruled.
=0[ pratid#a ] a that which is to be or can be given in return or e%change(
re*uitable, retributable.
=6, =6[ pratidbandba, pratidbandbit ] n "utual hostility or strife(
rivalry( co"petition. =6v. to fght or contend with( to rival( to vie or
co"pete with. =63 a. co"petitive. =6*a. contending( rivalling(
co"peting( hostile. n. a contender( a rival( a co"petitor( an adversary. fem.
=|[ pratidhbani ] n an echo, a reverberation. =| v. to echo, to
reverberate. =|a. echoed, reverberated, resounded.
=[ pratinama"kra ] n salutation in reply to a salutation.
=[ pratinidhi ] n a deputy( an agent( a represen tative( a delegate( a
substitute( a pro%y. C=n. a viceroy. =< n. o=ce or tenure of a
deputy or agent or representative or substitute. =<v. to deputi7e( to
act as an agent of( to represent( to act as a delegate or substitute or pro%y
of. ' 4 n. a delegation, a deputation, body of representatives. ' @n. a "eeting
of delegates or deputies or representatives.
=4 [ pratinibartana ] n return( refraining or desistance.
=, [ pratinib-tta ] a returned( having refrained or desisted (fro"). =,
#Gv. to return (fro")( to refrain or desist (fro"). =, sa"e as =4
=[ pratini#ata ] adv every "o"ent, constantly, always.
=04 [ pratinirda ] n cross-reference.
=+[ pratipak$a ] n the hostile party( the opposite party, the opposition( the
opponent( an ene"y( a rival( (in law) a defendant. =+* a. of the opposite
side or party or ca"p, of the contending side or ca"p.
=[ pratipatti ] n honour( good standing( do"inating or powerful infuence(
infuence( power( (rare) proof. ' * ' *, ' @y a. en,oying honour( well-
established( having do"ineering infuence( infuential( powerful.
=[ pratipatra ] n a counterfoil.
=0[ pratipada ] n the frst lunar day of a "onth.
=0[ pratipad ] adv at every step( constantly.
=y[ pratipanna ] a ascertained( corroborated, confr"ed( verifed( proved,
substantiated. =y v. to prove, to substantiate.
=0[ pratipda ] a antipodal. '"# n. (geog.) the antipodes.
=0[ pratipdaka ] a ascertaining( corroborating, confr"ing( verifying(
proving, substantiating( perfor"ing.
=0[ pratipdana ] n ascertain"ent( corroboration, confr"ation(
verifcation( proving, substantiation( acco"plish"ent, perfor"ance. =0
v. to ascertain( to corroborate, to confr"( to verify( to prove, to
substantiate( to acco"plish, to perfor". =0* sa"e as =0?
=0[ pratipdik ] fe" of =0
=0[ pratipdita ] a ascertained( corroborated, confr"ed( verifed(
proved, substantiated( acco"plished, perfor"ed.
=0?[ pratipdya ] a to be ascertained or corroborated or confr"ed or
verifed or proved or substantiated or acco"plished or perfor"ed(
ascertainable( confr"able( verifable( provable( acco"plishable,
=[ pratiplaka ] a bringing up, rearing, fostering( feeding, "aintaining(
keeping, observing( co"plying, obeying( protecting, looking after the well-
being of. n. one who brings up, a rearer, a fosterer( a feeder, a "aintainer(
a keeper, an observer( one who co"plies (with) or obeys( a protector, a
=[ pratiplana ] n upbringing( rearing( fostering (@2-=)( feeding(
"ainte nance (C-=)( keeping, observance (=-=)( act of
obeying, co"pliance (`0 =)( protection, act of looking after the well-
being of (=C-=). =v. to bring up( to rear( to foster( to feed, to
"aintain( to keep, to observe( to co"ply with, to obey( to protect, to look
after the well-being of. =* sa"e as =?
=[ pratiplik ] fe" of =
=[ pratiplita ] a brought up( reared( fostered( fed( "aintained(
observed( co"plied with, obeyed( protected, taken care of. fem. =
=?[ pratiplya ] a worthy of being brought up or reared or fostered or fed
or "aintained or kept or observed or co"plied with or obeyed or protected
or taken care of.
=[ pratip$aka ] a corroborative, bearing out( supporting( aiding.
=:[ pratip$a.a ] n corroboration, act of bearing out( act of supporting or
==[ pratiprabha ] a (phys. ! bot.) fuorescent. ==n. fuorescence.
==[ pratiprana ] n a counter-*uestion.
=h[ pratiphala ] n retributory punish"ent, retribution, re*uite, re*uital(
relation, revenge( (loos.) punish"ent. 5e1=h ,ust retribution. =h
0Gv. to "ete out retributory punish"ent (to)( to take revenge upon( to
punish. =hGv. to su+er the conse*uences( to be punished.
=h[ pratiphalana ] n refection (as in a "irror).=h : n. (phys.) angle
of refection. =ha. refected. =hv. to refect. =h#Gv. to
=s[ pratibandha ] n an obstacle, a hindrance( a frustration. a. hindered,
obstructed( frustrated. =sa. obstructing, hindering( opposing. n. an
obstacle. =s sa"e as =s (n.). =s*a. obstructed( obstructing(
su+ering fro" physical or "ental disability, (inc. but pop.) handicapped.
=:4 *:[ pratibar.kara.a ] n transliteration( transcribing in the character or
script of another language. =:4 *, a. transliterated.
=4 [ pratibartana ] n obversion.
=[ pratibala ] a e*ually strong or powerful. n. a hostile ar"y or forces.
=3 [ pratiba"tpam ] n (rhet.) a parallel si"ile.
=?[ pratibkya ] n an answer, a reply( a retort( an adverse co""ent.
=[ pratibta ] a windward. =adv. wind wards.
=0[ pratibda ] n a counter-plea, a counter-argu"ent( a protest( a counter.
=0v. to put forth a counter-plea or counter-argu"ent( to protest. ' @n.
a protest "eeting. =0*a. pleading against( pleading in reply( protesting(
opposing, contending (against). n. (in law) a defendant, a respondent. fem.
=@*[ pratib" ] a living or residing in the neighbourhood. n. a neighbour.
fem. =@*
=[ pratibidhna ] n a counter-action or counter "easure( re"edy,
redress( revenge. =v. to take "easures against( to re"edy, to
redress( to avenge.
=S@[ pratibidhit" ] n desire of taking "easures against or re"edying or
redressing( revengefulness. =S@ a. desirous of taking "easures against
or re"edying or redressing( revengeful( avenging.
= [ pratibidh#a ] a re"ediable, redressable.
= [ pratibiplaba ] n a counter-revolution. =*a. counter-revolutionary.
=( [ pratibimba ] n a refected i"age, a refection, an i"age. =( n. act
of being refected, refection. =(a. refected.
=[ pratibi$a ] n an anti-to%in( an antidote.
=#[ pratibihita ] a re"edied, redressed, righted, avenged.
=0[ pratibdana ] n a petition of co"plaint( a report.
=[ pratiba ] n dwelling-houses in the neighbourhood( environs,
surroundings( environ"ent. =* sa"e as =@* fem. =*
=, =[ pratibdha, pratibdhana ] n "anifestation, revelation(
awakening( consolation. =a. "anifested, revealed( awakened(
=[ pratibh ] n keen intelligence( presence of "ind( inventive or creative
faculty( genius( glow( brilliance. ' sa"e as =
=[ pratibhta ] a brightly appearing, shiningly visible( "anifest, clearly
revealed( clearly known( lighted( refected.
=, =*, =@y[ pratibhdhara, pratibhl, pratibh"ampanna ] a
keenly intelligent( endowed with e%ceptional inventive or creative faculty(
endowed with genius. = ?1 a "an of genius, a genius.
=[ pratibhra ] n counter-balance.
=[ pratibh$a ] n an answer, a reply.
=@[ pratibh"a ] n radiance, illu"ination( "anifestation( revelation.
=@a. radiant( "anifested or revealed.
=3 [ pratibh ] n a representative, a deputy, an agent, a substitute( a
=3 -[ pratibhti#patra ] n bail-bond.
=[ pratima ] a (in. comp. used as a sfx.) like, rese"bling, e*ual to.
=[ pratim ] n an icon, an i"age( an idol. ' 3 :4*a. iconoclastic. n. an
iconoclast. ' 3 :4 iconoclas". ' ], ' @C4 n. the cere"onial i""ersion of an
idol. ' 3Cn. an idolater, an iconolater, an i"age-worshipper. a. idolatrous.
'3Cn. idolatry, iconolatry, i"age-worship. ' 3C*a. opposed to i"age-
worship( iconoclastic. ' n. the art of "aking i"ages. ' n. the artist who
"akes an i"age.
=[ pratimna ] n a "odel, a pattern( (phys.) balancing, a weight. =
v. (phys.) to balance.
=O [ pratimukha ] n a direction towards one( front. a. ("ech.) unlike( (bot.)
opposite( facing. = Oprep. in the direction of.
=x4 [ pratimuhurta ] adv every "o"ent( always.
=34 [ pratimrti ] n an i"age, an icon, a portrait, a likeness( an e%actly
si"ilar fgure or appearance.
=e[ pratiyga ] n antipathy( en"ity, hostility( *uarrel( rivalry( co"petition.
=en. rivalry( co"petition( vying. =e v. to co"pete or vie
(with). =e3, =e*3:4 a. co"petitive. =e*a. rivalling(
co"peting( vying( (geo".) con,ugate. n. a rival( a co"petitor. fem. =e*

=eC[ pratiyjana ] n (bot.) adaptation.

=eL[ pratiyddh ] n an opponent in duelling, an antagonist, a rival.
=+[ pratirak$ ] n defence. =+-Zn. the "inistry of defence.
=DL[ pratiruddha ] a prevented( checked, resisted( obstructed( opposed(
blockaded( stopped. =DL sa"e as =
=[ pratirpa ] n an i"age, a likeness( an e%actly si"ilar fgure or
appearance( a refected i"age, a refection, likeness, rese"blance. a.
si"ilar( like, e%actly rese"bling.
=[ pratirdha ] n prevention( check, resistance( obstruction( opposition(
an obstacle, a blockade( stoppage. = v. to prevent( to check, to resist(
to obstruct( to oppose( to blockade( to stop. =, =*a. preventive(
resistant( resisting( obstructive( obstructing( opposing( blockading( stopping.
'1n. the power of or capacity for resistance or opposition. =a.
obstructed, resisted( opposed( stopped( prevented.
=[ pratilipi ] n a replica, a facsi"ile, a transcript, a copy.
=O[ pratilkha ] n act of copying( transcription( a transcript, a copy.
=On. a copyist. =O n. copying.
=[ pratilma ] n reverse, inverse. =# "arriage of a high-caste
bride with a low-caste bridegroo". =Ca. born of a low-caste father and
a high-caste "other.
=}[ pratiabda ] n a synony"( an echo.
=, =[ pratia#a, pratia#ana ] n a persistent s*uatting at the te"ple of
a deity for divine favour or boon. =a. thus s*uatting.
= [ pratidha ] n revenge( re*uital( retaliation. = Gv. to re*uite(
to retaliate( to take revenge (upon)( to pay (a person) in his own coin, to give
tit for tat, to avenge.
=[ pratiruta ] a pro"ised, pledged( pro"ise bound( covenanted. =
#Gv. to pledge oneself, to co""it oneself by a pro"ise. =n. a pro"ise,
a pledge( a covenant. = N n. breach of or withdrawal fro" a pro"ise or
contract or pledge.
