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add your own page numbers

2. crack the spine

3. leave this page blank on purpose

4. stand here (wipe your feet, jump up and down)

5. pour, spill, drip, spit, fling your coffee HERE.

6. poke holes in this page using a pencil.

7. draw fat lines and thin. pushing really hard with the pencil.

8. this page is for HANDPRINTS or fingerprints. get

9. them dirty then press down.

10. color this entire page

11. throw something. a pencil, a ball dipped in paint.

12. press leaves and other found things.

13. scratch using a sharp object

14. do some rubbings with a pencil

15. scribble wildly, violently, with reckless abandon.

16. tear strips, rip it up!

17. glue, staple, or tape these pages together

18. draw lines while in motion. on the bus, on the train, while walking.

19. fill this page with circles.

20. chew on this. *warning: do not swallow.

21. wrap something with this page.

22. tongue painting.

23. eat some colorful candy.

24. lick this page

25. write one word over and over.

26. tie a string to the spine of this book.

27. swing wildly.

28. let it hit the walls.

29. pick up the journal without using your hands.

30. climb up high. drop the journal.

31. compost this page, watch it deteriorate.

32. do a really ugly drawing, (use ugly subject matter: gum, poo, dead things, a badly
drawn bird, mold, barf, crud.)

33. place sticky things here.

34. pretend you are doodling on the back of an envelope while on the phone.

35. journal golf.

36. tear out page. crumple into a ball.

37. place journal into a triangle shape.

38. hit.kick the ball through the triangle.

39. make a paper chain.

40. collect fruit sticker here.

41. cover this page using only office supplies.

42. bring this book in the shower with you.

43. tie a string to the journal. go for a walk, drag it.

44. rub here with dirt.

45. use this as a test page for pens, paints, markers, or art supplies.

46. drip something here. (ink, paint, tea) close the book to make a print.

47. sew this page.

48. glue a random page from a newspaper here.

49. a place for your grocery lists.

50. collect the stamps off of all our mail.

51. trace the things in your bag (or pockets) let the lines overlap.

52. cover this page with white things.

53. scribble wildly using only borrowed pens. (document where they were borrowed

54. make a sudden, destructive, unpredictable movement with the journal.

55. make a mess, clean it up.

56. doodle over the top of:
57. the cover
58. the title page
59. the instructions
60. the copyright page

61. fold down the corners of your favorite pages.

62. page of good thoughts.

63. make prints using an ink pad and cut vegetables.

64. ask a friend to do something destructive to this page. dont look.

65. write carelessly now.

66. glue random items here. (things you find in your couch, on the street, etc.)

67. cut through several layers.

68. infuse this page with a smell of your choosing.

69. color outside of the lines.

70. hang the journal in a public place. invite people to draw here.

71. collect your pocket lint.

72. trace your hand.

73. draw with glue.

74. sample various substances found in your home. document what color they are. create
color themes.

75. document a boring event in detail.

76. create a drawing using pieces (or several pieces) of your hair.

77. glue in a photo of yourself you dislike. DEFACE.

78. draw lines using abnormal writing utensils dipped in ink or paint. (sticks, spoons,
twist ties, comb, etc.)

79. fill in this page when you are really angry.

80. write or draw with your left hand.

81. find a way to wear the journal.

82. this page is a sign. what do you want it to say?

83. create a nonstop line.

84. space for negative comments.

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