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... through Bertha Dudde

God is aware of the human will ....
Natural disaster .... Protection of the servants ....
ver!thing is included in the "lan of creation# and thus it follows
that $ %now ever! "erson&s will which# so to s"ea%# "rovides 'e
with the reason to sha"e his destin! of life such that it can onl!
(enefit him# "roviding the "erson strives for the latter.
)nd !ou can rest assured that $ indeed %now the inclination of
ever! individual "erson&s will (ut $ cannot change it or ma%e it
inclined towards 'e.
Nevertheless# $ can still let a human (eing ta%e man! "aths in
order to attain a change of will. *his is what $ intend to achieve
through '! intervention which will certainl! claim countless
"eo"le&s lives (ut for whom the gates into the %ingdom of the
(e!ond will still (e o"en so that the! can still reach maturit!
there ....
+et the remaining survivors will (e granted the tremendous grace
of (eing a(le to accom"lish this change of will while the! are still
on earth# in order to then (e saved for eternit!.
*ime and again $ refer !ou humans to this event# (ut $ do not
find an! credence .... Onl! ver! few "eo"le s"end serious
thought on the forthcoming event# !et even the! are inca"a(le of
imagining the magnitude of the catastro"he# (ecause it will
sur"ass ever!thing that ever has ha""ened on this earth.
)nd neither can the individual "erson form an im"ression of it#
(ecause "eo"le will (e cut off from all communications# the
connections (etween the affected "laces as well as the countries
will no longer e,ist. -ome swathes will seem entirel! deserted
where onl! a few will find each other in order to continue their
)n!one who does not hold on to 'e and entirel! "uts his trust in
'e will (e horror.struc%.
)nd then his will can decide .... very individual person can
still find Me and he will be very safely guided through the
chaos .... But he can e/uall! curse the Being Which allowed this
to ha""en and the curse will fall (ac% on him. )nd es"eciall!
(ecause $ )m aware of "eo"le&s will during the last da!s# it shall
(e '! last attem"t to s"are "eo"le the dreadful fate of a
renewed (anishment.
)nd again !ou will as% wh! $ allow such destruction to come
u"on humanit!# which will onl! (e sur"assed (! the final disaster
.... (ecause !ou all lac% faith in an eternal God# in a 0reator of
1eaven and arth# in the One Who also created !ou ....
*he num(er of "eo"le who still "ossess faith and have not lost it
as !et is constantl! declining# and these will not cease to (elieve
or the! will (e recalled (eforehand so that the! will not have to
endure this suffering. )nd neither need !ou "it! an!one who
de"arted "rior to it# for the o""ortunit! to mature full! still e,ists
for him in the (e!ond.
But once this da! has come it will (e futile to esca"e for '! hand
reaches all "laces# and thus $ also %ee" '! "rotective hand over
ever!one who (elongs to 'e .... )nd $ will manifestl! (e with
them# for the! will (e in utmost adversit! and $ will come to hel"
them in their need.
)nd then it will (e clear what strength of faith can achieve .... For
an!one who merel! see%s '! "ro,imit! will receive the evidence
of '! "resence and his faith will constantl! grow stronger.
*he time of the event will not %ee" !ou waiting long# even if a
thousand !ears are li%e a da! (efore 'e. 1owever# $ have told
!ou that !ou will live to see it ....
)nd that means that a large "ro"ortion of those who acce"t '!
Word will e,"erience it themselves .... that $ will still ma%e great
demands on them# for then the time of activit! will have come
when !ou shall still (e diligent la(ourers for 'e and then $ will
not remove !ou from earth until !ou have fulfilled !our tas% ....
*his a""lies to all of !ou who wor% for 'e and '! %ingdom. For
time and again $ %ee" telling !ou that $ don&t have man!
la(ourers in '! vine!ard and that $ will therefore "rotect
ever!one who "laces himself at '! dis"osal. From this alone !ou
can conclude that it won&t (e long until this disaster# which will (e
inconceiva(le for !ou# (oth its magnitude as well as the suffering
and miser! it will signif! for the survivors.
0onse/uentl! $ must e/ui" those "eo"le with much strength so
that the! will (e '! su""orters during this time of sorrow. )nd $
will also give you strength# since !ou are ver! wea% (! nature#
(ecause $ will need !ou during this time and will use ever!
conceiva(le means in order to increase the num(er of '! Own# in
order to grant them firm faith as to influence those who still lac%
faith in a God and 0reator# to Whom all "ower is given in 1eaven
and on arth and Who thus can also e,tend the life of those who
want to hel" them gain faith ....
)nd remem(er that the end of a "eriod of salvation has come#
that this time need onl! (e e,ce"tionall! used and that $ will
therefore also use e,ce"tional means in order to merel! fan a
tin! s"ar% of faith in a "erson (efore he has to relin/uish his life.
For once he has this small s"ar% it will also ensure his ascent in
the s"iritual %ingdom. But to de"art entirel! without faith from
earth is a ho"eless state and will end with renewed (anishment#
(ecause the gates of the (e!ond will close the moment the old
earth is dissolved.
For this reason $ will leave no stone unturned at the end in order
to "ersuade "eo"le to change their will# and (ecause '! gentle
voice within is ignored (! them $ will s"ea% louder# so loud that
the! must hear this voice .... But whether the! will recognise 'e
'!self (! that is still left u" to them# nevertheless# it seals their
future fate.
ven so# !ou# who are of service to 'e# are assured of '!
"rotection and (lessing in s"iritual and earthl! adversit!# for $ )m
in need of !ou .... -o even if !ou a""roach difficult times !ou are
nevertheless loo%ed after (! 'e and need not fear an!thing ....
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