= [ prati$dha ] n prohibition, forbiddance( prevention( an antidote(
therapeutics( a therapeutical drug. =L a. prohibited, forbidden. =a.
prohibitive( preventive( prophylactic, therapeutical, antidotal. n. a
therapeutical or antidotal drug( an antidote, a prophylactic.
=)[ prati$h ] n setting up, establish"ent, foundation (0?-=),
T=))( sole"n dedication, consecration ( =))( installation (9#=))(
observance (of a vow etc.)( settling down, habilitation( good footing or
standing, fa"e, reputation (=)). =) v. to set up, to establish, to
found( to dedicate sole"nly, to consecrate( to instal( to "ake one settle
down. =)Gv. to gain a good footing or standing( to earn fa"e or
reputation. =)n. an establisher, a founder( a dedicator( one who instals
or causes to settle down. fem. =)* ' n. goodwill (as of a business
fr"). =) n. an institute, an institution, an establish"ent. ' n. sa"e as
=) ' n. setting up, establish"ent, foundation( sole"n dedication,
consecration( installation( settling down, habilitation. ' sa"e as =)
fem. ' * ' a. set up, established, founded( sole"nly dedicated,
consecrated( installed( settled down, habilitated. ' a. having a good footing
or standing( fa"ous, reputed.
=@T# [ prati"aOhra ] n withholding (of weapons etc.)( warding o+. =@T#
v. to hold back, to withhold( to ward o+, to stave o+.
=@T [ prati"aOh-ta ] a (of weapons etc.) held back, withheld( warded o+.
=@ [ prati"ama ] a sy""etrical. =@? sy""etry.
=@: [ prati"ara.a ] n (phys.) refraction. =@:v. to refract. =@::
angle of refraction. =@:* a. refrangible.
=@J [ prati"ar0ka ] n (phys.) refracting inde%.
=@4 [ prati"arga ] n ("yth.) e%pansion of the creation after the original one,
the secondary creation( universal dissolution.
=@: [ prati"ra.a ] n re"oval( withdrawal. =@: v. to re"ove( to draw
or lead away, to withdraw.
=@ [ prati"rita ] a re"oved( led away.
=@* [ prati"r ] a going in an opposite direction( refracting( going against.
=@, [ prati"-ta ] a (phys.) refracted.
=4 [ prati"pardh ] n audacity, arrogance( defance( challenge( spirit of
challenge. =4 *a. arrogant, audacious( challenging( e"ulative.
=Y+ [ prati"bk$ara ] n countersignature. =Y+a. countersigned.
=# [ pratihata ] a checked, prevented( repelled, staved o+( obstructed( hurt
in return( hurt( =# v. to check, to prevent( to repel, to repulse, to stave
o+, to beat back, to obstruct.
=# [ pratihanana ] n act of killing a slayer.
=#2 [ pratihant ] a. ! n one who kills a slayer. fem. =#Z*
=# [ pratihra ] n a gate or a door( a doorkeeper, a gate"an, a porter (fem.
porteress portress), a ,anitor (fem. ,anitri%, ,anitress)( an ar"ed guard
stationed at a door or a gate, act of giving up, abandon"ent, avoidance( a
race of ancient Lndia. =#*n. an ar"ed guard stationed at a door or a gate(
a doorkeeper, a gate"an, a porter. fem. =#:*
=#e4 [ pratihrya ] a that which should be given up or abandoned or avoided.
=#T@ [ pratihiO" ] n revenge, retaliation. =#T@9#: v. to take revenge
(upon), to retaliate, to avenge. ' : a. vindictive, revengeful, retaliative.
=#T@a. one upon who" revenge has been taken.
=* [ pratka ] n a sy"bol( a sign. ' 0, ' n. sy"bolis". =* 4 a token
strike. =**a. sy"bolic, sy"bolical. =*n. sy"bolis".
=*+: [ pratk$am.a ] a waiting for, awaiting( e%pecting, e%pectant. fem.
=*+ [ pratk$ ] n act of waiting for, awaiting( e%pectation. =*+ v. to wait
for, to await( to e%pect. ' n. a waitingroo".
=*+ [ pratk$ita ] a awaited( e%pected.
=*+?: [ pratk$yam.a ] a one being waited for( that is being waited for.
=** [ pratc ] n the west( the western world, the western he"isphere, the
=**, =*? [ pratcna, pratcya ] a of the west or of the western world,
western, occidental.
=* [ pratta ] a reali7ed, understood, cogni7ed( having for"ed a notion(
believing, convinced. =*n. reali7ation, understanding, cognition( a notion,
an i"pression( a belief, a conviction.
=* [ pratpa ] a (geo".) vertically opposite( opposite or negative. n. (rhet.)
a reversed si"ile. ' : n. (geo".) a vertically opposite angle. ' n.
retrogression( (astr.) retrograde "otion. =* (phys.) negative pressure.
=* (geog.) an anti-current.
=* [ prat#amna ] a that which is being or capable of being reali7ed or
cogni7ed or known( suggested (=* @3 e4), (loos.) evident or visible.
=*#Gv. to appear, to wear the look of( to see"( to be evident, to be
= [ pratula ] n abundance, plenty( prosperity, richness. a. abundant,
=[ [ pratna ] n ancient, old, ' , ' 0?n. archaeology. ' U, ' 0 n. archaeolo gist(
an anti*uary, an anti*uarian. '*, 'a. archaeological( anti*uarian.
=[C*0? [ pratnajbabidy ] n palaeontology. =[F00?n. palaeo-botany.
=[=:*0?n. palaeo 7oology.
=?? [ pratyakcaitanya ] n subconscious, subconsciousness.
=?+ [ pratyak$a ] a perceptible by senses( perceptible, visible, apparent(
"anifest, evident, clear( direct (=?+ ). n. senseperception( perception( a
percept. =?+ v. to perceive by senses( to perceive directly( to see, to
visuali7e. =?+51 (gr.) direct speech or narration. =?+02 the visible or
apparent hori7on. =?+h direct or i""ediate result or conse*uence( (loos.)
visible conse*uence. ' n. a direct ta%. ' * sa"e as =?+04 * ' a. directly
perceptible( visible( perceptible by senses. ' b n. direct knowledge.
=?+adv. apparently. ' 04 n. direct perception, visuali7ation, act of seeing
with one&s own eyes. ' 04 *a. directly perceiving, visuali7ing, seeing with one&s
own eyes. n. an eye-witness. ' =: n. visible evidence, direct proof. ' 0 n.
"aterialis"( positivis". ' 0*a. "aterialistic( positivistic. n. a "aterialist( a
positivist. =?+@+? direct evidence. =?+* sa"e as =?+04 * =?+*: n.
visuali7ation, witnessing( perception( sense-perception. =?+*, a. seen with
one&s own eyes, directly seen, witnessed( perceived( perceived by senses.
=?+*3 a. visible( directly seen( perceived or perceivable by senses.
=? [ pratyagtm ] n the 6upre"e Being, /od( the hu"an soul endowed
with the knowledge about theological and philosophical reality.
=?N [ pratya0ga ] n a subsidiary or "inor li"b, an appendage( (fg.) a s"all
co"ponent or subsidiary part.
=?2 [ pratyanta ] a lying on or ad,oining the border, bordering (on),
contiguous, neighbouring. n. the border( the frontier region, the frontier( (in
the 9uranas) the land of 3lechhas (;). ' 4n. a hillock beside a "ountain.
'=0 n. a neighbouring country( the frontier( outskirts. ' @*a. dwelling on the
outskirts of a town or village or country( dwelling on a frontier.
=? [ pratyab#a ] n sin( vice( har". =?*a. sinful( vicious( har"ful.
=?+: [ pratyabk$a.a ] n en*uiry( scrutiny( research( supervision.
=?b, =?b [ pratyabhij, pratyabhijna ] n recognition.
=?0, =?0 [ pratyabhibda, pratybhibdana ] n a salute or salutation in
return. =?0v. to salute in return, to return a salute.
=?e [ pratyabhiyga ] n a countercharge. =?ev. to bring a
=? [ pratya#a ] n trust( belief( confdence( conviction( fr" i"pression or
notion( (gr.) an infection. =? v. to believe, to trust, to have confdence
(in). ' C, ' e? a. trustworthy, believable, worthy of belief, credible(
convincing. =?a. trusty. =?*a. believing( trusting( confdent.
=?B4 * [ pratyarth ] n (in law) a contestant, a defendant, an opponent, an
opposite party( an accused.
=?4: [ pratyarpa.a ] n giving back, return, repay"ent( restoration. =?4: v.
to give back, to return, to repay( to restore (to). =?4a. given back,
returned, repaid( restored.
=?# [ pratyaha ] adv everyday( daily( day by day( perdie".
=?4: [ pratykar$a.a ] n counter-attraction.
=?O? [ pratykhyta ] a re,ected, refused( discarded( disallowed(
unentertained( (rare) neglected, slighted.
=?O? [ pratykhyna ] n re,ection, refusal( discard"ent( disallowance, refusal
of per"ission( refusal to entertain( (rare) neglect, slight. =?O? v. to
refuse to accept, to re,ect, to refuse( to discard( to disallow, to refuse
per"ission( to refuse to entertain, to disappoint( (rare) to neglect, to slight.
=? [ pratygata ] a co"e-back, returned( ("ech.) recoiled. =?n. return
"ove"ent( return( ("ech.) recoil.
=? [ pratygamana ] n a co"e-back( co"ing back( return. =? v. to
co"e back, to return( ("ech.) to recoil.
=? [ pratyghta ] n a counterblow. =? v. to deal a counterblow, to
strike back.
=?0> [ pratydi$a ] a divinely co""anded or inspired( voided, repealed.
=?0 [ pratyda ] n a divine co""and or inspiration, a co""and"ent( a
divine an nounce"ent, an oracle( nullifcation, voidance, repeal.
=? [ pratyna#ana ] n bringing back( act of bringing again. =? v. to
bring back( to bring again.
=?* [ pratynta ] a brought back( brought again.
=?4 [ pratybartana ] n co"ing or going back, return. =?4 v. to co"e
or go back, to return.
=?@ [ pratyb"ana ] n repatriation. =?@ @#e? n. repatriation beneft.
=?@a. repatriated.
=?, [ pratyb-tta ] a co"e or gone back, returned. fem. =?, =?,
#Gv. to co"e or go back, to return.
=? [ praty#ana ] n attestation. =?a. attested.
=?* [ pratyl)h%& @ n the kneeling posture of an archer whilst shooting with
his right leg doubled in the front and the left stretched out at the back.
=? [ praty ] n hope( longing( prospect( e%pectation( awaiting. =? v.
to hope or long (for)( to e%pect( to await. =?a. hoped( longed for(
prospective( e%pected( awaited. =?*a. hoping or longing for( e%pectant(
=?@y [ praty"anna ] a very near, contiguous( that which is round the corner(
i""inent, i"pending.
=?# [ pratyhata ] a beaten back, repulsed, warded o+, staved o+(
prevented( obstructed, resisted( frustrated( foiled.
=?#:, =?# [ pratyhara.a, pratyhra ] n withdrawal( retraction( revocation(
repeal( (phil.) abstraction. =?#: , =?# v. to withdraw( to retract( to
revoke, to rescind( to repeal.
=? [ pratyh-ta ] a withdrawn( retracted( revoked, rescinded( repealed.
= ?1 [ pratyukti ] n an answer, a reply( a retort.
= ? [ pratyuta ] con. ! adv on the contrary, rather.
= ?Sy [ pratyutpanna ] a produced on the spur of the "o"ent,
e%te"poraneous( very pro"pt. ' n. presence of "ind, ready wit. a.
endowed with presence of "ind, ready-witted. ' < n. ready wittedness(
presence of "ind.
= ? [ pratyuttara ] n a retort, re,oinder. = ? v. to retort, to answer back.
= ?0#: [ pratyudhara.a ] n counter-e%a"ple( a counter precedent.
= ?E, = ?E [ pratyudgamana, pratyudgama ] n going forward or advancing in
order to receive a visitor on the way( seeing o+ a respected visi tor.
= ?Ev. to go forward in order to receive a visitor on the way( to see o+.
= ? [ pratyupakra ] n a good turn in return. = ? v. to do (one) a
good turn in return. = ?4 , = ?*a. !n. one who does (one) a good turn
in return. = ?, n. benefted in return.
= ?, =3 ? [ pratyu$a, praty$a ] n the dawn( daybreak( the "orning. = ?adv.
at dawn or day break, early in the "orning.
=? [ pratyka ] a each, every. pro. each, everyone. =? , =? a.
of each, of everybody.
=B [ prathama ] a frst( pri"itive (=B e)( of the beginning, inceptive
(=B"#)( "ost i"portant, chief (=B B)( eldest (=B)( fore"ost (=B @)(
best (*+ =B j: =B). fem. =B (*+) =B #Gv. to co"e or stand
frst or to top the list (in an e%a"ination). =Badv. at frst( frstly, in the frst
place, frst. ' 04 n. the frst "eeting. =B04 =: love at frst sight. ' 0 n. the
frst *uarter. ' D n. (gr.) the third person. ' @ n. the early age( the early
youth. =B weL the Mirst Forld Far. =Badv. at frst( in the frst place, frst(
in the beginning( in front, before all. =BT n. the frst or early part. =B1n.
the one frst spoken of or referred to frst( for"er.
=B [ prath ] n usage, custo", practice( syste", "ethod. ' a. custo"ary.
' a. in accordance with custo"( custo"ary( conventional. ' ? n. loyalty or
faithfulness to custo" or convention. ' @adv. according to the custo" or
practice or syste", custo"arily. ' adv. according to or in accordance with
custo" or convention( conventionally.
=B [ prathita ] a fa"ous, celebrated. ' a. one whose na"e is fa"ous(
renowned( widely fa"ous. 'ea. widely fa"ous, renowned.
#=0 [ #prada ] sf% denotes giving (3O=0).
=0+: [ pradak$i.a ] n (ori. ! ritually) clockwise circu"a"bulation round an
ob,ect( act of going around so"ething. =0+: v. to circu"a"bulate in a
clockwise "anner around so"ething( to go round so"ething.
=0 [ pradatta ] a given( bestowed( conferred.
=0 [ pradamita ] a subdued( restrained( suppressed.
=0 [ pradara ] n leucorrhoea.
=04 [ pradaraka ] a showing( e%hibiting( displaying( de"onstrating. n. one
who shows( one who shows one round, a guide( an e%hibitor, a displayer( a
=04 [ pradarana ] n act of showing or showing round or e%hibiting or
displaying or de"onstrating( act of seeing or observing thoroughly or
"inutely or carefully. =04 v. to see or observe thoroughly or "inutely or
carefully. =04 v. to show( to show one round( to e%hibit( to display( to
de"onstrate. =04*n. a public show, an e%hibition.
=04 [ pradaraml ] n a "useu".
=04 [ pradarik ] fe" of =04
=04 [ pradarita ] a shown( shown round( e%hibited( displayed(
de"onstrated( clearly shown.
#=0 [ #prad ] fe" of -=0
=0 [ pradna ] n giving( bestowal( conferring( yielding( i"parting. =0 v. to
give( to bestow( to confer( to yield( to i"part.
=0, =0* [ prad#aka, prad# ] a giving( bestowing( conferring( yielding(
i"parting. fem. =0, =0*
=0# [ pradha ] n distress, aBiction (4=0#)( burning pain, infa""ation
(h!=0#). =0#*. a. distressful, aBicting( causing infa""ation, infa""atory.
=0* [ pradpa ] n a la"p, a light( (fg.) one who illu"inates or glorifes
( =0*). =0* n. act of illu"inating or e%citing( lighting of la"ps.
=0*V [ pradpta ] a illu"inated, enkindled( brightly burning, bla7ing( shining(
e%cited. =0*Vv. to illu"inate, to enkindle( to e%cite. =0*Vn. illu"ination(
bright glow( lustre( e%cite"ent.
=0, V [ prad-pta ] a very proud or haughty or arrogant or vulgarly self-assertive
or vigorous.
=0 [ prad#a ] a that which is to be or can be given.
=0 [ prada ] n a province( a state( a country( a region( a part.
=0, =0 [ prad$a, prad$akla ] n evening( nightfall, evening twilight(
night. =0s n. the gloo" of the evening.
=0? [ pradyta ] n glow( shine( a ray.
= [ pradhna ] a chief, "ain, principal( pri"e( "ost i"portant( leading,
fore"ost( pre-e"inent( predo"inant. in comp. (used as a sfx.) do"inated
by or chiefy characteri7ed by (*=). n. a chief( a head"an( a leader( a
royal counsellor( /od( the pri"ordial fe"ale energy. fem. = { = _+ the
principal a%is. = _B the chief guest. = `+ the head constable.
=: the head clerk. =4@ the ;hief 6ecretary. = the principal
or chief or the focal character. =adv. chiefy, "ainly, principally, pre-
e"inently, predo"inantly. =n. pri"eness( supre"acy( pre-e"inence,
predo"inance. = the ;hief ]ustice. ' Z*n. the 9ri"e 3inister. ' 3 (bot.)
the tap root. ' + the head"aster. fem. ' + the head"istress. =@
the ;o""ander-in-;hief.
= [ pradhbana ] n act of running rapidly, a *uick run( a *uick race.
= [ pradhbita ] a running or caused to be running rapidly. = v. to
cause to run rapidly. = #Gv. to run rapidly.
=3 [ pradhmita ] a caused to e"it s"oke profusely( (of anger etc.) caused
to be fu"ing( (fg.) angered. fem. =3 {=3 v. to cause to e"it s"oke
profusely( to fu"e. =3 #Gv. to be e"itting s"oke profusely( to fu"e.
=|T@ [ pradhbaO"a ] n annihilation, destruction. =|T@*a. annihilating,
=> [ prana$a ] a utterly lost or ruined or destroyed. =: n. destruction,
=A [ prapaca ] n e%tent( illusion, maya( delusion( pheno"enal reality( the
world( the worldly life( an error or "istake( untruth( falsehood( a collection, a
"ultitude. ' a. full of illusions( illusory. =Aa. e%tensive( e%tended(
illusive( illusory( erroneous.
= [ prap ] n a place where drinking water is available or distributed, (cp.) a
= [ prapta ] n fall (of water etc.)( a waterfall, a cascade, a cataract. ' On. a
fall line.
=# [ prapitmaha ] n a great-grandfather (on one&s father&s side). fem.
=#* a great grand"other (on one&s father&s side).
=3: [ prapra.a ] n flling up co"pletely.
=3 [ praprita ] a co"pletely flled up.
=$ [ prapautra ] n a grandson of one&s son or nephew, a great-grandson.
fem. =$*n. a grand-daughter of one&s son or nephew, a great-
=h@ [ praph"ara ] n a professor. =h@n. professorship. =h@v. to work
as a professor.
=1 [ prabakt ] n a spokes"an( one who is fuent or elo*uent in speech. a.
elo*uent or fuent in speech.
= [ prabacana ] n an adage, a proverb( an apophtheg", apotheg"( a
popular or oft*uoted saying( (rare) a"plifcation.
=A [ prabacaka ] n a cheat, a swindler, an i"poster, a deceiver( a beguiler.
=A [ prabacan ] n cheating( deception( deceit( swindle( fraud(
beguile"ent. =Av. to cheat( to deceive( to swindle( to i"pose upon( to
hoodwink( to beguile. '3a. fraudulent( deceitful.
=A [ prabacita ] a cheated( deceived( swindled( beguiled. fem. =A
=: [ praba.a ] a inclined or sloping (=:3 )( inclined to, prone to, tending to
(=:)( attached or addicted to, given to ($e4=:)( eager to, ready to(
profcient in. ' 3 n. an escarp"ent( a declivity. ' n. inclination, propensity,
declivity( tendency, disposition( attach"ent, addiction( eagerness, readiness(
=s [ prabandha ] n an essay, an article( a dissertation( a treatise( se*uence( a
trick, a stratage" (&e =s :&). ' n. an essayist.
= [ prabara ] a (chiefy used as a sfx.) best, e%cellent (4=). n. a line of
descent, descent( the originating saint of a line of descent. = @ select
=4 [ prabartaka ] a introducing, bringing into use or currency( inaugurating,
starting( founding, establishing( e"ploying, initiating. n. an introducer, one
who introduces or brings (so"ething) into use( an inaugurator( a pioneer( a
founder( an e"ployer, an initiator.
=4 [ prabartana ] n bringing into use, introduction( inauguration, start,
inception( establish"ent( e"ploy"ent, initiation. =4 v. to bring into use
or currency, to introduce( to inaugurate, to start, to begin( to found, to
establish( to e"ploy, to initiate. =4 n. initiation( incite"ent( induce"ent(
inspiration. =4 0Gv. to initiate( to incite( to induce( to inspire.
=4 [ prabarta#it ] n an initiator( an inciter( an inducer. fem. =4 *
=4 [ prabartita ] a brought into use, introduced( inaugurated, started,
co""enced( established, founded( e"ployed, initiated, induced.
=4 [ prabardhana ] n increase, aug"entation( growth. =4a. causing growth
or increase or develop"ent.
= [ prabala ] a very strong or powerful, "ighty (= l, = !)( severe,
intense, e%cessive (= 0 fO, = )( predo"inant (? =). fem. = =
! violent stor". =0 fO acute or intense or great sorrow. = ( )
brave west winds. ' n. great strength or power( severity( intensity(
predo"inance. ' o, ' o2, ' = a. e%tre"ely powerful or "ighty, "ightily
infuential. = heavy shower or downpour.
=@ [ praba"ana ] n e"igration.
=@ [ praba"ita ] a e"igrated.
=# [ prabaha ] n a current, a fow (as of air or a strea"). ' : n. fow or fowing(
blow or blowing. ' *, ' a. fowing or blowing. ' n. fow or fowing
"ove"ent( strea" (@ =#).
=0 [ prabda ] n a proverb, an adage( hearsay (C=0). =0 ` e there is a
saying that, it is said that. '? n. a proverb.
= [ prabla ] n coral( a young shoot, a sprout( a new tree-leaf. ' * n. the
polyp, polype. '6* n. a coral island. '=* n. a coral reef, a barrier reef.
=@ [ prab"a ] n a spell of staying abroad( a for eign land. ' n. sending
abroad( banish"ent( (inc.) e"igration. ' n. the protector of e"igrants.
=@a. sent abroad( banished( (inc.) e"igrated. =@*a. & n. one who is
living abroad. fem. =@*
=# [ prabha ] n a strea", a current, a fow (as of a river or air)( a series, a
train (=#, 2=#)( (fg.) continuous onward "ove"ent (C*=#). =#:*a.
fowing. n. a river, a strea". =#a. (of a river) fowing, strea"ing( (of air,
wind etc.) blowing( (fg.) passing or continuously "oving onward. fem. =#
=# #Gv. to fow, to strea"( to blow( (fg.) to pass, to "ove onward
continuously (@ C* =# #G). =#*. a. fowing. =#* : foating debt.
=#*@U foating assets.
= [ prabidhna ] n regulation.
=> [ prabi$a ] a entered. fem. => { => #Gv. to enter.
=*: [ prab.a ] a elderly( aged, old( wise, ,udicious( well-e%perienced( skilful(
delighted or consoled (&0 fO* 0O P*:=*: #&). =*:. a. fem. elderly or aged.
n. an elderly or aged wo"an. =*:, =*:< n. elderliness( agedness, oldness(
wisdo", ,udiciousness( well e%periencedness( skilfulness.
=L [ prabuddha ] a enlightened( awakened or activi7ed (= L )( inspired
with wisdo"( very wise.
=, [ prab-tta ] a engaged in, occupied with( induced to( undertaken or
co""enced. =, v. to set (one) to( to induce. =, #Gv. to set about, to be
engaged in( to co""ence. =, n. act or state of being engaged in or
occupied with or initiated to, engage"ent, occupation, initiation( inclination,
tendency( desire( propensity( taste, appetite (`# =, ). =, 4 n.
worldly life (as a way to salvation).
=, L [ prab-ddha ] a very old( overgrown( e%panded( (geo".) refe% (=, L: < a
refe% angle).
= [ praba ] n entrance, entry( ad"ission (C =)( right or power or
freedo" of entrance( access. = v. to co"e or go in or into, to enter, to
be ad"itted into. = v. to cause to enter, to enter, to ad"it into( to
usher( to drive or thrust into (0# = ). = entrance
prohibited( no entrance, no ad"ission, no ad"ittance, no entry. =a.
entering. n. an enterer. ' 6 n. a gate( an entrance. = n. entering,
entrance( act of being ad"itted into, ad"ission( act of causing to enter. ' n.
entry per"it( ad"it card. ' B n. a gateway( an entrance. ' 3? n. entry fee or
ad"ission fee. =v. to be able to enter( to be ad"itted into. =
poet. for" of = = n. right or freedo" of entrance or ad"ission,
entry( access. =n. per"ission to enter or be ad"itted into,
ad"ittance. =a. fem. entering. n. fem. a pri"ary te%t book (?:-
=)( a ticket, a pass. = *+n. the entrance e%a"ination (also( the
"atriculation e%a"ination). =a. caused to enter( ad"itted (into)(
ushered. =? a. enterable( per"eable (=? < per"eable rock).
=> [ prab$ ] n an enterer.
= [ prabdha ] n consolation, solace( knowledge, enlighten"ent(
"anifestation( awakening. = 0Gv. to console, to solace. =Gv. to
get consolation. = v. to yield toconsolation( to be consoled( to be
a"enable to consolation. = v. to be disconsolate. = n. consoling(
awakening( enlightening. =a. consoled( enlightened( awakened.
=pC? [ prabrajy ] n wandering asceticis". =pC?Gv. to take to wandering
asceticis". =pC sa"e as pC
=] [ prabhajana ] n a stor"( a violent gust of wind( wind.
= [ prabhaba ] n cause( source( origin( infuence( (phys.) generative cause.
= [ prabh ] n glow, radiance( a ray( lustre, brilliance, splendour, brightness.
' n. the sun. ' * n. the glow-wor". ' a. radiant, glowing, shining( lu"inous.
fem. '* ' a. radiant, lustrous, lu"inous, refulgent.
= [ prabhta ] n "orning( daybreak. = #Gv. to dawn. 8O = it is
"orning. 'n. the "orning-ti"e, "orning. ' hn. singing awakening songs in
procession through the streets of a town or village. ' n. the "orning glow.
= # it is dawn. =*, =a. of the "orning. n. a "orning song or
glorifcation, a "atin. =g(f (fg.) great cry but little wool.
= [ prabhba ] n authority, power, do"inance( infuence. = v. to
e%tend one&s infuence( to e%ert one&s infu ence (upon)( to bear upon. ' *
'@y a. infuential. fem. ' *, ' @y =~a. infuenced( (rare) endowed
with the power of infuencing. =a. infuenced. =v. to infuence.
= [ prabhu ] n a "aster, a lord( an overlord( an e"ployer( a husband( an
owner( a king( /od( a super"an( a holy or very reverend "an. = , = < n.
"astery, authority( predo"inance( overlordship, supre"acy( ownership(
sovereignty, rule. = < v. to lord it over( to rule, to govern. ' ?]a.
i"perious( authoritative( pere"ptory( do"ineering( bossy. ' [*n. fem. a
"istress. ': sa"e as = 1 '0 n. a title of honour a=%ed to the na"es of
the religious teachers of 8aishnavas (u-). ' 1a. devoted or faithful to one&s
"aster( loyal. ' 1n. devotion or faithfulness to one&s "aster( loyalty. ' 1n.
govern"ental power or authority, ruling power( do"ination, do"inance(
authority( infuence.
=3 [ prabhta ] a profuse, "uch, abundant, plentiful( (rare) grown or evolved.
=, [ prabh-ti ] con et cetera, and the rest, et al, and so on.
=0 [ prabhda ] n distinction, di+erence( discri"ination. =0 v. to
di+erentiate( to distinguish( to discri"inate( to separate. =0a. di+erential.
= [ pramatta ] a inebriate, drunk, into%icated, tipsy( beside oneself(
infatuated, besotted( reckless( fren7ied. fem. = ' n. inebriety,
inebriation, drunkenness, into%ication, tipsiness( the state of being beside
oneself( infatuation, besottedness( recklessness( fren7y.
=B [ pramatha ] n one of the de"i-gods attending on 6hiva ().
=B [ pramathana ] n act of tra"pling or routing or subduing or killing.
=B [ pramathita ] a tra"pled( routed( subdued( killed.
=B [ pramatha ] n the lord of 9ra"athas (=B)( 6hiva ().
=0 [ pramad ] n a char"ing wo"an( a wo"an.
= [ pram ] n true or positive knowledge( truth( conviction.
=: [ pram.a ] n proof( evidence( testi"ony( witness( a precedent( authority(
conviction. a. of the standard si7e (=:4 )( standard (=: )( (esp. in
phys.) nor"al (=: =)( e*uivalent to, rese"bling (4=:). =: v. to
prove( to de"onstrate( to substantiate. =: 0Gv. to give evidence or proof
(of)( to prove( to de"onstrate( to testify. =: #Gv. to be proved. ' n. a
voucher. ' 9# n. an authoritative book. ' ]n. a bibliography. ' n. a docu"ent(
a written warrant or a=davit( a voucher( a receipt( a certifcate( testi"onial.
'? n. an authoritative saying( a citation of precedents. ' @ a. of full "easure(
up to the "ark. ' @+a. sub,ect to proof. ' @L a. established by evidences,
proved. =: n. want of evidence or proof. =:, =:*, a. proved(
de"onstrated( substantiated.
= [ pramt ] a. ! n one who proves or de"onstrates or substantiates or
=# [ pramtmaha ] n the grandfather or a grand uncle of one&s "other, a
"aternal greatgrandfather. fem. =#* the grand"other or a grandaunt of
one&s "other, a "aternal great-grand"other.
=B* [ pramth ] a tra"pling( routing( subduing( killing. fem. =B*
=0 [ pramda ] n inadvertence, carelessness( an error( confusion( oblivion(
into%ication( fren7y( a cala"ity, a terrible danger or distress (=0!). ' ,
'adv. inadvertently( by "istake, through carelessness( erroneously. ' 3? a.
free fro" error.
= [ pramr ] n pri"ero.
= [ pramita ] a sure( ascertained( proved( "easured( (esp. in phys.)
standardi7ed( (as a sfx.) "easuring (# =). =v. to ascertain( to
prove( to standardi7e. =P (phys.) a standard solution. ' : n. (phys.)
standardi7ation. =n. "easure, true or positive knowledge, truth(
conviction( proof.
=* [ praml ] n drowsiness( a fe"ale character of the 3ahabharata( (fg.) a
spirited and do"ineering wo"an (=*00)( (cp.) an C"a7on.
=O [ pramukha ] a (used as a sfx.) headed by, beginning with (0@ = O
=OU [ pramukht ] adv fro" the "outh of( by word of one&s "outh( verbally
= [ pram#a ] a "easurable( "ensurable( (alg.) co""ensurable( provable(
=# [ pramha ] n gonorrhoea.
=0 [ pramda ] n ,oy, delight( "erri"ent( hilarity( en,oy"ent( pleasure(
recreation( an entertain"ent( lu%ury. ' a. gladdening( pleasing( entertaining.
' n. a pleasure-garden. ' , # n. a pleasure-house, a recreation-roo", a
recreation-hall. ' n. act of gladdening or pleasing or entertaining. in comp.
(used as a sfx.) giving delight or pleasure to, entertaining (=0). ' v: n. a
pleasure-trip( pro"enade. =0v:v. to be on a pleasure-tirp( to
pro"enade. =0a. delighted( pleased( recreated, entertained. =00? n.
a pleasure-garden.
=e[ [ prayatna ] n repeated or thorough endeavour or e+ort, perseverance. =e[
v. to persevere. '@#adv. perseveringly( thoroughly( carefully.
=e1 [ prayukta ] a e"ployed( applied, used. prep. for the sake of, owing to,
due to, caused by, actuated by (=e1). =e1n. e"ploy"ent( application( a
techni*ue. =e10?n. technology. =e10?a. technological.
=eC? [ prayujyamna ] a in the state of being applied.
=e1 [ praykt ] n an e"ployer( an applier( a perfor"er.
=eC [ prayjaka ] a sa"e as =C n. a producer esp. of "otion pictures(
a fl" producer.
=eC? [ prayjya ] a applicable. 'n. applicability.
=: [ pra#.a ] n departure( (fg.) death. =: v. to depart( (fg.) to die.
= [ pra#ta ] a departed( deceased, passed away, dead and gone.
=@ [ pra#"a ] n an e+ort, an endeavour( a hard e+ort( toil( a desire. =@
v. to endeavour( to try or endeavour hard( to toil( to desire. =@Gv. to
endeavour( to "ake a hard atte"pt, to "ake a sincere and earnest e+ort( to
toil. =@*a. endeavouring( toiling hard( desirous.
= [ pra#ga ] n e"ploy"ent( application( use or usage( "ention( a
precedent, an e%a"ple( an instance. = v. to e"ploy( to apply( to use.
'0 n. "isapplication, wrong or un,ust use. ' 0 n. (phil.) prag"atis". ' 0*a.
prag"atist. ' K n. (phys.) a point of application. ' n. a laboratory. =a.
(phil.) e"pirical.
=C [ pra#jaka ] a e"ploying( applying( using( perfor"ing( introducing(
inaugurating or founding. =C o causative verb.
=C [ pra#jana ] n necessity, need( purpose, ob,ect, end( "otive( cause,
occasion( use. =C1, =C*a. "ore than what is necessary( "ore
than enough( superfuous( unnecessary, redundant. =C a. satisfying
needs, ,ust enough to "eet (one&s) re*uire"ent, ade*uate, su=cient.
=C* a. necessary, needful( serviceable, useful. =C*n. necessity,
need( serviceability, usefulness.
= [ prarcaka ] a (usu. dero.) inducing, instigating, persuading, inciting.
n. an inducer, an instigator, (law) abettor, a persuader, an inciter, an agent
=, = [ prarcana, prarcan ] n (usu. dero.) induce"ent, instigation,
abet"ent, persuasion, incite"ent. = 0G sa"e as = (see =).
=0a. sa"e as = (a.).
= [ praracita ] a (usu. dero.) induced, instigated, persuaded, incited. =
v. to induce, to instigate, to persuade, to incite.
=# [ prarha ] n a bud( a shoot, a sprout( a scion( (bot.) an o+set.
= [ pralapana ] n raving( deliriu"( incoherent utterance.
= [ pralapita ] a raved( uttered in deliriu"( incoherently uttered.
=( [ pralamba ] n an aerial root or a branch of a tree( anything creeping or
hanging. =( n. creeping( hanging, suspension( prolongation. ' K n. (phys.) a
point of suspension. =(a. hanging, suspended( pendent( prolonged(
creeping. =( v. to hang, to suspend( to prolong.
=, =X [ prala#a, prala#akn)a ] n universal dissolution or annihilation( a
co"plete or very e%tensive destruction or holocaust( (fg.) a terrible
disturbance or a+ray. =n. the ti"e of universal dissolution or
annihilation. =T a. causing universal dissolution( causing a co"plete or
very e%tensive destruction( (fg.) terribly disturbing. =, =, ? n. the
cataclys"al dance of Dord 6iva as described in the 9uranas. =n. the
ocean of universal cataclys" or deluge. =*n. sa"e as =X
= [ pralpa ] n raving( deliriu"( incoherent utterance. = v. to rave( to
utter deliriu"( to talk incoherently. =*a. raving( delirious( incoherently
talking. fem. =* =1 sa"e as =
=V [ pralipta ] a coated or s"eared (with)( in volved or i"plicated (in)(
engaged or e"ployed (in).
= [ pralubdha ] a greatly allured or te"pted( e%tre"ely greedy. fem. =
'n. the state of being greatly allured or te"pted( e%tre"e greed.
= [ pralpa ] n a coating( an oint"ent( act of coating or s"earing. =
0Gv. to apply a coating or an oint"ent (to)( to coat or s"ear (with).
=a. coating( s"earing. = n. coating or s"earing. = v. to coat(
to s"ear.
= [ pralbha ] n very strong greed.
= [ pralbhana ] n allure"ent, te"ptation, entice"ent( a te"pting ob,ect.
=0Ov. to bring an allure"ent (to)( to entice, to try to allure or te"pt.
= [ pralbhita ] a allured, te"pted, enticed. = v. to allure, to
te"pt, to entice. = eGv. to entice away.
=T@ [ praaO"aka ] n one who speaks highly of, a praiser, an ad"irer.
=T@ [ praaO"ana ] n act of praising, co""endation, e%tol"ent, ad"iration.
=T@* a. praiseworthy, co""endable, laudable, ad"irable.
=T@ [ praaO" ] n praise, co""endation e%tol"ent, laudation, ad"iration,
eulogy, applause( fa"e. =T@ v. to praise, to co""end, to e%tol, to laud,
to ad"ire, to eulogi7e, to applaud. ' n. a certifcate of "erit( a written
address of honour or felicitation. ' ? ' 0 n. a co"pli"ent( a eulogy. ' C n. an
ob,ect of praise( a praiseworthy person. ' 3a. co""endatory, laudatory,
eulogistic. ' #4 a. praiseworthy, co""endable, laudable. ' @3 sa"e as
=T@ [ praaO"ita ] a praised, e%tolled, ad"ired, eulogi7ed, applauded.
=, = [ praamana, praama ] n allay"ent, soothing( stopping, dissuasion(
restraining or resisting( *uelling( (phys.) neutrali7ation( "itigation(
pacifcation. = v. to allay or alleviate, to soothe( to stop, to dissuade( to
check, to restrain, to resist( to subdue, to *uell( (phys.) to neutrali7e( to
"itigate, to "ake less severe( to pacify. =: n. (chiefy in che".) neutral
salt. =a. allayed, alleviated, soothed( stopped, dissuaded( checked,
restrained, resisted( subdued, *uelled( (phys.) neutrali7ed( "itigated(
pacifed. = sa"e as =
= [ praa"ta ] a praiseworthy, co""endable( best, e%cellent( "ost suitable,
fttest (=5)( auspicious (= @)( "agnani"ous, liberal (=0)( wide,
broad (# : =)( spacious, roo"y (= +). ' n. praiseworthiness(
e%cellence( suitability( ftness( auspiciousness( "agnani" ity, liberality(
width, breadth( spacious.
= [ praa"ti ] n praise( a short laudatory hy"n2 a eulogiu", a panegyric.
=@? [ praa"ya ] a praiseworthy, co""endable, laudable.
=O [ prakh ] n a branchlet( an o+shoot.
=2 [ pranta ] a very cal" or *uiet or peaceful( tran*uil( unperturbed(
unruBed. ' a. en,oying peace or tran*uillity at heart, co"posed, sedate,
unagitated. ' 0 a. having a tran*uil or cal" face or appearance. =2 #@
the 9acifc Scean, the 9acifc. ' 34 a. having a tran*uil or cal" or co"posed
appearance. 0 sa"e as =2 =2n. perfect cal" or *uiet or peace,
=@ [ pra"aka ] n ad"inistrator.
=@ [ pra"ana ] n ad"inistration. =@a. ad"inistrative. =@-
`n. ad"inistrative o=cer. =@ , ? ad"inistrative function. =@-
, ? n. ad"inistrative service.
=+: [ praik$a.a ] n training. '=Va. trained.
=? [ prai$ya ] n a disciple&s disciple( a pupil&s pupil. fem. =?
= [ prana ] n a *uestion( a *uery( interrogation( in*uiry( a point at issue( a
proble" (=)( a disputed point. = v. to *uestion( to ask( to in*uire( to
interrogate( to set *uestions (as for e%a"inees). ' 4 n. a *uestioner( an
in*uirer( an interrogator( one who sets *uestions (as for e%a"inees)( a
papersetter. fem. =4* ' n. a set of *uestions for the e%a"inees, a paper.
': n. *uestions that pierce or hurt like shafts or darts or arrows or "issiles,
*uestions piercing as a shaft, e"barrassing or piercing *uestions. =:
CC4 to ask too "any or volleys of troubleso"e *uestions, to heckle.
'a. denoting or signifyinga *uestion. ' zn. note or sign of
interrogation. ' n. a set of *uestions( (loos.) an e%ercise (for students).
= n. a *uestion and its answer( a catechis". =*n. a catechis".
=w@ [ prab"a ] n inhalation.
=j [ prara#a ] n indulgence, latitude, pa"pering( over-a+ection( (rare)
politeness. =j0Gv. to give (one) indulgence or latitude, to indulge, to
pa"per( to treat with over-a+ection. ' 0n. one who gives indulgence, an
indulger. ' 0 v. act of giving indulgence, indulgence. ' =Va. indulged,
=@1 [ pra"akta ] a greatly inclined or attached to, ena"oured of( greatly
addicted to. =@1n. great inclination for or attach"ent or addiction to.
=@N [ pra"a0ga ] n a sub,ect for or under discussion( a topic for discussion,
narration (=@N)( conte%t (=@N :4). =@N5O34 with reference to the
conte%t. 'o, =@Nadv. in course of discussion, incidentally, by the by, by the
way. =@N v. to refer to. =@N2 n. another topic, a di+erent topic.
=@y [ pra"anna ] a satisfed, pleased( delighted, glad, happy( gracious,
propitious, favourable( clear, li"pid, transparent (=@y@)( cal" and happy,
co"placent, bright (=@y 0). fem. =@y ' n. satisfed or pleased state(
co"placence, co"placency( delightedness, gladness, happiness(
graciousness, propitiousness, favourableness( clarity, li"pidity,
transparence( brightness. =@y#Gv. to be pleased, to s"ile upon.
=@ [ pra"aba ] n act of bringing forth (a child or young), parturition, delivery(
child birth( production( creation( birth. =@v. to bring forth( to give birth(
(of ten facet.) to produce. =@v. to deliver of a child or young. ' 6 n. the
passage of childbirth( the valva. =@#Gv. to be delivered of a child or young.
'0n. lobour-pain, travail. =@ 0 Gv. to be in travail, to be in labour.
=@, =@*a. giving birth to( producing n. a father, a progenitor( a producer.
=@*, =@*a. fem. bringing forth( producing. n. fem. a "other, a
progenitress( a (fe"ale) producer.
=@ [ pra"ara ] n act of going, "ove"ent( speed( e%panse, e%tent, range,
5- =@ (geog.) the range of te"perature. =@: n. strolling(
enco"pass"ent of ene"y forces( e%pansion, e%tension( e%panse, e%tent,
=@0 [ pra"da ] n grace, favour, propitiousness (w=@0)( food-o+ering to a
deity (this is taken by devotees after the sacrifce)( re"ains of food taken by
a superior or venerable person (RD=@0)( co"placency( (of lit. co"position)
lucidity, clarity, perspicuity (also =@0R:). =@0 Gv. to en,oy the grace of( to
partake of the food o+ered to a deity or of the re"ains of food taken by a
superior person. =@0 Gv. to partake of the food o+ered to a deity or of the
re"ains of food taken by a superior person. =@0 n. act of pleasing,
propitiation. ' =B4 *a. & n. one who asks for or seeks a favour( one desirous of
partaking of the food o+ered to a deity or of the re"ains of food taken by a
superior person. fem. '=B4* =@0Uadv. through the grace or favour of. =@0
propitiated. =@0*a. (of a food etc.) o+ered to a deity or partaken of by a
superior person.
=@ [ pra"dhaka ] a. ! n one who dresses or does another&s toilet( one who
e"bellishes or decorates, a decorator.
=@ [ pra"dhana ] n dressing, toilet, toilette( e"bellish"ent, decoration.
=@v. to dress (usu. oneself)( to "ake (one&s) toilet( to e"bellish( to
decorate. =@*n. a co"b( a toilet article, toiletry, a cos"etic.
=@ [ pra"dhik ] fe" of =@
=@ [ pra"dhita ] a dressed( toileted( e"bellished( decorated.
=@ [ pra"ra ] n width( e%panse( e%tent( e%pansion (C? =@)( spread
(+=@). =@: n. act of stretching (out)( e%tension( e%pansion( spreading(
spread( (phys.) dilatation, dilation. =@:v. to stretch (out)( to e%tend( to
e%pand( to spread( (phys.) to dilate. =@J n. (phys.) the co-e=cient of
e%pansion or dilation. =@a. stretched (out)( e%tended( e%panded( spread
(out). =@*a. e%tending( e%panding( e%pansive( e%tensive( wide. @303-=@*a.
far-reaching, widely e%tended, far fung (@ 03=@*@aC?).
=@e4 [ pra"rya ] a stretchy( e%tensible( e%pansible. ' : a. in the process of
being stretched (out) or e%panded.
=@L [ pra"iddha ] a fa"ous, renowned, celebrated, well-known, reputed,
(dero.) notorious. fem. =@L =@Ln. fa"e, renown, celebrity, reputation.
=@*0 [ pra"da ] v be pleased (=@*0 # 0*).
=@ V [ pra"upta ] a soundly sleeping. =@3 Bv. to sleep soundly, to be fast
asleep. =@ Vn. sound sleep.
=@3 [ pra" ] n (chiefy used as a sfx. and in an ad,ectival sense) "other,
progenitress. a. producing (Y:4=@3 < auriferous).
=@3 [ pra"ta ] a produced (of)( resulted (fro"), evolved (out of)( born (of)(
brought forth (by), begotten (by). =@3 , =@3 n. fem. a "other, progenitress( a
wo"an recently delivered of a child( a (fe"ale) producer( (loos.) a wo"an in
travail or a parturient wo"an. =@3 Z n. "idwifery. =@3 @0 n. "aternity
ho"e( a "aternity hospital.
=@3 [ pra"na ] n a fower( a fruit( a bud, a blosso".
=@, [ pra"-ta ] a e"erged( widened, e%panded, e%tended. =@, #Gv. to
e"erge (fro")( to widen. =@, n. e%pansion, e%tension.
= [ pra"ta ] n a set (8= @)( a wad (8= )( a suite (8 =)( a spell
(8 = )
= [ pra"tara ] n stone( rock( pebble( fossil( a ,ewel. ' ? a. stone-like, stony(
(fg.) very hard, "otionless, unfeeling. ' 4a. "ade of stone, stony. ' hn. a
stone slab. ' a. stony, rocky( "ade of stone. ' 34 n. a stone statue. ' 34 Ua.
statues*ue( (fg.) "otionless or unperturbed. ' e n. the 6tone Cge. =*3 a.
petrifed( fossili7ed.
= [ pra"tba ] n conte%t( a proposal( a sub,ect for or under discussion, a
topic( a discourse( a "otion( (of a book) a chapter, a section. = v. to
propose( to put up a proposal( to "ove a "otion( to na"e (as a candidate for
election). = v. to raise a topic( to "ove a proposal or "otion( to
propose. =n. a proposer( a "over (of a "otion). =n. a proposal(
co""ence"ent( (of a dra"a etc.) a prologue. =n. proposed( raised or
"oved (as a topic)( under discussion.
= [ pra"tuta ] a "ade( "anufactured, for"ed( prepared, ready. = v. to
"ake, to "anufacture, to for"( to prepare, to "ake ready. =#Gv. to be
"ade or "anufactured or for"ed( to get ready. =n. "aking( "anufacture,
for"ation( preparation, readiness.
[ pra"ha
] n width, breadth( e%panse, e%tent( level ground, a plain (\=)(
a table land, a plateau. ';0 n. ("ath.) a cross-section.
="# [ pra"hna ] n act of going o+ or setting out, departure( act of going out(
(in dra"a) e%it. ="# v. to go o+( to set out( to depart( to go out.
="#0?a. on the point of departing or going out, ready to go. ="#0? n.
preparation for departure.
="# [ pra"hita ] a gone o+( set out( departed( gone out.
= , = [ pra"phua, pra"phuita ] a full-blown, in (full) bloo"( thoroughly
"anifested or revealed or unfolded. fem. = = n. act of
bloo"ingfully( full bloo"( thorough "anifestation or revelation.
= : [ pra"phura.a ] n slight vibration or tre"or( phosphorescence(
e+ervescence. ' *a. slightly vibrating or tre"bling( phosphorescent(
e+ervescent. = a. slightly vibrated or tre"bled( phosphoresced(
e+ervesced. = #Gv. to vibrate or tre"ble slightly( to phosphoresce( to
=Y [ pra"bpana ] a soporifc, opiate.
= [ pra"raba ] n an oo7ing.
=: [ pra"raba.a ] n a fountain, a spring( oo7ing. _2f=: n. (geog.) an
underground spring. 5=: n. (geog.) a surface spring. 5-=: n. a hot
spring, a geyser. =: (geog.) a "ineral spring. @ =: (geog.) an
inter"ittent spring.
= [ pra"rba ] n urine( urination. = v. to pass urine or water, to "ake
water, to urinate( (coll.) to pee. = *!a urinary disease or trouble.
= [ pra"ruta ] a oo7ed or trickled or dripped (fro"). = #Gv. to oo7e or
trickle or drip (fro").
=# [ prahata ] a hurt( wounded( beaten, struck (as a dru").
=# [ prahara ] n a "easure of ti"e e*ual to three hours. =# (fg.) to pass
ti"e in idleness, to la7e( to wait in an%iety or patiently( to bide one&s ti"e.
=#4 n. ti"e e*ual to one and half hours.
=#: [ prahara.a ] n a weapon (usu. one wielded by the hand, that is, not a
"issile)( beating or striking.
=# [ prahar ] n watching or guarding( a watch, a watch"an, a watcher, a
sentinel, a sentry, a guard, a guards"an. =# 0Gv. to watch, to guard, to
sentinel. ' * a. one who is under watch( guarded, watched. ' a. engaged in
watching or guarding or keeping watch.
=#* [ prahar ] n a guard, a watch"an, a watcher, a guards"an.
=#4 [ prahart ] n a person who beats or strikes.
=#@ [ praha"ana ] n a farce( a ,oke, a banter.
=# [ prahra ] n a beating or striking( a blow, a stroke( (dial.) trouble or
punish"ent. =#v. to beat( to strike. =#0Gv. to give one a thrashing or
licking. ', '4 a. & n. one who beats or strikes. fem. 4*
= [ prah-ta ] a beaten, s"itten( struck.
=> [ prah-$a ] a very "uch delighted, very glad or happy. a. very glad or
happy at heart.
=# [ prahlik ] n a riddle, an enig"a, a pu77le, a "ystery. ' a. enig"atic,
riddling, pu77ling, "ysterious.
=0 [ prahlda ] n ("yth.) an Csura (_@ ) prince who was very "uch devoted
to 8ishnu (- ). u0? =0 (fg.) a saint a"ongst infdels.
=T. [ prOu ] a tall( high, lofty (=T. , +)( hefty (=T.0#)( long (=T.3 C).
= [ prk ] pf% denoting2 prior, pre, eastern. ' n. an esti"ate. ' n. an
=? [ prkmya ] n (ascetical) power of "oving or en,oying at will.
= [ prkra ] n a wall( a bulwark( a ra"part( a parapet. ' >a. surrounded
by a wall.
=, [ prk-ta ] a natural, physical, unrefned, pertaining to the populace, (cp.)
plebeian( traditional( co""onplace, usual, general( base, "ean( vulgar. n.
the 9rakrit language (usu. =, ).
=, [ prk-tika ] a natural( physical( inorganic. =, 0, ? a natural scenery.
=, a law of nature, a physical law. =, 4 (sc.) natural selection.
=, b natural science( physical science( physics. =, e4 natural
cala"ity. =, 3 physical geography. =, a physical "ap.
=' [ prkkla ] n previous or for"er or preceding ti"e( (pop.) i""ediately
preceding ti"e( eve. =', ='* a. for"er, previous. ='adv. before(
(pop.) on the eve of.
=1 [ prktana ] a previous( for"er( (rare) of a previous birth, earned or
ac*uired or done in a previous birth. n. (rare) destiny, fate( conse*uence of
an act done in a previous birth (8 0 fO =1).
=C?[ prgjyti$a ] n the ancient na"e of 5a"rup or its inhabitants.
= [ prgabhba ] n (phil.) non-e%istence of an ob,ect prior to its being
brought into e%istence.
=?[ prgalbhya ] n sa"e as = (see =), and sha"elessness of
wo"en in love-a+airs.
= [ prgdhunika ] a pre-"odern.
=R1 [ prgukta ] a aforesaid( afore"entioned.
=#@ [ prgaitih"ika ] a pre-historic.
=9@ [ prgra"ara ] a going ahead( prospering, developing( forerunner.
=N: [ pr0ga.a ] n a courtyard, a co"pound.
=O [ pr0mukha ] a facing eastwards.
=* [ prc ] n the east( the eastern he"isphere( the eastern world, the Srient.
=* [ prcna ] a old( ancient( anti*ue( aged( out of-date( old-fashioned,
anti*uated. fem. =* =*, =*< n. oldness( ancientness( anti*ueness(
agedness( old-fashionedness, anti*uatedness.
=* [ prcra ] n a wall( a ra"part( a parapet. ' n. wallpainting, a drawing on
the wall. ' n. a wallpaper, a wall "aga7ine. ' >a. enclosed with a wall,
walled (=*> ).
= e4 [ prcurya ] n plenty, abundance( aBuence, "ilk and honey( profusion(
a"plitude( nu"erousness( su=ciency.
=? [ prcya ] a eastern, oriental. n. sa"e as =* '0 n. an oriental or
eastern country.
=C [ prjana ] n a truncheon for driving cattle.
=C? [ prjpatya ] n the usual :indu for" of "arriage. a. relating to
9ra,apati (=C) the creator or protector of living beings.
=b [ prja ] a learned( wise, prudent. fem. =b 'n. learning, wisdo"(
=] [ prjala ] a easily understood, lucid, perspicuous( precise( clear,
transparent. ' n. lucidity, perspicuity, precision, preciseness( clarity,
clearness, transparence.
=: [ pr.a ] n life( the frst of the fve vital airs (na"ely, =: _ @ 50 and
?) or these fve airs collectively( life breath( breath( heart, earnest desire
(&=: + &)( vitality, vigour, vivacity (C=: )( (in endear"ent) an
e%tre"ely beloved person. =:G) #Gv. (rare) to feel like dying( (fg. !
pop.) to be e%tre"ely harassed or troubled or irritated. =:Ov. to open
one&s heart, to speak out one&s heart. =: Bv. to re"ain alive. =:0Gsa"e
as =:0 {=: Gv. to kill( to torture al"ost to the point of killing. =:
Gsa"e as =: #G { =: sa"e as =:+#G =: sa"e as =:+
=: v. to "ake one out of breath, to e%asperate beyond endurance.
=: #G, =: eGv. to breathe one&s last( to beco"e out of breath( to be
e%asperated. =:Gv. to take one&s life( to kill. =:#v. to lose one&s life,
to die( to be killed. ' , -n. 5rishna (, -) who is regarded by a devotee or a
lover as dear as life( (fg.) a favourite or lover as dear as one&s life. ' Oa.
open-hearted, frank, candid, hearty. ' a. lying in one&s heart of hearts(
in"ost( sincere. ' a. concerning one&s life or living( bodily, physical. ' *a.
life-killing( "urderous( deadly, fatal. ' Aa. lively, sprightly, vivacious. ' A? n.
liveliness, vivaciousness, sprightliness. ' ? n. death. =:?v. to die. ' 0 a.
life-giving( ani"ating, invigorating( resuscitant( life-saving. ' 0Xn. death
sentence, a lifer, capital punish"ent. =:0X 0Gv. to sentence (one) to
death, to award capital punish"ent. =:0fem. of ' 0 '0n. a giver of life( an
ani"ator, an invigorator( a resuscitant, a resuscitator. fem. =:0* '0 n.
infusion of life (into)( ani"ation( invigoration( resuscitation( saving of life. ' 0
v. to infuse life (into)( to give life (to)( to ani"ate, to invigorate( to give
back one&s life, to resuscitate( to save one&s life( to sacrifce one&s life, to give
up one&s life. ' 0sa"e as =:0 fem. =:0 ': n. act of living(
sustenance of oneself. =:: v. to live( to sustain one self. ' B sa"e as
=:w ' sa"e as =: 'sa"e as =:* ': n. resolve of doing
so"ething even at the cost of one&s life. ' :adv. staking one&s life, even at
the cost of one&s life. ' sa"e as =:w 'On. the bird of life i"prisoned in
the cage of the body( life( life-breath. =: v. to wreck or lay down or
sacrifce one&s life( to strain all one&s energies. ' 3:4 sa"e as =:2 '= a.
rese"bling life( as dear as life. ' =n. the idol of one&s life( a wo"an or girl
as dear as one&s life. ' =)n. the rite of investing an idol with life, (cp.)
consecration( infusion of life (into), activi7ation (as of an organi7ation).
=:=) v. (eccl.) to invest (an idol) with life, to consecrate( to infuse life
into (an organi7ation)( to activi7e. ' =0 sa"e as =:0 '= a. as dear as life( an
ob,ect of deep a+ection( dearer than life. ' n. a lover as dear as one&s life, a
sweetheart. ' n. killing or slaying, "anslaughter. =:v. to kill, to slay, to
take a life. ' 2 a. living, alive( ani"ate( lively( vivacious. sprightly( cordial,
genial( volatile, active. ' 2n. the state of being alive or living( ani"ation(
liveliness, vivacity, sprightliness( cordiality, geniality, volatility, fullness of
activity. 'sa"e as =:w ' sa"e as =:A ' n. life-breath( the frst of
the fve vital airs (na"ely =:_, @, 50 and ?) or all these airs
collectively. =: #Gv. to breathe one&s last, to die. ' n. death.
=:#Gv. to die. '@C4 n. sacrifce of one&s life. =:@C4 0Gv. to sacrifce
one&s life. ' n. fear of losing one&s life, fear of life. ' adv. for fear of life.
' a. sa"e as =:2, and also1the sole ob,ect of one&s life. fem. =:* =:
(:indu phil.) the life-cell of the body. =:+ v. to save one&s life( to
sustain. =:+#Gv. to be saved fro" death( to be saved( to sustain oneself.
'n. act of co"ing or co"ing back to life. =: v. to co"e or co"e
back to life. ' 3? a. lifeless( inani"ate( lacking in liveliness or vivacity or
sprightliness, dull, lacking in cordiality or geniality, cold, inactive, lethargic(
callous. ' @T sa"e as =:@T '@T n. possibility of losing one&s life, risk or
ha7ard or peril of one&s life. ' @T# sa"e as =: '@On. a boso" friend. ' @A
sa"e as =:0 '@ a. e*ual to life. ' #2n. a slayer, a killer( a "urderer (fem. a
"urderess). fem. ' #Z* '#, ' #, ' #* sa"e as =:* fem. ' #, ' #, ' #:* '#*
sa"e as =:3? =:? n. destruction or loss of life, death( ti"e of death or of
loss of life. =:a. dearer than one&s life. fem. =: =:2 n. ter"ination of
life, death. =:2 a. causing death or ter"ination of life( (fg.) e%tre"ely
toilso"e or causing e%tre"e su+ering. =:2;0 n. that which ends in or
e%tends up to death( (fg.) e%tre"e toil or su+ering. =:2-j n. e%tre"ely
toilso"e work, hard toil (likely to cost a person his life.) =:, =:w n. the
lord of one&s life( a husband( a lover. =:w*n. fem. the "istress of one&s life( a
wife( a ladylove, a sweetheart. =:S@4 n. sacrifce of one&s life. =:S@4 v.
to sacrifce one&s life.
=: [ pr.#ma ] n breath-control as prescribed in the yoga syste".
=:* [ pr. ] n a living being, a creature, an ani"al( a hu"an being, a person
(!0 =:*). =:* n. the ani"al kingdo"( fauna. =:*CUn. the ani"al
kingdo", the ani"al world. =:*, =:*b, =:*0?n. 7oology. =:*b ,
=:*b*, =:*0?0 n. a 7oologist. =:** a. 7oological. =:*#T@n. killing of
ani"als( (rare) cruelty to ani"als.
=, =f [ prta, prtG ] n "orning( the early "orning( (fg.) inception,
beginning. =f4 sa"e as =f, ? { =f n. "orning( the early "orning.
=f* a. of or for or in the "orning, "orning. =f* @T* a "orning
song, a "atin. =f, ?, =fon. the routine "orning duties of evacuation of
bowels, personal washing, religious prayer etc. =f n. the "orning
salutation, good "orning. =f=: n. the "orning obeisance done by
touching the feet of a respected person. =fv:, =v4: n. "orning walk.
=f@s?n. the "orning "editation or devotion( "orning prayers. =f@*,
=f@*: n. the "orning bree7e. =f n. bath at sunrise( the "orning
ablution or bath. =f:* a. (lit.) one whose na"e should be recalled or
uttered on waking in the "orning( (fg.) of i""ortal fa"e, ever "e"orable.
=, =4 C [ prtara, prtarbhjana ] n the frst "eal of the day, the
"orning "eal, breakfast. =4 C v. to take the "orning "eal or the frst
"eal of the day, to breakfast.
=4? [ prtarbkya ] n the frst words uttered on waking in the "orning.
= ? [ prtikulya ] n sa"e as = (see = )
=C [ prtijanika ] a personal. =C O personal ledger account.
=0 [ prtipadika ] n (gr.) an uninfected noun or ad,ective( a root noun or
root ad,ective. a. (gr.) uninfected.
=@ [ prtibh"ika ] a apparent but not real or actual, see"ingly real.
=) [ prti$hnika ] a institutional( organi7ational( of or about the
= [ prti"mika ] a individual( characteristic( personal.
=?# [ prtyahika ] a daily, diurnal. fem. =?#*
=B [ prthamika ] a relating to inception or beginning, initial( early,
pri"itive( pri"ary. =B a pri"er. =B 0? a pri"ary school. =B
+ pri"ary education.
=0 [ prdi] n (in 6anskrit gr.) = _ @ _ _ 0 _ _ @ 5U
=_ _ 5`2 these twenty pref%es collectively. =0@@ n. (gr.) a
syste" of for"ing co"pound words by adding any one of the aforesaid
=04 [ prdurbhba ] n appearance( "anifestation( serious or terrible outbreak
(04 +=04 )( e%tensive and terrible prevalence or e%cess ( =04 )(
(dero.) act of co"ing into power or i"portance.
=03 4 [ prdurbhta ] a "anifested( seriously or terribly broken out(
e%tensively and terribly prevalent, e%isting in a large nu"ber. =03 4 #Gv. to
appear( to be co"e "anifest( to break out seriously or terribly and usu.
e%tensively (=03 4 #G).
=0 [ prdika ] a provincial (=0Y<@). =0n. provincialis"(
parochialis"( insularity.
=? [ prdhnya ] n pri"eness( supre"acy, pro"inence, pre-e"inence,
predo"inance, =?"# v. to establish sway( to predo"inate, to
do"ineer, to lord it over. =? Gv. to gain supre"acy or pro"inence( to
beco"e predo"inant.
= [ prdhikra ] n authority. = n. a special o=cer.
=, [ prdhik-ta ] a authori7ed.
=2 [ prnta ] n an e%tre"ity, an end( a tip( a border, a "argin( a bri"( a ri"(
the out skirts (=2). ' 9Ov. (geog.) the ter"inal "oraine. ' 4 *, ' "#, ' "#a.
lying or situated in or on or at the border( ter"inal( "arginal( bordering.
'4 *a. (bot.) valvate. =2, =2* a. lying or situated in or on or at the border(
ter"inal( (esp. in bot.) "arginal( bordering( (arith.) e%tre"e. =25e*
"arginal utility. x=2* a. parietal. =2? a. (esp. in phys.) ter"inal( "arginal.
=2 [ prntara ] n a prairie, a wilderness, a waste, a vast e%panse of arid land(
a large tract of grass-land.
= [ prpaka ] n a delivery-"an( a person who receives (so"ething), a
=: [ prpa.a ] n giving delivery or receiving. =:* a. obtainable( to be or ft
to be obtained.
= [ prpita ] a received or delivered through so"e agency.
=V [ prpta ] a obtained, got( received( found( ac*uired, gained, attained,
learnt (+=V)( infor"ed of (@T0=V). =V #Gv. to obtain, to get( to receive,
to be given( to fnd, to co"e across( to ac*uire, to gain( to attain( to learn( to
be infor"ed. ' a. on the point of death, dying( having attained the fullness
of age. ' a. one who has attained "a,ority, of age, adult, grown-up. ' ? a.
sa"e as =? (a.). 'e$ a. adult. fem. ' e$
=V [ prpti ] n obtaining or getting( receipt( act of fnding( ac*uire"ent,
ac*uisition, gaining, attain"ent( act of learning( inco"e, earnings( (often
facet.) proft. ' e n. (hu".) run of luck, une%pected gain or an occasion for
so"e gain. ' e? a. sa"e as =? (a.) ' @T0 n. news of receipt. ' "# n. a place
fro" which so"ething "ay be had. 'Y* n. acknowledge"ent of receipt.
=? [ prpya ] a obtainable( receivable( ac*uirable, attainable( to be paid, due
(=?_B4 ). n. due.
=s [ prbandhika ] n an essayist.
=: [ prbara.a ] n a thin and large scarf( a covering, a cover.
=? [ prbalya ] n sa"e as = (see =).
=*:? [ prb.ya ] n sa"e as =*: (see =*:).
=, , =, [ prb-a, prb-$ ] n the rainy season, the rains. =, , =, ? a. of
the rainy season.
= [ prbika ] a pertaining to entrance or ad"ission. = *+ an
ad"ission test.
= [ prbhtika ] a of the "orning.
=: [ prm.ika ] a authoritative, authentic. ' n. authoritativeness,
=:? [ prm.ya ] n authoritativeness, authenticity. a. sa"e as =:
[ pr#a
] adv usually (8 = )( fre*uently, every now and then,
often (@ = 8O `@).
[ pr#a
] a (chiefy used in co"p. as a sfx.) rese"bling, like (=)(
nearing, about, nearly, a little less than (==0, =O ).
[ pr#a
] n death by starvation, desire to die of starvation or fasting
(=)( over"uchness.
=e1 [ pryuktika ] n a technologist.
=C [ pr#gaja ] a sa"e as =
= [ pr#gika ] a (phil.) prag"atic, e"pirical( technical.
=> [ pr#pabi$a ] a seated fasting till death( (loos.) on hunger strike.
= [ prrabdha ] a co""enced, started( taken on hand, undertaken (=
4).n. destiny, fate( the conse*uences of activities of a previous birth,
which have begun to take e+ect (&6 =+&)
= [ prrambha ] n beginning, co""ence"ent, outset, inception. =a. of
the begin ning, initial.
=B4, =B4 [ prrthan, prrthana ] n a prayer (secular or religious)( act of asking
for, solicitation( supplication( application. =B4 v. to pray( to say one&s
prayer( to ask for, to solicit( to supplicate( to apply (for)( to petition. =B4 3:4
to grant a prayer.
=B4*, =B4? [ prrthan#a, prrtha#itabya ] a worth praying or asking or
applying for.
=B4 [ prrthita ] a prayed for, asked for( applied for( desired.
=B4* [ prrthin ] fe" of =B4 *
=B4 * [ prrth ] a praying for, asking for( applying for( desiring. n. one who
prays for or asks for( an applicant( a candidate( a desirer.
= [ prana ] n act of eating( initiation to eating (_y=).
=@ [ pr"a ] n an ancient "issile.
=@N [ pr"a0gika ] a conte%tual( relevant, pertinent.
=@0 [ pr"da ] n a royal residence, a palace( a large building, an edifce.
' ' n. the pigeon. '=#*n. a palace-guard.
=#@ [ prha"anika ] a farcical( satirical( co"ic or co"ical.
=z [ prhna ] n the frst part or *uarter of the day( (loos.) forenoon.
=r [ prinra ] n a printer.
= [ prin"ipla ] n a principal (of an institution).
= 5 [ pribhi kun"ila ] n the 9rivy ;ouncil (of /reat Britain).
= [ pri#a ] n a beloved person( a lover( a darling( (chiefy in address) a
husband( a friend. a. dear( beloved( favourite (= )( pleasant. =T0 a.
fair-spoken, sweet-tongued. fem. =T0 ' , ' *a. doing agreeable things,
causing pleasure by one&s actions. fem. ' :* ' *4 n. desire of doing things
agreeable to another, desire to do a good turn (to), benevolence. ' *4 a.
desirous of doing things agreeable to another, desirous of doing a good turn
(to), benevolent. ' C n. a beloved person( a favourite( a kins"an or relative( a
friend. ' a. super. of =n. a "ost beloved person( a lover( a darling( a
husband. fem. ' ' a. compar. of % (a.). ' 04 a. good-looking, handso"e,
co"ely. fem. ' 04 ' 04 *a. treating everybody with love or a+ection. fem. ' 04*
' n. a favourite, a beloved person fem. ' * ' , ' ? n. pleasant or sweet
words( adulatory words. ' 0* sa"e as %T0 fem. %0* ' n. loss or
death of a dear one, bereave"ent. ' # n. separation fro" one&s lover or dear
one. ': n. pleasant or sweet speech( adulatory speech. ' * sa"e as %T0
fem. ' :* ' @O (pop.) ' @On. a dear or boso" friend( a boon co"panion. fem.
'@O* ' @ n. union or re-union with a dear one or dear ones( visit of dear
ones. =a. fem. of % n. fem. a lady-love, a sweetheart( a darling( (chiefy
in address) a wife.
=N [ pri#a0gu ] n a sweet-s"elling evergreen creeper, Aglaia roxburghiana.
=*: [ pr.ana ] n act of pleasing( (loos.) adulation.
=* [ prta ] a pleased, satisfed( delighted, gladdened. n. (obs. ! poet.) love
or love a+air. (& J* # =*&)( act of pleasing, pleasure (&j* =*
O #&).
=* [ prti ] n pleasure, satisfaction( delight, ,oy( love( a+ection( attach"ent(
fondness( friendliness( a"icability( a"iability( favour (5G =*). %*
_C4 v. to earn the favour of( to be pleased or satisfed or delighted.
'5# n. a co"pli"entary gift or present( a gift or token of love. ' a.
pleasing, pleasant( delightful( agreeable. ' 3:4 a. loving( a+ectionate( friendly(
a"icable( a"iable( cordial. ' adv. lovingly( a+ectionately( in a friendly
spirit( a"iably( cordially( with delight. ' C n. one deserving love or a+ection
or friendship( a favourite. ' C, ' C n. a feast or feasting. ' @: n. a cordial
or friendly greeting. ' @ n. a friendly or cordial "eeting or asse"bly or
gathering. '@3 a. e%pressing pleasure or delight( cordial( friendly.
=*: [ pr#am.a ] a in the state of being pleased or satisfed or delighted.
h [ prupha ] n (print.) a proof or a proof-sheet. %h v. to pull a proof. %h
0O, h @T v. to read or correct a proof, to proof-read, to proof-correct.
'g n. a proof-reader. ' gT, ' @T n. a proof-reading. ' @Tn. a proof-
corrector, a proof-reader.
=+ [ prk$aka ] n a spectator( an onlooker( one of the audience.
=+: [ prk$a.a ] n act of seeing or looking on or watching( (loos.) act of
seeing and hearing. %+:n. an e%hibition. %+:* a. worth seeing or
watching( (loos.) worth seeing and hearing( capable of being seen and heard.
=+ [ prk$ ] n seeing or viewing or watching( observation( review( act of
seeing or (loos.) seeing and hearing a dra"atic or "usical perfor"ance or a
dance. ' , ' , # n. a theatre-hall, a theatre( an opera-house( a "usic-hall( a
gallery( (loos.) an auditoriu"( an observatory.
=+ [ prk$ik ] fe" of %+
=+ [ prk$ita ] a seen( watched( observed( (loos.) seen and heard.
= [ prta ] n an evil spirit, a goblin, a ghoul( a ghost( the spirit or ghost of a
dead person. ' 4, ' e4, ' , ?, ' on. funeral rites( obse*uial rites. ' n. spiritis",
spiritualis". ' 0 n. a spiritist, a spiritualist. ' 4: n. o+ering of water to the
spirit of a deceased person. ' 0# n. a ghost (of a dead person), an apparition.
'0*n. ("yth.) the river Baitarini (u:*) which the soul of the dead has to
cross, (cp.) the 6ty%. ' +n. the dark lunar fortnight ending with the 3ahalaya
(#). 'Xn. lu"p of food o+ered to the spirit of a deceased person. ' 3 n. a
burial ground, a cre"ation ground. ' *n. the abode of the dead, the spirit-
world, (cp.) :ades. ' 34 n. a ghost, an apparition. ' en. an evil spirit, a goblin,
a ghoul. ' sa"e as %* =n. the soul or spirit of a dead person, a
ghost, a spirit. %$ n. i"purity of one&s body caused by carrying a dead
person. %*n. fem. a fe"ale evil spirit, a fe"ale goblin or ghoul.
= [ prp"u ] a desirous of getting or obtaining.
= [ prma ] n love, a"our( universal love (C*=)( a+ection( attach"ent(
friendliness, a"icability( cordiality( devotion (w=). %, = 0Gv. to
"ake love( to treat with love or a+ection, to love, to court. % !v. to fall in
love (with.) ' g n. a bond or string of ("utual) love or a+ection. ' 0, >n. an
a"orous or lustful look or glance, a fond look. ' n. a love-letter, a billet-
dou%. ' n. a person of love( a beloved one. ' *!a. lovesick, love-lorn. ' 3:4 a.
full of love, loving( a+ectionate( full of devotion. ' =n. an idol or i"age or
e"bodi"ent of love. ' s n. the tie of ("utual) love or a+ection. ' : n. a love-
shaft, a ;upid&s shaft. ' n. tears of devotion or love. ' 1n. loving devotion.
'+n. begging for love( wooing, courting. %+ v. to beg for (the) love
(of)( to woo, to court. ' sa"e as %3:4 fem. ' * ' a. passionately in love,
fascinated by love. ' *n. a"orous sports( dalliance( a love-a+air, an a+aire
decoeur. ' sa"e as %: ' @T*n. a love-song. ' #* a. loveless, having no
love. %I+n. a longing for love. %I+*a. longing for love. fem.
=I+:* =K n. ,oy or delight of love or devotion. %n. fre of love,
burning passion. % n. e"otion or urge of love. %, n. the a"brosia or
nectar of love. %P4 a. softened with love. % n. a"orous conversation( a
wooing. % v. to be engaged in a"orous conversation, to woo. %N
n. an a"atory or a+ectionate e"brace. % sa"e as % =@1a.
having great a"orous or devotional attach"ent (to). %a. given to love,
loving( a+ectionate( devoted. n. a lover, a sweet heart( an a+ectionate
"an( a devotee. fem. =*a. given to love, loving( devoted, attached.
= [ pr#a ] a desired( dear( to one&s liking, agreeable.
=@* [ pr#a" ] a. fe" "ost beloved, dearest. n. a lady-love, a sweet-heart,
a "istress( a wife.
= [ prraka ] a sending, dispatching (despatching)( trans"itting( re"itting.
n. a sender, a despatcher( a trans"itter( a re"itter.
=: [ prra.a ] n act of sending, dispatch, trans"ission( re"ittance. %: v.
to send, to dispatch( to trans"it( to re"it.
=: [ prra. ] n an urge( an inspiration. %:0Gv. to urge, to i"pel( to
inspire. '=Va. urged( inspired.
= [ prrita ] a sent, dispatched( trans"itted.
= [ pr$a ] n ("ech. ! phys.) pressure. o ' n. pressure-gradient. ' 0 n.
=:, =: [ pr$a.a, pr$a. ] n sending, dispatch( trans"ission( re"ittance(
act of sending by perfor"ing sole"n rites( inspiration. %:*n. fem. (obs.) a
fe"ale go-between in a love a+air. %:* a. to be sent or dispatched or
trans"itted or re"itted.
=4 [ pr$abardhaka ] n (phys.) a booster.
= [ pr$ita ] a sent, dispatched( trans"itted( re"itted( sole"nly sent(
dependent. fem. %
=? [ pr$ya ] a ft to be sent or trans"itted or re"itted. n. a servant, a foot-
"an( a "essenger. fem. %?
=@ [ pr"a ] n a printing-house, a press.
=@o [ pr"akripaana ] n a prescription (of a physician).
u [ pai$a ] a of dispatch or trans"ission( of postal trans"ission, postal.
1 [ pkta ] a authoritatively spoken or announced (=1).
= [ prina ] n protein. %@T n. protein synthesis.
= [ prta ] a strung on thread( inlaid( woven (G=).
=S@# [ prt"ha ] n great 7eal or e+ort, ardour( great incite"ent or
encourage"ent( a great incentive or sti"ulus. %S@#a. greatly incited or
encouraged. fem. %S@#
=S@ [ prt"uka ] a very "uch eager( ardent.
=B [ prthita ] a planted or driven into( (rare) sowed( buried, interred. B
v. to plant or drive into( (rare) to sow( to bury( to inter.
=y [ prnnata ] a very high( highly developed, prosperous( highly advanced.
= [ prba ] n (in law) a probate.
= [ pr$ita ] a gone abroad. ' [*, ' e4 n. a "anpining on account of
separation fro" his wife who has gone abroad. ' , 4 n. a wo"an pining on
account of separation fro" her husband who has gone abroad, (cp.) a grass
=$ [ prau)h%& ]a "iddle-aged( elderly. ' , ' < n. the age between youth and old
age( elderliness.
=$ [ prau)h%& ] fe" of %$
=$ [ prau)h%&i ] n energy( capacity, capability( ardour( 7eal( talent.
=?@ [ prykai"a ] n repeated perfor"ance as a "eans of ac*uiring skill,
practice( the e%ercise of a profession, a professional "an&s business,
practice. %?@ v. to practise (# g1=?@ ).
+ [ plak$a ] n one of the seven "ythological is lands( the fg tree.
[ plaba ] n leaping or hopping( swi""ing( foating( a raft, a foat. ' \ n. the
centre of buoyancy. ' n. buoyancy. ' n. swi""ing( foating( buoyancy( act of
going by leaps, hopping. ' a. foating, buoyant. '1n. buoyancy.
[ plga ] n a plug.
[ plbaka ] a. ! n one who or that which foods.
[ plbana ] n a food, a deluge. '*! food stricken (?*! "ore usual).
[ plbita ] a fooded( overfowed( inundated( strea"ing with (_
O)( drenched or steeped in (_ 0). % v. to food( to overfow( to
inundate( to cause to strea" with( to drench or steep (in). %a. fem. of
%n. (phys.) buoyance.
* [ plbin ] fe" of *
* [ plb ] a fooding( inundating( overfowing( causing to strea" with(
drenching or steeping (in).
[ pl"a
] n ("ath.) plus, the plus sign.
[ pl"a
] n pliers.
@, [ pl"ara, pl"ra ] n a plaster.
g [ pli)ra ] n a pleader. %gn. the profession of a pleader. %gv. to
practise as a pleader.
*# [ plh ] n the spleen( "orbid enlarge"ent of the spleen (also %*# , L).
' n. enlarge"ent of the spleen. 'N n. rupture of the spleen.
[ pluta ] n (gr.) an e%tra-long vowel or sound( a protracted sound( a leap or
hop( a (horse&s) gallop. a. fooded, inundated( thoroughly drenched or
steeped. ' n. a leaping or hopping "ove"ent( a gallop. a. going leapingly
or hoppingly( galloping.
[ plga ] n a deadly epide"ic or pestilence, the plague.
[ pla ] n a plate, a saucer.

[ plna
] a plane, fat( plain. % v. to plane( to s"ooth, to "ake plane.

[ plna
] a plain, si"ple, ordinary.

[ plna
] n an aeroplane, a plane.
?g4 [ plykr)a ] n a placard.
?h4 [ plyapharma ] n a railway platfor"( a dais, a platfor".
? [ plyna ] n a plan, an outline sketch( a sche"e. %? v. to draw an
outline sketch of( to sche"e, to plan.
? [ plynaca ] n planchette.

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